#Tommy is fun to write bc fucked up anxiety brain with fucked up speaking patterns disorder so i can just like give him my anxiety mindset
bbeeohazardd · 1 year
Tommy stared wide-eyed at his gun-wielding friend, well, ex-friend at this point. Hand tightly holding the camcorder as he quickly held out his other arm to at least somewhat shield the older man behind him. He really regretted getting Bubby involved with his investigation, but he didn’t think it would escalate to this.
“bro, i know you took that tape, the one with Coomer on it, lil stealy boy ‘n now i gotta do this.”
“Benrey what?”
It was all Tommy could really respond with.
“Tommy, what tape is he talking about?!”
Bubby shouted.
“bro, i told you not to get Bubby involved in this, bro. ‘s why i told him i found Darnold, i just wanted to make my movie ‘n now look what you’re makin’ me do.”
“Benrey stop, you don’t- you can’t- it doesn’t have to be like this!”
Tommy couldn’t stop the shake in his voice.
“broo, i told you, i didn’t want it to come to this, bro. jus’ wanna make my movie ‘n shit bro, but then you shared my cool-ass tapes. makin’ me all bad ‘n shit bro, now i gotta be baaaaaad.”
“What are you FUCKING talking about.”
The sharp voice of Bubby only made him more anxious. He should’ve thought things through more thoroughly, and now he was going to get someone killed.
Tommy’s spiral halted as he noticed a figure sneaking up behind his ex-friend, a familiar orange jacket with a black and white mask. Gordon, his brain helpfully supplied.
“Benrey it’s- you- please don’t do this!”
“Yeah dumbass!”
“should’ve burned those tapes, i wanted to be nice but now i can’t and-”
Benrey was cut off as Gordon grabbed him violently from behind. Tommy sprang into action, grabbing Bubby’s arm and hauling-ass down the stairs. The sound of a gunshot made the older man yell out as they both made it through Rosswood and back to their cars.
“Tommy- Tommy what the fuck!”
“I- I don’t know! We- we gotta- we gotta get out of here and to a hotel! Just pack what you need and we- we can meet up at the Ramada by Skyland and McFarland.”
The other man nodded and hurriedly got in his car, peeling out of the parking lot.
Tommy paused to gather himself, eyes falling on Benrey’s parked car. He walked over, finding the door unlocked, to nobody’s shock. The inside of the car was a mess, but he noticed something on the passenger seat. The bag that Benrey had been carrying around and the chest camera.
Tommy looked around nervously before he grabbed them, closing the door and rushing to his own car before he sped off to the hotel.
Tommy fidgeted anxiously as he sat in his car, staring at the gray hard drive that had been in the bag as his camcorder sat in his lap.
He wasn’t sure what it was, but staring at it made him nauseous, and after seeing that tape with Gordon and Dr. Coomer on it, he really wasn’t excited to see whatever Benrey had gotten up to that made him act like, well, that. Sure, Tommy had committed his own fair share of crimes, but resorting to murdering someone who had no involvement was horrifying.
His thoughts were cut off by another car pulling up next to him, Bubby stepping out from the driver's side and grabbing a backpack.
Tommy got out of the car to meet him, trying his best to keep himself calm, he really missed Sunkist.
“You got- uh- you have everything you need?” “Yeah. What the fuck are we gonna do, Tommy?” “I- We should just stay in our rooms for the day. I got- I already rented some conjoined- an adjoined room, so uh, yeah.” “Alright.” “Oh! Uh-” He walked back over to his car, pulling out his duffle bag. “These- this is everything I’ve shot on my camera, everything- all my interactions with Benrey. Uh, this one…” He dug a bit before he found the labeled tape. “This one. This one is super- it’s really important, Benrey didn’t want me to see it. Uh- there’s also this hard drive-” He held it up for him to see. “I don’t uhm- I don’t know what’s on it yet, but I just- I know it’s important.” He put it back in the camera bag before walking back over to Bubby.
“I’m- I was gonna put everything in the safe in my room, but I need- we should uh come up with a four digit combination that we can both remember.” “Why not 1234 or something like that?” “Too simple, I don’t want- it’d be easy for anyone to open.” “Hm.” The older man looked at the ground as he thought. “3596.” “3596?” “It’s a very important date to me, I’d never forget it.” “Alright, it uh- I can remember that.” “I’m gonna go check in before this headache makes me explode.” “Alright.”
He started walking away before he paused and turned back.
“Tommy, Benrey mentioned a tape with Harold on it.” Tommy shuffled anxiously but nodded. “Yeah, I can- I’ll show it to you once I get the file safe on my laptop.” “Fine.” He continued walking, coughing a bit as he entered the building.
Tommy zipped up the bag and grabbed the camera before heading in with his things.
It didn’t take too long to get everything put away and organized, now the main thing to wait for was getting the video from the tape Bubby wanted to see safe on his computer. Well, as safe as he could with how unreliable things were now. Sure, things were safe if posted on YouTube, but he’d had files tampered with before, so he wasn’t going to blindly trust the volatile laptop.
Tommy turned his focus on the chest mounted camera in his hands, slipping it on and adjusting it slightly. It wasn’t the best sensory experience around, but it’d be useful if he had to go somewhere he couldn’t bring the hand-held.
He moved the hand-held over to the bedside table, gently setting it down and letting out a sigh of relief. Still recording as always. He sat down on the bed, rubbing his eyes.
Saying he felt exhausted would be an understatement.
He looked over at the laptop on the desk, he still had a good amount of time before the video would be uploaded.
Tommy laid down to get some sorely needed rest.
Tommy woke up with a start, sweating and gasping for air due to a nightmare he couldn’t remember. Familiar screaming made him scramble out of bed, fumbling for his camera, before he ran over to the door connecting his and Bubby’s rooms. He banged on the door loudly.
“Bubby! Bubby, open the door!”
He shouted frantically. Groping for the doorknob in the darkness, the door was unlocked.
He swung it open, only to be face to face with it.
The thing was the same as always. Inky black skin that seemed to pulse and squirm, too many eyes that bore into him, skeletal arms that reached from its back, some type of animal skull for a head, maybe a horse but the teeth were too sharp.
His head pounded painfully as he looked around the room in a panic. No Bubby. His hands shook as he looked back at the source of his misery. He felt enraged and hurt, all he’d wanted was a normal life, and now this thing had taken someone he hadn’t even wanted to put in danger.
“What do you want?!”
He managed to shout, it felt like his skull would split in two.
Tommy shouted before impulsively charging the thing.
The sensation of tackling something was the last thing he registered before he passed out.
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