#2024 in intermediate review
maltcrescent · 3 months
2024 Intermediate Tumblr Top 10
1. 230 notes - May 21 2024
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2. 181 notes - Jun 16 2024
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3. 147 notes - Feb 29 2024
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4. 106 notes - Jun 12 2024
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5. 103 notes - May 3 2024
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6. 100 notes - May 23 2024
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7. 24 notes - Jun 7 2024
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8. 22 notes - May 19 2024
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9. 20 notes - May 7 2024
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10. 18 notes - Jun 27 2024
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Originally compiled by TumblrTop10. (This was manually written as TumblrTop10 doesn't support Community Labels.)
The only thing I want to say here is that I can’t really say I ever expected my art here, or any of its content/subjects (Dewey primarily) to really take off as it has so far--it’s actually dwarfed my main art label/art blog label (and pretty much anything from my other blog that wasn’t a repost) by a sizable margin (in notes and followers). Crazy since this is (or was, anyway) supposed to be a distant satellite to said art label/art blog.
Let's see where things continue from here!
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yeowninefive · 3 months
2024 Intermediate Tumblr Top 10
1. 180 notes - May 25 2024
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2. 144 notes - Feb 26 2024
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3. 101 notes - Mar 9 2024
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4. 77 notes - Jun 1 2024
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5. 68 notes - Jan 30 2024
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6. 38 notes - Feb 10 2024
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7. 35 notes - Feb 26 2024
Pan Rebanado (Animation) [you can view it in the link]
8. 33 notes - Jun 7 2024
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9. 32 notes - Mar 23 2024
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10. 28 notes - Jan 31 2024
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Created by TumblrTop10
It’s that half-time again. I think it’s important to keep doing these to show how much interest has grown in my art, ever since I started doing these on a regular basis. 
Case in point: You can view my previous Intermediate Tumblr Top 10s for 2023, 2022, and 2021 in the links. I’m only halfway through 2024, and my art above has received more notes than all of my art from the previous three intermediate years combined. (And it’s worth noting the 2023 intermediate was itself a huge jump over the previous two years as it is.) Moreover, my top ten art for the first half of 2024 is actually just a few notes behind my top ten art for the entirety of 2023.
So I’d like to think I’m kinda doing something a bit right--both for myself and the handful of people out there that appreciate my creative works.
[This doesn’t --for content reasons-- include art from my other art label/art blog, which has actually grown to be a heavyweight in its own right. It actually reached a tumblr milestone I’ve never hit with this blog or any of my other blogs for over a decade, despite only existing for nearly one year. Combined, the two art blogs/art labels mark the first time I’ve had my top ten artworks collectively earn over 1000 notes! (And again--it’s an achievement made when the year is only halfway done!)]
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rigelmejo · 3 months
Okay, after looking a LOT up: Pimsleur said on their official subreddit, that Japanese levels 1-5 have 2500 unique words. I also confused myself a bit earlier today, mixing up Pimsleur with Glossika. Pimsleur lessons generally have LESS vocabulary than some alternatives. Glossika generally has more vocabulary taught than Pimsleur. I am actually using the glossika audio files currently, NOT pimsleur.
My usual conclusions on pimsleur stand though: based on what other pimsleur users said (that the whole course only covers the material Genki 1 has), and that it has around 20 words taught each lesson, with around 2500 words if you do ALL lessons, then its not the particular program i'd choose. Its good if youre a beginner, and intend to do all 5 levels. If you are not a beginner, it may only review words you know. If you're learning on your own, consider how much you study: if you want to learn 2500 words within a certain time frame (like a year) then make sure you complete pimsleur lessons frequently enough to finish the lessons in a year (or whatever your goal is). 2500 words, or Genki 1 and 2 book's 1700 total words (which pimsleur was compared to by a pimsleur user), are useful. But they arent intermediate, theyre words you'll want to learn as a beginner and then PROGRESS TO NEW MATERIAL. Do not dwell on pimsleur for 4 years, if your goal was to learn beginner words in 1-2 years and then move on to intermediate material (but if you are okay with it taking 4 years then of course go through lessons at the pace that works for your goals).
Some information on Glossika Japanese: the current 2024 course has around 6,400 sentences and teaches a bit over 5,000 words. I had this information given to me by an official glossika representative. Unfortunately, they did not know how much vocabulary was taught in the original audio-only Japanese glossika course, which was around half as big. Their current course seems to teach to N4 (maybe N3), as the representative felt a learner could go from the modern course glossika to simple anime like Shirokuma Cafe and learn words from immersion onward. The representative also stated glossika doesnt explicitly explain grammar, so if you are NOT a complete beginner then you'll have more success. Alternatively, if you are a complete beginner, reference a Grammar Guide (tae kims grammar guide, imabi.com, Genki textbooks etc) or use another source for beginner lessons like japanesepod101.com which has explanations. My rough guess would be that old glossika audio lessons taught between 2000-3000 words, because all old courses used the same base english sentences translated, and I remember for most languages that resulted in around 3000 unique words used. So old audio lessons Glossika will teach a bit more vocabulary than pimsleur, and significantly more than pimsleur by around 2000 additional words if you use the new glossika online courses. Increased vocabulary is a plus, but the end result will still be upper beginner/lower intermediate knowledge when you're done. I'd recommend glossika over pimsleur because more vocabulary is great in a language learning product.
These are what I actually recommend a learner start with. Because they're free. And they work.
Go on the Hoopla library app, or install Hoopla if you don't have the app yet. Register with one of your library memberships on Hoopla, it will give you access to tons of ebooks and audiobooks to check out. Now find: Japanese 1 Innovative Language. I personally found the audiobooks, Innovative Language has at least 9 levels of lessons from beginner to advanced. Unfortunately, I am having difficulty finding how much vocabulary all their lessons combined teaches. (A lot of language programs call some lessons Advanced when really you're only learning say the 1000-1500 most common words in them, which is still beginner level in terms of knowledge being studied or if you compare to textbook levels or language certification test levels). I am not sure if these lessons are the same as japanesepod101.com, but these lessons are similar, and they have a good amount of explanations so you can get grammar and cultural information as well as vocabulary - this means the course is more in depth than glossika or pimsleur, but it does teach a bit slower as there's more time that english is spoken. If you're a total beginner, or a beginner/lower intermediate learner who is looking for audio lessons with explanations, I recommend these. Theyre free! Theres a ton! Innovative Language also has a TON of lessons in multiple languages on Hoopla app, so browse.
Go to jaoaneseaudiolessons.com. Download the free 36 lessons, the free grammar guide, and the free transcripts. These lessons are FREE, they are made by people who have used stuff like Berlitz and Pimsleur and wanted to improve the method into something they'd find more useful. This site introduced me to the idea of "audio flashcards" audio of english then target language sentences. These lessons arent doing anything wild or new: what they are doing, is lessons like Glossika but with MORE explanation than glossika, and yet less english and less time wasting than stuff like Innovative Language. The biggest pro of this resource: they MADE a grammar guide you can use, they made a transcript so you can have your first reading material, and they made free audio. Ive used their audio lessons: they worked great for me. They worked better for me than Genki did (however Genki remains great for the speaking/writing skills i practiced with it), and helped pull me back into studying japanese. I am not sure how many words it teaches, a detail i wish ALL LANGUAGE LESSONS HAD TO MENTION. But my guess would be at least 1500 words. Their transcript book is 1075 pages, they usually introduce 1-7 new words per page, so on average 4 words, so the upper guess is they teach potentually 4,300 words in the 36 audio lessons. How is that for efficient? Even if these lessons only teach 1500 words (and i suspect the real words taught is probably the normal 2000-3000 of most beginner courses made well), at 36 lessons their lessons clock in as WAY less than Pimsleur or Glossika. These lessons recommend you listen to each lesson 5 times. So each lesson is 30-40 minutes (lets use 40 minutes per lesson), so 36 lessoms is 24 hours of listening material. Listen to each lesson 5 times, and you'll spend 120 hours on these lessons, not including time spent on the grammar guide or transcript. There is another reason i love japaneseaudiolessons.com: they wrote books that teach kanji with 1. Premade mnemonic stories (remember the heisig book expects you to make up your own stories which i found hard) 2. Mnemonic stories for meaning AND pronunciation (many premade mnemonic story resources like anki decks tend to only help with remembering definitions, not pronunciations), 3. Sentence examples to help you remember words, practice seeing them in context, and practice reading. Their books are by FAR my favorite kanji learning books. The kanji learning books do cost money, but i've found them useful and i was glad they existed. You do not need to buy the books, japaneseaudiolessons.com has a TON of free material that should get you through beginner level stuff. But if you, like me, like premade mnemonic stories including remembering pronunciations and example words in sentences, you may find checking out their kanji books is useful.
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Supreme Outrage!
April 26, 2024
The Supreme Court heard oral argument on Thursday regarding Trump's presidential immunity defense. For clarity, that defense asserts that the president is above the law and beyond the reach of US criminal statutes that otherwise apply to every American. To the shock of everyone—and no one—the reactionary majority expressed sympathy for Trump's defense. The hearing itself was a supreme outrage. While the reactionary majority may not adopt the most extreme version of Trump’s defense, they need not do so to grant Trump a victory. Indeed, they have already granted Trump most of what he asked for: a lengthy delay.
Before I review the debacle that masqueraded as a Supreme Court hearing, let’s skip to the most important part: We have a remedy; we need only be bold enough to claim it. The current court is illegitimate; we must effectively replace it by enlarging the Court to overwhelm the reactionary majority.
Is such a plan reasonable? Constitutional? Wise? Achievable? Yes! Mitch McConnell created an Orwellian rule to deny Democratic presidents the right to appoint Supreme Court justices—and then waived the novel rule as soon as it would apply to an appointment by a Republican. Three justices (at least) lack legitimacy: Gorsuch and Barrett, whose appointments were tainted by the McConnell rule, and Clarence Thomas, who should recuse himself from every case relating to Trump. In short, one-third of the Court that heard Trump's arguments on Thursday had no business presiding over Trump's immunity claim.
Expanding the Court requires only a majority vote in both chambers of Congress and the signature of the president. Those conditions are within our grasp in November 2024. When I first raised this prospect in 2018, it was met with shock and horror by readers, who protested that expanding the Court would undermine its legitimacy. Such objections seem quaint in light of the damage wrought by the Court in six short years.
As Ian Millhiser of Vox wrote today,
One takeaway from today's debacle of a Supreme Court argument is Democrats need to start seriously considering packing the Supreme Court. A Court that would allow Donald Trump to get away with trying to steal a presidential election cannot be trusted.
We have a long list of issues that should drive us to the polls in historic numbers in November. Add to that list that we are burdened with a lawless Supreme Court that cannot be trusted with our democracy or Constitution.
As noted above, the reactionary majority granted Trump a victory before the hearing began by refusing Jack Smith’s request to skip the intermediate step of an appeal to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. The Court enhanced that victory for Trump by refusing to hear the matter on an expedited schedule. And now it appears that the Court will issue a fractured opinion on the last day possible (June 30) that will order the trial court to engage in pointless pre-trial fact-finding about the difference between “private” and “official” acts.
But most critically, the reactionary majority gave Trump a victory by dignifying ludicrous arguments that should have been rebuked and condemned the moment Trump's counsel gave them voice. In failing to reject those arguments out of hand, the reactionary majority bestowed upon them the veneer of legitimacy and respectability they do not deserve.
For example, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Trump's lawyer,
If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military to assassinate him, is that within his official acts to which he has immunity? Trump's lawyer responded, “That could well be an official act [and therefore immune from prosecution]”
How did we arrive at this point? How is it possible that counsel for a former president could say with a straight face that a president can order the assassination of a political rival with impunity? How could the justices sit silently and ponder counsel’s answer instead of rising in horror and ordering the attorney out of the courtroom? They are feckless. They have abandoned the Constitution in its hour of need by failing to communicate the horror and repulsion such arguments deserve.
The reactionary majority also gave Trump a victory by refusing to acknowledge the constitutional urgency of the attempted coup and insurrection. Rather than focusing on the facts alleged in the indictment against Trump, the reactionary majority crafted ever more fanciful hypotheticals that had no bearing on the case at hand. As expressed by Professor Laurence Tribe,
Today’s SCOTUS argument was more like a hearing in Congress to design an immunity law for future presidents, with Justice Kavanaugh saying “We’re not taking about the present case” and Justice Gorsuch saying “We’re writing rules for the ages” and Justice Alito joining in.
Only Justice Jackson reminded her colleagues that deciding this case was the Court’s task and that it might not be cool to use it as a vehicle for “answering in advance all these abstract questions”!
By engaging in fantasy rather than focusing on the facts at hand, it is inevitable that the Court will send the case back to the trial court for pre-trial fact finding—an outcome that will ensure the case will be delayed until after the election. The Court will thus deny all Americans the opportunity to cast their vote with the benefit of a jury verdict on Trump's guilt or innocence.
Justice Alito reached the pinnacle of bad faith by arguing that not granting immunity to Trump would increase the likelihood that a future president would try to stay in power. Huh? Every president before Trump relinquished power voluntarily without benefit of presidential immunity. If Trump is told he has absolute immunity and wins a second term, what motivation would he have to leave office—ever?
Alito also summited the peak of hypocrisy. In Dobbs, he wrote that there is no constitutional right to an abortion, reasoning as follows:
Constitutional analysis must begin with “the language of the instrument . . .  The Constitution makes no express reference to a right to obtain an abortion . . . .
But the Constitution make no reference to “presidential immunity.” As counsel for Jack Smith argued,
There is no immunity that is in the Constitution, unless this Court creates it today.
Do not expect blatant hypocrisy to slow Alito’s headlong embrace of presidential immunity that appears nowhere in the Constitution. Alito knows no shame in service of his reactionary agenda.
For additional discussion of the oral argument and potential outcome, see
Ian Millhiser in Vox, The Supreme Court is likely to place Donald Trump above the law in its immunity case (excellent legal summary), and
Chris Geidner at Law Dork, SCOTUS approach to Trump's immunity claim likely to delay D.C. case further (substack.com) (deep dive into argument by counsel and questions by justices).
Millhiser predicts an outcome along the following lines:
At least five of the Court’s Republicans seemed eager to, at the very least, permit Trump to delay his federal criminal trial for attempting to steal the 2020 election until after this November’s election. And the one GOP appointee who seemed to hedge the most, Chief Justice John Roberts, also seemed to think that Trump enjoys at least some immunity from criminal prosecution.
As summarized by Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo, The Court is Corrupt. Say It With Me. Per Marshall,
The Roberts Court is a corrupt institution which operates in concert with and on behalf of the Republican Party . . . That’s the challenge in front of us. . . . But things become more clear-cut once we take the plunge and accept that fact.
The courts are not going to save us. The reverse is true. A significant portion of the federal judiciary has been corrupted and undermined by judges loyal to a reactionary religious and partisan agenda above all else. They view the Constitution and statutes as convenient “talking points” when they advance their agenda and disposable trifles when they do not.
Our remedy is at the ballot box. We must give Joe Biden control of Congress and a mandate to reform the federal judiciary—starting with the Supreme Court. We can achieve that goal if we are disciplined and tenacious. Put aside all disagreements and reservations to ensure Democrats win control of the executive and legislative branches in 2024. Then we can begin the long, slow work of repairing the damage inflicted in a few short years by the reactionary majority empaneled by Trump, McConnell, and The Federalist Society.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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guillemelgat · 9 months
Language Goals 2024
Another year, another set of goals! This year, in the actual spirit of my very reasonable 2022 language goals, here are my plans for language study.
First and foremost, my goal is to find Catalan friends in my new hometown, because I really need to speak Catalan with people at minimum once a week or I get very sad, and currently I’m not speaking it with anyone at all. This goal is pretty chill though—I just have to actually sit down and put in the time to find people.
My main goal is to read 30 books in Catalan. I’ll make a proper post about it with a list of books that I’m thinking of and how the challenge itself is going to work, but overall I’m trying to pick a mix of styles and genres, so expect anything from medieval literature to YA novels to academic texts. I have a lot of books that I’ve been meaning to read for a while, so hopefully this will give me a chance to chip into some of them. 30 books is less than other versions of this challenge that I’ve seen, but it’s also many more books than I’ve read in Catalan possibly ever and I think it’s more reasonable in conjunction with a full class load. Hopefully it ends up being just the right amount!
Welsh & Basque
This year I really want to work hard to actually get these two to an upper intermediate level, because I’m so close if I put in the work. For both of them, I have two main goals: (1) go through the textbooks/workbooks that I started going through casually last semester (Basic Welsh: A Grammar and Workbook by Gareth King and Standard Basque: A Progressive Grammar by Rudolf P.G. de Rijk) so that I can continue to review and learn new grammatical structures, and (2) watch one episode of a TV series each week in each language. For the TV series, I’m going to be watching Rownd a Rownd on S4C (which is available outside Wales/the UK! Huge win!) and Eskamak kentzen on EITB. If I have time, I’ll try to go through episodes more thoroughly and note down new vocabulary and such, but the main goal is to make a routine of it and watch consistently so I’m trying to keep it simple. I’d also like to use both languages with other people more often if I can, but I think finding a consistent language partner will perhaps be a goal for another year.
I’m planning to focus the first half of the year on Welsh and Basque, and then next fall, I’m hoping to be able to take the Malayalam classes offered by my university and to get into studying my home dialect (or rather, my extended family’s home dialect, since I didn’t speak it at home) as well. Since this will be later and also classroom learning rather than self-study, I’m not going to go into details, but overall, after my trip to Kerala (which I have stuff about, it’s on the docket!), I’m generally feeling much less alienated and much more motivated to study the language. I’m also looking forward to being able to take real classes, which I think will help keep me focused and on track.
This is a minor goal, but at my friend’s house over the summer, her mom was joking that if they just spoke to me in Russian while I stayed at their house, I’d probably be able to understand it by the end. That led us to concoct a plan where I study a bit of Russian vocab, then go there and do intensive Russian immersion for a weekend or so. This is more of a silly goal, but I’d like to try it because I think it could be fun.
This isn’t a language goal per se, but rather a general resolution to spend this year learning to use (and tweaking and configuring) Anki. Anki has a notoriously high barrier to entry, and from everything I’ve seen it should be treated as a long-term, intensive project—I’ll hopefully reap the rewards later if I take my time and set up everything right in the early stages. With that in mind, I’m hoping that by the end of the year I’ve figure out a set up for my decks and cards that really works for getting me to remember and be able to use vocab and grammar. I’ll focus on the languages here for the start, but I’m hoping that with habit and time, if I get a good system going I can use it with other languages too.
And that’s it! It’s been a bit since I was systematic about studying languages, but I’ve found that I really miss it and want to go back. I feel like I’m at a really good place with all of these, and I’d like to continue to make progress, so I’m really trying to focus on consistency and hitting the sweet spot of just challenging enough to get myself out of my comfort zone while not burning out. Hopefully I’ve set this up in a way to build habits and make me excited to keep immersing myself with these languages in the coming years, which is really the key to learning any language in the long term—I've realized that I speak Catalan so well because it's fully integrated into my life, and I'd like all these others to be as well. Here’s to a good 2024, and I wish all of you luck with your own goals as well!
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thelittleststudent · 28 days
Week 1 of classes done and so far so good!
My classes for Fall 2024:
Intermediate Algebra with Review - a 5 credit 16 week course I have to take before I can take my degree’s required math course. Math has never been my strong suit so I scored a little below average on my placement tests. But! it counts towards my elective credits so that’s nice.
Microcomputer Applications - a 3 credit 8 week course. this also goes toward my elective credits and i enrolled because i already took basically the same class in high school so i already know the material. easy credits.
World History Since 1500 - a 3 credit 16 week course that goes towards my gen ed credits. definitely going to be my hardest class, mostly due to the readings. i love reading but only subjects i’m specifically interested in and unfortunately history isn’t one of them.
Wellness for the Individual - a 2 credit 8 week course also going toward my elective credits. enrolled in this one out of self-interest.
Intro to Mass Communication - a 3 credit 8 week course that will replace my Micro Apps class when it finishes. this class will count toward my gen ed credits.
As you can see, 10/16 of the credits i’m taking this semester are toward my electives. This is because I took most of my gen ed classes as dual credit during high school, so I have very few left I need to finish.
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snowy-equinox · 4 months
Goodbye, Amino
Amino will always have a large part of my heart. I was an active member for 7 years, and the idea of leaving physically pains me. I will always remember the Golden Age, when 5 new posts popped up with each refreshing of the page, and there were near a hundred people online at a time. 
Unfortunately, we are long past that. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re coming from Pagans & Witches Amino and want to know why I left. 
The first nail was the decline. Our most active members used to be experienced witches & pagans, and discussion at an intermediate or advanced level was common. The feed was full of great information, often including personal paradigms and paths built over years of experience. There was diversity; everyone talked about the differences in their beliefs and the different ways they connected to magic, to energy, to gods. P&W was a place of learning for all levels, where we knew each other and felt like a community. But now, we feel like a forum. Many of our experienced members have left, so discussions have dried up. Most conversations are now delegated to the beginners who ask basic questions and share their excitement over their first steps. Nuance has been lost, because beginners are still learning the black and white areas. We give lip service to the different ways of doing witchcraft, but because the beginners don’t have their paradigms yet, the discussion goes no further. It no longer feels like an app for everyone, but rather it feels like it’s an app for beginners. As much as I love answering questions and helping people find their footing, when it comes to my own questions and wanting to broaden my knowledge, I find there is no one to talk to. 
The second nail was the shrinking of the community. In 2022, we gained over 4,000 new members. In 2023, we gained 1,064 new members. In these five months of 2024, we have a net increase of 172 members; we are on track to gain ~350 new members by the end of the year. 
The third nail was leadership. Because of the commitment and subsequent burnout, we tend to go through admins in “eras”. The Golden Age was still the original leadership, long before they burned out. While there were minor changes as people stepped down, it mostly stayed the same and was made of kind, fair people. Issues were dealt with quickly, and leadership was often active in the chatrooms, building rapport and letting us get to know them. When they stepped down, the next era was rife with favoritism and drama. They stayed in their private chats, and often allowed their personal feelings to determine if someone was breaking the rules. After people were forced to step down, we now have this third era who’s defining trait so far is being paranoid of repeating the second era’s mistakes. They have become bureaucratic to the point of ineptitude. Everything must be brought before the entire team for them to discuss, slowing everything down. 
My moment of realization was when I suggested a poll that could identify what people wanted to get out of Amino; were they looking for information, community, or purely a place to ask questions? I was more than willing to make it, post it, and share the results with leadership. When I sent the link to leadership for review, they informed me this poll would be better suited for their team to present. They would credit me, of course, but it still left a bad taste; I had done similar polls before (within the last couple of months, actually) and never had a problem. I gave them permission, and I am still waiting for the poll to be posted to Amino. It’s been two months. 
(Honorable mention to being told that a post containing misinformation could not be taken down due to the OP saying it was a conpantheon deity. The post in question claimed this deity was a previously undiscovered deity of the Greek pantheon who ruled over…-checks notes- Polyamory, albinism, and harems; none of those topics make sense in a Greek deity’s domain.) 
I will keep all my posts up on Amino, but I have already stepped down from my chat host position. I would love to see a Renaissance, but right now I think Pagans & Witches Amino is heading towards a gradual death. As I said, I will always love it, and while I cannot bring myself to uninstall the app, I think it is time for me to move on.
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zquill · 9 months
2024 Resolutions
I can't deny the blend of eagerness and trepidation I felt (and feel) at moving to a remote area of Alaska. On the one hand I fear giving in to my isolationist tendencies, using my setting as an excuse. On the other, I'm really looking forward to having time to myself to focus on reading, art, and languages (I'm one cut Internet cable away from complete self-realization/utter insanity).
Complete my Calligrapha journal. Self-explanatory.
Develop steady habits. This is more vague, but there are a host of things, like yoga and embroidery, that I'd like to work on more consistently than I have. I'll certainly have the time for it given my new situation.
Improve my posture. Also self-explanatory.
Read as many of these books as I can, with a goal of 95 total on Goodreads, not including Kirkus reviews:
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(I do have a small bookshelf ordered that should be arriving soon to help contain this sprawl.)
To supplement the above desire for sustained habits, I'm also going to try doing themed days/nights:
New Movie Monday. Compensating for what I know will be a complete dearth of motivation on Monday nights, I'm going with a softball that will nevertheless challenge me to consume new (to me) media once a week rather than just watching the same films and shows over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I may expand this category to include shows.
Translation Tuesday. To work on the above featured stacks of manga and Japanese novels. I considered making going for the N1 in December a resolution, and I would like to start studying for that, but I'm not quite ready to commit myself. Maybe for 2025.
Embroidery Wednesday (there went the alliteration). To give myself a chance to catch up on podcasts/audiobooks, and to allow me time to return to those visual media I'm already well familiar with, as well as actually pick up this hobby again.
Inupiaq Thursday. There's apparently a beginner/intermediate class that meets Thursday nights right next to the library, so I'm going to check that out starting this week. We also have textbooks at the library and other resources.
Artsy Fartsy Friday (yay, the alliteration's back!). I'm back to a planner that leaves a large blank page every week that needs filling up, so I'll end the work week by doing just that with pencil sketches, ink drawings, and other doodles.
Social Saturday. This is my day to chat with family and friends, and there's a fabric arts group that meets the first Saturday of the month that I'd like to try attending. There's apparently also a thrift store that's open on the weekends if I can find a way to get to it.
Salubrious Sunday. Just a day to chill out before the start of the week while taking care of necessary domestic things like meal-planing and prep (laundry will be on Monday because I've already noticed a rush on the washing machine and dryer on weekends). This will also be the day my reviews tend to come due, so definitely a day for reading/writing.
We'll see how pairing resolutions with an ideal weekly schedule goes.
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new-components · 7 months
su review
so I read the first entry in su, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: Toki Pona Edition by Sonja Lang. i have many positive thoughts about it
my perspective of the book is coming from someone who would consider itself roughly a beginner-intermediate toki pona-knower, and someone who had very little knowledge of the original story going in.
the book is very clearly an abridged version of the story (and paraphrasing jan Sonja, super-fans of the original Oz might be a bit disappointed at cut ideas), but it didn't feel like a dry synopsis. i found it easy and enjoyable to get into the story, and this was helped a lot by the wonderful illustrations by Evan Dahm! the book is also fully bilingual in toki pona written in sitelen pona, and a literal translation of that back into English (partially to help beginners, partially because of publication restrictions). i found myself occasionally using the english back-translations to make sure i was on the right track understanding things, especially as it was the longest toki pona text i had read up to this point. perfect for me- but absolute beginners will likely struggle.
it's worth noting that jan Sonja has stated that "su" refers to a series of books that jan Sonja plans on writing- with the wizard of oz being the first entry in that series. i look forward to finding out what the next entries she writes are!
kon toki:
I found the writing style fun to read. very deliberately matter of fact/terse as a lot of toki pona writing is in my experience- but it didn't shy away from clever wordplay, evocative descriptions, and emotional writing. "waso laso kin li pana e sike mama laso" made me smile and tense moments had a degree of grave weight and the writing reflected that. a simple "pakala" can be devastating. jan Sonja is a clever writer, and is very proficient with the language, and it shines through in the book.
as for how well it represents the original story- i can't say as i'm not very familiar with it! everything I knew about Oz was in there but that was mostly "there is a metal guy and Dorothy and Kansas and a green city". the illustrations by Evan Dahm really brought the book to life and helped me have confidence that I was understanding the words, giving context to them.
nasin sitelen:
the formatting of the sitelen pona text was a delight to read and i think is a model that should be considered by all tokiponists writing in sitelen pona. there are no special punctuation symbols and sentences are broken by line breaks. when a subject has multiple li predicates, the li phrases are often indented to be in line with each other to break up the text and make it clear they're applying to the same subject. there is no use of compound glyphs making it easy to understand. name cartouches are written with one glyph per letter (which is to say, sitelen kalama is not used), which makes names long but also means there was ample opportunity to make the symbols fit each character, group, and place. Dorothy's (jan Towasi) cartouche for example is "tomo olin wile alasa suwi ijo", which i feel fits her character and narrative very well! names are abbreviated to the first letter after their first use in a chapter.
as for uncommon words/glyphs, there are a few! majuna, lanpan, namako, and one other i can think of but don't want to spoil make appearances. the glyph for majuna was one i was unfamiliar with but i do like it! also, a quad-luka variant of mute for use in the information page for writing "2024" using nasin nanpa pona. one neat nasin was using two glyphs for sewi: a secular variant that is similar to the other positional words for where it is meaning "up" or "above", and the pu variant for a mention of a divine/holy thing.
beginners may find these rarer words and alternate glyphs slightly challenging- but i think the back-translation will help a lot in identifying any unfamiliar words. jan Sonja is also making/made a sitelen pona lookup page which, while i've seen similar materials already, is notable in the context of su because it uses all the same glyphs as su (or at least in Oz.) i half-expected something like this to exist as an appendix in the book proper, but i didn't miss it too much, most books don't have a dictionary in the back after all!
all in all i highly recommend the book to toki pona learners who are past the absolute beginner level and are looking for an actual Thing to read. absolute beginners will likely struggle to understand it as it is not a reference of the language itself, unlike pu or ku, especially if they took the approach of learning the language as written in sitelen Lasina first and learning sitelen pona later.
still, out of the three jan Sonja books i think it is probably the most valuable to learning. there are many guides to toki pona vocabulary and grammar out there, some of which i would argue are probably more up-to-date and comprehensive than pu (that's not to say that pu isn't useful, but it isn't essential to learning the language in a way that maybe it once was) and ku, while a good reference for the semantic space of words and figuring out translation, does not have any full examples of written toki pona and so its use learning practical toki pona as it is written and spoken is somewhat limited.
su, so far, is a great jumping point after learning the basics of toki pona and getting to read actual story written in it and learning through that. full stories written in toki pona, while not unheard of, are pretty scarce, doubly so stories by proficient storytellers, translators, and toki pona speakers, and so su is a very welcome addition to the bibliography. i am excited to see what jan Sonja makes next!
i give the wizard of oz: toki pona edition a "pona a!"
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chetsetradio · 9 months
My Impossible List
My name is Chester, and I'm sure you've seen this list of things before. Something about it being different from a bucket list (and it is different than a bucket list) -- look, I got my inspiration from Thomas Frank, who got the inspiration from Joel Runyon.
In my own words, the impossible list is a continuous list that inspires growth and documents strides in personal development. A helpful tool that can aide in motivation. Not a set and forget, but a thoughtful pondering, organized list, and an updating system, where you log when you've achieved something and what you're going to do next. Like most people, I've set my list up with different categories.
Current Focuses:
Honestly, getting my life together. I've been slacking in health overall, and I need to start taking care of myself both physical and mental health-wise. Trying to hyper focus on learning new skills, mindfulness, and fitness/health.
Last 5 Completed Goals:
*crickets* Well of course there's going to be crickets right now, this list has just come to fruition. I will update with my most recent goals as I complete them!
-> Own a home in my hometown -> Own a place somewhere else, too -> Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms in remission -> Create and maintain a healthy relationship with a significant other -> Make enough money through passionate endeavors (video games, YouTube, writing) that I only have to "work" work part-time -> Become a published author -> Pay off my debt -> 30k Student Loans -> 15k Car -> 9k Credit Cards -> Learn about stocks and investments -> invest money
-> Stay at the library for as long as possible (5yrs pension starts, 10yrs student loans are forgiven, 15yrs max vacation time) -> Earn blue in 2 categories in yearly review -> Earn blue in majority of categories in yearly review -> Earn blue overall in yearly review
-> Set up channel -> Upload 5 10 25 50 videos -> Gain 10 25 75 100 250 subscribers
-> Set up channel -> Upload 5 10 25 50 videos -> Gain 10 25 75 100 250 subscribers
-> create and publish a video game
-> Lose 100lbs -> Walk to work 3 days a week for 1 month 6 months 1 year -> Work out everyday for 1 month 6 months 1 year -> No take out for a month straight -> Learn how to cook -> Add more fruits and vegetables to my everyday diet -> Walk 5 miles -> Run a mile -> Run a mile in less than 9 minutes -> Participate in some sort of race (run?) -> Swim 500 free with no problem -> No soda for 1 month
-> Fill up a sketchbook with art that I'm proud of -> Release an EP -> Participate in NaNoWriMo 2024 -> Self publish a novel -> Traditionally publish a novel -> Re-learn how to play the Alto Saxophone -> Learn how to play the Trumpet -> Learn how to play the Cello -> Learn how to play the Flute -> Learn how to play the French Horn -> Learn how to crochet -> Follow a short story writing prompt daily for 1 month
-> Learn how to code -> Make my own website -> Program my own video game -> Learn Music Theory -> Beginner Intermediate Advanced -> Learn Logic Pro -> Beginner Intermediate Advanced -> Learn Japanese -> Beginner Intermediate Advanced -> Learn German -> Beginner Intermediate Advanced -> Learn Korean -> Beginner Intermediate Advanced -> Learn ASL -> Beginner Intermediate Advanced -> Go back to school for my Master's -> Learn fractions, pre-algebra, and algebra
-> Do my morning routine for 1 month 6 months 1 year -> Do my nighttime routine for 1 month 6 months 1 year -> Walk Pancake once a day for 1 month 6 months 1 year -> Meditate once a day for 1 month 6 months 1 year -> Journal daily for 1 month 6 months 1 year
-> Visit every state in the US ( 3/50 ) -> Visit every state park in the US -> Camp in a different state -> Visit Greece -> Visit Japan -> Visit Korea -> Visit the UK -> Visit Ireland -> Visit Finland -> Ride a bullet train -> See the Hollywood sign up close in person -> Visit Stephen King's hometown ( Portland, Maine )
-> Perfect achievo 5 10 15 25 40 games -> All achievements in Hades -> All achievements in Slime Rancher
-> Platinum 5 10 25 50 games
-> Perfect achievo 5 10 25 50 games
-> Finish Pokémon Sword -> Finish Pokémon Arceus -> All moons Super Mario Odyssey
-> Sky dive -> Bungee jump -> Meet a celebrity I like IRL -> Go to five different amusement parks -> Get a PHD -> Teach a class at a University -> Forever a student (so many degrees) -> Earn enough money to retire early
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psychoticstudies · 2 years
Hello and welcome!
My name is Doom and I’m a local idiot with an interest in languages. I’m not new to tumblr (I used to have a studyblr from like 2015 to 2020, crazy to see that a lot of the people I used to know are still here!) but haven’t been on in a few years so decided to start fresh. This account will probably be a combination studyblr/langblr.
A little about me, I suppose:
English: it/its, ve/vir/virs
French: ael
German: xier
I am over 21, so if you are younger and uncomfortable with adults, feel free to block/DNI with me! It will not hurt my feelings /gen :)
along those lines, if you do have an issue with me, feel free to reach out! or if i follow you and you don’t want me to, again, you can block me! everyone should be comfortable in their own spaces. :) /gen
my blog is a safe space for disabled/lgbtq+/BIPOC individuals!
i function on tone indicators, so if I make an original post, it’ll be full of them (common ones i use: /gen (genuine), /nm (not mad), /j (joking), /lh (lighthearted), /gen q (genuine question), i may also include them in the tags!)
I’m disabled and have several diagnoses, but I’m only really comfortable talking about my autism! 💚
academic interests:
social sciences + humanities major -> eventual goals to become a professor
medical terminology (I work in the field, so my reblogs may reflect that)
languages I know/study:
English: native
French: intermediate-level (B1/B2), have studied it for six years.
German: beginner (A0/A1), it’s my partner’s native language so I have to learn it!
Arabic: beginner, I began studying it at university a few years ago, specifically Levantine Arabic! Then COVID hit and classes were moved fully online and our prof ghosted us so I gave up for a bit :( But I want to pick it up again!
ASL: beginner, I am HoH and autistic, so I go nonverbal sometimes. My partner and I have used sign to get through those moments where I can’t speak, so it has been very useful for us. I also would love to get more involved in the d/Deaf/HoH community, so ASL is a must
languages I want to learn:
This list will honestly probably only get bigger as time goes on 😅
buying books and not reading them
collecting signed/exclusive editions of books
get back into a good studying habit
review french to ensure i stay at b2-level, try to cross into c1
get to a2 level of german by the summer
build up social media accounts
og posts will be tagged: #prythianspeaks
if you want me to see your posts, tag me at: #prythianlooks
I am so glad to be back and part of the studyblr/langblr communities. This saved my studying career starting when I was 15 and inspired me to keep going. Hopefully I can spark that love for learning all over again! 💚
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iproledgeacademy · 7 hours
CA Intermediate Study Plan: 
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The CA Intermediate exam is one of the most crucial stages in the journey to becoming a Chartered Accountant. The syllabus, set by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), covers a wide array of topics across two groups, making thorough preparation essential. Whether you're sitting for the May 2024 or November 2024 exams, following a structured study plan will significantly improve your chances of success. 
In this blog, we will outline a comprehensive CA Intermediate study plan, designed to help you cover the entire syllabus efficiently and master the material in time for the exam. 
Overview of the CA Intermediate Exam 
The CA Intermediate exam is divided into two groups with a total of eight papers: 
Group I: 
Corporate and Other Laws 
Cost and Management Accounting 
Group II: 
Advanced Accounting 
Auditing and Assurance 
Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management 
Financial Management & Economics for Finance 
Each paper requires a mix of practical problem-solving and conceptual knowledge. Students need to dedicate substantial time to each subject and balance their preparation between both theory and practical subjects. 
CA Intermediate Study Plan May 2024 
To ensure success, you should aim to study for 6-8 hours daily and complete the syllabus within four to five months, leaving the remaining time for revision and mock tests. Below is a detailed month-by-month study plan.
Type of Questions
Name of Subjects
Time to be Invested
30% MCQ
70% Subjective
Corporate & Other Laws
108 Hrs
30% MCQ
70% Subjective
140 Hrs
Advanced Accounting
118 Hrs
Cost and Management Accounting
103 Hrs
30% MCQ
70% Subjective
Auditing & Ethics
86 Hrs
30% MCQ
70% Subjective
Financial Management and Strategic Management
89 Hrs
35 Hrs
First Month: Building a Strong Foundation 
In the first month, focus on building a solid understanding of the core concepts for each subject. This phase is all about laying the groundwork. 
Accounting: Spend 2 hours daily understanding basic principles and accounting standards. 
Corporate and Other Laws: Focus on the Companies Act, making detailed notes of important sections and provisions. 
Cost and Management Accounting: Start with costing techniques like Marginal Costing and Standard Costing. 
Taxation: Learn the basic concepts of Income Tax and GST. Dedicate 1.5 hours daily to building a strong foundation in direct taxes. 
Second Month: In-Depth Study 
In the second month, deepen your understanding of each subject. It’s important to consistently revise while moving forward with new topics. 
Advanced Accounting: Tackle complex topics like Consolidation of Financial Statements and Amalgamation. 
Cost and Management Accounting: Continue with process costing, contract costing, and other advanced topics. 
Taxation: Dedicate 2 hours daily to practicing numerical problems on Income Tax and GST. 
Third Month: Practice and Reinforcement 
The third month is where you start practicing practical problems and past exam papers to reinforce your knowledge. 
Accounting: Start solving ICAI’s past exam papers. Dedicate 3 hours daily to practicing numerical problems. 
Corporate and Other Laws: Revise all provisions and practice writing detailed answers for case studies. 
Taxation: Focus on GST compliance and more complex direct tax scenarios. 
Fourth Month: Focus on Mock Tests and Timed Practice 
In this month, it’s essential to take mock tests and time yourself to get used to the exam conditions. 
Group I: Take a full-length mock test every week and review your answers in detail. 
Group II: Dedicate time to solving case-based questions in subjects like Financial Management and Strategic Management. 
Fifth and Sixth Months: Full Revision 
The final months should be dedicated entirely to revision. Spend your time revising key topics and concepts. Revise difficult chapters first, then move on to easier subjects to build confidence. 
Full Study Plan for CA Intermediate Exams May 2024 in steps 
Step 1: Understand the Exam Structure 
Go through the CA exam notification and understand the structure, syllabus, and eligibility criteria. 
Look at past years' papers to get familiar with the type of questions that are asked. 
Step 2: Build Strong Basics 
Review foundation-level materials to strengthen your basics in subjects like Accounting and Law. 
Go through ICAI’s standard study materials and make detailed handwritten notes. 
Step 3: Practice Answer Writing 
Once you’ve studied a topic, immediately begin answering related questions. 
Writing out answers will help you retain more information and improve your answer-writing speed for the exam. 
Step 4: Mock Tests and Review 
Three months before the exam, switch to a mock test-based approach. 
Take full-length tests under timed conditions to simulate the exam environment. 
Step 5: Revise and Practice 
Dedicate your last month to revision. Review your notes, take more mock tests, and practice exam scenarios to boost confidence. 
Books for CA Intermediate Exam Preparation:
1. CA Intermediate Study Material by ICAI
Why It's Essential: This is the official study material provided by ICAI and covers the syllabus comprehensively for both groups. It’s highly recommended for students to follow the ICAI modules as they are aligned with the exam pattern.
Best for: All subjects, with a focus on conceptual clarity.
2. Advanced Accounting by MP Vijay Kumar
Why It's Essential: This book is excellent for understanding Advanced Accounting concepts. It breaks down complicated topics like consolidation and amalgamation into simple, easy-to-understand language.
Best for: Students who need extra support in Group II - Advanced Accounting.
3. Taxation (Income Tax & GST) by T.N. Manoharan
Why It's Essential: A popular choice among CA students, this book provides in-depth coverage of Taxation, with practical problems and case studies. It also focuses on GST and Income Tax, making it essential for the Taxation paper.
Best for: Both beginners and students revising key concepts in Taxation.
4. Cost and Management Accounting by P.C. Tulsian
Why It's Essential: This book simplifies complicated topics in Costing and Management Accounting with a practical approach. The numerous problems and solutions included in this book help students to practice extensively.
Best for: Conceptual clarity in Cost and Management Accounting and practicing numerical problems.
5. Auditing and Assurance by Surbhi Bansal
Why It's Essential: This book provides a detailed understanding of Auditing standards and assurance practices. Known for its concise notes and question bank, it helps students grasp the subject quickly.
Best for: Students preparing for the Auditing & Assurance paper in Group II.
Why Choose iProledge Academy? 
At iProledge Academy, we provide a structured approach to help you ace your CA Intermediate exams: 
Comprehensive Study Material: Our materials are designed to cover both theory and practical problems comprehensively. 
Mock Tests and Feedback: We provide regular mock tests with detailed feedback to ensure continuous improvement. 
Experienced Faculty: Our faculty members are industry experts who guide you through each subject, ensuring clarity in complex topics. 
Personalized Attention: We focus on one-on-one mentoring to address each student’s weak areas. 
Conclusion: Your Path to Success in the CA Intermediate Exam 
With a well-organized study plan and expert guidance from iProledge Academy, you’ll be fully prepared to ace your CA Intermediate exam. Start early, remain consistent, and follow a structured revision and practice routine to ensure success. 
Enroll at iProledge Academy today and take your first step toward becoming a Chartered Accountant! 
FAQs on CA Intermediate Study Plan 
How many hours should I study for CA Intermediate? 
It’s recommended to study for 6-8 hours daily, depending on your understanding and comfort with the subjects. 
What is the ideal time to complete the syllabus for CA Intermediate? 
The syllabus should be completed 4-5 months before the exam, leaving time for revision and mock tests.
How important are mock tests for CA Intermediate preparation? 
Mock tests are crucial as they help in time management, identifying weak areas, and reducing exam anxiety. 
Can I clear CA Intermediate in the first attempt? 
With a structured study plan, regular revision, and guidance from iProledge Academy, clearing the exam on the first attempt is achievable. 
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topjobs · 3 days
WAPDA Water & Power Development Authority Jobs
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Date Posted/Updated: 17 September, 2024 Category/Sector: Government Published In: Dunya Jobs Required Education: Middle | Matric | Intermediate | BA | I.com | DAE | BS Location: Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan Hiring Organization: Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Job Category: Executive Jobs Employment Type: Full Time Application Deadline: 01 October, 2024, or as specified in the paper ad
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For more jobs visit: Topjobspk
Water and Power Development Authority WAPDA Executive  Lahore 024
The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), one of Pakistan's most prominent public sector organizations, has announced a wide range of job openings in Lahore, Punjab. These positions, advertised in the Dunya Newspaper on September 17, 2024, offer an exciting opportunity for individuals from various educational backgrounds to join a key organization responsible for managing Pakistan's water and power resources. WAPDA is seeking dynamic and dedicated individuals for multiple posts, including but not limited to: Available Positions: - Painter - Winder - Assistant Station Attendant - Technician - Attendant - Store Keeper - Mason - Driver (HTV/LTV) - Crane Operator - Foreman (Electrical/Mechanical) - Clerk - Computer Typist - Carpenter - Turbine Operator - Instruments Technician - Miller - Assistant Foreman - Diesel Generator Operator Eligibility Criteria: Candidates with a variety of educational qualifications are encouraged to apply. Applicants with Matric, DAE, Intermediate, Middle, BA, and I.Com are eligible for different roles based on the requirements for each post. This diversity in qualification requirements ensures that individuals from all educational backgrounds have the opportunity to contribute to the organization's mission. Why Work for WAPDA? WAPDA is a pivotal organization within Pakistan’s public sector, playing a key role in managing the country's water and power resources. By joining WAPDA, successful candidates will be part of a highly respected team working towards the sustainable development of the nation's infrastructure. This is an ideal opportunity for those looking to build a career in the public sector, offering stability, competitive salaries, and opportunities for growth and development. Application Process: The deadline for applications is October 1, 2024, or as specified in the newspaper advertisement. Candidates are advised to thoroughly read the full advertisement to understand the specific requirements for each post. Applications should be submitted through OTS (Open Testing Service), which will handle the recruitment process. For more details on how to apply and to access the complete job listings, candidates should review the official advertisement online. This will provide the necessary instructions on the application process, required documents, and eligibility verification. Read the full article
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donpk92 · 6 days
Changes in Syllabus and Reprinted Books for SSC & HSSC Levels for Academic Session 2025
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The Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board (PCTB) has announced major updates to the syllabus and reprinted textbooks for the 2025-2026 academic session. These revisions will impact a range of subjects at both the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) levels. Below are the specifics of the changes:
Updated Subjects and Classes According to the National Curriculum of Pakistan 2023
The following subjects will have revised syllabi and reprinted textbooks:
English Compulsory – Grades 9 & 11
Urdu Compulsory + Literature – Grades 9 & 11
Islamiyat Compulsory – Grades 9 & 11
Pakistan Studies Compulsory – Grades 9 & 11
Mathematics (Science Group) – Grades 9 & 11
Physics (Theory) – Grades 9 & 11
Chemistry (Theory) – Grades 9 & 11
Biology (Theory) – Grades 9 & 11
Computer Science – Grades 9 & 11
General Science – Grade 10
Official Notification
On September 6, 2024, the PCTB issued a notification to the Secretary of the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Lahore, detailing these changes. The update outlines the specific subjects and grades affected, marking the beginning of the revisions for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Contact Information
For additional information or inquiries, please reach out to the Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board at:
Address: 21-E-II, Gulberg-III, Lahore
Phone: 9230767-76 (Ext: 220)
Fax: 9230679
These updates reflect the PCTB's ongoing efforts to enhance and modernize the educational curriculum. Both educators and students should review these changes and prepare accordingly for the upcoming academic year.
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dailyilm · 6 days
WAPDA Jobs 2024: How to Apply Online for Positions in Punjab
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The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has recently announced new job vacancies for 2024, as detailed in an advertisement published in the Daily Express and Jung newspapers on May 8, 2024. This is an excellent opportunity for job seekers across Pakistan, particularly those interested in positions in Punjab. If you are interested in applying, it is crucial to submit your application before the deadline on May 23, 2024. For more information and to apply, visit the official OTS website at ots.org.pk.
Overview of WAPDA Jobs 2024
WAPDA is seeking qualified candidates to fill various roles within the organization. These positions come with competitive salaries and benefits in accordance with departmental regulations. Both male and female applicants from all regions of Pakistan are encouraged to apply through the designated process. Below is an overview of the eligibility criteria and application process for WAPDA Jobs 2024.
Eligibility Criteria
To be considered for WAPDA Jobs 2024, candidates must meet the following educational and experience requirements:
Middle School Pass: For roles such as Cook and Tandoori.
Matriculation: Required for positions including Sr. Cook/Head Cook and Driver.
Intermediate (F.A.): May be required for specific roles.
Bachelor’s Degree (B.A., B.Sc.): For more specialized positions.
Master’s Degree (M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil.): Relevant for senior or technical roles.
Applicants must ensure that they fulfill all the necessary criteria including educational qualifications, experience, and documentation.
Job Locations and Vacancies
The job vacancies are spread across multiple regions in Pakistan, with a significant focus on Punjab. Other regions include:
Major Cities: Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan, Hyderabad, Quetta, Peshawar, Gujrat, Sahiwal, Gujranwala.
Provinces: Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Sindh, Balochistan, and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
The WAPDA Jobs 2024 announcement includes various positions such as:
Sr. Cook/Head Cook: Requires Matriculation.
Cook: Requires Middle School education.
Tandoori: Requires Middle School education.
Driver: Requires Middle School education.
Application Process
Interested candidates must follow these steps to apply for WAPDA Jobs 2024:
Visit the OTS Website: Go to the official website at ots.org.pk to access the job application portal.
Access the Job Portal: Locate the WAPDA Jobs section on the website and click on the link to the latest job application form.
Complete the Application Form: Fill out all required fields in the online application form. Ensure that all personal details, educational qualifications, and experience are accurately provided.
Attach Required Documents: Upload all necessary documents as specified in the application guidelines. This may include educational certificates, experience letters, and identification documents.
Submit the Application: Review your application for completeness and accuracy before submitting it. Ensure that you submit your application by the deadline of May 23, 2024.
Additional Information
Application Deadline: All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2024.
Job Advertisement: The job vacancies were advertised in the Daily Express, Jung, and Dawn newspapers.
Contact Information: For any queries, you can contact WAPDA House in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
Stay Updated
To stay informed about job updates and additional opportunities beyond 2024, keep an eye on various Pakistani newspapers and online job portals. Following relevant social media channels and professional networks like LinkedIn can also help you stay up-to-date with future job announcements and career opportunities.
Follow Us
For the latest updates and information on job opportunities, you can follow these platforms:
Daily Ilm:
The WAPDA Jobs 2024 offer a promising opportunity for candidates across Pakistan to join a reputable organization with a range of roles suited to various educational backgrounds. Be sure to complete your application by the specified deadline and take advantage of this chance to advance your career with WAPDA.
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qocsuing · 10 days
Webull Review 2024: Is It Good for Beginners?
Webull Review 2024: Is It Good for Beginners? In the realm of online brokerage platforms, Webull has garnered significant attention for its user-friendly interface and commission-free trading. But is it truly a good option for beginners? This article delves into the features, benefits, and potential drawbacks of Webull to help novice investors make an informed decision.To get more news about WikiStock, you can visit our official website.
What is Webull? Webull is an online brokerage platform that offers commission-free trading of stocks, ETFs, options, and cryptocurrencies. It is designed to cater to both beginner and intermediate traders, providing a range of tools and features to facilitate trading.
Key Features of Webull Commission-Free Trading: One of the most attractive features of Webull is its commission-free trading. Users can trade stocks, ETFs, and options without incurring any fees, making it an economical choice for beginners. User-Friendly Interface: Webull’s platform is known for its sleek and intuitive design. Both the desktop and mobile apps are easy to navigate, allowing users to focus on their trades rather than struggling with the interface. Advanced Trading Tools: Despite being beginner-friendly, Webull does not skimp on advanced trading tools. The platform offers a variety of charting tools, technical indicators, and real-time market data, which can be beneficial for more experienced traders. Paper Trading: For those new to trading, Webull offers a paper trading feature. This allows users to practice trading with virtual money, helping them gain experience and confidence before investing real funds. Fractional Shares: Webull allows users to buy fractional shares, making it easier for beginners to invest in high-priced stocks without needing a large amount of capital. Benefits for Beginners Low Cost: The absence of trading commissions and account minimums makes Webull an affordable option for beginners. This allows new investors to start trading without worrying about high fees. Educational Resources: Webull provides a range of educational resources, including articles, tutorials, and webinars. These resources can help beginners learn the basics of trading and improve their skills over time. Community Support: Webull has a strong community of users who share tips, strategies, and insights. Beginners can benefit from this community support, gaining valuable knowledge from more experienced traders. Potential Drawbacks While Webull offers numerous benefits, it is not without its drawbacks. Some of the potential issues for beginners include:
Limited Educational Content: Although Webull provides some educational resources, the quantity and quality of these materials may not be sufficient for true beginners. Those who require extensive educational content may need to supplement their learning with external resources. No Mutual Funds: Webull does not offer mutual funds, which can be a drawback for investors looking to diversify their portfolios with these types of investments. Crypto Trading on Separate App: Webull has moved its cryptocurrency trading to a separate app called Webull Pay. This can be inconvenient for users who prefer to manage all their investments in one place. Conclusion Webull is a robust platform that offers a range of features suitable for both beginner and intermediate traders. Its commission-free trading, user-friendly interface, and advanced tools make it an attractive option for new investors. However, beginners should be aware of the platform’s limitations, such as the lack of extensive educational content and mutual funds.
In summary, Webull is a good option for beginners who are looking for a low-cost, easy-to-use platform with a variety of trading tools. By leveraging Webull’s features and supplementing their learning with additional resources, novice investors can build a solid foundation for their trading journey.
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