#4 vs. 8
Musings on 4 vs. 8
I have many musings on the topic of 4 vs. 8. The deeper I’ve gone into enneagram the more I’ve realized these types are so similar in presentation and so often confused.
both types feel that they were thrown out of heaven, and their complex circles around that.
4s feel that they suffer uniquely, because they have these idealistic, utopian visions they want to communicate with the world that nobody understands (4 -> 1). It’s not only this. Life is not worth living if it is not lived in the utopia / heaven. The super specific, super unique utopia that the 4 envisions. So the 4 suffers, crying out for heaven, trying to communicate their vision of heaven to the masses, trying to free themselves (4 -> 2) from the torment of their vision that can’t be made real, through self expression.
8s also feel like they were thrown out of heaven. 8s are also a “fallen” type. It isnt an accident that the Devil is always typed at 8. Heaven for 8s however, is not some hyper specific, unique idealistic vision with specific details of perfection, like it is for 4s who are trying to integrate to 1. Heaven for 8s is whenever we are FREE (Holy Freedom, ideal of 2) from paranoia to be loving, proud souls who have the capacity to give and receive unconditional love (8 -> 2). we long to be an open fountain of love, pouring out love and sacrifice to those around us, but then we are pulled down by the dark void (8 -> 5), into all this paranoia. And then we are angry. Angry angry angry that we cannot be our beautiful loving selves because there is so much darkness in the world pulling us back. we Blame the world for our misery, it’s the world’s fault we are miserable, the world’s fault for not being paranoia-free enough to let us be our special proud 2 selves… we are not realizing ofc that the paranoia and fear and darkness comes from within ourselves.
8s disintegrate into a hiding ninja 5. 4s disintegrate into an expressive 2. So, 8s know they can hide this dark world from people and LARP as normies to blend in. LARPing as something you’re not to get your way — a concept which is alien to 4s, who feel the need to expose themselves, and feel like “why live if I can’t be myself, if I can’t die for my idealistic vision” — is unfulfilling. It leads to a lack of satisfaction as you become numbed out to life. But 8s have such a persecution complex from 5, we do not see that hiding is unsatisfying and the answer is to embrace our true self publicly and proudly like a healthy 2 (and like a 4 properly using their 2 line). We sink deeper into the 5-ish paranoia idea that the world is full of hostile controlling people who wouldn’t be able to handle our real self because they’re all pussies and cowards, and receive our satisfaction from anger / lust (anger is burnt up and channeled into lust. Mmm I love going deeper into the void. Mmm oh my god it feels so good. Drown me drown me daddy, consume me). 8 to 2… well, proper 8 -> 2… is about overcoming this arrogant self-importance complex (the world should be ready to handle me and all my dark weird shit, just becuz I am needy!). 8s must acknowledge that we live in a world with people who we need to be considerate of. 8s can work hard to find a way to combine sharing our true dark angry void self with being considerate of others.
Now those of you who are still typology Neanderthals will come @ me like “omg you are a 4 because you are emo, talking abt your alone dark void self” and make me want to bang my head against the wall. someone once thought I was a 4 because she saw my tumblr blog where I was posting slowcore music and whining “I’m so aloneeeee”. Feeling isolated and alone and emo doesn’t make someone a 4. Basically any type can be emo, isolated and emotionally self indulgent in different contexts, but it is most common for disintegrated 8s to be this way frequently, esp. on anonymous social media. Anonymous anger / emotion / lust expression is part of the 8 -> 5 hiding complex and I have observed it in every 8 I have known, not just myself. Anyway. Feeling alone and isolated is a 5-ish sentiment. Disintegrated 8s are walled off from other people like 5s and they live in their own world of emotions and theories and persecution complex like 5s do. an edgy loner who is whining about how alone she feels, is probably an 8.
4s don’t feel generically “alone” so much as they feel like aliens lost in a world they don’t belong to. 4s feel like they only belong to their hyper specific, special, perfect 1-ish heavenly utopia, but they were tragically thrown out from it. Oh god, the agony. 4s love their friends in this world, but still feel they don’t belong in this world. This is where the “special snowflake” complex that 4s are so infamous for comes from. To be a snowflake means far more than to self-pity — something 8s, 9s, 5s, 6s and even 2s frequently do. being a snowflake means actually thinking you’re from another Origin to others. And therefore no matter WHAT, they COULDNT understand your pain. Your pain is otherworldly, beyond the comprehension of their species. this sense of not belonging in the same world as their friends causes inner conflict for the 4 because fuck. “My friends… do they actually belong to this world? Am I being selfish and taking them away from this world into my own fantasy world? But also… how dare they come visit my world then not live in it and stay in it! How dare they not be one of me?” I’ve known 4s who felt fear / conflict / guilt about sucking their loved ones away from reality. 4s struggle with taking too much unearned Pride (4 -> 2) in the fantasy / utopia, and neglecting their moral obligation to do the hard work to bring this fantasy into reality, where it can truly be shared with others (4 -> 1)
When it comes to expressing emoness, 4s are more likely to be found telling you about their idealized fantasy utopia and/or telling you the detailed backstory of their life, than telling you how they actually feel here and now. Going “I’m so aloneeeeeeee” “I’m so seperate from other people” “I’m a sad girl, I’m a bad girl, I’m a bad girl” and plain self pitying like this with no attempt to be spectacular, is probably an 8 or a 9. or a 5 or a 6, their disintegration points. There is no 4 -> 1 idealism or 4 -> 2 seeking to stand out in any of this generic self-pitying that so many of you people think is 4.
8s and 4s get confused perhaps because of their shared line to 2, because 8 and 4 both want to stand out, since 2 is about standing out, and because of the misconception that self-pitying emos are 4s when actually they are more likely to be 5s… the disintegration type of 8. Remember that 4 disintegrates into 2, meaning that — although you wouldn’t get this from mainstream ennea where 4 is a wet noodle and 2 is a dick-sucking people pleaser — 4s cope with stress by becoming more expressive, melodramatic and attention seeking (like 2s). Whilst 8s cope with stress by hiding, getting lost in their own solipsistic emotional world, and becoming timid (like 5s).
final note: 8 cores need someone to share all their 5-ish stuff with, so they will find someone to talk about their inner world with like 4s will, or if they don’t find someone they will find a rage-based outlet for the pain and angst they feel about their isolation. You must pay careful attention to the difference between an 8 -> 5 inner World, And a 4 inner World. The 8 -> 5 inner world is untempered by superego, actually it can be understood as an escape from superego, as the 8 runs away from 2 and runs into 5. and therefore the 8 -> 5 inner world comes off as much more chaotic and random than the 4 inner world. The 8 -> 5 inner world is not a clear story or message. It is a disjointed series of thoughts and beliefs and speculations and insights from experiences, which put together, probably make no sense. Like all my posts on this blog lmao. NOT refined. Now the 4 inner world is caught between two superego lines (4 -> 1 and 4 -> 2) which make it refined, refined by intellectual idealism (1) and refined by the idealized free self (2). Even if it’s completely detached from reality, it is refined.
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reunitedinterlude · 7 months
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dnp + skiing-themed attire (1, 2, 3)
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transmascjfk · 5 months
no you didnt miss ashs birthday yesterday
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octogirlscreations · 13 days
The past helps us shape the future, but the present is still our gift
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good luck to everyone in the grand festival this weekend!!. lets finish this game with a bang!
(tried a little something different with this one . let me know how it turned out and what you think! :33:33)
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harbingersecho · 2 months
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old cyborg locus wip finally finished
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sufficientlylargen · 6 months
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I've found my new favorite units chart (from wikimedia commons).
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triglycercule · 2 months
if killer has differently sized eyes then does he blink like those lizards that have each eye blink abnormally. like the small eye has to be shut for a full second and then the big eye has to take a minute to blink. his blinks are delayed. they have their own timer. is this purposeful??? perhaps killer is doing it on purpose to freak people out and its just a really really really long running inside joke between himself and himself. or it could actually be srs and he can't blink synchronized. or he could use it to his advantage by like never having one eye closed ever. he'd never be held back by the disability that is blinking. AND it's a psychological trick on his enemy because they're weirded out like "why isnt this prick blinking normally"
does this make the top 20 dumbest triglycercule posts. i think this is a solid 12/20
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infizero · 6 months
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the agents are celebrating with some musical mayhem... (neo just wants to be included lol)
which team are you on this time around? 🥁🎸🎹
(ps: i would usually post this on @infizero-draws but its hidden currently... so follow over there for art)
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averlym · 7 months
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"c'mon lin, give me something to work with here- I can't exactly tell all the freshmen to dissect someone if they want to win the phaethon..."
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demonoflight · 8 days
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The New Squidbeak Splatoon (and associates) are ready for the Grand Festival. Are you?
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deiaiko · 1 month
#22.2 Tags
Endorsi tapped her shoe impatiently. "And the prize is?"
"You can exchange it for some points, or use these tags to get private time with a person of your choice." Mask winked at no one in particular. "I know some of you are friends with Bam and Grace. And given that you haven't seen them for years, perhaps you might have something that needs to be said privately. There will be a buffet held after the game, and everyone can talk and socialize freely then. But let me tell you this; the chance of you having a private face to face conversation with them after today will be very low. So be sure to use this opportunity well."
Endorsi suddenly remembered the date that Bam owed her. Maybe this could be her chance? Having Bam for herself sounded fair enough to be considered a date. She wondered how much Bam had changed, and she was curious if she still held the same feelings towards him. Guess she would find out soon.
"Note that they're only valid until today. The white tags are worth three minutes each, while the black ones are worth ten minutes."
Endorsi wanted to throw hands. "The heck?! That's too short!" She quickly decided that the private date time wasn't worth it.
"Not interested." Anaak stated plainly, having the same thought. 
"Oh, that's not all." Mask called out his nearby lighthouse and the screen lit up. "I did say that these tags could also be exchanged for some points."
The amounts displayed on Mask's lighthouse made Endorsi's eyes bulge. Sure, it was still comparable to her monthly earnings, but one day of photoshoots wasn't even worth that much. This guy must be filthy rich in order to be able to give out much. "However, there will only be four black stickers in total."
She hadn't even started to do the math when Shibisu raised his hand. "Why four? There are six people on your team."
"Good question." Mask motioned to himself and the other three guys that she didn't bother to remember the names of. "Only us four will participate in the tag game. Grace and Bam don't have tickets because they have a different role."
Endorsi raised an eyebrow, not that she actually cared.
"Remember that those that don't have the tag during the game will be unable to move? Grace and Bam are in charge of it. They will also make sure that this game will not cause any major casualties to the players."
Endorsi suddenly remembered that Bam could use reverse flow control. Grace however…she didn't know much about him. She realized that Grace was surprisingly tight-lipped about his past, for someone who was bad at lying. Thinking back about it, he was absent during the crown game, and he hadn't shown anything noteworthy during the hide and seek game. Bam often bragged about how Grace helped him in class, though, so maybe he was that capable? It wasn't so hard to believe; Grace always looked so self-assured and dependable.
However, there was something different about how he treated her compared to the others, like how he quickly looked away when she caught his gaze, or how he was slightly nervous when talking to her. But she always reasoned that it was only natural that men would fall for her beauty and status, since she was a Jahad princess and all. When she took into account that Grace was already taken, it made even more sense on why he was so awkward and conflicted when interacting with her. She had to admit it was really fun to tease him back then, though she never called him out on it.
"Are there any other questions?" Mask asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.
Khun and Isu asked for some clarifications on the rules, but Endorsi tuned them out, too busy indulging in the thought of the prize points. One black and one white tag should be enough to buy the designer dress she saw the other day. And since Laure most likely wasn’t interested in anything other than sleep, could she ask him to give her his tag so she could use it with Grace? It would be really fun to take Grace away from Mask and make him jealous. Speaking of Mask…
"Five minutes–" Endorsi caught his words– "to discuss amongst yourselves before I start the game."
One of the floating blue lighthouses started a five-minute countdown, and Khun called everyone to gather. However, Endorsi decided to spare a glance to where Mask went.
She saw Mask greeted his team who had started doing warm up moves, while some were not so subtly glancing in her direction. Mask then started typing on his lighthouse, and she saw the training room slowly turned into a fighting stage with just a few commands of his hands. The barrier that covered the room pulsed as if being strengthened, moving platforms and obstacles were created out of thin air–
Khun cleared his throat, and Endorsi noticed she wasn't the only one that was watching the room transformation unfold. "Okay. Listen up everyone."
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
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appleciderjulie · 14 days
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grandtember day 5: agents in fest cap’n 3: team present agent 4: team past agent 8: team future neo agent 3: team future
+ agent 24 bonus doodle 😋😋
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my prediction for splatoon 3: side order
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mavgo · 2 months
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sleepnoises · 7 months
i have wandered into the giving pie a couple of times and it's very charming (can't go wrong with a tiny pie) but also, like, regular. it's in a strip mall and has not totally won the aesthetic battle with the strip mall (true of almost all south bay businesses). DEEPLY startling as viral tesla-wronged underdog. the greek place next to it is pretty good as well
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galaxyseclipse · 6 months
Which instrument would you play in a band?
Drums, Guitar, or Keyboard?
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didn't want to draw the instruments, so have some post-concert dressing room vibes :)
context - commissions
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