Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Trying to make myself OC post more so under the cut is all my current stories / OC groups and short “descriptions” (not rlly I’m just talking) on them, alphabetical of course (also it’s long!! But labeled so like, if u actually read it u can skip around pretty easy I believe):
An older dream that I wanted to return to for making a new story cuz I wanted new stories and new OCs cuz I like to play. With my toys. From my brain. But anyway 4Corners is named like that cuz there’s 4 sections/big cities of this world where they line up together like a cube (I guess the world would be a cube then…) and each section is like a different dimension almost. There is the aliens section with a pink sky and hazy atmosphere with buildings all stacked together, the human section that is more like a “typical” IRL city bit very tall in buildings as well, another alien section that the sky is white/hazy and they have more technology and a ruler, and then the mystery zone that I need to work on. The main character is like, Ben 10 sort of? Idk how to explain it but he’s a human who for some reason transforms into an alien-like form for unknown reasons. And the other character is a human that was raised in the (pink) alien section. They will cross into each others sections and also like, battle with the leader of the (white) alien section. Still very rough! It’s an old dream so it’s been a while!
A Black Catharsis
I mentioned before, this is my story that I converted from my Ash TS4 save to be an actual OC story and not a gameplay. Malachi of course is the MC and so far what I have is his backstory (still working out some timeline details tho) and then some key events from my gameplay. It’s still about Black vampires eating racists 💁🏽♂️. It’s also a specific revenge tale as well - one of Malachi’s main goals is to kill the vampire who caused his turn. But also like, part of it with his past is not that it’s seen but it’s brought up and I want to like, just exhibit how he changed from then to who he presently is. Cuz like, he’s getting revenge on the guy who turned her but she actually likes being a vampire - there’s specific circumstances about it for both of these things so like I swear I’m tryna make it make sense lmao.
Across the Skin
Of course. My classic. My childhood magnum opus. I still love u girl 😭. Idk what to do. I used to actually like write a lot abt this story in middle school. I still am playing around with the logistics of it - even more so a bit cuz I made New Truth in the same universe as it so it helps to have some cleared world rules there. I always consider bringing back some of the older rules and putting them back but idk how that’d look. The very basic skeleton is still the same tho: Olma and Vince are going into a remote location to study under other psychics to learn powers (or rather, Olma is, and Vince is forcing himself to go along). But the rules of powers and the psychic society I still need to make more solid, it’s an important part of why things happen how they do.
Against My Better Judgment
This one is a group. It’s just like, Riath letting Vikki live in their house, only God knows why. Because I still don’t 😭. Like from their personality I need to know WHY Riath would do that. I also need to do some more logistics stuff. Like how does Dr. V do these things? How did he create life and make Vikki and Richie? How does Richie work as an android of sorts? Hm. More questions like how and why does Vikki leave and hide not being a natural human? What is the scale of tech in this story? Much to think about 🤔
Agtiu Lineup
One of my mains rn I feel. I only have like, one character’s full “arc” and motivations planned best so far (Mériga). I plan this one as having separate parts / “arcs” that would be like: the intro, the parts that relate to each character (but I don’t know when, I just know Mériga’s would be like, third?), and the end. I have some of the world building - aliens that interfere in the evolution of planets to try and help them return to the Earth and then send mech-type shit (or w/e the best word is idk) to random people on the world because of like, monsterous threats (like typical mech stuff). So like I have species lore and some world lore (honestly I have common world lore across a few of my stories where like, it’s our same world but slightly better in certain aspects but like, the same in others 😑 - cuz I want my characters to like, have my real life ethnicities instead of being “coded” but the formation of both of them are inherently tied to colonialism - “US” and Africa 😒 so that parts always i try to work on too)
Newer story cuz it’s actually me trying to rework my reptile fan iteration (if you know u know) cuz I wanna do more of what I want and i want more negros of course. I’m trying to make it as separate as I possibly can but it’s hard cuz there’s some stuff that’s like intrinsically tied to the same ideas that makes my specific stuff I wanna build upon not work if I don’t try to fit it in. So far I’ve worked around the family history by just making changes like making it a fake world instead of set in a more realistic based location, and by fully leaning into how I changed the family drama past for my own purposes. (Also they are spies.) I don’t know what to do about the mutant stuff yet… like what will they look like. How does it happen? Why are they hiding? If I keep animals then I feel like that’s very obvious and I don’t like that. It’s not even that like I’m ashamed or something cuz like if I got asked “is this the inspiration” I’d be like “oh totally” but I really wanna make it more of my own thing rather than a sort of “rip-off” yknow? Like truly I think there’s some fun ideas that don’t have to do with the source inspo that I really wanna play with!
Castle (still tryna think of a proper title)
A much newer story based off a more recent dream. I’m still trying to figure out the setting because when it was a dream the world of it kept shifting back and forth from a human world to a sea creature/mermaid world, and certain important parts were heavily based on which world but all of it relevant to the plot of it. I’m thinking right now it will be a sea world, but also sci-fi techno at the same time. Like the mermaids have a cyber city. Which like, I totally could, but I’m not fully sold on it lowkey. Besides that tho, this story is about a rebellious prince who wants nothing to do with his monarchy, and is trying to escape it. He works on machines that he should not be and hides it with the help of his one friend he has been allowed to have and a new friend who infiltrated his castle. His father is the antag of course. He’s very weird abt keeping the family line and following very strict rules, like typical “we need a pure line” type story shit yeah? Still working on it.
Comic Kid
Group! Zoey and Zack! I just like them. Chillin. Still just being my cool couple OCs 👍🏽. I wanna still build a little bit of sumn out, maybe I’ll bring back the other charas from the original as background charas idk!
Destroy Deviolck City
Story about a society of a panopticon (in the sense of, broadcasting for entertainment tho). I have not watched the Squid Game, but because everyone is talking abt it. There’s maybe a similar vibe based off my osmosis impression. Idk I’m just kinda sayin shit here. But anyway, how the panopticon society works is the very rich / powerful leaders will capture random people in out them in this prison structure where they will record them for their entertainment and also keep people in line through this. However, the prison structures use old buildings as their structure, so there’s pockets where people can go from their assigned room into secret rooms with less watch and this is where certain ppl (such as the protag team) plan to escape and destroy the prisons. So far I’m planning a span of three years of the story (cuz Saint starts as 13 but I imagine within the story she becomes 16 at some point). I’m still working on some important background characters cuz they are central to Saint and Malik’s stories particularly. And I still need to work more on the specifics of the society. And if there are creatures. Cuz this story is another based off a dream (v old tho but I’ve been working on this story since I had that dream so it’s more solid) and in the dream there’s like, an iguana man. And I think that’s cool. But maybe it wouldn’t work. Idk. It could 🤷🏽♀️
Every Day Infinite
Another new one! This one is about an immortal from another dimension where the timeline of the world went backwards in a magic apocalypse, and so when he comes to a world more similar to our real world (but not a 1 to 1 cuz I can’t keep using the same base worldbuilding / history for all my stories - esp cuz most of them aren’t connected. Well. I can. But I do not want to do that.). From this he can acclimate sort of…he first is transported during like. Knight times n shit. In like (the equivalent of) Europe. But in ends up in the (equivalent of) the “US”. Don’t have solid world stuff for it yet but the world he’s from has more stuff. And I have bro’s backstory from it too n I rlly like it! This ain’t even half of the base of it tho. There’s another guy, and he is on a mission to find what happened to his sister, and this causes. Some problems. (Still working on it). There’s also a mind reader and a witch. Lots of stuff with this one.
Hey Rider
Another ex-ts4 one! This is based from my Horse Ranch save! Another where I slightly change world history to make things better cuz I thinkkk I can make it work here. Still tryna figure some details out with it but that’s my base plan for that! So far what I have it stuff that happened in my game of course and also some things I had planned to happen later. I like the gameplays I’ve made into stories cuz I get to play with the backgrounds I imagined for the characters more when I’m doing everything rather than them just being my Sims in a game I can’t fully control even with mods. Although some of the stuff being out of ur control adds extra stuff that’s fun to add so I might end up doing another TS4 to story/group conversion in the future idk!! 🤷🏽♂️
Match to Mine
And another one of my mains I feel. Fully original world building based off AfAm and Kriolu culture, afrofuturism, and just some ideas I have of a more stable type of world (but not in all aspects - cuz like I want there to be a bit of outside conflict so it’s not totally perfect, but I also didn’t want oppression to be a part of the conflict of the narrative. At the end of the day this story is set in a beautiful world where problems rely more on things out of anyone’s control and interpersonal relations). Even with what I said tho, there is metaphorical reference to the reasons for the formations of my cultures (similar reasoning to what I mentioned on my Agtiu section but in a different direction). For my worldbuilding, I have a world map with regions, how time works (world clock), and some styles of the world so far. I also have the social standards / values set as well. This story is very fun to build the world for because of just how much I can build with it without having to work in relation to colonialism and imperialism in the story, and I can make a story with a world that doesn’t have them in it.
My OC world. Newer-ish cuz I made it cuz I wanted certain misc OCs (Séti Ténta Ávi) I had to be in the same world and interact regularly. The base of it centers around ideas I had for Séti as a standalone cuz that was the most built out one, and it works well for the other two characters so I’m glad I put them together. How it works is that Angels and Devils are formed from a random selection of aspects that humans can have (additionally tho Devils can be conceived tho, but not Angels - might change tho cuz like, I think I had a reason but I forgot so it’s like, who cares). (Mermaids are conceived tho, not formed.) Séti is formed newly and trying to figure out who he is and what is purpose it to be, Ávi has been formed and is helping him (in his strange type of way), and Ténta is also along for helping Séti out (and being helped as being newer to land!). It’s an OC group so there’s no like set story that’s just a basic setup.
New Truth
This one is more of a group than a story which I find funny just cuz of its connection to what I concussed my magnum opus as a young teen. It’s just about weird college art people. Shiloh as a psychic being OCD attacked by their powers while not knowing about/understanding them. The rest of the characters are just regular lmao. They’re tryna help them 🙏🏽. If this was more of a story, then maybe I’d have like, an Olma and Vince cameo as helping Shiloh with their powers or something big like that. Would defo be post ATS tho for sure.
OC group from my first actual OC group when I was a kid! There’s only two characters left and their story is totally different than original (it makes my sister sad cuz she really like these OCs of mine so lowkey I consider bringing them back but idk what I would do). The original story was about 8 people in like, a school that are forced to live as story characters for certain genres (it’s kinda like EAH but like, more weird). The current group is the 2 of those characters I have left being scammers lmao. Honestly my original idea is better (but it’s also a whole story n not just a group) so honest maybe I’ll return to the original premise to fix it up and make it better idk!
The Manifesting Collection
My “cartoon story”. I have mentioned somewhere??? (No one prob has seen it lmao) that this is also a dream story! From when I was 12! And in the dream it was formatted as a two season show and I like to think abt that (not happening tho, I am not an animator lmao and plus I’m still working on it). The format is like, episodic with an ongoing plot in the background that comes into the foreground at the end of the first “season”. Still need to do world and world building logistics. But I like this one. This is like, one of my few stories where I can’t make the characters adults tho cuz if the tone and their like, teen behavior that’s inherent to the story 😭. It stresses me out idk why except that I get stressed by ridiculous things that don’t matter (OCD slay!!! ✌🏽) (idk I like making adult characters more now cuz I can do more stuff and it’s more fun for me. I still like the TMC kids tho cuz it doesn’t get so heavy with their story)
The Turn Around
Last of the ts4 games turned story/group! It’s my Dial save! My favorite legacy/main save I played for like 3 years yayyyy 💕. I think it can work well as OCs for the reasons I mentioned on my “description” for Hey Rider. I love the Dials and I’m so excited to work on them as OCs. I wanna make a proper timeline and I wanna figure out how to draw them! I’ve tweaked a bitttt of my notes so far but there’s still quite a few changes I need to make, but it’s coming together so far. I am gonna like retcon stuff I can’t make work cuz of how aging works in the sims yknow, not being realistic at all, but also just cuz since I’ve had this save for so long there’s things I need to change because I forgot the original reasons certain things happen so I gotta make it up now, but it’s not like these changes are bad so it’s not a big deal except when I really really wanna remember a specific detail cuz I remembered I liked it even tho I don’t remembered what it was 😭. With changing this game into a story, I’d say the vibes I want to evoke are like a family drama type of thing. Cuz I mean that’s kinda what legacy saves are right? And I picked the title I have because I wanna reference their last name without straight saying it. It seems like something you would see on a Tv line up so I like it 👍🏽
Traced in Thickets
My true main story at the moment. I’ve been working on Traced since like 2021 😭 I wish I was faster and better at this typa thing - it’s okay tho, that’s the process plus I’m still having fun! I have like the basics of the worldbuilding down for sure - it’s a combination of my typical method of “real world but some things are improved” and “I just made a buncha shit up” because like, part of the base world building is that different Earths of different dimensions are combining! (So like, I actually have a reason for humans existing I guess lmao. I really like humanoid characters over creature like ones okay? 😭). I have written like, the base outline of the first part of the story so far, and I have backgrounds kinda done so far too, but I don’t know how I wanna move into the next part. There’s like specific scenes in my head that would happen and certain points and some sort of an end, but it’s still not fleshed out like that yet. Idk, cuz like at the end of the day this actually a bit of a road trip story if I’m being honest, and those can kinda go however yknow? A road trip story about figuring your life out. Much to think about still.
When You Got Here
This is actually like. Technically a classic sims to story group for me. TS3 even! Not TS4! How it went was that when I was like 11 or something I finally got to get the Supernatural pack (which I was obsessed with as a kid) and I wanted to do like that no adult challenge or w/e. I made four supernatural sims from species i wanted to play with and tried to do that. But I didn’t not understand how to do kids, so it kept not working how I wanted too lmao. And then I just made them OCs and I’ve had them since then. The current version has two parts - the part when I was a teen so they are teens and it’s like the actual plot of being supernatural in the human world (their world is a mirror world to the Earth but with supernaturals), and then the second part where they are adults and just like, reflecting upon how they got there (so I guess like the actual plot and then just like an epilogue and “extras”). I actually have some key stuff done for this one but I haven’t actually written it down cuz I’m so bad at that. Like it’s been years and it just lives in my head (dangerous, because of my terrible memory). So I will have to actually write it at some point. May share when I do so! 👍🏽
// and for Misc OCs:
Anredvel Istotn
Do yall. Remember the dark days. Where I did M H A works…I didn’t even like it 😭 sometimes u do weird shit when ur a teenager. But it’s okay, because 1. It made me start shading my artwork, and 2. I have this OC 😁. I don’t do much with them but hey that’s misc OCs for you. Fairy that I want to dress up in outfits 🫶🏽 and make have anxiety lmao
DeKayde Ilha
Fun fact I never shared before but DeKayde is the third rework iteration of my retired OC Sahi Theba. Very very different from then they’re actually the only one left from the original idea but it’s sooo divorced so it’s like this is basically a completely different OC but I still associate them with each other
The evil fairy demon. I don’t do anything with them but they’re funny. They kill people but not actually it’s like, they trap ppl in a time loop of sorts to kill them but then let them free when they get bored 😭💀 they just like tormenting humans!
Ryn Ollora
My SDV farmer I miss them cuz I don’t be playing video games like that but I still think abt them cuz they’re fun 🫶🏽 No one likes them (except Evelyn my GOAT!!) they are very strange still. I just would make them fish mostly all the time (I’m a chickenshit the mines are scary and I’m lazy I don’t wanna spend time digging around for things to make the townspeople like them 😑) (this is why I only play puzzles, smash bros, and the sims fr…)
“Christian” daughter of the devil in the apocalypse. Maybe if you was here for a bit u know I started writing her story and posting it as a poetry series but I never finished it. What I was going for with her is like rejection in relation to Christianity and such themes, and I’m still kinda at that angle but that was when I was still experiencing a terrible Catholic school experience / when it was still a fresh wound but now it resonates with me less cuz I make my religion my own more now and time has put the religious specifics of my problems quite further from me now. But I still wanna play with the ideas I had started planning with her. Maybe I’ll try to write the poetry series again one day…
Tajah Syleno
Renamed from Yca Syeilno, same character obviously I just wanted to give them a first name I didn’t make up and simplify the spelling of their last name. Still an influencer-type, still a bad bitch, still my fun dress up doll! I should draw them again some time.
Thunas Ipyirus
My knight girl who is on a quest to just live her life (running theme with my characters I fear…) - she wants adventure and excitement! I actually have written much about this character cuz I developed her further for a writing class I took in high school - I actually wrote a scene!! The catalyst of her story is that she finds an enchanted sword that lights a flame when she wields it and this pushes her to try to adventure.
// Okay that’s all of it 👍🏽
#vywork#4Cs#blkcatharsis#ats#ambj#agline#binds ww#untitled (castle)#comkid#ddc#evdayinf#hrider#match#meridevs#newtru#sust#tmc#tta#traced#wygh#misc ocs#1.17.25#january 2025#year 2025#all caps
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The 4 Cs of Diamonds: Your Guide to Choosing the Perfect Sparkle
If you’ve ever shopped for a diamond, you’ve probably heard about the “4 Cs.” But what do they really mean, and how do they affect the beauty and value of a diamond? At Crown Moissanite, we’re here to break it down for you:

1. Carat Carat is all about weight. While many think bigger = better, a well-cut, smaller diamond can outshine a larger one. It’s about balance!
2. Cut This is the most important C! Cut affects how well a diamond reflects light, creating that irresistible sparkle. 💎 A poorly cut diamond, no matter how big, might look dull. 😔
3. Clarity Clarity measures the imperfections inside (inclusions) and outside (blemishes) a diamond. No diamond is perfect, but higher clarity means fewer visible flaws. Most inclusions are so small you won’t even notice them without a magnifying glass.
4. Color Diamonds are graded by their lack of color. The closer a diamond is to being colorless (graded D), the higher its value. Colorless diamonds allow more light to pass through, making them sparkle more!
💡 Tip: Want to maximize your sparkle without breaking the bank? Check out moissanite! At Crown Moissanite, we offer stunning moissanite stones that rival diamonds in beauty, but are more affordable and ethical. 🌿✨
Ready to find your perfect gem? Explore our collection of sparkling moissanite jewelry and embrace a new level of brilliance! 💍
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Really going through it, with those friendship quest bathroom breaks
#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#4c fanart#isat#in stars and time#isat siffrin#isat loop#I saw these two posts back to back and went 'Yeah. That's them.'#I imagine both of these apply post game as well
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Hair. 🌼
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Beauty Everywhere 🤎🥰
#dark skin#dark skinned#pretty#dark girls#beauty#dark skin girls#dark skinned girls#black women#black beauty#blackgirlmagic#natural hair#4c hair#Instagram
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Diamond Jewelry Deals: 5 Tips for Securing the Best Bargains
Educate Yourself: Learn about the 4Cs (color, clarity, cut, and carat weight) and familiarize yourself with diamond grading. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions when searching for the best diamond jewelry deals.
Set a Budget: Determine how much you're willing to spend on diamond jewelry to narrow down your options and prevent overspending.
Compare Prices: Take the time to compare prices from different jewelers or online retailers to ensure you get the best value for your money.
Opt for Certified Diamonds: Choose certified diamonds from reputable gemological laboratories to ensure authenticity and quality.
Shop During Sales: Look for sales and promotions offered by jewelry retailers to take advantage of discounts and special deals.
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Does the Price of the Engagement Ring Reflect the Strength of the Relationship?
When it comes to choosing the perfect engagement ring, many couples find themselves wondering if the cost of the ring truly represents the strength of their relationship. In today’s world, engagement rings are often perceived as symbols of love, commitment, and the promise of a shared future. While the allure of sparkling diamonds and stunning settings can be enchanting, the value of your partnership is not defined by a price tag.
Looking Beyond the Price Tag High-quality diamonds, certified by reputable organizations like the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) or IGI (International Gemological Institute), can reassure you of the stone’s authenticity, craftsmanship, and ethical sourcing. However, the most meaningful part of an engagement ring is the sentiment behind it. Whether you opt for a luxurious diamond solitaire or a more modest piece, the ring should reflect mutual respect, understanding, and the shared dreams that bind you together.
Understanding the Value in Quality Investing in a well-crafted ring means focusing on more than just price. Consider the “4Cs” of diamonds—cut, clarity, color, and carat—alongside the ring’s metal, design, and overall aesthetic. A piece certified by GIA or IGI ensures that you’re paying for genuine quality and lasting beauty. A thoughtful, well-suited ring, even if modestly priced, can become a treasured family heirloom, representing years of love and growth as a couple.
Making a Meaningful Choice Many factors influence what ring feels right for you—personal style, financial stability, and life priorities all matter. It’s perfectly normal to set a budget that reflects your current circumstances without compromising on sincerity. A carefully chosen ring, regardless of cost, becomes a symbol that tells a story unique to you and your partner—a story of companionship, shared values, and unwavering support. After all, your relationship’s worth is measured by the bond you’ve nurtured, not the digits on a price tag.
Conclusion The notion that a pricier ring automatically signifies a stronger relationship is a myth. While a GIA or IGI certified diamond can offer reassurance of quality, the ultimate reflection of love lies in the respect, trust, and care you show each other every day. In the end, it’s the journey you’ve walked together, and the promise of a loving future, that gives the ring its true significance.
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indiv frames below cut
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These two idiots
#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#isat#in stars and time#4c fanart#I think#Loop and Siffrin should be allowed to fight each other regularly#For enrichment#Just like#Give em some potions and let them have at it#Meanwhile those two continue to be my favorite things to draw#Round face with a white bob cut? Hello every dnd OC I've ever made#Spikey object-head that fluctuates with emotions and otherwise does what it wants? Hell yeah sign me up#And they're GALAXY themed?#Oh it is SO over#Aaaanyways I should go to bed#Let the brainrot continue after I sleep for an hour or two
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I've sent these three weird looking cats to gaze at you with their round orbs of knowledge smash that like button if you welcome them into your home ;;
#4cvit#4cvit fanart#squiddo#squiddo fanart#mrcube6#mrcube6 fanart#I love how Squiddo and Cube's designs came out BUT 4CVIT I growl#I FUCKED HIM UP IDK HE LOOKS WEIRD#I LOVE 4C SO IM PISSED I DON'T LIKE HOW I DREW HIM AHRGAHAGGA#Anyway much love gang-alang !!!#lifesteal#lifesteal fanart#lifestealfocus
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🏷️ nabzenab
#black women in luxury#black women in femininity#classy black women#black luxury#feminine energy#goddess energy#4c hair#type 4 natural hair
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Curly Hair Chronicles : My top tips for that define & shine | IT GIRL DIARIES
as requested, i’ve curated this post based on everything i’ve learnt when it comes to taking care of my curls and maximising my hair growth! let’s start…

knowing your hair type & porosity 🎀
first step in taking care of your curls or hair in general, is knowing your hair pattern & porosity because that’s how you have an idea of what your hair needs, how much moisture, specific ingredients in products, wash routine etc etc. above are a few ideas of what different curl patterns look like and a at home testing guide to check your hair porosity. It’s important to remember that you can have a mix of different curl patterns, for example, my hair texture is a mix of 4A, 4B, & 4C. 4A and 4B in the front, 4B in the back, and 4C in the middle—so I’ve created a routine that works specifically for me. this is also why you can’t just take any routine you see online and apply it to your hair. what works for someone else might not work for you if your curl pattern or porosity is different. before trying a new routine, always check if it matches your hair type and porosity. if you have a different mix of curl patterns, i’d suggest doing the porosity test on each area of different curl pattern.

protecting your hair & retaining length 🎀
protecting your hair and retaining length starts with reducing friction & being gentle. detangle your hair when it’s wet and has a deep conditioner in—it makes the process easier and helps prevent breakage & alwaysss detangle in sections. if you have thick, textured hair like mine (4A–4C), try to finger detangle first to remove knots before using a comb or brush. this reduces tension and minimizes shedding, which is key for length retention. always use a microfibre towel when drying your hair after your wash routine! if you don’t have a microfibre towel, use an old cotton t-shirt. at night, protect your hair by braiding it, wrapping it, wearing a silk bonnet, or use a silk pillowcase if bonnets slip off. silk pillowcases are a game-changer for restless sleepers! don’t forget about split ends—keeping them only harms your hair in the long run. split ends will keep splitting up the hair shaft, possibly reaching the follicle and disrupting new growth. trim them regularly or when needed to keep your hair healthy, even if it means losing a bit of length. healthy hair is always better than long, damaged hair!

protective hairstyles & oiling 🎀
styles like braids, mini twists, cornrows, or even a simple wash-and-go can work wonders when looking for a protective hairstyle. above are a few more examples. i stick to braids or twists that aren’t too tight to avoid tension on my scalp, or I do a wash-and-go with my full curly hair routine, leaving the style in for two to three days before touching up. the less you touch your hair, the better, this is key when it comes to retaining length as well. make sure your braids or twists aren’t too heavy—extra-long or jumbo braids can weigh down your hair, causing breakage instead of protecting it. protective styles should protect, not damage! low manipulation hairstyles are key when it comes to length retention and keeps your curl pattern in tact.
low manipulation hairstyles =
- no tight ponytails ( you shouldn’t feel your hair being pulled/slick back are ok just in moderation )
- braids ( i know the bust down braids and goddess locs are insta cute but it actually damages your hair instead of protecting it, imagine adding like triple the amount of hair to your head, it won’t be able to hold it up, stick to knotless braids or even box braids and have a decent length)
- wigs ( im not a fan & i’ve never personally worn wigs but from other opinions that it grows your hair amazing since you never touch your actual hair, it makes sense though and is actually very beneficial so if it’s your thing, do it)
seal in your moisture with an oil that works for your hair, could be a hair growth oil etc, like black jamaican castor oil which i use. apply it after your leave-in conditioner or other products since oil acts as a barrier to lock in hydration, it should always come last in your routine.

wash routine & monthly treatments 🎀
when it comes to wash routines and monthly treatments, it’s important to remember that one size doesn’t fit all. everyone has unique needs and preferences for their hair care. of course, there are a few essentials for your wash routine—like shampoo and conditioner. everything else, such as masks, oils, or leave-in products, is a personal addition that makes your routine your own. you’ve probably heard that shampoos and conditioners containing sulfates and parabens can have a negative impact on your hair. but in my experience, this isn’t entirely true—it depends on your hair type and scalp condition. for me, with my thick 4a-4c curls, shampoos with sulfates and parabens are a game-changer. by the end of the week, my curls usually have a lot of product buildup. when i tried switching to an “all-natural” shampoo that was sulfate- and paraben-free, it didn’t work for me. my scalp never was fully clean, and there was always some product residue left behind. this caused mad itching throughout the week because of the leftover buildup. when i switched back to a shampoo with sulfates and parabens, everything changed. my scalp felt properly cleansed, and the itchiness disappeared. my conclusion on this is that, if you have type 1-2 curls and wash your hair multiple times a week, only then, you might want to opt for sulfate- and paraben-free products. washing daily with harsh chemicals can strip your hair of its natural oils and lead to dryness in the long run. however, if you have type 3-4 curls and wash your hair weekly, a shampoo with sulfates and parabens can be beneficial. it makes sure your scalp is thoroughly cleansed of all the buildup from the previous week, leaving your curls fresh and healthy. the key takeaway? listen to your hair and find what works for you. every curl type is unique, and so should your routine be. now for monthly treatments, it should align with your specific hair goals. if you want growth, choose treatments that promote length retention. for hydration and nourishment, opt for products that moisturize and feed your hair. my go-to treatments are monthly hot oil treatments and deep conditioning, you can also try diy treatments at home.
My Curly Hair Routine - Type 4A-4C
- pre poo with jamaicain castor oil, i leave it on for an hour & do other things in the meantime.
- if i’ve straightened my hair i don’t finger detangle but if otherwise, i wet my hair with lukewarm water, apply a little bit of deep conditioner on my hair and finger detangle into 4 sections.
- i double shampoo & only apply it to my scalp, basically to my partings, wait for it to foam up and then shampoo each section individually, only my scalp!
- when i rinse my hair i let the shampoo run down the rest of my hair & i use luke warm water while rinsing. while shampooing and everything i keep my hair in those 4 sections.
- once it’s cleared completely i make sure there are no sudds and all the poo is cleared out and then i go in with my conditioner and comb through each section individually with a wide tooth comb. from end to root always.
- leave that on whilst i wash my body & then rinse off. after that i apply my placenta to my scalp and my deep conditioner, take my parts down unless i plan on doing twists or braids then i keep it up.
- after styling or whatever i just apply a little bit of my gel, not too much because i do touch ups throughout the week and i try to avoid product buildup and then let my hair dry sometimes air dry if it’s hot out or i’ll use a diffuser. after that i apply my hair oil and separate my curls if i want more volume.
- throughout the week, for touchups i mix lukewarm water and like 2 drops of my deep conditioner & hair oil, mix it up and spray it on my hair until it’s damp, i finger coil any curls that may have loosened through the week and after i’ve done that i then again apply a bit more gel and let it air dry.
- i typically do wash days every week but I’ve been trying to stretch it 2 weeks experimenting with different low manipulation styles, ive noticed my hair is healthier when I don’t wash it every week but sometimes i have to because of product buildup and i hate that!
- i do the pineapple method when im sleeping but no longer use a bonnet since it kept falling off, i use a silk & satin pillowcase.
- for my monthly hot oil treatments, i diy them at home. i mix avocado oil, rosemary stems & jamaican castor oil, heat it up in a pot for about an hour on low, let it cool down to just a bit above room temp and apply it my scalp, comb it through & leave it on overnight. same with deep conditioning except i don’t diy this, i buy a product depending on what my hair has been lacking or needed in that month.

these are all my tips for the girls who need advice when it comes to learning how to take care of your curls. soon i will be releasing a post on being a straight natural and how to keep your curl’s healthy during silk presses!
xoxo, colebabey888
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my elogies eulogize me
#uhhh lifesteal spoilers in tags lifesteal spoilers#this was made before that thing that happened involving the mystery house#or at least before i watched it?? holy shit 4c#lifesteal fanart#lifesteal smp#lifesteal#lifesteal spoilers#derapchu#prince zam fanart#prince zam#princezam#derap#derapchu fanart#team atlas#lifesteal spoiler
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#jumperwho#squiddo#therealsquiddo#ashswag#ashswag fanart#parrotx2#wifies#4cvit#habemus arteado#if you think i forgot anyonw shut it i didnt#first i forgot jumper then 4c EVERYONES HERE OKAY
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F-4C Phantom II and armament
@AcePilotAV via X
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How to Get a Diamond Engagement Ring Appraised: A Step-by-Step Guide
Appraising a diamond engagement ring is essential for ensuring its value, whether for insurance, resale, or peace of mind. Knowing how to get a diamond engagement ring appraised will not only provide you with accurate information about its worth but also help you make informed decisions when buying, selling, or insuring your precious ring. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about getting your engagement ring appraised.
What Is a Diamond Engagement Ring Appraisal?
An appraisal is a professional evaluation of your diamond ring’s quality, characteristics, and current market value. A certified gemologist or appraiser will assess your ring based on various factors, including the diamond’s 4Cs (cut, color, clarity, and carat weight), metal type, and overall craftsmanship. The final appraisal report provides a detailed description of your ring and an estimated value.
Appraisals are typically used for insurance purposes, so in case of loss, theft, or damage, you will receive compensation based on the ring's appraised value. Some people also seek appraisals for estate planning, resale, or as a way to verify the authenticity and value of their purchase.
Why Is It Important to Get Your Diamond Engagement Ring Appraised?
Appraising your diamond engagement ring is essential for several reasons:
Insurance Protection: By getting an accurate appraisal, you can insure your engagement ring at its full value, ensuring you’re covered if something happens to it.
Resale and Trade-In: If you ever decide to sell or upgrade your engagement ring, an appraisal will give you a clear idea of its market value, helping you set a fair price.
Verification of Authenticity: Appraisals verify the diamond’s authenticity, making sure that you’re getting exactly what you paid for when you purchase a ring.
Estate Planning: For those passing down jewelry as part of an estate, appraisals provide accurate records for the distribution of assets.
How to Get a Diamond Engagement Ring Appraised: Step-by-Step
Choose a Certified Appraiser Start by selecting a reputable and certified appraiser. Look for someone accredited by recognized organizations such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Certified appraisers adhere to strict standards and provide detailed, unbiased reports.
Prepare Your Ring for Appraisal Clean your ring before the appraisal to ensure that the diamond’s brilliance and characteristics are easy to see. If you have any original certificates or documents (such as a GIA certificate), bring them to the appraisal as they may help the appraiser in their evaluation.
Understand What the Appraisal Covers A comprehensive appraisal will evaluate the diamond’s cut, color, clarity, and carat weight, as well as the ring’s setting and metal type. It’s important to ask what’s included in the appraisal to ensure you receive a thorough evaluation.
Get a Written Report Once the appraisal is complete, the appraiser will provide you with a detailed written report. This report should include the characteristics of the diamond and ring, as well as an estimated value. Keep this document safe, as you will need it for insurance purposes or if you decide to sell the ring.
Schedule Regular Appraisals It’s a good idea to have your ring appraised every few years, as the market value of diamonds and precious metals can fluctuate. Regular appraisals ensure that your insurance coverage remains accurate.
How Much Does a Diamond Ring Appraisal Cost?
The cost of an appraisal can vary depending on the complexity of the ring and the appraiser's credentials. Typically, an appraisal can range from $50 to $150 per ring. Some jewelers like Beverly Diamonds may offer complimentary appraisals when you purchase the ring from them, so be sure to ask.
Conclusion: Protect Your Investment with a Professional Appraisal
Getting your diamond engagement ring appraised is a smart and necessary step in protecting your investment. Whether you're insuring your ring, planning for the future, or just verifying its value, a professional appraisal provides peace of mind and security. Make sure to choose a certified appraiser and keep your appraisal reports updated regularly.
If you found this article helpful, be sure to like and subscribe for more valuable insights on diamond engagement rings, jewelry care, and much more!
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