Multidisciplinary artist
27 posts
I was born in Mendoza, Argentina but I have lived in Spain for many years. My training and professional career have allowed me to develop my creativity through totally different techniques and languages. 
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🚗Viajar es aprender a observar, descubrir los momentos que veo al pasar.
A esta imagen le siguen otras tres tomadas en el mismo lugar.
🚗Traveling is learning to observe, discover the moments I see as they pass.
This image is followed by three others taken in the same place.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🌊 Las olas agitadas, el mar revuelto, pero mi movimiento es lento.
• Técnica: Acuarela, collage y gouache.
🌊 The sea is rough, but my movement is slow.
• Technique: Watercolor, collage and gouache.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🔓 No puedes ponerle candado a la naturaleza.
🔓 You can't lock nature.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🦜 Agitar el aire, flotar en cielo, sentir que me muevo y fluyo en el tiempo.
Técnica: Acuarela y lápices de colores.
🦜 Shaking the air, floating in the sky, feeling that I move and flow in time.
Technique: Watercolor and colored pencils.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🌼 Será su forma o su color, pero es indiscutible su atractivo. Alma salvaje que se aferra a la vida y reclama su trocito de suelo.
🌼 It will be its shape or its color, but its attractiveness is indisputable. Wild soul that clings to life and claims its piece of land.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🕊 Disfruto experimentando, dando vida a las ideas que van apareciendo en mi mente, a veces de manera inconsciente.
Realicé esta ilustración con acuarela, aprovechando las formas del pincel para crear patrones en las alas.
🕊 I enjoy experimenting, giving life to the ideas that appear in my mind, sometimes unconsciously.
I made this illustration with watercolor, taking advantage of the shapes of the brush to create patterns on the wings.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🧐 Las formas se fusionan y los colores toman el control.
*Cambia de imagen para enfocar*
🧐 Shapes merge and colors take control.
*Change image to focus*
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🐦 Quiero volar, sentir la suave brisa acariciándome las alas.
Realicé esta ilustración con acuarela, aprovechando las formas del pincel para crear patrones en las alas.
🐦 I want to fly, feel the gentle breeze caressing my wings.
I made this illustration with watercolor, taking advantage of the shapes of the brush to create patterns on the wings.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🌺 Observa el detalle. Las pequeñas cosas albergan grandes tesoros.
🌺 Observe the detail. Little things hold great treasures.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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☀ Quiero ocasos como este, llenos de vida. Color, energía y sonido para mis sentidos.
Este fin de semana vi una charla sobre la creatividad de Tim Harford "A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity". Plantea algo muy interesante sobre la relación entre la multitarea y la creatividad. Creo que, sin saberlo, he estado estimulando esta manera de crear. Esta ilustración la realicé de manera simultánea a la de las medusas amarillas y rosas. Es algo que suelo hacer constantemente. Sobre todo es una forma de aprovechar la pintura que me sobra. Es un proceso de trabajo que está resultando ser muy productivo.
☀ I want sunsets like this, full of life. Color, energy and sound for my senses.
This weekend I saw a talk about creativity by Tim Harford "A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity". It raises something very interesting about the relationship between multitasking and creativity. I think that, without knowing it, I have been stimulating this way of creating. I made this illustration simultaneously with the yellow and pink jellyfish. It's something I do constantly. Above all, it is a way to take advantage of the ink that I have left over. It is a work process that is turning out to be very productive.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🌹 Color que capta mi atención. Rojo intenso, despierta mi pasión.
🌹 Color that captures my attention. Intense red, awaken my passion.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🐙🦑 La vida marina me inspira. El tiempo parece transcurrir de forma lenta para algunos seres. Fluyen y se dejan llevar.
Creo que, a veces, nuestra mente se agota porque intentamos obligarla a pensar o crear algo en concreto. Prueba a fluir y permite que tu voz interior te hable.
Técnica: Nogalina y granos de sal fina.
🐙🦑Marine life inspires me. Time seems to pass slowly for some beings. They flow and let themselves go.
I think that sometimes our mind is exhausted because we try to force it to think or create something in particular. Try to flow and allow your inner voice to speak to you.
Technique: Walnut ink and grains of fine salt.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🌤 Energía atravesando partículas de agua en suspensión, generando vida.
🌤 Energy going across suspended water particles, giving life to existence.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🐦 Volando en bandada, un refugio en movimiento.
He aprendido que los errores se pueden convertir en oportunidades, solo hay que aprender a mirarlos sin reproche. Saber aprovecharlos puede llevarte por caminos insospechados.
Realicé esta ilustración para aprovechar una que no me convencía, jugué con las mancas del fondo y dibujé estas aves.
Técnica: Acuarela, tinta china, lápices de colores, rotulador fino.
🐦 Flying in a flock, a shelter on the move.
I have learned that mistakes can be turned into opportunities, you just have to learn to look at them without reproach. Knowing how to take advantage of them can take you down unexpected paths.
I made this illustration to take advantage of one that did not convince me, I played with the spots in the background and drew these birds.
Technique: Watercolor, Chinese Ink, colored pencils and fineliner.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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⛵Contemplo el mar y navego con mi mente hacia un horizonte siempre pendiente.
⛵Navigating through the sea into an ever-pending horizon.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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💚🕊¿Cuándo aprenderá el ser humano a evitar los enfrentamientos y enfocar su energía en hacer el amor y no la guerra? Es en estos momentos cuando más me cuestiono si de verdad somos los seres más inteligentes de este planeta. Para mí la respuesta está clara. 💚🕊When will human beings learn to avoid confrontations and focus their energy on making love and not war? It is in these moments that I question myself the most if we really are the most intelligent beings on this planet. For me the answer is clear.
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sandracartellone · 3 years ago
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🐟 Compañeros del arrecife.🐡
El azar que permite una técnica puede jugar un rol muy importante en la expresividad de una imagen.
Ilustración realizada con acuarela, tinta china, lápices de colores y collage con papeles pintados por mí previamente.
🐟 Fellows of the reef.🐡
The chance that a technique allows can play a very important role in the expressiveness of an image.
Illustration made with watercolor, Chinese ink, colored pencils and collage with papers previously painted by me.
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