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Aradia Megido, Sollux Captor, Jade Harley, Kanaya Maryam, Tavros Nitram
Act 5, page 3590-3613
apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA]
AA: s0llux!
TA: hey what'2 up aa.
AA: y0u will never guess what i just f0und
TA: won't ii?
AA: i d0ubt it
TA: wa2 iit the matchiing ruiin2 2iite?
AA: um
AA: yes
AA: h0w did y0u kn0w!
TA: ii don't know, ju2t a weiird feeliing.
TA: ii feel liike we had thii2 conver2atiion before and that'2 what iit wa2 about.
AA: yeah
AA: me t00
AA: what d0 y0u think it means?
TA: probably nothiing. but now not only doe2 iit feel liike we had the conver2atiion before, but iit'2 goiing diifferently thii2 tiime.
TA: 2o iit'2 extra weiird. maybe your voiice2 are iinvolved?
AA: i d0nt kn0w maybe
AA: maybe y0urs are t00?
TA: ii don't hear a goddamn thiing.
TA: do you?
AA: wait
AA: yes
AA: shes very quiet th0ugh i cant tell what shes saying!
TA: oh well.
TA: why don't we pretend there ii2 no 2pooky paranormal phenomena goiing on ju2t once and talk about what you wanted two talk about.
AA: g00d idea
AA: 0k d0 y0u remember what we talked ab0ut regarding kanayas ruins?
TA: 2orta.
AA: i asked y0u f0r help in understanding the glyphs
TA: ii gue22.
AA: 0_0
AA: are y0u just being difficult 0r d0 y0u really n0t remember
TA: ii gue22 ii don't fiind the whole my2tery of the ruiin2 a2 exciitiing a2 you, ok?
AA: well 0bvi0usly!
AA: but i really appreciate y0ur help anyway
TA: 2ure.
TA: how can ii help, then.
AA: well y0u said that y0ud need an0ther set 0f glyphs t0 make sense 0f them
AA: y0u speculated that there might be an0ther set 0f ruins
AA: y0u even guessed they w0uld be blue! it turns 0ut y0u were right
AA: d0nt y0u think that is pretty c00l?
TA: oh yeah, ii am awe2ome about that for 2ure.
TA: but,
TA: ii can't 2hake the feeliing the2e ruiin2 are goiing two be nothiing but trouble for u2.
AA: but y0u say that ab0ut everything!
TA: that'2 becau2e iit'2 fuckiing true about everythiing!
AA: n0 its n0t!
AA: i did find s0me 0ther neat things d0wn here t00 which are strange but quite harmless and n0t f0reb0ding in the least!
TA: liike what?
AA: like this AMAZING hat!
AA: it is an authentic arche0l0gists hat its s0 hard t0 find them in this style
AA: there are n0 h0rn h0les but i l0ve it anyway its great
TA: pretty 2weet aa.
TA: hey diidn't you al2o fiind 2ome biit2 and piiece2 of your biizarre robot doppelganger.
AA: i wasnt g0ing t0 tell y0u ab0ut that!
AA: damn it h0w did y0u kn0w
TA: ii don't know, ii ju2t "remembered" 2ome more 2hiit about thii2 dii2covery, god 2orry.
AA: this is stupid
TA: yeah, well, ii gue22 thii2 ii2 the kiind of 2hiit you have to deal wiith when two p2ychiic2 talk to each other about 2tuff.
AA: maybe
TA: why don't we piick thii2 up agaiin later when we're not feeliing 2o weiird?
AA: well
AA: 0k
apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA] and apocalypseArisen [AA]
AA: ahem
AA: sorry to interrupt i wanted to give you both the chance to remember but it doesnt look like this is going anywhere!
TA: what the fuck?
AA: w0w what
AA: is it coming back yet
TA: is WHAT c0ming back, wh0 ARE y0u?
TA: wh0a h0ld 0n.
TA: why am i talking like y0u suddenly?
AA: this is a mem0ry
AA: in a dream bubble
AA: thats right!
TA: 0h.
TA: that d0esn't really answer my questi0n, but 0k.
AA: y0u changed y0ur v0ice because y0u remembered
AA: like i did
TA: remembered what?
AA: that i died
AA: this is my mem0ry and als0 hers
AA: but i went 0n t0 bec0me the r0b0t wh0se remains are in this crater
AA: whereas she did n0t
AA: i d0nt actually kn0w her st0ry 0r h0w she g0t here but f0r me this was the end 0f the r0ad
AA: this is the afterlife
TA: well, shit.
TA: s0 then i guess i'm dead t00?
AA: nope!
AA: you are just asleep
AA: you are also blind!
TA: h0ly shit, i can't see!
AA: yes thats what being blind means
TA: w0w, awes0me! way t0 be awes0mely sympathetic t00 my terrible new pr0blem, aa.
AA: sollux will you shut up and stop being so tragic for once
AA: you knew this was going to happen! your prophecies of personal doom were practically all you ever talked about
AA: i think you were looking forward to this honestly
AA: shes right
TA: i can't believe this, it's alm0st as if i'm getting...
TA: 😎
TA: damn.
TA: that didn't feel right at all, i think i might have t0 retire the wh0le bifurcati0n gimmick, puns and all.
TA: actually that is kind 0f a relief, maybe y0u're right, i'm feeling better ab0ut this already.
AA: great!
AA: you should be able to relax now that youve been released from the curse of your vision twofold just like you said youd be
AA: you are now merely doomed!
TA: 0h.
TA: that's... awes0me?
AA: being d00med isnt that bad
AA: i spent m0st 0f my life that way remember
AA: at least y0u have the luxury 0f understanding
AA: and the best part ab0ut being d00med is y0u 0nly have t0 put up with it until y0u die
AA: thats the spirit hahaha
AA: actually i guess i dont have to keep talking like im doomed anymore do i
AA: nope :)
TA: this is s0 weird, what am i even listening t0 here.
TA: 0_0
TA: FUCK, i cann0t BELIEVE i just made that face.
AA: hahahahaha!
AA: hahahahaha!
TA: g0d dammit.
TA: 0h yeah, als0...
TA: why the fuck are my teeth missing?
AA: i
AA: dont know?
TA: 0k, well, great, glad we g0t t0 the fucking b0tt0m 0f that mystery.
TA: myssssssstery. mystery. mySSSSthSSSStery. mysterymysterymystery.
TA: man, i can't even lisp anym0re if i try.
TA: please d0n't laugh, i can tell y0u are b0th enj0ying this, i can smell it using my new blind guy n0se p0wers.
AA: really?
TA: n0 n0t literally, i was j0king. i mean n0t YET. maybe i'll ask tz ab0ut it when i wake up th0ugh.
TA: hey what was that n0ise?
AA: what noise?
TA: i think s0me0ne else is here.
AA: oh its jade!
TA: jade?? wtf.
AA: whos jade
AA: shes one of the humans we met after you died
AA: ok
AA: i guess i am out of the loop on chronology for once
AA: thats fine youll catch up!
GG: ummmmmm hey guys i hope im not interrupting!!!
TA: well, yeah, y0u kind 0f were, s0rt 0f a reuni0n 0f cl0se departed friends g0ing 0n here, but n0 big deal i guess.
GG: oh no!
GG: i can leave
AA: no dont!
AA: sollux try to be polite
AA: there is no reason at all for you to feel hostile toward them anymore
AA: jade is very nice and she did nothing wrong
AA: none of them did so when you wake up maybe you should try to reconcile with them or at the very least just say hello
TA: did Y0U?
AA: did i what
TA: be nice t0 them 0r whatever bef0re y0u expl0ded.
AA: well no
AA: but i should have!
AA: i did with you before i left didnt i
TA: i guess s0.
GG: :o
AA: this is awkward
AA: shush you!
AA: what actually happened after i died it sounds complicated
AA: it is!
AA: ill get you up to speed i promise but guys come on lets not scare away our guest
AA: ok then ill shut up
AA: i think one aradia saying things is more than enough probably
TA: y0u can say that again heheheheheh.
TA: but i mean, d0n't say it again literally, because that's kind 0f the wh0le p0int, and w0uld c0mpletely c0ntradi...
AA: oh my god shut up!
GG: its ok! i can take another nap later when you guys arent busy...
AA: no jade its ok
AA: please stay! im curious about why you are here
GG: well...
GG: i have just been enjoying these little naps more and more lately!
GG: each time i go to sleep i meet more new people and learn so much
GG: but i still cant get karkat to take a nap, boy talk about a guy who is anti nap!
TA: ahahahah, yeah, what a d0uche!
GG: seeeeeriously!
GG: he is the douchiest of crabby crabs who ever douched a big douchey crab
TA: l0l.
GG: but yeah, its been fun, i should really thank feferi again for setting it up so we could meet like this!
TA: wait, ff is here?
GG: yup!
TA: 0h g0d, why didn't that 0ccur t0 me, where is she??
GG: ummm probably in another bubble
GG: but youll find her! maybe during your next nap...
TA: well shit, why can't i just g0 glub ar0und 0ut there in the ring and find her n0w?
TA: i mean, aside fr0m the fact that i'm blind and c0mpletely useless.
AA: navigating between bubbles is difficult here
AA: its better to drift between them naturally as they intersect
AA: not spatially but through common points in memory
AA: to navigate the furthest ring you need to have mastered the flow of time!
AA: that is why i am here
AA: i am alive again so i may assist the dead in this way
TA: huh.
AA: jade tell me
AA: have you seen me here before? i mean me dressed like i am now wearing my godhood
GG: yeah!
GG: you were really nice and helpful
TA: wait, what, y0u're wearing a g0dh00d?
TA: why didn't y0u tell me that, what gives? 0r that y0u came back t0 life??
AA: im wearing a hood and have butterfly wings what else would you like to know
TA: man, being blind is dumb, can i like gr0pe y0u 0r s0mething t0 get up t0 date 0n y0ur appearance, w0uld that be weird?
AA: yes sollux that would probably be pretty weird
GG: i think your outfit looks so cute! i love your wings too
AA: thank you your outfit is quite spiffy too
AA: i like that skirt a lot especially
AA: is
AA: is that a skirt?
GG: i am not sure :o
TA: is what i w0uld be d0ing if that were p0ssible.
AA: shhh!
TA: aa c0me 0n y0u were making a p0int.
AA: yes ok
AA: you see those encounters you had with me before have not happened for me yet because ive only just arrived
AA: time follows strange paths here as does space
AA: if you travel a great enough distance you may discover you are also traveling either backwards or forwards in time as well!
AA: just as if you stay in one place for too long the geometry of space surrounding you will become unreliable
AA: you may swat the air to your left and discover you have just slapped yourself!
AA: the only way to make sense of it is to understand either property very well
AA: and since i am new here i have some learning to do just like everyone else
AA: but i do know one thing
GG: what!
AA: i knew that the first bubble i would enter would be an important one for us to visit
TA: what's s0 imp0rtant ab0ut it?
AA: hang on
AA: we are moving on to a new memory hold that thought
AA: it is important because it will help us begin to understand why we are all here
TA: what d0 y0u mean why we are all here?
TA: y0u mean in the afterlife? that's easy.
TA: because she's asleep, she's dead, y0u're alive, and i'm blind, c0uldn't be simpler.
AA: no no
AA: not why we are in this bubble now
AA: but why we all exist in the first place and why we all went on this adventure together
TA: 0h, that.
AA: there is much to understand and i believe it all begins with one sequence of events
AA: watching will help those whove passed to understand the purpose of their sacrifice and those still living to understand what must be done to complete the journey still ahead
AA: we will let the memories lead the way
AA: are you guys ready?
GG: i am ready!
AA: ok lets allow the next memory to take shape
AA: i believe it is kanayas
AA: i will reprise my role in a conversation i had with her shortly after i discovered the ruins
AA: everybody hide and try not to spoil it for her until she remembers!
AA: hey kanaya
AA: there is s0mething i want t0 give y0u
GA: Oh Really
AA: yes its s0mething very 0dd i f0und when i disc0vered the ruins the 0ther night
AA: i d0nt kn0w what its arche0l0gical significance is yet but i suspect y0u will be able t0 repair it!
GA: This Is A Dream Isnt It
AA: 0_0
AA: w0w!
AA: uh i mean
AA: o_o
AA: wow
AA: you figured that out very fast!
GA: It Seemed Obvious
GA: Either Im Sleeping Or Im Dead Which Is It
AA: oh i am sure you are alive
AA: you are unconscious now and will likely wake up as your new self very soon
GA: My New Self
AA: yes
AA: you are undergoing a metamorphosis which you have been groomed for since you were very young
AA: much like i was for my various personal iterations including this one
GA: You Mean
GA: Being A Ghost And Then A Frog And Then A Robot And Then A Fairy
AA: yes!
AA: but it sure sounds silly when you list them all like that
GA: Kind Of
GA: What Do You Mean We Have Been Groomed
AA: wellllll
AA: that is what we are about to find out!
AA: if you will oblige us by continuing with this memory
GA: Okay
GA: What Do I Do
AA: why dont we go through this conversation again to the best of our recollection
AA: but i guess rather than acting it out we can just talk about it
AA: the old fashioned way
GA: Was What We Were Attempting Before Not Old Fashioned
AA: i have no idea
GA: It Seems To Me The Nature Of The Afterlife Is Probably Very Old Fashioned
GA: Maybe Even The Most Old Fashioned A Thing Can Get
AA: haha yeah you know what i mean though
GA: Yes Then
GA: This Was When You Were About To Give Me That Unusual Gift From The Ruins
AA: yes
AA: i then had sollux deliver the pieces to you so you could stitch it back up
AA: sollux that is your cue!
AA: come out and play the part
TA: s0 we d0n't have t0 hide anym0re?
AA: no of course not!
AA: obviously the jig is up everyone can come out now
GG: yay!
TA: s0 like,
TA: 0k s0 i'm supp0sed t0 act 0ut what i did bef0re, when i br0ught her these shitty d0ll parts, is that's what's g0ing 0n here?
GA: Yeah Im Still Not Sure Aradia Are We Supposed To Be Role Playing
AA: no guys come on this isnt that complicated!
AA: we are just revisiting the past just like we would if we were talking about it
AA: but it just so happens we can watch it happen as we talk about it
AA: and as a matter of fact
AA: this story does involve a role playing game but not in that way!
TA: thith ith kinb 0f thtupib.
AA: youre stupid and you sound stupid!
TA: h0py thith, i b0 th0unb thtupib.
TA: why the fuckth ith by b0uth fthull 0f all thethe theeth subbenly?
AA: i dont know o_o
AA: but you maaay be waking up soon
TA: 0h, 0k, greath, th0 i will mithth the retht 0f the c00l tht0ry, 0k.
AA: maybe not if we hurry this along!
GG: wait! before we do...
GG: hi kanaya! it is nice to meet you
GA: Hi Jade
GA: Uh
GA: What Is That Thing Youre Wearing
GG: you dont like it???
GA: No I Didnt Mean To Sound Disapproving
GA: But I Do Think More Colorful Apparel Suits You Better
GG: yes i know you told me!
GA: I Did
GG: yes but you probably havent yet
GG: not from your perspective..... i could not help but overhear you are asleep now
GG: you told me all about what happened after you woke up!
GA: About What
GG: about how you turned into a vampire
GA: Whats A Vampire
TA: thith ith ribicul0uth.
AA: thollux is right
AA: i mean sollux
AA: kanaya tell us what happened next!
GA: There Isnt Much To Say
GA: I Repaired The Doll And Made Him A Nice Outfit
GA: With A Far More Becoming Palette And Fit Than The Absurd Tatters He Was Found In
GA: I Thought At Least
AA: yes
GA: Uh
GA: Should There Be Anything Else To This Story
AA: not really!
GG: isnt that daves puppet?
AA: yes
GG: :\
TA: aw sthith, i guethth i'm 0utha here.
AA: bye sollux
TA: thee y0u lather eberyb0by.
GG: bye!
GA: Anyway That Is All I Can Remember
GA: I Quickly Began To Find The Doll Unnerving So I Put Him Away
GA: To My Knowledge He Has Remained Secure In My Block Ever Since
GA: Is He Relevant In Some Way
GG: guys why do you have daves puppet?
GG: what is going on here!
GA: Yes Aradia It Seems You Have Some Foreknowledge Of This Narrative Maybe You Can Tell Us Why Any Of This Is Important
AA: this is only a piece of the story
AA: the other pieces will fall into place with successive memories and it will all become clear
AA: but yes alright i will eliminate some suspense and try to serve as a better guide on this tour through the catacombs of our collective subconscious
AA: the separate tunnels we once traveled in the dark as individuals we now retrace together with a torch
AA: on the walls we illuminate the runes which describe a convoluted origin story
AA: an origin we participated in
AA: we were spurred to these actions by that which was being originated
AA: and incited to acts of revenge as we were turned against each other
AA: no
AA: our manipulator disguised his tracks well
AT: dO i,
AA: no tavros you can get up
AA: we will leave it soon
AA: but you were doing something very important here
AA: writing a part of the code
AA: an incomplete fragment consisting of four symbols
AA: comprising the first word of a binary refrain
AA: a pair of sounds emerging from the belly of a fabled tyrants menace
AA: but you authored only one sound of the pair
AA: i would write the other
AA: in the soot of my ruined hive i scrawled my part of the code
AA: completing the phrase of legend
AA: the persisting sounds said to accompany the ultimate demise of the tyrant less an arm and an eye
AA: but even these eight characters
AA: the scrawlings of charge
AA: were still but half the code
AA: there was another half by scourge in two parts
AA: one part three symbols
AA: and the other
AA: five
AA: why the scale was tipped in this way between sisters
AA: i cannot say!
AA: each fragment would be transcribed in our rulebooks
AA: sealing the collaboration between rust bloods and blue bloods
AA: completing the code for our sessions architect
AA: not exactly
AA: there was another fragment
AA: oh?
AA: yes
AA: an additional eight symbols
AA: from a wild card source i suppose
AA: it came from a timeline not meant to happen
AA: the one i came from to ensure it wouldnt
AA: thus sealing my fate
AA: i believed the fragment was gibberish from a lunatic
AA: after completing his rampage through our session
AA: since it was not part of the scripted chronology i was oblivious until it was too late to stop it
AA: not that it would matter if i did the timeline had already gone astray
AA: i pieced together what had happened by sleuthing the various scenes
AA: and discovered the text which the code was recorded in
AA: i decided to return to the alpha timeline with the text
AA: as evidence for his madness i guess
AA: in the alpha timeline this text was destroyed
AA: in an explosion caused by a computer virus
AA: this explosion did not take place on my timeline
AA: i identified this event as the difference prompting the offshoot
AA: and returned to our planet via the reckoning just as i did at the end of my life
AA: though that time deliberately
AA: to influence events quietly to make sure it happened
AA: and later joined the rest of our doomed selves to help defeat the king
AA: the others surely had similar responsibilities along the way
AA: as for the book
AA: i lost track of it shortly after i arrived
AA: yes we all lost track of our books
AA: they were gathered surreptitiously by agents assigned to the task
AA: and in the veil their codes were merged with the ghost imprints of other mysterious artifacts
AA: our first guardian was brought to life on the seed to pass through skaias final gate of defense
AA: the first to find alternia
#homestuck#aradia megido#sollux captor#jade harley#kanaya maryam#tavros nitram#homestuck act 5#page 3590#page 3591#page 3592#page 3593#page 3594#page 3595#page 3596#page 3597#page 3598#page 3599#page 3600#page 3601#page 3602#page 3603#page 3604#page 3605#page 3606#page 3607#page 3608#page 3609#page 3610#page 3611#page 3612
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start | Prev | The End! you're here!!
page 50
AND SO HERE WE REACH THE END. THE EPILOGUE. THE 50TH PAGE OF MY 20 PAGE COMIC. BRILLIANT. I hope i never do this again. good lord. I can’t say it isn’t satisfying to end something like this but MAN did this balloon. This was because I got an ASK, do you guys remember that?? Do you remember that i started this comic on a whim?? Because I got an ask?? And then i held a poll about what comic I should make??? THAT WAS MONTHS AGO.
I considered adding one more page that's just a wide shot of Raph watching Splinter looking at Leo but I figured you get the point well enough already.
here's some round up fun facts under the cut!
this script is 3596 words long
it spans 8 pages of my 90 page tmnt google doc
it was originally supposed to be around 20-30 pages AT MOST
the reason behind its specific style choices is that I was IN THE MIDDLE OF COLLEGE when i started it and i wanted to be able to make pages as fast as possible. so i created a limited color palette so that i wouldn't over do things. i still kind of over did things tho.
because the point was to draw pages as fast as possible I frequently make little mistakes like forgetting to draw bandages, knee/arm pads, masks, and donnie's entire glasses.
one of the most frequently forgotten things i think is Raphs hand bandages. i think i draw him without them more than i draw him WITH them ;_;
when I started this i wasn't going to include anything to do with CSA, because I was unsure that people wouldn't be weird about it
halfway through the comic, I started to write Donnie with a stutter. this is because I was still developing the characters when I started this comic and it was supposed to help me figure out their emotions more, so quite a few decisions were made about them in the middle of script writing & the days/weeks between drawing pages. that's how you end up with shit like Donnie suddenly developing a stutter.
because of the placement of when i decided to write him with a stutter, it kind of looks like he develops it after a particularly traumatic memory, and i think thats kind of funny.
anyway, thanks for reading :)
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Calling all Texans!
Please call your state representative and ask them to support HB 3596. (Yes, even if you think they won’t support it - I called my very Democrat rep and got her staffer to take a message. No excuses.)
This would give us a referendum on Texas Independence, allowing every Texas voter to make their voice heard on whether we should stay under the U.S. Federal Government or reassert our independence.
If you’re thinking “no way, Texas can’t be independent because ____,” please visit this page and scroll down to see all of the articles with answers to nearly every question you could have about Texas independence. Trust me, we’ve heard it before and there is an answer.
This is our chance. The Texas legislature only meets every other year - if we don’t get this referendum now, we have to wait until 2025 to try again.
Remember, HB 3596 doesn’t establish independence - it just gives every Texan a vote. If you don’t want Texas to be independent, you should still have the opportunity to vote that way and make your voice heard. This bill is good for everyone!
If you have friends or family in Texas, please send this info to them! We can do this!
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Day 26: Everybody’s Dead, Dave
I love how perceptive Kanaya is. She probably is able to do this because she’s been a Prospit Dreamer almost her entire life.
Again, this part of Act 5 serves to make the implicit themes that have been developed by the first half of it explicit. Lord English’s modus operandi is to act through many many actors in order to distribute accountability and make everyone his accomplice, using a bit of legerdemain here and a bit of coercion there to keep everyone dwelling on their own guilt, and at each other’s throats, instead of his.
More after the break.
Unlike the Carapacians, who need a Command Prompt, Doc Scratch can talk in the Narrative Layer without assistance.
I don’t have a lot to say about Doc Scratch because at the end of the day, I don’t actually find him to be all that interesting. Maybe I’ll think of something to say about him. I guess the main thing is, I tend to read Doc Scratch as not being essentially a different guy from Lord English - he is English’s puppet, a character that he plays, but in terms of agendas, and true personality, there is no essential difference Between the two of them, so I think that Scratch gives us some insight into the normally crass and borderline incomprehensible Caliborn - Caliborn as the gentleman.
It also occurs to me that, rather than a purely material explanation for the Scratch retroactively erasing the timeline, it could just be that it erases those who have scratched the game as a punishment for failure, and in order to discourage rash use of it.
I think in spite of - or even because of! - the fact that Doc Scratch is evil, Rose latches onto him because of the fact that he mixes affection and challenge in a way that she craves. She very much wants to be paid attention to, and oh boy does Doc Scratch pay her attention.
It’s interesting that Rose asks the ball a prescriptive question, which would, one imagines, not have an objective answer in real life.
But then, it’s Paradox Space.
It seems to be the fate of Seers to only realize their power too late. Perhaps it is this traumatic event which is destined to cause the awakening of all Seers - 20/20 hindsight creates the impetus to develop 20/20 foresight.
Rose instantly knows exactly what to say to her Mom once she can no longer say it, because of course, that’s probably how she felt about her all along, but the same pessimism and spite that is fueling her suicidal tantrum prevented her from reaching out to another person in love.
John continues to be an extremely poor judge of character. He’s just too nice.
Rose’s first act after going Grimdark is, of course, to fully realize her role as the Seer of Light, by cutting through all of the bullshit to fight the final boss. She is so good at it that she manages to get John Fucking Egbert to do something important without going on any sidequests.
Too bad she is rapidly slain.
Turns out that confronting your Dead Guardian is a catalyst for self-reflection.
Dave pretty much instantly identifies that he’s not a hero, even if he doesn’t know what not being a hero means yet.
It’ll be a while before he figures out how to solve problems without fighting people.
It’s a shame that Terezi doesn’t know that Vriska is having the same problem as her exactly.
As an avatar of the part of Dave represented by worship of Bro, Gamzee is acting a lot like Bro, a hyper-fast, gaslighting puppetmaster.
What is the significance of starting Disc 2 here?
Act 6 forms the actual second half of Homestuck, but that’s still around 250 pages away. So what gives?
I think we are to understand that the killing of all the Guardians constitutes the end of the first half of Homestuck from an emotional perspective. Everything that happens from here will concern the emotional fallout from the spectacle of death that has just taken place.
Nearly all of Act 5 Act 2 so far has been a spectacle of murder after all, the vicious, violent resolution of all of the emotional set up of the first four and a half acts. All of the unresolved emotional tension, all the social anxiety comes to a head as the kids are separated from their guardians for good, and the trolls’ acculturation metastasizes into bloodshed - and Terezi’s murder (if it can be called that) of Vriska forms a short coda to murderstuck.
These past few pages help us to understand why Vriska is the way that she is.
Reading Mindfang’s Journal her whole life, she idolizes her ancestor the way that a younger Dave idolized Bro, and wants nothing better than to let her ancestor live through her vicariously.
For all intents and purposes, Terezi has already made the decision to kill Vriska, so as far as Paradox Space is concerned, it has already happened.
We’ll pick up tomorrow.
For now, this is Cam signing off, alive but not alone.
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*exhales into the mic* what’s up miles nation --- my name is mac, short for macaroni and cheese. i live on the west coast, i’m of legal drinking age in the US and i go by she / they pronouns ! this rp honestly looks so cute that i had to bring madeline, a character i indie’d for a hot second but really loved writing. take a look under the cut to know more about her and drop me a dm either here or on discord ( 𝖎𝖈𝖊𝖉 𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖒𝖞 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙, 𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖈#3596 ) if you wanna plot !!
⋆ ° ⟡ ( LEE SUNG KYUNG, twenty-eight, cis female, she/her ) i saw HYEJEONG “MADELINE” BAEK at the winter palace. did you know that the HEIRESS is originally from SOUTH KOREA? i heard they can be quite BRATTY, but also LOYAL. there’s rumours they’re at the winter palace because HER PARENTS WANT HER TO SETTLE DOWN, but you never know. FRONT SEAT AT FASHION WEEK, RED LIPSTICK STAINS ON WHISKEY GLASSES, and A PRIVATE JET READY TO FLY TO THE NEAREST LUXURY RESORT always remind me of them.
you’ve seen the dramas. the young and disillusioned chaebol heirs, with their noses turned up at the common folk they toy with. their mothers, a cold and manipulating force with a check ready to ward off any suitors unfit for their children. their fathers, distant and perpetually too busy with work to spend an ounce of their time with their families. they live in their own world, untouchable and impenetrable to the public as they live their lives planned out to the second, all before they’re even given the chance to think for themselves. and maybe it was true, for some people, but it wasn’t true for madeline.
growing up in one of the most important families in south korea, madeline never wanted for anything she couldn’t have. toys, sweets, even spontaneous trips to amusement parks were always given to her without hesitation by the people who were raising her. of course, she still saw her parents at dinnertime: but her parents weren’t as cold and distant like you would expect. sure, they were busy – they were running one of the biggest companies in the country – but they still managed to take an hour out of their busy schedule to spend some time with their children. it was a loving household as much as it could be, with madeline and her older brother being raised by the au pairs and house keepers around their countryside villa, spending most of their time in their own little bubble. madeline just thought this was how all families were, how all childhoods were. she didn’t even realize how much her name was worth, or how important her family was until she entered school.
she enrolled in private school at around eight years old, having been tutored privately before that. it was a change from her old ways, suddenly immersed in an environment where everyone had everything to say. there were children of similar high social, economic, and political status, who weren’t afraid to sharing who they were related to and what their parents did.
madeline felt uneasy by it all, not used to talking about how much her family made, or how much more privileged she was than other students. but she still fell into a group, out of fear of loneliness. they were kids like her, children of extremely wealthy business owners, who became some of her closest friends.
madeline wasn’t so much the sweet girl she once was. being around those kids who knew the power of their wealth turned her sour. she was, for lack of a better word, a brat, then on; pushing the limits of what she could do to those around her and what those around her could do for her. she was the ice queen, the mean girl, the rich bitch. she was superficial, demeaning, demanding. she put up the front of who these people wanted her to be, and excelled at it.
but she was also one her circle of friends could come to. she was their confidante, their shoulder to cry on, someone they could trust. she held her friends’ hands as their parents went through divorces, defended them as scandals poured out into the public, and offered a place to stay when things at home turned nuclear. madeline ended up caring for the people who were compensating for the lack of compassion and intimacy in their earlier years because she understood what lives they lived.
she considered herself lucky that her parents still cared. and that they allowed her to do what she pleased so long as she was safe and didn’t jeopardize the family name. she couldn’t say the same for her friends. it dawned on her early on that their lives were not theirs to live, that every detail, from what they would study in school to how many children they would have, was decided for them. they were heirs, after all. and the fact that madeline didn’t have that expectation on her eventually drove a wedge between her and the others. so she was left in the dust, with the people in her social circles moving on with their lives, leaving madeline to find something – anything to occupy her time.
as the youngest child and only daughter to the ceo of one of south korea’s largest and most established conglomerates, there wasn’t a place for her in the company like there was for her older brother. so after university, she decided she had the freedom to do whatever and whomever she wanted, leaving a trail of broken glass and broken hearts behind her in the prime of her twenties. she became a social media influencer -- getting paid to go to events, to frequent resorts and hotels, to be merely photographed with a designer handbag -- and traveled the world meeting new people and paving her own way apart from the corporate image her family had cultivated.
madeline’s life was a mile high until about two months ago when her father was hospitalized from a minor heart attack. her brother had finally gotten a hold of her after hours of her being awol, partying up in dubai with her latest girlfriend. he had been furious when she answered, nearly forgetting to tell her why he had called in the first place, and summoned her back to seoul. her father had turned out to be okay, in the end, but it was still scary to think she could have missed him had it been more severe and had she actually been unreachable.
her brother and mother ganged up on her while her father made a decision. it was time for madeline to settle down; time for her to be serious about her life and to start being worthy of her family name. no matter how much she would kick and scream about it, she knew it was futile. she cut down on plain disappearing for months at a time and started to receive possible betrothals, though it was plenty difficult to find one in a country as socially conservative as south korea on account of madeline being a “big fat lesbian”.
her parents had just begun to widen their radius, researching bachelorettes from around the world, when the news of crown princess mignonette’s search for a spouse. madeline thought it was a joke that her parents wanted her to throw her hat into the ring until she was seated onto a plane bound for genovia. madeline thinks it’s a long shot to court the crown princess, but at least she’s getting a vacation out of it.
- madeline is a partial heiress to one of south korea’s largest and most established conglomerates, baek100. founded a short time after the korean war, baek100 has a stake in nearly every aspect of people’s lives: apartment complexes, motor engines for public buses, kitchen appliances, cosmetics, department stores, flash-frozen foods, and several branches of entertainment. accumulating a worth of over 10 trillion won ( approx. 9 billion usd ) -- not including the family’s own separate private investments -- the company has contributed greatly to the mass boom in south korea’s gdp in the last three generations.
- while madeline had most of her schooling done in south korea, she spent her university years in the united states, graduating in public relations from usc in southern california. it is in university when she started going by madeline because she was tired of her professors butchering her given name. ( “is there a hi-jung here ? a hi-jung bake ?” )
- she gay. if that wasn’t clear in her being in genovia to court the princess, i’m saying it now. she came out to her parents when they tried to arrange a marriage to the son of a family friend when she was sixteen. they have been surprisingly supportive of her being a lesbian and have made her the poster child of their lgbt campaigns during pride month. ( evidently her mother has also been sending her articles about the emerging science behind two women being able to have a baby without a sperm donor )
- because of her status as a social media influencer, she’s been able to make her own money separate from what she gets from her family. although her endorsement deals are not a match from what her trust fund provides for her, it still fills her with pride when her personal bank account adds on another digit to it’s overall balance. she can easily live a humble life off it, but the influencer gig is really just for fun and only started because someone offered to pay her to show up to their birthday party.
- close friends. madeline is the type to offer up her life for the people she loves and her tight knit group of friends know this. it could be that they grew up knowing each other or just ended up falling into the same circles, but her life is better because of you and vice versa.
- enemies / frenemies. as loyal and compassionate as she can be to those she’s close to, she can be equally bratty and materialistic to just about anyone. madeline’s personality is not for everyone and she can get a little catty if she feels she needs to be on the defensive.
- exes. first love or passing fling, madeline has always found herself someone to keep herself from feeling lonely. now that she’s trying to buckle down and find a wife, that may irk you considering she was never one to be in a serious committed relationship when you were together.
- social circle. not quite ride or dies, but you see each other at events often enough to know one another well. she respects you and your family enough to walk up to you first, to invite you to places, and to argue about picking up the dinner tab with you.
- brother (wc). while madeline is a bit of the black sheep, she is still considerably close with her family and this is especially true with her brother. on the outside madeline and her older brother are opposites but they are more complimentary than people might think. she respects her brother and knows he wants the best for her.
- mother’s assistant (wc). one of her mother’s many assistants tasked with accompanying madeline to genovia to keep tabs on her. y/m basically reports things back to her mom if she’s misbehaving but she’s constantly trying to go off and do things she’s not supposed to.
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DFGJIO;JFJAOIFJOI;WEJRIJAWRWRWR --- hello. im mac, im 22, i live in the pst zone and i use she/they pronous uhhhhhhh , idk im just really excited to be here ;jsfioajfj;ajfj. sooooo hmu on here or on discord ( herorps #3596 ) if my boi alva tickles ur fancy
? ? ? WHOA ! i’ve always seen the parallels between ( alva ryu ), the ( twenty three ) year old ( demiboy ) and ( aphorodite ) plus , they look just like ( park jinyoung ). from their ( heart-shaped glasses ), to their ( lace-trimmed lingerie ), some would even notice how their ( flirtatiousness, cunning and romanticism ) connect perfectly ! i don’t know about you but i can’t wait to see what olympus brings to ( them ) !
[ NOTE : these were a part of the application, but tbh a lot of these hcs have changed and alva’s characterization has developed further than what is below over time. u can still read these and then the about page/profile linked below but if u have any questions or whatever about them, seriously just message me on discord !! ]
A WARM TINDER BOX; although alva has been in relationships and have had the occasional one-night-stand, they have yet to truly fall in love. sure, the name of their game is typically passion and desire, but they have also found some appeal to the more ‘vanilla’ side of being in a relationship. the thought tender touches and intimate glances often make alva blush, the idea of being so bashful in someone else’s presence prickling into their deepest desires. of course, they’re not some innocent virgin and they appreciate a good hard fuck, but sometimes they just want to be held while someone murmurs sweet nothings into their ear.
ONE WHISKEY NEAT; alva works at a luxury hotel lounge, not as an entertainer or a cocktail waiter, but as one of its top-notch bartenders. it was first a banal part-time job to survive capitalism, but over time alva grew to love it, as they mixed drinks for people with stories to tell. people waiting for lovers, or who were there to cry about past lovers, or people about tobecome lovers. a place like this mixed some of their favorite things: top-shelf booze, the drama of relationships, and people watching.
TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT; as much as alva likes bartending, it doesn’t really pay the bills or the thrills that crosses their way. so what started off as a way to make some extra cash has become their main source of income. under the name 3ROS, alva disguises themselves with a simple domino mask and let themselves be at mercy of the viewers that clock in just to see them perform their wildest sexual fantasies. 3ROS makes an appearance only once a week, but it rakes in so much cash with what alva can do. they can be someone’s ‘daddy’, ‘baby boy’, or even ‘bitch’ at the drop of a hat, and the hour and change spent with 3ROS never disappoints. however only a select people know about this fact, either by accident or as someone alva trusts wholeheartedly with the secret.
FRIEND REQUEST ACCEPTED; alva’s rather flirtatious nature can push some people away with how disingenuous it may look, but that’s just how they simply are. they’re friendly with nearly everyone they meet but their close friends easily see past this after knowing them for so long. underneath the seductive air is really just a normal human being with strange tendencies and a dorky sense of humor.
i also have a profile page for alva
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F-35B Lightning II and and MV-22 Osprey aircraft are secured to the flight deck of USS Wasp (LHD 1). by Official U.S. Navy Page Via Flickr: PHILIPPINE SEA (March 27, 2019) F-35B Lightning II aircraft assigned to Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 121 and MV-22 Ospreys tilt-rotor aircraft assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 268 are secured to the flight deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1). Wasp, flagship of Wasp Amphibious Ready Group, is operating in the Indo-Pacific region to enhance interoperability with partners and serve as a lethal ready-response force for any type of contingency. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Daniel Barker/Released) 190327-N-RI884-3596
#LHD 1#Wasp#F-35#Lightning II#aircraft#Osprey#MV-22#PHILIPPINE SEA#Now Playing#28th#March#2019#March 28th 2019
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Welcome to my thesis entitled All Fandoms Don’t Leave Kudos For Shit; Your Fandom Is Not Actually That Bad Comparatively, TBH It’s Actually Probably Pretty Average.
So I was minding my own business, scrolling through tumblr at 3 in the morning as one with insomnia does and I came across it. The post. The post in which the op begged people in their fandom to leave more kudos because ‘as a fandom we’re really picky and leave less kudos than other fandoms guys.’ Which. Great. I love leaving kudos! I wish people left more kudos! I looooove validation! I nodded a little, frowned a little, and kept scrolling. And then my brain went ‘well, no, hold on’ because in my experience all fandoms aren’t that great about things like leaving kudos and comments. We are all, no matter the fandom, in our own special way, picky and/or forgetful bitches.
So the hypothesis? When compared statistically there would be little to no major difference in kudos to hits ratio between fandoms/pairings.
The methodology? Probably flawed. I mean it is almost 6 in the morning and I’ve been working on this for at least a couple hours after only sleeping an hour.
The methodology? I took 7 pairings from 7 different fandoms, used ao3’s filters to sort by kudos, kept it to only works that were complete and in english, and recorded the kudos to hits ratios for 4 fanfics. One on the 1st page, one on the 5th, one on the 9th, and one on the 60th. I then worked out the percentage of kudos compared to hits, and then found the average of those percentages.
The accuracy? Ehhhh, it’s almost 6 in the morning, this is by no means a large sample size, and my brain refused to do math so early/late so I used online calculators for everything. You could probably take 4 different fics from each category and get wildly different results, and honestly I’m curious to see what the data would say if I did this with 100 fics instead, though I have a feeling it’d be at least somewhat similar.
The results? If you want a higher kudos/hits ratio write Bitty/Jack from Check Please or Poe/Finn from Star Wars. If you want to cry over the ratio of it, but probably get more kudos overall? Write Stiles/Derek. While the former are both in the 12% range, and the latter is in the 5-6% range, the most kudos Bitty/Jack and Poe/Finn have are 5,895 and 8,686 respectively, compared to Sterek’s highest kudos of 28,353 kudos. Which, like, tbh none of this is bad when you think about it? You have to look at the size of your fandom before you put any stock on kudos (not that kudos is the most important thing, either, but I get it, I love validation too and kudos are a super effective and easy way of getting that.) A webcomic like Check Please, or a ship like Poe/Finn that has to compete with the pretty large amount of shipping possibilities that Star Wars offers isn’t going to have the readership that something like Sterek has because Sterek is a fandom unto itself with writers and readers that sometimes don’t even consider themselves a part of Sterek’s parent fandom anymore.
The highest percentage on a fic was 17%, the lowest was 1%. I find it interesting to note that the fic with 1% kudos was also the top fic for it’s pairing. On average though, fandoms tend to leave kudos around 10% (give or take) of the time they read, which to be entirely honest, is what I’ve always figured just glancing at the numbers.
The Conclusion: Aka the TLDR;
Fandoms in general aren’t that great at leaving kudos. They leave, on average, kudos only 5-12% of the time. Which means that not leaving kudos? It’s not a specific fandom problem, it’s an overarching fandom problem where we as fans have either gotten jaded and picky or are too dang lazy to hit that kudos button. And tbh, I understand! For some of us ao3 hasn’t always been the default. The ability to let someone know you loved their work with a click of the button hasn’t always been there. There was no way to leave a kudos on livejournal! You had to be brave and comment if you wanted someone to know you liked their stuff.
So, in conclusion, no fandom is any better or any worse, and the kudos problem is only really a problem if you find it to be one. If you think your fandom is lacking in their ability to share little balls of warm fuzzies in the form of a click then make an effort to leave more kudos, to write more comments, to send authors you like more tumblr messages, or to do whatever you think needs to be done! If you’re fine with it, then continue on with your merry fandom journey cause that’s what it’s here for.
And if you get discouraged by your kudos count, just remember that if you get even close to 10% of the people who read your fic to kudos it? Then you’re fucking awesome. (You’re awesome anyways, but like, statistically you’re great. Keep going with your bad selves and writing that fic, writers)
I straight up used calculators on the internet for this, so if you see glaring innacuries here, let me know. Hopefully gently?
percentages for fics were all rounded up or down accordingly
500802 / 28353 = 5%
212070 / 9959 = 5%
72824 / 7413 = 10%
91015 / 3024 = 3%
AVERAGE = 5.75%
202914 / 19093 = 9%
167776 / 6115 = 3%
78982 / 4611 = 6%
14825 / 1522 = 10%
= 7%
281221 / 22544 = 8%
81623 / 5228 = 6%
48525 / 3000 = 6%
7940/801 = 10%
= 7.5%
53062 / 5895 = 11%
12527 / 1862 = 15%
11377 / 1327 = 12%
3052 / 397 = 13%
400379 / 5690 = 1%
3385 / 458 = 13%
3028 / 329 = 11%
1638 / 104 = 6%
308784 / 11120 = 4%
26483 / 3596 = 14%
108138 / 2777 = 3%
16108 / 997 = 6%
108170 / 8686 = 8%
9700 / 1673 = 17%
6990 / 1063 = 15%
2293/ 228 = 10%
= 12%
#this is what happens when i don't sleep#i take on meaningless research projects#fandom#not#discourse#but i guess it could be considered something like it#idk idk i'm tired#me me me#writing tag#don't judge my researching skills ok it's too early for that#don't take me too seriously#i'm not a scientist#i have never taken a stats class#i barely passed algebra 2 tbh
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Asia Pacific to Dominate Light Towers Market During Forecast Period – TechSci Research
Increasing investment for light towers operation in various end user industries such as construction, mining, oil & gas, events & sports, among others to drive the growth of global light towers market
According to TechSci Research report, “Global Light Towers Market By Mobility Type, By Mast Type, By Technology, By Fuel Type, By End User Industry, By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025”, the global light towers market is expected to grow at a steady rate during the forecast period on account of the ever-increasing demand for energy especially from the oil & gas and mining industries. However, high maintenance costs, battery problems and inefficiency in the supply chain can hamper the growth of market during forecast period. Additionally, fluctuating prices of crude oil and high starting time can further restrict the growth of market during forecast period.
Browse market data Tables and Figures spread through Pages and an in-depth TOC on " Global Light Towers Market"
The global light towers market is segmented based on mobility type, mast type, technology, fuel type, end user industry, company and region. Based on end user industry, the market can be fragmented into oil & gas, mining, construction and others. The construction industry is anticipated to dominate the market during the forecast years on account of the increased infrastructure development activities in residential, commercial and industrial spaces.
Generac Holding, Terex Corporation, Doosan Portable Power, Wacker Neuson, Atlas Copco, United Rental, Will-Burt Company, P&I Generators, Nixon Hire, Brandon Hire Station and others are some of the leading players operating in global light towers market. The companies operating in the market are using organic strategies such as product launches, mergers and collaborations to boost their share. For instance, in April 2019, Doosan portable power expanded its distribution network by establishing a new branch location in Nevada, US. The authorized distributor offers, including air compressors, generators, light towers, and light compaction equipment.
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“Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the global market for light towers during the forecast period, owing to the ongoing construction and infrastructural development activities in the region. Additionally, countries like China and India are investing heavily in developing transport infrastructure to support their economies. Furthermore, increased mining activity in the region is further projected to fuel the growth of light towers market in the region through 2025.” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Light Towers Market By Mobility Type, By Mast Type, By Technology, By Fuel Type, By End User Industry, By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025” has evaluated the future growth potential of global light towers market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges and opportunities in global light towers market.
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#LIT BOATRIDE THIS WEDNESDAY WHO WANT TO ROLL❓❓ ___________🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨_________________ BOAT RIDE ALERT AUGUST 9th #VYBZONTHEWATER GIVES YOU #REGGEA VS #SOCA 🇯🇲 VS 🇹🇹 🇯🇲 VS 🇧🇧 🇯🇲 VS 🇬🇾 🇯🇲 VS 🇵🇦 _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ WHEN : WEDNESDAY AUGUST 9TH WHERE : 1 WORLDS FAIR MARINA FLUSHING NY TIME : BOARDING 9:30PM- DEPATURE 10;30PM SHARP EARLY BIRD TICS : #ONLYTWENTYDOLLARS --------------------------------- ------------------------------------- DRINKS BY : @chynna_diwickdest 🍷🍸🍸🍸🍸🍹🍺🍻🍻🥂🥃🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍹 ____________________________________________ MUSIC BY: @DJSHATA FR #NEXTLEVELSOUND @DJJOELTJAMKAM FR #JAMKAMTOURINGSOUND EARLY VIBES BY : @DJMACDABOSS ________________________________and __________ FOR INFORMATION AND BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION PLEASE EMAIL : [email protected] 🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎈 516-415-6093 R 347-358 3596 THIS WEEK BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION FOR @_candyyy27_ _________________________ HOOKAH SMOOKES BY 💨💨💨💨💨💨 @HookahVixens 🤳💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿 __________________ FOLLOW OUR SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES ( @VYBZONTHEWATER_PROMOTIONS @REGGEAVSSOCA_ )📲📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📲📲📲📲📲📲📲📲📲 ____________________________________________ #VYBZONTHEWATER #boatparty #BOATRIDE #BOATRiDES #dancehallmusic #reggea #NewPartyAlert #Nyc #Nj #Tristate #VIP #Birthday #LateNight #Hookah #Bronx #StatenIsland #Brooklyn #Queens #HipHop VS #SOCA 🇯🇲 VS 🇹🇹 🇯🇲 VS 🇧🇧 🇯🇲 VS 🇬🇾 🇯🇲 VS 🇵🇦 _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ WHEN : WEDNESDAY AUGUST 9TH WHERE : 1 WORLDS FAIR MARINA FLUSHING NY TIME : BOARDING 9:30PM- DEPATURE 10;30PM SHARP EARLY BIRD TICS : #ONLYTWENTYDOLLARS --------------------------------- ------------------------------------- DRINKS BY : @chynna_diwickdest 🍷🍸🍸🍸🍸🍹🍺🍻🍻🥂🥃🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍹 ____________________________________________ MUSIC BY: @DJSHATA FR #NEXTLEVELSOUND @DJJOELTJAMKAM FR #JAMKAMTOURINGSOUND EARLY VIBES BY : @DJMACDABOSS ________________________________and __________ FOR INFORMATION AND BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION PLEASE EMAIL : [email protected] 🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎈 516-415-6093 R 347-358 3596 THIS WEEK BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION FOR @_candyyy27_ (at Worlds fair marina)
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Split DC Circuit panel (after taking twice as long as Justice Alito urged) vacates preliminary injunction blocking resumption of federal executions
As regular readers may recall, Attorney General William Barr last July announced a new Federal Execution Protocol in order to enable the federal government to resume capital punishment after a nearly two decade lapse. AG Barr set execution dates for five (mysteriously selected) federal murders starting in December 2019, which of course got lots of federal capital litigation going.
In late November 2019, as noted here, a federal district judge enjoined the scheduled federal executions based on the view that the planned execution protocol "exceeds statutory authority." In short order, the DC Circuit and then SCOTUS refused to vacate that injunction, but SCOTUS on December 6 urged the DC Court of Appeals to render a full decision on the matter "with appropriate dispatch." Justice Alito issued a statement, joined by Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, said her could "see no reason why the Court of Appeals should not be able to decide this case, one way or the other, within the next 60 days."
We are now 123 days from when these matters were addressed by the Supreme Court on December 6, 2019, and we have also now experienced an historic global pandemic. But the federal capital punishment train is still on the tracks, it seems, as today a divided DC Circuit panel handed down an 88-page opinion in In Re: Federal Bureau Of Prisons’ Execution Protocol Cases, No. 19-5322 (DC Cir. April 7, 2020) (available here). Here is how the opinion gets going:
Opinion for the Court filed PER CURIAM.
Concurring opinion filed by Circuit Judge KATSAS.
Concurring opinion filed by Circuit Judge RAO.
Dissenting opinion filed by Circuit Judge TATEL.
PER CURIAM: The Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994 (FDPA) requires federal executions to be implemented “in the manner prescribed by the law of the State in which the sentence is imposed.” 18 U.S.C. § 3596(a). It is common ground that this provision requires the federal government to adhere at least to a State’s choice among execution methods such as hanging, electrocution, or lethal injection. The district court held that the FDPA also requires the federal government to follow all the subsidiary details set forth in state execution protocols—such as, in the case of lethal injection, the method of inserting an intravenous catheter. On that basis, the court preliminarily enjoined four federal executions.
Each member of the panel takes a different view of what the FDPA requires. Because two of us believe that the district court misconstrued the FDPA, we vacate the preliminary injunction.
I presume the federal death row defendants in this case will now seek en banc and/or SCOTUS review, so more litigation is much more certain than more executions in the federal system.
Prior related posts:
"Federal Government to Resume Capital Punishment After Nearly Two Decade Lapse"
Previewing the (swift? endless?) litigation sure to ensue in wake of effort to restart the federal machinery of death
Rounding up capital commentary in response to AG Barr's effort to restart the federal machinery of death
Federal judge halts pending scheduled federal executions based on contention that planned execution protocol "exceeds statutory authority"
How quickly could litigation over federal execution procedures get to SCOTUS?
DC Circuit denies Justice Department's motion to stay or vacate preliminary injunction now blocking scheduled federal executions
SCOTUS denies Justice Department's motion to stay or vacate preliminary injunction now blocking scheduled federal executions
Dispute over legality of new federal execution protocol up for argument in DC Circuit
So much for a speedy resolution in the DC Circuit of the injunction currently precluding federal executions
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8247011 https://sentencing.typepad.com/sentencing_law_and_policy/2020/04/split-dc-circuit-panel-after-taking-twice-as-long-as-justice-alito-urged-vacates-preliminary-injunct.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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