#200 000 words
atlasshrugd · 4 months
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↳ the EPILOGUE of WHITE NIGHTS is up!!! (Read on ao3)
The dreams would feel so real that he sometimes couldn’t tell when he was awake. They were almost always about them reuniting, here, or in Bangkok, or in some other far-flung place of the world, where nothing could touch them and the sun was hot and the water cool; like the glade they’d once slept in. But behind the dreams was a sense that they would never happen, an intuition whose strength was life-threatening. The more he dreamed, the more he became certain of this. And yet — he always had the feeling, at the back of his mind, that he would see Kinn again. Against everything. Against hope.
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Soooo in 2022 I was doing all these colour palette drawings with my OCs and I didn't draw them as much last year and I miss them so much so I decided to pick up the colour palette drawings again this year cause they're simple but really fun :D
Anyway here's my boy he means more to me than you could ever know.
NEARLY FORGOT I used the palette Unholy Flame (very fitting for this guy >:3) from @color-palettes! Gonna be using a lot more of them in the future, they're really good ✨
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a-bee-wizard · 2 months
i'm pretty sure i can get to 32 000 words tomorrow. That would mean that to reach 40 000 words by the end of august i would just need to write like ~267 words per day which is doable........
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variantia · 2 years
BELLUM.   also hilarious to me :
as someone who has what appears to be very strong magic, Lo would have been absolutely revered in the cult village where Chara was raised
she would have been considered their most powerful mage and probably crowned leader
this cult is only semi-religious, and above all else, they worship the magic of humans
they believe that monsters are unholy abominations because somewhere, they got the idea that monsters STOLE magic from humans
when it’s more complicated than that ; monsters are made of magic and there has never really been a monster incapable of magic, whereas humans struggle with magic and usually are only capable of doing a single spell which drains their energy significantly, humans who are capable of full, consistent magic are very rare
they would have been begging this woman to be their queen
as such, the current cult leader (Chara’s father and guardian who raised them in that village) would see her FOR HER MAGIC before he would see anything else about her
this means that upon first meeting her, he would have an immediate, tremendous respect for her.
... right up until the moment she punches him in the face and he’s spitting out blood while she starts in about HOW DARE YOU PUT THAT INNOCENT CHILD THROUGH SO MUCH PAIN, ISOLATION, AND HUMILIATION !!!
I have my own plans for him in this fic and several plot twists ready to fire (no spoilers uhuhu~)
but in the universe where Lo exists, welllll ... this bastard fucked.
I wish I could actually include him in a storyline, but there is SO much hidden lore around him, the cult, and Chara’s past that hasn’t been revealed in the fic yet, it would be impossible to do anything truly meaningful aside from him just getting punched in the face.
... of course, which I’d LOVE to happen   =)
don’t worry, once the fic is done, I will HAPPILY dive into a big meaningful thread wherein HIS BASTARD ASS GETS BEAT DOWN !!!!
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Ao3's down, somebody kill me now
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ineffablehunter · 2 years
Me: *opens google to look up a spelling and crimson rivers is open*
My friend: tell me that isn’t fanfiction
Her: it’s the fact that you can’t tell me
Me: look we’ve been friends long enough that you could’ve predicted this
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dont-diy-zine · 2 months
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"Don't Repeat This at Home" Zine is a fan project born out of love for Chinese novels and dramas. We brought more than 100 artists and writers together to create our magnum opus and now YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US! The fandom: ➜ "The Scum Villain's [Self-Saving] System" Mo Xiang Tong Xiu ➜ "Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" Mo Xiang Tong Xiu ➜ "Heaven Official's Blessing" Mo Xiang Tong Xiu ➜ "Thousand Autumns" Meng Xi Shi ➜ "The Husky and His White Cat Shizun" / "Erha" Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (Meatbun) ➜ "Faraway Wanderers" Priest ("Word of Honour" is canon too)
The key theme: 百感交集 (bǎi gǎn jiāo jí) — all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart — fluff, drama, humour and beyond ❗ 18+. No minors, please Some arts and texts may make you cry, beware, triggers may be found (or not) The book: ➜ ~300 pages ➜ 106 double-page spreads with arts including: • 12 comic strips • 13 illustrated poems ➜ 8 fanfiction stories with • cover arts • internal b/w illustrations
[All 6 fandoms in one book] ❗ All texts are in Russian
➜ Physical copy (hard-back) — 3 200 roubles (it's around 37.4$ or 34.7€) ➜ Digital copy (.pdf) — 700 roubles (it's around 8.2$ or 7.6€)
The merch: ➜ 6 fandoms ➜ 3 sets for EACH fandom: • Aperitif — very small (1 postcard, 1 sticker pack, 1 key fob) — 1 500 roubles (it's around 17.5$ or 16.3€) • Half Portion — small (Aperitif + 1 acrylic stand with the main pairing, 1 plastic bookmark, 2 more postcards, 1 mini card) — 2 600 roubles (it's around 30.4$ or 28.2€) • Portion — large (Half Portion + 1 acrylic stand with secondary characters, 2 acrylic earrings, 1 more sticker pack, 1 bank card sticker, 1 round plastic badge, 1 more postcard) — 4 000 roubles (it's around 46.8$ or 43.4€)
[1 set = 1 fandom] ❗ You can get the merch only as the sets and only WITH the book (physical OR digital copy)
• Full 6 fandoms set — 22 000 roubles (it's around 257,3$ or 238,4€)
The plan: ➜ Right now till September 7, 2024 we collect funds ➜ September — production and manufacturing ➜ October — shipping starts ❗ We send digital copies AFTER shipping the physical ones We ship from Saint-Petersburg, Russia International shipping is available, but you can pre-check it via postcrossing.com/postal-monitor/RU
How to get the book or merch: ➜ go to Google Forms and follow the instructions: forms.gle/CdTis5wdYPmg2U6p8 ❗ We collect funds via Boosty; all prices are in Russian Roubles and include the comission of the platform You can use the currency of your country for the purchase, Boosty automatically converts it Shipping is charged separately
The project is not for profit [just for lulz] All money we make will go to production and manufacturing If we hit a breakeven, the authors are going to receive a free book. Any surplus funds will then be used to make extra merch FOR YOU
English is a foreign language for us, so sorry for inaccurate wording, we tried. We tried hard. We keep trying
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More info: vk.com/dont_diy (in Russian)
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homunculus-argument · 10 months
"That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about [subject] to dispute it" is such a valuable tool to have in your vocabulary and way of thinking. It's amazing how many arguments you can completely bypass by it, and usually not only will you save yourself the embarrassment of being in the wrong while arguing about something you don't know anything about, you might even learn more about the subject as you both figure out where the inconsistency between their idea of the thing and your idea of the thing even is. Sometimes it's a simple misunderstanding!
I just recently had a whole argument about whether there are rural jewish communities in Finland. Someone was offended by me making this claim - assuming that I was either denying the existence or jewishness of these people who surely must live in the woods. How dare I claim that rural jewish finns do not exist.
So we had to backtrack a little to get to an agreement about what words mean. We were both on the same page of what either of us mean by "jewish". And before we could get to "rural", the next word we'd need to settle is "community". I made a bold enough assumption that jewish people like to have a synagogue about the same as finns like to have a sauna - there's not much sense to build one just for yourself if you're only somewhere temporarily, but if you're going to settle somewhere permanently, with more than one person there who also wants to have one, obviously you'll build one.
So we agreed on the definition of "jewish community" for the context. A permanent human settlement that has enough jewish residents that they would have their own synagogue. For the context of this argument, a place that has no synagogue does not count as a permanent enough jewish residence to count as "community".
Being on the same page about that, it was time to get to the word "rural". There are exactly two synagogues in Finland - one in Helsinki and one in Turku. There used to be a third, in Vyborg, but not only was that one compeltely destroyed in Soviet bombings, the town of Vyborg itself is no longer a part of Finland, so even if the synagogue was still there, it would still not count as one.
Going through definitions systematically, I asked whether this person would consider a city of 673 000 people or a city of 200 000 people to be "rural". At this person was too mad to continue the argument, taking an offended "how was I supposed to know" -stance about the exact number and distribution of jewish communities in Finland. And all I can say is
You weren't supposed to know. You just supposed that you knew.
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sharkaroni · 2 months
Chapter 10 of The Plum Calendar is up!
In this chapter, Reigen and Serizawa finally have a talk. In the end, they’re wet, cold, covered in mud, one of them’s bleeding and they’re both halfway deaf. But to find out how that happened, you’re just gonna have to read the very final chapter of The Plum Calendar.
” Like I said, aside from the constant overhanging threat of being eaten, it was one of my better vacations to date.” The fact being, it was one of exactly two vacations Reigen had taken in his entire adult life, and the other one had been pretty severely dampened by a very predictable bout of salmonella. ”Besides, you, uh, definitely did your part,” he said, looking the other way. ”You’re a pretty smooth talker, when you wanna be. And you’re not a bad kisser, either.” Reigen didn’t have time to reflect on what a stupid, idiotic thing that had been to say, because he, along with all the woodsy debris on the ground, was being launched a good few meters up into the air by some unseen psychic force.
The Plum Calendar has been a fic about pretending to be engaged to the secret love of your life so a 200-year old ghost won’t marry him and keep him in the ghost dimension forever. But it has also been about not being good enough, about the concept of deserving, about what it means to be a liar, and whether or not that sort of thing is innate.
For those of you who have been reading along, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I can write 30 000 words of someone else’s sappy feelings, but I can never express how much I’ve loved having you read my story. And for the rest of you,  maybe check it out? I don’t know, you might like it.
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percocet · 1 year
please read!
my home province, nova scotia, is currently suffering from uncontrollable wildfires. more than 200 homes have been destroyed, over 16 000 residents have been forced to evacuate, and the fires keep spreading. just now, we've gotten the alert that they're in bedford, which is pretty much right next to halifax city proper.
nova scotia is a very small and relatively poorer province in comparison to ontario, british columbia, quebec--so we have fewer resources, and all of them are stretched thin trying to diminish these wildfires. the federal gov is ostensibly prepared to help and send more resources, but the damage has already been done to the small and mostly aging communities that reside here. unless a miracle happens, that damage will likely get more extensive.
i know and understand that times are financially very hard right now for everybody, and it can be difficult to care about a place you've never heard of. as of writing this, only red cross is providing substantial financial relief for displaced people; the only "reputable" charity set up for recovery efforts is by united way. the newness of the situation makes it hard to determine who needs and can get what! so a lot of individuals have taken to sites like gofundme.
the coast, one of our local newspapers, has put together an ongoing list of resources to see for people who have been affected, and how others can help. (granted, a lot of it will likely be meaningless to you if you don't live here.) that said:
if you can help spread the word and keep nova scotia in your hearts, that would be greatly, greatly appreciated. i'll be updating this post when more information comes to light on how people can help our communities recover!
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tomodchis · 2 months
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07 27 ‘23 ( ✴︎ )  ‎ ،  ‎ after lucky hour is the debut mini album of south korean co-ed group dachi. title track bim bam bum is a refreshing love letter to fans of the all-too-known cute concept, while also bringing something new to the table. 
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the album   ‎ ‎ ‎ ıllı ‎ ‎[ 🌈 ]    ‎♪ ҉     
bim bam bum would be released a whopping nine months after lucky hour ended, marking confusion from viewers. the show didn’t do terribly — seoyi got first place with 200 000 points and 130 000 votes, in fact — so what’s with the holdup? radio silence continued until mystic story announced their debut date on june 30th. fans complained to the company about wait time, but no statement has been made up to this point.
teaser rollout began almost immediately afterwards. it was all mainly group photos, save for short teaser videos that obscured the member’s faces like it wasn’t public information, but the reactions were mostly positive. despite the obvious connection in motifs and music score throughout the teasers — same background tune, similar dark hallways, replicated props — the videos seemed different in every single way. it would set the scene for the intro to dachi’s universe, (tomo)rrow.
the music video for bim bam bum, for lack of a better word, popped off the screen. every scene was a vibrant clash of textures and colours. locations from the individual teaser videos were all used: a flower garden, a corner store, a shopping mall, an abandoned outdoor pool, a candy diner. multiple forms of media were used as well, including water colour artwork, stop motion animation, and little cartoon avatars cutefully named the neighbourhood friends. 
bim bam bum became an inspiration for graphic designers, artists, and editors, with multiple trends coming out of the music video alone. this includes: editing your favourite character to the final chorus in a mograph-type style, creating templates based off of each mv location, and drawing the neighbourhood friends beside a character with a completely different aesthetic, like vincent valentine from ffvii.
despite the overwhelming positivity from the general public, dachi was met with intense hatred from kpop fans and obsessed akgaes. a burst in popularity came stalking, bitter comments about eun ‘breathing too hard into the mic’ despite performing live during every single performance, called a ‘quick cash grab by mystic story’, penchants for commenting on their looks for no reason, etc. they were compared to a multitude of other groups including itzy, weki meki, and nct dream, supposedly for having overlapping concepts. mystic story barely moved to protect dachi, only dishing out a statement after the promotional period passed.
speaking of the promotional period, dachi managed to bag one win during three weeks of music show stages. the now-beloved bside passionfruit was also promoted alongside bim bam bum, but didn’t earn a win. being up against big names definitely hindered awards they could have gotten, but one is better than none. 
overall, the album itself was a massive success. they solidified their role in the industry right at the beginning of their careers in dachi. whether you love them or hate them, bim bam bum will find its way to your playlist.
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tracklist   ‎ ‎ ‎ ıllı ‎ ‎[ 💿 ]    ‎♪ ҉  
→ 01. . . bim bam bum
daring, colourful, cute. pushed against the boundary of trends and created something new. reminiscent of 3rd gen girl groups. 
02. . . blue orangeade
funky, cool, bright. best played during a long drive. highlighted the foolish nature of dachi.
03. . . like i do
sophisticated, fancy, bouncy. explored the synth aspect of dachi’s discography. certified deep-cut with exactly 8 fans.
04. . . passionfruit
chill, groovy, addictive. sounds like how it feels to drink iced tea. suits any type of weather.
05. . . skateboard
happy, breezy, calming. some real heavenly vocal moments from jeyeol. brought back real kpop excellency.
06. . . bahama
beachy, sweet, easy-listening. a song you can let play and always enjoy. perfect outro track.
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styling   ‎ ‎ ‎ ıllı ‎ ‎[ 👒 ]    ‎♪ ҉  
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the styling for this era was divided into two parts: the flowery costumes (top row) and the candy costumes (bottom row). 
the flowery costumes strayed the furthest from the original concept, diving straight into floral and natural aesthetics. the members were caked in makeup at all times, trying to balance the weight of heavy accessories and keeping a smile on their faces. chorong mentioned during an interview that the process of putting everything on was 3 hours for one music show, which she never wants to go through ever again. while the outfits were gorgeous paired with the stunning stage sets, it was a behind-the-scenes disaster.
the candy costumes are a fan favourite for many obvious reasons. not only do the outfits fit the album, but were much more comfortable. the 2000s influence directly mirrors the nostalgic feel of bim bam bum. they all wore tank-tops, graphic tees, baggy jeans, thick belts, and combat boots. some of the girls wore long dresses, thigh-highs, and skirts. each makeup look wasn’t even makeup, just charms stuck to their faces in a pattern. seoyi went viral for her butterfly charm look, and suddenly half the industry followed in her steps.
fashion team director choi narim explained why there was such a large duality, “dachi has been a sensation even before this satisfying debut. i knew they would be stars when i looked at the four of them. i thought to myself they must stand out from the rest, and i’ve succeeded, seeing all this media attention. big risks can mean even bigger victory in the world of entertainment.”
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era notes   ‎ ‎ ‎ ıllı ‎ ‎[ 🗒️ ]    ‎♪ ҉  
the era was almost-ruined by weirdos, yet pockets had an absolute blast. posts going viral left and right, unique lineup gaining traction, lucky hour fans coming back after their fav was eliminated, it was fun!!! too bad they had a part time job in blocking accounts
the birth of the first official solo stans… who else cried. ot4 pockets desperately tried defending the members from Everybody. multiple ppl were wrongfully accused of being akgaes, the largest account dedicated to lucky hour was exposed for being an eun anti…
the members were sooooo stressed out. especially seoyi, whose sudden leap into fame caused anxiety
their teaser videos were kind of a Hot Mess but made sense when the chaotic mv for bim bam bum came out
u already know a japanese artist drew gojo with the neighbourhood friends, spiking interest from anime fans. it’s hard to say if they actually tuned in, but promo is promo
dachi’s labelmates billlie also made an appearance. everyone filmed a tiktok dancing to passionfruit on billlie’s account, and pockets and belllie’ves thought the interaction between moon sua and eun was so adorable. eun was barely in frame, but moon sua guided her in, which caused eun to smile and bury her face in her hands
the music video for bim bam bum racked up 9.5 million views within the first week, shocking the fandom
seoyi was the very obvious star of the show. a different article about her would come out every day, talking about something so mundane like sleeping habits that she forgot she even said it. every camera pointed to her as she walked. she truly became the face of kpop for a good three weeks
impossible for all four of them to Not serve cunt. it’s almost contagious
jeyeol and chorong wrote bahama + eun and seoyi helped produce some parts of like i do!!! truly a talented group
after lucky hour is recognized as one of the most cohesive eps from 2023, with a pitchfork review of 8.2
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traumendesmadchen · 1 year
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After many years of troubled development, health issues and general bad luck, we are happy to announce that 
✨ Chronotopia: Second Skin will be released on October 13th. Friday the 13th. ✨
Isn’t it fitting for a cursed game to be released on an unlucky day? We thought it would be a good way to close this chapter of our misfortunes. An updated demo will also be made available a few days prior so you can refresh your memory!
Excited to finally be able to read the full story? Please consider sharing the announcement around you~
💜 Wishlist us on Steam 💜
Chronotopia: Second Skin is a unique rewriting of the Donkeyskin fairytale, a darker variation of Cinderella. Follow Kionna into a painful but ultimately rewarding search for her true self.
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The plan was supposed to be simple, almost ridiculously so. When her father, driven mad by years of grief, suddenly decided to force her into marrying him, Princess Kionna enlisted the help of her childhood friend. Together, they managed to contact her long-lost fairy godmother. Surely, her powers would save her from this hellish fate. Kionna would be able to escape the castle, a prince charming would find her, and they would live happily ever after. Alas, magic can only do so much. Things keep spinning out of control. Trapped in an endless nightmare, the princess ceaselessly rewinds time in a race with death itself. Is a happy ending truly waiting for her at the end of the tunnel?
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A captivating plot full of unexpected twists and existential dread
Over 200 000 words of content with multiple endings
3 romances can be chosen at the end of Kionna’s journey
Fun secondary things like gameplay phases and collectibles
Available in both English and French!
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jorvikzelda · 1 year
Apologies for the link being in Swedish but I wanted to preface this post with The Source (The Source being a handy neat little reliable Swedish website because in Sweden literally everything is public and today SSE’s financial results of 2022 were published on said neat little website - in a very neat little graph, no less).
Also prefacing this with a disclaimer that I am not a finance person or a native English speaker and I am probably using the wrong words for things but I’m feeling pretty confident that I can at least read the graphs and know what they mean. (If I’m somehow wrong about that, correction would be greatly appreciated lmfao)
And also - for reference - at the moment of posting 100 SEK is worth about 8,50 EUR, 7,30 GBP, 9,30 USD, 12,40 CAD, and 14,20 AUD. that should cover most of the SSOBlr I think
The Information in The Source, as far as I can tell, is as follows:
SSE’s incomes totaled to roughly the same amount of money in 2022 as they did in 2021 (361 200 000 SEK in 2021 and 362 550 000 in 2022)
(For background info, in 2019 SSE’s incomes totaled to roughly 248 200 000 SEK and they profited roughly 19 400 000 SEK, and in 2020 their incomes totaled to roughly 373 350 000 SEK and they profited roughly 58 300 000 SEK)
In 2021 their profits came out to roughly 36 100 000 SEK
SOMEHOW, in 2022 their LOSS, NOT PROFIT, came out to roughly 33 350 000 SEK
From this I draw the following conclusions:
How did they do this
They didn’t even sell worse than 2021
How did they manage
What are they spending this much on
They haven’t even moved to that ludicrously expensive office yet
Is this the candles????? Is that what this is???
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the filing system!
hello, all! i've been tagged in a lot of stuff recently, and i have started storing all these posts in the archives, mostly for my reference only. the system doesn't make much sense to anyone but me, but here's a weird pseudo-explanation of what's going on in my ocd, nonsense-organisation obsessed, addled mind.
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find every extra file you need here!
(note: the filing system is currently being reworked! the above key is accurate to the new system, but the actual files are still being updated!)
file (1)2-1-011: behind character names
file (1)123-2-002: open qna
file (1)2-3-003: ask response
file (1)3-4-004: ask response
file (1)2-5-015: ask response
file (1)23-6-100: find the word
file (1)3-7-200: writing snippet
file (1)4-8-000: line of dialogue
file (1)2-9-300: writing snippet
file (1)1-10-006: 1 to 5 game
file (1)12-11-400: anagram game
file (1)1234-12-020: questionnaire
file (1)1-13-007: random ramble
file (1)4-14-030: 15 lines
file (1)234-15-040: questionnaire
file (1)2-16-500: writing snippet
file (1)1-17-000: line of dialogue
file (1)34-18-050: questionnaire
file (1)4-19-600: writing snippet
file (1)1234-20-009: wip name qna
file (0)0-0-000: ask response
file (1)1-21-0610: ask response
file (1)1235-22-700: anagram game
file (1)3-23-800: out of context line
file (1)4-24-070: 15 lines
file (1)1-25-900: writing snippet
file (1)2-26-0010: what have your characters done?
file (1)1-28-0011: ask response
file (1)5-29-0812: character inspiration
file (1)X-30-090: association game
file (1)12345X-31-000: wip qna
file (1)3-32-000: ask response
file (1)45X-33-0100: stranded on an island
file (1)2-34-0013: ask response
file (1)1-35-0110: ask response
file (1)X-36-0120: personality through quote
file (1)5-37-1000: out of context line
file (1)X-38-1100: writing snippet
file (1)2-39-01314: unorthodox ship
file (0)0-40-000: writer questionnaire
file (1)5-41-0140: character song
file (1)3-42-0150: character headcanons
file (1)2-43-1200: writing snippet
file (1)4-44-0160: 15 lines
file (1)2-45-0170: personality through quote
file (1)1-46-1300: anagram game
file (1)X-47-1400: anagram game
file (1)3-48-1500: 9 lines writing snippet
file (1)4-49-000: Iine of dialogue (x2)
file (1)6-50-0180: questionnaire
file (1)ALL-51-0015: open qna
file (0)0-52-000: 1-10 dialogue lines
file (0)0-53-000: writer questionnaire
file (0)0-54-000: writer questionnaire
file (1)ALL-55-000: clickbait title
file (1)ALL-56-0190: most likely to
i'm only now realising how much these look like weird phone numbers ;-; whoops!
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for the raffle: y'all comment you want in on this post, i make a list and ask a random name generator to pick who gets to ask me to write a fic, I'll give the rules later if that's what y'all pick
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petitelepus · 4 months
Okay, I have been resting a little and I think I'm ready to open the Requests and Matches again! I will be writing about Demon Slayers only for now, but let's see what happens!
Let's go over some basic rules that I wish everyone checks before requesting anything! Also, if something is unclear to you, feel free to contact me or just ask.
What kind of things do I write about?
Yandere and other Deres
Different AUs (Kimetsu AcademyAU, Zombie ApocalypseAU, MonsterMusumeAU, ETC)
What I WON’T write about!
Hate against gender, people, race, sexuality, or religion
Then there are the Matches! Here are the Matchup Rules!
Normal - Love is pure and so cute
Yandere - They just love you SO much
Omegaverse - Who is your Alpha, Beta, or Omega
Monsters - Monster Musume AU
Tell me and be clear about what you want
Let me know if you specifically want a Human match or a Demon match. Otherwise, I will go with my guts and find you a match, no matter their status.
You can tell me your Horoscope if you feel like it represents you well, but for now, I’m leaving Myers Briggs results OUT!
I also don’t know anything about Sun and Moon horoscopes so let’s stick to that normal one for now, okay?
If you want Omegaverse Match, tell me what you want, like, are you looking for an Alpha or Omega, and if you see yourself as Alpha, Beta, or Omega
I want to hear from you about what kind of human or demon you feel you are
Romance and sexuality are fine, I won’t judge and I’m very open
If you want multiple matches, like Normal and Yandere together, I can do that if you stay with the word limit
ONE rule I really hope you all stick to is that the word limit to request is 200 words! I know it may sound short, but I need info that you feel represents you the most
I can do both SFW and NSFW but you have to be over 18 for naughty ones, this is something I won’t discuss.
ALSO, I will NOT be breaking apart Mitsuri and Obanai, you will get either both or neither
THE SAME goes for Tengen and his wives. It's all of them or none of them
If you are confused or something isn’t clear then feel free to ask me for more info, I don’t bite and I like to think that I’m pretty nice.
Also, I must ask from you guys if you would be okay if my chapters, for example for my Hantengu story wouldn't be as long as they have been?
The main reason I started to stress about writing so badly was because I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to fill the 3 000 words I had set for each chapter...
But let's see if I learn to be a little more merciful towards myself. So, without further delay, let's get the Box open!
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