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蓄谋已久 何谈诚信?!起底日本核污染水排海决策前后
美国米德尔伯里国际研究学院核物理专家费伦茨·道尔诺基-韦赖什教授指出,日方提供的数据“不完整、不正确、不一致,具有片面性”。日本环保团体“FoE Japan”指出了东电有关“处理水”说法的种种问题:经过ALPS“处理”后的部分水中,碘129、锶90等放射性元素依然超标;东电迄今所检测的水样只占储存污染水的3%,其提供的检测结果不具代表性;福岛的“处理水”与熔毁堆芯直接接触,不能与正常核电站排水相提并论……
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頓知気 さきなは、日本の女性アイドル。女性アイドルユニット・femme fataleのメンバー、および青春高校3年C組アイドル部・ハイスクールベイビーの元メンバー。大阪府出身。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 2000年3月6日 (年齢 24歳)
出生地: 大阪府 大阪市
兄弟姉妹: 戦慄かなの
スリーサイズ: 80 - 58 - 80 cm
デビュー: 2018年
主な出演作: 青春高校3年C組
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FLAVORS OF YOUTH | 詩季織々 | 肆式青春 (2018), dir Li Haoling, Jiaoshou Yi Xiaoxing, Yoshitaka Takeuchi
#flavors of youth#animeedit#animationedit#filmedit#foodedit#anime food#food#anisource#dailyanimatedgifs#animationsdaily#cinemapix#useroptional#usereevee#zue*
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Original title: Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai | 青春ブタ野郎はバニーガール先輩の夢を見ない.
#tv shows#tv series#polls#rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai#ishikawa kaito#seto asami#kubo yurika#2010s series#japanese series#have you seen this series poll
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Some online Chinese fics that I like 2023
I had made a similar post in 2022. For 2023, there didn't seem much that I am following until the end of the year.
《我的爷爷二十二》作者:一枚铜钱 Completed 《满朝文武都能听到我的心声》 作者:白色的木 WIP 《深海余烬》作者:远瞳 WIP 《带着网咖回1950》作者:一斤小鳄梨 WIP BL
《兼职爱豆指北》作者:观自在 Completed 《邪神竟是我自己》 作者:宁世久 WIP 《都市怪谈幕后之主》 作者:无衣yoyo WIP
《我的爷爷二十二》作者:一枚铜钱 Completed
2018年,他们已经是���稀之年 一夜之间 他们回到了22岁,腰不酸了,腿也不疼了 正当他们以为重回青春年华,可以改变各种轨迹走上人生巅峰的时候却发现 ——这里依然是2018年 于是他们变成了——没身份证、没银行卡、没户口的穷光蛋+黑户 嗯???这可怎么玩???
It was a fic from 2018 but I only read it now. I like the little moments of life that are very touching.
《满朝文武都能听到我的心声》 作者:白色的木 WIP
*古代奇幻轻小说 坏消息:许烟杪穿越回古代了,而他本人四肢不勤五谷不分,专业还是对古人没用的网络空间安全。 好消息:他绑定了一个系统。 坏消息:系统名叫八卦系统,不是算命那种八卦,是包含别人私人信息和猛料的那种八卦。屁用没有。 坏消息二:这个系统还坏了,产生的BUG未知。 坏消息三:这具身体是个能混到参加朝会的小官,而他这个穿越者……不通四书五经,不会毛笔字,目测有被检举揭发科举舞弊的风险。 许烟杪:“……” 算了,躺平吧,等死吧,赶紧死了说不定还能穿越回去。 …… 朝堂之上,皇帝因政事雷霆大怒,臣子们瑟瑟发抖。 许烟杪假装认真听,实则专注翻八卦系统。 【哇哦,皇上昨天刚纳了十六岁的贵人诶!一树梨花压海棠!老当益壮!而且被翻红浪一整晚没睡,现在声音还能这么激昂有力!厉害了!】 【这贵人居然还曾经是皇太孙的外室,哇哇哇!太孙还懂掐腰红眼文学!】 【哇哇哇哇!皇太孙闯进爷爷后宫……嘶——趁着老皇帝上朝的时候搞上了!搞快点搞快点!怎么没视频……】 【诶?怎么没声音了?】 许烟杪小心翼翼抬头,偷瞄四周。 【发生了什么?怎么跪了一地?皇帝呢?】 ——皇帝去后宫捉奸了。 * “科举舞弊”这个炸弹终于爆发了。 许烟杪没办法解释自己为什么笔迹和答卷上的笔迹不一样,也没办法回答自己为什么不通四书五经。 痛失外室的皇太孙准备的证据直中要害,其贴身侍卫虎视眈眈,扑上来就要把许烟杪��走打入大牢,秋后问斩。 许烟杪捏着证明清白的八卦,却十分头疼: 要怎么解释我的信息来源啊…… 【说我在科举前三天晚上私见主考官礼部侍郎?怎么可能,那天晚上礼部侍郎男扮女装,夜宿将军府,和大将军……】 大将军虎躯一震,当场打断:“陛下!!!!” “虽说科举舞弊证据确凿,但臣认为此事仍有蹊跷,应当重审!尤其是许……许……许烟杪他衣冠整洁!如此重视衣冠的人,怎么会弄脏自己名声呢!” 没办法听到心声的皇太孙:? 【还有啊,说什么考官假装打哈欠和困倦是在特意给我留出抄袭的空档,他科举前夜还在母猪圈里呆一晚上不睡觉,第二天能不困吗?不过,堂堂翰林侍讲居然还会相信猪的奶……】 翰林侍讲脸色一白,扑将出来:“陛下!!!” “臣……臣赞同大将军的话!许郎怎么会科举舞弊呢!他……他……他在考试前特意喝了一杯纯净的水,相信只有善良的人才能使用清净之物,如此善良的人,又怎么会去科举舞弊呢!” 以为稳操胜券的皇太孙:?? 许烟杪感动坏了。 【都是好人啊,哪怕脑子不好使,也努力帮我找理由找借口。】 【但是我真的没办法翻盘了,唉,可惜我追的连续剧没追完,老皇帝昨晚惹皇后生气,灰溜溜地被赶出寝宫,我还没看到结局就要死了,他今天回去好像打算要往脸上涂墨水假扮猫咪哄皇后开心……】 “砰——” 老皇帝一拍桌子,强行打断那源源不断的心声:“朕相信许烟杪没有科举舞弊!无罪释放!” 满朝文武迫不及待附议,生怕慢一步许烟杪就能抖出其他八卦。 “对对对!无罪释放!” “陛下圣明!” “陛下快下朝吧!快让许郎回家歇歇!都把他站得累坏了!” 皇太孙:??? 许烟杪给你们灌迷魂汤了吧?
A crack fic that started this new trope of "everyone can hear what I am thinking". It was very successful that the author was cyber-bullied and now it was updated irregularly. 《深海余烬》作者:远瞳 WIP
在那一天,浓雾封锁了一切。 在那一天,他成为了一艘幽灵船的船长。 在那一天,他跨过浓雾,直面了一个被彻底颠覆而又支离破碎的世界——昔日的秩序已经��然无存,奇诡的异象主宰着文明社会之外的无尽海域,孤岛城邦与挑战大海的船队已然成为文明世界仅存的灯火,而旧日的阴影却仍在幽邃深海中蠢蠢欲动,等待继续吞噬这个将亡未亡的世界。 但对于失乡号的新船长而言,只有一个问题是他首先要考虑的—— 谁知道船咋开啊?!
This is a post-apocalyptic fic but I think it had been written for so long that the author seemed to forget some original setting like the "rule-based horror" trope. I am reading it on and off.
《带着网咖回1950》作者:一斤小鳄梨 WIP
【注意:本小说内容纯属虚构】 李锐带着他新装修且能链接2022年网络的网咖回到1950年。 一百二十台超越当时最先进电脑的现代电脑会给一穷二白的华夏带来什么呢? ps:纯爽文,不要考据,考据就以本书设定为主。谢谢。
This is a fic of the genre "援共文" (aiding the CPC). which generally involves someone went back in time to the founding of new China and helped developing the country on the side of the CPC party. It is a sensitive topic so they are usually found in smaller sites. Bigger sites like jjwxc actually banned fic sets from the period around maybe the First World War but definitely the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Sino-Japan War) to about the sixties, and also the War to resist US aggression and aid Korea (Korea War). 《兼职爱豆指北》作者:观自在 Completed
乐忱——爱豆里最会杀猪的,兽医里最会唱跳的。 作为一个养成系男团的小糊豆,小姜同学感觉自己不是在逐梦演艺圈,而是来军训拉练的。 周一到周五,他挣扎在大学早八的课堂上,为了出勤率和绩点拼死拼活;下课后,立刻奔去公司报道,学舞蹈、学声乐、学表演;周六日呆在宿舍,等待着虚无缥缈的舞台机会。 他自我定位是个兼职爱豆,别人可以为了舞台放弃生命,而他只想混两千元保底工资。 朋友劝他,反正解约费不高,实在不��就退团当素人吧! 姜乐忱:“不!我觉得我还可以再挣扎一下,庙里的大师说了,我是命里带红的!” 没想到一语成谶,姜乐忱……居然真的红了! 只是红了之后,怎么霸道总裁、顶流前辈、高冷舍友、同团弟弟、知名导演(演员表按照汉语拼音首字母排序)……都想要深夜约他看荧光剧本呢? —————————— “如果你喜欢在盛夏时节的傍晚,穿着人字拖、坐在巷子口,看下班的人流在暮色里匆匆而过; 如果你喜欢去公园里给下棋的大爷出谋划策,又认真地和每一只路过的小狗打招呼; 如果你喜欢在路边小店的冰箱里掏出来一瓶橙汁饮料,一口气喝完,再打一个橙子味的嗝儿…… ……那你一定会喜欢姜乐忱。” —————————— 本文最终cp桂桂子。
A funny light-hearted modern university + entertainment industry fic.
《邪神竟是我自己》 作者:宁世久 WIP
这是你穿越异世界的第三年。 在一开始语言文字不通的情况下,经过万般努力的你通过了审判庭考试,成为了一名有保险有退休金的公职人员。 这个世界的人类龟缩在地下城中,威胁他们的不只有逼仄、缺氧与饥荒,还有黑暗中的邪神教徒与魔物。 而审判庭是与邪神教徒对抗的第一线。 加入审判庭十分危险,辛苦中只有守护人类的荣耀能够慰藉,但你不是为荣耀而来,你需要的是高薪。 还好,虽然你目的不纯,但你干得不错,大家都称你为审判庭的明日之星,就连你的顶头上司也很欣赏你。 你同样敬佩你上司的能力和为人,你觉得你和他在工作之外也是很好的朋友。 今天他又请贫穷的你一起吃饭,你却第一次食不下咽。 因为奔走在升职加薪大道上的你,刚发现了一个令人绝望的事实。 ——什么!邪神竟是我自己?!! —————— 请吃请喝好上司(对抗邪神最前线)×蹭吃蹭喝穷下属(新生邪神本神) 在我的诸多锚点中,你也是最闪耀的那一颗 公告:本文将于8月21日入V,届时三更,请多多支持~
This is also a post-apocalyptic fic and it is about a journey of a person becoming a god... or an elder god/evil god. The world-building is very solid and the discussion is very active. There are even PWP fanfic on AO3 inspired by an author's note.
《都市怪谈幕后之主》 作者:无衣yoyo WIP
凌不渡,惨从殡葬业连锁继承人穿成贫民窟帅哥。 系统:【为补偿宿主损失,特奖励金手指一个!只要收割惊吓值,就能商城购物,从此荣升富一代,迎娶白富美,走上人生巅峰!】 凌不渡大喜,按照教程去街上随便抓了个杀妻凌子的赌狗。 然后回家取出系统专用沙盘。 只见一平方米的沙盘小黑屋中,十厘米高的赌狗正在麻将馆大杀四方,同样十厘米高的赌友们一边给钱,一边骂骂咧咧重新开局。 凌不渡用塑料袋装水,放冰柜速冻,搞出迷你鬼手,狠狠抓在赌狗脚脖子上! 赌狗:嗷(!!! ○ Д ○)!!! 自此以后,无数法外狂徒们有难了,被天外黑手按住狂薅羊毛。 凶残家暴犯:打老婆的时候有人敲门,以为老婆又报警,结果居然是纸人?? 连环鲨人犯:抛尸的时候尸体居然爬起来了,嗷嗷追我,老子鞋都跑丢一只啊啊啊! 作恶无数的人贩子:晚上醒来,几个泥捏的小鬼把我吊起来当球踢,当场吓出了尿分叉。 杀妻骗保专业户:我几个死去的前妻……又回来了。 地窖囚禁案变态:谁tm给我把地窖门锁上了?来人啊我出不去了救命呜呜呜! 他们看不到沙盘上空的无边巨手,但生活已变得多姿多彩起来。 凌不渡:我容易吗?还得亲手做纸扎、捏泥人、化诡妆、做道具……开马甲装老天师骗钱埋人……多累啊! 而且最苦恼的是,隔壁可怜小孩被他养的,怎么越来越凶残了呢? — 【幕后黑手流爽文】【唯我独法】【不掉马】【对cp也不掉马】 【年下养成】 又帅又浪年上受VS又野又疯年下攻
A fic with an old-fashion "evil will be rewarded with evil" idea and the MC had killed so many people with the aid of the "system" (as in the computer/game system). The only thing with this author is that they tended to put the fic on long hiatus and then came back months later as a changed person and shifty completed the work. It is so good so far.
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Is there any adaptation where SWK does stay happy with his love interest?
There is surprisingly not a LACK of SOs that do end up with a Wukong but just that you have to be willing to accept it as "Wukong" so to speak.
But otherwise, it is very rare that there is a universe Wukong ends up with a love interest… mostly cause a lot of adaptations are based in the middle of the journey, they are Retellings, hence the return to the status quo is only to be expected, or that it is afterward, where Wukong becomes Victorious Fighting Buddha.
In most circumstances, adaptions that would have Wukong with an SO and have the circumstances where they are able to get together are without a doubt going to be more Alternative Universes where the setting is completely different or Appropriations where they are more character-inspired than anything else.
Trying to make a list of Every Significant Other that DIES (this list is only for Wukong, not Sanzang, Bajie, or Wujing though those exist as well)
Green - Retelling Blue - Continuation Purple - Alternative Unierse Pink - Appropriation
A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella (1995) 西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣 - candle stick lady dies but comes back to life, but they def don't get together
Journey to the West (1996) 西游记 西遊記 - Wukong not interested in spider girl but she still uncultivated back to spider
My Son Goku (2003) ぼくの孫悟空 - remake of Tezuka's Alakazam the Great, Rinrin dies in this one.
Spring Brightened Zhu Jiumei (2011) 春光 灿烂 猪 九妹 - all a dream Wukong gets with femme Bajie
The Grow (2012) 金箍棒传奇 - Wukong's staff turns into a woman and back to a staff
Monkey King (2014) 西游記之大鬧天宮 - lady fox dies by DBK
The Monkey and the Banshee (2016) 猴王与女妖 - White bone demon dies of broken heart cause of Wukong
Taste of Love (2015) 紫霞 - Chinese Odyssey clone
Immortal Demon Slayer (2017) 悟空传 - woman dies by Queen mother
Monkey King and Million - Journey to the West Sidestory 6: Fall in Love with Monkey King (2017) 西游外传之爱上美猴王 - jade rabbit falls for him and dies I think?
The Legend of Sun Wukong (2017) 悟空前传 - Chinese Odyssey clone
A Chinese Odyssey: Million Years (2017) 大话西游之爱你一万年 -Chinese Odessey clone
Winning Buddha (2017) 斗战胜佛 - reincarnated into the next life, his crush dies so he can become Wukong again
Journey to the West: Rediscovering the Power of God (2017) 西游记之再显神威 - Wukong and Iron Fan are reincarnated in the next life and get together, so they technically did die
Monkey King and Million Demons City (2018) 齐天大圣·万妖之城 - I'm pretty sure that flower demon dies
Till We Meet Again (2018) 千年来说对不起之 - flower girl dies in the story, meet in the next life
The Monkey King: The True Sun Wukong (2019) 美猴王之真假孙悟空 - dragon girl dies and turns into the Ruyi Staff
Monkey King - The Volcano (2019) 齐天大圣火焰山 - flame spirit girl BECOMES HIS FIERY EYES
The Westward Movie (2020) 西行纪之再见悟空 - killed by her own father, the Jade Emporer
Great God Monkey (2020) 大神猴 - princess of all demons falls for him and dies
Tears of No Regret (2020) 斗战胜佛之大圣之泪 - fallen star woman that keeps messing up her life
The Monkey Is Back (2020) 混世四猴:神猴归来 - Dude.... he just not into you~ but yeah random woman dies but I think she comes back to life
God Of High School (2020) 갓 오브 하이스쿨 - Femme Sanzang and Wukong but she dies and he has to eat her to defeat big bad
The Regrets of Journey to the West (2021) 大话西游之遗憾 - another dead dragon girl
A Chinese Odyssey 1 (2022) 大话西游:至尊宝 - Chinese Odessey clone
A Chinese Odyssey - Origin (2022) 大话西游之缘起 - Chinese Odessey clone
Legend of Wukong (2022) 悟空传 - Immortal Demon Slayer clone
Journey to the West: Marble Mountains (2022) 大梦西游之五行山 - demon hunter dies and Wukong is placed under the mountain
Wukong (2022) 悟空传 - Chinese Odessey clone
Punishing Son Goku (1954) 殴り込み孫悟空 woman falls in love with Wukong but he wasn't interested in her... so maybe that why she lives Alakazam the Great (1960) 西遊記 - lives and he married a monkey girl Rinrin
SF Saiyuki Starzinger Movie Edition SF (1979) 西游记 剧场版 SF西遊記 スタージンガー - Femme Sanzang and Wukong in scifi universe
Dragon Ball (1986)ドラゴンボール - Goku "Wukong" gets married to Chichi "Iron Fan"
Monkey Magic (1998) モンキーマジック- femme monkey lives but they don't get together
Shinzo (2000) 爆裂战士マシュランボー - Wukong and femme Sanzang marry
Journey to the East (2002) 都市东游记 - Wukong and femme Sanzang get together
RWBY (2013) 红白黑黄 - Sun Wukong's SO lives but does not end up with him
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (2015) Miraculous, les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir - Wukong inspired character has a girlfriend
A Chinese Odyssey Part Three (2016) 大话西游3 - ret-con of previous movies to have Six Ears go on journey and Joker never becomes Wukong to stay with Zixia
A Korean Odyssey (2017) 화유기 - Wukong and femme Sanzang end game
Dream Journey 2 Princess Iron Fan (2017) 大梦西游2铁扇公主 - Wukong loses his memory and becomes someone else, falls for Princess Iron Fan, but gets his memories back later
New Journey to the West: Unexpected Jingxi (2017) 新西游之意外晶喜 - accidentally knocks up White Bone Demon but he aint sure the baby is his
Journey to the West The Legend of the Merman (2017) 西游鲛人传 - gets with a mermaid after the journey
The Monkey King’s Daughter (2018) 猴王的女儿 - gets with Gaunyin's daughter I think?
The New Legends of Monkey (2018) 新猴王传奇 - Wukong and femme Sanzang end game
Three Eyes Broken Sky (2019) 三眼哮天录 - more of an Erlang Shen reborn as a girl and Wukong hits on her
Ultimate Westward Journey (2019) 终极西游 - Wukong falls for femme Sanzag in the next life
The Legends of Changing Destiny (2023) 凌云志 - Wukong and Sansheng Mu get together ??? not sure
This is all the one that I am AWARE of at the moment but as you can see a lot more Retellings/Continuations are where Wukong's SO dies and this is mostly for the case of keeping the status quo and moving on with the original plot. They are more like additions of the OG story that let Wukong have his character moment.
It is far more with Alternatives Universes or with other Continuations that there are more 'alive at least' SOs, some in the case of reincarnation or being in a different setting for the plot otherwise. Some of them don't even end up WITH WUKONG (most likely save their lives).
Just depends on what you are watching but traditionally Wukong does not have alive SOs for the sake of the plot/character development, while in other he has them alive where he is less Sun Wukong or is it taken out of the xiyouji context.
If you have any more please let me know cause a lot of plot summaries just DONT include any mention of a romance subplot. I can only imagine WHY.
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I watched all the Chinese idol survival shows so you don’t have to (but you should anyway)
About three years ago, I watched 创造101 Produce 101 China, and it kinda changed my life. Yes, really! This show dragged me down a rabbit hole that eventually led to me watching many more Chinese shows and listening to almost exclusively Chinese music. I’m even branching out to cdramas now. All under the guise of, um, improving my listening comprehension!
OK, so “all the Chinese idol survival shows” might be an exaggeration. I’ll be talking about these three classic idol group survival shows from the “golden age” period of 2018-2021:
>> 偶像练习生 Idol Producer/青春有你 Youth with You (iQiyi)
偶像练习生 Idol Producer
青春有你1 Youth with You 1
青春有你2 Youth with You 2
青春有你3 Youth with You 3
>> 创造101 Produce 101/创造营 Chuang (Tencent)
创造101 Produce 101 China
创造营2019 Produce Camp 2019
创造营2020 Chuang 2020
创造营2021 Chuang 2021
>> 以团之名 All For One/少年之名 We Are Young (Youku)
以团之名 All For One
少年之名 We Are Young
Here is the order I actually watched these 10 seasons in:
创造101 Produce 101 China
青春有你2 Youth with You 2
创造营2020 Chuang 2020
创造营2019 Produce Camp 2019
偶像练习生 Idol Producer
青春有你1 Youth with You 1
青春有你3 Youth with You 3
创造营2021 Chuang 2021
以团之名 All For One
少年之名 We Are Young
I started 创造101 Produce 101 China in late 2019/early 2020 and finished 少年之名 We Are Young on Christmas Day 2022. I was literally tearing up. Three franchises, ten seasons, something around 1000 contestants, and three years of my life.
In order to refresh my memory for this post, I rewatched almost all of the performance clips from these shows. I didn’t watch the initial evaluations or any practice room videos (it’s simply too much content). It was simultaneously fun and exhausting. I will go over why you should/shouldn’t watch each season and give any other notable remarks. Let’s get started!
*Please note that for any YouTube links below, there is a risk of muted sections, parts/entire episodes being unavailable, and missing/out of sync subtitles. For official links, whether or not a VIP subscription is needed may change in the future. Fansubbed content may have sections or entire episodes missing.
>> 偶像练习生 Idol Producer/青春有你 Youth with You (iQiyi)
iQiyi rebranded the series by changing its name from 偶像练习生 Idol Producer to 青春有你 Youth with You after the first season. However, they really didn’t change much about the format at all. From what I’ve heard, iQiyi doesn’t have as large a budget as Tencent, which you can see reflected in the show’s production quality. However, I’ve long felt that this franchise has a real charming quality that makes up for lack of flashy sets.
偶像练习生 Idol Producer
Watch on iQiyi (English subs, VIP needed) Watch via Idol Producer Subs (English fansubs, missing part of finale)
Why you should watch it: Though not China’s first idol survival show, this show was the first of a new era. It’s iconic! The theme song is a bop, 10/10. Also, I had heard of all of the winners before I watched this season, so there’s some real cultural relevance. I can’t believe it was nearly five years ago! The whole top 20 remains iconic to this day. In most seasons, there are at least one or two popular contestants who I don’t really like or don’t see the appeal of, but that wasn’t the case this season. This season is also a lot shorter than later seasons, so it’s easier for those who are new to survival shows.
Why you shouldn’t watch it: As I mentioned, there is a lack of flashy sets/stages here. The background of the stage often looks empty. There were some performances that were better than I remembered, but there were others that were...not. I’m pretty sure 黄明昊 Justin was 15 when the show began, which shocks me in a BAD way. And if you’re a Jackson Wang fan, I think he barely appeared in the second half of the show.
My picks: 郑锐彬 Zheng Ruibin, 周彦辰 Zhou Yanchen, 蔡徐坤 Cai Xukun, 王子异 Wang Ziyi, 朱星杰 Zhu Xingjie, 周锐 Zhou Rui
Favorite performance: PPAP A组 PPAP group A This was a powerhouse group. And it was hilarious to watch the boys’ reaction when they heard the whole song and realized the style was not at all what they had initially expected! They totally pulled it off though.
Iconic moments: 蔡徐坤 Cai Xukun’s outfit (and ego) in the initial evaluation, B-A-L-A-N-C-E, when we realized 朱星杰 Zhu Xingjie can sing too, 林彦俊 Lin Yanjun's platinum hair, one of the songs was called Mack Daddy which causes me great distress to this day, 周锐 Zhou Rui aka 周美锐 Zhou Meirui, I’m still laughing over 朱星杰 Zhu Xingjie’s resemblance to 胡巴 Huba.
Verdict: Though this was not my first idol survival show, I think it would be a great first foray for anyone. It’s iconic for a reason. You should watch it (and I might rewatch it).
青春有你1 Youth with You 1
Watch on iQiyi (English subs, VIP needed) Watch via Qing Chun You Ni Subs (English fansubs)
Why you should watch it: This season is the forgotten child of the franchise, but it still had some great performances and a lot of talented contestants. The theme song is also probably my favorite out of all ten theme songs! It was love at first listen. Personally, I enjoyed this team of mentors more than the first season’s. I also feel that the vocal-based performances were stronger this season. For instance, there were great performances of 李荣浩 Li Ronghao songs.
Why you shouldn’t watch it: I feel that some of the magic of the first season was lost, and overall the contestants were not as memorable or charismatic in my opinion. There were also several contestants I found extremely irritating and some contestants who ranked much higher and last much longer on the show than I feel they should have based on their skill level...but I won’t name names.
My picks: 夏瀚宇 Xia Hanyu, 李振宁 Li Zhenning, 周士原 Zhou Shiyuan, 连淮伟 Li Huaiwei
Favorite performance: 隔壁泰山 A组 Neighboring Tarzan group A This is a very unusal song, but it’s so catchy and memorable. 夏瀚宇 Xia Hanyu really made this performance for me. And this song still gets stuck in my head months later!
Iconic moments: 冯俊杰 Feng Junjie and 夏瀚宇 Xia Hanyu trying to outdo each other, 胡春杨 Hu Chunyang looked angry 24/7 for no reason, they literally got 蔡依林! Jolin Tsai! as a mentor, 李汶翰 Li Wenhan was everyone’s older brother, their performance made me fall in love with the song 耳朵 Erduo, they kinda did a steampunk concept which I love.
Verdict: It’s not necessarily a must-watch, but I still enjoyed it. If you’ve fallen into the black hole of survival shows and want more, I think it’s worth your time.
青春有你2 Youth with You 2
Watch on iQiyi (English subs, VIP needed) Watch on YouTube (English subs) Watch on YouTube (no English subs, missing several parts/episodes)
Why you should watch it: As iQiyi’s first time with female contestants, this season was highly anticipated. iQiyi stepped it up with subtitles, got Lisa from BLACKPINK as a mentor (I saw people say they came for Lisa and stayed for the trainees), and made a lot of content available on YouTube. As a result, some of the performances from this season have millions of views. It’s well deserved—a lot of the contestants are overflowing with talent and charisma. And honestly, you should watch this for 蔡徐坤. He’s a great MC/mentor to the girls and was truly a highlight of the season for me.
Why you shouldn’t watch it: This is the only season that I watched week by week as it was airing. It was EXHAUSTING. iQiyi started pumping out two episodes a week, doubling the overall episode count. I was literally burnt out by the finale. So if you watch this, please take it slow. Also, I forgot how much they did that thing where they cut away from the performances to show other contestant/mentor reactions and then have to go rewind on the performance...it really drives me nuts. They overdid it for sure.
My picks: 刘雨昕 Liu Yuxin, 喻言 Yu Yan, 王承渲 Wang Chengxuan, 刘令姿 Liu Lingzi, 许馨文 Xu Xinwen
Favorite performance: 不奉陪 No Company This was a tough choice! I went with this performance because I actively sought it out for relistens. That’s so rare for 主题考核 theme evaluation songs for me. All the members got to shine yet they were a very cohesive team.
Iconic moments: Bad Guy was the ultimate dark horse, how no one knew the song 想见你想见你想见你 Miss You 3000, 王承渲 Wang Chengxuan defeated the evil quads, 乃万 Nineone basically replaced Jony J as rap mentor, seeing 刘雨昕 Liu Yuxin with a wig was terrifying, they let the girls wear shorts if they didn’t like skirts #feminism, I still think about 张钰 Zhang Yu and 王清 Wang Qing’s initial performance all the time.
Verdict: I don’t think I could rewatch this season due to its length, but if you can commit the time, I think you should watch it. I’m sad I’ll never get to see a second 青春有你 Youth with You female season.
青春有你3 Youth with You 3
Watch on iQiyi (English subs, no VIP needed) Watch on iQiyi (no English subs, no VIP needed) Watch on YouTube (no English subs, missing several parts/episodes)
Why you should watch it: This season was probably the one I felt most emotionally invested in. I feel like I got to know the boys and was in it together with them (parasocial relationships, I know). And the friendships between contestants were so touching. Like 青春有你2 Youth with You 2, this season was also extra long, but I watched this season after it aired, going at my own pace. There were so many charming contestants and memorable performances. The dancing especially shone, but we got some great vocal moments too. I think iQiyi did a really good job picking songs this season.
Why you shouldn’t watch it: Sadly, the finale never aired. Due to the infamous milk-wasting scandal, the show was cancelled (but a winning group still formed and debuted). Even though I knew this before watching the show, it was still quite sad to never see a conclusion. Additionally, I believe this show started with more like 120 contestants, and I felt that increased number. Lastly, there was some painful singing and lots of very uninspired rapping. I feel like the gap in skill between the contestants was larger, and some of the teams felt very unbalanced as a result.
My picks: 姜京佐 Jiang Jingzuo, 杨昊铭 Yang Haoming, 十七 Shiqi, 徐子未 Xu Ziwei, 张思源 Zhang Siyuan, 连淮伟 Lian Huaiwei
Favorite performance: 燕尾蝶 Wings of Love This performance was everything I could ever dream of. 徐子未 won the world over instantly. He has the voice of an angel. Love the song, love the concept, love everything about it.
Iconic moments: 罗一舟 Luo Yizhou and 余景天 Tony Yu Jingtians’s friendly rivalry, 徐子未 Xu Ziwei’s back-to-back victories, Yuta’s adorable accent, 王南钧 Wang Nanjun would not shut up about 竹 Bamboo, touch 梁森 Liang Sen’s head for good luck, 刘隽 Liu Jun dances like he’s possessed (in a good way), that 雨爱 Rainie Love stage was a trainwreck tbh.
Verdict: Despite the scandals and lack of a finale, it was worth the watch for me. I feel so fond thinking of this season. Truthfully, season three has surpassed season two for me.
>> 创造101 Produce 101/创造营 Chuang (Tencent)
I read somewhere that Tencent officially licensed the Produce 101 name from Mnet, making this franchise more “official.” For season two, they ended up changing the name to 创造营 Produce Camp. The Chinese name remained the same for seasons three and four, but the in English they started promoting the show under the name Chuang. I think they wanted to beat iQiyi in the contest to see who can have the most titles for the same show.
创造101 Produce 101 China
Watch on Tencent Video (English subs, no VIP needed) Watch on 腾讯视频 (no English subs, VIP needed) Watch on YouTube (no English subs) Watch on YouTube (no English subs, episode 7 here, episode 10 here) Watch via Produce 101 China Subs (English fansubs)
Why you should watch it: This is the only season I’ve seen twice, so that says something I guess! This season holds a special place in my heart as my first survival show, so I rewatched it earlier this year with some friends who hadn’t seen it previously. One thing that stood out to me about this season was that it felt like there were several dark horses who started to shine closer to the middle/end of the show. I liked this because it’s boring when the debut lineup is completely predictable! And if you’re not already a 孟美岐 Meng Meiqi fan, you will leave as a 孟美岐 Meng Meiqi fan, guaranteed.
Why you shouldn’t watch it: Not gonna lie, I was not a huge fan of this mentor team. I am fine with these people individually, but together it was not an ideal combo in my opinion. They collectively made some very odd decisions that I strongly disagree with. After my rewatch, I’m just kinda done with 黄子韬 Huang Zitao. I also realized there were a lot more instances of...rough singing than I remembered, so be warned.
My picks: 孟美岐 Meng Meiqi, Yamy, 刘人语 Liu Renyu, 许靖韵 Angela Xu Jingyun, 吴映香 Lucia Wu Yingxiang, 李紫婷 Mimi Li Ziting
Favorite performance: 别人家的小孩 Other People’s Kids This is one of the most iconic performances (and one of my favorites) ever from all of these shows! It’s so unique and really has everything you could want. It was truly a perfect collab performance.
Iconic moments: When they had to tap 杨超越 Yang Chaoyue so she wouldn’t miss the beat, 王一博 Wang Yibo’s blue hair was gorgeous, Triple A group reunion, Look What You Made Me Do with creepy marionettes was perfect, when 陈嘉桦 Ella went barefoot on stage, 黄子韬 Huang Zitao literally screamed at them all, I’ll never forget the iconic 乐华 Yuehua performance.
Verdict: Even the second time, this was a season filled with surprises. It’s not perfect, but I think it will manage to charm you anyway. There are some real hidden gems here.
创造营2019 Produce Camp 2019
Watch on Tencent Video (English subs, VIP needed) Watch on 腾讯视频 (no English subs, VIP needed) Watch on YouTube (no English subs)
Why you should watch it: This was the first ever male season I watched, and I remember being apprehensive. I ended up having a lot of fun! This season really tugged at my heartstrings with the touching friendships between the boys and the intense 导师推荐生 mentor recommendees segments. I felt like I went through the wringer with them as they were forced to repack all their belongings, endure the brutal F班 demotions, hike across the beach, and more. There were countless hilarious moments too. If I were to rewatch, it would be for 周震南 Zhou Zhennan AKA 南南 Nannan. He just dominates the stage (despite his short stature)!
Why you shouldn’t watch it: I’ll admit, this season probably has the greatest number of contestants that annoy me. Sometimes it’s for no good reason...I just look at them and go ugh. The first round especially has some pretty painful singing, so be warned of that as well. Also, my rewatch made me realize I remembered very few performances from this season, which probably isn’t a good sign. Also, a lot of the performances were very short, sub-three minutes, which personally bothers me.
My picks: 周震南 Zhou Zhennan, 高嘉朗 Gao Jialang, 姚琛 Yao Chen, 陆思恒 Lu Siheng, 李鑫一 Li Xinyi, 贺俊雄 He Junxiong
Favorite performance: 开门见山 Kaimenjianshan I’ll admit that this performance was not as good as I remembered it being (probably because now I’ve heard the original by A-Mei many times), but I picked it anyway to acknowledge the amazing 高嘉朗 Gao Jialang.
Iconic moments: 张颜齐 Zhang Yanqi giving away jars of 老干妈 Lao Gan Ma, we never saw 王晨艺 Wang Chenyi again, 姚琛来了~ (Yao Chen is coming), when 周震南 Zhou Zhennan had his hoodie on but his ears were sticking out omg, try saying 李昀锐 Li Yunrui's name ten times fast, they had 30+ year old men here, this was the OG 乘风破浪 chengfengpolang.
Verdict: Among so many seasons, I don’t think this season stands out that much, but I still remember it fondly. If you want a good laugh and some fun, check it out.
创造营2020 Chuang 2020
Watch on Tencent Video (English subs, VIP needed) Watch on 腾讯视频 (no English subs, VIP needed) Watch on YouTube (English subs, missing episode 3) Watch on YouTube (English subs, missing episode 3) Watch on Viki (English subs, no Viki Pass needed)
Why you should watch it: They went all out on the sets, the location, the accommodations, everything. The performance setup was that the seats were in the middle and various stages were located around the perimeter. The seats would rotate to face the stages!! Some of the stages were stunning. I also want to mention that there were some great vocalists this season and I feel like they got to shine, which always makes me happy. The best round by far was the second round (专业方向). We got some beautiful vocal performances and intense dance performances.
Why you shouldn’t watch it: This season felt messy to me. I think they tried to mix things up, but not everything landed. The beautiful sets almost got distracting…they were more interesting than some of the performances. Several very talented and promising contestants never even made it past the first round. And since the final group only had seven people, the finale was just a frustrating experience. I never want to hear that 小摩托 xiao motuo song or 夏天的风 Summer Wind again. I don’t feel this season lived up to 创造101 Produce 101 China (unless you wanted MORE comments about weight/thinness).
My picks: 王柯 Wang Ke, 华承妍 Hua Chengyan, 刘些宁 Liu Xiening, 苏芮琪 Su Ruiqi, 朱主爱, Joyce Zhu Zhu’ai, 王一桥 Wang Yiqiao
Favorite performance: Manta There were a lot of performances I liked, but I really struggled to pick a favorite. I ultimately went with this because it’s one of the most memorable dance performances I’ve seen on these shows.
Iconic moments: That thin waist contest was simply the worst, they were in a literal castle, we all went crazy for the band and 王柯 Wang Ke, 朱主爱 Joyce Zhu Zhu’ai won the collab stage, wtf stop filming 姜贞羽 Jiang Zhenyu, I want to ride that cute train up the mountain, 毛不易 Mao Buyi did not want to talk, pretend that 吴亦凡 Wu Yifan wasn’t there.
Verdict: This season was competing against 青春有你2 Youth with You 2, and I chose to prioritize 青春有你2 Youth with You 2. I would make the same choice now. If you decide to watch, just be warned it may be a frustrating experience.
创造营2021 Chuang 2021
Watch on Tencent Video (English subs, VIP needed) Watch on 腾讯视频 (no English subs, VIP needed)
Why you should watch it: I wasn’t sure I was going to watch this season because of its international theme. Having foreigners is nothing new, but such a large number was certainly going to alter the show’s dynamic. Well, I watched it anyway. Overall, I’m glad I did. There were some talented and lovable contestants that made this season all worth it. The mentor squad (mostly 宁静 Ning Jing, 邓超 Deng Chao, and 周深 Zhou Shen) were so entertaining. Lastly, compared to the 2019 season, there were more popular vocalists this season, which I 100% support. I’ll be honest, I didn’t remember a lot of the performances from this season, but I ended up pleasantly surprised by how many great ones there were!
Why you shouldn’t watch it: It felt like there was so much focus on Nine and Patrick, Santa and Riki, the Intersection boys, and eventually Lelush as well. The other foreign contestants honestly had very little impact. This didn’t ruin the show or anything, but sometimes I got a little sick of the Santa and Mika show, you know? Also, none of my favorites made it into the winning group unfortunately. While I acknowledge the talent of the winning members, for whatever reason I wasn’t really that invested in most of them.
My picks: 俞更寅 Yu Gengying, 井胧 Jing Long, 林墨 Lin Mo, 奥斯卡 Oscar, 张星特 Zhang Xingte
Favorite performance: Lover Boy 88 This performance was simply infectious! I even made my friends watch to it. 林墨 Lin Mo is so charming. And 张腾 Zhang Teng and 张星特 Zhang Xingte’s vocals were perfect. Just wish it had been longer!
Iconic moments: Mika and 曾涵江 Zeng Hanjiang = my last two brain cells trying to communicate, I still can’t believe Lelush went viral worldwide, 刘宇 Liu Yu broke the Produce curse, Nine and Patrick only learned Chinese for how long???, Caelan kinda does look like Leonardo DiCaprio, Oscar AKA 熊熊 Xiongxiong, the 网红 wanghong group was so talented actually.
Verdict: I think this season got more international attention than 青春有你3 Youth with You 3, and while I prefer 青春有你3 Youth with You 3, this season is worth a watch for its uniqueness and improvements over the previous year.
>> 以团之名 All For One/少年之名 We Are Young (Youku)
I watched both seasons of Youku’s shorter-lived franchise in 2022 only after (and only because) I had finished the other two franchises. I think Youku had a smaller budget and thus tried to stand out by shaking up the traditional survival show formula. I think they made some poor choices and some good choices. I don’t know the story behind the name change between seasons, but the seasons are so different from each other that it makes sense.
以团之名 All For One
Watch on Youku (no English subs, VIP needed) Watch on YouTube (no English subs)
Why you should watch it: I’m going to say a lot of negative stuff below, but I wanted to add at least a few positive words. During the finale, the remaining contestants sang S.H.E’s 你曾是少年 Wings Of My Words, and I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so emotional over a performance ever. 任家萱 Selina was a delight throughout. I also really grew to appreciate 奶茶 Naicha and what a great and thoughtful leader he was.
Why you shouldn’t watch it: As I mentioned, this show had some unique features that made it stand out. The contestants formed ten groups of eight, and the composition of the groups remained unchanged throughout. Entire groups got eliminated together. This created a dynamic where some really talented contestants went home too soon due to their group. It also meant that some groups were popular really just due to having one popular member. In the end, one group won...but I guess they realized this was a bad idea, so they formed a second winning group of the most popular contestants from the non-winning groups. I didn’t like this format and felt is really negatively impacted my viewing. Personally, seeing new team lineups form is one of my favorite parts of survival shows. And because the leaders were constant, they had there was too much focus on them. Also, the mentors were so harsh all the time. Maybe it was deserved, but it really bummed me out to watch them constantly talk about how disappointed they were.
My picks: 奶茶 Naicha, 田书臣 Tian Shuchen, 龙泓昊 Long Honghao, 赖煜哲 AJ Lai Yuzhe, 热亚提 Reyati, 赵品霖 Zhao Pinlin
Favorite performance: 饕餮 Taotie This was not one of the performances that stood out in my memory, but it stood out to me when I did my rewatch. I feel like they really nailed every element, and I don’t think the other teams could have pulled off this song.
Iconic moments: 何展成 Jonathan Ha gave up on speaking Chinese and 袁娅维 Tia Ray had to translate for him, the 王霏霏 Wang Feifei and 孟佳 Meng Jia reunion, 龙泓昊 Long Honghao’s beautiful dance to a Shawn Mendes song, I’m not sure why 奶茶 Naicha chose milk tea as stage name, AJ vs. the hidden snacks, they made 周艺轩 Zhou Yixuan perform a UNIQ song.
Verdict: Maybe you can skip this one. I definitely didn’t devote my full attention while I was watching it. And it felt like the show and the mentors were being mean to the boys all the time.
少年之名 We Are Young
Watch on Youku (no English subs, VIP needed) Watch on YouTube (no English subs) Watch via We Are Young Subs (English fansubs)
Why you should watch it: They improved on basically all the issues I had with the first season, and I was pleasantly surprised. Also, this is basically a 青春有你1 Youth with You 1 mini reunion with a few 偶像练习生 Idol Producer alums plus some future 青春有你3 You with You 3 contestants. It was so wonderful to see how the contestants I already knew had grown, and I loved seeing them get new opportunities to shine. There was surprisingly a lot of good raps/rappers on this show! Also, there were some truly incredible performances this season that aren’t like anything I’ve seen on other idol survival shows. And I enjoyed almost every performance—there were only a few that I disliked or thought were, um, not good. The mentors did not always agree...but I don’t care!
Why you shouldn’t watch it: Because they have to be different, when doing the initial evaluations, only about 50 contestants advanced to the next round. This was nice because it meant fewer names/faces, but wow, it felt so mean. Sometimes I wished they had stuck to a more traditional format. Besides that, I don’t have much else negative to say!
My picks: 郭震 Guo Zhen, 寇聪 Kuo Cong, 胡文煊 Hu Wenxuan, 左林杰 Zuo Linjie, 李希侃 Li Xikan, 崔少鹏 Cui Shaopeng, 杨超文 Yang Chaowen
Favorite performance: Don’t Start Now I don’t think I’ve ever seen this exact concept on one of these shows before. This performance was instantly a standout for me, especially because it had some of my favorite contestants!
Iconic moments: They literally had a corgi, 林 (Lin) MUA, everyone shipping 薛恩 Xue En and 程潇 Cheng Xiao, 胡文煊 Hu Wenxuan in a CROP TOP, 胡彦斌 Hu Yanbin told 寇聪 Kou Cong to wear less to show off his body what, 崔少鹏 Cui Shaopeng’s entrance through the pink smoke, 左林杰 Zuo Linjie really bungee jumped with his eyes closed, how 郭震 Guo Zhen, 左叶 Zuo Ye, and 胡文煊 Hu Wenxuan were in the same group four times without anyone noticing.
Verdict: This season ended up being better than it had any right to be! I think it’s worth checking out, especially if you are missing the boys from the 偶像练习生 Idol Producer/青春有你 Youth with You series.
>> Conclusion
If you actually read this entire post, I’m thoroughly impressed. If you, like me, have spent way too much time watching these shows, feel free to send me a message because I need someone to commiserate with.
I honestly have this weird feeling that a chapter of my life is over. I have so many treasured memories from watching these shows—moments of laughter, tears, shock, pride, and more. They’ve provided a way to ground my language studies and engage with Chinese pop culture. They made me feel less alone during earlier COVID times.
Well, I’m off to find something to fill the survival show-size hole in my heart...maybe I’ll just rewatch 偶像练习生 Idol Producer.
#my watchlist#idol producer#qing chun you ni#youth with you#produce 101#produce 101 china#produce camp#chuang#all for one#we are young#survival show#cpop#c-pop#c pop#偶像练习生#偶像練習生#青春有你#创造101#創造101#创造营#創造營#少年之名#以团之名#以團之名#cpop idols#this is my magnum opus#currently going through survival show withdrawal#I may complain but I love these shows#I spent way too long working on this#I literally have pages of notes
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#Lightroom Classic#VSCOfilm#photographers on tumblr#lensblr#original photographer#original photographers#original photographers on tumblr#original photography#original photography blog#original photography on tumblr#photoblog#photography#spring#springtime#spring in Japan#spring mood#spring season#spring tint#March#Japan#Tokyo#弥生#日本#東京#多摩川台公園#ジンチョウゲ#沈丁花#daphne#plant#flower
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この時の模様は、被害に遭った商人側でも詳細な記録が残されており、たとえば、三井文庫所蔵の史料「天保七年 浪速持丸長者鑑」(写真=コメント欄)には、焼き打ちされた商家に赤線が引かれています。ランク順に並べてみると
(写真)「天保七年 浪速持丸長者鑑」1837(公益財団法人 三井文庫蔵) 相撲の番付表のように商人をランキングした表で、大塩の乱で被害を受けた商家に赤線が引かれている。三井、鴻池などが被害にあっていることがわかる(三井広報委員会)。
(鴻池家)加島屋某筆とされる『天保日記』(大阪市立中央図書館所蔵)では天保八年(一八三七)二月十九日、火見台から望見して「鴻池本宅黒焰大盛二立登、其恐懼シキ事不可云」、幸町別邸めざして落ちのび、そこで加島屋某らが「鴻池於隆君・勝治・和五郎」らと無事出あうところが生々しくえがかれている。和泉町の鴻池新十郎家の記録 『北辺火事一件留』(大阪商業大学商業史資料館所蔵)でも、鴻池本家当主の善右衛門が土佐藩邸、長音は泰済寺、そのほか瓦屋町別荘などへ逃げ、鴻池深野新田農民をガードマンとして急遽上坂させるなど、その被害状況や防衛対策が丹念に記録されている。
(三井呉服店)三井では、同日三郎助高益(小石川家六代)が上町台地の西方寺に避難し、「誠に絶言語、前代未聞之大変にて」と、 ただちにレポを京都に送り、木材・釘・屋根板・縄莚などをすぐ仕入れ、はやくも三月八日に越後屋呉服店大坂店の仮普請完成=開店している様子が詳細に記録されている。(コメント欄参照)
(住友家)住友家史『垂裕明鑑』には、大塩事件のまっただなかで、泉屋住友が鰻谷(銅吹所その他)から大坂城にむけて鉛八千斤(弾丸)を三度にわけて必死で上納運搬したこと、事件による住友の被害として、「豊後町分家、別家久右衛門・喜三郎掛屋敷の内、備後町・錦町・太郎左衛門町三ケ所延焼」に及んだこと、そして住友の親類の豪商としては、「鴻池屋善右衛門、同善之助、平野屋五兵衛、同郁三郎」家などが軒並み“大塩焼け”で大きな被害をこうむったこと等々が、 生々しく記されている。
(参考文献) 中瀬寿一「鷹藁源兵衛による泉屋住友の “家政改革”-大塩事件の衝撃と天保改革期を中心に-」『経営史学/17 巻』1982 三井広報委員会「三井の苦難(中編)」三井グループ・コミュニケーション誌『MITSUI Field』vol.39|2018 Summer 山内昌之「将軍の世紀」「本当の幕末――徳川幕府の終わりの始まり(5)大塩平八郎の乱」文芸春秋2020 山田三川『三川雑記』吉川弘文館1972 矢野太郎編『国史叢書 浮世の有様』1917
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— 柳井政和著『#電書ハック』(2018年11月Kindle版、文春e-Books)
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中井 りかは、日本のタレント、女優、YouTuberで、アイドルグループ・NGT48の元メンバー。愛称は、りか姫、りかちゃん。富山県富山市出身。太田プロダクション所属。 ウィキペディア
出生地: 富山県 富山市
生年月日: 1997年8月23日 (年齢 26歳)
音楽グループ: NGT48 (2015年から)
テレビ番組: 青春高校3年C組、 ふわり愛、 今日から友達になれますか?、 さらに表示
身長: 156 cm
事務所: 太田プロダクション
活動期間: 2015年 -
富山県の立山連峰が見える郊外の住宅地で育った。幼稚園の頃は人前に立つのが好きな「何をしても目立つ子」であったが、小学生になると、周囲となじめなかったことから、なるべく地味にしていようと心に決めていた。そのような環境の中で慰めてくれたのが、AKB48などのアイドルたちであり、自分もアイドルになりたいと思うようになったが、高校では保育士を目指し勉強していた。しかし、アイドルの夢を捨てきれず、2014年 AKB48 Team8 全国一斉オーディション富山県代表に応募。最後の2人まで残ったとの連絡は受けたが、その後の電話連絡に出られず次点となり落選。
翌年、高校3年生の時にNGT48第1期生オーディションに応募。 最終審査に残った場合、次回の48グループのオーディションは最終審査まで免除になるが、それを忘れ書類審査から参加。 2015年7月25日、NGT48第1期生オーディション最終審査に合格し、同年8月21日に新潟市歴史博物館(みなとぴあ)でお披露目された。
2016年1月10日、『NGT48劇場グランドオープン初日公演』に出演。同時に他の15名とともにチームNIIIを結成。同年11月16日発売のAKB48の46thシングル「ハイテンション」で初めてAKB48のシングルの選抜メンバーに抜擢。同年12月、ライブストリーミングプラットフォームSHOWROOM上で2016年に視聴者から多くの支持を得たパフォーマー(SHOWROOMER)を表彰する『SHOWROOM AWARD 2016』における「BEST AKB PERFORMER」を松井珠理奈(SKE48)、野村奈央(当時AKB48)とともに受賞した。同年12月31日、第67回NHK紅白歌合戦に投票企画「AKB48 夢の紅白選抜」で33位に選ばれ、AKB48として出演。
2017年4月12日発売のNGT48のデビューシングル「青春時計」ではセンターポジションを務めた。同年5月30日から6月16日にかけて投票が実施された『AKB48 49thシングル選抜総選挙』において23位になり、アンダーガールズに選出される。同年11月17日にAKSから太田プロダクションへの所属事務所移籍を自身のSHOWROOMにおいて発表し、同年12月、太田プロダクションの公式ホームページに掲載された。
2018年1月15日に自身初のソロコンサート『中井りかソロコンサート〜中井りかキャンペーン中〜』をTOKYO DOME CITY HALLにおいて開催した。
2018年6月16日に発表された『AKB48 53rdシングル 世界選抜総選挙』では37位となり、ネクストガールズに選出された。
2022年6月29日発売のNGT48 1stアルバム「未完成の未来」に収録のリード曲「しそうでしないキス」では、小越春花とダブルセンターを務めた。
2023年4月12日、デビューシングル『青春時計』リリース6周年記念イベントにて、グループ卒業を発表。卒業時期は同年夏ごろを予定しているとした。 同年8月2日発売のNGT48 9thシングル「あのさ、いや別に...」では、2度目のシングル曲センターポジションを務めた。
同年8月5日、「中井りか卒業コンサート〜推し変禁止は絶対命令〜」を新潟県民会館大ホールにて開催。 同月31日、NGT48劇場での卒業公演をもってNGT48から卒業
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Meiko Kaji (梶芽衣子)
Scanned from the June 7th, 2018 issue of Shukan Bunshun (週刊文春).
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1987年5月3日午後8時15分ごろ、朝日新聞阪神支局に、全身黒ずくめの男が散弾銃を構えて押し入った。 男は小尻知博記者(享年29)と犬飼兵衛(ひょうえ)記者(当時42)に対し、散弾銃を発射。小尻記者が殺害され、犬飼記者は重傷を負った。 ここから露見した一連の事件は、犯行声明に「赤報隊一同」と記されていたことから「赤報隊事件」と呼ばれ、世間を震撼させた。しかも、事件は未解決のまま、2002年に時効を迎えている。 「赤報隊事件には、統一教会の関連団体『国際勝共連合(以下、勝共連合)』を含め、信者が関係している可能性があると思っています。末端の信者の暴発がなかった、とは言い切れません」 そう証言するのは、大江益夫氏だ。現在75歳の大江氏は、1992年に統一教会(現・世界平和統一家庭連合)の広報担当になり、翌年から1999年までの7年間、広報部長の要職を務めてきた人物だ。 その間に、桜田淳子氏の合同結婚式参加などがあり、大江氏は教団の “激動期” を目撃してきた。60年近く旧統一教会員として過ごし、教団の深部を知り尽くしている。 そんな大江氏を朝日新聞元記者で「襲撃事件取材班キャップ」だったジャーナリストの樋田毅氏は熱心に取材してきた。そこで、旧統一教会による事件への関与の可能性をめぐるさまざまな情報を得たという。2018年に『記者襲撃 赤報隊事件30年目の真実』(岩波書店)も出版している樋田氏が、こう話す。 「事件前に、勝共連合の名前で『アカサタンを殺すことだけが生きがい』と書かれた脅迫状が、朝日新聞社に届いていました。信者たちにとって、“サタン” は排除すべき存在。 “サタン” が文鮮明教祖(当時)の身に危害を加えるかもしれないと考えれば、朝日は抹殺すべき存在になっていたかもしれません」 2023年2月の衆議院予算委員会で、日本共産党の宮本岳志議員も「朝日ジャーナル」編集長だった筑紫哲也氏のコラムを引用する形で、この脅迫状の存在を取り上げ、当時の谷公一国家公安委員長に対して、赤報隊事件の再捜査を求めていた。事件後も兵庫県警が統一教会、勝共連合を捜査していた。 そして、大江氏もこう話す。 「統一教会には、かつてのオウム真理教のような敵対者を『ポア(殺害)する』という発想はありません。しかし、共産勢力と戦う勝共連合の “武闘派” となると、話は別です。侵略者に対しては武器を持って戦うという軍人精神的な発想があったと思います」 樋田氏はこれらの取材をまとめ、『旧統一教会 大江益夫・元広報部長懺悔録』(光文社新書)を8月20日に上梓する。 そこであらためて、本誌は大江氏を取材した――。 事件当時、すでに教団の幹部として、日韓トンネルの建設を推進する関連団体「国際ハイウェイ建設事業団(当時)」の事務局長だった大江氏は、「赤報隊事件」の犯人像について、こう話す。 「単独犯ではなく、グループだったと思います。ヒットマン以外に逃走を助ける人物、声明文を書く人物、依頼者などがいたはず。犯行を指揮した人物は、教団関係者だった可能性が高いかもしれません。 いずれにしても、犯行に関わった人物は、全員が共同正犯。罪はみな同じだと私は思っています」(以下、断わりのない発言は大江氏のもの) 朝日新聞阪神支局に押し入ったのは、全身黒ずくめのヒットマン1人だった。大江氏は “実行犯” についてふたつの可能性を感じているという。 「赤報隊事件は用意周到に準備され、犯人が見せた腰だめの撃ち方、銃身を短く切った散弾銃の使用など、プロの犯行とみられていました。 ひとつは “ヤクザ組織” が絡んでいる可能性です。当時の教団側の関係者に “闇社会” との関わりがまったくなかったとは言い切れません。また、あの残虐な事件は、そういった人間でないとできないと、思うところもあるからです。 しかし、勝共連合のなかにも “武闘派” は存在していました。これが、もうひとつの可能性です。もともとは、旧ソ連が日本に攻めてきた場合、先頭に立つのは自衛隊ですが、その後方支援という位置づけで生まれました。勝共連合が民間防衛を担うという発想でした。 この組織に属する信者たちは、実際に軍事訓練をおこなっていたのです。私自身も、何度��陸上自衛隊に体験入隊しました。ふだんから、山中で散弾銃の訓練もやっていました。こうした信者が400人ほどおり、元自衛官や元警察官もいたのです。そうした “武闘派” の信者が実行犯だったのではないかという推測も可能だと思います」 じつは今回、大江氏が『懺悔録』を世に出すという情報が、旧統一教会内に事前に広がった。教団は出版を踏みとどまらせようと、大江氏に対して執拗に圧力をかけてきた。 「京都の山里にある私の自宅に、教団の人間が突然来るのです。これまでに十数人来ました。彼らが何を危惧しているのかといえば、やはり『赤報隊』に関する記述でした。 安倍(晋三)元首相の銃撃事件があり、2023年には宗教法人法に基づき、政府が教団に対する解散命令を裁判所に請求する事態になっています。ここにきて『赤報隊事件と統一教会が関係がある』と言われたら、教団は潰れてしまうということでしょう。 でも、私は『断定的な言い方はしていない』と言って追い返しました。自宅に押しかけてきたなかには、かつての私の部下たちもいました」 そんななか、なぜ大江氏はあえて赤報隊について語る決意をした���か。『懺悔録』でも記したように、こういう思いがあるという。 「信者の可能性がある犯人がこの世、あるいはあの世で、のうのうと生きていることが許せないのです。犯人が口をつぐんでいるのであれば、私が犯人の代わりに、小尻さんとご遺族に謝罪しなければならない。そう考えたのです。絶対に謝罪が必要です。そうでなければ、私はあの世で亡くなった小尻さんの霊と会うことができない」 だが、大江氏は赤報隊事件について語るためだけに、樋田氏の取材に応じたわけではなかった。長年、旧統一教会内部で抱いていた教団運営への違和感があったのだ。 そして、それをすべて樋田氏に打ち明けようと思ったきっかけがある。 「樋田さんと “川口君” の五十回忌の法要でばったり会ったんです。そこで、私は『これは腹を割って話さないといけないな』と思いました」 大江氏が口にする “川口君” とは、1972年、革マル派のリンチを受けて殺害された早稲田大学生・川口大三郎さん(享年20)だ。当時、早大で旧統一教会系の学生団体「原理研究会」に所属していた大江氏は、革マル派と対峙していた。 そのため、大江氏は川口さんの死を悼み、2021年秋におこなわれた五十回忌まで供養を続けてきた。 そして、五十回忌法要には、川口さんの事件に関するノンフィクション『彼は早稲田で死んだ 大学構内リンチ殺人事件の永遠』(文藝春秋)を出版した樋田氏も出席していた。 その後の交流を通じて、「最後の懺悔」を受け止めてくれるのは樋田氏しかいないと思うようになったという。 大江氏は「かつての統一教会は、こんな教団ではありませんでした。私たちは、なぜ韓国の教団本部に巨額の送金をするようになり、霊感商法といわれるような悪質な行為をおこなうようになったのか」と、次のように話す。 「私は1966年、17歳のときに統一教会に入信しました。教団には『開拓伝道』という布教活動があります。学生時代には、自分で廃品回収をしてお金を作り、屋根裏部屋のような部屋を借りる。そこを足場にし、廃品回収をしながら伝道活動をおこないました。非常に清貧な暮らしでした。自分が行く教会の教会長さんを中心にして、統一教会は家庭的な教団でした」 その教団の性質が大きく変わったのは、今から49年前の1975年のことだったという。 「それまでは伝道活動が中心でしたが、1975年から経済活動が始まります。統一教会は韓国でできた教団です。伊藤博文が初代韓国統監に就任した1905年から、日本による韓国の植民地支配が始まったと統一教会はとらえています。 それが終わる1945年までの40年間について “贖罪” しなければならない。統一教会には『40年の蕩減(とうげん)復帰』という教えがあります。なので、日本の信者は韓国の本部に40年にわたって送金を続けるとして、経済活動に励むことになった。そのスタートが、1975年だったんです。 そうすると、経済活動が強化されるなかで、霊感商法が始まりました。『先祖の霊や祟りを取り除くには、霊力のある高額な壺などが必要だ』という考え方は、キリスト教にはありません。『先祖の怨(おん)を解くための献金』についても同様です。しかも、韓国への送金は40年間を過ぎた現在も続いていて、日本の信者を苦しめています。 これは『40年の蕩減復帰』の教えから外れていて、約束違反ではないか。やりすぎなんですよ。全財産を捧げるような献金をさせてはいけません。教団も受け取るべきじゃないんです」 韓国の教団本部への高額の送金が、日本の教団の性格を歪め、さまざまな問題を引き起こしてきた。 「今、教団には解散命令が出されようとしています。それを回避するには過去に遡って、高額献金を反省し、被害者に補償する必要があります。自分の家族が路頭に迷うような献金を求めるのは、公序良俗に反しています。日本の教団は、多額の送金を求め続けてきた韓国の本部から独立する必要があります。それが、解散命令を免れる唯一の道です。 なぜ、こんな単純なことがわからないのでしょうか。私は、これまでもこうした問題提起を教団内でしてきましたが、“危険分子” とみなされ、意見は通らなかった。でも、教団は間違っていたのだから、反省しなければいけないのです。力不足かもしれませんが、私自身も霊感商法を後押しする側にいた問題を含めて、懺悔したいと思います」 現在、旧統一教会への解散命令請求が東京地裁で審理されているが、大江氏は末端の “純粋な信者” たちに向けて、こう提言する。 「統一教会は全国に300の教会があります。しかし、解散命令が実施されると教会施設のほとんどはなくなり、礼拝をする場所がなくなる。これは信者にとっては大変なことです。私は、家庭が教会になればいいと思っているのです。 建物がなくても、毎日礼拝する場を家庭に作ろうということです。このままだと、絶望する信者が増えていくだけです。私は、2024年6月で教団を退会しました。それでも、家に礼拝の場があります。私は退会後も、礼拝を欠かしていません」 本誌に対する大江氏の告白は2時間に及んだ。彼が長く過ごしてきた教団が、この言葉を聞いて、悔い改めることはあるのか。
「赤報隊事件」旧統一教会・元広報部長が明かす “散弾銃訓練”と “武闘派”…教団からは「懺悔本」出版への圧力も(SmartFLASH) - Yahoo!ニュース
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これまでExodus Cryのデータは信頼性に欠けることが明らかになっている。2012年には、米国では30万人の子供が人身売買の危険にさらされていると(誤って)主張し、また、売春に関与する少女の平均年齢は13~14歳だと主張していたが、これも否定されている。 これは珍しいことではない。人身売買に関するデータは、不正確だったり誇張されることが多い。たとえば共和党のアン・ワグナー下院議員は2015年、米国では人身売買が95億ドル規模の産業だと間違った主張をしている。2018年には、民主党のシーラ・ジャクソン・リー下院議員が、テキサス州には79,000人の性的人身売買の被害者がいると主張したが、その年に全米人身売買ホットラインがテキサス州で特定した事例は1,001件だったことを考えると、これも誇張された数字である可能性が高い。
セックスワーカーを危険に晒す反ポルノ戦争 | p2ptk[.]org
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