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chris-tarrant-official · 8 months ago
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tippysattic · 8 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: US Navy petty class cover black with pin.
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quiltofstars · 1 year ago
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M58 // DoubleStarPhotography
One of the brighter members of the Virgo Cluster, M58 is a barred spiral galaxy. In other words, it is a spiral galaxy, but instead of a spherical bulge at its center, it has a bar-shaped structure at its center. About two-thirds of all spiral galaxies in the local universe have bars, including (perhaps) our own Milky Way.
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damnfandomproblems · 1 year ago
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Fandom Problem #4579:
Not sure if this even counts as a fandom problem, but boy, why do some fanfics and fanarts feel like lowkey advertisements for high fashion brands? I'll be reading a fanfic, everything is pretty basic in how it's described "He wore a loose red shirt, and some sweatpants" and then just a random "He wore his red gucci slides with the little bows and the feathers from endangered birds." and then it just goes back to business. It's like those random sneak-ads in movies or youtube videos.
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rw-lizardcollector · 2 months ago
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Green Lizard from Industrial Complex
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fungusfactory · 6 months ago
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i like sprunki .yes . huge fan of this ... i made some vrc avatars for 2 characters (so far.) i'll make more later im very sleepy https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_11453dca-d9e0-4579-8c1a-c3a12afc7dde
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joelalorian · 5 months ago
Through Every Lifetime
marcus moreno x f!reader | wc: 4579 | 18+ mdni | masterlist
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Summary: Two souls find each other through every lifetime when love refuses to give up.
Warnings: Rated E for the naughty bits, 18+ minors mdni. A touch of angst, lots of fluff, some good ol' smut. Unprotected p in v, f!oral. Soulmate vibes. Young Missy. Reader has hair and skin of unspecified color. No ages mentioned other than Missy's. No use of y/n.
A/N: Thank you to @burntheedges for inspiring this piece with the Roll-A-Trope Challenge! I received "reincarnation" as the trope and went with Marcus Moreno because the man deserves a love story. Please check out all the other wonderful challenge entries here.
Dividers courtesy of @saradika-graphics
Smoke filled the air, stealing the oxygen from your lungs. Fellow villagers scrambled around you, choking on the ashes of their burning homes as you stared around in shock.
How could things have fallen apart so quickly?
Just hours ago, you and your fierce warrior met in the fields beneath a clear sky filled with the brightest stars you could remember seeing. The pair of you laid in the tall grasses, hidden safely from view of any villagers wandering in the midnight hour, and spoke of a future you hoped to spend together. You let your bodies to most of the talking, but there was no doubt that you and Marcus Moreno were meant for each other.
From the day you first set eyes on him, a weary warrior searching for a new home after the only one he knew was destroyed by raiders. Dirty and tired as he looked, Marcus was still the most gorgeous man you ever set eyes upon. Tall and broad, with dark, thick hair and eyes that pierced your soul, you were lost from that moment on.
The attraction? Mutual.
The bond? Instant.
The love? Everlasting.
It felt like you knew him for a thousand lifetimes yet there was so much more left to learn. He was an enigma to you.
The stories the old women of your village told around the fire as they cooked the plunders of the day’s hunt, of love and romance, made sense to you then. Marcus made you understand all of that.
A sharp cry of your name drew you back to the present, to the oppressive heat and thick air, to the crackling of wood burning, of your home being obliterated from existence.
Eyes darting wildly around the horrific scene before you, Marcus shouted your name again as he fought his way through the crowd of frantic villagers.
“Marcus!” you sobbed, falling into his arms the moment he reached you. “What is happening?”
“We’re being attacked! You need to get out of here, go with the other women and hide. Don’t let these men catch you, please!”
His tone something you never heard before, so hopeless and terrified, brought tears to your eyes. You only clutched him harder, refusing to let go.
“No! I can’t leave you!” Your voice cracked, knowing in your heart nothing good would come from leaving him. Nor would any good come from staying. Rock, meet hard place.
The sound of arrows cutting through the air surrounded you, and Marcus shifted you both beneath a copse of trees, protecting you from the deadly projectiles. “My Angel, you must,” Marus insisted, using his favorite term of endearment for you. His large yet infinitely gentle hands grasped your face, his eyes dark pools of worry. “I must fight, and I need to know that you are safe. Please.”
Your souls reached for each other; your bodies unable to support you anymore. The Earth rose to meet you both as you crashed to the ground in a tangle of limbs. You clutched him to you with superhuman strength, unable to let go. “No! Please! I love you, Marcus. I can’t lose you. We haven’t had enough time!”
No amount of time would have been enough, if you were being honest.
His large hands gently grasped your face again, thumbs swiping away the tears flowing down your cheeks. “My love for your is eternal, no matter how little time we’ve had together. I live and die for you, Angel.”
“Then live! Live for me, Marcus,” you begged, tears falling harder when he kissed you with desperation. You would have crawled beneath his skin and burrowed into his chest cavity if possible, so strong the urge to never let him go.
The sounds of battle grew ever closer, and you knew the time to let go had come, as much as the entirety of your being, your soul fought against the idea. You shared one last kiss, pouring every ounce of love for each other into it, before separating.
“Go, run!” Marcus ordered, tears visibly glistening in the fire reflected in his dark eyes as he watched you flee to safety.
You glanced once over your shoulder, sneaking one more glimpse of him as you fled. That was the last time you saw Marcus Moreno in your lifetime.
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Some days, Marcus Moreno wondered how in the world he managed to keep both himself and an eight-year-old Missy alive. With his wife, Melanie, gone for two years now, he thought – no, hoped – things would get easier. Times like this, he doubted that would ever happen.
Missy, in all her endless adorableness, tried to do something nice for him by making breakfast. Unfortunately, the kitchen did not fair well in this endeavor. Pancake mix splattered everywhere from the counters to the ceiling – how in the world did she manage that, he wondered – and the remaining mix that survived was burnt into little hockey pucks. The smoke alarms that woke him initially, alerting him to the disaster, still screeched despite the open windows and his frantic waving of a dish towel beneath them.
Freshly showered and already soaked through with a stress-induced sweat, Marcus teetered on the edge of his breaking point. He had a busy workday ahead of him, still needed to get Missy ready and drop her off at school and come up with a way to tell Granada that he couldn’t do fieldwork anymore due to Missy’s begging.
His little girl was terrified of losing another parent – the only one she had left – and Marcus could not blame her for that.
Just when he thought he would succumb to a panic attack, his mother walked through the front door.
“¡Ay dios mio! What in the world is going on in here?” Anita Moreno exclaimed, immediately assuming control of the situation. With expert efficiency, she dispatched the ruined pancakes, cleared up the pancake mix, and got the damn smoke alarms to finally shut the hell up.
On the verge of a breakdown, Marcus fell heavily into a seat at the kitchen table. Shoulders slumped and feeling like a failure, he bounced his forehead against the wooden table top a few times.
“Mijo, go get cleaned up and changed. I’ll take care of Missy.”
His mom was a goddamn life saver.
With a sigh, Marcus heaved himself off the chair, pressing a kiss to first his mom’s head, then Missy’s. “Thank you, Mom. I… I don’t know where I’d be without your help.”
Anita just smiled sadly at him in return, watching as he told his own child how much he loved her before heading up the stairs with glistening eyes.
“He is still so sad,” Missy said sagely, wise beyond her eight years of life.
“He is,” Anita replied simply. “It’s a lot for him to have to do all of this on his own and with the added pressure at work, he feels overwhelmed. But he loves you so much, he’d do anything for you.”
“I know,” Missy admitted. “I miss my mom every day, and I know Dad does, too. I just wish…”
Anita waited for the little girl to finish the thought, but when it was clear Missy wasn’t going to on her own, the older woman helped her along. “You just wish what?”
“I just wish he had someone, you know, to care about him and love him like Mom did.” After another moment, Missy added, “Is that bad?”
Anita’s eyes softened, and she pulled the girl in for a tight hug. “No, not at all. We all want that for him. Love… well, love is rarely a bad thing, and we all deserve to find it, to have it, to feel it.”
The pair grew quiet until Anita ushered Missy into her room to finish getting ready for school. An idea was percolating in Anita’s mind, something that would help her son cope with being a single father while also leading the Heroics, and hopefully, give him something else to focus on. She had just the woman in mind for this little idea of hers, too.
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Down on your luck after a sudden layoff, you joined a book club for something to take your mind off life’s struggles. The group was a nice mix of women ranging in age from 30 to 65 and you found yourself enjoying every moment spent with them.
Over the past month, you grew particularly close with Anita Moreno, the unofficial leader of the group. The connection was instant – during your first meeting, Anita took one look at your downtrodden expression and made it her mission to befriend you.
The pair of you quickly set a pattern of meeting for coffee on the weekends, where you sat listening to the older woman speak of her son and granddaughter, her former job at the Heroics, and any number of other fascinating topics. It didn’t take long to feel like you already knew the people in her life just by how much she spoke about them.
So, it was little to no surprise when Anita had an immediate solution to the problem when you casually mentioned the lack of luck in finding a decent job and the pending expiration of your lease on the apartment you could no longer afford.
“Marcus needs help,” Anita stated plainly.
“What kind of help?” You doubted there was a single thing in the world that you could help the ever-capable leader of the freaking Heroics with.
Anita smiled with the confidence of a woman who knew she was exactly right. “The kind that would make his life easier. Helping out with Missy, taking care of the house, just generally being there to support him. You could even stay at the house with them – it would solve your housing situation.”
That sounded like… a lot, moving in with two people you’ve not even met yet. “Are you sure they’d want me to live there? I mean, does he even know you’re suggesting this?”
Anita was exactly the kind of woman to hatch a brilliant plan without informing anyone until all the wheels were in motion.
She waved you off. “I’m sure they’d love to have you there. One look at you and Marcus will be kneeling at your feet in gratitude.”
You shook your head with a laugh. You doubted that. Anita enticed you some more with the weekly pay she offered. Between that and having a place to live other than your car, how could you possibly turn the offer down?
“Ok, fine. You win, I’ll take the job.” You held up a finger at Anita’s ecstatic expression. “But I need you to make sure your son is on board with all of this before I just show up at his house with all my worldly belongings.”
“I’ll take care of everything, don’t worry.”
You still felt a pit in your stomach. You loved Anita like family, but you didn’t necessarily trust her.
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“You what?!” Marcus exclaimed into the phone. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sat back in his office chair. “Mom, you can’t just hire someone to live in my home without asking me first!”
He knew his mom meant well and only wanted to help, but what the hell was she thinking offering a perfect stranger the opportunity to live in his home and take care of Missy without even checking if it was something he wanted.
The weight of the world pressed down harder on his shoulders as Marcus listened to his mom’s expertly crafted argument and before he knew it, he agreed to the plan. He would meet this mystery woman, who was apparently very close friends with his mom, tonight.
Marcus really had no control over his own life, it seemed.
The workday could not end soon enough – being diplomatic with a group of superpowered people who acted like overgrown children more often than not was exhausting. Marcus dashed away in the middle of Miracle Guy’s long-winded complaint about… shit, Marcus didn’t even remember what it was, nor did he care. He needed a break, to get home and decompress for a moment before his new houseguest arrived.
Too exhausted to do much more than a brief tidy up of the house and a quick shower for himself, Marcus ordered pizza and waited for his mother to arrive with you. He still didn’t know how to feel about this plan of his mother’s, but he couldn’t deny that he needed help.
God, he hoped you were nice and trustworthy. If you were a friend of his mom’s, then you were likely older, maybe had children and grandchildren of your own. Hopefully you wouldn’t try to mother him, though. He got enough of that from his own mom, thank you very much.
All too soon, the bell rang signaling the arrival of the pizza. Almost immediately after he closed the door, his mother knocked twice and opened the door. Marcus placed the pizza box on the counter and turned around, locking eyes with you.
Time stopped.
Ever have that feeling of déjà vu, but like with a person? Like you met them before, but not in this life?
That’s what it felt like to Marcus as his heart thudded in his chest. Wide, dark chocolate eyes drank every detail of you in from behind black plastic framed glasses. That feeling growing larger as he took in the shape of your face, the color of your eyes, the hesitant curve of your lips as you stared back at him in equally wide-eyed wonder.
Did you feel it, too?
Marcus got the sense that you did, judging by the look in your eyes which no doubt matched the one in his own.
Seconds became minutes as you stared at each other, neither noticing Anita and Missy glancing between the pair of you with delightful curiosity.
“It’s getting awkward now, right?” Missy whispered, her little brows furrowed as she continued watching her dad and you stare at each other.
“Indeed, it is,” Anita replied quietly. With a quick clap of her hands, she snapped the two of you back to reality. Despite the manners she instilled in Marcus, he clearly wasn’t going to introduce himself with the trance he was in, so Anita took the liberty.
“Mijo, this is the friend I told you about.” Urging you both closer, Anita spoke your name. “This is my son, Marcus.”
“Hi, Marcus,” you said, your voice like music to his ears. Reaching out a hand to shake his, you added, “Have we met before?”
“It sure feels like it, doesn’t it?” Marcus took your hand in his larger one, grip strong yet gentle, and… you both gasped as a sudden jolt of electricity passed between you the moment your skin touched.
Suddenly, flashes of a previous life played through his mind. A starry night filled with fire and panic, arrows whipping through the smoky air as villagers fled their burning homes. And you. You were there with him, tears in your fearful eyes as you declared your love and begged him not to leave you moments before saying goodbye for the last time. Like a movie playing in reverse, he flashed back from that point, catching more glimpses of that prior life, of your time together, of the love you shared in your too short lives.
“My Angel,” Marcus cooed at you as he came back to reality. His hand tightened around yours as his other hand rose up to graze against the soft skin of your face.
“Marcus,” you breathed, eyes glistening. “We really have met before.”
“You saw that, too?” Marcus questioned, heart beating frantically against his ribcage. “I’ve never experienced something like that. How is that possible?”
“Me neither,” you admitted. “I have no idea.”
The two of you stood frozen, hands still clasped and eyes locked until Missy couldn’t take it anymore.
“What’s going on? Why are you being so weird, Dad?” she questioned, confused at the odd behavior. She’d never seen that look on her dad’s face, mesmerized like he was in awe and love, yet a little scared and unnerved all at the same time.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Anita murmured, watching you and her son share an entirely unique experience. “I’ve heard of this happening but never saw it firsthand.”
“What? What is happening? What are you talking about?” Missy was beginning to panic, tears brimming in her eyes at her frustration and fear.
Marcus, still frozen and feeling like an otherworldly force held in him place, held your hand in his, and glanced at his mom. A slight tilt of his head toward Missy was all it took for Anita to get the message, and she scooped the confused young girl to her side.
“Why don’t we all sit down and have some pizza. I’ll share what I know about what’s going on while we eat,” Anita said, leading the way into the kitchen. Once everyone was seated with a slice of pizza in front of them, Anita began her explanation. “Have you ever heard of reincarnation?”
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It took a week after Anita explained the phenomenon for everyone to accept and adapt to the concept of you and Marcus being reincarnated lovers from a time long ago. It was strange, and you danced around each other awkwardly in that first week. Still, the plan remained the same – you would move in and assist with caring for Missy and anything else that Marcus needed help with. But, given the circumstances, it felt wrong to accept money for it.
You moved into the guest room down the hall from Marcus’ bedroom, neither of you ready to just jump right into a relationship let alone share a bedroom based on history and a cosmic pull towards each other. Despite your souls longing to connect, the mutual decision was made to take things slow and allow the instant connection to percolate and strengthen naturally.
Missy took to you at once and you wondered if your soul connected to the part of Marcus her own soul carried. You bonded over a love of sweets and silly teen shows and puzzles and immense joy in teasing Marcus. The pair of you spent many an afternoon working on one puzzle or another in front of the television after homework was finished, waiting for Marcus to get home from work.
You and Marcus dipped your toes into exploring the connection between you in small ways starting with morning conversations over coffee and expanding into a first, then second date.  
Before you knew it, a month passed, and the third date night arrived. The first two were lovely dinners out together, the two of you sharing anything and everything about each other over pasta and wine. The third date, however, was a quiet night at home sans Missy, who was spending the night at Anita’s house.
Even though you were staying home, you put some effort into your appearance, styling your hair and putting on a light layer of makeup. You stuck with comfortable yet fitted clothing though. It was the third date, after all, and you imagined whatever you wore would end up on the floor at some point.
Marcus waited at the bottom of the stairs as you made your way to the ground floor, a goofy grin on his handsome face. He opted for comfortable as well, you noticed, and looked sexy as hell in black joggers and a fitted tee shirt. The slim fit of the pants offered a dazzling view of his bulge, hinting at the treasure hidden beneath. Your mouth watered.
“You look beautiful, Angel.” Marcus entwined your fingers in his, pulling your hand up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on your smooth skin. “I ordered in from that sushi place in town. That alright?”
“That’s perfect, Marcus.” You leant over and kissed his cheek just above the patchy scruff you loved. “Let’s eat in the living room and watch a movie.”
The pull of your connection had become nearly overwhelming in the last few days, and you longed to cuddle up next to him on the plush sofa.
“Were you reading my mind?” Marcus grinned, grabbing a bottle of wine, two glasses, and the bag of takeout before following you into the living room.
The blinds were drawn, and a few candles were lit in place of the usual lamps, giving the room a romantic feel perfect for your third date. Marcus really thought this through. With a quick click of the remote, the opening credits to a classic movie played on the TV but you didn’t pay attention.
“Do you think we met in other lives besides that first one?” you asked before slipping a piece of spicy tuna into your mouth.
“I’d like to think so.” His soulful eyes gazed at you with burgeoning love. “This connection feels too strong to be contained in just one or two lifetimes. I imagine we’ve been connected throughout history, and that vision we both saw only showed us the beginning.”
“Yeah, I’d like to think that, too.” You both sipped at the wine, minds whirling.
Moments later, the remnants of dinner were left forgotten as Marcus pulled you in for a wine-soaked kiss. His lips danced across yours, tongue teasing along the seam before licking into your mouth. The kiss was sensual and full of promise and made your heart race.
He eased you back until your body splayed on the couch, lips caressing every inch of bare skin from your neck to your ankles. “I can’t stop thinking about you, dreaming about you, about a life together. This feeling… this connection is so strong it’s almost overwhelming.”
You keened, hips lifting slightly as Marcus slipped his fingers under the waistband of your pants, sliding them, along with your panties, down your hips and legs in one fluid motion. He tossed the clothing aside and you giggled internally, having known that whatever you wore would end up on the floor at some point.
Large hands roamed the expanse of skin revealed before easing your legs open, exposing you fully to his hungry eyes.
“Can I taste you?”
You never heard a man’s voice pitched with such neediness, but it was no match for your own.
“Please, Marcus,” you whined, fingers already curling into his thick hair and tugging urgently. He left his glasses on as his head dipped between your legs and licked at your folds. You never saw anything so deliciously hot. You loved his glasses.
His tongue swirled around your clit, and he dipped first one, then two fingers inside you to tease at that delicious spot deep inside. Marcus toyed with you until you moaned and squirmed beneath his ministrations.
“I’ve never tasted anything so delicious, my Angel. I could feast on you for the rest of my days.”
You came, body quivering with the pleasure flooding your senses and Marcus slurped at the fruits of his labor. He sat up, removing both his clothes and glasses, and you soaked in the glorious sight of his naked body as your own trembled in anticipation.
You watched with lust filled eyes as he reached into the pocket of the joggers, pulling out a condom before dropping the material to the floor. You appreciated the gesture, but you wanted nothing more than to feel just him, all of him.
Reaching out a hand and placing it over the one holding the condom, you shook your head. “I want to feel you, Marcus. Just you. It’s okay, I’m clean and safe.”
His puppy eyes widened. “Ar – are you sure?”
You nodded. “Completely. It’s been a long time for me, and I imagine the same for you. It’s okay.”
Marcus tossed the condom aside and pounced, leaving you squealing in surprise as his mouth met yours. His hands roamed, stripping you of the last bit of remaining clothing and plucking at your hardened nipples, as your hands scratched up and down his back.
The hardness of him, full and heavy, pressed against you, further igniting the ache in your core. Your hands slipped downward, grabbing handfuls of his ass as your hips wriggled until his cock pressed at your entrance.
The moment he slipped inside you, the world around you fell away and that electric pulse struck again. You made love like nothing you ever experienced before, the love and passion of a hundred lifetimes together melding into this one and taking the intimacy and pleasure to new heights.
“Angel, fuck, you feel so good.” Marcus worked his hips against you, thrusts perfectly paced to draw out the swell of your orgasm.
“Don’t stop, please,” you begged, fingers clawing at his back.
“Do you feel that?” Marcus snapped his hips, hitting that sweet spot and making you keen. “How is this possible? I’ve never felt anything like this before.”
You knew exactly what he meant. You never felt so close to another person before, like the connection surpassed physics and reality and even the god damned space-time continuum. The pleasure was ethereal, growing and growing until the damn burst. Eyes rolling back in your head, your orgasm exploded through you, your walls fluttering around his cock as he worked you through it. Flashes of white shined beneath your eyelids, leaving you breathless and dumbstruck. The only sound you could manage was his name drawn out in the sweetest melody. Marcus, Marcus, Marcus.
“Fuck, Angel,” Marcus moaned into your neck, his movements growing sloppy until his hips snapped one last time. He came harder than he ever had before, filling you with rope after rope of cum and, probably, a little bit of his soul.
He collapsed atop you with exhaustion as the pleasure ebbed. After a moment, Marcus mumbled an apology and shifted to move off you, but you held fast to him. “No, stay. I like being with you like this.”
Huffing a chuckle into your skin, he settled back into place, his softening cock still inside you. “You felt that, right? I can’t find the words to describe it, but it was different from any sex I’ve ever had, even with my wife.” He winced as the final words left his mouth, but you didn’t mind the reference to his deceased wife while he was still inside you – everyone had a past.
Nodding against his shoulder, you hummed. “I felt it. It’s almost like an out of body experience. I think that is the universe’s way of letting us know we are truly meant for each other.”
“I wonder if it will be like that every time?”
“Only one way to find out,” you replied with a giggle.
Marcus propped his chin on your chest, meeting your gaze with half-lidded, vulnerable eyes. “Is it crazy to say I’m falling in love with you?”
“Nah, I’d say that’s par for the course,” you teased in return. Craning your neck, you kissed away the crease between his eyebrows. “I’m falling in love with you, too, Marcus.”
Three months later, Marcus proposed. Six months after that, you exchanged vows in front of a small group of friends and family, with Missy happily standing next to you. And for the rest of your lives – this one and all the rest to come – you shared a soul that would reunite every incarnation of you both. And yes, the sex was that fucking good every damn time.
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whoisthetank · 16 days ago
Bold ask after proposal, getting on one knee, saying him I love you in 4579 languages, and after not even asking to be a valentine, just stating the fact
suddenly... FRIEND ZONE 🙂
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jazwritesstuff · 2 months ago
I Could Go Anywhere by JazWrites (Chapter 12)
Summary: Because no matter how much sense Alex makes, no matter how easy it should be, Mickey knows he’s never been all there. Because part of him—maybe the best part—has always belonged to someone else.
Word Count: 4579
Notes: Last one (before the epilogue) and I can’t believe we’re here! 🥺
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fennecfiree · 1 year ago
made a whiteboard if anyone wants to joiiinnnn! (rules are simple, no nsfw, no drawing over/messing up peoples art. oh also feel free to post the doodles you made on here hehe
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lilolilyr · 2 months ago
✨ Ao3 Wrapped 2024 ✨
2022 • 2023 • more
Works published: I wrote 54 fics this year - 51 you can see plus some on anon ;)
Wordcount: 142,245
I managed to hit my 100k goal quite early this year! And even without counting my ~20k Avorah draft pile, I'm way past it :D As I'm drafting this in early November, this is my stats sheet (adding how it looks now for comparison, I did have some movement in the last two months):
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Kudos: 2489
Hits: 37008
Bookmarks: 385
Subscriptions: 183 to my account, 188 to separate works! Funny how that's almost identical numbers rn! Last year my work subs were much lower... I wish I could compare the account subscriptions of past years but for some reason it just shows the current one no matter where I click.
Most popular by kudos: ohhh all those upcoming stats looked So different a couple months ago, namely before I wrote some shortfics for Star Wars, which wins at all those stats by sheer number of people in the fandom xD and finishing the Mirandy Jigsaw podfic also kicked it back up the stats! I don't really know whether to count it as I didn't start it this year, but I did Finish it in October... Hm. So yeah, prior to that the top5 fics in all of the stats were Avorah fics i think. Wish I took a screenshot of that! Now, the most kudosed with 245 is Star Wars Visions of a Future Past
Most hits: Jigsaw with 4579, followed again by visions with 3236
Longest: Bering&Wells Being Known for @anandabrat 13.906 words
Shortest: apart from the podfics? Berena evening for @squishmittenficfan with 1010 words, followed closely by Avorah Closure for @emeraldorchids with 1017! No drabbles this year?? This feels fake, I remember writing at least a Berena one! Oh lol I still had the 'gift fic' filter because that's the last thing I looked at, doing this all out of order... I do in fact have several Berena drabbles. And a Gunpowder Milkshake ficlet of 333 words and a Star Wars Codywan ficlet at 350. All of them here.
Most Comments: technically Jigsaw but not all of them are from 2024, so Being Known with 22 comment threads
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The other fics you can see on my stats screenshots here are
The Avorah fics that used to lead in all categories: All About Risk, Tethered, Mistaken Identity, Totally Straight and of borrowed swimsuits, panic attacks and parties without purpose. Mostly smut here!
battles left behind and won, the second part of my Star Wars time travel fic. The third part with Dooku/Jaster smut didn't do as well, maybe because of the rare pair, maybe just because I forgot to link to it from part 2.
& my Avorah wip pile which I'm not counting for the word count total because it consists of several abandoned drafts
(and yes my cursed HP sioc is winning by subs and bookmarks probably because I never update it)
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Comment to show off: I'm bad at remembering things so idk which one was my actual fav but I got a comment last month that really made me smile, it's on an old fic in a fandom I'm not really active in anymore but the characters and that fic idea is still very dear to me and the fic only ever got a handful of comments, so seeing this was lovely <3
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I also really love getting comments on my podfics as well, especially from people who've already listened to the whole thing! I don't have one specific one but I remember I got a couple comments on old HP podfics this year, as well as on Jigsaw :)
Fics that made me cry: of my own fic probably Bering&Wells And After All We're Only Ordinary Men. For fics I read, you can check out which fics I bookmarked under that tag! Definitely Star Wars magic blanket by @my-insanity-is-an-artform <3
Fics that made me smile: I think most of my fics make me smile at least a little at some point in writing or re-reading, but probably mostly the fluff&humor fics. For reading, this Star Wars ficlet by @calltomuster is the last I remember not just making me smile but actually laugh out loud! And looking into my bookmarks I also found Codywan Keep on the Sunny Side by @themonopolyhat as well as Sith Lord Swell by @AMournfulHowlInTheNight :D
gifts: I gave 23 gifts this year - two less than last year, I guess I did a couple less gift exchanges but I still gift people fics for other reasons so the number is still similar. I also got gifts, by @lavendelhummel @73chn1c0l0rr3v3l @wickedheadache @die-schwanenkoenigin @wilfriede @prozac-shaped-urn, thank you darlings!
collaborations: I don't think I actually collabed with anyone this year? Some things were in the works but didn't pan out... I did start some fics that others continued though! Particularly in Avorah - the inspo fics are linked at the bottom of this work!
events: back in January I posted my Star Trek Winter Gift Exchange fic, then in February the Bering and Wells gift exchange, at the beginning of the year I wrote some ficlets for the Weekly Berena Fix, then I joined May Trope Mayhem with two Avorah ficlets, was part of the Summer Podfic Swap with several short podfics of my own - I also finally finished my 8 hour long Mirandy podfic Jigsaw, which while not part of the event feels a lot more momentous! Now in December I posted my Hacks gift exchange fic, and I wrote three ficlets for the @berenaadvent!
And you can all thank @viharistenno for this cursed addition:
Reader Wordcount: over 40 million! I counted this every month because last year it was so impossible to go through it all in one go xD but by now I've actually learned about an easier way to count it, namely with this:
Don't worry you don't have to give anything online your Ao3 login, it just helps you to put it in your own Excel sheets to do the sums with.
Also, it just gives you your history - I did Not count my full history because when I click fics I don't read, I then bookmark them 'to read' or 'didn't read' and then filter them out, obviously if you didn't do that all the time you end up with more than you actually read in your history, but it might still be interesting to see the number! For comparison, my full history of December is over a million words more than the one I'm counting.
Bookmarks: (adding this category because I bookmarked truly exorbitant numbers of fic this year, also partly bc of the wordcount checking thing but also because I add summaries and tags and stuff to bookmarks to find fics again later), I had to scroll to page 64 to reach last years 2023's bookmarks, I literally have almost as many bookmarks from this year as i havs from the ten years before that! 1264 of just over 3k total!
For ease of copying: Works published: Wordcount: Kudos: Hits: Bookmarks: Subscriptions: Most popular by kudos: Most hits: Longest: Shortest: Most Comments: Favorite Comment: Fics that made me cry: Fics that made me smile: gifts: collaborations: events: Wordcount read: bookmarks:
Tagging, only if you want to do it of course, everyone tagged above, @cacodaemonia, @guardianrock @bkwormkate @doctor-milfi @anoel and everyone else who sees this :D just pls make your own post, don't reblog! And remember to leave a blank of the qs for the people you tag :)
Also: I've got 440 unread in my inbox o.O pretty sure last year I was on 200sth? (I don't always reply immediately, bc I want to let ppl know once I update that there's sth new - which in some fandoms never happens lmao - or bc I need to think of a good reply to more interesting comments... But 200 that I haven't dealt with from 1 year is excessive adsfg)
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is-there-a-rt-sequel-yet · 2 months ago
Day #4579
speedrunning knitting a pair of mittens!
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tippysattic · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: US Navy petty class cover black with pin.
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quiltofstars · 1 year ago
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M58 // CrestwoodSky
M58 has the distinction of being the most distant object in Messier's catalog, being about 62 million light years away. Although you can see its star-forming spiral arms clearly in this image, it is a relatively anemic galaxy with a low rate of star formation. This is likely caused by its interaction with the surrounding intracluster medium, the gas that fills the space between galaxies in the Virgo Cluster.
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meloartist · 8 months ago
my sandman fic masterlist
hello yeah so basically everything i write and draw about sandman takes place in this AU that's been continually developed since, like, 2018. only a small fraction of said AU is actually written down, but it's still a lot of fics, so i wanted to make one big navigational post
this post will be updated as i write more, so if you rb this for later, pls check back on this original post! i might totally reorganize this lol
the series mainly focuses on lucifer, dream, and mazikeen throughout sandman (1989), lucifer (2000), and lucifer (2016) comic series, occasionally snagging parts from hellblazer, sandman tv, and other stuff.
want just one link to the whole AU? please enjoy the full series on AO3!
for completeness, i've tagged fics until multiple headings if relevant to multiple relationships.
dream / lucifer
during/after season of mists (#23)
escape velocity (16k+) main storyline of my sandman AU, early-mid sandman. lucifer passes out in season of mists instead of walking away.
collision course (16,026+) [NSFW] main storyline of my sandman AU, early-mid sandman. lucifer and dream start to establish a relationship.
care (1605) takes place during escape velocity. lucifer has feelings about his life.
post-sandman (major spoilers)
not bad, just weird (4169) [most popular of all my fics!] the fic that originally kicked it all off! summarizes dream and lucifer's relationship. written much earlier than everything else, so there are some details that are a bit different in later pieces
post-sandman, lucifer (2000), and lucifer (2016) (major spoilers)
privilege of wings (4579) [NSFW] [personal fav] sort of a study on dream's interactions with lucifer's wings
arms unfolding (5507) [personal fav] montage of how dream sees the events of lucifer (2000), and them renegotiating their relationship after lucifer (2016)
knot theory (16000) [NSFW] lucifer is molting. his partners tie him up. it's horny on main
promises (2236) how dream reacts to the end of lucifer (2000), more in-depth
nonlinear (521) recovery isn't linear, lucifer. but that's okay.
shared dreams (1394) exploring lucifer's dreams with other characters
rematch (551) lucifer and dream have a sweet moment replaying the oldest game
idiot jar (237) "i'm starting an idiot jar" prompt
wake-up call (502) lucifer wakes up and makes it everyone else's problem. dream/maze/lucifer
mazikeen / lucifer
during sandman
pavor nocturnus (3735) lucifer has nightmares while dream is imprisoned.
post-sandman, post-lucifer (2000), during/after lucifer (2016)
fragile feathers, bring me home (1689) [personal fav] lucifer's wings need grooming. relationship study that's also about mazikeen's anger at lucifer during the 2016 series.
what do you want? (1450) relationship study: mazikeen convinces lucifer she loves him
shared dreams (1394) exploring lucifer's dreams with other characters
never again (466) lucifer is traumatized about hell actually
edelweiss (384) mazikeen asks lucifer to call her something nice.
desecration (444) the lilim have interesting marriage rituals
in nox (487) mazikeen has a bar, after the end of lucifer (2016). this is hilarious actually
wake-up call (502) feat. dream lucifer wakes up and makes it everyone else's problem. dream/maze/lucifer
knot theory (16000) [NSFW] lucifer is molting. his partners tie him up. it's horny on main
john constantine / lucifer
what hath night to do with sleep? (509) lucifer has nightmares. john understands.
the tender type (425) just a short fic about john and lucifer's relationship and how they treat each other
shared dreams (1394) exploring lucifer's dreams with other characters
from the ashes (2218) imagining 2018!lucifer happened in the same timeline as 2016 lucifer. lucifer comes back... wrong.
michael & lucifer
awake, arise, or be for ever fall'n (1039) the first time michael sees lucifer in ten billion years, it is at the wake.
mutual annihilation (100) drabble about yggdrasil
shared dreams (1394) exploring lucifer's dreams with other characters
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fredericbrumby · 1 year ago
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Décor urbain.
La ville abstraite.
Villefranche sur Saône
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