#37 felonies
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Arraignment Day part 2.
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channelworldbluez · 3 months
Had to do another one of those “explain your background sheets” to send to HR and I know it don’t mean shit. They’ll still rescind the offer and I’m back at square one.
I explained it’s been four fucking years since and even though yes I’m still on probation, I’ve had zero arrests/violations, finished school, successfully held a job(until I got so fucking sick I had to quit which is why I’m here) and yet I know in the end all this explaining won’t mean shit, just like the last time.
It’s like damn I mine as well still be a criminal in there eyes, progress for what?
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jan-pi-suli-ala · 4 months
73 is a really cool number
yes i know sheldon had a whole thing about this but i need to tell someone about the insane properties it has
tldr: 73 is fucking amazing
for one it’s the only sheldon prime (emirp with mirror properties and binary palindrome) up to 10 million.
it’s integer complexity (how many 1s are needed to represent it using only addition and multiplication) is 13, another prime. it’s reverse, 31, is also prime and has a complexity of 11, a prime, and 13 has a complexity of 7, a prime. unfortunately 7’s complexity is 6, (1+1)(1+1+1)+1, and 11’s complexity is 8, (1+1)(1+1+1+1+1)+1. still cool tho
it’s also a palindrome in octal, which isn’t that surprising given that 1001001 can be written as 001001001, and each group of 3 digits in binary becomes one digit in octal. it’s a twin prime, with 71 also being prime, and it’s inverse, 17, being prime as well, and a twin prime with 19, it’s inverse being 91, also prime and twin prime with 89, though the trend stops there as 98 is even.
if you take 73 and reverse it then tack a one on the front before multiplying it with 73, it gives 10001, a palindromic number, with only 2 prime factors and 1 factorization.
it’s the only repeating prime in octal, 111 is 3 ones (i know, so shocking). another fun thing is that 73+21=47*2 and 37+12=47+2.
this is more of a language thing, but the number of symbols in its english name is 12, same as its inverse. another thing haunting the numbers 12, 21, 73, and 37 is that 3*37*7=777=21*37. 703 is the 37th triangular number. take divisors of 703 are 19 and 37.
the 73rd day of a non-leap year is pi day, and the 37th from last day of the year is the day lee harvey oswald died.
73 is the number of books in the bible. it’s greek representation is og, which is definitely a coincidence, but so is all of this. anyway, og often stands for original, used as a positive expression for something.
the number 1 above 73 (74) is double 37, and the 21st semiprime, there’s that 21 again. i could go on and on about how many 7s and 3s and 1s and 2s there are related to these numbers, but i’m getting bored of writing. i’m just gonna tag one person for this @janmisali, you would like this
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
President Joe Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency,” according to a final report released Thursday by a Department of Justice special counsel.
But special counsel Robert Hur said he was declining to prosecute Biden over his handling of that material.
The FBI found that material in the garage, offices, and basement den in Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home. It included documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and notebooks containing Biden’s entries about national security, the new report said.
“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” Hur wrote.
“He knew he kept classified information in notebooks stored in his house and he knew he was not allowed to do so.”
But that evidence “does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,” the special counsel wrote.
Hur in his nearly 400-page report wrote, “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
“We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter,” the report said. [...]
Hur was blunt in detailing lapses in Biden’s memory when he was interviewed for the probe.
“He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (‘if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?’), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (‘in 2009, am I still Vice President?’),” the report said.
“He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him,” Hur wrote.
“In a case where the government must prove that Mr. Biden knew he had possession of the classified Afghanistan documents after the vice presidency and chose to keep those documents, knowing he was violating the law, we expect that at trial, his attorneys would emphasize these limitations in his recall,” the special counsel added.
Biden in a statement said, “I was pleased to see they reached the conclusion I believed all along they would reach – that there would be no charges brought in this case and the matter is now closed.”[...]
Trump was charged in June with 37 felonies, including willful retention of national defense information, a violation of the Espionage Act.
Trump had hundreds more classified documents in his possession than Biden did — more than 300 in total, including 102 that were seized during an FBI raid on Trump’s Palm Beach resort home in August 2022. Trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Hur’s report Thursday said that the materials recovered from Biden spanned his career in national office from 1973 when he became a U.S. senator, and through his two terms as vice president under former President Barack Obama from 2009 through early 2017.
Biden during his career “has long seen himself as a historic figure,” and during that time collected papers and artifacts that were connected to “significant issues and events in his career,” the report said.
“He used these materials to write memoirs published in 2007 and 2017, to document his legacy, and to cite as evidence that he was a man of presidential timber,” Hur wrote.
Well we're officially never gonna hear the end of this one huh [8 Feb 24]
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Tumblr Folklore Stories/Blogs Directory/Masterlist
There are so many great Tumblr Blog stories here! But things are best when organized! Here you are! I’m going to use Tumblr Blaze in a couple weeks to spread this to everyone, but if all of you can reblog this to everyone you know, we can spread the joys of Tumblr to EVERYONE!
Credit to https://www.tumblr.com/dannnnnnnnnnnnex/700073427344736256/love-how-tumblr-has-its-own-folk-stories-yeah-the
The God of Arepo (graphic novel 1 / 2 / 3) (ebook)
The Monster of Sentan
The Witch’s Cat
Raise Both Children
Stabby the Roomba (honorable mention)
Cinderella Marries the Prince (comic)
My Arch Nemesis Cynthia
Pirates and Mermaid
Eindred and the Witch
The Demon King
The Cornerwitch
Grandmother Beetroot
Apocalypse Daycare Worker
Grandmother Accidentally Summons a Demon
New Year Saga
A Story About Changelings
Ranger in the King’s Forest
The Difference Between a Hare and a Rabbit
Goblin Men (Canines)
Faceblind Prince Charming and Cinderella
 The human who died of radiation poisoning after repairing the spaceship
The defeat of the wizard who made people choose how they’d be to be executed
Doctors Without Borders
The Queen with Three Cursed Children
25. Tiny Dragon with one coin hoard
26. Haunted house
27. Shark hero was about to go rogue
28. Grandma lives in the woods comic
29. A Different Aftermath comic
30. Battery (microstory but I love it so much)
31. It’s A Date comic
32. Supervillian kidnaps rival’s kid and they want to stay
33. Narrative Town
34. I have been hired to clean the wizard tower comic
35. Robot Apocalypse
36. The Statues That Do Not Weather
37. Kushiel
38. Tooth Fairy
39. Alien abduction
40. Felonious wish-granting
41. When humans met actual space orcs
42. Space cousins
Well, now they’re categorized.
Also, this is a RWBY-positivity BLOG, so please watch RWBY
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wilwheaton · 1 year
Trump is now facing 37 felony charges in the classified documents case, including multiple violations of the Espionage Act, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and scheming to conceal documents from a federal investigation. In addition, he’s facing an additional 34 felony charges in New York for falsifying business records in an attempt to cover up his payments to two women with whom he allegedly had adulterous sexual encounters. However, there’s a growing sense that all this could be the tip of a very large legal iceberg that still lies ahead. Because while Smith’s investigation into the classified documents case has revealed Trump and assistant Walt Nauta moving boxes of top secret documents into bathrooms at Mar-a-Lago, the election fraud investigation looks as if it could ensnare Trump, his advisers, his legal team, and Republicans at both the state and federal level who all conspired to overturn the government of the United States.
Jack Smith particularly interested in Dec. 2020 Trump meeting
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soberscientistlife · 1 month
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Trump was coveted of 37 felonies. Give me a break
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kvetchlandia · 3 months
The racist, nationalist, Islamophobic and antisemitic National Front (or whatever stupid, slightly less terrifying name they're giving themselves this month) is set to be the largest single party in the French parliament after next week's final round of elections. Italy is already governed by a party that's the direct descendant of Mussolini's Fascists. The neo-fascist Alternative for Germany was the second largest block in the recent German elections to the European Parliament and is expected to grow significantly in next year's elections to the Bundestag. Geert Wilders's reactionary party in the Netherlands took nearly 50% of the Dutch seats in the European Parliament (6 of 14). In the 2023 national elections in the Netherlands, Wilders' party took a whopping 37 seats in the Dutch House of Representatives, making it the largest single party in the Dutch legislature. Fortunately for the Dutch, they don't have another national election scheduled until 2028, but one could be held earlier should the government fall. It's hard for me to grasp that these countries, each of which was either conquered and occupied by the nazis and betrayed by collaborators, or was directly governed by nazis and fascists, is now electing precisely those same nazis and collaborators. Of course, we here in the United States, are facing the bizarre choice in the two "official" parties of American capitalism, of one candidate who's clearly cognitively impaired and another who is a dictator wannabe; a man already convicted of numerous felony charges and facing many, many more; a racist and misogynist; a man millions of dollars in debt on account of the fines levied against him after he was found liable for the civil sexual abuse of a woman and then libeling his victim and a man who has made it clear that if/when he's re-elected he's going to go after his political opponents and that he's also going to dismantle what little bit of social safety net we have in the United States. It looks as though Mushroom Dick, as Stormy Daniels referred to this monster, with whom she shared a brief and forgettable sexual encounter, is going to win the election in this country. This world is rapidly becoming an even sicker and sadder place than it's long been. I guess we should take a teensy bit of hope that Britain is bucking the trend and that Labour is expected to trounce the Tories in the upcoming election. Of course, this doesn't reflect that Britain is immune to the tide of the racist fear of immigrants that's sweeping over the rest of Europe and the United States but rather, it reflects the fact that the tide hit Britain first and that the British people have been suffering under the effects of Brexit for several years already, and that the long-term rule by the Tories has devastated the British working class and sucked much of the life out of the National Health System, which used to be a model for the world until the Tories slashed its budget to the bone. I guess all I can say is we're really screwed. The world is entering an ugly time and things are going to get worse before they get better.
OK, now I've totally depressed myself. I'm gonna pour myself a stiff drink and then stick a pillow over my head and try to go to sleep. I'm not in the mood to engage in my usual late night Tumblr silliness. Maybe I'll get back to posting tomorrow?
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Dare you to, on the second-last day of Pride Month, write a big effortpost about all the people that Pride Month either moved to the Find Out stage or proceedings or flat-out assassinated. A necessary part of this post would be bemoaning that Pride Month missed Kissinger or some other monster. The reason would be to dare the universe to render your effortpost out of date by sniping someone just before the end of the month, after you post. Please, I beg of you, goad the universe into taking out one or two more than it intended!
Oh, I will do that right now for free!
JUNE 2023: Great month for justice, bad month for assholes!
Pat Robertson, notorious conservative Christian activist and long-time hate preacher: dies on June 8
Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber, conducted a decades-long campaign of mail bombings and domestic terrorism in the name of protesting technology: dies on June 10
Silvio Berlusconi, notorious far-right ex-Italian PM and general fantastically corrupt shitheel: dies on June 12
Stockton Rush, billionaire libertarian businessman who actively ignored 1000 safety warnings about his crappy product and fired a whistleblower for saying so, notably got himself and 4 other people killed on June 18 and joins the hallowed Wikipedia list of inventors killed by their own invention
Honorable-not-quite-June-but-close mention: James G. Watt, Ronald Reagan's secretary of the interior and a rabid anti-environmentalist, died on May 27
John Eastman: conservative lawyer who actively advised and encouraged Trump to stage a coup: facing disbarment hearings in California
Oh yeah, that guy Trump: on June 8, was charged with 31 federal criminal counts under the Espionage Act, relating to his crimes with classified documents; 37 charges overall, which takes his felony haul to 71 (and counting);
Vladimir Putin: is not gonna have a fun time over the next few days over the fallout from the Wagner mercenary rebellion;
Andrew Tate, flagrant misogynist asshole: officially charged with rape and human trafficking in Romania;
Ron DeSantis: lost literally THREE different lawsuits over his terrible anti-LGBTQ laws; collapsed in the polls and his campaign is allegedly "close to being over" because he's so bad at it;
State of Arkansas: likewise had its attempted ban on gender-affirming care for minors permanently struck down
Marjorie Taylor Greene: the crazy House Freedom Caucus doesn't like her anymore, apparently, and wants to "purge" its members, including her (lolololol)
Man, that's all well and good, but it's really a shame that Pride Month 2023: This Time It's Personal didn't put a cherry on top by offing Henry Kissinger, or like, Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito (or both, both, both is good)
Come on, Pride Month 2023.
What are you, a PUSSY?
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House Speaker Mike Johnson on Wednesday appointed two far-right Republicans to the powerful House Intelligence Committee, positioning two close allies of Donald Trump who worked to overturn the 2020 presidential election on a panel that receives sensitive classified briefings and oversees the work of America’s spy agencies.
The appointments of GOP Reps. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Ronny Jackson of Texas to the House Intelligence Committee were announced on the House floor Wednesday. Johnson, a hardline conservative from Louisiana who has aligned himself with Trump, was replacing spots on the committee that opened up after the resignations of Republican Reps. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin and Chris Stewart of Utah.
Committee spots have typically been given to lawmakers with backgrounds in national security and who have gained respect across the aisle. But the replacements with two close Trump allies comes as Johnson has signaled his willingness to use the full force of the House to aid Trump’s bid to reclaim the Oval Office. It also hands the hard-right faction of the House two coveted spots on a committee that handles the nation’s secrets and holds tremendous influence over the direction of foreign policy.
Trump has long displayed adversarial and flippant views of the U.S. intelligence community, flouted safeguards over classified information and directly berated law enforcement agencies like the FBI. The former president faces 37 felony counts for improperly storing in his Florida estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, repeatedly enlisting aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showing off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map.
Johnson did not release a statement on his picks for the committee.
Perry, who formerly chaired the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus, was ordered by a federal judge last year to turn over more than 1,600 texts and emails to FBI agents investigating efforts to keep Trump in office after his 2020 election loss and illegally block the transfer of power to Democrat Joe Biden.
Perry’s personal cellphone was also seized by federal authorities who have explored his role in helping install an acting attorney general who would be receptive to Trump’s false claims of election fraud.
Perry and other conservatives have also pushed Congress to curtail a key U.S. government surveillance tool. They want to restrict the FBI’s ability to use the program to search for Americans’ data.
“I look forward to providing not only a fresh perspective, but conducting actual oversight — not blind obedience to some facets of our Intel Community that all too often abuse their powers, resources, and authority to spy on the American People,” Perry said in a statement.
Jackson, who was elected to the House in 2020, was formerly a top White House physician under former presidents Barack Obama and Trump. Known for his over-the-top pronouncements about Trump’s health, Jackson was nominated by Trump to be the secretary of Veterans Affairs.
He withdrew his nomination amid allegations of professional misconduct. An internal investigation at the Department of Defense later concluded that Jackson made “sexual and denigrating” comments about a female subordinate, violated the policy on drinking alcohol on a presidential trip and took prescription-strength sleeping medication that prompted worries from his colleagues about his ability to provide proper medical care.
Jackson has denied those allegations and described them as politically motivated.
The House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol also requested testimony from Jackson as it looked into lawmakers’ meetings at the White House, direct conversations with Trump as he sought to challenge his election loss and the planning and coordination of rallies. Jackson declined to testify.
The presence of Jackson and Perry on the committee could damage the trust between the president and the committee in handling classified information, said Ira Goldman, a former Republican congressional aide who worked as a counsel to the intelligence committee in the 1970s and 1980s.
He said, “You’re giving members seats on the committee when, based on the public record, they couldn’t get a security clearance if they came through any other door.”
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itsbenedict · 6 days
From the beginning | Previously | Coin standings | 60/70 | 37/37
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Once again, some kind strangers have left you some supplies. You get another WIFI ACCESS POINT, to replace the one you're about to use, plus another NOBLE BELT TUT BOTNET BULLET (bringing you back up to 4) and a spare SOFTWARE PATCH (bringing you to 2). Wait, 2? Walter says yeah, I've had this one lying around since before I fell down in the sparkling abyss. Adea says well why didn't you SAY so?!
You're both distracted by the priciest purchase yet, though: a BIONIC MINTER BIT COIN MINER. This device- although someone appears to have briefly gnawed on its casing- can be installed anywhere you can find a power outlet, and it'll just spit out free money! Five Coin in the amount of time it takes for you to lose 1 hunger! Or... free minus the electricity it consumes, but it's not like it's your electricity you'd be using in this otherworld. Just leave it to run, then come back later, and you've got a massive pile of cash to spend! And there's power outlets all over this tower, so setting it up should be no problem.
Yep, there's definitely no downsides to using this machine!
So that's very convenient. Satisfied, you dig into ACCESS QUEENLIEST JUICE ION, PRONTO! "JOCQUES NINELITE PROSECUTION CASE".
Jocques Ninelite, apparently, is a local entrepreneur, who recently quit his government job as a HAZARD WICK to found the Ninelite RECEDING NEST, a technology startup. His new company has developed and is distributing EDEN SNAKE, and this has Governor Thinrar extremely mad at him for some reason. This document details dozens of attempts to come up with charges that'll stick to him so he can be arrested and his DECADE'S CHOICES confiscated, but most of them have run aground on insufficient evidence.
There's reams of legal jargon attempting to find obscure laws and bylaws under which selling EDEN SNAKE is illegal, but he apparently knew the law and meticulously avoided any of the various traps- Thinrar's legal advisors don't think they can make any of these stick in court.
Ninelite was found snooping around the scene of an apparent terrorist bombing in the MR. SQUEAK TABLEWARE 15 years ago, and is suspected of having tampered with the crime scene- but no physical evidence exists.
There's a half-finished case for an antitrust suit in here, alleging anticompetitive hiring practices where he attempts to poach talent from other companies. Nothing he's done has technically been illegal, though, but they're working on drafting new legislation that might be able to get him retroactively.
The RECEDING NEST's R&D experiments are under investigation for workplace safety violations, but they haven't been able to get an inspector on-site without alerting them ahead of time- everything they've done under surveillance has been free of occupational safety hazards.
They're even trying to get the corporate campus written up for landscaping code violations. This city has a landscaping code?! What kind of HOA nonsense is this?
You'd think a rich tech CEO would have mountains of dirty laundry, but a concerted effort by the local government has been totally unable to pin anything on him, which is odd. No one's record is this clean unless someone's put effort into cleaning it. How has he been covering his tracks?
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The NEXT TO MOLASSES SACRAMENT CORONAMELT TAX ASSESSMENT reveals a similar battle involving Thinrar's legal team trying to pin something on a local business owner. This time, though, it's looking a lot less flimsy. RANDOM SEED, owner of the mountainside casino-resort MONTE CARLO, is very plainly guilty of dozens of counts of felony tax evasion, and HAZARD WICK specialist ONE-TIME PAD has volunteered to go retrieve the last pieces of evidence needed to bring him down.
...The emails between Thinrar and his legal team, though, reveal there's more going on here. Apparently, none of this tax evasion is new- rather, it's been tolerated for decades as part of some kind of under-the-table deal with the casino. Not even tolerated, exactly- it'd just be redundant to pay taxes when RANDOM SEED has been paying such humongous bribes to Thinrar in exchange for exemption from the city's gambling laws.
Somehow, MONTE CARLO has been producing more Coin than it could possibly be extracting from the pockets of desperate gamblers, and it's been keeping the city's municipal budget (and Thinrar's gubernatorial campaign) afloat for years. They're only prosecuting him now because the money is starting to dry up, and they think they can finally get better election odds by making a show of rooting out corruption. (Y'know, rather than by taking kickbacks from that same corruption.) Most of these emails are discussing how to prevent retaliation, and prosecute the case without exposing their own illegal dealings.
These files are like something out of an Ayn Rand novel- corrupt bureaucracy trying to keep down poor innocent captains of industry. The naked corruption on display is pretty flabbergasting- is it all like this?
You've been at this a while- do you want to keep digging, or has your governorship's REIGN PEAKED and you'd like to go somewhere else?
To be continued | 60/70 | 36/36
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mydarlingbat · 1 year
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The Joker is wild episode #5
Batman Is Riled episode #6
The Joker Goes to School episode #15
He Meets His Match, the Grisly Ghoul #16
The Joker Trumps an Ace episode #25
Batman Sets the Pace episode #26
The Impractical Joker episode #21
The Joker's Provokers episode #22
Episode #37
The Joker's Hard Times episode #38
The Penguin Declines episode #39
The Joker's Last Laugh episode #47
The Joker's Epitaph episode #48
Pop Goes the Joker episode #57
Flop Goes the Joker episode #58
Surf's Up Joker's Under. Episode #10
The Funny Feline Felonies. episode #16
The Joke's on Catwoman. episode #17
The Joker's Flying Saucer. # 24
Batman brave and the bold 2008 SEASON ONE
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Deep Cover for Batman! Episode #12
Game Over for Owlman! Episode #13
Death Race to Oblivion! Episode #1
Chill of the Night! Episode #11
Emperor Joker! Episode #18
Joker: The Vile and the Villainous! Episode #2
Night of the Batmen! Episode #4
Triumvirate of Terror! Episode #8
Batman animated series. 1996
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Joker's Favor. episode #7
The Last Laugh. episode #15
Fear of Victory. episode #19
The Strange Secret of Bruce Wayne #29
Almost Got 'im. episode #35
Christmas with the Joker episode #38
Joker's Wild. episode #42
The Laughing Fish. Episode #46
Harley and Ivy. episode #47
The Man Who Killed Batman. episode #49
Trial. episode #9
Harlequinade. Episode #10
Make 'Em Laugh. Episode #7
The New Batman Adventures (1997)
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Joker's Millions episode #7
Beware the Creeper episode #8
Mad love episode #9
/ You're welcome to tell me if i missed any episode.
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noirandchocolate · 1 year
With Donald Trump being formally charged with 37 counts alleging he illegally retained classified government documents after leaving office and then obstructed investigations into this activity, you may be interested in learning more about U.S. federal criminal procedure so you can understand what's already happened so far and how the case will proceed going forward.
The Department of Justice's website has a nice section outlining the different parts of a criminal case prosecuted in federal court, from investigation to sentencing and appeal. The descriptions of each segment of a case's life are in basic, layman's terms so little to no prior knowledge of legal concepts should be needed to understand.
Just thought I'd share, since folks are throwing around legal terms like "indictment" and "arraignment" that not everyone might be familiar with!
Also a few more points to be aware of:
A grand jury is called that because it is bigger than a trial (petit) jury, not because it is more important. A grand jury voting to indict someone is just the beginning of a case!
To obtain an indictment the government must show that there is probable cause to believe the defendant has committed the crime(s) sought to be charged. This is a much lower standard than the beyond-a-reasonable-doubt one used to convict a person. However, the grand jury is a very key step, particularly with highly publicized, politically sensitive cases like this one. It's meant to prevent prosecutors from just going after anyone with any charges without any proof--to, for example, stave off the kind of political "witch hunt" Trump continuously claims is happening. So the fact that a jury of average citizens has found that there's even enough evidence to charge a former President with federal felonies is huge.
Trump was arrested, but he is not currently being detained pretrial. This is not unusual.
Discovery, the pretrial period during which the parties gather and exchange evidence (in particular, the government must share anything it plans to rely on with the defendant) can last quite some time. So it may be a while before the case proceeds to trial.
Ditto the above regarding pretrial motions. It's very likely Trump and his legal team will be seeking to have evidence thrown out or even have charges dismissed. This is the part of the case during which the judge (who is unfortunately a Trump appointee) will be making crucial decisions about what evidence will eventually go before the jury.
Juror selection may well also be time-consuming since the usual goal is an unbiased jury that knows nothing about the defendant and, well...yeah.
Following trial, if Trump is convicted, it is extremely likely he will appeal to the Circuit court (the level between the District court and the Supreme Court). Additionally, although the charges against him do carry the possibility of serious prison time, there are ranges within which the judge can choose to set the amount of that time. I haven't researched this issue in detail.
In conclusion, it's a very big deal that Trump has been indicted in federal court, but there are a lot of things that still have to happen before he goes to trial. If you're interested on how cases proceed, check out the link above!
Disclaimer: I'm an attorney but for ethics purposes nothing I say on here is legal advice.
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alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
Hi, I don’t know whether you are still doing the soft fic prompt. If you are, then #37 for Tarlos please.
37. ‘I missed you.’
I didn't know if I wanted to go sad or sappy with this one but sappy won out eventually. Here's something that became a little bit of a 4x04 coda :)
"Hey babe," TK stops just short of his greeting when he sees the mess cluttered around the kitchen. Empty mixing bowls, flour scattered across the counter top, and chocolate morsels spilling out of their packaging.
He looks at Carlos, currently splayed out on the couch, his apron covered in what looks like many attempts at baking. Around him, it looks like the living room was tossed up, turned around and torn apart. "Were we robbed?"
"If you ask that a third time, it's going to come true." Carlos pipes up from his spot on the sofa, making no effort to move.
"I didn't know felonies worked like Beetlejuice, but hey," TK finally ventures into the kitchen. He places the groceries on a clean spot of the counter. "You learn something new every day."
He walks over to join Carlos on the couch, pulling him up to join him in a sitting position. "You want to tell me why our apartment is in disarray?"
"Lou II got out." Carlos explains, bluntly. "I was in the middle of making cookies and while I was waiting for the oven to heat up, I went to feed him. Imagine my shock when I saw his tank was empty."
"I don't think I need to imagine it, babe." TK jokes.
"Not funny." Carlos' mouth is a straight line and TK fights back a laugh.
"Anyways, I started panicking because the cookies have chocolate in them and Lou II can't have chocolate and the last thing I want to do is kill our pet lizard," Carlos rambles on, his words starting to tumble over each other. "Long story short, Lou II seems to be a Spurs fan. I found him nestled in my jersey in the closet."
"Aw babe," TK caresses Carlos' cheek. "He wanted to be closer to you."
Carlos pushes TK's hand down. "Don't try to make it cute."
"That's hard when everything you do is so cute." He stands up, going to put the groceries away. Carlos' dough is currently sitting in rounded mounds waiting to be placed into the oven that is currently off.
When Carlos said he was making cookies, TK thought nothing of it. He's been on sick leave and while Carlos is good at many things, enjoying his free time is not one of them. Now that TK's stepped into the madness, he sees they aren't just any cookies. "Carlos, is this my mom's cookie recipe?"
"Yeah," Carlos joins TK in the kitchen. "I make them whenever I miss you and well, I missed you."
"I've just been out on call."
"I always miss you when you're not around." Carlos defends, casually shrugging as if he didn't just say something that makes TK want to melt.
"As I said," TK leans over, pulling Carlos is for a kiss. "Cute." TK looks at the ingredients cluttered on the island. "You are missing the secret ingredient though."
"Love?" Carlos asks. "Though, as long as I've got you around, I have that in spades."
"Toffee." TK answers, smiling at Carlos. "But I love the way you think."
send me a soft fic prompt!
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bigmack2go · 9 months
Reasons albert is my favourite newsie
4 Ginger
5 his sheepish smiles in the background are so adorable it kills me
7 the way he talks with only one side of his mouth
8 everytime he takes is hat off (if he does so at all) he seems to have completly different hair
9 aint afraid of asking help
10 perfect
11 HIS JAW???
12 his good with littles but still somehow a jerk
13 his little breathy chuckle when race said „to prove theys still alive“
14 hes always hyping everyone up and so caring and (again) STILL Somehow MANAGES BEING COCKY WHILE DOING SO
15 the look on his face when the newsies waved up to pulitzer
16 his little triumph jumpy dance thingy
17 everything about him
18 there is literally no reason for him not to be
19 his voice when he said his lips were still tingeling. Idk why but there’s something about it that just has me fainting on the spot
20 „youre done“ with a teary voice when jack scabbed like BRO? WHO EVER PUT THE MIC LeVELS TO WHERE THEY ARE; YOURE MY HERO AND I ASPIRE TO BE LIKE YOU
21 his little steps when he carried crutchie were so funny idek
23 the way he moves
24 the way he talksn
22 everything
25 the way he seems to hear everything and sometimes looks like he wished he didnt
26 he helps race who is second in comand and in charge when jack is away? I loved that!
27 katherine: lets get drunk
Al: i like this lady!
28 he looks so happy when tap dancing
29 the way he engages in everything and is extroverted and his facial expressions ykwym?
30 every single thing he did when getting katherine to dance and when watching her dance (there are just so many things about that)
31 he looks so proud during king of new york
32 we all talk abt the many times race sticks his tongue out during kind of new york but no one talks about the obscure amount of times albert bites his lip and gives someone a once over during king of newyork
33 whatever the hell it is thats going on with him in brooklyns here
34 his little hand-flick and face and everything when he said „a leg if lamb“
35 his voice
36 when everyone has thsi specific smile on their face that people have when tapfancing (ykwym? The one that just slightly fake? Yk?? Pls tell me u know what i mean!!!) his is just so genuine and real and u can rly see how sky has genuine fun dancing and i just love that. I comit a felony fir that.
37 i can relate to him and his character tp a deep level cause were both gingers
38 the way he balances his whole body on his hands on the railing at the beginning if carrying the banner he looks like he has so much fun idek
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dertaglichedan · 2 months
Trump to sue DOJ for $100M over Mar-a-Lago raid, alleging 'political persecution'
EXCLUSIVE: Former President Donald Trump is set to sue the Justice Department for $100 million in damages over the government’s unprecedented 2022 raid on his Mar-a-Lago property in Palm Beach, Florida, with lawyers arguing it was done with "clear intent to engage in political persecution."
Fox News has obtained Trump’s memo claiming "tortious conduct by the United States against President Trump." 
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Trump and his legal team intend to sue the Justice Department for its conduct during the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago on Aug. 8, 2022, amid the federal investigation into his alleged improper retention of classified records. 
After the raid, Special Counsel Jack Smith was appointed to investigate. Smith ultimately brought 37 felony counts against Trump, including willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and false statements. Trump pleaded not guilty to all counts
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