#2114 words
renee-writer · 8 months
NANO day 14
2114 words
83% complete
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I was an early adopter of the digital lifestyle. I began taking computer courses at college to fulfill the core curriculum requirements. At grad school, for a long time, I was the only one in the anthropology department who could run statistical programs on the university’s mainframe computers ( not too shabby for a high school dropout). In those days, we fed punch cards into the machine to give…
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albertxylin · 2 years
Train Manners
On an early morning train, With inhabitants half or fully asleep, A passenger decides to play rap music Loud enough to wake the dead, The dead inside, And those that wished that they were dead.
Irritated faces keep turning around to glare At the unwelcome wake up call Reminding us of the tragedy of the commons, And how the social contract falls apart Simply due to selfishness and apathy.
Eventually, a departing passenger politely asks them to turn it down. They do, and thank the hero of the carriage for not yelling. A minute later, the music returns in a roaring encore. I understand why people shout. I wonder why the rest of us don't.
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ghulehthezombiequeen · 10 months
Let you break my heart again - Anakin x Jedi reader
Author’s note: hi. so uh. yeah I got a little silly and decided to write angst again. and wrote more than I was aiming for but that’s okay LMAO— Also omg THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE ON MY SWISS FIC?? you’re the best <3 Other things to note: Revenge of the Sith era Anakin but Anakin and Padmé aren’t married (they’re courting/dating), reader is a Jedi and has had a crush on Anakin since like the beginning of time /j, reader is majorly jealous of Padmé
Warnings: ANGST, unrequited love, hurt/comfort, Anakin uses a derogatory word for droids, no pronouns used for reader
Word count: 2114 words
Propped against a wall, you saw Anakin enter the Jedi temple, looking a bit disheveled. But  you knew he had just returned from a mission with Obi-Wan, so maybe it went terribly wrong, maybe it went really well. 
You attempted to approach him, but Padmé had already beat you to it, like she always did. You felt a pang in your heart as you saw him hug her, longing to be in her place. Sadly, you knew it would never happen, with the looks they’d exchange with each other when they thought no one was watching. But you were. Finally, after what had seemed like forever, Padmé left to do her duties. You took this opportunity and rushed to him, your heart skipping a beat. “Hey.. how did it go?” You asked with a soft smile. Anakin nodded at you, then sighed. “Fine, I guess.. We didn’t really do much, just killed a bunch of clankers.” You caught yourself before making a face at him for using the derogatory word for droids; but you understood why he chose that word. 
“Well.. I mean, at least it was.. good practice?” You giggled a bit, trying to cheer him up. 
Anakin forced a light chuckle. “Yeah..” He said, looking off to the side, his mind somewhere else. You gave him a soft look. “Hey.. everything okay over there?” You asked kindly, your heart skipping a beat as he looked back at you. “No.. not really…” he admitted with a sigh. He seemed like he wanted to say more, but couldn’t find the right words. “..thanks for asking, though.” He added sincerely. 
You furrowed your brows and studied his expression. “Hey, uh… do you want to go somewhere else and talk about it, perhaps?” You offered. 
He thought for a moment and then nodded slowly. “Yeah, I could use… someone to talk to...” 
“Alright, then. Wanna head to the library? It’s usually deserted at this hour..” You smiled at him, and Anakin perked up a little at the mention of it. “Yeah, actually… that’d be great.. there’s some new data I’ve been meaning to catch up on as well.” 
You two slowly made your way to the library, finding a table in the very back. Anakin sat down on one of the old worn out chairs, staring into the oblivion. “I feel… different..” He mumbled, almost to himself. “What’s wrong?” You sat down next to him, tilting your head and studying his expression. You waited a few seconds before speaking up. “..is it about Padmé?” You question. 
Anakin nodded. It was hard to explain, but he felt something. Something that both terrified him and excited him. 
“How did you know?” Anakin asked. “Ahah.. lucky guess?” You smiled, then giving him a sympathetic look. “..is she okay? Are you two okay?”
Anakin sighed. "Yeah... I think we are." He put his head down, leaning his arms on the table. 
“She's so beautiful…” Anakin whispered. “And she's smart.. And... caring... and... wonderful…”  Anakin trailed off, unknowingly breaking your heart with every word. “…You love her a lot… don’t you? Well, I bet my lightsaber she loves you a lot as well.” You tried to smile through the pain, asking the very question that could possibly break you, but you had to know. 
Anakin looked up at you, a look of uncertainty on this face. “No, it's not that. I love her… it's just... It’s hard to describe.” Anakin said. 
“But.. sometimes, I just feel like... I don't need this.” He looked away from you. 
“This… this whole Jedi… thing. I don’t know if I want to be a Jedi anymore.” Anakin whispered, his words dripping with emotion. “I want something different.” He said hesitantly, looking back at you. 
“…I see. What is it you want, exactly?” You whispered curiously. Anakin seemed to think for awhile. 
“I don't want the Jedi Order, that's for sure.” Anakin said. 
“I want freedom. I want... something... more. Something..." He trailed off. 
“I want to be happy.” Anakin finally said, almost as if it was a confession. “But I'm... afraid.” 
You nodded in understanding. You want freedom too, but not in the same way; you wanted to just be free from this unrequited love, to be free from this constant heartbreak…
“…why are you afraid?” You asked him softly. 
Anakin stared at the table in front of him. “I don’t know, it’s just… if I let go of this… this Jedi thing…” He said, the word ‘Jedi’ having a slight hint of hatred in it. “..I’m not sure if I can become anything else. But at the same time… I don’t want this.” He continued, looking like he was on the verge of tears.  
You nodded. “I understand. I really do..”
You so desperately wanted to reach out and hold Anakin's hand, to comfort him and tell him that everything will be okay as long as they have each other. But you couldn't. You weren’t Padmé.
“…I feel like I'm going insane…” Anakin whispered, his voice quiet and strained. He felt ashamed, but also somewhat relieved that he finally let it out. 
“Sometimes I even think... I even thought…” Anakin trailed off.
“Never mind.” He said with a sigh.
“Wait, no.. you can tell me.. I promise I won’t tell anyone..” You reassured him. 
He looked back up at you. “Sometimes… I have these… thoughts.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “What kind of thoughts?” You asked gently. 
“…Dark thoughts. Violent thoughts. Thoughts that could.. that could get me expelled from the Jedi Order.” Anakin finished, his voice strained. He looked at the table, and you did too. “…I see.” You finally reply, looking back up at him in sympathy. “…do you think it’ll affect you soon? Like…. You’re almost at your breaking point?” 
Anakin took a deep breath and let it out. “I don’t know…” he answered. 
“I don’t know what I’m capable of..” He continued, his voice starting to shake. You notice him slowly, hesitantly reach his hand over the table and rest it on yours, his fingers trembling. 
You stared at your hand for a moment, then back at Anakin, feeling the pang in your heart again. Oh, if only he knew the pain he’d just caused… “Hey.. it’s okay, you’re strong… I know you can get through this. I know it.” You whispered to him, giving him a soft smile. 
Anakin leaned his head against the table, keeping his eyes shut. “Can you… can you do me a favor..?” He asked quietly. 
“Anything. Yeah.” You whispered immediately, ready to give your life for Anakin in a heartbeat if you were asked to do so. 
Anakin sighed. “Can... can you promise to stick with me? No matter what? Like a Jedi and his Padawan?” 
Anakin looked up at you. "Can... can you do that for me?" He asked. He looked like he was begging you for help.
You nodded. “Of course.. I’ll always be on your side, no matter what. I’ll always be here for you.” You whisper with a smile. Anakin looked up at you, tears starting to form in his eyes. “Thank you…” he whispered. 
A moment later Anakin embraced you in a tight hug, a feeling of relief washing over him. 
You tensed slightly, a blush forming on your face. The pang in your heart hit harder again, and you knew that this moment would haunt you forever. 
Nevertheless, you placed a hand gently on Anakin’s chest and wrapped your other arm around his waist, hugging him tighter. “Shh… don’t cry..” You whispered, hating to see him in pain even though you were probably hurting even more than he was. 
Anakin's words were muffled as he buried his head into your shoulder. It had been so long since someone had embraced him in a welcoming way. 
“I’m… I'm scared…” Anakin whispered. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
You were the only thing grounding him to reality. 
“Hey, it’s okay… you’ll be okay.” You whispered reassuringly, rubbing Anakin’s back soothingly. The longer the two of you hugged, the more it hurt you. But you couldn’t understand it. Why were you feeling so much pain when he was showing you affection? Isn’t this what you wanted? 
Anakin lifted his head from your shoulder, looking back at you. He could feel his breath catching in his throat as he gazed into your eyes. Before he could even think, Anakin leaned in and softly kissed your lips. You could feel your cheeks get redder as he kissed you. Was this even real? You didn’t care; this was the happiest you’d ever been, almost as if you were in a trance. You kissed him back without hesitation, but then as quickly as the moment came, it was over; Anakin pulled away. Your eyes widened in realization as you snapped back into reality. Anakin seemed shocked as well, surprised by what he just did. “I….” He whispered, unsure of what to say. 
You looked at him in horror, thinking of what Padmé would do if she ever found out. 
“I… I’m sorry, I.. oh, no…” 
Not thinking straight, you quickly got up and ran away from the library, tears starting to blur your vision. 
“W-Wait! Come back!” Anakin called your name as he got up from the table, running after you. 
“J-Just leave me alone, Ani…” you pleaded as you covered your mouth with your hand, a sob escaping your lips. 
Anakin kept following you as you both raced down the halls, your footsteps echoing. Eventually he caught up with you and grabbed him by the shoulders. “No.. No, I won’t. Let me help you.” He said firmly as he took your hand and held it. “Please… you’re hurting me more than you realize..” You stared at him, tears starting to fall down your cheeks now. You wanted to pull your hand away, but you couldn’t find it in your heart to do so. 
“No, I want to be by your side. Through thick and thin,” Anakin said with a slight smile. “Padmé means a lot to me, but you... you are very special to me as well.” 
You looked away from him, taking in shaky breaths as more tears fell down your cheeks and you wiped them away before looking at him again. 
“Wait.. so… y-you don’t love Padmé?” You asked slowly. 
Anakin went red. “What? No no... I do love Padmé.” Anakin said, his voice getting a bit higher than he intended. Was he lying?
“But... I also love... I mean... uh…” Anakin was fumbling with his words. He wanted to say 'I love you,' but he didn't want to scare you. Anakin wasn't sure what he should do. He was stuck.
“Anakin.. don’t play games with me right now.” You pleaded. 
“Do you love me, or her?” You asked bluntly, tears still falling down your cheeks, your eyes turning puffy. 
Anakin took a deep breath.
“I… I choose... you.” Anakin said, looking at you.
For the first time since you had known each other, Anakin looked completely honest. He wasn't lying about anything. He looked at you with eyes of complete adoration.
"I choose... you." Anakin repeated.
You looked down at the ground, his words registering in your brain. “H-How do I know… you’re not lying to me right now to make me feel better?” 
Anakin took his fingers and lifted your gaze. “Look me in the eyes,” Anakin said, and you did.
“I’m not lying to you, and I never will.” He said with complete honesty. 
“You mean more to me than anyone in the galaxy.” Anakin's voice softened. "You are more important to me than even Padmé,” Anakin said, looking you right in the eye.
You looked at Anakin with a desperate expression, shaking your head. 
“Oh, Ani…” You whispered, and before you knew it, you’d placed your lips on his again, this time full of passion. 
Anakin wrapped his arms around you and kissed you back just as passionately as tears formed in his eyes. “I love you.” He whispered.
Hearing those words from Anakin’s lips melted your heart, and you felt tears forming in your eyes again, but this time from pure joy. 
“I love you too.. Oh, Ani.. I’ve waited so long to hear you say that..” You whispered back, kissing him again. 
Anakin kissed back, not wanting the moment to end. He embraced you as if you were the only thing holding him together. 
It was like a fairytale come true. 
Anakin finally felt happy. Really happy. He had you to thank for it, as well as his own courage to take a chance. 
And now, you were finally with the one you loved. 
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katelynnwrites · 11 months
It’s All My Love (You Got All My Love) | Felicitas Rauch
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warnings: major fluff
word count: 2114
summary: felicitas has all your love
a/n: part two of Think I Forgot How To Be Happy, Something I’m Not (But Something I Can Be)
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‘Felicitas!’ You manage to greet, before the German player has you wrapped in her arms.
She spins you around and you laugh. The door of her apartment is kicked shut, Felicitas far too occupied with you to close it properly.
‘I missed you.’ Feli mumbles as she sets you down gently.
‘I missed you too.’ You admit and Feli’s eyes light up.
Her hands grab onto yours and she leans down to share a kiss with you.
‘Felicitas.’ You breathe, eagerly chasing after her lips when she pulls away.
‘Feli please.’ You half beg and she obliges.
Two weeks away from her at national camp was far too long and now that she’s here, you can’t get enough of her.
‘I made you dinner.’ Felicitas tells you, in between kisses.
‘It’s gonna get cold.’ She tries.
Switching it up, you become a little firmer with your kisses. Feli groans and lets you.
‘What did you make?’
You keep kissing her and Feli struggles to answer.
‘Your favourite.’ She gasps eventually.
‘You’re too good to me.’ You confess and Felicitas shakes her head.
‘No…I promise you, you deserve to be happy. I’m just lucky that you’ve found it with me.’
‘Believe me, I’m the lucky one.’ You answer and Feli simply pulls you back into her arms.
Felicitas hands you one of her earbuds and you hand her Cinnamon’s leash.
‘Come here Cinny.’ Feli says and then grins as her poodle runs up to her.
Cinnamon stays still long enough for Feli to clip her leash on and then she’s jumping around, excitedly waiting for her walk.
You laugh and open the German player’s apartment door, making your way outside. Feli passes you her poodle’s leash so that she can lock her door.
It’s a little cold so you tuck your hands into the pockets of Feli’s hoodie.
Initially, Feli had lent it to you, with every intention of getting it back but now she’s learnt that she likes you in her clothes and you’ve learnt that you like wearing her clothes. Feli smells so good and her clothes smell just like her.
Cinnamon barks impatiently and Felicitas laughs.
‘Okay okay I’m hurrying.’
Feli finishes locking her apartment door, hits the play button on her music and then takes your hand in hers.
You grin at her choice of music and Felicitas simply shrugs, kissing your cheek lightly before letting you and Cinnamon lead the way.
Feli sighs happily as your fingers comb through her hair.
You massage her scalp lightly and Feli leans back, letting the back of her head rest against your legs.
Running your fingers through her hair again, you begin braiding it. Felicitas starts to doze off and you’re just finishing the braid when Jule and Lena come barging into the rec room.
Feli jumps at the loud noise, eyes flying open in panic.
You laugh, pulling her up, off the floor and beside you on the couch.
‘Go back to sleep Felicitas. It’s just Lena and Jule.’
The German player mumbles indistinctly, pushing her face into your shoulder.
Stroking her hair gently, you let her fall back asleep. It takes some skillful maneuvering on your part to get her laying down without waking her, with her head in your lap but you succeed.
You keep up your ministrations, even as more of your teammates file into the room.
Felicitas sleeps soundly through several rounds of card games and the resulting disagreements. Nothing is too trivial for professional athletes to be competitive about.
Lena, Jill and Lynn seem to subscribe to the above sentiment, their playful argument growing in volume.
Still, Feli continues to sleep. Her chest is rising and falling with even breaths when Sveindís sits down beside you.
The young Icelandic player glances at Feli for a moment before saying, ‘I’ve never seen your girlfriend with a braid before.’
You softly answer, ‘She’s not my girlfriend.’
‘And you’ve never seen her in a braid before because she doesn’t know how to braid her own hair.’ You add lightheartedly.
‘Oh. It’s just that you both seem so close.’
‘You mean you’ve seen us kiss.’
Sveindís flushes with embarrassment, ducking her head and looking away.
You chuckle, understanding her confusion, ‘It’s okay. We aren’t officially dating but I know what I mean to her and she knows what she means to me. I think that’s enough right now.’
‘Dinner at my place tomorrow?’ Feli asks, smiling when you agree.
It wasn’t like she expected you to say otherwise. It is routine now, for you to come straight from the airport, to her apartment after international breaks.
‘I miss you Felicitas. See you soon.’
‘Miss you more. Have a safe flight.’ Feli tenderly says before blowing you a kiss and ending the video call.
Kathy snorts. Her roommate had been calling you every night of the international break and she thinks that she’s never seen Feli so soft. Not even with Cinnamon who Feli had once swore was the love of her life.
‘When are you going to actually ask her to be your girlfriend?’ She asks.
‘She knows that I’m hers and I know that she’s mine. Isn’t that enough?’
Felicitas sighs and then admits, ‘I don't want to push her. She’s still healing and I’m willing to wait until she’s ready. For now, I don’t need a label on what we are.’
‘Hey you.’ Felicitas drops a kiss onto the top of your head.
‘Hi.’ You grin.
Feli lightly tugs on the Germany hoodie you are wearing.
‘You look good in my clothes babe.’
Your heart flutters but you don’t know if it’s because of the way she’s looking at you or the pet name.
Your cheeks turn red and Feli hums, ‘Can you paint my nails for me please?’
‘Of course.’
Felicitas hands you her box of nail polish bottles and you ask, ‘What colour are you wanting?’
Feli hums again, ‘It’s up to you.’
That’s how you end up sprawled on Feli’s bed, Cinnamon beside you as you blow on her freshly painted nails, to dry them more quickly.
‘They’re pretty. Really subtle.’ Feli laughs, looking at the rainbow nails you had painted for her.
Each of her nails are a different colour and you had left kisses on the tips of her fingers in between your painting.
Giggling, you admit, ‘I couldn’t help myself.’
The German player chuckles, admiring her nails before glancing at you.
‘Do you think they’re dry yet?’
‘I think so.’
Touching her nails lightly, you give her a smile when you realise that they are in fact, dry.
‘Good. Because I really want to kiss you now.’
‘Okay.’ You whisper and Felicitas takes this as the go ahead to slide her fingers into your hair as she brings her lips down to meet yours.
Wolfsburg wins the league.
And Feli chases you around the confetti strewn pitch with a bottle of champagne.
‘Feli.’ You breathe, when she finally catches you, drenching you in alcohol as she tumbles down on top of you. You’re flat on your back, Felicitas trapping you beneath her.
She supports herself with one hand, making sure she doesn’t put too much of her body weight on you.
The empty bottle of champagne is left forgotten and Feli’s breathing is a little heavy but she carefully pushes sweaty strands of your hair out of your face with her free hand.
‘Felicitas.’ You murmur and she nods, understanding the intensity of the emotions in your eyes.
She can hear your breathing catch and knows that your heart is pounding in your chest.
‘Not here. I promise you that we’ll have time later.’
Later as it turns out, is back in your apartment, one of the few times that Feli’s ever been there.
She doesn’t care about that now though, too busy slipping her hands under your shirt.
‘If anything gets to be too much, you tell me okay? I’ll stop.’
Feli’s fingers reach the band of your bra and you shake your head.
‘I need you to verbalise this for me liebling.’
Felicitas emphasises her words by keeping her previously wandering hands still. The feel of her warm hands on your bare skin is driving you crazy.
‘Don’t stop. Feli don’t stop.’
The desperation in your voice is clear but Feli waits for you to say what she’s been waiting for.
‘I swear I’ll tell you if I need you to stop.’ You promise and Felicitas decides that’s good enough for her.
Your shirt ends up on the floor, next to hers and you never have to ask her to stop.
You wake up in an empty bed but one with warm sheets so you know that Feli hasn’t left you alone for long.
Anxiously, you pad out into the rest of your apartment, looking for the German.
You find her in the kitchen.
‘I didn't think you’d be up yet.’ She sheepishly murmurs when she sees you.
‘You’re here.’ You whisper, rubbing your eyes to make sure you’re not seeing things.
‘Of course I am. I would never leave you.’ Feli assures you.
Walking up to her, you wrap your arms around her waist and rest your head against her chest.
Felicitas brushes a kiss onto your hairline in response.
‘I meant to make you a coffee.’
You pull back just enough to look her in the eye.
There’s nothing but warmth and affection in her gaze but you still say, ‘Don’t do that again.’
‘I’m sorry.’ Feli blinks, meaning to take a step back but you refuse to let her, tightening your arms around her waist.
‘I want to wake up with you beside me next time.’
‘Next time?’ She asks, in a mixture of joy and confusion.
‘Always Feli. You’re great in bed but I think you’ll make a brilliant pillow and big spoon too.’
The German player blushes and you laugh before ceasing your teasing.
The next few words you say are quiet and shy.
‘Felicitas I’d like to be your girlfriend. If you’ll have me? I'm ready now.’
Feli kisses you with all the emotion she has in answer.
‘I'd love that.’ She breathes before kissing you once more.
Feli teaches you to surf.
Unlike her, you’re not a natural at it but eventually you do manage to catch a wave.
Watching Feli cheer you on, with the sun and complete joy on her face, you know that you’ve fallen for her.
As you sit on the beach with her after, watching the sun set, you lean into her arms.
‘Thank you.’ You whisper.
‘For what?’ She asks, amusement clear in her eyes.
Felicitas’ only answer is to pull you even closer and place a kiss onto the top of your head.
‘She loves you.’ Feli softly tells you as she watches you play with Cinnamon, on the floor of her living room. The brown poodle licks your hand, as if trying to tell you that she agrees with her owner.
You look up and smile at her.
Feli smiles back and then says a sentence that changes your world.
‘I love you too.’
‘Felicitas.’ You breathe and she takes your hands in hers.
‘You don’t have to say it back yet, or ever. It's okay. I love how we are and I'm perfectly alright if it stays this way.’
‘Felicitas, I'm in love with you.’
‘You a-are?’ She stammers.
‘I am. I love you Feli.’
‘T-That’s so good.’ Felicitas chokes out and she’s just so emotional that you laugh, hugging her tightly.
Feli wraps her arms around you in response, burying her head in your shoulder.
‘Feli are you crying?’ You ask, as you feel your shirt beginning to get wet.
‘No…maybe…they’re happy tears.’
‘Okay.’ You giggle, rubbing her back lightly.
Cinny is pawing at you and you tell the small dog, ‘I think I broke your mom.’
Felicitas laughs, her voice muffled when she says, ‘Did not.’
‘Whatever you say Feli, whatever you say.’
Feli takes a few more moments to herself before she looks back up.
Her eyes are a little red and you carefully brush away the remnants of tears on her cheeks.
‘I love you Feli, I’m sorry that I made you cry.’
Your girlfriend shakes her head, a smile on her face as she answers, ‘Don’t be sorry. Like I said, they’re happy tears.’
Gently, she places a kiss on your forehead, your nose, both of your cheeks and then on the corner of your mouth.
‘I love you.’ She says seriously before finally giving you a proper kiss, one with an intensity that lets you know that she means it and that she is your forever.
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German Translation:
liebling - love
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bloodylullaby · 28 days
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Word Count: 2114
Author's Note: Enjoy all the fluff
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Life has been relentlessly knocking you down again. It seems like every corner you turn, there's a new challenge waiting to trip you up. Whether it’s the daily grind of dealing with difficult people who test your patience and resilience or the frustratingly mundane obstacles like hitting every red light on your commute, it feels like the universe conspires against you with a vengeance. These constant setbacks, big and small, accumulate, weighing heavily on your spirit and making each day a battle to stay optimistic and keep pushing forward. Despite your efforts to maintain a positive outlook, the persistent barrage of annoyances and hardships leaves you feeling worn out and defeated, as if you’re fighting a losing battle against an unseen force determined to test your limits.
These long, exhausting days have left you severely burned out. By the end of my workday, you find yourself sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the wall. Later, you’ll lie in the dark, gazing up at the ceiling, feeling overwhelming dread. This cycle perpetuates itself, leading to even more disappointment and disillusionment. The activities that you used to enjoy in your free time no longer bring you joy. Your creativity has ground to a halt, replaced by a paralyzing self-doubt that makes you question whether anything you create is good enough. The burnout has drained your energy and eroded your confidence and sense of purpose, leaving you feeling disconnected from the things that once brought you happiness.
Your isolation starts to intensify. Even though you’ve never been outgoing and preferred a night in over a night out, it keeps worsening. You haven't talked to friends or family in weeks, leading to the gnawing thoughts that you don’t matter. This isolation exacerbates your struggle to keep taking your medication—the very thing that helps you function like a normal human being. It helps your body produce the right chemicals so you can function and enjoy life. But what’s the point of enjoying life if everything you do only leads to more exhaustion? The loneliness, coupled with a lack of communication with loved ones, deepens your sense of despair, making it increasingly difficult to find any motivation or reason to continue.
Today has been no different for you. With a day off from work, you’ve been wrapped in a blanket like a burrito, mindlessly playing on your Switch. Your phone has been blowing up with messages from Noah, but you’ve been ignoring him, too drained to respond. You read his texts but don’t reply, and it’s starting to get to him. He’s used to your occasional isolation spells, but it’s gnawing at him now. Typically, you get back to his texts by the end of the day or the next day when you’re going through a rough patch. But this time, you haven’t answered him for a week. The guilt of leaving him in the dark only adds to your overwhelming sense of dread and exhaustion.
There was a knock on the door that made you freeze. You hadn’t invited anyone over, so the thought of someone knocking was nerve-wracking. Slowly, you get up, making as little noise as possible, and avoid all the windows to stay undetected. Looking through the peephole, you see that it’s Noah. With a confused look, you open the door and are greeted by his smiling face.
"Hey," he says softly, holding up a bag. "I brought some things for us to do today."
With a soft smile, you step aside to welcome him in. He heads to the living room coffee table and sets the bag down. Sitting on the couch, he pats the seat next to him and waits for you to join him before pulling items out of the bag. The first thing that he pulls out is two spa headbands. One is black goat horns, and the other is white kitten ears. Next, he pulls out face masks, nail polish, and a manicure set. He turns and gives you a broad smile. 
With a soft smile, you step aside to welcome him in. He heads to the living room coffee table and sets the bag down. Sitting on the couch, he pats the seat next to him and waits for you to join him before pulling items out of the bag. The first things he pulls out are two spa headbands—one with black goat horns and the other with white kitten ears. Next, he reveals face masks, nail polish, and a manicure set. He turns and gives you a broad smile.
“I thought we could have ourselves a little indoor spa day today,” he says.
The gesture touches your heart deeply. What did you do for life to grant you such a kind and wonderful human being in your life? Noah has always been the light at the end of the tunnel for you, but today, he is shining extra brightly. He puts the cat ears spa headband on you and the other on himself. When it comes time to put the face masks on, you watch him struggle to apply them evenly, spreading them all over his face and dropping a glob or two on his shirt. You smile to yourself as you put yours on.
Once everything is cleaned up, Noah sets up the manicure kit with the different colors of nail polish neatly lined up in a row. He takes your left hand and tends to your nails as you gently rest your head on his shoulder. You sigh in contentment, feeling a wave of relaxation wash over you as you listen to him hum and watch him tenderly take care of you. Each stroke of the polish brush feels like a small act of love, reinforcing your bond and reminding you of how lucky you are to have Noah in your life. Time seems to stand still in this moment of intimacy and care as you bask in the warmth of his presence and the simple pleasure of being pampered by someone who means the world to you.
As he switches to your right hand, he gently kisses the inside of your wrist before tending to your nails. You tenderly kiss his temple in response, prompting him to look up and smile at you. A slight giggle escapes you as you see him wearing his face mask and headband. Returning his focus to pampering you, you can't resist the urge to capture this precious moment. Grabbing your phone, you snap a picture, immortalizing the scene of love and care. With a smile playing on your lips, you set the photo as the background on your phone, cherishing the memory forever.
Once he finishes tending to your hands, he looks at you with pleading puppy-dog eyes, begging you to reciprocate the gesture and pamper him in return. With a soft smile playing on your lips, you reach out for his left hand, your fingers tracing delicate patterns across his skin as you begin attending to his cuticles. There's a tender rhythm to your movements, a dance of intimacy and trust as you gently push back the cuticles, ensuring every detail is tended to with precision and care. When needed, you delicately trim them, your touch feather-light yet purposeful.
Moving on, you take up the file, the soft sound filling the air as you expertly shape his nails. Each stroke of the file is deliberate, sculpting his nails with finesse as you bring out their natural shine. With a gentle touch, you then proceed to buff them, smoothing out any imperfections and leaving them gleaming with a healthy sheen. You paint each nail meticulously, ensuring every stroke is flawless and every curve is accentuated. After completing your task, you step back to allow him a moment to admire your handiwork. Impressed by the results, he leans in to plant a grateful kiss on your forehead, expressing his thanks.
He gently reaches out, his fingers tracing a tender path along your cheek before brushing against his own. "I think it's time to wash these off," he declares softly, his voice hinting of playfulness. You nod in agreement, and together, you go to the bathroom.
Once inside, he wraps his arms around you from behind, enveloping you in a warm embrace. With a mischievous twinkle, he reaches for his phone and captures the moment. You effortlessly remove your mask, but Noah struggles, getting some of it in his eye. You gently assist him, ensuring his comfort as you help him wash away the residue. Once his face is clean and dried, he gestures toward the bathtub.
"Wanna take a bubble bath together?" he asks softly, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation. You nod in agreement, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you watch him start the bath. With a sense of purpose, he moves to your sink, retrieving a container of Epsom salt. With careful measure, he pours it into the steaming water, the scent of relaxation filling the air as the salts dissolve, ready to soothe away the day's tensions. 
Once everything is prepared, you both begin to undress, shedding the layers of the day's weariness. Noah eases himself into the warm embrace of the tub, settling comfortably into the soothing water. You follow suit, slipping into the bath and settling between his legs. He starts to massage your shoulders. 
“You know I love and care about you, right?" Noah asked softly. You hummed in response, feeling lost in his touch. "Just remember, I'm here to catch you when you fall," he continued gently, kissing your shoulder. His words touched you deeply, and you felt a swell of emotion, tears forming in your eyes.
"Then maybe Hell ain’t so bad after all," you sang quietly with a small smile. He responded by wrapping his arms around your shoulders, gently pulling you back to lean against his chest. He kissed tenderly on the top of your head, his affection palpable. You both lingered in the bath for a while, basking in the warmth and comfort of each other's presence, letting the world outside fade away.
Noah helped you out of the bath as the water began to cool and gently dried you off. Taking your hand, he led you to the bedroom and seated you on the bed. He then rummaged through your dresser, selecting some comfortable lounging clothes for you. After you finished getting dressed, Noah positioned you between his legs and began to brush your hair. His touch was incredibly gentle, and he checked in with you over the slightest of tugs, ensuring your comfort and showing his deep affection and care.
Noah's gentle attention with the hairbrush gradually calms you, each stroke soothing and reassuring. After a few moments, he sets the brush aside and wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Do you feel better?" he asks softly, his voice filled with genuine concern. You nod, leaning back into his embrace, feeling a profound sense of peace. The room is filled with a comforting silence, only broken by the gentle sound of your breaths.
"How about we watch a movie?" he suggests, his tone light and warm.
You agree, and he quickly sets up a cozy spot on the bed with blankets and pillows. As he puts on one of your favorite movies, you both snuggle under the covers, your head resting against his chest. Throughout the movie, Noah's gentle touches continue, his hands occasionally brushing your arm, back, or hair, ensuring you are still comfortable and feeling okay. His constant, tender reassurances make you feel cherished and safe, enhancing the moment's warmth.
As the movie progresses, you both become more relaxed, sinking deeper into the cozy atmosphere. The comfort of his touch and the familiarity of your favorite movie create a serene ambiance. After the movie ends, Noah turns off the TV, and the room becomes tranquil. He looks down at you with a soft smile, his eyes reflecting the affection he feels.
"Ready for bed?" he asks gently.
You nod, feeling a peaceful drowsiness settle over you. Noah shifts slightly, helping you get under the covers properly before he joins you. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close so you’re nestled against his chest. With the lights dimmed, the room is enveloped in a soothing darkness. The rhythmic sound of his heartbeat and the warmth of his body lull you into a state of complete relaxation.
"Goodnight," he whispers, kissing the top of your head.
"Goodnight," you reply softly, feeling safe and content in his embrace. Slowly, you drift off to sleep, surrounded by his love and the comforting sense of being together.
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hcuyk · 3 months
[ 18+ ] . . . . . . . . will the inferno rekindle?
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OUR INFERNO elaborates the complexities within a relationship—the spark, the blaze, the pain. your love with hyunjae is a never ending fire; it's something so strong, so beautiful and powerful, that it suffocates you both into believing that your relationship would last, only for it to go down in flames.
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please consider supporting by joining my taglist(s)!!
—-—-— i want us to experience this journey together <3
lovely beta readers : @simpforsunwoo @stealanity @drunkdrazed @winterchimez — they own my heart
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< 4/16 > scene five (final rewrite) : 3219 : finished
< 4/16 > scene five (third draft) : 2481 : finished
< 4/15 > scene five (second draft) : 408 : discontinued
< 4/14 > scene five (first draft) : 2091 : unfinished
< 4/14 > chapter one : 19272 : posted!
< 4/12 > scene four (final rewrite) : 10261 : finished
< 4/11 > scene four (final rewrite) : 3219 : unfinished
< 4/10 > scene four (final rewrite) : 1492 : finished
< 4/9 > scene four (second rewrite) : 7485 : finished
< 4/9 > scene four (second rewrite) : 1745 : unfinished
< 4/8 > scene four (first rewrite) : 855 : discontinued
< 4/8 > scene three (final rewrite) : 3070 : finished
< 4/8 > scene three (final rewrite) : 2859 : unfinished
< 4/7 > scene four (first draft) : 1549 : finished
< 4/7 > scene three (final rewrite) : 2114 : finished
< 3/24 > scene three (first draft) : 1372 : finished
< 3/24 > scene two (final rewrite) : 2134 : finished
< 3/24 > scene two (second draft) : 1568 : finished
< 3/23 > scene two (first rewrite) : 2334 : finished
< 3/23 > scene two (first draft) : 1379 : finished
< 3/22 > scene one (revisions) : 3535 : finished
< 3/22 > scene one (final rewrite) : 3482 : finished
< 3/22 > scene one (first rewrite) : 2727 : finished
< 3/22 > scene one (first draft) : 1290 : finished
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64 notes · View notes
thateldribitch · 6 months
To Be Tender
Yandere Floyd/Reader; Yandere Jade/Reader. Briefly mentioned Yandere Azul/Reader.
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Word Count: 2114
Kind of part of a series, could be read as standalone though. Here's part one!
CW: Possessive behavior, kidnapping, yandere behavior, the tweels being grabby and creepy (but not sexual.) The ocean. Conditioning and manipulation. We're getting psychological this time bitches.
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“Darling….” A warm breath makes your eyes flutter in the false dawn. The magical lights begin to tick past the faint blue of the night cycle to an early morning gray. The faux stars dim. The projected moon clicks off. A groan trickles past your lips… petering off into a whine as his limbs untwine from yours. Cold. You curl into a ball, soaking up the warmth draining from the bed. A hand strokes through your hair, tenderly. Warm lips press to your forehead. “...business trip… evening…. Back before you know it….”
Words drift in and out of your barely thawed consciousness. Too cold to go to sleep; too sleepy to fully wake. A quiet chuckle escapes Azul’s lips, as he swaddles you in a sinfully soft blanket. It’s weighted…. And that too-light feeling fades with a sigh of comfort. Sinking… back into sleep…. Hours later… the bulbs in the walls begin to burnish to a sunshine-gold… your eyes flutter open. 
You scream into your goddamn pillow.
Even the fabric smells like him. The blanket is worse, though. Gods, whenever he leaves like this he swaddles you in soft blankets, weighted and covered in his cologne. The texture feels all too similar to his skin, the plush softness of his caecilian body…. It should disquiet you. It used to. And yet you’ve been Pavlov’d into relaxing beneath the false warmth and weight and scent….. Spitefully, you kick the blanket off of you and curl into a ball.
It’s worse when you remember he only gives you the blankets when he’s not in bed with you. Because why would you need anything but his body to keep you comfortable? You’re just glad he stopped using his body as the bedding. You have something akin to a mattress now. It’s. An upgrade. Sort of…. More nest-like than anything you’re used to, but it’s… comfortable, at least. But it’s still too cold without a blanket. Or Azul. Pinching your lips, you squeeze your eyes shut and try to eke out a few more minutes of very uncomfortable sleep. It’s more irritable half-awareness, though; meditative, almost.
The lights eventually warm to something akin to mid-morning light. It stirs you like clockwork. Gritting your teeth, you sigh and stumble up and out of bed. You clumsily swim into the kitchen with groggy little kicks. There’s a lovingly prepared plate waiting for you. A thick slab of meat perfumes the water with a mouth-watering marinade. It takes you a moment to realize it’s an orca’s flank. With its contrasting skin delicately flayed and its teeth artfully scattered around the plate’s edge, the cut glistens on a bed of sea-greens. 
It’s fresh. And warm. Domestic, with the intimidating hint of showing off—look what I can kill for you. Look at how strong I am, how capable. But not only that, but it’s purposefully seasoned to your tastes. For a moment… you just stare at it. It’s conditioning. You know it’s conditioning. Bile rises into your throat. Hunger falls to a distant memory. Instead, desperation rises. A need. A need to get out, you need to get out before his calculated attempts at Stockholm syndrome really start to work. 
You smack the plate off the counter, breathing heavily. The meat sinks. The greens float and scatter. It’s not enough. It’s not enough. The exit is clear. An open cave, a crack in the trench wall. This is your prison. But why would he need a locked door or bars to keep you where he wants you. The intimidation of the exit is so effective in the first place. The abyss stretches out before you—a yawning, frigid maw beyond the temptingly enchanted light and heat of Azul’s cavern. But your heart beats restlessly. It’s a constant tempo of your need for freedom.
It takes many start-stops; many failed attempts of trying to gain the courage to brave the darkness again. Even more so to move through it. Because the trench just consumes. Life, light, everything. Even though you must not be more than a few feet out—is it only a few feet? It feels like miles. Like a current dragged you down further and you just couldn’t feel it because it’s so damn cold. You’re numb. Okay. Okay, no, calm down. Calm down. There’s not a living thing in these icy depths, nothing beyond what Azul lets into the trench. It’s as if even the most fearsome predators quake at the idea of entering such dangerous, dark waters. It’s. Fine.
You’ll never get used to swimming through pure ink. It’s directionless. No up, no down—just black. The only sound is the bubble of your breath and the pound of your heart. But the darkness swallows that too. It’s not alive. But it feels like it. A weight, a presence, a monster. Where’s the cavern? Fuck. Fuck, you went out too far, where’s the ledge, you usually use the cavern’s edge to guide yourself up. Fuck…. It’s so cold. Dark, so dark, so cold. Up. Down? Fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck—
“My oh my,” a voice sings out in the dark, “Another escape attempt so soon?”
You turn towards it. From the opposite direction, a body crashes into you, sharp teeth sinking pointedly into the back of your neck. It doesn’t hurt. More like. Scruffing a kitten, really. Just with sharper teeth. Instinctively, you fall limp, gasping for breath. Floyd coos as he releases his toothy grip. He rubs his cheek against the back of your neck. He’s warm. Unfortunately warm. Wrapping around you like a living blanket, all velvet skin and soft hair. Floyd can be unfortunately gentle when he wants to be. A content few clicks escape him as he feels you curl into his warmth, nosing closer to him as the chill is burned from your skin. Another shiver—this time, in self-disgust. You hate that this is comforting. You hate that you can breathe easier at the sight of Jade’s golden eye bobbing in the dark. 
“And oh so injured. Dear, you mustn’t push yourself like this…. Not when you’re hurt,” Jade lets out a put-upon sigh. Something’s running over your bandages. Pain blooms. Panic bursts like a firework, brief and bright, until your mind registers that it’s Jade’s fingers skimming over your injured ankle. 
“Fuck you, Jade,” you hiss.
“If you’d like,” he responds with a small smile that barely shows the points of his teeth. They glitter in the glow of his brother’s gaze, like some monstrously illuminated, razor-sharp smirk. You glance away, glaring off into the darkness. He chuckles softly. “Come along. Let’s get you warm.”
He says that like you have a damn choice…. There’s no such thing as personal space with these two. Floyd’s iron grip constricts you to the point that you wheeze out a breath. Jade’s so damn close that you can feel him twining like a protective ribbon around you and his brother. The one benefit you’ll give to this is that it’s warming you up pretty quickly. Though, you do try and flinch away as Jade rubs at your icy fingers. Sure, it gets feeling back into them, but…. 
“Hey. Close your eyes, Toadfishie,” Floyd rubs his cheek against your head, mussing up your hair. You didn’t even realize your eyes were open…. “You’ve been in the dark for a minute. Don’t wanna hurt’cha.”
Begrudgingly, you squeeze them shut… even if it goes against your every instinct. Why would a prey animal want to close their eyes around a predator, after all? A shiver claws its way up your spine as the familiar heat of the cavern spills over you. A relieved breath puffs out of your lips, as you melt against the twins. You can’t… help it. The gentle fussing feels so tender. Fingers skim over your ankles. 
Maybe you’re a little delirious. Maybe you just… need the comfort, need that tense feeling squeezing your heart to just ease. Just a little. But then Floyd licks at the bite mark he left on your neck—and your whole body goes stiff as a board. Struggling, you squirm out of his arms and right into Jade’s. He clucks his tongue, tucking you tightly against him as he cleans the faintly bleeding tooth marks. 
“...Easy now, Pearl,” he murmurs, voice far softer than usual. “...I just don’t want this to get infected.”
“You don’t have to lick me to do that,” you point out, almost bonking your head against his chin. One of his arms cages you against his chest; the other holds your head, gentle but firm. Completely immobilized, all you can do is spit curses and kick your feet a bit. You feel his smirk against your neck. 
“It’s faster,” he chuckles. His thumb swipes gently over your cheek, just barely skimming the corner of your lips. You learned a long while ago not to bite them…. But it is tempting. Not that your useless teeth could have punctured their skin anyway. 
They like pointing things like that out…. Because their ‘courtship’ has a lot less to do with bribery and conditioning, and more with showing off. Look how strong they are, how capable. They like… proving themselves? They catch increasingly deadly meals. Orcas, giant squids, sharks—proving they can provide for their mate and young, they told you once. That they can protect you. It makes you shiver. At least Azul doesn’t admit things like that with a big, toothy grin. The honesty is… almost refreshing. It’s not a song and dance of subtle manipulations and calculated softness. But it’s still—
“Jaaaaaaaaade, Toadfishie spilled their food,” Floyd pouts, poking at the floating pieces of your meal. 
“Have you eaten at all this morning?” Jade murmurs, eyes narrowing. In concern? Frustration? It’s so hard to tell sometimes. Their features are so alien. What you do know is that they all hate it when you don’t eat. Sharply, you inhale as you feel him trying to get you to subtly look him in the eye. You glance at him, glance away. Anywhere but that damn golden eye. “Pearl—” 
“No, I didn’t, okay?” You writhe in his grip, uncomfortably screwing your eyes to the wall. “I-I—” You start, then abort the sentence. They don’t deserve an explanation. Trusting them with your fears, even if they can guess at them, makes your skin crawl. You’re not going to tell them anything more than what they demand to know.
“...What would you like to eat?” Jade murmurs, after a moment. You open your mouth, shut it. They won’t get you surface food. You’ve asked before. They don’t let you have anything that reminds you of the surface…. Except for clothes, but even those are more in the style of merfolk nobles. All clinging clothes that can’t get caught in the current; fancy embellishments over scales or skin. 
“Mmmm,” Floyd’s displeased hum, bordering on a growl, is your only warning before he snatches you out of Jade’s arms. It knocks the wind out of you. Even more so as he starts swimming back to the entrance of the cavern. “Let’s go to the surface.”
His offer startles you, as you jerk your head to him in shock. It must surprise Jade too, because he immediately swims in front of his impulsive twin. “Floyd—”
“Jade, c’mon, they’re not eating. And they had a back-to-back escape attempt! Toadfishie needs to stretch a bit, they’re too cooped up. Bored!” He flails one arm out, the motion moving the water in a slight stream of bubbles. “Lookit their Toadfishie pout!” He squeezes your cheeks, then pushes his face against yours to ‘pout’ with you. 
“...We can’t just take them to the surface without telling Azul.”
“Then let’s get them surface food and bring it back—”
“I really do not think—” 
“He’s gonna be more mad if we can’t get ‘em to eat!”
“Mad is a strong word.”
“It’s fuckin’ accurate though!”
“He would be disappointed.”
“Disappointedly mad.”
“At us, perhaps.”
“...Yeahhhh, I can’t see him gettin’ mad at Toadfishie.”
“I still don’t think—”
“...Please?” Timidly, you glance up at them, then down. The two fall silent. Their golden eyes fall like heavy weights upon your quivering lips. Your tears are nigh invisible in the water, but one of them thumbs at your cheek regardless. The tiniest sniff escapes you, but it falls to small sobs. “I won’t try to run, I-I just— please.”
“...Alright, Pearl,” Jade softens. His forehead bumps against yours, hairlines brushing tenderly. A small hum rises in his chest, vibrates through your body. Almost soothes you. 
“Just please don’t cry, ’fishie,” Floyd murmurs, almost frantically nuzzling at your neck. 
It’s nothing but a hollow comfort.
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Okay because I know some of y'all might question the nickname, Floyd calls you Toadfishie because: Reader is “slow” (compared to them anyway); likes to bite; and the sour look they give him reminds him of toadfish. Sounds unflattering but he thinks it’s cute lol.
Thanks for the kind tags and comments guys :D It really encouraged me to write this next piece!
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lamaenthel · 5 months
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[Read on ao3]
Helpless (Boba Fett, Jango Fett • 851 Words)
Solitary Confinement (CC-2224|Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano • 1575 Words)
"Bite Down On This" (CC-5052|Bly, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos • 868 Words)
Obedience (CT-5597|Jesse, Darth Maul, Original Mandalorian Character • 1942 Words)
Rope Burns (CT-7567|Rex, Sith!Ahsoka Tano, Darth Vader, Sabé • 1723 Words)
"You Lied To Me" (Sintas Vel, Ailyn Vel, Mirta Gev • 1284 Words)
Suffering In Silence (CC-3636|Wolffe, Plo Koon • 889 Words)
"Why Won't It Stop" (Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker • 1443 Words)
 Bees Human Shield (Etain Tur-Mukan, RC-1136|Darman Skirata 876 Words)
Killing In Self Defense (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Qui-Gon Jinn • 383 Words)
Time Loop "I Love You" (CT-7567|Rex, Darth Vader, Sith!Ahsoka Tano • 1931 Words)
Semi-Conscious (Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi • 604 Words)
"You Weren't Supposed To Get Hurt" (Jango Fett, Boba Fett • 798 Words)
Blood-Stained Tiles (CT-6116|Kix, CT-5597|Jesse, Anakin Skywalker • 372 Words)
"Who Did This To You?" (CT-7567|Rex, Darth Vader, Sith!Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi • 1590 Words)
Came Back Wrong (CT-7567|Rex, Darth Vader, Sith!Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi • 2935 Words)
Hostage Situation (Barriss Offee, Luminara Unduli • 729 Words)
Too Weak To Move (Ailyn Vel, Boba Fett • 2114 Words)
"Please Don't" (Chirrut Îmwe, Baze Malbus • 458 Words)
Truth Serum (Crosshair, Omega • 1309 Words)
Unresponsive (Depa Billaba, Caleb Dume • 510 Words)
"You Weren't Meant To Be There" (N-11|Ordo Skirata, Besany Wennen • 819 Words)
Presumed Dead (Chopper, Hera Syndulla • 1735 Words)
"I'm Doing This Because I Care About You" (CT-7567|Rex, Darth Vader, Sith!Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi • 2376 Words)
Waterboarding (Kal Skirata, N-11|Ordo Skirata • 759 Words)
"Help Them" (Alexsandr Kallus, Zeb Orrelios • 943 Words)
Left For Dead (ARC-1409|Echo • 447 Words)
"No… Not Like This" (Cal Kestis, Merrin • 403 Words)
Not Allowed To Die (CT-7567|Rex, Darth Vader, Sith!Ahsoka Tano, CC-2224|Cody • 2457 Words)
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
No Rest For The Foolhardy
You manage to hide your sickness for days, but of course it's hard to hide how you feel from a Sokovian Witch. (wanda x reader)
Word Count: 2114
DAY 1- It Begins
“Y/n, we’re going to be late!” Wanda called, poking her head into the bathroom where you were painstakingly trying to apply your makeup without getting eyeliner all over your face. It was hard to do with violently shaking hands in blurred vision. 
You looked over at the brunette, a smile forming on your badly chapped lips. Even when you were feeling like absolute crap, it was impossible to deny just how beautiful she was. You fell more and more in love with her every day. 
“You okay? You look a little rough there babe.” She frowned, taking a slow step into the bathroom. A spike of fear ran through your body and you slammed the eyeliner down, making your smile even bigger.
“I’m fine, I just didn’t sleep very well.” You reassured, walking over to press a little kiss against her forehead. She looked like she’d been expecting a kiss on the lips, but you didn’t dare risk that. You didn’t want her to get whatever nasty virus had crawled into your body and taken up residence in your respiratory system. 
“Are you sure? Your cheeks are flushed, are you getting a bug?” Wanda pressed, her eyes boring into your soul as she tried to tell if you were lying. If she really wanted to she could’ve used her powers, but before the two of you even started dating she’d promised that she would never do that. 
“Don’t worry about me love, we’ve got a meeting to get to.”
DAY 2- A Losing Battle
Why couldn't the city be attacked at a normal hour? 3 am was far too early to be getting out of your nice cozy bed to put on an uncomfortable uniform and race out of the tower to fight some sort of goop throwing alien. It didn’t speak any English, or any language that any of them knew so there wasn’t any reasoning. Just fighting. 
Your body was sluggish as you threw your poison coated knives, only about half connecting with their target. Missing so much was embarrassing, especially when you were aiming for something so big. Wanda kept giving you looks but you were too busy focusing on not passing out to respond over the comms. 
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing? You’re trying to hit it, not me!” Natasha’s voice crackled over the comms, sounding equally frustrated and worried. They were all worried about you, it wasn’t just your girlfriend who had noticed your odd behavior. 
You didn’t respond, just unleashed another knife, this time hitting the thing square in the eye. Impressive for a person with a fever and a cough that rattled your lungs every few seconds and made you gag with the force. 
The battle only lasted about three hours, but when you all went back for debriefing your legs felt like jello and you were pretty sure that you could fall asleep standing up. You collapsed into a chair and put your head on your fist, blinking over at Tony as he yelled about something you had done wrong. It was obvious that you didn’t do very well today, but the thing was dead and no one had gotten hurt. 
“Tony, give me a break. It’s over.” You grumbled. Your head was pounding and his frustrated yelling and stomping around the room was only making it worse. Wanda reached over and rubbed your knee, assuming that you just had a migraine. You’d taken enough medicine to deal with the fever and congestion for a few more hours, so really it just looked like a bad headache. 
“You nearly killed Romanoff!” He snapped back, glaring at you with piercing eyes. 
“Almost being the key word. Lay off Y/n Stark, she looks exhausted.” Natasha replied, coming to your defense. You raised your eyebrows, slightly surprised. It wasn’t that you and Natasha didn’t get along, she was Wanda’s best friend after all, but there had been issues between you from the start. You two often butted heads. 
“Really? Whatever, I’m going to the lab. You’re all dismissed. Take a nap Y/n, you clearly need it.” That last backhanded insult nearly made you cry. You were angry with yourself for being so awful during the fight and you just didn’t feel well. 
Natasha leaned across the table and took one of your hands in her calloused one, squeezing it gently. 
“Don’t pay attention to him kiddo. He’s cranky because he didn’t kill the thing.” That nickname had sparked one of your first fights. You were only a year younger than Wanda who had been called ‘little witch’ since her arrival but that didn’t bother her considering that she was only a teenager when she’d joined the Avengers. 
“Thanks Tasha…” You mumbled, a little embarrassed by her attention. Wanda chuckled softly, inwardly pleased by the bond growing between you two. Her best friend and her girlfriend, finally getting along. 
“Come on my dear, I know you’ve been wanting to watch that new horror movie.” Wanda smiled, pulling you up out of your seat. A wave of stars danced in your vision but you brushed it off, blinking rapidly to clear them from your vision. A horror movie might actually make you feel better.
DAY 3- Game Night
Game night with movies. A simple, fun night for team bonding and a chance to relax with friends. They all enjoyed it, happy that they could forget about their dangerous jobs and act like normal people. 
“Y/n! Twos, do you have any twos!?” Clint demanded, leaning forward as if to interrogate you. Right, Go-Fish. You were supposed to be playing Go-Fish. Of course, it wasn’t normal Go-Fish. There was alcohol involved. Whenever someone was sent fishing they had to take a shot. You were pretty sure if you drank any you’d lose all of the weak control you had over your illness. 
You silently handed over the two that you had been cradling against your chest, clutched close to your aching lungs. The bird man let out a whoop and slapped his final four cards onto the floor, all twos.
“It’s Go-Fish dude, you didn’t win the olympics.” Rhody grumbled, pouting slightly. You cracked a little smile while Natasha smirked and Wanda chuckled. They all got so worked up over these stupid games, it was typically wildly entertaining for everyone. 
You leaned back against the couch, nestling your head against Wanda’s shoulder. Cuddled close against her you were having even more trouble staying awake, but everything changed when a harsh coughing fit wracked your admittedly weak body. 
“Are you okay sweetheart?” The brunette asked gently, sitting you up in her lap to ease your coughing. She rubbed your back as the fit subsided, her expression contorted in pure concern. Her beautiful caramel eyes were full of love, the laugh lines evident even through her worry. 
“I’m fine. Inhaled a bug I think.” You grimaced, sticking out your tongue in mock disgust. Her face pulled into one of disbelief and then she laughed, leaning over to kiss you. You cut the kiss short, turning your head to the side so her lips brushed your cheek. 
“That's some shit luck Y/n. Who wants to play Monopoly? I’m going to destroy you.” Natasha challenged, a wicked grin spreading across her face. 
True to her word, the assassin beat them all in a half hour, much to everyone's joy. She was the only one who actually liked the damn game and she only enjoyed it because she always won. She was a brutal opponent. 
“I’m done playing. Watching you guys lose is more fun than playing.” You smiled, cuddling back against your girlfriend. She wrapped her in your arms and kissed your hair, cradling you close while you drifted to sleep. 
DAY 4- And So It Ends
Baking. Why did she want to make cookies? You weren’t sure, but you obliged her. She had woken you up all excited about the new recipe she found, nearly bouncing up and down in utter joy. You didn’t have the heart to tell her that your body was on fire and your bones ached. You didn’t have the heart to admit to the cotton stuffed in your head as your illness took full effect. You were miserable. But she was happy. That's all that mattered.
“Baby, I need the sprinkles. Can you grab them?” She asked, stirring the dough with a quizzical eye. She was an excellent baker, always taking extra time to make sure that everything was done correctly. 
“Sprinkles? In the cookies?” You asked skeptically, frowning at her. It seemed to you that the colors would just bleed into the dough, leaving the two of you wish brownish, gross tasting cookies. The brunette looked back at you, her eyes glittering with amusement. 
“Yes dear, sprinkles. Do you dare question the wisdom of the recipe?” She joked, smiling at you. You shrugged, and stared at the cabinet, far too high above you to reach without climbing on something. 
You sighed and managed to drag a chair over, your whole body ready to give in to utter exhaustion. You knew you’d made a mistake when you took your first step onto the chair. With a shaky breath, you hoisted yourself up, wishing that Wanda had given you a lecture of the danger of climbing on chairs. 
Blood rushed to your head and you grabbed onto the cabinet doors, hoping to stabilize yourself. If you could just regain your balance it would all be fine. You would be fine. 
You repeated that mantra as your vision blurred and you felt yourself falling backwards, stars taking over your vision. As you tumbled to the floor you could hear Wanda yelling your name and felt the warm tingle of her magic envelope you. Sure that you couldn’t crack your head open on the floor, you let yourself succumb to the darkness. 
DAY 4- Part 2
When you came to you were laying in your large, soft bed, something cool and damp resting on your forehead. You whined softly and tried to sit up, a wave of panic racing through you. You were supposed to be baking cookies with Wanda, not sleeping. 
Arms wrapped around you and you found yourself pinned against the woman’s chest, listening to her rapid heartbeat. Wanda kissed your hair and rubbed your back, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. The two of you stayed like that for what felt like forever, you confused, but comfortable in your girlfriend's arms. 
“You scared the shit out of me!” She finally said, cupping your cheeks in incredibly soft hands. Her hair which had been so expertly done was sticking out of its intricate braid in pieces. She was wearing PJ’s now and her face had been wiped clean of makeup. Nevertheless, she was still beautiful.
“Why didn't you tell me you were sick?” She demanded, pulling back to cross her arms over her chest. The look on her face was angry. She was angry with you. You’d done everything you possibly could to make her happy, but you failed her. 
Tears filled your eyes and you felt your lower lip begin to tremble as you began to cry, unable to stop the cascade of your emotions. With the stress of hiding your sickness for the last few days and just how horrible you felt, you couldn’t handle her being mad at you. 
“Oh Y/n, sweetie, it’s alright. I’m sorry, you just scared me, that's all. You passed out and your fever was 105, Bruce had you on IV fluids for an hour. Honey, you can't do that, you need to take care of yourself, I need you to take care of yourself.” She soothed, wiping the tears off of your cheeks. 
You tried to stop crying, but you just couldn’t. The dam had broken and there wouldn’t be any fixing it. 
“My sweetheart, it’s all going to be okay.” Wanda murmured, crawling into bed with you. She wrapped her arms around your waist and you tucked your head against her chest, sobbing quietly into her shirt. 
“It’s all going to be okay. Just close your eyes baby, I’m not mad. It’s okay.” She promised, holding you close as you cried out all of your misery. Your throat hurt from all of the tears and you were sure that you’d gotten snot on her shirt, but she didn’t care. She didn’t pull away, just held you and ran her fingers through your hair while your sobs turned to ragged breaths, which in turn changed to soft, even, sleepy snores. 
“Sleep well my love. You’ll feel better in the morning.”
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gerrystamour · 10 months
be the first to the feast, let's choke on the past [gift fic]
Explicit★Steddie★2114 words★Complete
Gift fic for the lovely @stobinesque !! Happy birthday!!! Eddie lounged back on Steve’s bed, wearing just a tank top and a pair of flannel sleep pants. He was watching the man talk animatedly about some bullshit that happened at work, but if Eddie was honest, he had stopped listening several minutes ago. No, see Eddie’s attention had been snagged by one of Steve’s hands gesticulating wildly and he couldn’t look away. CW: Dom/sub dynamics, Soft Dom Steve, sub Eddie, Good Boy Eddie, T4T Steddie, Breathplay, Vaginal Sex, Slight Feminization (‘princess’ used as a petname), additional warnings on Ao3
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Eddie lounged back on Steve’s bed, wearing just a tank top and a pair of flannel sleep pants. He was watching the man talk animatedly about some bullshit that happened at work, but if Eddie was honest, he had stopped listening several minutes ago. No, see Eddie’s attention had been snagged by one of Steve’s hands gesticulating wildly and he couldn’t look away.
Even though Steve really wasn’t much taller than Eddie and they were actually roughly similar builds, Steve’s hands were just… big. They were broad, long-fingered, and fuck were they veiny and strong. They were also, just like the rest of him, hairy. Well, Eddie had definitely seen hairier, but Steve’s hands had a fair number of dark hairs up the backs of them and on his knuckles that just had Eddie obsessed.
Those hands conjured thoughts that stole Eddie’s breath away, had him aching and wet between his legs; thoughts of those big hands around his waist and holding him down as Steve slid into his tight ass, or of them pawing at his tits while Eddie bounced on Steve’s lap, or his favourite, most secret fantasy of having one of those meaty fists entirely inside his cunt. The current fantasy, however, the one that made his thighs clench, was a different beast entirely.
No, the images currently plaguing Eddie were sparked by one sentence.
“I was so close to just choking them out, Eds.”
The man had even demonstrated the motion of strangling someone, and Eddie was fucking done for.
Eddie could only watch and half-listen, wishing for a hand around his throat and a cock in his cunt. With a small sigh, Eddie spread his legs to relieve some of the pressure as his dick throbbed. Fuck, he was so far gone already.
Eddie jumped when a hand grabbed his ankle and shook his leg lightly. For a moment, Eddie was overwhelmed with his fantasy again, with those long fingers wrapped around his ankle the way he wanted them around his throat. When he blinked back to the present and his eyes met Steve’s, Eddie knew he was caught. Steve was fully aware that he was sporting a stiff one in his boxers, and his cunt was wet enough to drown him in.
“You seemed a little far away,” Steve hummed knowingly, grinning in that mischievous way that had Eddie’s stomach swooping as he crawled up the length of bed. Eddie spread his legs a bit wider as Steve straddled one of them, rocking one of his thighs against the damp crotch of Eddie’s sweatpants. Resting his hands on Eddie’s chest and groping his tits through his shirt, Steve asked, “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
Meeting Steve’s eyes easily, Eddie ground his cunt against his leg. “Thinking about getting a new necklace,” Eddie replied, glancing pointedly down at the hands on his chest. “Thinking those would do quite nicely, huh?”
There was a moment where Steve looked like he was about to get off the bed, rightfully annoyed at the terrible line, but then the meaning appeared to finally dawn on him. Eddie could have sworn he felt Steve’s dick pulse through their clothes where it was pressed against his leg.
Holy shit, Eddie needed one of Steve’s cocks inside him while he was light headed from lack of air and gasping for breath.
A hand slid upward until it was resting at the base of Eddie’s throat. “You want your collar, or—?” Steve started, eyebrow raised.
Eddie immediately shook his head, arching up and tilting his head back. The collar was nice, the way it cinched tighter when Steve yanked on it, but immediately loosened when pressure was released. Honestly, he’d usually prefer it, especially how it made him feel kept, owned, treasured even.
But not today; the thought of Steve’s bare hands around his throat was enough to nearly get him there on its own. It was possessive, predatory—Eddie felt claimed, taken. It was rough and dirty and perfect how the callused fingers and palms dragged against the skin of his throat when Steve would indulge in this.
Because, yeah, it was an indulgence, one that Steve was very adamant about limiting. Even with the collar, Steve didn’t like to choke him that often and Eddie knew better than to push about it. Steve had safety concerns, and Eddie couldn’t actually argue when Steve brought up the risks. Well, Eddie often still did argue, but he had to admit that he didn’t have much ground to stand on (not that he ever actually admitted that out loud, but that was beside the point).
The thing was, Eddie knew Steve liked the control, too. Steve would get an almost wild look in his eyes every time he would hook the leash onto the choke collar, and his entire expression turned hazy and blissed out as he pulled it taut. And when he used his hands? Steve was the most brutal, most perfect fuck Eddie had ever experienced.
Steve only ever fucked him with such wild abandon when Eddie was gasping for air.
“Get these clothes off, then,” Steve hummed, stooping to give Eddie’s lips a quick peck and squeezing his hand around the base of his throat just enough to pull a whimper from Eddie’s chest.
When Steve pulled back to give him some room and get the strap, Eddie immediately stripped, tossing his clothes to the side haphazardly before stretching back out across the bed, showing off the expanse of his pale, tattooed body. When Steve returned to the bed wearing just his muscle tee and the strap-on, his eyes roved over Eddie, hungry and demanding. With a small sound Eddie tipped his head back, baring his throat as he spread his legs wider.
“So hot when you’re like this, Eds,” Steve groaned, and Eddie preened under the praise, looking down through his lashes to watch Steve settle on his knees between his legs. With another low sound, Steve ran a hand up Eddie’s inner thigh. “Y’think you need my fingers first, princess?”
Eddie let out a shivery sob and shook his head frantically, trying to spread his legs even wider. Steve loved to finger Eddie, to work his cunt until it was loose and dripping slick down over his asshole and onto the bed. He loved to drive Eddie absolutely insane, to make him come so many times he was close to tapping out before finally giving him the strap he so desperately wanted. That Steve would forgo his favourite act of foreplay… Eddie shuddered as his cunt pulsed and a thick glob of slick dribbled out.
“Hands above your head, princess, wrists crossed,” Steve breathed, groaning thickly when Eddie obeyed immediately. Looming over him, Steve wrapped one of his perfect, huge hands around both of Eddie’s wrists with ease, pinning them to the bed as he lined his cock up and sighed, “Such a good boy for me.”
With a desperate little nod, Eddie keened as Steve pressed his cock inside him, stretching his cunt around the girth in a relentless push until he bottomed out. It was amazing, being pinned down, spread out, and so full, and when Steve shifted his weight onto the hand holding his wrists, Eddie threw his head back as much as he could, begging wordlessly.
Finally, Steve’s rough, callused hand settled gently across Eddie’s throat, his thumb stroking the side of it while Eddie squirmed on his cock. Steve wasn’t fucking him yet, just sitting with his cock deep inside Eddie’s cunt, clearly enjoying the way he shifted impatiently, letting out needy little sounds. Wrapping his legs around Steve’s waist, Eddie whined as he tried to get enough leverage to fuck himself on the thick length inside him since Steve wouldn’t do it. For a few glorious moments, Steve allowed the movement, his eyes dark with his arousal as he watched Eddie writhe beneath him.
Then Steve shifted closer on his knees until he was pressed tight against Eddie, stilling his desperate movements as he dropped onto his elbow and readjusting his grip on Eddie’s wrists. Before Eddie could react to the change in their position, the hand across his throat tightened enough to remind Eddie it was there, his breathing becoming just a bit more laboured and his whimpers getting cut off just a bit.
Eddie wasn’t sure how long they laid there, Steve inside him with his big hands around his throat and wrists, Eddie beneath him and gasping for breath. When the hand around his neck tightened, Eddie’s eyes fluttered, and he arched up against Steve’s chest. Eddie felt himself slip deeper and deeper as he laid there, held down and open, his breaths loud through his constricted throat, and he slowly unwound his legs from around Steve’s waist.
“That’s it, sweet boy,” Steve cooed, his hips starting to roll, gently thrusting in and out of Eddie. “Just relax and take it, just like that.”
Eddie would have sobbed if he could get the sound out, his eyes rolling back at the expert way Steve was fucking him. Splaying his legs wide for Steve’s thrusting hips, Eddie fully relaxed beneath him and focused on keeping his breathing as even as possible. The hand around Eddie’s throat tightened even more, almost completely cutting off his airways.
Shuddering, Eddie began the mental countdown from five, his eyes rolling back as Steve’s thrusts became harder, his hips slapping wetly against Eddie’s core. The slick sounds of the strap sliding in and out of his cunt filled Eddie’s head with static and he very nearly lost count. Just before Eddie could snap his fingers, however, Steve released his throat and suddenly he could breathe.
The opening of his airways, and the way Steve let go of his wrists as well to slide both hands under and over his shoulders as leverage for the brutal pace he was setting, had Eddie inhaling with a sharp, keening whine. He was so close even though they couldn’t have been fucking for very long, and Eddie couldn’t find it in himself to feel embarrassed about it at all.
“’M close,” Eddie whimpered when he finally managed to properly breathe let alone form words. He had kept his hands above his head, wrists crossed and aching a bit from the almost punishing grip Steve had on them at the end.
“Such a good boy, warning me,” Steve sighed as he dipped his head to kiss and bite Eddie’s neck, paying special attention to the skin that had been under his hand.
Eddie couldn’t help but sob hoarsely—at the praise, the lack of permission given to come, and the hard thrusts into his cunt. He felt so good, yet so frustrated, but he was Steve’s good boy and he had made it through romps where he was teased way more for much longer. Hell, Eddie wasn’t even being teased, so he wouldn’t complain or whine for more. Eddie would be good and relax, he would take it just like Steve told him to.
“Touch yourself, princess. Make yourself come,” Steve groaned, lifting his head to draw Eddie into a hungry, sloppy kiss, and Eddie didn’t wait to be told twice.
Snaking his hand between their bodies, Eddie got his knuckles around his dick and stroked it hard and fast. He was so caught up in chasing his release, he didn’t even notice that one of Steve’s hands had moved until it was wrapped around his throat once again. The heat that shot through Eddie was intense, his ears ringing as the coil in his gut pulled tight and snapped.
Eddie came with Steve’s hand around his throat, shuddering through it with a strangled sob that was muffled even more by Steve’s tongue in his mouth. His orgasm felt like it went on forever as Steve fucked him through it, his hips barely faltering as Eddie shook apart beneath him. Finally, as Eddie’s whimpers became a bit more pain than pleasure, Steve slowed his thrusts to a stop, though he kept his cock hilted inside Eddie.
“How was that, princess?” Steve asked as he lifted his head to look down at Eddie, his hand just resting over his throat again.
“No, nope, we’ve talked about this, Stevie,” Eddie laughed dazedly. “No questions allowed while my brain is still leaking out of my ears.”
Steve barked out a laugh, dropping a sweet kiss against Eddie’s cheek. “Alright, princess,” he agreed easily, and Eddie sighed.
“Prepare yourself, though. I’m gonna go down on you so hard in, like, thirty minutes,” Eddie promised dreamily, and he grinned tiredly up at the ceiling as Steve let out another loud laugh.
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annestie · 2 months
Outcasted - Chapter 1
Summary: At sixteen, Neteyam has completed his iknimaya and is considered an adult. He's a warrior, finally allowed on the battlefield. The war is going well. Perfectly on the path for them to win once again, something Neteyam is excited to be there for. Until, he's outcasted by his own father.
Neteyam's forced pick up what is left of his life and leave. Never allowed to step foot into his home again, he goes to first place he thinks of. Awa'atlu. Hopeful that his past there will make settling and adjusting easier.
Pairing: Ao'nung x Neteyam
Word Count So Far: 2114
Notes: Hello! I've had this one in my drafts for a while and I finally figured I would post it. I always do my best to explain within the fic but this is an AU where the Sully's never left the forest and Quaritch hasn't been recommed. I just want this clear because it won't make sense within the fic if either of those have happened. It's kind of hard to mention something not happening. Anyways, enjoy!
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Neteyam desperately holds onto his ikran’s reigns. He feels foolish for wanting to cry. This was for the best; he tries to reason with himself. But was it really? Does that matter now? It still stung to think about, so he doesn’t, instead focusing on the flight and the things his ikran is feeling. He’s sixteen and considered an adult, he shouldn’t be crying.
He lands on the beaches of Awa’atlu hours later. Neteyam had been here only twice before. He was with Jake, some training thing for when he became the Olo’eyktan. For when he would have become the Olo’eyktan, Neteyam reminds himself, not anymore. He held no future now, no clan even.
Stepping off his ikran, the warm sand feels the same as before. It was probably past midday now by the light still left in the sky. A crowd quickly forms around Neteyam, probably from the sound of the conch he heard earlier. The same had happened when he first visited.
Through the crowd the Olo’eyktan and Tsahìk step towards him. Despite it having been four years, they look the same. That could not be said about Neteyam though his resemblance to his mother is uncanny and he can tell they recognize him on that fact.
“Eldest son of Toruk Makto,” the Tsahìk speaks, her voice still the same. By the mention of his Jake's name, there’s murmurs around the crowd. “What are you doing here?” she asks pointedly at him. It’s unspoken but she’s asking why he’s here alone. Neteyam had never come alone. Even with his parents, he had only come twice before.
Neteyam signs the traditional greeting before he begins explaining. “I seek uturu,” he tells as he had rehearsed on the flight. He tries to show the desperation in his voice. Regardless of all the lessons his parents gave him to never show weakness, that’s all he feels right now. The Tsahìk’s and Olo’eyktan’s eyes widen
“Why do you need uturu from us? Would it not be better to stay with your family?” the Olo’eyktan questions him. That would be true if Neteyam were running from the humans, but he wasn’t running from them.
“I can’t go back,” Neteyam stresses. “I’ve been outcasted from my clan.” That still hurt to say even it is true. There’s the murmurs in the crowd again, how could he, Toruk Makto’s son, be outcasted. He thought the same thing too when it happened.
“Your body is not fit for the ocean,” the Tsahìk tells him but he can tell there’s sympathy in her eyes. “Your arms are thin, and your tail is skinny,” the Tsahìk names off. She could go on longer but mercifully stops at those.
“Please, I have nowhere else to go. I will learn your ways,” Neteyam promises and pleads. The next place he could think of going was at least a day’s trip away and, even then, he had worse chances with them. “I just want somewhere to stay, please.”
The Tsahìk’s gaze softens as she looks at him. Her face almost stoic besides her eyes.  She turns to the Olo’eyktan for his final judgement.
“You may stay but so that you do not suffer the shame of being useless, my son and daughter will help you learn the way of water.” The Olo’eyktan points to a boy about his height and a girl that’s Neteyam’s height. The boy’s name comes to Neteyam’s mind almost immediately. Ao’nung. They had met on Neteyam’s last visit and, surprisingly, became friends, fast.
Ao’nung looks different now. They used to be same height, Ao’nung definitely has half a head over him now. Tattoos also decorate his arms; they travel up to his face where they cover half of it.  If Neteyam remembers right, it means Ao’nung has completed his rite of passage. Which doesn’t surprise Neteyam much, it’s been four years. He wishes they could have seen each other under better circumstances.
“Thank you,” Neteyam says gratefully to both the Olo’eyktan and Tsahìk.
The Olo’eyktan’s mouth lifts slightly before looking at his children. He quickly whispers something to them and then walks away. The girl, Tsireya, Neteyam finally remembers her name, and Ao’nung come towards him.
“We will help you with your stuff to your marui,” Tsireya tells him with a smile. Neteyam had never actually met her before though Ao’nung had told him some things, years ago. She should be around Lo’ak’s age.
Neteyam quickly grabs his one bag from his ikran’s back. He slings it over his shoulder before taking off his ikran’s saddle, allowing her to travel into the forest of Awa’atlu. “I’ll see you soon,” he tells her before she leaves. He wouldn’t need her here, at least not while he adjusted to this new life. Ao’nung carries the saddle for him.
“Is that all?” Tsireya asks with surprise.
“This was all I could take before I had to leave,” Neteyam explains. It was barely anything. A few of his handmade necklaces, some loincloths, his bow, and dried meat he managed to grab before leaving. Besides those and the things he’s wearing, he has nothing from before.
“Oh, I see,” Tsireya says with pity in her voice. Neteyam isn’t fond of it. He hates feeling like he’s useless, but he is. He has no skills that matter in Awa’atlu.
Neteyam follows Tsireya across the bouncy paths that connected the maruis, those would take some time to get used to. Ao’nung walks beside him. Neteyam doesn’t mind it.
“Neteyam?” Ao’nung suddenly says. Neteyam turns to him confused. “Sorry, I remember your last visit,” he tells. It’s weird how mature Ao’nung’s acting, nothing like his twelve-year-old self.
“I remember you as well, Ao’nung,” Neteyam says with the best smile he can muster. He does want to smile but at the same time he wants to sit down and rest. Maybe let the tears fall from his eyes.
Once they arrive at Neteyam’s new marui, it’s empty besides a place to cook in the middle. It’s quiet and he can’t help the feeling of loneliness that creeps within him. If Tuk were here now, she would already be planning on how to decorate before choosing her sleeping corner and then somehow convincing Neteyam to sleep beside her.
Neteyam wonders how she’s doing now. It’s only been a day. She was crying when he left, refusing to let him go and trying to convince Jake to allow him to stay. But the choice had been made up and he couldn’t stay, no matter who pleaded.
“I hope this is alright, I imagine this is quite different to where you lived before,” Tsireya says, bringing Neteyam from his thoughts.
“Oh, this is fine,” Neteyam assures her. The marui itself is fine, he couldn’t care less about where he lived but he did worry for his siblings. The war is still raging and the fact that he’s been outcasted means he can’t help anymore, not even step foot in his old clan.
He wonders if Spider and Lo’ak are up to no good right now. They probably are, he tells himself. Would Jake be harder on them now that Neteyam wasn’t there to take the blame? He hopes not, even if that’s unlikely.
Neteyam drops his bag to ground and takes the saddle from Ao’nung from which it also ends up on the ground. “Thank you for your help,” he tells them both.
Tsireya smiles at him once again. “It’s no problem. I hope you settle in quickly.” Neteyam hopes so as well. She leaves the marui soon after, stating she had tsakarem duties to attend to.
Ao’nung stays behind for a little, lingering by the entrance. Neteyam watches him with confusion. “Is there anything else I need to attend to?” Neteyam asks as he steps towards Ao’nung.
Ao’nung shakes him head in response. “No, I just wanted to ask if it would be alright if I delivered you dinner tonight?” he asks.
The question catches Neteyam off guard. “Oh,” Neteyam blurts out. He doesn’t want to seem rude, but does he really seem that useless that he couldn’t hunt for himself? That thought truly cuts him deep, he really had no skills for the ocean.
“I’m sorry if I’m intruding, you’ve spent the day traveling and I figured… You know what? Forget it-”
“That would be appreciated,” Neteyam cuts him off. Ao’nung’s explanation relieves Neteyam a little. “I’m quite tired from my journey,” he admits. At least, Neteyam’s still on Ao’nung’s good side. 
“No problem. I’ll come around the eclipse.” Ao’nung turns away at this point.
“Ao’nung,” Neteyam calls out his name before he can start walking. The other turns his head to him. “It’s good seeing you again.”
“You too.”
Neteyam closes the curtains to the entrance of the marui just as Ao’nung leaves. The sun seeming too bright and the people too nosy. He could see every person that walked by sending him a look.
Taking in a deep breath of salty air, Neteyam leans against the wall before sliding down. He brings his knees close to his chest and wraps his arms around them. Then a tear falls from his eye and that spurs another and another. Before he knows it, he’s crying onto his knees.
He doesn’t make a sound. Neteyam can’t let anymore weakness show through.
Eventually, his tears soon dry. Neteyam remembers Jake’s words that crying was pointless and that action is better. That memory used to bring him courage, lift him when his spirits were down, now it’s only bitter to think about.
Neteyam lifts his head to look at the slightly darkened marui. The only light coming from the ceiling and small window. The place feels more like a house than a home. Dark and empty. His eyes drift towards his bag and the saddle tossed to the side.
All that he owns is now within this marui.
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Neteyam does unpack. He finds a box in a corner of the marui that he uses to store his jewelry and clothing. At the bottom of the box, he puts him cumberband. It means nothing here anyways and would only slow him in the water. The sooner he could acclimate to this clan, the better.
He hangs his ikran’s saddle on the wall, not wanting it to stay on the ground even if he wouldn’t be using it much. Neteyam does the same for his bow and arrows though that’s more for easy access to them if he wants to hunt.
There’s just enough wood in the fire pit to start a new fire but Neteyam’s sure he would need to gather more in the morning.
Before long, there’s a knock that the entrance. Neteyam pulls open the curtain to reveal Ao’nung standing there with two plates in his hands.
“I hope you don’t mind if I eat with you.”
Neteyam doesn’t. It would be nice to think about something else for a change. For the past few hours, all he could think about was his siblings. He could use a distraction.
They sit to eat in silence. However, Neteyam doesn’t mind it, it’s nice to simply just be in another’s company after everything.
Neteyam looks over his plate. The plate has a slice of fish, some seaweed thing that’s slimy, and clams. He immediately smiles upon seeing the clams. “I remember eating these when I visited,” Neteyam comments.
“They don’t serve them often and I know you liked them before, so I grabbed some extra,” Ao’nung tells him.
Neteyam lets out a small laugh, the first time he’s laughed since he left. “You remembered.”
“It’s hard to forget you.”
They don’t speak much more than that. Neteyam likes it, he couldn’t imagine trying to keep up with an entire conversation. Ao’nung’s presence seems like enough. They could catch up another time.
Once they’re done, Neteyam walks Ao’nung to the entrance. Neteyam smiles as he hands Ao’nung the plate. Ao’nung takes it, his eyes lingering on Neteyam’s arms. Neteyam looks down to see the cuts and scrapes he had gotten when he left, he had almost forgotten about them, they seemed so insignificant compared to everything else.
He was in such a rush, he simply flew through the trees, not thinking. He got pretty scratched up by the branches. Most of the cuts had healed through the day, but definitely looked worse than they actually were and wouldn’t be very nice in the sea water.
Ao’nung swallows, looking away from Neteyam’s arms. “Dinner is always held when the eclipse starts, and I’ll show you where tomorrow. I’ll come in the morning, early, to get you for your lessons. Have a good night.”
“You as well.”
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Next Chapter >
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multi-purpose-a · 3 months
The 3 Mental Screensavers
If you have any the Following:  - Fear of Fire  - Fear of the Dark  - Fear of Drowning/ Water  - Fear of Space  I urge you to pre-read the script to make sure you can handle all the images that will be invoked in the trance. 
Always remember to trance responsibly 
Word Count: 2114
This Hypnosis script will take you on a journey through 3 different spaces. I like to call them “Mental Screensavers”, because they are like a screensaver for your mind.  This will be good exercise to train your visualization during trance with a simple static scene that you can get lost in.  If you want, you can even use these screensavers for yourself, whenever you want to relax or feel good.  Make sure that you are reading this in a nice and safe place, away from any distractions and that you are sitting or lying down comfortably.
Without further ado let’s start with some simple breath exercises, to get you calm and relaxed, ready to go deep into trance. 
Start by breathing out all the way, 
And now take a deeep breath in.... 
Thats it. 
Now just slowly let that breath out. 
Very good. 
Another one:  Deep breath In... 
Slow breath out. 
Excellent.   Keep following along. 
Let’s try holding that breath in for a while: 
Breathing in deep...  ... hold that breath just a bit...  ... and breathe out. 
That felt good.  Im sure you are already feeling much more calmer than when you began. 
Another one now: 
Deep Breath in...  ..........hold...........  ...And slowly out. 
Good.  Keep breathing like that 
In............  ...............  .........Out 
In............  ...............  .........Out 
Allow your eyes to fall into a pattern. 
Reading becoming more and more automatic. 
In............  ...............  .........Out 
In............  ...............  .........Out 
Tuning out the world around you 
Completely focusing on my words 
Nothing else matters. 
In............  ...............  .........Out 
In............  ...............  .........Out 
Very good. 
Those deep breaths becoming automatic now as well. 
Feeling so natural to just follow along. 
You want to relax.  You want to feel good. 
So you can allow yourself to just focus on in 
Deeper and deeper. 
You’ll find that, 
With each line,  With each word you read,  With each letter you see. 
It gets easier and easier to follow along. 
To let your eyes read. 
To focus on my words. 
And you can allow yourself to just relax now. 
Deeper and deeper. 
You’ll find that, 
With each deep inhale,  you are breathing in more relaxation. 
And with exhale,  You expell any lingering tension. 
Making it so that, 
With each breath  With each moment  With each passing second. 
It gets easier to relax. 
To let your muscles loosen more and more. 
To let your body grow heavier and heavier. 
And you’ll notice...  Or perhaps, you already noticed 
That the deeper you relax,  The easier it becomes to focus. 
Because the more you relax,  the better you feel. 
And the better you feel,  The deeper you go. 
A simple yet effective cycle. 
It may be familiar to you already, if you have been hypnotized before.  But even if it is not familiar, you can easily allow yourself to follow that cycle. 
It’s easy to relax. 
It’s easy to focus. 
It’s easy to go deep. 
If you’d like you can deepen yourself by just muttering that little mantra to yourself for 10 cycles before continuing to read. 
Now let’s prepare your body to go even deeper. 
Visualization works best when you are in a deep trance. 
And as you know; the deeper the relaxation the deeper the the trance. 
So now I want you to keep reading,  As you read, I want you to focus on your body.  And begin circling that focus all the way down  To your feet. 
Focus on how they feel. 
What you can feel through them. 
And now feel a warm relaxation slowly developing in your feet. 
Relaxing every muscle 
Making each foot heavy 
Spreading out a comfortable numbness. 
As it starts creeping up your ankles 
Allow the relaxation to rise up your legs 
Higher and higher. 
Spreading warmth and heaviness the higher it goes. 
Flowing over your knees 
Into your thighs... 
Legs so relaxed 
No need to move them 
The relaxation rising over the hips 
Reaching your abdomen. 
Continue taking those deep breaths 
As it crawls up on both sides, 
Your spine, and your stomach 
Higher and higher 
Until it reaches your shoulders and chest. 
Feeling that warm comfortable numbness 
Circling all around you 
As it descends down your arms 
Passing the elbow, reaching the wrists 
Pooling in your palms 
Reaching to the very tips of your fingers 
Relaxation filling your entire body now save for your head. 
Not needing to move a single muscle 
Save for reading and scrolling. 
Now it slowly Rises up you neck 
Slowly enveloping your head 
As it creeps up your face: 
All deeply relaxed now 
Encased from the top of your head to the tips of your toes 
With comfortable warmth. 
A relaxing sense of heaviness. 
And lastly you can feel the relaxing energy seeping into your head 
Reaching your head, your mind. 
Relaxing it too. 
So that all those pesky thoughts quiet down now. 
Feeling only warmth 
Heavy relaxation. 
But also floating lightly 
As you drift deeper and deeper down. 
Maybe you can even feel a bit tingling in your arms and legs. 
Thats a sign of incredibly deep relaxation. 
Now that you are so relaxed, so deep, so focused...  It’ll be be easy to imagine being somewhere else. 
In your minds eye I want you to imagine a flame 
Dancing and flickering 
The flame of a fireplace. 
You can imagine sitting a soft armchair,  looking at that fireplace 
The room around you is made of thick logs of wood. 
Through windows you can see darkness of night. 
You are in a Log Cabin in the mountains.  Sittng in front of a fireplace,  Watching the fire. 
It warms the area.  It warms your body. 
Feeling so warm and cozy right now  In that Cabin. 
Captivated by the dancing fire in front of you  Your eyes fixed at the fireplace  as you seem to sink deeper into the soft armchair. 
It’s getting so easy to loose all your cares  All your troubles  All your worries 
Letting them burn up in the fire 
While it sends wave after wave of warmth through your entire body. 
This is the Cozy Cabin. 
If you like, you can remember this place.  And find that whenever you think of the Cozy Cabin,  You’ll be right back in that armchair, eyes lost in the flames 
Warm and cozy. 
In the Cozy Cabin. 
Each flicker of the fire relaxing your mind 
Until it’s gone completely empty. 
You can relax in here for as long as you want.  And when you are ready you can easily awaken just as easy as you can remember and return. 
But for now this trance continues. 
Your eyes most likely having lost all focus now 
But still looking at the warm fire. 
You can notice how the flame is shrinking down a bit. 
The wood in the fireplace is getting burned up. 
So the interior of the Cabin is growing dimmer and dimmer 
Darkness swallowing up the room from the corners. 
Darker and Darker... 
Till the only thing you see are the last glimmers of the fire 
All dark now. 
Enveloped in a seemingly endless Void. 
As the temperature drops back down again. 
The warmth from the fire fading 
Giving way to a cooler atmosphere. 
Your body feels as if it is floating. 
And as you peer into the darkness 
You find a small white spot.  A little light, in the distance.  Far, far away. 
You notice that over time more of those little lights start appearing. 
One after another they start glowing around you 
Filling the vastness of the darkness with their twinkle. 
Soon you are surrounded by countless little lights. 
Painting incomprehensible patterns. 
It's as if you have doven into the night sky: 
Distant stars wherever you look. 
You float among the stars 
And even some celestial bodies. 
Lika a rogue satellite you drift aimlessly 
Through a sea of stars and cosmic colors. 
Everything you see so far away, out of your reach. 
Gleaming distant lights surround you 
Dazzling your eyes. 
You feel so tiny in comparison to this sight. 
It feels so easy to just let yourself be dragged along 
By powerful cosmic forces. 
Abandoning all thought as you assume your role as just another celestial body 
At the mercy of uber natural forces that keep everything running. 
Going with the flow. 
No destination in mind. 
Mind filled with stars, 
As the completely feel your vision. 
And theres nothing you need to worry about anymore. 
This is Cool Space. 
If you like, you can remember this place.  And find that whenever you think of Cool Space,  You’ll be right back here, floating aimlessly.  Your thoughts wiped by the gleaming of countless stars. 
Feeling calm, and empty. 
When you are in Cool Space.
No more worries. 
No more cares. 
Giving yourself over to the cosmos. 
And just getting lost in the endless night. 
You can relax in here for as long as you want.  And when you are ready you can easily awaken just as easy as you can remember and return. 
But for now this trance continues. 
You have been drifting for a while 
No more thoughts remain in your head 
Just floating. 
You almost don’t notice how one by one  The stars disappear. 
All those tiny little distant lights that filled the darkness 
Now take their leave. 
Slowly returning to the Void 
Still a few stars left. 
But even those last strays of light 
Grow smaller and smaller 
Till you can’t see any of them. 
All dark now 
Back in that Void. 
You’ve been doing so well, reading and following my words. 
Let me take you to one last place. 
Still feeling so light and floaty 
The air around you starting to get a little denser. 
Almost like you are floating in liquid now. 
The darkness around you beginning to light up in a greenish blue 
You are looking at ripples above you 
Like the surface of a lake. 
Only you are looking at it from below 
Feeling you body sinking 
Drifting down and down 
Into the warm water 
Able to breathe perfectly fine 
You let gravity pull your body downwards. 
The sun shining down, 
Making the waves above you shimmer 
The sunlight dancing around as you sink down deeper. 
Peering upwards to the water surface. 
The warm water gently flowing around your body 
Guiding you down and down 
To the bottom of the lake 
You gently find your back touching down on the soft sand and earth. 
Though you never end up fully lying down 
As the water keeps you appendages lightly floating, 
Arms and legs gently bobbing swaying. 
The movement of the water sloshing your hair like seeweed. 
Having reached your final destination. 
You feel accomplished 
So heavy 
So relaxed 
So warm 
So calm 
So deep 
The water surface above you is all you can think of. 
Your empty pliable mind easily taken in by the patterns of nature. 
This is the Deep Lake.
If you like, you can remember this place.  And find that whenever you think of the Deep Lake,  You’ll be right back at the bottom of the Lake looking up at the Surface from below.  No worries or cares left as you simply watch the light in the waves. 
Feeling so warm, safe, and at peace
Connected to Nature. 
And so very good.
When you are deep in the Deep Lake.
You can relax in here for as long as you want.  And when you are ready you can easily awaken just as easy as you can remember and return. 
And for now this Journey has concluded. 
Take some time to recount all theplaces we’ve been to today: 
The Cozy Cabin – A warm and inviting place where you can get lost in the dancing flames of a Fireplace. 
Cool Space – A black vastness filled with countless dazzling stars, where you can let go fully and not worry about anything. 
And finally, the Deep Lake – A place where you can just let yourself sink so deeply and watch the waves from below. 
You can easily come back to any of these by simply picturing them in your minds eye like you did today, and letting all the feelings and sensation rush back over you. 
Stay there for as long as you wish, and when you are ready to come back to reality it will happen just as easily, waking up happy and refreshed. 
In a moment you can feel yourself rising back up in the water as I count upwards from 1 to 10  Reaching the surface and waking when we reach ten. 
Maybe one day this little journey we went on today could just be that start of another Fantasy,  Where your emergence from the lake would mark the start of an Adventure. 
But for now it’s time to bring you up fully. 
I’d like you to take a deep breath in and out between each number as we count you back towards wakefulness. 
Starting to rise back up towards the surface. 
Body growing lighter. 
Thoughts slowly coming back. 
Coming up higher and higher. 
Halfway up already. 
Breathing regularly, Heartrate returning to its usual values. 
Knowing that you will feel energized and happy once awake. 
Almost there. 
Preparing to emerge from the water 
Up, up, up! 
Fully awake now. 
Welcome Back.
I hope you enjoyed my little tour. 
Thanks so much for taking the time and reading to this little script! Which of the screensavers was your favorite? If you wish to have a personalized, custom version of this script or your own individiual screensaver, feel free to ask! I'll try to do what I can. ;)
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winter-soldier-101 · 1 year
You are not her! Part 5
Word count:2114
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Daemon hides in plain sight till he hears the stomping of his lady wife’s horse and he slowly walks up to lady Rhea’s horse and frightens the horse and it lands on top of lady Rhea Daemon begins to walk away but lady Rhea calls him back saying she knew he couldn’t finish so Daemon turns back to her and picks up a large stone and smashes the stone into her face till she is no more.
(Y/N) stays with Laena as they talk about their siblings getting betrothed to each other but it’s soon over as the guard calls upon her telling her the ship is ready to leave.
“I’ve missed you Laena and I can’t wait to see you soon” (Y/N) says hugging her.
“I’ve missed you as well (Y/N) and we will see each other soon” Laena says hugging (Y/N) tight and letting her go as they walk away from each other.
The ship ride home
(Y/N) stands near Rhaenyra as Ser Cole walks over to you both wanting to talk to Rhaenyra Ser Cloe asks to talk alone with her but Rhaenyra tells him that you know everything and it’s okay to talk.
“Did sleep flee you as well this morning” Rhaenyra asks Ser Cole.
“I needed to see you princess” Ser Cole says looking at Rhaenyra as (Y/N) walks to the other side of the boat still being able to hear their conversation.
“I confess I had a similar desire” Rhaenyra says, smiling up at him.
“You have confided in me now and then over the years of our acquaintance. I feel forgive, me that I know you….a bit” Ser Cole says looking at Rhaenyra.
“You know more than a bit” Rhaenyra says, smiling up at him.
“I’ve heard you say so many times how you loathe the lot of your position that you are to be married off at your father’s whim with no thought given to the yearning of your own heart and now the day comes Ser Laenor is a good and decent man but you did not choose him he was chosen for you” Ser Cole tells Rhaenyra.
“That’s true,” Rhaenyra says looking at Cole.
“If there were another path, one that led to freedom, would you tread it? Rhaenyra before I came here I was a knight in the Stormlands I have deep knowledge of the port at Sunspear where I’ve seen the ships of Essos setting sail with their hulls full of oranges and cinnamon and I’ve always wished to see where they went” Ser Cole tells Rhaenyra.
“Are you asking me to leave?” Rhaenyra asks him in disbelief.
“I’m asking you to come with me…. Away from all this from the burdens and indignities of your inheritance let us leave it all behind and see the world together where we’ll be nameless and free free to go where we like to love as we like in Essos you could marry me a marriage for love not for the crown” Ser Cloe tells her looking at her hoping she will agree and marry him.
“I am the crown Ser Criston or I will be I may chafe at my duties but do you think I would choose infamy in exchange for a bushel of oranges or a ship to Asshai? It is my duty to marry a nobleman from a great house and Ser Laenor will make a fine husband but my marriage does not have to be the end Ser Criston Laenor and I have an understanding I’ve granted him leave to pursue his own interests and in turn he’s granted me the same” Rhaenyra tells him and hopes he will agree to this instead.
“So you want me to be your whore?” Ser Cole asks, looking at Rhaenyra in disbelief.
“I want us to continue as we began with you as my sworn protector my white knight,” Rhaenyra says, looking up at him.
“I took an oath as a knight of your king's guard, an oath of chastity. I've broken it…” Ser Cole says looking at Rhaenyra angrily.
“I won’t tell anyone—“ Rhaenyra starts to say.
“I’ve soiled my white cloak and it’s the only thing I have to my fucking name I thought if we were married I might be able to restore it” Criston tells Rhaenyra with tears in his eyes.
“The iron throne looms larger than me larger than anyone in my family Aegon the Conqueror united the Seven Kingdoms and put them on a path— Ser Criston” Rhaenyra calls out for him but he just leaves her standing there alone.
“I’m sorry sister I know you care for him” (Y/N) says holding Rhaenyra’s hand.
“Thank you sister, I know I can always count on you” Rhaenyra says, giving you a small smile.
The Wedding Feast
“It is at great pleasure that His Grace King Viserys announces the start of the royal wedding celebration— House Lannister with their lord Jason Lannister, lord paramount of the west and master of casterly rock. House Hightower with their lord Hobert Hightower beacon of the south defender of the citadel, the voice of old town…” Ser Harrold announces in the lords and their families.
Jason Lannister starts walking up to the high table where the royal family is sitting.
“Congratulations your grace you have made a fine match for the princess now you have to find a good match for princess (Y/N)” Jason tells Viserys.
“Thank you lord Jason I could think of no other man than Ser Laenor” Rhaenyra says smiling at Jason Lannister.
“Well if this is only the welcoming feast I admit I cannot imagine what you might have planned for the wedding” Jason tells Viserys.
“My daughter is the future Queen. I want this to be one of two weddings for the histories (Y/N)’s will be just as grand,” Viserys says smiling at both his daughters.
“Where is the Queen? I hoped to pay my respects” Jason says, asking Viserys.
“I understand the Queen is still readying herself for the celebrations” Viserys tells Jason.
“This is why men wage war because women would never be ready for the battle in time” Jason says chuckling.
“Your presence is always such a pleasure, lord Jason,” Rhaenyra says.
“Princesses your grace” Jason says leaving the table and as the next family comes up a man stops them and wants to talk to the king.
“Your Grace princess Rhaenyra princess (Y/N) congratulations are in order” Ser Gerold says.
“We are very honored to have you as a guest, Ser Gerold. I must say I was most distressed to hear of Lady Rhea’s tragic passing. I'm very sorry for your loss” Viserys says to Ser Gerold.
“Lady Rhea was a unique character; her kind is not soon to be seen again” Ser Gerold says.
“If there is anything the crown might do to aid House Royce—“ Rhaenyra starts to say but the doors open and music starts as House Velaryon enters.
“Lord Corlys of House Velaryon Lord of the roses Master of Driftmark and his Lady wife Princess Rhaenys Targaryen their son and heir Ser Laenor Velaryon the future king consort” Ser Harrold announces them in and everyone stands and claps as they make way to the hard table everyone sits down as Daemon walks in and makes way to the table and father did not look happy to see him here.
“Be welcome as we join together in celebration tonight is only its beginning we honor the crown’s oldest and fiercest ally House Velaryon reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the age of dragons with House Targaryen and—“ Viserys says but stops as everyone looks over and see Alicent walks in and heads down to the table as everyone stands and bows as she walks by.
“Congratulations stepdaughter what a blessing this is for you” Alicent tells Rhaenyra and gives Viserys a kiss and sits down.
“Please be seated” Viserys says continuing his speech.
“With House Targaryen and House Velaryon united I hope to herald in a second age of dragons in Westeros…. After tonight’s small affair seven days of tournaments and feasting at the end of it all a royal wedding between my daughter and heir your future Queen and Ser Laenor Velaryon the heir of Driftmark” Viserys announces to the mass as everyone claps and cheers.
(Y/N) watches as Rhaenyra and Laenor do a traditional dance as everyone watches and claps then gets up and starts dancing along.
“In the Vale men are made to answer for their crimes even Targaryens” Ser Gerold says walking up to Daemon.
“Who are you?” Daemon asks, looking at Ser Gerold.
“Ser Gerold Royce of Runestone” Ser Gerold tells Daemon.
“And?” Daemon asks.
“I am cousin to your late lady wife” Ser Gerold tells Daemon.
“Yes terrible thing I’m positively bereft of such a tragic accident” Daemon says looking around.
“You know better than anyone it was no accident” Ser Gerold says angrily to Daemon.
“Are you confessing some guilt, Ser Gerold?” Daemon asks.
“I am making an accusation” Ser Gerold tells Daemon.
“In King's Landing men are made to answer for their slanders, even old bronze cunts like you. The truth is I’m glad you’ve come. I wish to speak to you about my inheritance” Daemons says looking at Ser Gerold smugly.
“What inheritance?” Ser Gerold asks, looking at Daemon.
“Lady Rhea and I had no heirs as her husband whatever she was due now passed to me she stood to inherit all of Runestone did she not? After my nieces wedding I plan to fly to the Eyrie and petition Lady Jeyne myself, perhaps I’ll see you there Ser Gerold” Daemon tells Ser Gerold as he walks away.
(Y/N) soon joins Rhaenyra and Laenor in dancing and cheering and laughing everyone switches partners and (Y/N) is now dancing with Ser Harwin and they both laugh then she is suddenly pushed into his body.
“I’m sorry Ser Harwin” (Y/N) says apologizing as he pulls her away from the pushing and fighting that suddenly takes place (Y/N) runs over to Viserys scared as Ser Harwin gets Rhaenyra after all the fighting (Y/N) hears bones being broken and a scream as (Y/N) looks over and sees Ser Laenor cry over his lovers body.
The Vows
“The love of the Seven is holy and eternal, the source of life and love. We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one father… mother… warrior… smith… maiden… crown… stranger, hear now their vows” The High Septon says.
“I am yours and you are mine whatever may come” Rhaenyra and Laenor say to each other.
“Here in the presence of gods and men I proclaim Laenor of House Velaryon Rhaenyra of House Targaryen to be man and wife one flesh one heart one soul now and forever” The High Septon announces and Viserys falls forward (Y/N) yells out for the maester and guards help him up and take him to his room.
(Y/N) is taken to her room and sees a letter on her vanity and sees it’s from her father and opens it and reads.
My dearest (Y/N),
I am writing to you to tell you that you will be marrying your uncle Daemon. He will protect and love you; you shall marry soon after your sister's wedding.
Your King Viserys Targaryen.
(Y/N) reads the letter over and over letting the tears fall.
“Why are you crying?” A voice asks from behind.
“How did you….. Uncle, what are you doing here?” (Y/N) asks, looking at Daemon.
(Y/N) shows him the letter as he walks over to her and sits down next to you.
“(Y/N) I will care and love you” Daemon says holding your face in his hands as he leans over and kisses your lips softly and pulls you onto his lap and holds you there and he begins pulling at your dress but you pull away.
“We should stop” (Y/N) says slowly pulling away from Daemon.
Daemon stands and pulls you to his body.
“Let us leave to marry freely” Daemon tells (Y/N) and she nods her head and packs some cloths as (Y/N) packs some clothes Daemon pulls out a letter that he wrote as you and puts it down on your bed and he takes your hand and leaves with you as you both go through the passageway and down to the dragon pit and (Y/N) runs to cannibal and they fly away to Pentos.
Taglist: @secretdreamlandmentality @malynn @stargaryenx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @splaterparty0-0 @siriusdumblittlepuppy @devils-blackrose @thefandomimagines @impartinghades @immyowndefender @melissarose234 @lazyotakujen @whitejuliana1204 @elizadj @thanyatargaryen @afro-hispwriter @aegon-andaemondtargaryenslut18 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @hc-geralt-23 @snh96 @animelover18 @danielle-leah1997 @angeliod @lightdragonrayne @talkdiffently6 @yeah-just-a-fan @1950schick @billiesbeans @daemyratwst @impartinghades @nats-whore @dc-marvel-girl96 @noname2246 @targaryenmoony @scarlettqueen190 @slutmeoutsworld @ivanna6026
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Prompt: Hello hello my brain just produced a very cute thought. Imagine Dukeceit and LMP polycuke co-raising their child Virgil. Imagine the childhood angst and fluff! The "Go ask your dad" "which dad?" and Roman and Remus arguing which one's the dad and which one's the uncle. The PTA meetings if Patton and Janus working together against a Karen sjsksjsksj. Iono I just think it's cute  - anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: internalized/referenced homophobia
Pairings: DLMPR, everyone's virgil's dad
Word Count: 2114
Virgil stumbles off the school bus and tugs his backpack straps over his shoulders. He doesn’t look up as he wanders up the driveway, kicking a loose stone into the grass and stepping over the crack in the third tile. It’s bad luck to step on cracks, even if he doesn’t have a mom, so he doesn’t step on it. 
Maybe there are other things that can cause bad luck though. 
The door swings open and he looks up to see Padre standing there a big smile on his face as he crouches down to hug him. 
“Hi, sweetheart, how was school?” But then Padre sees his face, which must still be all red and puffy, because he stops smiling and makes that upset noise. “Oh, come here, sweetheart, what’s the matter?”
Padre gives the best hugs and so Virgil doesn’t feel bad about running the rest of the way up the driveway—even though he’s not supposed to—and hugging him really hard. If he stays in his Padre’s hugs forever maybe nothing will be bad anymore.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart,” Papa coos, picking him up, backpack and all, and carrying him inside, “what’s wrong? Talk to me.”
Virgil sniffles. He’s a big kid now, he doesn’t have to cry all the time. 
“Logan,” he hears Padre call, “Logan?”
“Yes?” Father’s voice comes from a few rooms over and then he hears footsteps. “What’s—oh. Oh, dear.”
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart,” Padre says quietly, “I just need to get your shoes and backpack off.” 
Padre gives him to Father and Virgil wraps his arms around Father’s neck too, burying his face in the part of his shirt that still smells like the library. Padre takes his shoes and backpack and Father carries him somewhere else. He’s set down on a chair next to the kitchen table and Father crouches down. 
“Hello, little one,” Father says softly, reaching up to dab his tears, “what’s the matter?”
“‘M sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?”
Virgil swipes at his nose. “F’r crying. ’S for babies.”
“Crying is for anyone who feels overwhelmed,” Father corrects, still helping with his tears, “what’s overwhelming you, my dear?”
He sniffles. “Can—can other things cause bad luck?”
Father blinks. “Well, that’s a complicated answer. Luck is—oh, goodness. Luck is something very abstract, Virgil. It’s not a…solid thing that can be affected by something specific. It’s the random part of life, it’s not predictable.”
“But I have bad luck.”
“What makes you say that?”
Virgil stares at the floor, one leg swinging. “I—if I had better luck, then days would be better.”
“Oh, little one, some days are going to be hard.” Father puts his hand on his leg. “That’s life. It doesn’t mean they won’t hurt, it doesn’t mean they won’t be bad, and it definitely doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.”
“Really.” Father smiles and opens his arms for a hug. Virgil hugs him. “What happened today that was hard, little one?”
“Someone was—was being mean.”
“Someone was being mean? Who?”
“Some—some of the other kids said we’re not a real family.” Virgil touches the edge of Father’s shirt collar. “‘Cause I only have dads and not a mom.”
Father sighs. “Other children can be very silly, Virgil. And their ideas of what ‘family’ means can be limited to their own.”
“But then some of their moms said it too.”
Father doesn’t say anything for a moment. 
“A-are you mad at me?”
“No, little one,” he says quickly, “no, never. I’m upset, yes, because someone said an awful thing that hurt you, but I am not mad at you. You did nothing wrong.”
“Okay.” He holds on tighter. “You’re still my Father, right?”
“Yes, I am, my dear. And Padre is still your Padre, Papa is still your Papa, and so are Ro-Dad and Re-Dad.”
“Ro-Dad said Re-Dad was my uncle.”
“Mm, and did Re-Dad say Ro-Dad was your uncle?”
“Mhm.” Virgil wipes his face again. “They’re confusing.”
Father laughs and it makes Virgil’s chest feel all rumbly. “Well, what matters is they both love you very much.”
“They’re still my family?”
“They’re still your family.” Father pulls back and kisses his cheeks before picking him up. “Come on. Let’s get you all cheered up, okay? I think Re-Dad is in the garden, do you want to go see him?”
“Mhm.” Virgil holds on tight as Father carries him through the house, out the back door, down to the garden. Re-Dad is working and he’s covered in mud. “Re-Dad!”
Re-Dad turns around and smiles. “My little gobblewonker!”
“Not too messy, Remus,” he hears Father say softly as he hands Virgil over. He pats his head once more and disappears back into the house. 
“Hi, squirt,” Re-Dad says, ruffling his hair and getting it all messy, “what’re those frowny faces for?”
“People at school were mean.”
“Well, poop on them.”
“Re-Dad!” Virgil laughs. “We can’t do that!”
“Then we’ll throw mud at them.”
“We can’t do that either!”
“Then I guess you’re just gonna have to help me finish planting these flowers.” Re-Dad hands him his pair of gardening gloves and a trowel. “Here, what colors do you think should go where?”
“Um…I like the blue ones.”
“You like the blue ones? Okay, do those go next to the yellow ones?”
“Yeah. They go over here.”
“Okay.” Re-Dad picks up the flower while Virgil digs a hole for it. “Just like that?”
“Mhm. Then we gotta do a red one.”
“A red one? Okay, you pick which one.”
Virgil squints at the flowers. “That one. The one with the big leaf.”
“The one with the big leaf it is.” 
“Why are there no purple flowers?”
“We don’t have the right kind of soil for the purple flowers yet. Remember what Father told us?”
“We have to grow a certain kind of flower to make the soil have the right stuff in it?”
“Right. And…?”
Virgil sighs. “And we can’t get the purple flowers until later. But couldn’t we have a purple flower in the house? In a pot or something?”
“What about your and Padre’s allergies?” Re-Dad laughs when Virgil pouts. “Oh, it’s okay, little gobblewonker. We’ll get through another winter and then you’ll have all the purple flowers you want, okay?”
“Now, what next?”
They plant the rest of the flowers and then Re-Dad says it’s time to go get cleaned up. He won’t carry Virgil so he doesn’t get him all muddy but they spray off their hands with the hose and then go back inside. 
Papa smiles when he sees them, giving Re-Dad the ‘go get cleaned up’ face and scooping Virgil into his arms. “Hello, sweetie. I heard you had a bad day.”
“Well, they don’t deserve my sweetie, then,” he declares like that means Virgil doesn’t have to go to school ever again—which isn’t true, because Padre and Father and Ro-Dad all say he does—and kisses Virgil’s nose. 
“Why are people mean?”
Papa lets out a long breath and something that sounds like why do I always get the hard ones, and smiles again. But he looks sad. “Sometimes people don’t mean to be mean. Sometimes they don’t think about what they say or do and they do it before they realize it will hurt you. Or they’re just saying what someone’s said to them and they don’t realize it’s wrong.”
“Is that what happened to me?”
“Well, maybe.” Papa sighs. “But sometimes people can just…be mean. Because it makes them feel better.”
Virgil frowns. “Why would being mean make them feel better? Being mean makes me feel bad.”
“I know, sweetie, I know. But when people are hurting, or they get scared, it’s easier to make someone else hurt than it is to deal with their own problems.”
“That’s stupid.”
“Yes, sweetie, it’s very stupid.”
“Why are people stupid?”
“You’re going to have to ask your other dad that question.”
“Wait, which one?”
“Any of them,” Papa says, “ask any of them, Virgil, just not me. I don’t know the answer to that one.”
Virgil laughs again as Papa sits down on the couch with him on his lap. He wraps his arms around him really tightly and snuggles into his chest. Papa isn’t as warm as his other dads so he can stay in the cuddles for as long as he wants. Papa calls him his little space heater. 
“It’s getting cold again,” Papa says, “you ready for winter?”
“When you want to cuddle me all the time?”
“Mhm. You’re so warm, sweetie, you gotta give me some of that too.”
“But I have school!”
“I’ll just come with you. And cuddle you all day.”
“No,” Virgil laughs, trying to squirm away, “I have school! You can’t come with me!”
“But what am I gonna do without my sweetie? How am I gonna stay warm?”
“Just get Re-Dad to help!” He manages to get free but Papa catches him again. 
“Re-Dad? Why Re-Dad?”
“He said he’d help last winter, I heard him say he’d help you keep warm.”
Virgil isn’t sure why Papa goes red and mutters something about bedtime, but he’s gonna try and get away again. 
“Oh, no, get back here, you little rascal!” 
“Janus? Virgil? Dinner’s ready!”
Papa laughs and scoops him up again. “Come on, sweetie, food time.”
Dinner is spaghetti which means garlic bread which means Virgil doesn’t have to worry about helping to clean up because Padre says that his job is to finish the garlic bread so the fridge doesn’t smell bad. Which isn’t hard at all because Virgil loves garlic bread and it’s normally all gone before dinner is over. 
It does mean that he really has to brush his teeth when he goes to bed, though. 
“Knock, knock?”
“Who is it?”
Ro-Dad laughs on the other side of the door. “You’re supposed to say ‘who’s there.’”
“It’s me!” Ro-Dad opens his door. “Can I come in?”
Virgil nods, sitting up in bed as Ro-Dad comes over, holding out his arms for a hug. Ro-Dad is really really warm, which means Virgil gets really sleepy. He feels Ro-Dad move a bit and holds on tighter. 
“I’m not leaving, baby,” Ro-Dad murmurs, “I’m just gonna move over here so I can hold you, okay? I gotcha.”
“Don’t leave.”
“I won’t.” Ro-Dad pets his head. “You tired, baby?”
“You want a story?”
Does he? Ro-Dad’s stories are always really good, but he has to stay awake for those and he’s really tired. Like he can feel himself starting to fall asleep right now. And he doesn’t want Ro-Dad to move away. 
“Can you just hug me?”
“Yeah, baby, I can just hug you. You want me to lie down with you?”
“Father and Papa said I’m getting too old to sleep with you.”
“They didn’t say you’re too old to cuddle. I’ll leave when you fall asleep.”
Virgil tucks his head into Ro-Dad’s neck. “What if I don’t let go?”
“You’re a squirmy sleeper, baby, you’ll move around and let me go.”
“I am not!”
“Sure you are,” Ro-Dad says and wiggles a finger into his side, “squirmy little spider.”
Virgil squeals but doesn’t let go. “No!”
“Come on, squirmy spider, you want me to cuddle you?”
Ro-Dad laughs and lies down, helping Virgil lie down too. He’s big and soft and warm like another blanket and Virgil can feel himself falling asleep. Ro-Dad smells like cookies. 
“Did you and Padre bake?”
“Yes, we did. And you can have a cookie in your lunch tomorrow, okay?”
Virgil’s fingers curl into his shirt. “Ro-Dad?”
“Yes, baby?”
“What if…what if the kids and their mommies are mean again tomorrow?”
“Then Papa and Padre will deal with them. And Father and I will ride off to protect you while you and Re-Dad make all the mud balls you want.”
“Well, maybe not the mud balls.”
“It’ll be okay, baby,” Ro-Dad says softly, kissing his forehead, “you’re gonna be okay, Virgil.”
“I promise.”
As Virgil falls asleep, he thinks that even though the other kids said his family wasn’t a real one, he doesn’t want to have any other kind. 
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annasmidnights · 1 year
Bank Account
Bank Account (2114 words) by AnnasMidnights Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell, Chloe Beale & Beca Mitchell Characters: Beca Mitchell, Chloe Beale Additional Tags: Pitch Perfect 2, Post-Pitch Perfect 3, Pitch Perfect 1 Summary: Chloe seeks comfort from her best friend Beca after a horrible relationship with her boyfriend. Beca offers her a place to stay and they spend the days together, growing closer and sparking new feelings. Chloe realizes her growing attraction to Beca but is unsure of how to navigate their friendship. They spend the evenings bonding and Chloe falls asleep dreaming of a potential love story.
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