#4x11 shattered sight
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dinneratgrannys · 2 years ago
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ONCE UPON A TIME 4.11, Shattered Sight
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jackiequick · 9 months ago
Blah Blah Blah [ Once Upon A Time Fanfic] ❄️
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Pairing: Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard x Prince Charming/David Nolan
Set during Season 4, Episode 11 - "Shattered Sight"
Characters: Cadence, Anna, Kristoff, Regina, and Baby Neal.
Summary: With the spell cast, tension runs high as Snow, David, and Cadence are trapped in the Storybrooke police station, bickering and revealing hidden grudges.
Note: I just wanted to have some fun, I didn't think much of it, it's some of my favorite scenes from season 4. Also I just wanted to make Cadie the annoying little bitchy sister in this fic haha
Click here to get to know Cadence Nolan
The spell was cast. People were pissed off. Outside in the town of Storybrooke, everyone was partially trying to kill each other. Inside the station that had just a few seconds ago been filled with smiles and laughs, now held eye rolls, yelling, and full-blown surges of anger.
Snow and David were seated, separated in cell blocks next to one another. Cadence was handcuffed to a front table, near Kristoff who sat on the other end of the table as she was trying to smack the crap out of him. Meanwhile, Anna, who wasn’t affected by the curse, paced back and forth, keeping watch, sort of stressed out.
The only one calm was baby Neal, who was peacefully napping, without a single care in the world.
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“Finally, I’m seeing you clearly,” Snow stated with a scoff.
“What do you see?” David replied with a half-smirk.
“A fraud. A shepherd who has no business being royalty.”
“Well, I see a spoiled little princess who ran away from her troubles. WHO ALWAYS RUNS AWAY.”
“I can’t believe I had a child with you.”
“Who knows? Maybe you didn’t? Could be Whales!”
“Oh, shut up! You’re one to talk, David. You ran away from the farm and the castle more than anyone,” Cadence yelled, standing up but being pulled back to the table.
“Whose side are you on?” David yelled.
“Neither! You fell for THAT little brat? Katherine was much better.”
“KATHERINE?! You never liked me,” Snow shouted, “You were jealous because I stole your brother from you and that your EX-boyfriend’s mother hated you.”
“Oh, please." She remarked, "You fell for the wrong TWIN BROTHER! You thought it was JAMES NOT DAVID for months, he lied. You lied back.”
“At least I didn’t shoot my man!”
David glanced at her, “Your man? Oh look, she cares!”
“Shut up, I wasn’t talking to you!” Snow yelled, turning back to his sister-in-law, “So?”
“You shot him with a bow and arrow. You’re an annoyed little princess who thinks she’s always right. NEWS FLASH NOW, you ain’t. If you were right, you wouldn’t have married him or met me,” Cadence yelled.
“YOU LITTLE—you never let anyone help you.”
“I should’ve left you to drown years ago in that lake.”
“I should’ve let you get caught by those wolves.”
Both girls kept arguing with David jumping in shouting at both his sister and wife.
Kristoff rolled his eyes, “If this is what marriage is like, I’m glad you keep postponing ours.”
“You were gonna marry him, Anna?” Cadence asked with a laugh.
“Oh, don’t you start.”
“He sucks.”
“He farts so bad, never shuts up about his reindeer and oh—“
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Anna sighed, “You know what? I’m gonna go find my sister. And you two stay here, where you can’t annoy anyone. Expect me with your words.”
“You ran away from me! Anna, he’s a cheater, you wanna marry that?” Cadie said, spilling the beans.
Anna gasped, “You cheated on a princess, Kristoff?”
“He moved to Arendelle the next day.”
“I’m so sorry. Kristoff never ran away from me…I think?”
“That’s because he always had a thing for redheads, sweetheart.”
Kristoff shouted, “HEY! That’s it! You are a spoiled little rat-”
“You’re the one who couldn’t settle on a career!” Cadence yelled back
“You were a child farmer.”
"And you chose to be around ice and snow. You know who can do your job better? January!"
“Ice work seemed better at the time! So I studied it!”
“The whole town is FROZEN! Why are you selling ice for?”
“Stable boy.”
David and Snow kept fighting, while Kristoff and Cadence kept bickering. Anna tried to handle The Charming couple, but Snow kept making remarks, saying she was a murderer, causing Cadence to snicker with David barking over her.
Anna said sheepishly, “But you’re in love right? That has to count for something.”
“Love?! Ha! The moment I met her, she hit me with a rock!” David shouted.
Snow sighed, rolling her eyes, “Someone slip me a poison apple and put me out of my misery.”
Kristoff yelled, begging, “Me! Pick me.”
“Oh, shut it, Iceman!” David barked.
Kristoff bit back, “Oh ‘Iceman’? Who are you calling ‘Iceman’, ‘Stableboy’?”
“You! AGAIN the whole place is frozen! What are you selling ice for?!”
“You left us like it was nothing!”
It went on for a while. Until a certain figure showed up. Running into the station dressed in a black gown, was Regina with a fierce growl and a smirk. Cadence scoffed, Snow and David looked annoyed, Kristoff was searching for something to knock himself out with, and Anna was plain out confused.
Cadence muttered, “This is gonna be interesting.”
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my lucky day. I originally came here to kill Emma, but now I get to kill the two idiots who started it all! And their personal sidekick!” Regina yelled.
“You know who you are!”
“I served your ass for years.”
“But you went running back to them.”
David scoffed, “Well, in our defense, we didn’t tell Cora about your secret boyfriend.”
“Yeah, it was her!” Cadence agreed, pointing to her sister-in-law.
Snow furrowed her brows and remarked, “ARE YOU SELLING ME OUT?!”
“SHUDDAP! You all deserve to die, not just for what you did, but for your whining!” Regina shouted over them, pointing around to the trio, “But your punishment should fit your crime. You took my first true love from me, and now I’m gonna return the favor. By taking your baby.”
The trio yelled and shouted over one another for Regina to stop, as she poofed Kristoff and Anna away, throwing Snow’s door open and tossing Cadence into the same cell as her brother.
Snow and Regina squared off, with swords. The fighting soon commenced, dueling out in front of the shared cells. Soon enough, Regina towered over Snow nearby the desk. Across the desk stood the stroller.
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“CAREFUL! The stroller's not under warranty anymore.” David called.
Snow strained, “You said you bought it new!”
“It was slightly used!”
Cadence recounted, “It was gently used!”
Snow grunted, kicking Regina off her, swaying the sword towards her midriff as she pushed back.
Regina glared, “Tell me when you’re tired of missing, Mary Margaret.”
Snow half-smirked, “I only have to hit you once.”
She swung and missed, Regina pushed her away, and both slipped on the flooring of the station. They used everything around them to fight: stacked papers, clothes, and small figurines. One of them was a tiny dog and a deep blue sweater.
“Hey!” Cadence called out.
Snow looked over her shoulder, “Is that my sweater?!”
“You never used it.”
“I was saving it for an occasion.”
“Like when?!”
Regina looked around to see if Cadence stole anything from her as well. However, as she was distracted, Snow took the upper hand, wrapping her arms around the woman and slamming them both against the cell block.
David and Cadence tried to take the upper hand, helping Snow as Regina pushed herself away from the trio.
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The fight kept going back and forth, with David and Cadence watching like two school kids. They tried breaking out of the cell, but it was no use.
They screamed and shouted the whole time, even making remarks to Snow and Regina.
“Uppercut! Lock her onto the table,” Cadence yelled toward Snow. “Seriously?!” David looked at his sister.
“I’m helping!”
“At least tell her to swing the sword upwards to cut her cheek or something!”
“Oh, good idea! Snow, do that!”
Suddenly, a burst of magic flew across Storybrooke, hitting the Police Station, causing everyone to feel like they were slapped across the face and pushed forward like they were asleep. Breaking the short spell.
They all looked around, oddly confused, seeing swords in hands, papers on the floor, small figurines, and the front desk being pushed backwards.
Regina looked down at herself, seeing herself in her Evil Queen dress with her hair all messed up and dropped her sword. Cadence saw herself snickering as it turned into a set of giggles and laughter.
Regina looked ridiculous, honestly.
“What am I wearing?” Regina asked.
Snow looked at her, breaking into a small fit of chuckles that turned into laughter, followed by Regina laughing alongside her.
David was leaning against the bars of the cell, snorting and laughing so hard, he rolled onto the floor.
That's all folks! Let me know what you guys think Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff Paul @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @djs8891 @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @sofia-falcone @rooster-84 and etc
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allaboutjmo · 2 years ago
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tivajunkie · 2 years ago
Gosh, I forgot how hilarious Charming, Snow, and Regina/Evil Queen were during the spell of shattered sight!
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months ago
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Mei: "What's the point of having power if you won't use it? Don't you have people you want to protect?"
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Mei: "Inaction is careless! If you're not giving everything you have to protect the people you care about you are nothing! I would watch my sword shatter into pieces a thousand times, so long as I used it to protect the ones I care about—if you're just gonna sit here and screw around, then maybe you don't deserve power."
(4x05 The Yellow Robed Demon)
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SWK: "Everything I did was for us!" Macaque: "You did it for yourself! You've become this like, obsessive demon! I told you going against the Jade Emperor was a bad idea, but no, Wukong doesn't listen to anyone, he just does whatever he wants!"
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Sun Wukong: "I couldn't- I-...I just wanted to protect the people I care about—to be strong enough. I lost sight of why I was doing any of it."
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
Want to protect.
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likehandlingroses · 2 years ago
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OUAT Rewatch 4x11 - Shattered Sight
[My sisters] were beautiful and kind and wonderful. And I was fearful, and I let that fear guide me.
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zalrb · 1 year ago
“You said you didn’t know why you came here, you were just here, but what am I supposed to do with that, Elena? What are you doing?” 
She continued toward him. “Fighting for you.” 
Stefan closed his eyes. “Well, don’t.” It’s only getting you hurt. I can’t stand it.
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“Maybe that’s not what I’m looking for right now.” 
Elena cocked her head, bewildered. “I can’t even fathom that.”
“I never remember asking you to try,” said Stefan calmly. 
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and like... really elena? how can you not comprehend that YOUR decisions led to this situation???
“You know this is bad for you,” she said.      
“Elena, I’m not looking for your approval.” 
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She wasn’t listening. She pointed toward the apartment building. “You know she is bad for you.”
Of course he knew that. “Can’t you just stop?” 
“No,” she said.
It was Stefan’s turn to be surprised, his expression a mixture of exasperation and desperation. “This has nothing to do with you.” 
“I don’t care.” 
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even though shes refusing to stay in her lane, im kinda impressed with elena
“Giving up is not what we do, Stefan. We don’t stop,” said Elena, holding his gaze so he could understand how serious she was. “I didn’t stop when you went off the deep end with Klaus. You didn’t stop when Jeremy died.” 
“I haven’t lost my humanity.” 
Elena snorted. “No, just your mind.” 
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“Don’t defend her!” 
“Why shouldn’t I?” he yelled back, words rushing out before he could stop himself. “After all the energy we spend defending Damon, holding up the lie that being with you has reigned him in, the fantasy we’ve constructed for ourselves just so we could all feel better about your choice? 
“What do you want to hear, Elena?” He was shouting. “You want to hear that it makes me sick? Well it does! But the rush I get? I can’t ---” He took a deep breath. “I can’t stop! Is this what you mean? This is what you want to hear?” 
His words shattered her but Elena wouldn’t back down. “It’s only fair isn’t it? You had to hear what I felt about Damon even though it was against my will. It’s your turn.”
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“I’m not hurting you because you hurt me.” 
UGH. stefans initial instincts, his nature:
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stefan's the most honorable male character i know, his compassion knows no bounds
“I am demanding that we talk about it!”
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“Fine, let’s talk about it! Let’s talk about how good the sex is, that I’ve had her every which way for hours on end and it’s still, somehow, not enough!  Let’s talk about how it feels like I’m addicted to her, like I’m hooked on the high I get when I’m around her! Let’s talk about how right now, I can’t see an end in sight! You really want to talk about that? You really want to hear that? Really? Do you want me to go on?”
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this fucking hurt, but i get it... stefan just couldn't take it anymore
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“Maybe that’s not what I’m looking for right now.” 
Elena cocked her head, bewildered. “I can’t even fathom that.”
“I never remember asking you to try,” said Stefan calmly. 
LMAO very much 4x11 Stefan
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Of course he knew that. “Can’t you just stop?” 
“No,” she said.
It was Stefan’s turn to be surprised, his expression a mixture of exasperation and desperation. “This has nothing to do with you.” 
“I don’t care.” 
even though shes refusing to stay in her lane, im kinda impressed with elena
And I actually think that's very much what they're like in canon where Stefan is like OK well this is not your responsibility or this has nothing to do with you or 'll figure it out on my own or I'm letting you go
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and Elena is basically like, the fuck you will, we are a PACKAGE DEAL or did you forget??
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and it's really fun to write that in this situation where he's like will you PLEASE just mind your business and she's like
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because what she's doing is this
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combined with extreme jealousy and we've already covered how crazy Elena acts when jealous about Stefan.
“I am demanding that we talk about it!”
“Fine, let’s talk about it! Let’s talk about how good the sex is, that I’ve had her every which way for hours on end and it’s still, somehow, not enough! Let’s talk about how it feels like I’m addicted to her, like I’m hooked on the high I get when I’m around her! Let’s talk about how right now, I can’t see an end in sight! You really want to talk about that? You really want to hear that? Really? Do you want me to go on?”
and for here I was basically like, in Elena's mind they're never going to get anywhere, they're never going to get past this unless he's honest, unless he's telling her things he doesn't want to tell her, letting her see things he doesn't want her to see, it's basically another version of this
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vasfasan · 2 years ago
What the fuck is up with ouat 4a episode titles honestly?
4x05 Breaking Glass
4x08 Smash the Mirror 1
4x09 Smash the Mirror 2
4x11 Shattered Sight
....and you expect me NOT to get confused???????
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flurryofeiderdown · 2 years ago
notes from the margin: the spell of shattered sight (4x11)
so clearly the kids are all locked / sealed into the mayor's office by regina. most likely in separate rooms so they can't hurt each other -- cause what would be the point of keeping them safe from everyone else if they're just gonna beat the crap out of one another.
however, in some corner of the multiverse they were definitely sealed in the same room cause just...EVERYONE SAYING EVERYTHING THEY'VE BEEN HOLDING BACK.
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intothewickedwood · 4 years ago
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 4x10 Shattered Sight
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So I’m reading Once Upon A Time: Reawakened and I’m really, really enjoying it. I mean, the slight changes do get to me a bit but so long as I don’t see it as canon I really love it. It was hard to put down. I’m on the chapter ‘7:15 AM’ next, which is my favourite episode ever, so excited to see how they’ve adapted it. Spoilers: The book is solely from Emma and Mary Margaret’s/Snow’s point of view, so anything that happens outside of that is either recounted by Henry if it’s a tale from his book, or not mentioned. Some episodes are skipped completely, like ‘True North’ but some things are mentioned in the next chapter. 
Back to the rewatch
Everyone’s gone bananas.
You know what would have been cool; Snowing sword fight!
Like, I like this episode. It’s funny but I can’t help feeling a little disheartened that we didn’t get to see everyone’s darkest side. I would have enjoyed a darker take on the episode, like less of them shouting at each other and more fighting/evil plotting or something. More stuff like Anna’s reaction to the curse, where she was genuinely digging the knife in where it hurt and more of Belle’s reaction to the mirror maybe, like paranoia.
Like, I feel like they’re not their worst selves though. If, for example, Regina was her worst self, she would try to kill everyone in the town. 
Aww. Emma kissing her baby brother on the head. I would have loved to have seen their relationship when he grows up. 
Anna: “Do you trust Emma?” Elsa: “I do. She’s my friend” <3. Emma has to be, like, Elsa’s first friend. But we all know it’s more than that for her. 
Did Snow just say, “He’s a doctor. He knows which part is which.” I mean, does that mean what I think it does?
Lol. Kristoff just through paper at David. Much evil. Very violence.
Yeah, where is Belle?
Rumple: “Tomorrow night, when the stars in the sky, align with the stars in the hat…” What does that meeeean?!
Carrot sherbet ice cream??! No wonder she hid the stones in there. Nobody would ever ask for that!
The way Ingrid says: “Soon, you won’t wanna hurt me. Soon, you will love me.” It makes me so freaking sad!! She just wants to be loved!!
Ingrid’s plan is pretty airtight. Like, she’s made it so Emma and Elsa can’t hurt her, she’s got their memories. The only problem is, they’d never agree to be with her once all their family killed each other.
Ingrid seemed like such a great foster mum to Emma.
Doc! Leave Dopey alone!
Snow to David: “He’s a baby, not a breakfast burrito.” Okay, now I’m hungry.
Okay, Snow telling Anna that she killed the Evil Queen’s mommy is creepy as hell.
Oh yeah. I wonder if the ribbons stop Emma just jumping on Ingrid and attacking her with her bare hands.
Okay but Ingrid wanting to adopt Emma meant so freaking much to Emma. I’m gonna freaking cry!!!! They could have been happy!!!! 
And Emma saying she loved Ingrid meant so much to Ingrid! Omg my heart!!
Uggh! I am emotion!!
Wouldn’t that fireball have burnt Emma? Maybe not Elsa but ouch! I wonder if Elsa is immune to fire. But if those ribbons make all their powers each other’s then maybe Emma temporarily has fire immunity too.
Oh God. They just let out the Evil Queen.
Ow! Henry went full Home Alone on Hook.
Lol. Poor Will. 
That means Will does still have his heart in though. I wasn’t sure.
Ingrid’s playing hide and seek again.
Emma’s a Harry Potter fan! Same Emma, same. 
Had the Half Blood Prince (at least the book) come out yet? I think that’s the first time Harry apparates. No, it hadn’t! This is about 1996 or 1997, if Emma is 13 or 14 here, like she claimed to be when she saw the tape. The Half Blood Prince Book came out in 2005! The Philosopher’s Stone was published in 1997! So, Emma has to be at least 14 here. The only problem is Harry doesn’t apparate in that book. Although we’re not told that what it is is apparition, Dumbledore does seem to do it though. Maybe that’s what she meant?
Ingrid, no!!
Ingrid, Emma could have been hit by that car!!
Ingrid why?! Why did you have to do that?! Poor Emma! She thought she was gonna get adopted!
At least Snow and Charming haven’t turned against their baby. Even if he’s secretly plotting evil things. 
I wonder why Ingrid waited 4 years after Emma ran away to come to Storybrooke. But it checks out! Emma would be 18 in 2001 and 10 years later in 2011 she’s 28! It works! Remember when Ouat told us the exact years flashbacks took place?
Emma must have thought Ingrid was a stalker when she saw her in that Ice Cream shop. 
So, Emma came to Storybrooke October 22nd. She wanted to get Henry ice cream in the autumn/winter? Oh, it happens in November! Emma’s wearing a jacket that I think she wore in ‘1x04 The Price of Gold’. I wonder if this happens on the same day.
How does Ingrid know what Henry is telling Emma? I thought it was top secret.
Emma: “What’s that, your pet rock?”
Emma must wonder why she can’t even remember entering the shop.
Ingrid really is a patient woman. She waited 28 freaking years for a sister!
I love this scene. It makes me so nostalgic for season one!
Lmao! This fight between Snow and Regina is hilarious! 
Yay! David’s helping Snow! I like that subtle way of showing that their love is strong enough to transcend curses.
Snow just throws her through the glass looool! 
Snow: “I was tennnnnnn!”
Oh my God lol! Anna just knocked out Kristoff with a bottle!
Anna to Kristoff: “I love you. You’re amazing! You’re unconscious. I’ll be right back. Stay here. I mean, I know you’ll stay here but I’ll be right back anyway!” I love Anna? She’s so adorable!
Oh yeah. I forgot Gerda realised she was wrong to tell Elsa to conceal her powers! 
This letter and Ingrid’s emotional rollercoaster listening to it freaking breaks me!!
And then she just freaking strangles Anna!
Ingrid: “You’re not like me. You understand nothing!” Oh God. You can hear the pain in her voice. Poor Ingrid.
Oh my God. Tears are coming from my freaking eyes!! This scene always gets me. I can’t!!
Ingrid no!!!! Please don’t sacrifice yourself!! I can’t take it!!
I am emotion!!!!
My eyes!!
The spell is breaking!
Charming family hug!
Snowing kissing in the snow. God bless! I love them so much.
I miss Ingrid already! Such a great character!
What a great episode! I loved it! 
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claudia1829things · 5 years ago
Emma Swan’s Role as the Savior
I’m a little confused here.  When I first started watching “ONCE UPON A TIME”, Emma Swan, daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, was referred to as “the Savior”, because she was the once destined - thanks to Rumpelstiltskin’s manipulation of the Dark Curse - to break the Curse after 28 years.  And yes, Emma broke the curse in the Season One finale, “A Land Without Magic”.
But for some reason, showrunners  Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz had decided to continue “the Savior” label.  I have finally reached the Season Four episode called “Shattered Sight”.  In it, Emma told Queen Elsa and Princess Anna of Arendelle that she was “the Savior”, which meant that it was her job to ensure everyone’s happy ending.
What the fuck?  How did being “the Savior” went from simply breaking the Dark Curse to being the one to guarantee everyone’s happy ending?  Why didn’t Horowitz and Kitsis simply drop “the Savior” label after Emma had broken the Dark Curse in "A Land Without Magic”? 
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dinneratgrannys · 2 years ago
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ONCE UPON A TIME 4.11, Shattered Sight
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onceuponaseriesrewatch · 6 years ago
Join us this Sunday, July 7 at 9:00 pm for 4x11 Shattered Sight!
If you’d like to be added to the Hangout chat, just send us your email address.
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mizzswan · 5 years ago
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Okay so I’m kinda feeling like a p bad fan(?) cause I just realized that the only eps I’ve seen in their entirety are:
1x01 Pilot
1x08 Desperate Souls
1x12 Skin Deep
1x17 Hat Trick
2x04 The Crocodile (I think?)
2x11 The Outsider (not totally sure abt this one actually)
2x14 Manhattan
2x16 The Miller’s Daughter (or this one)
2x19 Lacey
3x08 Think Lovely Thoughts
4x11 Shattered Sight (or these two)
4x12 Heroes and Villains (^)
5x14 Devil’s Due
6x19 The Black Fairy
7x04 Beauty
And tbh I just got to Skin Deep before I switched to AO3 and started reading fic and the rest I guess I just got through osmosis or smthn idk?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lol anyway so point is; are there any other eps worth watching?
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captainnkillian · 6 years ago
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[4x11 Shattered Sight]
Aww Killian🤣🥰
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