#3.14 Pie Day - Hope Day
mega-aulover · 2 years
3.14 Pie Day - Hope Day
So today is 🥧3.14 day. And in my head it's Peeta's birthday. Here's a little Cannon Compliant after the last chapter but before the epilog...during the growing back together phase.
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Peeta looked across the street toward the primroses he'd planted at Katniss's home. He was whistful today. His mind and heart were at war. Partially because today was his birthday and no one would remember him. He had no one left.
His eyes sought her home. The plants weren't just for Prim, but for him as well he had lost his family too.
The war, although victorious for the rebels, was senseless. So many lives were taken from them. The living paid for the sins of the war. War meant death and destruction. The words crept up on him and he could feel the resurgence of an episode. Peeta quickly grabbed something solid as the metal taste filled his mouth, a condition of the residual tracker-jacker venom in his system.
His hands gripped the door handle. Sweat poured down his face as he followed the steps Dr. Aurelius taught him. He began taking deep breaths and exhaling, to slow down his heart. Next, he began telling himself things he knew were true.
"I'm Peeta Mellark. I'm 18. I'm a baker. I'm a painter. I never drink sugar in my tea. I sleep with an open window. I double-knot my shoelaces. I don't like vanilla. I like chocolate. I love the sunsets. My favorite color is soft orange."
His forearms shook. As he started the next step.
"I live in District Twelve. I survived two Hunger Games. I survived the war. My family is gone..." Fat tears ran down his face. "I'm alone."
A set of warm arms wrapped around his middle. The scent of wildflowers and honeysuckle wrapped around him like a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer, and filled his nose. She was here.
"You're not alone," she said in that husky tone when she was emotional.
"Katniss is not the enemy..." he whispered to himself. His eyes closed tight as he fought against the destructive conditioning the Capitol drilled into him. Slimy shiny bubbles of lies threatened to fill his mind.
She began singing. "Deep in the Meadow, under the willow..."
Her voice penetrated his head like a small beam of light penetrating the darkness. The melody filled him with light and he began to breathe easier. The episode began to fade away. Katniss's voice always had the ability to make him feel happy. He slowly released the door handle and rested his hand on top of her dainty ones.
"Katniss," he whispered her name.
He gently turned around and held her. Her head came to rest under his chin. "Thank you."
"It's what we do, we take care of each other."
After a moment he looked into her face her grey eyes were wide and earnest. She looked vulnerable and she bit the side of her lip. "What are you doing here?"
She stepped away and picked up the flowers on his side table. "Happy Birthday!"
"You remembered!"
"I would never forget your birthday." There was a lovely rosy shade on her cheeks.
His eyes then took the box of things next to the table. A box of her things. He raised an eyebrow at her.
"I thought..." her blush became deeper. "I'd move here. I'm here most days and I never sleep over there." She looked down and frowned. "Dang it Peeta this is my home..."
Hope bloomed in his chest. Katniss Everdeen had brought him flowers for his birthday and was moving in, it was the best birthday ever. "Well alright."
"Really, you don't mind."
Peeta shook his head. He would never deny the person who made him happy and brought him hope.
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fuckyeahfightlock · 8 months
Today is National Pie Day! I hope you're celebrating. :D
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Hmph! Who knew? Two pie days per year? (3.14) Count me in.
I did have a lemon bar today and before you cut them they're basically a rectangle pie so I think that counts.
Please enjoy this pie.
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bullfrogjoy · 7 months
Bullfrog Joy
March 15, 2024
Good Morning! Yesterday was pi (3.14) day! Did you eat pie? I did, yummy! And there’s still some left over for breakfast today!
Thunder boomers, lightning, some pretty hard rain. Springs storms seem to be here. I know sometimes they can be dangerous, but I do like the sounds. I like to sit on my front porch and watch the clouds roll in. That was joy for me.
I have struggled with joy this week. It seemed like every task I tried didn’t work out like I planned. But it turns out my struggles are just little bumps in the road. Wednesday I heard about a horrific bus/truck accident in Rushville that killed 3 pre-schoolers, the bus driver, and the truck driver. I did not know them, but this news just broke my heart. I cannot imagine the pain and emotions this it is causing for the families, for the school, for the entire town. The first responders could do nothing to save those involved. It had to be heart wrenching for them to arrive and realize there was nothing they could do. Where is the joy?
I’m not sure I can find joy, but perhaps I can find some good. Two of the littles were sisters, adopted a year ago by a single mom. I don’t know their previous circumstances, but I do know they were adopted into a loving, joyfilled home with a mom, grandparents, aunts, uncles, something new for them, possibly finding more joy this past year than they had ever known.
The little boy was one of those boys just full of joy and love. I heard a story about his crush on one of his teachers. That teacher is struggling right now, but she knows the joy of having known this little boy.
I have seen many Facebook posts of support for the entire town from surrounding schools, from businesses. All are wearing purple and gold pride and sending condolences and prayers. This tragedy even made the national news. Donations have been coming in from across the country to help with expenses and memorials. This is what our country is about, helping others when life is beyond difficult.
On a more personal note, I contacted a friend from that town just because I needed to talk to someone about it. I had not talked to her in a couple of years, but she was the only one I knew from Rushville. She called me back after getting my message. We talked for a half hour about the tragedy, about our shared elementary school years, about retirement, about our health, about our cats. She said she still had my Christmas card out and had meant to get in touch. She just hadn’t done it. I hope this is some of the good that can come from this tragedy.
One of my problems, just to make you laugh…I have been trying to paint a room, not my forte. Jan kept asking for my trim brush so he could go over what I had done. Then I spilled my pan of paint all over the floor. My emotions were a mess. My Andrew had his tonsils out this week. He is in a lot of pain, but he will get better. My 1500 piece puzzle I bought? It is really hard. The cool thing that I finally realized was that the backs of the pieces were colored in sections so I could sort out all the orange pieces and work a small puzzle, then go to a different section and do the same.
See? My problems are miniscule compared to the Rushville tragedy. Joy my friends? Sometimes it is hard to find, but we can always look for good. Pray for those families in Rushville, that they can eventually find joy. Joy to you all. Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea. Joy to you and me.
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eraserdude6226 · 3 years
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Today is 3/14/22 and it's pi day. For those mathematically challenged, pi is 3.14 off to infinity. Today we celebrate it with yet another eating holiday. The local grocery store is having a pie sale and all is pies are $3.14. I kinda overloaded and bought 3 - cherry (my favorite), apple, and blueberry. I'm just getting ready to have a plate of cherry and blueberry with some scoops of vanilla ice cream for breakfast!!!
Happy pi day and I hope you have an much fun as I'm going to have today!!
Hmmmm, apple and cherry for lunch, maybe???
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nyc-uws · 3 years
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Pi Approximation Day – July 22, 2022
Pi or pie, whether you’re a baker or a math whiz, today is your day — Pi Approximation Day on July 22 honors the concept of pi, which is denoted by the Greek letter pi and approximates to 3.14, in the most mathematically-pleasing way. To further make punny jokes out of pi day, many bake pies on the holiday. It’s a great day to appreciate the math concept used so regularly in many calculations, and eat some delicious pie!
History of Pi Approximation Day Pi has been known for nearly 4000 years in some form or another. Ancient Babylonians used it — approximated to 3.125, to calculate the dimensions of circles. It was around 250 B.C. that pi was first calculated by one of the greatest ancient mathematicians, Archimedes of Syracuse. He found that pi fell somewhere between 3 1/7 and 3 10/71. Pi is occasionally referred to as the ‘Archimedes’ Constant.’Later, in the mid-400s, another brilliant mathematician, Zu Chongzhi, computed pi again with lengthy calculations. Since Archimedes’ books were lost, and not in China at that time, Zu calculated pi himself in a novel way. Between Zu and Archimedes, these two scientists were the first to know pi in any true sense.Later, mathematicians attempted to better approximate pi using circumscribed and inscribed polygons. This was how Archimedes first solved for pi, and it remained the dominant algorithm for pi computation for 1,000 years. The most correct approximation achieved using this method came in 1630, with Austrian astronomer Christoph Grienberger, who arrived at 38 correct digits of pi.With the development of the infinite series (the sum of the terms of an infinite sequence) in the 16th- and 17th centuries, the way pi was calculated was revolutionized. In India, they discovered it early, between 1400 and 1500 A.D., yet it’s European mathematicians like Leibniz and Gregory who popularized it a century later. Though pi was a well-known concept for centuries, it wasn’t until 1706 that the Greek symbol pi came to represent it. This was suggested by William Jones, a Welsh mathematician, but not popularized until it was used by Leonhard Euler in 1737.In modern times, endless amounts of computing power have been dedicated to approximating the infinite, irrational number to the fullest extent possible. The first time pi was computed by a machine was in 1957, when George Reitwiesner and John von Neumann used an ENIAC computer to compute 2,037 digits of pi. Many intrepid mathematicians followed. By 1973, a million digits were reached with this method.The calculation of pi became a useful stress test for a computer’s abilities — almost like a test for the heart. Mathematicians also hoped to have more accurate calculations for pi for cosmology, though, for most pursuits, few digits are needed. Emma Haruka Iwao, a Google employee who calculated more digits of pi than anyone else to this point — 31 trillion, has earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.
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ladyrandombox · 4 years
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For once I remembered it's Pi (3.14)/pie day. I haven't drawn anything chibi in a while so I thought this was the perfect opportunity. Hope you have some pie today or do math - whichever xD
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skzsauce01 · 5 years
Description: March 14 is both White Day and Pi Day. You're a sucker for puns, so obviously Felix has to make you a pie.
Warning: none
Word Count: 2,116
Pairing: fem!reader x Felix
Contrary to what his friends thought, Felix is not a complete idiot. Sure, he might be failing calculus, but he knows your handwriting like he knows the Pythagorean Theorem.
He knows it very well.
The note attached to the box of chocolates is not signed, but the sharp curves of your characters are a dead giveaway. He can't lie; seeing the store-bought box makes his heart sink. He hoped you had some semblance of romantic feelings for him, but he never saw an inkling. However, when he pulls off the white ribbon, he is ecstatic to see that his previous assumptions were wrong: the heart-shaped chocolate inside is hand decorated with lines of icing and carefully dotted with pink sprinkles, which means you are actually into him. He is smiling so much. He yells down the hallway filled with tired teenagers who couldn't care less about how he has a Valentine.
“My crush likes me back!” he shouts, earning him a few grossed-out looks.
He leaves the chocolate in his locker, but he tucks the note-- Happy Valentine's Day, Felix <3-- into his calculus textbook and thinks of less than 3's all the way to class.
However, last month's delight is now this month's dilemma. He almost forgets about White Day until Chan asks him what he is going to give you in return. His nervous laugh gets a sympathetic look and a well-intended but not helpful suggestion to buy an expensive box of chocolate. The two main problems with Chan's idea is that Felix has limited funds and anything store-bought just doesn’t show off what a great boyfriend he can potentially be.
Never mind that he doesn't even know when White Day is exactly.
Google tells him that it's on March 14. Felix has been stuck doing math for multiple hours per day, so his first thought is That's Pi Day.
Then it hits him.
He'll make you a pie. A pie so beautiful and delicious that it will make the relationship official. Instagram official.
He's jittery during the entire day. He has only a couple days to make sure his plan goes smoothly. The pie has to be perfect.
After school, Felix takes the bus to the grocery store and searches up apple pie recipes on the way there. His eyes grow wide as soon as he realizes how much work he has to do. To motivate himself, he opens the front cover of his calculus textbook and rereads your handwritten note from last month. This will all be worth it, he tells himself.
When he arrives at the grocery store, he heads straight to the produce section. Each recipe recommended different kinds of apples, so screw it; you are going to get an everything apple pie. Like an everything bagel, but apple pie.
Back at home, he has Chan in a Discord call with him as he dices up apples and cuts strips of pie dough. Chan's not doing much, just reading aloud pie making tips that Felix has seen over thirty times while looking up recipes. Felix tunes him out at what has to be the fifth mention of squeezing lemon juice on top of the chopped apples to prevent browning.
"I know already. I know what I'm doing," Felix says. "Why are you so worried anyway?"
Chan's voice is shrill and tinny as he practically screeches out, "Because you've never made a pie before, and you only have until tomorrow to get it done!"
"High risk, high reward?"
"That's not how it works!" There's a sigh from Chan's end. "Why did you choose pie? Chocolate would have been fine, too."
He considered just melting down and molding chocolate for your White Day gift. However, the homemade chocolate you gave him on Valentine's Day was so elegant and elaborate, a normal gift wouldn't suffice.
White Day also happens to be on Pi Day, and Felix knows how much you love a good math pun and a good apple pie. Hence why he is spending the night before White Day baking.
He tosses the diced fruit with the apple pie spice he picked up at the grocery store.The apple-and-spice mixture goes into the store-bought pie crust soon after, and then Felix searches up how to make a lattice.
Actually, why doesn't he put Chan to work?
"Chan, how do I make a lattice?" he asks, using the same tone he would when talking to Siri.
Chan grumbles, protesting that he's not his personal AI assistant, but Felix can hear him typing away. While Chan reads off a list of instructions and sends him video links, Felix wipes his flour-dusted fingers on his no-longer-white apron and checks his phone for messages from you. There's nothing new; the latest message in the chat between the two of you is still a picture of question 19 of his calc book with a big question mark drawn on. He sees that you haven't even seen the message yet, so you must be busy.
Felix picks up the strips of dough and follows Chan's instructions. It's easier than he expected, but the design still looks off.
Oh well. It's not too late to start over without ruining the entire design.
"Did it turn out okay?" Chan asks, breaking Felix out of his thoughts.
"It's… not bad," is the best answer he can give. He takes a picture and sends it to his friend.
Chan laughs at the crooked placements and the less-than-stellar job Felix has done at cutting the strips. "I can tell it's a lattice at least. Is it baking yet?"
"You're more anxious than I am," he remarks as he sticks the pie into the preheated oven.
"Well, someone has to be! It's your first White Day together! It has to go well."
"Which is why I'm making an apple pie for her!" Felix shouts. He realizes how loud it was and apologizes. "I didn't mean to yell at you."
"It's fine. I was being annoying, wasn't I?"
He says, "Yes," with no hesitation, and Chan laughs.
"She's your first girlfriend, and you're pretty much my little brother. I have good reason to be stressed out for you," he explains. Felix hears him typing again, and he has a feeling he's about to receive more unsolicited advice. "Anyway, did you put an egg wash on it? All these recipes are saying something about an egg wash."
"Right," he sighs. "I'll stop."
They switch topics to something not pie related. Felix complains about not understanding calculus, while Chan groans about how long his statistics problems take him. After a heated debate on whether calculus or statistics is harder, Felix phone buzzes with a message from you.
When he checks it, he sees a picture of your notes with a bright red circle drawn around a section labeled, "Partial Sum Decomp. When the Denominator's Power is Greater than 2."
His phone buzzes again, and a new message from you reads, "I gotchu babe."
He is so grateful that you pay attention in class. He sends back a heart emoji as Chan calls out, "You still there?"
"Sorry. Y/N texted me," he says as he reads another message from you.
Y/N <3: Wanna do homework together?
Me: Sure
Felix puts his phone on the counter and tells Chan the news. "I'm going to do homework with Y/N now. See you tomorrow?"
He can hear Chan smiling. "Have fun. Don't spoil the surprise."
"Stop projecting your worries onto me."
Before Chan can defend himself, Felix ends the call and starts a new one with you. He quickly gets a chat message that just reads, "Don't call me out like this >:(."
You answer the Discord call. "Hey."
Your voice is clear and sweet, a stark contrast to Chan's anxious ramblings. Felix smiles. The lilting in your voice is soothing, and he can tell you just woke up from a power nap based off of your soft tone.
"Hi," he says back. "Sleep well?"
There's a brief pause as you wake your brain up to formulate an answer. You reply, "I slept for three hours straight, but I also dreamt that I got a 47 on yesterday’s test."
He laughs because your dream is going to be his reality. "You'll be alright. You know what's going on."
"But the last question!" The sleepiness is replaced by fiery passion, and he hears the unmistakable sound of you slamming a palm against a table.
He lets you vent again and checks the pie in the oven. He thinks it's turning out well? The apples are bubbling a bit, and the crust looks more brown. He's never made one before; how can he tell? There's only a few more minutes left to bake it for.
With you still talking and oblivious to the world, he rushes to his room and grabs his textbook with his homework tucked inside. Just as he's back at the counter, you finish ranting.
"... I checked three times! Seungmin said he got something completely different! I think I got it wrong," you say.
"You'll be alright," he repeats. He knows he sounds like he doesn't care, but you truly will be alright. The last quiz you got a 92 with only half an hour of studying. He's also very worried about the pie because it is bubbling over now. "You studied for five hours."
"Seungmin has the highest grade!" Before he can retort that Seungmin isn't that smart, you let out a frustrated sigh. "Never mind that. Let's just do homework. I finished up to 25."
"Uh, okay." The apple pie won't stop bubbling, and he grabs a pair of oven mitts. He cracks open the oven door, and a blast of steam hits his face. "I'll catch up, and you can…" He trails off, trying to come up with an idea while taking out the pie. At the very least, it smells good.
"I can give you all the answers?" you joke.
"That will be great," Felix replies. He sets the pie down on the counter with a heavy thud. He then starts furiously typing into Google, "bubbling pie."
"What happened?" you ask, your voice laced with concern. "Did something happen?"
He's scanning blocks of text, so he carelessly answers, "I don't know if I messed up your pie or not since it's spilling over."
"My pie?"
His mouth drops open after realizing what came out of it. He now has two options: admit defeat and tell you the truth or lie to you and potentially make things worse.
He decides to go with the former. He presses a small section of the lattice with his index finger and watches it sink into the filling. Goodbye, hard work. He managed to screw up just like Chan predicted with a single sentence. He doesn't want to lie to you about something as silly as this. You know when he's lying anyway.
"It was supposed to be a secret," he quietly says. "It was your White Day present."
There's a moment of silence and then a burst of laughter from you. "Felix, you made me a pie? But you never baked before!" There's a softer laugh, and you sigh, "That's so sweet of you. Thank you."
His face feels as hot as the oven. The lattice section starts breaking off. "I wanted to do something special. And I know you like your puns."
So, you forgot. With a grin, he says, "It's Pi Day tomorrow, too."
"Felix Lee, you're an amazing boyfriend," you declare. "I will gladly accept your pie."
He quickly yanks his finger out. "Really? Chan said it looked kind of bad though."
"You made it! Of course I'm going to take it. Felix, I will take whatever you make, no matter how horrible it looks."
He is so proud. And a little offended that you actually think his baking is hideous. He snaps a picture of the finished pie, which has cooled down a bit and stopped bubbling like a witch cauldron, and sends it to you.
He hears the notification sound from your end of the call and your nails clicking against the screen of your phone not long after. After a few seconds of waiting for the picture to load, he hears you laugh.
He loves your laugh so much, but maybe not in this scenario.
"Oh my goodness. Chan was not kidding when he said it looked bad!"
"It's not that bad!" he protests. "You said you would take it no matter what!"
The laughter dies down, but there's still a playfulness to your words. "I know, I know. You're the best, babe."
"Mmmnh. Anyway, question 19?” he asks cheekily.
~ ad.gray
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pidgydraws · 8 years
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🍴 happy pie day! 🍴
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dommesticpet · 5 years
Blank Reflection
So how is your chaos going?
Echo and I have been well.   Supermarket Sweep is now a real-life event and there definitely seems to be a divide around town between “hey we should do something about this” and “things are gonna be fine and we’re not changing anything.”  We’ve been going back and forth between making good, adult decisions like “let’s buy and freeze vegetables” and “of course we want that $3.14 pie for pi day” while mostly avoiding junk food stock-up.
We got a break from the chaos Sunday morning and I got dropped in bed a few times. Or once? At least once, I’m sure of that.  There was no Nova Pro or crystal swinging but I’m pretty sure I was thinking about them before I found myself grinding on Echo’s leg, because apparently that’s what I was programmed to do at some point.
I’m generally inclined to social distancing from most people for just about any reason, but there was a lot of moaning and squirming.  Thankfully there’s no recording of any of this.  I’m really hoping we can do some more soon... I miss not having total control of my actions.  It makes for a much better morning.
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chittapornswife · 5 years
i tried to send this but idk if it sent so i copy paste anywya: it's almst 3am n i'm sleepi but ye i meant he's chunky he's biig boi and u calle dme sweetheart it's 🚀🚀🚀 soft hours i lOVE cute nicknames fl,jshdfkjsa have a good night q-t 3.14 💖💓❤ ✊😔 i don't gotta do this but i ship u with uhhhhhh ten but also like may🐝 lol maybee jungwoo?? cause ur both super cute & sweet & bubbly ye jungwoo okay gnight ily -🐝 I ALMOST FORGOT ANON
It didn’t send :(( @ tumblr ur system is WACK >:((
Freddie our chunky big boi we love u man🥺✌🏼♥️
I have a whole list of cute nicknames waiting just for you😎🤘🏼
Okay I’m so dumb that I was like “wait why is she calling me q-t 3.14?? Like 3.14 represents pi but what is that supposed to mean??” Until I was like wait. LOL aight don’t mind me n my dumdumness😳
TENNNNNNN pls okay u just made my whole day bc mr. tenny tenten& his dumb dorky ass just- :’)
JUNGWOOO PLSSSSSSSSS WHY AM I YELLING HARDER OVER THIS DJDJDJDN ever since I heard rumours about Jungwoo the 98 liner way back in the day, I was like “he is my friend😳✊🏼” and then when he was shown in smrookies then later on debuted in boss he’s just been my lil cutie pie whom I’d give the whole wide world to🥺 so really he was in my top 3 favs before hendery came along but Jungwoo is still really really close to my heart like I just love him🥺 but u calling me sweet & bubbly we goin👇🏼
But I love you and hope you have a great day!♥️✨♥️
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mega-aulover · 2 years
Week 11
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We're a few days from Spring. I hope with the extra daylight, you'll feel motivated to work this week. That daylight time change is a doozy, and I barely wanted to write. I'm the first to raise my hand and admit I was feeling tired and LAZY.
Somehow I still managed to write 600-word Drabble Called 3.14 Pie Day- Hope Day I also wrote 1024 words on Fletcha on Sunday - I wanted to write more there you go.
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ianmhill · 6 years
The weather has become quite Spring-like in the last couple of days - I have been out without a jacket a couple of times and even had lunch outside in the back yard yesterday. But it’s going to get cooler again over the weekend, so a bit of a false dawn just yet, perhaps.
At least it will be dry over the weekend, so the walk over the bridge to Rosslyn where my Project Management course is being held will be reasonably comfortable.
The two days of the course last weekend were initially a bit of a challenge - mostly because my mathematical abilities are a bit challenged, even the basic stuff that’s required to manage projects. Though in real life, you wouldn’t have to remember the formulas and would probably have spreadsheets or some other tool to do the hard work.
Which is a general comment about the course and the examination - yes, it’s good to know the principles and guidelines, but there are memory aides, checklists and tools you would undoubtedly have available to assist with making sure all aspects of managing a project are covered. In particular, it’s stressed that this is a set of guidelines, not a proscriptive methodology, so it’s a question of only using the elements that are relevant for a specific project or in a particular organisation.
And I am home alone again this weekend as my wife has escaped up to New York for her elder sister’s birthday celebrations, leaving me to ‘enjoy’ the course on my own.
Last night, her older brother and aunt and uncle came over for dinner. Her brother was in town for a conference at Catholic University, on the other side of DC. As it was ‘Pi Day’ (3.14, as they like to write the date over here) I decided to make a pear pie for dessert - complete with Pi to 12 digits in pastry as a lid! Not an original idea, I have to confess, but one I had seen on Twitter earlier in the day.
The biggest downside of the week has been the US Tax bill that we’ve been provided by an accountant. Sadly, because I have been working without paying any tax, either here or in the UK, it was a substantial figure. But thankfully, I had been well aware it was going to be happening so I have been saving money to pay for it.
And my job with the guys in the UK - when the offer eventually arrives formally - will at least eliminate that problem because tax will be deducted.
So now I have 24 hours or more of nail-biting to see if Wales can win the 6 Nations Grand Slam. I am hopeful, but not quite expecting a victory against Ireland. And again, no opportunity to watch it live, thanks to the course.
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Surrender Chapter 2
“ Cause you look greatest when you feel like a damn queen, We’re all just playing a game in a way, trying to win at life”, I sing loudly, as I tap my hand on the dash along to the beat of the music. Continuing to sing, I look over to my mum whose already looking over to me then on to the road and It felt like I could hear her questioning the type of person she's made in her head, I smile widely in response. “You think we should bring them some pie? After dinner?” My mum asks me. “Hmmm the good ole cliche apple pie? I am 3.14 % okay with that” , as I make the *ba dum tis* noise while doing the drum movements with my hands. Laughter is the only thing consumed in this car in this moment. “Pie, would be great, Mum” I say through my breathes of laughter. The thought of meeting the boy with the brown swirls of moppy hair creates excitement and curiosity through me. “Harry” echoes through my mind, I quickly snap out of my trance and begin to tell my mother the rest of the drive about the application process I was about to start for colleges. We arrive at NorthValley Composite High, it’s only the second week of the first semester, the air still flowing with the smell of trees and warmth is radiating of the summer sun. Before exiting the vehicle, I quickly give my mother a kiss on the cheek and wish her a good day. I hop out of the vehicle and immediately text Sam to meet me by our lockers. Walking towards my lockers, I notice the same regular crowds in their same particular areas of the courtyard, with the second level above the courtyard was reserved for the quote on quote “popular kids”, quite frankly they were made of guys who think they were the shit, majority of this school's population of girls had crushes on these boys, and girls who thought they were the royalty of the school. (Stereotypical girls in teenage movies, made up of girls who easily intimidated by another girls rising popularity or the boys noticing a new girl.) Sam’s and I’s locker were on the third floor which looked over the entire courtyard, which meant when there is a commotion, guess who gets the front seat? Thats right, meeee. “Hey boo" Sam yell’s practically loud enough for the courtyard to hear, with people looking at Sam. I put in my notebooks into my locker and smile at her and say “you know I love it when you express your love for me.” With a sly wink from me, she quickly rolls her eyes and smirks with “ babe, you know it.” We quickly burst into laugher, while finishing putting our stuff into our lockers. Let me give you a description of Sam, she has long beautiful dirty blonde hair and colourful eyes that you can’t even describe, she can make a plastic bag look amazing. She's been my best friend since we were in grade 3 and honestly she knows me better than myself at times. I refer to her as my soulmate everytime, someone ask’s me about her. Today she's wearing her favourite black bomber jacket with her black vans and white ripped jeans, totally a beauty, everyone knows this in school, especially the guys know. But her heart had been taken by Justin, I liked the guy because this one of the first guy’s to actually genuinely care about Sam and didn’t she her as an object. He was one of the core people who were in the popular crowd, because of his father’s wealth and his spot on the varsity football team. Although I mentioned i’d hurt him, if he were to hurt my best friend, only a couple times… Before bells rang, while Sam and I were talking about her sleeping over at my house, I mention my new neighbours. “British accent?!?” She squeals, I am taken back by her tone and say “yeah” while trying to regain my hearing in my right ear. “Oooooo look finally a guy for you!!” I laugh at her delusion, “yup totally this total stranger is the one! Could tell by the way we looked at each other, oh wait he didn’t.” I say with sarcasm. “Besides I don't want to be into another person after Stephen..” I say slowly. (Later in the story I'll tell you) “Tara how many times do I have to tell you that it happened a while ago, and I want to see you happy, could you at least consider trying to be more open with people? You’re one of the most caring people I know, you always put others first and a person willing to see that is the one for you.” She says to me. I sigh and say "fine, fine i’ll try to come out of my shell this year, okay? She smiles and claps at my acceptance. “Your lucky, I love you” I tell her, “oh believe me babe, I know.” She says. She is quickly taken by Justin who walks her to her usual math class and she tells me she’ll see me later.  As I walk towards my English class and look over the rail to look down at the courtyard and see a group of girls swooning and giggling at something or someone by the main doors, I can’t see who they are staring at but must’ve been one of the core boys on second, I disregard it and continue to walk to class. I make it into my class and sit towards the front then take out my notes from last class and wait for the class to begin, with regular kids pilling in then Madison and Lauren walk in, taking up the seat behind me. They were leaders of the clique of “royalty”, Madison mostly. I stayed focus on planning notes in my planner when I hear Madison say “I hear he’s from the United Kingdom.” I suddenly stop myself to listen, thinking about the mop head boy. “The UK? Woah thats hot” Lauren says. “I know right? I am thinking of welcoming the new boy myself, I seen him on my way to class, he was walking out of the office coming up the stairs. He is totally fine, with his curly hair of his.” she giggles with Lauren. Yup, its mop head boy, couldn’t help myself feel even more curious as to what he looked like. As Mr. Holden stands to start the class, there is a knock at the door and by instinct everyone turns to look and there he is standing beside Principal Donald, I look at his face and boy he is actually really handsome, he is wearing a white tee shirt that slightly expose his tattoos underneath and black jeans with a black string necklace of some sort around his neck. Principal says to Mr. Holden and the rest of class that “this is Harry and he’s our new student”, if someone were kind enough to show him around school that will be great!” Mr. Holden in a cheerful tone tells him, he’ll choose a student to do so afterwards but to take a sit across from me on the other side of the class. “Hope he picks me” I hear Madison say to Lauren. “Good morning class today we will be starting our partner paper for The Great Gatsby, now I hope all of you have read them over the summer because this should be thorough and I want you to understand what Gatsby was experiencing and the dynamics of the themes”, He explains to us. “To live through what that era was like, the theme between social setting and the reality of his dream.”  I slowly look over to Harry and see he is already staring at me and I embarrassingly turn quickly focusing on the teacher, I felt my cheeks get hotter because I felt him to continue to stare at me. “Okay, I'll explain more after I tell you whose partnering with who, James with Sarah, Ruby & Kate, Madison…” he says slow, looking at his sheet. “Please Harry, Please Harry” I hear Madison mumble. “Connor!” He informs her, an angry sigh leaves Madison. He beings to partner the rest of the class till he says “Tara, you’ll be with Harry. Mind showing him around too? Thanks”, he tells me. I gulp and glance over at him and he doesn’t seem to notice me, like I figured. The rest of the class, he tells us more about the partner paper and my mind keeps going back to Harry. The bell rings and everyone scurries out of the class room and I rush to catch Harry in the hall. “Harry!” I say to catch his attention, he turns towards me and in a unenthusiastic tone says “yeah?”, "Um I was supposed to show you around and since we are working on the paper now, he interrupts me and says “Listen, you don't have to, that girl offered when I walked out of class and I said yes, he points behind me and I turn around and see Madison standing there looking like a gawking schoolgirl. I roll my eyes and go “okay, but when do you want to start this paper?” He swiftly moves past me while saying coldly “ I don't know, but I'll see you later.” I turn around and see both of them  walking together and Madison looks behind and gives me a smile that says “HAHAHA BITCH.” I stand there wondering how do all people like them find each other its like they can sense the arrogance in each other, that makes them flock together. “Yay! Can’t wait to see him after supper tonight!!” I say to myself. (NOT) I roll my eyes and walk towards my next class but can’t help smirk at the thought of the expression on his face when he finds out we are neighbours.
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amanda-teaches · 7 years
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Happy Pi Day
Characters/Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 273
Warnings: Pie fluff
A/N: This was submitted by @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester for my 750 followers celebration (a long freaking time ago because I never finished these). Submissions are closed! Hope you love it, D!
“Hey, baby,” you asked, shifting from one foot to another as you held your surprise behind your back. “Do you know what day today is?”
“Uh...Wednesday?” Dean responded offhandedly, not even glancing up from his computer.
“A little more specific...” you urged.
Dean’s eyes widened as he looked up at you. “Crap, did I miss an anniversary? Is it one of those weird girl things like the anniversary of our first time going to the grocery store as a couple or something?”
“No, you dork,” you laughed before pulling out the pie you had stashed behind your back. “It’s Pi day!”
You were pretty sure his face couldn’t have brightened any faster even if you had told him all the monsters in the world had just magically disappered. “That’s a thing?! A whole day just for pie?”
“Yeah. It’s 3/14, like 3.14, the mathematical formula for...”
“Yeah, whatever!” He exclaimed, snatching the pie from your hands and opening it up. “Just give me the goods.”
You laughed again and dropped down next to him as he took his first, sinfully delicious bite. “Mmm......” he moaned, looking up at you in pure bliss. “Sooo good.”
“I thought you’d like it,” you said with a smile. “You do love your pie.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, nodding his head as he licked his lips. “But, you know what I love even more?”
He leaned in until he was just the barest of inches away from your lips. “You,” he whispered as he captured your lips with his, making it so all you could taste was him and the pie. Not a bad combination. Not at all.
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mysimsloveaffair · 7 years
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OC interview
I was tagged by the incredibly talented @daylightdisco ! Thanks for the tag =)
RULES : 1. Pick a character you’ve created. 2. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were that character. 3. Tag at least four people to do this meme I choose Talib (Adwin’s brother). Answers below…
1. What is your name? Talib O’Neal 2. Do you know why you were named that? My parents liked the meaning. It means ‘seeker of knowledge’, so I suppose that it’s fitting.
3.Single or taken? Single 4. Stop being a Mary Sue! First of all, don’t you mean Marty Sue? And second, to be a Marty Sue in the first place I’d have to be unrealistically perfect, unbelievably talented and totally lack substance. I hope that’s not how people see me. *cringes*  5.What’s your eye color? Brown 6.How about hair color? Black 7.Have you any family members? We have a fairly big family...well extended anyway. But in my immediate family...there’s only me and my brother Adwin. *sad sigh* Both of our parents recently passed away. 8.Oh, how about pets? We have a dog... a King Charles Spaniel named Skittles. 9. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like. I don’t like the thought of moving away from my brother, but deep down I know that it’ll be for the best. 10. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? I like to read...a lot! I also enjoy playing video games. 11. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Yeah...my brother when I first told him that my Uncle Hollis and Aunt Maddie wants me to move in with them. He’s cool with it now, but for a brief moment, I could tell that he was hurt by it. I can’t really blame him. With our parents being gone now...there’s just the two of us. 12.Ever … killed anyone before? Only in video games! 13.What kind of animal are you? An owl maybe? The owl is usually a side character that’s portrayed as the wise animal in stories...the one that everyone comes to for advice, knowledge or to find the next step in their journey. I’m not saying that people come to me for any of that, but it’s an animal...at least in fiction, that I can relate to. 14.Name your worst weaknesses. Being too smart. In the perfect world it would be a strength, right? You’d think so anyway. But I say it’s a weakness because it sets me apart from everyone else. I didn’t mind so much when I was younger, but now it sort of gets to me. Maybe it’ll be different at my new school.
15.Do you look up to anyone at all? My big brother. He’s dealing with so much and I know he gets down on himself a lot...because he’s always comparing himself to dad. But I think he’s handling our current situation with great tenacity and bravery. 16.Are you straight, gay or bisexual? 
Straight, but I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to dating. Girls are confusing to me right now. I mean, there are some that say they're interested in me...but most of them used to tease me when I was in elementary school. I don’t get it. What changed?
17. Do you go to school? Yes, but I’ll be switching schools when I move in with my Uncle Hollis. I’ll be attending a very prestigious school called J.A. Milligan Academy. It’s supposed to be for highly gifted kids, but personally, I think anyone one with enough money can attend. You know how that goes. I’m kind of looking forward to it though. Maybe there actually will be more kids like me there.  18.Ever want to marry and have kids one day? I’m not opposed to it, but right now in my life...I don’t see it ever happening. 19.Do you have fangirls/fanboys? No, my brother is the star of the show really. I see myself as sort of a secondary character. The type that doesn’t necessarily have fans.  20.What are you most afraid of?   Losing more members of my family 21.What do you usually wear? I’m usually in a t-shirt and jeans or shorts. But soon...it’ll be a school uniform, five days a week. 22.What’s one food that tempts you? I’m not really tempted by food. I don’t think of it that way. Food is used to fuel my body. That would be like a car being tempted by gas. 23.Am I annoying you? Actually no. Of course, I’m shocked that I was even chosen for this interview so I suppose I’m still reeling off the fact that anyone is interested enough in me to want to hear what I have to say. That doesn’t happen often. 24.Well, its not over! Okay, great! 25.What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)? I don’t really think about it...not in the way that most people do. 26.How many friends do you have? My only friends are actually my cousins. We are part of a club called the Wallace Clan. There are currently 4 members. 27.  What are your thoughts on pie? As in food or 3.14. I’d rather answer for the latter. Did you know that I can recite pi to the 50th digit?! *responds to interviewer’s reaction* Yeah, my peers at school aren’t very impressed by that either. 28.Favorite drink? Water 29. What’s your favorite place? Real or fictional? I’d love to live somewhere like Simkanda...although it only exists in comic books. But can you imagine a place where being a geek is actually celebrated and technology rules the land? I’m sorry...I get a bit excited just thinking about it.  30.Are you interested in anyone?~ No 31.That was a stupid question. … How so? 32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? I think too much to fully relax in either. I start thinking about all the bacteria, the fish feces, how the secretions from my own body will affect the water...you know, stuff like that. 33.What’s your type? Type of what? There are a lot of things where I can have a type...you know, like movies, books, video games - oh, you meant girls. Sorry...next question. 34.Any fetishes? An amulet I guess. That’s a strange question. Oh...you weren’t referring to that type of fetish. Sorry *blushes* 35.Camping or indoors? If I had a choice...I’d rather just stay home. Again...the over thinking thing.
This has been going around for a while, so I tag anyone who has yet to complete it! 
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donald-clemons · 4 years
Creative Ways to Promote Your Products with Minor Holidays
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Major holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving are popular times to promote products in the ecommerce world, and rightly so—they’re widely acknowledged and easy to incorporate into marketing. However, the excitement and spending spirit surrounding each of these holidays only happens once a year. When the buzz dies down and there are months to go before the next big shopping event, what can you do to keep your customers excited?
One way businesses keep up the momentum from major holidays is by utilizing smaller, less-celebrated holidays to keep their brands and products in front of their customers. While some consumers are already excited about these holidays, they’re not necessarily thinking about making purchases from your store at the same time. Below, we’ve curated a few creative ideas for marketing promotions that celebrate minor holidays and events while boosting sales.
1. Add Holiday Copy to Existing PPC Ads
If you’re already running a PPC campaign, promotional copy can add flair to your ad text, making your ads stand out on search results pages. The benefits of adding holiday wording are numerous—not only will it help you achieve more clicks, but a higher click-through-rate means a higher quality score, which in turn means your ad could appear higher on the page. You may even see a decrease in cost per click. Plus, it only requires quick and simple updates.
Consider the two ads below, both of which are for the same company and product. The one on the left is a good ad, but it’s also going to look very similar to all the other ads on the search results page. The ad on the right ties in the Spring Season in a celebratory manner with unique promotional text that will stand out from other car detailing ads on the page, driving visitors to this site over the competition.
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2. Run a Sale/Offer with Clever Holiday Ties
Another option is to consider running a sale or offer specifically tailored to a minor holiday. Everyone loves saving money, so sales are a great way to attract customers and boost purchases during any sales slump. Rather than appearing as another business promotion lost in the fray, however, a minor holiday-related promotion will stand out in a memorable way, helping your business with brand recall.
Consider creative ways to tie the promotion into the holiday itself. For example, if you wanted to offer a discount on St. Patrick’s Day on March 17, you could offer 17% off an entire order. Another great example would be tying your products themselves into the holiday. If you sell pet supplies, you could offer 20% off all fish supplies during Shark Week. Just make sure you don’t offer something overly complicated—this will reduce the likelihood of redemption.
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3. Hold Contests/Giveaways that Promote Your Brand
Everyone loves a sale, but what consumers love more than discounted goods are free goods. Incorporating free products or giveaways into your minor holiday strategy—whether through entering a contest or simply by submitting an order—is a guaranteed way to drum up interest in your business and drive sales.
Campaigns that involve some creativity on the customer’s side are a great way to generate even more excitement—for instance, asking customers to submit Olympics-themed videos using your products for a chance to win “Gold,” “Silver,” and “Bronze”-level gift baskets. It’s also a fun way to source valuable user-generated content. On the other hand, you can still offer low-stakes/low-effort freebies—such as offering a free chocolate bar with all orders on World Chocolate Day (July 7)—to raise purchase enthusiasm.
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4. Create Gift/Holiday-Related Category Pages
Since SEO is a long-term process, it’s a good idea to take time to think through holidays you might be able to capitalize on that your competitors may not be thinking about. For holidays that fit perfectly with your niche, you might consider creating a specific category page with pertinent copy to take advantage of keywords that may have very low competition. This will benefit your user experience as well by giving shoppers a curated list of everything they might be interested in purchasing around a specific holiday.
For example, if your business sells barware, you may consider putting together a category page for Oktoberfest gear to get shoppers excited about your beer steins and mugs. In the example below, Uncommon Goods has created a category page specifically for Mother’s Day gifts so that customers can easily locate products that may be of interest to mother figures in their lives.
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5. Incorporate Charitable Giving Into the Holiday
Another great way to promote your business during minor holidays is to set up a way to donate to a charity that ties into the holiday—or your business—in some way. In addition to doing some good for the world, a campaign like this paints your brand in a generous light, which can boost your reputation and provide positive word-of-mouth advertising for your business.
One upcoming minor holiday is Pi Day (3/14), celebrating the mathematical constant pi (3.14) and—because of the word similarities—pie. Businesses hoping to make a charitable event out of this minor holiday could donate a certain percent of sales made that day to a local food bank to fight hunger. In the example below, one business is harnessing the popularity of Earth Day by donating a portion of their sales to The National Parks Foundation.
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6. Post Holiday Content on Social Media the Day Of
A final tried-and-true method for promoting your business on minor holidays is to post simple holiday wishes or other holiday-related content on your social media accounts. While more of a brand recall tactic than a sales-related one, scheduling posts like this can still keep your business top-of-mind for consumers as they revel in holiday excitement. They are also relatively quick and easy to put together.
Engagement-related posts are the best way to generate interest on social media, whether through a poll or asking fans to post comments. In the example below, a pet care business asks their followers to post photos of their pets outside on Groundhog Day to see if they saw their shadows. However, you can always stick to a more simple greeting, like “Happy Mardi Gras from [your business]” with an associated image—just remember the more unique, the better.
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Additional Pointers
Keep in mind that holiday-related content is more memorable when you can find a way to relate it to your business specifically. If you sell soap but don’t have any shapes or scents related to football, then promoting your business in conjunction with the Super Bowl may not be very fruitful unless you can get REALLY creative. Holiday content is even more memorable when it is unique—people are more likely to ignore simple holiday wishes from every business they see unless they are conveyed in a creative way.
Not sure what minor holidays to include in your strategy? Do a Google search for national holidays and pick whichever one(s) seems the most compelling to you. You can also search for local festivals, competitions, or bizarre holidays related to your product type. Know the date you started your online store? Try celebrating your business’s birthday each year as well.
In Conclusion
It’s important to look ahead and plan for any upcoming holidays that may be applicable to your brand. The easiest way to do so is to sit down at the beginning or end of each quarter and plan ahead for the upcoming few months. From there, you’ll be able to see which holidays could help add a spike in sales for your business.
Creative Ways to Promote Your Products with Minor Holidays published first on https://yousweetluxury.weebly.com/
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