so glad they chose four bfdi as one of the April fools reply emojis here on tunglr dot com
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doctorwhich · 4 months
going to eat frozen corn
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bacardis-leghair · 2 years
Wordle 402 4/6
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casualavocados · 17 days
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for @grapejuicegay
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guntapon · 1 year
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GEMINI NORAWIT & FOURTH NATTAWAT ↳ “HOOK” x My School President Prom Night  CR: @pgm_wpm [DAY1] [DAY2]
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borderline-culture-is · 5 months
teenage bpd culture is also being told that your symptoms are just a result of being too much on the phone
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t-0ne25 · 2 years
(4) hallway
You decide to wait in the hallway, hoping Minho won’t turn on the lights when he starts looking around the area of the upper floor. But you’re soon getting second guesses once you hear his footsteps echoing on the level beneath you.
Quickly, you reconsider your plan and hide in the little storage room instead – though it’s obvious for a seeker that the people that are hiding would wait there. There’s no time to contemplate once more, so you swing the door open, before you quickly disappear behind it.
A cough startles you, coming from another person who’s had the idea to choose the storage room as their hiding spot a little earlier than you. A hand turns on the dim lights in here – a small lamp that’s supposed to be used for a nightstand table so it illuminates the space not too much to get caught in an instant but enough to reckon the face standing in front of you.
It’s the first time you’re actually able to take in all the details, feeling a wave of nostalgia hit you at the look of his plump lips and the beautiful hair – by now a little longer again since the breakup and dyed in a metallic shade of midnight blue.
“Y/N… I can look for another spot, just stay in here–“ his words come out fast and his fingers are already seizing around the door knob but you stop him. Skin laying on skin now, you feel your heart skip a beat or two. It’s been months since you’ve been so close to him even though it used to be a daily experience back then.
And that’s when the spiralling thoughts come into play, taking up every inch inside your brain, as you allow them to run free.
What hurts most about the situation between Hyunjin and you is the fact neither of you wanted to end things but you made a mature decision here. It has grown toxic over time, knowing the both of you aren’t at your very best in your lives yet and before something bad could happen – maybe resulting in your love turning into hate – you cut it off.
You haven’t given up on him completely, you never could.
You look up at him with big eyes, “Y-Yeah?”
“I’m really glad to see you again– especially that you’re feeling fine and all.”
A stinging pain right in your chest. Another jump inside your heart. Everything is just too much when he’s so near to you.
“Hyunjin…” He looks at you now, daring to place a strand of your hair behind your ear that’s covering your eyes. You let him and he blames it on the tense atmosphere given by the lack of space inside this little room.
“Don’t– don’t explain yourself, Y/N.”
“I’m glad to see you again, too.” You don’t add anything about his mood, knowing he probably feels miserable. “Though I’m not doing that well… I’ve missed you, Jinnie.”
You’re an awful person and you don’t deserve to get any presents this Christmas, you tell yourself.
“I’ve missed you too, princess.”
You shouldn’t go that way. You should stop him. It’s your duty.
But it’s so hard, the hardest thing you ever did besides cutting off things with him. Especially when Hyunjin looks like this in the dim light. Especially when he’s been trying to get your attention throughout the whole night. Especially when your heart tells you to.
You can’t help it – neither of you can. Simultaneously, your eyes have been darting at his lips for the past few minutes now, just like he did and in an instant your own collide with his.
Familiarity. Comfort. Home. An arrival after a long journey. A hot tea after a day in the cold. A Christmas present you didn’t expect but still wished for. The first snow flake landing on the tip of your nose.
That’s what kissing Hwang Hyunjin has always felt like and what it still feels like now. Your heart tells you it’s the right decision even though your head might think different. But sometimes it’s important to shut the latter off.
The kiss deepens, you’re holding each other so close, like two papers glued together, like two broken souls finding their missing half.
“I still love you, Y/N,” Hyunjin whispers in between kisses, holding your cheeks in his hands. “I’m afraid I’ll never stop loving you and it’s making me feel awful.”
You align your lips with his another time, before you pull back again.
“But… Jinnie, I still love you too. I regret that we broke up.”
He looks at you dumbfounded, as if you’ve just told him that Easter and Christmas Eve are on the same day this year. But Hyunjin has no time to question anything, when he realises there have been noises right in front of the door.
Maybe Minho has heard you. And he definitely has heard the conversation as well, out of respect now letting the both of you take your time talking, knowing you’ll need it.
Footsteps appear but they decline in volume, telling you he either hasn’t found you or didn’t want to find you.
Once you’re sure you’re safe, Hyunjin gets back to kissing you. It’s all he wants to do – your lips, your cheeks, your neck, your cleavage, your whole body just painted in all his kisses, claiming you as his again.
“No– it was good for our development,” Hyunjin confesses, “but I know I need you. I need you so much, baby.”
In an instant, he’s hovering your sweater up, massaging your tits over your bra and you moan into his mouth. His plump lips are still sticking to your own, by now you’re convinced he’ll never disconnect them from your body.
“I need you too– let’s forget about all those decisions yeah–“
That’s all Hyunjin needs to hear. Feelings are overwhelming him at the utmost level but the experience is mutual, as you can’t wait anymore.
“Right– we can talk about everything and– for now I just want you close, yeah?”
You nod, but still want him to consent a second time, knowing he’s got an ounce more of emotions swimming in his veins right now.
“Are you sure about that?”
He slips your jeans down, letting his own pants and boxers pool around his ankles. Hyunjin is hard, very hard. Just from all the emotional talking. He makes sure you’re ready, too, stroking your heat through the thin material of your laces – finding you completely drenched.
“One hundred percent, princess.”
You get rid off the last barrier a second later, jumping a bit and letting your legs seize around his waist.
When Hyunjin pushes into you with no effort thanks to your slickness, he lets out a loud groan. However, you immediately clench around him, the lack of preparation giving you some trouble and the fact you haven’t been with anyone since the breakup shows.
“So tight, yeah, baby?”
You nod, allowing him to thrust into you – deep and sharp.
“But also so wet just for me, yeah?“
It’s embarrassing that you already feel the knot in your lower stomach tighten, ready to snap just for him.
“My princess has f-finally come to her senses, come back to who she belongs to– fuck–“
That’s your final straw. Feeling your walls clenching and quivering around him, you come undone. Hyunjin helps you ride out your high, before he fills you up with his cum, milking himself empty.
Guardedly, he pulls out of your sensitive heat, grabbing a box of tissues to get you clean.
When he looks up at you, taking good care of both your souls and body is when it hits you – you feel zero regret. And once you fully come back to your senses, you’re convinced you made the right rushed decision. Not only regarding the intimacy of the skin but also of the heart.
That’s why you suggest, “Let’s head back to the others and we’ll talk about this later. I’ll ask Chan to switch rooms so we can stay upstairs, yeah?”
Hyunjin nods, placing another quick kiss on your forehead. “Sounds good, princess.”
© j-0ne25 2022 | copying, translating or stealing my work is prohibited
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“HEY HEY HEY! Guess who?!”
“That’s right: It’s Agent 4, comin’ at ya LIVE from the GRIZZCO BREAK ROOM!” the outgoing Inkling bellowed aloud, propping his green-cased squid-shaped smartphone against his slopsuit’s hard hat that he’d cast aside on the wooden table.
Four gnaws at their thumb while squinting side to side frantically, almost like they were already anticipating getting called back out into battle despite having just gotten off their shift
“I’m like… kinda fuckin’ bored here,” the agent explained, despite their coworkers visibly lingering in the room as they chatted amongst themselves and prepared to clock out for the night, “so I’d LOVE IT if someone could come n’ give me a good ol’-fashioned distraction, capiche?”
Matteo leans into his phone camera’s line of sight, the sharp smile he’s wearing causing his dominant fang to protrude like a hook.
(Agent 4 is now available for roleplay!! Authored by @j0vialjester !! ^_^)
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humbug83 · 6 months
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purplehanfu · 5 months
I loved Ziying. I love how Mao Zijun portrayed him...he's my fucking boy and I love him
I'll be honest, this is the first drama I've seen him in, and I was so impressed, he was such a a standout. I don't mean to sound mean but it was pretty apparent that he's a notch or two above his costars in terms of acting ability (except Wang Duo and lets be real the script did not give him a lot to work with) I only started this drama because WANG DUO! and they did my boy dirty with that red wig and terrible eyeshadow and giant iron lung ice cube contraption they had him stuck in for 30 episodes. I also wanted to see Chen Zheyuan so I could cry and imagine him as Chang Geng in the live action adaptation of Sha Po Lang we will (probably) never get. As for Ju Jingye's character, I thought for someone who came from a family of tomb raiders she could have been a little more badass. And I wanted to see more Chen Chuhe, but I always want that! All in all it was a good time. Do recommend.
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anti-workshop · 1 year
Everyone giving themselves carpal tunnel on tumblr. Happy April fools y'all! Brick, you've done it again.
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doctorwhich · 5 months
ohhh i do love when things are soft and very nicely sized
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tboyblogger · 14 days
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me and my sisters current favorite images
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casualavocados · 27 days
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Gemini and Fourth are nothing like Atom and Kongthap. When they're together, it's chaotic. They're always messing around with each other. If I had a friend who's been working with me for a long time, I believe the vibes would be similar.
MY LOVE MIX-UP! THAILAND (2024) BTS & Special Ep
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borderline-culture-is · 4 months
//tw for self harm thoughts
bpd culture is being so obsessed that u constantly think "i should totally carve their name into my body.."
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almostholysandwich · 1 month
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