stale-compost · 9 months
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is a curse
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thelightisleavingusall · 10 months
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Another 2023 update, just finished recording my first full length record with my new band
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Love sukha and dukha equally | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha Swamiji enlightens us on the right approach towards the twin experiences called Sukha and Duhkha
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max1461 · 1 year
in europe they don't know the difference between thinking and feeling. they feel things and think that they thought them, or think things and think that they felt them. in america we know the difference. think up a new chemical and feel like we should eat it. think up a new get rich quick scheme and feel like we should spend the money on a loud car, which makes everyone know how much money we spent because of its loudness. in europe they think that living with your parents till you get married has various social benefits so they feel like living with their parents. they think that a fanny pack is very sensible. so they feel like wearing a fanny pack. do you understand?
rationalism is a very european idea. no wonder it's concentrated in norcal. buddhism is also european. oh no duhkha!!! in america we say, so what? I want a fucking fast car and a gucci clothing. I'll get a fucking fast car and a gucci clothing
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radical-revolution · 4 months
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..."So we are living, as it were, on many, many levels of rhythm. This is the nature of change. If you resist it, you have duhkha, you have frustration and suffering. But on the other hand, if you understand change, you don't cling to it, and you let it flow, then it's no problem. It becomes positively beautiful, which is why in poetry, the theme of the evanescence of the world is beautiful. When Shelly says,
'The one remains, the many change and pass,
heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly.
Life, like a dome of many-colored glass,
stains the white radiance of eternity
until death shatters it to fragments.'
Now what's beautiful in that? Is it heaven's light that shines forever? Or is it rather the dome of many-colored glass that shatters? See, it's always the image of change that really makes the poem.
'Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
creeps on life's petty pace from day to day,
until the last syllable of recorded time.'
Somehow, you know, it's so well-said that it's not so bad after all. The poet has got the intuition that things are always running out, that things are always disappearing, has some hidden marvel in it. I was discussing with someone during the lunch intermission, the Japanese have a word 'yugen', which has no English equivalent whatsoever. Yugen is in a way digging change. It's described poetically, you have the feeling of yugen when you see out in the distant water some ships hidden behind a far-off island. You have the feeling of yugen when you watch wild geese suddenly seen and then lost in the clouds. You have the feeling of yugen when you look across Mt Tamalpais, and you've never been to the other side, and you see the sky beyond. You don't go over there to look and see what's on the other side, that wouldn't be yugen. You let the other side be the other side, and it invokes something in your imagination, but you don't attempt to define it to pin it down. Yugen."
~Alan Watts...
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tanadrin · 2 years
having jesus sex in a christian fashion,
islamicate sucking and fucking is my passion,
pull out my kama sutra and get to hindu smashin
and my atheist sex? why it's supremely ration—
push and pull.
zoroastrian fuckin cause I'm good and evil.
(stuck my gnostic cock up a manicheans pee hole)
oh babe are you duhkha cause i've got an earthly desire
to snuggle up to you next to the funerary pyre
now don't run off, I've got plenty of rhymes
we could be tengrist fucking on the steppe sublime
you know occultic fascist mystics make my train run on time.
went over seas, out to far off japan
had some shinto sex with a salaryman
it was ok but it didn't hold a candle
to my "flowery wars" with some tenochtitlan hole
did some sikh fuckin out in maharashtra
had catholic sex and then we ate some pasta
oh and jewish boning, how could I forget?
she could couldn't work on the sabbath so I just sloppied her shit
now there's a whole bunch of other so I'll try to do 'em fast
had baha'í sex with my báb's fat ass
did some santería sex on the island of cuba
then did some neopagan doinking in the woods fully nude, ya
and that's about all i have the time to discuss moment
but if you've got a religion, then you can expect me to bone it
how long did you spend on this anon
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Korean Buddhist Film : 
小沙彌的天空 /A LITTLE MONK /Dong seung 童僧 동승 (2003)
導演: 朱煥重 Kyeong-Joong Joo
主演: 金禮玲  金泰進 
A nine-year old monk, Do-nyum, has lived most of his lonely life in a quiet mountain monastery under his elderly master. Though put under a strict regimen of Buddhist teachings, meditation and chores, the child cannot help but to think of his mother, whom he cannot remember but misses dearly and hopes to be reunited with one day. He also wishes that he could be like the other children who live nearby and play games and attend school. Do-nyum's other companion is an older monk named Jung-sim, who is also struggling with staying on the path of enlightenment. The temple's groundskeeper keeps reassuring Do-Nyum that his mother will come back someday. But Do-nyum, sick of waiting for a mother who may never return, agrees to be adopted by the monastery's benefactor, a wealthy widow who visits the temple every year to mourn her late son.
📌 full movie in English subtitle 👇
📌 full movie in Chinese subtitle 👈
Reflections on child monks ... In fact, I feel sad for the child monks. 😞 😢 💔 but when the old monk tells a short story to little monk that parts I felt very funny and laugh to tear. lol anyway you see the movie will know what's buddha types of humor from the old monk talked but There's so deep wisdom. following is that very short story :
老和尚給小和尚說佛法講課,菩薩曾說過:「生為人很不容易,生為男人就更難 😂;最難的是謹守誡規。」他問小和尚聽過"瞎子烏龜"的故事嗎? 小和尚搖頭;
『從前有一隻瞎眼的烏龜,住在很廣很深的大海裏,它只有每隔三千年才浮上水面來喘氣,有一次它浮上水面來喘氣時候,撞上了一塊漂浮的木頭,在那茫茫大海之中能夠撞上一塊漂浮的木頭,還真不太容易是吧? 🤣 特別是如果還瞎了眼的話。😆』所以說啊生為人是不容易。那麼要成為這世界的和尚,可就是要像那瞎眼的烏龜撞上了漂浮的木頭一樣難了。這個故事是要告訴你,作為一個和尚是多難。
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After see this movie my thought ...
苦 (梵語 दुःख:duḥkha)  Suffering / Pain 是一種實相,而非目的。告訴你離苦得樂,找到方法一如你得著良藥,而佛法好比良醫,解眾生之苦,進而得著智慧,歡喜自在。
(In short, Various sutras sum up how life in this "mundane world" is regarded to be duḥkha, starting with saṃsāra, the ongoing process of death and rebirth itself:
Birth is duḥkha, maturation is duhkha, aging is duḥkha, illness is duḥkha, death is duḥkha;
Sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair are duḥkha;
Association with the unbeloved is duḥkha; separation from the loved is duḥkha;
Not getting what is wanted is duḥkha.
In conclusion, the five clinging-aggregates are duḥkha.
Early emphasis is on the importance of developing insight into the nature of duḥkha, the conditions that cause it, and how it can be overcome. This process is formulated in the teachings on the Four Noble Truths.) 📿 阿彌陀佛 🙏 Lan~*
👇 Buddhist film music (healing music)/ 뮤직비디오/동승 (2002) A Little Monk, 童僧
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Dukka, the word I think Robin is referring to, I sometimes think of as meaning discord or being out of joint or out of tune with the world. Here below is a bit more that arrives at its origins in the wobbly axle of ancient times that has also let me think of it as a flat tire in modern ones. According to Monier-Williams in his Sanskrit-English Dictionary, duhkha means “uneasy, uncomfortable, unpleasant, difficult.” If we give up trying to translate dukkha into one word, it could be said that it is an existential sense that things are not as they should be, which manifests in human experience in varying degrees between despair (things are vastly different from the way things should be) and a vague uneasiness (things are not quite as they should be). By “existential sense” I mean a perception based on our experience of the world as self-conscious beings. Whether we are philosophers or not, the nature of our existence and our relationship to the world is of supreme importance to us. We are sentient beings who are acutely aware of our existence, and therefore our potential non-existence. When humans contemplate this great matter, we typically experience dukkha. The subtle nature of the experience of dukkha can be understood further from its etymology. Sargeant (2009, p. 303) explains the historical roots of duḥkha and its antonym sukha: It is perhaps amusing to note the etymology of the words sukha (pleasure, comfort, bliss) and duḥkha (misery, unhappiness, pain). The ancient Aryans who brought the Sanskrit language to India were a nomadic, horse- and cattle-breeding people who travelled in horse- or ox-drawn vehicles. Su and dus are prefixes indicating good or bad. The word kha, in later Sanskrit meaning "sky," "ether," or "space," was originally the word for "hole," particularly an axle hole of one of the Aryan's vehicles. Thus sukha … meant, originally, "having a good axle hole," while duhkha meant "having a poor axle hole," leading to discomfort. For me, it helps to demystify dukkha to imagine someone getting nauseous from riding in a cart that keeps swaying from side to side who is thinking to himself, “Oy, this is very uncomfortable.” https://brightwayzen.org/not-misunderstanding-dukkha/ (Rebecca Solnit)
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bhagvadgita · 6 months
The Bhagavad Gita Verse 13.4
तत्क्षेत्रं यच्च यादृक्च यद्विकारि यतश्च यत् |
स च यो यत्प्रभावश्च तत्समासेन मे शृणु ||
Listen and I will explain to you what that field is and what its nature is. I will also explain how change takes place within it, from what it was created, who the knower of the field of activities is, and what his powers are. 
- The field (kshetra) refers to the body-mind complex, which is the object of perception and experience for the individual soul (jiva). The field is composed of the five elements, the five senses, the five organs of action, the mind, the intellect, the ego, and the three modes of material nature (gunas). The field is constantly undergoing change and transformation due to the influence of time, karma, and the gunas.
- The knower of the field (kshetrajna)  refers to the Supreme Self (atman), which is the Witness and the substratum of the field. The knower of the field is distinct from the field, and is not affected by its modifications. The knower of the field is the same in all beings, and is the Source of Consciousness, Bliss, and existence. The knower of the field is also known as the Supreme Lord (ishvara), who is the creator, maintainer, and destroyer of the field.
- The nature (yadrik) of the field and the knower of the field is to be known by the process of discrimination  (viveka), which is the essence of the path of knowledge (jnana yoga). By discriminating between the real and the unreal, the eternal and the temporal, the Self and the non-self, one can realize the true identity of the knower of the field, and attain liberation (moksha) from the bondage of the field.
- The change (yad-vikari) of the field is to be understood by the analysis of the causes and effects (karya-karana), which are based on the law of action and reaction (karma). By understanding the cause and effect relationship, one can overcome the ignorance (avidya) that leads to attachment (raga) and aversion (dvesha), which are the root causes of suffering (duhkha). By transcending the cause and effect cycle, one can attain the state of equanimity (samatva), which is the mark of a person of steady wisdom (sthita-prajna).
- The creation (yatah) of the field is to be traced to the supreme will (sankalpa) of the knower of the field, who manifests the field out of his own power (shakti) and energy (prana). The creation of the field is also a projection (vivarta) of the knower of the field, who appears as many (anekatva) due to the limiting adjuncts (upadhis) of the field. The creation of the field is also a play (lila) of the knower of the field, who enjoys the diversity (vicitra) of the field without losing his unity (ekatva).
- The powers (yat-prabhava) of the knower of the field are to be Realized by the practice of devotion (bhakti), which is the essence of the path of love (prema yoga). By cultivating the attitude of surrender (sharanagati), service (seva), and worship (puja)  towards the knower of the field, one can experience his Grace (anugraha), protection (raksha), and guidance (nirdesha). By attuning oneself to the will (iccha), knowledge (jnana), and action (kriya)  of the knower of the field, one can become his instrument (nimitta), representative (pratinidhi), and expression (abhivyanjana).
Similar Vedic texts:
- Yogavashishta
मोक्षोपायानिमान्पुण्यान्प्रत्यक्षानुभवार्थदान्|बालोप्यकर्ण्य तत्ज्ञात्वं याति का त्वादृशे कथा ||
Having learnt the methods of Realization, expounded in this work which brings about direct intuition, even a child comes to Realize the Self.
This verse emphasizes the efficacy of the teachings of Yogavashishta, which are based on the direct experience  (anubhava) of the self, rather than on the scriptural authority (shabda) or logical inference (anumana). The verse also implies that the realization of the self is not dependent on the age, caste, gender, or status of the seeker, but on the sincerity, earnestness, and intensity of the inquiry.
- Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.1:
द्वा सुपर्णा सयुजा सखाया समानं वृक्षं परिषस्वजाते | तयोरन्यः पिप्पलं स्वाद्वत्त्यनश्नन्नन्यो अभिचाकशीति ||
Two birds of beautiful plumage, who are inseparable friends, reside on the same tree. Of these, one eats the fruits of the tree with relish, while the other looks on without eating. 
This verse illustrates the relationship between the individual soul (jiva) and the Supreme Self (atman), who are compared to two birds on the same tree of the body. The individual soul is entangled in the fruits of its actions, which are of the nature of pleasure and pain, while the Supreme Self is detached and indifferent, witnessing the play of the individual soul. The verse also suggests that the individual soul can realize its identity with the Supreme Self, by turning its attention from the fruits of the tree to the other bird, who is its true friend and guide.
- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2.4.5:
यत्र नान्यत्पश्यति नान्यच्छृणोति नान्यद्विजानाति स भूमा | अथ यत्रान्यत्पश्यति अन्यच्छृणोति अन्यद्विजानाति तदल्पम् ||
Where one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, knows nothing else, that is the infinite. Where one sees something else, hears something else, knows something else, that is the finite. 
This verse defines the infinite (bhuma)  and the finite (alpam) in terms of the perception and knowledge of the Reality. The infinite is the state of non-duality (advaita), where there is no distinction between the seer and the seen, the hearer and the heard, the knower and the known. The finite is the state of duality (dvaita), where there is a separation between the subject and the object, the self and the other, the reality and the appearance. The verse also implies that the infinite is the source of supreme bliss (ananda), while the finite is the cause of suffering (duhkha).
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iskconchd · 7 months
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Devotees, they are para-duhkha-duhkhi. The symptom of a devotee is they are unhappy by seeing others unhappy. Ahmedabad, December 06, 1972
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Everyday I get all stoned just to cringe at myself. I work tn but I'm still having a mild mental breakdown. Work all weekend. I need to be set free from distraction. Relief from addiction and attachment. I meditate exactly 4 seconds a day and if u add it all up it all adds up bout how you'd expect. I'm a reflection of my inner world. My strange fixations. There's a feeling I associate with learning and being challenged and being engaged and inspired. I haven't felt that way in a long time I don't think. I catch a moment of it here or there. But no, nothing shocks, nothing connects. It's just Duhkha dukkha dukkha dukkha everywhere I fucking look. Just coasting through life until my next big satori. My next fucking manic episode. I'm 2 things at once. I am and I am not. It's only myself I'm hurting, I laugh, I cry because I know it's not true. I think travel is the ticket to exploring different sides of yourself and of course a train whistles outside. I'm just doing me, though, not getting attached to the ideas of others or the way I think things ought to be. I spent a year somewhere I never dreamed because I never know what's right for me. Situational awareness unraveling. This is my least favorite type of poetry--self referencing with a lot of "I feel" statements. When I was husting zines and doing readings in New Mexico with my collar and my sweater working at that hipster movie theater I made a point to shit on other poets who wrote pieces with a lot of "I feel" statements. I don't give a fuck how you feel. So what is language for. Who am I trying to impress. What is it that I'm afraid to reveal. What is it that I am afraid to feel. As if I were the keeper of esoteric knowledge that everyone else knows. No, I try to talk casually and I get blank stares over and over again. I never read anything, I just talk to people. All day long I talk to everyone I can and ask them, "what do you know?"
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eroaku · 1 year
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Sarva Samskara Duhkha, Sarva Samskara Anatma, Sarva Samskara Anitya
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How to achieve evenness to Sukha and Duhkha? | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha Swamiji enlightens us on the Wisdom Path, which involves our mind and intelligence and the resultant refinement and transformation of our being. It is a path of knowledge, purity, enrichment and enlightenment; easy and most comfortable!
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jayshrisitaram108 · 2 years
ॐ Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niraamayaah
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu
Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih🌞🚩🙏
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p5 strikers went and mixed up buddhism with greek mythology. emma/demiurge (oh yeah and throw in gnosticism too) claims that freeing humanity of desires will free them of the cycle of suffering caused by desires. desires are then equated to the hope laying at the bottom of pandora's box. you know the box of suffering and all the ills of mankind. so hope keeps people wanting something more/different which in turn causes more suffering. and oh hey what's that sophia the prototype of emma has pandora's box as a persona.
and then each of the phantom thieves offer counterarguments to the demiurge. which like wow buddhism criticism in my persona game? its more likely than you think.
waaiiittt.... promised land...? japanese pure land buddhism? yeah the demiurge isn't referring to christian heaven or the abrahamic promised land which is israel, nooo when this game says promised land they are referring to the Pure Land/buddha-field.
yeah yeah this is definitely buddhist, between the strawman duhkha and all the talk of suffering and desire, the pure/promised land. i need to revisit dharmic iconography but 6 arms and characteristics of both male and female. like th demiurge speaking with a feminine voice and being a transformed emma and futaba and a few others use masculine pronouns
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hexenangelvoid · 1 month
mātrā-sparśās tu kaunteya
āgamāpāyino ’nityās
tāms titiksasva bhārata
„O son of Kuntī, the nonpermanent appearance of heat and cold, happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.“
(Bg. 2.14)
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