lunchcase · 2 years
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I consider anything I cook to be a great accomplishment.
Oh wait I made those noodles from scratch - this is an accomplishment! It took me 3 hours to make and 10 - 15 minutes to eat, much like a roller coaster experience in theme parks.
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dubmill · 1 year
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Muswell Hill, London; 4.9.2021
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badpoet · 2 years
Кофеман за Nумером 3 /Конфликт, 34/
Поднимает из сна. Рано. Этот разряженный телефон, Требующий к себе внимания. Я почти сочинила во сне Правильные стиши, но Забыла, когда в сотый раз, Крик мольбы безделушки Приносил мне не менее Важную мысль о сущности И смысле всего бытия. Но ни мысли той, Ни того стиша здесь нет. Но понимаешь - мир действительно Отъехал кукухой, когда Пытаясь помочь безделушке, Замечаешь, что динозавры Поп-музыки, почти сорок Лет спустя, вещают про новый Альбом, подбодряя Не менее новым нафталиновым Синглом. Под кофе! Под кофе оно звучит хорошо! 4.9.2021
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angelishere407 · 3 years
He's an angel now. I think he always was. He just didn't know it.
Now you have your wings to fly home. Your job here done. Your suffering is over. 🕊🕊 🕊🕊🕊🕊
R.I.E.P. EARL SIMMONS A.K.A. DMX. Amen. 🙏🏽💙💔😥
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
Happy Friday! 💙
I was wondering, what would our first time with each of the triplets be like?
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Matt the Radar Tech:
Its clumsy, uncomfortable, and full of blubbering ‘thank yous’
Matt would want to make it special, but he overthinks it. Lots of petting and kissing, both of you thrumming with arousal. Hands trembling when you unzipped his jumpsuit, desperate to touch his steaming skin.
Its not like you haven’t seen him naked before, but this is different.
Matt’s hands would hold you delicately, asking for you to open your legs, ‘show me your pussy baby.’
You would whine, listening to whatever he wanted, taking in his shocked expression when he saw your wetness. Matt hesitatingly tracing your slit with the tip of his cock.
Coating it in your slick, you hooked your elbows behind your knees. Opening up for him, Matt brought your lips together, just as he pressed inside.
The stretch, the ache, it burned like it was too much and yet not enough. Matt was so gentle, trying to ease you to take him. Kissing you on the ear, cheek, neck, lips, praising for every whine and clench you give him.
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Benjamin Solo:
Ben isn’t about making it slow and steady, he’s very excited to have you in his bed. Practically, stripping you from your clothes once you’re inside his apartment.
He was honored to be your first, bursting at the seams when you told him it was time. You would listen to him describe his plans for you, while he pushed you back.
‘Babygirl, I’m gonna fuck you so good. You’re gonna regret not doing this sooner.’ ‘Stuffed so full of my cock, your Daddys cock.’
You would mewl and whine as he pinned you to the bed, legs splayed open with your knees to your chest. Ben would stuff his fingers inside you, make you nice and ready for him.
‘You’re so fucking wet-do you want something inside you?’
The whimper that falls from your throat is pathetic, coaxing Ben closer to your heat. His cock slides in with some resistance, but thanks to his skilled fingers you were ready for him.
Once he’s slid home, he fucks you. Good and hard, like a jack-rabbit. So excited to be inside you, so excited to be the first and hopefully only one. He throws you in different positions.
His favorite being you on your back, left leg slayed open and pinned. While your right is hooked over his shoulder, letting him drive deep inside you over and over.
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Kylo Ren:
All hands and teeth.
There’s no warning, once he knows you’re ready. Kylo all but drags you to the closest place he can, pushing you to the ground.
Desperation oozing from his pores, he’s been waiting so long to break you.
Growling at you to stay put, mouth open for him. Kylo shoved his cock down your throat, forcing you to choke on him, ‘You think you can take me in your little cunt? When you can barely fit it in here? Huh?’
Watching you gargle and whine from the brutal face fucking, big hands coiled in your hair while he degrades you for being and eager whore.
‘I’m going to ruin you little one, ruin you. Until all you are is a brain dead slut, ready for my cock.’
Kylo pops you off his cock, all the blood rushing to the heavy tip. Leaking precum, ready to drown you. You whine and cry that his grip is too hard, but beg for him to fuck you.
Sobbing when he finally throws you over the couch arm rest. Haphazardly ripping your dress off and panties down, you feel his rough hands prying your legs apart.
‘Filthy girl, you’re soaked.’
Kylo spits on you, tongue fucking the dribble into your waiting cunt. Bucking your hips back into him for release, but he doesn’t let you. There’s only one place you can cum now, and that’s his cock.
He wastes little time prepping you, ‘I better hear you scream Angel, I want to know how much you love my cock.’
The pace is fast and erratic, like he’s punishing you for making him wait so long. A palm wrapped around your throat, forcing you to curve backwards towards his thrusts.
Spanking your ass, and outer thighs. Laughing at every twitch and clench. Once you cum on him, then the real fun can begin.
Kylo hoists you up, back to his chest. Completely suspended aside from his cock lodged inside you. And he fucks, and fucks, and fucks you until you’re ruining the carpet from squirting so much.
yes i’ll have one of everything.
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​​​ @onlykyloscenes​​​ @candycanes19​​​ @historyandfandoms50​​​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​​​ @ghoulian13​​​ @mrs-kylo-ren​​​ @millenialcatlady​​​​ @relationshipwithmybed​​ @dancingmicrobes​​​ @wayward-rose​​​ @contesa-lui-alucard​​​ @daydreamsofren​​​ @insufferablelust​​​ @ohdamnadamm​​​ @mariesackler​​​ @caillea​​ @safarigirlsp​​ @jalexunderthestars​​​ @shesakillerkween​​​ @glassythoughts​​ @zimmermansbrat t​​ @not-the-teen-witch​​ @jynzandtonic​ @roanniom​ @celestiasin @glassbxttless
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septentrrional · 3 years
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Si evident si niste death metal de la Taine
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moonofiron · 3 years
fading into irrelevance and obscurity, even when you have always wanted to, isn't all fun and games. it does pinch. it does feel confusing. to not have had an impact does come as a surprise.
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illuminatedpopcorn · 3 years
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Baby blanket I made last night 🌙
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prosy-days · 3 years
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September 4, 2021 - Day 77
Lots of baking planned today.
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godsnameisjoy · 3 years
Date: 4 September 2021
Duration: 44 minutes at 9:27 PM
I finally feel like I have a job. A juicy task to wake up for and maybe even do all-nighters for. This job is a bigger blessing than giving birth to an infant or two and then responding to young ones every few minutes. No urgent situations in the new job, only a Supplier of free life energies to give one’s attention to.
The task that I feel compelled to take care of is to move one quantum of energy at a time towards my head. The energy is surely making its presence felt in the spine. It is almost as if I have been made an offer I can’t refuse. A job offer that is truly challenging. To supervise the flow of energy in one’s spine is an entrepreneurial task.
Of course, I am interested. The pay is a life time supply of life energy!
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phototagebuch · 3 years
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4.9.2021: Autumn Leaves
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lottiestudying · 3 years
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4.9.2021 // late night exam revision. lockdown sleep patterns getting the best of me
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badpoet · 2 years
Кофеман за Nумером 2 /Конфликт, 33/
Не сложены строки ровно. Не жалко! Сегодня кофе заварен, но вдохновения нет. Пришло настроение, приятная музыка Радует наконец-то, будто этой Суицидной депрессии нет на мне. В симфофейских мотивах заварю себе Ещё одну кружку. И не страшно, Что напиток богов однажды убьёт меня. Что смерть кофемана значит для мира? А ничего. Как и всегда. Как и со всеми. 4.9.2021
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angelishere407 · 3 years
DMX's Organs Failing, Family Says He's In His Final Hours
DMX's Organs Failing, Family Says He's In His Final Hours https://www.tmz.com/2021/04/09/dmx-organ-failure-life-support/
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Damn man. I was really praying for a miracle. You'll finally have the peace you were never able to attain in this world. Go in peace my brotha. 💙💔💔💔🙏🏽
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
dr ren finding out reader is pregnant with baby number 3
*number THREE?!*
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You chewed your bottom lip, almost drawing blood as you stared at the pregnancy test. Groaning on the floor of the bathroom, there was no way! You were on birth control, and had Ren wear condoms the few times you had period sex.
There was no way this was possible, but you glanced at the floor. Scattered around you was 6 different tests... all fucking positive
The sound of a door slamming pulled your focus, little feet pitterpattering around the kitchen. Followed by Rens deep voice yelling at him to put his shoes away at the door. You debated just going out and saying it, so you both could figure out how to deal with it.
Ren would know-he had to. He knew you were before with Odin and you didn’t! So, it would be an immediate shift he would sense. You rolled onto your feet. Briefly glancing in the mirror.
You looked tired, from throwing up this morning to shopping at a Walgreens across town so no one would recognize you buying pregnancy tests. All the way to now, where you spent the past two hours chugging sugar water so youd pee six times in a row.
You splashed your face with cool water, sliding the tests into a ziploc baggy in case Ren wanted to fight you to take a test again. Youd taken plenty, no chance of a false positive.
“Love?” Rens voice boomed from the living room. You could hear him flipping on the TV, probably wondering what channel Odin wanted to watch before taking a nap. “Where are you? Are you feeling better?”
“Yes,” you croaked, cringing a bit at your voice. You padded from your bathroom, throwing on a big black hoodie and sweatpants. Pushing open your bedroom door, met only with your husbands suspicious stare.
“Why are you dressed like a hobo?”
“Nice to see you too, Kylo.”
“Hi, Mommy!” Odin chirped, running from the top of the stairs to come see you. He was still dressed in his school clothes, a few new bruises on his knees. Some grass stains on his shorts, he must’ve had a big day.
“Hi baby,” you smiled at him, crouching down to his level and pulling him into a big hug. Odin was your little snuggler, always wanting to be held by you or Ren.
“I heard you throwing up this morning,” Ren boomed over Odins talk about school, “I brought some soup home for you.”
You whispered a thank you, rocking Odin on your hips. He was so soft and sweet, but getting bigger. In a few months he would be too heavy for you to hold him like this all the time. He was already losing his baby teeth, hair getting longer, growing leaner and taller like his dad was at that age.
You plopped on the couch, keeping Odin to your chest while he calmed down from school. Wrapping a blanket around you both so he would be cocooned.
He didn’t smell like a baby anymore, his skin was losing its baby softness. Cheeks no longer pudgy and small, but growing into his sharper features. The more you thought about it, the harder you clutched him. You didn’t get to see Belle as a baby, only a toddler who wasn’t into being held or coddled by you.
Odin was your baby and now...
“What if we had another kid?” you blurted out.
You watched Rens back tense up, still standing in front of the TV like he was 100. You could count how many breaths he was taking, deep and slow. Exhaling loudly through his nose. You kissed Odins forehead, nuzzling his bangs out of the way, “Kylo?”
“Did you hear me?”
He turned to look at you, squinting, “I don’t think I did.”
You sighed, looking back at Odin who was now asleep in your hold, “What if-what if we had another baby?”
Ren nodded stiffly, “That’s what I thought you said, but I wasn’t sure.”
He said nothing, moving swiftly past you to the kitchen. You listened to him shed his coat, toe off his shoes, open and shut the fridge, a jumble of other things in order to leave the conversation. Drifting off to the sleep to the sounds of him shuffling about, avoiding you at all costs.
You were shaken away, well not shaken. More like stirred, Odin was wiggling in your lap to release himself. While a pair of small arms wrapped around your shoulders from the lip of the couch.
“Mom,” Belle whined in your ears, your drowsiness rapidly being replaced by a headache. You let go of your squirming toddler, leaning into your teen.
“What Belle? I was sleeping.”
“Yeah, I know. You’ve been asleep since I got home from school,” she rolled her eyes. Stomping around the couch to sit next to you, “Dad won’t let us order dinner.”
You heard Ren scoff, “You had pizza yesterday, Belle.”
She shot him a glare over her shoulder, “Well, I don’t want soup for dinner.”
“Belle,” you sighed, “It’s because I’m sick okay, your dad was just trying to be nice.”
She still didn’t let up, getting into a twenty minute argument with Ren about food and her eating preferences. All while your baby fever dwindled when you thought of the chance of having another Belle.
“Fine!” Ren shouted, “Order whatever you fucking want, you’re such a drama queen sometimes.”
You waited in your nook for him, which he inevitably showed up. Dressed down in black jobbers and black t-shirt, face flushed in anger. He sat down dramatically, curling into you.
“I’m sorry she woke you,” he mumbled, the back of his head placed against your forehead. Humming as he felt for a temperature, Ren studied you carefully, probably confused as to why you had no fever.
“It’s okay,” you caught his lips in a kiss, Ren didn’t seem to care. Leaning into you, “I missed you, you’ve been holding Odin since I got home. Haven’t gotten any time with you.”
You opened up your blanket, ushering Ren to curl around you. Both of you sighing in relief when he settled, a head on your shoulder, arms around your middle. A suspicious hand placed on your stomach, right where the new baby bump would be.
Ren kissed your neck, “I found your ziploc.”
“My what?”
“Your pee bag, love the name by the way.”
You chuckled, twisting your face so you could kiss his cheek. Ren hummed in return, pulling you closer together.
“A baby, huh?”
“Yup-another baby.”
“We already have a baby,” Ren nodded towards Odin who was sitting on the floor. Coloring in a workbook from school, laying on his belly while he talked to the TV.
“He’s not a baby anymore, Kylo,” you whispered.
“Can’t you hold Belle like a baby? She still likes to nap with you when she’s exhausted.”
You shook your head, “Nope, she’s not a baby either. And neither are you.” Ren looked around the room, biting his bottom lip with worry, “We could get a dog, one of those little french bulldogs you’ve been begging me for since we started dating. Or a ferret, like the one you saw in the store last week?”
“Kylo,” he looked at you longingly, eyes shining with unshed tears, “We’re having another baby.”
“Ah-uh,” you kissed the tip of his nose, “It’ll be fine, we can clear out your upstairs office. They won’t have to share a room with us, you don’t need two offices anyway.”
“They aren’t both offices, the one down here is a workspace and upstairs is my study. Two different things, that are both needed, we can get a dog. Dogs don’t need rooms or diapers, or college funds...”
He pouted.
“Fine, I’ll start clearing it out next month.”
please consider this non-canonical (i’m not planning on Dr. Ren and reader actually having another child after Odin, but this was fun to think about) 😂
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads​​​ @onlykyloscenes​​​ @candycanes19​​​ @historyandfandoms50​​​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​​​ @ghoulian13​​​ @mrs-kylo-ren​​​ @millenialcatlady​​​​ @relationshipwithmybed @dancingmicrobes​​​ @wayward-rose​​​ @contesa-lui-alucard​​​ @daydreamsofren​​​ @insufferablelust​​​ @ohdamnadamm​​​ @mariesackler​​​ @caillea​​ @safarigirlsp​​ @jalexunderthestars​​​ @shesakillerkween​​​ @glassythoughts​​ @zimmermansbrat t​​ @not-the-teen-witch​​ @jynzandtonic​ @roanniom​ @celestiasin @glassbxttless
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septentrrional · 3 years
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Dupa mai bine de 2 ani fara concerte metal era si cazul.. ultimul a fost Metallica 2019. Acum Jinjer la Posada 2021 ❤️ nothing short of what I expected
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