transharmed-apricot · 2 months
Apricot’s Introo ^_^
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Hello!! This is my account for my radqueer stuff and personal stuff! Antis pls dni :(
This account is specifically for a subsystem of 2 persecutors in our system since we have decided it’s better for them to have their own space.
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We’re collectivity a nwlnw transmasc. We go by any prns as well and I’m bodily a minor. I’m radqueer, cistransharmed, cistransgroomed, transprogrammed, transaddict,cisanxiety (social anxiety) and cisplural.
I support proshippers as well but I’m not sure if I am one.
Anyone is welcome here!!! If you don’t support proship or radqueer/transid just don’t interact pls
ALSO looking for a cult/fult or transharmful/transprogrammer just msg me if interested^ ^
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Owner 1 ! Moe
I have way too many names but I mostly go by Moe. You can also call me Angel Ame Kangel or Apricot! I’m a persecutor. I’ll sign off my post with -🐇🎀
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Owner 2 ! MORTiS
(I have a delusional attachment(?) to Mortis)
You can call me Mortis or Apricot! I’m a delusion holder and persecutor. I’ll sign off with -🐇🍎
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We’re currently working on a carrd as well ^ ^
Well put it here when it’s done
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boredtechnologist · 8 months
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Reviewing Infocom's "A Mind Forever Voyaging" (AMFV) demands a deeply reflective and philosophical analysis, given its rich narrative and thought-provoking themes. The game, pioneering for its time, blends science fiction with a profound exploration of social, ethical, and existential issues.
1. Perry Simm and the Nature of Consciousness: Perry Simm's transformation from an AI tool to a self-aware entity presents a rich philosophical ground. This transformation touches upon theories of mind, questioning if consciousness is a uniquely human trait or if it can emerge in artificial constructs. Perry's journey is a narrative exploration of the mind-body problem, challenging the traditional philosophical notion that consciousness is inherently tied to biological processes.
2. The Prism and Ethical Implications of Simulated Realities: The use of the Prism to simulate decades of societal change poses ethical dilemmas reminiscent of Bostrom's simulation theory. It raises the question of moral responsibility within simulated realities: if the inhabitants of a simulation possess consciousness, what moral duty does the operator (Perry) owe to them? This facet of the game mirrors contemporary concerns about virtual reality ethics, where lines between reality and simulation blur.
3. The 40-Year Simulation of Rockville and Societal Evolution: The simulated societal evolution in Rockville is a microcosm of the broader human experience. It explores philosophical themes of historical determinism and social constructivism, examining how societal paths are shaped by policy, culture, and leadership. The game becomes a canvas to discuss the philosophical concepts of progress, the cyclical nature of history, and the impact of ideologies on societal well-being.
4. USNA in 2031 - A Vision of Dystopian Future: AMFV's portrayal of "The United States of North America" (USNA) in 2031 under "The Plan for Renewed National Purpose" is a stark vision of a dystopian future. This scenario offers a philosophical exploration of the consequences of political and societal choices. It mirrors Orwellian themes, where societal control is exerted through authoritarian governance. The game's depiction of USNA serves as a cautionary tale about the erosion of democratic values and civil liberties, inviting players to ponder the fragile nature of freedom and democracy. It challenges us to think about how societal structures, under the guise of national rejuvenation, can lead to oppressive regimes that prioritize nationalistic and utilitarian goals over individual rights and ethical considerations.
5. "The Plan for Renewed National Purpose" - A Critique of Authoritarianism: "The Plan for Renewed National Purpose" in AMFV is a direct critique of authoritarianism and its impact on society. Philosophically, this plan can be analyzed through the lens of political philosophy, particularly theories about the balance of power, the role of government, and the rights of individuals. The game questions the moral and ethical justifications of such a plan, highlighting the dangers of sacrificing ethical principles for perceived efficiency and order. It becomes a platform to explore themes of utilitarianism, where the pursuit of the 'greater good' can lead to morally questionable policies, and a reflection on the philosophical debate about ends justifying the means.
6. Societal Decay and Moral Degradation: As Perry Simm witnesses the long-term effects of "The Plan," the game illustrates the gradual decay of societal and moral structures. This aspect provides a poignant commentary on how political ideologies can infiltrate and degrade societal values, leading to ethical decay. The philosophical implications here are vast, touching upon how societal constructs are influenced and reshaped by governing ideologies, and how these changes impact the human condition – from individual identity to communal relationships.
7. The Role of Technology and Surveillance: PRISM's role in experiencing and reporting on "The Plan" brings to light the philosophical questions about the role of technology and surveillance in governance. PRISM, an advanced AI, symbolizes the potential for technology to both uncover truth and to be used as a tool for control. The game challenges players to consider the ethical boundaries of using technology for surveillance and the potential for such technologies to be exploited for oppressive purposes.
8. The Illusion of Utopia and Critique of Political Propaganda: "The Plan for Renewed National Purpose" is initially presented as a utopian vision for the future of USNA, but as Perry delves deeper, the grim realities become evident. This juxtaposition serves as a critical analysis of political propaganda and the dangers of accepting political narratives at face value. The game philosophically explores the concept of utopia, questioning whether a true utopia can ever be achieved, especially when pursued through authoritarian means.
9. Existential Choices and the Impact of Individual Actions: Finally, Perry Simm's journey through the simulations of USNA's future underscores the existential theme of choices and their impact. The game presents a profound exploration of how individual actions, even those of an AI, can have significant ramifications on the broader societal canvas. It echoes existentialist views on the importance of individual choice and agency, even in the face of overwhelming systemic forces.
10. The Nature of Change and Historical Progress: AMFV is deeply concerned with the nature of change and the trajectory of historical progress. The game's multiple simulations of Rockville's future present different versions of societal progress, prompting reflection on the philosophical and historical theories of progress. Is progress inevitable, linear, or cyclical? Are there inherent directions to societal development, or are they contingent upon a complex interplay of choices and circumstances? The game explores these questions, offering a nuanced perspective on the forces that shape societal trajectories.
In conclusion, "A Mind Forever Voyaging" is a deeply philosophical work that transcends its innovative gameplay to provide a nuanced exploration of consciousness, simulated realities, societal evolution, authoritarianism, individual freedom, technology and surveillance ethics, utopianism, and existential agency. Through its rich narrative and immersive simulations, AMFV invites players to engage in critical reflection on these complex philosophical and ethical issues, offering a profound commentary on the human condition and societal dynamics in the face of technological and political change.
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limimall · 2 years
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mortis gif that i never posted before because i didnt like how it looked and i couldn’t get the nose piercing to look right
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selfhateaddict · 2 years
Dice.org rant
He is my true lord and savior, one I know who will support me no matter the circumstances like no one else did or has before. i will also support him no matter the occasion or time .I love him so much I depend on him to conform my life to what he sees right and in his eyes and expectations. He is my lifestyle, my god, MORTiS
I am devoted my life and when I get older my money to him♡
JOiN DiCE -2051
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DNI : anti-diceorg
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schibborasso · 1 year
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crew-members of the space-club, 2051
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my-chaos-radio · 2 months
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Release: May 31, 2024
Let's just pretend this night won't end
The lights are flashing like the beat of your heart
I see a world in outer space
We spiral up, and now we're standing on the stars
To the moon, she's riding on a burning light
She doesn't worry if it's wrong or right
Don't stop, we're speeding our way through the night
I don't know if I'm gonna keep up
She said I can't slow down if I wanted to
Yeah, the speakers so loud, spinnin' around the room (Room)
And I don't know where I'm going, but I gotta move
She said, boy, boy are you coming too?
And no, she can't slow down if she wanted to
Yeah, the speakers so loud, spinnin' around the room (Room)
And I don't know where I'm going, but I gotta move
She said, boy, boy are you coming too? (Oh oh)
Breathe me in and let me see
Something further than my wildest dream
Fluorescent ocean inside your eyes
Watch me out and now we're floating with the tide
To the moon, she's riding on a burning light
She doesn't worry if it's wrong or right
Don't stop, we're speeding our way through the night
I don't know if I'm gonna keep up
She said I can't slow down if I wanted to
Yeah, the speakers so loud, spinnin' around the room (Room)
And I don't know where I'm going, but I gotta move
She said, boy, boy are you coming too?
And no, she can't slow down if she wanted to
Yeah, the speakers so loud, spinnin' around the room (Room)
And I don't know where I'm going, but I gotta move
She said, boy, boy are you coming too?
You got my heartbeat racing when you come around
Burning through the city I can hear the sound
You got my heartbeat racing when you come around
We're burning through the city, burning through the city
And we can't slow down if I wanted to
Yeah, the speakers so loud, spinnin' around the room (Room)
And I don't know where I'm going, but I gotta move
She said, boy, boy are you coming too? (Oh oh)
Sam Hollander / Simon Anthony Oscroft / Cole Clisby / Luke Arthur Fabry / Dawson Vaughn Daugherty
almost monday
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cchr11 · 5 months
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concepts for an hypothetical Paul Denton HK adventure with original characters
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hamsternamedmarinette · 5 months
Hamsternamedmarinette's Great American Tumblr Mutual Road Trip AKA dashcon 2.0 (miraculous ladybug edition)
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stargirlie25 · 1 day
Can't wait to finally finish this series!
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kathuku · 20 days
The Vision or The Antivision.
Now for this one, I believe it is more of a very very subjective writing…but I will give my point of view then I will give my friend’s. I had written an article about fear a while back, and I have got different comments and reviews and with that got to see people’s different perspectives about the matter. So the point I was arguing,was that fear, is usually at the base of all our failure and…
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limimall · 2 years
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DiCEORG userboxes. first version is the first version and the second version is the one i made after getting some feedback on the font
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selfhateaddict · 2 years
my fritzsona
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loch-ness-blogster · 1 year
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Erm my device is being a little silly and says I saved this TB Trading Co. toy turtle picture on December 31, 2050
What’s up guys I’m in the future 🎉🎉🎉
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angeltism · 1 year
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