#2. its sunny out and will be super warm tomorrow!!
wetslug · 3 months
yayyyy im so happy today
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hai ariiiiii :3 guess whos SICK . me . im sick
ANYWAY thinking abt sugubooboo taking care of u while sick ,,,,,,,,
u kno when u get that feeling ur gonna b sick in the morning the night b4 it all hits ? i think sugu picks up on that after u blow ur nose one 2 many times n he asks if ur okay
ur not. obviously . so he heats up some nice peppermint tea, and something my mom does when im sick is take some honey, mix it w ginger powder + some other stuff thats good 4 ur throat and make me eat a spoonful of it [its gross as HELLLL i hate it but i feel a lil better afterwards] then tucks u in2 bed [later after uve fallen asleep he calls out of work for tomorrow, he REFUSES to leave u alone + sick]
the next morning ur properly Sick and suguru wakes u up w breakfast in bed, all warm foods infused with clove, mint, ginger, and sets a few packs of tissues next 2 the bed
after uve eaten he lays in bed w u 4 a bit, kissing your head and fiddling w ur hands. eventually u ask abt work, he said he called out 4 both u n him.
he trusts u 2 take a shower on ur own, but when u get out hes holding a towel and wraps u in it immediately then just hovers around u as u do ur morning routine, making sure youre okay n not abt 2 like . pass out or smthn
once ur dressed and fully cocooned in the bed once again, suguru pours out some cold medicine 4 u and hands u water once that NASTY liquid slides down ur throat. he gives u a lil candy as a palate cleanser tho, hes not mean
i think after that u just fall in and out of sleep 4 teh rest of the day until u get hungry again or need another dose of medicine. sometimes u wake up 2 suguru humming and playing w ur hair while he reads a book, sometimes he joins u and takes a nap w u. the only time u wake up alone is when its lunch or dinner n hes in the kitchen making smthn spicy 2 open ur sinuses
everytime u take a dose of medicine, he kisses you on the lips then pushes a glass of water in one hand n some candy in the other. hed probably mumble 'good job' or smthn like that in2 the top of ur head as he cuddles u while ur trying 2 get the taste out of ur mouth
he does NOT care if u sneeze n get snot all over him, puke on him if u have a stomach bug, cough in his face, or r generally disheveled. u could never disgust him.
if its sunny out, hell offer 2 take u outside just 4 a lil bit. if u dont think u can walk hes gonna pick u up. no complaining u NEED that sun, hell argue while sliding the patio door open
youll sit out 4 a bit, soaking up the sunshine then when u want 2 go back 2 bed hell carry u back and gently tuck u in2 bed
if ur 2 weak 2 even blow ur nose, hes holding the tissue 2 ur nose n waiting 4 u 2 blow. the chapstick might b all the way across the room n ur savior ends up being suguru and his long legs. the temp in the house is 2 hot? hes turning the a/c down and all the fans r coming 2 ur room bcuz he knows how slow the heating n cooling takes 2 change.
also everytime he walks in2 the room, hes asking how r u? do u need anything? does anything hurt too much? and he probably has smthn 4 u 2 do so ur not on ur phone all day [guess . guess who was on their phone all day . ME]
at the very end of the day, hes got u curled up in his lap on the bed, INCREDIBLY comfortable, and theres some movie on the tv in the bedroom. like juno or some other feel good indie movie. sugurus just kissing u everywhere on ur face and clutching u tight 2 him because u got super clingy after he had 2 run out 4 last minute groceries. since its past dinner time, he gives u lil candied ginger pieces 2 help w ur throat n other snacks 2 go w the movie.
eventually u fall asleep in his arms in the middle of the movie, smothered in warmth on all sides.
OKAY . WOW . moving on, HOW WAS UR DAY ARI ??? tell me abt that book ur reading rn !! u seem very enthusiastic abt it, id luv 2 know y ^_^ ! [personally my day was . ouchie . and ive got a book abt decolonialism checked out from the library rn :3]
ASHLEY !!!!!!!!! i’m answering this kinda late i hope your cold is gone by now 😔😔😔
BUT . GODDDDDDDDDD ARE YOU OUT TO KILL ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭 BE HONEST . how did you know sugu sickfics are my greatest weakness………… (i actually have . a whole fic just like this that i wrote a year ago or so 😭😭 YOU MADE ME WANNA GO BACK N READ IT HHHH this is very bad for my weak suguloving heart….) I’M JUST. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAYY. you keep serving me meals on a silver platter n i’m just?!?!! eating gratefully …. thank you……
NO BC YOU’RE SOOOOO RIGHT YOU’RE SO OBJECTIVELY CORRECT :((((((( HE’S. THE SWEETEST. the best bf around !!!!!! he’s so good at caring for you when you’re sick…. sniffle……. AND OFCCCC HE’D PICK UP ON IT INSTANTLY TOO. his sixth sense is so crazy accurate when it comes to his baby </33333 and wahhh him making you tea and tucking you in and calling in sick for you 🥺🥺🥺 he just wants you to feel better……
WAKING YOU UP . W BREAKFAST IN BED. WHAT IF I CRYYYYY THIS CONCEPT IS SO DEAR TO MY HEART ASHLEY ….. and him just. hovering around you. i feel like he would stand outside the bathroom while you shower just in case you were to fall over or smth…….. he’s so caring :(((( and wrapping you up in a towel…… cocooning you into bed. sniffle. i need him to baby me sooooo bad it’s not a want it’s a need …… he rlly would stay by your side the Whole time………… cooks for you and tends to you and makes sure you’re okay . he’s so good. i feel like he kind of really loves it too….. he doesn’t love that you’re sick BUT . he loves being allowed to take care of you :’3 loves making you feel better.
ALSOOO him kissing you and praising you whenever you take your medicine T_T oughhhhhhhh one kiss on the forehead + ”good girl/boy” from him and i would be OUT like a light. collapsed. fainted. he would be so good at coaxing you into taking it ……… ANDDDDD the part abt you never disgusting him. SO true. you could never ever disgust him he just wants you to be okay…….. forcing you out into the sunlight………… asking if you need anything……………. making sure you aren’t bored…………………. ohhhhh he’s 2 perfect we need to put him down.
sugurus just kissing u everywhere on ur face and clutching u tight 2 him because u got super clingy after he had 2 run out 4 last minute groceries.
AND THEN . YOU TOP IT OFF WITH THIS. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ THIS MADE ME MELT….. i’m so…………. i have so many thoughts abt this. sugu would LOVE a clingy s/o but i keep specifically thinking of him w an s/o who’s shy w physical affection.,,,, and how he’d react when they get sick and suddenly get all cuddly . 🥺 he would love it so much. kisses you all over and holds you soooo tight and he’s just!!!!! so enamored!!!!!!!!! you’re like a lil koala. he loves you. sob.
WAHHHHH THANK YOU FOR THE ABSOLUTE MEAL MY BELOVED i’m not exaggerating btw this is gonna feed my sugu thoughts for weeks to come…… AND MY DAY WAS GOOD!!!! i’m sorry to hear your day was ouchie </3 i hope it’s all better now!!! pls make sure to rest and eat properly <33 it’s what sugu would want for you!!!!!
AND . THE BOOK. YES. it’s called giovanni’s room by james baldwin and it’s sooooo <33333 yeah. it’s so good. i LOVE baldwin’s prose so much??????? and the story is just . AUGH. i’m still not finished but i’m so obsessed. it’s basically abt a closeted guy in like … the 1800s-1900s? who goes on vacation in paris while his girlfriend is in spain. and he meets this rlly mysterious charming italan barman called giovanni……….. the book is abt their relationship + their own experiences w homosexuality + their tragic ending (it’s revealed at the very beginning of the book that giovanni will meet his end by the guillotine)…..
so it’s just . yeah. it’s such a gorgeous book :’3 and just so . idk. raw? visceral?? i love giovanni a lot. and more than anything i loves james baldwin <333 i’m planning to buy another of his books too!!!! it’s called tell me how long the train’s been gone :3 I RLLY RECOMMEND BOTH OF THEM!!! i hope the book you just got ends up being good too <33
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maddieinwonder · 3 years
Bait & Switch
Spencer Reid x GN!BAU!Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None, super fluffy 
Word Count: 3.5k words 
Plot: Reader reveals that they’re going to buy a Nintendo Switch so Spencer invites them to go together with him. In the process, some feelings reveal themselves.  
Author’s Note: My first time writing about Spencer, and actually, my first time writing a fic in a long time haha. Just imagine that this takes place in 2017, although you don’t have to know anything about the Switch in order to read this.
"What's got you in such a good mood, baby?" Derek asked, leaning over his chair. Even without looking up, you could feel the smirk that decorated his face. After almost a month at the BAU, you didn’t need to be a profiler to expect this much from Derek. "Got a date this weekend?"
You tried to focus on your paperwork before relenting, rolling your eyes. Still, you couldn't hide the smile in your voice when you shot back a reply. "With this job? You wish, Morgan."
"Give yourself some credit, beautiful. With your looks I'm sure you could score a good looking fellow for a night you won't forget."
"I'm sure you would know all about that," you replied, this time grinning from ear to ear.
Ever since you joined the BAU, your seat has always been across Derek Morgan. The guy was a terrible flirt but also one of the most trustworthy people you knew, so you couldn't keep up a sarcastic mood for long.
"Actually," you replied genuinely, "I'll be lining up this weekend to buy a Nintendo Switch." Out of the corner of your eye, you could sense Spencer stiffen in his chair next to you.
"A what switch?" Derek asked, his face scrunching up in confusion.
But before you could begin to reply him, Spencer rolled his chair over and opened his mouth. The both of you knew what was coming.
"The Nintendo Switch. A video game console developed by Japanese company Nintendo that's completely one-of-its-kind, on account of its console functioning like a tablet that can either be docked on a home console and linked to a TV, or used as a portable device with two wireless controllers so you can..."
Not being able to help yourself, you giggled at his info dump. You've always admired how much knowledge he could store in his big brain. But more importantly, you thought he was kind of cute like this. A fire would light in his eyes and it seemed like the world around him ceased to exist.
You only realised you were staring at Spencer when the last bits of his question registered in your mind. "...you going to?"
Blinking your eyes, you snapped to attention. Derek seemed to notice, because you felt his signature smirk return to his face.
"Which store are you going to?" Spencer repeated the question. Anybody else might be annoyed, but he only seemed mildly restless. A rare look for the unathletic genius.
"I'm going to the one three blocks down from here," you replied.
"So am I!" Spencer sat upright in his chair, beaming. You think that this is the most excitement he's expressed to you since you joined the BAU.
Then his confidence seemed to waver. He began tugging at the edge of his sleeve, eyes glancing to the side at nothing in particular when he asked, "W-would you like t-to go together?"
A smile spreads across your face before you can stop it. "Sure! Sounds like fun."
Spencer grinned back, and there was a moment of silence before Derek interrupted the conversation that he began. "Well, I'll leave you and lover boy to plan your date. I'm going to spend my Friday night at the bar."
Your heart thumped involuntarily at the word "date", while Derek turned to Emily. "Hey Prentiss, you want to grab a few drinks and dinner? I'm sure I can get the others to leave work for one night."
"Anything's better than this," Emily shrugged, lifting her mug of already-cold coffee.
Standing up to retrieve her bag, she smirked at you and Spencer, having heard more of the conversation than she let on. "Have a great weekend, you lovebirds. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
She and Derek shared a laugh as they moved towards the Batcave to retrieve Garcia next.
As you watched them go, you feel Spencer's eyes on you and a flush warming your cheeks. You knew they were just teasing you with the word "date", but the truth is you've liked the genius almost as soon as you met him.
You may not have an eidetic memory, but you could still remember the flutter of butterflies that exploded in your chest when you first laid eyes on Dr. Spencer Reid.
He had waved from a comfortable distance, the other hand tucked in the pocket of his dark slacks. He towered over you easily with curly locks that barely touched his sweater vest, and you swore you've never seen anybody more attractive in your life. His intelligence only added to your attraction. 
"Shall I pick you up at 7am tomorrow?"
You turned back to Spencer, who seemed even more nervous now that everybody in the bullpen had left. Yet what he was proposing was rather bold compared to his usual behaviour.
“Pick me up?” You repeated.
“It’ll be easier to find a parking spot that way, and the weather report predicts that tomorrow will be a sunny day, so I know you’d rather not walk three blocks to the store.” He rambled nervously.
“You know me well, Spencer.” A cheeky smile snuck onto your face, and in a moment of false bravado, you said what was on your mind. “7am. It’s a date, then.”
Spencer’s face turned beet red.
You didn’t wait to dwell on his reaction, dumping the last of your paperwork into a pile and picking up your bag. But as you walked to the elevator, you couldn’t help yourself from grinning ear to ear. It was a date. Kind of.
You couldn’t sleep. You had gotten home earlier than usual, but the extra time to plan for your “date” tomorrow proved to be a bad idea.
What would you wear? What would you talk about? Should you extend it to a meal, or dessert, or maybe coffee?
Although you were confident in the moment, you were beginning to regret teasing Spencer before you left. You’d known him long enough to know how he reacted to embarrassment, and there’s a good chance he might back away because of your forwardness. 
You groaned, trying to get these thoughts out of your head. The reality of the "date" was sinking in now. This would be the first time that you and Spencer would be alone in a non-work setting. To say that you were nervous was a gross understatement. 
But there was something worse than showing up nervous, which was showing up nervous and sleep-deprived, so you turned off your bedside lamp and tried to will yourself to sleep. That's when your phone began to buzz.
You were so on edge that the sound almost made you fall off your bed. Turning over your phone, your heart leapt to your throat.
Spencer, 2:03am: Sorry to disturb you when it's so late, but I realised I don’t have your address. Could you send it to me when you're awake?
You gulped. Just relax, just relax, you repeated in your head.
Me, 2:05am: It’s alright, you didn’t wake me up. I’ll attach my address below.
Spencer, 2:06am: Thanks. Having trouble sleeping?
Me, 2:07am: A little
Spencer, 2:08am: Me too.
What was I supposed to reply to that? You silently screamed. But it turned out you didn't have to figure it out.
Spencer, 2:11am: To be honest, I'm a little nervous about tomorrow.
Me, 2:13am: Why?
Spencer, 2:15am: I suppose it’s because we've never spent any time alone before.
Hearing the genius act so shy made you feel a little more brave.
Me, 2:16am: Well, I'm looking forward to the chance
Spencer, 2:17am: I am too.
Despite your nerves, you smiled at his small confession.
Spencer, 2:19am: We should get some sleep.
Me, 2:19am: I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, Spence
Spencer, 2:20am: Sweet dreams.
Your anxieties were washed away and replaced with the biggest smile on your face. Without knowing it, Spencer’s words rippled a sense of calm over you, and you fell asleep shortly after. 
The next morning, you woke up with a newfound clarity. You knew what you were going to wear. 
Spencer couldn't stop tapping the edge of his steering wheel. He knew he was nervous, and admitting it to you last night didn't do much to stop that fact from eating away at him.
He texted you 3 minutes ago that he was waiting outside your apartment, but you hadn't replied. Although he knew that there were plenty of logical reasons why you might have missed his text, his hands didn't stop itching to call you and see if you were alright.
Then out of the corner of his eye, you emerged from the corridor and he felt his heart speed up.
You were wearing a blue flannel that he'd never seen you in before with a pair of dark jeans. Your hair, which you usually kept in a up-do at work, was let down in waves, touching your shoulders. And then there was the pièce de résistance, you were wearing a Doctor Who t-shirt with the TARDIS on it.
Hook, line, and sinker.
He didn't break his gaze on you the entire time you got into his car. Even when you beamed at him and wished him a good morning, a small yawn escaping your perfect lips, he was completely tongue-tied.
"Earth to Spencer," you called out, looking up at him curiously. "You there?"
Spencer shook his head suddenly, cursing himself internally for being such a doofus. "Sorry, uh, I was distracted. Good morning." He smiled sheepishly, tucking a stray hair strand behind his ear.
"Anyway," he cleared his throat. "I was thinking we could grab some coffee before we headed to the store? We can make it quick. I know there'll be some people already lining up."
He peeked at you rubbing your eyes and thought it was the cutest thing he's ever seen. “Looks like you might need it," he said without realising he'd just flirted with you.
You giggled, lowering your hands from your face. "Sounds great." 
Spencer wasn't lying when he said it'd be quick, although in truth you could have taken all the time in the world and you would still be happy. The initial awkwardness between you washed away almost immediately as you fell into a quiet conversation about your favourite Doctor Who episodes. 
You wanted to commit the sight of him driving in the morning to memory. The sun had just rose, lighting a gentle halo around Spencer’s messy hair and sculptured face. He was wearing a bigger sweater than usual, the sleeves hanging around his wrists loosely. While his eyes were focused on the road, his lips parted slightly as he softly bantered with you about David Tennant. 
You felt an overwhelming urge to reach out and kiss him despite the driving hazard. And despite the fact that you’ve never kissed him, of course. But you could hope. And hope you did. 
Your hope had grown when he parked in front of the coffee house you’d once mentioned was your favourite. Spencer made your coffee order perfectly and you had found yourself hoping that it was because he’d paid extra attention to you, and not because of his brilliant memory. 
And when you reached the video game store and he opened the door for you, you hoped it was because he wanted to make a good impression, not only because he was a gentleman. 
And when he stood between you and a video game rack in line, you hoped that he was trying to shield you from the other people in the store, and you hoped that he was thinking of pressing you against the rack and kissing the daylights out of you. 
You needed to get a hold of yourself. 
The conversation had swapped to the reason why you two were here in the first place, and you found yourself talking to Spencer about Breath of the Wild, a game that brought you back to fond memories of your childhood. 
“The Legend of Zelda was the first video game I ever played, on the first console I ever owned.” You shared, smiling fondly. “It was the video game that my brother and I bonded over, and we bought every game together since.”
Spencer nodded in rapt. You felt him leaning closer to you, although it may have been your imagination. 
“This is actually the first time I haven’t been with him for a new game,” you realised. “Due to our jobs, we haven’t seen each other in awhile, but we still text each other!” You tried to end on a lighter note, not wanting to bring the mood down on this “date”.
Spencer looked at you as if he wanted to say something, but he kept his lips shut. 
“What about you? What was your first video game?” You threw the question to him, trying to divert attention away from your sad-enough story. 
He blushed in response to your question and looked down at his black converse. You noticed he began touching his sleeve in a familiar motion and you looked at him suspiciously. “Spencer?”
“W-well, the t-truth is, I didn’t actually c-come here to buy a Switch, and I don’t play video games at all.“ The last part of his sentence came out rapidly. You might have missed it, if you weren’t already used to the tongue twisters he spit out on a daily basis.
“What?” You exclaimed a little too loudly, causing the other shoppers in line to glance at you weirdly. “Then... Then what are you doing here?” You said quieter this time. Your eyebrows furrowed as your mind scanned the possibilities. 
“W-well, I, uh, wanted to spend time with you,” he blurted out. He raised his eyes to meet yours, his face completely red.
It was your turn to be flustered now. Your voice was quiet and you could feel your hands shaking. “Is this a date, Spencer?” 
“Only if you want it to be, I mean, I want it to be but your opinion matters to me, and I wouldn’t want to bring you on a date if you didn’t want to. We can just hang out like friends if that’s more comfortable--” 
You grabbed his free hand, gently lowering it from where it was moving as he rambled, until your fingers were intertwined. 
“I would like it to be,” a large smile took over your face. You were a little teary despite how weird it was to confess your feelings for him in a video game store of all places. 
Spencer was quiet for a moment, squeezing your hand in return. “Would you like to go for lunch after this? As a date,” he clarified this time. 
"I would love that,” you beamed at him, “as a date.” 
Spencer had always imagined the kind of girl he would fall in love with. Caring, intelligent, had an appreciation for classic literature, maybe. But when he saw you for the first time, every expectation he held flew out of the window.  
You were beautiful. Wavy dark hair tied into a high ponytail, wearing a navy shirt, and funnily enough, a beige cardigan and black converse. Morgan joked that it was like meeting Spencer 2.0, but he disagreed: the two of you were worlds apart. 
You were incredibly tech savvy, although not as much as Garcia, but certainly more than the rest. You loved the smell and taste of coffee without sugar. You were happy to hug everybody you met, from colleagues to victims. You didn’t like paperback so you read everything on a Kindle. 
But the biggest difference between the two of you, was that you were emotionally intelligent. 
All of your brilliance, combined with your PhD in psychology - having worked as a psychiatrist affiliated with Sex Crimes before joining the BAU - you were able to pick out the team’s moods from a single glance. It’s what endeared everyone to you immediately, and what made you such a great profiler.   
But the way you treated him was different. You just, listened to him. While everyone else had gotten into the habit of cutting him off or simply ignoring him when he opened his mouth, your eyes would light up instead. 
He could always tell you were listening because you would look into his eyes when he spoke, and you would ask him questions after he was done. 
It made him feel like the world around him ceased to exist, except for you. 
So he started studying your interests to grab your attention, trying to throw in a few jokes hoping to see you smile. It only took one month for him to seize his chance. Still, never in his calculations did he think you would say yes. 
He smiled at the thought, stroking your hair gently as you cuddled on the couch together, watching you play Breath of the Wild. 
After a more than successful first date, you had asked him to come over the next day to spend more time together. A month ago, he would have politely declined with an excuse like needing to read a new academic journal, but when he arrived at your doorstep he allowed himself to be drawn into your arms, relishing the giggle he earned as a reward for being hugged. 
“Damn it,” you grumbled quietly as you ran out of stamina scaling a cliffside for the fifth time.
Spencer laughed. Without a second thought, he pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head. 
In the background Link fell off the cliff once again, the game playing a sound that he came to recognise as Link dying. But there were no curses this time, as you had turned to look at Spencer, nothing but adoration in your eyes. 
“That was our first kiss,” you said so quietly and sweetly that Spencer’s heart melted at the sound of it. 
“First?” He took his chance, leaning closer. “You know, the usage of the word ‘first’ almost always implies that there will be a ‘second’ and a ‘third’ and a...” 
His voice trailed off as your fingers left the controller to touch his lips. Your touch was intoxicating and he wanted more. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, Spence,” you started, lifting your finger from his lips. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you-” 
“Don’t be sorry,” he managed to get out in a hurry before capturing your lips in his. He felt your astonishment at first, but you quickly lost yourself in the kiss as he brought his hands up to cup the sides of your face, deepening the kiss further. 
You finally broke apart after awhile, both panting for air and smiling widely. Spencer never thought he could be so lucky. “That’s the second one,” he said quietly, bringing up two fingers to indicate the number. 
You looked at him with love in your eyes and abandoned your controller on the table before throwing yourself at him, flattening the two of you against your couch. 
“Ready for the third?”
Derek Morgan wasn’t an idiot. That’s why he could tell that something had changed over the weekend between his desk mate and boy genius. 
The two came into work together on Monday morning, which was weird in itself, but they also took every opportunity to stick to each other, from coffee breaks to disappearing for lunch and “asking” about paperwork. 
When they vanished for the umpteenth time that day for coffee, Derek leaned over Emily’s desk to confirm his theory. 
“It’s not just me. Pretty boy finally made a move, didn’t he?” He cocked an eyebrow. 
“Definitely. Those two are so obvious that even Hotch has picked up on it. From his office.” She quipped, grinning as her eyes moved to the scene behind Derek. “Speak of the devil.” 
Entering the conversation, Spencer did what he did best. “Did you know that ‘speak of the devil’ is the short form of the idiom ‘speak of the devil and he doth appear’? The phrase can be traced back to the 16th century when mentioning the devil was considered prohibited. In fact, when people were caught saying the phrase--” 
Derek caught your eyes drifting to look adoringly at Spencer. He couldn’t take this anymore. “So what happened between you two last weekend, huh?” he interrupted, smirking. 
Your reaction was better than he gambled. You turned a bright red and your eyes darted between Spencer and Derek in panic, truly flustered for the first time since he’s met you. But Spencer was strangely calm, his eyes travelling from his best friend to Emily in the background trying to stifle her laughter, while a small smile tugged at his lips. 
“We’re dating now,” he announced to the two a little triumphantly, while rubbing your shoulder as a peaceful gesture. 
Derek and Emily were stunned by their friend’s directness, only to be shocked out of it as Hotch walked by. “Finally,” he muttered, loud enough for them all to hear. 
You were the first to crack a smile, then the rest followed suit with laughs and congratulations. Hearing the uproar, Garcia and JJ peeked out of their rooms, joining in and demanding more details about this new but not entirely unexpected development. 
Amidst the chaos, Spencer laces his hands in yours and gives it a squeeze. For the first time in a long time, you feel unequivocally, unmistakably happy. 
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sleevesareforlosers · 2 years
hi jordan!!
ok the place i really want to go to rn on a small scale is the pool i wish it was warm and what i really want to do (for reasons i can’t quite figure out) is to go to the pool or the beach in my favorite swimsuit and hang out poolside or beachside and sunbathe with sunglasses on although last time i did that i fell asleep and got a very weird sunburn. the place on a LARGER scale i would like to go to is a ski resort because if it’s going to be cold i want to go to a ski resort with my family and go skiing and go to the waterpark inside and the arcade and stuff because i haven’t gotten a family vacation like that in a lil bit (it was summer. so ig not that long)
my favorite kind of weather is when it’s sunny and warm out (75F+) but it isn’t humid so i don’t mess up my hair and it’s not SO so hot that i sweat all my hair dye and makeup all over my face but i can still go swimming and go shopping and nap in the hammock in our backyard and it’s perfect
ig the last little treat i got myself was either this bowl/mug set that i got for $5 at target on a whim (it’s for me and pretzel the mug says “i love you” and the bowl says “i woof you”) OR when i got myself some very yummy eclairs from my roommates job yesterday (he works at a french pastry shop)! my next lil treat is just kinda coming in the mail bcs it’s a necklace from etsy and tomorrow im seeing the new scream with my friends from school so that’ll be fun too!
my blorbo………well i am always thinking about fun ghoul but today im going to talk about blorbo from my head which is odile von rothbart but from my version of swan lake where she and odette fall in love and break the curse and escape. i think my favorite things about her character design are 1. the necklace with a swan and her name on it that she gives to odette during the story 2. all her freckles because that’s unconventional for nobility during the time pd it’s set in and i like her :) and 3. her hair because it’s kind of farrah fawcett-y and it’s fun to draw. also i think you would have a lot 2 say abt the historical inaccuracies of her and odettes dresses but um. im going to play the “it’s distinct character design” card so ha (also ik this is more than 20 words i am just so full of things to say)
i love u!! how has your weekend been so far?
oh!!!! thatd be so fun tho just layin out in the sun by the water... wahh yeah i get that. and ski resort oh my god fuck yes. ig where i go skiing isnt a Resort but we stay at my aunts place and get a discount on lift tickets bc shes a local and knows everyone that works at the hill and oughh. yeah. thats a good place to be
yes!!! we are ALL missing being warm in the discussion group tonight
omg thats SO cute!! also fuck yes eclairs. excellent little treats! and fun plans!!! u gotta tell me ALL abt scream
oh odile <3 she sounds so lovely. freckles :} have u drawn her i would LOVE to see her!!
i love u too!! my weekends been very chill but also busy? i had two (!!) medical appts yesterday but no class bc it was a school holiday (but not like. a provincial one or anything its just a dal thing) and i did schoolwork off and on all day and then i got PUMPED out climbing today but i did one (and a half. kinda) of the competition climbs which was super great and i came REALLY close to doing a climb nd a boulder that are. the top of my climbing range rn. and then i did MORE schoolwork. and laundry and groceries! but ive also been just like. watchin succession and designing an oc. so very chill yknow?
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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Today was wonderful but I also got pretty bad sunburn on my arms and chest and back. Oops.
I slept good, though it was very hard for me to fall asleep. I took a melatonin and was able to sleep well after that. I woke up with my alarm at 730 and while I wasn't super excited to get up I did and soon I was ready for the beach!!
I loved my dress. I wore my bathing suit under it. James looked super cute in their yellow button down to match me. Love them. We had a long drive to Rohobeth Beach. I have never gone and I was excited!
It was an absolutely beautiful day. Here in Baltimore it apparently rained most of the day. But it was 85 and sunny at the beach.
The drive out was nice. It was about 2 and a half hours. We had excellent music and lots of laughs. It was a good day.
Getting closer to the beach we had some traffic. But we weren't in a rush. It was about 1030 and I am glad we left when we did because parking, it seems, is at a premium there.
We parked at the end of the beach where the state park is. But I wanted to be close to the boardwalk. Mostly so we wouldn't be to far from th bathrooms. We got all our stuff and headed out.
I honestly have always hated having to much stuff at the beach. Even when I was a kid. I found it like super cringey to have like a ton of stuff. So even us just each having a backpack and a chair each and our small cooler. That is on the edge of the cringe precipis.
We found the bathrooms. Didnt have to wait to long. I put on sun screen and talked to some girls outside the bathrooms while I waited for James.
We walked to the beach and set up but then I realized we couldn't see the water so we moved everything closer. There were a lot of people. It wasn't like. Unreasonable but there were a lot of people and a lot of umbrellas. Our little one tried to escape at one point but it was okay. I held on to it.
But what I wanted was to be in the water!!! Which was a little chilly when you first got in, it was actually like the perfect temperature. It was amazing. The sand was soft. There weren't many shells so I didn't collect any. But I would spend so much time just in the water enjoying the waves.
James did join me a bit! They are scared of the ocean but they came in with me twice and it was a lot of fun bouncing with them and laughing. I had an excellent time with them.
When they left to go sit in the sun for a while I ended up having a fun talk to a woman who wanted to know all about my tattoos and we ended up talking for like a half hour and we were body surfing on the waves together and laughing. I felt like a little kid making a friend at the beach who Ill never see again but it was super cute.
I hadn't eaten breakfast or anything so I decided to go have a snack and read with James for a bit. I did reapply my sunscreen on my legs but I didn't on my top half like a fool!!!
Around 1 we would take our backpacks (left our stuff) and went up to the boardwalk to get a pizza. Which took a bit but it was good! A little more sauce then I want normally but its all good. I enjoyed people watching and eating and it was good.
James has insisted that I share that there was a boat. That has Trump written on the side. And had an LCD screen with text, misspelled, just with different alt right talking points. It was just really sad. Like what else could they be doing with their Sunday afternoon. It was disappointing but also like. Your life probably sucks if that's all you can think to do with your boat?? Boring.
I enjoyed being in the water for a while. James came too. We were on the beach for almost 4 hours and it was just great. But I sort of felt done. I wanted to explore the boardwalk too. Even if I was afraid of being to hot. But we packed up our set up and headed back to the car.
It was the middle of the afternoon at this point. We both got changed at the car. I had more sand in my suit then I had hoped. But whatever. I felt bad because people kept coming to our car to ask if we were leaving because there is. No parking at this point in the day. On Labor Day weekend. But we had paid for like 6 more hours so we weren't leaving yet.
We walked the boardwalk. It is pretty small compared to a lot of places Ive been. But it was a really nice place! I played a few claw machine games. Won on my first go! Got this cute little puppy. I didn't win any others but I was very surprised to see how many squishmallows were in the claw machines. And really this was a very affordable boardwalk overall. The claw machines were $1 or less. The only disappointment I had was the photobooth didn't work. But its okay. We took lots of other pictures.
We walked all over. Went to their little ride attraction place called Fun Land. And I insisted on us going to the Haunted House ride and for real this was one of the best ones I have gone on! It was like a ride one and it was a little neon inside but it was really good!! I sort of wish we got the stupid picture at the end but I got a great laugh out of it because our eyes were so big we got startled. It was great.
James did so many things that made them scared today. And they did it because they love me! And that makes me so happy.
We finished the day going to their little town square. We saw a bride and groom taking pictures!! We got a very sour (positive!!) strawberry lemonade, and then we got sandwiches at five guys. No fries or anything. Just the sandwiches and then it was time to go home.
We loaded up the car and made sure we had drinks and then we were off.
It wasn't a bad drive home. Just long. We had a story podcast we have been working through. I thought I would fall asleep but I didn't. Mostly because my skin hurt. My legs didn't burn but my arms, my back, and my chest is very very red. And it started hurting more and more as the hours have gone on.
When we did finally get home it was sort of raining still. We brought our stuff up and I put things away. James decided to go to 711 to stretch their legs and I took a black tea bath to try to help my poor skin.
I put aloe on and it helped but I am a little hot to the touch. I put a hoodie on because I thought at least the fabric would feel nice. And I am right but also afraid of being to warm later. Well see what happens I guess.
I had some soup. James came home and helped me put aloe on my back. An went to play a video game with their friends. And I iced my skin. But now I very much want to go to sleep.
Tomorrow is Labor Day. Not that is actually means much anymore. James is working still. I am going to do my styling work and some art. I would like to start deep cleaning our rooms. I think maybe I will pick one every day? And just take everything away from the walls and such and really attack the spaces. But I know I really need mental energy for that took. So we will see what happens.
I hope you all sleep good tonight. Take care of yourselves! Goodnight!!
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July 2nd, 2021
Day 7: Seeing New Things and Old Things on the Way to Vik
This morning, I definitely woke up super lethargic and fatigued. Mostly because of the late night last night but probably due to all the late nights and lack of sleep finally taking a little toll on me. Anyhow, I woke up, less refreshed than I had hoped, and joined my family for a simple breakfast spread in the communal dining area just outside of our guest cabin. 
After breakfast, the late-nighters quickly washed up before packing the car. Goodbye nice, simple cabin with very little amenities. We left the cabin and drove off to visit our first stop of the day: the nearby Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon. As expected, when we arrived, the parking lot was full of cars and tour buses and people were already on their way exploring the area and taking boat tours into the lagoon. We walked along the lagoon and took in the views with our eyes and with our cameras. It was great to finally introduce Cynthia and my parents to this really cool and unique lagoon. When we finished up, we drove over to Diamond Beach/Breiðamerkursandur to take a look over there as well. 
The first thing I noticed when we arrived at Diamond Beach/Breiðamerkursandur was how there were a lot less ice chunks lining the shore and in the shallow waters of the beach this visit compared to the last time I stopped by. I wonder if that was a result of global warming or just the fact that this visit, I came during the summer and not the winter. Anyhow, we walked along Breiðamerkursandur and looked at all the ice chunks on the beach and took photos. Minh was also nice enough to grab the camera from me and take some informal engagement photos of me and Cynthia on the black sand. We didn’t need any crazy, cool photos given how impromptu this was so we just took some photos while walking up and down the beach before we headed back to the car. 
Our next stop after Diamond Beach and Breiðamerkursandur was Skaftafell in Vatnajokull National Park, a park that I hadn’t yet visited on my previous trips to Iceland due to time and weather condition constraints. But before making it there, we tried to make a stop at Múlagljúfur Canyon, a cool, lesser known canyon in south Iceland, but ended up aborting because of how difficult it was to get to the canyon and how involved the hike through the canyon would be once we got there. So we continued on to Skaftafell.
Because of how beautifully sunny and warm the weather was today, the park was crowded with local and international tourists alike. The goal of our short visit to Skaftafell was to hike to and finally see Svartifoss, a small but beautiful waterfall that cascades over basalt columns, sort of like Aldeyjarfoss but more different than similar. Since it was looking pretty warm out, I decided to change into a T-shirt and shorts and thank goodness I did that! Because the hike was way longer and way steeper than any of us had imagined. And conditions were way hotter than anticipated. As a result, the hike was way warmer and way more sweat-inducing than we had expected. And I definitely felt the heat, the exhaustion, and the pain of hiking up an incline with a bum heel and a heavy camera bag (because I forgot to empty out the non-essentials).. And for my mom, her bum knee made it much harder to hike up to see Svartifoss. 
But we all (except mom) eventually made it to the end of the 1-1.5 mile climb. My dad didn’t actually hike all the way to the waterfall and, instead, just viewed the waterfall from afar. As for me, Cynthia, and Minh, we hiked down to the waterfall from where we left my dad and spent some time there viewing and photographing the waterfall. Because I wanted to try to capture some decent photos of Svartifoss, I took a little longer and was the last one to start the hike back. I eventually caught up with the family at the Visitor Center, where we took a short break to cool off before we headed back out on the road. 
Before making our way to our evening’s lodging in Vik, we made one last detour to see Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon. This detour required a much shorter drive than the one we would have made out to Múlagljúfur Canyon but it still involved some F road driving to get there. Luckily, it was short and before we knew it, we were strolling down to the canyon on a short, sort-of-paved path. The canyon was pretty cool to look at from the observation decks (that were built there for safety) but its beauty was really difficult to capture on camera. Because of that, as well as the midges that were flying around us in full force, we only stayed there briefly before hiking back to the car and driving off to Vik.
Once in Vik, the plan was to meet up with Ben and Maggie, great friends of ours who were flying in from Denver for their honeymoon. Because they had arrived earlier than originally expected, we mutually decided to grab dinner together and to move up our planned hangout instead of waiting until later in the evening. As a result, I dropped off most of my family at the restaurant so that they could find a table for the group as I took my dad to check into our accommodations at the Black Beach Suites, located a bit past Vik, so that he could watch a Euro 2020 soccer game he really wanted to watch. 
After I had checked into our much-snazzier-than-expected suite (much more spacious with many more amenities/cooking space than expected) and dropped my dad off to watch soccer, I drove back to Vik to meet up with Ben, Maggie, and the family for dinner. Our first restaurant option, however, had closed by the time everyone had arrived so we had to pivot and find a new place to eat. Luckily, Strondin Pub was located right around the corner and had plenty of space to accommodate everyone. So that’s where we went. Cynthia and I ordered fish and chips and double cheeseburger, and both were scrumptious! We had a fantastic dinner while catching up with Ben and Maggie. It’s always so nice to eat good food as well as see good friends while traveling abroad! 
To end the day, the youngsters in our group decided to visit an attraction with Ben and Maggie so that we could say we explored and briefly traveled together. After dropping off my mom at home, we drove out with Ben and Maggie to see Skógafoss, one of the beautiful and highly visited waterfalls in South Iceland. We arrived at the waterfall as the typically afternoon skies became evening skies (in appearance, as it was actually late evening by the time we got there) and most crowds had left. We walked around the waterfall and took some group photos before climbing up the steep staircase to the top of Skógafoss, where we took in the beautiful sunset blanketing the surrounding areas. What a beautiful evening to see Skógafoss with good friends! 
Once we had completed our visit at Skógafoss, we drove back and, after chatting for a bit longer, dropped Maggie and Ben off at their yurt ground. So nice to briefly catch up with them in Iceland! We headed back home as it was getting late but not before making a roadside stop to hang out with and pet some Icelandic horses who were hanging out behind some fencing located right off the road. Cynthia and Minh had a grand time petting and talking with the horses as the sun set overhead. Because the sun was quickly setting by the time we had arrived at the horses, we didn’t stay too long and soon enough, drove home and washed up for bed. Tomorrow, Cynthia and I have to wake up early for our impromptu Icelandic horse adventure on the black sand beaches of Vik (more to say about that on tomorrow’s post) before continuing on through a heavily-packed last-Saturday itinerary! 
5 Things I Learned/Observed Today:
1. Just in case you didn’t know, the hike to Svartifoss is not as easy as a little stroll on a level, flat sidewalk. In actuality, it’s a 1-1.5 mile hike straight up a canyon or mountain with very few parts that are flat to catch your breath. So if you’re hiking to the waterfall, especially on a hot day, definitely expect some sweating and a little bit of a workout depending on how fit or healthy you are, how hot it is or what you’re wearing, and how much you’re carrying uphill with you. 
2. According to some info placards near Svartifoss, there is a natural reason why columnar jointed basalt forms in hexagonal columns. Supposedly, when lava or magma cools, the process of contraction causes the new rock to split into six-sided columns. These columns always form at right-angles to the cooling surface, where heat loss is the greatest. The reason why these columns are hexagonal is because the fracture pattern with 120 degree corners is most efficient for stress release. Nature, so natural at engineering. 
3. Supposedly, Justin Bieber did some really stupid stuff (by being disrespectful to Iceland’s beautiful nature) in some music video of his that he was essentially banned from Iceland. Good riddance. 
4. Lupines are purple wildflowers that thrive and grow in colder, harsher climates like on mountains and in Iceland. Of all the places in Iceland we drove through, south Iceland definitely had the most impressive lupine fields. You literally drive through a sea of lupines when driving through south Iceland. Everywhere you look, you see lupines blanketing the field all the way to the foot of the mountains and glaciers. So gorgeous!
5. The town of Vik in south Iceland has changed a ton since the first time I visited back in 2013. Not only is it much more developed with more housing options, like hostels and suites (like the Black Beach Suites), but there are also a lot more grocery stores, gas stations, and restaurants, especially ones that are open until later in the evening. A much better stop for tourists now that tourism has changed the landscape in Vik compared to what it was 8-10 years ago. Again, amazing how tourism drives change!
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way-veee · 4 years
yān yǔ
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rating: m
genre: romance, fluff, comedy, wayv being absolute crackheads
word count: 1.5k +
pairing: reader x wayv
pt. 1
“a week!”
“actually, its two, they’ll be here for one and then you’ll go to china for one.”
“i cant! i have a coverage report due wednesday, not to mention school work. there’s no way i can be following idols around for one-”
“two weeks!”
“look y/n, you’re our youngest and best reporter. this could be our breakthrough to younger audiences. please do this for the company.”
you feel guilt pile in your stomach. you knew that you had to do this for them. a news agency having coverage like this could be huge.
“all hotel and travel expenses are covered by us and SM.”
you hold your breath.
“fine, okay, i’ll do it.”
you shake your head as your manager jumps in the air. you cant believe you were going to do something as crazy as this. god you hated celebrities, and now you’re gonna live like one.
you look up sharply at your manager who is nervously introducing you to wayv’s manager. you spaced out after they started talking about the logistics of your reporting, because you really didnt care.
“yes, its great to meet you sir,”
you bow quickly and give your manager a slight nod as you walk to the car that will take you to wayv. she holds two thumbs up in the air in support. she looks excited but you can tell she’s nervous, you always find a way too mess things up. and she knows that more than most people.
“ so miss, i have your itinerary for our time in osaka, the briefing for bejiing will happen shortly after arrival.”
the uptight manager says more logistical boring things, and you of course tune him out, quickly scanning through the day plan. you weren't looking forward to most of it, even meeting the boys isn’t something you look forward too. you know how snobby celebrities can be, especially to news reporters.
the car pulls up to the big industrial quarters twenty minutes later. you leisurely exit the van into the sunny osaka afternoon, in no rush to meet the idols you had to follow for weeks. you walk into the cool building as a flurry of security checks and beeps go off, scanning everyone. you shake another managers hand as he guides you to the briefing room where the boys are in a meeting.
“i’m so happy for this opportunity. i think the public will really enjoy a look at the boys everyday lives through the eyes of a regular person.”
you’re not sure if he meant that as a backhanded comment, so you try to ignore it.
“yes, i’m also glad that as a reporter, i have such an easy assignment. i expect i wont have much to write about so i look forward to resting.”
he opens up his mouth in shock as you smirk, continuing to walk down the hall. you never were good at keeping quiet.
a door swings open in front of you and you’re now looking into a room full of business men mulling over graphs and data. you were severely under dressed wearing a loose sweater with your hair tied back. but you wouldn’t let that stop you.
“sorry to interrupt,” the same man from the car ride says. “but the reporter for the day in the life project is here.”
he slowly gestures to you as you glide into the room shaking everyone's hands, charming them with a smile as fake as ever.
“i’m so happy to be here, being able to work with such people will be quite and experience.”
you glance over at the boys after you finish reciting the speech you had been practicing in the car. the seven of them sit eerily straight, dressed in suits restricting movement up to their necks. their faces are caked in makeup so expertly and effectively you couldn’t even see their true expressions.
you shudder at the thought of these “boys”. the room stays silent, so you take this as your cue to leave.
you could hear them all laugh after you left and your face reddens at the thought of those men making fun of you.
this was going to be a long two weeks.
“your quarters are going to be right near the boys so you can have quick access to them for any early morning or late night installments. keep in mind that the boys are very busy and need lots of sleep and limited distractions to perform well on the stage.”
you look over at the uptight man that is leading you across the street to your living arrangement. this man probably made choices for wayv that the boys had no say in.
it disgusted you.
but you decided to make today a day where you didnt yell at people, or at least certain people.
the second you got into the room you take a warm shower and sit on the semi hard mattress in your well worn pajamas. you didnt have the energy so late at night to do homework so you watch tv and read one of the books you brought. then you hear a crash outside that startles you.
you didnt know how long you’ve been in here but it must’ve been over two hours. you quietly creep to your door and open it, only to see a yoga ball fly past your door and crash into the plaster wall. then you hear heinous screams and footsteps.
you fling open your door in anger, only to notice wayv staring back at you, mid whatever they were doing.
they looked so different from before that you barely even recognized them. barefaced, with messy hair and baggy pajamas. their body language is so much more relaxed and natural. they look so happy and normal it startles you.
“oh. we’re sorry” kun says just as surprised as you. “we didn’t know anyone else was staying here.”
you stare at them open mouthed. “were you guys just playing… with yoga balls?”
kun’s eyes shift over to a messy utility room filled with gym equipment.
“we call it zhuā zhù, sǐ, “ henderey says excitedly getting up off the ground from where yangyang had pinned him, “it means.”
“catch or die?”
you respond, confused on why seven grown men would throw yoga balls around while tackling each other to the ground.
they’re confused on why you look so upset and mad.
“you know chinese?”
henderey responds even more shocked then before. you shake your head slowly.
it stays silent for a while until kun ushers to their quarters and says,
“well we should get going, we have a busy schedule tomorrow-”
“but we have to do the finals still!” you hear yangyang whisper into the leaders ear.
lucas then proceeds to punch yangyang in the lower back. that shuts him up really fast.
“umm yes sure, i’ll see you guys tomorrow then,” you say before closing your door to one of the weirdest displays you’ve seen so far.
how could the boys switch from being so manufactured to so normal? it scared you and made you mad. you have no idea how you’re gonna write a report on wayv without making SM look bad.
you didnt worry about it for long though, because a well deserved sleep washes over you. you would’t think about that until far into tomorrow.
the boys decided not to sleep just yet, instead they stayed up discussing the weird female reporter that would be following them around for two weeks.
“why do you think she was so mad at us?” yangyang questions.
“mad? that was just disgust.” xiaojun quips back.
“maybe she was just overwhelmed,”
kun offers, though the boys don’t believe that and they keep bickering about you.
“how is she a reporter? she looks like she hasn’t even graduated yet!”
“yangyang you haven’t either!”
winwin says while punching yangyang in the shoulder. yangyang growls in response and tries to grab winwin until kun pulls them apart.
“she might be  acting weird because we’re famous,” ten says, easily making his conspiracy seem like the truth.
“she could be in love with us, or a super fan. maybe she’s never been around famous people before!”
they talk for a while longer, discussing the anomaly that is you. but soon they also fall asleep too, tired from today’s advertising meeting.
neither you nor the boys knew how tomorrow would play out, and how different the both of you will seem.
pt 2 
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Yey, this is my first time requesting a match-up! So, I was shy at first, but when I get to know a person, I was like a bundle of infinite energy. I like pranking my friends, and laughing like there's no tomorrow. I love eating anything sweets, napping by the sun, and stargazing at night. I will suddenly distant myself if someone worries me. And I prefer crying alone. Thank you, and please be well 😘😘😘
Hehe, I think I went waaay overboard with this. It tuned out being super long (oops). Thanx so much for the request love! I hope you enjoy it! And I hope you have been staying safe and well! <3
So I match you with...................... Nobunaga
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Gosh, the first time Nobunaga sees you all he thinks is, how can so much boundless energy be packed into one person. You continuously jump from one task to the next, even the maids can’t keep up with your fast-paced cleaning and enthusiasm. Needless to say, this definitely caught Nobunaga’s attention. You are a bundle of endless energy, a true fireball. It’s strange how someone so shy can burn so bright. You have definitely earned your name fireball among the caste and its people. Nobunaga is genuinely convinced that you are the reincarnation of a fireball, cause not only are you a boundless source of energy but your face burns up whenever the slightest tease was flung your way.
Nobunaga definitely invites you to his room at night, for games of Go and just so he has an excuse to talk to you and tease you. You had long ago turned down his offer to warm his bed. So now here you were, chatting and laughing about the most random things. You had come to discovered Nobunaga has this boyish charm about him, and the two of you shared the common interest of pulling pranks on people. You have also come to realize he had a crazy funny sense of humor. You can’t help but laugh like there is no tomorrow around him. You’ve spent enough nights playing Go and chatting with him to drop you guard and be yourself. On one night, you were feeling a bit down. He couldn’t stand to see his friend so down in the dumps. When he commanded you to tell him what was wrong and the answer shook him. “It’s been 2 weeks without candy, and I’m dying over here,” you had gone so long without your precious sugar that you started to feel the withdrawal symptoms. Carmine eyes narrowed to look at you, and he gave you the heartiest laugh you had ever heard. You turned to look at him thinking he was going to tease you or pester you with questions about what candy even was. But instead, he walked to his desk draw reached over to the back panel and pulled out a silk bag. He sat in front of you and revealed his own precious treasure to you. Your eyes went wide in disbelief; its CANDY! “if you would like some konpeito from my secret stash fireball, you will have to beat me at a game of GO’. You had never concentrated so hard in your entire life, but the fruits of your labor paid off. It’s true what they say diamonds are made under pressure, and you had finally won your first match against the devil king himself. “Well, then, a deal is a deal.” Nobunaga couldn’t help but give his lucky charm one of his signature smirks. And so, the two of you spent the rest of the evening munching happily on the sugar candies.
Once Nobu had told you that Hideyoshi always hid his precious candies, the two of you made a pact to start pranking him to get even. It was always innocent little pranks like putting honey on the handles of the cupboard where Hideyoshi usually hid the candies. Or putting the empty jar back with a note saying that he should find a better place to hide the candy next time. But the pranks weren’t only limited to Hideyoshi. Oh no, the two of you would prank everyone in the castle. For example, during banquets, the two of you could always be found sitting next to each other, giggling at the results of your newest prank. Unfortunately, Masamune was the unlucky one being pranked as the two of you had swapped out his water for sake! The two of you also had a tendency to give Hideyoshi masses amount of sake just so you could ask him the most random questions to hear is unfiltered most honest opinions. Although the two of you would never prank the ultimate pranking master, you shivered just thinking about how your hair will never feel the same after the kitsune got you back for pranking him, by swapping out your shampoo for honey. Needless to say, it was a sticky mess. Man, when you and Nobunaga were together, it was always a good time filled with laughs and jokes. Obviously, at this point, the two of you stared wanting more than just a friendship
True to any true fireball, you burn bright with a big burst of light and energy, only to burn out and feel incredibly sleepy and tired. You would often remind Nobunaga of a cat. Having tons of energy, playing, and running around but then also being a creature of comfort not being able to resist warm, comfortable naps. On one sunny summer day, you were feeling a little sleepy while cleaning the war council room. It had a big window that streamed in the glorious warm light from the outside. The rays of sunlight seemed to warm the very ground it landed on, and it was all too enticing for you to deny. You curled yourself up on the warm sunny spot in front of the window on the ground and fell into a deep sleep. Nobunaga went to the room to retrieve some documents he had forgotten there when he saw you curled up on the floor. You looked so warm and comfy, and he just couldn’t help himself. He got down on one knee and moved a strand of hair out of your eyes and tucked it behind your ear. He then proceeded to curl himself up next to you, laying his head on your stomach, you join you in a quick power nap. You woke up when the sun had already set, and the ground beneath you was now icy cold. You opened your eyes and couldn’t help but smile at how cute, and unguarded Nobunaga looked. You decided to leave him to sleep while you stroked his hair absentmindedly. When he woke up, he felt so well-rested, in fact, he couldn’t remember sleeping so well in his whole life, even as a child. He was honestly so in love with you, and the fact that he could get such restful sleep next to you just proved to him that you are someone whom he can trust. He sat up and while giving you his signature smile and pulled you into a kiss. And so, your relationship started.
This boy loved you more than any treasure in the whole world. He would do anything to see your beautiful smile grace your face. Especially when you are feeling sad. One day you were feeling super upset, you were having a horrible day, everything was going wrong, and the tears started to prick at the corners of your eyes, you made a break for your room. Halfway there, Nobunaga finally finished counsel and saw you. You brushed passed him before he could say anything. He was so confused, you were clearly upset, the poor boy thought you were upset by him. He came into your room only to see his beloved fireball crying. He demanded you tell him who had caused your tears, cause anyone who even thought about hurting his lucky charm would have to answer to him.  You had told him everything about your horrible day. You also told him how you preferred crying alone, and that’s why you avoided him. He kissed away a tear and said,” fireball, I am your boyfriend, am I not, let me comfort my precious fireball when she is sad. It is a boyfriend’s duty after all”.  He would then proceed to wrap you in a big warm hug and let you cry and talk it all out. He would kiss all the tears away. And then when you are done, he would start making some jokes just so he can see that beautiful smile back on your face.
Your all-time favorite dates with Nobunaga involved star gazing and drink sake together. You especially loved it when Nobunaga would take you to a vast open flower field so you can view the stars in peace, surrounded by the sweet scent of flowers. He would make sure to have Masa pack the two of you a small picnic basket just so you could have some midnight sweets while stargazing.
Other potential Matches......................... Shingen 
I hope you enjoyed it, love! 
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aliciameade · 5 years
Head-First - Ch. 2
Title: Head-First Author: aliciameade Rating: M (eventually...) Pairing: Beca/Chloe Summary:  They’re lifeguards.
Also on AO3 & FFN
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“You should bring your rain gear out today.”
Beca glances past her open locker door at Chloe who’s folding her own rain gear into her bag. “Really? It’s supposed to rain?”
“My phone says around 2:00.”
“Thanks.” She drops her whistle around her neck and slings her bag over her shoulder to shove her poncho and pants into it. “Hope I don’t have to see you out there today,” she tries as a joke.
It lands, but not as well as she’d have liked. Chloe looks equal parts amused and shocked.
“Too soon?” She closes her locker and spins the dial on it. “You know what I meant, right?”
“Yeah, I got it,” Chloe says with amusement. “See you later?”
“Sure, yeah.” Beca gives her an awkward wave and takes her leave. She knows they could walk together at least part of the way to their towers but making small talk with Chloe feels impossible after the way Stacie’s and her brains have twisted up her thoughts. Speaking of Stacie, she’s never been so grateful her friend got caught up flirting with the intern working the front desk. Beca didn’t need her there to make assuredly inappropriate statements around the two of them.
The forecast makes for a light crowd. It’s mostly locals, the regulars she sees there almost daily tanning themselves to leather, most of them well past their 60s. She tries not to be judgmental because good for them, being confident in their string bikinis and Speedos. But...she thinks she probably could have gone her entire life and been okay not staring at them every day.
She sees the clouds rolling in and checks the time on her phone: 2:10. She hasn’t even put it away when she feels a raindrop hit her foot, the only thing not sheltered by her umbrella. She hears it hitting the umbrella, a light, steady rain that has the beachgoers packing up their towels and chairs to seek shelter. She hears two quick tweets of a whistle and turns to her right toward Tower 138. She sees Chloe facing her with her hand in the air.
No message follows the signal; it’s not necessary. Beca reads it loud and clear.
“I told you so.”
She tweets back twice in acknowledgment and can’t stop the smile from creeping up on her.
It’s nice that Chloe’s thinking of her, even if it’s to gloat.
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
“What a boring day.”
“I needed it after yesterday,” Beca replies as she hangs her rain gear in her locker.
“Good point.” Chloe pulls on a T-shirt that’s had its sleeves cut off over her swimsuit.
“You’re not changing?” Beca immediately bites her tongue and hides her face behind her locker door. 
“Disappointed?” She can hear the smirk in Chloe’s voice and doesn’t dare to look at her. “Suit’s dry.”
“I’m not...no.” Beca fumbles with her own shirt to tug it on before she dares meet Chloe’s eyes again.
She doesn’t wait long enough, because when she does, Chloe replies with, “Bummer,” and a wink that makes Beca slam her locker with far too much force. “See you tomorrow? Can you read chapters four through six beforehand so we can hit the ground running?”
“Yeah, sure. Bye,” she says as she rushes out of the station.
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
Beca has to put up with Stacie’s comments and texts all damn day on Friday. It’s a blessing and a curse that Stacie has the day off; it’s another day of not having her in the locker room with them, but she now has all the time in the world to send peach and lips and scissors and tongue and water droplet emojis to Beca.
And one eggplant.
“I seriously need you to stop now,” she texts as she and Chloe walk up the steps to Chloe’s apartment.
She receives a thumbs up in reply and, thankfully, her phone finally stops vibrating.
“So, what do you want tonight?”
Beca looks up from where she’s setting her bag to see Chloe rifling through a drawer in her kitchen. She’s pulling out takeout menus to toss them onto the counter.
“Chinese? Sushi? Tacos? Thai? There’s a really good diner that delivers. They have burgers and sandwiches and stuff.” She bundles up the menus and brings them to Beca to fan them out like a magician with a deck of cards.
“Maybe the diner?”
Chloe smiles. “Exactly what I was thinking.” She peels back the top two menus to prompt Beca to pull the one labeled ‘Eddie’s on Main’ out of the stack.
Beca waits on the couch looking over the notes she brought while Chloe calls in their order: a cheeseburger and fries for Beca and a chicken sandwich and sweet potato fries for Chloe.
“Okay, so, whatcha got?” Chloe asks as she drops down onto the couch on the neutral middle cushion and not the far one.
Beca clears her throat. “Um, I jotted down some thoughts about how we can demonstrate a submerged passive. Figured since that’s what got us this gig…”
“Good idea. Who’s going to play the victim?”
“A volunteer. We have to demonstrate the two-person assist.”
“Oh, duh,” Chloe says with what might be an embarrassed laugh.
The possibility that Chloe could be embarrassed around her strangely gives Beca a dose of much-needed confidence and she’s able to walk Chloe through her lesson plan with ease.
It takes just long enough that their food arrives and they mutually agree to not discuss work while they eat.
Beca learns that Chloe works as a receptionist in a veterinary clinic during the off-season, is from Florida (which explains her affinity for the beach), and has an older brother. Beca shares her lack of siblings, obsession with making playlists, and how despite growing up on the Pacific Ocean in Portland, she’s never been big on beaches.
“How can you not love the beach?!” Chloe screeches, personally offended. 
“There’s always sand in my stuff. Even stuff I don’t bring to work. There’s sand everywhere in my house! And it’s hot. And sunny; I burn so easily.”
“You’re not sunburned now.”
“That’s because I bathe in sunscreen and refuse to leave the safety of my umbrella unless I’m going on a rescue or a break.”
“Then I bet your skin is super soft.”
“I don’t know about that,” Beca says with a frown at her arms. “I just perpetually smell like SPF 70.” When she sees, then feels, Chloe’s fingertip run up her arm from wrist to elbow, her breath catches. “Oh.”
“Super soft,” Chloe confirms and Beca lifts her eyes to find herself being watched. “And I always think you smell nice. Neutrogena, right?” she adds and Beca feels the unexpected moment of tension break.
“Uh, yeah. It’s my favorite.”
Chloe smiles. “It’s a good one. Love a reliable spray-on that lasts.” She glances at something behind Beca and her smile falls. “It’s almost midnight.”
“What? No way,” Beca says, twisting to see the clock she assumes is behind her. “Oh, damn. I had no idea.”
“Where’d the time go?”
They both laugh and then Beca feels tension settle over them again. She thinks about what Stacie said, even insisted: that Chloe pays attention to Beca. She’s certainly paying attention to her now. Beca feels warm under her gaze which seems as soft as it does intense. And they’re still sitting so close. Chloe had begun the evening on the middle cushion and over the course of the hours Beca’s seemed to have lost, is a third of the way onto Beca’s cushion.
“I like you, Beca.”
Chloe’s voice is so unexpected that it makes Beca flinch.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be weird,” she quickly adds, and Beca realizes her reaction to the sound has come across as her reaction to the words based on the look on Chloe’s face.
“No, no, it’s not weird,” Beca says, probably too emphatically.
“It’s not?”
“No, of course, it’s not. I like you, too.” She says it without thinking, out of a need to comfort her.
She watches Chloe tuck her hair behind her ear, a rare moment of bashfulness from the usually confident woman. “I mean I like you. As more than a friend.”
Beca now understands how she lost track of hours of time; she feels the very concept of it disappear.
“I really don’t want to make anything weird between us, and it’s totes okay if you just want to be friends. I just think about you all the time and I think you’re such a cool person and I think you deserve to know that.”
Beca can hear Stacie yelling at her: Make a move! She totally wants you! Take her to bed!
“I really like you, too.” There. She said it. All she can do is wait to see what happens next.
Apparently, what happens next is Chloe’s moment of bashfulness disappears to be replaced with such an air of sensuality Beca can almost taste it. “You do?” she says with a slow smile and a glance at Beca’s lips.
It makes Beca wet them on reflex, suddenly aware they’re dry and chapped from the windy day and that seems to make Chloe bite her own lip. Her palms are sweating and she knows she’s about five seconds from being kissed.
In past scenarios similar to this, Beca has done such idiotic things as jutting out her hand for a fist bump, hugging complete with a buddy clap to the back, sneezed, and literally stood up and ran away from the person. She still felt a little bad about that one; he’d been a nice guy and didn’t deserve her inability to communicate her feelings (or lack thereof).
Tonight, she runs out of time to make a dumb mistake and lets her eyes fall closed when Chloe’s lips touch hers.
It’s nice to not fuck it up right away.
It’s nicer when she stops thinking about not being dumb and actually registers the fact that Chloe has kissed her. She spent so much time being relieved that the kiss has already ended.
Chloe’s still close, and she’s looking at Beca with curiosity. “Was that okay?”
“Yeah,” Beca kind of croaks and clears her throat.
“Are you sure? Because you didn’t seem...into it. And that’s okay if you weren’t; I’m not trying to rush you into anything and I’m sorry if you didn’t want me to do that.”
Beca’s eyes go wide; she hadn’t meant to say that out loud. “No, nothing. It’s dumb.”
Chloe’s hand moves to rest over Beca’s. “It’s not dumb; you can tell me.”
“Trust me, it is,” Beca says with a roll of her eyes. “I was so focused on not doing something dumb that I did something dumb. Ironic.”
“What do you mean?” To her credit, Chloe seems unfazed by Beca’s failure to reciprocate.
Beca pushes her hair back and stares at the ceiling for a second. Then, “Usually, when someone tries to kiss me, I panic and do something dumb.”
“Like what?” Chloe says, a smile of amusement sneaking into her features.
“I once faked getting a phone call.”
“We’ve all pretended to be on our phones. That’s not so bad.”
“But it didn’t even ring. Or vibrate. It did ring when I was fake-talking on it. And there was the time I told someone I had diarrhea and had to go home. Jesus, why am I telling you this?” She frowns; she really doesn’t need to share her history of idiocy with others.
“Oh, no!” Chloe laughs. “I guess you really didn’t want to kiss that person.”
“No, I did not,” she says resolutely and Chloe seems even more amused.
“So just now, you did nothing.”
“Because…” Chloe prompts.
“Because I didn’t want to do something dumb.”
Chloe’s amusement has reached her eyes and they’re sparkling to an unfair degree. “And why is that?”
They’re hypnotizing, really. Beca can’t be held accountable for her words or actions. “Because I wanted you to kiss me.” She presses her lips together for their traitorous honesty.
Chloe hums. “Now that I know you might do something dumb, but that you want me to kiss you: can we try that again?”
Beca’s heart races. “You sure about that? I can’t promise I won’t feign sudden illness.”
“I don’t think you will, but I’m ready for anything,” Chloe says and Beca shivers at how lightly her hand is moving up her arm until it’s on Beca’s shoulder and just shy of touching her neck. She’s so close again, leaning in and Beca can feel her breath on her lips where she’s hovering, waiting for Beca’s go-ahead.
She nods.
Chloe’s lips are on hers in an instant and this time, there aren’t a dozen past scenarios running through her brain. It’s crystal clear and empty save for the way Chloe’s lips feel on her own and this time, she kisses her back.
Chloe makes a sound, Beca thinks it’s maybe one of relief, or maybe contentment, but whatever it is makes Beca not simply kiss her back but kiss her.
Her hand lifts to find Chloe’s face, to touch her cheek then the sharp line of her jaw until her fingers weave through windswept red curls to tilt Chloe just-so and tease her bottom lip with a touch of her tongue.
Chloe’s reaction is quick, a sharp exhale and a deep breath and then Chloe’s pulling her in, welcoming Beca into her mouth with her own tongue in such a way that it makes Beca whimper. She’s never been made to feel such things from a kiss before, like she’d give up oxygen in exchange for it to keep going forever.
It’s so warm and soft. Hands on cheeks and shy smiles as their lips meet again and again as their confidence grows and kisses grow more persistent and daring. More passionate.
She feels Chloe pressing closer, one hand behind Beca’s neck, the other somewhere along her waist, or hip, or ribs and Beca, running on instinct, pushes back. With a hand to Chloe’s shoulder, she pushes her away, turns her until she’s not twisted anymore, until she’s sitting back on the couch, and then Beca slips over her lap, knees settling against Chloe’s hips.
She hears Chloe moan and it makes her thighs flex. “Is this okay?” she breathes against Chloe’s lips as she brushes Chloe’s hair from her face and out of Beca’s way.
Hands squeeze her waist and pull her down to settle against Chloe’s lap and there’s a shakey, “Very,” as an answer before they’re kissing again.
It’s easier to lick into Chloe’s mouth from this angle. Easier for Chloe’s hands to slide up Beca’s back over her shirt. Easier for Beca to run her hands through Chloe’s hair when she moves her mouth from Beca’s lips to Beca’s neck.
She feels a mark being left and moans again. Chloe echoes it and it makes her twitch with need. Chloe’s hands drag down Beca’s back but they don’t stop at her waist. They move until they’re both on Beca’s ass and they squeeze, giving a less-than-subtle tug forward and Beca’s hips roll on instinct.
Her thin shorts do little to interfere with the friction that comes as a result and she grabs the back of the couch, suddenly lightheaded in the best possible way.
“Fuck, oh, my God,” she gasps, using the hand in Chloe’s hair to ease her mouth away from her skin.
Chloe, dark eyes and pink cheeks, smiles up at her and Beca has no choice but to lean down and kiss her, hard and deep, until she retreats with Chloe’s lip caught between her teeth to give it the lightest tug.
Beca smiles and sits back, relaxing after every muscle in her body tensing with need. “Wow, okay.”
“Just okay?” Chloe teases and her usual tight, chipper voice is uncharacteristically low and syrupy and Beca can’t quite fathom it’s because of her.
There’s another squeeze of her ass and she bites her lip. Her body is screaming at her, demanding release, but it’s way too soon to go that far. “What time is it?”
Chloe leans and Beca first ducks, then lifts her arm, to try to get out of the way. “Pushing 1:00.”
“Oh, shit,” Beca says with a burst of embarrassing giggles that make her cover her mouth. No wonder she’s wound up so tightly.
“Time flies when you’re having fun,” Chloe says with a waggle of her eyebrows. Her hands slide up to hold Beca’s waist and Beca can’t help but be a little disappointed even though she’s the one who’s slowed things down. “How’s your stomach?”
Beca tilts her head. “What?”
“Your stomach. No digestion issues? The restroom is just down the hall.”
It takes her a second, then she remembers her embarrassing confession. “Oh, my God, shut up.”
“No food poisoning?”
“Nope; I’m good.”
“Yeah, you are.” Chloe almost purrs the words and Beca feels like her spine is made of Jell-O. 
She almost melts into a puddle but catches herself, resting her forehead against Chloe’s. She runs her thumb along Chloe’s lip, watching her lips purse to kiss it, before leaning in to kiss her. “I should go,” she says begrudgingly when they part.
The puppy dog eyes and pout she gets in response should be illegal, but Chloe says, “Okay,” and doesn’t try to convince her to stay.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” She doesn’t quite yet have the willpower to extract herself from Chloe’s lap, but she’s working up to it.
“Definitely.” Chloe’s hands leave her after one last squeeze to her waist and Beca’s finally able to slide backward off Chloe and onto unsteady legs. 
She tugs the legs of her shorts down from where they’ve ridden up and tries not to blush when she notices just how turned on she was. Is. “Okay. Um…” She looks around to find her phone, long forgotten on the table and her bag on the floor. She grabs them both. “So...yeah. I...had fun.”
Chloe smiles dreamily up at her. “Me, too.” If Beca didn’t know better, she’d think Chloe was drunk.
“So, yeah. I’m gonna go.” She hooks her thumb over her shoulder toward the door and expects Chloe to get up and walk her out but all she gets in response is a nod. She’s working on being confused and offended when she sees Chloe burst into a smile at her, then throw her head back to do what Beca can only classify as squealing.
“Weirdo,” Beca laughs as she pulls open Chloe’s front door.
She steals one more look before stepping into the warm darkness.
She hopes Stacie is asleep when she gets home.
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
“You have a hickey!”
“Dude, how can you possibly see that from there?!” Beca’s hands fly to her throat; she doesn’t even know where it is or how big it is yet. Chloe’s lips spent a long time all over her neck.
“Oh, holy fuck, do you really?” Stacie tosses aside the Cosmopolitan magazine she’d been reading and gets off the couch.
“Wait, what?” Beca drops her bag by the door and in doing so, unmasks whatever mess her neck is in.
“I just wanted to see what you’d say.” Stacie flips the switch for the light just inside the door and grabs Beca’s chin to crane her neck around like a bobblehead. “Oh, shit, you do!”
There’s a flick of a finger against her neck and Beca twists and ducks under her arm to escape. “How bad is it?” she says as she makes her way through the mostly dark house to the bathroom.
“It’s awesome.”
Beca shoots her a look and then looks at herself in the mirror. She does have a hickey, deep purple and roughly the diameter of Chloe’s lips. If she’d realized it would be this obvious, she would have stopped her. Maybe. “Seriously?” she says as she rubs at it as if that will erase it.
“Tell me everything.”
Beca glances at Stacie, now leaning against the frame of the open bathroom door grinning like a Cheshire Cat. “Why do you always need to be up in my business?”
“Because you never have business for me to be up in. It’s fun when you do. Now, tell me.”
“Oh, my God. We made out, okay?” She gestures at her neck, “Obviously,” and then reaches for her foaming face wash to get ready for bed. 
“Was she good? I bet she’s so good. A snacc like that; she knows a thing or two.”
“Don’t talk about her like that.”
“Okay, I take it back. But you didn’t answer my question. Was she good?”
Beca takes a beat to rinse her face and looks at Stacie over the towel as she pats it dry. “You have no idea.”
Stacie shrieks and Beca finds herself in a hug, the towel the only thing from saving her from a faceful of Stacie’s boobs. “I told you she was into you! Didn’t I tell you?”
“Yes, Stace, you told me,” Beca says with a grunt as she frees herself. “Now get out; I have to pee.”
“I don’t care; you can pee in front of me.” Stacie leans against the counter, hip cocked like she has no intention of leaving.
Beca closes her eyes and takes a breath; she knows what she’s about to say will be used against her in the court of Stacie Conrad, but she has no choice. “Look, man. TMI, but I was just on top of her for like an hour and I need to,” she gestures downward, “tidy things up.”
“Oh, shit; she ruined the underwear? How long has it been for you?”
“That doesn’t matter! It’s a perfectly normal physical response to have. Now would you please get out?” 
“Wait, did you say you were on top?”
“Stacie!” She points at the door and her friend finally rolls her eyes.
“Fine. But don’t think this is over; we’re revisiting this event. And I’ll leave Buzz Lightyear on your bed. I know you need it tonight.” She pulls the door closed behind her.
“I still say it’s weird you named your vibrator after a Disney character!” She strips her shorts and underwear down and kicks them aside and sighs. “Thank you!”
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
To be continued...
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hypnotic-harmonies · 5 years
Day 17 - 2.3.19
It is now 0012 (12:12 am) and I know good and well that I should be going sleep but it is fine. I came to a compromise with myself tonight: I really wanted to write tonight so I don’t forget anything semi-important, but don’t want to stay up all night since I have to work tomorrow (today) morning. SO I have settled with typing the big stuff now as a draft on my phone, and fixing the spelling errors and finalizing the post with tomorrow’s blog after I write it. So, without further ado...
Day 16: I wasn't really feeling 100% this morning but that’s not new. It has been over a month since the last time I have slept through the night and/or gotten more than 4 hours of sleep so I am sure that is starting to wear down on me mentally and physically. Work today was fine, but I was exhausted when I got home and dreading going into work at STC at 2130. I want to be in bed at 2100, not driving back into town for 2 hours. Anyways. We had a meeting tonight and that went fine. Our GM officially announced Robbie (a new hire) as an official assistant manager and that Tara would be starting her assistant training in the next two weeks. She had previously talked to me about promoting me up to an assistant position with a raise. Right now, that's the only appealing part. 
I feel like 3 assistants is way too many for one store and if I come in after the other two have been officially promoted, I feel like I’ll be stepping on some toes. Then there is the fact that I am just not as good at the job as they are. They know all about selling shit, and selling lotions, and skin care, and what works, and what doesn’t, and it just makes me feel so small because I don’t. I didn't get any of that training and now I simply can’t compete. My biggest fear is that the promotion will be taken off the table and the raise with it. I literally NEED that raise between the general cost of living, school, and how few hours I am getting at my other job. It just really sucks and I’m tired and sad. Its just life at this point, it seems.
Day 17: Today was alright. Work drug by, as usual and wasn’t super productive. I took my break at 1400 today and felt fine, but when I came back at 1430, I felt super sick. This lasted about and hour but I think I finally got it out of my system - thankfully so, because someone called out so I had to stay until 1630 until the person we called in could get there. Other than being sick it was a pretty okay day.
It was 60 degrees and sunny today and I was stuck inside literally all day. That was miserable. The fact that it was still warm and somewhat daylight on my way home made the day a bit better though. I had my sunroof open, my windows down, and my music turned up. It was almost therapeutic. When I got home, I just came on back to my room and started working on this. Mom is gone to hot yoga and so dad and Logan are home. I didn’t really feel like dealing with them. When I finish this, I am going to try to force myself to work on homework and rewrite my notes into the appropriate notebooks now that I have the supplies I need for each class. I am hoping if I can stay organized, maybe studying will be easier and I can do well this semester. A good academic confidence boost is what I need right about now. I guess that is all for now. I will update this later if anything changes.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA AU [self insert]
Nani the heck is this? read here!
Chapter 4: Fuck my Drag right?
The events of the sports festival unfolded and everyone is being recognized for their feats. Iida has put his feelings for Ita on the back burner as his brother was disabled by the Hero Killer. The internships happened and everyone is coming back from them. 
-Monday, in homeroom with Mimi and Jin-
“Y'all heard about what happened?”
“YEAH! bitch I’m scared”
“Me too, what’s going to happen next?”
“I’m just glad nobody died and that the students are ok”
“you say that because Glasses was one of the students”
“NO ITS BECAUSE I’M THEIR CLASSMATE! I would feel the same if it was you two”
“Aww Ita!” said Mimi and Jin, coming in for the group hug.
The mood changed when Diya sensei came in. He seemed unusually peppy from his usual neutral or gritty moods. 
“Good morning class, lets settle down for some big announcements” he said with a smile that we didn’t trust. “As you all may have heard about the attack and the students involved, due to those incidents, our department has moved some lessons around to have our students more prepared to be ready to defend the others and each other.”
He takes out the syllabus,”if you can take out your syllabus so you can mark the changes” we comply.
“Ok so instead of just working on our semester final project until the marked due date, we also have to do our week long incognito lesson with practice starting Wednesday. In weaponry we’re going over defense and escape for next week. Our licensing exam is still in 2 weeks and the semester final project has been extended to 1st day of 2nd semester.”
I finish the changes and think, wow even we’re affected by all this.
Jin raises his hand
“Yes Matsui?”
“Are also having extra training sessions in prep for the licensing?”
“yes we are! thank you for reminding me” Diya sensei said “For the next 2 weeks, we will be training for most of homeroom and all of weaponry. For the ones that go to other classes, will still go to them and follow their schedule. If you have a free period, you can work on your projects then if you need school resources.”
Jin then looks at us and I knew he was going to claim us 1st before anyone else does. Bold of him to think I’d go with anyone else.
“Now that we have that done, on to the other news!” he said with another smile that made us feel uneasy, “our jumpsuits and gear came in! I’ll give them out in weaponry to see if they need to be re-adjusted. Secondly, we need to discuss the incognito lesson.”
I sit there thinking that it was going to be something like how to not look obviously like a spy/agent. Nope.
“For incognito week, you have to take up a persona and run with it for a full week. You have until Wednesday to come up with your persona along with clothing, makeup and voice pattern” Diya sensei said as straight faced as possible “Rules to adhere to: MUST be opposite sex, 3 different outfits, cause some chaos and keep your stories straight.”
I raise my hand.
“Yes Palma?”
“So this is just like Ru Paul’s Drag Race but we gotta lip sync for our grade?”
“Actually yea, exactly like that. So bring your best drag everyone! If you don’t have a certain part of an outfit or uniform, ask your classmates if you can borrow their’s for the week”
I suddenly love my class so much. We get to creating our personas and in weaponry we get our costumes. Mine thankfully fit and the gear was so cool that I could hardly keep my eyes off them. We get ear pieces and voice changers that fit right on the molars. I changed mine to make my voice a believable mezzo-tenor male voice. I then remembered I still have to go to my hero class and asked if I need to give them a fair warning before I show up in full boy drag. Diya sensei basically said that he’ll tell Aizawa but I don’t have to tell the class if I don’t want to. The cause some chaos rule is a free get out of jail card for us for that week, we can do anything but physical damage to property.
-Wednesday in Homeroom-
“AHHHH! I’m so excited!” I said to Jin “I can’t wait to show y’all my drag! I got a wig and everything!”
“I got fake hair buns and brought a dress for my extras, I already have some fem features” said Jin “did you bring the makeup?”
“yee yee, can’t wait to make you look sparkly and cute!”
Mimi walks in with their stuff.
“Sorry I’m lowkey late, the upperclassman that I asked to borrow their uniform pants was running late” said Mimi out of breath.
We started class and turned in our persona sheet to sensei and then we got into full drag. Jin was one of the cutest girls, persona name: Deez Natsu. Mimi was an ok looking dude, persona name: Suka Raboski. I looked more like an edgy boy, persona name: Takeshi Tboone.
“wow takeshi, thats a choice”
“Oof Suka I can see your lace”
“Y’aint at my level dawgs!” 
We go through the rest of weaponry and walk out looking like completely different people. I get my things and sensei wishes me luck on fooling them.
-in the hero course classroom, before I arrive-
“Iida-kun, how is your brother doing?” asked Midoriya
“He’s doing better but it looks like he can’t walk”
“oh my, sorry if I brought up a sensitive topic”
“no it’s alright, you deserve to know”
Denki butt in “so Iida, are you going to ask Palma-san to a date today? Or am I going to steal your girl”
“Oh please, if you asked her out again, she’d give you another atomic wedgie but off the flag pole!” chortled Uraraka.
“tch just tell her already four eyes!” said Bakugo “I’m getting sick of hearing about her”
“I don’t think I can! I have too much on my mind already and I can’t manage a relationship on top of it all” said Iida.
“Bold of you to assume she’ll say yes” said Kirishima under his breath.
“Kirishima thats rude!” Mina said in defense.
I then walk in, with my bag slung over my shoulder, fuck boy posture and sunnies on. I had my stories in check, I copied some 2nd year’s elasticity quirk (my brother’s quirk that I can maintain for 5 hours with mastery) right before I went to class. So if anybody is gonna try me, I got me.
“Um excuse me, but who are you?” asked Shoji as I sat down.
“yea and that seat is already taken by Palma-san!” said Momo, ready to fight.
“tuh! That’s no way to treat a transfer, didn’t she tell you?” I said in my best tough guy tone.
“Palma-san didn’t say anything! where is she?! I swear if you hurt her!” said Iida in a demanding tone.
“She’s, not at school at the moment, so you’ll be dealing with me, Takeshi Tboone, American bastard.” I said as slick as I could. It was a true feat not laughing after saying bastard as your title.
“I don’t know why but he’s kinda cute” Hagakure whispered to Asui.
Aizawa sensei walked in and saw my grin and gave me the ‘i know’ look.
“forgot that was today, huh, well be kind to our transfer Tboone.” said Aizawa, also trying not to laugh.
“sensei, where’s Palma-san then?” said Jiro
“Palma-san is at the East-side hero school, on temporary transfer” Aizawa said while looking at the persona sheet I gave them the day before, “If Palma-san likes the other school better, she’ll stay there. And we’ll have Tboone-san for the rest of the remaining years until graduation.”
“why would she want to transfer? This is the top school!” exclaimed Iida.
“I see what she means by aggressive classmates, but I’m tougher!” I said “she doesn’t feel safe here dawg, she feels like everyone is after her and doesn’t like her so you better pray that she’ll crawl back here.” 
Iida started to think that he should’ve never done what he’s done to Ita and convinced himself that it’s his fault that he drove her to transfer. Class goes on and the girls are all over Takeshi, which is bad because I didn’t plan on being an ACTUAL fuck boi. I pack up my things, which are just Jin’s things and Jin has mine, and I hear the delicate tip taps of a ‘girl’ running.
“Takeshi! Here you are my sweet~” said Jin, really playing the part of Deez.
“oh sup bitch come here and give me a little sugar.” I say as I stretch my arm out to grab them by the waist and pulled them into a fake kiss.
“I love it when you kiss me in front of other girls” he said as he gives side eye to the girls of 1-A, “you hear that! HE’S MINE!” as he jumps onto me.
Everyone was in shock, not only was he new but has a girlfriend?! Who the hell was that girl anyways?! Iida gets jealous that it could’ve been him and Ita if he spoke up sooner.
“Hey Tboone-san” said Kirishima with a warm smile.
“oh sup red-san”
“hahaha! The names Kirishima” he said “glad to have you in the class! that other girl was suspicious”
“oh word dawg? bitches be crazy!”
“Yea but you seem like the super manly type! wanna sit with us at lunch?” he said pointing at Bakugo, Sero, Mina and Denki.
“sounds tight! but I did promise my girl that I’d eat with her”
“I made fried rice!” Jin said, almost breaking character because he was really proud of his fried rice.
“Oh alright, maybe tomorrow then!”
“sounds litty, Later Red-san, Pink-san, Mad-san, Pika-san and Office Supply-san” I said while being dragged away by Jin.
“dude what the fuck, this is fucking crazy!” said Jin
“I know! where the hell is Mimi?!”
“That’s where we’re going, she’s swarmed by girls!”
We get to the patio and there they were, surrounded by girls. Mimi looked like they were gonna pass out because of all the pretty ones. I stretch my arms out and picked up Mimi from the circle and ran like hell to the intelligence wing. Jin deployed a portal before the crowd got to us and we portal in a pile inside of the commons room. We laugh a bit about our little tussle then I get a text, it’s Iida,
[Hi Palma-san I didn’t see you today in class and I have to say is that, I’m sorry, really sorry that you don’t feel safe or wanted at this school]
“oof guys look” I say as I show them the text.
“yikes what are you going to tell him?” Mimi said as I get another text, also from Iida,
[I feel responsible for you wanting to transfer. I shouldn’t have forced you to do anything. What can I do fix this? A lot of us prefer you over the transfer.]
“double yikes! a double text!” Jin said with a mouthful of fried rice, then I get another text
[ I know you won’t see these texts until later, but I miss you. Please respond when you can]
Jin and Mimi are looking at me, waiting to see what kind of melodrama I am going to start.
[Iida, I know you feel bad but the truth is, I feel unliked in the hero department. Everyone is pressuring me to be a hero or leave. Can’t I just learn about your culture without being part of it? I miss you too, you’re my only true friend in that class]
“wow Ita, this week is going to be spicy” said Jin.
He was right, everyone liked Takeshi a little more than Ita and hurt a little but the week was almost over. Sunday afternoon and I was getting my outfits ready for the next 3 days and I get a text, it’s Iida,
[Hi Palma-san, sorry if this is so sudden but are you available to spend some time with me? I’m in the area]
Oh jeez what do I say to that?
[Oh sure, where do you want to meet?]
[I can meet you in front of your complex] 
[oh sure! just let me get dressed, let me know when you get here]
I quickly changed into a sun dress, did a low bun and some quick makeup to hide the fact that I partied last night with my class and woke up at 1pm.
[I am here in the front]
[ok, I’ll be right there!]
I teleport to the front and Iida looks at me like I was the most stunning thing on the street.
“Palma-san you look so pretty!” he said as he gave me a tight hug “I’ve missed you dear classmate.” 
“oh! its only been four days.”
“doesn’t matter! point is that I want to spend time with you” Iida said as he released me from his embrace “shall we get going? I saw this cozy cafe that I wanted to check out.”
“Oh I frequent that place! I love it and I think you’d like it too”
As we walk to the place, theres heavy foot traffic. Iida doesn’t have a problem walking through but I was being pushed and falling behind. I reached out to grab his shirt to not lose him in the crowd.
“hm? Oh Palma-san! I’m sorry I didn’t know you were falling behind.”
“Oh I’m alright, I didn’t want to lose you in the crowd.”
“well then, here, take my hand” he said carefully holding mine “so we don’t lose each other”
I didn’t notice but Iida was blushing hard and I was just excited to order some berry tart and a latte. We get to the place and sat at a table where I could face the window and see the people passing by. We talked about Tboone-san and he really didn’t like the guy and I just sat there trying not to laugh. Iida changes the subject,
“So Palma-san, I’ve been thinking” he said as confidently as possible “that we should be honest with each other, now that we’re close”
“um ok, what do you want to know about me?”
“What name do you prefer to be called? What’s your favorite flower? Who do you like at school?-” he kept listing questions but my gaze was over at the window. I saw the boy with the lemon colored hair with his friends pass by and the boy so happened to make eye contact with me and didn’t break it until I was out of sight.
“hm? what was that?” Iida asked confused
“I like to be called Ita, Itati is my full first name but it doesn’t have the ring that Ita has”
“Ita...a cute name for a cute girl” he said and I choked on my latte.
“oh jeez I’m sorry hehe, I’m just not used to compliments like that, they make me uneasy”
“In America, when somebody compliments you like that and the person isn’t close to you, its like a form of bullying” I say as I stare at my latte “so when I got here and I got these compliments, I feared for my life for like two weeks.”
“I had no idea! I’m sorry that I made you feel that” Iida said while chopping his hands “I’ll be more careful”
“oh its alright, I’ll adjust!”
We walk around the area a bit more then he walks me to my complex. He grips my hand a bit tighter as we approach the front.
“hey Ita”
“Have you decided if you want to transfer to that school?”
“I haven’t actually” I say trying to maintain my stories, “I have until the end of classes Tuesday to say yes or no.”
“Oh I see, it’s just that, I-I” Iida struggled to find his words “I promise to be nicer to you if you come back”
“I mean it, I made you cry when we met. What kind of friend am I if I’m the cause of your tears and insecurity?! I’ll be nice, just come back”
I start to tear up, he really thinks its his fault. I let the tears fall, fuck this is dumb. He sees me cry and he panics and stops to wipe my tears. He cradles my face in his hands, if he didn’t make it clear that he wanted to be friends, I would’ve kissed him. 
“Please don’t be sad, I promise to be sweet and kind to you from now on! I want you to feel protected and a cherished part of the school, if everyone is against you, I will be the one to be by your side. Okay?”
I cry even more, I think about how the hell am I going to break it to him that Tboone is just me in full boy drag and I’m not going anywhere. We say goodbye and I teleport in my room. Oof can’t wait for this whole thing to blow over.
-Tuesday, after school in the patio-
I was on my way to usual spot where I’ve been hiding to teleport near my house this week when I see some boys pestering somebody thats leaning against the tree. I get closer and see that it’s Kirishima and Bakugo. uh oh, time to initiate solo operation SAVE THE GAYS.
“yo yo yo! what’s the haps fellas?”
“we found these faggots being gay” said the taller boy of the bunch.
“yeah! we were about to teach them a lesson!” said the gremlin looking one.
“Oh yea? Fellas, allow me to take of this, eye sore.” I say as I put my bag down and stand in front of Kirishima and Bakugo with the other boys on either side of me.
“Tboone-san what the hell? I thought we were cool!” said Kirishima
I give a smirk as I stretch my arms out to the bullies. I give them the ass-whoopin of their life as Kirishima and Bakugo stand and stare how hard I was going. When they had enough, I grabbed them by the collar and said
“If I see any y’all pestering the gays being gays, I won’t hesitate to beat your homophobic asses and chop your dicks off and make you eat them, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!”
“good, I’m giving you to the count of 5 to get out of my sight before I give you another serving” I say clenching my fist as I let go of them. They scatter and run like hell before I could start counting.
“Tboone-san, that was so courageous of you.” said a still shocked Bakugo.
“That was the manliest thing I’ve ever seen! Tboone-san, how can we ever repay you?” said Kirishima.
“oh its cool dawg, I was just being a bro” I said as I was picking up my bag “see you later! your secret is safe with me.”
I walk away to my hidden spot and think, wow what a way to be remembered.
-Wednesday, in the hero course classroom-
“Hey Iida, do you think Palma-san is happy?” asked Tokoyami to a very deflated Iida as he stares at the emtpy desk. 
“I don’t know, I poured my sincerity out to her and she sounded unsure.”
“Are you going to be alright Iida-kun?” Uraraka asked worriedly “you don’t look too well.”
“I’ll manage, don’t worry about me”
Class starts and I don’t show up to class because I needed some extra training for my licensing exam. Everybody else thinks it’s because I stayed at the other school and Tboone didn’t like the school. Aizawa knew the truth but didn’t say anything. Class ends and Iida walks to the patio to sit under a tree and ponder his text to Ita.
[Hi Ita, hope your having a good day at school. I need to tell you something important, I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way back. I like you, more than a friend, I’m sorry I didn’t say it earlier. It kills me that you’re not here, I spent most of class staring at your desk hoping you’d teleport in any moment. I was too coward to admit it but it’s obvious now, I have fallen for you. You’re as rare as a desert flower, as sweet as honey, as strong as a crashing wave, as beautiful as ]
he stops typing and deletes his text. He didn’t see the point of pestering her if she already made her choice. Meanwhile Ita is on campus but preparing for her licensing in 2 days. The rest of the school day passes and Iida walks to the parking lot, and to his surprise, he sees a very weary Ita walking to their car.
I turn around “who the hell tryna get they ass run over?” I mutter.
I see Iida running toward me, giving me no time to escape, I brace myself for impact. To my surprise he stops before crashing into me and gives me a tight hug.
“Where have you been?! I thought you decided to stay at the other school and I got sad.”
“Oh no! I was doing extra training for my licensing exam, its in 2 days”
“Oh my apologies, is that why you look a bit roughed up?” he said releasing me from the hug.
“yea hehe I was struggling in detonate and defuse” I said as I showed him my bandaged hands “no copy quirking for me for a while.”
He gently took my hands in his, tracing the insides of them with his thumbs.
“In two days you say? Can I have the class see you off?”
“um sure if its ok with sensei, I don’t want to take away class time from yall”
The two days pass and as we were having our luggage check. The Hero 1-A class came out to see me off.
“Do your best Palma-san! We believe in you!” said a bunch of them.
“why is your class so small?” said Kirishima.
“Intelligence course class are the smallest because of the popularity of the course” said Jin “all of us wanted to be in the program and got admitted in without having to do the entrance exam.”
“Yep, even your dear sensei considered joining” said Aizawa “but I really wanted to stick it to the man with my abilities.”
“OOOH! I love your class pet!” Mina said fawning over Zippy the lizard “I wish we had one!”
“Please Mina, with our class, that poor creature won’t survive a day!” said Midoriya.
Our bus arrived and I turn to say bye and I get a tight hug from Iida.
“Be safe Ita, do your best! I’ll miss you”
“I’m only going to be gone for a day and a half!” 
Everyone in the class was motioning Iida to kiss Ita. The kiss didn’t happen but I said my good byes and boarded the bus. The licensing happened at the USJ were we did target shooting, detonate and defuse, rescue the hero, save the citizens, and would you rather life or death edition (like would you rather but with people and guns). The class passes the exam, including Zippy, it was the 1st time in years the whole class passes according to Diya sensei. There was much to celebrate once we got back but on the way to the school, the bus breaks down. Instead of waiting for the repairs, since we were a mile away from school, we pushed the bus all the way to school. We used our quirks and strength to push the bus and everyone on that road stopped to admire our teamwork. When we got to school, we made so much noise hollering that we passed and pushed a whole bus to school, it drew alot of attention to us and anyone within earshot came out to see.
“ok ok everyone lets settle down” said a very tired Diya sensei “Miss Palma, if you teleport in, you can still make it to your hero class.”
“Oh ok are you sure yall don’t need help bringing in stuff?”
“No we have things handled, go! you have 5 mins before it starts”
“got it! Thank you!” 
-Meanwhile in the Hero 1-A classroom-
“I think Palma-san is back” said Denki walking back in the classroom “a group of students are hollering in the front of the school”
“Wonder what happened?” said Todoroki
“Her entire class passed” said Aizawa as he walked in “including the lizard.”
“That damn reptilian passed?” Bakugo said astounded “tch this licensing exam will be a piece of cake if a lizard can pass it!”
Mina raised her hand.
“We aren’t getting a class pet and train it to be a hero for the last time Mina!” said Aizawa at his wits end with the requests for a class pet. “Just because their sensei let them, doesn’t mean I will. Besides, those kids are on another level of smart, that lizard knows how to drive a small vehicle.”
As everything is happening in the classroom, I am too weak to teleport in the room so I teleport in front of the Hero wing and start booking it. As I run, I start to mentally prepare for all the questions and what stories to tell. I get distracted and I run into somebody and I fall back. Fuck I think, this is so embarrassing.
“sorry! I was in a rush! are you-” I start rush apologizing then I saw their face, it was the lemon haired boy. They we’re standing there, looking at me.
“I should be the one apologizing! You’re the one on the floor” he said extending his hand out to help me up “say, aren’t you that American student? From intelligence?”
“Um yes, how did you know?”
“I’ve heard about you and caught some glimpses of you in passing” he said “I am impressed by your accomplishments, I’d love to see you in action”
“oh uh thank you, sorry to cut this short but I have to get to class” I say as I start running again.
“Bye! I hope to talk to you again!” waved the lemon haired boy.
I start to think, he’s cute, I wouldn’t mind talking to him again but who is he? I get to the door and I walk in out of breath.
“Hi, I’m alive” I say as I do a weak spin into a dab.
“Nice track suit Palma-san” said Momo “was it custom made?”
I look at my track suit, it’s a black and orange with my last name on the butt. “oh it is custom but my sister sent this to me to pester me about my big ass” I say as I show everyone the PALMA on the butt in big lettering.
We start class and they announce their licensing exam is also coming up along with their final exams and training at an undisclosed forest campground. Lucky for me, they don’t apply to me but I still train with them when it’s class-time. I notice that Iida wasn’t talking to me or looking at me like he usually does. I wonder what happened while I was gone. Class ends and I pack my bag and think about that boy in the hallway again, can’t believe I didn’t catch his name.
“Hey Ita” said Iida softly 
“Hi, are you doing alright? You look a bit distracted.”
“I’m fine! um do you want to have lunch with me in the patio? I packed food”
“oh sure let me tell Mimi and Jin” I say as I stick my finger in my ear.
“this is Palma, contacting Oleshin and Matsui, over”
“Oleshin on the line/ Matsui on the line, over”
“Requesting a 508, repeat a 508, over”
“Permission granted/permission seconded, over”
“Thank you, have a good lunch, over”
“Wow you got ear pieces?” said Iida in awe
“Yea, we got them for in field practice but will special permission, the school lets the whole program use them to communicate with each other.”
We walk to the patio and sit under a tree. Iida takes out a fairly big tupperware container and hands it to me.
“Here, I made you a fresh treat, because you deserve it”
“oh thank you, you didn’t have to make me anything!” I said shyly
“I insist! You deserve some rest and treats for all your hard work these last few weeks” He said putting the container on my lap “I also have some fresh flowers, dark chocolates and lemon water. All just for you”
He arranges everything around me to set up a peaceful atmosphere. I open the container and I see perfectly cut cucumber, orange and mango with some lime wedges and salt shaker.
“Oh my god! It’s like I’m back home!” I say exclaimed as my mouth watered “you did your research, didn’t you Iida-san?”
“And what if I did? I just wanted to do something nice for you” he said as he closed his bag “you bring me peace during these scary times.”
“oh I see” I say as I start eating some mango “well, I’m glad that I am”
“hm? why?”
“Because, you could be out there, getting hurt again and blinded with rage and revenge. But you’re here, with me, healing yourself from the toxicity of it all.”
“I didn’t think of it that way, I just feel calmer and happier if you’re around me” 
“I feel like I exist to be that peaceful and calm for the people around me” I said reminiscing the calmer times “back home, I brought order and peace in my household. With my friends, I give love and acceptance. And honestly, I haven’t felt like that since I got here but you helped me remind myself of the one thing that defines me. Thank you Iida-san.”
“Call me Tenya”
“Ok then, Tenya, thank you for making me feel cherished and myself again”
In the distance, the Baku-squad are spying through a 2nd floor window.
“I wonder what they’re saying?” said Sero.
“Who cares?! Four eyes is finally saying his stupid feelings to Palma-san” growled Bakugo.
“They’ve been spending alot of time together lately” pondered Kirishima “Maybe I was wrong about her, she might be just a foreigner that barely made it here.”
“huh? Palma-san was still on your suspicion list?” asked Mina “she’s really nice and cool, would a spy be that willing to be friends with us?”
“I still think I can woo her to a date” muttered Denki as he leaned against the wall. 
The day ends and I get home in a happier state of mind. But the difficulty and heart twisting events are fast approaching, and I have to rise to the occasion to get through them. Not just for me, but for the ones that need me.
-End Chapter 4-
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beechroof80-blog · 5 years
Summer Squash and Basil Pasta
This week is such a blessing – cool evenings that make for perfect sleeping weather and perfectly sunny and warm daytime temperatures that make being at work soooo incredibly difficult. Us Midwesterners…we appreciate the little things, let me tell you.
I was heading home from a late meeting at the hospital and texted the nanny asking if she could give the girls a bath while I made dinner. Mark had a work dinner tonight and tomorrow’s picture day at school. She said they were just leaving the beach playground and would be home soon. Two very enjoyable minutes later, I got so jealous of the people eating out on a restaurant patio with lake views that I called Jess and asked if we could detour for dinner and so we pressed pause on baths to have dinner.
Us girls had a perfect late summer meal out on the patio – wine and all! It was perfection. I didn’t have to be inside making dinner and without dishes, there was plenty of time for me to do bath time…and a bit of a movie with snuggles in mom and dad’s bed before bed. 🙂
Sometimes, you just must take advantage of summer and all of its gifts…like the basil I used for this recipe.
Our garden has been MASS producing basil which only makes me sad because I’ll be paying big bucks for the fresh stuff in a few months, but for now…JACKPOT. Between picked fruit that we’ve frozen for the winter months and pesto, my freezers (all 3 of them!) are FULL.
I had to make something with basil and even better that it used up a ton of the zucchinis and yellow squashes my CSA has been delivering. The recipe looked fantastic, sounded super easy, and resulted in a meal loved by all. My girls nearly inhaled every last bite on their plates and I was texting my pasta, basil, cheese, and lemon-loving bestie the recipe before we’d even finished up!
Summer Squash and Basil Pasta
Author: Nicole Morrissey
Prep time:  10 mins
Cook time:  20 mins
Total time:  30 mins
Serves: 7 servings (about 1¾ cups each)
¼ cup olive oil
8 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
2½ lbs zucchini and yellow squash (about 5 medium), quartered lengthwise, sliced
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp Ancho chili powder
1 lb large tube pasta
4 oz Parmesan, grated (about 1 cup)
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
½ cup torn basil leaves, divided
Heat oil in a large, deep skillet over medium. Once hot, add garlic, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned around the edges, about 4 minutes. Add zucchini and squash; increase heat to medium-high; season with the salt. Cook for 12-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the squash is jammy and soft. Sprinkle with chili powder and mix.
Meanwhile, cook pasta in a large pot of boiling water, stirring occasionally, until very al dente.
Transfer pasta to skillet with squash using a slotted spoon and add ½ cup pasta cooking liquid. Cook pasta, add Parmesan and more pasta cooking liquid as needed, until sauce coats pasta and pasta is al dente. Toss in lemon juice and most of the basil.
Serve hot and topped with remaining basil.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1¾ cups Calories: 390 Fat: 13.9 Carbohydrates: 54.4 Sugar: 5.0 Sodium: 445 Fiber: 4.2 Protein: 15.3 Cholesterol: 14
Be well,
Source: https://preventionrd.com/2018/09/summer-squash-and-basil-pasta/
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crustaceanfather · 7 years
1-4, 10, 12, 14-16, 19-21, 31, 32, 35, 37, 43, 45, 47, 49, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60-75, 77, 78-81, 84, 85, 86, 106-108, 125, 126, 133, 136, 138, 139, 140, 143-146, 149, 151-154
HO shIt I never saw this Im so sorry
 Full name Brooke Cannon My middle name is a secret
Zodiac sign leo 3 Fears Spiders It says spiders but thats a lie. 1.The dark. 2. Dying Slowly 3. Global Warming3 things I love 1. Everything 2. my pets. 3. my friendsHow tall am I 5′6″What do I miss Sleeping InDo I have a crush  on every girl aliveFavourite quote “I’m dying Squirtle.”Favourite place My schools auditorium What am I listening to right now TAZFirst thing I notice in new person The kind of jokes they make and laugh atShoe size 7 sometimes 7 1/2 How I feel right now Not too bad not too goodSomeone I love Omg all my friendsFavourite holiday HalloweenTattoos and piercing i want fuck yeah I want a shark/ anchor/ sailor tattoo on my arm and the Revolution Radio radio with the date 8/28/17 Somewhere, thinking my ankle the word Stupid with an arrow pointing to myself somewhere, thinking chest or somethign stupid, Spider or snake bites, maybe shark bites. Maybe eyebrow peircings who even knowHow long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Depends, If im doing my usualy jeans and a t shirt like 10 or 15 mins for the hair and everything. If im wearing a Look probably like 30 mins or even longerWhere am I right now? My bedroomDo I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Not too loudly if im using earbuds but loudly if its out (but not if im near people who don’t want to hear my music im no jerk)Am I excited for anything? School tomorrow? I just miss my friendsIs there anyone I trust even though I should not? Uh Yeah everyoneWhat is something I disliked about today? Leaving work What do I think about most? fuck idkWhat’s my strangest talent? I have no talentsDo I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? hngggggg bothWhat was the last lie I told? Oooo i dont even knowDo I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? VIdeo video video video video all the WAyDo I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?  Fuck yeahDo I believe in magic? Who doesn’tDo I believe in luck? Yeah cuz I have noneWhat’s the weather like right now? Sunny and niceWhat was the last book I’ve read? Im reading Life After Life for SchoolDo I like the smell of gasoline? Fuck YeaaaahDo I have any nicknames? So many, Dan, my co-worker, gives me a new nickname like every dayWhat was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Do concussions count cuz I’ve had so many of them  Do I spend money or save it? BOth!!Can I touch my nose with a tongue? YeaIs there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Yeah my colored pencilsFavourite animal? All of them What was I doing last night at 12 AM? SnooooozingWhat’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Play ANY Green Day songHow can you win my heart? Be niceWhat would I want to be written on my tombstone? uh maybe “Fuck” or something vulgar What is my favourite word No there are so many words I can’t chooseMy top 5 blogs on tumblr Ohhh geez cutiepiemime tattoo-design Uh disorderedtrashhider disgruntledbyeverything and so many more i cant name just 5 I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?  I can breathe underwater What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? oooo idk anything about like my life or how I view myself or how I live my life or whateverWhat is my current desktop picture? Its the default cuz its a school computer and doesn’t save desktop picturesBeen to a wedding? YEah they’re weirdBeen on the computer for 5 hours straight? You know itWatched TV for 5 hours straight? SadlyRode in an ambulance? NopeHad a surgery? Thank god noBroken a mirror? NopeWas I named after anyone? FUckIng Garth BrooksWhat was my favourite toy as a child? I had so many Favourite Tv Show? Rn The Office Where do I want to live when older? AnywhereFavourite pizza toping? CheeseAm I afraid of the dark? YeS If you aren’t You’re SO wrongAm I afraid of heights? YES and If you aren’t whats wrong with you Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Doing bad stuff yeah i’ve never sneaked outWhat my greatest achievements are You are a fool to think i’ve ever achieved anYthingWhat I’d do if I won in a lottery Ask for saturday’s offWhat do I like about myself nopeMy closest Tumblr friend You!!!!! and cutiepiemimeSomething I fantasize about my ex Them Not Being 
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kristinsimmons · 6 years
Things I’m Loving Lately: March 29, 2018
Boy have we ever soaked up the sunshine on our vacation! I wish I could bottle this warm sunny weather and take it back to Ontario with us. While we’re getting settled, I thought I’d share the next roundup of Things I’m Loving Lately. And a quick note that there will be no Ask Angela post tomorrow due to the holiday. If you’re celebrating this weekend, I hope you have a very happy Easter!!
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1. Soom Pure Ground Sesame Tahini 
On an impulse, I added this tahini to my Naturamarket.ca order (the website where I buy my beloved Nutpods!) and ended up falling in love with it! I adore how smooth and luxurious this tahini is, plus it has that nice “runny” texture that’s perfect for drizzling—some brands I’ve tried in the past can be quite firm and dry with a layer of separated oil that’s difficult to mix in. Its flavour is so rich and nutty too. 
2. Mina Harissa paste
I’m a bit late to the party trying Harissa, but once I did there was no turning back. While I’m by no means an expert on traditional Harissa pastes (and I’ve yet to try making a homemade version!), I really enjoy Mina’s Harissa as it’s super flavourful and preservative-free, too.
3. Vita Bio Organic Chickpeas (Jarred)
These chickpeas are a great option when I don’t have time to soak and cook my own chickpeas, and I also love that they’re stored in glass as opposed to tins. If I don’t recycle the jars, I like to throw them in the dishwasher to reuse for overnight oats or homemade salad dressings. Just a word of caution though: these jarred chickpeas have a jelly-like coating (as opposed to the liquid state of aquafaba), but it’s nothing a good rinse can’t fix. (At first I was mega creeped out though! lol.)
4. Young Lux Plates
Young Lux reached out to me last month offering to send our kids some of their bamboo plates to try out. I was actually planning to put an order in myself after seeing the brand pop up on social media, so I gladly accepted their kind offer! The kids adore their new plates, and I have to say, so does mama—their modern/stylish design is a nice change from the usual kid-friendly look (a parent can only take so much neon green and orange…ya know?), plus they’re free from plastics, too…whohoo! My only small complaint with the plates so far is that I’ve noticed some light staining on them. This could be because we use a natural dishwasher detergent (which doesn’t work super well), but I’m not sure. Young Lux does say that the plates are dishwasher safe.
5. Tarteist Glossy Lip Paint in WCW 
This lip “paint” by tarte is my go-to lip colour. I adore a rich berry tone and this one has so much pigment—I simply tap a few dots across my lips and then blend all over with my finger for a quick pop of colour. I top it off with my fave Kopari Coconut Lip Glossy for shine and moisture.
6. Mama Bear Indigo mug
It’s no secret that I’m a bit of a collector (okay, hoarder!) when it comes to Indigo’s mugs…they’re just so cute and have the best catchy sayings and puns. This Mama Bear mug is one of my favourites, and I find its large 16-ounce size perfect for my French press coffee with all the fixin’s! Sadly, that one appears to be out of stock, but there’s a similar 13-ounce version here that might make a sweet Mother’s Day gift, if you’re on the hunt! 
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Things I’m Loving Lately: March 29, 2018 published first on https://wittooth.tumblr.com/
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susantregre · 6 years
Things I’m Loving Lately: March 29, 2018
Boy have we ever soaked up the sunshine on our vacation! I wish I could bottle this warm sunny weather and take it back to Ontario with us. While we’re getting settled, I thought I’d share the next roundup of Things I’m Loving Lately. And a quick note that there will be no Ask Angela post tomorrow due to the holiday. If you’re celebrating this weekend, I hope you have a very happy Easter!!
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1. Soom Pure Ground Sesame Tahini 
On an impulse, I added this tahini to my Naturamarket.ca order (the website where I buy my beloved Nutpods!) and ended up falling in love with it! I adore how smooth and luxurious this tahini is, plus it has that nice “runny” texture that’s perfect for drizzling—some brands I’ve tried in the past can be quite firm and dry with a layer of separated oil that’s difficult to mix in. Its flavour is so rich and nutty too. 
2. Mina Harissa paste
I’m a bit late to the party trying Harissa, but once I did there was no turning back. While I’m by no means an expert on traditional Harissa pastes (and I’ve yet to try making a homemade version!), I really enjoy Mina’s Harissa as it’s super flavourful and preservative-free, too.
3. Vita Bio Organic Chickpeas (Jarred)
These chickpeas are a great option when I don’t have time to soak and cook my own chickpeas, and I also love that they’re stored in glass as opposed to tins. If I don’t recycle the jars, I like to throw them in the dishwasher to reuse for overnight oats or homemade salad dressings. Just a word of caution though: these jarred chickpeas have a jelly-like coating (as opposed to the liquid state of aquafaba), but it’s nothing a good rinse can’t fix. (At first I was mega creeped out though! lol.)
4. Young Lux Plates
Young Lux reached out to me last month offering to send our kids some of their bamboo plates to try out. I was actually planning to put an order in myself after seeing the brand pop up on social media, so I gladly accepted their kind offer! The kids adore their new plates, and I have to say, so does mama—their modern/stylish design is a nice change from the usual kid-friendly look (a parent can only take so much neon green and orange…ya know?), plus they’re free from plastics, too…whohoo! My only small complaint with the plates so far is that I’ve noticed some light staining on them. This could be because we use a natural dishwasher detergent (which doesn’t work super well), but I’m not sure. Young Lux does say that the plates are dishwasher safe.
5. Tarteist Glossy Lip Paint in WCW 
This lip “paint” by tarte is my go-to lip colour. I adore a rich berry tone and this one has so much pigment—I simply tap a few dots across my lips and then blend all over with my finger for a quick pop of colour. I top it off with my fave Kopari Coconut Lip Glossy for shine and moisture.
6. Mama Bear Indigo mug
It’s no secret that I’m a bit of a collector (okay, hoarder!) when it comes to Indigo’s mugs…they’re just so cute and have the best catchy sayings and puns. This Mama Bear mug is one of my favourites, and I find its large 16-ounce size perfect for my French press coffee with all the fixin’s! Sadly, that one appears to be out of stock, but there’s a similar 13-ounce version here that might make a sweet Mother’s Day gift, if you’re on the hunt! 
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© copyright 2018 Oh She Glows. All Rights Reserved.
from Oh She Glows https://ift.tt/2pQZLu1
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markhardycreative · 6 years
One of the first sunny days of 2018
The sun is here at last!!... well almost, it's just coming up and whilst I've a late start waking the dog this morning I've got a lot to cram into a very small window of sun.
My first job is at 10am it's just exteriors as I shot the interiors yesterday in fact everything today is exterior shots! I'll be flying the drone for two in Farnham this afternoon, but more about that later right now I'm heading down past Alton and across the A3.
The house is north facing and surrounded by tall trees which in and of itself is a difficult situation but theres a whole new dimension to this shoot. No one is home but the pipe at the side of the house is pumping out smoke which is being blown and lit up across the front . Mmm not sure how to get around this one. I decide to do the back of the house first. I explore the sloped garden before starting with the wide and pole elevated shots. I then swap to my 70-200mm lens and get some lifestyle / feature shots. As always with these it's low F stop moving as close to 200mm as I can to throw the background or foreground out of focus and create a bit of depth to the image.
I'm also trying to leave the front until the end so that the sun has some time to climb and hopefully in some way straight out of the direct view of my camera.
It's at this point I notice the pipe at the side of the house seems to stop for about a minute every 5 or so, it takes about 30 seconds for the smoke to clear and then I have a 30 or so second window to get the shots I need.
I'm due at my next job at 12:30 so plenty of time to get over to Frensham just outside of Farnham. My sat nav decides to take me a very odd way back but I go with it I end up going down some single track country lanes and suddenly this opens up in front of me.
I arrive at my next job on time (I even get to stop at my favourite stop the Cookie Bar in Hindhead on the way). This was the job I shot the interiors of on Monday. I'm doing full ground level exteriors and drone photography here. I'm constantly judging the weather and I can see some cloud cover starting to roll across. The wind is a cool 18-20 mph which is still fine to fly in but it does add an extra element of stress pushing weather fronts across and moving the drone around in ways that produce audible warnings on my controller. 
The sun is so incredibly low that I have to get some real height to get over the lens flare. I have a maximum operating height of 120m, though when it's windy I tend not to go that high. I'm able to get what I need however I come across an issue shooting straight down. the camera keeps flipping views up and down and when I shoot the file looks corrupted with weird colours, no matter I just won't use it but I need to look into that later and do some testing on some private land casual flights.
before I leave the owner asks me to get some shots of an area which is great for 'Hacking' across the road. I've no idea what that is but I'm guessing its horse related . He said its a few minutes walk across the road from the house and then through some wood to a big opening. I'm really quite pushed for time. The sun is getting lower all the time and the forecast has just changed leaving me a very small window of sun left and still another job to do. I literally sprint down the path in the woods, hoping that I've remembered the directions correctly. I take shots along the way. The browns, oranges, and greens of the forest look beautiful in the low sun.
So I've still no idea what Hacking is as I write this I'm about to look it up. Definition below:
"Hack within the activity of equestrianism commonly refers to one of two things: as a verb, it describes the act of riding a horse for light exercise, and as a noun, it is a type of horse used for riding out at ordinary speeds over roads and trails." - Wikipedia
Well there you have it thank you Wikipedia.
I'm seriously pushing it for time right now I've reached my final house of the day on time and another time of the year 2pm would be perfect for some high in the sky sun. However in January it's dropping and is due to set in just over an hour. Still there is always time for manners and professionalism so I ask the owner to show me around the land that I will be photographing. This one is incredible (not that the others weren't just this one is unexpected!) So we're quite close to the town of Farnham, lots of houses all over the place but at the bottom of these peoples gardens it opens out on the most gorgeous common. I take the drone up, now it's very very windy but obviously I'm still flying within legal limits. I'm having the same issue again shooting straight down from the drone, it's doing some very odd things. I recently updated the firmware and whilst I have tested it before today something is clearly not right with the signal. When testing I did find my apple watch was interfering and the drone had a weak transmission signal because of it but that is on 'airplane' mode now.
Flying around a see a little lake just sat in the middle of the common. I take some shots. Ok so... I'm going to be really honest now. I'm writing this entry the next day. The agent has already written and called to thank me for the photos. He did mention that they loved the fact I caught the lake in the shape of a heart. "oh that's ok I said" not fully processing what shot that was. After looking back at the pictures I'm sorry if he's reading this it was a complete accident. Now looking at the shot below I do see it, but it's just the angle I've taken it at as if you fly higher the curves stretch out all over the place. Still it's a very happy mistake and I'm sure I'll be plastering it everywhere come valentines day.
Home at last. I'm exhausted. I back up my pictures and spend some time with my family before heading into the bedtime routine. 
My head is killing me. I suffer from migraines a few times a year. I can feel one coming on so once my son is asleep I head to bed myself I've two shoots tomorrow but I don't think I'll be blogging it.
Ok strictly this is a new day but as I'm not covering todays shoots and this is still part of Wednesdays work I thought I'd document it. I wake up and my head feels better. I know unless I get the retouching done now I'll have a big build up tomorrow night so I get up and crack on.
I'm using Lightroom with Loupedeck tonight, just because I like working with exterior files in lightroom, I've noticed since using Capture One that Lightroom no mater what I do gives a slightly warm cast to the images that works very well with outside shots. Plus I'm super quick on it with Loupedeck.
There are a lot of blue skies to add because of shooting towards the low sun but I get it all done. There's no point going to bed at this point my son will be up in 30 minutes so I get a coffee and wait for him before getting ready for Thursdays shoots.
As much as I'm enjoying these days in the life articles I don't think I'll be able to do every day especially as it gets busier in the year but I will be doing at least one a week so if you are finding them at all interesting do please check back again and see what I'm up to. 
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