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Most Beloved AEW Wrestler Tournament 2
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Fandom Problem #4273:
Getting called a "pedo freak" for mentioning that I'd initially guessed a character was older than she actually is. "She literally looks and acts just like a teenager!!" Umm, she literally looks and acts just like people I go to college with though??
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my ideas are ideaing
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Classic ED schedule, week 39 (2024)

23-Sep: 20-Jan-2006 (4264), 22-Jan-2006 (4265)
1) Alice gives herself a makeover to prepare for what would come with the chemo. Jasmine makes a confession to Sandy about her expulsion. Scott doesn’t get what he wants from Carl. 2) It’s Betty’s birthday. Can Steph compartmentalize her past abuse? When Jasmine’s parents can’t be arsed to return, it’s up to Ashley and Laurel to take care of Jasmine’s welfare.
24-Sep: 23-Jan-2006 (4266), 24-Jan-2006 (4267)
1) Jasmine’s upset with Ashley’s hesitation of her staying and going to school locally. Laurel advises Nicola to stick it out with Simon if she still loves him instead of focusing on Ivan. 2) Nicola hopes a check from Rodney will be accepted by Simon this time to get them back on track. Jasmine gets what she wanted while Debbie realizes how different she is to her.
25-Sep: 25-Jan-2006 (4268), 26-Jan-2006 (4269)
1) An old flame of Simon’s, Tash, offers to pay back what she owes with interest but will he tell Nicola? Terence gets a job with the Kings. Alan considers buying Tug Ghyll. Pearl’s grandson Owen shows up unexpectedly. 2) Steph lashes out at Adam after a run-in with Terence… has he had enough of her mood swings? Owen wants to know more about his ‘dead’ father.
26-Sep: 27-Jan-2006 (4270), 29-Jan-2006 (4271)
1) Betty stops Steph from leaving the village. Steph confronts Terence with threats of outing the abuse… but to him, she should have ‘got over it’ by now! Pearl tells it like it is to Owen about Frank and prison. 2) Viv makes a comment to Alan about Steph and Terence’s tension. Alan is outraged by Betty’s disloyalty believing Steph’s claims. Nicola being thrifty?… not really her, is it? A nod about Aaron coming to stay to keep Chas’s connection to him alive.
UK START TIME FRIDAY: 4:00 P.M. due to live Racing
27-Sep: 30-Jan-2006 (4272), 31-Jan-2006 (4273)
1) A palm reading for Nicola only confirms the obvious about her and Simon. Pearl takes a catering job for Tom but where’s the man power she’ll need? 2) Nicola’s snooping convinced her Simon’s having an affair with Tash 🤦♀️! Alan’s offer on Tug Ghyll is accepted but the mortgage is an issue. Betty wants Terence reported but Adam knows Steph doesn’t want it!
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Sols 4273-4274: Prep Rally
Earth planning date: Monday, Aug. 12, 2024 The SAM EGA over the weekend was successful, and that means we’re well on our way to planning the GCMS (Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry) on our “Kings Canyon” drill sample! GCMS is an energy-intensive activity, so we’ll be using today’s two-sol plan mainly for recharging our battery and […] from NASA https://ift.tt/HBa3sCZ
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Stroke Of Luck Chapter One
Warnings: Profanity, angst, adult themes and conversations, hints at infertility, infidelity, death , light violence
A/N: Please excuse any grammatical errors I tried to go through it as best I could .second bear with me if its not up to reading standard im trying to jump back into my writing bag and this will be my first story I've actually released so I might be a bit rusty lol but please enjoy
Word count: 4273
Series Master List
I sat on the front porch of my family home trying to hold it together as I watched my father put the last of jordans bags into the car .Today was the day I had been dreading the most my older brother Jordan was going away again on deployment .He had told us months ago about his decision to reenlist and I had been preparing myself for his departure hoping it would put me at ease. It didn't. My brother is one of my best friends and to see him leave was going to leave me with a void. Even through my dismay however I was proud of him even if in this moment my emotions didn't allow for me to show it.It didn't take long before the empty space beside me was filled with a familiar face. I turned to see Jordan, his face filled with sadness. Respecting the space I was in he allowed for us to sit in silence a moment before deciding to break it. “you okay?” he asked concern laced in his voice. I shook my head “not really," I replied softly, trying to avoid eye contact knowing I would cry. He sighed pulling me into his side as the tears began to prick my eyes.” I promise this time will fly by so fast you won't even realize” he said kissing my forehead .”No jo I will notice it will not be the same without you. who else will keep me sane dealing with ma and jade you're the only thing holding us together “ I croaked “ Theres always facetime if that doesn't work then we write, and if that don't work I'll send a pigeon” he joked Not being able to it in hold in a laughed spilled from my lips Jordan joining in seconds later “Jo it's time to hit the road” our fathers voiced called out .Jordan nodded his head signaling for my dad to give him a moment. Jordan stood pulling me up with him into a hug me, nuzzling my face into his chest feeling the water works starting back up. “I love you so much josie” he said wiping a stray tear that slipped free “I love you more jo” I said turning him loose. “Oh, and sis do me one last favor” he said walking down the porch steps “name it” I called out “smile no more tears”. I cracked a small smile as he turned making his way to the car climbing in leaving me in a broken mess as I watch my dad's chevy Tahoe disappear down the road.
In the same spot I stood five years later staring down the same dirt road my brother wouldn't have the opportunity of returning to. He was gone. Jordan was sent in on a rescue mission to save a fellow marine of his platoon, ironic in the end he ended up being the one needing saving. Shit went south and my brother was shot and killed in the line of fire. I was angry feeling as if the universe had slighted me robbing me of being able to share future moments with my brother. Him cheering me on when as I walked
the stage after completing nursing school, being a bridesmaid in his and his fiancé Arielle's wedding, holidays, birthdays. Gone. The only presence of him now in this moment was his framed picture that stood in the front of our family home for the repass. Not wanting to continue allowing myself to drown further in my grief I turned walking up the steps primary focus locating one of two people Arielle or my cousin India . It didn't take long to find ari talking with one of my aunts. Arielle was short in stature compared to most with smooth golden-brown skin that seemed to glow as the warm rays peaked through the window and a fit physique that would put Tyra banks to shame. No doubt courtesy of her personal trainer profession. Her round face framed with voluptuous curls. It was amazing to see her strength. Throughout her struggle a dimpled smile still adorned her face one that caused her Chinky eyes to disappear as she laughed. Noticing me walking over she politely closed out her conversation with my aunt walking to meet me. “Where did you disappear to “she quizzed giving me a slight nudge “ I needed some fresh air the condolences and sorry for your losses were becoming overwhelming” I huffed "Trust, I get it I have to many people asking me what i'm going to do with me and our son” she stated shifting uncomfortably. My heart ached for her. I couldn't imagine how it is to become a widow, single parent, and having to break the news to kaizen.
“for whatever your move or decision is you're not alone. You got me forever and so does nugget “I Said with half smile. She giggled at the nickname I assigned kaizen at birth. We glanced over watching the mini version of Jordan running around the house with the other kids.” I almost forgot your dad wanted to see us in the kitchen” she stated switching the topic. I nodded as we made our way to the cramped kitchen pushing past multiple bodies. My dad stood looking down at my mother with admiration as they talked among themselves “Hey daddy “I greeted walking over as he pulled me into a hug “Hey baby come sit your sister should be here in a moment” he said ushering me and ari to sit. I scrunched up my face at the mention of my sister. Jade and I had an exceedingly tenuous relationship. Jade was the youngest out of the three of us and was the golden child spoiled completely rotten. In my parents' eyes she could do no wrong and treated her as such. It didn't help that my mother drove the wedge and distaste for one another deeper pitting me and my sister against each other in a warped ass competition. Who is better than the other. My mother secretly rooted for jade while my dad on the other hands liked to play devil's advocate. Jordan was the only one who called them out holding everyone ,including myself accountable. The final nail in the coffin was catching Jade and my then boyfriend of two years Darien in bed together not to mention she continues to see him. To say I was hurt and angry was an understatement and as my family (aside from Jordan) tends to do they brushed it under the rug. As if her ears were burning jade stalks in turning her nose up at the sight of me. Feeling myself become anxious and agitated I decided to jump start the conversation “everything okay you wanted to speak with us” I question. Dad sighed grabbing a stack of papers from the counter sitting down placing them in the middle of the table. “We are going to start sorting out your brother estate and assets “Now” I asked in disbelief “Yes per your mother request”. Still not understanding the urgency I pressed further “Why so soon?” I said.” I have something important to take care of so I asked mom and dad to move it up” jade answered nonchalantly “what could possibly be so important that were doing this the day of our brothers funeral “I gritted out finding myself becoming angry. Sensing this Arielle reached over taking my hand in hers giving it a light squeeze “I have a trip I'll be going on we didn't want to move the dates” jade shrugged.” A DAMN TRIP!! WERE GRIEVING AND YOU HAVE NO CONCERN OR REGARD FOR ME OR FOR ARRIELLE. MY BROTHER ISNT EVEN IN THE GROUND GOOD AND YOU’RE WORRIED ABOUT A TRIP AND IF WE CALL IT LIKE IT IS YOU’RE WONDERING WHAT YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON FUCKING SELF-”
“JOSELYNN TAYLOR, YOU MIND YOUR MOUTH IN MY HOME I DIDNT RAISE YOU TO BE DISRESPECTFUL AND WE AREN'T GOING TO START NOW “My mom interrupted slamming her hand down on the table. “Dad” I turned to him secretly pleading for him to jump to my defense but as always nothing.” Josie, I get that you’re upset I do but let's just rip the band aid off and get this over with” he said pulling his reading glasses on his face. Meanwhile jade's face held a victorious smirk, and I wanted nothing more than to put it through some dry wall “The lawyers drew up the paperwork dividing the assets based on Jordan's will. He had a one hundred fifty-thousand-dollar life insurance policy that will be divided fourways between his parents, two sisters and fiancé Arrielle. His dodge challenger he left to his sister Jade Taylor while rest the remaining vehicles will go to his fiancé Arrielle Rodriguez” From the side of my eye I could see jade smiling. “As for his properties he leaves the townhome located in California 9870 Blancas Blvd. in Anaheim to Arrielle and lastly, the ranch house located at 1600 rose ridge rd here in Dallas Texas as well as the 8 acres surrounding it” My dad paused taking a moment to catch his breath as my sister sat up in her chair ready “ will be left to his sister Joselynn Taylor” he finished laying the paper on the table. Jade scoffed snatching up the paper reading it not believing what she's heard. I sat in shock looking over at Arrielle who nodded confirming it for me.
“ Me and Jordan decided to create a backup plan in case of a worst-case scenario. Never thought id actually have to execute it. We thought it'd be best if I moved back to Cali to be closer to my parents and family for support, the house is way too much for me and kaizen by ourselves and besides it would be a painful reminder to our son “she stated fighting tears. “He thought you were the most deserving seeing as your in school and jade has support from your parents figured it would be the best for you” ari said. "But that's not fair I got plenty of cars that's nothing can't you do something” Jade complained her turn now to plead with our parents. My mother diverted her attention now to me “Josie can't you switch it's not like you need it. You’re single, no kids unlike your sister who's been in a three-year relationship with Darien and expecting “she tried to reason while sneakily throwing jabs at me. I let my eyes dance between my parents and jade reading their body language. It was true. "You -your pregnant” I stuttered as a began to internally crack “Yes it was confirmed yesterday at the doctors. Four weeks along I think Darien is more excited than me” jade beamed getting a kick at seeing me squirm at the news “you know I could refer you to our doctor he could possibly help with that sour ass womb of yours” she bragged tossing her hair over her shoulder. I could feel my throat begin to close up as tears were now flowing down my face “Jade that's messed up and out of pocket l what is that to say to someone? You just be lucky your ungrateful behind received anything your words are uncalled for” Arrielle jumped in taking to my defense “thanks Arri for taking up for me, dad I can't do this I gotta go” I stood abruptly pushing myself away from the table storming out of the house hoping into my car speeding off.
I drove with no destination until my crying turned into dry heaving processing the news. Not only did I have to take my sister snatching my relationship with Darien from under me but now I have the pleasure to watch them start a family one that should've been mine. A shitty way to rub salt in the wound. Ten minutes passed by before the sound of coco jones ICU blared through the car's speaker. Taking a quick glance at the car screen. I see my favorite cousin India name displaying. I may not have had a sister relationship with Jade, but I did find one with India. If I wasn't with Jordan I was with her. Three musketeers. I tapped answer “hey India wassup” I asked trying to mask the fact I was just crying “Honey I should be asking you that seeing the way you just ran out of here what happened”. I sighed “It's a long story “I stated “ wanna talk about it over some drinks at dukes “she offered ‘ooh please link with you at 8” I replied “see you then” she agreed
I tossed back my second shot of tequila squeezing my eyes closed as the clear liquid burned my chest India taking the chance to laugh at my facial expressions. “Thats no ordinary liquor “ I coughed “ Yeah but your ass needs it , now do you want to tell me what happened back at uncle Melvins” she said getting straight to business “ Where to start let's see that bitch jades greedy ass talked to my mom to convince her to push up sorting out Jordans affairs disregarding the fact were hurting, the only good and surprising thing was Jordan left a house to me but of course jade with help from my mom couldn't let that slide nooo they had to degrade me and spring on me that jades pregnant by Darien, Jade finished with saying she can refer me to her doc for my quote sour womb” I rambled with air quotes causing India to spit out her drink “ I know you fucking lying” she blurted “I Wish I was “ I chuckled darkly signaling the bartender for another round “so are we dragging her now or later” she asked in all seriousness “ we can't she's pregnant” I retorted “ AND her face aint her lip would have been swole before she could leave the house” India shook her head completely dumbfounded “I'm honestly in a space of being mentally exhausted it feels like I've had the worst luck of the draw. I can't seem to maintain anything good “I said “Josie Girl, I love you but were gonna gone head and shut your self pity party down. Sure you're going through some shit right now but it's not the end of the world. Your smart as hell ,On your way to becoming a nurse, fine as hell with a fat ass” she joked giving my behind a poke causing me to laugh “besides there's nothing you've lost that can't be regained Darien left but he aint the only man left in the world. You just got to find the right one for you one that slangs the meat” she said gyrating “oh my god dee must you do that in public and why so loud” I said covering my face in embarrassment “ I don't care you need some but first you have to stop running them away” she teased. ”it's not my fault they can't handle me “I shrugged leaning against the bar. She wouldn't call it running them off more so like weeding out the bad. Joselynn was tough overall to crack. Her hard exterior was difficult to get through. She was already to some degree antisocial so to get a conversation from her was a blessing. Even then you had to be engaging enough to hold her attention both in and out of the bedroom as she got bored easily. She wasn't one to just settle for anything as the slightest misstep/red flag and you were gone. Joselynn knew part of it was due to Darien.” you need to come with a sign that says you bite” She teased tooting her lips up at me as I shoved her slightly laughing. Before I respond Tamia’s Can't Get Enough came over the bar's speaker causing hoops and yells to erupt. Instinctively me and India made our way over to where the line dance started joining in. I was grateful for the distraction India provided and the peace she managed to bring. We continued throughout the night to dance to a few more songs take a few more drinks to the head before deciding to call it a night. Stumbling into the house I kicked my shoes off at the door making my way to my bedroom struggling to find the light. I went to take a seat on my bed seeing both a letter and a manilla envelope. The envelope from my dad the letter from Jordan. My hands trembled slightly gripping the letter not wanting to pull myself back into a state of hurt. I sat the letter to the side grabbing the envelope ripping it open out tumbling out a set of keys, inside the deed to the house and a small note from my father
Josie i'm sorry for earlier on behalf of your mother and sister inside is the deed for the house the keys as well as the address I love you always pops
Part of me was still angry but I had a soft spot for my dad and he knew that. Officially tired I sat the paperwork on the side table stripping my clothes and turning off the light, deciding to shower in the morning. It wasn't long till sleep overtook me.
A month had passed since the day of the funeral and I had tried to bury the emotions of Jordan being gone so much that I buried myself in other things to keep my mind occupied. Working at the hospital being a CNA provided some distraction and what my job didn’t cover in the distraction field schooling took care of the rest. In its own way they also provided me an excuse and shielding from my unrelenting mother who still made it her business to call pestering me to rethink my decision about the home. I won’t. It was one thing I had power over, and I wouldn't relinquish it so easily. For the first two weeks of his passing I went back and forth on whether or not I would actually move into the home not feeling quite right about it but after starting to feel like things were becoming stagnant decided it was best to move. I slowly drove up the light graveled path mouth dropping at the sight of the house that sat nestled at the end of the dirt road. It was a stunning two-story ranch style house with a wraparound porch. Coming into a stop I tossed the boxed moving truck into park hopping down to get a better look at the home “this is gorgeous “India stated walking up after parking her car. “I agree can't believe he left this for me” I marveled taking it all in “well believe it toots now let's gawk at it from the inside we got work to do” she declared holding her hand out for the truck keys. Dropping them into her hands she went to grab the first box as I went to open the door. The interior was just as beautiful as the exterior. The multicolored stone walls paired well with the mahogany hardwood floors and high ceilings. The set up with the furniture accented well no doubt due to Arrielle's careful selection when they were here.” Girl this is neeiceeee it don't smell like roaches in here or nothing "India shouted carrying in one of the boxes “You don't have the sense you were born with” I chuckled at her reference to girls trip “you ready to get this over with”. She groaned knowing just like me how long of a process unpacking was going to be. Without another moment of hesitation we jumped in getting started.
After what felt like years later I folded the last of my clothes, placing them away as India flopped on my bed groaning. “ I hate your don't need a man for shit mentality that was horrible” she grumbled “ It wasn't that bad” I giggled plopping down beside her “ Like hell it wasn't my ass is going to be hurting for days” she countered “I'll make it up to you I promise” I teased pinching her cheek “ yes you will tonight I want dinner fried chicken, mac the works” she responded smacking my hand away sitting up on her elbows “ Your joking” I asked not knowing if she was serious or not “nope I'm serious”. “Dee I don't feel like it” I whined “tough shit” she said not wavering. She was just as stubborn as I was.” Fine but you're getting the groceries” I huffed out relenting. “Cool with me I'm gonna go home shower then i'll swing back”. She jumped up grabbing her keys walking out. Taking this as an opportunity I grabbed a t-shirt and underwear from my drawer walking into the large master bathroom. I turned on the shower allowing the warm water to run relaxing my tense muscles strained by the lifting. After I finished I got dressed walking back in the room looking for my phone realizing I must have left it downstairs. Making my way to the stairs I could see the light from the living room reflecting on the wall. I figured India may have left it on that was until it flicked off. I froze on the top stair as my mind began to race, trying to rationalize what I saw. Maybe it was India. No, she wouldn't be back that quick. Maybe it was a blown fuse but a scared part of me didn't want to chance it. Tip toeing back upstairs I looked for something to use as a weapon eyes landing on the hammer I had used earlier to hang photos. Clutching it tight I slowly crepted downstairs the only noise was the sound of my heart thumping in my ears. Rounding the corner I froze seeing a figure standing a few feet away in the doorway the moonlight highlighted their 5’8 figure while providing shade from their face. Fear momentarily fueling me I got ready to charge forward when someone grabbed hold of my wrist twisting it causing my grip on the hammer to loosen eventually dropping it. Not having time to process what was happening I was grabbed and flipped on my back pinned down by the larger party. Still I struggled against the intruder managing to momentarily free my arm. I drew my arm back throwing blows anywhere they would land this didn't do anything but piss the person of as I was lifted slightly from the floor and slammed back down causing me to yelp in pain. Panic set in flooding through my nervous system. “TERRY WAIT SHIT I THINK THAT'S A WOMAN” a voice cut through from the other side. The lights flicked on seconds later giving me the chance now to get a look at the intruders. The one by the door stubbled faced held panic as he too assessed our current situation. Remembering the heavy weight at my midsection my eyes shot to the one who had me pinned. My breath hitched in my throat.
His honey kissed face glared back down at me while his plump lips twisted up in a snarl. His chiseled arms flexed as he kept me held in place but the most defining thing however. His eyes. A beautiful pool of blue gray encircling hints of hazel and green something similar to a painter who accidentally had his watercolor paints blending together into a perfect mess. “If I let you go do you promise to not do anything stupid” his baritone voice questioned snapping me from my awkward eye raping. I nodded in response. He stood pulling me effortlessly up with him. “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?” I asked finding my voice coming back as I rubbed my now sore shoulder. “I'm Mike that's terry" the one from the doorway answered “sorry if we scared you” he said sheepishly. “Scared is an understatement and that still doesn't answer why you're here or why I shouldn't be calling the cops for breaking and entering and assault” I fussed through gritted teeth. Still not saying much since turning me loose the one name terry walked past me grabbing something from his bag on the floor walking back over to me handing me a piece of paper. Jordans handwriting.
Hey T if you're receiving this letter it's because I'm dead. It's funny thinking on it seeing as the squad always joked calling me mister invincible but yet here I am gone. I thank you for always being there for me since meeting you you've always been like a brother to me rather than a fellow marine in arms. Given our prior conversation about your situation, I wanted to do one thing for you. I offer you T a place of solitude if you ever need to get away the address is listed below keys are hidden in the porch light fixture. Continue to be great .. I love ya man
Jordan signing out for the last time
I looked up at him handing the letter back to him. "You knew my brother” I said feeling the wave of his death rushing back again. I watched as his face widened in realization of who I was. “Yes we served together. I apologize for roughing you up I didn't realize you were Jordans sister. I thought you might have been someone that had broken in”. I nodded understanding. “it's fine I thought the same” I said calming down. “Look we don't want to crowd your space and sorry for the intrusion. I didn't think anyone would be here. Your brother as you can see failed to mention you moving in we will leave” Terry said signaling for mike to grab their bags. I sighed looking towards the ceiling having an internal battle with myself and before I could stop myself the words flew from my mouth “You can stay”
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Dream, I am going to say this very slowly and clearly and I need you to listen to the whole thing before you say anything.
You. Are. Not. The. Problem. You are being abused and gaslit. You are an innocent and pure child and you should never think otherwise.
"Childish Dreams" [INTERACTIVE]
Chapter 6, 4273 words
Chapter summary:
Dream… decided he wasn't surprised that Horror is nice. Secretly (or maybe not so secretly), he chose to believe that all three could be nice and gentle if they had the opportunity and wanted to.
Credits, content warnings and further information on ao3.
"Good morning," Dream yawned, rubbing his eyes with the tips of his fingers. He'd started doing this — saying 'good morning' as soon as he woke up, in case the Voices were around.
He pushed himself up in bed, still mostly using his fingers. Admittedly, his palms… kinda hurt.
(…A lot. A constant stinging that traveled up his forearms. But it's not that bad!)
The chill of the room was supposed to make it less painful, that's how burns usually are, but it's like it made it even worse. A burning over his palms and the backs of his hands. He didn't squeeze them into fists either.
It'll be fine in a couple of days! And he didn't seem to have much work around here, soo he wouldn't ruin that either.
He… felt like there was… stuff for him to do, before he was put in this room. But it was all a little fuzzy and confusing. He really hoped he wasn't letting anyone down, that he wasn't abandoning responsibilities.
(It made him really worried, in a swooping sort of way. The bad emotions were getting to him more easily lately, but that's okay! He was okay.)
hello! Hi! Hello! [Azries]
Oh! Yay!
"Hiii!!" Dream grinned, waving cheerfully. Getting to his feet — the tray with food and stuff was on his night stand still, since no one came to take it. He'd thrown out the old food that'd gone bad, and had now saved what he could.
He still ate though. Horror promised no one would be hungry, and Dream chose to trust that included his brother too.
Do you remember what you used to do with and/or for the villagers? Its js an innocent question, trust 🙏🙏🙏 [Azries]
Well, Dream didn't see how it would a not-innocent question? Haha. It's what he was just thinking about.
"We did soooo much things," Dream said, settling for sort of… aimlessly walking around his room as he talked. It was cold here, and it made him feel… sleepy maybe? Heavy? Stiff? "Like feeding little baby cows! And painting houses! And birthday parties, and dinners and stuff, and making a lot of things like uh, like bowls or– I helped make a chair!" he recounted. A looot of stuff.
Dream was better with things like field work or chores or animals or babies and kids, though. He was the best at offering comfort, deescalating conflicts, and helping people work through their emotions. He wasn't... great with crafts. He always suggested Night help with those because he was good at them, but he didn't really want to (which is okay).
To Dream: Did Nim talk to you two? Or...just created you and ditched? Do you even know what "mother" means? [Error_catcher (Guest)]
"Of course," Dream replied easily, "She's our mom! She made us," he explained. "That makes her our mom. She couldn't really talk, since she was a tree… or, she was in the tree…?" or at least that's what he believed. That part was a bit confusing even to him, admittedly, so he understood why the Voices would be confused too. "But being a tree doesn't make you suddenly not a mother, I think," he reasoned.
I’m sorry, Dream I shouldn’t have said that about your mom. [Alex_Magic]
"Thank you for apologizing," Dream smiled, because he couldn't quite say 'it's alright' and mean it. But he did appreciate the apology!
Whispering to Killer, "so about your extended car warranty-" [KolorishKat]
“Hello this is your cat insurance. Coming to inform you that your Stabby basement cats are not qualified for medical insurance. Call ###-###-#### for more information” [Alex_Magic]
"My cats–?!" Killer shot up to his feet, and Dream was pretty sure he saw actual alarm in his face. Breaking through the usual grin he always had.
But just as quickly Dust grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to sit on the carpet, saying "Sit down, they're joking,"
"Oh yeah, how do you know? That the omnipotent gods don't–"
"Yeah, they're also clearly big ol' jokesters, c'mon man,"
fer dusty; do u 'ave any pets? [Gl1tch3dGh0st]
Ooh, good question! Dream hadn't thought to ask them that yet.
"Nope," Dust shrugged from his spot on the carpet. "You think any animal will be happy to be in this place?"
"It'll bring too much happiness and the boss'll give us the stink eye about it," Horror muttered, head leaned against his hand.
"Yeah, angel forbid someone messes up his whole gloomy aesthetic," Dust rolled his eyes, making Killer snort.
Nightmare is calling himself the lord of negativity because he’s in his emo phase so don’t worry Dream. Nightmare will surely grow out of it and go back to being not a grumpy control freak [Alex_Magic]
"Yeah that's what I'm saying," Dust snapped his fingers. "Cheers, I'll drink to that,"
"Ugh, I wish," Horror huffed.
Dream was pretty sure that's not actually all there was to it, but he kept that to himself. He held the glass of fruit juice (orange!) in his hands. It was pleasantly cool. He liked fruit juice though, so he was also drinking it, which meant the coolness wouldn't last.
"Murder trio where’s Cross?” [Alex_Magic]
"With your mom," Dust replied immediately, earning an ooo! and laughter from the other two. Dream laughed along although– did the Voices even have moms–?
fer killer bunny; did you know nightnight and dreamys bods was based off a swap, just thought ya ta know. :} [Gl1tch3dGh0st]
“Killer want to know a fun fact? Dream and Nightmare skeleton bodies based off blue which makes blue kind of their dad!” [Alex_Magic]
Wait what??
"I don't think that's how it works," Killer commented from his own spot on the carpet around the bed. Dream had offered them to just… sit on the bed but they preferred the carpet apparently.
"Our bodies are based on Blue?" Dream chimed up.
To Killer: Hey, do you use magical knifes, or do you have a collection around the castle? [Error_catcher (Guest)]
"Both. Just in case, heheh,"
You like it here when Night isn't pissed, or is it just... your only option to stay? [Error_catcher (Guest)]
Killer cocked his head to the side. "Does it matter?"
"I think it does," Dream cut in, "Your feelings are important,"
Killer barked out a laugh, which startled him a little.
"Oh yoouu little hypocrite!" Killer kept cackling. Dream didn't quite understand why? He chuckled along just in case.
"You're one to talk," Dust jabbed at Killer.
"And you're one to comment," Killer fired right back. It was admittedly pretty funny to listen to them.
All three of them clearly knew each other. Dream's only known them for a couple days, but he could see their group dynamic circling and pulling and pushing in even rhythms. Even with how their jokes or comments could be sharp, they weren't exactly… um… cold and distant and nasty. Dream wasn't part of their thing, but he could sense that it was a thing.
I'm embarrassed to participate, but let me tell everyone that they could use a therapy session one of these days. [burningskates]
"As if," Horror rolled his eyes. "Do you even know these numbskulls?"
"Hilarious how you didn't include yourself there Mr. Hole-in-skull," Dust teased.
Dream didn't quite understand what this was about either, but he was smiling anyway, eating some of his breakfast (eggs). The trio were more and more open to just casual chatting. He was glad they were getting more comfortable. He dared to feel a little accomplished, that he was contributing to it.
for 'orror; (genuinly) 'ows ur paps? he doin' okay? i need ta know bc i love dat sweet man, he deserves da world [Gl1tch3dGh0st]
Horror grinned genuinely now, "Agreed! He does," he nodded, "He's doin' a whole lot better, what with the food supply line Nightmare is keeping up. A lot of people from my place are doing better actually,"
Dream brightened up immediately — his brother is helping people? See! he wanted to exclaim, Night is good!
Oh little Sunshine!! I know this is all so confusing but try to rest the best you can and make sure your aura keeps you safe from all the negativity around this scary castle!! And don’t let Nightmare fool you!! He isn’t how you remember him!!! [BubblesLeFishe]
"But he's still Night! And clearly he's helping people!"
"Debatable," Dust shook his hand in a so-so motion, "I mean that stuff is just part of Horror's contract,"
"Still." Dream didn't relent. A contract could be, uh, not followed too, right? Night was choosing to offer that and to honor it.
"At least he made a contract in the first place," Horror shrugged.
"Your standards are dogshit," Killer muttered.
"Wait, pause, can we go back to that?" Dust mentioned, "The aura thing? Is the big boss' aura hurting the kid or something?" him and the others glanced at Dream.
Dream blinked. "Um... I don't… feel hurt?" he tried to answer. Except, well, the obvious, but that was his own fault so it's not what they were asking about.
"Our poor ball of sunshine needs an orange dreamsicle and a hug!!! Who's gonna grow up and give it to him? Dust? Horror? Anybody?????" [SpaceUnicorn465]
"Looks fine to me," Killer inspected his nails, or where nails would be.
"Maybe we should ask for ice cream, you think the big guy will be up for it?" Dust wondered.
"He does like sweets," Horror shrugged, "so maybe,"
Dream was very happy to hear about all this. He wholeheartedly agreed with the plan to give Night sweets. He was happy the trio were thinking of stuff like this! He was happy to hear they also knew little details about Night, like what food he liked!!
"Don't think he'll be all too enthused about any attempts to sweeten up the twerp's conditions," Killer pointed out.
"That's okay!" Dream quickly assured, "I don't need it. I like this!" he raised his glass of fruit juice. Just a bit too fast, making the beverage slosh over the sides of the glass. Luckily his sleeves (pulled over his hands) absorbed it and didn't make a mess of the bed. "Oh– whoops, sorry–" he said sheepishly, rubbing the orange juice off his fingers with the ends of his sleeves.
"…Oh damn, we should probably," Dust scratched the top of his head, "...let the kid shower, actually, there's also dust over his clothes,"
"Aw hell, we probably need to find clothes for him too," Horror muttered. "I'll look in my world for some…"
"The hell is this, a babysitting business?" Killer countered. "He'll be fine,"
"Nightmare did tell us to 'deal with him so I don't have to' basically," Dust made air quotes.
Killer considered that. "Yeah," he shrugged. "Probably won't care if he doesn't see it, so,"
A quick warm shower was really, really nice. Now Dream was all clean and smelled lovely! He felt refreshed. Honestly, he had a lot of energy now that he was doing so little, stuck in his room all day.
Though maybe the "aura" the voices brought up was dampening him a little? He wasn't sure how he could tell. Either way, a shower and a change of space was helping. The bathroom even had some colored, not-black tiles hehe — a nice light blue.
Dream sat on the edge of the tub, careful to not get all his clothes wet, currently rinsing the sleeves of his zip-up. The wooshing warm water was… stinging, against the burns on his hands, but he should be done with this quick.
He scrubbed some liquid soap into the sleeves to clean them of the juice stains. It smelled flowery, which Dream enjoyed. He debated whether he should just… clean the whole thing. The guys gave him a towel (gray), a really big and nice one that kinda covered him more like a small blanket, haha. He could wash all his clothes, even, that would be responsible.
He stopped the faucet, now that the tub was filled up low, just enough to submerge your hand in, the water cloudy with warmth and soap. No sense in wasting water. He contemplated.
There was a knock at the door, with a muffled "Uh… you good in there?"
"Uh-huh!" Dream called back, submerging his zip-up in the water. It shouldn't take too long to wash it.
He started squishing the fabric to work in the soap. There shouldn't be too much scrubbing — it's not like it was stained elsewhere, mostly a little dusty from his improvised tidying around his room. The warm water kept stinging his hands, but he could ignore it while he was busy with the task.
After a brief quiet pause, another knock at the door, then Dream heard it crack open slightly. He glanced back by reflex — just enough for sound to come through though, nobody walked in, it wasn't even open wide enough for someone to peek haha.
"Uh, you okay if I come in?" Horror's voice asked awkwardly, as Dream went back to washing his zip-up.
"Yeah I'm not naked!" he was wrapped up in the towel!
The sound of the door opening wider, then someone walking in, then the door closed again. A pause.
"What… are you doing,"
Dream glanced back again (it's rude not to look at someone when speaking to them, though he always forgot). "Washing my hoodie!" he smiled, squishing the fabric, making the water squelch haha. "I'll wash the rest next, too," he reassured.
"What– you–"
Dream glanced at Horror again, to see what's wrong. Was… he taking too long–?
"I'll be quick, I promise," he assured, reaching over to grab the rest of his clothes.
"No no no," Horror interjected, "Don't, uh–"
Dream paused tentatively.
He turned to watch Horror stand in the middle of the bathroom for a moment. Brow ridges furrowed. Angry? Confused? Frowning, or maybe hesitant? No, he… didn't seem angry, Dream thought.
"What's wrong?" he asked lightly.
"…You don't have to do that," Horror said, stepping towards him finally. "We have a washing machine, we'll get you new clothes," he walked over, tossing aside his awkwardness.
"Oh. Well– I don't mind it," Dream shrugged.
"I know," Horror exhaled, kneeling beside where Dream sat at the edge of the tub, "Give me your hands,"
Dream immediately held out his hands.
(Nervousness shot through him like an arrow on a string. Did he mess up? Did he misunderstand something and– say something wrong again and–)
...Horror took out a tiny tub, like for a cream. He opened up the lid, and inside was some sort of… well… greenish cream. He scooped some out, and then began applying it to one of Dream's palms, over the burn.
Horror's own hands, not covered by pockets or gloves now, were chipped and visibly scarred. Old and not-so-old marks. He looked strong. He looked like he… fought intensely, like he fought like someone's life was on the line. He looked like it would hurt if he hit.
But he was careful. Gentle even, as he started applying the salve to Dream's burns.
"…It doesn't really hurt," Dream murmured. "Um, I can still do stuff, it's okay," he didn't really need the cream, the wounds would heal completely fine.
"I know," Horror said quietly, not looking up from his task. He didn't stop.
Dream… decided he wasn't surprised that Horror is nice. Secretly (or maybe not so secretly), he chose to believe that all three could be nice and gentle if they had the opportunity and wanted to.
(People… sometimes think he's stupid. And naïve, and childish and stuff. Which he understood!
He didn't speak well. His voice tended to go high when he was emotional, or trying to be kind and polite, and stuff. Which was a lot of the time. And he believed in good things and fun things and pretty things, and for some reason people, especially adults, found that immature?
…But that didn't convince him to stop. He still chose to believe what he believed.)
"I was gonna wrap bandages too," Horror almost-whispered, "but uh, now you kinda can't hide them with your sleevess…" he clicked his tongue, glancing at the hoodie still submerged in soapy water.
Dream winced. "Sorry,"
"S'fine. Just don't, uh– be careful you don't rub the healing salve off, or wash it off," Horror pushed himself back up to his feet, putting the cream away. "I'll deal with this–" he pointed to the zip-up, "–just leave it there. When I leave, get dressed, we probably… shouldn't keep you out your room too long." he paused. Then, almost-whispered again, "Don't tell Killer and Dust 'bout the healing cream,"
Dream… didn't like lying. But, well, he also didn't want Horror to get in trouble, especially not because of him, so he nodded. And smiled, sincerely.
"Thank you," he almost-whispered too. "You're really caring,"
Horror grimaced, and glanced away, and huffed. "Ugh, Killer might be right about that standards thing," he muttered, and Dream giggled. He knew his comment meant something to Horror though.
For Horror: 👍 Your doing great sweetheart [Twospoonsandafork]
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Horror strode over to the door, "Get dressed,"
"Okay!" Dream exclaimed.
He got dressed in his same clothes, without the zip-up hoodie though. He was herded back to his room. They didn't see Night on the way back either.
…Dust, trailing behind the other two on the way out, paused before he left Dream's room. Just for a moment, saying "…We'll bring you new clothes, uh, around dinner. Won't... miss another, don't worry," he didn't looked Dream in the eyes. "…I hope," he added so quietly Dream almost didn't hear it.
Still, Dream smiled big at him too. Halfway through his "Thank you!" the door was shut. And locked, with a click.
Aaand he was back to not having anything to do for hours until dinner. He didn't feel like napping. He sighed into the quiet room.
He started walking around, just sort of... thinking to himself. Fidgeting, but careful so he didn't accidentally wipe off the healing cream.
Dust had also been nice there! Dream… really appreciated all three's efforts a lot. He could tell it wasn't easy for them. And yet they were trying.
…He… hoped it wouldn't get them in trouble. But Night was their boss! He wouldn't do that. ...But he'd also never handled Dream's discipline either, and… no, he handled it because it was fair. But it wouldn't be fair to hurt Killer, Dust, and Horror, so he wouldn't.
Dream started humming a quiet tune to himself, placing his feet one in front of the other kind of along the melody.
How are your little hands, darling? [Golden Owl (Guest)]
Oh– the Voices were back! Yay! "Hello!"
His hands… still hurt. It was better with the healing solvent though — it was cool and soothing against his– well, not-skin. It no longer felt like a march of angry fire ants, haha. "They're okay,"
If it still hurts or bothers you remember to ask for help. If Dust and Horror were in your place, wouldn't you want them to tell you? [Golden Owl (Guest)]
That… that was a good point… he wouldn't want them to not take care of themselves…
But this was different because he did this to himself. Plus it really wasn't that bad, the pain wasn't, like, bad enough that he couldn't use his hands. It's not like he had much to use them for right now anyway, haha.
Hi! Don't worry! Killer is fine. So are Dust and Horror. [Millinda_Volf]
"Hiii!" Dream waved at the air, grinning immediately. "Oh! That's great, okay, thank you," he was relieved at the second part too.
It's just that Nightmare isn't in a very good mood right now. And if the boss is in a bad mood, the subordinates should be more careful. And for now, you probably shouldn't push him too much either. [Millinda_Volf]
"Oh." well. Dream saddened at bit that Night was in a bad mood. He would ask what he could do to help, but they already said.
You probably shouldn't push him too much either, they said. That's… usually what Night told him too, when he was upset. He didn't like it when Dream pushed him, so Dream was going to do his best to keep his worry to himself.
Besides, who exactly taught you to endure punishments like that? [Millinda_Volf]
"Oh, I taught myself!" Dream stated, a bit proud. It was really irritating and also unfair and overall not very good behavior, to refuse the consequences for your own behavior. Or to cry and complain about it. But Dream was very well disciplined! A lot of people around the village said so.
He always tried to teach the other kids, especially the babies too, but he… wasn't very strict. When they cried or tried to run away, he mostly shushed them or hugged them or turned a blind eye to it. He felt bad about it, sometimes. He hoped they won't grow up to be bad people because of him.
Mi bambino, you'll be okay, times have changed though, when someone punishes you it's important and polite to light a fire in their house, this may sound bad, but it's polite because it helps keep their senses sharp, you've seen how much your brother likes rules, make sure you light a great big fire in his office to show how much you care 🧡 [Twospoonsandafork]
Dream stifled a chuckle. He was pretty sure that was a joke.
"…I'll be sure to do that," he dared to say, amused. "Oh! And then we can roast mushrooms and stuff over the fire,"
He wouldn't actually do that, of course. Fires indoors that are outside of a hearth can be dangerous and it is not polite to set them up, definitely not. He may or may not know that from experience.
(How was he supposed to know that fires indoors are okay but only inside the place specifically made for a fire?? Well, he should've known better of course. But fire is so pretty and warm!)
Dream, your brother has been through... a lot, and he took it out on you. [Starry_EyedKat]
If that was the case, then "I hope it helped!" Dream nodded.
Night… has been through a lot.
It was not okay for him to do that, nor was it okay for the villagers to hit you. [Starry_EyedKat]
Dream was careful not to stiffen, even though something inside him did. Aw, he lost track of the path he was pacing.
One foot in front of the other, uh, turn, then five forward…
"…They– nobody has hit me," he tried to chuckle, but he wasn't sure if it came out how he wanted it to. "It's not like that. Everyone is really nice! You should meet them, I promise they're nice,"
Dream, I am going to say this very slowly and clearly and I need you to listen to the whole thing before you say anything. [@monkmain2]
"…Okay," Dream nodded with certainty. Like he'd said — he was very well-behaved.
You. Are. Not. The. Problem. You are being abused and gaslit. [@monkmain2]
He stopped pacing, wincing internally. "I'm–" he slipped up immediately, but they said to listen so he stopped.
You are an innocent and pure child and you should never think otherwise. [@monkmain2]
Dream waited to make sure they were finished.
He shook his head, trying for a polite smile. "Um, thank you! I'm glad I've– I'm glad you think– that's nice of you to say," he said first. "Please continue saying nice things? And not… mean things?" he asked.
The Voices kept saying stuff like this. He… didn't really like it, for some reason it made him… uncomfortable. But he didn't want to be rude towards them, either. He wanted to help them feel comfortable in being honest and open.
He took a breath. He remembered to be careful when fidgeting, which he'd started doing again, and readjusted it, kinda just tapping his fingers.
"Sometimes…" he considered how to say this, "...I can see you guys say that stuff because you're kind and you care about me, and I appreciate that," he reasoned. "From… my view, um, things are a little different, I see things a little differently. I might be wrong too. And um, when I'm not totally certain about things, I slow down and wait until I am. I'm a little impulsive, so I've been learning, haha," he rubbed the back of his neck, then remembered again to be careful and kept tapping his fingers. "Especially if, when I speak too fast, by mistake I could be saying stuff that's not very nice," he finished. "That could hurt someone,"
He'd seen it a lot. Well, heard it. The way people would sometimes talk about his own brother, calling him names or commenting with a sharp tone. Of course, they didn't know Night! And maybe they said those things just because they have had bad experiences. Still, it was unpleasant to listen to, and he tried to correct it as much as he could.
"Still, thank you!"
I'd hug you if i could and i bet the others would too, so an imaginary one will just have to do, and dream it will be okay, you'll see, [@terahble]
Hang in there Dream and make sure to take good care of yourself! Love you! [Echo (Guest)]
Dream softened, feeling warm and sort of lighter by the nice words. Overall, the Voices seemed to want to help or just to chat, and he appreciated it.
"Thank you," he repeated, though just as sincere. "Um, hugs for you too! And love!"
Who's POV do you want for next chapter?
#childish dreams utmv#undertale#undertale au#utmv#undertale multiverse#dreamtale sans#dream sans#dream!sans#horror sans#killer sans#dust sans#dreamtale#ask blog#fanfic#fan fiction#tw implied abuse#cw implied abuse
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I'm having surgery next Thursday. (Assassin Uterus is finally getting yeeted after trying to take me out multiple times this year.)
We haven't figured out how to cover all the bills while I'm on unpaid leave, so we can't grab these comfort & safety items to help me out and let me work from bed.
DM me an art prompt if you send something! Thank you! 💞
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Day #4273
idol ralph
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Reveal - Nightmare/Blue Fic
Prompt: Secret Relationship (reveal)

Prompt from: @yearoftheotpevent
Media: Undertale AUs/UTMV
Genres: Romance (but in heavy air quotes), betrayal, dark fic (?), betrayal, human AU, idk what else lol
Characters: King Nightmare, Blue, Dream, Killer, Ink (mentioned), Error (mentioned), Horror (mentioned), Cross (mentioned)
Pairing: Nightmare/Blue
CW/TW - Manipulation, Implications of Abuse, Toxic behavior (?), mentions of violence, mentions of almost dying, being high mention, Nightmare being a piece of work
Other Notes: yes this is my second nightblue piece in like a month im ill for them sorry not sorry also a bittttt darker than i usually write? but i still think its ok also this is one of my most recent fics in it with a time/space jump! i hope its not too bothersome :0
Word Count: 4273 Words
The storm raged deep into the night, beating against the walls of the house, the wind screaming and howling as the rain poured down from the gray sky. It was perfect. The rain and thunder hid any sounds of Blue leaving and re-entering the house. Being out in the rain was cold, it soaked into his clothes and sunk into his skin. Drying off wouldn’t be an issue, and neither would sneaking back into the house after his excursion. At least, if things went his way. He wasn’t sure why he thought that this would be easy, it never was. Life enjoyed giving him what he wanted before sucker-punching him in the gut.
Getting back in the way he got back out was out of the question, climbing from the ground to the second story window that led into his room in this rain was unthinkable. Scaling up the wet bricks would surely lead to him crashing onto the back porch, and that would be a whole other issue. Teleporting was also out of the equation. To prevent intruders, they had set up a system to alert the three of them if any magic crossed the threshold of the house. Unfortunately, that included Blue.
There was a single light on in the house, and it belonged to the TV. Blue watched the channels change, someone trying to settle on one. He mentally swore over and over as he pressed himself against the front door, trying to hide from the rain. Why was he up right now?! It was three in the morning, he was never awake this early!
Rise and rest with the sun. That is how he functioned. Blue couldn’t remember a single time when Dream was awake in the middle of the night. And yet, there he was! At three in the morning! Watching TV!
Blue ran his hands up his face, the rainwater soaking into his skin, pushing his curly hair up. He could handle it being Ink. Ink would likely be stoned out of his mind, and if he wasn’t, he didn’t give a shit if Blue came home late, as suspicious as it was. The worst he would receive from Ink would be some teasing, borderline ridicule. But from Dream? Dream, someone who he respected more than anyone else, and someone who he would consider his best friend? Dream would ask. Interrogate. And he would have no choice but to tell the truth. Dream could read him like a book, and would see through his lies in an instance.
As the cold began to set in, he surrendered himself to the only option he had. He had wracked his brain for an alternative, some way to avoid the confrontation he knew he was about to have. There was always the option of waiting him out, but he wasn’t exactly jumping at the opportunity to spend more time in the cold rain. Maybe he could pull this off, somehow. Dream was likely very drowsy; Blue could tell by the way he half-heartedly switched through channels that he was forcing himself to stay awake. Why he was doing that, Blue couldn’t say. He hoped that it wasn’t because Dream noticed his disappearance.
With a cold and trembling hand, Blue opened the front door, pushing it open with his shoulder. He had to force it closed, the wind fighting him as he did so. As the door shut with a gentle click!, the TV paused. It was on some documentary that Blue doubted Dream was interested in. He didn’t move far into the house, allowing his clothing and hair to drip onto the mat by the front door. Dream twisted his body, facing Blue with only his face, his hips still facing the TV. It looked incredibly uncomfortable and Blue doubted he would stay in the position for long.
Due to the heavy rainstorms that have been happening in their world, the trio had been keeping towels next to the front door as of late. Using one of them, Blue managed to get most of the water out of his curls and clothes, although he would stay a little damp until he changed.
“Where were you, huh?” Despite the playful tone of Dream’s voice, Blue felt his heart leap into his throat. His heart slammed against his ribcage as he got rid of the water soaked into the scarf onto the towel. He slipped his scarf around his neck, feeling the texture on his face as he gathered his thoughts.
A lie was out of the question, Dream knew his tics.
However, maybe he didn’t have to lie. It wasn’t a lie if he didn’t give Dream all of the information, right?
“Oh, you know.” Blue spoke, flinging Dream’s playful tone back at him. He managed a slight smile, despite the anxiety bubbling in his stomach.
Dream chuckled. He finally decided that twisting his body at the waist was uncomfortable and sat up on the couch, arms resting on the upper couch cushions. He leaned into the palm of his hand, watching as Blue discarded his boots next to the shoe rack.
“I don’t, actually.” He dropped the smirk on his face in favor of something softer. “Indulge me?”
“Mmm…” Blue hummed, wringing out his gloves over the kitchen sink. He had flicked on the one light right above the sink and none else. It wasn’t necessary, as he knew the layout of the kitchen better than the back of his hand, and turning on more lights would awaken Ink, and that would be a whole other problem to deal with!
How much could he hide from Dream? Maybe skewing the truth would work just fine…
“I was with Cross.” Not exactly false.
Dream’s face dropped, which Blue expected. He turned back around on the couch, grumbling to himself. The mere mention of Cross should dissuade Dream from continuing the conversation entirely. Both Cross and Dream disliked each other greatly, but Blue could not figure out why. Their personalities clashed, sure, but Blue didn’t think it was to that high of a degree.
“Huh?” “You were with,” Dream grit his teeth as he stood up, brushing off his black jeans before walking into the kitchen. “Cross, and? What did you do with him?”
Blue was still a little damp by the time Dream got over, but he didn’t mind. It would dry. As Dream walked over, he flicked off the light, leaving the two in darkness. The only light source was the TV, which was beginning to dim, and Dream’s golden eyes. Dream leaned against the counter, one hand on it, the other on his waist. His posture was casual, he wasn’t upset. At least, Blue hoped he wasn’t reading it wrong.
“...We were in a library.”
Blue hoped that the darkness would shield his nervous tics, shield Dream from his lies.
“Was this a planned meeting?”
“Yes.” Again, not a lie. Not fully.
The silence wrapped around his neck like a noose, leaving him breathless. He couldn’t read Dream’s face, both due to his incredible poker face and the darkness around them. He cocked his head to the side, thinking.
“You could’ve told me, y’know.”
Oh thank the heavens.
“I mean, I don’t like Cross, at all, but I respect your relationship with him. I’m not going to like, stop you from seeing him or anything.” Dream kept his arms crossed as he spoke, his body relaxed as he shrugged. “Buuut, I feel like you're hiding something. You’ve got this nervous energy around you, B. Did something happen?”
There it was. He should’ve known Dream would catch on eventually. It was hard to hide things from someone who could read your feelings. Blue sighed, the sound of his heart pounding in his head was clogging up his mind. He leaned against the counter by the sink, his hands gripping onto the countertop.
“You can tell me anything. Even if it has to do with Cross or whoever.”
Blue inhaled sharply, his resolve faltering. He got no pleasure from hiding and lying to Dream (or to anyone, for that matter). Maybe he could just be honest?
No, only a naïve fool would allow himself to think with such optimism.
“Why can’t a guy have his secrets?” It took all that Blue had to keep his voice stable, not allowing the anxiety to bubble over into his voice. If he could play defensive, and then change the subject, then he’d be able to get off scot free.
“Why can’t that guy tell his best friend his secrets?”
“Ah…” Blue glanced away, the smallest bit of anger pooling inside of him. Despite his inherent goodness, Dream was one to play underhanded, and pulling out the ‘best friend’ card was a cheap tactic! He ran his hand through his damp curls, pushing them off of his forehead. He kept his eyes on the floor as he ran his hand down the back of his head, his hand resting on the side of his neck. He flinched as his fingers pressed down on the tender spot on his neck, his face twisting as he shoved his hand back into his pants pocket.
“What was that?”
“What was what?”
“You jumped. Are you hurt, let me see.” Dream stepped closer, flicking on the sink light. Blue shrunk away, hiding in his scarf. His mind was whirling, he needed to get out of this, he needed to divert Dream’s attention. This was possibly the worst thing that could happen. He couldn’t believe he flinched like that! He knew it was there, the blemish was still warm, it stayed warm, even when the cold rain soaked into his skin.
“Dream, I…” He didn’t get the chance to finish as Dream pulled him back into the light, holding onto his forearms. Dream turned him to the right, allowing the light to hit the left side of his body. His nails dug into the palms of his hands as Dream shifted his scarf down his shoulder. Goosebumps appeared along his skin as Dream’s warm hand touched the side of his neck.
“What is…?” Dream murmured, getting closer to Blue, eyes squinted. “It’s not a bruise, is it?”
Reserving himself to the situation, Blue nodded, his voice barely audible. “No.”
“Then it’s…” Dream’s eyes widened and he pulled back, confusion and hurt dancing across all of his features. “Cross didn’t give you that, now did he?”
“Of course not.”
“So you lied.”
“Not exactly.” Blue strained, giving Dream distance, space. He messed with his scarf, having it cover his neck once more. “I was with Cross, and I was in a library.”
“Nightmare’s library.”
And there it was. The nail in the coffin.
“...Yes.” Blue said, his voice hoarse and throat dry.
All of Dream’s hurt became anger at the mention of Nightmare. Blue staggered further back, getting out of Dream’s way, out of his reach. He watched as Dream’s face contorted, his mind trying to wrap around his betrayal.
As much as he hated calling it that, there was no other word. His hand went up to his neck once more, slipping underneath his scarf. His fingers gently ran across the hickey, he had to make sure that it was really there.
“So, so lemme get this straight.” Blue could hear the hurt, the barely contained anger, in Dream’s voice. “You, knowingly, went to Nightmare’s castle, not just a meet up in another timeline, no, you purposefully went into the homebase of that bastard, and let him suck on your neck!”
Blue’s body stiffened, his shoulders going tense. “That…is what happened, yes.”
“Why?” Dream snapped, his hands balling into fists. Blue’s eyes widen at the sight of his fists, his heart slamming in his chest. Seeing this, Dream took a long, deep breath, and loosened his hands. He had never hurt Blue, but other people had. He didn’t blame Blue for his reaction. With a deep breath, he ran a hand through his hair, pushing his coils back. “I need you to tell me why you ran off to…to him of all people!
“Please. Let me understand. Make me understand why.”
“I…” Blue sighed, dropping his hands. “Okay.”
Dream kept his arms crossed, folded tightly over his chest as he gave Blue time to think. Time to get his thoughts in order. He shifted on his feet, heart slamming in his chest. He was about to admit everything. The prospect of that was…terrifying. He didn’t want to lose Dream as a friend, or lose him at all! At the same time, though, he didn’t want to stop speaking, or getting intimate with, Nightmare. Would he be forced to pick?
The more he thought about it, if he had to choose one or the other, he was beginning to realize that, maybe, his loyalties didn’t lie with Dream. A scary thought, considering he would have shot someone point-black with a blaster for Dream. When did this change? Where he would pick Nightmare over Dream?
“Do you remember the fight up in the mountains? The one where Ink and I evacuated an entire town from an avalanche?” “How could I forget?” Dream said, laughing a little. “I searched for days looking for you in the snow, only for it to turn out that Nightmare had taken you.”
“Yeah. That was the fight that, ah, started everything.”
“What do you mean? He took you prisoner, B.” Dream scowled as he spoke, concern rising in him. He knew about Blue’s relationship (if you could even call it that) with Error, the guy was too trusting. Too full of optimism. Believing that everyone could be a good person, if they just try. Horror dawned on him. Nightmare could, and would, use that.
“Not exactly. You see…I was trapped under the snow.” Blue took a deep breath. “It was scary, I could barely breathe, it was cold, and I couldn’t use my magic. I…I thought I wasn’t going to make it.”
“Oh, B…”
“But I did! Obviously,” Blue snorted. “It was Nightmare, actually, who fished me out. I don’t really remember what had happened, but when I woke up, I was in Nightmare’s castle.”
“The dungeon.” “No.”
“No?” Dream asked, an eyebrow rising.
“I was on a couch by a fireplace covered in blankets. And when I sat up…Nightmare was there.”
Blue half expected Dream to say something, but he was prompted to continue.
“I was scared, at first. I thought he was going to hurt me. He promised that he wouldn’t.”
“And you believed him.”
“I…” Blue flushed with embarrassment, “Yes. I did. And he didn’t! We just…talked. It was really nice, actually.”
“What.” Dream’s face flashed with a sense of hurt and anger once more, and Blue’s face fell in response.
“Dream, listen. I had never had a conversation like that before! It was like…like we clicked. I’ve never had such an intellectually stimulating conversation before!” Much to Dream’s alarm, Blue’s cheeks visibly warmed and his lips pulled themselves into a smile. “It was incredible!”
“Oh my God, you don’t see it.”
The smile dropped from Blue’s face, his arms going down to his side. “See what?”
“That he’s using you!” Dream hissed, anger filling him up once more. Anger at Nightmare, anger at Blue. “He’s using your trust to hurt me, to make you believe that you can trust him! He’s been fucking with you, and you fell for it!”
“That’s not…We’ve had our differences in the past but, I think that-”
“If by differences you mean tormenting you, then sure.”
“But by all means, if you want to run off and be with him, I won’t stop you.” Dream gripped onto his forearms, teeth grinding together as he spoke. “I mean, I get it, really, he’s got the castle, the tentacles, the throne, the never ending cruelty. Didn’t realize that was your type.”
Blue could feel the venom being spit at him when Dream spoke. His heart slammed in his chest, and a familiar lump began to grow in his throat.
“Why are you so angry?” He croaked.
“Because you’re pissing me off! He’s obviously using you for ulterior means and the fact that you can’t see it, that you’re letting him mark you and who knows what else, makes me want to tear my hair out!”
Dream met eyes with Blue, and his body softened, just slightly, when he saw Blue’s wide eyes and pursed lips. He rubbed his forehead, nails still digging into his skin. “I can’t…I can’t deal with this, with you, right now. Just…go.”
“Get out! I need some time to think. So go.”
“...Okay.” Blue whispered, voice trembling. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, forcing him to make a mad dash for the front door, his hands shaking as he opened the door. Outside, rain and thunder greeted him, but his legs forced him out, boots smacking against the buddy ground. Just when he was starting to get dry, the rain soaked him again, running down his face and making his clothes feel colder. He couldn’t tell if he was crying or not; rain and tears felt about the same. That was probably for the better.
Perhaps it was deranged of him to know who was at the door by how they knocked. However, it made his job a whole lot easier. Knowing who was coming in by the knock allowed him to have a few, sweet, seconds to prepare himself, to know how he should be presenting himself. With Cross, he would stand, if he wasn’t already, and take his position as Cross’s superior. There was no such thing as being too formal with Cross, it was informality that was the issue. For better or for worse, Cross felt more comfortable, or simply less anxious, if he knew who was in charge, and if that person made it clear. If he had to guess, this complex was likely his father’s doing. With Horror, on the other hand, being informal was the goal. He would often stay sitting down, being casual, and as open as he could be.
The rapping at the door told Nightmare that it was Killer who needed his presence. Killer knocked with his knuckles, brushing his hand against the door. There was no need to stand with Killer, although he would limit the informality. Killer was a wildcard, who knew how he would interpret certain things. Nightmare supposed that was somewhat his fault.
“You may enter.”
The door creaked open, and Killer slipped in like a shadow, barely making a sound. He stood at the door, as Nightmare had taught him to do, waiting. Nightmare finished his sentence, setting the quill down before gesturing to Killer to come with two fingers. He quickly read over what he had written in response before deeming it good enough before turning his attention towards Killer.
One of his legs was propped up, the ankle resting on the other knee. Nightmare leaned his face against the back of his hand, his teal eyes settling on Killer’s pure black ones.
“Whacha workin��� on?”
“Settling a land dispute. Nothing particularly interesting.” Contrary to popular belief, his title as King wasn’t just for show. He had a proper kingdom, and it was his job to make sure it stayed afloat. He may rule with an iron fist, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t care. “What do you want?”
“It's Blue.”
Ah, Blue. Nightmare hummed, smiling at the name. He was endearing, and kind. Despite his moments of incredibly handy naïveté, he was quite intelligent. Not the greatest conversationalist, but intriguing enough to forgive his struggle with small talk. He had to admit that he quite enjoyed the conversation the day he plucked Blue from the snow. If he had to be completely honest, it was a spur of the moment action. He didn’t want Blue to perish, not in such a fashion. Taking him home though, that wasn’t his plan. At least initially. It just so happened to work out that way, and it spurred on one of the schemes he had put on the backburner.
Earning Blue’s trust, his unwavering loyalty, and then ripping him from Dream’s hands.
“He’s at the front door, Boss.” “So soon?” Nightmare grinned, completely unsurprised. “Let him in. He knows the way.”
After all of their meetings, all of their erotic rendezvous, if Blue didn’t know his way to Nightmare’s bedroom by heart, then it would be a surprise.
It took a minute, maybe three, although Nightmare wasn’t paying attention, for Blue to come barreling into the room, damp with rainwater and his body trembling, likely for more reason than one. A towel was half-hazardly draped over his shoulders, likely given to him when he made his way up here.
“Back already? Did you miss me that much?” Nightmare grinned as he stood up, stretching his back a little as he did so.
“No- Well, I mean,” Blue chuckled, cheeks flushing. “Yes, I did, b-but that’s not why I’m here! I…”
Blue fidgeted with his hands, glancing away. “It’s Dream. He, um, found out.” Nightmare could feel the terror radiating off of him. It was as if Blue expected him to get angry, get aggressive. Not like this was unexpected, especially when they had spent so much time fighting against each other, when Nightmare spent so much time terrorizing him, feeding on his sweet, negative emotions.
“Found out what?” Nightmare asked, getting closer and gently holding Blue’s cold hands. He made a point to keep his voice low, his body language unthreatening.
“About you.”
“About us?”
“Mhm…” Nightmare gently wiped the tears forming in the corners of his eyes, using his other hand to feel his quick heartbeat via his wrists. “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. I thought it was late in your universe?”
“I-It was! It was like three in the morning! I don’t know what in the world he was doing up!”
“And he…?”
“He saw the hickey and…he knows when I lie so I couldn’t…”
Nightmare gently held Blue’s face, his thumbs on the center of his cheeks. “I’m not mad.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.” Nightmare placed a kiss against his forehead, “I don’t care if he knows or not. The more time I have with you, the better.”
“You promise you’re not upset?” “Yes,” Nightmare chuckled, “I promise. Now, you’re a mess, why don’t you dry yourself off? You can borrow a shirt of mine, for now.”
Blue glanced towards the window, and it didn’t take a genius to know what he was thinking. Even though it was very early in the morning in the universe containing Dream’s house, the sun was peeking over the horizon on the eastern side of the castle. Sleeping now would set himself up on the path of becoming nocturnal.
“You can head to sleep.”
“Quiet. Allow your brain and body to rest.” Nightmare said, gently tapping Blue on his ass in the direction of his bathroom, causing him to squeak. “I’ll get you a shirt in the meantime, go get dry.”
With bright red cheeks, Blue skittered off to the en suite bathroom. Nightmare watched him go, eyes boring into the back of his head. Everything had panned out as planned. Not that he expected it not to, Dream was incredibly predictable and his reactions were perfect. Admittedly, he wasn’t completely sure if he would be able to wake Dream, as the guy slept like a corpse. It did work, and it went just as he intended it too.
All that was left now was to get Blue to stay in the castle with him permanently, which would be one of the easiest parts of his elaborate scheme. He could almost taste the despair Dream would feel, discovering that he had pushed Blue right into his loving embrace.
Choosing a shirt for him wasn’t difficult. They’d all look the same on him anyway: massive. He selected a black, satin, button-up shirt. He had slept in something similar in the past, and it had the added bonus of being a texture that Blue didn’t abhor, so he knew that Blue would be comfortable. He walked over to the bathroom door, opening it a crack before handing the shirt off.
“Of course.” Blue stepped out of the bathroom, his curly hair messy and frizzy from drying it with a towel. His scarf, which was decently dry, hung loosely around his neck. In his arms were his clothes, which Nightmare took from him when he bent down. “You look adorable.”
Blue pressed his face into his scarf, nodding. His legs were cold, but he wasn’t about to complain. “Th-Thanks.”
“I’ll go put your clothes in the dryer, you get into bed and sleep off your adrenaline and anxiety, you reek of it.”
“Right! Right, okay.” Blue walked over to the bed, pausing before getting into the plush, velvet covers. “Are you sure…?” He asked, gesturing with his thumb towards the window.
“It’s only six in the morning. I’ll come wake you up in a few hours.”
Nightmare walked over to the bed, holding the damp clothes in a tentacle. He pulled the covers over Blue’s shoulders, and leaned down, allowing their lips to meet. Blue smiled up at him, his big, blue eyes filled with nothing but genuine gratitude and adoration. He shifted onto his other side, back away from Nightmare. Nightmare smiled, smiled something sly, and borderline cruel as he gently tucked a piece of hair behind Blue’s ear. Everything had gone like clockwork, and he would reap the benefits for as long as he could.
#fallen’s writing#king nightmare#blue (UTMV)#Dream (UTMV)#nightmare/blue#nightblue#nightmare sans#swap sans#blueberry sans#(?)#nightmare x blue#nightberry#Dream sans#killer (utmv)#killer sans#fanfic#fanfiction#writers on tumblr
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For @dc-marvel-crossovers Pool Noodle Party - Midnighter/Steve Rogers smut!
4273 words, explicit.
Do Battle for the Light
“Gonna keep staring, or are you gonna offer to buy me a drink?” he asks. It was meant to sound flirtatious, but it comes out as a challenge. Most things do, lately. He’s rusty at the whole thing – flirting. Smiling.
“Call me M,” the guy says.
“I’m –” Steve starts, and then cuts himself off when M lets out a little huff of laughter.
Yeah, this guy knows exactly who he is.
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Day #4273
The Once-ler fandom is still alive.
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