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mebleioswietlenie · 2 years ago
Piękne meble i oświetlenie od ASHME Furniture – konsola Jesionowa ASHME 85x35cm
Prawdopodobnie już słyszeliście o konsoli Jesionowej ASHME od producenta mebli i oświetlenia ASHME Furniture. Jest to jeden z najbardziej popularnych produktów tego producenta, a także najbardziej pożądanych ze względu na jego piękny design. Wszystkie meble i oświetlenie ASHME Furniture cechuje nie tylko piękny wygląd, ale również wysoka jakość wykonania. Konsola Jesionowa ASHME 85x35cm jest idealna do ozdobienia każdego pomieszczenia. Konsola jest wykonana z drewna jesionowego, co jest charakterystyczną cechą wszystkich produktów ASHME. Jesion jest wyjątkowo trwałym i pięknym gatunkiem drewna, dzięki któremu meble będą służyć przez lata. Dodatkowo, konsola jest dostępna w wielu kolorach, w tym w różowej wersji, która będzie świetnym uzupełnieniem do wystroju wnętrz utrzymanych w bardziej stonowanych kolorach. Jeśli szukacie pięknych mebli i oświetlenia, które zachwycą każdego, to produkty wykonane przez ASHME Furniture są wartościowym wyborem. Firma ta istnieje od ponad 25 lat i przez cały ten czas wytwarza produkty wysokiej jakości. Wszystkie produkty są starannie wykonane, a każdy detal jest dopracowany. W ofercie znajduje się szeroki wybór mebli, oświetlenia i akcesoriów, od klasycznych po bardziej nowoczesne. Każdy produkt wyróżnia się pięknym designem i wytrzymałością. Jeśli szukacie pięknych mebli, które będą w stanie wytrzymać próbę czasu, a także takich, które nadadzą uroku każdemu wnętrzu, konsola Jesionowa ASHME 85x35cm będzie idealnym wyborem. Jej trwałość, piękny design oraz szeroka gama kolorów sprawiają, że jest to jeden z najbardziej pożądanych produktów od producenta mebli i oświetlenia ASHME Furniture. Firma ta istnieje już od ponad 25 lat i specjalizuje się w tworzeniu mebli i oświetlenia najwyższej jakości. W ofercie znajduje się szeroki wybór produktów, które idealnie wpiszą się w każde wnętrze, od klasycznych po bardziej nowoczesne. Każdy produkt został starannie wykonany z największą dbałością o detale. Producent ASHME Furniture dba o to, aby każdy produkt miał piękny design i wytrzymałość na lata.
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lucy-shining-star · 7 months ago
Heh nie wiedziałam, że niektóre postacie z Rancza mają kanoniczną datę urodzenia. Niektóre sam rok a niektóre miesiąc i dzień. Wczoraj dopiero zajrzałam na polską wikipedię i się dowiedziałam. Anyway spiszę od najstarszego do najmłodszego:
Jan Japycz-1921
Paweł i Piotr Kozioł-2 czerwca 1962. W Lublinie
Kazimiera Solejuk-14 maja 1964. W Wilkowyjach
Arkadiusz Czerepach-1966
Jerry Smith-14 października 1970
Fabian Duda-13 grudnia 1984
#ranczo#szkoda że nie zobaczyłam tego wcześniej można było jakieś obchodzenie urodziny postaci fikcyjnych wójta i proboszcza zrobić#albo jakby jeszcze wcześniej solejukowej#a tak to pierwszy na liście jest jerry#...w sumie to ma sens chyba pokazywał kiedyś jakiś dokument tożsamości dlatego jest jego data#podobno jest niewyemitowa scena jak fabian cytuje pesel stąd jego#japycz musiał mieć na grobie napisane ale że sam rok#zgaduję że solejukowa miała na dyplomie?#ale skąd daty wójta i proboszca mogą być to nie pamiętam#czerepacha też nie zwłaszcza że sam rok?#anyway próbuje wydedukować wiek innych postaci na tej podstawie#hmm wydawało mi się#że sojekowa więcławska i hadziukowa są w tym samym wieku ale więcławska musi jednak być młodsza od solejukwej bo solejukowa mi wynika ma w#sezonach 1-3 46 lat a więcławki mówi w 3 że więcławksa jeszcze 40 nie ma#klaudia chyba gdzieś w 2 czy 3 kończy 18 więc 1988? czy 89?#kinga w 5 sezonie ma 19 chyba bo powtarza 3 klasę liceum to jak fabian ma chyba wtedy 25 to ona jest chyba z 1990#ewentualnie 1991#no i się zastanawiam czy lucy jest w wieku jerry'ego#wait wójt i proboszcz przecież mieli przyjęcie urodzinowe na końcu 2 sezonu chyba tego samego dnia co urodziny#było wtedy coś wspomniane/jakiś dokument pokazany?#anyway to znaczy że jest dokładana data zakończenia sezonu in-universe i also to też rocznica kusego i lucy#a dobra już wiem skąd rok urodzenia czerepacha#bo wójtowi potrzebna była do otworzenia jego sejfu
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adria-art · 10 months ago
Sprawdź dlaczego na jubileuszowych koncertach Myslovitz nie wystąpi Artur Rojek. :)
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reasonsforhope · 3 months ago
"As a Deaf man, Adam Munder has long been advocating for communication rights in a world that chiefly caters to hearing people. 
The Intel software engineer and his wife — who is also Deaf — are often unable to use American Sign Language in daily interactions, instead defaulting to texting on a smartphone or passing a pen and paper back and forth with service workers, teachers, and lawyers. 
It can make simple tasks, like ordering coffee, more complicated than it should be. 
But there are life events that hold greater weight than a cup of coffee. 
Recently, Munder and his wife took their daughter in for a doctor’s appointment — and no interpreter was available. 
To their surprise, their doctor said: “It’s alright, we’ll just have your daughter interpret for you!” ...
That day at the doctor’s office came at the heels of a thousand frustrating interactions and miscommunications — and Munder is not isolated in his experience.
“Where I live in Arizona, there are more than 1.1 million individuals with a hearing loss,” Munder said, “and only about 400 licensed interpreters.”
In addition to being hard to find, interpreters are expensive. And texting and writing aren’t always practical options — they leave out the emotion, detail, and nuance of a spoken conversation. 
ASL is a rich, complex language with its own grammar and culture; a subtle change in speed, direction, facial expression, or gesture can completely change the meaning and tone of a sign. 
“Writing back and forth on paper and pen or using a smartphone to text is not equivalent to American Sign Language,” Munder emphasized. “The details and nuance that make us human are lost in both our personal and business conversations.”
His solution? An AI-powered platform called Omnibridge. 
“My team has established this bridge between the Deaf world and the hearing world, bringing these worlds together without forcing one to adapt to the other,” Munder said. 
Trained on thousands of signs, Omnibridge is engineered to transcribe spoken English and interpret sign language on screen in seconds...
“Our dream is that the technology will be available to everyone, everywhere,” Munder said. “I feel like three to four years from now, we're going to have an app on a phone. Our team has already started working on a cloud-based product, and we're hoping that will be an easy switch from cloud to mobile to an app.” ...
At its heart, Omnibridge is a testament to the positive capabilities of artificial intelligence. "
-via GoodGoodGood, October 25, 2024. More info below the cut!
To test an alpha version of his invention, Munder welcomed TED associate Hasiba Haq on stage. 
“I want to show you how this could have changed my interaction at the doctor appointment, had this been available,” Munder said. 
He went on to explain that the software would generate a bi-directional conversation, in which Munder’s signs would appear as blue text and spoken word would appear in gray. 
At first, there was a brief hiccup on the TED stage. Haq, who was standing in as the doctor’s office receptionist, spoke — but the screen remained blank. 
“I don’t believe this; this is the first time that AI has ever failed,” Munder joked, getting a big laugh from the crowd. “Thanks for your patience.”
After a quick reboot, they rolled with the punches and tried again.
Haq asked: “Hi, how’s it going?” 
Her words popped up in blue. 
Munder signed in reply: “I am good.” 
His response popped up in gray. 
Back and forth, they recreated the scene from the doctor’s office. But this time Munder retained his autonomy, and no one suggested a 7-year-old should play interpreter. 
Munder’s TED debut and tech demonstration didn’t happen overnight — the engineer has been working on Omnibridge for over a decade. 
“It takes a lot to build something like this,” Munder told Good Good Good in an exclusive interview, communicating with our team in ASL. “It couldn't just be one or two people. It takes a large team, a lot of resources, millions and millions of dollars to work on a project like this.” 
After five years of pitching and research, Intel handpicked Munder’s team for a specialty training program. It was through that backing that Omnibridge began to truly take shape...
“Our dream is that the technology will be available to everyone, everywhere,” Munder said. “I feel like three to four years from now, we're going to have an app on a phone. Our team has already started working on a cloud-based product, and we're hoping that will be an easy switch from cloud to mobile to an app.” 
In order to achieve that dream — of transposing their technology to a smartphone — Munder and his team have to play a bit of a waiting game. Today, their platform necessitates building the technology on a PC, with an AI engine. 
“A lot of things don't have those AI PC types of chips,” Munder explained. “But as the technology evolves, we expect that smartphones will start to include AI engines. They'll start to include the capability in processing within smartphones. It will take time for the technology to catch up to it, and it probably won't need the power that we're requiring right now on a PC.” 
At its heart, Omnibridge is a testament to the positive capabilities of artificial intelligence. 
But it is more than a transcription service — it allows people to have face-to-face conversations with each other. There’s a world of difference between passing around a phone or pen and paper and looking someone in the eyes when you speak to them. 
It also allows Deaf people to speak ASL directly, without doing the mental gymnastics of translating their words into English.
“For me, English is my second language,” Munder told Good Good Good. “So when I write in English, I have to think: How am I going to adjust the words? How am I going to write it just right so somebody can understand me? It takes me some time and effort, and it's hard for me to express myself actually in doing that. This technology allows someone to be able to express themselves in their native language.” 
Ultimately, Munder said that Omnibridge is about “bringing humanity back” to these conversations. 
“We’re changing the world through the power of AI, not just revolutionizing technology, but enhancing that human connection,” Munder said at the end of his TED Talk. 
“It’s two languages,” he concluded, “signed and spoken, in one seamless conversation.”"
-via GoodGoodGood, October 25, 2024
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countingstars-17 · 5 months ago
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Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc in the Press Conference during the F1 Grand Prix of Netherlands at Circuit Zandvoort on August 25, 2024. (Photo by Simon Galloway/LAT Images)
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harmony-and-peace · 20 days ago
„Życie nie kończy się w wieku 18 lat. Nie musisz znać swojego życiowego celu w wieku 25 lat. Nadal jesteś młoda w wieku 30 lat. Możesz zmienić swoją karierę w wieku 35 lat. I możesz znaleźć miłość swojego życia w wieku 40 lat. Życie potrafi nas zaskakiwać na różne sposoby, więc daj sobie czas i ciesz się teraźniejszością”
- @harmony-and-peace
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burntfeelings · 10 days ago
mam prawie 25 lat,
a nadal w żadnych oczach,
nie wyglądam jak,
prawdziwy diament.
czy da się być bardziej samotnym?
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noseysilverfox · 3 months ago
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Sedum reflexum or reflexed stonecrop, Jenny's stonecrop, blue stonecrop (lat. Sedum rupestre). A perennial plant, succulent. The peculiarity of seedlings is that when planted in bulk, they form a low (20-25 cm) mat.
In the wild, this plant is found on sandy and rocky places, on the slopes of railway embankments, as well as in pine forests.
Young shoots are used in cooking because of the sour and slightly astringent taste, which perfectly complements many dishes.🌱
Очиток скальный или Седум скальный (лат. Sedum rupestre). Многолетнее растение, суккулент. Особенность саженцев заключается в том, что при массовой посадке они образуют невысокий (20-25 см.) коврик.
В дикой природн данное растение встречается на песчаных и каменистых местах, на откосах железнодорожных насыпей, а также в сосновых лесах.
Молодые побеги используют в кулинарии, из-за кисловатого и слегка вяжущего вкуса, который отлично дополняет многие блюда.🌱
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devildomwriter · 1 year ago
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Last Updated: (12/25/24)
♦︎= Family
⭕️ = Suggestive
❤️ = Romance/Fluffy
▼ = Cute
❗️= Smut
➕ = Polygamy
They Get a Puppy For Christmas | Brothers • Others ▼
You Gift Them Christmas Shirts | Brothers • Others ▼
You Make Them Matching Christmas Pajamas ▼
Their Favorite Christmas Song
A Christmas Song They Hate
Wrapping Presents
They Get Tangled Up in Christmas Lights ▼
They React to Elf of the Shelf ▼
You Decorate Christmas Cookies
You Make Gingerbread Houses
You Make Them Matching Sweaters (But They’re Really Itchy)
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party
Hallmark Movie Marathon With Them ▼❤️
Building a Snowman
You Introduce Them to the 12 Days or Christmas Tradition
Secret Santa
Tubing With Diavolo
Christmas Photo Fiasco
Diavolo Wants to Play Santa
Christmas Shirt Mix-Up
Mephistopheles Christmas Interview
You Go To See a Christmas Carol | Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part V
Omswd x Reader
Under the Mistletoe ❤️
Children Listen to Hear Sleigh-bells in the Snow (Brothers) ♦︎⭕️❤️
Children Listen to Hear Sleigh-bells in the Snow (Others) ♦︎⭕️❤️
Christmas Morn Again ♦︎❤️
I’ll Have A Blue Christmas Without You ❤️
So This Is Christmas ❤️⭕️
Wrap Me Up ⭕️⭕️
Twelve Dancers Dancing ❤️
One Little Thing, A Ring | Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part V ❤️
The Greatest Gift of All ❤️
Run Over By A Reindeer ▼
Believe in What Your Heart is Saying ❤️
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow ❤️
All Is Calm, All is Bright ❤️
Keep it cookin in the pot, soon you got hot choc-o-lat ❤️⭕️
Mele Kalikimaka ❤️
A Very Merry Catmas ❤️▼
To Sing a Love Song as We Stroll Along ❤️
A Little Wet This Christmas ❤️⭕️
Bring Us Some Figgy Pudding ❤️
The Taste of Christmas ❤️⭕️
All Seem to Say, Throw Cares Away ❤️
Silent Night ❤️⭕️
Baby It’s Cold Outside ❤️⭕️
I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas ⭕️
Jolly Old St Nick ▼❤️
City Sidewalks, Busy Sidewalks, Dressed in Holiday Style ❤️
All Around Us, Frozen Halos ❤️
Breath of Heaven ❤️
Toys In Every Store ▼
All is Calm, All is Bright ❤️
O Hear the Angel Voices ❤️
Under The Mistletoe ❤️
Riding Through a Winter Wonderland ❤️⭕️
Spirit of Giving ❤️
O Christmas Tree ❤️
Deck the Halls With Boughs of Holly ❤️⭕️
Good Tidings to You ❤️
There Is Just One Thing I Need ❤️⭕️
Freeze The Moment Right Here ❤️
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause ❤️♦︎
Parties For Hosting ❤️
Mangled Up in Tangled Up Knots ❤️
Here We Are As In Olden Days ♦︎❤️
Marshmallows For Toasting (Beelzebub & Belphegor) ❤️⭕️➕
Heavenly Sleep (Beelzebub & Belphegor) ❤️⭕️➕
In Your Arms This Christmas (Diavolo & Lucifer) ❤️➕
Fill Your Hearts With Christmas Cheer (Solomon, Luke, Simeon, & Raphael) ❤️
Strike A Harp and Join The Chorus (Simeon, Raphael, & Luke) ▼
Hang Your Stockings and Say Your Prayers (Simeon & Luke) ▼
Merry Christmas Two You (Barbatos & Diavolo) ❤️➕
Hark! The Harold Angles Sing (Simeon, Luke, & Raphael) ▼
Paper Angels (Simeon, Luke, & Raphael) ▼
Presents For Wrapping (Diavolo & Barbatos) ❤️➕
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petrssecrethideout · 1 year ago
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I'd hoped I would get at least a few days of peace after having to move back in with my dad, but within a few hours I heard honking outside the house. I waited for it to die down as I unpacked my stuff, before going outside to see the one person I couldn't face.
I knew Hunter better than anyone, but now i barely recognized him. the man in front of me had hundreds of pounds on the man I left, his bulk replaced with cut muscle. He had grown a beard too, changed his haircut. He looked so good it made my stomach turn.
"Took you long enough," Hunter said, lounging in his truck bed. I could see the flare of his lats even as he relaxed. "What the hell were you doing?"
"Unpacking," I said trying not to show any guilt or discomfort "What do you want?"
Hunter responded by tapping the tailgate, a motion that just meant to come sit down. I did without thinking, just like i had seen him do for me. It was the most common thing we used to do, besides almost get caught fucking. It was just nice to... talk.
Now, I could feel the body heat radiating off of him as I leaned back against his arm, feeling his bicep against my back. I'd never been so close to so much muscle in my life. I was in awe, mostly just confused on how it happened. I looked down to see his shorts, the only thing he was wearing, were much shorter than I was used to. He used to be afraid of wearing anything that cut off above the knee, too afraid of "looking gay". He must've changed a lot.
"So, how have you been?"
"Pretty good," Hunter said his accent just as thick as ever. "I got a job down at the the steel factory that pays pretty well, and I'm going to the gym again. I think I might be the biggest guy there now."
"I'll say! How the hell did that happen?" I exclaimed.
"Well," Hunter "One of my buddies told me about this Mutant Juice stuff, and I just thought it was some kinda hoax, but it was fucking crazy. Expensive as hell, but I think I'm getting my money's worth. I thought I'd just stop after a round or two, but at this point I think I'm just gonna keep growing until it stops working. Just get real fucking big, bigger than anyone else around here. Maybe I could even be on the ads for this stuff, flexing all of this muscle wearing almost nothing. I think I'd look pretty good like that, don't you?"
He knew what he was doing, and it was working. I needed to feel him, to hold him, to rip those shorts off and just have him again, but something still stopped me.
"You like all of these muscles?" Hunter said, reading my expression. He slowly bounced his pecs. "You always did stare at me a lot. God, did I love it. Still do. Something about the looks you give makes me feel like a fucking beast."
I could feel my dick straining my pants, begging for release. I couldn't do that, not yet. I had to find something else to talk about.
"How's your family?" I asked, veering the conversation away form anything too horny.
the words poured out of my mouth, but it immediately got Hunter to stop bouncing his pecs. Something in his expression changed, he looked... pissed.
"We haven't talked in almost a year. After you left without a word I told them, and... it didn't go well. I got a place of my own after a while." Hunter said
"You weren't..." I could feel my own heart shattering. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. I was the weird one, the freak. His life was perfectly mapped out, just like all of the men around here that had come before him. A decent job, a christian marriage, kids before 25. He had a happy life ahead of him, and I selfishly ruined that.
"I didn't stop being gay when you left. Even if that's what you wanted." Hunter said, his voice filled with a cold anger. "I was just...alone."
I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I tried to blink them away, before I felt his arm wrap around me and pull me towards his torso. the feeling of being in a hug of his was enough to get me to cry.
"I missed you." I said.
"I missed you too." Hunter replied as he sniffled from crying. "Y'know, for someone so smart I don't know why you sent that letter. Dear Hunter, I love you, I'll never forget the time we had, but please forget about me. I can't ruin your life. What the hell did you think was gonna happen?"
"I was trying to be all poetic, and self-sacrificial, and... yeah it was bullshit but I thought I was corrupting you. I still kind of do."
"You ain't doing shit. All you did was help me figure out who I actually wanted to be, which is gay and fuckin' massive. I'm just glad I can finally do both of those things now without anyone telling me I can't."
My head nuzzled into his neck as I thought about the man I was currently holding growing even larger. My hands couldn't even fully reach around his back as it was, what was I going to do if It got even wider?
"I'm glad to have you back, even if it won't be forever." Hunter said.
"Maybe next time you could come with me?" I asked, a question I knew would get shot down the last time we talked. He loved his family, and his hometown too much to ever leave, but he had changed a lot since I left.
"Sure. we'll do it together."
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year ago
If you could keep an eye out for salamanders and gnomes, those are what I like to see
sure! here are four salamanders i've encountered so far:
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the salamander as a ram-like animal in a fireplace, in a copy of the 'book of nature' by konrad von megenberg, alsace, c. 1440
Stuttgart, Landesbibl., Cod. med. et phys. 2° 14, fol. 239r
(this library's website is buggy. you need to download the entire manuscript to look at it -> "Ganzes Werk herunterladen")
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the salamander as a dragon-like creature on fire, in thomas of cantimpré's 'liber de natura rerum', bavaria, c. 1424
Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 1066, fol. 132v
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the salamander as a dog-like, winged creature in a fireplace, in a bestiary, flanders, c. 1270
Getty Museum Collection, Ms. Ludwig XV 3, 95v
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the salamander as as a two-legged red animal and as the corresponding animal to the element of fire, in a treatise on the four temperaments, styria, mid-16th c.
Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, 2º Cod 25, fol. 16r
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feraltwinkseb · 5 months ago
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August 25, 2024 - Zandvoort, Netherlands Source: Andrew Ferraro/LAT Images
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adria-art · 1 year ago
25 lat niezwykłej płyty "Miłość w czasach popkultury". Wybierz się na wyjątkowe koncerty zorganizowane z tej okazji.
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mattscoquette · 12 days ago
what’s your workout routine!! i’ve been going to the gym but i can’t tell if what im doing is affective
my gym routine ! ♡︎☆🎀 ࣪ ˖
i talk a lot about food, diet, exercise, and weight loss under the cut:)
i go to the gym minimum 5 days a week, this is my split:
𝐦𝐨𝐧: full body
𝐭𝐮𝐞𝐬: arms
𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐬: legs
𝐭𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬: chest & back
𝐟𝐫𝐢: cardio & abs
𝐬𝐚𝐭 & 𝐬𝐮𝐧: active rest days
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these are the exercises i do in order on the designated days! i also walk on the treadmill for thirty minutes at the end of my workout. pls remember to work to your fullest extent, but do not overdo yourself!!!! it's okay if you cannot do all of these the first time u try, do not compare your day 1 to someone's day 100
(most of these exercises are done on the machines - if there is any uncertainty how to perform these exercises pinterest and tik tok are very useful)
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𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲
୨୧ lat pull downs 4x12
୨୧ chest press 3x8
୨୧ bicep curls 3x10
୨୧ tricep curls 3x10
୨୧ leg press 3x12
୨୧ leg extension 2x12
୨୧ leg curls 2x12
୨୧ ab side twists 2x12 each
୨୧ ab crunches 3x10
୨୧ treadmill 30 mins
୨୧ stair master 15 mins
𝐛𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐬 & 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭
୨୧ rope pull down 3 mins
୨୧ bicep cable curls 3x10
୨୧ bicep extensions 3x12
୨୧ hammer curls 4x10
୨୧ bicep curls 3x12
୨୧ chest press 3x12
୨୧ butterfly 3x15
୨୧ hammer smith chest press 3x10
୨୧ dumbell incline dumbbell press 5x10
୨୧ leg extensions 2x15
୨୧ leg press 4x12
୨୧ leg curls 2x15
୨୧ leg press weights 3x12
୨୧ calf extension 3x10
୨୧ back extension 3x10
୨୧ hip abduction 3x12
୨୧ glute abduction 3x12
୨୧ glue kick back machine 2x15 each
୨୧ bulgarian split squats 2x10 each
୨୧ hip thrusts 3x12
୨୧ rdls 4x10
୨୧ smith machiene squats 3x10
୨୧ stair master until fail (cover w/ sweatshirt)
𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐩 & 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
୨୧ tri pull down 3x10
୨୧ straight arm pull down 3x12
୨୧ lat pull down 4x12
୨୧ triceps extensions 3x12
୨୧ lateral raise machine 2x15
୨୧ overhead triceps curls 3x10
୨୧ forward dumbbell raises 2x12
୨୧ seated cable row 3x15
୨୧ one arm dumbbell row 4x15
୨୧ ab twist 4x12 each side
୨୧ ab crunch machine 3x10
୨୧ ab push 3x10
୨୧ ab pull down 3x10
୨୧ hammer strength crunches 3x12
୨୧ hanging crunches 3x10
repeat second half of this section twice
୨୧ plank until failure 2 each
୨୧ dumbbell side twists 2x15
୨୧ straight leg rises 3x12
୨୧ flutter kicks 30 sec each x2
୨୧ side toe taps 3x12
୨୧ bicycle kick 3x20
୨୧ stair master 15 mins
୨୧ treadmill 30 mins
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some important things to take into consideration!!:
losing weight / seeing results takes time!! do NOT get discouraged and give up if you do not see immediate results, because it will not happen. u also need to be very aware of what you are eating throughout the day - u cannot outwork a bad diet. if you are not changing your food habits at all, you will most likely not see any results.
for me, i used weightwatchers for about four months last year while following this workout plan, and i lost about 15 lbs in that time! it is a $25/month subscription, but it really worked for me. another app i used to track what i eat is mynetdiary. it helps me keep track of how many calories i eat each day, and helps me stay in a deficit. this one is free and i really recommend it.
weight loss and exercise is different for everyone! the time will pass anyway, so why not just start. you do not need to be in the gym for 3 hours everyday and eating 500 calories a day. even something as small as taking a walk everyday and being aware of what you eat is a start.
just remember to be kind to urself always!! that is whats most important in all this. you can be disciplined and still practice self love.
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countingstars-17 · 5 months ago
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Max Verstappen, Lando Norris and Charles Leclerc in the Press Conference during the F1 Grand Prix of Netherlands at Circuit Zandvoort on August 25, 2024 in Zandvoort, Netherlands. (Photo by Simon Galloway/LAT Images)
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szukamznajomego · 2 months ago
Potrzebuję mężczyzny najlepiej powyżej 25 lat, który jest zainteresowany długoterminowa relacją przez internet. O różnym podłożu jestem na wiele rzeczy otwarta. Szukam kogoś, kto serio jest w stanie się zaangażować i zbudować relacje opartą na wsparciu. Niekoniecznie romantyczną. Granicą jest internet.
Nie lajkuj jeśli masz mniej lat i szczeniackie postrzeganie kobiet oraz jeśli na twoją odpowiedź trzeba czekać wieczność. Jestem kobietą i oddam to co sama dostanę.
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