crackbook-blog · 4 years
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I was out playing with my kids and wanted to put away my bag (and the phone) to focus entirely on the game we were playing. ⠀ ⠀ But every other minute I felt like checking; is it still there. ⠀ ⠀ What if you could get an alarm to your smart watch or your phone simply beeped loudly (like a car alarm), if someone moved the bag. ⠀ ⠀ Turns out - of course - it exists. ⠀ ⠀ Just tried out the top result that came up. Works pretty good. Will test it out (no affiliation, just sharing a need met). ⠀ ⠀ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ korsbaek.life ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ ⠀ ⠀ #idea #disconnect #iantitheft #alarm #safety #security #app #isthereanappforthat #disconnected #mindatease #burglaralarm #bewithkids #letgo #ideas #businessideas #need #needsmet #2020week36 #volume75 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEuZHGRhkQr/?igshid=21zd3zf8r8zs
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crackbook-blog · 4 years
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We live in an attention economy, and we are all the time distracted from what is right here and now. Mark Manson recently posted a video in which, he makes a comparison between the fitness movement in the 70s and the mindfulness movement now. He posits that both happened as a reaction against the overconsumption decades earlier. In the 50s and 60s, people got it “easier”, got richer and got access to junk food and TV. The counter reaction; fitness. Starting in the 90s, people got easier access to information. The Internet and smartphones mean that we have constant access to information and entertainment. Our attention is spread thin. The counter reaction; mindfulness. While the history of both fitness/gymnastics and mindfulness is far more complex (and goes much further back), the widespread commercialization and adoption of both makes sense in this light. I also feel on a personal level that this reaction to overconsumption takes place. If I eat too much junk one day, I feel bad (physically), and disgusted and tired (mentally). And often I feel the need for a counter-reaction; tomorrow (or better yet; now) will be different. I will go for a walk/run, not eat anymore, etc. Unfortunately, I think the overconsumption of data does not yet provide the same intuitive counter-reaction for most people. It is still not as established as fitness, to go on a mindfulness or attention diet. Disconnecting completely for a while or simply taking a deliberate approach to social media, mails, phone calls, etc. Is the Mindfulness Movement happening though? I think so. #attention #attentioneconomy #attentiondiet #markmanson #yinyang #action #reaction #fitness #gynmastics #meditation #mindfulness #oneness #duality #wavesoflife #2020week36 #volume75 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEsk04Lhft2/?igshid=wqmf4i43ztix
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crackbook-blog · 4 years
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Be Now. It’s so simple, yet so hard to do. The future is an illusion (or at best a possibility) created in the brain. Connect with the breath and the body. This is reality here and now. Interact with the world from that place of authentic connection with your self. Enjoy the good times - and the bad times. It’s all part of the dance of life. #perspective #connection #now #remembering #anicca #impermanence #breath #body #meditation #mindfulness #meaning #danceoflife #waves #upsanddowns #goodtimes #badtimes #2020week36 #volume75 https://www.instagram.com/p/CErLwGnBOzS/?igshid=10lb7ma6sx5dt
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crackbook-blog · 4 years
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Creation, destruction, order, chaos. This endless oscillation between impermanent states is the only constant in the Universe. Hinduism captures this with the three archetypes (Gods); creation (Brahma), destruction (Shiva), and at both set points impermanent stability (Vishnu, upholding creation and giving birth to creation). In Buddhism the impermanent nature of reality is one of the three marks of existence; impermanence (aniccā), suffering (duḥkha), and non-self (anattā). In Western philosophy impermanence or change is most famously known through its first appearance in Greek philosophy in the writings of Heraclitus and his doctrine of panta rhei (everything flows). This impermanent nature of reality is what I think of as waves. From the very small waves of energy (Quantum Mechanics) to the personal/emotional waves, to the larger planetary waves (ebb and flow, seasons, etc.). The only constant is the change. In Vipassana meditation this constant change is studied by observing how everything we experience (sensations, including thoughts) are ever changing. By realizing this fundamental reality through personal experience, the waves become more manageable. You can enjoy the highs, and learn from the lows, and all the time remember; this too shall pass. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ korsbaek.life ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ #change #impermanence #mindfulness #meditation #buddhism #hinduism #philosophy #heraclitus #anicca #duhkha #suffering #joy #anatta #nonself #brahma #shiva #vishnu #religion #perspective #waves #wave #energy #goenka #enlightenment #personaldevelopment #quantum #jordanpeterson #2020week36 #volume75 https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1sF62BKTi/?igshid=n5wqz7dzf5g4
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crackbook-blog · 4 years
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Most people break promises to themselves all the time, yet never or very seldom break promises to others. Obviously you should keep your promises to others, but why are we so fast to break promises to ourselves? ⠀ ⠀ It’s just so easy to break promises to yourself. Nobody (else) gets hurt.⠀ ⠀ But if you have dreams that you would like to pursue, you have to be able to keep promises to yourself. ⠀ ⠀ In general, it’s about becoming more aware of your tendency to neglect yourself as well as clearly and powerfully articulating ‘the why’ of what you would like to do (your dream). That way you can catch yourself when you diverge from the path and more easily find your way back, because your motivation is clear. ⠀ ⠀ Besides feeling into your motivation and becoming aware of your autopilot setting, commitment to others and commitment to routines can be helpful (not mutually exclusive of course): ⠀ ⠀ Commit yourself by committing to others. ⠀ You can do this by having a coach or friend help you stay on track (express your dreams and the actions you need to take to others, and have them follow up on you on a regular basis).⠀ You may also be able to align your dreams with others’ needs and in that way commit to deliver a product or service (plus you can then potentially commercialize your dream). ⠀ ⠀ Commit yourself through habits/routines.⠀ Starting to build conscious routines - and sticking to them - is another way of overcoming the tendency to break your own promises. This is about reducing the amount of decision making involved in pursuing your dreams. The first step is to think about how you would like to spend your days, and then looking back and seeing how you actually spent them. ⠀ ⠀ These are of course just my thoughts on the constant battle between present and future self. ⠀ ⠀ What do you do to keep your dreams alive and keep promises to yourself? ⠀ ⠀ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ korsbaek.life ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ ⠀ ⠀ #promise #breakingpromises #dream #direction #autopilot #habits #commitment #gtd #getthingsdone #gettingthingsdone #routine #momentum #perfectday #happyape #aware #awareness #feelresistance #present #future #presentself #futureself #2020week36 #volume75 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEtZ0HGh80p/?igshid=msjfjvo00ut1
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