#v; no longer trapped in the cycle (cycle 1 ; main ; post ff1)
cornelianlute · 8 months
@ragingfists liked for a starter
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"oh, excuse me, sir. i did not see you there." the princess of cornelia was out on another trip into town (in disguise, of course). it was part of her duties to see how the people of her kingdom were faring. aside from the chaos a traveling fair can bring, things were the same as usual. brushing a lock of hair the colour of carnations behind her ear, the princess continues, "are you a traveler come to experience the festivities in store? if you would like, i can show you around the town?"
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cornelianlute · 8 months
@fabullisnova || eiko liked for a starter.
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"ah, eiko! it is good to see you again!" the princess of cornelia was about to retire to her garden. there was a significant lack of care lately that she hated to admit, but she had found herself quite busy with her royal duties. "i would ask what brings you here today, but i was hoping you would oblige me with something? i do so need a break from helping my father and mother and i was wondering if you would like to come visit my garden? perhaps there is something you can take home to your moogle friends, too."
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cornelianlute · 8 months
@crystalmannequin liked for a starter.
"the warrior of light!" the corners of her lips turn upwards into a smile. she hadn't expected to see him here of all places - or maybe she did. she had been rather consumed in learning royal affairs with governess and she hadn't really had a moment to herself. her hair, the colour of carnations, blows gently in the breeze as she continues. "i feel as if it has been so long since the last i have seen of you. tell me, if you please... how are things outside these stone walls? i feel as if it has been centuries since i have walked outside."
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she frowns. "oh! i shall have to mention to my lady-in-waiting the next i see of her that i need a break from all of this studying!" but then a thought comes to the young princess's mind. "hmm..." placing a finger to her chin, she asks, "unless you would like to oblige me, kind sir? if you already have plans, please let me come with you! i can't suffer another moment in this stuffy castle!"
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cornelianlute · 8 months
eiko slowly peeks from the door, feeling timid. ❛ um, surprise...! it's been so long, sarah. sorry i haven't stopped by these days; i didn't want to leave my moogles for too long when it was the holidays... ❜
eiko stops and feels that she's only trying to find excuses. she scolds herself, then steps into the room a little more bravely. ❛ anyway, i wanted to come visit you, so i did! my moogles understood and they sent me off! let's have another tea party while i'm here, okay? the last one was fun, and we can catch up! ❜
(eiko; fabullisnova 💕)
↳ @fabullisnova || eiko
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sarah had found herself in the royal library of cornelia reading a novel about far away places and tales of heroic knights and swashbuckling pirates. it was all so exciting and sarah oh so loved thrilling adventures. the fireplace beside her kept the room nice and cozy and made her forget the chilliness of the outside. it had been such a long time since she had received visitors outside of the warriors of light and even those visits were far and few between now that they had saved the world.
a knock on the library door had alerted her attention but before she could get up, eiko had peeked her head through the door and had apologized for her absence. oh! seeing her small friend brought the corners of her lips upwards and sarah placed her novel ever so gently on the table beside her.
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"why eiko! it is so good to see you!" forgetting decorum for just a moment, her skirts swished as she rushed forward. kneeling down to take her young friend's hands in her own, she smiled once more. she had not seen eiko in what felt like ages and the last had been when the two princesses of cornelia had heard from eiko that she had never gotten to experience a tea party, but had always wanted to try one.
"oh, it is all right. i understand how busy one can be especially during the holidays," there had been all kinds of balls, charity events, and the such to visit - either hosted by her parents or other neighboring kingdoms including one to the elf kingdom where sarah got to visit her dear friend, luci, and his newly wedded wife, jornee. she was happy for them and wondered if she would ever have the chance to fall so deeply in love with someone and share the rest of her life with them in holy matrimony. "but i am glad to see you all the same. perhaps you can tell me more about these moogle friends of your's? i have never seen a moogle before. what are they like? what do they look like? they sound rather fluffy. are they not?"
pale pink strands fell into her face then and sarah released her friend's hands to put them back into place. "i have heard of mythical creatures called chocobos - my father has statues of them in his throne room, but i have never heard of moogles." her eyes twinkled then. "do you think that somewhere out in the world, here, that these moogles exist, too? we could go on an adventure together to discover the truth!"
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cornelianlute · 9 months
“Ah, lips that say one thing, while the heart thinks another.” ( garland / falsestalwart )
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how many times had they gone through this same song and dance? how many times did she recall rejecting him? or were all those times just dreams - or nightmares really? oh mother, oh father… what would they think if they saw her now? here in this dark place all her hopes for the future seemed to dim. she thought of the prophecy and began to wonder if it was true that the warriors of light would be there to save the world and perhaps even save her. there was nothing here but darkness and it threatened to choke her. it left her scared. what's more was that she also felt scared of garland. his once magnificent armor that glistened in the bright cornelian sunlight was now terrifying to behold. his height had also never truly bothered her before, but now it seemed as if he towered over her and it intimidated her.
and through it all she hated how she felt. she wanted to feel safe with him. she wanted to trust him again, and… though she'd probably never admit it out loud, she wanted to stay with him, to be with him, and forgot that everything that had happened, had never happened. would it be so wrong if she did? she knew it would. she longed for the comfort of his hand in her's again and knew it must never be. that's why she had stood firm (or at least she hoped she had) in admonishing him for she had to return home. there were people back home that loved her, desired her company, and counted on her too. she needed to return.
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"sir garland, i do not understand. why would you do such a cruel thing? i hardly think a rejected marriage proposal is grounds for kidnapping."
the briefest of flashes danced in her mind's eye as she closed her eyes for just a second. the dreams she had had of the two of them dancing, taking lunch in garden, strolling through town for a walk and so much more… all she ever wanted was to be with him despite their social statuses.
of course that was when garland replied, "Ah, lips that say one thing, while the heart thinks another."
her eyes flew open then and she felt the blood rush to her cheeks. she turned her gaze towards the stone flooring and clenched her fists to her side. he knew her so well, and she was rather ashamed to admit that she did want to stay with him, but… wasn't it wrong to want such things under such circumstances? was it wrong to want it even when she could feel the storm of darkness within him that had not been there before?
a soft breeze blew through the cracks in the chaos shrine causing his cape to rustle in the breeze and strands of her mint green hair to rustle as well. it sent a shiver up her spine as her fine, pure white dress danced in the light breeze and she felt goosebumps raise on her arms and her exposed shoulders. she caught of flash of light shimmer in the reflection of the ominous purple crystal behind garland and recognized the object as one of the gifts she had given him long ago. tears sprang forth to her eyes and she wondered why fate had to be so cruel to taunt and tease her so. perhaps everything that had happened in the months before had been leading to this moment - their arrival at the chaos shrine.
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for a second she wondered if he had outstretched her hand to her but she realized that was an image from one of her dreams. she had always woken up before taking it or not taking it - she could never make up her mind, but now… now she knew what choice she would take and she would take that choice with her to the grave. she would never tell another soul in all her life. it was a secret with reasons that she, and she alone, would carry.
she outstretched her hand this time with her bracelet dangling from her wrist and a pained smile on her face, she said, "it is true my heart thinks something else entirely and i feel that we have gone through this before, but this time i am offering myself to you, garland. i will remain here with you and be your companion in these dark times."
until the warriors of light came she would remain here by his side, unwavering in her decision even if those she held dear would hate her for it.
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cornelianlute · 9 months
“Better to stay in here, Princess. Yes, there’s nothing you want out there.”  ( from falsestalwart / garland ! )
Labyrinth - sentence starters
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How fast her world had turned upside down due to one simple misunderstanding. Whisked away to a place of infinite darkness, Garland was her only companion - if you could even call him that. He had spirited her away here, to the Chaos Shrine, a location whose history remains shrouded in mystery even now. Everything here was so cold, so dark, so… full of despair. How long would she remain here? How long had she been here truly? Sometimes in the briefest of moments she has flashes of memories as if she had been here more than once and always at the hands of Garland, always suffering, always because she had denied him.
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Would telling him how she truly felt change things? But then she wonders, with a hand on her heart, her feelings for him were soured and were beginning to change. She had never truly been frightened of him, never truly believed he would harm her or her kingdom and yet-! The feel of the cold stone was like ice against her skin. She looked up at him, the man who had once been her knight but now was her captor, and wished she could see his eyes. She wished she could ask him why he had done all of this, but she could feel the oppressive darkness within him and her throat clammed up. It was all so… frightening. She was frightened of him and she hated it. She shouldn't have to be so frightened because she had trusted him, but then it all changed when he had bared his feelings for her. She had never seen him so vulnerable and she had hurt him and she regretted it.
Perhaps staying here with him in this manner would be her atonement. This would be how she made up for her sins. Turning away from him, her eyes fell on the dark crystal beside them, its purple hues lighting up an otherwise darkened space. It was so hypnotizing like she would be sucked in. Maybe it was alright to stay here. Maybe it would be alright. Maybe it would be fine. Maybe how she was feeling was wrong. Maybe what he said was right. Maybe there was nothing out there for her. Maybe everything she ever needed and wanted was here in the Chaos Shrine. Was that right? She didn't know. Her gaze was firmly transfixed on the dark crystal.
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"Yes… Maybe you are right. Perhaps it is far better to stay here with you in this darkness than be with the light."
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cornelianlute · 9 months
“Moral wounds have this peculiarity - they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.” ( garland / falsestalwart )
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Was that so? Perhaps she would always carry these wounds deep inside of her for all of time. Perhaps it wasn't enough that she was plagued with dreams of other lives and other connections - of people and places she would probably never see. It shamed her to think that if there was even a chance that some of the people in her dreams were, in fact, real that she had forgotten them. But dreams were just dreams and nothing more, right?
There were also the scars she carried from her kidnapping ordeal. Those wounds, she knew, would never really heal. The hurt and the confusion... she'd carry with her forever. For the briefest of moments she had lost her light, her hope for the future, and had known the deepest, darkest despair. The one she had believed in, had put all of her faith in, had hurt her in a way she had never known possible and she wondered then if she would ever truly believe in the light of the future again. In those dark moments of despair, she wondered if she ever truly loved Garland at all or if it was all just a fleeting fancy because who could love someone that could harm them so?
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The wind kicked up then, blowing strands of her hair into her face. Reaching to put her hair back into place, she can't stop herself from asking, "Do you things would be different if none of this had ever happened? If we hadn't need of the Warriors of Light, would things have turned out much the same? Or," she turns her pale blue eyes towards her former knight. "do you think things would've turned out much the same? Would you still have tried to take me for your own?"
And the ever-burning question she wanted to ask, but could never find the courage to breathe life into. Her lips felt dry then and she raked her tongue across her coarse pale pink lips. It was unbecoming of her, she knew, but at the same she didn't care. All she really wanted was answers and there was no one around to bother them - though she had a sneaking suspicion that there was probably at least one pair of eyes out there watching them.
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He was no longer in service to her father so she had no right to even demand it, but she needed those answers. Her shoulders were square, her stance straighter, and if anyone else were to look at her, they'd probably see a fire in her eyes, and her voice was stern. "Tell me, Garland," she didn't use his title. It was rather mean of her , but perhaps this was the fastest way to an answer. She had known the blackness of despair, of what it was like to lose all hope. She wasn't afraid anymore, and, if anything, she needed closure, too. "Would you have committed the same sins if you could do it all over again? Would you continue to hurt me so?"
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cornelianlute · 9 months
“It seems to me everything’s going perfectly for you.”
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The click-clack of her silver pumps on the cobblestone was muffled by the daily going-ons of cornelia castle town. murmurs ran through the city of dreams of the next crystal the warriors of light must have restored. this time it was the water crystal which meant many prosperous tidings for the kingdom. their seaside port would once again see regular traffic and her father had ordered it restored shortly after the first crystal had been restored. increased security was a must and they saw more and more soldiers coming to and from the castle to the port and back. it was to, hopefully, prevent any pirate activity but to also ensure that the renewed trade routes on land were properly patrolled and secured. it was a joyous time for her kingdom and her people.
while she had enjoyed many a quiet time in the past few days, the sudden change was all so exciting and she couldn't help but to look forward to what the future would bring. all ready they could begin to notice the difference. the once dull elements were now regaining their natural intensity - the fires were warmer and stronger and the earth was capable of once more cultivating and growing strong flora and fauna. the crash of waves in the distance brought her attention back to the present.
it was true. what her blonde haired companion said was true. everything did seem to be going rather perfectly for the crown princess of cornelia. even her mother (who had been prescribed bedrest by the kingdom's head physician since that incident) was looking much better. the usual radiance her mother always seemed to carry with her reflected in all of her features once more. her viridescent hair seemed to sparkle against the bright day sky, the red of her royal attire no longer seemed to wash her out, but brought out the blush in her cheeks, the twinkle of her eyes.
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of course they all had the warriors of light to thank for such things. without them perhaps none of this great and wonderful change would be happening - happening all over the world she just knew in her heart.
shielding her soft blue hues from the ever brilliant and dazzling sunlight (that only seemed to grow more radiant as each day passed by), she looked up at the sky above. at one point in time she had looked up at this same sky many a time with a certain someone and she wondered if he would also be as elated about the changes to the world as the people of cornelia were, as she was. that was the only dark spot in this otherwise perfectly perfect life.
turning back to her companion, she gives the other a gentle smile though she wonders if the clouds in the sky remain in her eyes as she thought she heard the voice of another call out from the distance. just a phantom, a memory from another time. "yes, i suppose things seem that way, but truthfully-" no, it wouldn't due to linger on the past. the world was changing and she must do her best to keep up. "-my apologies. my thoughts were with someone with whom i would have very much liked to spend these joyous times with. it is a shame that he is no longer here but times change and perhaps after everything, in these future times of peace, he is no longer needed."
she sighs. "so while i would agree that things are going rather perfectly for most everyone, for me, there are people i wish were here beside me to witness these great changes for things to truly be perfect."
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cornelianlute · 10 days
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@fabullisnova (eiko) asked: "so what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her?" PRETTY WOMAN PROMPTS
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"he fell to his knees and sobbed at the sight of the beautiful, slumbering princess. he took her lifeless hand in his own and placed a tender, goodbye kiss on her forehead. it is said he offered prayers to the gods and just as he was about to leave, the princess opened her eyes to a world altogether unfamiliar to her." she sighed. "it's very romantic and bittersweet all at once. he thought his love had died by the hands of the dragon knight, but she awoke. she awoke from her years long slumber to unfamiliar sights and the knowledge that things were not the way they had been when she had been abducted." closing the book, she solemnly stares out the library's windows. "do you think they lived happily even after everything, eiko? i just couldn't bear it to think that misery awaited them after all of that."
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cornelianlute · 10 days
tag dump.
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cornelianlute · 4 months
@tribaloflight liked for a starter.
pale blue hues take in her surroundings and she's knows one thing for certain - that she is not in cornelia at the moment. her pulse quickens and she thinks to herself that surely an adventure lay around the corner. how'd she get here? she wasn't too sure, but the world was a magical place and there would be time to discover the answers later. right now she was excited about the prospect of an adventure! surely if the chancellor saw her or one of her parents, she'd be in for an earful but she didn't see them. besides she needed a break from their watchful eyes every now and again.
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she spies a stranger in the distance and rushes over. it was unladylike of her to rush in such a manner, but at the moment it didn't matter to her. "forgive me, but..." she looks around again before resting her gaze on the other. "i think i am lost. could you, perhaps, tell me where i am?"
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cornelianlute · 8 months
"Sarah!" the white mage ran to her sister, flinging herself onto the beautiful woman. tears burned behind closed lids, hands grabbing fistfuls of her gown. the arduous journey for the four crystals was over. the winds were calmed, fire nurtured, water cleansed & earth protected. & while diana had matured greatly in her journey, all she wanted was sarah. "I'm home. I'm home." she weeped, snuggling her closer.
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"Diana!" It had been so, so long since she had last seen her sister. It seemed like just yesterday that she had departed the kingdom as a warrior of light to save the world from the encroaching darkness. Sarah had entrusted her beloved lute to her younger sister, knowing that she would keep it safe and prove useful on her journey. Sarah would be lying if she didn't say she had missed her sister dearly.
Each day she wondered if she would ever see her again and each day she prayed to the crystals to keep her sister safe as she freed the world from its struggles. When the elements had returned to their natural harmony, a prideful surge had swelled deep within her breast, and Sarah knew that her sister was safe and fulfilling her destiny.
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With Diana clinging to her for dear life, right now, her own arms slid around her sister and she squeezed tightly. Never again would she let her sister go, and she hoped never again would her sister have to go and fight terrifying monsters and creatures of the dark and she hoped never again would her sister have to fight for her life. Stroking her sister's soft, beautiful pink hair, Sarah says, "Thank you for all you've done, and Diana," She smiles. "Welcome back!"
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cornelianlute · 8 months
"you like this, don't you? i remember you saying that." ( falsestalwart / garland )
↳ @falsestalwart
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in his hands was a box, simply wrapped in light green and white striped paper and adorned with ribbon across the sides and finally a white bow in the corner. sarah only knew one place in town that packaged gifts like that. it was an old antiques store that sold the most pretty jewelry, furniture, and trinkets just to name a few. sarah had often gone there with her mother or by herself to purchase gifts for those she cherished. they always seemed to have something new in stock almost every day and she remembered one particular instance when she had traveled into town with her knightly escort.
in the window display, there had been a very pretty golden gilded jewelry box with pink tufting decorating the inside. her mind raced at all the tiny little things she could put it in, but she knew ultimately the treasures it would hold on the inside would be her two pink bracelets and matching ring. she had passed on purchasing it as other duties required her attention at the time (who knew it was so difficult finding a gift for a newly wedded couple?) and had all but forgotten about it until her hands find the corners of the wrapping paper and she slides out the box from within.
gently setting side the paper, she lifts open the lid and inside is the jewelry box she had contented herself with never having. to think that he had remembered so pretty an object and had purchased it for her even now made her heart beat madly against her ribcage. opening the jewelry box, it is even more pretty now than it had been resting in the shop window. it is beautiful beyond words, but find them she must to convey her gratitude.
the birds above them sang and she wondered if her little lark friend was among them today or if it had found another spot in her garden to rest. she places the jewelry box back inside the gift box and sets that on the bench beside them.
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"thank you… garland." she finds that she cannot quite look him in the eye, embarrassed as she is that he remembered something so insignificant as a jewelry box to get her. brushing a strand of hair out of her face, she turns her gaze to him and continues. "i didn't think you would remember such a thing as little as i had looked at it at the shop. it… it makes me happy that you remembered all the same. thank you so much, but may i ask?"
a finger presses to her lip. "what occasion is this for? it is surely not my birthday last i checked. the flowers are still in full bloom and the grass is evergreen, or perhaps it is just a token of your gratitude?" something like that? she blushes again at the thought that perhaps it was just a gift and nothing more, but he must know how things are viewed when it comes to giving royalty presents like this especially from somewhere so dear to her heart.
"Thank you all the same. I shall cherish it till the end of my days."
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cornelianlute · 9 months
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twilight princess sentence starters
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❝ just as there is light to drive away darkness, so, too, is there benevolence to banish evil. ❞ ❝ your heart and mine were as one, however briefly. ❞
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one simple misunderstanding was all it took for her life to be forever turned upside down. the last thing sarah remembered was rejecting garland's hand in marriage. now she found herself in what she could only guess was the chaos shrine. everything was made of stone, of marble, and the atmosphere was oppressing and cold. a few shafts of light broke through the ceiling but otherwise it was dark. when she awoke, she was alone. the room she was in was sparse. there was no furnishings, no ceremonial offerings, nothing that could indicate that this shrine had once been in use years and years ago.
leaving the room she was in, sarah never realized just how big this temple actually was. she had only ever seen it from a distance from the castle and she had assumed since it was abandoned and falling apart that it was just as small as the disrepair on the outside had made it seem. how wrong she was. outside of the room she could hear the call of bats and the hair on her arms and the back of her neck rose. why had he brought her to this place? why had he kidnapped her when she turned him down? she didn't understand at all.
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she found him in the middle of the temple surrounded by the bats she had heard. she couldn't see it but she saw its glow - the glow of a purple crystal in the very center of the room. this confused her. she had never once heard of a fifth crystal. there were only four and they were responsible for the harmony of the elements and keeping the balance of the world. where had this crystal come from? was it a crystal of darkness? was it possible for such a thing to exist?
but no. she couldn't allow herself to think things like that. she had to try to escape. somehow. turning around she thought she could spy the entrance but she wasn't sure. what if it led to another room? what if this temple was never-ending? what if she could never return? what if garland kept her here forever? why had he brought her here? the question pained her. she feared she'd never have the answers to the questions she sought.
hearing the faintest of whispers, she turned back around. was there someone here with them? who was it? were they here to save her? there were no other people - just her and garland. the bats she had heard were swarming around garland, and she heard him reply, "the history of light and shadow will be written in blood. there is nothing anyone could do to change the course of fate. it has already been decided - as it was then is as it shall always be."
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no, he was wrong! the warriors of light would come! it was prophesized! they would stop the darkness from taking over their world. they would, wouldn't they? but even so she couldn't stop herself from voicing her own opinion. "you're wrong, sir garland. just as there is light to drive away darkness, so, too, is there benevolence to banish evil. "
"ah, so you're awake, princess." her former knight turned around, his purple cloak billowing softly in the breeze that came through the cracks in the stone. he was fully armored now so she could not see his eyes instead she felt an overwhelming, oppressive feeling of darkness from him that she had not felt before. it… scared her. a hand to her breast, she had to keep her terror in check. every part of her trembled in fear and she hated it. she shouldn't have to be afraid of something she once trusted her entire life with, someone that had protected her and her family.
he made his way over to her, the clank of his armor was so loud in her ears. she flinched when his gloved hand reached out towards her and gently stroked her cheek. "your heart and mine were as one, however briefly, princess."
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closing her eyes, she could see that time so clearly. it only seemed just like yesterday that things were so jovial at home, that he had brought her back flowers from his travels and described for her just what the countryside looked like and what the waves smelled like. she remembered how he always took time out of his knightly duties to visit her and to spend time with her. thinking on it now, she realized, she took the comfort and safety of him for granted. a single tear slips from her right eye and she wishes she could change things and take back what she had said.
if only she had known her choices would lead her down this path, if only she could take it all back...
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cornelianlute · 9 months
twilight princess sentence starters
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❝ if you were to get proper instruction, i bet you could be a very skilled swordsman. ❞
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As part of her studies, Sarah was out in the training yard practicing on a pair of wooden dummies that had seen their fair share of recruits over the years. Captain Biggs and his apprentice, Wedge, stood watch over her as she continued her training - or well, it was more so the start. With the ever-increasing monster population and the looming threat of pirates from Pravoka, there was an insurgence of freshly faced recruits to her father's army. Her father and the chancellor both had been hopeful that these new recruits would not only bolster the army's numbers, but also would prove to be a valuable asset in protecting the kingdom, but… She had heard talk throughout the castle through hushed whispers that some thought otherwise, and of course there were those that worried about the safety of their king and queen and their daughters. Who would protect them if everyone else was on the field protecting the people and their homes? So Sarah resolved to take up the sword as well and learn and train as much as she could in case of a monster attack in the city's walls.
Biggs and Wedge were sworn into secrecy by Sarah. Her younger sister was on a bench nearby, content, with watching her big sister take up the sword. They both knew that if word got out that there would be those that disagreed and would take word up with their father and mother on how unladylike it was, but Sarah didn't care. She wanted to protect those that she loved. She was already progressing well with her magic. What could go wrong learning the ways of the sword?
She had selected a rapier, glittering gold and adorned with nephrite jade, carnelian, and blue topaz - all three sacred gemstones of the kingdom. It felt both light and heavy in her hand, and she wondered if there would come a time when she would be as familiar with this sword as she was with her lute.
With a blunt swipe, she struck the training dummy - again and again and again.
Someone behind her sighed and another chuckled and she hoped it wasn't her trainers, but instead a familiar voice called out before she could turn around and ask if was necessary for the 'process', "if you were to get proper instruction, i bet you could be a very skilled swordswomen."
That voice-! Could it be?
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Turning around, she realized that her closest friend, her confident, Prince Luci of the Elven Kingdom was here standing before all of them. The youngest princess of Cornelia called out his name and forgetting decorum, rushed forward and embraced him in a tight hug. Ah, to be a child again.
Both Luci and his retainer chuckled at young princess, Cordelia's boldness and even Sarah couldn't help but to smile.
"Cordelia! What would Mother and Father say?" Sarah said, feigning shock, but giggling all the while. Sarah curtseyed herself and welcomed her friend. "And that proper instruction you speak of… I've only just begun. Sir Biggs and Sir Wedge are here to help me train, but as for my father, he doesn't know about this, so please do not let him know. I'm sure he would forbid it if he knew." Sometimes she couldn't help but to wonder if her father thought she was too delicate to do anything other than be kind, graceful, and gentle and to never dirty her hands in any way whatsoever.
"Perhaps I could also teach you a thing or two? There are rumors that the Dark Elf, Astos, is preparing something and everyone in my kingdom has been prepping for his eventual assault - whatsoever it may be." Luci said.
"Of course. I would very much like that. Perhaps between you, Sir Biggs, and Sir Wedge, I, too, can be ready in case of a monster attack here in our fair city."
"Ah, the day that the city of dreams and its kingdom is attacked will be a said one indeed." Luci replied.
She trained with Biggs, Wedge, and Luci far into the daytime before a servant had come to ask Sarah if she had seen the elf prince as her father had been expecting him. Everyone shared a good laugh at Luci's forgetfulness and as Sarah, Cordelia, Luci and his retainer made his way to the throne room, Sarah couldn't help but to wonder if her friend's visit wasn't a friendly calling, but was in fact something more serious.
Hopefully if anything serious came to pass, she would be ready for it and if she wasn't ready in time with her sword then she would do all she could to assist with her magic abilities.
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cornelianlute · 9 months
twilight princess sentence starters
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❝ a sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage. ❞
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in her hands was a silver and gold sword, embedded in it is the royal gemstone of the kingdom of cornelian near its hilt and equally crimson colored tassels, and blue baubles attached these colored tassels to the sword as well. it was a very pretty sword, crafted by the finest blacksmith in all of cornelia eons ago and was fabled to be a sword of cornelian legend.
it was her fervent desire, her wish, that this fabled sword protect them from evil. she had already gifted her lute, another object of cornelian fables passed down through the royal family, to the warriors, but she wanted to gift something more. after her lady's maid had helped clean her up from her ordeal, sarah had asked her father before the warriors had made their entrance into the throne room if there was anything at all they could gift the warriors with. after all they had risked life and limb to fight garland, a once noble knight of the kingdom, and had journeyed to an otherwise unknown and dangerous location to save her too. what had been decided on was this sword.
they were outside the throne room now, a moment between the five of them, and she offered the sword to them. each of the four warriors had protested, but the princess of cornelia, the kingdom's sun, had insisted.
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"it is not just a gift from myself, but a gift from all of the people of cornelia. please take it." outstretching her hands, she hoped that they would accept. she hoped it would prove useful on their quest and perhaps… perhaps this very sword would be the light that shone through the darkness and saved their world.
the warrior with his crimson locks was the one to take the sword, to hold it in his hand and firmly grasp it. she hoped its weight was lighter than the one that surely rested on their shoulders of saving this world and its people. the four warriors took their time admiring such fine craftsmanship and sarah said, "a sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage. it is my wish that it keep you safe on your travels, and please remember - you will always have a home here in cornelia no matter where you should find yourselves."
wherever they went, wherever they should find themselves, she would always be thinking of them and praying for their safety.
"and please be careful. where you walk, darkness follows. keep the light within you strong and may the crystals grace be with you always."
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