#5 Questions Series
queenlucythevaliant · 11 months
Okay gang, here's a silly little game. I've assembled six teams of blended Narnia and Tolkien/LotR characters. Here they are:
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For bonus points, tell me in the tags where you're going on your road trip, who has what role (driving, snacks, aux) on the road, and what you'll stop off and see along the way
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 5 months
I just watched the latest X-Men '97 episode, and all I have to say is...
Also... New trailer just dropped for the second half of the season... And...
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chlorophyll-tints · 1 month
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white-weasel · 7 months
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Ummmm he’s not missing though? He’s right there? 🙄
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author-a-holmes · 22 days
Top 5 movies you've seen for the first time in the past few years?
Oooo! Tough one. I watch more tv series than movies, but I think I can probably grab five movies I've seen for the first time in the last 3 years...
Boss Level (2020) with Frank Grillo and Naomi Watts
The Lost City (2022) with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum
Mr. Right (2015) with Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick (I picked this one up because I love Anna Kendrick, but I loved Rockwell in Mr. Right so much that I went and looked at other his other films, which led me too...)
The Best of Enemies (2019) with Sam Rockwell and Taraji P. Henson And last but not least, the film that helped spark the inspiration for the Kavians in my novel Changeling...
Dark Waters (2019) with Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
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The Archeron Sisters💫💕
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mariana-oconnor · 6 months
having not been on tumblr at all on April Fool's Day makes coming back on 2nd April really fucking surreal
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Day 221 – Kitaro
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sylvies-kablooie · 9 months
"what if loki sees something in the timeline that he doesn't like?"
-that is what sophia said regarding sylvie being uneasy with the new Loki Who Remains
sylvie remains unable to trust him. he sacrifices everything, but she still cannot shake the suspicion: how can there be free will if there is someone at the end of time making the final calls? is there any ease in her heart knowing that at least it’s loki now, not he who remains? how can loki be the one to assume that position? she knows he has a newly fledged sense of right and wrong- is he strong enough to let free will take place, even if that leads to death and destruction? will he sit there and watch passively, his hands full of the branches of time but eyes watching every moment, when chaos takes over? could he handle that? would it break him?
because you can’t trust. and i can’t be trusted.
how long will they dance around each other, going over the citadel fight again and again? years? decades? centuries?
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miss0atae · 1 month
My only reaction after watching the latest episode of 4 Minutes (EP 5).
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So many things happened! I knew it was a good thing I stopped trying to guess what would happen, because I would never have imagine this. I think we got so many answers in this episode.
Four random thoughts after this episode:
Korn is actually so pitiful. He was dragged into this family business and now he is just drowning and losing himself. I wonder if he can be saved at this point. The lady (sorry I can't remember her name) isn't helping too.
Great is so disconnected from his family, but at the same time he was trying to find his place. He is caught between two stools and there is no good option. Also, he definitely experienced NDE now. How the NDE is tied to the story is fascinating.
There are no good people and no truly evil people in this series. Everyone is grey and Great's mom was a good example of it. I can't stand it, but at the same time I was kinda impressed (for a few minutes) by her motherly love for her son. I think her death will definitely have an impact on Great (Can he change that?! Is he re living his life even though it happened more than 4 minutes ago ? No I should not try to find answers because I never get them right with this series).
We learn more about Tyme, but the series found a way to surprise us with him until the end of the episode. He is like a onion with so many layers (not my best comparison but hey I'm trying). You think you've learned enough to understand him and they are still finding something else to shock you.
I still need more time to really think about everything properly. This series is so interesting. Truly, I live my best SF life right now watching it.
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year
Re. the other anon questioning why Sand would call Ray his 25th hour if they'd only slept together once - I don't see why Ray assuming this place of importance in Sand's life is conditional on them having repeatedly hooked up?? It's been very clearly shown that Sand's feelings have been developing (at an alarming rate!) post-ep 2 sex, and the fact the show lingers on these small moments of intimacy and affection between them highlights that. If you just took into consideration their onscreen interactions in eps 3-4 (when they definitely haven't had sex again) I think that's more than enough to justify the 25th hour sentiment - it's about Ray swooping into Sand's life at random moments and derailing his carefully laid plans but in a way Sand begrudingly enjoys. And I don't think too much time has passed tween 4 and 5 because when Ray asks to follow Sand around and Sand says 'Again?' I thought that was obviously alluding to him driving Sand to the guitar shop (and apparently also to the garage though they stole that from us!). I also didn't think those were morning after vibes, partly because it's clear Ray must have been pretty drunk the night before (hence the hangover) while Sand was presumably sober enough to perform and drive them home, and also because when Nick asks Ray if he had a rough night, it's not played as innuendo, but more just another reference to him being wasted. Evidently I'm more invested in the one night only theory than I realised! I think it's because I'd feel really cheated if they'd resumed their physical relationship offscreen with no onscreen conversation about it, considering the viewers know, as you said, that at this stage sex, at least for Sand, would mean a lot more than it did in ep 2. It doesn't make sense from a characterisation standpoint for that to have happened without any soul-searching on his part, especially since the last we saw of them was some chaste hand-holding. I don't know, we've already lost little moments tween them here and there so I'd be leery of the show relegating a quite significant development to a couple of very open to interpretation throwaway moments. And if nothing else, I also don't think the sexual tension would be so thick if they'd been hooking up on the regular!
Yes! I agree with you. I think we've had enough evidence that Sand is very fond of Ray without the physical element. I'd say having sex definitely helped, but I don't think their relationship is built upon it. I also believe it would've lessened the impact of their hand-holding in Ep4 to know that they've already been hooking up a lot? There's a hesitancy and tenderness to it that just doesn't fit. The progression of their relationship wouldn't make as much sense if they've been hooking up repeatedly since Sand very clearly stated that he thought they should keep things at a one night stand--this was given a lot of weight in Ep3, so if that fact had changed since Ray ditched him, I'd like to think we would've seen it.
You put it very eloquently already, but I want to emphasize your point about the sexual tension being so thick in Ep5, because it definitely wasn't giving me the vibe of people who have been hooking up on the regular. I also would've expected at least some reference to them having slept together on multiple occasions last episode if that were the case.
It's ultimately hard to confirm either way, but thank you for echoing my own thoughts, lol.
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raelle-writing · 8 months
DFF episode 5 thoughts:
Rambling some thoughts about the DFF characters, spoilers possible so I'm putting a cut
Jin - I was surprised that it seems like Jin isn't one of the bullies, I thought for sure he would be. Unless he's REALLY good at hiding how manipulative he is, he seemed to genuinely like Non (as a friend, I think) and wanted to befriend him. Especially since he fought back to his friends when they shit-talked Non... but then the question comes up, why is he friends with them if they're nasty and he's not? And why was he surprised at the way they talked to Non? Is he new to the group? Why did they accept him?
Tee - This episode made me a bit more sympathetic to him but also made me dislike him more at the same time? Because on the one hand he's in a really awful position where his uncle his using leverage of withholding the money Tee needs to help his sick father, and threatening to cut them off if Tee doesn't help with his criminal enterprise. And at the same time, Tee was so nasty and manipulative to Non I still had a hard time sympathizing with him. I'm interested to see how he and White got together, and if things with his dad resolve.
Top - Hated him, but I wish we'd gotten more depth. He doesn't seem to be part of the core of the friend group. He's just a mouthy hanger-on that doesn't have much beyond that, but I'd imagine his home life isn't good either since that's the direction the show has gone for the rest of the bullies.
Por - I felt bad for him, ngl. He had Regina George running the school vibes, but then his home life is tense. His mom babies and spoils him but his dad seems to disapprove of his entire life, and only care about Por as far as it extends to the dad's image. In the preview for the next episode, we see Por getting hit by his dad. It makes sense to me why he became the bitchy bully popular kid, since he has money but not love.
Fluke - He seemed to be part of the core of the group but also really quiet? Like it seemed like Tee, Por, and Fluke were the original three friends and the core of the group since they were the ones to convince Tee. But beyond that scene, Fluke seems really quiet and reserved. He's also the one to show disapproval of Tee and Top bullying Non and blaming the camera breaking on him, but he doesn't say anything about it or back up Jin.
Non - I wonder about him. He was presented as an entirely innocent victim this episode - but is he? He's taking medication for mental health issues, clearly. What kind? It is possible that he eventually snaps and causes something bad to happen... he shows s*icidal tendencies this episode, so is it possible he goes all the way later because of some of the bad stuff that Tee dragged him into? Or maybe he snaps and tries to hurt someone? I don't know, I'm interested to see what happens next. Currently I feel bad for him and wish the others would leave him alone, but we'll see if that changes over upcoming episodes.
Keng - Creepy. I liked him up until he pushed a ride on Non even tho Non didn't look like he wanted it. Now I wonder if he spotted a lonely, isolated kid and easy target and is harassing him... he could be the ❤️ in Non's phone. Idk but I don't trust him.
Questions I still have:
How did Keng end up dead? IS he really dead?
How does Tee's uncle play into all of this, as well as the money laundering with Non?
Did Non commit s*icide, did someone kill him, or is he still alive?
How does the politics and money laundering play into the broader plot?
How did Non end up going along to the vacation home when Por clearly doesn't want him to be there?
How does the cult play into all of this, if it does?
Are the present boys being haunted, or is it hallucinations? If it's a haunting, why did Top try to kill Jin when Jin was the nice one to Non, unless something goes wrong later?
Does Non like Jin? Does Jin like Non back?
Who is ❤️ in Non's phone?
How does the group not know if Non is dead or alive? Did his family never report him missing? Do they think he's abroad? What's going on there?
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 7 months
im reading persona yaoi in ap lang oh im Kms..
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ohanny · 4 months
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... i couldn't resist
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blaithnne · 11 months
Sometimes you guys ask me questions about Lauren and I’m like. Idk. You’ve clearly thought this through more than I ever did
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