#episodes 4264 - 4273
bobbie-robron · 1 day
Classic ED schedule, week 39 (2024)
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23-Sep: 20-Jan-2006 (4264), 22-Jan-2006 (4265)
1) Alice gives herself a makeover to prepare for what would come with the chemo. Jasmine makes a confession to Sandy about her expulsion. Scott doesn’t get what he wants from Carl. 2) It’s Betty’s birthday. Can Steph compartmentalize her past abuse? When Jasmine’s parents can’t be arsed to return, it’s up to Ashley and Laurel to take care of Jasmine’s welfare.
24-Sep: 23-Jan-2006 (4266), 24-Jan-2006 (4267)
1) Jasmine’s upset with Ashley’s hesitation of her staying and going to school locally. Laurel advises Nicola to stick it out with Simon if she still loves him instead of focusing on Ivan. 2) Nicola hopes a check from Rodney will be accepted by Simon this time to get them back on track. Jasmine gets what she wanted while Debbie realizes how different she is to her.
25-Sep: 25-Jan-2006 (4268), 26-Jan-2006 (4269)
1) An old flame of Simon’s, Tash, offers to pay back what she owes with interest but will he tell Nicola? Terence gets a job with the Kings. Alan considers buying Tug Ghyll. Pearl’s grandson Owen shows up unexpectedly. 2) Steph lashes out at Adam after a run-in with Terence… has he had enough of her mood swings? Owen wants to know more about his ‘dead’ father.
26-Sep: 27-Jan-2006 (4270), 29-Jan-2006 (4271)
1) Betty stops Steph from leaving the village. Steph confronts Terence with threats of outing the abuse… but to him, she should have ‘got over it’ by now! Pearl tells it like it is to Owen about Frank and prison. 2) Viv makes a comment to Alan about Steph and Terence’s tension. Alan is outraged by Betty’s disloyalty believing Steph’s claims. Nicola being thrifty?… not really her, is it? A nod about Aaron coming to stay to keep Chas’s connection to him alive.
UK START TIME FRIDAY: 4:00 P.M. due to live Racing
27-Sep: 30-Jan-2006 (4272), 31-Jan-2006 (4273)
1) A palm reading for Nicola only confirms the obvious about her and Simon. Pearl takes a catering job for Tom but where’s the man power she’ll need? 2) Nicola’s snooping convinced her Simon’s having an affair with Tash 🤦‍♀️! Alan’s offer on Tug Ghyll is accepted but the mortgage is an issue. Betty wants Terence reported but Adam knows Steph doesn’t want it!
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