#2017 resolutions
kodachrome-net · 9 months
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Recursion, 2017
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cryptidanathema · 7 months
My crack horror headcanon: The entity from Skinamarink and the one from Resolution and The Endless are a child and adult of the same fucked up species. Thier time loop MOs are very similar, as is thier petty sadism, near-complete invisibility, and controlling natures, The Endless is just able to affect a much larger area and do it to A LOT more people.
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archive-of-fear · 9 months
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Name: The Mountain
Source: Resolution (2012), The Endless (2017)
Category: Stronghold
Alignment: The End, The Eye
Description: The Mountain is a stretch of land in the backwoods of California, marked by a series of stakes in the ground whose reality is under the influence of a mysterious entity. Within it’s boundaries, the world is trapped in an eternal cycle marked by the changing phases of it’s three moons. Anyone is welcome to enter and leave the boundaries during this time – so long as they leave before the end of the third full moon. If they fail to leave, or die upon the Mountain before that time, the person (or people) become trapped within a pocket of time – which can range from a few weeks to ten seconds long, in which they become unable to leave the newly created loop or are even able to see beyond the boundaries of it. It will observe those trapped on the Mountain constantly, and will often make scare appearances to make itself known – and to remind them that they are never given a moment to themselves, as it is always watching them. At the end of their loop, it will kill the people within and/or cause them to experience a gruesome death. Throughout the loop, the entity will torment them with recordings (film reels, video tapes, records, etc) of their violent deaths from it’s perspective, and the brutality amusing. Those within are aware of their situation, and will often end their own lives in order to avoid whatever fate the entity has in store for them (and out of spite). At the end of the Mountain’s cycle, on the night of the third full moon, the entity will fully manifest and destroy the Mountain and everything within, killing anything that remains within its space.
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mikomiio · 9 months
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Just a quick look back at 2023
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yogadaily · 2 years
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(via Featured photo from Vanessa @gypsyyogalove What are your long-term #resolutions for #2018? Mastering a #tricky #yoga pose, sh… | Yoga, Bài tập yoga, Yoga headstand https://64.media.tumblr.com/avatar_01899694d430_512.pn
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exghul · 2 years
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i hate the fanon interpretation that the gotham public adores damian. they don't.
bruce wayne, who's best known through the public eye, has many children ( most are nicer to cameras than his youngest ) & therefore damian isn't the focal point of many tabloids, especially given how young he is. moreso, entertainment/gossip journalists are interested in who dick grayson is dating.
damian also does not treat the reporters kindly. any time a camera is shoved in face or a microphone is offered for comment, he's anything but pleasant. he's sour, a foul boy. he's no prince of gotham, not in the sense that any of his older siblings may have ever been considered. damian will break cameras & rip cords out of hardware if he's solicited for entertainment value.
the public in general had a lot of interest in this scandalous new child when he appeared in gotham at age eight --- that interest quickly turns to empty headlines along the lines of bruce wayne's newest child needs therapy? shortly after damian was first approached. he doubles down on this behavior when it sinks in that when he acts out of violence, people leave him be.
this sentiment stays regardless of anything bruce tries to teach him: damian has learned from how the public treats him that his short temper will make people leave him alone.
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What are your plans for the NEW YEAR?
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OH!! Easy!! Make more new and innovative inventions!!
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christianstonem · 2 years
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kayhanaudio2 · 1 month
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The big 10-inch touchscreen display of the Kayhan Audio Car Stereo with SatNav for Toyota Aurion (2012–2017) allows your dashboard a modern and stylish alter. For fast media streaming, hands-free calling, and app integration, it has Bluetooth, USB, and Wi-Fi connectivity in addition to GPS navigation with real-time traffic updates. With its elegant functionality and easy interface, the high-resolution screen elevates your driving experience. Website:
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heritageposts · 2 months
Harris has been a staunch supporter of Israel for years. In 2017 she addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual conference and reminded attendees that the first resolution she co-sponsored as a senator was aimed at combating “anti-Israel bias” at the United Nations. “Let me be clear about what I believe. I stand with Israel because of our shared values, which are so fundamental to the founding of both our nations,” she told the crowd. In 2018 she gave an off-the-record speech to the organization, but eventually released her comments. In that speech she claimed that she raised money for the Jewish National Fund as a Girl Scout. “Having grown up in the Bay area, I fondly remember those Jewish National Fund boxes that we would use to collect donations to plant trees for Israel,” she told the audience. “Years later, when I visited Israel for the first time, I saw the fruits of that effort and the Israeli ingenuity that has truly made a desert bloom.”
For those unfamiliar with the Jewish National Fund (JNF), they're a Zionist organization that has been instrumental in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
See Stop the JNF for more information on their history, the way they operate, and their decades-long campaign of greenwashing (i.e. destroying native plants, crops, and agriculture under the banner of 'making the desert bloom').
Continuing, the Mondoweiss article goes:
“The vast majority of people understand the importance of the State of Israel,” she added later. “Both in terms of its history and its present in terms of being a source of inspiration on so many issues, which I hope we will talk about, and also what it means in terms of the values of the United States and those values that are shared values with Israel, and the importance of fighting to make sure that we protect and respect a friend, one of the best friends we could possibly have.” While running for President in 2019, Harris was praised by the lobbying group Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) for running to the right of Obama on the Iran deal. On the campaign trail Harris told Kat Wellman, a voter affiliated with DMFI, that she would reenter the agreement but “strengthen it” by “extending the sunset provisions, including ballistic missile testing, and also increasing oversight.” “I was very impressed with her. I thought she gave an excellent speech, she gave a very detailed, responsive answer to my question,” Wellman told a local paper after the exchange. “I’m pro-Israel, so I was I was very concerned and all about making sure we limit nuclear missiles in any country that could possibly destroy us all. I thought her answer was very good.” Harris has condemned the BDS movement and claimed that is “based on the mistaken assumption that Israel is solely to blame for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” However, she voted against an anti-BDS bill in 2019 citing First Amendment concerns.
For the full article, which includes Kamala's response to Israel post Al-Aqsa Flood, see Mondoweiss (July 22, 2024)
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bread-tab · 11 months
i'm trying to make an old DVD work on my PC using VLC media player and OMG. the technology nostalgia is hitting hard. and it's *weird.* i grew up installing everything from CDs (floppy disks were phasing out when i was learning to computer) and obviously there was no concept of an alternative at the time. the "cloud" wasn't a thing. and here i am fumbling my way back out of that cloud, leaning away from my PC tower as it loudly whirs at me... and this all transpires because i got a DVD player for free from a thrift store liquidation sale a few months back and. uhhh. forgot to look for a remote
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aajkaakhbaar · 2 years
Healthy & Happy New Year Resolution Ideas
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creatingnikki · 9 months
another year is ending and I want you to know that it is okay if you:
have not healed from the things that happened/did not happen from six months ago. just because the year is ending it does not mean your grief is too.
don't have any "fun" NYE plans to ring in the new year. this life is yours to live across days and months and years, and you can celebrate days other than the ones heavily marketed and shoved down your throat to shroud you in severe FOMO.
have no resolutions or goals for 2024 laid out in elaborate lists or shared on social media or with your friends. you are braving through this life trying to do your best every day and hold the fort and so of course you know, deep down you know what is needed from you for you going forward and of course you are going to work in that direction. good luck love.
have not become a "better" version of yourself by any of the tangible or conventional measures. that kind of bettering is mostly to serve others, not yourself.
are not happy with yourself/your life as it is now. you're a work-in-progress, remember? and if you're progressing in a direction you do not like, then it's time to change the blueprints and the strategy.
take time off social media around this time to protect your mental health and whatever little joy you have managed to keep.
don't want to spend too much time reflecting on how this past year went and doing various forms of 2023-wrapped. again, it's your life. you can also revisit this year in memories and pictures and feelings whenever you'd like. it's not like you don't still visit 2012, 2017, and 2022, right?
feel disconnected from your friends, family, lover. I know this is "ideally" a time to be celebrated with your loved ones. but life is not ideal, is it? it's just life. and if right now you are not feeling the love, the joy, or just don't have the headspace or social energy to engage , that's alright.
are finding comfort in simpler things like a TV show from the 90s or that book you first read at sixteen or that slice of strawberry cake or a random post like this you come across.
don't feel hopeful, encouraged, or excited for 2024. given everything that's happened in the last couple of years, on the macro and micro level, it's only natural for you to feel weary as well as wary. when the good things happen, when the healing happens, when things begin working in your favour over time, you will automatically feel all those things. it's okay if until then you choose to be neutral.
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yogadaily · 2 years
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(via Featured photo from Vanessa @gypsyyogalove What are your long-term #resolutions for #2018? Mastering a #tricky #yoga pose, sh… | Yoga, Bài tập yoga, Yoga headstand  || Curated with love by yogadaily)    
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California's State Assembly voted in favor of House Resolution 57 on Wednesday, establishing that August will be recognized as Transgender History Month starting in 2024 — and making it the first state to honor trans history with such a designation.
The legislation cites California’s long-ranging significance in trans history, starting with Spanish colonizers’ “suppression of gender variance” among indigenous people, which the resolution says was “a foundational event of the history of the state.” It also cites the Stonewall precursor Compton’s Cafeteria Riot, Lou Sullivan’s trailblazing activism on behalf of trans men, and the establishment of the Transgender District in San Francisco in 2017, among many other events.
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wideeyedloner · 2 months
I've seen so many posts talking about the Honda scene being a visual metaphor for Deadpool and Wolverine having sex that I want to talk about the film as a whole for a second:
Deadpool & Wolverine is a romantic comedy.
There are a bunch of places (including this one) that describe the format of a romantic comedy, but the basic beats are as follows:
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1. Introduction to your protagonist "Okay, Peanut, guess we're getting that team-up, after all." Deadpool and Wolverine opens on Wade digging up Logan's remains from Logan (2017).
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2. The inciting incident "I'll do it." Paradox kidnaps Wade and blackmails him into locating a Logan to save his timeline. Cue "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls, featured in City of Angels (1998).
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3. The meet-cute "You two going to fuck or fight?" After initially failing to resurrect his own timeline's Logan, Wade travels to several other timelines to find another in a montage set to Huey Lewis and the News' "The Power of Love".
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4. The new reality/new world "Let's fuckin' go." Paradox sends them to the Void, ruled by Xavier's insane twin sister, where it turns out many other mutants have also been sent. They need to escape in order to save Wade's timeline and try to undo the events of Logan's timeline, which Wade has promised is possible. This requires them to work together.
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5. The mirror moment/recommitment "I'm going to fight you now." Logan finds out that Wade lied to him in order to secure his cooperation, leading to the Honda fight scene set to "You're The One That I Want" from Grease (1978). Logan is demoralized but Laura convinces him that he's still needed. He really is; it's his compassion that convinces Cassandra not only to spare their lives, but to send them back to Wade's timeline if they're willing to take a leap of faith together.
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6. The crisis/all is lost "They do not play nicely with each other." Cassandra is still insane, so she follows them because she'd like to eliminate all timelines and rule over everyone in the Void. To stop this, Paradox tells Wade and Logan that someone has to cut power to the device she's using at the guaranteed expense of their life.
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7. The climax "I got nothin'. Give me this." Naturally, Wade and Logan fight over which one gets the privilege of sacrificing himself for the other. Logan initially wins him over with a heartfelt speech, but Wade gets Logan with a sneak attack. Wade struggles to make the connection between the terminals because they're further apart than the wingspan of a single human, but they're conveniently just the right size for two (ಥㅅಥ). Of course, the choir version of Madonna's "Like A Prayer" is playing here.
This scene encapsulated everything I enjoyed about this film: that it was stupid, emotional, action-filled, filthy, and obviously about romance between men. My husband is straight and he left the theater with me in full agreement that a) this was a romantic comedy and b) they had sex in in the Honda.
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8. The resolution "Althea, this is--this is Logan." It's the end of the story, they're about to part ways, and Wade will never see Logan again if he lets him walk out of his life. So he takes Logan home and makes him part of the world he'd been telling Logan he'd been trying to save all movie long.
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❤ The end ❤
The Soundtrack I can't tell you how excited I was about the soundtrack. It's full of old, romantic songs. "Only You (And You Alone)" has to be on like every doo-wop or "Best of the '50s" compilation album. "Iris" (oh god this song is old now) was featured in the romantic drama City of Angels. Everyone and their dog has covered "You Belong to Me", and the most famous recent cover has to be Jason Wade's version that was featured in Shrek (2001). Chris De Burgh may not be crazy about "The Lady in Red", but I think it's fucking sweet. I grew up on musicals and LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE "You're the One That I Want" from Grease (1978).
The Honda Odyssey Fight Scene I wanted to come back to this because there is so much to it. I'm bringing up "You're the One That I Want" again.
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There are intentional parallels made between this dance number in Grease and the fight scene. It's about the flirtatious push and pull between Sandy and Danny throughout after she's made her superficial transformation into the 'bad girl' at the end of the movie. It's the same in the Odyssey between Logan and Wade. They throw each other in and out of the car as they fight (and sure, go in and out of each other).
Just look at this:
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Yup, completely intentional visual metaphors for fucking galore. Logan and Wade even have a post-fight bondage scene.
Also! These scenes end with the couples in moving vehicles.
In conclusion: Deadpool & Wolverine is a violent romantic comedy. Of course they fucked.
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