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soundsofpleasure · 4 months ago
by jaymasters45
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2278slots · 1 month ago
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美女 大长腿 😍
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chris-tarrant-official · 11 months ago
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my-chaos-radio · 6 months ago
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Release: January 1, 1985
I guess I kind of sort of know
I ought to be thinking of you
But a friendship′s built on trust
And that's something you never do
Well who knows - maybe tomorrow
We can share each other′s sorrow
And compare our graveside manner
As we wave our lonely banners
If you ever think of me
I'll be thinking of you
If you decide to change your views
I'm thinking of you
You can walk away from loneliness
Anytime you choose
And you′re the sort of person
That hasn′t anything to lose
But who cares - maybe tomorrow
You can lead and I could follow
So walk where angels fear to tread
For everything you've ever wanted
And if you ever think of me
I′ll be thinking of you
If you can spare an hour or two
You'll know what to do
I could be the one thing there
In your hour of need
So if you decide to change your views
I′m thinking of you
Let's roll the dice
In a fools paradise
Share moonlit nights
Breathing nothing but lies
Let′s open our eyes…
We should take a bus
To somewhere else to something new
Thank God we're alive
And bite off more than we can chew
Do the things that just don't matter
Laugh while others look in anger
Stumble over four leaf clovers
And say goodbye to lonely banners
If you ever think of me
I′ll be thinking of you
Through thick and thin
I bear it and grin and never give in
I could be the one thing left
In your hour of need
So if you decide to change your views
I′m thinking of you
Thinking of you
Thinking of you
Thinking of you
Terry Hall, Toby Russell
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albertxylin · 2 years ago
Broken Webs
A spider's web is broken, Whisked away like cotton candy on a wooden stick. Its foundation is ripped away, Effort and exertion erased from the world As if it was never there. As if reality violently rejected its claim. What remains, when your strength grows fragile?
It does not despair. It looks upon the barren ruins of what was once its domain, Looks upon empty branches where it once sat king, Looks upon the home that stopped being safe, And starts weaving another thread
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Most Beloved AEW Wrestler Tournament 2
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2278youxi · 2 months ago
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2278game · 7 months ago
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game78qipaiyouxi · 7 months ago
game78棋牌游戏-2024最新版棋牌游戏【官网:game78.com】 和奥运会一样精彩的棋牌游戏(官网:game78.com)亚洲博彩app,新玩家登录送金币,游戏赔率彩金高,充值上分下分快,安全可靠,有棋牌,捕鱼,电玩,连线,水浒传等30多款棋牌游戏,快来下载吧,手机扫一扫就能玩
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blueiscoool · 10 months ago
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Pepi II Neferkare (2284 BC – after 2247 BC, probably either c. 2216 or c. 2184 BC was a pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty in Egypt's Old Kingdom who reigned from c. 2278 BC. His second name, Neferkare (Nefer-ka-Re), means "Beautiful is the Ka of Re". He succeeded to the throne at age six, after the death of Merenre I.
Pepi II's reign marked a sharp decline of the Old Kingdom. As the power of the nomarchs grew, the power of the pharaoh declined. With no dominant central power, local nobles began raiding each other's territories and the Old Kingdom came to an end within a couple of years after the close of Pepi II's reign.
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scrawlingwithstyle · 28 days ago
One more week till my procedure!
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soundsofpleasure · 4 months ago
by sweetpea
the sound of me rubbing my clit and fingering myself after at least 5 orgasms (i lost count haha)
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2278slots · 1 month ago
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lostdrarryfics · 11 months ago
It’s an older fic. At first, I thought that it was part of Harry Draco mpreg fest but I went through every year and I couldn’t find it. Maybe another fest. I think it was a one shot.
Harry or Draco get pregnant. The pregnant one keeps the pregnancy a secret. One of them is a Quidditch player. The fic ends with one of them, taking their son who I believe was named James to see the other play a professional Quidditch match. I know the one that was a Quidditch player sees them in the stands as he’s flying, maybe just caught the snitch. I want to say that there could’ve been art.
it’s not Rock-a-bye Sweet Baby James or any fic by Ladderofyears.
Sorry, we could not find this fic. Maybe one of our followers can help!
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“Mamoru should have been aged back down in the English dub of the anime.”
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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Equius Zahhak, Aradia Megido
Act 5, page 2278-2281
centaursTesticle [CT] began trolling apocalypseArisen [AA]
CT: D --> Aradia, here's the deal
CT: D --> Now that the game has begun, the plan will be modified slightly
CT: D --> We will not be co-leaders of the b100 team
CT: D --> I alone will be the leader
CT: D --> Is that understood
AA: thats fine
CT: D --> Good
CT: D --> Wait
CT: D --> You have no objection
CT: D --> Are you sure
AA: n0
AA: im 0k with it
CT: D --> Do you typically embrace such a passive attitude when your superiors give you orders
AA: i d0nt usually receive 0rders fr0m superi0rs 0r 0therwise
AA: but really its fine
CT: D --> Hmm
AA: what
CT: D --> I think I should get a towel
CT: D --> I'm perspiring heavily again
AA: why
AA: whats wr0ng
CT: D --> Never mind
CT: D --> I'm trying to stay professional about this
AA: ab0ut what
AA: what are y0u talking ab0ut
CT: D --> Forget it
CT: D --> It's just pleasant to consort with one of lesser breeding who clearly understands her place
AA: ive underst00d f0r s0me time that this will be my r0le
AA: t0 functi0n as y0ur server player
AA: and that y0u w0uld be the team leader as the first in the chain
CT: D --> Perfect
CT: D --> Then we are on the same page
CT: D --> I 100k forward to seeing how well you serve me, server player
AA: uh
AA: thats n0t quite the meaning 0f the w0rd server
CT: D --> What do you mean
AA: as y0ur server i manipulate y0ur envir0nment t0 help y0u advance
CT: D --> I don't understand
CT: D --> Are you
CT: D --> Are you saying
CT: D --> That
CT: D --> You are in a position of control over me
AA: i supp0se s0
CT: D --> Oh
AA: what
CT: D --> Oh my God
AA: 0_0
CT: D --> This is
CT: D --> Impropriety of a caliber I cannot even
CT: D --> It's
CT: D --> You are as low on the hemosprectrum as possible
CT: D --> To consider that someone so low could be in a position of authority over me is
CT: D --> It's just so
CT: D --> Disgusting
AA: y0u really are quite a sn0b
CT: D --> No it's
AA: 0_0
CT: D --> I need some air
CT: D --> Or some cold milk
CT: D --> Or a towel, I need a towel
CT: D --> Where the fuck are all my fresh towels
CT: D --> I mean
CT: D --> Fiddlesticks, please pardon my language
CT: D --> It won't happen again
AA: y0u l00k really agitated
AA: are y0u sure y0ure alright
CT: D --> I'm fine
CT: D --> I'll be fine
CT: D --> I just need to breathe
CT: D --> And to break something possibly
AA: break s0mething
CT: D --> Yes
CT: D --> It helps me rela%
AA: 0h
AA: i think i understand
CT: D --> Do you
AA: i like breaking things
AA: i didnt used t0 but n0w i d0
AA: its fun
AA: um
AA: hell0
AA: are y0u sure y0ure 0k
CT: D --> Yes
AA: y0u really d0 l00k like y0ure sweating pretty hard
CT: D --> I just need a blasted towel
CT: D --> Where ever did that Aurthour get off to
AA: maybe y0u sh0uld break s0mething
AA: t0 try t0 calm d0wn
CT: D --> Perhaps
AA: d0 y0u want me t0 break s0mething
CT: D --> Whoa what
AA: i c0uld break s0mething if y0u want
CT: D --> Do you
CT: D --> Want to break something
AA: kind 0f
CT: D --> I, uh
CT: D --> Ok
AA: equius im ab0ut t0 thr0w an abluti0n trap thr0ugh y0ur wall
AA: heads up
CT: D --> Yes
CT: D --> Yes that was wonderful
AA: it was pretty c00l
CT: D --> But could you please refrain from dipping into the vernacular of commoners
CT: D --> In fact, this is an order from your leader
CT: D --> Call things by their proper names
AA: what
AA: y0u want me t0 call it a bath tub
AA: that s0unds ridicul0us
CT: D --> Nevertheless, do it
AA: fine
CT: D --> Now
CT: D --> Could you please
CT: D --> Uh
CT: D --> Do that again
AA: what
AA: y0u want me t0 thr0w the trap thr0ugh y0ur wall again
AA: i mean the tub
CT: D --> Yes
AA: is that an 0rder
CT: D --> Yes
CT: D --> Wait
CT: D --> I don't know
AA: what d0nt y0u kn0w
CT: D --> Maybe I don't want to order you to
CT: D --> Maybe I want
CT: D --> You to do whatever things that you want to do
AA: i really have n0 idea what y0ure talking ab0ut
CT: D --> You could cause quite a bother for me, with the power you wield
CT: D --> I can do nothing to stop you, peasant girl
CT: D --> It's so magnificently depraved
AA: y0u are s0 weird
AA: and this is c0ming fr0m a gh0st
AA: ribbit
CT: D --> What was that
CT: D --> Are you role playing now
CT: D --> Stop, it's unbecoming
AA: s0rry
CT: D --> You're better than that
CT: D --> And by better, I mean worse
CT: D --> Much, much worse
CT: D --> Downright coarse and degenerate
CT: D --> Just reprehensibly sordid
AA: 0_0
CT: D --> Actually
CT: D --> Yes
CT: D --> You may role play and proceed to deepen this already irretrievable debauchery
CT: D --> In fact I command it
CT: D --> I command you to have free will and do as you please
CT: D --> And continue being bothersome and unpredictably destructive
CT: D --> I mean
CT: D --> If you want
AA: im n0t really r0le playing
AA: im part fr0g
AA: but 0k
AA: i guess i can break s0me m0re stuff
AA: ribbit
CT: D --> Yes
CT: D --> Ribbit again
AA: i cant really c0ntr0l the ribbits
CT: D --> I will make haste through this mysterious realm and find your gate
CT: D --> It will pose no challenge for me at all
AA: yeah i kn0w
CT: D --> I will then give you your new body, and you may take your rightful place as my subordinate
AA: sure
CT: D --> Actually
CT: D --> Now I'm beginning to wonder
AA: what
CT: D --> Whether I want you to be my subordinate
CT: D --> Hmm
CT: D --> I hope this doesn't sound too strange
AA: everything y0u say s0unds strange
CT: D --> Maybe I would like you to be the co-leader again
AA: 0k
CT: D --> In fact
CT: D --> Oh my goodness, I can't believe I'm entertaining this thought
CT: D --> It feels just vile
CT: D --> Try not to roll your eyes at me
AA: i d0nt have pupils
CT: D --> Would you mind terribly
CT: D --> Being the leader
AA: fine
CT: D --> But
CT: D --> Don't tell anyone
CT: D --> You will be the leader of me, and I will lead all else
CT: D --> You would in effect be the secret leader
AA: yeah sure
AA: thats pretty much h0w it is anyway
CT: D --> Yes, that's the spirit
CT: D --> You take to authority well for one of your b100d
AA: i d0nt have bl00d
CT: D --> Not yet
CT: D --> But soon your heart will beat anew, and through it, fresh b100d and fresh passion
AA: 0_0
AA: w0w uh
AA: can y0u just bring me the r0b0t already
CT: D --> On my way
centaursTesticle [CT] ceased trolling apocalypseArisen [AA]
AA: ribbit
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