#30 dayss
heartstopper-lul · 17 days
Guyyss i realised only one Month until Heartstopperrrr..🍂…
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Aaahhhh kdxloanfkxldlgnnfn 🥹🤪💕
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druggeddraccus · 3 months
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Favorite book this month:
Delilah Green was a cute lil gay romcom ! i had wanted to read more queer romcoms this month but my head wasn’t in to reading
All books read:
The House of Hades by Rick Riordan (5/5)
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care (5/5)
Books read: 2
Pages read: 648
Average rating: 5
Yearly goal: 12/50
(i read absolutely zero books in may) (i don’t think im going to reach my yearly goal im literally 13 books behind lmao imma try though)
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yumethefrostypanda · 1 year
Dear people must have been complaining about that tumblr live >:) Where it first was 7 days snooze (thanks to a dear mutual for explaining me how to turn that shit off) and now its.. BWHAHAHA 30 dayss!! Good, good. Thank you all for the effort. Now let's last that snooze button for FOREVER.
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d1rtgru8-t4lk5 · 4 months
૮ ﹒︣ﻌ ﹒︣ა < iim sso pissssed off riight now the fiirsst tiime iin monthss ii fiinally hype mysself up enough to be able to actually sshow up to a drug and alc appoiintment and my worker doessnt even sshow… sshe ssaid sshe diidnt get my messssage untiil ii wass waiitiing there for 30 miinutess but iim sstiill feeliing sso much anger about thiiss!! ii sspent the entiire weekend telliing mysself ii can do iit and ii sspent all day gettiing ready and the whole day conviinciing mysself not to cancel lasst miinute and then ii ssat there for 30 miinutess hopiing sshe would sshow up. ii ssound fuckiing braiindead but ii sspent so much energy towardss jusst gettiing there to get a messssage ssayiing that sshe was two townss away and ii had sspent four dayss sstressssiing over nothiing BECAUSSE SSHE DIIDNT FUCKIING SSHOW UP
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manasseh · 2 years
3 / 7
~ language ~
❈ daily language practice ( hebrew duo , vocab ) [ 30 m ]
❈ korean vocab mining [ 2 hr but most of it’s just playing the story .. ]
❈ topik listening mock [ 20 m ]
~ programming ~
❈ struggled :-) [ 2 hr ]
~ random personal development ~
❈ freeform illustration practice . it’s so satisfying to see myself improve !!
❈ prepared pizza dough and left it to rise for two dayss
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❈ tried to write one of those studyblr introduction posts , but i’m too talkative and have too many interests.......... can’t have my pinned be a whole ass chapter. I’m thinking of maybe making one of those interactive carrds but idk if people would click it lol.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
i’m almost certain i’ve taken this before but i also know that if i have then it’s been a while, so i say it’s safe to take again hahaha. What is on your mind right now?   I feel gross that this long weekend is gone in a snap and that I have to report back to work tomorrow. But I’m also grateful for the last three dayss, no matter how hectic and unpredictable it got at the very last minute. Hopefully I come across a survey question that can let me explain all the craziness lol because it’s nothing anyone expected.
Do you know anyone who has attended Harvard University?   Not a full four years but I know a couple of people who took summer programs or whatever it is they offer, over there.
How many books are in the room you’re in?   I’m certain there is well over 30, but I’m just not sure of the exact amount. There are the books I read growing up and refuse to throw out; the few books I tried to finish in my teen/early adult years but never got to; and the novels I had to read for school.
Do you save at least 15 percent of your income?   Yes. I was terrible at saving as recently as a few months ago but I’ve been able to keep up a certain routine this year that lets me save even more than 15%.
When was the last time you had a rainy day spent at home?   It rained quite a bit over the last week.
Would you rather spend a week in Belgium, or a whole month in Mexico?   Belgium. I feel like Mexico would be too similar where I already live, weather- and culture- and to an extent even language-wise. Do you know anyone who lies to make themselves look more interesting?  I’m pretty sure a lot of people do this.
Do you like to sing?   Yeah but for my ears only. If I find myself singing around other people, it’s always super hushed.
How old were you in 1994?   This was a whole three years before I even got conceived.
Do you ever go on Reddit? If so, what are some of your favorite subreddits? Yep; I re-formed the habit of regularly checking Reddit just last week, actually. I probably went a whole year without visiting any of my usual subreddits, but recently I got the urge to check them out again and now I’m back to scrolling through Reddit before going to bed and after waking up. What’s the nearest large city, and how far away is it from where you live?   Manila is an hour or so away.
Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little?   Yes, I was flower girl in several family weddings.
Have you ever had an ear infection? Not inside my ears, but when I was around 10 my earrings started to irritate my skin and cause infections on my earlobes; from then on I had to stop wearing earrings and stick with clip-ons instead.
Do you own or rent your home?   My parents own the current house we live in.
Have you ever eaten at an organic farm-to-table restaurant?   I don’t think I have.
Are you a friendly person?   Sure, for the most part. I have moods where I’ll be shier than usual though, and that’s usually when I’m given the heads-up that I’m coming off as aloof.
Are your parents in good health?   My mom is currently facing a particular issue but we’re all sure she’ll overcome it. As for my dad, he’s perfect as far as I know.
Have you picked up any new hobbies in the past year?   Other than revisiting painting again, not really.
If you have a significant other, how old were you when you first met them?  I don’t have any.
How old were they? --
Do you take these surveys on your phone, or on a computer?   I always take them on my laptop. I probably also took surveys from an iPad at some point but that didn’t last long.
Is English your first language? If not, was it hard to learn?   It’s not my first language but I was already surrounded around English from a very young age – from the children’s shows/movies I watched, the storybooks I read, to being taught the language in preschool. Difficulty is honestly an irrelevant metric since English already came naturally to me.
You get a free renovation of one room in your house - which room do you choose, and what do you have done to it?   MINE of course haha I won’t give up that opportunity for anywhere else. I’d get a loft bed with a workspace under; and then also get a bunch of stuff from Ikea to aesthetic-ify my room.
Have you ever worn a costume for any reason other than Halloween?  I don’t think I have, no. Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative?   Nope.
What are your plans for tomorrow? Work, gross.
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magxit · 4 years
ewww can everyone stop watching 365 dayss... :/
A majority of 30 something women like aggressive sweaty sex. Nothing to be ashamed of. There is nothing hotter than having your head shoved in a mattress, your ass slapped and a big dick. Sorry not sorry. We are all adults.
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smallsushi · 4 years
♡ get to know me stuff♡??
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
- my boyfriend
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
- outgoing
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
- uhh no one
4. Are you easy to get along with?
- yes i think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
- my boyfriend
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
- hopeless romantics, smarties, good at math types. geeks, gamers. kind of goofy.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
- i am in one not a very good one.. so maybe not
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
- no one
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
- no unless it’s a dude
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
- Leon
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
- “come watch stream” by my boyfriend
12. What are your 5 favourite songs right now?
- i’m really into joji rn and brent faiyaz
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
- only if i like them
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
- i want to so i lowkey do
15. What good thing happened this summer?
- i made friends and some especially good ones like Z, L, Ne and D
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
- no
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
- why not? maybe woooo woo
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
- haha no never ever >__<
19. Do you like bubble baths?
- ofcourse
20. Do you like your neighbours?
- idk them
21. What are you bad habits?
- overthinking and vaping! i promise i’ll stop sometime soon~
22. Where would you like to travel?
- paris, i just want to be there some day
23. Do you have trust issues?
- yes i have been wronged by many people i would never hurt
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
- sleeping and dreaming. and ofc day dreaming in the morning. my life.. well isnt that exciting right now.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
- all of it, i’m ugly asf imo
26. What do you do when you wake up?
- lay in bed for a while and think...
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
- honestly... lighter. people always say smth abt my skin tone. my boyfriend likes lighter girls too. would help me feel better.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
- no one like completely..
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
- no i’m sure he hates me for dumping him
30. Do you ever want to get married?
- my instant thought is no, but i know if i am truly happy i would want that.
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
- yes
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
- to me thinking abt celebs like that is weird they are like real life humans. and i haven’t found anyone incredibly sexually attractive to share fluids with thanks.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
- kjzw bro my name has 5 letters
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
- i was in basketball and gymnastics for 2 years
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
- tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
- yes, because i was too young.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
- something that makes the situation worse.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
- is it weird that my dream guy is straight out of a novel series? the guy who buys flowers, sends hand written letters, makes playlists, surprises me, has my picture in his wallet, isn’t afraid to be madly obsessed with me ok ok i’ll get out of my head now.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
- i dont have favourites but i love sephora
40. What do you want to do after high school?
- bro i want to die i’m 22
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
- umm sometimes. we are all human.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
- i’m hurt
43. Do you smile at strangers?
- sometimes if they smile at me
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
- no
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
- at this point.. i want to go to paris. i want to see paris before i die. i’m extremely suicidal but thinking about not seeing paris before i die kind of gives me hope UwU
46. What are you paranoid about?
- being lied to, or made a complete fool of.
47. Have you ever been high?
- yes
48. Have you ever been drunk?
- yes
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
- yes
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
- grey
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
- all the time
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
- i wish i could be prettier... maybe then i wouldn’t get treated like shit.
53. Favourite makeup brand?
- too faced.. always ♡
54. Favourite colour?
- pink and purple... i like pastels..
55. Favourite food?
- good ol spaghetti and meatballs with heaps of parmesan
56. Last thing you ate?
- lol coffee, i havent ate in two dayss depression gang :3
57. First thing you ate this morning?
- coffee
58. Ever been in love?
- yes
59. How many pillows do you sleep with?
- 4
60. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
- i wish i could but i dont have any stuffies atm
61. Favourite animal?
62. Favourite tv show?
umm black mirror, mr robot, bbt, you etc
63. Favourite movie?
- requiem for a dream, mr nobody, anything that blows my mind tbh
64. First person you talked to today?
- my boyfriend
65 Last person you talked to today?
- my boyfriend
66. Name a person you hate?
- dont hate anyone
67. Name a person you love?
- ig my boyfriend
68. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
- no
69. Do you regret anything from your past?
- yes
70. Do you miss anyone from your past?
- nope
71. Ever broken someone’s heart?
- yes
72. Have you ever been on a horse?
- yes and it was scary
73. Is something irritating you right now?
- a lot of things but i dont mind
74. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
- no, usually it hurts after they like me back
75. Do you have trust issues?
- lol yes
76. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
- my boyfriend
77. What was your childhood nickname?
- bubblegum was a favourite so ill say that here
78. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
- yes
79. Favourite book?
- 1984 George Orwell a big mind fuck fest
80. Are you afraid of the dark?
- yes, and even more scared when im actually with multiple people like which ones the ghost ah!
81. Are you mean?
- sometimes when im moody or angry
82. Is cheating ever okay?
- nope never
83. Do you believe in love at first sight?
- no its probably just lust
84. Do you believe in true love?
- i do because i love truly
85. Are you currently bored?
- very, life is dull atm
86. What makes you happy?
- sunshine, travelling, people watching, music, cats, anime, gaming, reading, someone loving me truly but hey lets be real~
87. Would you change your name?
- no i actually love my first name
88. What your zodiac sign?
- im a sag
89. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
- one is married, one is too pure to like me and the other one is someone i do kinda have a vibe with, either way i will stay away and tell them its wrong since i have a boyfriend.
91. Favourite lyrics right now?
- "I'm not living, I'm just killing time." - True Love Waits, Radiohead
92. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
- closed
93. How tall are you?
- 5'2
94. Curly or Straight hair?
- curly/wavy
95. What’s your favourite quote?
- "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are" -Mewtwo
96. Do you believe in ghosts?
- noo
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essential4you · 5 years
200 GIFT IDEAS FOR HER | Teen Gift Guide 2019
200 GIFT IDEAS FOR HER | Teen Gift Guide 2019
Hey babes!!!! for today’s video ill be showing you 200 GIFT IDEAS FOR HER 2019!!! + (a christmas wishlist 2019!!! I love this time of the year!!! I’m SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMASSSSSS!!! 30 DAYSS TILLLLLLLL CHRISTMAS BABYYYYYYYY!!!! (i re-uploaded this video due to audio problems)
-TIME STAMPS- Stocking…
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captainlenfan · 5 years
Fitness Smart Watch Activity Tracker WomenMen Kids Ladies Android iOS Heart Rate
New Post has been published on https://fitnesstech.website/product/fitness-smart-watch-activity-tracker-womenmen-kids-ladies-android-ios-heart-rate/
Fitness Smart Watch Activity Tracker WomenMen Kids Ladies Android iOS Heart Rate
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Fitness Smart Watch Activity Tracker WomenMen Kids Ladies Android iOS Heart Rate
Product Description
0.9inch OLED large screen, touch control button Real-time static/dynamic heart rate monitoring Sports & Fitness: Distance, Pedometer, Calorie, Fitness Goal Setting, Fitness Information Sharing IP67 Waterproof: waterproof & dustproof, wear it while raining, hand washing, bathing without removal Call/Message reminder: Vibrate to remind you of incoming call of your iOS & Android phones via bluetooth connection Sleep Monitor: Track and analyze your sleep quality from the moment you fall asleep, to the length of deep sleep you experience. Time & Alarm clock Anti-lost: alert when phone exceed the range Remote Camera: Remotely control your phone camera and extend your selfie distance within 10meters Battery level display Specification:Item Size:43x18x12mm; Waist Band Size: 245x20x12.8mm Strap Material: TPU
Hardware: Display:0.96 inch LED Motor: built in for vibration reminder Heart Rate: can monitor static, dynamic Battery Capacity:90mAh Charging Time:About 1-1.5 hours Standby:Work for about 7days, or standby for about 15 dayss after each full charge Wireless Distance: 5m~10m System:Compatibility:Support Android & iOS phones; OS Requirement: Android 4.3 and above, iOS 7.0 and above, bluetooth 4.0 Data Sync: bluetooth data sync to phone app Data Storage: can keep 7-day exercise data APP Compatible Language:Chinese, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Russian Languages supported by news content: Chinese, English, Spanish, German, French, and Portuguese Operation Method:Touch button
How to charge ? Dear ,It is Usb charge model ,you should take apart the bracelet from the watch first ,then plug into a usb adapter for charging.
Specifications: Color Screen Smart Bracelet Sports Wristband Fitness Tracker Heart Rate Monitor Pedometer Smart Band
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druggeddraccus · 8 months
got a ps3 controller today. hopefully. i can play god of war without my ps3 breaking. last time i tried playing the last of us on it and it was so busted and i thought it was just the controller cause it had gone through the clothes washer because of my ex
but now i have a new one. and now hopefully i can replay greek god of war and maybe some of my other older games
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rhyanrhyanart · 7 years
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AFTERNOON! 4 dayss until this POPUP COLLAB this weekend 9:30 - 6pm!!! It's gonna be SICK and the best thing YOU CAN DO IS TELL SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD BECAUSE U CAN GET A TEE :). Be safe on trains today guys and be aware! Love you and thank you. From your boy, your friend Rhyanrhyan . Photography by @charleyzen . #streetwear #streetwearblog #ukstreetwear #streetwearbrand #streetwearfashion #streetwearstyle #fashion #fashionart #creative #youngdesigner #designer #rhyanrhyan #popart #graphicdesigner #popupshop #urbanart #urbanfashion #urbanstyle #urbanculture #candid #posistivevibes #graphictees #collaboration #besafe #londonunderground
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juliasacads · 7 years
LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my boyfriend  3. Text message: i texted my boyfriend to text me after his training! 4. Song you listened to: never know - 6lack
5. Time you cried: earlier (happy tears, tho)
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yeah 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: YES 8. Been cheated on: yes 9. Lost someone special: yeah 10. Been depressed: yea 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: pastel pink, white, gold IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes!!   16. Fallen out of love: no i fell deeper :-) 17. Laughed until you cried: don’t remember but i think so 18. Found out someone was talking about you: lmao yeah 19. Met someone who changed you: yes 20. Found out who your friends are: yes 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yeah GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all  23. Do you have any pets: no :( 24. Do you want to change your name: hmm no 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: don’t remember cos it was last year hahah nothing special tho but i remember i was with family! 26. What time did you wake up: 6am for school 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i was asleep 28. Name something you can’t wait for: my birthday! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like 5 minutes ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my reputation, tbh 31. What are you listening to right now: antidote - travis scott 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah i think so 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: boys who disrespect girls 34. Most visited websites: facebook, twitter, tumblr, youtube, google LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: 1 on my cheek, 1 near my ear,on my arm and my knee (theyre all small tho)  36. Mark/s: i have a birthmark on my butt lol 37. Childhood dream: definitely wanted to be a princess 38. Hair color: dark brown 39. Long or short hair: short? it’s shoulder length  40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes 41. What do you like about yourself: i like that i’m capable of leading 42. Piercings: i have ear piercings 43. Blood type: i have no clue lol 44. Nickname: julia 45. Relationship status: taken 46. Zodiac: leo
47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: pretty little liars for life 49. Tattoos: none 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: neverr 52. Hair dyed in different color: no 53. Sport: volleyball in grade 7, track and field grade 10, triathlon/decathlon grade 8-10 55. Vacation: all around the philippines 56. Pair of trainers: trainers like shoes?? currently my stan smiths MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: i just ate chicken curry 58. Drinking: i love water 59. I’m about to: pee, tbh 61. Waiting for: my boyfriend to come back from his training
62. Want: money 63. Get married: in the future 64. Career: i have no idea :( but i’m leaning towards being in marketing WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs for dayss 66. Lips or eyes: eyess 67. Shorter or taller: i don’t mind both!
68. Older or younger: i’m fine with both! 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: hm nice arms 71. Sensitive or loud: loud 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: i prefer the term risk taker HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: nope 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: noope 77. Turned someone down: yep 78. Sex on the first date: nah 79. Broken someone’s heart: i thiiiink 80. Had your heart broken: yea
81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yea 83. Fallen for a friend: yees DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: yes 85. Miracles: yes 86. Love at first sight: yes 87. Santa Claus: no, but i like to pretend! 88. Kiss on the first date: hm it’s alright OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: christine 91. Eye color: dark brown 92. Favorite movie: right now its spiderman homecoming
i tag anyone else who wants to do this!
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milkpretzels · 8 years
New Years Resolutions 2017
Set up a morning routine: 30 minute workout, shower, duolingo over breakfast. I need some form of consistency, and the dayss where I actually did these workouts were usually better.
Recipe a week! Or something like that.... I have my list of 48 for 2017 here, so I’m hoping I can really stick with this this year.
Read a scientific paper each week, and something bigger (a journal, a manual, part of a textbook whatever) once a month. Set specific days for these.
Quit consumption of a certain bad habit, or at least reduce it.
Start automating payments, & keep track of them ((use google excel gilad! it’s not hard!!))
Use google calendar + stick with it
Find a goddamn hobby that’ll get me out of the house more often;as much as I like staying in I definitely benefit from going out and doing things/interacting with people.
Start replying to people within 24 hours. I’m terrible at responding in a timely fashion, so maybe I should set up a time each night where I just go through and reply....
Update my music and other certain things once a month. Maybe the last Saturday of each month?
Find a dentist, physician, and optometrist here in Binghamton. I have to accept that I’ll be here 90% of the year, and this is where I have to consider home now, not NYC. Plus I finally have decent health insurance, maybe I should use it. 
Bonus points for a hairdresser and dermatologist!
Get STI tested every 3 months, even if I’m not sexually active.
There are other things I’d like to do, review ASL or go on a road trip or to a concert or something, but those are additive: these are what I really want to accomplish in 2017.
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x-amber-x · 8 years
I don't understand the appeal of alcohol. I just want to sleep for dayss. or was I supposed to drink past that feeling? but quit before the blacking out/throwing up part? things I still don't understand while pushing 30.
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sylviathesylveon · 8 years
Personal Questions!
Tagged by the awesome @limeyfandump THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME! It's so sweet! 1.) Coke or Pepsi? Coke. (I love Coca Cola. A lot.) 2.) Disney or Dreamworks? If I had to pick, Disney. But I definitely enjoy dreamworks movies! 3.) Coffee or Tea? I prefer powdery tea?? But idk if that counts. I never drink coffee 4.) Books or Movies? Movies because I never have time to read 5.) Windows or Mac? I don't have a preference of Windows or Mac 6.) DC or Marvel? Probably Marvel 7.) Xbox or PlayStation? I've had neither of those two video game systems. 8.) Dragon Age or Mass Effect? Mass effect. 9.) Night Owl or Early Riser? Night owl! 10.) Cards or Chess? Cards. 11.) Chocolate or Vanilla? Depends on mood, love both! 12.) Vans or Converse? Neither for me 13.) Dont understand this one 14.) Fluff or Angst? Fluff! 15.) Beach or Forest? Beach definitely 16.) Cats or Dogs? Cat person all the way 17.) Clear Skies or Rain? Rain! 18.) Cooking or Eating Out? Eating out, I'm too lazy 19.) Mild or Spicy food? Spicy 20.) Halloween or Christmas/Winter Celebration? Halloween! Love the costumes, candy, and spooks 21.) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Cold because I'm in Texas and also my boyfriend is a heater. 22.) If you had a superpower what would it be? Flight probably 23.) Animation or live action? I love my animation 24.) Paragon or renegade? Not sure :/ 25.) Bath or shower? Shower. Long long shower. 26.) Team Cap or Team Ironman? Cap 27.) Fantasy or Sci-fi? Fantasy 28.) Do you have three or favorite quotes? "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience" -Mark Twain There are some others but I don't wanna make it too long 29.) YouTube or Netflix? YouTube but I like Netflix 30.) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? Harry Potter! 31.) When do you feel accomplished? When I've finished a craft project 32.) Star Wars or Star Trek? Wars??? 33.) Paperback or Hardcover books? Hard but paperback are still good 34.) Fantastic Beasts or Cursed Child? Dunno 35.) Rock or Pop music? Pop but rocks cool 36.) What's the most important thing in your life? Probably cats or boyfriend/friends 37.) Mountains or sea/ocean? Ocean 38.) How do you express yourself? My t shirts, I usually wear ones w my favorite stuff on them 39.) What's your first book/film that really counted to you? Book was Warriors or Tigers Curse, and film I'd say was Spirit (horse movie) as a kid 40.) What's your element (fire, water, etc)? Water, I love swimming and showers, and I've always loved water as a baby 41.) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Home honestly 42.) If you had any job in the world, what would it be? At Disney world or elementary school teacher 43.) If you had three wishes, what would they be? 1.) My past relationship problems to stop/go away 2.) Having always the right amount of money when buying things 3.) Good health 44.) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Rice! Cause you can do fried rice, wild, etc. 45) What’s currently the most pressing issue on your mind, and what’s stopping you from fixing it? Ex problems and idk what is :/ Tagging: @autumn-dayss @inklizard
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