#236 bce
trial of Fabia
date: 73 BCE charge: apud pontifices [trial before the priests], for incestum [unchastity] (sexual relations with L. Sergius Catilina pr. 68) defendant(s): Fabia (Vestal Virgin) (and others?) advocates: Q. Lutatius Catulus cos. 78, pont. by 73, cens. 65 M. Pupius Piso Frugi (Calpurnianus) pr. 72?, cos. 61 (ORF 104.I) prosecutor?: P. Clodius Pulcher aed. cur. 56
Cic. Catil. 3.9; Brut. 236; Sal. Cat. 15.1; Q. Cic.? Com. Pet. 10; Asc. 91C; Plut. Cat. Min. 19.3; Schol. Gron. 287St; Oros. 6.3.1
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whencyclopedia · 4 months
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Hannibal (also known as Hannibal Barca, l. 247-183 BCE) was a Carthaginian general during the Second Punic War between Carthage and Rome (218-202 BCE). He is considered one of the greatest generals of antiquity and his tactics are still studied and used in the present day. His father was Hamilcar Barca (l. 275-228 BCE), the great general of the First Punic War (264-241 BCE).
These wars were fought between the cities of Carthage in North Africa and Rome in northern Italy for supremacy in the Mediterranean region and the second war resulted directly from the first. Hannibal assumed command of the troops following his father's death and led them victoriously through a number of engagements until he stood almost at the gates of Rome; at which point he was stopped, not by the Romans, but through a lack of resources to take the city.
He was called back to Africa to defend Carthage from Roman invasion, was defeated at the Battle of Zama in 202 BCE by Scipio Africanus (l. 236-183 BCE) and retired from service to Carthage. The remainder of his life was spent as a statesman and then in voluntary exile at the courts of foreign kings. He died in 183 BCE by drinking poison.
Early Life
Although Hannibal is easily one of the most famous generals of antiquity, he remains a figure of some mystery. Scholar Philip Matyszak notes:
There is much we do not know about this man, though he was one of the greatest generals in antiquity. No surviving ancient biography makes him the subject, and Hannibal slips in and out of focus according to the emphasis that other authors give his deeds and character. (24)
Nothing is known of his mother and, although he was married at the time of some of his greatest victories, no records make mention of his wife other than her name, Imilce, and the fact that she bore him a son. What became her or her son is not known. The story of Hannibal's life is told largely by his enemies, the Romans, through the historians who wrote of the Punic Wars.
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theia-eos · 11 months
How old do you think the dragon laguz are?
I'd like to preface this answer by, an answer to this question will vary from person to person, as there is no hard set answer given and so the answer depends on how you want to interpret various canon and canon-adjacent facts (Canon facts being explicitly what is contained within the games and nothing more, canon-adjacent coming from artbooks or developer interviews and such things).
I've already explained in depth how I get to my interpretation here, but the basic gist is that the canon-adjacent chart that's commonly passed around as "canon aging" comes from pre-development of FE9 and it: contradicts canon facts; contradicts things the devs say in interviews post RD; and contradicts the hawks' designed ages in the same art book. Therefore, I mostly throw it out when I'm setting up how laguz age within my own interpretation of the age of various laguz and Branded within the games. That's not to say other people who use it, or people who came up with their own ideas, are wrong, but I have my own opinion and they have theirs and we can coexist.
But you asked me, and so I will provide my interpretation. The tl;dr for quick reference:
Dheginsea: 862 in FE9; 865 in FE10
Rajaion: 365 in FE9
Almedha: 304 in FE10
Kurthnaga: 103 in FE9; 106 in FE10
Ena: 233 in FE9; 236 in FE10
Nasir: 563 in FE9; 566 in FE10
Gareth: 451 in FE9; 454 in FE10
More info and details about how I arrived at these answers are below, but it is according to the detailed chart I provided here when going over how I think laguz likely age.
Dheginsea: Since the Pact with Ashera's heroes occurs in the year 131 BT ("Before Theocracy" which is a term being made up by me to function as BC/BCE does IRL), and the flood occurs in the year 155 BT, and the games occur during 645 BE ("Beginion Era" which is used by Almedha in RD) and 648 BE, and Dheginsea is designed to appear around 50 for a dragon, my best guess is that he was born around 217 BT, and therefore around 86 when the pact was formed and 862/865 in the games. (According to my timeframe of laguz aging, he was about the equivalent of 16 during the war against Yune. Young, sure, but Ike is 17 in FE9, so I'm chill with this).
Rajaion: Well, he was fun, because in his profile, he is designed to appear around 23, but Almedha, his younger sister, is designed to appear around 26, so one of those had to go, and it was Rajaion's designed age. With the freedom to pick my own age for him, I settled on a rough equivalent of 30, meaning that he was born around 280 BE and is around 365 years old in FE9, simply because I don't think dragons are having kids back to back to back seeing how long Ena is pregnant for (anywhere from ~4 to ~23 years, and I'm siding on the ~23 end of things).
Almedha: As stated above, Almedha is designed to be around 26, therefore I set her to being born around 344 BE, with an age of around 304 years old in FE10.
Kurthnaga: We do have, per canon, Kurthnaga is at least 100 years of age, so with him being designed to appear around 17 and the canon facts in mind, I see him being born around 542 BE with a rough age of 103/106 in the games, as it appears the Japanese description of his age is "roughly 100" (ああ見えて、ざっと100年は生きているはずだ, and I am, as always, using Google Translate, so I am unsure of the accuracy of this translation), whereas the localization says "more than 100" and 103 is true on both counts.
Ena: While she was designed to appear around 18, that would only make her around 122, which just bothers me thinking about the fact that she and Rajaion were an item at least 20 years before the game, if not earlier (making her 16-17ish). Therefore, I decided that she was born around 412 BE, was around 233/236 years old in the games with an equivalent age of 23. It makes me feel better.
Nasir: He has a designed age of around 32, but that would only make him around 414 years old, or 181 years older than Ena, which is not grampa age (292 years older, while at least possible, is also not really grampa age for dragons, if I had stuck with the looking 18 thing for Ena). Therefore I set him to being born around 82 BE, giving him an age of 563/566 years of age in the games, and an equivalent age of 38, and he would be 330 years older than Ena which would allow him and his child to get to around 165 years old each before having a child (20-21ish) and not bothering me with how long dragon pregnancies seem to take.
Gareth: Thank Ashunera, we are finally no longer dealing with anyone who has to account for Rajaion and Ena's relationship. He has a designed age of around 35, so I set him to being born around 194 BE with an age of around 451/454 in the games.
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ruumirmir · 1 year
Gojo Satoru, the man that you are, had me researching Buddhism and shit
///Jjk chap 236 leaks and spoilers pls begone thankuverymuch
I have never been more deranged in my life of living. And when I say deranged,, I hope everyone involved will enjoy my copium induced girl dinner rant that I cooked up 💥🔥
going through five stages of grief,, about to invent the 6th and 7th one. over Lines on Paper this is my life
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Anyways,, so I came across a tweet which started my spiral after I read through these:
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jujutsu kaisen
has the potential to create THE arc of all Time ever if,, BY GOING OFF OF SYMBOLISM,,, the plot NAILS this
bc the buddha imagery and symbolism of gojo is already the coldest shit ever when gege cooked with the "throughout heaven and earth, i alone am the honored one"
if this actually happens to some degree
we could have the biggest "WE'RE SO FUCKING BACK" moment in all of manga history
《Gautama Buddha died at the age of 80 in 483 BCE at a place called Kushinagara a town in UP》
thank god we still have 8 more decades left until gojo is FEASIBLY ALLOWED TO DIE AT A SUITABLE AGE AND AFTER A LONG HAPPY LIFE.
ok wait technically 5 more decades since hes close to pushing 30
Raggedy old man. Bros aging 💀
death of an anime man got me actually researching about Gautama Buddha with sincere interest now
《"Mara" is one of the earliest non-human beings to appear in Buddhist scriptures. He is a demon, sometimes called the Lord of Death, who plays a role in many stories of the Buddha and his monks.》
apparently this is the demon equivalent to reflect sukuna's character. hes mostly present in esoteric buddhism
the hand sign,, is same as sukuna's domain expansion here
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《In East Asian and Buddhist mythology, Yama,, also known as King Yan/Yan Wang is the King of Hell and a dharmapala (wrathful god) said to judge the dead and preside over the Narakas and the cycle of afterlife saṃsāra.》
In Hinduism,, that's Lord Yama, god of the dead, similarly shown with a Bull as his familiar.
from chinese mythology:
《Yan is portrayed as a large man with a scowling red face, bulging eyes, and a long beard. He wears traditional robes and a judge's cap or a crown which bears the character for "king".》
This cant translate to sukuna's "true form"
Yknow,, the big fucking body with 4 arms and a wooden mask thing on the left side of his face. He definetely IS shown to wear traditional robes.
Now bear with me here, I'm derailing my sanity rn.
yes now THIS is interestinger:
《The spirits of the dead, on being judged by Yan, are supposed to either pass through a term of enjoyment in a region midway between the earth and the heaven of the gods.》
We LITERALLY. have a whole segment of gojo enjoying his time seeing suguru and his other friends who died in an afterlife-kinda setting. We also specifically get a panel of sukuna praising satoru,, passing his judgement,, that we've seen him do to other characters as well [jogo, although that's kinda debatable 💀 since Sukuna kind of. Trashed him]
《-or to undergo their measure of punishment in the nether world. Neither location is permanent and after a time, they return to Earth in new bodies.》
JUMPING UP AND FUCKING DOWN RN. Isnt Kusakabe on standby,, who cultivated an ability to act as a medium and swap/ conduct other people's souls with his own. As i said before,,, SURELYYYYYYY gege wouldnt do this shit without REASON
(it is the funniest shit in the world to type up "Indra god hand gesture" and for gojo fucking satoru's face to pop up in the image and ACTUALLY be linked to a legit discussion on his domain expansion hand sign being referenced from Indra)
ok so, in hinduism,, its "Indra", but in buddhism the same god is translated unto "Sakra"
yknow how it be. Different religions and practices share the same god and the beliefs overlap here and there.
so theres this
《When one Śakra dies, his place is taken by another deity who becomes the new Śakra.》
which is basically the jujutsu kaisen equivalent of people in the gojo clan being born. With the liberty taken of SixEyes + Limitless users taking hundreds of years to be born after deaths of the previous one.
Okay so
"then with his face to the north took seven strides while a white canopy was held over him" is the text referencing buddha's enlightening birth.
the white canopy held over his head is a symbol that he'll achieve nirvana.
《In Buddhism, "Nirvana" is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, meaning a person's individual desires and suffering go away. The origin of the word nirvana relates to religious enlightenment; it comes from the Sanskrit meaning "extinction, disappearance" of the individual to the universal.》
Since we've Already seen that gojo's achieved his state of enlightenment at his first death (by toji)
This can be the second stage where he achieves Nirvana at his second death,,
in the storyline,, gojo is Heavily only recognized and labeled by his powers and strength with the Limitless and the Six eyes that he possesses.
(Literally, it means “blowing out” or “becoming extinguished,” as when a flame is blown out or a fire burns out. nirvana.)
So if somehow,, we've all been theorizing,, if gojo erases that aspect of him. Destroys the aspect that defines him as Gojo Satoru, he'll technically be achieving Nirvana and being born (revived) anew.
which is also sweetening the conclusion of the age old question
"Are you the strongest because youre gojo satoru? Or are you gojo satoru because you're the strongest", that geto had ask him years ago.
Which ig, Also raises the question:
IF, gojo were to sacrifice his SixEyes and Limitless in his pact of revival (details to be pondered upon later), would this count as a Legitmate "death" with relevance to the world's balance being re-altered, and Also resetting the cycle for another user to be born?
Or idk maybe I'm just tripping balls <3
Goodnight everynyan. Let's awaken to a day where Satoru Gojo comes to live amongst us once again. 🕊
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livelaughlovechai · 6 months
╰─ - ̗̀✎ my MUCH needed intro:
(credits to @rizh for the temp!<3)
This aint allat btw im too exhausted 😍
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୨୧┇Name: Naazz(call me nai!)
୨୧┇Nationality:🇮🇳 in 🇨🇦
୨୧┇Song: Consistently changing so I'll just give my playlist at the end hee hee
୨୧┇Show: Ult? Friends. Currently watching? The good place.
୨୧┇Movie: RDB and DDD
୨୧┇Game: Ult? Nobodies/TS4. Currently (re)playing? TWD
୨୧┇Book: Ult? The outsiders. Currently rereading? Chamber of secrets.
୨୧┇Animal: doggossss‧₊˚✧
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୨୧┇Food and drink: Biryani and chai(as my name suggests)
୨୧┇DNI if: Racist, homophobic, terf, JKR supporters, sexist,hinduphobic and islamophobic,zionist, isntrael supporter, dont like shane madej, Dont believe that aces/aros are valid(fuck you), you get the idea.
୨୧┇Bday: Feb 7, 236 BCE
୨୧┇Stuff abt me=
Im blind without my glasses
Im super random
I get hyperfixated on things easily
I like to write and in the near future will probably share stuff on here hee hee
I like to edit photos and make playlists and cook
Academic validation😩
Anyway thats kinda it
So heres my playlist~
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Tier 2 Recap
256. 254. Andrew Ryan from Buoshck
255. 216. Nyssa õf Traken from Doctor who
254. 228. Asha from Iji
253. 22. Whisper Schnee from Boldores and Boomsticks
252. 253. Chuuya Nakahara from Bungou stray dogs
251. 18. Mapleshade from warrior cats
250. 190. Andrew Eldritch from real life
249. 120. sans undertale from undertale
248. 219. T-Rex from Jurassic Park
247. 141. Karkat Vantas from Homestuck
246. 53. Rasputin IV from X-Men
245. 20. Hunter | The Golden Guard from The Owl House
244. 7. Kim Dokja from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
243. 50. Death from Darksiders
242. 266. Dave Miller from Dsaf
241. 174. Dr. Miranda Jones from Star Trek: The Original Series
240. 274. donquixote doflamingo from one piece
239. 92. Hyakunosuke Ogata from Golden Kamuy
238. 11. Kha'Nel from Dragens Øye
237. 139. George Costanza from Seinfeld
236. 121. Rampage from Beast Wars
235. 62. ε (epsilon) from Mathematics, real life (kinda? Not sure maths qualifies as real life) ) (common phrase: Let ε>0 be any real number)
234. 134. BoJack Horseman from BoJack Horseman
233. 291. Juleka Couffaine from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
232. 129. Flavio Rezza (MC Flava) from real life
231. 215. Goodtimewithscar or Scar for short (the minecraft youtuber)
230. 186. Percy Weasley from Harry Potter
229. 170. claude frollo from the hunchback of notre dame (specifically the stage musical)
228. 217. Grian from Life Series (3rd/Last/Double/Limited Life)
227. 168. the submitter from real life
226. 269. Mizi from Alien Stage
225. 96. Robin Stuart from Arc of Infinity (Doctor Who)
224. 172. Tessa Minsky from Imogen, Obviously
223. 267. Ea-nasir (real life copper merchant - 1750 BCE)
222. 37. Kokichi Ouma from Danganronpa V3
221. 147. Rose Lavillant from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
220. 135. Fiver from Watership down
219. 251. Keith Kogane from Voltron
218. 63. Cricket from Wings of Fire
217. 146. Adric of Alzarius from Doctor Who
216. 177. Mort from the Madagascar Movies/All Hail King Julian
215. 59. Edward Elric from Fullmetal metal alchemist
214. 290. Jimmy Solidarity from The Empires smp
213. 259. rayla from the dragon prince
212. 205. Starfy from The Legendary Starfy
211. 232. Taako from The Adventure Zone
210. 188. Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid
209/208. 182. Matt Murdock from Daredevil (Netflix)
209/208. 107. Ted Kord from DC comics
207. 86. Juleka Couffaine from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
206. 27. Sailor Saturn from Sailor Moon
205. 197. Marc Anciel from Miraculous Ladybug
204. 159. Yona from Yona of the Dawn
203. 220. David Chiem from Danganronpa: Despair Time
202. 125. Tynan from Aurora Webcomic
201. 169. Kid Blink from Newsies
200. 128. π (pi) from Mathematics (as in half a circle of radius 1)
199. 275. Zee from Total Drama 2023
198. 278. Flynn Moore from Echo (the furry vn)
197. 270. Caim Tivh from Mørkalven
196. 195. Grendel, The Grimm General from Boldores and Boomsticks
195. 280. Hermie the Unworthy from Dungeons and Daddies
194. 181. Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way from My Immortal
193. 247. Monkey D Luffy from One Piece
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imperium-romanum · 6 years
On This Day | 20 June
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A bronze bust of Scipio Africanus (First Century BCE).
In 236 BCE, Scipio Africanus, Roman statesman and general of the Second Punic War was born.
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Theodoric I by Fabrizio Castello (cropped).
In 451 CE, the Roman and Visigoths forces defeated Attila the Hun in northeast France, at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains. Theodoric I, King of the Visigoths, died during the battle.
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Lady Asherah (A.K.A. " God's wife") was placed in Solomon's Temple at Jerusalem by King Solomon's son King Rehoboam in c. 928 BCE. Solomon's Temple stood for 342 years and was destroyed in c. 586 BCE by the army of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Asherah was worshiped in it, side by side with YHVH for no less than 236 years or for more than two thirds of its existence. It was only after the destruction of Solomon's Temple, during the Babylonian captivity that Judaism became an exclusively monotheistic religion. Before that, God had a wife...
God's Wife Edited Out Of The Bible https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna42147912
"In Search of Asherah: The Lost Hebrew Goddess - Femmina Classica" https://femminaclassica.com/in-search-of-asherah-the-lost-hebrew-goddess/
"Asherah/Asherim: Bible | Jewish Women's Archive" https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/asherahasherim-bible
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disbander-of-armies · 5 years
Do you know anything about the Spartan version of the Greek Gods? The internet tends to be useless about this kind of stuff. If not, that’s fine. Please and Thank you.
first of all, I’m SO sorry for taking this long to answer your question! First, my laptop finally died and then life just got in the way. Plus, while very interesting, this one is a bit tricky to answer.
Whenever I read about the religion of the Spartans, the focus is always on their practices and festivals but very little on the way how they imagined the gods. This is surely because the Spartans rarely ever wrote things down, so that’s very frustrating. But you do can find a little information.
First of all, like every other Greek city state, the Spartans not only worshipped the gods but also heroes, especially the ones who were believed to have lived in Sparta. Castor and Polydeukes, the twin sons of Zeus and brothers of Helen of Troy, were believed to have come from Sparta and were especially popular there. I don’t know anything about their worship, but the phrase “by the two gods” was considered to be a very Spartan thing to say.
Helen herself was, of course, also worshipped at Sparta and the Spartan version of her is much more positive than the ones of the Athenians. According to Herodotus, growing girls were under her protection (Richer 2007: 237) and he also tells a story of how she turned an ugly girl into a beautiful one after her nurse had prayed to her statue.
As for the gods themselves, the best source I was able to think of was Pausanias’ Description of Greece. He was a travel writer who lived in the 2nd century CE. When he travelled to Sparta he also described their temples and statutes and that can tell us something about the way the Spartans saw their gods. Unsurprisingly, they focused on more warlike aspects and depicted gods such as Apollo, Athena, Artemis, Dionysos, Herakles and even Aphrodite with armor (Flower 2018: 433). Plutarch says in his essay The Fortune of the Romans that
‘The Spartans say that Aphrodite, as she crossed the Eurotas, put aside her mirrors and ornaments and magic girdle and took a spear and shield, adorning herself for Lykourgos’ (Flower 2018: 434)
Apollo also had a special role. He is connected to the Spartan consitution which was believed to have come from Apollo via the Delphic oracle and all three major Spartan festivals (the Carneia, the Hyakinthia and the Gymnopaidiai) are dedicated to him.
Poseidon also was important to the Spartans as the god of earthquakes. The area of Sparta is prone to earthquakes and in 464 BCE the Spartans suffered an especially horrible one that killed many of them.
But surprising might be that the god Ares didn’t take a major role. He was certainly worshipped at Sparta (young Spartans sacrificed dogs to him*) and his role might have been greater than in other Greek poleis but he certainly wasn’t one of the important ones.
This was all I was able to find. I hope it answers your question and thank you again for your patience!
*I read this somewhere recently but I can’t for the life of me find the source again. I’m sure it was a credible one, though, so I hope it is okay to put it in here.
Flower, Michael A.: Spartan Religion, in: A Companion to Sparta, ed. by Anton Powell, Blackwell 2018, 425-451.
Richer, Nicolas: The Religious System at Sparta, in: A Companion to Greek Religion, ed. by Daniel Ogden, Blackwell 2007, 236-252.
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ayearinlanguage · 6 years
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A Year in Language, Day 236: Phrygian Continuing in the theme of antiquities, Phrygian is an extinct language spoken in the Balkans and Anatolia. The oldest attestations go back to the 8th century BCE and it was likely extinct by the 7th century CE. Phrygian was an Indo-European language, though what kind of Indo-European language is up for debate. Some place it as an offshoot of the Greek family, while others place it as a distant cousin to the Celtic and Italic languages (the two families potentially share a common ancestor). Contemporary Greek scholars thought it was a relative of another now-extinct language called Thracian, but Thracian was a Satem language (a large group of Indo-European languages defined by a common sound change which includes Slavic and Indo-Aryan) while Phrygian was definitely a Centum language (the other major group, including Italic, Celtic, and Germanic). Phrygian culture is remembered now as the origin of the Greco-Roman goddess Cybele, the mythological setting for the tale of King Midas, and, for anyone familiar with classical art, for their silly hats.
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ansidotorg · 2 years
A Quick History of Elevators
You might not think about elevators much, but they've been getting people to where they need to go for a long time, and standards have been making sure that we reach those destinations safely.
The most concise history of elevators possible:
Archimedes invented the first elevator in 236 BCE.
The Romans used elevators in the Colosseum for lions and other animals to emerge from below the floor.
In 1743, King Louis XV had the "Flying Chair" in his palace in Versailles, which is considered the first passenger elevator.
The Industrial Revolution sped up the development of elevators with hydraulics and later steam power.
In 1854, Elisha Otis and his sons debuted an elevator that didn't drop if its cable snapped.
The advent of electricity saw passenger elevators (and taller buildings) in the early 1900s.
In 1921, ASME A17.1 was first published, and, with the help of periodic updates, this elevator code has kept us safe ever since.
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trial of Gaius Cosconius
date: after 106 BCE? after the enactment of lex Servilia (of Glaucia or Caepio) charge: lex Servilia (Glauciae?) de repetundis defendant: C. Cosconius prosecutor: Valerius Valentinus
V. Max. 8.1. abs. 8
The trial might have taken place in the 80s, when C. Cosconius was active in the Social War (Cic. Leg. 89; see Münzer, RE 4 [1901] 1668). However, the prosecutor can perhaps be linked to legislation ridiculed by the circle of Opimius, who was banished in 109 (case #53). Therefore, a date in the last years of the second century is likely; see Volkmann RE 8A (1955) 236-37.
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whencyclopedia · 3 years
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Scipio Africanus the Elder
Scipio Africanus Major (l. 236-183 BCE) received his epithet due to his military victories in Africa which won the Second Punic War for Rome against Carthage. He is also known as Scipio the Elder. He was born Publius Cornelius Scipio in 236 BCE. His family was of Etruscan descent and of the Patri...
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sunnyspetscorner21 · 3 years
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Sunny's Pets Corner Sometimes It Seems Like They Can Sense Natural Disasters Your dog may be able to predict a major natural disaster. Ellis told us that some scientists do believe that dogs can pick up on an earthquake before we can, probably because they can hear "seismic activities that precede earthquakes (such as scraping, grinding, and breaking of rocks underground) and smell environmental changes that typically indicate a major storm." She added, "There have long been reports of animals behaving strangely before large earthquakes, including an account of snakes, weasels, and rats moving to safety several days prior to an earthquake in Greece in 373 BCE." Ellis pointed out an interesting study, explaining, "After Japan’s magnitude 9 earthquake in 2011, a study was launched investigating pet owner’s reports of unusual animal behavior just before the quake. In the results, 236 of 1,259 dog owners and 115 of 703 cat owners observed strange behaviors in their pets. Owners reported increased neediness, barking, and howling in their dogs, and some dogs who were so restless they even escaped. In 60% of the reports, these odd dog behaviors occurred in the seconds and minutes leading up to the quake." Spooky! #sunnyspetscorner #wherehomeisntahomewithoutfurryfriends #sunnypettips #sunnysfunfacts #sunnyshealthtips #petsmatter #petfriendly #pethealth #petsofinstagram 🐾 🐾 🐾 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRiVjcjgWL2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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italianartsociety · 7 years
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By Jean Marie Carey
Roman Emperor Galba (Servius Sulpicius Galba) was born 24 December 3 BCE in Rome. The son of an ancient patrician family was a favorite of the Empress Livia moved in the most elevated social circles of the Julio-Claudian era. He was governor of Aquitania, consul (33), governor of Upper Germany (40–2), and proconsul of Africa (44–5); his standing was recognized by the award of triumphal insignia and three priesthoods. Governor of Hispania Tarraconensis (north-east Spain) from 60, he was approached in 68 by Julius Vindex, who was instigating revolt against Nero. Galba had his troops proclaim him as representative of the senate and people of Rome, and enrolled a new legion (eventually VII Gemina) in addition to the one in his province.
Although Vindex was defeated, Nero's suicide and the support of Gaius Nymphidius Sabinus and the praetorians encouraged Galba to march on Rome. Once in power, Galba tried to recover Nero's extravagant largess, but the execution of several opponents including Lucius Clodius Macer who had raised revolt in Africa, and the brutal killing of soldiers recruited by Nero from the fleet  cast a shadow. Galba’s avarice was notorious. He declined to pay the praetorians the donative promised by Nymphidius, saying that it was his practice to levy his troops not to buy them. He compounded this misjudgement by failing to control his own supporters. When on 1 January the legions of Upper Germany, who felt that they had been cheated of their reward for defeating Vindex, renounced their allegiance, Galba decided to adopt a successor, choosing Lucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi Licinianus. Otho, coveting this role for himself, fomented revolt among the praetorians, who murdered Galba on 15 January 69.
Reference: Campbell, John Brian. "Galba." In Who's Who in the Classical World. Oxford University Press, 2003. http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780192801074.001.0001/acref-9780192801074-e-236.
Grave monument for the cavalryman Longinus Biarta who served with a unit of auxiliary cavalry originally raised in Bulgarian Thrace by the Emperor Galba, 68. Römisch-Germanisches Museum, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, Nr. S.25/474.
Gold Aureus of Galba, 68. Reverse: Livia, holding patera in right hand and leaning on scepter in left hand; DIVA AVGVSTA; obverse: Laureate head of Galba; SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG P M TR P. Wriston Art Galleries, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin. Ottilia Buerger Coin Collection, Nr. 91142.
Andrea Schiavone, Galba: The Twelve Caesars. The Illustrated Bartsch. Vol. 32, Italian Artists of the Sixteenth Century: School of Fontainebleau
Galba, Emperor of Rome, Anonymous Italian Sculptor, late 17th Century. Foto Reali Archive.
Wall Paintings, Villa of Poppaea, owned by Nero, c. First Century. Oplontis, Italy. Shmuel Magal, Sites and Photos.
Further Reading: Erich S. Gruen. Cultural Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean. Los Angeles, CA.: Getty Research Institute, 2011. 
Jiří Frel and Sandra Knudsen Morgan. Roman Portraits in the Getty Museum. Tulsa, Okla.: Philbrook Art Center, 1981.
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stock-filter · 3 years
Stock daily Filter Report for 2021/05/20 05-40-10
*******************Part 1.0 Big Cap Industry Overiew********************* big_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 18 Communication Services 8 Consumer Cyclical 5 Consumer Defensive 17 Energy 18 Financial Services 42 Healthcare 27 Industrials 11 Real Estate 5 Technology 9 Utilities 3 unknown 4 **************************************** big_industry_downtrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 2 Communication Services 25 Consumer Cyclical 16 Consumer Defensive 6 Energy 1 Financial Services 5 Healthcare 17 Industrials 5 Real Estate 1 Technology 42 Utilities 3 *******************Part 1.1 Big Cap Long Entry SPAN MACD********************* big_long_signal_entry_span_macd Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, score, MACD Signal Count, Market Value, Span Signal Count, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 1.2 Big Cap Short Entry SPAN MACD********************* big_short_signal_entry_span_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 86 CP 4 -1.58 big-cap Short NaN -4.0 2.269994e+08 -4.0 Industrials 123 PCAR 1 0.00 big-cap Short NaN -1.0 1.655480e+08 -3.0 Industrials Mean Return: -1.58 Mean Day/Week: 5.0 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 1.3 Big Cap Long Entry SPAN********************* big_long_signal_entry_span Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 3 WMT 2 0.01 big-cap Long NaN 41.0 1.627784e+09 5.0 Consumer Defensive 154 YUMC 3 2.42 big-cap Long NaN 16.0 2.107730e+08 5.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: 1.2149999999999999 Mean Day/Week: 2.5 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 1.4 Big Cap Short Entry SPAN********************* big_short_signal_entry_span Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 86 CP 4 -1.58 big-cap Short NaN -4.0 2.269994e+08 -4.0 Industrials 123 PCAR 1 0.00 big-cap Short NaN -1.0 1.655480e+08 -3.0 Industrials 246 SQM 1 0.00 big-cap Short NaN -7.0 1.362776e+08 -3.0 Basic Materials Mean Return: -1.58 Mean Day/Week: 6.0 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 1.5 Big Cap Long Entry MACD********************* big_long_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 27 C 5 1.57 big-cap Long NaN 5.0 1.778621e+09 78.0 Financial Services 37 INTU 1 0.00 big-cap Long NaN 1.0 5.497157e+08 7.0 Technology 216 STX 4 1.86 big-cap Long NaN 4.0 4.604141e+08 78.0 Technology 55 CME 5 -1.58 big-cap Long NaN 5.0 3.255341e+08 78.0 Financial Services 161 AVB 3 -0.80 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 2.477961e+08 74.0 Real Estate 269 NLY 2 0.54 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 1.423128e+08 48.0 Real Estate 65 BAM 3 0.17 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.407119e+08 78.0 Financial Services 263 LNT 1 0.00 big-cap Long NaN 1.0 1.043387e+08 48.0 Utilities 152 FMX 3 2.19 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 5.585835e+07 47.0 Consumer Defensive 76 STLA 3 -1.80 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 5.536462e+07 11.0 unknown 215 BPY 1 0.00 big-cap Long NaN 1.0 4.877528e+07 78.0 Real Estate 13 TM 3 0.40 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 3.984767e+07 6.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: 0.2833333333333333 Mean Day/Week: 3.7777777777777777 Accuracy:0.6666666666666666 *******************Part 1.6 Big Cap Short Entry MACD********************* big_short_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 86 CP 4 -1.58 big-cap Short NaN -4.0 2.269994e+08 -4.0 Industrials 123 PCAR 1 0.00 big-cap Short NaN -1.0 1.655480e+08 -3.0 Industrials 150 HRL 2 -0.76 big-cap Short NaN -2.0 1.328051e+08 -7.0 Consumer Defensive 239 ATHM 1 0.00 big-cap Short NaN -1.0 8.681972e+07 -52.0 Communication Services 172 WISH 5 14.24 big-cap Short NaN -5.0 6.563304e+07 -106.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: 3.966666666666667 Mean Day/Week: 4.333333333333333 Accuracy:0.6666666666666666 *******************Part 1.7 Big Cap Long Maintainance********************* big_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 44 CVS 16 17.13 big-cap Long NaN 25.0 1.770082e+09 40.0 Healthcare 7 BAC 10 -0.05 big-cap Long NaN 10.0 1.742013e+09 78.0 Financial Services 5 PG 8 -0.75 big-cap Long NaN 8.0 1.330450e+09 33.0 Consumer Defensive 2 JNJ 9 0.95 big-cap Long NaN 12.0 9.407681e+08 23.0 Healthcare 26 MS 10 -0.79 big-cap Long NaN 12.0 8.722046e+08 78.0 Financial Services 74 NEM 13 13.58 big-cap Long NaN 50.0 8.571655e+08 34.0 Basic Materials 15 ABBV 15 4.46 big-cap Long NaN 25.0 7.281849e+08 24.0 Healthcare 12 PFE 6 0.36 big-cap Long NaN 50.0 6.776362e+08 29.0 Healthcare 100 GOLD 13 10.46 big-cap Long NaN 48.0 5.775834e+08 25.0 Basic Materials 228 NUE 12 13.06 big-cap Long NaN 12.0 5.573701e+08 67.0 Basic Materials 22 LIN 9 -0.92 big-cap Long NaN 9.0 5.573023e+08 51.0 Basic Materials 134 MPC 10 1.19 big-cap Long NaN 12.0 5.486576e+08 78.0 Energy 60 FDX 15 4.22 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 5.332978e+08 45.0 Industrials 21 AZN 19 7.64 big-cap Long NaN 46.0 5.298471e+08 25.0 Healthcare 79 COF 16 8.92 big-cap Long NaN 16.0 5.183005e+08 78.0 Financial Services 24 PM 28 5.36 big-cap Long NaN 28.0 5.086959e+08 75.0 Consumer Defensive 111 ALXN 24 7.02 big-cap Long NaN 24.0 4.833223e+08 25.0 Healthcare 30 CHTR 18 4.28 big-cap Long NaN 24.0 4.760194e+08 25.0 Communication Services 125 SLB 6 -0.09 big-cap Long NaN 11.0 4.350150e+08 13.0 Energy 78 AON 14 0.36 big-cap Long NaN 14.0 4.349073e+08 78.0 Financial Services 49 MDLZ 16 2.40 big-cap Long NaN 50.0 3.835426e+08 45.0 Consumer Defensive 139 BNTX 9 9.07 big-cap Long NaN 34.0 3.648523e+08 36.0 Healthcare 20 UPS 17 10.12 big-cap Long NaN 38.0 3.634148e+08 38.0 Industrials 108 TROW 11 1.44 big-cap Long NaN 11.0 3.441600e+08 78.0 Financial Services 54 CL 14 3.10 big-cap Long NaN 44.0 3.393656e+08 28.0 Consumer Defensive 271 DVN 6 -0.74 big-cap Long NaN 11.0 3.282580e+08 19.0 Energy 128 EOG 10 5.10 big-cap Long NaN 10.0 3.254008e+08 78.0 Energy 102 DOW 10 -0.62 big-cap Long NaN 10.0 2.951366e+08 75.0 Basic Materials 113 ALL 39 17.10 big-cap Long NaN 55.0 2.777950e+08 57.0 Financial Services 68 DD 11 4.17 big-cap Long NaN 12.0 2.633936e+08 26.0 Basic Materials 72 NOC 15 5.27 big-cap Long NaN 56.0 2.541685e+08 53.0 Industrials 122 KMI 15 6.75 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 2.533988e+08 78.0 Energy 124 PRU 26 9.19 big-cap Long NaN 26.0 2.410383e+08 78.0 Financial Services 231 DPZ 23 8.34 big-cap Long NaN 46.0 2.293123e+08 32.0 Consumer Cyclical 214 CFG 13 4.58 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 2.275249e+08 78.0 Financial Services 143 WLTW 15 5.53 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 2.166606e+08 78.0 Financial Services 176 SYF 13 5.10 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 2.117669e+08 78.0 unknown 119 AIG 10 1.11 big-cap Long NaN 10.0 2.098879e+08 78.0 Financial Services 153 CERN 8 1.41 big-cap Long NaN 43.0 2.084861e+08 15.0 Healthcare 174 FITB 6 1.89 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 2.001754e+08 78.0 Financial Services 71 ITUB 8 2.20 big-cap Long NaN 45.0 1.936721e+08 20.0 Financial Services 147 WMB 13 5.06 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.821499e+08 78.0 Energy 148 SU 6 -1.72 big-cap Long NaN 11.0 1.807345e+08 78.0 Energy 198 ET 16 17.76 big-cap Long NaN 16.0 1.750936e+08 75.0 Energy 207 HES 13 7.67 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.735432e+08 78.0 Energy 126 HSY 14 4.80 big-cap Long NaN 14.0 1.720814e+08 52.0 Consumer Defensive 43 GSK 10 3.51 big-cap Long NaN 49.0 1.694134e+08 25.0 Healthcare 99 KHC 10 1.07 big-cap Long NaN 10.0 1.678100e+08 78.0 Consumer Defensive 181 IP 39 14.97 big-cap Long NaN 39.0 1.614490e+08 57.0 Consumer Cyclical 201 MTB 11 1.06 big-cap Long NaN 11.0 1.595921e+08 78.0 Financial Services 234 ALLY 17 6.67 big-cap Long NaN 17.0 1.579314e+08 78.0 Financial Services 206 KEY 15 3.90 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.559762e+08 78.0 Financial Services 29 RY 15 5.23 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.551843e+08 78.0 Financial Services 193 AKAM 10 2.50 big-cap Long NaN 42.0 1.540660e+08 11.0 Technology 136 ADM 18 10.91 big-cap Long NaN 18.0 1.521249e+08 78.0 Consumer Defensive 151 FRC 19 3.90 big-cap Long NaN 19.0 1.488917e+08 78.0 Financial Services 245 IT 20 16.05 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 1.468782e+08 78.0 Technology 200 AEM 8 5.31 big-cap Long NaN 45.0 1.429561e+08 13.0 Basic Materials 223 EXPD 11 5.15 big-cap Long NaN 11.0 1.423643e+08 57.0 Industrials 236 CE 13 3.00 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.388502e+08 63.0 Basic Materials 132 LYB 10 -3.21 big-cap Long NaN 10.0 1.386540e+08 78.0 Basic Materials 254 NLOK 6 5.31 big-cap Long NaN 6.0 1.357761e+08 35.0 Technology 82 EPD 6 1.40 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.344373e+08 57.0 Energy 103 BCE 15 3.62 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.307397e+08 53.0 Communication Services 182 WPM 13 9.01 big-cap Long NaN 48.0 1.295256e+08 25.0 Basic Materials 168 EFX 24 21.42 big-cap Long NaN 42.0 1.289334e+08 35.0 Industrials 36 TD 15 4.14 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.270868e+08 78.0 Financial Services 195 APO 21 8.90 big-cap Long NaN 26.0 1.248557e+08 26.0 Financial Services 281 KL 9 5.62 big-cap Long NaN 46.0 1.235711e+08 25.0 Basic Materials 179 GWW 25 12.69 big-cap Long NaN 60.0 1.171876e+08 45.0 Industrials 159 FNV 29 9.26 big-cap Long NaN 49.0 1.147016e+08 35.0 Basic Materials 135 NTR 6 -0.05 big-cap Long NaN 12.0 1.146960e+08 12.0 Basic Materials 75 BMO 15 6.17 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.126020e+08 78.0 Financial Services 274 LKQ 18 10.20 big-cap Long NaN 18.0 1.100334e+08 76.0 Consumer Cyclical 177 K 10 -2.16 big-cap Long NaN 10.0 1.084247e+08 46.0 Consumer Defensive 276 UHS 30 13.93 big-cap Long NaN 50.0 1.036003e+08 34.0 Healthcare 129 MSI 8 -0.73 big-cap Long NaN 8.0 1.025793e+08 76.0 Technology 277 ICLR 19 4.14 big-cap Long NaN 38.0 1.010109e+08 25.0 Healthcare 283 TXT 36 18.92 big-cap Long NaN 50.0 1.005900e+08 78.0 Industrials 18 UL 14 3.13 big-cap Long NaN 49.0 9.909542e+07 28.0 Consumer Defensive 142 CNQ 9 -3.36 big-cap Long NaN 9.0 9.820118e+07 78.0 Energy 16 NVO 8 4.87 big-cap Long NaN 27.0 9.586948e+07 23.0 Healthcare 59 BNS 6 1.42 big-cap Long NaN 9.0 9.292612e+07 78.0 Financial Services 242 CINF 13 4.14 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 9.115112e+07 78.0 Financial Services 23 BUD 23 9.23 big-cap Long NaN 45.0 8.879566e+07 29.0 Consumer Defensive 213 LNG 14 7.64 big-cap Long NaN 14.0 8.641108e+07 78.0 Energy 249 DVA 14 4.99 big-cap Long NaN 47.0 8.252722e+07 24.0 Healthcare 286 CBOE 13 4.59 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 8.070510e+07 66.0 Financial Services 189 NTRS 17 5.55 big-cap Long NaN 17.0 8.014568e+07 76.0 Financial Services 104 CM 15 5.93 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 7.299673e+07 78.0 Financial Services 247 EMN 15 7.03 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 7.099230e+07 78.0 Basic Materials 173 CCEP 25 9.41 big-cap Long NaN 25.0 6.920041e+07 78.0 Consumer Defensive 248 BEN 11 -0.38 big-cap Long NaN 11.0 6.802404e+07 78.0 Financial Services 155 MPLX 12 5.66 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 6.475360e+07 78.0 Energy 81 ABEV 10 7.23 big-cap Long NaN 10.0 6.260389e+07 26.0 Consumer Defensive 41 DEO 6 2.92 big-cap Long NaN 30.0 5.990909e+07 56.0 Consumer Defensive 28 SNY 9 2.01 big-cap Long NaN 49.0 5.274773e+07 29.0 Healthcare 175 DB 6 3.18 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 5.141678e+07 19.0 Financial Services 64 EQNR 11 2.60 big-cap Long NaN 16.0 5.075540e+07 27.0 Energy 287 WLK 19 7.05 big-cap Long NaN 25.0 4.575910e+07 53.0 Basic Materials 243 LBTYK 15 0.29 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 4.016325e+07 51.0 unknown 112 CRH 10 -0.12 big-cap Long NaN 10.0 3.496882e+07 39.0 Basic Materials 232 PBA 15 3.23 big-cap Long NaN 16.0 3.322495e+07 55.0 Energy 127 BBVA 9 2.97 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 3.086787e+07 18.0 Financial Services 145 TU 8 0.33 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 2.272214e+07 11.0 Communication Services 70 SAN 6 2.58 big-cap Long NaN 16.0 1.966764e+07 78.0 Financial Services 117 LYG 15 6.26 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.856427e+07 78.0 Financial Services 87 AMX 9 0.38 big-cap Long NaN 9.0 1.790325e+07 30.0 Communication Services 237 IMO 15 13.64 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.774240e+07 78.0 Energy 95 NGG 14 4.44 big-cap Long NaN 47.0 1.480961e+07 34.0 Utilities 205 GRFS 9 3.76 big-cap Long NaN 45.0 1.076314e+07 26.0 Healthcare 162 RCI 13 2.72 big-cap Long NaN 28.0 9.132474e+06 34.0 Communication Services 225 KB 9 -1.71 big-cap Long NaN 9.0 8.256258e+06 53.0 Financial Services 288 RDY 15 4.69 big-cap Long NaN 38.0 6.200680e+06 25.0 Healthcare 85 AMOV 8 -0.25 big-cap Long NaN 9.0 6.722885e+04 22.0 Communication Services 212 VAR 14 0.27 big-cap Long NaN 14.0 0.000000e+00 54.0 Healthcare Mean Return: 5.022413793103448 Mean Day/Week: 13.905172413793103 Accuracy:0.853448275862069 *******************Part 1.8 Big Cap Short Maintainance********************* big_short_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 0 BABA 8 -3.00 big-cap Short NaN -8.0 3.483015e+09 -48.0 Consumer Cyclical 46 NIO 6 -0.10 big-cap Short NaN -6.0 2.295204e+09 -60.0 Consumer Cyclical 34 ABNB 10 -10.11 big-cap Short NaN -59.0 2.139037e+09 -31.0 Communication Services 8 NFLX 11 -1.59 big-cap Short NaN -20.0 1.580143e+09 -21.0 Communication Services 9 INTC 7 0.65 big-cap Short NaN -27.0 1.212743e+09 -19.0 Technology 19 JD 12 -7.07 big-cap Short NaN -59.0 1.100689e+09 -52.0 Consumer Cyclical 48 BIDU 18 -13.04 big-cap Short NaN -57.0 9.503348e+08 -40.0 Communication Services 14 AVGO 8 1.45 big-cap Short NaN -23.0 8.923155e+08 -14.0 Technology 42 MELI 9 -10.91 big-cap Short NaN -9.0 8.294256e+08 -56.0 Consumer Cyclical 40 UBER 10 6.33 big-cap Short NaN -21.0 8.131971e+08 -15.0 Technology 1 TSM 14 -3.51 big-cap Short NaN -25.0 7.947483e+08 -48.0 Technology 170 DKNG 10 -16.65 big-cap Short NaN -39.0 7.545681e+08 -27.0 Consumer Cyclical 180 VIPS 7 -15.10 big-cap Short NaN -39.0 7.462695e+08 -35.0 Consumer Cyclical 10 PDD 7 1.51 big-cap Short NaN -7.0 6.924522e+08 -54.0 Consumer Cyclical 47 SNAP 12 -2.94 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 6.760460e+08 -23.0 Communication Services 62 TWLO 12 -12.60 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 6.393401e+08 -15.0 Communication Services 96 TWTR 13 -2.82 big-cap Short NaN -23.0 6.023757e+08 -16.0 Communication Services 33 NOW 7 -4.52 big-cap Short NaN -13.0 5.049714e+08 -15.0 Technology 83 CVNA 8 -5.52 big-cap Short NaN -9.0 5.001602e+08 -11.0 Consumer Cyclical 107 TTD 10 -13.75 big-cap Short NaN -10.0 4.392886e+08 -14.0 Technology 89 PINS 7 -1.58 big-cap Short NaN -22.0 4.146341e+08 -16.0 Communication Services 149 ETSY 11 -9.32 big-cap Short NaN -22.0 4.129378e+08 -23.0 Consumer Cyclical 61 SPOT 14 -13.17 big-cap Short NaN -14.0 4.034544e+08 -59.0 Communication Services 101 TDOC 13 -16.79 big-cap Short NaN -13.0 3.370761e+08 -55.0 Healthcare 109 RNG 11 -15.18 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.291555e+08 -55.0 Technology 88 DOCU 11 -3.26 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.238871e+08 -15.0 Technology 220 QS 17 -25.79 big-cap Short NaN -40.0 3.205041e+08 -137.0 Consumer Cyclical 58 ILMN 14 -1.45 big-cap Short NaN -14.0 3.174515e+08 -39.0 Healthcare 192 DISCK 6 0.10 big-cap Short NaN -38.0 3.145414e+08 -32.0 Communication Services 141 ZS 12 -5.98 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 3.106146e+08 -55.0 Technology 84 TME 15 -19.28 big-cap Short NaN -40.0 3.085219e+08 -40.0 Communication Services 211 PENN 17 -15.60 big-cap Short NaN -45.0 3.019894e+08 -34.0 Consumer Cyclical 116 Z 16 -22.06 big-cap Short NaN -59.0 2.959101e+08 -44.0 Communication Services 94 BILI 10 -0.34 big-cap Short NaN -10.0 2.922109e+08 -45.0 Communication Services 221 SEDG 12 7.28 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 2.819544e+08 -16.0 Technology 235 LYFT 10 5.21 big-cap Short NaN -40.0 2.718218e+08 -15.0 Technology 140 SPLK 15 -12.33 big-cap Short NaN -15.0 2.698673e+08 -137.0 Technology 194 NVAX 10 -16.80 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 2.680206e+08 -15.0 Healthcare 199 IQ 37 -18.23 big-cap Short NaN -40.0 2.591226e+08 -39.0 Communication Services 244 RUN 12 -1.48 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 2.582810e+08 -63.0 Technology 233 WIX 6 -1.76 big-cap Short NaN -10.0 2.491517e+08 -14.0 Technology 163 COUP 10 -3.72 big-cap Short NaN -10.0 2.481801e+08 -55.0 Technology 98 U 9 -0.25 big-cap Short NaN -9.0 2.348377e+08 -72.0 Technology 166 MDB 11 0.97 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 2.302767e+08 -54.0 Technology 278 BILL 8 -0.79 big-cap Short NaN -13.0 2.071649e+08 -16.0 Technology 257 SPCE 33 -49.52 big-cap Short NaN -61.0 1.950983e+08 -53.0 Industrials 178 FTCH 14 -21.12 big-cap Short NaN -60.0 1.875129e+08 -41.0 Consumer Cyclical 272 BYND 12 -17.78 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.869538e+08 -50.0 Consumer Defensive 186 TXG 7 9.84 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.790517e+08 -10.0 Healthcare 240 OPEN 10 -17.59 big-cap Short NaN -10.0 1.775162e+08 -41.0 Real Estate 130 EDU 8 -20.46 big-cap Short NaN -8.0 1.697334e+08 -47.0 Consumer Defensive 260 CHGG 12 -9.97 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.645329e+08 -55.0 Consumer Defensive 90 VEEV 7 0.26 big-cap Short NaN -9.0 1.627397e+08 -13.0 Healthcare 158 EXAS 12 -17.55 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.588441e+08 -15.0 Healthcare 171 HOLX 15 -5.38 big-cap Short NaN -16.0 1.587338e+08 -22.0 Healthcare 270 RGEN 8 0.86 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.553115e+08 -12.0 Healthcare 80 TAL 11 -15.92 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.500053e+08 -50.0 Consumer Defensive 258 FSLY 12 -25.95 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.470217e+08 -64.0 Technology 252 AVLR 11 -5.14 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.375022e+08 -62.0 Technology 144 SIRI 6 0.71 big-cap Short NaN -16.0 1.330645e+08 -13.0 Communication Services 97 CHWY 11 -4.69 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.317199e+08 -55.0 Consumer Cyclical 160 STNE 10 -3.53 big-cap Short NaN -10.0 1.261297e+08 -54.0 Technology 284 NRG 22 -8.64 big-cap Short NaN -45.0 1.259715e+08 -45.0 Utilities 259 CRSP 9 3.10 big-cap Short NaN -9.0 1.245985e+08 -62.0 Healthcare 250 ESTC 11 -1.81 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.231978e+08 -56.0 Technology 169 MKTX 11 -2.70 big-cap Short NaN -18.0 1.231065e+08 -22.0 Financial Services 289 PLAN 9 0.43 big-cap Short NaN -9.0 1.161391e+08 -59.0 Technology 255 CREE 14 -6.37 big-cap Short NaN -15.0 1.146538e+08 -15.0 Technology 264 CABO 10 0.89 big-cap Short NaN -10.0 1.086198e+08 -69.0 Communication Services 202 PAGS 12 0.26 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.061489e+08 -52.0 Technology 210 CTXS 13 -6.59 big-cap Short NaN -23.0 1.031814e+08 -15.0 Technology 164 PAYC 11 -5.96 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 9.917523e+07 -14.0 Technology 185 CTLT 10 -5.51 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 9.872644e+07 -14.0 Healthcare 92 RKT 10 -10.24 big-cap Short NaN -42.0 9.718035e+07 -26.0 Financial Services 25 SNE 11 -1.79 big-cap Short NaN -19.0 8.656694e+07 -16.0 Technology 219 GH 7 -4.52 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 7.977503e+07 -12.0 Healthcare 265 FFIV 8 -1.06 big-cap Short NaN -25.0 7.010007e+07 -16.0 Technology 266 DT 6 4.96 big-cap Short NaN -14.0 7.000428e+07 -13.0 Technology 229 APPN 15 -41.12 big-cap Short NaN -63.0 6.660962e+07 -55.0 Technology 224 BMRN 7 0.99 big-cap Short NaN -7.0 5.708467e+07 -64.0 Healthcare 238 MASI 12 -4.42 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 5.577596e+07 -62.0 Healthcare 261 IPGP 12 5.28 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 5.288057e+07 -14.0 Technology 273 LW 7 -1.24 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 5.077733e+07 -12.0 Consumer Defensive 115 ZG 16 -22.73 big-cap Short NaN -59.0 5.007643e+07 -44.0 Communication Services 183 GDRX 10 -15.01 big-cap Short NaN -10.0 4.924561e+07 -54.0 Healthcare 184 ZI 11 -11.29 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 4.734839e+07 -13.0 Technology 218 LSXMK 6 -1.26 big-cap Short NaN -25.0 4.412834e+07 -13.0 Communication Services 227 CGC 13 -10.85 big-cap Short NaN -63.0 4.224183e+07 -44.0 Healthcare 280 PCTY 9 -3.55 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 4.063679e+07 -13.0 Technology 267 KC 11 -12.34 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.855784e+07 -45.0 Technology 217 LSXMA 8 -2.88 big-cap Short NaN -25.0 3.231797e+07 -13.0 Communication Services 253 ERIE 14 -7.95 big-cap Short NaN -14.0 1.355644e+07 -54.0 Financial Services 268 ENIA 14 -0.86 big-cap Short NaN -26.0 1.272405e+07 -20.0 Utilities 285 BCH 6 -12.04 big-cap Short NaN -38.0 3.873352e+06 -9.0 Financial Services Mean Return: -7.389787234042552 Mean Day/Week: 11.24468085106383 Accuracy:0.7978723404255319 ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** *******************Part 2.0 Small Cap Industry Overiew********************* small_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 10 Communication Services 3 Consumer Cyclical 6 Consumer Defensive 3 Energy 5 Financial Services 15 Healthcare 6 Industrials 8 Real Estate 6 Technology 2 Utilities 4 unknown 1 **************************************** small_industry_downtrending_count tickers industry Communication Services 5 Consumer Cyclical 7 Consumer Defensive 2 Financial Services 4 Healthcare 24 Industrials 5 Real Estate 3 Technology 32 Utilities 4 *******************Part 2.1 Small Cap Long Entry SPAN MACD********************* small_long_signal_entry_span_macd Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, score, MACD Signal Count, Market Value, Span Signal Count, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 2.2 Small Cap Short Entry SPAN MACD********************* small_short_signal_entry_span_macd Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, score, MACD Signal Count, Market Value, Span Signal Count, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 2.3 Small Cap Long Entry SPAN********************* small_long_signal_entry_span Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 424 MPLN 2 -0.26 small-cap Long NaN 30.0 1.133372e+07 5.0 Healthcare Mean Return: -0.26 Mean Day/Week: 2.0 Accuracy:0.0 *******************Part 2.4 Small Cap Short Entry SPAN********************* small_short_signal_entry_span Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, score, MACD Signal Count, Market Value, Span Signal Count, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 2.5 Small Cap Long Entry MACD********************* small_long_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 394 HOG 3 -5.86 small-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.072078e+08 36.0 Consumer Cyclical 351 ADT 1 0.00 small-cap Long NaN 1.0 7.414111e+07 28.0 Industrials 374 VRT 3 1.42 small-cap Long NaN 3.0 5.547206e+07 34.0 Industrials 410 PBCT 4 -2.13 small-cap Long NaN 4.0 4.679201e+07 78.0 Financial Services 301 MRVI 2 0.26 small-cap Long NaN 2.0 4.296976e+07 64.0 Healthcare 302 KOF 4 0.50 small-cap Long NaN 4.0 9.241146e+06 32.0 Consumer Defensive 359 BSMX 2 -0.34 small-cap Long NaN 2.0 1.114807e+06 38.0 Financial Services Mean Return: -1.0250000000000001 Mean Day/Week: 3.1666666666666665 Accuracy:0.5 *******************Part 2.6 Small Cap Short Entry MACD********************* small_short_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 428 BPMC 1 0.00 small-cap Short NaN -1.0 2.148873e+07 -14.0 Healthcare 433 CERT 5 -0.05 small-cap Short NaN -5.0 1.251971e+07 -14.0 Healthcare 441 ABCM 1 0.00 small-cap Short NaN -1.0 6.227866e+06 -12.0 Healthcare Mean Return: -0.05 Mean Day/Week: 7.0 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 2.7 Small Cap Long Maintaiance********************* small_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 349 STLD 17 12.90 small-cap Long NaN 17.0 1.589294e+08 74.0 Basic Materials 309 GFI 9 12.68 small-cap Long NaN 9.0 1.486978e+08 34.0 Basic Materials 303 CF 15 7.39 small-cap Long NaN 16.0 1.363204e+08 78.0 Basic Materials 379 DXC 19 15.21 small-cap Long NaN 36.0 1.258346e+08 39.0 Technology 402 MTZ 17 9.41 small-cap Long NaN 17.0 1.249189e+08 78.0 Industrials 414 CCJ 9 -3.61 small-cap Long NaN 11.0 1.208341e+08 78.0 Energy 332 CMA 14 2.68 small-cap Long NaN 14.0 1.204351e+08 78.0 Financial Services 307 LNC 9 0.60 small-cap Long NaN 9.0 9.232200e+07 78.0 Financial Services 317 JAZZ 9 0.40 small-cap Long NaN 10.0 8.838048e+07 11.0 Healthcare 330 NLSN 9 -1.59 small-cap Long NaN 9.0 8.324553e+07 78.0 Industrials 372 SEE 29 17.43 small-cap Long NaN 52.0 8.273914e+07 52.0 Consumer Cyclical 297 IRM 9 2.13 small-cap Long NaN 9.0 7.817459e+07 78.0 Real Estate 337 ATH 25 14.46 small-cap Long NaN 25.0 7.570362e+07 78.0 Financial Services 386 OSK 11 2.61 small-cap Long NaN 11.0 7.065544e+07 78.0 Industrials 397 PAA 8 2.92 small-cap Long NaN 15.0 6.796954e+07 19.0 Energy 357 RGLD 10 4.32 small-cap Long NaN 37.0 6.146387e+07 35.0 Basic Materials 313 PHYS 8 2.12 small-cap Long NaN 33.0 5.964465e+07 13.0 unknown 383 TRGP 17 12.22 small-cap Long NaN 17.0 5.870118e+07 78.0 Energy 340 JLL 12 6.54 small-cap Long NaN 12.0 5.869310e+07 78.0 Real Estate 376 TFII 17 11.87 small-cap Long NaN 17.0 5.615339e+07 78.0 Industrials 353 CLR 7 -1.25 small-cap Long NaN 11.0 5.502259e+07 18.0 Energy 296 HSIC 21 9.08 small-cap Long NaN 47.0 5.400936e+07 29.0 Healthcare 368 BERY 12 5.56 small-cap Long NaN 12.0 4.877876e+07 72.0 Consumer Cyclical 334 AFG 10 1.42 small-cap Long NaN 10.0 4.272593e+07 78.0 Financial Services 405 PRGO 7 0.72 small-cap Long NaN 25.0 4.163180e+07 10.0 Healthcare 360 SC 31 28.22 small-cap Long NaN 31.0 3.895895e+07 76.0 Financial Services 407 CFR 16 3.19 small-cap Long NaN 16.0 3.550712e+07 78.0 Financial Services 427 LEG 26 12.95 small-cap Long NaN 26.0 3.497723e+07 58.0 Consumer Cyclical 413 JHG 21 11.02 small-cap Long NaN 34.0 3.156655e+07 33.0 Financial Services 421 ORI 33 16.21 small-cap Long NaN 70.0 2.894894e+07 78.0 Financial Services 420 VNT 6 1.50 small-cap Long NaN 26.0 2.697419e+07 10.0 Technology 391 POST 39 9.62 small-cap Long NaN 53.0 2.541756e+07 57.0 Consumer Defensive 422 PSXP 10 2.13 small-cap Long NaN 59.0 2.486150e+07 55.0 Energy 406 SON 15 3.07 small-cap Long NaN 15.0 2.051996e+07 53.0 Consumer Cyclical 311 VEDL 14 10.15 small-cap Long NaN 14.0 1.970965e+07 78.0 Basic Materials 398 SRCL 16 11.09 small-cap Long NaN 33.0 1.495062e+07 28.0 Industrials 436 KT 7 4.59 small-cap Long NaN 7.0 1.036315e+07 68.0 Communication Services 324 PSO 9 1.72 small-cap Long NaN 9.0 3.294374e+06 78.0 Communication Services 362 ICL 13 1.11 small-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.158584e+06 78.0 Basic Materials Mean Return: 6.789487179487178 Mean Day/Week: 15.025641025641026 Accuracy:0.9230769230769231 *******************Part 2.8 Small Cap Short Maintaiance********************* small_short_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 365 MSTR 24 -39.20 small-cap Short NaN -60.0 6.824087e+08 -41.0 Technology 380 IOVA 7 -37.53 small-cap Short NaN -7.0 6.049573e+08 -62.0 Healthcare 352 LITE 6 11.81 small-cap Short NaN -13.0 1.766474e+08 -14.0 Technology 356 FCEL 17 -17.53 small-cap Short NaN -64.0 1.548364e+08 -46.0 Industrials 435 APPS 10 1.07 small-cap Short NaN -53.0 1.487696e+08 -24.0 Technology 295 GWRE 9 -3.29 small-cap Short NaN -9.0 1.403973e+08 -62.0 Technology 377 CCIV 13 -4.26 small-cap Short NaN -58.0 1.192881e+08 -37.0 Financial Services 381 PSTG 17 -16.16 small-cap Short NaN -60.0 1.166806e+08 -44.0 Technology 403 CLGX 11 -0.16 small-cap Short NaN -53.0 1.116121e+08 -36.0 Technology 290 BLDP 12 -4.70 small-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.062259e+08 -55.0 Industrials 322 LMND 10 0.36 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 1.053757e+08 -56.0 Financial Services 305 IIVI 14 -2.17 small-cap Short NaN -14.0 1.052120e+08 -55.0 Technology 323 OHI 6 2.71 small-cap Short NaN -11.0 9.257115e+07 -12.0 Real Estate 336 FVRR 15 -21.17 small-cap Short NaN -15.0 8.723903e+07 -44.0 Communication Services 292 NVTA 13 -19.06 small-cap Short NaN -13.0 8.669642e+07 -66.0 Healthcare 326 SPWR 15 -14.84 small-cap Short NaN -64.0 8.645328e+07 -53.0 Technology 439 ARRY 8 -37.48 small-cap Short NaN -8.0 8.064426e+07 -65.0 Technology 373 NCNO 13 -10.68 small-cap Short NaN -13.0 7.940251e+07 -61.0 Technology 299 BFAM 14 -7.14 small-cap Short NaN -29.0 7.824551e+07 -23.0 Consumer Cyclical 329 IONS 10 -5.22 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 7.193582e+07 -55.0 Healthcare 344 YY 16 -11.77 small-cap Short NaN -53.0 7.054464e+07 -38.0 Communication Services 314 TWST 12 -16.76 small-cap Short NaN -12.0 6.925059e+07 -59.0 Healthcare 385 PACB 14 -18.42 small-cap Short NaN -61.0 6.342431e+07 -40.0 Healthcare 350 API 15 -21.14 small-cap Short NaN -15.0 6.193441e+07 -45.0 Technology 343 RDFN 10 -0.77 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 5.992247e+07 -47.0 Real Estate 319 FATE 10 -0.94 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 5.767991e+07 -55.0 Healthcare 318 WEX 8 -4.29 small-cap Short NaN -15.0 5.698516e+07 -15.0 Technology 327 NYT 31 -15.01 small-cap Short NaN -54.0 5.670364e+07 -50.0 Communication Services 392 BE 10 -4.34 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 5.647162e+07 -59.0 Industrials 312 SMAR 17 -14.47 small-cap Short NaN -22.0 5.176655e+07 -55.0 Technology 355 QTWO 10 -0.87 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 4.912231e+07 -56.0 Technology 399 HUYA 15 -17.84 small-cap Short NaN -57.0 4.742344e+07 -41.0 Communication Services 411 TNDM 8 1.74 small-cap Short NaN -9.0 4.398743e+07 -12.0 Healthcare 366 ONEM 8 -11.35 small-cap Short NaN -8.0 4.318131e+07 -54.0 Healthcare 426 UPWK 15 -12.37 small-cap Short NaN -23.0 4.266661e+07 -40.0 Industrials 440 SAIL 12 -6.74 small-cap Short NaN -12.0 4.263928e+07 -47.0 Technology 335 AMWL 11 -13.43 small-cap Short NaN -11.0 4.224134e+07 -62.0 Healthcare 415 VRNS 13 -11.86 small-cap Short NaN -13.0 4.135103e+07 -45.0 Technology 434 BIGC 10 3.17 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 3.958501e+07 -67.0 Technology 408 HAE 23 -25.65 small-cap Short NaN -23.0 3.897076e+07 -54.0 Healthcare 423 NATI 13 -1.58 small-cap Short NaN -14.0 3.815456e+07 -14.0 Technology 425 INSP 8 -1.73 small-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.726629e+07 -11.0 Healthcare 363 RCM 11 -0.48 small-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.690916e+07 -13.0 Healthcare 369 TGTX 13 -27.89 small-cap Short NaN -40.0 3.668719e+07 -48.0 Healthcare 341 CHDN 10 -4.74 small-cap Short NaN -41.0 3.663522e+07 -20.0 Consumer Cyclical 401 SLAB 7 -2.16 small-cap Short NaN -15.0 3.506631e+07 -15.0 Technology 347 MLCO 9 -5.79 small-cap Short NaN -41.0 3.503193e+07 -15.0 Consumer Cyclical 387 CYBR 11 1.68 small-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.490438e+07 -17.0 Technology 430 SDC 11 -4.09 small-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.483082e+07 -65.0 Healthcare 378 ORA 11 -1.78 small-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.402716e+07 -59.0 Utilities 417 FROG 10 -9.24 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 3.387426e+07 -62.0 Technology 333 EXPI 26 -24.73 small-cap Short NaN -59.0 3.278937e+07 -41.0 Real Estate 437 VNET 16 -16.26 small-cap Short NaN -66.0 3.141064e+07 -54.0 Technology 418 CRUS 13 2.07 small-cap Short NaN -14.0 3.098358e+07 -14.0 Technology 384 SDGR 11 -7.73 small-cap Short NaN -11.0 2.969657e+07 -54.0 Healthcare 348 SHC 12 -6.05 small-cap Short NaN -12.0 2.925766e+07 -44.0 Healthcare 346 BL 10 -0.50 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 2.872337e+07 -62.0 Technology 345 ADPT 10 -5.30 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 2.768647e+07 -56.0 Healthcare 358 ANGI 10 -2.20 small-cap Short NaN -13.0 2.487441e+07 -20.0 Communication Services 367 TTEK 7 -2.81 small-cap Short NaN -24.0 2.282844e+07 -18.0 Industrials 396 NEO 11 -9.71 small-cap Short NaN -11.0 2.191001e+07 -17.0 Healthcare 444 POWI 8 -1.20 small-cap Short NaN -12.0 2.188058e+07 -54.0 Technology 390 MDLA 9 -5.91 small-cap Short NaN -9.0 1.826025e+07 -53.0 Technology 371 KOD 10 -21.07 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 1.811894e+07 -65.0 Healthcare 400 CWEN 9 -2.59 small-cap Short NaN -9.0 1.686199e+07 -64.0 Utilities 364 DCT 14 -10.16 small-cap Short NaN -14.0 1.429313e+07 -44.0 Technology 395 FIZZ 15 -8.12 small-cap Short NaN -15.0 1.429186e+07 -49.0 Consumer Defensive 354 ALLK 10 -0.23 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 1.406303e+07 -62.0 Healthcare 432 APPF 11 -1.36 small-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.351537e+07 -59.0 Technology 416 ALGM 15 -4.89 small-cap Short NaN -15.0 1.157117e+07 -59.0 Technology 443 ENIC 15 -12.02 small-cap Short NaN -17.0 7.234522e+06 -17.0 Utilities Mean Return: -8.821408450704226 Mean Day/Week: 12.225352112676056 Accuracy:0.8873239436619719 ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** *******************Part 3.0 Penny Cap Industry Overiew********************* penny_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 28 Communication Services 6 Consumer Cyclical 22 Consumer Defensive 12 Energy 21 Financial Services 37 Healthcare 13 Industrials 29 Real Estate 9 Technology 12 Utilities 2 unknown 2 **************************************** penny_industry_downtrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 6 Communication Services 12 Consumer Cyclical 24 Consumer Defensive 8 Energy 2 Financial Services 19 Healthcare 96 Industrials 20 Real Estate 18 Technology 66 Utilities 1 unknown 2 *******************Part 3.1 Penny Cap Long Entry SPAN MACD********************* penny_long_signal_entry_span_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 901 PLCE 3 -1.57 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 9.067042e+07 4.0 Consumer Cyclical 583 VG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 3.064799e+07 5.0 Communication Services 760 MGRC 3 -1.49 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 9.365924e+06 5.0 Industrials 707 ENLC 4 0.99 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 8.153300e+06 4.0 Energy 825 PACK 2 0.18 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 6.927393e+06 3.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: -0.47250000000000003 Mean Day/Week: 3.25 Accuracy:0.5 *******************Part 3.2 Penny Cap Short Entry SPAN MACD********************* penny_short_signal_entry_span_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 774 HRTX 4 1.03 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 1.846091e+07 -5.0 Healthcare Mean Return: 1.03 Mean Day/Week: 4.0 Accuracy:0.0 *******************Part 3.3 Penny Cap Long Entry SPAN********************* penny_long_signal_entry_span Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 901 PLCE 3 -1.57 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 9.067042e+07 4.0 Consumer Cyclical 583 VG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 3.064799e+07 5.0 Communication Services 740 CRC 2 -0.28 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 2.232818e+07 3.0 Energy 504 CIG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 39.0 1.957709e+07 5.0 Utilities 676 EQX 2 -2.38 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 1.491595e+07 3.0 Basic Materials 718 RNST 4 -2.20 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 9.429849e+06 5.0 Financial Services 760 MGRC 3 -1.49 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 9.365924e+06 5.0 Industrials 707 ENLC 4 0.99 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 8.153300e+06 4.0 Energy 825 PACK 2 0.18 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 6.927393e+06 3.0 Consumer Cyclical 892 CLNC 5 3.25 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 2.542622e+06 5.0 Real Estate Mean Return: -0.4375000000000001 Mean Day/Week: 3.375 Accuracy:0.375 *******************Part 3.4 Penny Cap Short Entry SPAN********************* penny_short_signal_entry_span Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 536 TLS 1 0.00 penny-cap Short NaN -31.0 6.546014e+07 -2.0 Technology 774 HRTX 4 1.03 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 1.846091e+07 -5.0 Healthcare 886 ZUMZ 1 0.00 penny-cap Short NaN -63.0 6.987356e+06 -2.0 Consumer Cyclical 826 ASTE 2 -0.74 penny-cap Short NaN -27.0 6.406874e+06 -3.0 Industrials 906 ENTA 3 -2.73 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 3.148316e+06 -3.0 Healthcare Mean Return: -0.8133333333333334 Mean Day/Week: 3.6666666666666665 Accuracy:0.6666666666666666 *******************Part 3.5 Penny Cap Long Entry MACD********************* penny_long_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 477 AMC 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 1.118023e+09 7.0 Communication Services 901 PLCE 3 -1.57 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 9.067042e+07 4.0 Consumer Cyclical 658 GT 4 -4.94 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 8.687148e+07 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 736 DDS 4 4.81 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 7.757093e+07 19.0 Consumer Cyclical 756 ABR 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 3.318079e+07 78.0 Real Estate 669 CIM 2 0.44 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 3.166517e+07 78.0 Real Estate 583 VG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 3.064799e+07 5.0 Communication Services 633 WERN 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 2.532474e+07 70.0 Industrials 908 MRUS 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 2.416169e+07 7.0 Healthcare 799 CNR 2 3.98 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 1.953500e+07 78.0 Industrials 713 PVG 3 -2.57 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.822978e+07 13.0 Basic Materials 721 WAFD 3 -0.68 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.757635e+07 78.0 Financial Services 771 VRTS 2 -2.18 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 1.375604e+07 78.0 Financial Services 662 PRMW 4 -0.92 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 1.251691e+07 34.0 Consumer Defensive 865 RAVN 2 -2.55 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.248819e+07 21.0 Industrials 501 UBSI 5 -1.58 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 1.070473e+07 78.0 Financial Services 661 COKE 4 3.59 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 1.043693e+07 53.0 Consumer Defensive 680 PLXS 4 0.52 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 1.002917e+07 78.0 Technology 760 MGRC 3 -1.49 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 9.365924e+06 5.0 Industrials 772 PIPR 5 0.56 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 8.804571e+06 73.0 Financial Services 649 EXG 2 -0.20 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 8.337278e+06 78.0 Financial Services 707 ENLC 4 0.99 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 8.153300e+06 4.0 Energy 725 WSBC 5 0.30 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 8.022838e+06 78.0 Financial Services 879 FCF 5 -0.17 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 7.843558e+06 78.0 Financial Services 825 PACK 2 0.18 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 6.927393e+06 3.0 Consumer Cyclical 887 AMSF 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 5.951837e+06 55.0 Financial Services 870 ARKO 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 3.193988e+06 55.0 Consumer Cyclical 766 TOWN 4 -2.98 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 3.128268e+06 78.0 Financial Services 910 SRCE 3 -1.20 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 3.063941e+06 78.0 Financial Services 801 VCTR 2 -1.95 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 2.674452e+06 53.0 Financial Services 628 TDI 3 0.38 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 3.478182e+04 33.0 unknown Mean Return: -0.38458333333333344 Mean Day/Week: 3.625 Accuracy:0.4166666666666667 *******************Part 3.6 Penny Cap Short Entry MACD********************* penny_short_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 586 TRN 2 1.32 penny-cap Short NaN -2.0 3.417176e+07 -44.0 Industrials 692 ACB 5 -0.72 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 2.996241e+07 -46.0 Healthcare 470 BLI 5 9.37 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 2.481418e+07 -137.0 Healthcare 774 HRTX 4 1.03 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 1.846091e+07 -5.0 Healthcare 577 CPA 5 -0.63 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 1.558868e+07 -7.0 Industrials 731 PRAX 5 6.45 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 1.028920e+07 -59.0 Healthcare 900 PASG 4 -14.63 penny-cap Short NaN -4.0 9.440463e+06 -137.0 Healthcare 822 AROC 1 0.00 penny-cap Short NaN -1.0 8.596217e+06 -32.0 Energy 524 SAFE 1 0.00 penny-cap Short NaN -1.0 7.867734e+06 -43.0 Real Estate 839 TRIL 4 -0.50 penny-cap Short NaN -4.0 5.831247e+06 -137.0 Healthcare 732 ARCE 4 -3.21 penny-cap Short NaN -4.0 5.366715e+06 -71.0 Consumer Defensive 811 MLAB 1 0.00 penny-cap Short NaN -1.0 4.563488e+06 -63.0 Technology 872 PRPB 2 0.00 penny-cap Short NaN -2.0 4.394846e+06 -55.0 Financial Services 786 ARQT 3 -2.64 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 4.079752e+06 -7.0 Healthcare 821 WMK 1 0.00 penny-cap Short NaN -1.0 3.925150e+06 -22.0 Consumer Defensive 909 IH 4 4.13 penny-cap Short NaN -4.0 2.948100e+05 -137.0 Consumer Defensive Mean Return: -0.002500000000000021 Mean Day/Week: 4.25 Accuracy:0.5 *******************Part 3.7 Penny Cap Long Maintainance********************* penny_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 735 AR 9 18.73 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 1.340683e+08 78.0 Energy 665 RRC 6 17.09 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.125149e+08 13.0 Energy 529 HL 9 20.58 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 1.034077e+08 11.0 Basic Materials 462 EQT 9 8.36 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 9.506428e+07 18.0 Energy 769 UFS 18 34.50 penny-cap Long NaN 18.0 8.980238e+07 78.0 Basic Materials 449 BPOP 11 4.65 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 8.153503e+07 78.0 Financial Services 457 AUY 10 3.95 penny-cap Long NaN 48.0 7.828522e+07 25.0 Basic Materials 642 SWN 8 14.13 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 7.403686e+07 17.0 Energy 640 ELY 7 0.95 penny-cap Long NaN 21.0 7.012965e+07 10.0 Consumer Cyclical 488 XEC 11 1.67 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 5.746712e+07 78.0 Energy 747 MUR 6 3.76 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 5.638651e+07 18.0 Energy 564 IGT 7 12.89 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 5.414954e+07 7.0 Consumer Cyclical 539 SGMS 17 11.01 penny-cap Long NaN 25.0 5.205953e+07 21.0 Consumer Cyclical 726 ASO 10 0.94 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 5.075573e+07 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 903 SBLK 21 26.09 penny-cap Long NaN 21.0 5.068577e+07 78.0 Industrials 754 VSTO 6 5.65 penny-cap Long NaN 12.0 4.939373e+07 13.0 Consumer Cyclical 741 MTDR 12 7.28 penny-cap Long NaN 12.0 4.479316e+07 78.0 Energy 784 HOME 11 19.02 penny-cap Long NaN 18.0 4.382497e+07 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 584 UNVR 19 16.03 penny-cap Long NaN 38.0 4.102720e+07 53.0 Basic Materials 487 VVV 24 15.60 penny-cap Long NaN 24.0 3.908487e+07 78.0 Energy 491 CC 13 8.26 penny-cap Long NaN 37.0 3.902799e+07 38.0 Basic Materials 637 MED 8 7.78 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 3.898851e+07 10.0 Consumer Cyclical 514 WCC 16 13.69 penny-cap Long NaN 16.0 3.855705e+07 78.0 Industrials 486 MSM 17 2.41 penny-cap Long NaN 17.0 3.855592e+07 53.0 Industrials 663 MIC 12 3.05 penny-cap Long NaN 12.0 3.579616e+07 31.0 Industrials 574 HRB 8 4.57 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 3.306192e+07 76.0 Consumer Cyclical 600 COMM 9 -1.60 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 3.231120e+07 78.0 Technology 703 NAVI 50 28.36 penny-cap Long NaN 50.0 3.109743e+07 78.0 Financial Services 562 AMN 15 11.96 penny-cap Long NaN 21.0 3.040215e+07 21.0 Healthcare 601 CHX 6 2.34 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 2.925414e+07 21.0 Energy 534 AM 8 6.32 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 2.893521e+07 21.0 Energy 862 FOE 7 -0.81 penny-cap Long NaN 7.0 2.880831e+07 71.0 Basic Materials 716 FBP 17 3.90 penny-cap Long NaN 17.0 2.832117e+07 78.0 Financial Services 476 JOBS 10 1.68 penny-cap Long NaN 32.0 2.829045e+07 12.0 Industrials 668 CMC 9 -1.82 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 2.765623e+07 74.0 Basic Materials 660 TEX 12 2.47 penny-cap Long NaN 12.0 2.718345e+07 78.0 Industrials 623 ABCB 6 3.60 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 2.602290e+07 78.0 Financial Services 446 INGR 7 0.27 penny-cap Long NaN 7.0 2.595932e+07 74.0 Consumer Defensive 877 CYH 11 -4.06 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 2.507168e+07 14.0 Healthcare 603 SAFM 11 -0.12 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 2.486484e+07 75.0 Consumer Defensive 749 EPC 10 2.51 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 2.472644e+07 48.0 Consumer Defensive 654 SUM 9 3.21 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 2.338073e+07 78.0 Basic Materials 597 PDCO 12 1.01 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 2.299333e+07 19.0 Healthcare 636 RRR 16 4.25 penny-cap Long NaN 16.0 2.259712e+07 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 717 TDS 8 -0.48 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 2.240736e+07 53.0 Communication Services 711 SGRY 18 5.25 penny-cap Long NaN 18.0 2.233255e+07 78.0 Healthcare 585 BHF 10 0.72 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 2.218364e+07 78.0 Financial Services 651 CBT 13 10.10 penny-cap Long NaN 19.0 2.203417e+07 78.0 Basic Materials 469 HLI 6 4.30 penny-cap Long NaN 6.0 2.186596e+07 6.0 Financial Services 624 ARNC 13 18.28 penny-cap Long NaN 27.0 2.154718e+07 26.0 Industrials 677 PDCE 9 0.21 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 2.137318e+07 78.0 Energy 625 NGVT 6 1.99 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 2.126734e+07 21.0 Basic Materials 596 GOLF 10 -0.49 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 2.096968e+07 10.0 Consumer Cyclical 648 BNL 15 3.52 penny-cap Long NaN 34.0 2.012109e+07 25.0 Real Estate 715 OI 19 17.57 penny-cap Long NaN 38.0 1.980046e+07 39.0 Consumer Cyclical 667 MD 9 -2.23 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 1.959037e+07 34.0 Healthcare 778 PAGP 9 6.96 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.935842e+07 19.0 Energy 556 BCPC 12 -1.29 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.782659e+07 62.0 Basic Materials 701 MLHR 8 -0.02 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 1.781572e+07 75.0 Consumer Cyclical 773 IRWD 9 9.64 penny-cap Long NaN 20.0 1.687222e+07 28.0 Healthcare 627 MIME 7 2.17 penny-cap Long NaN 26.0 1.560134e+07 9.0 Technology 767 RLGY 8 6.50 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.543612e+07 15.0 Real Estate 742 PRFT 15 8.18 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.513589e+07 78.0 Technology 613 NUS 8 -0.25 penny-cap Long NaN 28.0 1.495165e+07 10.0 Consumer Defensive 843 SAND 7 3.89 penny-cap Long NaN 52.0 1.464557e+07 34.0 Basic Materials 606 HWC 18 7.81 penny-cap Long NaN 18.0 1.380395e+07 78.0 Financial Services 746 CSTM 12 2.94 penny-cap Long NaN 18.0 1.366007e+07 53.0 Basic Materials 492 CEF 6 2.79 penny-cap Long NaN 29.0 1.244355e+07 13.0 unknown 878 RGR 7 3.36 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 1.198483e+07 10.0 Industrials 646 AUB 8 3.10 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 1.178656e+07 78.0 Financial Services 776 GOL 9 1.80 penny-cap Long NaN 32.0 1.175397e+07 20.0 Industrials 714 PBH 8 5.72 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 1.129794e+07 13.0 Healthcare 898 ARCO 15 14.05 penny-cap Long NaN 24.0 1.071124e+07 18.0 Consumer Cyclical 730 CVA 8 -1.85 penny-cap Long NaN 14.0 1.040265e+07 14.0 Industrials 734 OR 13 9.35 penny-cap Long NaN 48.0 1.026385e+07 31.0 Basic Materials 699 BDC 9 -4.36 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 1.011426e+07 11.0 Industrials 833 XPEL 8 11.37 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 9.698121e+06 34.0 Consumer Cyclical 673 FCFS 19 10.60 penny-cap Long NaN 26.0 9.411034e+06 54.0 Financial Services 808 HNI 15 6.08 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 9.381056e+06 57.0 Industrials 670 ANAT 10 22.55 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 9.326225e+06 55.0 Financial Services 644 EXLS 11 0.72 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 8.957766e+06 55.0 Technology 655 EVTC 12 5.86 penny-cap Long NaN 34.0 8.785266e+06 34.0 Technology 618 GHC 9 0.03 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 8.528646e+06 34.0 Consumer Defensive 581 CWK 13 2.07 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 8.389565e+06 53.0 Real Estate 848 CASH 15 0.98 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 8.372206e+06 78.0 Financial Services 851 NMRK 9 0.15 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 7.823055e+06 78.0 Real Estate 688 MTX 10 1.26 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 7.815158e+06 78.0 Basic Materials 829 HSC 9 0.32 penny-cap Long NaN 26.0 7.557843e+06 12.0 Industrials 641 SCL 16 3.40 penny-cap Long NaN 19.0 7.361472e+06 53.0 Basic Materials 859 VLRS 17 5.53 penny-cap Long NaN 17.0 7.129972e+06 78.0 Industrials 678 ENBL 15 14.57 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 6.685182e+06 69.0 Energy 856 WIRE 18 11.12 penny-cap Long NaN 18.0 6.375559e+06 78.0 Industrials 617 JJSF 15 2.28 penny-cap Long NaN 20.0 6.187593e+06 24.0 Consumer Defensive 814 ARGO 10 -1.10 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 5.778640e+06 68.0 Financial Services 871 FDP 11 2.70 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 5.284675e+06 58.0 Consumer Defensive 889 SBSI 12 2.07 penny-cap Long NaN 12.0 5.075450e+06 78.0 Financial Services 582 CNS 8 2.02 penny-cap Long NaN 34.0 4.330848e+06 19.0 Financial Services 635 USM 7 -0.72 penny-cap Long NaN 7.0 4.205802e+06 53.0 Communication Services 537 TIGO 6 1.31 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 4.163406e+06 15.0 Communication Services 861 BPMP 11 2.13 penny-cap Long NaN 18.0 2.782356e+06 55.0 Energy 830 FFG 13 0.10 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.203506e+06 13.0 Financial Services 612 BBU 15 6.55 penny-cap Long NaN 17.0 7.532254e+05 18.0 Industrials 456 SHI 8 1.67 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 4.368088e+05 30.0 Energy Mean Return: 5.834563106796118 Mean Day/Week: 11.495145631067961 Accuracy:0.8543689320388349 *******************Part 3.8 Penny Cap Short Maintainance********************* penny_short_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 835 RIOT 8 -17.60 penny-cap Short NaN -41.0 9.936122e+08 -25.0 Technology 525 APHA 12 -5.87 penny-cap Short NaN -55.0 2.918416e+08 -38.0 Healthcare 634 TLRY 13 -9.46 penny-cap Short NaN -60.0 2.311761e+08 -40.0 Healthcare 506 TREE 10 3.36 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 1.278489e+08 -58.0 Financial Services 490 NOVA 12 -10.63 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.186326e+08 -56.0 Technology 837 SNDL 15 -19.12 penny-cap Short NaN -58.0 1.091198e+08 -39.0 Healthcare 650 TIGR 10 4.30 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 9.174900e+07 -40.0 Financial Services 576 CSIQ 14 -10.28 penny-cap Short NaN -14.0 8.957781e+07 -55.0 Technology 464 SHAK 14 -24.03 penny-cap Short NaN -60.0 8.819401e+07 -30.0 Consumer Cyclical 507 MGNI 12 -26.48 penny-cap Short NaN -58.0 8.517400e+07 -40.0 Communication Services 666 NNDM 15 -20.06 penny-cap Short NaN -64.0 7.252791e+07 -55.0 Technology 630 EAT 7 -2.35 penny-cap Short NaN -42.0 6.265248e+07 -14.0 Consumer Cyclical 483 EH 15 -24.19 penny-cap Short NaN -64.0 5.631727e+07 -54.0 Industrials 445 ALLO 14 -7.58 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 5.488743e+07 -16.0 Healthcare 467 EVBG 12 -6.47 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 5.094342e+07 -53.0 Technology 458 NARI 8 -6.23 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 4.981656e+07 -12.0 Healthcare 544 AMBA 14 -4.74 penny-cap Short NaN -59.0 4.753009e+07 -41.0 Technology 604 FRHC 7 -0.82 penny-cap Short NaN -28.0 4.463007e+07 -29.0 Financial Services 475 HASI 12 0.61 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 4.267561e+07 -64.0 Real Estate 643 MAXR 12 1.83 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 4.143755e+07 -46.0 Technology 523 MRCY 9 -3.62 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 4.072880e+07 -11.0 Industrials 517 LOPE 8 -2.57 penny-cap Short NaN -36.0 3.975750e+07 -10.0 Consumer Defensive 566 IRBT 15 -15.82 penny-cap Short NaN -60.0 3.876131e+07 -49.0 Technology 588 NSTG 7 -11.27 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 3.824795e+07 -12.0 Healthcare 541 EGHT 13 -27.45 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 3.799421e+07 -15.0 Technology 542 VC 6 -3.85 penny-cap Short NaN -6.0 3.680983e+07 -44.0 Consumer Cyclical 509 PD 11 -8.81 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.576023e+07 -55.0 Technology 876 TPGY 9 -19.76 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 3.546315e+07 -55.0 Financial Services 571 CDLX 10 -5.09 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 3.502507e+07 -15.0 Communication Services 493 CRNC 10 -6.59 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 3.357436e+07 -46.0 Technology 682 TPIC 11 -5.78 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.349437e+07 -58.0 Industrials 706 CLNE 15 -35.28 penny-cap Short NaN -60.0 3.347220e+07 -33.0 Energy 758 ACMR 15 -21.01 penny-cap Short NaN -58.0 3.329202e+07 -40.0 Technology 495 STMP 10 -6.21 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 3.325650e+07 -62.0 Technology 700 REAL 9 -35.13 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 3.300999e+07 -14.0 Consumer Cyclical 622 JKS 8 4.93 penny-cap Short NaN -8.0 3.190032e+07 -77.0 Technology 560 VCYT 16 -31.13 penny-cap Short NaN -24.0 3.050446e+07 -46.0 Healthcare 573 FLGT 15 -9.04 penny-cap Short NaN -61.0 2.954466e+07 -40.0 Healthcare 832 JRVR 10 -2.51 penny-cap Short NaN -17.0 2.918557e+07 -22.0 Financial Services 499 ENV 9 -1.16 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 2.707585e+07 -13.0 Technology 629 GDOT 7 -2.77 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 2.674803e+07 -137.0 Financial Services 455 SAGE 10 -0.40 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 2.612898e+07 -12.0 Healthcare 521 SRNE 9 -2.64 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 2.600368e+07 -49.0 Healthcare 705 YEXT 13 -7.23 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 2.576917e+07 -54.0 Technology 460 ALRM 12 -8.59 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 2.571355e+07 -16.0 Technology 563 EQC 10 0.27 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 2.468739e+07 -11.0 Real Estate 516 CCXI 12 -62.82 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 2.451863e+07 -54.0 Healthcare 548 VLDR 7 -7.58 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 2.368956e+07 -66.0 Technology 453 SMTC 13 -7.19 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 2.342259e+07 -17.0 Technology 533 INSM 11 -14.25 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 2.282273e+07 -47.0 Healthcare 685 EPAY 11 -3.90 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 2.267438e+07 -12.0 Technology 598 GBT 11 -8.60 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 2.263090e+07 -59.0 Healthcare 485 BAND 7 -1.43 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 2.245907e+07 -59.0 Technology 480 ARNA 11 -4.91 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 2.137380e+07 -44.0 Healthcare 689 QTRX 12 -11.58 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 2.100463e+07 -52.0 Healthcare 579 MOMO 12 -0.89 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 2.079245e+07 -42.0 Communication Services 502 MTSI 15 -8.22 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 2.062906e+07 -17.0 Technology 611 RVMD 16 -4.97 penny-cap Short NaN -40.0 2.053323e+07 -31.0 Healthcare 531 DIOD 10 0.69 penny-cap Short NaN -39.0 2.019812e+07 -15.0 Technology 518 GKOS 8 -2.73 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 1.985868e+07 -10.0 Healthcare 508 AEIS 8 10.70 penny-cap Short NaN -14.0 1.940346e+07 -12.0 Industrials 593 VSAT 6 -1.31 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.872216e+07 -28.0 Technology 607 ALXO 6 1.80 penny-cap Short NaN -6.0 1.869793e+07 -70.0 Healthcare 527 AHCO 26 -15.69 penny-cap Short NaN -27.0 1.862044e+07 -27.0 Healthcare 554 SBRA 6 2.14 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 1.859890e+07 -14.0 Real Estate 824 ALX 6 0.18 penny-cap Short NaN -38.0 1.848084e+07 -20.0 Real Estate 452 WK 13 -2.25 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 1.841238e+07 -44.0 Technology 621 LGND 16 -19.16 penny-cap Short NaN -64.0 1.797582e+07 -41.0 Healthcare 543 NKTR 7 -4.21 penny-cap Short NaN -52.0 1.781100e+07 -38.0 Healthcare 762 CSTL 11 -3.73 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.774539e+07 -53.0 Healthcare 738 MTOR 7 -2.88 penny-cap Short NaN -43.0 1.757557e+07 -35.0 Consumer Cyclical 659 INDB 8 -1.63 penny-cap Short NaN -41.0 1.738126e+07 -25.0 Financial Services 494 DOYU 15 -19.11 penny-cap Short NaN -55.0 1.732995e+07 -41.0 Communication Services 722 LUNG 8 4.51 penny-cap Short NaN -8.0 1.716035e+07 -46.0 Healthcare 465 FTDR 12 1.05 penny-cap Short NaN -20.0 1.712960e+07 -20.0 Consumer Cyclical 652 DCPH 11 -11.10 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.710159e+07 -13.0 Healthcare 614 PHR 12 -8.14 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.704425e+07 -47.0 Healthcare 569 CRSR 6 1.67 penny-cap Short NaN -6.0 1.692441e+07 -59.0 Technology 561 NIU 11 -9.33 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.674345e+07 -41.0 Consumer Cyclical 653 MATX 6 4.15 penny-cap Short NaN -43.0 1.672369e+07 -22.0 Industrials 450 GSHD 7 -11.95 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 1.661416e+07 -44.0 Financial Services 602 NHI 6 2.05 penny-cap Short NaN -29.0 1.649570e+07 -12.0 Real Estate 698 EAR 10 -25.43 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 1.627683e+07 -44.0 Healthcare 578 FORM 14 -13.39 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 1.623681e+07 -15.0 Technology 503 ICUI 7 0.20 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 1.620571e+07 -9.0 Healthcare 610 FN 6 7.59 penny-cap Short NaN -44.0 1.600520e+07 -14.0 Technology 565 SLQT 6 -3.65 penny-cap Short NaN -22.0 1.503121e+07 -8.0 Financial Services 847 GNOG 12 -9.86 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.484602e+07 -111.0 Consumer Cyclical 759 COHU 7 0.17 penny-cap Short NaN -22.0 1.472238e+07 -15.0 Technology 558 CNNE 7 1.75 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 1.458106e+07 -12.0 Consumer Cyclical 745 AZRE 14 -12.02 penny-cap Short NaN -14.0 1.443455e+07 -66.0 Utilities 823 SOL 12 -7.55 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.423007e+07 -56.0 Technology 498 RXT 6 6.82 penny-cap Short NaN -19.0 1.413447e+07 -7.0 Technology 684 RMBS 14 -0.97 penny-cap Short NaN -58.0 1.367844e+07 -23.0 Technology 743 PBI 14 6.04 penny-cap Short NaN -14.0 1.325045e+07 -15.0 Industrials 530 PTCT 45 -36.89 penny-cap Short NaN -84.0 1.261257e+07 -70.0 Healthcare 500 KNSL 6 3.48 penny-cap Short NaN -6.0 1.253859e+07 -137.0 Financial Services 520 RSI 15 -12.61 penny-cap Short NaN -42.0 1.242820e+07 -43.0 Consumer Cyclical 816 OCUL 7 -12.08 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 1.213838e+07 -14.0 Healthcare 551 OPCH 11 -3.92 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.197146e+07 -17.0 Healthcare 482 JAMF 11 -12.01 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 1.188779e+07 -13.0 Technology 552 CRON 15 -10.55 penny-cap Short NaN -61.0 1.153584e+07 -42.0 Healthcare 690 PUBM 10 -12.34 penny-cap Short NaN -52.0 1.142051e+07 -25.0 Technology 750 KN 7 3.41 penny-cap Short NaN -56.0 1.119341e+07 -12.0 Technology 712 KURA 12 -6.03 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.116790e+07 -137.0 Healthcare 854 MODN 7 -3.04 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.102521e+07 -15.0 Technology 691 SITM 13 -1.23 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 1.102260e+07 -59.0 Technology 881 CERS 7 3.05 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 1.092031e+07 -62.0 Healthcare 522 DAO 11 -0.82 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 1.082630e+07 -44.0 Communication Services 836 CEVA 14 -24.40 penny-cap Short NaN -59.0 1.077419e+07 -41.0 Technology 594 AMRN 32 -32.97 penny-cap Short NaN -62.0 1.066941e+07 -44.0 Healthcare 693 AVNS 14 -9.07 penny-cap Short NaN -14.0 1.056303e+07 -44.0 Healthcare 796 PAYA 23 -15.05 penny-cap Short NaN -44.0 1.052080e+07 -64.0 Technology 657 ESE 6 -3.45 penny-cap Short NaN -27.0 1.017239e+07 -8.0 Technology 671 MXL 6 7.54 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.011821e+07 -14.0 Technology 761 SVC 7 -0.56 penny-cap Short NaN -41.0 1.010654e+07 -14.0 Real Estate 783 LTC 10 -3.95 penny-cap Short NaN -42.0 1.000844e+07 -14.0 Real Estate 802 UPLD 10 -4.29 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 9.809713e+06 -12.0 Technology 609 ROCK 7 -2.53 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 9.809496e+06 -11.0 Industrials 855 ICPT 11 -10.15 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 9.525630e+06 -62.0 Healthcare 615 UNIT 7 1.64 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 9.464300e+06 -56.0 Real Estate 519 OPK 16 -13.46 penny-cap Short NaN -63.0 9.455573e+06 -50.0 Healthcare 557 SEER 12 -25.53 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 9.307806e+06 -114.0 Healthcare 842 VERI 13 -17.41 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 9.254863e+06 -53.0 Technology 817 MRSN 8 -6.25 penny-cap Short NaN -8.0 9.210362e+06 -137.0 Healthcare 459 CVET 6 1.61 penny-cap Short NaN -6.0 9.174508e+06 -46.0 Healthcare 897 DHC 12 -18.93 penny-cap Short NaN -40.0 9.126005e+06 -22.0 Real Estate 605 VNE 16 -3.16 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 9.022859e+06 -32.0 Consumer Cyclical 572 CORT 12 -3.20 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 8.973822e+06 -56.0 Healthcare 570 TSEM 14 -5.96 penny-cap Short NaN -23.0 8.787190e+06 -41.0 Technology 752 DEA 7 -0.50 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 8.780429e+06 -59.0 Real Estate 687 STRA 15 -2.33 penny-cap Short NaN -26.0 8.493493e+06 -23.0 Consumer Defensive 807 MASS 8 -22.95 penny-cap Short NaN -8.0 8.422251e+06 -104.0 Healthcare 532 VICR 8 1.27 penny-cap Short NaN -8.0 8.245206e+06 -44.0 Technology 782 SLP 12 -7.68 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 8.130391e+06 -46.0 Healthcare 838 KROS 8 -0.59 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 7.665615e+06 -14.0 Healthcare 739 PRO 13 -13.90 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 7.637392e+06 -16.0 Technology 553 SPSC 7 -2.00 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 7.598090e+06 -17.0 Technology 567 RCKT 6 -2.79 penny-cap Short NaN -6.0 7.379445e+06 -44.0 Healthcare 792 CDXS 10 -3.67 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 7.198499e+06 -15.0 Healthcare 704 ADCT 8 -9.57 penny-cap Short NaN -8.0 7.119651e+06 -137.0 Healthcare 845 PI 8 3.06 penny-cap Short NaN -59.0 7.004393e+06 -38.0 Technology 787 ATSG 10 -0.12 penny-cap Short NaN -28.0 6.995266e+06 -21.0 Industrials 857 ADVM 15 -9.23 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 6.963703e+06 -56.0 Healthcare 810 VCRA 14 -8.18 penny-cap Short NaN -14.0 6.910644e+06 -48.0 Technology 813 NRIX 9 -5.55 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 6.840497e+06 -44.0 Healthcare 764 PGEN 11 -0.74 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 6.466128e+06 -46.0 Healthcare 724 SGMO 11 2.40 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 6.370636e+06 -69.0 Healthcare 884 PHAT 12 -7.48 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 6.055290e+06 -37.0 Healthcare 805 IMGN 11 -12.69 penny-cap Short NaN -54.0 5.935239e+06 -37.0 Healthcare 647 XNCR 10 2.49 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 5.859211e+06 -44.0 Healthcare 675 BTRS 10 -16.39 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 5.745118e+06 -40.0 Technology 894 WPRT 12 -13.63 penny-cap Short NaN -60.0 5.656907e+06 -41.0 Consumer Cyclical 841 EVER 14 -11.82 penny-cap Short NaN -56.0 5.613051e+06 -48.0 Communication Services 728 SRRK 12 -7.18 penny-cap Short NaN -40.0 5.535194e+06 -40.0 Healthcare 681 TTGT 8 1.37 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 5.088405e+06 -41.0 Communication Services 753 ADUS 11 2.70 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 5.038614e+06 -15.0 Healthcare 797 BCAB 8 -9.67 penny-cap Short NaN -37.0 4.829316e+06 -30.0 Healthcare 595 MMYT 11 0.59 penny-cap Short NaN -40.0 4.449856e+06 -31.0 Consumer Cyclical 831 CVGW 6 1.55 penny-cap Short NaN -18.0 4.358518e+06 -14.0 Consumer Defensive 723 STTK 6 -10.78 penny-cap Short NaN -6.0 4.349987e+06 -62.0 Healthcare 907 VITL 10 -3.31 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 4.255864e+06 -43.0 Consumer Defensive 867 ATRI 16 -6.47 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 4.172644e+06 -20.0 Healthcare 846 FARO 14 -4.48 penny-cap Short NaN -43.0 4.093550e+06 -15.0 Technology 880 DBD 7 9.78 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 4.035073e+06 -15.0 Technology 885 MORF 11 -4.57 penny-cap Short NaN -38.0 4.015752e+06 -27.0 Healthcare 905 SRG 12 -6.65 penny-cap Short NaN -42.0 3.999662e+06 -29.0 Real Estate 834 KRYS 8 -1.17 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 3.923640e+06 -13.0 Healthcare 478 HCM 11 0.55 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.606322e+06 -62.0 Healthcare 780 PNTG 16 -26.50 penny-cap Short NaN -86.0 3.595935e+06 -62.0 Healthcare 875 QNST 12 -9.66 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 3.568828e+06 -43.0 Communication Services 791 SBTX 17 -18.04 penny-cap Short NaN -40.0 3.498099e+06 -37.0 Healthcare 696 GTH 12 -2.80 penny-cap Short NaN -60.0 3.370430e+06 -41.0 Healthcare 893 AKRO 10 1.96 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 3.329898e+06 -14.0 Healthcare 683 BCAT 8 0.33 penny-cap Short NaN -8.0 3.313010e+06 -66.0 unknown 888 HQH 6 3.59 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 3.165891e+06 -11.0 Financial Services 757 SPNS 11 -7.41 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 3.141866e+06 -12.0 Technology 793 LKFN 7 -1.07 penny-cap Short NaN -42.0 2.948501e+06 -17.0 Financial Services 812 KNSA 12 -11.58 penny-cap Short NaN -45.0 2.875420e+06 -42.0 Healthcare 873 FDMT 10 -19.61 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 2.314592e+06 -44.0 Healthcare 674 CANG 33 -36.53 penny-cap Short NaN -63.0 2.267193e+06 -48.0 Communication Services 852 CLLS 11 -7.43 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 2.090823e+06 -65.0 Healthcare 866 LXRX 16 -16.61 penny-cap Short NaN -66.0 1.938241e+06 -41.0 Healthcare 781 SYX 7 -0.17 penny-cap Short NaN -14.0 1.791473e+06 -11.0 Industrials 869 RMAX 22 -1.67 penny-cap Short NaN -44.0 1.696321e+06 -27.0 Real Estate 818 BATRK 7 -1.35 penny-cap Short NaN -43.0 1.527173e+06 -19.0 Communication Services 540 MOR 8 3.48 penny-cap Short NaN -8.0 8.928816e+05 -64.0 Healthcare 815 BATRA 7 -0.51 penny-cap Short NaN -42.0 7.666765e+05 -22.0 Communication Services 874 MESO 17 -2.84 penny-cap Short NaN -17.0 6.602379e+05 -137.0 Healthcare 788 HLG 41 -23.52 penny-cap Short NaN -41.0 1.237100e+05 -137.0 Consumer Defensive 695 GB 10 0.21 penny-cap Short NaN -28.0 1.692824e+04 -66.0 Technology 804 MSC 14 5.42 penny-cap Short NaN -48.0 3.992670e+03 -137.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: -7.1301562500000015 Mean Day/Week: 11.244791666666666 Accuracy:0.7708333333333334 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