striaton37 · 4 years
i would love to hear about your ocs if you’re willing !
Absolutely! Just let me throw some really old art in here because I dont think I've been able to draw them for a while now.
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I think this guy is probably one of my favorites?? I made him back when I was really into Homestuck, and his name is Jace Foster. He's a Mage of Time, and his land is the Land of Beats and Mechanisms. The reason I love him so much is because his story of figuring out his classpect is through utilizing trials placed on his land, which start out in a small city and reach out into this huge mechanical world. Many of the trials are inspired by pieces of music I grew up with, such as animusic, (the two linked are the most influential to his land). He has a lot of other aspects to him that I really like as well, such as background and how he's supposed to develop as a character, but I'll leave that for another time.
Different fandom, new character, one of my favorite Danganronpa kids is this gal
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While my art for her is limited, I really liked how I wrote her as well. Her background was based on a book called "La Hija del Sastre" by Carrie and Carol Gaab Toth; as a result, I named this character Hisa Miyamoto, which is based on names from the book, and made her the ultimate seamstress as well. Her background follows that of the book somewhat, where her father has been known to rebel against the government and knows much about what they're planning, so she had to make a cover-up story for her family by doing something else that could be seen as great - becoming the best seamstress there was. As a result, media was more focused on the rising star from her family rather than investigating to know what secrets lied behind their fame. Of course, she was then given a place in the Danganronpa killing game while thinking it was an innocent school (which it was based on a mall, and the whole session was really cool! All thanks to @/thefabkilljoy). First trial was about revealing secrets to random players or facing the consequences, so she had to share hers with someone. This prompted the first killing, which she had initiated since she didn't want her secret to go out to any more people.
It's a long post for only two characters, but I did enjoy making this. Thank you for the ask!!
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insomniac-arrest · 5 years
hey so, i just read the start of your novel and i'm, like, really impressed; it's super well-written! i really, /really/ love the way you described the towns and the road; you established the environment superbly. i'm super excited to read more! cheers!
thank you so much!! I was worried about starting off description-heavy, but I was having fun with it for the prologue section and also decided to invest more in “atmosphere” for this story in particular since it’s a ghost story
I hope you enjoy the rest of the read! :D
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could you please do aro+forest?
in the queue!!
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chantillyxlacey · 7 years
addison? for the name thing?
A - Addicted to Love - Florence + the Machine cover
D - Dare - Stan Bush (from Transformers the Movie soundtrack)
D - Dragula - Rob Zombie
I - I Got A Boy - Girls Generation
S - Something About Us - Daft Punk
O - Oogie Boogie’s Song - The Nightmare Before Christmas
N - No One Mourns the Wicked - Wicked
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crustaceanfather · 7 years
1-4, 10, 12, 14-16, 19-21, 31, 32, 35, 37, 43, 45, 47, 49, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60-75, 77, 78-81, 84, 85, 86, 106-108, 125, 126, 133, 136, 138, 139, 140, 143-146, 149, 151-154
HO shIt I never saw this Im so sorry
 Full name Brooke Cannon My middle name is a secret
Zodiac sign leo 3 Fears Spiders It says spiders but thats a lie. 1.The dark. 2. Dying Slowly 3. Global Warming3 things I love 1. Everything 2. my pets. 3. my friendsHow tall am I 5′6″What do I miss Sleeping InDo I have a crush  on every girl aliveFavourite quote “I’m dying Squirtle.”Favourite place My schools auditorium What am I listening to right now TAZFirst thing I notice in new person The kind of jokes they make and laugh atShoe size 7 sometimes 7 1/2 How I feel right now Not too bad not too goodSomeone I love Omg all my friendsFavourite holiday HalloweenTattoos and piercing i want fuck yeah I want a shark/ anchor/ sailor tattoo on my arm and the Revolution Radio radio with the date 8/28/17 Somewhere, thinking my ankle the word Stupid with an arrow pointing to myself somewhere, thinking chest or somethign stupid, Spider or snake bites, maybe shark bites. Maybe eyebrow peircings who even knowHow long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Depends, If im doing my usualy jeans and a t shirt like 10 or 15 mins for the hair and everything. If im wearing a Look probably like 30 mins or even longerWhere am I right now? My bedroomDo I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Not too loudly if im using earbuds but loudly if its out (but not if im near people who don’t want to hear my music im no jerk)Am I excited for anything? School tomorrow? I just miss my friendsIs there anyone I trust even though I should not? Uh Yeah everyoneWhat is something I disliked about today? Leaving work What do I think about most? fuck idkWhat’s my strangest talent? I have no talentsDo I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? hngggggg bothWhat was the last lie I told? Oooo i dont even knowDo I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? VIdeo video video video video all the WAyDo I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?  Fuck yeahDo I believe in magic? Who doesn’tDo I believe in luck? Yeah cuz I have noneWhat’s the weather like right now? Sunny and niceWhat was the last book I’ve read? Im reading Life After Life for SchoolDo I like the smell of gasoline? Fuck YeaaaahDo I have any nicknames? So many, Dan, my co-worker, gives me a new nickname like every dayWhat was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Do concussions count cuz I’ve had so many of them  Do I spend money or save it? BOth!!Can I touch my nose with a tongue? YeaIs there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Yeah my colored pencilsFavourite animal? All of them What was I doing last night at 12 AM? SnooooozingWhat’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Play ANY Green Day songHow can you win my heart? Be niceWhat would I want to be written on my tombstone? uh maybe “Fuck” or something vulgar What is my favourite word No there are so many words I can’t chooseMy top 5 blogs on tumblr Ohhh geez cutiepiemime tattoo-design Uh disorderedtrashhider disgruntledbyeverything and so many more i cant name just 5 I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?  I can breathe underwater What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? oooo idk anything about like my life or how I view myself or how I live my life or whateverWhat is my current desktop picture? Its the default cuz its a school computer and doesn’t save desktop picturesBeen to a wedding? YEah they’re weirdBeen on the computer for 5 hours straight? You know itWatched TV for 5 hours straight? SadlyRode in an ambulance? NopeHad a surgery? Thank god noBroken a mirror? NopeWas I named after anyone? FUckIng Garth BrooksWhat was my favourite toy as a child? I had so many Favourite Tv Show? Rn The Office Where do I want to live when older? AnywhereFavourite pizza toping? CheeseAm I afraid of the dark? YeS If you aren’t You’re SO wrongAm I afraid of heights? YES and If you aren’t whats wrong with you Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Doing bad stuff yeah i’ve never sneaked outWhat my greatest achievements are You are a fool to think i’ve ever achieved anYthingWhat I’d do if I won in a lottery Ask for saturday’s offWhat do I like about myself nopeMy closest Tumblr friend You!!!!! and cutiepiemimeSomething I fantasize about my ex Them Not Being 
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remma-demma · 7 years
17 roxy lalonde?
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holy shit i actually got a request. Thank you, kind stranger
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
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I dunno i find it really funny that the first people to like that comment was someone called "disorderedtrashhider" (topically same) and a second person who has been following me for like 8 years and seen it all and is still here
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abbiemabou · 5 years
Pass the happy!🌻🌈When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications
Thank you for sending me this Maya! ✨
1. Whenever my cat rolls over or purrs or sits on me or does anything really
2. When I can make my friends happy and they want to spend time with me
3. The way light changes. There’s that soft yellow light after an afternoon rainshower, the cool blue light mid morning, the golden light before the sun sets, and I think it’s all beautiful.
4. Going to places I used to visit a lot as a child. There’s something grounding about reliving those memories.
5. Being in nature and not getting bug bites. The smell of hay or the sea, the sound and feeling of a summer rainstorm, and how beautiful nature always is never fails to make me smile. 🌱🌟
I pass this on to @stardustcereal, @livinginthe-books, @j0lllyrancherr, @ittybugedd, @charliekringas, @citrusfromanothermistress, @mariethemushroom, @gentlebeanprince, @disorderedtrashhider, and @xfjles ! No pressure to answer if you don’t want to, though :)
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yellowjavkets · 6 years
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@cherrysodap0p @tiredandangry @echuwu @roteli @d3kv @lovecore @xenameia @letkeithinfodump @umbreeonic @shy-yin @starysapphic @sh4tterstar  @disorderedtrashhider@gaypuree @lavasteam @ultrastamp @kushjna @elementalcreeper
(if you weren’t included please don’t feel bad this was just an off the top of my head spur of the moment sort of thing)
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i-suggest-weed · 6 years
@nonbinary-agentwash thanks for tagging me bae
Rules: Put all of your phone’s music library or your spotify – no playlists! – on shuffle. List the first ten songs that play. Bold the song(s) that lift your mood and italicize the song(s) that makes you the most emotional. Then tag ten people!
O Green World - Gorillaz (a bop tbh, Gorillaz generally make me feel better and more relaxed)
Oped Eyed - Skindred ( @foxgently thanks for introducing me to this band I love them)
#WYD - iKON (idk it’s cute but I don’t listen to it often also don’t @ me y’all know I’m kpop trash)
DNA - BTS (this somehow makes me feel good and a little sad at the same time, it sounds like pick me up song)
Friend, Please - Twenty One Pilots (try being depressed and not cry at songs like that)
Cherry Wine - Hozier (cute but I don’t know the song well enough to get emotional over it)
Put the Gun Down - Andy Black (I’m so emo rip T_T)
Haushinka - Green Day (not one of my favs but a good song)
Orange Dream - Foster the People (the song itself doesn’t really make me emotional, I just listen to ftp a lot when I’m already emotional)
That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed) - Panic! At The Disco (its nostalgic ok!!)
Honestly idk what anyone was expecting all I listen to is gay, emo and/or kpop shit
I tag @theimmortalshadows @foxgently @stupidflightybullshirt @traveller-in-spacetime @ilikefandomsmorethanpeople @kittyluvr42 @madamemooncat @welcome-to-the-knightbus @thebladededgeofflame @disorderedtrashhider
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giannamorphs · 6 years
tagged by - @sapphicshego​ thanks tony!!!!
rules - bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people tagging -  @adeadfreelancer @moxxifoxxi @thestarninja @fumbledeegrumble @ohsoveryquiet @disorderedtrashhider @the-brilliant-loser and anyone else!
A I R I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
F I R E I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words
E A R T H I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor and to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
A E T H E R I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
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bongwaterlemonade · 6 years
🎶 music ask game 🎶
tagged by @jillian-holtzmaann thank you!!
put your playlist on shuffle and write the first 20 songs that come up, and then tag 20 people
1. Mjin Manier - Brainpower
2. LGBT (feat. Chi Chi Larue & Markaholic - RuPaul
3. Little Black Star - Hurray for the Riff Raff
4. Anything I Want You To - The Rizzos
5. Dead - They Might Be Giants
6. Theme From Flood - They Might Be Giants
7. You Cannot - Erin McKeown
8. Take Up Your Spade - Sara Watkins
9. Birdhouse In Your Soul - They Might Be Giants
10. Echo In The Hills - Carrie Elkin and Danny Schmidt
11. Black Eyes - David Wirsig
12. Long Gone - Mary Epworth
13. State of Mine - Stöj Snak
14. Someone Keeps Moving My Chair - They Might Be Giants
15. Take Me To Church - Hozier
16. Creature or Creator - Finch X Kovacs
17. All or Nothing - The Dream Masons
18. Particle Man - They Might Be Giants
19. The Bends - Doomtree
20. i Know This: - rachel kann
Holy shit this has been in my drafts forever lmaooo
I tag: @hobbithairedhufflepuff @meme-matriarchy @alexandraisgay @flovvright @insaneinsecureintrovert @wasatchmountaindogs @writersblocksblastingcaps @thetimetravellingfanvergent @riessene @ourfandomcrazyuniverse @disorderedtrashhider @moonlit-avocado @tsuukiis @fortifiedbakery @dontthinkaboutzimbits @dont-stop-believin-in-klaine @ruchirachan @lucy8675309 @prodigalfart @doug-math
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sapphicshearts · 7 years
tagged by @greenchatae thank u!!
Answer the questions in a new post and tag 5 blogs you would like to know better.
Tagging: @sodafrog13 @momozo-takenaka @quarkflavor @pansexual-pirate-seeks-all-booty @disorderedtrashhider
A: Age - 20
B: Birthplace - kokomo, indiana USA
C: Current time - 10:40pm
D: Drink you had last - milk
E: Easiest person to talk to - conner
F: Favorite song - handheld by atlas
G: Grossest memory - was takin a nap, got woken up by the feeling of something crawling on me, found a tiny ass spider, flicked it off and tried to sleep again. found another spider, and several more, i was basically bein covered in baby spiders from i have no idea where (ended up takin a long hot shower where i scrubbed every single inch of me and washed EVERYTHING on my bed)
H: Hogwarts house - hufflepuff
I: In love? - very much so 
J: Jealous of people - sometimes but i’m really tryin to work on it
K: Killed someone - no jesus lskfjgksjfg
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again - walk by again, stop and try chattin, maybe something will work out?
M: Middle name - elizabeth
N: Number of siblings - 5,,,three brothers and two sisters
O: One wish - to meet all my friends irl one day
P: Person you called last - my dad
Q: Question you are always asked - “can you do (insert random thing here)?” usually from my dad lkflskfjg
R: Reason to smile - my cats are the cutest and bestest (and i will share pictures of either one with absolutely anyone who asks)
S: Song you sang last - fifteen minutes by mike krol
T: Time you woke up - 12:30pm or so
U: Underwear color - pink!
V: Vacation Destination - tokyo, japan
W: Worst habit - pickin at scabs
X: X-rays - wrist/hand
Y: Your favorite food - oh jeez......i love all food except most pork products
Z: Zodiac sign - virgo!!
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Aromantic + forest for @disorderedtrashhider
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crustaceanfather · 7 years
ballpoint pen, highlighter, sketching pad, notebook, paper, stapler, glue stick, ruler, eraser, calculator, sticky note, stamp, bookmark, envelope
ballpoint pen: Tell me about the day you’ve just had.
Not a lot happened but im exhausted anyways. 
highlighter: What are your best qualities?
A lot of my friends say im really nice and that I try to be helpful and funny
sketching pad: Describe yourself from a stranger’s point of view
Loud with friends and quiet alone. Tall and edgy, usually wearing all black. 
notebook: What’s your favorite quote?
“Pretty good it doesn’t seem.” and any other McElroy quote tbh
paper: What kind of book would you write?
Gay as shit books. Usually fantasy, mysteries our edgy self insert shit.
stapler: Out of all the people you know, who do you think you are the closest too?haha I don’t think im close with anyone anymore. I mean I guess I’d say my friend Coleby but at the same time I don’t really tell him anything so haha
glue stick: What do you look for in a lasting relationship/friendship?
Uh don’t be a dick. Be honest and funny and open. Like you don’t have to be deep 24/7. thats just impossible, but like it’s good to talk about things. 
ruler: What line will you never cross?
If people ask me not to do something or I can see that they are upset I try to respect them and not upset them. 
eraser: What do you consider to be your biggest mistake?
Taking ap english, half of my relationships. Trusting any adult ever. and so much more
calculator: List 15 things that make you happy.
My friends, animals, drama, music, singing, swimming, fires, anything that glows in the dark, paranormal stuff, cryptids, soccer, overwatch, GirlS, writing, staying up late, stars, my mioral, and so many other things.
sticky note: Something about yourself you’d like to change.
I wanna be taller and not so depressed
stamp: A date that’s special to you and why
Uhhh None
bookmark: A book that means a lot to you and why
Ooo idk I really liked Why We Broke Up But i hated the ending the ending was shit It was interesting and cliche and i actually liked it. 
envelope: Tell me a secret
I went from the family prodigy to the family disappointment. 
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astralomeria · 7 years
I was tagged by @disorderedtrashhider
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 followers you want to get to know better!
Nickname: Addie
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 5′4-5′5 somewhere around there
Time Right Now: 9:52 pm
Last Thing I Googled: Miraculous Ladybug
Favorite Music Artist: I really like Bastille and I also really like Mystery Skulls. Those are my big faves right now
Song Stuck In My Head Right Now: House By The Sea by Moddi
Last Movie I Watched: Justice League vs. Teen Titans
Last TV Show I Watched: Star Vs The Forces of Evil
What I’m Wearing Right Now: t-shirt and patterned leggings
When I Created My Blog: April of 2015 I think?
What I Post Usually: Memes, shitposts, aesthetics, sometimes political stuff, and my own art
Why Did I Choose My URL: I accidentally misspelled one of my fave flowers so now it’s this
Gender: Nonbinary
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Pokemon Team: Instinct
Favorite Color: Peach and Cyan
Lucky Number: 13
Favorite Characters: uhhhh it’ll take a while so i’m gonna skip this question hehe
Dream Job: Forensic Scientist or Palentologist
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: 2
Followers: 164
I tag: @music13forever13 , @dcrao , @dirtworm2 @m1-y9 @dictisaurus and anyone else that wants to do this!
(p.s. if i tagged you, you don’t have to do it!!)
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