ramzawrites · 2 years
Our Secret - 2k12!Donnie x Reader
Pairings: Donatello/Reader
Characters included: Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, April, Casey
Warnings: n/a
Series: No
Summary: Donnie and Y/N have been dating for a while now. Vowing to keep it secret since their friends were honestly horrible when it came to teasing when someone had a crush. The teasing if they found out that they were dating? The two were sure it would be even more ruthless. Yeah, they were okay with this. Surely, there can’t be an accident just waiting to happen that would expose them.
Word count: 4402
Authors Note: My adhd is going wild so I apologize if there are a lot of mistakes, I’ll look over it more tomorrow
Request: hiiiii!!! I  REALLLYYY love your  writing style, and I was wondering if you could do a 2012 Donnie x (fem) reader who are in a secret relationship but get exposed accidentally by one of the others! (I think it would be hilarious XD) -🕺🏻anon 
There was a slight pep in Y/N’s step as she made her way through the abandoned subway system. It was a familiar journey. So familiar actually that she was almost sure she could find her way without looking. Not that she would try that though. There was still a chance she would get lost and honestly, she didn’t want to go through the whole spiel of calling the mutant turtle brothers to tell them that she managed to get lost in the old subway system because she wanted to see if she could make the journey with closed eyes.
No, she didn’t want to be a bigger burden than she already was. Y/N wasn’t a fighter like them, April or even Casey. The only way she really helped them was that she used the fact that she is a normal human who could walk around and get the things the Hamato family needed.
Well, okay maybe she was selling herself a bit short. There have been times where she helped outside of this since she was actually a pretty good programmer. It was a hobby she worked on basically ever since she could use a keyboard.
When she began hanging out with the turtles, she would usually be found inside Donnie’s lab with him talking about some new algorithm, programming work or the like. It was to be expected that when Y/N joined their little band that Donnie would start hogging her attention seeing how he rarely got a chance to talk shop. Sure, the others listened, kind of, but Y/N could actually give feedback at some points. He could actually bounce ideas off of her and brainstorm some possible solutions.
In fact, the reason why she was making her way to the lair of the little ninja clan was because she wanted to show Donnie her code she has been working on. Well, it started as her code but at this point it had been a project the two have been working on together whenever possible. It was essentially a translator program for the Krang language. It was a bit more complicated than a simple translator since the Krang language was so very much different from what they knew, and this was supposed to help with reprogramming Krang tech but that’s details.
At the lair Y/N could already spot Mikey, Raph, Donnie, and April sitting in front of the TV watching some old cartoon movie.
“Hey guys! Not a lot going on today?” she nodded towards the TV as she walked up to them, trying to see what they were watching.
April was the first to react and got up from the couch, squeezing Y/N in a short hug as a greeting “Oh, Y/N! What’s up? We are just kind of doing nothing. Not much to do.” Her eyes meeting Y/N’s with a big and happy smile.
April has become a really good friend over time, the two bonded pretty fast seeing how they were the only two girls in this group. When the boys were off doing their own things April and Y/N began to hang out and have their own fun. She can’t really recall how it started but the two started to bake together when the time allowed it. They were definitely not amazing, and it was kind of more fun to make really ugly cakes that they would bring over to the boys for them to judge.
Y/N chuckled “Wow, sounds exciting.” She took a step to the side so she could take a look at the other three. Raph just gave her a short wave as a greeting.
Mikey had his typical wide smile on “Wanna join?”
And Donnie just had a soft smile on his lips as he gave a quick wave as well. When Y/N returned his wave with her own his smile widened into a toothy grin.
“I mean, maybe? I just came over because I wanted to show Donnie something and get his input on my code.” Y/N moved her backpack to her front and looked through it only to pull a hard drive out of it.
This made Donnie jump up from the couch “Oh! Really? I wanna see it! Let’s go!”
“Nerds!” Raph snorted out as he saw how eagerly Donnie walked over to Y/N to usher her back to his lab.
Y/N stuck her tongue out “You are just jealous that we are smarter than you.”
Raph rolled his eyes “That was a weak comeback, Y/N.”
“And yet you don’t deny it.”
But before Raph could say anything more Donnie laid his hand on Y/N’s shoulder to forcefully make her move towards his lab. He tried to just quietly move along but she could see him smile. To everyone else it was just him being amused at the banter, but Y/N was sure she could spot a bit of pride.
It was probably because she openly admitted to being smart since she usually refused to do so, even if it was in a joking manner. Mostly because she didn’t really believe it. Her knowledge with tech was just from a lot of experience. Donnie would always refute that though, saying that he did the same. She believed that he was really smart which also stemmed from the fact that he began learning about technology and more ever since he could read and do so. Besides she could keep up with him! She might not know a lot about biology but when Donnie explained things to her, she would usually understand it easily and even recall the information every time. So in a sense both were the same and since she agreed that he was smart it also meant that she had to be smart.
Inside the lab Donnie made sure to close the door so the others in the lair couldn’t interrupt. As he did so, both seemingly let out a breath that they were holding in.
Y/N immediately slid her backpack off and placed it next to Donnie’s desk.
“So, uh, you wanted to show me your code?” Donnie asked, he had a bit of self-assured grin on his face but the way he played with his own hands spelled nervousness.
“That, but also,” she stepped closer to Donnie, moving up to give his cheek a little kiss “I wanted to see you, of course.”
At that Donnie had to chuckle, he placed his hands on the sides of her face, his thumbs slowly running along her cheeks as he softly pressed his lips against hers.
“I literally snuck out yesterday to visit you.”
Still in Donnie’s arms Y/N pouted “Yeah you were at my place only for like five minutes. Can you fault me for wanting to spend more time with my boyfriend?”
His blush deepened, an embarrassed giggle escaped him “I love that word.”
“Well lucky you then because as it stands that’s what you are. You are my boyfriend. I am your girlfriend and I love you so much.”
And there it was. That dopey grin on his face that showed off his adorable tooth gap. His face ablaze as Donnie.exe stopped working. He only managed to whisper a shaky “I love you too.”
Y/N laughed, pressing another kiss at the corner of Donnie’s mouth before sitting down on one of the chairs that she had claimed as hers over time.
Donnie took another beat to live and enjoy the moment only to shake his head to pull himself out of his stupor. He moved fast to sit down next to Y/N on his own chair. His smile ever present on his face. It made Y/N’s heart flutter. She couldn’t help but be aware how he always had a smile when she was around and just the thought that her presence could do that to him made the butterflies in her stomach go wild.
“What are you thinking about?” Donnie pulled her back out of her own mind. A curious gaze in his eyes mixed with genuine interest.
Oh, the butterflies got worse. He was always so genuinely interested in what was going through her mind and it was something she appreciated so much about him.
Realizing that she must have stared at him she quickly averted her gaze, suddenly embarrassed “Uh, just thinking about how happy I am with you.”
The blush that began to settle on Donnie’s face immediately broke out again into a bright one “I thought you wanted me to look at your code and not metaphorically kill me with, uh, being so sweet and nice and just you.”
Y/N laid her cold hand against her warm cheek “To be fair! To be fair!” she exclaimed, turning back around to the tall mutant “We don’t often get the chance to be like this. We often hang out with the others so-“
She didn’t have to end the sentence for Donnie to know what she meant. Giving her a knowing nod as a response.
When the two got together they decided to keep their relationship secret. The reason? Oh, mostly because the others of their group were relentless when it came to crushes. And that was just crushes. The two were positive that it would be even worse should they find out that they were actually dating.
Donnie’s brothers have been teasing him now for years about his crush he used to have on April and something similar happened to Y/N when they thought that she might have a crush on a classmate of hers.
She sometimes had to refuse to go visit the mutant turtles because she was tutoring a classmate which the others interpreted as her hanging out with a potential crush. How they jumped to that conclusion Y/N still wasn’t sure.
The thing is, Donnie fully jumped in back then to tease her just as much as his brothers. Stating something like “Oh! Now I get why you guys keep doing it! It is actually pretty funny. Interesting what a change of perspective can do, huh?” Now that the two are together Y/N made a point to sometimes remind him of this. Maybe even sometimes using this to win a few discussions. What Donnie now knows is that even back then Y/N already began having a little crush on him.
Donnie sighed, laying his arm around Y/N “Alright, plug the hard drive in. Let’s see what you worked on.”
“Oh! Coding and chill, my favorite!” Y/N laughed as she plugged the device in.
“It better be, it’s how we started hanging out after all.” He placed another kiss against her temple.
Now the two thought they were actually really subtle when it came to their relationship but once their relationship changed from friendship to romantic there were bound for some things to maybe be suspicious.
The most noticeable one was that those two couldn’t stand to be apart from each other when all of them hung out and normally this wouldn’t have been a big deal. Surprise the nerd finally found another nerd to actually talk to, makes sense that they spent time together.
No, the problem was mostly about how Donnie’s behavior changed ever since he started getting to know Y/N. For years now he tried his best to impress April and spend time with her and suddenly over time it began to lessen. More and more. It happened gradually but his brothers noticed a change especially when they compared his behavior from before.
It was Mikey who first brought it up. He was chewing on some pizza while hanging out with Raph and Leo. Donnie was as per usual in his lab hanging out with Y/N. Both were just moment before screaming about some breakthrough and then rushed into the lab. Securing the door so no one could disturb their concentration. Also while Donnie and Y/N were actually quite mild mannered but when you interrupted their work the two could be very scary. Even Y/N who wasn’t a fighter, but the others were sure that in these moments she would be capable of manslaughter, easily.
So, the group that got left behind was very content to sit back and eat some pizza to bridge their boredom for now.
“You think he changed much?” Leo mirrored Mikey’s statement only as a question, trying to get him to clarify.
He nodded “Yep. I noticed it yesterday. Normally when Donnie hears that April came over, he would happily hang out with her but not yesterday. He just said he was busy and once again closed himself off in his lab.”
Raph just shrugged “Eh, so what. Might have finally realized that he never had a chance.”
Leo in return seemed to ponder that but not before giving Raph a bit of a stern stare “Maybe? Though if you really think about it, it has been going for a while now that he doesn’t react the usual when it comes to April, huh. I just never noticed because it was such a gradual change.”
“So, you guys just think he got over his crush on April? Just like that?” Mikey leaned over the table as he grabbed another slice.
“I dunno?” Raph seemed irritated at this topic “Why care anyhow? Hopefully means he will be less annoying.”
“Raph.” Leo warned him but continued with a slight grin “You really aren’t even a little bit curious if there might be a reason for his change?”
“What do you mean? He stopped having a crush because he is way too busy being nerdy with our human nerd. Working on projects and then the next and the next. You know how he is with tech.” He had his eyes closed, biting off a piece of his pizza as he tried to fight off the feeling of annoyance. Sure, it was fun teasing Donnie for his feelings towards April but in the end, he didn’t care too much about the whole emotions thing.
But when his brothers stayed quiet, no chastising or another quip, he opened his eyes again. His two brothers looked at him as if he just suddenly solved life’s mysteries in front of them.
But Mikey just looked at Leo “You don’t think-?”
“I mean… it would make sense, right?”
“But he’s been crushing on April for so long! There is no way that-“
“Yeah, but it just fits in with everything.”
Okay, Raph had enough “Can you guys please finish your sentences and stop this weird half telepathic conversation because I cannot follow you at all! And since when do you guys gossip like that?”
“It’s the boredom.” Mikey silently explained.
“Can you please tell me what is going through your guys’ minds already?”
Mikey sighed, placing his half-eaten pizza piece down. Apparently, this was serious enough that he had to put his pizza away “You don’t think… that Donnie has a crush on Y/N, do you?”
Raph raised his eyebrow as he thought about it for a second “Well… I don’t know! You really think he got over April that fast? You sure it’s not just him being happy to finally have another nerd friend to be nerdy with?” Why was he defending Donnie like that anyway? How was he the only one being sensible right now? Isn’t Leo supposed to reign them back in and say something like “This is Donnie’s thing let’s not assume things.” Or something like that?
“Well, sure. That might be the case. I guess it’s really the first time he has someone to actually chat and discuss things with that we don’t understand.” Leo thought out loud.
Satisfied with that Raph just gave an agreeing grunt before grabbing his pizza box and moving from the kitchen to the living space.
Yet this exchange is the reason why the three brothers couldn’t help but eye Donnie more concerning his behavior around April and Y/N. Generally, things seem to be the same. Donnie still hung out with April which wasn’t a surprise since even beyond the whole crush situation the two were still good friends.
But it also made sense how Donnie spent a lot of time with Y/N since most of the time when she came over for a visit it was with more things for their projects. The two would start chatting about how to solve some weird problem or what project to tackle next only to slip into the lab for hours on end.
While there wasn’t much to be done to test their hypothesis, they were still happy to tease him with his supposed crush on April and he reacted as usual. A bit more dismissive maybe but he got still ticked off like he always did.
Though then there was the incident.
The family, this included April and Casey, were chilling in front of the TV. They had a big training session today together, hence why Casey was still rubbing his side where Mikey drop kicked him. Also, it was supposed to be a big training session today, but Donnie didn’t join them. No, he was busy in his lab together with Y/N. The two had been in there for about three days now.
When Leo tried to urge his genius brother to get out of the lab and to either sleep or train, depending on how he was doing. There were other times where he was stuck in his lab for days but still fine since he took power naps.
At first nothing happened when Leo knocked on the door “Donnie, we finished training but you really should get out the lab for once and you know maybe sleep and eat?” While it was a question it did come out more as a command. Which it was.
But the door didn’t open.
So, he tried again. Louder this time. And again.
Finally, the door opened and there stood both Donnie and Y/N and man looked they annoyed.
Both geniuses had huge bags beneath their eyes, a similar scowl on their face. Their eyes narrowed and there was a murderous glint in them. Yep, Leo screwed up but still as the team’s leader he had to make sure that Donnie was in top shape which either meant training or forcing him to finally sleep. It was just a tad bit difficult to do that when Y/N was right there who very much knew that Leo didn’t hold the same power over her.
“Okay, yep. You guys need some proper rest.”
Y/N hissed as a response.
Leo looked at her incredulously. Did she really just hiss at him?
“No.” Donnie said dryly and slammed the door back shut.
Leo knew he really should try to work harder on making them get some rest but the two together were incredibly stubborn. They almost seemed to enhance each other stubbornness. Giving up for now he just returned to the others with a shrug.
It was hours later when the door to the lab finally opened. Y/N was the one who sluggishly left the room to make her way towards the kitchen. She didn’t even acknowledge the group who were eyeing her with big eyes. It was the first time they saw her so tired and exhausted.
Mikey was in the kitchen as well. He was currently working on one of his abomination pizzas.
Without taking notice of the orange banded turtle they just began working on the coffee machine. Preparing a full pot of coffee that she and Donnie would probably empty in minutes.
“So, uh, how’s the project going?” Mikey asked, he couldn’t help but be curious. Sure, he didn’t usually understand what Donnie was making, he could remember a lot of things he said but properly understand? Only some things. Anyways he was still curious about the end product.
It took Y/N a full minute to form a sentence “It’s going.”
The others were slightly leaning over, trying to see how Y/N was doing. They were used for Donnie to be doing these kinds of things but not with Y/N. Besides it was the first time Donnie let anyone into his lab for that long. Sure, Y/N was a bit of a special case but it was still new.
“Well, what are you working on?”
“I feel like Donnie would kill me if I told you guys. I think he wants to do that himself.”
Well, that’s something. The project was important enough or interesting enough that Donnie wanted to show it off himself.
This was the moment Mikey gave up, knowing that kind of behavior too well from Donnie. No matter how often he’ll ask the answers will be the same. Besides Y/N was way out of it.
She just stood there. Her eyes practically glued on the coffee, watching it fall into the pot. There was a slight sway to her. No wonder they were going for coffee now, the way Y/N looked Mikey was sure that she could fall over asleep any second now.
Sighing Mikey accepted his fate of being tortured by curiosity for now, so instead he worked on his newest combination for his pizza. Which reminded him. Right next to the coffee pot stood something that he wanted to try out.
“Hey, Y/N can you give me that there?” He was pointing at the ingredient, focus now back on track with more important things.
Y/N looked at Mikey, her tired eyes slowly following Mikey’s arm, hand and finger to see what he was pointing at. Their groggy mind took a second to realize what he meant.
“The…” They looked unsure, confused why he would need it “Honey?”
“Yes, sweety?” that was Donnie’s voice.
He must have come out to check on the coffee.
Before this there was a bit of a murmur in the lair as the group watching the TV show were discussing the days passing. But now it was dead quiet.
Y/N’s face heated up as her mind caught up with what just has happened.
Donnie on the other hand just kept blinking, trying to understand why there was a sudden shift in the mood of the room.
Casey’s mouth was wide open. April had an excited grin on her face while Donnie’s brothers had a range of emotions going on. Raph had a bit of a malicious grin on his face while Leo and Mikey looked at each other as if trying to confirm what they just heard.
“What just happened?” Once again that was Donnie.
Mikey turned to Donnie, wiggling his nonexistent eyebrows “Honey, huh?”
Donnie grimaced.
Surprisingly, or maybe not so much, it was Raph who piped up next, trying to stifle a laugh “Sweety? Really? What are you guys? Eighty?”
“Huh? Wha-“ It seems Donnie’s mind finally caught on as he took another looked around the round only for his gaze to fall on Y/N’s blushing face.
“Oh… oops?” Was the only excuse he could give her.
Her hand slapped against her forehead and the people burst out into laughter. Everyone on the sofa jumping up to crowd Donnie and Y/N who was at this point standing next to him.
“So, you guys are dating? Like for real?” Casey asked, scratching his head as if this was something complicated to think about.
Donnie looked down to Y/N unsure what to say. She just sighed “Well, the cat it pretty much out of the bag, sweety. Let’s just… they will be annoying, and I don’t have the energy for that right now.”
Even though she acted annoyed and disappointed, Donnie knew she wasn’t actually mad. She was just tired and if they actually were more rested, he was sure that she would be the one laughing the loudest right now.
Donnie couldn’t help the blush that was now spreading across his face as he laid his arm around Y/N with a proud smile “Yeah. She is my girlfriend!”
Y/N’s blush darkened but she leaned into Donnie’s touch. Slightly turning towards his chest as if trying to hide herself from the others. Her hand carefully snuck towards Donnie’s hand. Both were fidgeting but holding each other’s hands seemed to calm them down.
“I knew it!” April cheered “I knew you guys would be a perfect couple!”
Y/N tensed at that which made Donnie squeeze her hand as a silent question “She might have found out that I had a crush on you…”
Mikey fist pumped the air “See, guys! I told you so! I knew it!”
“Wait, how long has this been going?” Leo asked. He liked to think that he is usually very well informed or got a good feel for it when something is going on with his brothers but for him not to notice that he was literally dating someone? Someone who came over almost daily.
“Almost six months now.” Donnie answered. It was really embarrassing for him to answer all these questions, but he couldn’t help to show off a proud smile. He loved Y/N and he loved saying it.
As the questions continued, he had an idea. Leaning down he gave Y/N a big kiss which in return earned them different reactions but most importantly the group finally shut their mouth for once.
“Now that we hopefully answered enough questions… I’m going to take my girlfriend and the coffee, and we both will continue working on our project. And I swear if any of you interrupt me spending time with my lovely girlfriend, I will destroy you all.”
“Ugh please for the love of everything just go already.” Raph groaned.
Y/N laughed “God, you are such a dork, Donnie. My lovely boyfriend Donnie. Yep, my boyfriend for six months now. My pretty, handsome boy-“
A pillow flew against Y/N’s head.
“Just go! I’m begging you!” Where Raph suddenly had the pillow from, she didn’t know. The others were recoiling as well or rolling their eyes at the antics of the two lovebirds.
Donnie grabbed the coffee pot and escorted his girlfriend back to the lab but not before pressing another kiss on her lips before going out of the view of his family. He was proud to call Y/N his girlfriend and maybe it was a good thing that they now know that they were dating. This way he can dote on her and show off affection whenever he could. He could survive the teasing for that.
And as he looked at Y/N’s smiling face he just knew that something similar went through her head.
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1goatman1 · 1 year
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i love him your honour
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dynamight4life · 3 months
new idea, first time, dk how this’ll go but let’s see how it works!
Ok so, I’m new to this whole website and honestly guys. I thought I was the only one who obsessed over these things! Especially the turtles. I found my people. Anyways, little bit of a rant off of 2012 turtles, Leo centric bc ik I’m basic but I do love leo like way too much, so pls don’t hate on me. But enjoy!
Leo ran after the other three, desperately trying to catch his breath as they bolted across the rooftops of New York. It had been a difficult fight, metal clashing against metal as the shredder had begun to dominate the fight as soon as the turtles were tired from defeating Tiger Claw, Rahzar, and the others. Actually, as Leo reflected on the fight, he realized that the sounds of the metal were so real, he must’ve been seriously focused on the memory. That is, until, he felt Raph quickly drag him forward, narrowly avoiding a blade that would’ve crashed down on his head. “Leo, move!” All reality came crashing back, including the intense pain radiating from his chest. As Raph made eye contact with Leo, Leo gave him a look that he at least intended to explain his current state of mind, as he couldn’t really talk right now. (Definitely broken ribs,) he thought. (At this point, I don’t even know how I’m moving. Donnies really going to let me have it this time. I’m in trouble.) Raph seemed to understand the urgency and somewhat reason behind Leo’s slowed pace, and decided to grab his whole body and have him on top of his shell, carrying Leo piggy back style. “Just hold on, bud. I’ve got you. Stay awake and slow your breathing, well fix it when we get home. LETS MOVE!” Ralph said encouragingly as he shouted to Mikey and Donnie. Leo, no matter how much his ribs hurt, definitely didn’t regret stepping in front of Rocksteady’s punch to take the hit for Mikey, no matter how many broken bones he may have. Although it didn’t help that the Shredder had punched him and Raph right afterwards. Or was it him and Donnie? The pain was making him delirious. (I better get back, fast.) he thought as his mind began to slow. (At least we got what we were supposed to,) he reminded himself with relief as he cradled the gold laced box containing the important artifact in his hands. “Dudes! We’re about to have a party in the U.S.A., because we’re home free bros!” The turtles sighed with relief and gladly bounded towards home. That is, until, the world completely blacked out and the brothers fell to the earth.
Let me know if I should continue the whole thing, this is my first time, give suggestions, critiques, anything! Also take requests…but again I’m new so at least…try not to hate?
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rainbow-sparks · 2 years
blue girls :0
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dancingdonatello · 11 days
Please..anything ab 2k12tmnt..I will eat all the crumbs up..
i have a few requests for them in my inbox :] they’ll come sooner or later
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so I started rewatching 2012!!! The boys r soo mean to Mikey :sob: :sob:
like these guys are Mikey is a baby (derogatory)(affectionate)(protective) Another bad thing (+good), I can watch season 2 of rottmnt BUT ITS SO GLITCHYnjsanfjngsjanij Anyways, me and my older brother play this game where we say 2 shows and have to make them crossover and we did 2k12TMNT x HP
The excuse for them to go to hog warts was they were magical animals but no one realized and got in a muggle petstore and blah blah it's obvious
So we have out the turtles houses Raph-Hufflepuff Donnie-Ravenclaw Mikey-Gryffindor Leo-Slytherin
We mostly did those on the like the basics of the characters and house traits (Tell me ur choice house for them) so might change later We decided for like Dumbodore to give them something for them (and splinter) to look human so yeah
April is still half-kraang, and casey is that weird muggle kid, and Karai is just muggle still
And we're cramming all their canonical trauma in them during the summer and holidays..the timeline of that currently doesn't matter
So thoughts on the au
Wait I kinda love this 🤔
I love cross over AUs! I don’t talk about it because a lot of ppl hate them and I’d be talking to myself 💀
For the houses I’d put Raph in Gryffindor simply because I know your house is based on traits that you value within yourself, and Raph seems to value his bravery and brawn.
Leo is definitely Slytherin. While yes, he is very brave, it’s not something he dwells on. He’s always trying to prove himself and better himself as a leader, which can be seen as ambition. Slytherin trait.
Mickey is a tough one for me…I feel like he might be a mixture of two houses but idk which one he’d be in…he values family, dare I say, more than any of them (although Leo comes close) but he also values his want to prove himself to everyone…I don’t wanna sound cliche and say hufflepuff but that’s what I’m getting 😭 I wanna get risky and say slytherpuff just because I know I’m the only one who thinks that 😈✌🏽
I think everyone can agree Donnie is Ravenclaw 😆
I have to rewatch everything, Maybe I’ll change some of my answers but that’s how I remember them.
“Casey is still that weird muggle kid” sums him up perfectly 💀😭
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prototypelq · 4 years
When Rise bois are mean to Splinter and say they are sorry he isn't a tiger, is that a jab at the fact that his VA plays Tiger Claw in 2012 turts?
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tyger-song · 4 years
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Just finished this piece if Donnie. I'm still really lazy with backgrounds... Opps! ^-^' I qould absolutely love feedback and friendly critique. Also a huge thanks to @bleu_catoo for helping me figure out why the doc was so blurry on my phone. #donnie #donatello #tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtles #2k12tmnt #2012tmnt #2012tmntdonnie #2012tmntseries #2012tmnts #donnietmnt #tmntdonnie #tmntdonatello #donatellotmnt #art #drawing #draw #sketch #doodle #artist #lineart #colorart #digital #digitalart #illistration #illistrator #digitalartist https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ES2PhFy7O/?igshid=pgte8e25cqu3
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reblpunks · 3 years
Miki: Aw, what a bunch of fascinating mutants! So cool! :D
*Rahzar is present*
Miki: Except you. You can go fuck off and burn in hell like ur boss! 
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tropic-penguin · 11 years
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season finale preview, Booyaka-showdown! Enjoy, sorry for the quality. 
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reblpunks · 3 years
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had to redo her tags bc i fucked up her damn name 
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reblpunks · 3 years
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“I kind of wish I could have a guy, or girl sweep me off my feet and just kiss me lovingly. That’d be nice.”
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tropic-penguin · 11 years
Episode preview for Operation: Break Out! Enjoy!
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