#3d printed spare parts
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digomaenterprise · 9 days ago
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Digoma Enterprise is an expert air compressor spare parts supplier in India. We have accumulated years of experience in providing the best quality air compressor spare parts. Our team knows about everything related to air compressor parts and will guide you through choosing the appropriate product. We ensure every spare part is tested to work flawlessly. Prices are reasonable. Products are delivered promptly to different locations in India. Many customers trust us because of the quality and our service. You can contact for expert air compressor spare parts suppliers in India for the best of products at the Digoma Enterprise.
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makenica1 · 2 years ago
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alicenpai · 2 years ago
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the shadow and her living doll 🌹🌼 print for montreal otakuthon! come see me at next week from aug 11-13 ✌
you can grab it as a print here if you so wish ! WIPs & other thoughts under the cut
shadows house is such a fantastic series & i wholeheartedly recommend it... the story delves into super dark horror elements but doesn't present itself as a story with no hope. hope must be found and then tenaciously gripped with all one's heart, much like pandora's box. it tickles the victorian gothic part of my brain forever imprinted on me since i was 14 haha...
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in the first draft i had marionette strings hanging above the characters (kinda reminds me of Erased.. since I just finished rewatching that ahaha...) & shadow puppet hands on the sides, almost as if gripping each character. i decided against it in the end, to let the characters shine in the spotlight (literally).
i also wanted a more active or lively pose, but kept in line with the stiff victorian portrait style, caused by long camera exposure times. i'm not sure if that worked out better bc i'm unsure if this drawing is interesting to people wahahaha.
initially i also wanted more of a dollhouse theme, but each draft got more and more muddy, so i decided to save it for another day (i'm around ch 90 in the manga, so probably a good call to save a more complex idea until i'm all caught up)
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^ quick 5 min style test i posted recently! in that post i stated that i wanted to streamline and simplify my art style more, especially after the recent bunch of illustrations i did in the past winter that took way too long to complete, at the sake of my health.
im continually looking for areas to simplify more in my art, but one of the areas i will NOT skimp on is depicting fabric!!!!!
what also helped was working on my sense of structure in my spare time, so that i could be better at depicting form without relying so much on shading to show 3d forms. i love colouring, but i need to be working smarter, not harder from now on. using 100000 shades and highlights is just not feasible anymore wahaha.
in this drawing i loosened up with the bg and kept it rough, inspired by the wonderful xeroxed bgs of 101 dalmatians, and only implied details, rather than actually rendering all of them.
the tldr is that i draw too slowly i just would like to be able to make more drawings more often!!
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cryptic-forge · 1 year ago
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since all new 3d printing & photography is still in limbo, a throwback! this is the first custom doll i made, from 2020.
i had a brief fascination with bjd head sculpts as a kid, and did a few frankenstein experiments on barbies, but was never really interested in dolls before. the hobby started in a flash when i happened to see a monster high custom video on youtube. i took one look at a cleaned abbey face, went "monster high face sculpts are like THAT?", and got my boots on to go to the nearest thrift store. did not find any monster high at that time, but bought a moxie girlz doll, and came home to make this.
the spider butt is insulation foam and clay, and the legs are worbla over a thick metal wire, which allows them to bend surprisingly well. also, the tattoos are patterns cut out of my childhood satin pajamas, which is an excellent example how a lot of my material storage may be Old As Balls, but eventually compelling things will have their use.
the arms are super charming when i look at them now; a relic from a time when i didn't just have a bin of spare doll parts to get new arms from. i thought about swapping them out now, but i think i'll keep her as she is, as documentation. the harness i do need to retie though, as i did not know shibari back then and it Could Be Much Better now that i do.
all told, i've made about 80 fashion doll customs. most of them have never been photographed, but i'll do some more throwback dollposting when me and/or my partner get time & motivation to take pictures.
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preservationofnormalcy · 2 months ago
[Emergency Director Council 12/17/24 Meeting. 2/7 Administrators in Attendance]
[Redacted] Walker, OPN Director
Orson Knight, Security
Wren, Holistic Theology
Ann Tiope, Applied Mythology
Hugo Razorstrop, Parafiction
Patty Cakes, Toyetics
Subject: Königsratte Medical Emergency
Transcript begins below:
[Hugo Razorstrop] Crowded in here. 
[Wren] This was the only room we could find on short notice.
[Patty Cakes] I’m used to working in a closet. 
[Dir. Walker] Would you like to send a grant proposal to move into a larger office, Miss Cakes?
[Patty] No ma’am.
[Dir. Walker] Would you like a stack of books?
[Patty] Yes ma’am.
[Dir. Walker] Hugo, please help Miss Cakes reach the table.
[Hugo] You got it, toots. 
[Wren] We talked about gendered language, Hugo. 
[Hugo] S’ the way I’m written, sweetheart. You can’t fight it an’ neither can I.
[Dir. Walker] This discussion can wait until we don’t have an ongoing crisis. Wren, you may begin. 
[Wren] As you all know, Herr Königsratte is experiencing an acute medical emergency. We’re not sure of the cause, but parafictional individuals have….unique medical needs. We believe Herr Königsratte’s ontology is becoming unstable. He’s–
[Hugo] He’s going toon.
[Dir. Walker] Pardon?
[Hugo] Going Toon, ma’am. Parafictionals like me an’ the Rat King are mostly stable. Rare breed, us. Y’might know, when fictionals from animation manifest, they’re all….sludgy. Big puddles a’ ink, can’t stay in a solid form for long. Has to do with the animation cells, tens of thousands of ‘em, all making the individuals in question….splintered. Usually that don’t happen with non-toons, but I’ve seen it before. Hell of a thing to happen to someone, and I think our German visitor is experiencin’ it. Makes a man’s blood run cold.
[Dir. Walker] Isn’t there at least one stable “toon”? 
[Hugo] Vance Valiant, ma’am. But he’s busy. An’ a little bit of a coward, if I’m bein’ honest. 
[Dir. Walker] Spare me the editorial.
[Hugo] Beggin’ your pardon. I’m on edge. Seein’ the King in this position is like watchin’ someone melt. 
[Dir. Walker] Königsratte is under the Yule umbrella, is he not? Can we ask Kringle for his help?
[Wren] Ahh. Mr Allfather has made his…displeasure with one of our staff members politely but firmly known. I don’t think it would be advisable for us to contact him while the wounds are still fresh. As an aside, Mr Allfather has also challenged Ms Cold to single combat should she ever attempt to enter Valhalla. I would…advise Ms Cold to not attempt to enter Valhalla. 
[Dir. Walker] If I had a dime. Ann?
[Ann Tiope] Thank you, Director. After conferring with Wren, Applied Mythology has a theory. Many extranormal entities subsist wholly or in part on, for lack of a better term, belief. A sort of…stabilizing influence of the noosphere could help Königsratte’s ontology. We just need something to anchor that psychic flow. A physical object related to his origin, and the holiday zeitgeist. That’s where Toyetics comes in. Patty?
[Patty] Thank you for the books, Hugo. So, um. I left my notes on the floor, but basically - nutcrackers. 
[Dir. Walker] Go on.
[Patty] We think of them as kitschy decorations now, but when The Nutcracker and the Mouse King was originally written, they were toys. Objects of joy and affection! A lot of them were modeled as soldiers, like in the story. Or kings. They meant something. They’re inextricably tied to the Rat King’s origin, and an integral part of many cultures’ celebrations this time of year, even if a lot of people overlook them.
[Dir. Walker] What is your proposal?
[Patty] We can use the social media outreach of the Office to ask for nutcrackers. Physical donations, but even pictures or artwork will work. It just has to have a story attached. The story is important. I’ve already asked social media’s AI to help me intake and collate everything we get. We’ll print them out, 3D print copies, set the physical models we receive up around Herr Königsratte, and….
[Dir. Walker] And?
[Patty] ….hopefully that’ll work. 
[Dir. Walker] I’ve heard more ridiculous plans, but not by much. Do you have any input, Director Knight?
No? Then let’s move ahead. Get a message to Social Media. I have faith Agent Halter will frame this in a way that minimizes how childish this all feels. You’re dismissed. 
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wings-and-beskargam · 2 months ago
Since this response got out of hand, I'm giving it its' own post.
It's dangerous to ask a maker (artist?) about their processes @lonewolflupe @ulchabhangorm. But since you're curious, please accept my very first:
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All of the pictured things were 3D printed by me on my FDM printer (Bambu Labs A1), including the teeny helmets. The non-helmet bits are pieces of Tech's armour. I'm currently building a Tech kit for 501st Legion approval. I "like" Crosshair and Scorch the most, but I am "most like" Tech. /sigh
I do! (Mostly) All of the armour parts of Archers' kit were 3D printed and finished by me on my FDM printer, with the exception of my pauldrons which were resin printed by someone else, but finished by me. I initially began making the kit for a Halloween costume, challenged by a coworker to a work-Halloween costume contest, but ended up meeting a couple vode from the Mando Mercs club (MMCC). I was invited (gently coerced?) to complete the kit to their standards and join the club. I'm in that process now, but still have a few things to finish before I gain Official Member status. 🙂
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I made a lil' Boba candy bucket!!
3. I mostly print with PLA+. I can print with PETG, ABS, and other materials but my printer is running inside a spare room and I'm not set up with an enclosure or awesome ventilation yet to print with materials which off gas more toxic VOCs. Although PETG would be stronger for a buy'ce that is going to be worn PLA+ works just fine for most folks who are not in very hot conditions. (PLA will sag and melt in high heat) . The first time I wore my full kit, I was at work, and did a full day of fieldwork in it. The whole kit survived apart from one of the thrusters on my jetpack which I accidentally busted off while putting it back in the kit box (adhesive failure, I should have used hardware but I was in a rush to finish it before Halloween) . All fixed now! PLA would be just fine for printing teeny and/or decorative helmets. Just don't toss full size ones onto the floor off of a shelf (ask me how I know).
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4. You can get STLs for clone helmets in all the places you'd expect (cults, thingiverse, etc) and from vendors on Etsy. Be careful, though, some of those files are stolen, and some are REALLY terrible and inaccurate. I usually avoid 'free' files, as for things as complex as helmets often end up being more costly in other ways, or are just not the quality I want. Galactic Armory has a nice selection of clone helmets (I have..... all of them. /embarrassment). Marko of Mystery Makers has really great Bad Batch (and other SW) helmets. He always tries to go a step beyond other modelers with his designs, both with functionality and accuracy. The Crosshair and RC helmet in my original post are both printed from Mystery Makers files. The RC helmet is the closest to the game design available, and the Cross helmet has a super cool functional rangefinder (like the different lenses are there and flip up and down, not just the whole rangefinder stalk moving). The Tech helmet is printed from Galactic Armory files, as are the rest (with the exception of Archers helmet which is AlterEgo, if I recall). The teeny helmets are printed from the full size files, just scaled down to 25%. I wouldn't' try to print these on an SLA/LCD resin printer, because the supports would be a nightmare I think, but it works just fine on an FDM printer. The most difficult part is printing the teeny greeblies for them which are super teeny at 25%. I almost always end up breaking the lil' rangefinder stalks, and am pretty sure I've lost the tusks for Rex's helmet more than once.
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Cross WIP (Mystery Makers) with teeny (30%) Cross (Galactic Armory) 💙 Guess how many times I broke that teeny rangefinder stalk? Yeah. Four. 😖
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Likewise, guess how many times I broke and lost the SUPER TEENY antennae on Tiny Tech's helmet? 😫
5. The visors in the full size helmets are generally welding/grinding replacement shields (Hobart brand, usually - available on Amazon). They are dark enough to obscure the wearers face and can be fairly easily cut to shape and installed. Tech's visor and goggle lenses are cut yellow acrylic, and in my original post still have the protective backing on them as they aren't 'officially' installed yet - which I why you can't see through them.
The visors for the full-size RC boys are more complicated. I believe the exact details of how I’ve been taught to do it are considered proprietary 🥺😏. To achieve the “Flirtation Mask” effect, two visors, a diffuser, and a strip of LEDs are installed in a very secret, not so secret, way. I’m working on a Scorch bucket, full size, and will have help to do this for the first time. Stay tuned. 😆 For the teeny helmets I use automotive window tint for the visors. It's easier to cut and bend into tiny shapes to fit inside the helmets. I got some blue stuff for the commando helmets, which should look cool once I install the lights. 😎
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Teeny Gregor bucket WIP, with blue window tint FLIRTATION MASK 💙
6. The lil helmet stand under teeny Keeli (which I'm making for @eobe) is printed from a file from Galactic Armory. It's been through the ringer, because I use it to hold all the little helmets while I'm spray painting them and letting them cure. It did look nice when it was newer, and has the republic cog on the base. There is also a wall-mounted version which I have printed to hang Archer's helmet. I'll probably make more for the other helmets eventually.
7. VPLs (Visible Print Lines) are the enemy! As an MMCC member, it has been drilled into me that VPLs are evil and must be vanquished with extreme violence. I try to finish everything (with the exception of the flexi things people keep asking me to make) to an excellent standard with no VPLs - including the teeny helmets.
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Raw Phase 1 (Animated) clone helmet and RC (Scorch) helmet). My printer does an excellent job, but still there are VPLs to be dealt with!
8. This question - how to get rid of VPLs could warrant it's own post. There are SO MANY techniques - some good, some NOT - but which ones you use depends largely on your print characteristics and what you intend to do with it. A lot of people lately have been recommending bathing the entire piece in a Bondo spot putty and acetone slurry several times until the lines are filled. I DO NOT recommend doing this for a piece that you intend to wear. I experimented with this and found out that after a small amount of wear the bondo likes to expel your paint in large chips, leaving ugly bondo-red spots behind. It would probably work ok for decorative pieces though. Other people have used UV curing resin to coat pieces to fill VPLs. It works, but UGH that stuff is toxic to touch and breathe, and it needs to be properly washed and cured, and cured some more. It's also much more difficult to sand than automotive body work products (which in all fairness are also toxic to breathe and touch - WEAR YOUR PPE).
My general process for armour pieces is to remove supports and then roughly sand (120 grit) only the really rough spots (like things that were overhangs or had a lot of supports). Sanding happens with a combination of sanding papers, sanding sticks, and needle files - depending on the piece. I then adhere pieces together (if they were printed in pieces like some of the larger full-size helmets) with plastic bonder. Seams are filled with Bondo plastic metal or EverCoat depending on the piece and I often plastic weld and staple the inside for strength. The seams are then sanded smooth. After I'm happy with the smoothness of the seams the entire piece will get 2-3 coats of automotive high-build filler primer (from a rattle can, though I have used the 1:4 mix stuff and brushed it on - I'd only recommend this with a large piece as that stuff REALLY fills things in quick - including the things you don't want it to) and a wet sand to 320 grit. At this point most of the print lines are filled, but stubborn areas, such as the top of the dome may still necessitate more coats. I generally end up applying 5 coats of filler primer, wet sanding between them. Following the final coat of filler primer, I'll wet sand again to about 400 grit (much more if we're going for the Beskar finish which needs a SUPER SMOOTH finish to work) and then put on a coat of regular primer. Black for helmets that will be dark (Most of the CF99 boys), and white for the other clone helmets. At this point they should be completely VPL free and ready for greebly installation and the "real" paint job. This process takes me at least a few days on full-size helmets as the paints have to cure between sanding and reapplication, and painting has to happen outside in good conditions. It's not inexpensive, but it is the most efficient and long-lasting way to do it, in my experience.
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Cross helmet WIP. You can see the seam just under the visor cut out. This one printed in three pieces and needed ALL the seam filling and sanding. The pinkish and grey stuff are body fill products to fill in rough spots and seam lines. If you look at the last photo - of the same helmet - you can see they did a decent job of hiding that there was a seam. 😊
9. I use a lot of automotive products and paint. Since all my full size helmets are mean to be worn they need to be finished to a fairly high standard and be relatively tough. Archer's helmet body was finished entirely with Rustoleum brand filler primer and four layers of metallic paints (all rattle cans). The blue on the front was a Montana brand acrylic rattle can, and the copper parts (ear caps, rangefinder stalk) were enamel paint (Alclad copper) airbrushed on. The weathering - chips and scratches - were achieved by layering on a liquid latex medium between coats, so that when it was peeled off it revealed small bits of the coats beneath. It gives the damage a more realistic look than painting silver 'scratches' on after the fact. This liquid latex medium can be used to give the paint applied to clone helmets the chipped look to their painted designs as seen in the animation. It's a little more challenging to do in small scale though. After all the top coat paints are applied, I'll seal them in with a clear layer of satin or gloss sealant (rattle can). After that, I'll go over the entire piece with an acrylic black wash to make it look "dirty" and worn. 😅. After all that process, padding, visors, and electronics (HUD lights, fans, voice amps) are installed if needed. The whole thing is pretty time-consuming. I now understand why quality finished helmets cost as much as they do. My teeny helmets are all finished as I described above in the VPL section, but I use acrylics hand-painted on with a brush to apply the designs. In the animation versions of these helmets, particularly in TBB, the helmets all look like they've been (roughly) hand painted, so this technique works ok, I think. I apply the chipping and weathering at edges with dry brushing acrylics. I could apply a liquid latex mask and airbrush them, but eh. I'm using these little guys as fairy light "lanterns". They're super cute with the light showing a bit through the visors, particularly Tech. :)
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The Teeny Batch boys that I've got finished. Echo is coming, he just needs his top coat and weathering. :D
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Lil' Keeli almost finished, with his unfinished rangefinder. Have not broken the stalk yet! /cheer 🎉
10. Acrylics brand? Hmm... I've used the Montana Gold rattle can acrylics which some of the MMCC mandos seem to like. I'm not sure if the ones I got were duds, but I wasn't super impressed. The cans did a lot of spitting and messed up my paint a few times. My brush on acrylics are Liquitex or Golden. Both can be thinned and airbrushed, and are more costly than cheap crafting brands but are more highly pigmented and last longer (plus the finish is nicer).
11. Base colour is whatever primer I finish with - white or black, depending on what color the final piece will be. For Mando helmets, the base colour is a metallic silver, so that when I peel off the liquid latex layers, the pint chips down to “bare metal/beskar”. Since clone helmets are plastioid, the base colour for them remains white or black.
12. I finish with a rattle can sealant. Satin finish usually, but that depends on the look you want. Always try to stick with the same brand of primer, paint, and sealant. Different brands have different chemistry - accelerants and so on, and can, and often do react with one another. The frustration of having to sand down a piece that was almost finished cannot be described.
To avoid paint heartache, always also paint in good conditions. Temperature, humidity, wind, etc can all ruin you day and paint job. Please also always wear your PPE!
13. Are they? I hope they are. They sure are a labour of love, and much work - but it makes me happy to make them and to look at them. 😅
I'm very fond of Archer's buy'ce, and the whole kit really. It was the first one I 'finished' (every mando's kit is an ongoing WIP - forever), and the process of making it kept me focused on something positive during a rough time in my life. Wearing it is super fun! Ibic Manda!
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WOW that got lengthy, so sorry! I had ALL the questions when I started, and a lot of the info you need is hard to find or in bits and pieces all over the internet. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! I can only share my experience, but I have spent a huge amount of 2024 working on these for what that's worth. 🫣
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hewkii · 6 months ago
Acht (Dedf1sh) Cosplay Rundown
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feel free to copy or take inspiration :]
assembly instructions and print settings/materials for 3d printed parts are on thingiverse (headphones) (other parts)
models designed by me are in brackets in the materials list
black trucker hat with blank white front panel
fabric paint
shiny indigo fabric
less shiny white fabric
glow-in-the-dark pigment powder
metal marbles (to weight the ends so they hang properly)
two of [octosucc.obj] in different sizes
acrylic paint
conveniently enough i've had this hat hanging on my door for years. i got it with N from pokemon in mind but i never actually did that cosplay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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here are the sketches i based my patterns on (1 square=1 cm). don't forget to add seam tolerances
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full details on thingiverse (mudmouth not included)
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mesh bolero with built-in gloves
rit dye
fabric paint
10 of [finger_claw_vase.stl] in varying sizes
i wear claws under the gloves, but sometimes i'll wind up taking them off after a while since they can get uncomfortable and they make it hard to use my phone :/
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acrylic paint
glow-in-the-dark pigment powder
glossy clear coat
a cut up mello yello bottle
packing tape
eva foam
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Misc. Doodads
red mirror shades
color chips
necklace chain
did you know that acht gives eight a mobility chip in the trailer but a power chip in the actual game? bc i didn't notice until after i'd already finished making the mobility one. so i've got a spare chip i guess
the dogtags were kind of a spur-of-the-moment creative liberty. i had the jelleton one sitting around from some experiments with composite filaments, and while i was brainstorming a way to incorporate acht's cool fish hook into the cosplay without needing to actually get my ears pierced it all sorta clicked together. i made the ident tag shortly afterwards and swiftly forgot what the text says :P
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the rest of it
dress tunic thingy
metal eyelets
red string
camo pants
combat boots
i skimped on accuracy in favor of comfort for the lower half ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the dress is more of a shirt, i added comfy pants bc i hate wearing colored tights (or god forbid painting my thighs green), and shorter boots bc more accurate ones are expensive as hell. plus any heel higher than this makes walking feel like playing qwop (skill issue). speaking of which does it bug anybody else how long acht's feet are on their in-game model or is that just me
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idk if it counts as part of the cosplay but i also add a leather jacket when my arms get cold. i think it goes hard
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ink the shaved streaks onto the hairnet
swap out the red leather cord for something less stiff
see if beans would work better than marbles
hand bandages?
single pointy tooth?
make a pre-sanitized version so i don't have to scrub off face paint every time
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renegaderoxy · 9 months ago
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RG Gundam Epyon!
Wow, what a wonderful kit! Building this one was relatively straightforward and pleasant. There’s a LOT of undergating in this kit, which helps keep it clear of nib marks, but can be very challenging to remove at times due to the small scale of a 1/144 kit.
This was my first time doing water slide decals, and WOW was it tedious at first. After much trial and error, I got into a bit of a flow with it and it became easier. The payoff is terrific, too!
I used matte spray on this one to seal in the decals as I’m unsure of how safe they are after they dry. I wasn’t taking chances after accidentally wiping off the water slides half a dozen times throughout the detailing…
I really recommend this kit! It’s a bit pricey for an RG, but the engineering of the parts and ease of assembly make it so worth it. And look how great it looks! It can even transform into a goddamned twin-headed dragon, which I didn’t do because I was afraid of fucking up any single atom of the model after building.
If you can believe it, that whip/tail attachment on the arm is ONE ENTIRE PIECE you clip directly off the runner. If you’re newer to the hobby, you may want to skip applying EVERY detail sticker that comes in the kit, as you’d be doing >100 applications.
Epyon is not very balanced with the wings and giant sword attached. The mounting bracket for the stand attaches to the backpack, which puts it at an odd angle for non-adjustable stands (I snapped a peg off of a 3D printed one my girlfriend made me before taking the final pic…). If you have patience when trying to make it balance or a spare Action Base 5 lying around, go for it!
Build cutting and assembly took about 18 hours. Panel lining took another hour. The rest was all water slide decal application. (>人<;)
Total hours: 25
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regina-bithyniae · 1 month ago
Grognard Sociology
Battlefleet Gothic and Epic Warhammer 40k are two long-running Games Workshop "specialist games," which both largely had their heyday in the 90s/2000s before being officially abandoned around 2010.
Interestingly - at least to me - the two systems have ended up with very different cultures after ~15 years of abandonment.
Epic Armageddon, the last edition of Epic 40k, has now become Net Epic Armageddon (abbreviated to Net Epic though this can also mean online versions of an earlier edition). It sees active discussion and gradual development of experimental army lists done by the community, with particularly active "Epic UK" and "Epic AU(stralia)" scenes.
Battlefleet Gothic fans instead are like medieval monasterial archivists, arguing endlessly over what was the true intent of Andy Chambers' original wisdom when he wrote the rules 25 years ago. Prominent figures in the community have laid into certain fleet lists, on the grounds that they deviated from their initial intent (not that they're unbalanced!) or bizarrely, hating specific ships which were added just so people could use certain leftover weapon parts.
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A friend sent me this photo, of guys trying to scan kitbashed (i.e. assembled from spare warhammer pieces) ships for 3D printing, which takes the community's backwards-looking attitude to the point of self-parody.
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askvectorprime · 1 year ago
Dear Vector Prime,
Knowing as we do that the DJD exists to root out cowardice and treason in the Decepticon ranks, has any version of that group been tasked with eliminating the most treasonous coward of the all, Air Commander Starscream? What's their track record in the task, multiversally speaking?
Dear Slippery Seeker,
Surely by now you know that Starscream is hard to catch, harder to implicate, and most difficult to kill (well, for any substantial length of time)! As a result, the summary judgements you imagine aren't as common as you might think—but I will recount to you one instance where Starscream tangled with Megatron’s enforcers.
When they came for him, he didn’t even try to deny the allegations, having himself long lost track of his various misdeeds. Instead, he offered to pay Tarn off. Of course, no amount of money could buy mercy from Tarn—so instead, Starscream promised to supply the leader of the D.J.D. with enough morphcores to feed his addiction indefinitely, even producing one on the spot for him. Tarn was tempted, and appeared to seriously consider the offer… but when he sampled the morphcore, he immediately deduced that it was counterfeit, quickly 3D-printed by Swindle for this ruse of Starscream’s.
Tarn aimed his fusion cannons at Starscream’s head, but the Seeker just laughed. This cheap spare-part scam was itself only part of a subtler gambit: Starscream had recorded everything, and was prepared to transmit the footage across all Decepticon channels. That one moment of hesitation… it would have been enough to show everyone that the incipient D.J.D. were ordinary mechs, with ordinary vices, who could be bargained with. Perhaps they could have corrected that impression, with time and creativity… but Tarn knew how Megatron would react, knowing that he had given even the slightest thought to exonerating Starscream over such a trifle.
Of course, so long as the D.J.D. kept Starscream on the List, and so long as Starscream had the recording, neither could tolerate the other’s continued existence—so they agreed to delete both files, and to never again acknowledge one another going forward. But much later, the collector Agonizer came across a remaining copy of this version of the List… which leads one to wonder, if perhaps there still survives a copy of that video as well…
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digomaenterprise · 9 days ago
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Digoma Enterprise is a specialist in supplying high-quality spare parts of air compressors. We have the in-depth knowledge and experience about the air compressor spare parts. Our products are well-made so that they perfectly fit in any type of air compressor. We guarantee that our spare parts have excellent performance and a long lifespan. We always offer the best solution for our customers, who rely on us. We do not charge over the top for our products and deliver them in time. We are always here to help our customers select the right spare parts with our professional teams. If you want an expert air compressor spare parts supplier, Digoma Enterprise should be your best choice.
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neonmetro · 2 months ago
Hey so just as I sent that other ask, I somewhat remembered what I wanted to include in the other one😓
The Achaeans. . .they are so beautiful, my favorite butches. When I'm in the butch lesbian contest and the Achaeans pull up/j
I want to know more about them, but specifically the man of the hour, the pretty princess and diva Achilles !!!!
I also want to know if throughout any of the stories any Corp head(s) specifically will play at least a somewhat significant role. Gosh I hate them all so much /POS /J /SILLY
I also need an excuse to get more Azazel content because. . .they are amazing !!!
(This part may or may not be straight nonsense)
I don't think I ever talked about it, but I really do love Azazel and Molochs relationship so much. There's so much I could say about their relationship. Especially towards the end when Azazel gets ready to kill Moloch. You can really feel the raw emotion. But also some contradictory? It might be me reading it all types of wrong but when I read it, it didn't really feel like Azazel was really sure if them, themselves was ready to go through with what they wanted to do and I honestly love that so much. The whole interaction made my heart heavy and I love it, when Azazel really lays in on thick to Moloch, the words used, the painful reality of it all, the shift of blame honestly I could go on and on about their relationship, but I'll stop to spare my fingers and to spare you from an essay or over analyzing. I really want to see more of those two, they are so cute and silly !!!
Also if I was collecting it right, Abaddon and Arakiel worked together or at least tolerated each other for a short amount of time. I want to know more about how they work together.
I also have to pay my respects to my absolute monarchs, Reficul and Chemosh. . .I love them so much god. . .also I snuck Peneume into my last ask but since this is more Project Martyr targeted than I expected, uh I love Peneume and they serve so hard man. . .always the cunty characters that die first smh. I know they don't have a whole lot about them, but they really are just amazing. Their design makes me just go "awww shucks your so pretty *twirls hair*" Peneume fanclub over here/SILLY
Thank you as always for putting up with my rambling soldier, I salute you🫡
-Ulysses loving anon
HELPPP hello again ulyanon. welcome back
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BUTCHES THE ACHAEANS!!! SHOUTOUT TO THEIR LESBIAN SWAG!!!!! ofc... i can tell you about achilles :) our beautiful princess <3
achilles' soul is in his heel, but usually no one even tries Thinking about hitting him there, but its also the most protected part of his body (paris only manages to kill him by gaining a direct contract of his own with apollo and partially overkilling (that guy is not built for war))
his magical girl clothing is Different from what it'd normally be.
instead of just normal flesh fabric, the flesh separates into nanomachines first before forming fabric. it definitely doesn't feel like fabric, but resembles it. like those 3d printed shit yk?
and he needs constant maintanence bc his ass is so zoomy that he constantly trips and falls and they need repairs, at first it was just his parents but peleus saw that achilles latched onto this Lonely Ass Kid he has in his glorified orphanage he was like yes. i will teach you how to repair my son if he is ever hurt. and patroclus is just like 7 years old
another achilles fact, his nanomachines are able to become as fast as sound (i like song of achilles' reoccuring theme of patroclus' lyre so. adding that in.) and during his encounter with hector, he uses the river that he filled w bodies to disable him even tho hector can be as fast as the speed of light since sound travels faster in the ocean
achilles is kind of stupid bitch. i'm not going to lie. patroclus admires his effortless beauty and finds his stubbornness endearing but also it is ultimately achilles' downfall. he's incredibly immature (refuses to do anything he doesn't want to do, insults everyone, etc) when he isn't entirely anti-social but also he is literally only 15 and even when he's 25 by the time the human urge to kill everything starts, he's still a child soldier to prevent his best friend and partner from risking his own life
i am changing how achilles got into the war to begin with, but if it were following more like the original, ulydio probably would've blackmailed him by saying he was a coward rather than the fact that he was wearing a dress (because frankly they are all serving too much cunt to be saying shit from ancient greece)
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in novaturi, agamemnon directly threatens patroclus' life to make achilles spiral into blanket mode and refuse to fight and him letting patroclus fight in his place is just him being so wrapped up in his anger rather than the whole briseis situation (which. you know was the whole point why he started fighting... but he got so wrapped up in his own anger and the audacity of agamemnon to realize that).
briseis is just a hostage and achilles was trying to reason with agamemnon after his own hostage and spoils of war were stolen
patroclus was also the only one contracted to fight, but achilles took his place instead, and patroclus ended up being a repair guy for the achaeans' weapons and achilles
i'll also emphasize how thesis is NOT against patroachilles like in a certain book (i do take a lot of elements of their relationship/inspo from that book but i generally do not like how miller portrays women). she loves her son very much and just has her son's best interest in mind, and if even if he decides to pick some soggy wet loser that's his choice not her's
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the corpheads will!! currently trying to make sure all the corpheads will have at least some spotlight but it's a tad difficult considering there are 12 of them and 4 stories so some Will seep out in the cracks and i haven't really started revamping PO's story
aishire and ulysses are the main focus of THUTKE, but aishire is a major background factor of machina mortem
veraswamy plays a somewhat prolific role in aishire's side of THUTKE
dante is featured in the last chapter of apocalypse equos and the last arc of pink overkill
vergil is a background ish character in PO
beatrice MAY have a role in AE
i'm considering giving lancelot a side story in THUTKE? but may have a minor role in PO unsure
estouls has a minor role in apocalypse equos (they haven't been incorporated yet, but i've been thinking of doing so for a bit. maybe on the recruiters' side bc telemachus is currently on the verge of being sacked)
ilya has a minor role in MM, might also have one in AE and PO
junius may have a role in MM as set design. unsure
beowulf might have a role in AE
as mentioned earlier, uly is the main main focus of THUTKE but might have a minor role in 2 other stories as a background character (AE for telemachus, PO intervening and collecting a horsemen. who knows)
YESSS....!!! YOU GET IT !!!!! azazel is absolutely conflicted about killing everything about their life and they have to reassure themselves that this IS the correct choice to get what they want. they've essentially deluded themselves into thinking that they have to destroy everything about themselves before rebuilding themselves, but ultimately azazel does not have the stomach to kill people they used to like.
abaddon and arakiel are parallels to azazel and moloch, though if it were a little bit more fucked. they work together but only tolerating one another while pursuing their own goals. abaddon originally found arakiel already on the verge of death on a vagabond site, and basically gave them an ultimatum to help them do their dirty work and they won't kill them (a slight twist on azazel and moloch's introduction, except azazel never made it clear to moloch that they had bad intentions)
abaddon's already a husk of who they used to be, and they don't even want to live, they just want to survive the killing game in order to later kill aishire. everyone that they kill is just practice on how they could manipulate their way into killing aishire. arakiel is blind to abaddon's own manipulation of them, fully convinced that abaddon is literally not a threat because of how, to put it bluntly, dead abaddon is. arakiel is much more sure of their identity and believes their world view is absolute, but is ultimately betrayed by abaddon, unable to complete any of their goals. abaddon has little to no regard of who they discard or kill. abaddon and arakiel are kind of like bad ends to azazel and moloch, unafraid to cross the line and desecrate memories.
i think its fun to throw in parallels for characters :) they run into each other a lot once moloch is awake
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i love them so much too bro.... their designs are my favs they're just so pretty
it makes a bit more sense in story but the first five members of project martyr (+ michael) were woken up first during the killing game and were quarantined together to get the ball rolling and prevent the show from being two short so they had . a lot more extra time to be traumatized together
reficul has a weird ass relationship with the dead wife and is kind of considering divorce but also is afraid to lose genesis a second time. chemosh is just kind of haunted by everything and wishes to isolate themselves and create a safe space for themselves.
(like one joke audio clip and one batman video has spiraled into me making reficul and genesis kind of crazy radioactive yxxi)
peneume the lawyer you are..........
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titanomancy · 1 year ago
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New year, new campaign. My group is going hard into Epic Legions Imperialis and, with the addition of a Bambu P1P to the toolbox, we're expanding our collection of very small scenery with 3d printed parts from Grimdark Terrain.
The end result was really impressive. I had written off filament deposition printing for miniatures when the higher resolution resin printers started being able to compete with store-bought a few years ago, but the level of detail with this extruded PLA is really something else. Some of the undercuts are a little ugly, but you won't be able to see them in the course of regular play.
Conceptually, this piece is a city sector-wide void shield projector akin to the palace aegis network described in Siege of Terra. The massive discharge of exotic energies originate from the elevated dish creating a toroidal field pattern - so you can't just shoot at it from the ground, necessitating its capture by infantry forces if you wish to bring it down. A much more cinematic objective marker than a spare die or token.
If you want to build your own, the list of parts can be found past the break - Rudolf at GDT does some pretty impressive scenery and deserves your support.
Titanomantic Aegis Void Shield Network Projector
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#AG-059 - Argos - Megabunker Connection Peg x 8 #AG-063 - Argos - Pavaise VS Projector Coils x 4 #AG-064 - Argos - Pavaise VS Projector Dish x 1 #AG-068 - Argos - Mega Bunker Side Pipes x 4 #AG-070 - Argos - Air Control Tower Base x 1 #AG-072 - Argos - Air Control Tower Top Connector x 1 #AG-073 - Argos - Air Control Tower Circular Balcony x 1 #AG-080 - Argos - Recessed Shield Coil x 4 #AG-083 - Argos - Makro-Bunker Base x 1 #AG-085 - Argos - Makro-Bunker Base Wall 2 x 4 #AG-091 - Argos - Makro-Bunker Pillar 1 x 4
This build utilizes parts from three separate Grimdark Terrain .STL packages; July 2021, February 2022 and November 2022. July and November are critical components for the major assemblies, but if you're stingy you can substitute the Recessed Shield Coils from February by doubling the number of #AG-063 Pavaise VS Projector Coils.
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velvetvexations · 5 months ago
If we're still doing fun and semi-obscure hobbies/hyperfixations/special interests here are a few things I've been into lately:
Sound engineering and mixing - I've just started needing to do it for myself for a larger project I'm working on and I knew it'd be interesting, but it's more fun than I thought it'd be even if it is almost as tedious as I feared. I just learned the vowel trick for figuring out where to start with EQ adjustments and it feels like I just unlocked the secrets of the universe. I'm still super new into it and don't know a lot but...I honestly kind of hope I DON'T get too into it, because it might end up distracting me from a lot of the rest of the project and most of my role in said project is live performance lmao - but getting my vocals to sit ALMOST right in a recorded song without anyone else's direct help for the first time was so exciting it felt like a whole new world opened up.
Dollmaking! I make my own BJDs - bodies, clothes, eyes, all from nothing; the only thing I regularly buy mostly made is wigs and even those I usually do a lot of alteration on, or sometimes even just make out of wefts or braiding hair if the length/texture/part position/cap size combination I need is too hard to find. For the face and body sculpting, I do that digitally and 3D print them in resin. My bin of spare parts and the half-finished ones I always have at least one of lying around also make my house really fun to visit at night if you like horror lmao--
Speaking of, just 3D printing in general is something I have a strong interest in. I'm hoping to get the money together to move to a larger space in the coming years so I have the room to expand my fleet of 3D printers.
The funny thing is, none of them seem particularly problematic on their face...but just like anything like that, you would be AMAZED at how much drama goes on about them. It honestly helps me keep tumblr fandom drama in perspective when I see people pulling "you wouldn't download a car" logic to call someone a monster about doll body construction being SLIGHTLY too similar to some brand or another's (like, there are only so many ways you can do double ball joints!) or say you're a bad person degrading the hobby for thinking anything you could 3D print at home is remotely high quality enough to Count(TM) (like even if that were true maybe stop using the cheapest standard resin you can find then? Skill issue), or getting weirdly xenophobic about 3D printer brands, or acting like EQing someone's voice to make them sound more like they want to sound like with regards to gender is some kind of great evil and literally the same as companies trying to make us think there's something wrong with us if we don't look like airbrushed supermodels. At least I haven't personally been in the immediate blast radius of one of the SURPRISINGLY MANY supply seller death faking scandals that happen from time to time in the specialty fiber and textiles sector...
The Lithuanian 3D printer monopoly is destroying this country.
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cyberneticatoms · 7 months ago
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no way is that IAN DUTTON..they’re a 28-year-old SYNTH notoriously known for being MONOTONE & PEDANTIC but there are some people who have seen them being PERCEPTIVE & DIPLOMATIC. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of crunching up ice cubes, a shelf of methodically categorized books, and piercing eyes, but that could just be because they’re considered the SILENT OBSERVER around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
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NAME: Ian Mark Dutton NICKNAMES: Confused for Ike DATE OF BIRTH: June 30th (28) HEIGHT: 6'1 AFFILIATION: Neutral  OCCUPATION: VIP Bartender at The Obelisk FACECLAIM: Chay Suede
TW: child abuse, drug abuse, alcohol abuse
❖ Ian grew up in El Paso, Texas, the older twin brother of Ike Dutton. Twin synths aren't common with the specification that a synth's mind is meant to be original. Though if you spend more than 5 minutes with the twins, it's easy enough to see that they are in fact two completely different people.  ❖ It wasn't long after they were born that their father was injured at his job. They were barely able to afford his care let alone his pain medication. Not soon after he developed an addiction, self medicating with hard drugs and alcohol.  ❖ At first his mother tried her best to keep the house stable, but eventually even she was burnt out. Joining her husband as they both sunk lower and lower into debt. It was during this time that Ike’s behavioral issues became more prominent, and Ian was the one keeping everything at home under wraps. Their parents never hesitated to mention that if CPS came they'd be separated or worse.  ❖ The only time things weren't terrible was when their oldest cousin DJ would come by and take them to their grandma's. The only time Ian was genuinely worried was when he was 8 and DJ joined the Coast Guard, losing the small bit of help they had.  ❖ It was during DJ’s first leave when he came to check on the twins that he realized how bad things had gotten for them. The twins were severely malnourished and had severe injuries that were struggling to heal. It took Ian, Ike and their mother to rip DJ off their father. One police call later and that night they were officially under their grandmother's guardianship.  ❖ Growing up, Ian viewed DJ as his father and his best friend later turned wife, Dahlia as his mother. Their other cousin Zel also grew up with them, and since he was the same age, the twins became known as the triplets. All three eventually joined the Coast Guard as well after graduation.  ❖ The plan had always been to follow DJ to Dallas when the club was opened. What wasn't expected was to gain a new little sister in Val, while he's not a fan of how spontaneous they can be, he does genuinely love them. Eventually forming a band with his siblings along with Dahlia's sister Eva, while also working as a bartender.  ❖ This is also how he met Beatrix Vos, while she was still working as an escort. The two have been in an on and off again relationship for the last couple years, with plenty of commentary from both their siblings and friends.  ❖ He, like the rest of his family, has no particular allegiance to the corporations or the mafia. If anything he thinks all have similar goals and methods, the only difference being how out in the open they operate.
• Lives in an adjoining extension to the main Cruz-Dutton house with Zel. • In his spare time runs an online business providing 3D printed prosthetics for animals. Also makes and paints hyper realistic animal figurines and dioramas. • Part of the band Three by Five with his siblings Ike, Val and Zel, along with Eva. He and Eva briefly dated before agreeing to stay friends. He plays bass though he occasionally switches with Ike whose on drums.
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alexr-fightgames · 8 months ago
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Rebuilt my MPress stick today!
So it came with Cherry MX Silent Reds, and I've come to the conclusion that I don't really like the feel of Silent Reds. Not to worry, the switches are swappable, very easy!
I had tried, recently, putting Speed Silver switches in there, but they actually don't work right with the MPress case since the MPress case keeps the buttons in a slightly-pressed state all the time -- the silvers were actuating randomly, no good! You need those extra couple of millimeters. I had messed around with trying to add some cut-up pieces of index cards (with the idea to move to 3D printed plastic spacers) to space out the case a bit, but that's kind of wonky.
TURNS OUT that as a fightstick-parts packrat, I had a bunch of spare Cherry MX Reds (non-silent), and I put those in there, and it works great and feels great too! It's a bit loud but I like that. Nice.
And now I've got some spare Silver switches, going to need to do something with those...
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