#4th incarnation
doctorkinktraveller · 3 months
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asksavel · 2 years
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ofthetardis-a · 1 year
Okay, but what if I made a Fobwatched!Romana? 👀👀
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nascentwaves · 2 years
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"It could be worse. You could be considered a fossil by all standards."
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astrocafecoffee · 4 months
✨Your Past Life 🌌✨
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
💫 what to check??
- check your south node in your natal chart, which house it falls in. It can give you insight about your past life as South node represents past experiences, patterns, and talents that an individual brings into their current life from previous incarnations.
Leshh go!! 🍂
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✨ South node in 1st house:
- sn in 1st house suggests that themes related to self identity, personal expression and the physical body may have been significant in past lives.
- you may have been highly independent, assertive, and self reliant, perhaps even to the point of being self centred or overly concerned with your own needs.
- you might have been a leader or pioneer in some way, forging your own path and asserting your individuality in the world.
- may also have struggled with issues of egob, self absorption or tendency to prioritise your own interest above others.
- in past incarnations you might have cultivated skills related to physical expression, such as athleticism, dance or physical charisma. You may have been known for your appearance, charm or ability to make a strong impression on others.
- in your current life you may be called to balance your focus on the self with a greater awareness of the needs and feeling of others. You may be learning to cultivate humility, empathy and a deeper understanding of your interconnectedness with the world around you.
✨ South node in 2nd house:
- sn in 2nd house suggests that themes related to material possessions, values, self worth and resources may have been significant in past lives.
- in past lives you may have been deeply entrenched in the material world, attaching your sense of self worth and security to external factors such as wealth, possessions or status.
- you may have been involved in occupations or pursuits related to finance, banking or real estate or other areas where material resources were central.
- challenges related to attachment to material possessions, possessiveness or a sense of entitlement.
- may struggled with issues of greed, insecurity or a fear of loss , leading to difficulties in relationships or an inability to find true fulfillment beyond material wealth.
- in your current life you may be called to reassess your values and priorities recognising that true abundance and security come from within rather than from external sources.
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✨ South node in 3rd house:
- sn in 3rd house suggests that themes related to communication, learning, siblings, and early education may have been significant in past lives.
- you may have been highly intellectual, curious,and articulate with a natural talent for expressing yourself through writing, speaking or teaching.
- in past lives you may have been a scholar , writer, teacher, or traveler, engaging in pursuits that allowed you to share your wisdom and insights with others.
- you might have had close relationship with your siblings or peers who served as intellectual companions or rivals , encouraging you to excel in your pursuits of knowledge and learning.
- you may have experienced difficulties in forming deep emotional connections with others or may have struggled with issues related to gossip, rumours or miscommunication.
- there may have been a tendency to get caught up in petty disagreements.
- in your current life you may be called to balance your intellectual pursuits with a deeper understanding of the importance of emotional connection and empathy in your relationships.
- trust your intuition and communicate with others from a place of authenticity and compassion rather than purely from a rational or analytical perspective.
✨ South node in 4th house:
- with sn in 4th house you likely had past lives where family dynamics played a significant role. This could manifest in various ways , such as being deeply attached to your family, experiencing challenges within the family structure or being heavily influenced by your ancestral lineage.
- there might have been past life experiences where you struggled with issues of nurturing and security. This could involve experiences of abandonment, neglect or lack of emotional support within your family environment.
- past life experiences may have involved repeating certain family patterns or dynamics that have been passed down through generations. This pattern could be both positive and negative, and part of your soul's journey In this lifetime may involve breaking free from any destructive cycles.
- there may be unresolved ancestral wounds or traumas that you carry from past lives, which could manifest as subconscious fears, phobias, or patterns of behaviour. Working on healing these wounds can lead to greater emotional freedom an spiritual growth in this lifetime.
- you may have been involved in occupations like family business or inheritance or home related occupations.or nursing, counciling or social work.
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✨ South node in 5th house:
- with sn in 5th house in your past life you were a vibrant and creative soul. You may have been a artist, a performer or someone who radiated charisma and enthusiasm wherever you went.
- your love life was like a grand epic , filled with passionate romances and intense emotional experiences. You may have been involved in dramatic love affairs, where the highs were euphoric and the lows plunged you into depths of despair.
- children may have also played a significant role in your past life, whether as a devoted parent or a beloved mentor, you cherished the youthful exuberance and innocence they brought into your life.
- however your attachment to fame, pleasure and the pursuit of momentary happiness may have led you astray at times, causing you to lose sight of your deeper purpose and spiritual fulfillment.
- now in this lifetime you may find yourself naturally drawn to avenues of creativity, romance and self expression, but there's also a deeper calling within you , urging you to seek spiritual growth and fulfillment on a soul level.
✨ South node in 6th house:
- sn in 6th house suggests that in past life you might have been someone deeply involved in service or work that revolved around healing, health, or caretaking in some form. perhaps you were a dedicated healer, herbalist, or even a doctor, working tirelessly to help others overcome illness and ailments. Your daily life might have been structured around your work.
- however, despite your Nobel intentions there might have been a tendency to become overly fixated on the details or to be overly critical of yourself and others. Maybe you struggled with perfectionism or a sense of never feeling like you were doing enough. This could even led to feelings of frustration or even burnout over time.
- in this lifetime, the challenge for you is to find a balance between serving others and taking care of yourself, and to learn to let go of the need for perfection and self criticism.
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✨ South node in 7th house:
- sn in 7th house suggests that in past lives you may have focused a lot on partnerships , relationships, and one-on-one interactions.
- your past life may have been marked by experiences of intense emotional connections with others as well as lessons around compromise, negotiation and learning to see things from different perspectives.
- at times, you may have also faced difficulties in asserting your own needs and boundaries within your relationship, leading to feelings of resentment or imbalance. This could have resulted in patterns of seeking validation and approval from others, rather than cultivating a strong sense of self worth and autonomy.
- in this lifetime, you may drawn to experiences that echo these past life themes. You may place a strong emphasis on your relationships and partnerships , seeking to create harmonious and fulfilling connection with others. The challenge for you is to learn from the lessons of your past lives and to find a healthy balance between your own needs and those of others.
✨ South node in 8th house:
- in your past life, you might have been someone who delved deeply into the mysteries of life ,death and the human psyche. You may have been drawn to occult practices, esoteric knowledge or healing modalities that focused on the transformation of the self and others.
- you may have also been involved in situations where you had to navigate complex power dynamics , shared resources or inheritances.
- managing other's finances or dealing with issues related to debt, or taxes.at times , you may also grappled with feelings of possessiveness or obsession particularly in your relationships or dealings with other resources.
- in this lifetime the challenge for you is to learn from the lessons of your past lives and to find a healthy balance between intensity and detachment, depth and surface and empowerment and surrender.
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✨ South node in 9th house:
- in your past life, you might have been someone who was deeply engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. You may have been a philosopher, teacher, scholar, or traveler who dedicated your life to seeking truth and understanding the deeper mysteries of existence.
- at times , you may have also struggled with issues related to dogma or rigid belief systems, perhaps feeling torn between your quest for truth and the pressures to conform to societal norms or expectations.
- In this lifetime you may find yourself drawn to experiences that echo these past life themes. The challenge for you to learn from the lessons of your past lives and to find a balance between seeking knowledge and embodying wisdom. This might involve cultivating a deeper sense of inner knowing and intuition as well as learning to integrate the lessons from your past experiences into your present journey.
✨South node in 10th house:
- sn in 10th house suggests that in your past life you might have been someone who was deeply ambitious and driven to succeed in your chosen field. You may have pursued a career or vocation that allowed you to attain a position of authority,power or prominence in society.
- your identity and sense of self-worth may have been closely tied to your achievements and public reputation leading you to prioritise your career above all else.
- at times you may have also struggled with issues related to authority or responsibility perhaps feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of leadership or the expectations placed upon you by others.
- in this lifetime you may find yourself drawn to experiences that echo these past live things. you may have a strong drive to succeed in your career or to achieve recognition and status in your chosen field. Challenge for you is to learn from the lessons of your past life and to find a balance between ambition and inner fullfilment, this might involve redefining success on your own terms and cultivating a sense of purpose that goes beyond external achievements.
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✨South node in 11th house:
- sn in 11th house suggests that in your past life you might have been someone who was highly engaged in social or collective movements aimed at bringing about positive change in society. you may have been a member of various groups, organisations, or networks that were focused on promoting equality, justice or humanitarian causes.
- you may have been drawn to causes that aligned with your values and beliefs,whether they were related to political activism, social reform, environmental conservation or other forms of advocacy. - at times you might have also struggle with issues related to group dynamics or a loss of individual identity we the largest social movements. this could have led to experiences of disillusionment or betrayal as well as lessons around maintaining autonomy and integrity while working towards collective goals.
- in this lifetime, the challenge for you is to find a balance between your individual goals and the needs of the collective. this might involve cultivating a deeper sense of self awareness and authenticity as well as learning to navigate group dynamics with wisdom and discernment.
✨South node in 12th house:
- sn in 12th house suggests that in your past life you might have been someone who spend a significant amount of time in seclusion or retreat perhaps as a monk, hermit or spiritual seeker.
- you may have been deeply attuned to the inner workings of the subconscious mind and spend much of your time exploding the depts of your own psyche through meditation, contemplation or others regional practices.
- you may have struggled with feelings of confusion, disillusionment or even Paranoia as you grappled with the shadow expects of your own psyche and the collective unconscious.these could have led to experiences of self undoing or essence of being lost in the vastness of The spiritual realms.
- in this lifetime the challenge for you is to find a balance between spiritual transcendence and grounded presence in the material world. this might involve integrating the insights and wisdom gained from your spiritual experiences into your everyday life as well as learning to navigate the depes of your own psyche with courage and compassion.
That's it guys,hope you enjoyed 🌜💫
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leoascendente · 1 year
Jupiter placement/ Where are you naturally lucky? ✨
~ Jupiter Archetype:
Jupiter rules traditionally the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, it's the ruler of the 9th house and has a coregency with Neptune in the 12th house. It's called like this because of the father of gods in the Roman mythology. In Greek mythology was know as Zeus.
In astrology, Jupiter represents higher education, philosophy, religion and growth, mostly about conscious growth and expansion.
It represents the aspect of life where we are naturally lucky if we make use of Jupiter's attributes in house and sign in our natal chart. Jupiter rules our philosophical thoughts and how we find meaning to life itself, using your Jupiter's placement can give you a deeper sense of knowledge about yourself and your reality.
We can't forget or deny that Zeus in mythology was a social menace, specially for women because of his stubborness into following his desires at all cost. In astrology Jupiter shows the aspect of life where we want to expand but it can also indicate the area of life where we are never satisfied and always want more.
In karmic astrology Jupiter represents Dharma, it shows us the aspect of life where we harvest our rewards in this lifetime for what we did right in past incarnations.
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· Jupiter in Aries/1st house: They are lucky when they take risks or initiate new things. They feel better with themselves when they follow their instinct and move through life driven by their desires, when they take an active role into writting their own destiny. They tend to get magically the resources they need to initiate their own projects, their luck resides in themselves and their passion, when they are not scared of confrontation and take the reins of their life, if not they can feel unmotivated with their existence and have anger explossions. They are charismatic people that attract easilly the attention of others, they are very passionate with the things they like and usually tend to have a very sexy look, most of these natives have a high sex drive.
· Jupiter in Taurus/ 2nd house: Lucky with money and resources, these natives also have a very beautiful face or their energy makes you feel like they are the most beautiful people you've ever met. They know how to see the real value of things that for others go unnoticed, mostly with natural resources but this can apply to anything valuable. They gain more confidence when they are loyal to their values and honor, if not they can feel stuck in life. They tend to be wonderful counselors knowing what the other person needs to hear to feel better, they have a great sensibility and a deep connection with nature and animals, these elements usually brings them a lot of inner peace. When they invest money in themselves and the things that makes them feel comfortable or safe they seem to attract luck and fortune easilly, they get lucky by self care.
· Jupiter in Gemini/ 3rd house: Their intelligence is their lucky charm, the way they express and their closest people, usually siblings or cousins tends to bring them fortune either it be with ideas or resources. They have a talent with words, good for debates and have an awesome sense of humor. These natives feel better with themselves when they allow themselves to express their ideas in an honest and clear way, lies can affect negatively their nerves. They are usually great students with a lot of different interest they like to share with others, very charming and funny people, the friend that everyone has a good time with.
· Jupiter in Cancer/ 4th house: Lucky with their family, their mother or the females in their life. Man with this placement usually have a magnet to attract women, it's something in their energy not about their physical appearance, they make women feel safe in their presence. Femenine energy is very favorable for them, the more in tune they are with it the more fortune they attract in their lifes. When they deny their sensibility or intuition they can feel exhausted or weak. They have a great intuition, animals and children adore these natives, they have a very protective and sensitive nature with the ones they love.
· Jupiter in Leo/ 5th house: They get lucky when they are themselves and don't repress their identity to please others, when they feel cofident they naturally attract luck in their lifes. They can easilly get an authority or leadership position by their charm and charisma, people feel the tendency to feel inspired and follow these natives. They feel better and attract fortune easilly when they allow their creativity to flow and follow their heart, if they repress their desires they get a moody attitude or act impulsively. Their own creations and children are a source of happiness for them, they are usually conquerors in love terms too. As a random fact, I've seen in some of these natives that they really live movie romances in their own life, if you got this placement please write love books!
· Jupiter in Virgo/ 6th house: Luck with their health, they have an strong inmune system and rarely get ill if they take a good care of their needs. When they are organized with their own bussiness and routines and avoid chaos they get a better develop in life, taking care of their physical body and needs gives them a sense of wellness in emotional and mental terms too. Abandon themselves, not taking care of their wellbeing or live in dirty, noisy or chaotic places makes them feel weak on energies. They are natural healers, they are attract luck into their lifes but taking care of nature too, people and animals feel calmed and safe around these natives.
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· Jupiter in Libra/ 7th house: They get luck by their social interactions and the people they associate with. Legal affairs tend to be favorable for them, this placement makes really good lawyers and judges. They feel more harmonious with themselves when they interact with others, solitude and isolation can feel too much oppresive for these natives, involving with others gives them a better understanding of themselves. Visual arts, beauty, aesthetic or fashion are areas where they can succeed too. They have very good manners and a natural charm, they have a very good taste and tend to present themselves spotlessly, they have very good eye to know what fits better for everyone in aesthetic terms, so this placement makes awesome stylist.
· Jupiter in Scorpio/ 8th house: Like old ladies in my town say, these natives have a flower in the ass, they have a guardian devil that attracts them to extreme or dangerous situations but they also have their guardian angel that makes them go out of situations safe and sound. They are lucky when they get in tune with their emotional intelligence and intuition, this placement makes awesome therapist and detectives, if they release the fear of the hurtful things of life and allow themselves to experiment their desires they attract good fortune and a sense of being warded by a higher power. If they repress their desire for extreme emotions they usually end up in toxic or self destructive behavior, balance is a major lesson for this placement to gain luck easier. These natives have a very alluring aura that makes people feel intimidated and attracted at the same time for them, they like intensity so they are also great in bed, unforgettable lovers tbh.
· Jupiter in Sagittarius/ 9th house: Lucky with their studies, mostly in university, surely the teacher's favorite and the person that all classmates like and look up to, they are usually the popular of the class. They attract luck when they open up to experience by themselves and learn, when they align theory and practice to organize their perspective of life. They usually find fortune in foreign countries, either be moving in or simply traveling to know other cultures. Expanding their knowledge by knowing other people traditions or perspectives of life gives them a deeper understanding of their own existence, if they don't satisfy their crave for experience and expansion they become unhappy or like their life has no meaning. These natives are leaders, with great wisdom and charisma that makes people rely on them and their advices, they are usually great expressing themselves and have a wide and cultured vocabulary to express their ideas.
· Jupiter in Capricorn/ 10th house: Lucky in their career and bussiness. They usually find themselves in power positions and having recognition in the public eye because of their work, this placement is also a common fame indicator. This natives enjoy doing the hard work because they tend to love what they do and mostly for the moment of the rewards. They are usually well liked by their work enviroment their superiors, they are very respected in their work field and by authority figures, people feel inspired by them and their work ethic, people know that can rely on these natives if they want to make an excellent work. They have an strong willpower to follow their passion and make a career of it, if they repress this urgency or do what others expect from them they tend to feel unmotivated in life.
· Jupiter in Aquarius/ 11th house: They get lucky by the people they surround with, their friendships tend to be a source of wellbeing and fortune. They have luck with their dreams and hopes in life, no matter how utopic or unrealistic they seem because Jupiter here indicates luck in this area, even if the dream modifies or recalibrates through the journey the outcome will be prosperous. If they restrain their own hopes or isolate themselves from others this makes them feel lonely or misunderstood. Sharing experiences with others and creating bonds with people with their same vibe brings them a wider knowledge about themselves and their circumstances. They tend to attract a lot of different type of people, they have a very friendly energy. They are also very lucky with technology or social media.
· Jupiter in Pisces/ 12th house: They get lucky when they get in tune with their spiritual nature. These natives posess a psychic radar to know what's going on in their enviroment, they have a powerful intuition and sensibility. This placement also brings the native a huge spiritual guidance, even if they are not aware of this they find themselves always getting the answers they were needing or unexpected solutions to their problems. They get along very well with solitude and time by themselves and this makes them attract luck in a subconscious level, but if they don't balance solitude with company this can also lead them to isolation and dittachment from the outside world. This placement makes awesome spiritual teachers but also gives them creative talents to move the emotions of others, like poets or musicians.
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crishayle · 11 months
Astrology notes
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The person with Mars in the 11th house works so well as a team. School/university activists are often found among them. Good organizational skills and energy. With them you will never be bored at work :)
Not always a man with Mars in the 1st house is athletic, but they are always physically hardy. They're like Powerpuff girls, cute, but very strong
Stelliums in houses can create a vibe of the sign of this house in you. For example, the 12th house is Pisces, the 6th house is Virgo, the 3rd house is Gemini
A person with 4+ aspects to Saturn is literally a phoenix. No matter how life burns him, he will incarnate again. But don't confuse it with Pluto! Saturn tempers the spirit, Pluto transforms the personality
People with the Moon in the 12th house always feel lonely. It's very difficult for them to find a soulmate. They are sensitive and empathic, but they are like a psychologist who needs a psychologist himself
The transit Sun in the 5th house feels like "i feel like bonita💅" .You feel beautiful and confident in any clothes and in any look
People with Uranus in the 5th house are VERY EMOTIONAL!!!!! I would not say that they are hysterical, after all, for this you need to look at the rest of the placements of the natal chart, but for such people feelings are not the least important
People with Uranus/Neptune in the 5th house may have problems with attention. Do you know these people who watch a movie, watch Reels in parallel and play with a cat? It's them. In fact, there is an advantage in this. They are not bothered by noise when working and they are very multitasking
Saturn in the 12th house is one of the indicators of a person's self-esteem problems. I have noticed that such people suffer from impostor syndrome, can be too tough or too gentle with themselves. It is very sad to see such a placement in the charts of people with Mars/Sun in the 10th or other strong placements. Such people have ambitions, but the fear of risk and mistakes can greatly hinder their development
My personal observation, text me if I'm wrong, but have you noticed that people with a strong Mercury in the natal chart have a very pleasant voice/laugh?
I use Part of Fortune to find out where a person can find luck. A person with Fortune in the 4th house is lucky when he helps people. He invests energy, strength or patience. The most important rule is give it. I also have Fortune in the 4th house and I really get the gifts of fate when I help others and take care of them
People with Neptune/Uranus is in the 9th house, have you also ever thought about moving or studying to another city/country? :)
People with the Venus-ascendant aspect are photogenic, as are people with the ascendant in Leo
Have you ever met a person with your mirror natal chart? I'll explain. You have the Sun in Pisces in the 2nd house (the house of Taurus), and a person has the Sun in Taurus in the 12th house (the house of Pisces) and so on with all other placements. At first glance, it may seem that you are not alike, but believe me, you complement each other perfectly. Your knowledge, life experience and personal qualities work in tandem.This is a very interesting astrological observation✨
People with Venus square North Node may think that it is more difficult for them to find love, or they may think that they do not deserve to be loved, or they simply have problems with romance. They really appreciate attention, love and care, they just don't know how to respond to it correctly
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txttletale · 1 year
doctor who incarnations ranked by how much they smoke weed
12th > 4th > 10th > 9th > 2nd > 8th > 11th > 7th > 3rd > 13th > 5th > 6th > 1st
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lialox · 5 days
What if oldest dream behind the wall was Tls123?
“We’ll still stick together from now on too, so why do you sound so grimly determined? Don’t worry. No matter what kind of a monster is waiting for us, I’ll finish it off.”
I gently smiled. Meanwhile, the subway was slowing down even further.
My reflection could be seen in the black window of the exit door. There was a splatter of blood on my cheek reflected on the glass. I wiped it off my face. And then, my mood cooled down.
⸢The blood was really on my cheek, and not on the window.⸥
“Doors are opening!”
Along with Lee Hyunsung’s cry, everyone got ready to fight.
However, contrary to everyone’s nervousness, what greeted us was a rather empty subway platform. Sure, there were a few people walking around in the surroundings, but none of them paid us much attention.
“What’s this, there’s no....”
Jung Heewon muttered that out, and as we stepped onto the platform, I was overcome with an ominous foreboding. There it was, the unfamiliar sense of reality touching my feet. Faint sparks, along with every single one of my Fables, were pointing in a certain direction.
⸢Someone was sitting on the subway’s bench.⸥
Black athletic wear as if its wearer had just gone out for a run. A beautiful woman was slouched on the bench, unflinching in her sleep even with the bustle of the crowd around her. The short crop of her hair lightly caressed her cheeks.
As the pulsing migraine assaulted me, I somehow managed to lift my unmoving feet.
⸢Kim Dokja made a promise. To end the culprit who made this world. No matter what that existence was.⸥
There were deep bags under the woman’s eyes. It was as if she hadn’t slept properly in years.
⸢Time isn’t moving because not reading and not imagining.⸥
I did think that all of this could be a dream, a lie. I even believed that this was a dream the evil <Star Stream> had created.
I even believed that I could have been the monster waiting past that wall.
But this person, I didn’t expect her to be the one past the full stop. To have met a writer at the place where the creator of a universe of stories resides…
⸢Y ou we re al rea dy ex pec ting this di dn’t you Kim Dok Ja.⸥
Before any story could be described, before it could be read, it had to exist in one person’s dream first.
The author’s.
The Most Ancient Dream. The world’s most omniscient yet powerless god.
“I… am Tls123?”
Han Sooyoung was the first to speak. Her eyes were trembling.
All of my senses were gnawing at me; they said that that woman was the culprit behind all these scenarios.
It was the same for my companions.
I thought I heard something fall to the floor, and I saw Jung Heewon’s sword rolling around on the ground.
“Ah, ah....”
She was now looking at her. She was looking at the woman, then back at Han Sooyoung. Her eyes were filling up with despair.
As if she couldn’t believe this. As if she’d prefer that this whole thing turned out to be a lie.
[The promise with the ‘Secretive Plotter’ is activating.]
I opened my mouth only to close it several times. Maybe, this might be my punishment.
For daring to dream of a perfect ending in which all of us survived. To have come this far, and shed blood for such a hope.
It was as if the universe was telling me there was no such thing.
The Star Stream wasn’t like that. This was a universe of sacrifices and salvation too, was a paid service.
[You have promised to destroy <Star Stream>.]
[<Star Stream> will not be destroyed unless the ‘Most Ancient Dream’ is ended.]
I now stared at the woman.
The woman who gave me every reason to survive in this ruined world.
[Please end the ‘Most Ancient Dream’.]
Sparks overflowed above my Incarnation Body. My heart was madly pounding away. My head faltered, and I somehow managed to suck in several deep breaths.
[The 4th Wall] was right. Maybe, I already knew.
There were simply too many hints.
⸢I was far too lucky in this world, and⸥
⸢Everything in this world seemed to be geared towards my convenience, and⸥
⸢At times, this world even felt sloppy.⸥
If all of these were the result of the guiding hand of a writer who so desperately wished for our survival…
⸢The genesis of all the world-lines, the original world-line.⸥
I raised my head back up, then stepped forward to lift ‘that’ Han Sooyoung into my arms. She felt so light. This small body carried the weight of every sin in the world.
The world written just for me.
An anguished cry came from the rear.
“Sooyoung-ssi, calm down!”
“You bastard! Let me go!”
It was a voice far more devastated than I have ever heard from her. Tears were pouring from her eyes as Jung Heewon and Lee Hyunsung held her by her arms. A dagger was gripped tightly onto one hand while [Black Flames] were bursting from the other.
“That bitch, why the hell would I write a story like this!?”
She continued to thrash about, and even the kids held onto her legs to keep her from taking another step forward to do something foolish. The entire nebula worked together to suppress her, their status raging forth as Han Sooyoung did everything she could to break free of the restraint.
“Something this fucked up—“ Han Sooyoung snarled. “If I had to write a story for this purpose, to write a novel with these… Shit developments…!!“
Han Sooyoung choked on her own tears as she continued to try to force her way past our companions.
“Han Sooyoung.”
It was Yoo Junghyuk who stepped in between them. The one who had lived this tragedy for thousands of lives.
“It has been difficult."
He reduced his tragedies to a mere few words.
“But it’s over now.”
⸢His forgiveness was offered in this manner. ⸥
“Shut up!!”
⸢It only served to break her.⸥
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!!”
Yoo Junghyuk opened his mouth as if to respond, then suddenly doubled over in a coughing fit.
Thick fog came in from somewhere, and I picked up on the ominous power of Chaos. Yoo Junghyuk’s expression as he held the blade became weird.
“Y-you bastard....”
As he staggered about, the pitch-black Fable leaked out from his mouth. That Fable gurgled out and travelled down his chin, hit the floor, and finally, formed the silhouette of a person.
The blade of the [Heaven Shaking Sword] gleamed between the jet-black coat; a man who only lived for this moment was standing there now.
⸢The Secretive Plotter.⸥
The being who had even forgotten about his real name after experiencing an enedless tragedy even past the last sentence of his story. The man who lived only for the purpose of revenge was here.
⸢No human can control every type of imagination.⸥
Just how many universes were born and broken in her mind? Just how many of her imagined tragedies were inherited by just one person?
⸢And that’s why the most ideal person to end this dream had already been determined.⸥
It was the world’s most fair revenge.
So why did I keep holding onto Han Sooyoung this tightly?
[[ It was you. ]]
The Secretive Plotter’s [Heaven Shaking Sword] continued to wander in the air. That sword was now pointed towards its creator.
[[ The being that dreamt and perpetuated every tragedy in all the worldlines. ]]
I only made it this far because of those tragedies she wrote.
It was the story that I loved more than anything. The story I was indebted to.
[[ Kim Dokja. You must end the Most Ancient Dream. ]]
Every letter here was chosen by her hands. By bearing all of these sins, she brought us to this moment.
It was thanks to Han Sooyoung that I managed to survive.
And now it was time to repay my debt.
“Did you forget?”
[‘Demon King’ transformation is activating!]
[‘Archangel’ transformation is activating!]
I smiled gently and with one hand raised my [Unbreakable Faith]. I pulled the sleeping Han Sooyoung closer in the other.
“I didn’t promise to kill people.”
In this place far beyond our full stop, our swords were drawn.
A new story had begun.
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punkpandapatrixk · 9 months
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Full Cold Moon in Cancer ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Happy New Year~!🍀It’s January already but, gosh, aren’t we all still preparing for the spring equinox this year🍓That’s when the real new year begins, aenergetically~🎍
The Full Cold Moon on 26th December carried a theme surrounding Home and Hearth. It touches on our IC (Imum Coeli) and 4th House in our natal chart. The IC tells us who we are when no one’s watching, and after we become super clear about that, it helps us realise what kinds of company are legitimately good for our sense of belonging in this mortal world.
Your IC can literally shed light unto the reasons you feel alone and separated from the people around. The Full Cold Moon in Cancer—ruler of the 4th House—invites us to take a look at our sense of familyship whilst being incarnate on Earth.
People on this Planet have been struggling with an immense sense of loneliness since the introduction of social media; isn’t that strange? How is it that the more people we’re able to connect with the more miserable we feel on the inside? Well, isn’t it clear that social media has helped us become more aware of what’s truly FAKE when it comes to human connections?💍
Our IC deeply craves real familial connections. Moving forward, wouldn’t you rather entertain soul-based friendships that really care about your wellbeing as a Human being? This Cold Full Moon in Cancer, you’re invited to once again die to everything and everyone that doesn’t make you feel seen, heard, respected, or wanted👻
Fake connections, whether online or offline, can go fuck ‘emselves🥢
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Pile 1 – The Choice to be Free Has Always Been Yours to Make
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i d e n t i t y – Knight of Pentacles
Others may think you are mad, but you of all people know there is method to your madness. More than everybody else gives you credit for, you’re actually somebody who’s very strategizing. You are careful with your plans and you think very many things through before you execute your plan. Others simply do not understand this mechanism in your brain because you’re quite unique, quite unorthodox even. This Full Cold Moon, you are invited to ponder if the source of your misery is actually other people’s beliefs about you rather than your actual incapability.
Just because you’re following a strange path of your own doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. Weirdos throughout history have changed societies for the better. We should all be thankful to weirdos—and especially, WITCHES. Did you know that WAY TOO MANY of our advances in science and medicine were actually done by witches? They burnt and hanged the witches and took credit for all of their hard work. Tsk tsk tsk… I raise my cup to all y’all witches who’s working to blast open new pathways for the rest of Mankind🍸Keep doing you. Keep going because spring will surprise you with loads of delights~🍬
s e r e n i t y – Queen of Pentacles Rx
You’re a helpful soul, that much is apparent. But you’ve got to learn some discernment so that you don’t get taken advantage of very easily. What the Queen of Pentacles in reverse is trying to show you is that, unfortunately, too many people in this world don’t even deserve to be helped. Not by you, at least. Unless you’re getting paid for rehabbing messed up people, let them deal with their own mess and grow up from it. Ultimately the Queen of Pentacles Rx is cautioning you against letting messed up people in your inner circle because these types of people are gonna bring their mess into your Life.
You get to decide, with your skilled discernment, who’s worth helping, fighting for; who’s worth keeping because they give you just as much affection. If, in order to keep serenity in your world you must look like a stingy bitch, let it be. Be selective with who you give your time and money to. Make sure you aren’t sucked dry of spiritual aenergy yourself. Your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides are saying, this whole winter you’ve got shit to manifest—big, big shit. Preserve your precious aenergy so you can manifest real, long-lasting results~!🌳
f a m i l y – 8 of Cups Rx
Having said all of that, this card is saying: don’t easily walk away from things and endeavours that you know from deep within your heart matter. I think you’re so dreamy and floaty that you could have a hard time being realistic when it comes to the physical manifestation of your real desires. You could think, since they’re unrealistic, you might as well give up and choose to focus on other more pragmatic pursuits. If you must leave, leave the people and environments that don’t support your heart’s desires—don’t leave the desires and end up becoming very unhappy with yourself! After all, with your already methodical mind, you actually have all the power in you to bridge your dreams to Reality.
That’s why, honey, the freedom to be free has always been in your mind. Now you’ve just got to make the right decision—what kind of freedom is real freedom to you? The freedom to choose to kowtow to societal expectations or the freedom to walk your own path no matter how lonely (at first)?
‘If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.’ – Frank Zappa
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – Art and Romanticism Have Always Been an Important Part of Your Heart
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i d e n t i t y – 9 of Cups
You have many dreams, but if there’s one thing, you’ve always dreamt to be independent, doing your dreamy things in your dreamy space. I think you’re the kind of person who’d be considered a quiet eccentric. You have many interests and hobbies, and you’re quite sensitive about having your me-time uninterrupted. I think you could erupt if someone walks in on your serious activity and startle you or if someone in your family tells you to go and do something in the middle of your reading. That kinda vibe. You’re quite a loner, actually. You’re super weird tho XD Do you maybe identify as an autistic kid, fam?
Anyway, please know that this Full Cold Moon is inviting you to ponder more deeply about your place amongst Humans. I have a feeling you don’t really like Humans or at least, you find human interactions absolutely exhausting, for the most part. If you know this blog, you know already how much I prize individuality and being alone if it means peace of mind and faster manifestations LOL BUTT!! In this reading, I’m getting that many of you may want to ponder yet again how you interact with people, especially those closest to you because sometimes, there really are people who care about your wellbeing more than you realise.
s e r e n i t y – 10 of Cups Rx
Many of you choosing this Pile probably haven’t got a nice family background. Of course, there are a million scenarios for each person but for the most part, I sense that you’ve felt familial connections to be emotionally unsatisfying. That’s why you seek emotional fulfilment in this multitude of hobbies and interests. Clearly you’re a very intelligent person, that much I’d like to iterate. And so, this reading seeks to validate your feelings about your eccentricity.
Art and all those dramatic things have always been integral to your sense of identity. I really think you should indulge, as long as whatever dramatic things you enjoy aren’t detrimental to your mental or physical wellbeing. If you happen to be the type that’s already doing detrimental things in your pursuit of an emotional high, this card is suggesting you pause breathe and eat before you go after another round of pursuing that high.
f a m i l y – Page of Cups Rx
When you’re pausing, you can cry. Accepting our emotions and acknowledging that they make us Human usually comes with a sense of grieving for all the ways we’ve thought ourselves as being in the wrong. There’s not a thing fundamentally wrong with you, it’s the people around you that have made you feel like you can’t communicate with them with striking vulnerability. And if these experiences have caused you to bear a lot of dark thoughts or negative emotions, I’d like you to know it happens to the best of us.
You could literally turn your pains into art, if anything. If you’ve chosen this Pile as your main pile, know that the pain you’ve experienced through human connections could be turned into art and that your Art has the capacity to heal those who come into contact with its backstory. And this, totally will have a significant place on the world stage because, as you can see, human interactions in recent years have gotten weirder and weirder in some capacity. So many people are hurting from getting disappointed by the…government and celebrities? LOL
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – Princess Kaguya, Is That You?
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i d e n t i t y – 2 of Cups Rx
At the core of your being, you’ve always been different in that your heart is a lot purer, your morality is criminally significantly higher, you’re compassionate and can empathise with people on a level that’s beyond the comprehension of most others. The way you’ve experienced this Human Reality is incomparable to what most others have known. Basically, you’re an alien! And that’s an incredibly modest thing to say about you.
What you genuinely wish to see manifest in this world is vastly more high-vibrational than most people would even care to think about. I hope you accept that you are genuinely such a good person when you’re in your best element. What’s really difficult to maintain is your faith in people, for the most part, because you haven’t really met anyone who’s capable of giving their heart to you as deeply as you’ve given yours. This whole experience has broken your spirit and faith in a lot of things.
s e r e n i t y – 9 of Pentacles
And thus, you’ve carved out a Life of your own, quite separate from most people you’ve ever known. I’m sure you’ve burnt a lot of bridges up until just recently, and I sense, many of you simply know there’s still a few more to burn going forward. This is your confirmation that you’ve done the right thing. In this Human world, too many people buy into the idea that to be good is to be social; but you’ve experienced firsthand that that’s often not the case. You know firsthand that many people’s demons get activated by some weird connections to other people’s demons. And you don’t like that.
So you made a decision to walk away from most aspects of social life and worked your butt off to polish your skills. Some of you have spent many years studying; some of you have spent very many months working on a glow-up; some of you have deepened your spiritual prowess and connected to higher realms; basically, you’ve died and become a ghost… Springtime will bring you the resurrection you deserve, bitch!🎍
f a m i l y – King of Cups
About your Soul Fam though, I feel that travel is highly indicated for you. Some of you, you could be meeting a Soul Fam member during travels, but for the majority of you, this aenergy is giving the idea that you’re literally meant to travel the world or live abroad, perhaps even for the rest of your lives. Highly advanced souls can often have a narrative in which they’re expected to die on a land different from the one they were born into. So, if you’ve been thinking of moving to a different country or state, this is your confirmation that it is indeed part of your soul scenario.
Thanks to modern travel, it’s so easy for highly advanced souls to connect with their true Family members from different countries and that’s something we’re glad about LOL If you’ve ever wondered whether you’re going to die alone and sad, that’s totally not the case. If anything, you have so many Soul Fam members who are going to be just as highly spiritual, profoundly dreamy and vastly empathetic as you are. You’re going to be very glad when the time comes for Soul Families to reunite in the upcoming couple of years~ YAY~!
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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According to Elizabeth Sladen, Tom Baker laboured intensively over the iconic "do I have the right?" scene.
While the directors were happy from the beginning, he insisted that it had to be perfect - resulting in more than 20 takes, which was unheard of at the time.
Sladen says this is why everyone seems edgier and restless by the end. The cast were exhausted after standing around for so long.
Ironically, Baker still believes it could have been more intense, especially as it is one of his most memorable moments.
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kakiastro · 3 months
The 4th House: Your Inner World
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We do not talk about the 4h enough on here! This area in life can really reveal what’s happening in a person life that they don’t show in public.
-when ppl think of the 4h, the first thought is family. This shows you how you were raised, the type of home environment you grew up in. It indicates the type of themes you will face into your adulthood that reflects your childhood. This also show the emotional state of your family. If you have any planets in your 4h, you may have several family members with that planetary sign rulers, or whatever sign you have your mercury in:
Example: if you have Mercury Scorpio living in your 4h, you may several family members with Gemini/3h, Virgo/6h, Scorpio/ 8h placements somewhere in there chart.
- the 4h rules your whole family ancestry on your mother side. You can see the struggles and successes they had. The ruler of your 4hsign and placement can give you even more insight. Your 4h is like your genealogy just without the names, places and things. However, you can see the energy and what was passed down to you. This is where family stories that’s been passed down to you comes into play, write those down and look at your 4h. Even if you don’t know much about your family history, study your mom or grandmother life, that reveals patterns that was passed down to them and you.
-this actually shows who a person is underneath the surface. The 4h literally sits at the bottom of your chart. It’s the anchor, the thing that keeps you grounded. Despite what you show to your everyone else (10h), your 4h is who you are when you’re at home in your undies, your naked here.
Example: a person with a Mars 4h has a very active home life, there’s always something going on(good or bad). They may feel themselves at home then out in public. If they invite you to their house, you’ll see a completely different person than you thought you knew.
-you know the phrase “who raised yall?” All that can be seen in the 4h. Now Saturn rules over parenting but the 4h shows how that played out. How you were raised (4h) shows up in your very public life. Now if the ruler of your 4h shows up in a public house, everyone may knows your business.
Example: Kim Karsashian 4h planet ruler is in her 1h. The 1h is literally you, with the 4h in her house, her family is a main part of her image and life this incarnation.
-a A LOT of people don’t know this because it’s not that taught in a lot of public spaces but the 4h is connected to your death. The 4h rules endings of life. When people think of death, they think of Pluto because it rules over death. It’s a different kind of death though. So, the 4h is when you actually leave this realm but the 8h is the process and transformation of your death. It’s also what you left to those you love such as your beneficiaries etc. I hope this is making sense lol. Let me know if you want me to make a separate post on this topic
Example: Kurt Cobain has a 4h Sagittarius with ruler Jupiter in Cancer 10h. First, his death was very public globally, and is still talked about to this day(Sag). Everyone has there own opinions and ideal on his death which is also very Sagittarius He passed in his home(Cancer 10).
*DONT go looking at your chart trying to predict your death either after this nor don’t message me asking if I can read your chart about it. The answer is No! You’ll just give yourself anxiety and drive yourself cray. If you’re alive, focus on your mission only, focus on Life!!
- on the spiritual side of things, the 4h rules over your Soul family and soul ancestry. This is different than your regular family that you were born into. This family are the ones who’s been with you for several lifetimes and dimensions. Now, some of you family members may be apart of your soul family but this isn’t the case for everyone.
I’ll end this post here but I am open for full natal chart readings, check my pin page to see other options! Happy July!!
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somewhereinneptune · 1 year
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Heeey! It's been agesss and I haven't done something in a while. I thought it's about time I give astrology observations a try since I've been into astrology for years yet I never posted about it or about what I've gathered so there goes!
Disclaimer: these are simply personal observations.They're things I observed around me from people and their charts to things regarding my own charts and self that I've analyzed so it may not resonate. With that put aside, hope you enjoy!
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🎐If someone's sun falls in your 4th house, this can cause a lot of triggers since the 4th house is the house of roots, childhood and family so wounds in regards to these themes could resurface. These people might feel close like family too or like home, yet trigger many suppressed issues within . Ex : My mom and I have our sun signs in each other's 4th house and we have this up and down relationship where we sometimes feel so close and like we understand each other deeply, yet we get triggered by each other through the simplest of interactions and disagreements
🎐Neptune in 7th natal or transit as well as in the solar return chart can bring out themes such as rose -colored glasses in relationships and close connections, lacking boundaries or having a hard time understanding the concept of boundaries. Neptune in 5th might deal with similar themes too but with emphasis on Romantic connections
🎐 I'll need to clarify with more people but there's something about Scorpio risings and being left handed 😐 I'm a Scorpio rising and left handed myself as well as my dad and two more people and I don't know the connection behind it yet
🎐Chiron in 12th and the blur over pain : D this might manifest into the individual feeling triggered by things without being able to sense the root of the reason and it's because the 12th house blurs everything from the conscious eye . Its like this metaphorical apparition that keeps following you without making itself clear. Another reason could be that the trauma comes not from this lifetime but a past one. Many deep wounds I had to heal from in my healing journey turned out to root from previous life times
🎐 If someone's natal Saturn is at 0 , it either means they have reset karma by breaking a major karmic cycle in their recent past life or that this is their first incarnation on earth
🎐Another clue in my opinion for if this is someone's first or one of the first incarnations on earth is if their chart has an emphasis on the deeper and spiritual aspect . Ex : North Node in Ninth, Sagittarius placements and degrees, Saturn in Ninth, Sun at 0° degree, Saturn at 0° and the reason for that is that it signifies a soul that is just starting to learn and experience their way through life
On the contrary, Sun and Saturn at 29° might signify the ending of a long karmic cycle as well as maturity and having gone through several trials and lessons in life / past lives
🎐 One of the themes of Chiron in Scorpio can be fear of lies and dishonesty, fear of being manipulated and of hidden truth since Scorpio rules mystery and the hidden, and as Chiron rules wounds and trauma, the native usually does go through themes of lies and manipulation in their life
🎐 I've read before that having an empty house can mean you've mastered this house and that you can access it easily, yet I've noticed its usually the house or themes we tend to overlook, be unaware of or even bury or take for granted due to the focus being solely on the houses with the most placements and aspects
🎐Leo MC and Aquarius IC and the paradox between desiring to be seen and out there and getting triggered when you're under the spot light or seen in any way. The contrast between desiring attention as well as social groups vs needing so much space and alone time or to 'hide'
🎐Saturn in Aquarius natal could make someone prone to people - pleasing tendencies; since their karmic lesson is to learn to exist unapologetically and daringly in the world, the native would be prone to fear of existing authentically first or having a presence which would lead to trying to fit in with what the crowd wants to see regardless of whether it feels good to them or not
🎐personally, for those into spirituality : An indication of a spiritual awakening in a solar return chart could indicate Pisces and\ or Scorpio rising, Chiron in first, Pluto in 7th or 11th, as well as placements in the 8th and 12th like sun and north node in 12th or Uranus in 8th
🎐 to add to the previous note, sun in 8th transit and solar return is such an ego death placement. You're forced to face shadow aspects within you that you might have resisted or turned a blind eye to for some time
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being-of-rain · 9 months
So the last few years of TV Dr Who have done a lot of new things with the Doctor's ability to regenerate, and at no point is it very clear what does and doesn't count towards the limit of the Doctor's new regeneration cycle that they received in The Time of the Doctor. You could debate whether a few of the changes are exceptions to the limit, and whether the new regeneration cycle is still something that applies after the retcon that the Timeless Child apparently has more than twleve regenerations in the first place.
But, assuming the new cycle is still a limit, and that each change of body may count to the total, is the Doctor already more than halfway through it? Let's count.
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1st incarnation: Old Man Matt Smith. Remember that he counts as the first incarnation out of thirteen, because there are twelve death-saving regenerations in a cycle (so an original body followed by twelve additional bodies). Almost immediately after gaining the new cycle, he starts using it up by dying of old age (because that body is more than a thousand years old by that point).
2nd incarnation: Peter Capaldi, who after a century or so gets electrocuted by a Cyberman and takes two full episodes to die from it.
3rd incarnation: Jodie Whittaker, who seemingly spends most of her decades-long life in prison. Halfway through The Power of the Doctor she's force-regenerated into...
4th incarnation: Sacha Dhawan. This incarnation is artificially created by the Master, not regenerating for any stated mortal wound, but Patrick Troughton regenerated for the same reason and he still counted to the total (...unless you wanted to say that Troughton's change didn't count, and he turned into Jo Martin, who later turned into Jon Pertwee, which is a theory I'm not opposed to). In any case, three quarters of the way through The Power of the Doctor, Dhawan turns into...
5th incarnation: Jodie Whittaker Again. That change might be the least likely to count towards the cycle total, because the Master's tech and the regeneration energy of the CyberMasters are used to "reverse" and cause a "degeneration". I like to count it though, because I think it's funny, because literally ten on-screen minutes later the Doctor is hit by the energy of the Qurunx redirected by the Master, and she turns into...
6th incarnation: David Tennant Again (Again). It literally only just occurred to me that turning back into David Tennant might have been an after-effect of the degeneration ten minutes earlier. The Doctor's body was still set on reverse. Anyway, around fifteen hours later (according to The Giggle's novelisation) the Doctor is shot with a galvanic beam by the Toymaker.
Then the 'bigeneration' happens. Now, it's established in the Tardis at the end of the episode that Gatwa's Doctor is somehow taken from the future of Tennant's retired Doctor (he's "older" than Tennant, after he "fixed himself"). So my question is: is there technically two regenerations between the Doctor at the start of The Giggle and the Doctor at the start of The Church on Ruby Road? See, the bigeneration stopped Tennant from dying by laser beam, resulting in...
7th incarnation: David Tennant Again Again Again, who retires to live with Donna's family and presumably has a series of low-stakes wacky domestic adventures. And possibly at some point in his future he suffers another fatal injury, resulting in...
8th incarnation: Ncuti Gatwa, who is pulled down his timeline to 2023 UNIT tower. This could've been straight away, or a bit later in this incarnation's life, and he could've been the result of another fatal injury or not, we can only speculate.
So at the very most, that's eight incarnations out of thirteen. That's over halfway through the new regeneration cycle. That's like the entirety of Classic Who and the TV Movie, this time over ten years of intermittent TV. To quote Susan when she's reunited with the Doctor in the audio An Earthly Child and asks about his regenerations, "Eight?! How did you manage that! That's just throwing them away!"
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trainfanz · 4 months
Further ramblings on London 2024 as I've now had a chance to listen to it! Below the cut! (I can't send out the audio, sorry.) SPOILERS ABOUND!
"Stop that boring music!" IS GONE!
There really isn't a lot to separate the additional trains. Their introductions and little pre-race mantras are all "They're fast!"
Al Knott sounds great.
I appreciate they rewrote Crazy to actually make it more of an intro song for Rusty instead of just sticking it there.
Arguing before 'I Am Me' is hard to follow with no visuals!
"Friends!" "Friends!" "More than friends?!" "-just friends." HAHA
"Trucks will identify themselves! Fuel Trucks!" Honey, they're all fuel trucks.
Freight really doesn't get to finish and I don't think I really like that.
Stopping here to say that Hydra is the standout of this new incarnation. Going into his little mantra at every applicable moment and annoying everyone else is hilarious.
AC/DC is... fine. Still prefer the older sound.
New take on Pumping Iron however is pretty good!
I want to see Control offering Pearl a spot to sit so bad.
"Please welcome to the other side of the tracks: Momma McCoy." "HOW WE DOIN?!" That's great.
Shoutout to them for using my preferred little outro ditty for the blues. Hard to explain what I mean.
I get that the 4th qualifying engine isn't integral to the downhill final but to only have 1 winner in Race 2 feels weird.
Surprise El DeBarge Lyrics???
The Rap is pulling a lot from the first two incarnations - "Race Time" shows up in the megamix but not in the actual song.
Dinah UGLY crying hhhh
Slick gets her own take on Wide Smile. Not sure if I like it but it's definitely unique.
Still think what immediately follows Race 3 ends up being 2 versions of the same scene stuck together, but that's not this production's problem.
It stings that Right Place, Right Time is gone. I get that it doesn't really work with the fuel trucks as apposed to the Rockies but I miss it!
No awkward key change in Starlight Sequence!! (If you've heard the current German version, you know.)
For how integral to the plot he is I expected Hydra to get a little more of his own number, but the "It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when" is the most song he gets and the rest is just talking.
Aaand here's Lord Andy's big twist, Rusty explicitly converts himself to run on hydrogen. More on this in a few lines!
They REALLY get their mileage out of what they got Lord Andy to write for this production.
Ok, I see what people mean by them altering Prusty in 2017 to fit 'I Do' better instead of changing the song again. I get it now. I think.
Even as a sapphic, Greaseball still can't spell.
New lyrics in Light At The End of The Tunnel is WEIRD.
I don't hate that they try to work in a message about clean fuels but at the same time I don't think its necessary? Was the original Starlight really meant to convince the audience that coal is the future in real life? Not really. Especially at the end things feel a bit heavy handed but again, I don't HATE it.
Still amazed I am open to/liking this new take on Starlight as much as I am.
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lalalychee · 10 months
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it's halo's 4th gotcha day!! i truly can't imagine my life without this little baby. she is joy incarnate. i love her more than i could ever say 🤍🩷
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