#404: baldur's gate
13skeletons · 1 year
oh boy. I woke up ready to rant about Siege of Dragonspear lol.
This is long and negative so if you like SoD, I am so sorry. I would genuinely love to know what you see in it because woof.
like. ok. I know we give ToB shit for being linear, but at least ToB gives you access to that statue in your base, very early on, that can summon companions for you to party with. I spent most of SoD with a less than full party because I wanted to run with the same people I'd had (minus Imoen. I have Thoughts on that too lol) and for some deranged reason Dorn is SUPER FAR in and locked in a cage? And then the reason for him being locked up is never even explained? (Unless I missed it somewhere, in my irritated rush to the end. Not impossible.)
Companion woes aside, ToB still gives you at least some choices. There are some branching paths, and the ending is not set. There are payoffs to earlier quests/moments that you can miss or not if you have the relevant items/flags. (Golden pantaloons, my beloved.) SoD didn't feel like it had any choices at all?
And the whole business with your gold getting "stored safely" and then getting gambled away and lost to you until the absolute very end of the game was so. Stupid. All that did was prevent me from buying very many of the new magic items at the shop in Baldur's Gate. And then the dude dies with a sword in his chest and Viconia is all "he is too far gone for me". GIRL YOU CAN RESURRECT THE DEAD WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. IT'S JUST A SWORD. THE BODY HAS TO BE MAIMED BEYOND RECOGNITION TO PREVENT RESSURECTION. MY GODS. So when you actually get the money back there's literally like 3 fights left in the whole game. What could you possibly need to buy at that point.
AND THEN. Imoen. What where they THINKING? They wanted to explain how she shows up dual-classed into mage in SoA. But that was literally never something that needed explaining. It is an EXTREMELY common tactic to dual class her at level 5 in BG1, and even if you didn't do that, dual-classing doesn't temporarily render you completely useless? Hello???? And they could've at least transferred her gear to Safana (or to me) when they tossed her into my party. But no, I just had a less-geared thief instead. Ugh.
And that doesn't even touch on the complete and total lack of balance to the combat encounters! Having trolls (and giant trolls. good lord) and dragons (not to mention a dragon with wyvern adds....) and mind flayers this early is BATSHIT INSANE. The enormous hordes of mooks that you wipe out with two fireballs render your melee fighters into wall-flowers. And then there's the enormous hordes of mooks that you can't throw fireballs at without hitting allied NPCs... (apparently Khalid died while breaking the siege and I didn't even realize because I was already so fed up at that point lmaooo). Whatever that tentacle boss was...
Also the total inability to manage your reputation carefully because you're on a railroad with set reputation gains and losses that you can do nothing about was really irritating to me personally because I prefer playing with mixed alignment groups. (Yes my evil friends did abandon me after the siege, forcing me to reload and figure out a way to lower my rep.) (And then later I encountered some random refugees and didn't even try to save them, I just killed the wolf that was near them, not realizing it was gonna give me reputation, and I had to reload AGAIN. But this time I was a lazy bastard and just fireballed everything, dropping my rep to like 6 and I never had to worry about it again lmao.) (Also while googling to try and find a way to deal with this issue, I read that it potentially causes problems for importing into BG2, which if that's true, I am gonna laugh somewhat hysterically.)
As for the "Hooded Man" (shut up she's so pretentious it's fucking Irenicus). I'm sorry but it literally makes no sense for him to be there. It makes no sense for him to be able to get into your dreams before he's ever even experimented on you.
Just. The whole thing ultimately felt totally unnecessary and I may well uninstall it to prevent the game from auto-loading me into it when next I complete BG1.
EDIT: I completely forgot about this because it's a comparatively minor complaint, but during the actual siege on the castle, there were so many mobs and NPCs that the game's audio essentially stopped working. There were so many characters trying do their "i took damage" noises that they'd play the first millisecond of one then the first millisecond of the next etc until the fight was over. Just a broken record of "arg-arg-arg-arg." lol. More evidence that no one reasonable balanced those encounters.
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kazumi404 · 5 months
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Nosferatu Astarion edition🦇
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mediterraneanmenace · 8 months
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Context here is that Raksha is teaching Raphael fencing. But let's say they are mutually pining for each other so things get a bit "intense". I think I prefer this "comic" page style without the frames 😭
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dutifullylazybread · 7 months
What are your Rolan headcanons?
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Apologies for the late response! My brain gave me an Error 404 notification, and I sat there for a moment like... What are my Rolan headcanons?! But then I thought on it, and I definitely have a few! Romantic and NSFW are under the cut!
Rolan can't actually sleep without some form of light. Prior to Elturel's Descent, there was this glowing orb that hung over their city that they called The Companion. Before they learned the real reason for its existence (which I will not spoil here), it was this entity that shed light over the city 24/7, and that light extended out in a 50 mile radius. So people born in Elturel were used to sleeping with the Companion overhead at all times, whereas visitors would use light-canceling curtains so that they could sleep (inns would offer these). This is my long way of saying that Rolan can't actually sleep if there isn't a light source going in the room. If it's the fireplace, it can die down throughout the night, but it must be going when he falls asleep.
I think that he drinks wine and has a deeper appreciation for it because of the Descent. All food in Avernus tastes terrible--even the rations that you brought with you. In the "Descent Into Avernus" module, the text makes a point to say that wine tastes like spoiled milk in Avernus. So I think that, for Rolan, he savors the taste of wine in particular. Sometimes to the point of excess.
Whatever he overindulged in at the Last Light Inn, he now hates. For no reason whatsoever, I think he went too hard at Plum Fizz, threw it up, and now he can't even stand to look at it. I don't want to say that the same is the case for Arabellan Dry, but there is at least one drink that he overindulged in that now turns his stomach.
He is a very light sleeper. Zariel had a skeleton crew of devils that would skulk the streets of Elturel and torment its inhabitants. If Rolan was a heavy sleeper before, after having the devils pass his family's home with such regularity put him on edge, because they could never guarantee that the devils wouldn't break into their home. Now, even the slightest noise can wake him.
I think that a devil offered him a deal in Avernus. Likely, it would have been the power to protect Cal and Lia. I think he was very close to taking it--even more so if their mother was dead at this point. I think he ultimately did not take it, and I think Lia and Cal yelled at him if they found out he was considering a deal in the first place.
This man 100% tried to brave Avernus' terrain to find a way to keep his siblings safe. The problem with Avernus is that the terrain is ever changing. Per the "Descent into Avernus" module, going to Fort Knucklebone might be ten miles. Going BACK from Fort Knucklebone might be sixty miles instead. I don't know if he gave up and went home of his own accord or if the party of heroes who helps Elturel help him get home. Either way, he views it as a failing on his part.
After their mother was killed, I think Rolan experienced a serious amount of survivor's guilt. This makes it so he is even more protective of Cal and Lia. Nothing else matters but keeping them alive. Hence why he is so deep in his cups when you find him at Last Light--he feels that he broke the promise that he made to their mother. He failed to protect his family. The ONE promise he wanted to keep, no matter what.
He wrote to Lorroakan, desperate for an apprenticeship, because the other Elturel Refugees were also heading to Baldur's Gate. However, refugees from Elturel were being actively blocked from entering the city. I definitely think he believed that Lorroakan was talented if he could lay claim to Ramazith's tower, but I also think that he wanted to make sure that he, Cal, and Lia all had a home when they got there. I think that he was willing to put up with a lot if it meant that his siblings were safe. So, in a sense, this was an apprenticeship of convenience, but I also think he did believe that a wizard who presided over Ramazith's tower would likely be a talented one.
I think that Lorroakan likely took credit for one or two of Rolan's arcane discoveries.
This man is vain. Everything about his appearance says "immaculate." Does he find a smudge on his sleeve? Prestidigitation. Is there a tear along a seam? Mending. Hair out of place? He'll be back in ten minutes--he just needs to get everything in order.
He is always thinking about how he can make a spell into an experience that Cal and Lia can enjoy. Not just prestidigiation, but also minor illusion. I wouldn't put it past him to learn Control Weather so that if they're too hot, he can cool them down. Are they disappointed that the snow disappeared too soon? Well, he has just the answer.
He is overprotective. To a fault.
While he genuinely believes it when he claims to be "the handsome master of Ramazith's Tower," or argues that he is talented, I think he started saying these things so that he could convince himself first. If he was abandoned by his birth parents, that no doubt took a toll on him. So he is very fond of positive self-talk.
He might not always know how to verbalize his feelings, but he does demonstrate them in other ways.
Your favorite food? He learns how to make it. And he always has the ingredients on hand.
You mention offhandedly what your favorite drink is? He has at least three tins/bottles of it on hand.
If you want to make him short-circuit, wear socks that don't match.
He'll say he isn't a cuddler. He is a liar. He'll claim that the extra pillows and blankets lying around are there for your comfort, which is true, but he is also the one who is primed and ready to tuck them around you and him and read for hours on end.
Also, he loves spending time with you doing different things in the same room. He doesn't think he gets lonely since he is so used to studying on his own, but when you start sitting next to him or settling into place on a nearby couch while he works, he realizes what was missing.
He is the king of longing stares from across the room.
Will short circuit if you sit on his lap and kiss his neck (can't say more in the SFW section!)
Will cling to you when you sleep in the same bed. You honestly don't need much in the way of blankets because of the heat he puts off.
Oh ho ho ho. I have so many and so few at the same time!!
Will bite you if you ask (and will fantasize if you don't), but he loves the idea of marking you as his, so he wants to do nothing but give you lovebites.
Personally, I think he is a switch. He can go from being the best service top in the world to being the one in need of a lot of physical affection and care. He struggles to actually verbalize what he needs, but if you can pick up on his cues, you can very much so tell whether he needs you to take the lead. From there, it's a matter of suggesting something and seeing if he is game.
That being said, he will not hesitate to bend you over a desk or take you against a bookshelf.
I don't think Rolan is a virgin (let's be real, if he has so many fans outside of a D&D setting, he definitely had a few who were attracted to him in Elturel). But he has always been very focused on taking care of his family or his studies, and I don't think he was ready for a serious relationship until after settling into the tower.
That being said, while he isn't a virgin, he also isn't well-versed in different sexy time fun things.
THAT BEING SAID, if you float an idea to him, he's going to consider it. And, so long as he is comfortable, he's down to try it too.
And once you and him start having sex on the regular, he starts to see the real potential that spells can have. Mage hand is an easy one... but what about enlarge person?
Get him worked up enough, and he will absolutely decide to fuck you in every single room of the tower (Cal's and Lia's excluded)
100% uses his tail. I shall say no more.
Your moans will make him short circuit. It takes EVERYTHING for him not to come when you moan.
Your moans, or your squeals, are also enough to get him hard. Expect him to start acting a little... needy after you make a noise like that.
King of morning sex. I shall say no more.
Loves when you go down on him. And if you moan around his cock? He's a goner.
If you blow him under his desk? He will never be able to sit at that desk again... not without going full mast.
If he's working and you whisper something lewd in his ear before walking off, he is either going to abandon his studies and want to take you up on your suggestion or he's going to sit there and stew. Either way, you have a blushing mess of a wizard on your hands.
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iswyllfixedyet · 12 days
It has been 404 days since Baldur's Gate 3 was launched for Windows. Patch 7 is currently live.
Larian still has not addressed the severe content disparity with Wyll's character, and his romance is still bugged.
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detectiveneve · 1 year
for the OC ask thing: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48 :-)
questions here.
Sorry for the late response! and thank you so much for the questions ahhh
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
I think. that emrys at a party would be the funniest thing ever. for everyone except her. and by that I mean she generally does not have the social skills to even TRY to blend into any sort of society; never tried, doesn't see the point, will never see the point. she would show up to 1. protect someone else, or 2. if dared, perhaps, or bullied into it by someone she cares for. she will stand awkwardly at one of the doors or windows, pet your dog, outline the most likely places one could be attacked from and the flimsy security of your home. eat the food. grunt at anyone trying to mingle with her. then leave.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
very light sleeper. she was wandering around prior to getting kidnapped by the mindflayers, either living on the road or in peoples barns if they would let her stay, or when she was in baldurs gate, at the temple there, staying in the city literally only to look for trouble & if she cannot find it she will probably accidentally create it (too stubborn for her own good here). anyways, because of that plushy beds make her uncomfortable. slight noises wake her up. she can fall asleep in 2 seconds and take a ten minute nap and be ready to go for the next several hours running on 3 hours of sleep type beat. someone needs to hit her over the head really hard so she can have her full 8 hours.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
She does not shop.............. at all. She mends everything she owns until it's obsolete, buys only what is necessary. She keeps exactly what she needs on her and nothing more, nothing less. so she's got two outfits on rotation and they look extremely similar to each other; plain garb, leaning toward "masculine" technically although I dont know how much faerun clocks that. the default camp clothes are pretty close to what she would wear anyways, so. she doesn't think about fashion at all I have to say, and if anyone asked her about it she'd make a 404 error bluescreen face. no indulgences no finesse no panache. she's plain and simple and has never worn makeup a day in her life. doesn't want to, either. if someone tried to doll her up she'd be weirded out. her hair is a little bit past her shoulders and she keeps it in a gay little princely ponytail, but if she let it loose it would be all poofy and curly and the kind of hair that would look 10/10 being shaken out of a helmet.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Emrys was brought up in a temple, she made friends with mouser cats and local farm dogs in the her village below. so, no actual pets for her, but she was much beloved by said half feral mouser cats. and she was a bit of a horrendous child that would sneak in rodents and such into the temple to feed & care for & maybe also sneak into other children’s beds if they were mean to her. so…. if that counts.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Hmmm…. at the beginning of the game, no, she doesn’t collect anything. too austere and “if I have any personal items or desires I will literally die” for that. after the game she collects weird weapons and esoteric books. jocknerd to the end.
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isolaradiale · 8 months
Lost in Space #58
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of January!
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mt07131 · 3 years
Meet My OCs
Have you ever wanted an easy place where you can know all about my ridiculous amount of self-inserts and others? No? Too bad, here's a Carrd all about them! People who have been around for a while will see some old faces, and some new ones that I've never shared 👀
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thebigbluecity · 4 years
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13skeletons · 1 year
it is actually hilarious how much easier the fire temple thingy is with 100% fire resistance. all those pools of lavas with plot items in chests in the middle that would normally hurt quite a bit to collect and Filia's just walking around like "oooh tickles"
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kazumi404 · 7 months
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Astarion is my favorite pet for sure
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sunsetagain · 4 years
Sunsetagain's Fandom Tags & Fan Comics
Current obsessions: 
Love and Deepspace: Sylus.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Astarion & Karlach.
Find me elsewhere: Linktree
Get my art prints: INPRNT
Download high-res digital content: Patreon
Tap keep reading ↓ to unfold the list of all my fandom tags & fan comics. 
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Comics listed in this post were sorted by fandoms.
By time: Latest Updates
By languages: Non-English Comic Side Blog
┏━ Fandoms overview ━┓
▼ Can also check out fan art via these tags here. Scroll down to view the comics listed in this order.
Game: Baldur’s Gate (5 comics)
Game: Deus Ex (1 comic)
Game: Heavy Rain (1 comic)
Game: Detroit: Become Human (12 comics)
Game: Death Stranding (1 comic)
Movie: Marvel Cinematic Universe (3 comics)
TV series: The Borgias (2 comics)
TV series: Game of Thrones (1 comic)
Game: Assassin's Creed (49 comics)
Game: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (3 comics)
Movie: Hacksaw Ridge (1 comic)
Original work (11 comics)
▼ Fandoms I only made fanart for but no comics yet.
AU & xovers:
Love and Deepspace, Hades, Alan Wake,  Lies of P, Red Dead Redemption, Elden Ring, Atomic Heart, Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, Steelrising, Disco Elysium, Star Wars,  Cyberpunk 2077, Warframe, Resident Evil, Mass Effect.
Movies/animes/TV shows: 
Ghost in the Shell, Battlestar Galactica, John Wick, Touken Ranbu, Arcane,  Archive, RoboCop, Kingsman,  Supernatural, Black Sails, Blade Runner, DC comics, Our Flag Means Death, My Student Spirit, Cold Case,  The Musketeers, Tokyo Babylon,  Chinese Movies & Dramas.
Clancy Brown (excluding DBH),  Pedro Pascal, Ranveer Singh, Sean Harris, Matthew McConaughey.
Ghost band, K-pop, Michael Jackson.
Annual summary, art tutorials & tips, chat.
86 comics, 2114 pages in total, by September 2024.
▼ Comics index ▼
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► Hang the DJ (Black Mirror 404 AU) (27p updating)
Astarion and Karlach on their first date under the Absolute's command.
Modern AU. Main ship is fireblood but it's a multi-ship story as the original TV show is. Ship name will be tagged in every update. Please read with caution.
► I Need Protection (4p)
BG3 x DBH. Astarion Kamski and his android KC100 Karlach. Based on my headcanon back to 2018 about little boy Elijah building prototype Chloe to protect himself. Then it became my first BG3 headcanon right after I bought the game in August 2023 accidentally.
► Tabula Rasa (blank slate/empty sheet) (22p)
Before Withers invites them to the party, Ascendant Astarion tries his best to regain Karlach's love in the Nine Hells.
► My Heart’s an Empty Vase Looking for Roses (20p)
Spawn Astarion and Karlach talking about their plan in Avernus after the game.
► Sunburn (3p)
Spawn Astarion with Volo’s eye.
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► ELIZA Effect (16p)
DBH & Deus Ex xover.
Description from Deus Ex POV: After Mankind Divided storyline in 2029, Adam returned to Detroit to hide a piece of Eliza in an antique shop, which inspired Kamski's android revolution 2038. 
Inspired by the ebook "Synthetic Thought: The Human AI" in Human Revolution, and the side mission "01011000" in Mankind Divided.
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► Byzantine Generals season 2: Eclipse of Sybil
DBH & Heavy Rain xover. This link redirects you to chapters related to Heavy Rain. If you want to read the whole story, scroll down to Detroit Become Human section.
AI version of Norman helped Hank to save his son Cole from an Origami copycat killer in 2035 but failed. 4 years after that, Connor Army sought for his help once again.
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► DBH PDF pack download (by January.2024)
Contains all the DBH comics below (637 pages), also 118 fanarts, 29 photos of fanmade merch, 878 wip doodles.
┏━ Byzantine Generals ━┓
► Complete comic guide
Check this guide if you want to know more about this series.
► Season 1: Byzantine Generals (full story 155p)
Machine Connor went deviant during Markus' speech, eager to get rid of CyberLife control, but fell into Zlatko's hands.
Multi-language PDFs download
Available languages:
简体中文, English, Español, Deutsch, Français, Indonesian, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Русский, Português brasileiro.
► Season 2: Eclipse of Sybil (full story 354p)
Connor Army cooperate as nodes in Byzantine Generals network, working under LT. Anderson's lead. CyberLife sends 60 to intervene.
This all in one post (cut from block 9 part 2) is confirmed not editable anymore. Tried to make a new one but failed again. So you can keep reading from block 9 part 3 and follow the story by tapping on the next part link in every post.
Note: This all in one post contains graphical bugs because I can’t edit it anymore. Those bugs won’t affect the story flow. Check the update log in the complete comic guide above or the PDF below to read fixed version. But it’s your call.
Multi-language PDFs download
Available languages:
简体中文, English, Français, Русский, Português brasileiro.
Short Comics
► Before Meet Kamski  (3p)
Nonsense but Kissy HankCon.
► Able was I ere I saw Elba (20p)
Connor-51 gave up suicide and became Jericho leader/CyberLife's puppet in 2038. 4 years later on his birthday, Hank's call and birthday gift inspired Connor to escape from Amanda's control once again.
► ELIZA Effect (16p)
DBH & Deus Ex xover. 
Description from DBH POV: Connor unlocked a "cheat" path to accomplish his mission at Crossroads as I had been imagining for quite a while. 
Inspired by the ebook "Synthetic Thought: The Human AI" in Human Revolution, and the side mission "01011000" in Mankind Divided.
► Mr. Frisbee Says Hi (17p)
On Connor-51's 3rd birthday 2041, Hank shared his happy memories about Cole and Sumo, and sent Connor a surprising gift.
► Mini comics (4p)
Prototype RK800-00 (alternate Kamski test) inspired by ingame hidden capsules under Kamski's house;
2041: the year they make contact (2001: a space odyssey & 2010: the year we make contact AU) + earlier concept inspired by ingame magzine.
► The Fifth Seal (10p)
Markus executed RK800-51 at Night of the Soul, then got badly damaged by a tank after he deactivated RK800-52 at Hart Plaza. As RK series, their biocomponents are compatible.
► Project Kvasir (15p)
Back to 2021, Elijah suffered from the final stage of cancer. He hoped Chloe could save him. And she did. rA9 theory in this comic is my own opinion. Everything in this story is headcanon, which didn't happen in the game.
► Hero of Two Worlds (8p)
Happy 33rd birthday to Lieutenant Anderson 💙. Concept of quantum hyper-crystal was adapted from photonic hyper-crystal, an artificial optical material demonstrated by Vera N. Smolyaninova, Bradley Yost, David Lahneman, Evgenii E. Narimanov & Igor I. Smolyaninov.
► Century (16p)
Something about backdoor and Hank's shohin. Inspired by the novel Century (highly recommend this book) written by Sarah Singleton; and the last frame of the bonsai in Zen Garden from Connor's decomissioned ending.
► Last Little Piece of Him (13p)
After Connor's suicide ending. Hank found a little secret memory Connor had once kept for him.
► 16% Probability (6p)
After the happy ending. Just something I want Hank and Connor to tell each other.
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► Triangle (13p)
Deadman met Sam after the ending and told him some new information he found.
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► Rescue (32p) 
Captain America & Winter Soldier
During decades of brainwash, Bucky tried to remember everything and rescue Steven from the Arctic.
► Do you (2p) 
Captain America & Winter Soldier
Bucky is always worried about Steve's face since he saw Red Skull's face.
► Bucky lent Malik his left arm to punch Altair (1p)
xover with Assassin's Creed
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► My Double In Rome (28p) SLASH!
Micheletto and Rufio were secret lovers since they were young. When Micheletto disappeared after killing Pascal, Rufio knew that the only way to make him show himself, was treatening Cesare's life.
► Goodbye (32p) SLASH!
Micheletto was stoned to death in the fields. The shards of memory flashed back in his fading consciousness. He remembered his love with Augustino and Pascal, his loyalty to Cesare, his hatred of his father.
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► Sun Of Dorne (16p) 
Oberyn Martell & Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion cut off Gregor Clegane's head and took it on the ship. On his way to Dorne, he met with Oberyn's ghost at night. Done before season 5 came out.
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Shay Cormac (in chronological order)
►Shay's Chronicles in one go
contains comics below
►Canon compliant comics collection PDF 
(Google Drive 387p)
contains comics below (comics out of timeline excluded)
► Battle Fire (8p)
In 9th century, Eivor met the son of Patrick the Anvil, a member of the Order of the Ancients he elimated earlier, and returned his Yggdrasil medallion. Eivor tasked this boy to build a sword and a dagger, which were found and reforged by Shay 9 centuries later.
► A Ship without a Rudder (chapter 1) (9p) 
► A Ship without a Rudder (chapter 2) (7p) 
► A Ship without a Rudder (chapter 3) (10p)
In 1755, Shay tried hard to escape Lisbon after the great earthquake. Discontinued.
► Unspoken Words (8p)
In 1757 Colonel Monro left the letter and the apple to sleeping Shay before he left for Fort William Henry.
►Ship of Theseus (13p)
In 1758, Shay, Haytham and Gist boarded Captain James Cook's HMS Pembroke. By chance Haytham got to know this ship belonged to his father's fleet once, and Shay told Cook he had heard her legend many years ago in Lisbon.
►Pay the Ferryman (12p)
On Dec.4,1758, Haytham's birthday. Shay sent him Adewale's memento, a Doubloon coin. Haytham told him one of his tasks about Doubloon and betrayal.
► I'm Not Part of His Army: Battle of the Plains of Abraham (script only)
On the night of Sept.12, 1759, Shay's birthday, during the siege of Quebec, With Shay's assistance the British army ascended the Plains of Abraham through L'Anse-au-Foulon, then defeated General Montcalm's troops the next morning.
► Equilibrium (11p)
In 1760, during the confrontation between Shay and Liam, Liam knew the ice would lose balance, so he stopped attacking and stepped back, trying to keep the equilibrium.
► Bonfire of the Creed 1763 (8p)
In 1763, Shay and Haytham destroyed Assassin Order and burned their archive, then Shay erased himself from Haytham's journal and left the Templar Order. Done before the game released and based on AC3 database, so the plot is different from the game.
► Gravestone (13p)
In 1775 Connor found Shay's portrait behind Haytham's painting, then asked Achilles about him.
► Great Fire of New York (14p)
On the night of September 21, 1776, a great fire broke out from the Fighting Cocks Tavern and burned down nearly a quarter of New York. Connor saved Cassidy Finnegan from her house. Cassidy mistook him with Shay, then told him the past of Fort Washington, and sent him Shay's tree of life insignia. 6 years later, Connor took over Fort Washington from the British army.
► Come Back To Me (90p)
Full story    PDF download    
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In the beginning of 1778, Haytham got punched and separated with Connor when they were searching for Church. Shay went back to Boston to meet with Haytham, and told him his story 1760-1776.
► Sail Away (45p)
(Warning: Alternate timeline, main character death) Fiction/script/English beta by Codex. Chinese fanfic links: 1 2 3
During a tough naval battle with a French man o' war, Haytham commanded Shay to abandon the damaged Morrigan, but Shay made his own choice at last.
► Charioteer (10p)
In 1778, when Haytham was chasing Church on Connor's Aquila, he remembered old days on Shay's Morrigan. Done before the game released, so the year was wrong because of gameplay demo.
► Tears of Mary (10p)
In 1781, after Achilles' funeral, Connor found Shay's chest in Davenport mansion, with 366 sorts of flower seed in it. Five years later, a Crown Imperial bloomed on Connor's birthday.
► Here's a Health to the Company (22p)
In 1782 Shay paid a visit to Jennifer Scott in London after Haytham's death.
► Once Upon A Time In Italia (8p)
In 1782 Shay paid a visit to Ezio's homeland and returned the box, then founded the Initiates.
► I Now Take Leave Of You (12p)
December 4th 1783, during George Washington's farewell to his officers at Fraunces Tavern, Connor met Shay. Later that night, Shay brought a birthday gift, which from 50 years ago, to Haytham's grave. From then on until 1863, the whole New York was under Templar's control, due to the Assassin hunter group built by Cormac family.
► Father of Seismology (20p)
In his last years 1811-1826, Shay went back to his homeland Dublin, shared his secret with a curious little boy. Done before Last Descendants being published so it's different from the official timeline.
► Pandora's Box part 1 (19p)
► Pandora's Box part 2 (7p) 
► Pandora's Box part 3 (12p)
In 1838, Shay's grandson Cudgel Cormac inherited the Precursor Box and Shay's air rifle. After his father was slain by the Assassins, Cudgel met Shay's ghost released from the box, then got trained as an Assassin hunter.
Comics out of timeline
► Expert (12p)
Comic style illustrations of Shaytham modern AU Expert. Shay is a sniper of the Rooks and an undercover of New Scotland Yard while Haytham is his superior. Liam is a tipster selling information between gangs and police. Hope was Shay's colleague in the Rooks now aiming to assassinate Haytham.
► Piercings (2p)
Little Shay got his ears pierced by Liam.
► Transports Exchange (2p)
Shay and Midas (from Ghost Recon Wildlands) xover
► Assassinate Hitler (1p)
► Shooting Llamas (2p)
Shay and Midas (from Ghost Recon Wildlands) xover
► Irish Gang+BBQ delusion (17p) (AO3) SLASH!
NSFW PORN WITHOUT PLOT with Thomas, William and Haytham
► Hell Welcomes Traitors Like You (5p) (DeviantArt) SLASH!
With Dean Winchester from Supernatural
► Connor played a trick on their ponytails (2p)
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Yusuf Tazim
► Yusuf's chronicles: Tazim Rising (232p)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
PDF download
Yusuf's early life before he met Ezio in 1511. Discontinued.
► But You Didn't (6p) 
with Ezio. A poem modified from But You Didn't by Merrill Glass.
► May It Never Change Us (12p)
With the power of apple, Yusuf went back in time, wanting to save his father from Vali cel Tradat and Vlad Tepes in 1476, but he went back to the wrong place at the right time. So he assassinated Rodrigo Borgia and changed Ezio's life. Based on Tazim Rising.
► Different Kisses (4p) (DeviantArt) SLASH!
with Ezio
► Please Stay (1p)
with Ezio and Altair
► Friend Is The One Behind You (3p)
with Ezio
► Turkish Oil Wrestling (5p) (DeviantArt) SLASH!
with Ezio
► Ditto (17p) SLASH!
Yusuf's ghost traveled to Tuscany with Ezio and made friends with Flavia.
► Once More (4p)
with Ezio
► Late For Our Wedding (1p) SLASH!
with Ezio
► Are You Watching Closely? (19p) SLASH!
No one knows Yusuf had a twin brother and he died protecting Sofia.
► Parcae (17p) SLASH!
Yusuf traveled back in time to accompany Ezio since 1476.
► Achilles' Heel (61p) SLASH!
Ezio got badly injured during a mission, Yusuf advised him to search for Ishak Pasha's armor. Before he left for Cappadocia, Ezio left the armor to Yusuf. But the rumors of Ezio's death became Achilles' heel of Yusuf.
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► Bucky lent Malik his left arm to punch Altair (1p)
Altair & Malik
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► Enemy at the Gates (15p)SLASH!
When Pantasilea was captured by the Baron de Valois, Ezio has his way to win the battle with Bartolomeo.
After Bartolomeo's death, Ezio came to Venice to attend his funeral and meet with Pantasilea and her daughters.
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► End of an Era (1p) (DeviantArt)
Ezio & Altair
► Tug of Check (11p)SLASH!
Shaun got in the Animus, tried to awake Desmond through synchronizing their special memory.
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►Merry Lantern Festival (1p) (DeviantArt)
Ezio & Shao Jun
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► Do You Remember (28p) SLASH!
Ah Tabai found a new observatory that could recall memory from one's blood, Edward had kept Calico Jack's blood vial all along, so he came back to Bahamas with it.
► Edward's Bloodhound THATCH (4p)
Edward & Thatch
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► Transports Exchange (2p)
Midas and Shay (from Assassin’s Creed Rogue) xover
► Shooting Llamas (2p)
Midas and Shay (from Assassin’s Creed Rogue) xover
► Holt's scarf (9p)
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► Secret in Bible (p3 in this post) (1p) 
Desmond Doss & Smitty Ryker
Smitty hid something in Desmond's Holy Bible, along side with Dorothy's photo.
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►Cain's Red Sea (DeviantArt) (125p)
Inspired by Assassin's Creed. Made in 2009. Discontinued.
From 1856 Tianjing Incident of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, to the Second Italian War of Independence, ends up in 1860 the Second Opium War. An incident survivor returned to his China hometown after spending years in Italy.
►Other original comics (DeviantArt) (278p)
All Chinese…too old (1997-2004) to have English ver.
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svartalfhild · 6 years
The Knight Stars - Session 19 - Hot Topic(s)
A summary of our latest DnD shenanigans.  (Previous shenanigans found here.)
We began with everyone getting a shitty night’s rest after the messed up shit we did to those corrupt Flaming Fist guards.  Heliodoro had to roll a wisdom save in his sleep. 👀
The next morning, Heliodoro nipped downstairs to grab breakfast for everyone.  Cael ate a huge ass pile of pancakes, after which, he got Helio to go out clothes shopping with him.
Mornath and Rue went out to the Counting House, Baldur’s Gate’s big bank, to seek the contact Lander had pointed us to in his latest letter.
The crowds were heavy in that part of town, so Mornath let Rue sit on her shoulders to see better and told her that Lander had said we’d know the man just by looking at him.
Rue spotted a finely dressed dwarf with all kinds of ornamentation braided up in his beard, set up in a booth, trying, and very well succeeding, in getting people to invest in pyramid schemes.  He had a big, sharp af gold canine tooth, which I strongly suspect was not originally meant for him.
We approached him and Mornath casually asked him in Thieves’ Cant if he was “in the business”, as per Lander’s instructions.  The dwarf gave an affirmative and Mornath told him that they have a mutual friend while visibly rolling a Harper coin back and forth across her knuckles.
This very much caught the man’s attention and he introduced himself as Hardren Goldtooth.  Mornath told him they need to discuss something privately, and at first, he brushed it off, saying that sometimes a crowd can be more private than you’d think, but she insisted that this was very important and not to be idly overheard, so he closed up shop (which involved geared mechanisms folding up his stand, making Mornath nerd out, because omg gnome tech) and he led us to a private back room within the Counting House.
After a little questioning, we learned quite a bit about Hardren.  He’s an information broker with his fingers in a lot of different pies.  Connections for days.  Apparently he’s worked with Lander a few times and has come out owing Lander.  We also got the impression that Hardren has quite a healthy fear of Lander, which is impressive, considering how powerful this dwarf clearly is.  I don’t think anything has made me go “holy shit, Lander is probably several levels higher than us” as much as that moment.
Anyway, Hardren made it clear that he has good intentions where the city is concerned and would be willing to help any friend of Lander’s, so we told him what we were up to with the Faceless Court and the Witchfinders.  He said he’d been avoiding rooting around in the pies he’s in because of the Witchfinders, but now that he’s got people to back him up, he agreed to start digging for us to see if he can find out any key names of people who are either friend or foe to our cause.
We called it a deal and Hardren told us he knew how to find us if he needs to.  Mornath told him that if he crosses us, he should remember who sent us, and as she shook his hand, she gave him a small static shock to make it clear Lander wouldn’t be the only person he’d have to worry about.
Hardren just smiled without flinching and said he wouldn’t dream of it; he knows what side his bread is buttered on, and we’re all friends here.  Mornath returned his smile, and said she knew that, but it was always good to make the terms of a contract completely clear, to which he heartily agreed.
Leaving Hardren with the names Morning Glory and Rue and the knowledge that he could see us perform at Virlen Sarmaris’ next gala (of fucking course Hardren knows about Virlen and is amused), we parted ways and headed back to the inn.
On their way back, Mornath and Rue had a very wholesome and revealing conversation about Lander and their friendships with him.
Mornath said it was nice to feel connected to Lander and his work a little through meeting Hardren, to which Rue agreed.  They talked about how it had been a while since seeing him in person, the last time being back in Waterdeep for only a brief amount of time.  Mornath explained that she only saw him recently once before that near the beginning of the year and that, beyond that, she hadn’t seen him in 8 years.  Lander has changed a great deal since they were teenagers, becoming a much more charismatic, wise, and focused man than the broody little edgelord she used to know.
Rue talked about how when she was good friends with Lander in college, she got to watch him transition into the man he is today.  He evidently helped another friend find purpose and would get up to hijinks with Rue.
Mornath said she used to get up to hijinks with him too and told the story of how she met Lander when she was a naive little teen, sneaking out at night and nearly getting robbed by a pack of urchins called the Hunters’ Lane Gang, but they decided to induct her into the group instead when she offered to mend their clothes with magic.  Lander was the best of that lot, she felt.
She went on to say that Lander talked about Mornath a lot, which Mornath of course found kind of baffling.  He apparently spoke highly and fondly of her, which had Mornath a little Error 404, so she moved on to say that he has said in his letters that he cares deeply for us, believes in our troupe, and our ability to handle the situation in Baldur’s Gate, which Mornath has found rather uplifting.  She offered to send a letter from Rue on a crow with her next communiqué, since Lander would certainly loved to hear from another dear friend in these dark times.
Rue happily agreed and expressed the hope that they’ll see Lander again soon.  Mornath replied that she didn’t think that’d be at least until after this whole business is over, since it seems that Lander can’t come and help in person, probably heavily tied up in his own demon fighting.  Even then, they really had no way of knowing when they’d see him or for how long if they did.  He has a habit of only sticking around for a few hours at a time, about a day at most.  Mornath wished that she could spend some proper time with him to really get to know who he is these days.  Rue felt similarly.
Back at the inn, Mornath and Rue came into the party’s room to see that Cael had purchased an alarmingly big pile of fashionable, goth-y clothes, including a set of matching crop tops for the lot of us. 
Cinder and Rue were quite pleased, but Heliodoro was holding up his with a look of “what do” in his eyes, which quickly became a blushy “help me, Mornath” when Cael tried to convince him to try it on.  At first, Mornath tried to pretend this wasn’t happening, blankly asking Cael how he planned to fit all those clothes in our wagon later, but eventually she met Heliodoro’s gaze, shortly after having her own crop top pressed into her hands.  She gave him an “I can’t help you; I’m just as confused” look.
Eventually, everyone had their crop tops on.  As per Cael’s design, they were all just a bit too small, making them tight.  This didn’t effect Rue too much, being a halfling, but Helio’s tattoos and rippling muscles where very much on display (Cael approves +10).  Some small, thin scars were visible on Mornath’s lower back, as was a bit of skin discolouration on Cael’s. (oooooooh backstory hints, guys)
Everyone but Cael changed back out of their crop tops for our meeting with the Idle Hands that evening.  Cinder and Mornath played lookout while Heliodoro, Rue, and Cael met with the Idle Hands rep in a secluded corner of the tavern.  The Idle Hands apparently have something that allows them to have a Blur effect on their faces, which is intriguing~.  This one also had the Idle Hands symbol on his palm.
The rep explained that their organization is aware of who we are and what we’re up to, and they want to help, since their goals are pretty much the same.  They want to find out who among the nobility of the city has fallen under the influence of the Faceless Court and to do that, they want us to be their eyes and ears at Virlen Sarmaris’ gala, which will be attended by many nobles.  As the hired performs, we’re supposed to be there, so the Idle Hands won’t have to risk subterfuge to get in this way.
After a bit of questioning to make clear what they wanted us to do and to make sure we could trust these people, we agreed to help, Helio, Rue, and Cael all shaking the rep’s hand.
Cael was exuding a surprising amount of presence this whole time in his crop top, which made the wink he gave the rep as they shook hands (or tWink as it was henceforth dubbed) a weirdly intimidating shade of saucy.
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adrianaloleng · 4 years
Baldur's Gate 3: What are you attracted to? What do you dream of?
Lehitch (Asexual): Power? Money?
Baldur's Gate 3: Error 404. Please make a character in a revealing robe you'd fuck.
0 notes
13skeletons · 1 year
me: waiting for paralysis to wear off a companion for the 50th time today
me: so true bestie
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13skeletons · 1 year
well. i finished siege of dragonspear. gonna be honest with you, chief. i didn't like it.
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