gr8writingtips · 1 month
writing tip #3596:
add a large dollop of yoghurt
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thewertsearch · 2 months
GA: Either Im Sleeping Or Im Dead Which Is It […] AA: you are unconscious now and will likely wake up as your new self very soon […] AA: you are undergoing a metamorphosis which you have been groomed for since you were very young
By who, though? Doc Scratch? Grubmom? The Alternian government, even?
And was Kanaya turned into a vampire, or was she born with the potential to become one? Metamorphosis seems to imply the former, but it's still very unclear.
AA: much like i was for my various personal iterations including this one GA: You Mean GA: Being A Ghost And Then A Frog And Then A Robot And Then A Fairy AA: yes!
Aradia likens this transformation to her own adventures as a ghost, robot and fairy, but all of those changes have mechanisms that we understand, whereas Kanaya's is a mystery. If it's anything like Aradia's ghost form, maybe necromancy was involved?
And, again - who's the culprit? If this was something that was imposed on Kanaya externally, rather than an inherent trait, then Scratch feels like the most likely meddler. If so, her vampirism was designed to benefit him - but what could his angle be?
What effect has Kanaya's vampirism even had, so far? What has she caused to happen, that wouldn't otherwise have happened?
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All she's really done is bisect Eridan... whilst sparing the Veil's real problem, Gamzee. Well, he is the Most Important Character In Homestuck, so Scratch can probably make use of him.
But... I really don't like that line of thinking. It implies that Kanaya spared Gamzee at Scratch's bequest, knowingly or unknowingly, and the thought of Kanaya serving Scratch is too terrible to contemplate. Let's put it aside for now.
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TA: 0k s0 i'm supp0sed t0 act 0ut what i did bef0re, when i br0ught her these shitty d0ll parts, is that's what's g0ing 0n here? GA: Yeah Im Still Not Sure Aradia Are We Supposed To Be Role Playing
And you didn’t even wait for Nepeta.
Actually, that's a good point - where is Nepeta? Is she sitting in some other bubble, berating Equius over how he died?
TA: thith ith kinb 0f thtupib. AA: youre stupid and you sound stupid! TA: h0py thith, i b0 th0unb thtupib. TA: why the fuckth ith by b0uth fthull 0f all thethe theeth subbenly?
Ah, hang on - Nepeta's not actually dead yet.
Sollux's tooth issues are congruent with page 3429, immediately before Equius is commanded to Seek The Highb100d. Plus, Kanaya's still down, and she was up and about by Seek. The Meowrails yet live - and Eridan's still alive, too, but I doubt his ghost would show his sorry face regardless.
It’s funny how the Furthest Ring, a space which is supposed to be temporally untethered, is correlated so closely with the sequence of events on the Veil.
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...irmos na cor do aloumiño
© Manoel T, 2023
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every-tome · 2 years
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honjitsuno1mai · 10 months
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#3596 @ 高知県高知市浦戸(坂本龍馬像)
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vanillastopbath · 11 months
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3596 Chicago, IL 11/05/2023
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grouchydairy · 1 year
uploading some new items to the redbubble shop!
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cosmicfocus · 7 months
The Spotted Sun
My solar image captured with a Canon DSLR utilised a DIY solar filter, inspired by Jim Ruebush.
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View On WordPress
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damnfandomproblems · 2 years
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Getting harassed for quietly blocking people who are very vocal on how much they hate your OTP. They don't just want to hate your ship, they don't just want you to accept it gracefully, they also want you to have all their hate shoved down your throat otherwise you're "dumb" and "insecure".
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Aradia Megido, Sollux Captor, Jade Harley, Kanaya Maryam, Tavros Nitram
Act 5, page 3590-3613
apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA]
AA: s0llux!
TA: hey what'2 up aa.
AA: y0u will never guess what i just f0und
TA: won't ii?
AA: i d0ubt it
TA: wa2 iit the matchiing ruiin2 2iite?
AA: um
AA: yes
AA: h0w did y0u kn0w!
TA: ii don't know, ju2t a weiird feeliing.
TA: ii feel liike we had thii2 conver2atiion before and that'2 what iit wa2 about.
AA: yeah
AA: me t00
AA: what d0 y0u think it means?
TA: probably nothiing. but now not only doe2 iit feel liike we had the conver2atiion before, but iit'2 goiing diifferently thii2 tiime.
TA: 2o iit'2 extra weiird. maybe your voiice2 are iinvolved?
AA: i d0nt kn0w maybe
AA: maybe y0urs are t00?
TA: ii don't hear a goddamn thiing.
TA: do you?
AA: wait
AA: yes
AA: shes very quiet th0ugh i cant tell what shes saying!
TA: oh well.
TA: why don't we pretend there ii2 no 2pooky paranormal phenomena goiing on ju2t once and talk about what you wanted two talk about.
AA: g00d idea
AA: 0k d0 y0u remember what we talked ab0ut regarding kanayas ruins?
TA: 2orta.
AA: i asked y0u f0r help in understanding the glyphs
TA: ii gue22.
AA: 0_0
AA: are y0u just being difficult 0r d0 y0u really n0t remember
TA: ii gue22 ii don't fiind the whole my2tery of the ruiin2 a2 exciitiing a2 you, ok?
AA: well 0bvi0usly!
AA: but i really appreciate y0ur help anyway
TA: 2ure.
TA: how can ii help, then.
AA: well y0u said that y0ud need an0ther set 0f glyphs t0 make sense 0f them
AA: y0u speculated that there might be an0ther set 0f ruins
AA: y0u even guessed they w0uld be blue! it turns 0ut y0u were right
AA: d0nt y0u think that is pretty c00l?
TA: oh yeah, ii am awe2ome about that for 2ure.
TA: but,
TA: ii can't 2hake the feeliing the2e ruiin2 are goiing two be nothiing but trouble for u2.
AA: but y0u say that ab0ut everything!
TA: that'2 becau2e iit'2 fuckiing true about everythiing!
AA: n0 its n0t!
AA: i did find s0me 0ther neat things d0wn here t00 which are strange but quite harmless and n0t f0reb0ding in the least!
TA: liike what?
AA: like this AMAZING hat!
AA: it is an authentic arche0l0gists hat its s0 hard t0 find them in this style
AA: there are n0 h0rn h0les but i l0ve it anyway its great
TA: pretty 2weet aa.
TA: hey diidn't you al2o fiind 2ome biit2 and piiece2 of your biizarre robot doppelganger.
AA: i wasnt g0ing t0 tell y0u ab0ut that!
AA: damn it h0w did y0u kn0w
TA: ii don't know, ii ju2t "remembered" 2ome more 2hiit about thii2 dii2covery, god 2orry.
AA: this is stupid
TA: yeah, well, ii gue22 thii2 ii2 the kiind of 2hiit you have to deal wiith when two p2ychiic2 talk to each other about 2tuff.
AA: maybe
TA: why don't we piick thii2 up agaiin later when we're not feeliing 2o weiird?
AA: well
AA: 0k
apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA] and apocalypseArisen [AA]
AA: ahem
AA: sorry to interrupt i wanted to give you both the chance to remember but it doesnt look like this is going anywhere!
TA: what the fuck?
AA: w0w what
AA: is it coming back yet
TA: is WHAT c0ming back, wh0 ARE y0u?
TA: wh0a h0ld 0n.
TA: why am i talking like y0u suddenly?
AA: this is a mem0ry
AA: in a dream bubble
AA: thats right!
TA: 0h.
TA: that d0esn't really answer my questi0n, but 0k.
AA: y0u changed y0ur v0ice because y0u remembered
AA: like i did
TA: remembered what?
AA: that i died
AA: this is my mem0ry and als0 hers
AA: but i went 0n t0 bec0me the r0b0t wh0se remains are in this crater
AA: whereas she did n0t
AA: i d0nt actually kn0w her st0ry 0r h0w she g0t here but f0r me this was the end 0f the r0ad
AA: this is the afterlife
TA: well, shit.
TA: s0 then i guess i'm dead t00?
AA: nope!
AA: you are just asleep
AA: you are also blind!
TA: h0ly shit, i can't see!
AA: yes thats what being blind means
TA: w0w, awes0me! way t0 be awes0mely sympathetic t00 my terrible new pr0blem, aa.
AA: sollux will you shut up and stop being so tragic for once
AA: you knew this was going to happen! your prophecies of personal doom were practically all you ever talked about
AA: i think you were looking forward to this honestly
AA: shes right
TA: i can't believe this, it's alm0st as if i'm getting...
TA: 😎
TA: damn.
TA: that didn't feel right at all, i think i might have t0 retire the wh0le bifurcati0n gimmick, puns and all.
TA: actually that is kind 0f a relief, maybe y0u're right, i'm feeling better ab0ut this already.
AA: great!
AA: you should be able to relax now that youve been released from the curse of your vision twofold just like you said youd be
AA: you are now merely doomed!
TA: 0h.
TA: that's... awes0me?
AA: being d00med isnt that bad
AA: i spent m0st 0f my life that way remember
AA: at least y0u have the luxury 0f understanding
AA: and the best part ab0ut being d00med is y0u 0nly have t0 put up with it until y0u die
AA: thats the spirit hahaha
AA: actually i guess i dont have to keep talking like im doomed anymore do i
AA: nope :)
TA: this is s0 weird, what am i even listening t0 here.
TA: 0_0
TA: FUCK, i cann0t BELIEVE i just made that face.
AA: hahahahaha!
AA: hahahahaha!
TA: g0d dammit.
TA: 0h yeah, als0...
TA: why the fuck are my teeth missing?
AA: i
AA: dont know?
TA: 0k, well, great, glad we g0t t0 the fucking b0tt0m 0f that mystery.
TA: myssssssstery. mystery. mySSSSthSSSStery. mysterymysterymystery.
TA: man, i can't even lisp anym0re if i try.
TA: please d0n't laugh, i can tell y0u are b0th enj0ying this, i can smell it using my new blind guy n0se p0wers.
AA: really?
TA: n0 n0t literally, i was j0king. i mean n0t YET. maybe i'll ask tz ab0ut it when i wake up th0ugh.
TA: hey what was that n0ise?
AA: what noise?
TA: i think s0me0ne else is here.
AA: oh its jade!
TA: jade?? wtf.
AA: whos jade
AA: shes one of the humans we met after you died
AA: ok
AA: i guess i am out of the loop on chronology for once
AA: thats fine youll catch up!
GG: ummmmmm hey guys i hope im not interrupting!!!
TA: well, yeah, y0u kind 0f were, s0rt 0f a reuni0n 0f cl0se departed friends g0ing 0n here, but n0 big deal i guess.
GG: oh no!
GG: i can leave
AA: no dont!
AA: sollux try to be polite
AA: there is no reason at all for you to feel hostile toward them anymore
AA: jade is very nice and she did nothing wrong
AA: none of them did so when you wake up maybe you should try to reconcile with them or at the very least just say hello
TA: did Y0U?
AA: did i what
TA: be nice t0 them 0r whatever bef0re y0u expl0ded.
AA: well no
AA: but i should have!
AA: i did with you before i left didnt i
TA: i guess s0.
GG: :o
AA: this is awkward
AA: shush you!
AA: what actually happened after i died it sounds complicated
AA: it is!
AA: ill get you up to speed i promise but guys come on lets not scare away our guest
AA: ok then ill shut up
AA: i think one aradia saying things is more than enough probably
TA: y0u can say that again heheheheheh.
TA: but i mean, d0n't say it again literally, because that's kind 0f the wh0le p0int, and w0uld c0mpletely c0ntradi...
AA: oh my god shut up!
GG: its ok! i can take another nap later when you guys arent busy...
AA: no jade its ok
AA: please stay! im curious about why you are here
GG: well...
GG: i have just been enjoying these little naps more and more lately!
GG: each time i go to sleep i meet more new people and learn so much
GG: but i still cant get karkat to take a nap, boy talk about a guy who is anti nap!
TA: ahahahah, yeah, what a d0uche!
GG: seeeeeriously!
GG: he is the douchiest of crabby crabs who ever douched a big douchey crab
TA: l0l.
GG: but yeah, its been fun, i should really thank feferi again for setting it up so we could meet like this!
TA: wait, ff is here?
GG: yup!
TA: 0h g0d, why didn't that 0ccur t0 me, where is she??
GG: ummm probably in another bubble
GG: but youll find her! maybe during your next nap...
TA: well shit, why can't i just g0 glub ar0und 0ut there in the ring and find her n0w?
TA: i mean, aside fr0m the fact that i'm blind and c0mpletely useless.
AA: navigating between bubbles is difficult here
AA: its better to drift between them naturally as they intersect
AA: not spatially but through common points in memory
AA: to navigate the furthest ring you need to have mastered the flow of time!
AA: that is why i am here
AA: i am alive again so i may assist the dead in this way
TA: huh.
AA: jade tell me
AA: have you seen me here before? i mean me dressed like i am now wearing my godhood
GG: yeah!
GG: you were really nice and helpful
TA: wait, what, y0u're wearing a g0dh00d?
TA: why didn't y0u tell me that, what gives? 0r that y0u came back t0 life??
AA: im wearing a hood and have butterfly wings what else would you like to know
TA: man, being blind is dumb, can i like gr0pe y0u 0r s0mething t0 get up t0 date 0n y0ur appearance, w0uld that be weird?
AA: yes sollux that would probably be pretty weird
GG: i think your outfit looks so cute! i love your wings too
AA: thank you your outfit is quite spiffy too
AA: i like that skirt a lot especially
AA: is
AA: is that a skirt?
GG: i am not sure :o
TA: is what i w0uld be d0ing if that were p0ssible.
AA: shhh!
TA: aa c0me 0n y0u were making a p0int.
AA: yes ok
AA: you see those encounters you had with me before have not happened for me yet because ive only just arrived
AA: time follows strange paths here as does space
AA: if you travel a great enough distance you may discover you are also traveling either backwards or forwards in time as well!
AA: just as if you stay in one place for too long the geometry of space surrounding you will become unreliable
AA: you may swat the air to your left and discover you have just slapped yourself!
AA: the only way to make sense of it is to understand either property very well
AA: and since i am new here i have some learning to do just like everyone else
AA: but i do know one thing
GG: what!
AA: i knew that the first bubble i would enter would be an important one for us to visit
TA: what's s0 imp0rtant ab0ut it?
AA: hang on
AA: we are moving on to a new memory hold that thought
AA: it is important because it will help us begin to understand why we are all here
TA: what d0 y0u mean why we are all here?
TA: y0u mean in the afterlife? that's easy.
TA: because she's asleep, she's dead, y0u're alive, and i'm blind, c0uldn't be simpler.
AA: no no
AA: not why we are in this bubble now
AA: but why we all exist in the first place and why we all went on this adventure together
TA: 0h, that.
AA: there is much to understand and i believe it all begins with one sequence of events
AA: watching will help those whove passed to understand the purpose of their sacrifice and those still living to understand what must be done to complete the journey still ahead
AA: we will let the memories lead the way
AA: are you guys ready?
GG: i am ready!
AA: ok lets allow the next memory to take shape
AA: i believe it is kanayas
AA: i will reprise my role in a conversation i had with her shortly after i discovered the ruins
AA: everybody hide and try not to spoil it for her until she remembers!
AA: hey kanaya
AA: there is s0mething i want t0 give y0u
GA: Oh Really
AA: yes its s0mething very 0dd i f0und when i disc0vered the ruins the 0ther night
AA: i d0nt kn0w what its arche0l0gical significance is yet but i suspect y0u will be able t0 repair it!
GA: This Is A Dream Isnt It
AA: 0_0
AA: w0w!
AA: uh i mean
AA: o_o
AA: wow
AA: you figured that out very fast!
GA: It Seemed Obvious
GA: Either Im Sleeping Or Im Dead Which Is It
AA: oh i am sure you are alive
AA: you are unconscious now and will likely wake up as your new self very soon
GA: My New Self
AA: yes
AA: you are undergoing a metamorphosis which you have been groomed for since you were very young
AA: much like i was for my various personal iterations including this one
GA: You Mean
GA: Being A Ghost And Then A Frog And Then A Robot And Then A Fairy
AA: yes!
AA: but it sure sounds silly when you list them all like that
GA: Kind Of
GA: What Do You Mean We Have Been Groomed
AA: wellllll
AA: that is what we are about to find out!
AA: if you will oblige us by continuing with this memory
GA: Okay
GA: What Do I Do
AA: why dont we go through this conversation again to the best of our recollection
AA: but i guess rather than acting it out we can just talk about it
AA: the old fashioned way
GA: Was What We Were Attempting Before Not Old Fashioned
AA: i have no idea
GA: It Seems To Me The Nature Of The Afterlife Is Probably Very Old Fashioned
GA: Maybe Even The Most Old Fashioned A Thing Can Get
AA: haha yeah you know what i mean though
GA: Yes Then
GA: This Was When You Were About To Give Me That Unusual Gift From The Ruins
AA: yes
AA: i then had sollux deliver the pieces to you so you could stitch it back up
AA: sollux that is your cue!
AA: come out and play the part
TA: s0 we d0n't have t0 hide anym0re?
AA: no of course not!
AA: obviously the jig is up everyone can come out now
GG: yay!
TA: s0 like,
TA: 0k s0 i'm supp0sed t0 act 0ut what i did bef0re, when i br0ught her these shitty d0ll parts, is that's what's g0ing 0n here?
GA: Yeah Im Still Not Sure Aradia Are We Supposed To Be Role Playing
AA: no guys come on this isnt that complicated!
AA: we are just revisiting the past just like we would if we were talking about it
AA: but it just so happens we can watch it happen as we talk about it
AA: and as a matter of fact
AA: this story does involve a role playing game but not in that way!
TA: thith ith kinb 0f thtupib.
AA: youre stupid and you sound stupid!
TA: h0py thith, i b0 th0unb thtupib.
TA: why the fuckth ith by b0uth fthull 0f all thethe theeth subbenly?
AA: i dont know o_o
AA: but you maaay be waking up soon
TA: 0h, 0k, greath, th0 i will mithth the retht 0f the c00l tht0ry, 0k.
AA: maybe not if we hurry this along!
GG: wait! before we do...
GG: hi kanaya! it is nice to meet you
GA: Hi Jade
GA: Uh
GA: What Is That Thing Youre Wearing
GG: you dont like it???
GA: No I Didnt Mean To Sound Disapproving
GA: But I Do Think More Colorful Apparel Suits You Better
GG: yes i know you told me!
GA: I Did
GG: yes but you probably havent yet
GG: not from your perspective..... i could not help but overhear you are asleep now
GG: you told me all about what happened after you woke up!
GA: About What
GG: about how you turned into a vampire
GA: Whats A Vampire
TA: thith ith ribicul0uth.
AA: thollux is right
AA: i mean sollux
AA: kanaya tell us what happened next!
GA: There Isnt Much To Say
GA: I Repaired The Doll And Made Him A Nice Outfit
GA: With A Far More Becoming Palette And Fit Than The Absurd Tatters He Was Found In
GA: I Thought At Least
AA: yes
GA: Uh
GA: Should There Be Anything Else To This Story
AA: not really!
GG: isnt that daves puppet?
AA: yes
GG: :\
TA: aw sthith, i guethth i'm 0utha here.
AA: bye sollux
TA: thee y0u lather eberyb0by.
GG: bye!
GA: Anyway That Is All I Can Remember
GA: I Quickly Began To Find The Doll Unnerving So I Put Him Away
GA: To My Knowledge He Has Remained Secure In My Block Ever Since
GA: Is He Relevant In Some Way
GG: guys why do you have daves puppet?
GG: what is going on here!
GA: Yes Aradia It Seems You Have Some Foreknowledge Of This Narrative Maybe You Can Tell Us Why Any Of This Is Important
AA: this is only a piece of the story
AA: the other pieces will fall into place with successive memories and it will all become clear
AA: but yes alright i will eliminate some suspense and try to serve as a better guide on this tour through the catacombs of our collective subconscious
AA: the separate tunnels we once traveled in the dark as individuals we now retrace together with a torch
AA: on the walls we illuminate the runes which describe a convoluted origin story
AA: an origin we participated in
AA: we were spurred to these actions by that which was being originated
AA: and incited to acts of revenge as we were turned against each other
AA: no
AA: our manipulator disguised his tracks well
AT: dO i,
AA: no tavros you can get up
AA: we will leave it soon
AA: but you were doing something very important here
AA: writing a part of the code
AA: an incomplete fragment consisting of four symbols
AA: comprising the first word of a binary refrain
AA: a pair of sounds emerging from the belly of a fabled tyrants menace
AA: but you authored only one sound of the pair
AA: i would write the other
AA: in the soot of my ruined hive i scrawled my part of the code
AA: completing the phrase of legend
AA: the persisting sounds said to accompany the ultimate demise of the tyrant less an arm and an eye
AA: but even these eight characters
AA: the scrawlings of charge
AA: were still but half the code
AA: there was another half by scourge in two parts
AA: one part three symbols
AA: and the other
AA: five
AA: why the scale was tipped in this way between sisters
AA: i cannot say!
AA: each fragment would be transcribed in our rulebooks
AA: sealing the collaboration between rust bloods and blue bloods
AA: completing the code for our sessions architect
AA: not exactly
AA: there was another fragment
AA: oh?
AA: yes
AA: an additional eight symbols
AA: from a wild card source i suppose
AA: it came from a timeline not meant to happen
AA: the one i came from to ensure it wouldnt
AA: thus sealing my fate
AA: i believed the fragment was gibberish from a lunatic
AA: after completing his rampage through our session
AA: since it was not part of the scripted chronology i was oblivious until it was too late to stop it
AA: not that it would matter if i did the timeline had already gone astray
AA: i pieced together what had happened by sleuthing the various scenes
AA: and discovered the text which the code was recorded in
AA: i decided to return to the alpha timeline with the text
AA: as evidence for his madness i guess
AA: in the alpha timeline this text was destroyed
AA: in an explosion caused by a computer virus
AA: this explosion did not take place on my timeline
AA: i identified this event as the difference prompting the offshoot
AA: and returned to our planet via the reckoning just as i did at the end of my life
AA: though that time deliberately
AA: to influence events quietly to make sure it happened
AA: and later joined the rest of our doomed selves to help defeat the king
AA: the others surely had similar responsibilities along the way
AA: as for the book
AA: i lost track of it shortly after i arrived
AA: yes we all lost track of our books
AA: they were gathered surreptitiously by agents assigned to the task
AA: and in the veil their codes were merged with the ghost imprints of other mysterious artifacts
AA: our first guardian was brought to life on the seed to pass through skaias final gate of defense
AA: the first to find alternia
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bobbie-robron · 1 year
But really I blame myself. In a moment of weakness, I let you take advantage of me so… I’m just as guilty. (Parts 3 & 4)
Hang on. I never started it!
Danny is keen on having an indoor barbecue with the gang at Andy’s so it’s last minute planning for Katie as well as sitting down with Victoria to sort a bridesmaid dress. Katie’s planning on seeing her dad the next day. Based on what Victoria likes, Jack suggests Katie go down to Hotten for it and Robert volunteers to drive her. After some big ego spouting by Robert to Katie, they don’t go to Hotten but start snogging instead. So much for their decision earlier.
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forever19-rp · 1 year
it’s been 10 years since this roleplay was first opened … it fizzled out over the years, and all we are left with are memories of stories and of friends. the real world has eaten me up & spat me back out over the last few years, so i wasn’t able to witness all of the beautiful friendships that blossomed while i was gone, or the many developments that touched our characters, but i treasure every single one of the friends i’ve made here, and i hope you all have too. maybe i’m talking to the void. but i was hit with an insane amount of nostalgia last night, and somehow i was able to access this, so. if anyone might come here to peruse— hi. this is annie. and i’m so proud of what this little community has achieved.
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bbeeohazardd · 1 year
Tommy stared wide-eyed at his gun-wielding friend, well, ex-friend at this point. Hand tightly holding the camcorder as he quickly held out his other arm to at least somewhat shield the older man behind him. He really regretted getting Bubby involved with his investigation, but he didn’t think it would escalate to this.
“bro, i know you took that tape, the one with Coomer on it, lil stealy boy ‘n now i gotta do this.”
“Benrey what?”
It was all Tommy could really respond with.
“Tommy, what tape is he talking about?!”
Bubby shouted.
“bro, i told you not to get Bubby involved in this, bro. ‘s why i told him i found Darnold, i just wanted to make my movie ‘n now look what you’re makin’ me do.”
“Benrey stop, you don’t- you can’t- it doesn’t have to be like this!”
Tommy couldn’t stop the shake in his voice.
“broo, i told you, i didn’t want it to come to this, bro. jus’ wanna make my movie ‘n shit bro, but then you shared my cool-ass tapes. makin’ me all bad ‘n shit bro, now i gotta be baaaaaad.”
“What are you FUCKING talking about.”
The sharp voice of Bubby only made him more anxious. He should’ve thought things through more thoroughly, and now he was going to get someone killed.
Tommy’s spiral halted as he noticed a figure sneaking up behind his ex-friend, a familiar orange jacket with a black and white mask. Gordon, his brain helpfully supplied.
“Benrey it’s- you- please don’t do this!”
“Yeah dumbass!”
“should’ve burned those tapes, i wanted to be nice but now i can’t and-”
Benrey was cut off as Gordon grabbed him violently from behind. Tommy sprang into action, grabbing Bubby’s arm and hauling-ass down the stairs. The sound of a gunshot made the older man yell out as they both made it through Rosswood and back to their cars.
“Tommy- Tommy what the fuck!”
“I- I don’t know! We- we gotta- we gotta get out of here and to a hotel! Just pack what you need and we- we can meet up at the Ramada by Skyland and McFarland.”
The other man nodded and hurriedly got in his car, peeling out of the parking lot.
Tommy paused to gather himself, eyes falling on Benrey’s parked car. He walked over, finding the door unlocked, to nobody’s shock. The inside of the car was a mess, but he noticed something on the passenger seat. The bag that Benrey had been carrying around and the chest camera.
Tommy looked around nervously before he grabbed them, closing the door and rushing to his own car before he sped off to the hotel.
Tommy fidgeted anxiously as he sat in his car, staring at the gray hard drive that had been in the bag as his camcorder sat in his lap.
He wasn’t sure what it was, but staring at it made him nauseous, and after seeing that tape with Gordon and Dr. Coomer on it, he really wasn’t excited to see whatever Benrey had gotten up to that made him act like, well, that. Sure, Tommy had committed his own fair share of crimes, but resorting to murdering someone who had no involvement was horrifying.
His thoughts were cut off by another car pulling up next to him, Bubby stepping out from the driver's side and grabbing a backpack.
Tommy got out of the car to meet him, trying his best to keep himself calm, he really missed Sunkist.
“You got- uh- you have everything you need?” “Yeah. What the fuck are we gonna do, Tommy?” “I- We should just stay in our rooms for the day. I got- I already rented some conjoined- an adjoined room, so uh, yeah.” “Alright.” “Oh! Uh-” He walked back over to his car, pulling out his duffle bag. “These- this is everything I’ve shot on my camera, everything- all my interactions with Benrey. Uh, this one…” He dug a bit before he found the labeled tape. “This one. This one is super- it’s really important, Benrey didn’t want me to see it. Uh- there’s also this hard drive-” He held it up for him to see. “I don’t uhm- I don’t know what’s on it yet, but I just- I know it’s important.” He put it back in the camera bag before walking back over to Bubby.
“I’m- I was gonna put everything in the safe in my room, but I need- we should uh come up with a four digit combination that we can both remember.” “Why not 1234 or something like that?” “Too simple, I don’t want- it’d be easy for anyone to open.” “Hm.” The older man looked at the ground as he thought. “3596.” “3596?” “It’s a very important date to me, I’d never forget it.” “Alright, it uh- I can remember that.” “I’m gonna go check in before this headache makes me explode.” “Alright.”
He started walking away before he paused and turned back.
“Tommy, Benrey mentioned a tape with Harold on it.” Tommy shuffled anxiously but nodded. “Yeah, I can- I’ll show it to you once I get the file safe on my laptop.” “Fine.” He continued walking, coughing a bit as he entered the building.
Tommy zipped up the bag and grabbed the camera before heading in with his things.
It didn’t take too long to get everything put away and organized, now the main thing to wait for was getting the video from the tape Bubby wanted to see safe on his computer. Well, as safe as he could with how unreliable things were now. Sure, things were safe if posted on YouTube, but he’d had files tampered with before, so he wasn’t going to blindly trust the volatile laptop.
Tommy turned his focus on the chest mounted camera in his hands, slipping it on and adjusting it slightly. It wasn’t the best sensory experience around, but it’d be useful if he had to go somewhere he couldn’t bring the hand-held.
He moved the hand-held over to the bedside table, gently setting it down and letting out a sigh of relief. Still recording as always. He sat down on the bed, rubbing his eyes.
Saying he felt exhausted would be an understatement.
He looked over at the laptop on the desk, he still had a good amount of time before the video would be uploaded.
Tommy laid down to get some sorely needed rest.
Tommy woke up with a start, sweating and gasping for air due to a nightmare he couldn’t remember. Familiar screaming made him scramble out of bed, fumbling for his camera, before he ran over to the door connecting his and Bubby’s rooms. He banged on the door loudly.
“Bubby! Bubby, open the door!”
He shouted frantically. Groping for the doorknob in the darkness, the door was unlocked.
He swung it open, only to be face to face with it.
The thing was the same as always. Inky black skin that seemed to pulse and squirm, too many eyes that bore into him, skeletal arms that reached from its back, some type of animal skull for a head, maybe a horse but the teeth were too sharp.
His head pounded painfully as he looked around the room in a panic. No Bubby. His hands shook as he looked back at the source of his misery. He felt enraged and hurt, all he’d wanted was a normal life, and now this thing had taken someone he hadn’t even wanted to put in danger.
“What do you want?!”
He managed to shout, it felt like his skull would split in two.
Tommy shouted before impulsively charging the thing.
The sensation of tackling something was the last thing he registered before he passed out.
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ir-dr · 8 months
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Day 3596 - 7 February 2024
( 。 •̀ ⤙ •́ 。 )
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
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start | Prev | The End! you're here!!
page 50
AND SO HERE WE REACH THE END. THE EPILOGUE. THE 50TH PAGE OF MY 20 PAGE COMIC. BRILLIANT. I hope i never do this again. good lord. I can’t say it isn’t satisfying to end something like this but MAN did this balloon. This was because I got an ASK, do you guys remember that?? Do you remember that i started this comic on a whim?? Because I got an ask?? And then i held a poll about what comic I should make??? THAT WAS MONTHS AGO.
I considered adding one more page that's just a wide shot of Raph watching Splinter looking at Leo but I figured you get the point well enough already.
here's some round up fun facts under the cut!
this script is 3596 words long
it spans 8 pages of my 90 page tmnt google doc
it was originally supposed to be around 20-30 pages AT MOST
the reason behind its specific style choices is that I was IN THE MIDDLE OF COLLEGE when i started it and i wanted to be able to make pages as fast as possible. so i created a limited color palette so that i wouldn't over do things. i still kind of over did things tho.
because the point was to draw pages as fast as possible I frequently make little mistakes like forgetting to draw bandages, knee/arm pads, masks, and donnie's entire glasses.
one of the most frequently forgotten things i think is Raphs hand bandages. i think i draw him without them more than i draw him WITH them ;_;
when I started this i wasn't going to include anything to do with CSA, because I was unsure that people wouldn't be weird about it
halfway through the comic, I started to write Donnie with a stutter. this is because I was still developing the characters when I started this comic and it was supposed to help me figure out their emotions more, so quite a few decisions were made about them in the middle of script writing & the days/weeks between drawing pages. that's how you end up with shit like Donnie suddenly developing a stutter.
because of the placement of when i decided to write him with a stutter, it kind of looks like he develops it after a particularly traumatic memory, and i think thats kind of funny.
anyway, thanks for reading :)  
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Act Accordingly
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Dipping my toes into the Rooster pool here. Using the jealousy prompt “I don’t like them all looking at you.” No real smut, but allusions to it. Thanks for all the love on Aw Honey Honey! If you like this one, don’t keep it to yourself :)
Title: Act Accordingly Rooster just wants you to act accordingly. WC: 3596
There were few things more relaxing than knowing your classes were done for the week, homework all taken care of, and not a single worry in the world for the next three days.
Your situationship was hosting a barbecue on the beach and he’d asked you to come and help set up a few things behind his friend’s bar, which had direct access to the sand.
Tossing on your favorite bikini and a pair of denim cutoffs, you threw a change of clothes amongst other essentials in a tote and head off toward the bar. You’d been hooking up with Bradley Bradshaw on and off for about eight months – sure, it sounded like a long time, but sometimes he’d disappear for two or three weeks at a time, and you’d get caught up in classes for nursing school as well.
Besides, you didn’t mind, he was an incredible lay and seemingly wasn’t looking for anything serious, so you went along with it – no matter how many times you wished your cut-short mornings could have dragged out a bit longer. You also thought it was kind of cool he flew planes for the Navy and didn’t seem to care when you’d pepper him with questions. He actually seemed pretty happy to answer your questions – but that might have just been the post-orgasm haze.
You’d been to this bar before – Bradley’s Uncle’s girlfriend (?) owned it and you’d met in passing once before. She seemed cool and would sometimes comp your bill, so they were good in your book.
“Hey!” Bradley waved you down from the back deck of the bar. He jogged over and you let your gaze rake down his shirtless body.
“I see you decided to skip sunblock again,” you commented, tilting your sunglasses down to the tip of your nose to take in his rosy skin.
“Not on purpose,” he rubbed the back of his neck, taking your tote from your shoulder and opening it up to grab the spray bottle he knew was in there. “Tits look great,” he commented, eyes darting up to your crocheted bikini top. There was a thin layer of nude fabric beneath the knitting to preserve some decency.
“Likewise,” you grinned, reaching up to tweak one of his nipples. “Now what can I help with?” You asked, looking over at a few empty folding tables next to an equally empty grill.
“Table clothes, plates, napkins, all that shit,” he listed off. “Pen and Mav are bringing food out, but I picked up some fruit and veggie trays, too.”
“Put me to work,” you smiled, sliding your sunglasses back up your nose.
“Wait a minute,” he tugged your wrist as you attempted to broach the table. You found yourself pressed tightly up against Bradley’s front, his hands lodged deep into the back pockets of your denim shorts. “No kiss for Daddy?” He grinned, that dumb, hot mustache stretching across his lips. “Can’t believe you just called yourself Daddy out here in the open where Penny and Jesus can hear you,” you scolded, a laugh ripping from your throat as he squeezed your ass hard.
“Okay, break it up,” you jumped away from Bradley as his Uncle stepped out onto the deck with two big rolls of vinyl in his arms.
“Good to see ya, Pete,” you greeted, running a hand through your hair. “I see you haven’t trained this one up at all since I last saw you.”
“Unfortunately some things are just inherent,” he shrugged but smiled anyway. “Mind helping me with this table cover while we have wonder boy go grab some propane?” He asked, tossing Bradley a look. The younger of the two men shook his head before disappearing into the back of the bar through the sliding door.
“So, you meeting a bunch of Bradley’s friends?” Pete asked, in a way that you were sure he thought was casual.
“I guess,” you smiled, “see ‘em from time to time here and there,” you added. “It’s all casual, Pete,” you added. The older man look contemplative but smiled nonetheless. All it took was half a roll of duct tape to get the table covers to stay down before you could start piling on plates, cutlery and big metal buckets filled with ice for drinks.
You were rubbing down Bradley’s shoulders with sunblock when the first wave of people started arriving.
“I’m gonna go plant myself,” you said, jabbing your thumb over you shoulder. Penny had set up a few beach umbrellas about halfway down the sand and you could feel your towel calling your name.
Bradley nodded and you could feel his hand skim your waist with a ghostly touch as you turned to walk away. Grabbing a White Claw, you headed down the sand, oblivious to the conversations taking place on the back patio.
“Who is that?” Coyote asked, eyes narrowing in on your figure. He, Rooster and Fanboy all paused in admiration as you peeled your denim shorts down your legs, stretching slightly before laying out across your towel.
“She looks…” Fanboy licked his lips, “smart.”
“That one’s mine,” Rooster said with definition.
“Your girlfriend?” Fanboy asked his brows creeping up.
“Well, no, I mean – we’ve been… seeing each other – like unofficially, we’ve been – ” He stammered out.
“What you haven’t planted your flag?” Coyote grinned wolfishly.
“I’ve planted my flag,” Rooster cut sharply, eyes narrowing.
“Sure doesn’t sound like it, Rooster,” Fanboy laughed. “Which means… fair game.” All three men returned their eyes to the beach, where you were rolling over on your towel, breasts pressed closed together and fighting against the seams of your top.
“Hey fellas, what do you want to eat?” Pete said, once again breaking up the conversation as he held up a big tray of burgers and chicken.
Down on the beach, you were trying your best to wiggle into grooves that didn’t tweak your back after standing for clinicals all week. Settling with your hands folded behind your head, taking the full brunt of the sun’s rays, it was a matter of minutes until a shadow cast over you.
“Couple of us are going to play some volleyball,” Bradley was blocking the sun from shining directly in your face. “Want to join?” He offered.
“Deal me into the second game,” you said, “the sun feels so good,” you sighed. “I want to soak it up a little bit,” you insisted. Bradley nodded, his eyes, covered by his sunglasses, trailing down your form. He knew what your skin tasted like, but imagined it sweeter in the hot weather, causing saliva to pool in his mouth.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he insisted.
“Give me a holler when you’re losing,” you smirked. He didn’t know, after all, that you played DI in college. He balled up his Hawaiian shirt, tossing it over to land on your half-empty beach bag.
The game started up as more and more of Bradley’s friend filtered in, joining him only about forty feet away from your little camp site. As the sun passed peak in the sky, it was getting a little more bearable out. You couldn’t help but notice Bradley’s friends were overwhelmingly male and were, as expected, a little disappointed.
“Couldn’t help yourself?” Bradley asked as you approached. His skin was covered in a layer of sweat and you were sure his sunblock was already long gone.
“Just let me serve, Bradshaw,” you said, plucking the ball from his hands. Traipsing to the back corner of the court, you rocked back on your heel, delivering a devastating serve to the other side of the net. The other team didn’t have a prayer.
“It’s not fair! Rooster’s friend is a ringer!” A chiseled blonde called from the other team.
“It’s good to meet Bradley’s friend,” you looked over to see a hand extended to you. “Fanboy,” he introduced.
“Right,” you nodded, introducing yourself, “I forget about the code names,” you smiled, shaking his hand.
“Call signs,” another man with a lantern jaw and dark eyes interjected. “Coyote,” he added.
“Okay, okay, are we playing a game here?” Bradley asked, trying his best to keep a petulant scowl off of his face.
“Hey, we want to trade!” The only other woman in the group called out, “we’ll hand over Bob for Misty Mae-Treanor,” she added, making you laugh.
“Deal!” You called, jogging over to duck under the net.
“I’m Nat,” the woman introduced, “Bradley’s told us a lot about you,” she added. You blamed your blush on the sun. “This is Bagman,” she nodded to the blonde.
“Jake,” he cut in, “and Bradley’s told me nothing about you,” he grinned. You recognized this man from a few of Bradley’s post-work stories.
“Hangman, right?” You asked with a tilt of your head. His grin only widened.
Bradley was no better than any other man and it took every ounce of willpower within him to focus on the game as you countered him on the other side of the net. He wondered how strong that bikini top was, where your tan lines stopped and if you still had that little bruise just on the edge of your nipple where he’d bit you just a little too hard last week. It was okay - he made it up to you.
And God, you were really good at volleyball.
“Just take the L, Rooster!” Natasha, who you’d come to learn was called Phoenix, called out.
“Who’s hungry?” Pete called from up the beach. “Burgers are done!”
“Starving,” you said, jogging over to your towel, stepping into your denim shorts, shimmying to get them over the round of your ass.
“She’s single, right?” Phoenix asked.
“Who cares?” Hangman laughed, dutifully trailing after you as you walked alongside Bradley up the sand.
“How did you get invited to this again?” Bradley asked Jake, making your eyes go wide.
“Bradley!” You scolded, bumping shoulders with Jake, “that’s not very nice.”
“Yeah, that’s not very nice, Bradley,” Jake taunted. “Where you been hiding this one, huh? Afraid she’ll show you up at everything else you do?” He asked.
“Oh, yes, I remember you now,” you grinned. “Dagger Spare, right?” Jake slapped a hand over his chest, causing Bradley to shout out a honking laugh. Bradley was impressed by your memory, he wasn’t sure how much you were really retaining as most of your conversations took place on the periphery of sleep.
You’d all settled around a few tables, burgers, fries and all sorts of other snacks abound. You squeezed between Bradley and Natasha, who was more than happy to let you dip your carrot sticks into her too-big pool of veggie dip. You liked Natasha, she could hold her own amongst the group of knuckleheads and had already complimented your manicure.
You were listening to Fanboy and Coyote going back and forth on some sort of training story when you dropped a cold, white glob of ranch on your chest.
“Whoops,” you murmured, swiping your finger down across the swell of your breast before popping it in your mouth – not noticing that the conversation had come to a complete standstill. You also hadn’t noticed that your nipples had hardened in your top, rendering Coyote completely useless.
“SO,” Phoenix said loudly. “I’m grabbing more drinks from inside, who wants to help?” She asked.
“I’ll help,” you volunteered, pushing your seat back, but with how tightly the chairs were crammed together, there was no easy way to get out. Grabbing the armrest of Bradley’s chair, you hopped over his seat, planting your bare feet on the wood deck. “Taking your shoes,” you tossed over your shoulder, sliding your feet into one of the many pair of brown leather sandals lined up by the sliding door.
Unbeknownst to you, you’d grabbed Coyote’s sandals, but there was no way you could’ve known.
“Big feet!” You called, following Natasha inside. All eyes cut to Rooster when you and Phoenix had disappeared.
“Stop looking!” He said, frustrated.
“What am I supposed to pluck my eyes out?” Coyote asked, gesturing wildly, “they looked at me first!” Hangman shook his head with silent laughter. Bradley really wanted to laugh, too, and he probably would have if it was anyone else that brought their girl around – because that’s what he was trying to do – make you his girl. And he certainly didn’t like all the attention you were drawing from everyone else.
“I mean it, stop flirting with my girl,” he said pointedly, his attention snapping over to Hangman who simply shrugged with a flick of his toothpick.
“I’ll stop flirting,” Hangman drawled, “when she says she’s your girl.”
Bradley blanched. Sure, he was crazy about you, but you’d agreed on casual – even when his feelings developed into something deeper.
He loved ending up at your place after weeks away – laying around your living room, sharing boxes of takeout as he helped you study for the NCLEX. He’d been your patient, sitting for cast wrappings and vital tests, and he knew the exact location of your birthmark, right inside of your thigh. He liked to think of it as the doorbell to get to exactly where he’d like to go.
“Fine,” he rolled his shoulders, taking a bite of his dinner. He only settled when you and Phoenix returned with fresh drinks – holding your hand for balance as you maneuvered your way back into your seat.
“So,” Fanboy grinned, “how long have you two known each other?” He asked.
“Like biblically?” You replied, making Natasha cough on her drink. Rooster’s blush burned bright on his scarred cheek. “Hmm, I think eight months?” You asked, folding your sunglasses into the pocket of his shirt.
“Sounds right,” Bradley nodded.
“And how long have you –”
“Fanboy, you ever get those mystery stains out of the common room futon?” Natasha interjected. Fanboy paled and took a sip of his drink.
“So who here can tell me the coolest flight story?” You asked, “I’ve heard all of Bradley’s a hundred times and I want to hear something new.” You gave your friend a little grin.
“Look no further,” Jake replied, launching into a list of his own accomplishments.
The next time you excused yourself to head inside and use the restroom, you were cornered by Bradley in the back hall.
“Hi,” you said with surprise, having just tied your hair up into a loose bun atop your head. To Bradley, your neck never looked more kissable.
“Put this on,” he said, holding open his button-up shirt.
“Why?” You asked, sliding your arms through the short sleeves anyway.
“Because I’m not trying to pop a chubby in front of my friends,” he said as if it was obvious. “Where’d you find this swimsuit anyway?” You laughed, but clocked the look in his eyes nonetheless.
“Why are you so bothered?” You asked, leaning back against the wall, shirt unbuttoned.
“I don’t like them all looking at you,” he said, pressing you up against the wall hips-first.
“You don’t like them looking at me?” You asked with a small smile, “then maybe you shouldn’t have invited me to your party,” you added.
“Let me be clear,” he pushed his body into yours with more intent. “I don’t like them looking at you like you’re up for grabs,” there was a darker tone to his words and he chose them very carefully.
“And who do I belong to, Bradley?” You asked, looking up at him through those thick lashes with a glint that made sweat bead at the base of his spine. It was usually a look he only saw before you swallowed his cock whole.
“You’re mine,” he tucked a piece of hair back behind your ear, “and it’s about time we both start acting accordingly.”
“What happened to casual?” You asked, reaching up to tuck your thumb into the cleft of his chin, focusing his attention solely on you. “I haven’t wanted casual with you since the day I memorized thirty gastrointestinal disease flashcards with you,” he said honestly.
“That’s what did it for you, huh?” You grinned, “all that talk of stomach ulcers got you hard for me?”
“Actually I think it was after you passed your test the next day and I bent you over the patio railing,” he recalled, “Yeah, I think that’s what did it for me.”
“Should’ve said something you big lug,” you chastised.
“I should have,” he nodded, hands on your waist, thumbs swiping across you ribcage. “I knew for a while but it took my friends eyeing up these titties like they were the cure before it drove me a little nuts.” He mumbled, making you giggle.
“Maybe they are the cure,” you shrugged, “you think I wore this by accident?”
“The cure is between your thighs, and I need to be saved,” he said, ducking down to kiss you firmly. “Can we please get the fuck out of here?”
“Ditch your own party?” You asked, smiling nonetheless. “Kinda tacky.”
“Says the girl in the Hawaiian shirt,” he countered.
“Touché,” you nodded. “Tell them we’re out and I’ll meet you at the car?” You offered.
“Actually,” Bradley sucked in a breath, “I need you to tell them we’re out,” he recalled Hangman’s comment. You rocked forward, pressing your lips to his once more.
“Okay fine, but when we get back to my place - I get to be pillow princess,” you said pointedly.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” he grinned, and you couldn’t resist that stupid mustache, kissing him again. You pulled Bradley by the hand across the bar to the back door again, where Pete and Penny had decided to join the group as the sun went down.
“Sorry to say, it’s time for us to leave,” you announced, sliding your feet back into your own shoes. “But Bradley just recently found his ball sack and we’re together now – so we’ve got business to attend to.” Bradley narrowly escaped the shower of crudité that came flying his way and he parade-waved his way off the patio. “Penny, please bill Bradley for a cleanup!” you called, just before he could sweep an arm under your knees, lifting you from the ground. “He’s actually quite a good cleaner!”
You laughed as he deposited you right into the passenger seat of the Bronco.
“How was that?” You asked, “definitive enough for your friends?”
“Pretty good,” he nodded, bracing his arms against the top of the car, leaning into your personal space. “Better than what I had planned.”
“And what were your big declarations going to be?” You asked.
“Sorry to eat and run – but I gotta run and eat,” he growled, pressing his lips against yours in a hot kiss.
Your scream of laughter carried across the breeze to the back patio, where Pete had just clinked his beer bottle against Fanboy’s.
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed Aw Honey Honey, you might also like Mighty Fine! This work is 18+
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