#25c is too fucking hot
alpydk · 4 months
Made the mistake of packing the kettle.
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nameification · 1 year
got tired of playing instruments quite a bit ago BUT I remember how my ninang has a drum kit laying around somewhere that she hadn't brought with her to australia and I'm feeling bored soooooo
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aqpippin · 9 months
1:18am. 25°C. 94% humidity. safe to say i want to die
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nyssaswitch · 10 months
Pool Party with the Barca Boys
Y/N is Gavi’s sister.
A pool party is being held at Gavi’s house with Frenkie de Jong, João Cancelo, Marc Guiu, Héctor Fort and Aron Yaakobishvili in attendance.
Y/N is living it up, flirting with all of the guys (and who could blame her, her brother’s teammates were HOT).
But deep down, she has a sweet spot for Héctor.
Chapter 1
Today was the day that Y/N had been looking forward to for weeks, today Gavi’s teammates would all meet up at his place for the long-awaited pool party.
You were giddy with excitement, since you knew that Héctor Fort would be coming too.
Ever since you first laid eyes on him when accompanying Gavi during football practice, you hadn’t been able to get him out of your head.
You had a thing for football players, fuckboys and Mediterranean men and Héctor was the perfect embodiment of all three.
You knew that this was technically a pool party, but you wanted to look your best for Héctor and so you’d spent four hours painstakingly doing your hair and makeup before the guys arrived.
Since you were gonna be “swimming” and it was 25C outside, you’d put your hair up in a stylish messy bun and had kept your makeup minimal.
As for your outfit, you’d done your best to pick out the skimpiest bikini that you owned, if that wouldn’t catch his attention, you don’t know what would.
Even you had to admit that the “bikini” was quite revealing and so, you’d decided to wear a coverup over it (decent as you were). Though you were well aware that the coverup was see through and left plenty of cleavage exposed.
Worst case scenario, Héctor wouldn’t be interested in you and you’d just hook up with one of Gavi’s other friends instead.
After having locked yourself in Gavi’s bathroom for the past four hours, you entered the living room and saw Gavi sitting on the couch.
He gave you a once over as he frowned and said “you know it’s a pool party right? We’re gonna be swimming”.
“Oh I know, you said, with a smile”. “Who are you trying to impress?” asked Gavi. “No one” you squeaked, fuck, was it that obvious? You thought to yourself.
“And what in god's name are you wearing? Could you possibly have put on anything skimpier?” asked Gavi.
“You worry too much Gavi, please just take a chill pill”. “Fine”, he said, ”just know that I”ll be watching you closely and if any of the guys so much as looks in your direction, I'll kill them”. “I don’t need your protection Gavi”. “Trust me you do”, he said.
At that moment the bell rang. Saved by the bell, how cliche, you thought.
You jumped up and said “I'll get it”, as Gavi looked at you and rolled his eyes, you skipped to the front door.
In front of the door stood Frenkie, Pedri and João Cancelo.
“Hi guys, are y'all ready to party?” you asked, as you gave each of them a hug.
“As ready as I'll ever be”, said Frenkie.
“It’s nice to see you again” said Pedri.
“Looking good” said João Cancelo. “You too”, you chirped and blushed.
“Where are the others?”, you asked Frenkie.
“Marc, Héctor and Áron Yaakobishvili will be arriving in 15 minutes, Marc just texted me”, said Frenkie.
“Okey-dokey, can’t wait to get the party started”, you said. “Come on in”.
The three boys walked in and greeted Gavi.
“Woah, Gavi, you’re so lucky to have someone like that as your sister”, Frenkie said.
Pedri nodded in agreement, while João said “poeh”.
“You guys are disgusting” said Gavi, you do realise that that’s my sister, you’re talking about?
“Oh we’re well aware”, said Frenkie while grinning.
Gavi objectively knew that his sister was good looking, ever since Y/N had been in middle school, guys had been throwing themselves at her and his teammates were no different.
“Okay, can we please stop talking about my sister?” , said Gavi.
“Sorry”, João said. “But can you really blame us?”
At that moment the bell rang for the second time, causing the boys to stop bickering.
“I'll get it”, you said in a cheery voice.
You opened the door and your face lit up when you finally saw Héctor, for a moment there, you were afraid that he wouldn’t show.
“We’ve come bearing gifts”, said Marc Guiu.
“We brought plenty of booze” said Áron Yaakobishvili, lifting a bottle.
“And snacks”, said Héctor Fort, holding a platter with delicious looking mini pizzas.
He gave you the platter and as he did, your hands briefly touched, sending an electric shock through your whole body.
You wondered if Héctor felt it too.
They brushed past you as you took the tray with pizzas and placed them in the fridge.
You were still reeling from Héctor’s touch, when you made your way to the outside pool.
The pool was large and deep enough to to be making somersaults in, which is why the guys loved Gavi’s pool.
Part of the fun was seeing the guys rough housing and in swim shorts no less.
The boys had started to play football by the pool, with Áron acting as goalkeeper and the rest of the guys taking turns trying to shoot the ball in the goal.
Áron however, was giving them a tough time, demonstrating how he was shaping up to be a promising future goalkeeper for Barcelona’s first team.
Áron loved how hard the other guys were trying and started taunting Héctor once it was his turn saying “you know the ball’s supposed to land in the goal, not next to it”.
“Just you wait” said Héctor. “Yeah, we”ll show you”, said Marc.
“Eventually”, Áron retorted.
After having played three more rounds, without any of the guys managing to score, Áron said “let’s make this more interesting, the first one to score will get 7 minutes in heaven with Y/N, if Y/N is up for it, that is”.
“Y/N, how does that sound?”
“Hmmm, sorry, what were you saying?”, you hadn’t been paying attention to what Áron was saying, too wrapped up in the ogling of all the football boys and since you were basically surrounded by eye candy, you had to divide your team between each of the 6 boys milling about.
“Well, since none of these guys have managed to score, I came up with a little proposal, the first person to score will get 7 minutes in heaven with you, are you up for it?”
5 faces were staring at you expectantly, eagerly awaiting your response.
“Y/N you don’t have to agree to anything that makes you uncomfortable”, said Gavi protectively.
“So Y/N, what will it be?” Asked Frenkie with twinkling eyes.
Your breath hitched and your heart started beating a little faster, oh how you’d wished for a moment like this to occur. For Héctor’s arms to finally wrap around you and feel his lips on yours.
“Sure, I’m in,” you said coolly, while looking straight at Gavi, who just shook his head disapprovingly.
“Alright then, time to step up our game lads”, said João.
The atmosphere by the pool had changed, the guys, who’d started playing in a rowdy and playful manner had all turned quiet and pensive, pulling out all the stops and trying their hardest to make that goal.
After, what had seemed an eternity, you heard someone shout “GOAL!”.
You looked up to see Marc pumping his fist into the air and looking smug at the other guys.
“Have fun man”, Pedri said.
“Yeah, I’m definitely jealous”, said Frenkie.
Marc walked up to you, gently grabbed your hand, looked into your eyes and asked “are you coming with me?”.
Shit, you thought, you’d hoped that Héctor was gonna be the one to take you home, but it’s not like you could just blurt out “actually, I’d prefer to go with Héctor”.
So you weakly nodded and followed Marc inside the house, as the guys started cheering behind you.
“Y/N, where’s the guest bedroom?" asked Marc.
You took his hand and silently led him to the guest bedroom, your thoughts a million miles away.
Marc sat down on the bed holding your hand, rubbing his thumb over the backside of your hand.
Listen Y/N, I know it might seem like this came out of the blue, but I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time, ever since I first saw you.
You’re gorgeous and you’d make me the happiest guy alive, if you’d let me make you mine right now.
Your breath choked, this wasn’t how you’d imagined the pool party would go, but Marc, was very attractive as well and how could you say no to him, while he was looking at you with so much yearning.
He leaned in and cupped your face with his right hand, planting a soft kiss on your mouth.
As soon as his lips found yours, you carefully reciprocated.
While continuing to make out, you climbed on top of him, rocking your hips back and forth.
Marc’s breath hitched, he let out a sigh and said “baby please let me see all of you”.
You responded by unclasping your bikini top and letting it fall to the floor.
Marc grasped your breasts and slowly started massaging them, causing you to let out a whimper.
Marc chuckled, “you like that huh baby”.
You groaned “oh yes Marc, please don’t stop”. You continued to grind your core against his crotch, feeling him grow hard.
“Hmmm, baby, please stop, you’re turning me on so much and I’d rather cum inside of you” said Marc.
You lay down on your back and pulled your bikini bottoms to the side, Marc pushed one finger inside of you and whimpered “hmm, you’re so wet for me baby”.
He continued fingering you and just as you were about to come undone, he slid his fingers out of you and placed a kiss on top of your forehead.
“Sssh, baby, I know I know”, he said as you whined in displeasure, your orgasm having been so close.
Marc slid into you, filling you up wholly and stretching you out.
You let out a gasp of pleasure as he slid into you, Marc doing the same.
Marc started pumping into you harder and harder, you felt yourself getting close to climax and yelped “don’t stop”.
Marc continued to pump into you at the same pace, while you reached your climax and screamed out “oh Héctor”.
You could feel Marc filling you up, while he looked at you with hurt in his eyes.
“I, I’m so sorry, you said hastily”.
“No don’t”, said Marc, “I guess that explains everything”.
“Explains what?” You asked him.
Why you seemed so quiet and hesitant when I finally made that goal and why your first reaction was to look at Héctor.
“You don’t have to explain yourself Y/N, I guess I know why you agreed to the game in the first place”.
Marc stalked off, with hunched shoulders, leaving you in the bed looking bewildered.
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I’ve made a grave error: I went for a walk during the middle of the day in summer. The temperature is around 27 degrees Celsius/80ish degrees Fahrenheit according to Accuweather, and the temperature feels like it’s 32ish degrees Celsius/90 degrees Fahrenheit. I was wearing a bra and a (lightweight) hoodie. Idk what the fuck I was thinking dressing like that but I am never going to make any of those mistakes again.
I’ve returned home now, I drank some water and briefly tried on a couple swimsuits because it’s supposed to get up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit/37.8ish degrees Celsius next week and I simply cannot tolerate that kind of heat unless I’m swimming. The swimsuits were all very comfortable but I’ve finally changed into a very thin tank top and I have the fan in my living room on. I went out for ice cream over the weekend and brought back a pint of lemon sorbet and another of cardamom, so I’ll have some of that as a little treat. I do really wish that I got a pint of the new butterfly herbal tea flavor that they recently released, it’s got lemongrass and pea blossom in it and it is fucking DELICIOUS.
Anyway not sure what my point was in sending you this ask but uhhh. I hope it’s not too hot where you are and if it is I hope that you get to have a new very good flavor of ice cream/sorbet/gelato/popsicle/some sort of cold treat that you enjoy.
I feel ya. If it's more than 25C outside, I have to plan my day so that I'm not outside more than 25 minutes at a time during the day or I will get heat exhaustion to the point of getting sick (fainting, delirium, dizziness, weakness, even vomiting). It's the absolute worst and I hate it
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Good morning happy weekend ☀️☀️☀️
It is crazy sunny here today!! Like wtf it's September I thought it was meant to be autumn now? But we've had the loveliest sunniest week ever. I don't have a garden so I've spent so much time outside and it's been lovely. But today it feels too hot to even go out, also why do houses in the UK not have air conditioning because I could really do with it right now
Anyway how are you darling?? I hope you have a lovely weekend I know you've not been feeling great recently
Wait, houses in the UK DONT have air conditioning???? How do y’all even- well I guess if the hottest you ever get is like 25C (I hope I did the conversion right. What’s the average summer temp for you?) I guess maybe you don’t need one? Cuz most homes in the US have one. Like I once rented a room in a home that was built in 1927 and even that had AC in it! And it was in Boston (we call it New England for a reason. It’s England weather. But just newer lmao)
I’m sleepy. But trying not to be stressed. Fuck that reminds me. Forgot to take my meds today. Brb let me go do that
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msfbgraves · 1 year
Notes on the management of a Hot Day without climate control. To be referred to in case of brain mush.
With every degree celsius, your motivation to Do Something will drop. Do not expect any motivation above 25°C
Try getting up around 6 AM. This might not seem feasible, but you have 5 hours until your body will want to come to a complete standstill.
Even when not up at six, hold a siësta. Whether outside or inside, simply rest. You'll need your energy to spring back into action between 16:00 and 17:00
You think, now, you'll want to be outside between 11:00 and 15:00. This isn't so. Go sunbathe from 16:00 onwards. Wear suncreen, my God.
Make sure that any preparations for visiting water are complete by 11:00 at the latest. Whether you go pre or post siësta (you can rest outside, provided you bring a parasol) does not matter. If you still have to do anything by 11:00 you will not do it.
If brain starts getting entirely preoccupied by Iced Tea, you are now entering brain mush mode. Have some and sit down. This is a screensaver. Brain will come back online at 17:00
The preparation of Iced Tea is NOT your biggest priority. Drink something.
Getting up at six may seem daunting now because you spent a too hot day trying to Do Things. Hold a siesta tomorrow when not in airconditioned surroundings and Do Things Later.
When societally obliged to do things in non airconditioned surroundings between 11 and 16h this is a fool's errand. You may have no choice but do not expect Anything At All to Get Accomplished during this time.
The Italians know this. Be like the Italians.
Try to do some meal prep in the morning. Have your Proper Meal at Lunch. You can have a late dinner, too, when rested enough to prepare one at like, 19:00. But probably lunch is your best bet to get some veggies in
When all else fails simply postpone things until the temperature stays under 25C at midday. This is Holland. It never lasts for weeks.
Spaniards, French, Italians, Morroccans, Turks and Greeks know not to fuck with heat as well as Dutchmen know not to fuck with water. Do As They Do.
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rebeccamcullen · 3 years
I sat in the sun for five minutes.
I feel like I'm melting.
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kemlyn · 6 years
did you come back to tumblr just to be a football blog now?
i’ve been in a hospicebubble for the past two months. the only thing i kept up to date with was myfootball. and i didn’t even do a good job of it. i only properly got around tothinking about the CL final on the day before it
i don’t know who any of youare any more because you all got new names and icons. i don’t know what you’veall been watching. i can’t find out because spoilers. i probably wouldn’t beinterested in watching 90% of it myself any way. i don’t care to find out who the new flavour of the month is. i really don’t care to find out whichonce flavour of the month is now on everyone’s problematic shitlist. i really really don’t care to find out why.etc etc. blah blah. tumblr bores me. too many meffs. i cba rebuilding a dashwhich actually interests me. football is easier. it’s all i’ve got right now. and i’ll postwhatever the feck i want ALLEZ ALLEZ ALLEZ UP THE REDS(blancos)
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ancharan · 3 years
you dont deserve this
you’ve probably had a terrible year. you’ve been beaten down by the pandemic, the economy, the jobs, Politics.... you’ve probably had a hard time even feeding yourself. you’ve done good for making it this far, you really have!
that said.
you don’t deserve the Ancient Secrets im about to bestow on you.
normally you’d have to climb a mountain and swim up a water fall and join an ancient temple and defeat your shifu in single combat before you’d be entrusted with these kinds of secrets. im breaking protocol by letting you all in on this. out of pity. its 2022. its been a hard couple of years.
(if you’re already chinese or asian in general you can skip this post its for other Whyte People you probably already know the Ancient Knowledge)
you’re welcome in advance.
i am going to give you a list of components - reagents, if you will - that, when combined, will give you a kind of Healing Broth that will rejuven8 not only your mind and body, but also your soul. pay close attention.
you’re going to go to your Local Grocery Store. You’re going to buy yourself a shitty 25c packet of maruchan ramen. you’re going to get a Chicken Egg. you might be saying, sure, sure, i know about ramenegg, who doesnt know about ramenegg, its 2022, everyone knows about this - shut up. shut the fuck up. you’re going to get kale. chopped kale is better. you can sub out the kale for another Hardy Green Leaf - or just use seaweed like a filthy trad poster, i dont give a shit. i only vouch for the effectiveness of kale in this recipe.
then, once uve got ur Basic Ingredients, ur gonna go to your Local Chinese Store, because getting the rest of these at ur Average Grocery Store is gonna be 1. expensive and 2. will give u shitty brand options
put ramen in boiling water. add spice packet. crack the egg into it and stir it around. add fistful of kale.
then, in moderation and according to ~taste~, add these:
1. lee kum kee chili oil. choose the oil, not the paste. it tastes better.
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2. pearl river bridge light soy sauce. the light determiner here is just to differenti8 it from dark soy sauce its not actually light its normal soy sauce
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3. kong yen black chinese vinegar. just like a healthy dollop of this
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4. white pepper. yes its different than black pepper i recommend u go easy on the quantity until u know what ur doing with this one
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5. sesame oil. pungent. sesame. delicious. use like half a teaspoon of this
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and then thats it. just cook ur ramen. thank me later. real bonus is that u can use these in all kinds of other sauces, soups, stir fries, and stews. literally even just like... scrambled eggs. throw some sesame oil on those mother fuckers who gives a shit lmao
really beef up ur kitchen by getting some shaoxing wine too just a Hot Tip
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undead-potatoes · 3 years
Just had the realization that because my Shepard grew up in the northern parts of the US, and is pretty good with the cold in general, the dynamic between her and Garrus is probably something akin to Shep wearing shorts in 15C/60F weather while Garrus is freezing his ass off under a mountain of clothes
On the flip side, Shep is fucking useless every time they go to Palaven bc it’s too fucking hot, and Northerners stop functioning at around 25C/77F (well below Palaven’s average of a whopping 31C/88F)
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clichenuance · 3 years
it is entirely too fucking hot today. it is only 77F/25C but it is Entirely Too fucking hot today.
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nei-ning · 6 years
Sun’s shining and there’s +33C (91.4F) outside. I’m sitting inside the house windows closed, venetian blinds closed and even curtains pulled in front of the windows to prevent heat getting in. And still it’s so fucking hot inside! I’m doing nothing more than SITTING STILL and I’m sweating like no tomorrow! This is fucking annoying summer weather. I can’t understand how people (in Finland) worship such fucking hot weather which is too hot and unnatural this North. +20 / +25C would be the max summer heat in Finland, not killer weathers like this.
Besides we have super warm houses which has been planned to keep the heat INSIDE because of winter so at summer time the heat STAYS in the house, making it way too warm. And no, we don’t have air conditioner(s) in our homes - unless you are ready to pay a lot to get one. They don’t automatically belong in homes since they normally are not needed here.
And when you live in rent apartment you just can’t go, buy and install one without asking permission first. If you get permission then you need to pay for someone to come to install it and IF you move away, you naturally can’t take it with you. You need to leave your air conditioner and buy new one in your new home, rent or own home.
Fucking summer. I hate you. Luckily it’s over soon! Few more months a.k.a about 8 weeks, and it should start to get colder since autumn, ihihihi! <3
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angel-nero · 7 years
fairy and phoenix?
FAIRY:  what would you call your aesthetic?               
urban aesthetic lmaooo, cyber punk too. I semi like conflict apparently cus i also consider blood and punches my aesthetic 
PHOENIX:  do you like hot weather?
I can’t tolerate weather of +30c… thats too much,, i like 25c weather… I love summer and 6pm sun but you know,,, summer usually fucks me up asdjasjd cold weather also makes me emo… :( 
 thank you! :D
magical/mythical asks
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