#2025 election
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contemplatingoutlander · 2 days ago
MARK CARNEY and MIKE MYERS star in CAMPAIGN video with a bold message targeting TRUMP | March 23, 2025
​In a recent campaign video, Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney and actor Mike Myers delivered a pointed message rejecting U.S. President Donald Trump's suggestion of annexing Canada as the 51st state.
This is a very important election for Canada in light of Trump's threats to annex it.
Hopefully Canadians will realize that the Conservative Party's Pierre Poilievre Is just "Trump lite," a politician with many of the same values.
It seems to this American that electing Poilievre certainly won't make it harder for Trump to annex Canada.
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rosaofthorns · 2 months ago
Yes, you saw what you saw.
Yes, you saw what you saw. Yes, he did what you thought he did. Yes, they aired that with their whole chest.
The next thing they will do is deny that it happened. (you saw wrong, it wasn't what you thought it was, etc) After that they will try to downplay it (it was a joke, he didn't mean it like that, it's a "roman salute," etc) They will try to claim it was the work of AI. (its a deep fake, it's a smear campaign, it's hate speech, etc) They will do everything they can to sweep it aside. Then they will try to bury it. Then they will distract you with meaningless bullshit.
Do not fall for it. Do not believe it. Do not be gaslit.
You saw what you saw. He did what he did. And we need to make sure that we do not forget.
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roselius · 2 months ago
using autism as an excuse for a nazi salute is a horrendous example of this country demonizing minorities to save the asses of the higher class.
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spartanlocke · 1 year ago
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Hi so if you see this post on twitter, do not listen, do not retweet it.
I understand people think voting third party will magically solve our problems, but it won't. Mainly because the electoral college is quite literally rigged by Democrats and Republicans against third parties to prevent them from winning. And this mindset that "if just enough people vote third party we'll win!" is one of the major reasons Trump won in the first place.
And I need to you listen, ok? I need you to listen closely.
If Trump wins, we'll lose the entire Democratic party, he'll have personal control over the military to go after anyone who opposes him, including other politicians and protesters. Pornography will be criminalized alongside surrogacy, contraceptives and divorce. KOSA will be implemented and anything even slightly "unchristian" will be censored on the internet. Women will be forced to marry their rapists, immigrates will be forced out of the country, queer people will be massacred, and PoC and disabled people, all of us, will lose our rights.
This. Is. Not. The time. To be gambling. With third parties.
Additionally, Cornel West is only available on ballots in two states, meaning most people can't vote for him. On top of that he supports Russia and wants to disband NATO, praised Reagan, and owes half a million in taxes and child support. He's not going to fix our problems, and with so few states even offering the option to vote for him, he's basically already lost.
Do not vote third party. Do not gamble our future. Biden is our best chance at stopping Trump and Christofacism, just vote for him.
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makymakvrchat · 2 months ago
America is making a strong come back
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storms-and-illness · 2 months ago
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axvoter · 29 days ago
Blatantly Partisan Party Review III (WA 2025): The Nationals WA
Prior reviews: none, I have never previously reviewed the Nationals
Normally, I do not review the Nationals because I do not review any members of the federal Coalition parties (Liberal, National, Queensland’s LNP, or NT’s Country Liberals). If you are reading this blog, you have almost certainly got views on these parties already and don’t need me to review them. I have made an exception for this WA state election, though, because there is something worth saying here.
The Nationals (formerly known as the Country Party) have a tumultuous history at state level in WA, both in terms of whether they work in coalition with the Liberals and in terms of their own splits. They have at times been the larger of the two parties when in opposition, but they have never been the larger of the two when in government; Country missed out by one seat in 1947, and had they been the larger party then they would have supplied the premier. At the 2021 election, the Nationals won more seats in the lower house than the Liberals, four vs two, so for the first time since 1947 they have been the official opposition. Heading into this election, the numbers are 3 apiece because Merome Beard defected to the Liberals in October 2023 (she won her seat at a byelection a year previously after the sitting National member resigned—that member, Vince Catania, had also been a defector, in his case from Labor to National).
The Nats have decided to take advantage of the WA Liberal Party being in a historically weak position by nominating candidates for metropolitan seats, something they have not done for a century. They normally only stand in regional seats, but this time they are competing against the Liberals in Perth, and not just in seats on the suburban fringe where you might anticipate the strongest metropolitan sympathies for the Nationals might lie, but also in Liberal heartland seats like Bateman and South Perth, which Labor won for the first time in 2021 and will likely relinquish this year.
Will it work? Look, I’m doubtful the Nats can win anything in Perth, but it's going to be fun to see how this plays out. I don’t have a Nat contesting my own seat—a pity, as I would’ve enjoyed duelling Nat and Lib leaflets landing in my letterbox—but some candidates might have a chance if they campaign well among the community and get their name out there. Some seats might be genuine three-cornered contests.
Anyway, policies! Obviously I am not a big fan of the Nats. Let’s take a few examples why. They oppose Labor’s strict new firearms laws, which they think are motivated “more by ideology than practicality”—well that’s fine by me because my ideology is very much “gun ownership should be regulated tightly”. Funnily enough the Nats say they “remain the sole political party opposing Labor’s draconian legislation”, which will be news to the Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers Party, who are even more frothing mad about this. The Nats would like to restore the “Royalties for Regions” slush fund that they twisted Colin Barnett’s arm into introducing early in the term of the Lib/Nat coalition state government of 2008–17; this was obvious pork-barrelling even by the Nats’ usual standards. They also want to continue live exports of sheep, in service of which they have a very lazy pun encouraging their supporters to “tell Labor to flock off”. As I noted in my SFF review, that ban is at federal level so the state parliament can’t do shit. Roger Cook has been doing his best to distance state Labor from the federal policy, but it seems the state party will still cop backlash for it in regional seats.
There is, though, one National Party policy that I support: they would completely deregulate trading hours in Perth. At the moment, most businesses are restricted to trading between 8am–9pm on weekdays, 8am–5pm on Saturday, and a completely bonkers 11am–5pm on Sunday. I grew up in country New Zealand during the nineties, at a time when many shops closed at 1pm Saturday and did not open on Sundays (the laws enforcing this were repealed in the 1980s but my rural hometown took a while to change its practices). When I moved to Perth in 2022, I felt like I was stepping back in time. We live in a secular society; keeping shops closed on Sunday morning makes no sense. The Nats make the reasonable argument that restricted trading hours now favours online traders by putting a barrier in the way of local businesses. (The Libs, by comparison, would allow Sunday trading to begin at 9am but that's all they propose modifying.)
Recommendation: Give the National Party of WA a weak or no preference in the Legislative Council. If you have National and Liberal candidates competing for your Legislative Assembly seat, consider carefully the order in which you rank them—this might be a judgement call based on what you can glean about the personality and abilities of your local candidates. If one wins, which person is more palatable? That will vary between seats.
Website: https://www.nationalswa.com/
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erebusvincent · 2 months ago
Back in the summer, when plastic surgery was the topic of the day, there was this guy on Facebook who ranted about people who were critical of the industry. He claimed that everyone who stated that he or she was morally opposed to the cosmetic surgery industry and believed it was an inherently predatory industry that preyed on women, and that getting cosmetic surgery was not a healthy thing for women to do (my own positions in fact,) was lying.
He didn't offer any insights into why anyone would lie about common-sense and not unusual positions, but he was sure steamed that people out there in the universe dared to hold them. And the funniest thing about his tantrum, is that he accused those of us who are anti-cosmetic surgery of misogyny. He pretended he was the great defender of women, as he white-knighted for a profession that butchers them and tells them to come back for more.
Whatever the reason for his mental breakdown, it did make me consider something that I'm not sure I had ever thought about before. Liberals doubt your sincerity in a way that conservatives don't. It's liberals that don't believe you care about protecting children, fairness in women's sports, sexual violence, or the predations of the makeup, skincare, and cosmetic surgery industries (or even preferences in media consumption, as I recall.)
However, if you tell conservatives that you're a feminist and hold all of the same positions, they'll believe you. They will enthusiastically make fun of you, but they will not accuse you of being insincere in your deeply-held beliefs. It raises the question of whether this is because they are more sincere in their beliefs than liberals-that perhaps (definitely) the liberal obsession with ideological purity doesn't translate to the formation of a sincerely-held ideology.
I knew by the middle of June that Donald Trump was going to win the election, and these observations were a large part of that.
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meowierz · 7 months ago
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collab when?
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theatrekidenergy · 8 months ago
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moony-buckets · 2 months ago
Guys this is just a joke don't kill me-
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eggsinthewind · 6 months ago
Vote because there are people who can’t. Vote because people from other countries will be affected by the outcome. Vote because your ancestors couldn’t. Vote because people fought for the right to. Vote because people are still fighting to. Vote.
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roselius · 2 months ago
fuck the bingo card, i NEVER thought id hear the president state that they genuinely rigged the election in his favor.
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gh0stguts · 5 months ago
trying not to go full doomer here so like what do we think realistically is going to happen during the next 4 years
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manicpunk98 · 2 months ago
For everyone that didn't vote for kamala, I sincerely hope you reap the consequences. You stupid fucking assholes.
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bipolarlysilly · 7 months ago
No hate to anyone, if you don't like it, just ignore it or don't read it. Just my opinion on stuff.
I keep seeing this stuff everywhere, so here is my opinion. All politicians are inherently evil, and I love listening to people argue over "Trump VS. Biden" because bro, they're both shit and will ruin America more then the previous politicians already have. Welcome to earth, where we are run by hush money, racism, sexisim, and narcs who think they're better then everyone because they have blind followers and money.
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