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dog2ff Ā· 1 year ago
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framing-the-picture Ā· 4 years ago
Hey! So, my voice dysphoria has been progressively getting worse, and my mental health has been suffering because of it.
So I'm starting a fundraiser for voice feminization lessons that are becoming imperative for my well-being.
I found out that the teacher I would ideally like to take lessons with has availability as soon as next month, but I'd need to pay for the lessons within two weeks of booking them.
The fundraising goal is a package deal of lessons that typically gets students to a feminine range.
This has been going really well so far off the spread it's had on Twitter, but I could definitely still use a boost to get me to my goal! Anything you can pitch in would help a lot!
I also appreciate any reblogs to help spread this!
It'd mean the world to me to get the voice I've always wanted ā¤
EDIT: This fundraiser is closed and has met its goal back in November!!! (I'm actually already in progress with my voice lessons!) Please do not reblog any more and put your attention to trans fundraisers still in need of money!!!!
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bombnails Ā· 5 years ago
Amari [link to twitter here] is a 22 year old 3d artist and Black trans woman who needs our help raising funds for her transition and new living arrangements. I've followed her for years and she's been through so much. Please share and donate to her gfm if you're able to!! [edit:] You can also donate to her venmo and cashapp at the following links:
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miniwolfsbane Ā· 4 years ago
Sweet Tooth S1 thoughts (BIG SPOILERS)
First off, I am disappointed we were shown a PURRING PUPPY BABY in the trailer and had 0 follow up with it? Did he/she escape to Istanbul with itā€™s parents? Get captured? Live a nomadic life? Live in the forest? I WANT ANSWERS!! :( Also, puppies donā€™t purr, so I want answers to that too. Unless they were trying to go for a whimper or an animal noise and just went with that instead.
BIG SPOILERS under the cut
Anyway, the only two things, aside from the bits of gore and violence (Reviews are all likeĀ ā€œITā€™S A FAMILY SHOW!ā€ And I counter back withĀ ā€œI would not let any child under 13 watch this and I have never seen a family show with three seconds of guts being removed and two scenes of implied, live vivisecting on sentient beings without anesthetic.ā€), the only things I didnā€™t like about this were using 2 overused clicheā€™s. One being the hero hanging off a bridge for what seems like 12 years above peril, and the other I canā€™t remember. It was Jeppard nearly missing the train. The only thing that saved it was the flashback.
The other thing was that, while dark, thereā€™s a bit of predictably and not much depth to the story. I realized last night that the comic source material my have the depth Iā€™m craving out of the story. Just because it has child actors doesnā€™t mean the story canā€™t be dug into deeper and have more meaning. I applaud them for what they did and how they handled it, mixing in human-ish vivisecting with neighbors burning down their friends houses and being murderous hypocrites into a story about children, but it wasnā€™t enough for me. I wanted more.Ā  Edit: Not more violence, obviously, just more to the story. dig into the universe, hard. Like gardening, just shove both metaphorical hands into that story soil and root around in it. Find all the gems that are the interesting parts of this universe and answer our questions.Ā 
Sadly, I see someone on tumblr called it...something. Like, were we even watching the same show?? A multi-racial cast that gives all itā€™s characters dignity isnā€™t...that.
Bobby isnā€™t creepy to most and not shown that much. If you really think Bobby is that creepy, you need to go see original Bobby and get back to me. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=mv4YBZHa&id=071BD6BDAA183CA5965247E7F8F68E873375399B&thid=OIP.mv4YBZHau8dTzxGoK0L0ggHaHD&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fmarvel_dc%2Fimages%2Ff%2Ffc%2FBobby_Sweet_Tooth_001.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20150813115735&cdnurl=https%3A%2F%2Fth.bing.com%2Fth%2Fid%2FR9afe180591dabbc753cf11a82b42f482%3Frik%3Dmzl1M4eO9vjnRw&pid=ImgRaw&exph=616&expw=647&q=sweet+tooth+comics+bobby&simid=608026455638091252&ck=7A4DBACCF6BFE43E3B1E799F7F88C55A&selectedindex=0&adlt=demote&shtp=GetUrl&shid=3fb5000d-4d63-494a-986d-006fedeb28d5&shtk=Qm9iYnkgKFN3ZWV0IFRvb3RoKSB8IERDIERhdGFiYXNlIHwgRmFuZG9t&shdk=Rm91bmQgb24gQmluZyBmcm9tIGRjLmZhbmRvbS5jb20%3D&shhk=NjRWN4Jv1KDrxu8T30I3UN0IQ71oVtCAEnsLIeSmFl4%3D&form=EX0023&shth=OSH.nyb0RMh%252Bnm%252B%252B%252FIH1cnkhHw
Okay, kid does sorta look like a gremlin mixed with a Furby in the show, like one post said, but Iā€™ve seen worse.Ā https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=F9mlBjUo&id=49C0257935E4A941563E579C7E9DCF48B72BEC01&thid=OIF.eyTVbAuEqt0R%2bKFmrIK4gA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fepipoca.com.br%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2021%2f06%2fE3NUK2kVoAE5Ct_.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR17d9a5063528805f1ade0ea77464df86%3frik%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw&exph=675&expw=1482&q=sweet+tooth++Bobby&simid=297111136187&ck=7B24D56C0B84AADD11F8A166AC82B880&selectedIndex=49&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0
Sometimes stuff goes over my head. I had no idea that the babies were being born and not made in a lab. When they showed them in the maternity ward, I genuinely thought they had been experimented on and didnā€™t come out of the womb like that. Apparently I missed that it was a maternity ward in a hospital. Thatā€™s my other problem with this show I forgot to mention: It defies logic and you really have to turn off your brain to accept the hybrid concept. Iā€™m guessing the virus or other means (possibly according to the comics, I tried to avoid big spoilers), mutated them in utero. That still doesnā€™t satisfy me. Thankfully, Gus was somehow lab created, so that helps. (More information and context would be appreciated. Was it, like, they were experimenting with in-vitro or what?) Edit: This articleĀ https://screenrant.com/sweet-tooth-theory-purple-flowers-cure-sick-virus/Ā explains that putting the virus in a chicken egg produced Gus. Which makes even less sense. Edit: This MAY or MAY NOT be right. Someone on YT pointed out they never said this in the show.
Ā IRL, Virus + chicken embryo=would never randomly produce a human/deer hybrid baby. Itā€™s so freaking random it sounds like nonsense or the delusions of a madman, not a rational comic book author with a presumably sane mind. Just...Iā€™ve said it before...things have to make sense, even in fiction. 5 step process of anything cannot equal random result. It goes against all science, right? And made up worlds have to have rules, even silly worlds. Like I said, you have to turn your brain off, but this stretches even my disbelief. Hybrids, I get, fine, but that? Iā€™m sorry, what? *headdesk* I donā€™t know, maybe the comics had something Iā€™m missing since I never read them.
Iā€™m eager to learn the connection to the kids and the virus as we go. And if we donā€™t get a season 2, Iā€™ll be getting the comics to satisfy my thirst for this show.
Gus is my baby and I donā€™t understand how a kid could be that cute. Jeppard is the GOAT (lol) Bear could use better line delivery at times, but her acting will improve Iā€™m sure. Nice to see Diana Ramierez acting again, her character is likeable. Wendy is cute, but kinda just there for me. Needs more traits or character development to get on my favorite characters list. Bear also needs more than just backstory and a tough girl persona. Sheā€™s not bland, she just needs more spark to her as a character. More personality, if that makes sense.Ā 
Lastly, I wanted a tiny bit more from the make-up department. Wendy and rabbit kids (yes, I took note of this detail and I love bunnies) make-up is on point, but the rest look like kids dressed up in dollar store feathers and fur for a school play. Get more creative if youā€™re gonna show these hybrids, even if itā€™s just for a few seconds. You have the budget!! (But I think most of that went to Bobbyā€™s puppetry/CGI and Jeppardā€™s baby, to be honest.)
I wanted a cat girl or boy, because the lulz for the anime community (Also, because I have 2 cats and stuff), but at least we got bird kids, even if they werenā€™t cockatiels like mine. Iā€™m ready for Season 2, hurry Netflix!!
I can see why people wouldnā€™t like this show or wouldnā€™t recommend watching it, but I see many have embraced it. Itā€™s either youā€™re thing or itā€™s not, but you should give it a chance and see. Just donā€™t shoot it down if you hate it, thereā€™s enough wet blankets out there and we all have different tastes.
Edit: One last thing. I do have a problem with hybrids being half-human. Like, you would think that being half-human, theyā€™d still have all the problems humans have with causing wars and all. I know itā€™s a dark story with a good outcome, but thereā€™s something too saccharine about hybrids havingĀ ā€œThe best parts of us.ā€ What exactly are those best parts? Last I checked, humans are selfish and vain at their core. Even the most altruistic, giving person can be greedy about something or want more. Itā€™s like Genie said in the new Aladdin,Ā ā€œYou can have all the money and power in the world and it still wonā€™t be enoughā€.Ā  Wouldnā€™t bird people and pig people and deer people all want to side with each other instead of living in some grand utopia? Fighting over land and resources? Portraying hybrids as taking over the earth after people are gone from extinction and everything going peachy doesnā€™t quite work for me. Not that Iā€™d want it to still be dark, but, eh, theyā€™d have to have SOME problems, wouldnā€™t they?
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mistyriousness Ā· 4 years ago
Because we are currently in need of as much financial assistance as possible, I've opened up a GoFundMe page in order to help pay for my kitty's past and future vet visits (including medication, x-rays, sedation, and oxygen). I beg you to please consider donating or sharing this around, because I'm not ready to potentially lose one of the best things in my life.
If you need more incentive to donate, I currently have emergency commissions open as well. I'm willing to be lenient on the prices, as anything helps currently: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O4Y3wxJ8UJdw33VGBP18u2ARIG5rIYualDFfH9U0FHQ/edit
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kitty-kat-ty Ā· 4 years ago
Help George to rest in peace šŸ’œ
Hello everyone.Ā  I'm Adriana and I'm from Ecuador, South America.Ā 
2020 was a tough year for all of us one way or another. We saw how everything became chaotic and our lives changed drastically.
In December 2020, I experienced how hard it is to even get sick during a global pandemic. I had two close family members hospitalised for reasons different from the virus, but they were treated as if they had it anyway. They were my grandmother and my father, both in the same month.Ā 
Sadly, the healthcare system in my country is very basic, so they overlooked the real reason why they arrived in such a terrible stateĀ  and assumed it was the virus.
They said my father had Covid, but my father's results were negative in the two tests which were done to him whilst he was still alive.
My father and grandmother both had high blood pressure and it was the main reason they went to hospital.Ā 
My father was a victim of medical malpractice - he was kept away in a room without any ventilation, no air conditioning and no windows, during summer (as December is the start of summer in the South and it's really hot in the afternoon) and wasn't given proper care by the doctors.Ā 
We got into debt to help cover the costs of the tests and medical bills for the meds he was on during his time in the hospital, but we still haven't paid yet the last test he had before he passed away.Ā 
My father was buried in the County where the hospital is, instead of the one in my city, as it was cheaper for them and they kept stating he had covid when all his tests came up as beingĀ  negative. We were told if we didn't do anything, he'd be thrown in a burial pit.Ā 
Now we are seeking help from a lawyer to help us with all the legal documentation we need for moving my father's body to a cementery nearby (as he and my side of the family want) in my city, but the honoraries aren't cheap and even the regular documents aren't easy to get.
My brother was helping my father do odd jobs to help us financially, but his (my father's) nephew spread false information about my father having COVID, so he can't find work and my family have been shunned by our community right now.Ā 
All we want is my dad to be buriedĀ  close to us, so we can visit his graveyard once the pandemic is over. We want his soul and spiritĀ  to rest in peace.
Any help you can give us is welcome, even sharing this post with family or friends.
We will be eternally grateful whatever you decide to do.
Thank you for reading this. If you can donate, click on the link and support us. Or just spread the word with the world.
The picture in Gofundme link was taken by my father - it was one of many pictures he had on his camera. I'm gonna be working on a video made with his pictures, to show the world as a memorial of him when the goal on the link is reached as thanks for all of your help and so you can see some of the beautiful scenery of my country.
And if you can't help here, I also have a paypal account and I'm available to do commissions for: drawings, writing, translations, transcriptions, video/photo editing or just tutoring.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance for taking the time to read this story.
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dapotatoauthor Ā· 3 years ago
Hello! I would like to say smth šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ self promo hehe >:))
I have a story up actually šŸ˜³šŸ˜³
Itā€™s about 2p!Talia :0
(Edit: The story has been unpublished due to lack of motivation lmfao, no I am not abandoning it, it just didnā€™t felt right atm)
Itā€™s called ā€œHome Is With Youā€
Itā€™s a persona/oc insert tho but the 2ps are there :DD
Itā€™s still kind of the beta version(?)Iā€™m still tweaking the characters but I wanted to write them down because I love this AU to bits and I donā€™t want to waste the 2 years of me planning this.
Anyways- hereā€™s the description:
Brailyn, a 14 year old girl, is tired of living in a continuous cycle. She sneaked out one day into a little field and cursed the hell out of the clouds and asked for an adventure she won't forget.
Who knew that it would come true? With a damn cat nonetheless.
And so, she traveled into an alternate dimension, it's....a little odd to say the least. As she stayed in longer this dimension, with the people who unconsciously changed her life, the more she feels hesitant about leaving. Who or what will she choose? Go back home to where she belongs or stay with the people who gave her the true meaning of home?
The story follows a lot of things:
Family Drama
Comedy (even tho Iā€™m not funny)
Romance (not explicit tho)
Being chased by the Mafia
Backstories (some have in-depth backstories but not all of them yet)
And a whole lot more! I canā€™t think anything else LMFAO
The Prologue, Chapter 1&2 are already out! Iā€™m currently writing Chapter 3
but Iā€™m kinda procrastinating on it HAHAHA-
You can find it on my Wattpad @/dapotatoauthor (same as my tumblr)! Iā€™m planning on publishing it on quotev (and maybe in AO3) but the wattpad ver is gonna be the more updated to the story :DD
Note: Please read the ā€˜Disclaimerā€™ chapter first before continue on reading it, there may be some topics you might be uncomfy with (or some questions you might have) and I want you to be as comfortable as possible! Thank you <3
Thatā€™s all! Thank you for reading all the way through! I certainly hope you would enjoy the story if you ever decided to read it!
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thewhitegoddessfilm Ā· 4 years ago
I've been on the hellsite since 2010, this place has robbed a decade of my life, given me very little in return except for some close friends but they don't count in this equation. Somehow I managed to gather myself enough, and draw enough inspiration from the spewing feminist mass of bullshit on here to make an unhinged feminist feature film thriller... I'll be perfectly honest, seeing the rough cut of this shit is like watching lynch meets lifetime movie meets the room and a person with a vagina is steering the unmoored vessell... it's feminist The Room... did I intend it that way? Let's pretend yes.
But I know this site and I know you'd probably watch that. It's got everything... bad acting... good acting... deep thoughts... senseless violence... gratuitous disturbing sex.... goddess worship...every character (there are two of them, possibly a third) is awful... its a hot mess unraveling in freezing winter. Please, please consider donating anything you can, every donation counts! The movie was shot entirely on what small savings I earned as a graduate assistant and adjunct during my film mfa days, now I am broke and living with my mother the past six months of darkness and death.
Despite it all we got the film in the can, the hour and 12 minute rough cut looks amazing, but we need this big push to finish editing it! To have it ready for festivals and for distribution companies! Support one of your own, I'd have more than three followers but I'm a mind insecure youth pushing 30 who deleted her blogs at least ten times over the last decade because I hate being known. Unfortunately now I must ask to be known, please share, please contribute if you can! You'll see your name in the credits, get a download link for early release viewing, a poster and sticker with original artwork by @noodlebaestudios (you can find her beautiful etchings on instagram) and so much more, just check out this gofundme and see! Thanks for listening tumblr bbs...
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virgil-the-virgin Ā· 4 years ago
Hi guys! I really need peoples help if possible!
Me and my friends are trying to start up an autism/learning difficulty and disabled friendly gaming pub! We have a go fund me for start up costs and building expenses, any little helps, please check it out!
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dog2ff Ā· 2 years ago
Idk who this is for but Thornton Reed/ Dean Learner from Garth Marenghiā€™s darkplace edit
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thechroniclesofwriting Ā· 5 years ago
ā€¬If anyone has time, please take a look at Ellenā€™s story. As a sufferer of endometriosis myself, I would like to say I understand her pain. But the reality is that I donā€™t. This level of distension is almost unheard of, and she must be in agony. Excision surgery is hard enough to obtain as it is, let alone in pandemic conditions.
Iā€™d like to think that one day, if I asked for help, it would be given. Iā€™m appalled that someone needs to request money for a surgery in Australia. Especially one like this, which is so life threatening. Make no mistake, this will be causing serious damage in her body.
I canā€™t donate a grand, I canā€™t change government policy, and I canā€™t fight for her from within a hospital (yet). But what I can do, is share her story on every platform I have. Please, if you have time, do the same. If you have a spare $5, it would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I donā€™t actually know Ellen. Iā€™ve never met her. I simply read about her story, and once I verified it, I was heartbroken for her.
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empress-of-destruction Ā· 5 years ago
Please help my fur baby
This is Filli, he's a big Chihuahua with an even bigger heart. Lately he's been vomiting and refuses to eat or drink. We had him x-rayed to see if anything was in his system, but his system is empty. Filli needs another procedure to figure out what's wrong with him. I fear that if nothing is done soon, Filli could die. As you can already tell it's a bit pricey. I just need $600 to get it done.
All I ask is to help however you can, whether it's donating a dollar or spread the word about this poor puppy.
Edit: It's been done! Thank you all for your help and support!
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astrojordan Ā· 4 years ago
Edit: only 10ish hours later and everybody has raised over $3500 AUD for my little baby boy. I'm so grateful to everybody reaching out to help. That amount will cover the whole loan as well as replenish a little bit of our expenses accounts too. The loan was the major worry for us so I'm so relieved to have a solution. I'll be setting up my housemate as beneficiary tonight when he gets home, since I don't have an up to date address on my ID, and we'll be processing the withdrawal asap so we can pay off the loan. I'll keep people updated with that process as well as hopefully providing a bill when we go pick up Spoons in a few hours.
I feel awful that the next og post on my tumblr is another donation post but nobody saw this coming and I just don't know what to do. All the details are on the campaign but the short of it is my 11 month old cat Spoons needed emergency surgery today and we're looking for financial help to avoid huge interest rates on the loan the vet gave us as well as refill our expense accounts after they got cleared out. Please consider sharing this if you can, and please don't feel pressured to donate or guilty about not doing so. It's hard for everybody right now, I promise I understand. We'll manage this somehow either way.
As with last time if you donate feel free to send me an ask with your favourite pokemon, animal, non-human character etc and I'll attempt to draw it for you. I'm distraught right now so drawing won't happen quickly but if it's to help my boy I'll try my very best.
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thenameisjem Ā· 5 years ago
My Dad just gave me 200ā‚¬ for my name change!!! I am crying!!! I only need 150ā‚¬ and then I can legally change my name!!!
Edit: Only 100ā‚¬ missing!
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dmnsqrl Ā· 5 years ago
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sapphic-taz Ā· 5 years ago
This blog isnā€™t my main blog but I think itā€™s still important to voice my support of the Black Lives Matter movement and the recent protests here.
Change needs to happen in our police system. It is violent and systematically racist. The cops who donā€™t actively go out of their way to use their power in an unjust way will stand by and do nothing to stop it.
These protests are important and I support black people and other poc their fight against police brutality and for the justice of George Floyd, May he Rest In Peace.
Especially as a sapphic blog as we go into pride month Iā€™d like to remind my followers that pride started as a riot lead by black trans women. The reason we have the rights we do today is because of the brave people at stonewall. The protests today are to fight the same oppressive system and we need to take a stand.
I am white, and benefit from the systems that bring the people around me down. Therefore I am not flawless in my ideas and actions. Feel free to call me out if I do anything that could be considered harmful.
Listen to black people and their struggle. support them. Donā€™t let the names of people murdered by the police be forgotten. Donā€™t let people forget that the police are not our friends.
Edit: also remember to contact your local representatives and sign petitions to support this movement. Donate if you can to the links below or other places that actively support BLM and/or protestors arrested in protests
Minnesota Freedom Fund: https://minnesotafreedomfund.org/
George Floyd Memorial Fund: https://www.gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd
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