cringespace · 11 months
Spankofski brothers photo album
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a-gay-bloodmage · 1 day
Officially passed the halfway point of having my Inktober fics finished!! I am so cool and good at writing!!
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Happy 2024
In 2023 I read the following books:
Monterosso mon amour, by Ilja Leonard Pfeijfer
The Langauge of Thorns, by Leigh Bardugo
Renegades, by Marissa Meyer
Heartstopper, by Alice Oseman
The Lives of Saints, by Leigh Bardugo
Archenemies, by Marissa Meyer
Heartstopper volume 2, by Alice Oseman
Heartstopper volume 3, by Alice Oseman
Heartstopper volume 4, by Alice Oseman
An Italian Girl in Brooklynn, by Santa Montefiore
Volwassen worden is optioneel, by Marloes de Vries
De woestijndief, by Emmelie Arents
The Mitford Vanishing, by Jessica Fellowes
Wat gebeurde er met David, by Henk Hardeman
Queen of Shadows, by Sarah J Maas
Supernova, by Marissa Meyer
Wees Lucie, by Astrid Boonstoppel
Grijs, by Carlie van Tongeren
Zwaar verguld, by Chantal van Gastel
Over straatfiguren en wegpiraten, by Mijke Pelgrim
Anna K Away, by Jenny Lee
Zorro. The Curse of Capistrano, by Johnston Mcculley
De tweede stem, by Elin Meijnen
Mortal Engines, by Philip Reeve
De meesterdief, by Emmelie Arents
Nick and Charlie, by Alice Oseman
Stewardess Hannah in Parijs, by Petra Kruijt
Stewardess Hannah in Rome, by Petra Kruijt
Sintel en As, by Mara Li
Stewardess Hannah op Ibiza, by Petra Kruijt
The Golden Enclaves, by Naomi Novik
Welkom in Smartpark, by Mirjam Mous
Stewardess Hannah in Reykjavik, by Petra Kruijt
The Iron Sword, by Julie Kagawa
Gilded, by Marissa Meyer
The Syndicate, by Shelena Shorts
Stewardess Hannah in Barcelona, by Petra Kruijt
Stewardess Hannah in Amsterdam, by Petra Kruijt
The Pace, by Shelena Shorts
Stewardess Hannah in New York, by Petra Kruijt
One of us is Lying, by Karen M Mcmanus
Predator's Gold, by Philip Reeve
Stewardess Hannah in Praag, by Petra Kruijt
The Broken Lake, by Shelena Shorts
Stewardess Hannah op Curaçao, by Petra Kruijt
One of Us is Next, by Karen M Mcmanus
Stewardess Hannah in Lissabon, by Petra Kruijt
Wind, by Esther Walraven
The Iron Quill, by Shelena Shorts
The Hour of Dreams, by Shelena Shorts
Penthouse, Lotte Boot
Denken wat je wilt, doe wat je droomt, Gijs Jansen
Empire of Storms, by Sarah J Maas
One of Us is Back, by Karen M Mcmanus
Confessions of a Shopaholic, by Sophie Kinsella
To All the Boys I've Loved Before, by Jenny Han
Ivelle, by Laura Diane
PS. I Still Love You, by Jenny Han
Always and Forever, Lara Jean, by Jenny Han
Anders, beter, by Lisa van Campenhout
The Iron Vow, by Julie Kagawa
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clochanamarc · 1 year
tomorrow evening i'm gonna come back properly, but be warned that i've been binging good omens since i woke up and i have an au for aisling now. two verses, if u want the honest truth. anyway, i'm gonna be writing tomorrow or soon thereafter, so ily all, be good and safe and hydrated.
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oh-hools · 2 years
I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE (in bed, in the dark, before i start rotting)
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astaldis · 2 years
You can rest now - The Witcher
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Chapter 5 of Long, long way
Whumptober 2022 Prompts No. 4: Hidden injury No. 8: Head trauma No. 19: Repeatedly passing out No. 23: Hold them down No. 27: Muffled screams No. 31: Comfort / You can rest now
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
"Let me, Geralt," Regis says just a short moment later. In spite of the fast run, the vampire appears not to be out of breath at all. In contrast to Angoulême and Milva who the two men can hear huff and puff like a dragon, no two dragons, although they are still quite a few metres away.
"Will you see to that Nilfgaardian?" The vampire motions at the man lying on the ground two steps away from them. "I'll take care of our friend." Geralt grunts and stands up from where he was kneeling next to Cahir, the bloodied foaling rope in his hand that he has just cut off his unconscious comrade's wrists. It will come in handy.
"Technically, the bloody bastard isn't even a Nilfgaardian, I guess," the Witcher mutters darkly as he looks down on the unmoving man in the black armour, his hands itching to grab the sadistic asshole, shake him awake and then wring his fucking neck. However, Cahir has begged him not to kill his brother, so he only kicks him in the butt. To check if he is alive and responsive, of course, not because he loathes the man from the bottom of his heart. Well, he might have kicked a little harder than strictly necessary, Geralt has to admit that, and one kick would have sufficed as it already elicited a loud groan indicating that the soldier is slowly waking up, but he adds another one for good measure. And for his own satisfaction. Then he gets down on his haunches and binds the commander's hands up tightly with the very same rope the Nilfgaardians used on his friend. A pity that the black stallion has run off, otherwise Geralt, although - contrary to rumour and a certain monicker - usually not a cruel man, would have considered to have the bastard dragged back to camp behind his own horse. For this one man he would have made an exception ...
Continue reading on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42385659/chapters/107032074
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kromabelle-art · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: Cordula
OC: Cordula
more Cordula prompt entries: whump2021-dread|oc2021-embrace
prompts used: no.1 a little out of the ordinary/adverse effects, no.3 hair’s breadth from death, no.4 dead on your feet/waking up disoriented, no.5 hyperthermia, no.8 everything hurts and I’m dying, no.15 breathing through the pain, no.18 “take my coat”, no.19 repeatedly passing out, no.20 fetal position, no.27 magical exhaustion, no.28 headache/anger born of worry, no.31 bedside vigil, alt.2 whimpering, alt.3 dazed&confused, alt.14 emergency blanket
Don’t Play With Fire
It had been three days, and Cordula could still feel her heart pounding. Three days since…… She could still smell the smoke and the burning flesh. Regret lingered where the panic had left. It’s not like she meant to do it—Cordula had only been desperate to save her friends. And it had called out to her—the heart. Just a harmless looking lump of obsidian, until it turned functionally into a flamethrower in her hands. Not a single burn was left on her own skin. Not even a singe. And in the aftermath of the scene, while her friends undid their bonds and took stock of injuries, Cordula had been the only one to notice. The obsidian heart, which had been in her hands mere seconds before, had vanished into thin air. She hadn’t told her friends anything was wrong, yet. Let them believe the matter was behind them. But it wasn’t long before Cordula started to feel ill, and the others definitely noticed.
It started slowly. They’d ask her why she was dragging behind, and she’d tell them she was tired, and they’d accept that. But then she was dragging behind even more, day after day after day. She felt nauseous, exhausted, her heart stuttering and her head filled with cotton. Sluggishly, she peeled off her jacket during a walk, feeling much too warm.
“What’re you doing? It’s freezing out here!” her girlfriend cried out, rushing to her side as they trudged up a snowy hill, wind whipping at their clothes.
“Too warm,” Cordula muttered, but her friends swarmed around her, adding more coats and scarves off their own bodies as her girlfriend felt her forehead.
“You’re really warm. Don’t worry, we’ll get you home soon.”
As soon as they did, Cordula spent the rest of the day lying on the couch, barely conscious, catching bits and pieces of her friends talking about her. The next several days were the same, Cordula fading in and out of consciousness as her friends came and went. They’d pile blankets onto her every time they came home, and she’d push them onto the floor every time she woke up alone. Finally, she felt herself wake up fully, just in time to catch her friends going out the door.
“Hey, wait up. I want to come with.”
“Are you sure?” one of her friends asked as they turned to face her, surprised. Cordula nodded.
“I don’t feel too warm anymore, I think I’m alright.” It took some more pestering but they finally let her come with, although she didn’t fail to notice the concerned looks when her girlfriend brushed her hand across Cordula’s forehead again.
Truthfully, she didn’t feel warm anymore. Not to her, anyway. But she didn’t feel good. The nausea was still there, and her head was pounding right alongside her heart, which was threatening to jump out of her chest. But she wanted to go with her friends. She felt she could. And more, she felt a creeping dread that this might be her last chance to.
Cordula didn’t even realize she was in a daze until she came to mid-step, in a blustering cold street lined with shops. Her girlfriend was beside her, seemingly waiting for the others to exit a small store. They were both wearing jackets, but the wind seemed to chill straight through the fabric, and seep into Cordula’s bones.
“I’m cold,” she said softly, and her girlfriend looked at her surprised.
“Here,” she said, pulling her jacket off and handing it to Cordula. “Take it, I’ll be alright.” She took it gratefully but as they were all walking back home, Cordula noticed her girlfriend was shivering, and tried to hand the jacket back, only to be met with refusal. She shed both coats once inside again, pushing away all the pain and ill-ease in her body to sit down and just eat with her friends. Just eat and pretend everything was normal.
But she could only ignore the nausea and the pounding headache and the too-fast beat of her heart for so long. The moment she showed discomfort on her face, all the attention was on her again. Cordula retreated to the bathroom for some time to compose herself, but her friends were right there when she came out. They quickly handed her something out of the shopping bag from earlier that day. It was a medical thermometer. Hesitantly, and really not wanting to, Cordula stuck it in her mouth and watched the worried and horrified looks on her friends faces as the screen read 105.3 F. Then before their eyes, the number went up even more, and Cordula doubled over in pain.
This was a whole new sensation. One like being cooked from the inside out. Suddenly more than too warm once again. She felt as if she were being burned alive. All she could do was try to breathe in and out. In and out.
And then it stopped. Cordula straightened back up, took in the pale faces of her friends. And then she blacked out.
She dreamed of darkness, of cold and of death. And then of blood, and tears, and agonized wails. And then life. Life struggling, fighting to cling to itself, crawling across the ground aimlessly as it faded, as if using its last moments to search for some kind of purpose, or meaning. And then she dreamed of destruction. Storms and natural disasters and fire. A whole forest up in flames. And then ashes and new life. And fire again. And then she was free-floating in space, dwarfed by an incredible vast sun. The heat radiated off it in waves and one of those waves engulfed her and then the sun was gone, only emptiness in its place. And then she burned, and radiated heat, and burned some more until she was the sun. And then darkness. And then the feeling of a blade piercing her chest, digging in deep and then digging in again. She woke up, back on the couch, and her girlfriend was right there, kneeling on the floor and stroking Cordula’s hair. Her girlfriend smiled, more forced than hopeful, as they made eye contact. Cordula felt a single sentence leave her lips before she sunk under the lull of sleep once more.
“They carved out my heart.”
Everything after that was a blur. Waking up and passing out dozens of times a day, only to catch snippets of conversations, arguments, swearing and worried voices. She never really noticed the whimpers leaving her mouth as pain continued to wrack through her body. Hardly noticed that she had started to complain of being cold again, or the discussions going on of how to get her some help. No one knew what was going on—that much was clear. She took the water they handed her whenever she was awake until she drank it and almost screamed at the burning feeling in her throat. She was aware of the tears that rolled down her cheeks now, because they left a searing pain in their wake.
She became lucid enough one day to notice a few more things. The fire blanket wrapped around her body. The blackened and singed patches on the couch she slept on. Her friend’s voices, filled with panic and anger once again. There was a small slip of paper on a table near her. Cordula reached for it, but the paper blackened under her touch. Bewildered and disturbed, she squinted at it instead. It was a list of numbers next to other numbers. Temperatures next to dates, she realized. Oh shit. She had to be dreaming. Or hallucinating. Or suddenly dyslexic, even.
“What is a hospital going to do for her?” one of her friends hissed. “She shouldn’t even be alive!”
Cordula had to mentally agree. She shouldn’t be alive. Not at 279 F.
She didn’t know how long she was out after that. Only that the next time she awoke, Cordula was standing in a clean, white, and on-fire room, surrounded by intact cryogenic chambers, and in front of one very warped, very blackened chamber. And it had her name on it.
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cornelianlute · 13 days
tag dump.
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bojackson54 · 3 months
The Surprising Story of Balaam's Talking Ass
The Story of how Balaam received a message from God is pretty unusual, and if you haven’t read it before, right now is a great time to do it. If you’ve read it, and it left you scratching your head a little, it’s certainly worth a deeper look. (And yeah, I know it opens the door to bad Ace Ventura jokes and that it’s PRIMARILY referred to most often by middle school boys who say, ” the word ‘Ass‘…
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spotikass · 4 months
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The Art of Crafting a Microlearning Solution
Microlearning has emerged as a powerful strategy for modern education and training, characterized by delivering content in small, focused bursts. As we navigate the complexities of creating an effective microlearning solution, the design elements play a crucial role. Deciding whether to use infographics, podcasts, animations, videos, or a blend of these tools depends largely on the context and how these elements can be integrated to achieve the learning objectives.
Understanding Microlearning
Microlearning is designed to meet the needs of learners who are often time-constrained and require concise, engaging content. It leverages various multimedia formats to cater to different learning preferences and enhance retention. The flexibility of microlearning makes it suitable for diverse environments, from corporate training to academic settings.
The Role of Design in Microlearning
Design is the backbone of any effective microlearning strategy. A well-designed microlearning module captures attention, sustains interest, and facilitates better understanding and retention of information. The design elements you choose—infographics, podcasts, animations, videos, or a combination—must align with the learning goals and the preferences of your audience.
Infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge. They can be highly effective in microlearning because they:
Simplify Complex Information: Infographics distill complex data into a digestible format, making it easier for learners to grasp key points quickly.
Enhance Visual Appeal: The use of colors, icons, and layout can make information more engaging and memorable.
Facilitate Quick Learning: Learners can absorb and retain information faster through visual storytelling.
When to use: Infographics are ideal when you need to present statistics, processes, or comparisons that can be visualized.
Podcasts are audio recordings that can be accessed on-demand. They offer several advantages for microlearning:
Flexibility: Learners can listen to podcasts anytime, anywhere—during a commute, workout, or break.
Engagement: The use of storytelling and conversational tones can make content more engaging.
Accessibility: Audio content is accessible to individuals with visual impairments or those who prefer auditory learning.
When to use: Podcasts are effective for delivering expert interviews, storytelling, or explaining concepts that benefit from a narrative approach.
Animations bring content to life through motion graphics. They are particularly effective in microlearning for the following reasons:
Illustrating Complex Concepts: Animations can simplify and visualize abstract or complex ideas that are hard to describe textually.
Engagement: The dynamic nature of animations captures and maintains learners' attention.
Versatility: They can be used to demonstrate processes, show cause-and-effect relationships, or visualize data.
When to use: Animations are best for explaining technical concepts, demonstrating processes, or when you want to add an element of fun to the learning experience.
Videos combine visual and auditory elements, making them a powerful tool for microlearning:
Rich Media: Videos can include visuals, audio, text, and interactivity, catering to various learning styles.
Narrative Power: They can tell a story, provide context, and create emotional connections.
Engagement: Well-produced videos can captivate learners and hold their attention longer than static content.
When to use: Videos are ideal for demonstrating procedures, showcasing real-world scenarios, or when a more in-depth explanation is needed.
Blending Multimedia Elements
The true strength of a microlearning solution lies in the strategic blend of different media types. This blend should be guided by the context of the learning environment and the specific objectives you aim to achieve.
Identify Learning Objectives: Determine what you want your learners to achieve. Clear objectives will guide the selection and combination of multimedia elements.
Understand Your Audience: Consider the preferences, backgrounds, and accessibility needs of your learners. Different audiences may respond better to different media types.
Content Mapping: Map out your content and decide which parts are best suited for each type of media. For example, use infographics for statistical data, podcasts for storytelling, animations for complex concepts, and videos for demonstrations.
Consistency and Cohesion: Ensure that the multimedia elements are consistent in style and tone. Cohesion across different media types helps maintain a seamless learning experience.
Feedback and Iteration: Gather feedback from learners and continuously iterate on your design. This helps you refine the blend of multimedia elements to better meet the learning objectives.
Practical Applications and Examples
To illustrate the effective use of multimedia in microlearning, consider the following examples:
Example 1: Corporate Training on Cybersecurity
Infographics: Present statistics on cyber threats and data breaches.
Podcasts: Feature interviews with cybersecurity experts discussing best practices.
Animations: Demonstrate how phishing attacks work and how to avoid them.
Videos: Provide step-by-step tutorials on setting up security protocols.
Example 2: Academic Module on Climate Change
Infographics: Show the impact of climate change with charts and maps.
Podcasts: Include narratives from scientists and activists.
Animations: Explain the greenhouse effect and carbon cycle.
Videos: Document real-world effects of climate change and mitigation efforts.
Challenges and Considerations
While multimedia elements enhance microlearning, there are challenges to consider:
Resource Intensive: Creating high-quality multimedia content requires time, expertise, and financial resources.
Technical Issues: Learners may face technical issues such as compatibility, bandwidth limitations, or accessibility barriers.
Content Overload: Too much multimedia can overwhelm learners. It’s important to balance the use of different elements to avoid cognitive overload.
Launching a microlearning solution becomes significantly easier when you have a clear design strategy. The choice between infographics, podcasts, animations, and videos—or a combination of these—depends on the context and how well you integrate these elements to serve the learning objectives. By understanding your audience, mapping your content effectively, and maintaining consistency, you can create engaging and effective microlearning experiences that meet the needs of modern learners. The iterative process of gathering feedback and refining your approach ensures that your microlearning solution remains relevant and impactful.
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meatcute · 1 year
pick one. this is your new roommate
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
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jeenasikholifecare · 5 months
Ayurvedic Treatment for Liver Problem in Gurugram .
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Jeena Sikho Lifecare Ltd. in Gurugram .
Jeena Sikho Lifecare Ltd in Gurugram is one of the leading businesses in the Ayurvedic Doctors. Also known for Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic Clinics, Ayurvedic Treatment Centres, Ayurvedic Doctors For Joint Pain, Ayurvedic Doctors For Orthopaedic, Ayurvedic Doctors For Kidney Treatment, Ayurvedic Doctors For Kidney Stone and much more.
Ayurvedic methods are well-known. Ayurveda has been effective in treating numerous diseases for a very long period in India. Many people still choose Ayurvedic medications over western therapies. Ayurvedic Doctors in Gurugram recommend medications that typically contain more herbs and have fewer negative effects. They address their patients’ conditions from the source of the issue, frequently providing a lengthy yet effective course of treatment.
If you are looking for ayurvedic treatment for your ailments, we advise you to consult Jeena Sikho Lifecare Ltd. in Gurugram .
you can Contact us on - 8901875981 - 7873578735
or Visit our Hospital in Gurugram - Address: H 63, H Block South City 2 Sector-50 Mandir Road, Square, behind Baani, Gurugram, Haryana 122018
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newsfrom-theworld · 4 months
Sudanese gfm
These are some Sudanese gfm that need your attention and their profiles; i will update the post if I find new fgm for Sudan.
1: Help Aalaa's family escape to safety
Aalaa's twitter accaunt
2: Help Abudjana rebuild after war
3: Help Mohamed leave Sudan
His twitter accaunt
5: Help Asjad and her Family Escape War in Sudan
Her twitter accaunt
6: Help Randa's Family flee war in Sudan
Her twitter accaunt
7: Help Asala and her family evacuate from Sudan
8: Support a community in Sudan
Twitter accaunt
9: Help support families in Kassab IDP camp
10: Help Jameela and her family escape the war in Sudan
11: Help a family escape the war in Sudan: one member suffers from Dystonia
12: Help Sai's family escape the war in Sudan
Twitter Accaunt
13: Help a family of eight to escape the war in Sudan
14: Support South Sudanese Evacuation from Sudan
15: Emergency funds for a family
16: Support Sakina's Family's Journey to Safety
Twitter accaunt
17: Help a mother and her two children escape the war in Sudan
18: Help-15-families evacuate El-Fashir, Darfur
19: Help a Sudanese family escape from war
Twitter accaunt
20: Help Ahmeds family to escape warzone in Sudan
His Twitter accaunt
21: Help a sudanese family with two autistic children escape war
22: Help a family of six escape Sudan
23: Help a family with two children evacuate from Sudan
Twitter accaunt
24: Help Rama Haran's family escape the war in Sudan
25: Help two sisters escape the war in Sudan
26: Help Family in Sudan Find Urgent safety
27: Help a Sudanese medical student finish her last year of med School.
28: Help Sudanese students become the future doctors
1: Support Families impacted by the war
Twitter accaunt
3: The Save El Geneina initiative which aims to provide services to all Sudanese
4: Help  Eman Abdel Rahman rebuild his life after his home was destroyed (@emooz-8)
Twitter accaunt
5: Help a family rebuild after war
6: Help Displaced Sudanese Families Pay for Food and Medicine
7: Assist a Sudanese family in covering basic needs
8: Support a Community Stuck In Sudan
9: Help Save AlGineina’s health clinic in Adré Refugee Camp
10: Support Sudanese organiser to secure housing
11: Support survivor of sexual violence in Sudan
Venmo: BSonblast
1: Help Sudanese refugees stranded in Olala forests, Ethiopia
2: Help a young Sudanese woman avoid eviction
3: Help Sukina's Father's Fight Against Cancer
Keep Eyes On Sudan
All the countries ( my most important post)
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apaminerala · 6 months
Soirée Carnaval @ Embassy
À vos costumes… prêts, partez !La fameuse soirée Carnaval de l’UFE ROUMANIE est de retour ! Rejoignez-nous pour une soirée déguisée mémorable, avec open bar jusqu’à minuit, DJ et rires à volonté!QUAND ? Le 29 mars, à partir de 20h. OÙ ? À l’Embassy Gallery, Piata Alexandru Lahovari, nr 8.160 lei/pers tarif non-adhérent130 lei/pers tarif adhérentLien d’inscription à l’événement…
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View On WordPress
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whumptober · 28 days
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Welcome to Whumptober 2024 — Seventh Time's a Charm!
Please make sure to read the Event Info and FAQ below carefully, as most of your questions will be answered there already. For everything else, you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here.
This year’s AO3 Collection can be found here.
This year's playlist can be found here.
And the Anatomy of a Whumptober Prompt post can be found here.
We’re very excited to see the community come together for another year of Whumptober! Go wild with the prompts, and support your fellow creators - we wish you all the fun!
Best of luck and happy whumping,
Mods Vanne, Yenn, Kitty and Surro
(Text versions of the prompts, as well as event information, rules and FAQ are posted below the cut!)
Whumptober 2024 Prompt List
Search Party | Panic Attack | "If only we could hold on.” (Icysami x Renegaderr, Strangers.)
Amusement Park | Role Reversal | “You got away with the crime while the knife's in my back.” (Charlotte Sands, Rollercoaster)
Fingerprints | Wrongfully Arrested | "I warned you."
Hypnosis | Sensory Deprivation | “You're still alive in my head.” (Billy Lockett, More)
Healing Salve | Heatstroke | "If my pain will stretch that far." (Lottery Winners, Burning House)
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms | Healed Wrong | "It's not my blood."
Unconventional Weapon | Magic with a Cost | "It's us or them."
Isolation Chamber | Forced to Stay Awake | "Leave the lights on." (Coldplay, Midnight)
Broken Window | Bruises | “Frame me up on the wall, just to keep me out of trouble.” (Fall Out Boy, Irresistible)
Slurred Words | Passing Out from Pain | "I can't think straight."
Convenience Store | Loneliness | “Leave no trace behind, like you don't even exist.” (Taylor Swift, Illicit Affairs)
Underground Caverns | Cannibalism | "Just a little more."
Familial Curse | Multiple Whumpees | "Death will do us part." (Set It Off, Partner's In Crime)
Hunting Gear | Blackmail | “Because I want you to know what it feels like to be haunted” (tiLLie, kooL aiD mAn)
Painful Hug | Moment of Clarity | "I did good, right?"
Swamp | Wound Cleaning | "No, I can't feel anything."
Ruined Map | Shipwrecked | "We had a good run."
Unreliable Narrator | Loss of Identity | “I see what's mine and take it.” (Panic! at the Disco, Emperor's New Clothes)
Abandoned Cabin | One Way Out | "Is there anybody alive out there?" (Bruce Springsteen, Radio Nowhere)
Shoulder to Cry On | Giving Permission to Die | "It's not your fault."
Body Horror | Tattoo Gun | Spirit Possession | “Let the bedsheet soak up the tears.” (Apparat feat. Soap & Skin, Goodbye)
Tourniquet | Reopening Wounds | "Oh that's not good."
Public Display | Broken Pedestal | "I'm doing this for you."
Collapsed Building | Equipment Failure | “I never knew daylight could be so violent.” (Florence + The Machine, No Light, No Light)
Stitches | Being Monitored | "It's for your own good."
Breakfast Table | Parting Words of Regret | “I'm haunted by the lies that I have loved, the actions I have hated.” (Poe, Haunted)
Laboratory | Muzzled | “I have no mouth and I must scream.”
No. 28: DENIAL
CCTV | Exposure | "They caught me red handed."
Labyrinth | Burnout | "Who said you could rest?"
Hospital Bed | Holding Back Tears | "What have I done?"
Therapy | Making Amends | "I'm alive, I'm just not well." (Elliot Lee, Alive, Not Well.)
Alternatives List:
Body Swap
Communication Barrier
Finding Old Messages
Friendly Fire
Motion Sickness
No-Holds-Barred Beatdown
Secrets Revealed
Survivor's Guilt
Time Loop
Used As Bait
Event Info & Rules
WHUMPTOBER is a month-long, prompt-based creation challenge (think: Inktober, but whumpier). There are 31 official themes this year - one for each day of the month - which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. They are meant to serve as inspiration without being taken literally (e.g. you don’t have to include the exact wording of prompts into your work). Feel free to run rampant on interpretation. For example, if the prompt is “flame", you could create something with reference to a candle/campfire, your character could have suffered a burn, or the flame could be a reference to an ‘old flame’ - an old relationship. It’s truly down to you!
In total, there are 4 prompts for each day. These are optional suggestions and can be used in conjunction with the theme, or as options/alternatives.  We want to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible, as well as increase event accessibility for folks with triggers and squicks. There is also a list of 15 alternative prompts that can be subbed in for any day, again to give participants as much creative freedom as possible.
Creators can PRODUCE work in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, visual artwork, photo/video/audio edits, paper crafts and elaborate recommendation lists (not just a list of links). Creators can PARTICIPATE as much or as little as they want (i.e. you don’t have to do ALL the prompts if you don’t want to) and prompts can be used in any order. They are also free to use even after the event ends.
When uploading Whumptober content to your blog, be sure to tag it with:
#whumptober2024 …..(the event tag)
#no.1, #no.2, #no.3, …..(theme number)
#bruises, #stabbing, …..(the theme or specific prompt you chose)
#altprompt …..(if you use an altprompt, tag the post with the number of the prompt you replace)
#fandom or #OC, …..(ironman, original content, oc, etc.)
#medium …..(gifs, fic, podcast, art, etc.)
#teeth, #etc …..(trigger warnings & any additional tags. Keep in mind not to add “tw” in front but only use the word/trigger itself)
#nsfwhump …..(only for nsfw content)
#your own tags go here
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING. Only properly tagged posts are considered for archiving on the official @whumptober-archive blog. They must be tagged in the order above. An elaborate post about our tagging system can be found [here]
Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of participants in recent years, we cannot guarantee your work will be archived. A random selection of properly tagged posts from all genres will be reblogged each day.
Whumpers who produce content for 31 total theme days are considered event completionists and will be tagged in a masterpost at the end of the month. A form will be published at the beginning of November asking you to tell us if you completed. This is based on trust and we will not check this.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please read this before you send an ask!
July: Trope voting form released. Late August: Prompt list is released for at least four weeks of preparation time. Tropes cannot be posted earlier than August 25th because of Moderator obligations in real life. (But, you know, go ahead and start writing/drawing, and add the themes in later, if you want!) September: Do as much or as little on your works as you want. You can prepare everything in advance or let September go by with vibes and start working in October. It’s up to you. October 1st: Challenge begins! A storm of whump breaks upon us all! During this time, some posts will be reblogged to the whumptober archive blog. We open the yearly AO3 collection for posting (optional). November 1st: The challenge is officially over! Completionist form opens for those who want to be included in the hall-of-fame. Early November: We release completionist and participant badges, solicit feedback, and post a hall-of-fame list of completionists by the 10th.
Q: What counts as participation? Create or continue at least one work inspired by one of this year’s prompts. Q: What counts as completion? Creating work(s) inspired by at least one prompt from each day (or alts), for a total of 31 unique prompts. Q: Do I need to create 31 works? No. You can, if you want. Or you can create one work that you add to every day with a new prompt. Or several works that combine prompts. You can also update an existing work by adding new material with the current prompts. Q: Do I need to post my works somewhere to be a completionist or a participant? No. Q: How do you know I actually completed the challenge? We’ll take your word for it! Q: Do I have to finish my work(s) to be a completionist? No, you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish them in October, but if you want it to count towards being a completionist, you must have completed 31 prompts by the end of the month. So for example, if you’re writing a long fic and you fit 31 different prompts into the writing you did in October, it’s okay if that fic isn’t finished by the time October ends, you’ll still be a completionist. Q: Is co-writing/illustrating allowed? Yes, absolutely, and it would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you. Q: Is there a min/max limit on word count for written works? No. Q: Is there a min/max limit of quality for art? No. Q: Do I have to do something each day to be a completionist? No. You can skip days whenever you want, and as long as 31 daily prompts (or alts) are in your works done in October, you can be a completionist. For example, if you wrote a 1000-word ficlet that covers prompts in days 2, 3, and 17, you can check all three days off your list even though it’s only one work. Q: Is this challenge just for fics? No! Artworks, GIFsets, headcannons, rec lists, poetry, moodboards, or any other creative work is encouraged. Q: Can I combine Whumptober with other creation challenges? Absolutely, as long as the other challenges allow it too.
Q: How do the prompts work? There are FOUR prompts per day: a theme and three ideas. You can use one, two, three, or all four prompts for each day. If you don’t like any of the daily prompts, you can substitute one of the ALT prompts instead. Q: How strictly/literally should we interpret the prompts? As literally or as figuratively as you want. For example, if the theme is WATER, that could mean drowning, waterboarding, raining, swimming, take place underwater, be lost at sea, construct a metaphor about a character’s mood that changes like a flowing river, crying, or whatever else you can think of that fits that theme. Q: Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many? No limit and combine as many as you’d like. If you create a work that checks off multiple prompts, that work will count for a fill of multiple prompts. You need to address 31 different prompts to be an official completionist, but you don’t have to produce 31 separate works.
Q: What’s whump? Hurting a character, whether that’s physically, emotionally, intellectually, psychologically, or any other way you can think of. Comfort afterwards is optional. Angst is emotional whump, so it counts. Q: How do I know if it’s whumpy enough? If your character is just mildly inconvenienced, it probably needs more whump. However, no participant has to prove whumpiness to the mods. Whatever you write is up to you. Q: What kind of characters can I create for? Anything. Generic “whumpee,” OC, PC, NPC, major characters, minor characters, or whatever you want. There are no limits. Q: Does it have to take place in a specific fandom? No, you can create works for your own worlds or for fandoms or for both. You can also create more generic or pan-fandom works. You can do cross-overs or use OCs, whatever you want. Q: Can I create AI-created works? We will not reblog or promote any works we know to be generative AI-created. Q: Is there anything we’re not allowed to write? As long as it contains whump and is based on our prompts, it’s fine. Please courtesy tag your works if you post them so people who follow the #whumptober2024 tag can filter according to their preferences. Q: What about sex, minor characters, and potentially disturbing content? You can create whatever works are legal in your country and post them accordingly. Please courtesy tag anything you think might be objectionable if you post to Tumblr so people who follow the #whumptober2024 tag can filter according to their preferences.
Q: Where can I post my work? Post where and how you want. You don’t even have to (cross)post it to Tumblr. Just keep in mind if it’s not on Tumblr we will not be able to add it to the blog archive. There is an AO3 archive for Whumptober 2024, as well as the parent collection for works completed outside of the event. Q: Can I start posting early? You can, but this is an October event and wouldn’t it be more fun with everyone doing it at the same time? We won’t be reblogging any work predating October 1st. Q: Can I post late? Yes. For the sake of our hardworking Post Fairies, only a day’s themes will be reblogged to @whumptober-archive each day of October. But you can post whenever. Some of us are still working on and posting Whumptober fics from years ago. Q: Do I have to use your tags? Only on Tumblr and only if you want us to reblog your work on @whumptober-archive. Q: How do I have my works reblogged to the archive? Properly tagged posts will be reblogged to @whumptober-archive. If you want the official archive blog to reblog you, post on Tumblr and tag correctly (see this FAQ link for more info on tagging). Please note not all posts will be reblogged each day. Q: Can we @ you? For questions and comments, of course. We’ll be getting a flood of notifications, so if you really want us to see something send an ask. Q: Can I cross post on other blogs? Yes, multiple platforms and blogs are perfectly acceptable, as long as they allow cross-posting (to us). You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once. If you post some works under your main and others under an alt blog, that’s fine for completionist purposes. Q: Can I upload/repost my Whumptober content to other social media platforms? Of course! We’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any fics posted there, which can be found here. The blog is the official archive, so please respect the personal boundaries of any whumpers in your social circle (don’t out anyone as a participant who would prefer not to be outed).
Most importantly, have fun, create, and enjoy all the whump posted this October!
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