#3 crayon technique
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dynasoar5 · 2 years ago
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3 color sketch. hadrosaur laundress
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artspla-lycom · 14 days ago
Technique des 3 crayons (ou craies) et du brou de noix, séance de 3 h, seconde option arts plastiques
Deux études d’une fillette en buste, d’ Antoine Watteau Voir la définition de la technique des 3 crayons et du brou de noix. Dessin d’observation ou d’imagination. Rappel : le blanc est la lumière, les zones blanches sont les effets lumineux. Les noirs sont les zones d’ombres. Contraintes : liées à la technique crayons (ou craies) noirs (ou fusain), blancs et rouge (ou sanguine) support…
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muffinpoop1 · 2 months ago
do you have any tutorials or resources on your process? your art is SO GOOD it's like old renaissance paintings
Hello, and thank you so much !!!<3
I sadly don't have any tutorials at present, but I do have tips & tricks, and a couple of monochromatic speedpaint videos :))
Here are some links from previous Q&As you may or may not find useful:
Cleric of Shar portrait - Process in 4 images:
How to draw realistically ( more like "muffinpoop-realistically" ):
How to draw lashes:
How to block-in ( very useful ):
How I edit for a more "traditional" result:
About BG3 portrait process:
What brush do I use for linearts:
What program do I use ( short answer: Procreate ):
What brush do I use for "paintings" ( short answer: Eaglehawk )
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eriochromatic · 2 months ago
would you be willing to share the brush/process you used for the texture in the background of your enies lobby piece? i loooove the way it looks, what a great piece - thanks for sharing your art!
ahhh I drew the enies lobby piece more than a year ago so my memory is hazy but I believe I used these brushes for the bg!
unfortunately one of them is a deleted clip studio paint brush (the creator made an "updated" version but it was never the same), the other three are converted photoshop brushes that I got from school… if you can find approximations for the textures of all three that would be your best bet!
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For the technique, its really just using that one Heisun oil paint brush (I'm sure a crayon texture brush would work the same!) and going between 3 brush settings: 1) Color w/ blending off 2) Transparent w/ blending off 3) Color w/ blending on OR Transparent w/ blending on (both do the same thing basically)
I key-binded blending toggling to '1' and you should be able to toggle between color and transparent with 'z' to easily go between the three different settings
Basically, you use mode 1 to put in your base color, then use mode 2 and 3 to make a soft gradient on one side of the stroke only. Then you use mode 3 to carve in the transparent section of the smoke (or if you're doing an explosion this would be a lighter color. Just keep doing that over and over and eventually you will get smoke clouds :) The extra texture brush is for like dust particles. Sometimes I switch between using extra NS2B strokes as well since that has a less textured edge than Heisun- if everything is too textured it starts looking too same-y and blurry, so its good to have a mix to keep the visual interest. Hopefully that was helpful!
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petite-madame · 7 months ago
Hey ! I have a little question : how do you start to draw ? I want to start but idk how-
And, for the digital art, what app to used for it ?
(I'm sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language, in fr :
Hey ! J'ai une petite question : comment on commence a dessiner ? J'aimerai commencer mais jsp comment-
Et, pour l'art digital/digital art, quel application utiliser ?)
Bonjour Anon ^^
Bonnes questions! 💗
On va y aller en français parce que, comme disait le Roi de France, "Car tel est notre plaisir" et puis parce que je l’ai déjà expliqué en anglais quelque part dans mon tag #arttechnique donc, pour une fois, la communication se fera en Langage de Grenouille. 🇫🇷
Pour commencer sache que tu as ouvert la boite de Pandore, la réponse va donc être longue. Alors, « comment on commence à dessiner ? ».
1 - Papier/Crayon. C’est loin d’être une plaisanterie, on commence avec un papier et un crayon. Pas besoin d'avoir du matériel sophistiqué et onéreux, j'ai commencé avec le crayon et le carnet à la con de chez Carrefour. De plus, quand tu vois ce que fait Alan Lee avec juste le dit crayon, tu n'as pas besoin de plus. C'est vraiment très bien pour s'exercer/démarrer. Après, si tu veux commencer directement en digital, tu peux le faire bien évidemment soit avec un iPad soit avec un ordinateur et une palette graphique mais très honnêtement, le papier/crayon offre une bonne base
2 - S'y mettre. Ça peut paraitre con comme conseil mais c'est comme à la piscine il va bien falloir rentrer dans l'eau, ne serait-ce que dans le petit bain. C'est bien beau d'avoir du matériel et de se répéter qu'on "va s'y mettre un jour" mais si on repousse l'échéance, ça ne va pas marcher. Il faut se convaincre que Rome ne s'est pas fait en un jour et qu'au début, ça va être tordu et que tu vas dessiner n’importe quoi. La procrastination au nom du perfectionnisme est un mal réel mais arriver à l'occulter est un belle victoire.
Pour ce faire, on commence doucement par gribouiller des choses qu'on aime. Conseil qui sonne sans doute comme une lapalissade absolue mais au début, je dis bien au début, on peut rester dans sa petite zone de confort pour booster la motivation. Tu aimes les chats ? Dessine un chat. Tu aimes les fleurs ? Dessine une pivoine. Tu aimes le ballet ET Emmanuel Macron ? Bref, tu sais ce qu'il te reste à faire (on ne kink shame pas, je suis sure qu’il y a des amateurs quelques part). Cependant, petit à petit, il va falloir prendre plus de risques et se forcer un peu à dessiner des choses qu'on n'aime moins pour progresser mais au commencement, il n'y a pas de mal à gribouiller Les Chevaliers du Zodiac, n'importe comment.
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Le Chevalier du Poisson après s’être pris un mur. J'avais 8 ans ok ?
Bon, je mets un « cut » parce que ça ne va pas être gérable.
3 - Suivre des tutos et ne pas avoir peur de l'aspect technique surtout quand on commence à aborder l'anatomie et la perspective. Et c'est là, qu'il va falloir sortir un peu de sa zone de confort pour faire des exercices pour pratiquer les ombres et lumières, la perspective, comprendre les points de fuites, les poses dynamiques. Il y a plein de tutoriels sur YouTube, tu as aussi des bouquins mais je pense qu'une vidéo est plus parlante. C'est vraiment TRÈS utile. Tu as des vidéos comme "apprendre à dessiner" ou "perspective pour débutant", "la théorie des couleurs pour les nuls", etc...C'est là que tu vas voir que pour dessiner un chat, un visage, un bateau il y a des règles pour simplifier une forme, un visage, un corps. Alors oui, c'est chiant de dessiner 12 fois la même main ou la même sphère éclairée différemment mais ça sert. Bref, commencer à dessiner, ça va être commencer à comprendre comment transposer la réalité en « 3D » vers un support « 2D », la feuille ou le canevas Photoshop, peindre ce que l’on voit et non pas ce que l’on croit voir, décomposer les formes, comprendre les couleurs. Une fois encore, ça va prendre du temps, mais ça viendra.
Pareil pour les applis de dessin que tu vas utiliser si tu commences en digital. Si tu ne sais pas faire quelque chose, va suivre des tutos sur Youtube. Il y a aussi des reels sur Instagram qui ne sont pas mal du tout car ils montrent des "trucs" comme des raccourcis clavier ou des façons de modifier les pinceaux (brushes) de Photoshop ou Clip Studio Paint.
4 - S'exercer par gribouiller tout et n'importe quoi, faire des croquis de...cafetière, bouquin, chaussures, prise électrique, la petite cousine, le gros voisin, la dame du pressing. 1) c'est marrant et 2) les défis techniques ne sont pas toujours là où on le croit 3) ces exercices permettent de comprendre ce dont je te parlais plus haut s’agissant de la décomposition des formes ainsi que de la façon dont la lumière frappe les objets.
5 - Utiliser des références. Je ne le dirais jamais assez, utiliser des références n’est pas tricher ! Des illustrateurs confirmés comme Alex Ross ont un studio où ils prennent des photos de leurs assistants, leurs amis, eux-mêmes, pour avoir une base de travail. Si tu veux dessiner un bateaux pirate, va chercher une photo de bateau pirate sur Internet. On n’est pas « un vrai artiste » parce qu’on dessine de tête ou sans gommer. 🙃
6 - Travailler régulièrement pour progresser. Je sais c'est dur de trouver du temps avec le lycée, la fac, le boulot, les transports, la vie de famille, etc...mais le mieux est d'arriver à dessiner un peu régulièrement, ça sera plus efficace que deux heures toutes les deux semaines. Les cours de géo sur les bassins sédimentaires sont faits pour ça. J'AI RIEN DIT.
7 - Ne pas se décourager. Je me répète mais les artistes étant leurs pires critiques, le chemin vers la satisfaction va être long. Tu vas commencer par copier tes artistes préférés et ta tête va exploser car un jour tes dessins vont ressembler à Mucha et le lendemain ça sera à One Piece et le jour suivant Moebius ou un web-comic coréen. C'est encore plus dur pour les artistes débutants aujourd'hui car ils sont confrontés, Tiktok après Tiktok, tableau Pinterest après tableau Pinterest, à un déluge constant d'influences, à une stimulation artistique telle qu'elle en devient inaudible pour un cerveau toujours plus sollicité. Savoir ce qu'on veut, se concentrer, construire son style sans se perdre est, je pense, un des grands défis des artistes débutants en 2024.
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C'était joliment dit. Merci d'avoir suivi Ce soir ou jamais, on se retrouve demain soir.
Il va surtout falloir que tu prennes en compte en tant que débutant que quand tu vas commencer, tes progrès vont être proche de ça :
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Ils ne seront pas linéaires mais, tu progresseras. Un petit "art block" de temps en temps, du découragement, mais surtout beaucoup de joie et de satisfaction quand tu auras dessiné quelque chose qui te tiens à cœur pour la première fois, même si tu détesteras ce même dessin deux mois plus tard, c'est ça être un artiste, félicitations!
8 - Ne pas se comparer à des illustrateurs de folie. Paix à son âme mais si tu vois une vidéo du regretté Kim Jung Gi qui dessinait des fresques entières sans traits de construction, à main levée, tu vas te dire "Mais punaise, pourquoi j'essaie ?". N'y penses pas, fais ta vie, à ton rythme. Pareil avec les gens de ton âge. Ne te compare pas à un mec de 13 ans à Singapour qui dessine déjà comme un artiste confirmé. On s'en fout. C'est une exception, grand bien lui fasse, on l'embrasse, cœur sur lui, mais ce n’est pas toi. Bref, l'inspiration OUI, la comparaison NON.
9 - Prendre des cours de dessins. Être autodidacte et s’entrainer tout seul, c’est bien, mais prendre des cours si on est perdu n’est absolument pas honteux. Il y a des cours municipaux, des ateliers parfois à la mairie, à la médiathèque de ta ville, etc...Alors oui, tu vas dessiner un pot de fleurs et une pomme avec Mamie Geneviève, retraité de la Mairie de Brie-Comte-Robert mais tu vas avoir un prof qui va t'expliquer les bases si tu sens que tu ne vas pas y arriver seul.
Et, pour l'art digital/digital art, quel application utiliser ?
Moi, j'utilise Photoshop mais c'est payant (et assez cher)
Pour commencer, je te recommande d'autres applications bien moins chères comme Krita (gratuite) ou, si tu as un iPad, Procreate. C'est environ 8€ (ça a peut-être augmenté depuis le temps où je l'ai acheté) mais pour tout ce que cette appli peut faire, c'est donné. Moins connue mais également gratuite, Fire Alpaca, très honorable aussi!
Clip Studio Paint est également très bien. Tu peux l'avoir soit avec un système d'achat unique, soit un system de souscription comme tu peux le voir ici.
Voilà ! Bref, il faut s’y mettre, se lancer, dessiner n’importe quoi pour se faire la main, suivre des tutos, parce que la technique c’est important, utiliser des références et ne pas se décourager.
J’espère avoir répondu à ta question et comme disait Marie-Pierre Casey :
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"Je ne ferai pas ça tous les jours!" (même si personne ne m’a demandé de faire aussi long).
Si vous n’avez pas la réf, demandez à vos parents.
Passe un bon dimanche et courage ! On reste motivé !! 💗
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dadsbongos · 11 months ago
the end of evangelion - s.geto & s.gojo & s.ieiri
part of the jjk movie marathon event / movie selection … warnings - children being traumatized by toji, you are killed and then revived :) , plasma vessel arc spoilers, i fucking love tragic character relationships <3 word count - 3.8 K / rating - PG-13
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Satoru notices three things before him. Bangs. Mole. Bug eyes.
He doesn’t really remember their names, he supposes he probably should if he wants to seem polite.
But he wasn’t good at any of that, so he simply places his hand over his chest and proudly declares, “Gojo, Satoru, and I hope none of you think I plan on carrying the class.”
The one staring with wide, bashful eyes suddenly sours, glaring at him from beside the girl with the mole. A quiet laugh rumbles from the chest of the pretty boy with his bangs hanging over his eye. Satoru’s teacher sighs quietly before clapping him on the shoulder, the large hand heavy on his bony shoulder.
“Please, take a seat by Geto and we can begin.”
Satoru pauses, hands jammed in his pockets. His eyes are narrowed behind pitch-black, square lenses. Geto, Geto, Geto…
“Which one was that?”
The big-eyed one guffaws while the girl with the mole snorts. The both of them turn to the other boy. Ah, so it must be him, then.
“Geto, here,” the one with the bangs raises his hand, eyes straying towards the door as if he’s already prepared to bolt.
Yaga waits for Satoru to find his seat before standing in front of his four first-years. He looks out at them and sees two very different paths. One full of bountiful success; First Grade sorcerers chock-full of household names in the jujutsu world. And one of shameful failures, a crew barely able to work together long enough in the Kyoto exchange event let alone actually operate missions as a team.
Though, he watches as you and Shoko re-introduce yourselves to Satoru. The six-eyes user, surprisingly, nods along and seems to genuinely retain the information. Yaga feels hope bloom in his chest.
With such unique techniques gathered in one room, there is real potential here for a fruitful future.
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“Just one more, c’mon!” Satoru nuzzles his warm cheek between yours and Suguru’s, and begs as if he doesn’t have you both trapped beneath his arms. For such a scrawny guy, he sure does have a good grip.
“We’ve been here for hours, ‘Toru!” you whine, but your body is already completely lax against his side.
Suguru hums along to your point with a gentle nod, “Yaga-sensei still has a reservation we need to get to, Satoru.”
“Aw, let the prince have this!” Shoko, for once, sides with the wonder boy beside you. She holds up her camera and grins, “One more and then dinner!”
“Quickly, please?!” Yaga calls from over the girl’s shoulder, “If we’re late, one of you has to pay for the replacement dinner!”
“Not it!” you call at the same time Suguru purrs it. Satoru rolls his eyes, arms squeezing even tighter around both of your necks.
“As if it would’ve been anyone else.”
“Alright, smiles!” Shoko glares over the lens of her camera, lashes narrowed, despite the uptilt of her rosy lips, “And hold up the awards - Yu and I worked hard on those!”
You, Satoru, and Suguru display the thin, crinkle-edged papers with crudely drawn-on golden trim and sky blue ribbon. In large black crayon scrawls are your names over the front with ‘OFFICIAL FIRST GRADER’ below. It must’ve taken less than a minute each, but you’re already mentally plotting where exactly you want to hang yours in your dorm. Maybe you could even goad Satoru into buying you each matching frames.
“Alright, alright,” Yaga calls, checking his watch for the umpteenth time since Shoko called for another picture, “Let’s go! Goddamn!”
“Okay,” Shoko lowers the camera, flicking through the many photos she’d collected over the evening, “There may be some actual salvageable ones in here.”
“At least you can’t tell when ‘Toru blinks,” you bounce over to her side, carefully cradling the homemade paper award to your chest.
“No,” Shoko pouts suddenly, staring into the sharp glare in Satoru’s glasses, “Dammit - you can see me in those stupid shades!”
“Good!” you lean over to follow her gaze, “That way everybody who sees it will know you were here, too.”
“But I look goofy…”
Suguru towers over the brunette’s back to look at the photo, “Yeah, you do.”
“He’s right,” Satoru snickers, having not even glanced at the camera screen.
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All three Grade One Tokyo branch students sent as escorts are fatally injured. Two dead. Both later revived.
You can feel it all down your neck. Cold and prickly and squeezing. The base of your throat cinches, heart banging against every bone rung in your chest - trying desperately to free itself. Instinctively, your shoulders bunch up towards your neck; the tips of your fingers go numb, and the numbness spreads up your hands. As if your body itself is trying to shut down. Some unfair, automatic reaction in the face of a bigger predator.
Your knees buckle.
Toji has a hand on his hip, head tilting with a lazy grin, “You’re not on the list, y’know?”
You swallow thickly, eyes scrambling hurriedly over the hulking form before you. Broad shoulders and muscles, at least three times the size of your head, doused in midnight black. You think you make fists.
“You can run, kid,” Toji raises both brows high along his forehead, “If you don’t think you’ll win, you can run.”
It’s cold. So cold it burns. Your jaw clenches. Air fails to reach the hull of your lungs before it’s all punched back out.
“I do it,” Toji jerks the sword in his hand.
Snapped third blade.
Maroon handle.
It’s shiny. Blinding.
Your eyes flicker from the blade to Toji. The blade. It’s familiar. You’ve seen it in a picture. It has a name. The blade glints, sunlight sliding across the metal. Your stare shoots back up to Toji. Toji Fushiguro.
Your legs are going numb now.
Toji’s eyes glide downward, your own snapping to where he glances. Your hands are balled into fists. They’re shaking. Is it fear? Is it anger?
Or are you just tensing too harshly?
Your eyes fall past your hands. Lingering on the concrete beneath your shifting feet.
“I…” your throat tightens, choking off your words. No saliva is willing to slip down and coat the dryness, but you try again, “I won’t run…”
Toji laughs. Head thrown back. Hand still on his hip, Toji twists the blade in his grasp, nodding to himself, “Alright.”
It’s humiliating.
The way your legs tremble as you try to attack. The way your arms lock into place as you barely manage to meet Toji’s eyes.
It’s humiliating: the way you’re on your back so soon.
Toji’s eyes are still, steady in their hold on your own. However, you don’t return his simple gaze. Darting from Toji’s face to the blade above your chest to the gate Suguru and Riko had run through. The blade plunges down.
Your whole body starts to tingle. Deadening. You hear a crack right below your ear. Sunlight dancing off the sword in Toji’s big hands, it’s a lot brighter up close in your chest.
Air startles in your throat, and you cough. Crimson bubbles up with it. Somewhere in the back of your head, you know what this means. A punctured lung. Severed thoracic artery. But that isn’t your main focus.
Toji rips the sword from your chest, his palm pressing against your throat to keep your body down as he pulls the cursed tool free.
You and Shoko had to do a report on that tool back in your first year.
The Inverted Spear of Heaven. Cuts through any technique.
She’d probably laugh that you got attacked with it if she didn’t know you were dying. If she knew that she’d probably try healing you.
Toji turns his back to you, stuffing the Inverted Spear into the worm looming around his body. His hands go into his pockets. Jaw unhinging in a heavy yawn while he approaches the main chamber of Tengen’s tomb. You don’t think he hears you giggle. It probably wouldn’t matter anyway.
The blood is warm against your cheeks. Pooling beneath your head and soaking into your hair.
You giggle, remembering how childishly your stoic friend described the complicated nature of her reverse cursed technique.
How was it again?
Fwoy… then hiyo?
Your eyelids droop. Gaze unfocused on the sky.
Fwoy. Then hiyo.
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“How do you feel?” Shoko scrubs her thumb over the smooth surface of her Zippo lighter within her pocket. Her tongue dances over her bottom lip, chapped and rough. She briefly wonders where her chapstick tube is before returning to the present, “Stronger?”
Satoru snickers, an arm draped over your shoulders loosely. It feels odd, somehow an indent against the back of your uniform and yet entirely weightless. He shrugs, “Nah. I was already the strongest, anyway.”
“No more bragging,” you nudge an elbow into his side, but the hit fails to connect, “Your ego has been fed enough for tonight. Don’t you think, Suguru?”
“Hm?” the boy’s hair flutters around his shoulders, head jerking into attention. His arms are folded across his chest and it takes an awfully silent pause before he responds, “Yeah,” he steps closer, blinking up at Satoru, “No more ego-feeding, now you get to feed us, hm?”
“Fine,” Satoru groans, as if that hadn’t been the plan since you all knew he was being promoted, “We have to be quick finding a place, though,” he tugs at the collar of his uniform stiffly, “I didn’t exactly call anywhere ahead.”
“You’re Gojo, Satoru,” Shoko jams a hand in her other pocket, searching for her missing chapstick, “You’ll get us anywhere.”
“So irresponsible,” you muse.
“Well! This is my night, you know?! Why am I supposed to be the event planner?”
“Just ‘cuz Yaga-sensei isn’t here,” Suguru ‘tsk’s, waggling a finger at his friend, “For shame, Satoru.”
The overhead neons and flashing bulbs cast menacing shadows over the pale plains of Suguru’s face. Shadows falling under the bags beneath his eyes.
You contemplate asking.
You know it’ll be pointless.
“Hey, have you been okay?” you whisper against Suguru’s side. His body is warm and tense beneath his loose, hanging, boring beige shirt.
His faraway stare sparks suddenly, shortening back to where you stand beside him. He smiles down at you, it doesn’t reach his eyes so he manually crinkles them shut. He nods curtly, “Yeah…” and then nods again, “Yeah.”
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Special Grade is sent as a replacement.
“You’ll be okay,” your hands are cupped over the searing, jagged incision in Kento’s stomach, blood pooling around your fingers and knuckles, “You’ll be okay, right?”
Kento can’t hear you very well, just the bland rolls of your voice. Crackling and raspy from the pressure of screaming.
“Oh, God, Shoko- “ you look around the morgue, trying desperately to unlock that flame from last month. The one you harnessed to save yourself, now desperate to save your friend, “Haibara… God, oh God,” you want to reach out and cradle the other boy, “Nanami, please don’t die.”
The blond blinks up at you, and you’re not even sure he understood your weak plea.
You need to keep your hands on Kento’s wound, but you want to take Yu into your arms. If there is any chance that he could still be living, you want his last moments to be warm and loving. Yu is not someone that should die, but if he has to - it should be kindly. And this was not kindly.
“I’m here!” Shoko barges into the cold morgue, skin bristling with the chilled air. The metal door clangs loudly against the wall, her body moves swiftly through the area as if she’s done this countless times. She almost crashes into the steel table that Yu rests on, “I’m here, I’m here, I’m here…” she lays her hands on his cheeks, wiping at the blood splattered up his neck and chin, “I’m here…”
She cannot bring herself to look down at where the cloth over his body suddenly dips.
“Shoko,” your arms shake, “Shoko, you need to take care of Nanami.”
Her shoulders are tensed up to her bobbed hair. She steps back from Yu and joins your side at Kento’s body. Her hands overtake yours and you withdraw. The blood flows down your fingers and drips onto the floor.
“You,” Shoko whispers, shoulders still high, “Thank you.”
“I could only keep him alive,” you’re not nearly as adept at reverse cursed energy as Shoko, but you hope it was enough to at least save one friend tonight.
“Thank you,” she whispers, staring at Yu’s bisected corpse.
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Satoru and Shoko are on opposite sides of Japan. Satoru is in Osaka, and Shoko is in Yamagata. Yaga-sensei is in Kyoto for the next week. You and Suguru are in Tokyo. You clasp his hand in yours.
“I’m really proud of you.”
Suguru brings you closer, his hand is warm. And large, “You’re Special Grade, too.”
“But I’m proud of you.”
He can still remember you as you were brought to him by Satoru. Blood drying and muddying in the weeds of your hair to your skull, crimson dyeing the cracks in your lips. Chest still and unbeating. No warmth in your veins. You would soon be ice cold.
You could have been.
And then you coughed and sputtered and shot up in Satoru’s arms, throwing him entirely off balance. The both of you had fallen over and you were the only one laughing it off.
You haven’t laughed like that since it sunk in what the darkness you saw before waking up was.
He remembers the anger he felt when he wasn’t able to maim Toji himself. The anger he felt over Toji being allowed to live into adulthood at all. That he could breed and eat and love like he was some kind of person. He should be dumb and drooling and helpless under Suguru’s palm like any other wild animal. That anger was so palpable that he couldn’t sleep for the next two days.
Then there was the mourning.
He never wants to see you like that again. Not to a bare-fisted, feral monkey. And not to a curse.
He’s sick at the thought.
“I’m proud of you, too,” he squeezes your hand. The lights of Tokyo continue to do his gaunt face no justice. Pale skin stretched over aching bone. He smiles, and he does not bother trying to make his eyes squint up.
He wishes that you being a fellow Special Grade could ease his worries. But even as you walk hand-in-hand back to the dorms, that image of you - still and cold - refuses to go down.
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“I just want you to hear it from me. I know what I’ve done. I’m in my right mind. I just couldn’t let them… this village was full of non-sorcerers who tortured two girls with cursed energy. I have to make this world better for… I can’t sit back and let them form curses and kill us off. I can’t let a corrupt world continue to cut away at everyone I love. Do with this as you will, I won’t be mad if it becomes evidence against me. Just… don’t show Satoru. If I can keep some sort of reputation with him, then for now I’d like to. But I don’t regret it. I just regret not being able to say this in person.”
You play the voicemail again.
And again.
And again.
And you don’t show Satoru. Or Yaga. Or Gakuganji.
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It was a simple job. Get in. Exorcize a curse from a dead-end 9-5 office. Get out. You and Satoru were quick enough - got in and exorcized the curse in the dead-end 9-5 office - and now to get out.
You watch your janky, funhouse reflection in the steel elevator doors. It’s a blurry and stretched thing, but it’s you. You look up and watch the floors tick, tick, tick down.
Satoru is leaning against the wall to your right, his left leg is bent out with his shoe jammed rudely against the wall. His eyes pierce the back of your head. He can’t tell if you’re intentionally ignoring him or just that dense; either way, he hates it.
He scoffs, “I don’t get it.”
“Get what, Satoru?”
Satoru folds his arms - he can't pinpoint it, but these days you make him sick - “He just left. Like it was that easy. Like…”
He wants to see you react. He wants to watch you clench your fists and bow your head, but you don’t. Instead, you say, “It was that easy for him. He hated how the school does things, so he left. He hated that village, so he got rid of it.”
Kicking himself off the wall, Satoru throws his arms out for emphasis. Too bad you’re still staring at that damn floor counter, “So just picking up and leaving us was that easy? He could’ve called us! He could’ve said how he was feeling!”
You swallow thickly, heat clings to the back of your neck.
“But he didn’t,” your hands are limp at your sides, voice shallow, “Trying to find purpose in things you’ll never know the answer to will drive you insane. He left - he isn’t coming back. And if he does, it’ll be to die.”
“We could’ve done something!” Satoru’s voice cracks in the middle, his nails stabbing into his palms.
“But we didn’t. And now we can’t.”
“Why aren’t you angry?!” he shoves you from behind. His hands are neither hot nor cold. Not soft or rough. The space of his infinity doesn’t feel like anything even though it still stubs against your uniform, “Dammit, don’t you care?!”
You stumble from the force of his push, quickly regaining balance and turning to look at Satoru. Your brows crinkle just slightly, lips tugging down at the corners, “Trying to find answers for something you’ll never know will drive you crazy. It’s best to just let it go.”
There’s a flame behind those crystalline eyes, his fists dig into his thighs, “How can you do that?”
“What? Move on?”
“Not care.”
“I care.”
“You don’t,” his throat bobs, white eyelashes batting shut and chin tucking down to his chest. His voice wavers, “Suguru was the only other person that could understand my every thought. He wasn’t someone you could find just anywhere. He was someone I couldn’t imagine going a day without, and now every day is one without him. He never told us what was going on, and he left without so much as a goodbye. And you don’t care! Why don’t you care?!”
“Suguru had his reasons,” you reach out, fingers brushing against the sheer nothingness of his infinity and entwining your hand with his. It isn’t hot or cold. Just imperceivable space between your palms, “I’ll never know them, not like he did. So I can’t waste my time pretending that one day I will. It hurts that he’s gone, and I wish I could’ve done more. But I didn’t. And I can’t. Suguru isn’t coming back, and if he does it’s to die,” you lean down to try and catch Satoru’s eyes through the pitch-black shades of his glasses, “We might even have to be the ones that kill him. I’m letting it go before I go crazy.”
“You already are,” he sniffs, “That’s why you don’t cry when your friend goes off to die.”
“And you’re too obsessive over it,” you release his hand, winding your grip into the front of Satoru’s uniform and yanking him close, “That’s why you’re so blinded by Suguru leaving that you can’t see me and Shoko still on the sidelines. Have you even asked how Shoko is?”
Satoru snatches your wrist. The pressure is intense and unmistakably inhuman, “Let go of me.”
“Or what?”
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Despite not being too far from the colored flushes of busy Shibuya in Tokyo, Jujutsu Tech has a grandiose view of the stars. Especially if you sneak up onto the roof of the dorms, edging slightly past the lower hanging trees. You can stare up at the endless void of space and get an eyeful of the stars blinking down at you without having to squint through gaps in leaves. You can sit quietly and feel the gentle breeze caress over your exposed skin. And you could pretend you are alone until the creaking of a second pair of feet echoes behind you.
There’s no need to turn, having already known who the second pair of skittish feet belong to. And knowing that, means knowing what you want to say first,
“I don’t know how to do this for the rest of my life.”
“You don’t have to. Sorcerers don’t usually live long enough for it to matter.”
“It should matter!” Satoru snaps, he glares at you sharply, “I should’ve been able to be a kid! We should’ve been able to be kids!”
You sigh quietly, looking off to the side, afraid that staring too deeply into Satoru’s uncovered eyes may have the same effect as the sun, “The life of a sorcerer is pointless. An under-manned army that gets no thanks. You can accept that and come back, or don’t. Don’t, and go live a more fulfilling life, knowing that you are the strongest and knowing that you made a choice unlike any other sorcerer before you. But someone else will have to take your place.”
Satoru blinks up at you slowly. His long white lashes frame his eyes, his cheeks are sunken and thin. Eggshell, almost, in color. His chest rises, a loud inhale flowing with the movement before he blows it out just as noisily, “That’s bleak.”
“You sound like you’re guilt-tripping me.”
“Maybe a little.”
Because maybe you are. But you mean every word you say.
Satoru can make any decision he wants, but he will have to wake up knowing there are many lives he could’ve saved. And he’ll pretend it doesn’t haunt him the same way Suguru tried to. And he will fail the same way Suguru did.
“Whatever you pick, just remember that Shoko and I are still your friends,” you sit beside him and lean into his side, “We were friends with Sugu’, too.”
“I know. It’s just hard.”
His skin is warm and flush against yours. His head leans onto yours. Hair soft and tickling your forehead.
“Then let it be hard, but don’t pretend you’re all alone.”
And Satoru can’t very well leave you and Shoko and Kento to die as the only remaining students at Jujutsu Tech, so he will return and doom himself to the life of a sorcerer. And he will kill Suguru so that you do not have to.
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sigridstumb · 8 months ago
Macaroni Art
I have NRE with the makerspace I joined.
One of the things I am working on is attempting to become familiar with the physicality of blacksmithing. Just, you know, getting the hammer to hit the piece of mild steel and not the anvil, that sort of thing.
Yesterday when I was there, practicing, a guy asked if I wanted some advice. I gratefully and enthusiastically assented. He gave me information I VERY much wanted, about posture and how to minimize one's chance of repetitive stress injuries or throwing one's back out. I'm in my 50s, this is the kind of tip I want!
So yesterday I took a 3/8" wide square bar and made 4" of it into a flat sheet. I'm very pleased with myself!
I call these efforts macaroni art, in a callback to the preschool and kindergarten art many of us made and then later in life received. Said art may not have always involved literal dried noodles, but it often did. This is the art of someone who is learning the physical effort, skill, and technique of applying glue, of using crayons, of selecting colors. It's an age of experimentation.
That's what I am doing. Macaroni art. I am faffing about in the enjoyment of learning a new thing. Of course it's not more polished, more refined! Of course my wood joints show! Of course things are lumpy and uneven! That's the POINT of this whole endeavor for me -- to try new things, to expand my physical skills, to embrace my specific creativity.
Macaroni Art.
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Image description: A white kitchen counter with work gloves and ear protection in the background. In the foreground site a thin square bar of steel. One end is flattened. A hand rests next to the bar, for scale, showing that the flat part in about four inches long.
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ascle · 2 months ago
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La rentrée
La semaine dernière c'était la rentrée pour les écoles au Québec. Bien que ces années soient loin derrière moi, je pense qu'un petit tour dans nos écoles est essentiel pour bien comprendre la société.
Le système d'éducation québécois est différent de celui en France, mais pas que! En effet, l'éducation étant un champ de compétence provinciale, chaque province est maître dans ses écoles. Vous trouverez donc des variantes d'une province à l'autre.
C'est la loi!
Au Québec, tous les enfants dès l'âge de 6 et jusqu'à 16 ans doivent aller à l'école. C'est la loi. La chronologie académique se divise en plusieurs paliés et chacun de ces paliés est divisés en 2 sessions (automne, de fin août à fin décembre et hiver, de janvier à mai/juin):
-> Pré-Scolaire
Dès l'âge de 5 ans les enfants sont invités à fréquenter la maternelle. Sans être obligatoire, 98% des enfants s'y retrouvent chaque année. Le gouvernement tente depuis quelques années d'offrir la maternelle à partir de l'âge de 4 ans, mais le manque de ressource retarde le projet.
-> Le Primaire
Entre 6 et 12 ans, les élèves fréquentent le premier cycle d'éducation: le primaire. Les élèves restent dans le même groupe toute l'année et un professeur enseigne toutes les matières à quelques exceptions près (éducation physique (sport) ou musique par exemple).
-> Le Secondaire
Entre l'âge de 13 à 17 ans, c'est au secondaire que les enfants terminent l'enseignement obligatoire et général. À la fin de leur secondaire 5, un diplôme d'études secondaire (DES) est remis à ceux qui ont réussi à avoir plus de 60% dans chacune des matières obligatoires. Ce diplôme sert de tremplin afin d'accéder aux études supérieurs. Chaque matière est enseignée par un professeur spécialisé et pour certaines matières le groupe peut être divisé en fonction des matières (chimie, physique, mathématiques ou anglais sont des matières qui sont offertes en niveaux plus avancés pour certains élèves)
À partir du secondaire 3, certains élèves peuvent prendre une autre branche du cursus scolaire régulier et se diriger vers les études professionnelles. Les matières plus "traditionnelles" sont alors abandonnées au profit de l'apprentissage d'un métier. À la fin, l'élève se fera remettre un diplôme d'études professionnelles (DEP) qui le mènera sur le marché du travail.
Acronyme de "collège d'enseignement général et professionnel", il s'agit du premier palié des études supérieures. Il se divise en 2 groupes: le cursus technique qui dure 3 ans et qui, un peu comme pour le DEP mène au marché du travail en apprenant un métier en plus des matières de bases obligatoires et le cursus régulier (2 ans) qui mène à l'université. Dans chacun des cas les jeunes ressortent avec un diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC).
Le CEGEP n'existe qu'au Québec et, si mes informations sont exactes, correspondrait (plus ou moins) au BAC en France.
-> L'Université
Dernier palié d'étude au Québec. Il se divise en 3 niveaux: le baccalauréat (bac), la maitrise et le doctorat. Le nombre d'années peut varier en fonction du cursus choisi.
Lexique scolaire
Abreuvoir: fontaine pour boire de l'eau que l'on retrouve dans les écoles et autres lieux publics.
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Bal de finissants: fêtes organisées par les étudiants (et l'école) pour célébrer la fin de leur études secondaires. De plus en plus, ce bal est aussi organisé pour le premier cycle, soit le primaire.
Brocheuse: agrafeuse. Dans laquelle au Québec nous mettons des broches pour brocher mes feuilles et en France vous mettez des agrafes pour agrafer vos feuilles 😋
Cahier Canada: Petit cahier comportant des lignes pleines seulement, celui-ci ne comporte PAS de lignes pointillées.
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Cafétéria: Endroit où les élèves vont prendre leur repas
Cartable: classeur à anneaux
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Couler: Rater, manquer, échouer (un cour, un examen, une session). Se dit aussi "pocher".
Crayon de plomb ou crayon à mine: crayon à papier
Duo-tang: classeur à attaches
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Efface: gomme
Élève: Personne qui fréquente les 2 premiers cycles, c'est-à-dire: primaire et secondaire
Espadrilles: chaussure de sport, basket, tennis
Étudiant: Personne qui fréquente un établissement d'études supérieures (CEGEP, université)
Etui à crayons: trousse, coffre
Feuille de cartable: feuille mobile
Foxer: Faire l'école buissonnière, ne pas aller à ses cours.
Gymnase: Endroit où les cours d'éducation physique (sport) sont donnés.
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Maitresse d'école: synonyme d'enseignante, de professeure. Ne s'utilise presque plus.
Papier collant: ruban adhésif. Se dit aussi Scotch tape (le nom d'une marque)
Polyvalente: établissement d'études secondaires.
Pousse-mine: Porte-mine
Sac d'école/sac à dos/pack sack: cartable
Je souhaite à tous une bonne rentrée! Tant aux petits qui vont retrouver leurs camarades, qu’à leurs parents qui vont avoir la sainte paix 8h par jour 🤣.
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dat-soldier · 2 years ago
Hi, how long have you been doing art stuffs?
Uhh much like every one they gave me crayons and pencils as a toddler to help me develop motor and grip strength, and it's kinda up to you to decide if you want to stop doodling but i just didnt.
My parents saw that it was like my main thing AND that i wasnt amazing at it so they kept pushing for me to get better with like. store bought art packages and art books that were more suited to pre-school when i was about to enter high school. Their heart was in the right place.
In high school I realized Hey if I do art as my main thing it may help if I stop being real bad at it, so I pushed my graphite technique and did studies and such. Parents were very impressed.
Then I went to college in art because well everyone I knew kinda told me to. Made me realize my stuff wasn't all that still, and the thing with art school is that the teachers dont really help you if you suck ass? They will gravitate towards to students who are already good and whose stuff is a lot more interesting because its a lot more engaging to them, so you kinda make a little gang of other students who suck ass and are ignored by the teacher.
Anyway I graduated with nothing really useful out of it, other than a pretty good computer and a partner who would turn out to Also be transgender like me 10 years down the line.
So now I was in the Real World with an art style that was by all means Okay but not that remarkable, and I had to start taking commissions, because my parents got pissed at me when they learned i just got hired to a grocery store to stack cans after 3 years of getting burned out of art. So I just kinda hoped people would dig my art style. And they did, and I coasted off that for a good amount of years.
Then lately, I just started realizing that while I was bringing food to the table, I really found my artstyle pretty damn Mid so I started trying to push my technique and trying to take it seriously and experiment. Not that I really need to, but it was kinda driving me insane to look at what I was making.
So uh to answer the question, kinda since forever (30+ years), with varying levels of taking it seriously.
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dynasoar5 · 2 years ago
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was doing a study zoomed out with a conte brush that has a lot of noise in it, when i zoomed back in i liked how it looked
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mithclearwell · 1 year ago
Just out of curiouse, do you have any tips for beginner artists? I would really appreciate one
Of course! ^-^ I'm more than happy to help!
Let's see...without the ability to have a conversation, I'm not sure where exactly you are in skill level, so I guess I'll start with some basic quality-of-life tips.
You don't have to go to college to get good at art. I didn't go to art school!
Watch youtube videos from good artists, or those you admire!
What kind of art do you ultimately want to produce? This isn't an instance of "I can only pick one thing", it's more like...each type of art requires different skills, and if you know ahead of time what you want to do FIRST, you can narrow down what you have to learn.
learn proper sketching and use of circles and other shapes to build the figure, don't just jump in making the final lines right away! It's not a "cheat", it's proper technique. It's "caring about your work".
Same for references. Google up some images of what you want to draw and look at them while you draw your own picture. It's not only okay, it's what professionals do. You need to train your EYE as well as your hand.
It's okay to mimic styles you like! But be aware that each artist may stretch or squish or exaggerate proportions to fit what they personally like to see. This is why it's IMPERATIVE that you learn realism alongside any manga style you want to try. Once you learn where the eyes sit on the face, the different facial planes and what bones they relate to, and different sizes and builds for the face, you can then manga them up to any style you want!
For real paper:
Use a protector sheet, or wear a glove on your drawing hand. You want to make sure you don't get graphite or colored pencil on the side of your hand, and then smear it on your drawing. Placing a piece of paper under your hand will protect your work!
Don't touch your art with your fingertips. Fingertips have oil and gunk on them, and will smudge your drawing. (If you're working with charcoal, this could work to your advantage! But you're probably not using charcoal. It's messy and usually limited to college art students.)
Get the right tools! You can buy a small eraser set in the art section of Wal-Mart for like $3 -- it has a polymer eraser, a smaller white eraser, and the all-important KNEADED ERASER. This thing can be squished and torn apart and it'll pick up graphite like a champ! Do not bother with hard pink erasers, they're trash.
You don't need special paper to learn. I used to draw on the backs of my dad's extra math photocopy papers. Copy paper is smooth and not too fussy and I like it. "Sketch pads" usually have a rougher grain, and I hate the way the paper feels. Also there's a lot of ugly white spots when you try to shade or use colored pencils. Only use that if you're keeping a cute little book or using pastel crayons or something (or it's all you have). Don't fuss over it too much while you're learning. It won't make much difference until you're ready to specialize!
Blending stumps are cool and even pros use them.
Get a small electric pencil sharpener. They're less than $10 at places like Dollar General, and those stores are literally everywhere.
If you get a manual sharpener in an "art set", that's fine, too, but it hurts my hand to do it manually. I like the ones that have little covers.
It DOES matter what kind of ink pen you use. Gel pens will smear. Most markers are washable, and you better believe they will run at the first hint of moisture. India Ink also smears and runs with water. I recommend Sakura Micron pens, Zig Mangaka pens, or my favorite --- the Kuretaki Bimoji felt tip brush pen. You can get all that on Amazon, and it's like $6. I got the superfine tip.
If you don't plan to color it, you CAN draw with a ball point pen and it'll look just fine.
Do a tiny little water streak test with any markers you plan to use with watercolor. Just brush a tiny bit of water over the mark after it's dry to see if it bleeds. I use that bleed to my advantage sometimes, but you just gotta be aware of what's what.
You can buy a small, cheap tablet from HUION for less than $40. MAKE THE INVESTMENT. IT'S WORTH IT.
Clip Studio Paint is EXCELLENT. Well worth the $50-$60 price tag. I think you can try it before you buy it, too. It gives you access to the Asset Store -- which is the single greatest artistic sharing tool I have EVER seen, and I've used SAI for ...probably a decade... I've used dozens of custom brushes and even made my own, and I just can't even believe what is available with CSP. Do yourself a favor and get it.
"But I can't use a tablet! I can't look at a screen while I draw!" Yes you can. YES you can. Yes you can, if you'll just try it. "but I tried once and it didn't work" Well YEAH, if you only tried a handful of times, OF COURSE it didn't work. Do you know what practice is? HUION screen tablets are over $300!!!!! Do you have that kind of disposable income lyin around? (plz donate some to me if you do lololjk =u=; )
Start saving a folder full of refs.
Ask people to tell you what to draw. Let them request something for free. This makes you draw things you wouldn't normally draw, and there is INCREDIBLE value in stepping outside of your comfort zone. You will level up in no time.
Whew...that covers most of the basics, I think. If you have something specific you want me to go into more detail on, please let me know! I love helping ;w;
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k00325944 · 1 month ago
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Week 3 LSAD 04/10/2024. Brief 2 "Assemble"
In my experimental session of kitchen litho with Fiona on Friday, I got to try new techniques. Kitchen litho is an easy and eco-friendly way to do printmaking using everyday kitchen materials. I used aluminum foil as the plate, and instead of chemicals, I used Coca-Cola. I drew on the foil with a wax crayon, then etched it to fix the drawing.
"À la poupée" is another technique I explored. It’s a way to add different colors to a single plate. I used small cloths to carefully apply different inks to specific areas of the plate, so the print comes out multicolored in one go. To remove excess ink I used toothpaste and a rag.
My experiment with small details made by 9B and 6B pencils, ink with white spirit, oil-based fat pencil was unsuccessful (blue ink print and foil on my second page)
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warmmilku · 9 months ago
Hello, I'm Ash. I'm 17 (little age 2-7) and have been age regressing off and on for about 4 years now.
Id say I have a lot more Geer than average for a closet little that lives with my parents. And my mom knows I have it all.
Gear list bc I'm proud of my lil collection: ((Coloring books, Crayons, Build-a-Bears/Stuffies/Bluey plushies, Sippys, a Lovey, a Rattle, a Teether (i have braces and my excuse was that it was like an oral ice pack if i froze it), Bath toys, and more that I cant think of.))
My question however is, how can you beat regression block? Even tho i have a crap load of Geer I feel like I've been age dreaming more than actually regressing. I used to be able to get super little with my old CG but he was toxic
1. Try Different Regression Techniques: Experiment with various regression techniques such as guided imagery, hypnosis, or relaxation exercises. Explore what works best for you and incorporate it into your regression practice.
2. Seek Inspiration: Read books, watch videos, or listen to podcasts about regression therapy to gain new insights and ideas. Engage with online communities or attend workshops where you can learn from others' experiences and techniques.
3. Set Specific Goals: Break down your regression goals into smaller, manageable steps. Set specific objectives for each session, such as exploring a particular memory or emotion, and celebrate your progress along the way.
4. Practice Self-Care: Take care of your physical and mental well-being by practicing self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature. Ensuring that you're in a positive and relaxed state can enhance your regression experience.
5. Address Past Trauma: If your regression block is related to past experiences with toxic individuals, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor. Processing and healing from past trauma can help alleviate emotional barriers and enhance your ability to regress effectively.
6. Create a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with supportive and understanding individuals who encourage your regression journey. Share your experiences and challenges with trusted friends or family members who can offer encouragement and perspective.
7. Stay Patient and Persistent: Overcoming regression block may take time and persistence. Be patient with yourself and trust in your ability to progress. Remember that setbacks are a natural part of the learning process, and each session offers an opportunity for growth and exploration.
By incorporating these strategies into your regression practice, you can overcome blockages and continue to deepen your exploration of past experiences and emotions.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year ago
i like ranting about my own works, so have a bunch of little details about the universe of how to not die young, basically just some small little canon things i like (some may be written & some i might not get to adding,) (psa, some are silly & happy and some are very much not,) (another psa, there is no major spoilers in these,)
middle school James had a baby mustache that he insisted he'd grow out but he eventually shaved it off because he hated the sensory of it
Sirius and Mary used to date, but they split up when they both realized how gay they are (now theyre just very good friends)
Lily and Remus met because Lily used to be the librarian's assistant and he kept hiding in there, (he also had a shit ton of overdue books)
Remus' mom has a degree in english literature, but right now she works for tech support at an old person's home
Remus has never gone trick or treating
Regulus was a biter as a child, Sirius has a scar to prove it
Marlene tries really hard to impress Dorcas but fucks it up everytime by either tripping over her own feet or saying the wrong thing, (Dorcas thinks its cute)
Barty has eaten a bar of soap before
Evan knows Monty because he works as the secretary at his doctors office,
Barty has never met any of his grandparents because his parents never bothered introducing him,
Remus can handle any other kind of 'after fight reactions' besides the silent treatment/being ignored, it makes him severely anxious (*cough* trauma *cough*)
Barty has never watched spongebob,
alternatively, Evan was a spongebob lover as a child
Pandora once tried to see how many crayons she could stick up Evan's nose while he was sleeping, he didn't wake for like twenty minutes, the answer is 17
James absolutely loves children
Dorcas and Barty have spa nights
Regulus is observant as fuck, and knows things before people tells him all the time, it freaks people out
Regulus steals things from Sirius constantly because it's funny,
Barty almost died as a kid because he choked on a coin (he was 13)
Remus is a shit chef, he only knows boxed mac and cheese and ramen
Sirius fucking loves baking,
all of the marauders signed Sirius' arm cast with their nicknames,
James has dyslexia
and Remus has dyscalculia (hes me fr)
Remus is very expressive, like you always know what he's thinking,
Regulus burned one of his bras in a trash can after Sirius let him smoke one time
Peter ate an entire block of cheese on a dare
Mary practices her makeup on Peter
Sybil does palm readings for Peter, he's a very supportive bf
Remus bites Sirius a lot
Marlene punched a teacher in the face on accident before,
Minnie & Poppy are married <3
Barty only has Remus' number to send him the most atrocious takes he has at like three in the morning - Remus leaves him on read frequently
Sybil and Pandora are fairly good friends
Pandora and Evan had a Wii U as kids and Evan was the fucking best at Wii bowling, you have no idea, (he has his own technique, he calls it 'the Evan Method')
Pandora likes eating pomegranates and then going up to Evan and smiling at him with red stained teeth, he screams like a little girl everytime
James has always wanted a little sibling
James' parents don't know he has anxiety problems because he just stuffs it down so much
Sirius eats dandelions, for some fucking reason, he's just weird
Regulus used to have dinner alone some nights because he'd skip dinner with the family to avoid the constant loudness and bickering, sometimes he'd make something for himself, sometimes Kreacher would make something for him and sit with him
Regulus tells Sirius whenever his boobs hurt because it makes Sirius gag
James and Remus are the ultimate people pleasers
anyways, thats all, maybe ill make more, i have sm brainrot for this fic, theyre all my children
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jiminrings · 3 months ago
HANNAH!! the closure scene between oc & sora literally reminded me of the quote "i'm a mosaic of everyone i've ever loved, even for a heartbeat" 🥺 truly beautiful to see her grasp that concept from jungkook's perspective there.
and oh boy, jungkook whispering into oc's ear to get her friend on a leash? hehe, oddly hot for that moment. however, i don't feel much for yoongi here, he's had his revenges ☝🏻😩 i mean i do understand his feelings and hope that homeboy finds his one true ending, BUT I REFUSE TO EMPATHIZE WITH HIM !! NO THROUPLING OR MESSING HERE !!
incredibly comforting 🥹 easy to imagine. from hwayoung's little bowl that prompted the idea of babymaking to hwayoung sleeping between the two with her hair tangled and crayon discarded ; we came a long way. AND SHE HAS HER MAMA'S HABIT OF STEALING SHIRTS! NOT TO MENTION, JUNGKOOK WEARING HER SHIRTS TOO!!HAHA IDK FOR SOME REASON JK SEEMS LIKE A Y/N TO ME IN THIS STORY LOL THE ANGST AND DRAMA THAT QUITE REALISTICALLY FOLLOW HIM AROUND R FUN 😈
best jk series for me fr 😔 with the right amount of detailing that i love. the analogies, metaphors, and the overall narration—perfect. 🎐🦭
THANK YOU, HANNAH. 478 never gives off the feeling of ending. it's a lore and continuation—just like their mundane life, and their breathing technique. a constant with ups and downs; we keep up.
FIRST OF ALL LOVE YEW!!!!! thank u for being here w me <3 i really reallyyyy wanted to give the 478 couple their closures w their almost-forevers n i'm so so glad u loved that scene!!! yoongi is just as undeniable from Happening in oc's life in the same way that sora is in junngkook's 💔💔 thank u so so much for loving 478 bae i will forever reread ur ask omg u are so so sweet n i do Not deserve you . MWAH!!!!!
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alyssafedrau · 11 months ago
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Conceptual Goals: For this first one, for myself, I first spent the time to do an ombre purple background. Most of it is covered, but you can sort of still tell that it was ombre! I then put a picture in the center of my best friend Cearra and I. This is one of my favorite pictures of us and I have it up in my room, so I thought it was the perfect choice! Next, I decided to split the rest of the sections into four. I used things you taught from throughout the semester.
Aesthetic Goals: At the top is a "still life" drawing of an otter, my favorite animal, in sharpie medium. On the left I did the "care free" lines and dots that you and I discussed I try. The right has the "abstract" work we did in the beginning of the semester. And lastly, on the bottom I worked on the collaging methods. I collaged some of my favorite candies:)
Course Inspiration: You were the influence to my piece, since I used tools from throughout the semester and tried to continue with the care free technique that we discussed throughout the semester!
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Conceptual Goals: This next piece was for my mom, who influenced my decision to come to Bonas. She is an alumni from 1988 and lived in Devereux Hall 3 years, freshman-junior years! She met all of her best friends in Dev, and to this day says it holds the best memories. I wanted to make this for her because she was my influence to come here. Not only that but I met two of my three roommates in Dev, just like my mom did. And Saint Bonaventure has so far been the best three years of my life, and I want to continue making these amazing memories!
Aesthetic Goals: This picture is meant to be a more colorful depiction of the Dev archway. At the end of the "tunnel" is some crayon to change up the medium! I used a Bonaventure magazine (we had previously used magazine clippings for assignments, so my inspiration was from those!) to put images on there that I thought represented this piece well. The background is green since everything in Dev is green!
Course Inspiration: I used paint, crayon, collaging, and sharpie to complete this assignment. This one again was inspired by our discussions on getting me to let loose with my work. I also used some more dots with paint and q-tips like I had previously done in an assignment to improve on my care free work:)
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