#2) they specifically invited me to read their story and wanted *my* feedback or
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katyspersonal · 10 months ago
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gyuyoungarchives · 2 years ago
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💬 JTBC Newsroom Interview for Celebrity with Anchor Kang Jiyoung (Transcript Highlights)
We have invited actor Park Gyuyoung, who has truly become a global celebrity with the drama 'Celebrity,' but who actually wants to become a simple and modest person. Hello. Nice to meet you.
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: Hello, I'm Park Gyuyoung.]
I've been watching Seo Ari for a while now, and I've gotten used to the short haircut. Has your hair grown a bit?
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: Actually, it's been well over a year since we filmed 'Celebrity,' so my hair has grown a bit in that time. It's longer than it was back then.]
The short haircut really suited you well. Today, we'd like to ask you some questions with a hashtag: #SoloLeadingRole After 7 years since your debut as a lead actor, this is your first solo leading role, which must have come with a lot of pressure and meaning. From what you've said, it seems like this project was a challenge in itself.
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: Yes, that's right. I did feel a sense of responsibility and a lot of pressure. Throughout the filming, I focused a lot. But now that the results are out, the director is also very pleased, and when I see those aspects, it's quite fulfilling. Personally, having my face on the poster this prominently is something I find exciting.]
Actually, since it's gaining global popularity, the comments are not just in Korean anymore.
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: The reactions come in various languages, which is quite fascinating. So sometimes, I use translation tools to read them, to be honest.]
It must be really heartwarming, these kinds of reactions.
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: Yes, I'm very grateful.]
Were there any comments or reactions that left the most impression on you?
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: Well, the character Seo Ari showcases a wide range of styles. I feel really good when I receive positive feedback about those aspects. Like when people say, "This outfit looked so beautiful, I want to wear something like this," those comments are very memorable.]
Are you generally not very interested in dressing up like this in your daily life?
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: I wouldn't say I don't like it, but if you saw me on the street, you probably wouldn't recognize me. That's because I usually go for very comfortable attire...]
Did you insist on this chic and comfortable style for today's styling as well?
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: I decided to go for a clean and somewhat formal attire, tied my hair neatly like this.]
That's how you came. If you were to define today's outfit in one word with a hashtag, what would it be?
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: I think it could be 'effortless chic.']
'Effortless chic' sounds fitting. You've given a clever hashtag response. Now, let's move on to a question related to social media. Since the drama depicts the lives of social media influencers, who are closely connected to our daily lives, I assume there are many relatable aspects in the story.
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: There's a part where we say, 'We live in a world where we express ourselves.' My view that social media is a choice in how you portray yourself hasn't changed.]
You mentioned that one of the most challenging scenes to shoot was the one where you read hate comments directly.
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: In reality, there are parts I might overlook and parts I would acknowledge and accept, but as a character, I've never faced such extreme hate comments head-on like that. So, shooting those scenes was truly not easy.]
There have been articles about your involvement in the highly anticipated 'Squid Game Season 2.' I saw an article mentioning that you started filming in early July. Are you currently filming for it?
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: It's a bit difficult to provide specifics, but I'm having a great time filming. The staff and production team seem to have a tremendous sense of responsibility and passion, so I'll do my best to show them a good performance in line with their enthusiasm and commitment.]
You're working tirelessly, and I'm curious about what keeps you going. It must be challenging both physically and mentally.
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: I'm learning a lot not only as an actor but also as a person, as Park Gyuyoung. Through these experiences, there's a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going. I think it's this continuous drive to do better next time with what I've learned.]
I have this feeling that you're like a blank canvas, and any character you portray shines brightly. What are your thoughts on that?
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: The most common feedback I receive is that people didn't realize this character was (played by) the same person from my previous work.]
That's right, many didn't recognize it was the same actor.
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: Yes, personally, I consider that a tremendous blessing as an actor. I'm very thankful for it, and I hope you look forward to how I'll showcase my transformations in the future.]
So, we're looking forward to your next project even though you feel a bit shy about it.
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: I am a bit shy.]
But when you act, you transform confidently, right?
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: When I act, I feel less shy and less embarrassed. It makes me think, "I really love doing this."]
Is there a character you'd like to challenge yourself with?
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: Characters that show a strong presence in different genres are fascinating. Just a character who feels like a real person, someone who lives in a particular space. I really want to try playing a character like that.]
That seems to align with your desire to be like a modest and simple flower. It's very fitting.
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: As a person, not just as an actor, I don't really see myself as someone with a flashy or significant impact. I want to be someone who leaves a calm and comfortable impression. That's why I started thinking of the word "flower" in that context.]
What hashtag do you think would be suitable to accompany actor Park Gyuyoung?
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: I think it would be '#Passion.']
[Park Gyuyoung/Actor: In truth, inner passion never fades. So, I hope to always have that inner passion, regardless of the responsibilities, harshness towards oneself in the profession, and various other things that may arise.]
I'll support your journey to become an actor who fits well with any canvas and landscape in any project, and I hope you continue to be a passionate actor. Thank you for today's interview.
Full Article: https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/437/0000354298
as Seo Ari in Celebrity, 2023
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xfilesfanficexchange · 3 years ago
✨The Hurt/Comfort Exchange Announcement✨
Sign Up Ends: Sunday, March 12th at 11:59pm American Central Time
Exchange Date: Saturday, April 23rd, 2022 (Approximately 6 week writing period)
Word Minimum 2K
Rules Below and sign up link below!
Physical injuries, hurt feelings, misunderstandings, sickfic, agents in peril -- the types of hurt/comfort opportunities in this exchange are limitless! 
For this exchange, you can ask for whatever you want as long as the prompt is rooted in hurt/comfort (the type is up to you!)
1) Word Minimum: 2k 
2) Prompts: As an author, make sure you follow the prompt you're given. For the prompt you request, make sure you ask for something that could feasibly be completed in 2k words. Of course you want to provide good info for your person to go off of, but  make sure that your prompt isn't overly detailed/specific to the point of being overwhelming. Perhaps your person wants to write more, but some people are using this to experiment/dip their toes into writing, and you don't want to give them a prompt that can only be filled in 15k
3) Post on the due date. There's a one-week grace period if something comes up, but you need to notify me if you're going to use it. If you cannot fill the story, I need you to let me know so I can find a replacement. This is very important. 
4) Please make an Ao3 account
5) You'll need to leave an Ao3 comment on the story you will receive as a gift. It is important you show appreciation for the hard work that went into your gift, and leaving a comment on Ao3 allows me to ensure you did that (also, some participants are only on Ao3)
6) Don't publicly complain about your prompt or say anything you wouldn't want to see about your own. This rarely happens, just be careful with how you express your anxiety about writing the prompt. Writer's block is one thing, calling the prompt impossible is another.
Before signing up, make sure you know the rules. This is an event where you will write a prompt and someone will write that story for you, and you, in turn, will write a story based on someone else's prompt. It's a tit for tat situation.
Can't wait to see who all joins!! Please know everyone is welcome. We love inviting new authors to try their hand at writing in a supportive environment. This is also a great opportunity to try working off of a prompt if that's something you haven't tried before.
I can provide you with betas too if that interests you, and many people read and comment on every exchange fic, so it's a great way to get feedback on your writing. I promise you won't regret signing up! If you need details about what the exchange is here
Here's the link to sign up! Make sure to do so by 11:59pm Central Time by Saturday March 12th.
Link Here
Sometimes it works best on a computer, but if you have issues filling it out, just send your info my way .
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youmarin · 3 years ago
Ch. 00 Pt. II :
Talk About Nothing | JJ Maybank x fem! reader
[Edited: March 3, 2023]
a/n: Hi everyone, it's me again back with another piece! It comes after the previous one, To-Not-Do-But-Actually-Do-List that you can find and read right here. I feel it's more like a filler rather than an official second part tbh. Wanted to thank everyone for the likes on TNDBAD List. And special thank you to those 2 anons for their words. Feedback's always appreciated.
I'm okay with readers telling me if I made any grammar mistakes. English is my second language. If you want to know something about the story or make a comment don't hesitate to do so. 😁 Also if you would like a Spanish translation lmk and I'll work on it.
tw: swearing (like one Spanish swear word probably). Other than that I don't think there's much more.
•There's a brief mention of stereotypes (tattoos, piercings, etc.)
•Also I used the word 'gringo' once (which ain't a bad word but there's always someone who says otherwise. Respect but don't agree with their opinion.) Mentioning it just in case.
*Reader's hispanic/latino as you might've noticed. So there's a larger dialogue in this part that's in Spanish. (I'll translate the convo between [] in parts where's necessary ).
Just sweet reader and JJ moments with a bittersweet ending.
Word count: 2.6K+ approx.
After a tiring day of school, a rather hot one - signaling that the beginning of Summer break was approaching-, you finally were about to head home. Gathering your things in your bookbag, you stood up and headed for the door after wishing a good day to your teacher and friends. Not only but a few steps out of the school gates, JJ - who you didn’t know was waiting for you today too. His class being dismissed a few minutes before yours -  spotted you and quickly said goodbye to his friends. He sprinted towards you, reaching you and giving a small jump after taking impulse from your shoulders, effectively startling you. “‘Sup!”
 “Carajo, JJ, you scared me.” you said, a hand to your chest. “I could’ve hit you.”
“You should be used to it by now.” He shrugged. 
“I thought you had already left.” you mentioned, glancing at him starting to walk by your side. 
“And that's exactly what I wanted you to think by not meeting you inside.” He mentioned, proud that his little plan worked out. You two were falling into a rhythm, trying to meet each other by your locker for him to walk you home when you both didn't have your own things to do. It started not so long after you two ditched the party and spent the night together. His friends had told him that he could invite you to hang out with all of them too, but he hadn’t done so. At least not yet. He wouldn’t say, or wouldn’t even know himself, but he enjoyed having all your attention for himself. He had yet another reason to look forward for the end of school day, unconsciously walking slower to prolong the moment, and see how you went from being quiet to get more loose as the minutes passed.
Today, things went a little different. Since the first time he walked you home, he hadn’t once met your family. He knew that the first time you had stopped a few houses ahead because you weren’t in a good place with your family and didn’t want to make the matter worse. But after that, after all his big talk about not minding meeting them, he actually got a little insecure about it and made sure to not get too close. 
The walk seemed a lot shorter or maybe he got too distracted by you, so he didn’t notice you had stopped in front of a small establishment, which was in fact, the front of your house. There were a few people sitting on the tables at the open space in front, enjoying their meals and company. He could hear the faint music from a radio in the background, salsa music specifically -most likely your brother's doing-. It gave a homely atmosphere, warm and inviting. You loved that about it because it was like a piece of your home had come along with you all those years ago to the Outer Banks. 
He finally got out of his own little world he had wrapped you both in when he heard someone, a woman, saying your name. He froze in place.
“¿Mira niña, te piensas quedar ahí afuera? ¿Qué pasa que no avisas que llegaste?”  [Are you planning on standing outside? Why didn't you say you were home?] Your mom spoke directed to you from behind the counter when she noticed you had arrived. Her gaze then shifted between you and JJ, who was just staring back at her, then back to you and back to JJ again. She finally fixed her gaze on you, and you knew what she wanted to know already. 
Nervously, you started, “Mom, this is JJ.” , forgetting to switch back to Spanish. She totally understood what you said (she understood a good deal of things, the difficulty was when it came to speaking), but she didn't like for you to not speak in your native tongue when it was between your family.
The boy in question perked up at the mention of his name, lifting his hand awkwardly in greeting, hesitating. Well, it was too late to run off now.
Apparently, your mom found more interesting the fact that you had company, forgetting to scold you about your slip up earlier. ¿Este es el JJ del que te pasas hablando?” 
“¡Mami!” you complained, getting flustered. Dying to understand what the hell had caused that reaction out of you, JJ looked around as if the explanation was lying around somewhere, frowning. And apparently it was.
“Mom asked if you were that JJ boy my sister always talks about. She’s always talking about you.” Your brother proceeded to wink at you and walk away, arms occupied with something from the store he was carrying while he did an imitation of your voice and whatever you might’ve said about JJ that he happened to overhear, but that part he didn’t say in English. Not even him could turn against you like that. You noticed his backpack was still on his back so that meant he had just gotten home moments before you. 
You opened your mouth to protest but settled on covering your face with your hands, then glanced over at JJ from behind them, seeing the smirk on his face while he looked at you.
Your mom, saying it was about time you come in and eat, asked if JJ was coming. 
“Would you like to come in?” You invited, calming down.
“Yes ma’am.” He accepted, feeling a little more confident now, due to the new information that your family had heard about him. You grabbed his arm, guiding him around and heading all the way back to your house. He kept looking around curiously, admiring the place. He once stopped walking making you almost fall back when he noticed some pictures of when you were little placed around the small living room, “Is that you?” “No”, you lied moving to grab his face, making him look away from the pictures then grabbing his arm again to make him continue walking. He chuckled behind you. 
Your mom motioned for JJ to take a seat at the dinner table, almost making him sit herself. “Muchachito, tú estás flaco, ¿tú quieres comer algo?” [Young boy, you really are thin. Would you like to eat something?] She asked him, her hands placed on his shoulders. At that point you just laughed while you shook your head, wishing you could just vanish right then and there, while you take a seat across from him. 
“Um…” He smiled nervously, while he looked between you and her for help. 
“She’s asking if you would like to eat something.” You answer him. You see how his face lights up finally understanding. 
“Oh yeah, sure.” your mom smiles and nods, pats his shoulder seeing his eagerness and lack of shame, being the greedy growing boy he was. He really would like to have something to eat. And who’s him to decline a free food offer? And a warm homemade meal? That's even better. But that doesn’t stop his eyes from widening when he sees the amount of food that contained the plate placed in front of him.
“I’m sorry if this is too much.” You apologize, thinking he might feel a little uncomfortable. But you see as he digs in, and you chuckle. “Buen provecho.”
He lets out a content sound, “Oh this tastes so good.”  you manage to make out what he says as he speaks with his mouth full, which makes you laugh. He swallows his food, and settles on giving a thumbs up to your mom, who’s about to take a seat at the head of the table. She stares at him, amused and failing to hide the pride she feels when she gets complimented for her cooking.
“Dice que la comida está buena.” You explain to her anyways even though she probably got that part, still laughing at JJ.
He nods. "That. Bueno. Muy bueno."
He smiles, seeing you smile, both of you starting to feel more relaxed. You three sat there, your mom asking questions from time to time, you translating for JJ and your mom. It was impressive how he managed to be so calm besides happening to meet almost all your family so suddenly. He only seemed to tense up at the mention of his family, which you had noticed he never really talked about. Actually, you had never walked to his place. And you knew he hung out at John B’s a lot. You hid your curiosity, not wanting to make him feel pressured to talk much about it and giving a look to your mom, who after a while excused herself and left you two alone, having made enough questions for the time being.
“Oh God, I’m stuffed.” JJ whined dramatically. Still, after a moment, he started to help you clean the table and you both made your way to the kitchen. He thanked your mom for everything and attempted to wash his plate, just for your mom to start scolding him, taking the plate from him and doing it herself while he just laughed and took the earful, giving up. You witness the interaction fondly, catching yourself when JJ looks back at you, and you shrugged at him, giving him a smile. 
JJ excused himself as he went to the bathroom, you indicating him where it was. That left you alone with your mom. “Un rubio de ojos azules.” [A blue-eyed blondie.] she laughed while shaking her head, finishing in the kitchen and heading out to the dining room once again. 
“A Y/N le gusta el gringo.” [*he's saying that you like JJ*] Your brother said in a singsong voice, butting in again, making his way in after being in charge of the store for a while. It was getting late, and the clientele was dying down, which gave him room to come and bother every few minutes. “¿Cómo es que se llama?” [What was his name again?]
“¡Dude shut up!” You wanted to say it in a more angry tone but your laughter was betraying you. “Dejen de molestar. Es mi amigo. Y se llama JJ.”  [Stop being annoying. He's a friend. And his name's JJ.]
“Por ahí se empieza.” [That's how it starts.]
“Ya está bueno.” [That's enough.] Your mom warned your brother. You smiled triumphantly as your brother flipped you off and left once again as he heard a customer come in. “No creas que no te habíamos visto llegar a casa con él antes.” [Don't be thinking we hadn't seen you walk home with him before.] Your mom told you, and you tensed but said nothing, not knowing how she expected you to answer that. “Y no tiene nada de malo. Tiene cara de buenagente pero parece buena persona.” [And there's nothing wrong with it.][ *she's saying he look like a buena gente* . Literally, that just means 1. "good people", but it also can be used to describe someone 2.mischievous or troublesome. Also 3. someone who can do a little more shady stuff. In here, she's using it with meaning #2] [Still, he looks like a good person.] She finished, and you smiled a little at how she chose to describe him. It was a little contradictory but you knew she had liked him. Still she seemed a little worried, like she wasn't saying all she wanted to say.
“¿Y por qué no me dijiste nada si ya sabías quién era? Estás hablando como si algo no te agradara del todo.” [Then why didn't you tell me you already knew who he was? You're talking like there's something you don't like very much.]
“Porque no te quiero decir con quién debes andar y con quién no. Confío en que tú sabes con quién te juntas. Yo sé que tú no coges confianza rápido con las personas y que te toma tiempo. Algo bueno debe tener para que te juntes con él. Pero tú sabes cómo es tu papá. Que no te quiere por ahí con muchachitos buscando problemas o “malandros” como él les dice.” [Because I don't want to tell you who you should and shouldn't be around with. I know you don't trust people easily and that it takes you time. You've had to have seen something good in him to be around him. But you know how your father is, that he doesn't want you around kids looking for problems or *malandros=like, ppl who do shady stuff. Not a synonym of buena gente tho.* as he calls them.]
“¿Y ahora JJ es un malandro?” [And now JJ is *?] you scoffed at the idea. “Mami, ¿de dónde siquiera se sacaron eso? Él ni siquiera cae en la descripción de papi: “Ah, tatuajes, piercings, mira la cara que tiene.” You imitated your dad’s voice, mockingly. “Esos estereotipos de ustedes.” [Where do you got that from? He doesn't even fit dad's profile: "Oh, tattoos, piercings, look at his expression." You and your stereotypes] You shook your head. 
“No es que lo sea. Es que tengas cuidado.” [ It's not that he is. Just be careful] She tried to explain. “Tu papá y yo nos preocupamos porque hemos escuchado cosas por ahí.”  [Your dad and I worry because we've heard stuff around.]
That information piqued your interest, but refrained from asking about it. At least not for now, not while you had other options. “Lo acabas de conocer, ma’. Y pa’ todavía ni lo ha conocido en persona. Lo que sea que hayas escuchado no debería importar. Lo que importa es lo que él te deje ver. Yo voy a seguir conociéndolo por lo que él me deje ver, no por lo que otros anden diciendo de él.” [You just met him, mom. Dad hasn't even met him in person yet. Whatever you have heard shouldn't matter. What matters is what he lets you see. I'm gonna keep getting to know him for what he shows me, not for what other people go around saying about him.] You stared at her and gave her a small smile “Okay?” 
Grabbing your hand from on top of the table, she gave it a light squeeze. She closed her eyes for a moment, then mimicked your smile. “Okay.” 
JJ had been listening to you two speak for a while. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, he just didn’t want to interrupt. Also he liked to hear you speak and see you where you could be your most comfortable self. If only he knew they’ve been talking about him all the time.
“Oh hey you. You’re back.” You smiled at him when you saw him finally walk in. Your mom, seeing the way you both smiled at each other, concluded she wouldn’t bring up that topic again unless it was strictly necessary. 
You walked JJ outside, both of you standing in front of the store, the last sunrays casting a light orange glow around. JJ now had a bag with more food your mother had packed for him to take home, even though he told her she really didn’t have to bother doing that. She also let him pick whatever he wanted from the store, and with no other choice, he settled in grabbing a couple of snacks. 
“So,” he started, as he turned to look at you, “Your mom's nice.”  
“Yeah, she’s quite the character.”  you chuckled, looking down at your fidgeting fingers. You shook your head. “I’m sorry if something bothered you. It all happened so fast I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” 
“Hey.” He called your attention. “It 's okay. I had fun today, as always.” he reassured you. “Quite the opposite. It made me feel comfortable knowing that you were comfortable enough to let me meet your family.", he made a brief pause, "Also, you need to stop apologizing.”  
“Sorry, comes out of habit.”, you catched yourself, “ I mean. Okay."
He wanted to ask what was that about but chose not to, instead saying something else before heading out. “So, I assume that if your mom’s cooking is that good, yours is as well, right?” he grinned, and you rolled your eyes, amused.
“ I do sometimes prepare a mean meal." you said jokingly. "No but seriously now, I most of the time choose to help mom out. She says I’m very good at it but I actually hate cooking. I prefer doing the dishes honestly.”, you state. He nods, before coming up with a proposition. 
“Say, if I volunteer to do the dishes, would you be the cook next time you have me over?” He gave you another grin. He was mostly joking, so he didn’t expect a real answer.
“I’ll consider it.” was your response, crossing your arms and giving him a close-lipped smile, happy about the implication of a next time. The thought of how cute you looked right now crossed his mind. 
“I should get going now.” He reached over for his cap with his free hand, suddenly getting kind of nervous, stalling a bit.
“Right.” you hid how him having to leave lowered your spirits a little. “See ya at school tomorrow.”, you hesitated as he said goodbye and started walking out. “Um…” 
He turned to look at you almost immediately again, getting his attention. He then felt your lips on his cheek, dangerously close to the corner of his lips. You had tripped over your feet, holding on to him to reach up for a kiss, since he was much taller than you. His eyes widened, suddenly forgetting how to move. Meanwhile, you stepped back, still holding his arm, eyes mirroring his at the fact that you almost kissed him. You came out of your freaked out state first, and let go of his arm when you noticed you were still holding onto him. “Um, bye.” you smiled nervously, slowly starting walking back backwards, a bad idea as you nearly tripped again. You recovered, giving the same smile and short wave, disappearing into your home.
He watched the way where you had went, a hand reaching for the spot on his cheek you had kissed him while a smile slowly took form on his face. He didn’t know what made you do that, but he liked it. 
JJ took a detour on his way to John B’s and made a stop at his place first. His dad wasn’t around, the only thing left behind were the traces of his presence, the house a mess. He decided to fix everything around a little, make the place more decent even though he knew it wouldn’t take long for the place to get trashed again. He finished by leaving his dad a note letting him know there was some food in the fridge, having decided to leave it for him. He hoped he at least noticed the note. He grabbed a couple things from his room, putting them inside his backpack, looked around for the last time, before heading out. 
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silverinia · 4 years ago
Writer prompt number 2? ;)
2. has a comment someone left on a fic of yours ever made you cry?
Oh, lots of times, actually. I've received the kindest, most thoughtful reviews over the years and I tend to tear up quite quickly when I'm alone. I cherish every single one of them. But there are a few that I really want to mention here because some reviews I got are just so moving to me that I find myself feeling like a toddler attempting to talk politics when I try to reply because I always doubt that I can really express my gratefulness for them. I've put them in categories because I can.
1. reviews that just make me feel like my writing might be a teeny tiny bit special
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The @baranskini review is from Mark Me Yours, Maybe Forever, a smut fic that I wrote for and gifted to her after I lost a bet. A lot of my followers know that I've been her beta reader for a while now and that I obviously adore her fantastic writing, which is one of the reasons why I really value her opinion and feedback. The other reason is that she's become a dear friend of mine through the fandom. I love talking about fic ideas with her, she's so creative and quick-witted, and she and I have very similar understandings of Diane and Kurt. She's one of the most supportive and (even though she will deny it) kind people I know. She's one of those people who give you compliments that you will probably think about for the rest of your life, such as this review. I love her so much.
The review by Reader_88 is from Geborgenheit. For those who don't know, Reader_88 is one of the very, very few readers in this fandom who generally don't shy away from giving critical reviews. I personally think that their feedback is mostly constructive (though my own insecurities about posting my writing allows me to understand how other writers could take offense in their negative reviews) but say what you will about them, they ARE very honest, which is why a review like this from them pretty much feels like the highest approval I could have gotten.
The review from HSZ is from Geborgenheit, too. It's short but so meaningful that I still think about it a lot, because (1) the fact that they usually don't write reviews but felt compelled to reach out to me after they read this fic is such a big compliment, and (2)... what they said about this fic being one of the stories that mark you for life honestly left me speechless. It made me feel so proud of myself when I got it because wow, this one really stood out for them and honestly, how fucking kind.
2. reviews from people who understand my intention
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I've been writing fanfiction for three years now and a lot of the stories I post are very dark. There has been negative feedback, reviewers expressing their disappointment about specific twists, people calling me cruel and my plot choices uncalled for, oblivious comments by readers who don't seem to care for the stories and keep insisting that I change a fic's outcome that I've been planning for years, tumblr anons who have been rude about a couple of subjects I write about, and others that used my angst record as an invitation to drop their very dark and triggering fanfic ideas in my ask box because they want gory and traumatizing fics.
Those things leave a mark, no matter how confident you are or how often you tell yourself that you only write for yourself and not for the approval of strangers.
But then there are reviews like the ones from Trinilynn, Billie and Britt. Reviews that remind you that this is worth it. People who show you that there's someone out there who understands your intention, who would never accuse you of exploiting the characters for a cheap shocker. You've never met these people, sometimes haven't even interacted with them online, but their reviews make you feel like you have some sort of (to quote Marissa Gold) Jedi-mind-shit connection.
Trinilynn's review is from Lilies and Gunpowder, the first fanfiction I ever wrote. I remember being so touched by this, it was the very first review that really made me feel seen, and I remember reading this over and over and just being so moved by it. It meant a lot, still does, but especially back then. I'm not joking when I say that I was ready to promise them my firstborn in that moment because I was just so grateful.
The other two are from Everything's gonna be alright, one by @billiezhang0909 and one by Britt.
Billie has become one of those people that already make my heart skip a beat the moment I get a review notification and just see her username. Every single review she writes is so thoughtful and heart-warming, obviously very carefully phrased and crafted (for real, you can see that she has a talent for drawing in the way she talks, every words is like a pencil mark, every thought like a different cross-hatch) and she is just so incredibly kind and sweet that it makes you feel like you don't even deserve that she's taking the time to talk to you. Her reviews mean the world and she's probably one of my favourite people in this fandom.
And then there's Britt's review. Britt has recently joined the fandom, read my unnecessarily sad fic and then proceeded to write a review in which she gave me a breathtaking compliment, a ton of sympathy and understanding and then finished by explaining grief in a way that would've made me cry if I hadn't already been crying. I completely adore this girl and I can't wait to read her McHart fics because if she managed to take me out like that in ten lines, Lord knows what she'll do to me with a full story.
3. personal reviews
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And then there's personal reviews. I believe that personal reviews are both the rarest and the most rewarding kind of feedback you could get. They really show me that a story has moved the reviewer so much, that they were able to allow it in and let it unravel whatever pain or connection there might be. And it's one thing to be trusting enough to let it, it's a whole other thing though to have the bravery and strength to open up about it and let me know. There are reviews like this from people who know me, like @amphoraeimpetus (from EGBA) who's such a darling that the world won't ever come close to deserving her, and baranskini ([Alan Rickman voice] my love, always) (from Geborgenheit), and those from readers I don't think I've ever spoken to before, like cucumberbabie (Geborgenheit), Kunjuru (Lilies and Gunpowder) and the anonymous "ordinary reader" (also Geborgenheit). Honestly, no matter what happens to the show, the fandom, or my writing, those reviews and first and foremost, the people behind them, they really make it all worthwhile. I could never thank them enough for the way their words and support have touched me, but I hope that some of them might see this post and understand it anyway.
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hayjeon · 5 years ago
Practical Tips on getting your fics out there!
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I’ve gotten an influx of these types of questions here recently, and the more i thought about what i was gonna add, it became really long :(  
disclaimer: a lot of the things i bring up are just from personal experience as a writer on this site, what my followers have told me they appreciate, and what i tend to look for when im looking for fics to read! If you don’t like these tips then pls move on :) 
although i’ll mention them, i’m also not going to be focusing on cliche tips like “write for yourself” or “grammar issues” cause those are pretty obvious!
1. accessibility of your blog 
when you’re trying to get your name out there, make sure that you’re creating an inviting experience for any potential followers! this includes:
a memorable url! be creative!
have some fun designing your blog’s aesthetic! (i love cute blogs because it reflects a bit of the writer’s personality), and (i prefer blogs with white backgrounds because it’s easier to look through/read, say, in contrast to a pitch black one where the words need to be white!) 
put your masterlist link in your bio (even better if you can link most recent fic! found this most helpful when i revisit authors that i like and can easily see if they’ve updated or not)
an organized and easy-to-navigate masterlist (personally, i prefer masterlists organized by band, instead of types of fics ie. i hate when i have to choose between drabbles, oneshots, and series masterlists; i really prefer to see them altogether!) --> see section 3 
organized tags (if you’re going to be posting a lot of non-fic-related content like pictures or videos, tag them properly so followers can sort through and find your fics easily!), or (if you’re going to be writing in different mediums like drabbles, or answering asks, make sure to use a unified #mine or #writing or #fics to centralize your content) 
2. get your name out there!
write write write! once you have some fics that show your talent, don’t be shy! 
join writing groups: when i first started out, I joined a bunch of groups that would reblog my fics in the midst of the content of much bigger writers; these blogs developed a following, and as a result of my content mixing in with bigger blogs’ content, so did my own tumblr! there’s been a stigma recently with these groups, but im sure you can find one thats supportive and not clique-y! 
send your fics to rec pages: what’s the harm? the only bad thing that can happen is that they ignore you! who cares! get out there! 
if you can do the above, i really encourage you to ask your fave writers for advice/to read your fic: again, the worst that can happen is that they say no or don’t respond or don’t have enough time, but it’ll be a good opportunity to get some feedback! i for one read (or try to read) every single rec that falls into my inbox. if i like it, i’ll #rec it, and if i don’t, unless the writer asks me for feedback, i move on!! 
utilize your tags!!: i’m not entirely sure if this is still the same or not, but from my memory, it’s the first 3-5 tags that matter the most? so utilize them well; push back the tags that aren’t really relevant (ie. #writing, #fics) and push more the main subject line of what you wrote (ie. jungkook fluff, bts smut, namjoon angst). these will populate your fics into the tags better!
headers!: when i’m scrolling through an infinite page of fics, the headers catch my eye the most; try being creative! you can find a lot of info out there on how to make ur headers super aesthetic, but i can share my tips too! --> see section 3
3. your masterlist 
here are some practical tips! 
organize by band, not type of fic/member/centralize your masterlist: i went onto a blog recently and clicked their bio mlist link to find a page full of 20~ish “JUNGKOOK MASTERLIST”/ “JAEHYUN MASTERLIST” and when i clicked on each one, they only had like 2 or 3 fics per member. i think it would’ve been better if she’d centralized all her fics! that keeps whoever is looking interested and more likely to click on another fic while browsing
add info about the fics!: when scrolling through a masterlist, it’s easy to get lost; try to add some snippets of info (ie. a short sentence you liked from the fic, a quick summary, a description of the au/scenario, or even a header!) this all gives some info about the fics you have tagged! 
headers: this isn’t a requirement, but i personally love a good header on fics i read and i love making them myself as i finish up a fic and get ready to upload it; here are free sources: unsplash for HQ stock pics, crop/edit/filter in VSCO, and then add aesthetic script with fontcandy) 
try to fill it up!: after i visit a blog after reading one good fic, i usually browse through their mlist to see if there are any more that i’d be interested in. if there’s a lot to look forward to, i’ll almost always follow; try to write as much as you can in the first few months to try and fill up your mlist and give blog viewers a reason to visit your blog again, follow, or even reblog your content!) 
4. try not to reproduce cliche fics: 
honestly tumblr’s writing community (and armys) has grown insanely these past few years and, unfortunately, even from my perspective, in the past 3-4 years, all the writers have sort of become blended together in my brain. but, i can say that the ones who consistently stand out are the ones who produce consistent content and think outside of the box! 
i tend to gravitate towards fics that have really interesting plotlines (ex. btssavedmylifeblr’s VOID is always a surprise to read because it’s sO unique! i usually don’t read ot7 fics but this one is legit my fave) 
I know it’s tempting to try and just write typical smut fics to try and gain some traction, but tumblr is already too overloaded by that kind of content; try to write something that’s special and unique! this will set u apart from the thousands of other writers here --> see next section
5. create unique fics: 
this is also personal to my writing style, but i get so bored writing just casual fics about the members, and it affects the fics i choose to read too; i prefer unique fics which you can achieve through: 
circumstance/au: create a fun au!; don’t just create an arranged marriage, create an arranged marriage in joseon dynasty, or between a werewolf and a hunter! (shameless self plug); don’t just give me friends to lovers, but give me spiderman!jungkook friends to lovers! (ie. cupofteaguk’s exchanges)
jobs: give them out-of-the-ordinary jobs; don’t just give me enemies to lovers, but give me rival!anchors who end up loving eachother! (ie. jimlingss The Newscasters)
fun dialogue: create good back-and-forth, (something i’m still working on!)! this will help your characters develop personality, and that way, readers will start to develop that themselves as well (ie. dad!yoongi from insemination wars by prolixitae is such a specific character that i love so much!, or obiwrites’ garden characters were so memorable!)
create memorable personalities: don’t give me a flat character, try to develop 4d personalities in all of your characters! (im still working on this too!) this way you can really make an impression on your followers! a great way to practice/recognize this is: “Ask my Character.” Can your followers ask a specific character a specific question, and would you be able to deliver an answer that is very specific to that character’s tone/voice/personality? If yes, then ur doing well! If not, try to think of ways that you can make tht specific character from a specific story, really unique and separate from your other characters.
6. some practical writing tips
be yourself, write for your own pleasure, blah blah blah; yeah you know already haha but here are a few more practical tips! 
grammar check: if you can, try and hone your grammar! makes for an easier read 
write like you: i personally LOVE this by obiwrites, but even the way she writes exudes her personality and is so specific; try not to be caught up in adding hundreds of synonyms and exquisite language; in fact, simpling it down and being more concise and honest with your writing is better than a superfluous sentence; this will also give ur characters so much more dimension and funk
use those commas/sentence variation: try to use more commas; this will feel like you’re the narrator to your own story; it also makes it more fluid to read in my opinion, over those short. clipped. sentences. (ie. “he came over, sitting down on the corner of your bed with an expression you’d never seen before” over “he walked over. he sat down, looking sad.”) 
half-half dialogue/narration: a fic with too much dialogue can get confusing, and a fic with too much narration can get dry; try to balance them out, and weave in and out of each! 
quality over quantity: don’t feel burdened to write a 30k word fic. in fact, i think some of the shorter fics (ie. any of versigny’s stuff) made a bigger impression on me over the longer fics because they were short, left me wanting more, and were just so high-quality in such small quantities. try out your hand at drabbles and one-shots, and don’t feel too burdened to try and develop a series right off the bat! 
abandon pigeon-holes: i’m guilty of this; i start series and then end up with no vision for the stories and they end up giving me writers block. its okay. just stop or discontinue them or leave them on a hiatus; it’s okay. your priority is yourself, and if abandoning certain works are part of that, then go ahead. it’ll help you progress more. 
and finally.......
i’ll add more as they come up! but if you liked this, then pls lmk! i’d love to give more tips and tricks; i think i started this blog 3-4 years ago when there weren’t as many writers here, but im glad you’re thinking of starting out/wanting to grow more! don’t feel intimidated! it’s not all about the notes/followers but creating a blog you’re proud of. 
so write what you’re proud of, or interested in, and keep going. i truly thoroughly had so much fun writing this post. if there are any writers who read through this and have some more advice, pls msg me! 
all the best to you! 
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yourwannabekpopidol · 3 years ago
Project 15
Apprenticeship Program Name: Radio Campbuzz Project Name: RJ for Rangdhonu and script writer for shows Program Date: Fall 2017 – Fall 2018 Program Description: I joined this program when Kashfia Ma’am was the advisor for the program. She assigned me to a RJ position for a weekly show called, “Rangdhonu”. And I had to write the script for the show as well. What I had to do was be a host for the show and the show is about pop culture and entertainment. So we had to talk about any new update on Hollywood and Bollywood. Program Justification: What the show provided was to let the students know about any pop culture and to let them enjoy some entertainment before going back to class. There were other shows but this show made me realize how fun it is to be a RJ. Due to this show, I was even awarded the best RJ in Radio Campbuzz of Spring 2018. Program Name: Rangdhonu. Program Time: Every Wednesday from 12 pm to 1 pm.
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Picture 1: This is me before the show of Rangdhonu at the station.
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Picture 2: This is the poster that declared that Nabeela apu and I were the host of the show, Rangdhonu, on social media.
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Picture 3: This was the award and the certificate of me winning the best RJ.
Script for the 5th Rangdhonu show: Written by: Wangkhem Thonglen
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Sonam Kapoor ties the knot! Celebrity marriages are always the talk of the town, especially when it is the much-awaited wedding of one of Bollywood's most beloved stars, Sonam Kapoor. In an event of grand celebrations, Sonam Kapoor has finally tied the knot last Tuesday, May 8, with her long-time boyfriend Anand Ahuja. For those who don't know, Anand Ahuja is a businessman who has founded his own fashion brand named Bhane. His Delhi-based business has made him quite successful despite his young age, and fans know him well for always being addressed fondly in Sonam's online posts. The couple is active on social media, and has never failed to win hearts through their messages of adoration and love. Radio Cambuzz wishes the couple a happy conjugal life!
SaRa May 12 marked the grand opening of SaRa's first showroom in Mirpur. The fashion house made a huge statement with endorsements from stars like Sara Zaker, Oyshee, Shahtaj, Pritom, Xefer, Azim, Doyel and many others. They were present during the opening, along with the owner S.M Khaled.
RABINDRA FESTIVALS AROUND THE COUNTRY The celebration of 157th birth anniversary of Tagore in Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka. Artistes performed in a programme by Jayita Rabindra Sangeet Shomillon Porishod in Mymensingh. Artistes did a cultural show in Rabindra Mela, Channel i premises, Dhaka. Artistes from Bangladesh and India performed in Rabindra Festival in Shelaidah Kuthibari, Kushtia. Also Sirajganj.
30 years of BAMBA - More than just bands After a break of almost four years, Bangladesh Musical Bands Association, better known as BAMBA, recently arranged a mega concert, 'BAMBA Live Chapter 1', in Dhaka. The turnout was huge, with the spacious hall room of the International Convention Centre, Bashundhara, filled to the brim with fans eager to get a glimpse of their favorite bands and listen to their all-time hits. 11 of the 27 bands under the umbrella of BAMBA, including Warfaze, Miles, Shunno, Aurthohin, Nemesis, Vikings, Feedback, Dalchhut, Maq O' Dhaka, Pentagon and Arbovirus performed at the concert. Star Showbiz recently invited BAMBA to participate at a roundtable discussion at The Daily Star Centre. Hamin Ahmed, President of BAMBA; Sheikh Monirul Alam Tipu, General Secretary; Fuad Naser Babu, Vice President; Maqsoodul Haque (Mac), Executive Committee Member; Mohammad Ali Shumon, Treasurer; and Doza Alan, CEO, SkyTracker Limited, took part in the roundtable discussion. It was facilitated by Star Showbiz Editor Rafi Hossain. The discussion focused on BAMBA's current activities and the way forward in the face of the challenges confronting our music industry.
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Zoe Saldana on the Hollywood Walk of Fame After smashing success as the alien warrior Gamora in the Guardians of the Galaxy films and more recently, Avengers: Infinity War, Zoe Saldana is on a path to eternal stardom, literally. She joins the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin and her co-actor Chris Pratt, by receiving her very own star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Zoe Saldana took to Instagram to express her gratitude, saying she is blessed and honored to be a part of the history of Hollywood. “May this open more doors for Latinx and all other under-represented community!” she further stated. Zoe Saldana has also appeared in James Cameron's 2009 film Avatar and the recent Star Trek trilogy. Being a constant presence in blockbuster sci-fi and fantasy films, Zoe Saldana is expected to become a top name in this specific genre quite soon. 2018 71st Cannes Film Festival From Tuesday May 8th til Saturday May 19th. Australian actress Cate Blanchett has been named as the President of the Jury. Asghar Farhadi's psychological thriller Everybody Knows, starring Javier Bardem, Penélope Cruz and Ricardo Darín, opened the festival and competes in the Main Competition section The Han Solo spinoff Solo: A Star Wars Story touched down Tuesday at the Cannes Film Festival, bringing its cast and a full-sized Chewbacca to the French Riviera extravaganza. Director Ron Howard, wearing a hat that read “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away,” introduced his cast before the film’s international premiere at Cannes. Sonam Kapoor wows at the red carpet of Cannes Film Festival 2018. Bollywood superstar Aishwarya Rai Bachchan once again stole the show as she walked the prestigious red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, this time in a stunning ultra-violet, blue and red gown that reflected the metamorphosis of a butterfly. History was made at this year's 71st  Cannes Film Festival on Saturday as 82 women, representing the limited number of women filmmakers selected over its more than seven-decade history, made a symbolic walk up the red carpet. The stars, filmmakers and other professionals ascended the steps of the Palais des Festivals at the Cannes Film Festival, protesting for the solidarity of the women in the industry who are struggling for a voice, equal pay, as well as a safer work place. The five female members of this year's Cannes jury-- Cate Blanchett, Kristen Stewart, Ava DuVernay, Lea Seydoux and Burundian singer Khadja Nin, along with Jane Fonda, Salma Hayek and Marion Cotillard were among the group of women.
Link 3 Mim Mantasha Superstar in the making Winning the country's biggest pageant is not an ordinary feat. Mim Mantasha has won not just a crown, but also the hearts of millions. Awaiting a new journey, the Lux Channel i Superstar 2018 winner shares her story with The Daily Star. A final year student of Fine Arts at Jahangirnagar University, Mim has always been a creative and curious soul. She was an avid follower of the contest for a long time. This year, she finally took the decision to compete. Taking part in the competition was certainly not a cakewalk. “We went through vigorous training sessions. We did yoga in the mornings,” explains Mim.  Before the task rounds, the contestants went through fifteen days of training for ramp walk, acting, dancing, and many other skills. The photo shoots, acting, and improvisation rounds were Mim's favourite tasks in the competition. “I was nervous but in a scene, I got to convince people through my acting that my child was lost. I enjoyed it,” Mim smiles, adding that the competition was an overall memorable experience. Although she is highly enthusiastic about working in the media, she wants to take more preparations before doing so. She is now Lux Bangladesh's brand ambassador and has also won the opportunity to work on television and feature film projects of Impress Telefilm. Before hitting the silver screen, Mim wants to explore the world of television. Being a painter at heart, Mim also wants to continue painting and have her own exhibition in the future. Further to this, she intends to work for children who need special care. “I am in a fortunate position and it is our duty to take care of those in need.” says Mim. With great intentions, we hope Mim Mantasha excels at every step of her future endevours.
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Avengers Infinity War Review The plot itself is pretty simple. There are six stones that possess mystic powers and he/she who possesses all the stones is by default the most powerful being in the universe. Our Marvel superheroes must forget their own conflicts and join forces against Thanos to restore the fate of the universe and its inhabitants. Of course, watch the movie to know how things pan out. Avengers: Infinity War is the movie of movies, and let me tell you why. Most, if not all, the characters of the MCU are present in this film and bring their own flavour into the mix. Thor is mourning the loss of his home and hammer, Stark feels he needs to take a break from saving the world, Captain America is still out to bring justice the right way, and Hulk has no control over himself. I don't know what formula the Russo brothers have applied in their direction but I watched in awe how all the characters blended to deliver multiple storylines within a movie. Yes, I have also compared this movie to a mega three-hour episode of your daily soap opera. Avengers: Infinity War is the comprehensive Marvel movie; it is the beginning of an end. It lifts you, it hits you, and leaves you with a cliffhanger extraordinaire. See it to believe it and it'll still be unbelievable. By next weekend, Infinity War will top $1.78 billion and could sit around $1.8 billion, ensuring Marvel's year-to-date tally exceeds $3.1 billion by next Sunday.
Deadpool 2 Marketing Right off the bat, you see how Deadpool has scratched out the 20th Century Fox logo and put “TBD,” which is a sly allusion to the ongoing Disney/Fox (and Comcast?) merger drama. The content of the letter is exactly what you might expect from the Merc with a Mouth. Pop culture references, silly puns, bad language, and Ryan Reynolds bashing. Then, at the bottom, instead of the #ThanosDemandsYourSilence, we get #WadeWilsonDemandsYourSisterSorryStupidAutoCorrectSilence. See, you guys, it’s funny! And not at all trying too hard. Kidding aside, the marketing for “Deadpool 2” has been pretty top notch, but perhaps not as great as the first film. Recently, the film premiered a music video for the soundtrack featuring Celine Dion singing an over-the-top ballad while a high-heel-wearing Deadpool does an interpretive dance around the diva. It’s ridiculous and fun. And also, the most recent trailer seems to have struck a chord with fans, who are coming down off their ‘Infinity War’ high.
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Top 10 Hollywood Box Office Weekend 1. Avengers: Infinity War - $62,078,047 (Total Grossing – $548,090,150) 2. Life of the Party - $17,886,075 (New) 3. Breaking In - $17,630,285 (New) 4. Overboard - $9,864,415 5. A Quiet Place - $6,455,396 (Total Grossing - $169,608,030) 6. I Feel Pretty - $3,805,437 7. Rampage - $3,462,442 (Total Grossing - $89,827,105) 8. Tully - $2,248,945 9. Black Panther -  $2,077,207 (Total Grossing - $696,331,818) 10. RBG - $1,188,186
Billboard’s top 10 Hits 1. This Is America – Childish Gambino (New) 2. Nice For What – Drake (Last Week: 1) 3. God’s Plan – Drake 4. Psycho – Post Malone Featuring Ty Dolla $ign (Last Week: 2) 5. Meant To Be – Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line 6. The Middle – Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey 7. Look Alive – BlocBoy JB Featuring Drake 8. Never Be The Same – Camila Cabello 9. Perfect – Ed Sheeran (Last Week: 12) 10. No Tears Left To Cry – Ariana Grande Learning and reflections: This program made me realize the inner potential I had to be so extrovert and be a good host. I learned what to do or say after getting stuck during a live session. I have improved my speaking skills and the flow of a RJ host on how to talk and say because they have a different tone when it comes to a live session. I have taken all these skills from this program and I even got selected and did a short commercial video for Spice FM Radio. I also learned how to write a script for a radio show.
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sporadic-writer · 5 years ago
Welcome to the neighborhood
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs (just weed, I smoke responsibly sorry if reading about it bothers you), as always stop reading if you don't like it.
Note: idk which twin has the girlfriend, Sam or Harry. So let me know. Also, let me know who you guys want this to be about (Tom or Harrison). Another thing is that I wrote this before my country fully flushed itself down the shitter in chaos and injustice. So let’s all read this to escape a tad and for some metal rest. BLM!
The teaser I wrote to start is here
"Yeah mom.. no I'm fine! Really! Haha promise! They tested me and told me since it's negative then they will add me into the adjusted hours group. They said I can get at least 2 full days a week in rotating with the other keepers. I just gotta fill some paperwork out first." You walked around your back deck and tended to plants while speaking on the phone to your mom back home in Iowa.
"Y/N are you sure? You being in another country during all this makes me so nervous. It's so easy to get sick sometimes." You rolled your eyes at the dramatics.
"I'm set here! I still have a job, a place to live thanks to Renee's husband, and no coronavirus. I'd say I'm alright." Talking to your mom despite her worries did put s smile on your face. The sun was shining and the air was finally not cold as hell in England. You finally felt settled now that you had more time to move into your new home. Your mother kept talking and soon got called that dinner was ready. "Ok mom love you too. Tell dad I said hi!"
After hanging up you looked for the head you noticed peaking at you earlier while you talked. There was nothing, but you did hear the guys who lived next door talking about your cousin's husband as 'old pool guy' and wanting to use the hot tub. It made you laugh and you made a mental note to find them later and invite them since they wanted to hang out so badly.
You didn't know much about them other than it was just guys. They all seemed to know each other for a while and at least 2 of them were brothers. That is all you gathered from some occasional eavesdropping. Downside of social distancing starting right after moving into the cute little place given as a congrats at your first real job. You never saw everyone's faces to distinguish each guy. Your cousin’s husband had the place outside London and never really lived there anymore, and rather than sell it he gave it to you. Easier than finding a shitty apartment with way too high rent. Plus, Renee would not let you say no. So you didn't. Thanks Xander!
After finishing checking the water level on the pool and tub to round out the to do list, you were about to go inside to finish new employment paperwork when a soccer ball got sent over into your yard. It came from the boy's yard. No time like the present to break the ice you thought as walked to get said ball.
Smiling and laughing to yourself you heard exclamations happening among the group of men. You popped your head up by standing on your deck railing and they looked to you. They apologized over nothing and you thought it was sweet. Plus, it was nice to actually get a proper look at their faces. You still didn't really know their names, but at least now they were coming over around 8 for hot tub time and drinks.
"Thanks for letting us come over! Though, sorry for talking about your family and place without even properly meeting you." The man speaking, Tom as you learned, smiled as you handed him a drink.
You shook your head in protest. "Really it's fine. This is my cousin Xander's place. I just got a job at the London zoo and this was a congrats gift. Sorta to take out the struggle of finding a shitty apartment. Plus, I've been busy over there so that's why you have not seen me much. Still working out my schedule, plus a virus." While talking you lifted the cover off the hot tub. "Now, I believe there was a purpose to this visit?"
"Despite my brother's lack of tact before, that wasn't why we actually wanted to hang out with you. We wanted to meet you as well." Tom's smile made you do the same in return. You looked to the guys on your deck and chuckled.
"Then why did you come in swim trunks if that wasn't the objective?" You caught them and knew it based off the blush on Harry's face. "I'm teasing. It's totally fine. You guys get comfy, jet buttons are on the side, I'm gonna change and grab some more beers and such." You let them be as you changed into your suit in your room. You made sure you were all set and presentable. It was quick and you put your hair in a pony tail while walking to your fridge. Grabbing some bottles you made your way back to the group.
Passing them around you spoke, "Sorry if these suck. I'm still figuring out which beers here I like. I had American ones but finished those. So I don't know fully what does and doesn't suck."
They took their bottles and Tuwaine smiled at you. "There are English equivalents I can tell you. Now I gotta ask, and don't take offense. But why does it smell like perfume and weed out here Y/N?"
"Yeah I smelled that too! Thought it was the chemicals from the tub or something.." The man learned to be Harrison looked at the hot tub he sat in in reference. You blushed at being caught. Eyes went wide slightly as well. Then you mentally scolded yourself after turning and seeing your ash tray and formally lit joint on the deck table.
"Haha yeah you caught me. The perfume is Chanel, put that on before you came, and the pot is well.. pot! Smoked that before you came... Y'all aren't narcs are you? If you're chill I'll share." You didn't need things to go sour first time hanging out with neighbors. You needed friends your age here outside of work!
Tom laughed and smiled. "Relax darling, it's fine." He watched you let out a breath of relief. None of them were ones to judge someone on what they do casually in their free time. "Maybe another time on the sharing though, I'm set. Just tell us about yourself."
"Well offer stands and I will finish that in a bit full disclosure. But me, 22, recently employed keeper at the London zoo, umm I'm from Boise, Idaho, mom and dad are back there, very easy going, and a big fan of nature and having fun! I got my degree from University of Wisconsin and this is my first time being overseas, only been to Canada in regards to international travel. Any specific questions?" They all took in your short backstory as you climbed in with them in the tub; instantly relaxing in the hot water, eyes closing as you drank your beer. Harrison was quickly taking in the details of your face. A few ear piercings, long eyelashes coated in pretty mascara, nice jewelry on too. He got the sense you were chill and put together. Plus, you seemed to know how to have a good time regardless of the situation.
"Boyfriend?" Harry's question led to a glare from his brother and a small smile from you.
You shook your head no. "Nope, we ended things a little before I moved here. Mutual thing, he is working on his masters back home. Even if I stayed that would've ended things because it becomes your whole world really."
"You have your masters?" Tom noticed you shaking your head no and listened as you explained you took a job here instead.
"I need money more than another degree. So I'm here kickin' it in a hot tub with 5 fun Brits instead!" Your smile was contagious to the guys. Soon more drinks were had and stories were shared. They all really took a liking to you. “Now tell me about yourselves!”
I am gonna make this a series, length not decided. And for real let me know to have the main love interest be Tom or Harrison. I don’t care either way. 
As always, like and reblog! Feedback is appreciated as well!
Taglist: (message me to be added or removed, sorry if I forgot someone)
@jillanaholland @averyfosterthoughts
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years ago
Soft in Love Part 3
A Gwilym Lee x Student!Reader Fic
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Summary: Y/N is an acting student in her last semester of college. When a professor unexpectedly can’t make it for the senior capstone class, a very famous (and handsome) substitute is called in. When they connect, they face a few challenges.
Word Count: 3k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​ @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @benders-diamond-earring​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @anincurablefangirl​, @kiainspace​, @lookuptotheskiesandsee​, @god-save-the-deaks​, @assembledherethevolunteers​ @misslolasworld​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: So, some more pining and drama. Y’know, the usual.
Warning(s): Some guys being sketchy with women’s drinks.
Part 1  Part 2
Part 3 here we go!!!
Thankfully, the weekend passed without incident, though you found yourself thinking of Gwilym more often than you liked. Every time you read your library book, you thought of that moment among the shelves. Any time you ran lines, or sang from the show, you thought about the way he played the piano, and how you laughed together afterward. His smile, his eyes….
“Get a grip,” you scolded yourself.
And yet, you found yourself eager for the end of the weekend and anticipation for Tuesday morning.
You arrived early again, feeling oddly hopeful. Maybe you could rehearse “The Boy Next Door” again. You loved that song already, but singing it with Gwilym was something else. When you entered the auditorium, you were disappointed to find that instead of your handsome professor, Daniel, your ex, sat in your usual seat.
“Sup?” he said with a cocky nod. “Expecting someone else?”
“No,” you replied coolly, turning away to go and sit elsewhere.
You found another seat and pulled your book out, eyes going over the words, but not really absorbing it. You could feel Daniel gazing at you with such an infuriating smirk on his face. After about two minutes, you slammed your book shut and looked sharply at him.
“What?” you demanded.
“Nothing,” he replied with a shrug. “You look nice.”
“Shut up,” you returned. “Just tell me what you want and stop staring at me.”
“There’s a party Friday night,” he said. “At a friend of mine’s place. You should come. Bring Sloan too.”
“Why would I want to go to your dumb friend’s party?” you shot back. “If you need a date so bad, why don’t you just ask Allison?”
Allison was the name of the girl he had cheated on you with. Daniel frowned at the mention of her and it was your turn to smirk.
“What else are you going to do?” he challenged. “Sit at home at masturbate thinking about Gwilym?”
Your face heated up at the idea as well as the fury you now felt toward Daniel. 
“You’re an asshole,” you spat.
“Why, ‘cause I’m right?” he returned.
“No, because you’re clearly just butthurt that I don’t care about you anymore,” you said. “So you’re saying things just to try and make me feel like shit.”
It also struck a nerve. Not because he was right, but if even Daniel thought your behavior toward was exceptional in any way, then it was a problem. You were going to need to back off of him. Plus, you were beyond tired of hearing about it. One week of this man teaching classes, and rumors were already starting.
“Just come to the party,Y/N,” he sighed. “There’ll at least be free booze.”
You considered it. You really despised parties because of the crowds and the noise. But Sloan loved parties, and she might feel robbed if you didn’t at least tell her about it.
“I’ll see what Sloan wants to do,” you conceded.
He pumped his fist in the air. “Hell yeah!”
Your other classmates began trailing into the auditorium, followed shortly by Gwilym. You beamed at him as he passed you, which he returned. You remembered Daniel’s words and immediately adjusted your expression to something more neutral. Gwilym didn’t notice, since he began taking roll. Today was focused almost entirely on music, so you didn’t get to talk to Sloan about the party right away.
All through rehearsal, you avoided Gwilym like the plague. He approached you once with an expectant (and dashing) smile on his face, and you quickly ran off to grab some water. When he gave you direction on your song with Sloan, you nodded curtly and said nothing. You tried to always thank your directors for feedback, but you were so afraid of appearing too eager to please him now.
Edith on the other hand, had no such qualms. With you avoiding him, she moved to fill the space, brazenly flirting. She batted her eyes. She found any excuse to touch him. And once, while she was whispering something in his ear, she shot you a dirty look. You couldn’t be bothered about what she may have said. It was likely it wasn’t even about you, she just wanted to get in your head. Well, you weren’t going to let her. Besides, Gwilym was not yours to be jealous or possessive over.
When class drew to an end, Edith squeezed Gwilym’s bicep.
“Thanks for a great class today,” she said with a wide smile.
“I’m just doing my job,” he returned politely.
“Well, you’re very good at it,” she insisted.
You resisted a brutal urge to roll your eyes. You looked at Sloan to get the image of Edith’s desperate eyes out of your head.
“Hey, you wanna go to a party on Friday?” you asked.
She raised an eyebrow at you.
“Who are you and what have you done with the real Y/N?” she returned.
“Dan invited us,” you said. “He said his friend is having one. He mentioned bringing you specifically, so…”
“I’m always down for a party,” she said. “Are you actually going to come?”
You glanced back toward where Edith was now twirling her hair around her finger as she spoke to Gwilym. You couldn’t see his face, but you imagined he had his usual polite smile. An idea formed.
“Yeah, I’m gonna come,” you said.
“Alright then,” she agreed, a surprised smile claiming her lips. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too!” you agreed.
You left class without saying anything to Gwilym or Edith, just giggling excitedly as you exited the auditorium.
Gwilym’s eyes were trained on your back until you disappeared and the door closed behind you. He’d caught a whiff of you scent as you rushed by with Sloan. He wondered what made you both so silly. He heard Edith talking, but didn’t register the words she was saying. His mind was completely distracted by your behavior towards him.
You were normally quite friendly, but today, you seemed off. When he saw you were behaving as usual with your friends, he got nervous. What had he done to offend you? He hadn’t even seen you since last week’s class, except for once on Friday afternoon when he passed you on the way to his car. Even then, he had just smiled and waved. What had changed between now and then?
“Gwilym?” Edith said, a little louder. 
He shook his head to clear it.
“Oh, sorry,” he said. “What is it?”
“I said, I was wondering if you’d like to get coffee sometime?” she replied.
He felt the color drain from his face.
“Oh…” he said. “Oh, I - well, I’m flattered, Edith, but the university has strict rules about professors fraternizing with students.”
“I mean, it’s not like I’m some eighteen year old,” she argued. “I’m a grown...experienced woman.”
He cleared his throat uncomfortably. 
“You’re putting me in a very awkward position,” he said.
“What position is that?” she asked, stepping closer.
“The position of rejecting you,” he replied as gently as he could.
“Because of the rule?”
“Even in spite of it.”
The air thickened. Her face fell as she looked at him and then down at the floor.
“Oh,” she said. “Oh, I see.”
“I’m sorry,” he told her. “I’m just not interested. You’re a lovely person, I’m sure, but -”
“Save it,” she said, holding up a hand to stop him. “I don’t need to hear a lame ass excuse.”
She snatched up her bag, turned on her heel, and swept out of the room. Gwilym took a deep breath as the door closed behind her, leaving him mercifully alone. Again, his thoughts went to you. He wondered what he might have said if it had been you standing there instead of Edith. Yet, from the way you were acting before, he assumed he would never have to answer that question.
On Thursday, class went similarly. Only, you noticed you weren’t the only one giving Gwilym a bit of a cold shoulder. Edith was making quite a show of ignoring him. When he was directing others, she would cross her arms over her chest and huff, turning her head sharply away from him. It all seemed to go unnoticed by Gwilym.
“What’s up with her?” you wondered.
“I heard she asked him out and he turned her down,” Andrew said.
Your heart gave a jolt of excitement.
“Really? Where’d you hear that?”
“Mary,” he said. “You know how they’re kind of friends. Apparently, he spouted some excuse about school rules before flat out telling her he wasn’t interested.”
“Damn, that’s cold,” Sloan chimed in.
“I didn’t know the school had rules about that,” you said.
“They’re super strict,” Andrew said. “I looked it up after I heard this story and it could result in the professor’s termination and the student’s expulsion.”
You blinked, surprised.
“That seems awfully drastic,” you said. Then you smiled. “Especially for something that’s evidently such a popular porn trope.”
Andrew rolled his eyes.
“That’s just it, though,” he said. “It’s a fantasy.”
“Relax, I’m only kidding,” you replied. “No, it’s probably for the best. I mean, the lines are blurred because of the power dynamics and all that. It’s not an ideal situation for anyone.”
Sloan said something else that you didn’t quite hear. The triumph you felt at Gwilym’s rejection of Edith had ebbed away entirely. Now, you only thought about that rule. You looked at Gwilym as he spoke to Mary and Leon, who played your mother and father in the show, and felt an ache in your heart.
The following day, you went to Sloan’s to get ready for the party together. Andrew wasn’t going, since he had work on the weekends. Sloan did your makeup for you and everything, and you had a feeling the time with her was going to be the most fun you had that night.
You took a Lyft to the party, after Daniel texted you the address. When you arrived, it was in full swing. Music made the walls seem to shake as bass thumped along with whatever song was playing. The low lighting made you squint as you headed for the kitchen, needing a drink. Alcohol was probably the only thing that would get you through the nonsense. But you had to do this.
Sloan chugged a beer and then scanned the crowd. You watched her, her eyes like a panther on the prowl. She spotted a man she deemed attractive, and she pounced. You admired Sloan’s boldness. If she wanted something, she went for it. And if she got rejected, it rolled right off her back. You sometimes envied her confidence.
You looked around at the sea of people and tried not to get overwhelmed. You were hoping to start up a flirtation with someone so that people could see you were just friendly and totally not into your hot professor. When no one really struck your fancy, you sighed and retreated to the corner.
That was where Daniel found you.
“Hey, Y/N!” he shouted over the music. “Glad you made it!”
“Me too!” you returned.
It was a lie, but you didn’t care about lying to him.
“Wanna dance?” he offered.
“Nope,” you answered.
“Come on, one song!”
“No thanks!”
“How about you join me outside?”
That sounded better. Getting out of the sweaty bodies everywhere and the pounding music would be a relief. So you nodded, following him out to the back porch. With the door shut, the sounds of the party were instantly dulled. To your irritation, you were out here alone.
Daniel pulled out a cigarette. He offered the pack out to you, but you shook your head. He shrugged, stuck the cigarette in his mouth, and lit it. He took a long drag and then blew the smoke away from you.
“I’ve been doing some thinking,” he said.
“Oh, how rare for you,” you returned.
“Come on,” he groaned. “I’m trying to tell you something.”
“I don’t really care to hear anything you have to say.”
“I’m really sorry about Allison, okay?” he went on. “I want to give us another chance.”
“Well, I don’t,” you said firmly. “If this was your reason for inviting me, I’ll just go home.”
“Don’t be like that,” he pleaded.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you snipped. “You’re acting like we were in love or something. We dated for four months, you cheated on me, I ended it. Don’t pretend I broke your heart.”
“What if you did?” he asked
“I know that I didn’t.”
He chuckled, smoke billowing out between his lips.
“You’re such a bitch,” he laughed.
You sneered at him. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Is this because you want to fuck Gwilym?”
“You know, as much as you talk about him, I’m beginning to think you want to fuck him,” you spat.
“I might, if he wanted me too,” he shrugged. “I’m nice.”
“Piss off.” 
You went swiftly back inside. Daniel just wanted a bed warmer tonight, you were sure. He didn’t want to get back together. But it upset you enough that you were going to find Sloan and tell her you were leaving. You stepped through the door and looked around. 
She wasn’t in the kitchen, so you assumed she was still dancing. Pushing through the crowd, you headed that way. When you got there, you carefully searched for her face. You didn’t see her anywhere. Worry started to grip you. Where was she?
You pulled your phone out of your pocket, only to discover it was dead. You cursed yourself for forgetting to charge it while you got ready. You now needed your friend to use her Lyft app as well. But still, you couldn’t find her. And you couldn’t text or call her.
“Sloan!” you called out, heart beginning to race.
You heard no response.
Again, nothing.
Full on panic set in, and you began aggressively pushing people out of your way to look around. Sloan was nowhere to be found. Taking a deep breath, you hurtled up the stairs and began checking the bedrooms, still calling out for her.
“Sloan!” you cried, bursting through the last door in the hall.
There she was. She was lying on a bed, unconscious. Her clothes were on, and there was no one else in the room. You flew to her side and started patting her cheeks to try and rouse her.
“Sloan, come on,” you urged. “Hey, Sloan, can you hear me?”
She groaned and rolled her head from the left to the right. But she was still not awake. The door opened again and your eyes snapped to the intruder.
“Hey!” he cried. “What are you doing in here?”
“What are you doing in here?” you demanded. “Why didn’t you tell someone she was passed out?”
“She’s fine,” he argued. “We were just about to have some fun.”
Your eyes went wide, horrified.
“She can’t have any fun, she’s barely conscious!” you spat.
You started to pull her off the bed, putting her arm around your shoulders. Her limp body was heavy, nearly making your knees buckle, but you weren’t going to leave her here with this dirtbag. Not if it was the last thing you did.
“Get out of my way,” you said firmly, hoping your voice did not betray your fear. The guy was pretty big - you assumed he was an athlete - and you weren’t sure you could overtake him if the situation called for it.
“You can join the fun too, y’know,” he said.
“I’d literally rather die,” you retorted. “Now get out of my way. Don’t make me call my boyfriend up here.”
He rolled his eyes and thankfully stepped aside. 
Getting down the hall was no problem, but the stairs proved to be difficult. You were out of breath by the time you were halfway down. You were also pretty disgusted that no one seemed to notice you struggling. And if they did, they weren’t offering any help.
“Y/N…” Sloan mumbled, before her head lolled against your shoulder again
Slowly, staggeringly, you made it to the front door. You grabbed your purses and slung them precariously across your body. By some miracle, you were able to open the door. The sound of pouring rain made your heart sink. Great.
Despite the downpour, you stepped onto the porch. Holding Sloan tight against you with one hand, you fished around in her purse with the other. You found her phone quickly. With a victorious swish, you pulled it out and tried to unlock it. To your dismay, hers was dead too.
“Fuck!” you cried, stamping your foot.
You turned around and looked inside, hoping to see Daniel. Maybe you could pop back inside and ask to use his phone. It would hurt your pride, but some things had to be sacrificed in this sort of scenario. You couldn’t see him. Frustrated, your mind raced for something to do, some way to get home without a phone or a car. Then, your body froze as you saw the guy from upstairs and two other guys just his size coming toward the door. They looked dangerous.
Terrified, you maneuvered out into the rain as fast as you could go. Hair and makeup be damned, those guys had something sinister in mind and you were not going to allow them to do it, even if you collapsed from exhaustion.
The water dripping over your face proved a bigger challenge than you anticipated. Your vision was completely blurred as the droplets clung to your brows and lashes. The darkness didn’t help. You shivered, despite the warm air. Your body was so weak just from getting her out of the house. How were you going to make it all the way back to her apartment? 
Suddenly, two lights were heading down the street. Headlights.
You glanced back and saw the three guys emerge from the house. Then, you took a chance and launched yourself out onto the road, waving your free hand wildly.
“STOP!” you shouted. “Stop! Please stop!”
The car screeched to a halt. The driver pulled around you slowly before stopping and rolling the window down, revealing himself. You sucked in a sharp breath.
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monotonous-minutia · 4 years ago
2, 8, 9, 11, and 15!
Thank you!
2. Santa Fe (prologue) - Where’s a place you’ve always dreamed of going?
The ocean. I don’t care which one, I just want to see an ocean before I die. Hopefully touch it too but even just seeing it for real would be enough.
8. Watch What Happens - What was/is one of your biggest insecurities and how did you overcome it?
I honestly feel like I have too many to get into :p I guess I’m insecure about sharing my thoughts and reactions to things because I’m afraid I’ll say something that’s wrong or obtuse. But I got on here for specifically that reason and it’s been a good experience and I’m less nervous about doing it.
9. Seize the Day - Have you ever been to a protest/rally?
yes, I used to go to a lot when I was in undergrad. I’ve been to a few after graduation too, but pandemic stuff has put a damper on my participation lately.
11. King of New York - Describe a moment where something you worked hard for paid off brilliantly
one of my plays had been in the works for 8 years, and when it got a public reading by a professional theater company it was one of the best nights of my life. I’d been sharing drafts of it with friends and my undergrad student theater group and revised it based on people’s feedback (I lost track of how many drafts there were, and it basically looks nothing like the first draft). I brought it to a playwright collective that my little brother was a part of and invited me to, and they liked it enough to give it a public reading at a local playwright festival. It was a pretty small event--I think there were less than 30 people in the audience--but the reactions I got were so affirming. They let me be a part of rehearsal process and the whole thing was mind-blowing for me. Seeing actors reading my work and turning it into this real live story is an unparalleled experience and honestly, if it never gets another reading or never gets staged, I won’t be heartbroken because having this is just the most amazing thing.
15. Something to Believe in - Have you had your first kiss yet/what was it like?
yes, with my second girlfriend, junior year of undergrad. We talked about it for about five minutes before we did (which is a good thing because neither of us had done it before and consent is important). It was one of the most awkward moments of physical contact I’ve ever had but it was really sweet and luckily we left on good terms so I still remember it fondly.
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storybookprincess · 4 years ago
hi, hope its alright to reach out to you!! i just wanna talk about something cause it bothers me :( i love writing and posting fics on ao3, but my hits are low and :( that kinda makes me feel discouraged a bit.. i know it really shouldnt matter and im not quitting, i still love to write, but do you have any advice on overcoming that?? how can i not care at all about stats and things like hits or kudos?? ily, i hope you’re having a great day <33
hello my friend!!!!  yes it’s totally okay to reach out i love these sorts of fandom advice asks!!!!!
first, i just want to encourage you to have compassion & understanding with yourself for feeling discouraged by your stats.  as much as we know it “really shouldn’t matter,” it’s perfectly natural to want to look at your hits & kudos & see a high number.  from grades to salaries to sat scores to social media likes, we’ve been conditioned to think “high number = better,” and even if you know logically & intellectually that kudos don’t really matter, it’s hard to accept that emotionally.  i’ve struggled with getting caught up in my ao3 stats myself & i think you’d be hard pressed to find a fanfic writer who hasn’t.  so even though you’re right, ao3 stats don’t matter, finding yourself caught up in them is totally & completely natural.
but aside from our conditioned desire to want to see higher numbers, i think there are two reasons we chase stats.  1. we want confirmation that our writing is good.  and 2. we want something out of our fandom experience, and we think popularity will get us that.
on point one, i’m going to tell you (and anybody else who needs to hear it) here & now that high kudos/hits in no way means a fic is good & low kudos/hits in no way means a fic is bad. seriously.  there are so many factors that affect your stats far more than actual quality.  the timing of when you released the fic, whether your summary or tags drew people in, whether you wrote certain tropes that were popular in the fandom, a metric fuck ton of luck, etc.  i have read fics that genuinely changed me as a writer that hardly broke 100 kudos & i’ve seen fandom famous fics that i absolutely can’t get through because i don’t vibe with the writing.  kudos & hits measure one thing & one thing only: how many people clicked on something, either to click on your story or to click on the kudos button.  that’s all they measure.  clicks.  not quality.  not skill.  clicks.   the more you can divorce the ideas of popularity and quality in your mind, the easier it will be to avoid getting caught up in your stats.
onto point two.  popularity is nice.  we all like feeling liked & appreciated by a large group of people & there is a certain appeal to popularity for popularity’s sake.  but i think most of the time, there’s something beneath the desire for popularity that we truly want.  i’d spend some time really thinking over what you want from your fandom experience & how you might be able to get it.  do you want friends & a sense of community?  reach out to people online, join discord servers, or participate in fandom events.  do you want positive feedback on your stories?  enlist a cheer-reader to read your story & tell you what they love about it, or reply to your comments, because it often makes readers give more in depth & frequent feedback over time.  and we can start to get really really specific with this.  like, do you want tumblr asks?  reblog ask games & invite them.  do you want art for your fics?  join a big bang or commission someone. seriously, ask yourself what you want--and i mean really, truly want--and figure out how to get it.
kudos & hits are, at the end of the day, numbers on a screen.  for most of us, we want something out of our fandom experience besides numbers on a screen.  spending time pursuing what you really want--friendships, a creative outlet, a community, etc.--will always make you happier than worrying about stats.  xo
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xfilesfanficexchange · 3 years ago
✨The Fake Relationship Exchange Announcement✨
Sign Up Ends: Sunday, January 9th at 11:59pm American Central Time
Exchange Date: Saturday, February 19th 2022 (Approximately 6 week writing period)
Theme: Dating, and Marriage, and lovers, oh my! In this exchange, you can ask for any prompts you want with the stipulation that there has to be some element of a fake relationship.
The nature of the relationship is completely up to you. It could be a romantic coupling, maybe they need to be siblings, perhaps they need to pretend to be boss/employee, whatever scenarios are relationships you can come up with are totally welcome!
1) Word Minimum: 2k
2) Prompts: As an author, make sure you follow the prompt you're given. For the prompt you request, make sure you ask for something that could feasibly be completed in 2k words. Of course you want to provide good info for your person to go off of, but make sure that your prompt isn't overly detailed/specific to the point of being overwhelming. Perhaps your person wants to write more, but some people are using this to experiment/dip their toes into writing, and you don't want to give them a prompt that can only be filled in 15k
3) Post on the due date. There's a one-week grace period if something comes up, but you need to notify me if you're going to use it. If you cannot fill the story, I need you to let me know so I can find a replacement. This is very important.
4) Please make an Ao3 account
5) You'll need to leave an Ao3 comment on the story you will receive as a gift (within the week following the exchange). It is important you show appreciation for the hard work that went into your gift, and leaving a comment on Ao3 allows me to ensure you did that (also, some participants are only on Ao3)
6) Don't publicly complain about your prompt or say anything you wouldn't want to see about your own. This rarely happens, just be careful with how you express your anxiety about writing the prompt. Writer’s block is one thing, calling the prompt impossible is another.
Before signing up, make sure you know the rules. This is an event where you will write a prompt and someone will write that story for you, and you, in turn, will write a story based on someone else's prompt. It's a tit for tat situation.
If you need details about what the exchange is, here’s a comprehensive explanation of the process.
Here's the link to sign up! Make sure to do so by 11:59pm Central Time by Sunday, January 9th. 
Sometimes it works best on a computer, but if you have issues filling it out, just send your info my way!   
Can't wait to see who all joins!! Please know everyone is welcome. We love inviting new authors to try their hand at writing in a supportive environment. This is also a great opportunity to try working off of a prompt if that's something you haven't tried before. I can provide you with betas too if that interests you, and many people read and comment on every exchange fic, so it's a great way to get feedback on your writing. I promise you won't regret signing up!
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mysticalmusicwhispers · 5 years ago
AMC and Boba Tea: Prologue pt. 1
Summary: a supposed one-shot about a HongIce movie theater AU where Iceland is an employee at an AMC and Hong Kong is working at a cafe that’s known for its bubble tea. Set in California, in a medium sized city by the coast that’s become quite a popular tourist destination. Taiwan’s outfit is here. Inspired by this, this, and this (@bizarrejelly thanks for the ideas!) (also @aphchinass this is what the q was for). Also, this is a prologue, so no ship action yet (sorry! It’s because I’m a doofus who loves writing unimportant side dialogue). Human AU, human names. Emma is Belgium for those who don’t know, and the only people biologically related to China here are Taiwan, HK, and Macau.
Prologue pt. 2 here!
Warnings: swearing, and I don’t have a job so I know nothing about what it’s like to work at a cafe; it’s probably really inaccurate. Enjoy!
“One plain taro milk tea, with three of those fruity Danish pastries please.” Leon looked up at the voice. Xiao Mei was standing in front of the counter, wearing her usual denim skirt overalls, a light pink shirt with white neck ruffles, and a smirk.
“Surprised that I’m here?” Leon shrugged, turning away to the ice machine to start making the tea.
“I guess, but mostly I’m just grateful that you’re my last customer and the last person I have to deal with today.”
“Poor you. What rowdy customer did you have to deal with today?” There was only a tinge of sympathy in her voice, and Leon knew she wanted more of an entertaining story than anything, but he didn’t mind. They’d been gossiping about random people doing annoying things since forever, and it was as much fun for him as it was for her.
“There was this guy that came in at about nine, looking all frazzled and everything. Like his life depended on him getting whatever boba tea he wanted right that second, y’know, the typical annoying customer dude who’s super frantic and stuff.” Leon glanced over at his sister, who was looking at him eagerly. He smirked; she was on the hook fast.
“So I asked him as politely as I could—”
“Yeah, sure. When you’re at 100% politeness you still sound snarky. No wonder the guy got more pissed.” Mei was rolling her eyes, and Leon raised an eyebrow at her words, holding up his hands defensively.
“Hey, I didn’t say he was pissed off.”
“Come on, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what his reaction would be.”
“Fine. Anyways, I ask the guy what he’d like to order, right, and he asks for a cappuccino and honeydew melon boba that—”
“Who has such bad taste? Cappuccino and honeydew? Do you guys even sell that?” Leon grinned. Thank god his sister was usually on the same wavelength as him.
“Exactly! I would’ve said ‘in your dreams’ with my most fashionable eyeroll if I wasn’t getting paid to be nice.” He paused to watch in amusement as Mei erupted into laughter. When she’d finally stopped wheezing, he continued. “Anyway, I told him it’s not on our menu, and then he got really mad. Apparently, his daughter’s ninth birthday’s today and she really wanted to try a boba tea with that specific flavor and she’d get really upset if she didn’t get it. I guess the kid’s the type to get all spoiled and bratty about something that doesn’t go her way. I don’t even know why a kid would drink coffee, but whatever.” Leon paused, rolling his eyes. “Anyways, I told him no again and eventually me and this other guy basically forced him out. He was holding up the damn line. Here, your stuff’s ready. It’s 13.98.” He handed over her change, and watched her carefully tuck the bills into her wallet, then reached for the boba tea and the pastries.
“Mei, you going back home?”
“Not yet. I agreed to meet up with some other people at the park today. Emma and Matthew invited me, but I don’t know who else is gonna be there. You’re going to the movies, right?”
“Uh-huh. Yong Soo’s meeting me there. He said we’re going to watch Parasite. Again.” He turned around, holding a freshly made plain boba tea, just in time to see Mei give him a playful glare.
“That movie’s really good!” she said earnestly. “I think you’re lucky to get to watch it twice, so you better not complain like the goof you are.” He could hear the smile in her voice as she nudged him in the ribs. “You’re giving me another boba for free?” He scoffed, snickering a little.
“Of course not; this is for me, dummy.” He saw his sister’s disappointed pout and shrugged. “It’s called ‘treating myself after a hard day of work’, ‘kay? Anyways, I’m closing up. Wanna head out?”
“Yeah, sure.”
When Leon had finished wiping down the equipment and tidying up the counter, he flipped the “OPEN” sign so it read “CLOSED” and held the door for Mei. They walked down the avenue, idly sipping their drinks, sometimes pointing out a seagull or a stray cat. When they reached Central Street, Leon halted.
“The park is that way, right?” Mei nodded. 
“You are going home first, right? I mean, they’d probably give you a bonus for being a walking ad with your apron on.” She was snickering, and Leon huffed.
“Of course. I have a brain, you know.” He shoved her lightly, and when she pouted, he just raised an eyebrow that said ‘you deserved it’.
“Have fun at the park. Don’t forget to tell me about anything ‘interesting’ that happens when you get home.” He made air quotes with his fingers, and Mei nodded knowingly, laughing.
“I will! Tell me about the weirdos at the movie theater!”
Leon gave her a thumbs up and turned away, heading towards the apartment he shared with his siblings three blocks down the road.
Feedback is welcome and appreciated! (this was so clunky I apologize ;.; it was just ajsifjpwoaijefjdkjfakls I had a good idea and terrible execution. Can’t write a story with mixed description and dialogue for my life.)
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thenugking · 4 years ago
Grand Academy For Future Villains II: Attack of the Sequel, Chapter 5: Bride of Chapter Five. A commentary for Three.
General CW for the whole thing: parental abuse, internalised dehumanisation as a trauma response. Three’s not doing well.
No specific warnings for this chapter except for a typo my friends have been teasing me about for weeks.
Game 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Game 2
Chapter 0 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Alternatively, read on Google Docs here
"Well obviously," says Professor Ulik, faintly irritated. "I thought you were a bit cleverer than that,Three, I really did. Yes, but specifically I need you to make sure that one of my classes is on the auditor's schedule. You may use whatever methods you please to get it there. The less I know, the better."
Her message communicated, Professor Ulik returns to her papers. You begin to consider your situation. This would be an unparalleled opportunity to ensure Professor Ulik's selection for a tenured position and what else are you here for, anyway?
But how to get an audience with the newly-arrived auditor?
#Val's on the Board of Visitors and Overlords. I'm going to consult zir about this situation.
This isn’t particularly helpful to Three’s intention to stay as far away from the auditors as  possible. Their first plan is still to ask DarkBoard if they’re able to alter Goul’s schedule, but when DarkBoard gives a foreboding speech about how they shouldn’t meddle in forces far beyond their control,  (Three is pretty sure DarkBoard’s scared of the auditors but don’t want to admit it,) they realise they’re going to have to talk to these people. This hopefully won’t be overly dangerous, after all, they are excellent at being helpful to important people, and tend to be good at quickly working out the level of grovelling important people prefer, so they’re unlikely to annoy the auditors. The danger that comes with just being around important, powerful people is inevitable, but they hope they can avoid the worst by appearing as a mere supporting character in Ulik’s narrative, unnoticeable to the auditors underneath all her achievements.
The best place to start with this is Val. Scorpius told Three ze was on the Board of Overseers and, while Three has been trying to interact with Val as little as possible, ze’s at least someone they’re able to get an audience with. And--despite a slight annoyance about Scorpius spilling zir secrets--Val apparently either likes them enough, or thinks they’re plot relevant enough, to help.
Ze is, however, going to point out that meeting with the Auditors isn’t the kind of thing people with no narrative weight do. It doesn’t matter what reason Three gives--do they think there isn’t a story in an underdog brave enough to put themself in the firing line of powerful villains they’re frightened of, just out of loyalty to their wise and supportive mentor? And Val has a feeling this isn’t the first time Three’s done this. Three informs them that they are not a hero, or an underdog, or special in any way whatsoever. Val tells them that ze knows better than most how Narrative Weight isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, so ze’s really, genuinely sorry to say this, but that’s not true, Three. Three decides they’d better get over to that meeting before they’re late, so doesn’t have time to listen to Val try and tell them they’re more than just a tool.
The minutes Val showed you indicated that a team of no less than three auditors would be arriving from the Board of Visitors and Overlords. And you're fairly certain you know who this one is.
The falling pieces of the dome leave trails of fire in the air all around you. The air of the artificial atmosphere is rushing upward; the weather programs that the dome once produced are sputtering fitfully. Fish, frogs, bolts of lightning, hailstones and drops of blood tumble at random from the shattering sky.
"Lord X!" you call, as the figure lightly touches down to the earth. "Welcome to the Grand Academy for Future Villains!"
The figure turns towards you, and you see that the upper half of his face is concealed by a black mask like a frozen lava flow. His clothes are rich and close-fitting, his black shirt with silver buttons reaching to the neck, his hands concealed by silver gloves, and a belt around his waist supports a really alarming arsenal of weapons. You spot what looks like an oversized silver revolver, a long sword, a short sword, and a gun that looks strangely familiar. There's also a trowel tucked into a beautifully tooled black leather sheath; there's probably some explanation for this besides being for some sort of demonic gardener. 
"Well done…student," says Lord X.
Val, watching from under the shelter of a black umbrella, gives the slightest of nods to the auditor.
Again, not something Three would have done if Ulik hadn’t wanted them to talk to the auditors, they’d much rather be running to hide right now, or else checking the sudden environmental changes of the world falling apart aren’t adversely affecting DarkBoard. But they do like important people being impressed with them.
As if it overheard your unspoken question—which you suppose it did—the nearest DarkBoard portal begins scrolling through something you recognize as the fine print of your application paperwork. You look at the scrolling text:
Okay, okay.
It may not be immediately relevant to the current scene, but I think it’s worth noting that students “consent” to the Academy’s use of their offspring. Being the child of an alumnus, Three was a little concerned, if resigned, about that when reading their own application paperwork. Those feelings haven’t completely gone away, but they also realise this could be an excellent excuse if Maedryn ever discovers their loyalty to DarkBoard. She herself signed them away to the Academy before they even existed, and if necessary, Three will remind her that neither of them can complain if DarkBoard wishes to collect on that.
Three has never wanted children themself, but the Academy’s application paperwork just makes them more sure of that.
#Come observe Professor Ulik’s class.
You've kept your bargain with Professor Ulik. Whatever the auditor says, the fact that you faced one of the most powerful beings on the Academy grounds has to count for something.
It's a simple request—so simple the auditor seems taken by surprise. You hold your breath, waiting for an answer. "Of course," says the auditor. "Next week. Of course, we make no promises as to the nature of our judgment. Only of its inevitability."
"Fifteen seconds," pipes the assistant.
Variyah Goul stands up. She does not offer you her hand. "Your career, of course, will be of interest to us, whatever becomes of the school."
"If at the end of the year we find you an individual of sufficient narrative weight…there are certain provisions made for individuals who are fit for a great destiny. I am impressed by hedonism and competence, and the portfolio of destinies I manage are those of grandeur and glory."
"And zero." The assistant escorts you out of the room.
That went… surprisingly well. Three’s alive. They’ve at least slightly impressed two auditors. Goul’s agreed to observe Ulik’s class. Three wasn’t given time to have to pretend to be interested in a destiny.
They are growing increasingly concerned that the Academy’s accreditation may not, in fact, be renewed, but all they have to do is show that a place with teachers as good as Professor Ulik is worthwhile, make sure Maedryn isn’t too stressed by her various responsibilities that the clones stop working, help Sona keep Sci-Fi looking respectable and genre savvy, and do whatever DarkBoard requests to help the Academy run smoothly.
((Side note: I did originally accidentally replace a bit too much of the “insert your professor here” text with “professor ulik” when I originally typed this up, with the result that Three very unfortunately invited one of the most powerful villains in the universe to come observe Professor Ulik’s ass. They don’t want to talk about it.))
The senior students that approach you after your Evil Planning class are well known to you. They're a group of Thriller and Science Fiction students that even in these polarized times of inter-genre competition, have remained friends and close collaborators. 
"Three!" one of them calls to you. "Do you have a second? We want you to try this!"
This is rarely the prelude to something good, but often the prelude to something interesting. You pause. 
"This is our capstone project for our Cyberpunk Dystopia class," explains another, proffering his personal DarkBoard portal, its screen glowing. "A dating app for the Academy! We need beta testers! And, well, a lot of people have been requesting you."
"It's right here in the early feedback," confirms the third. "Let's see…'If it doesn't have Three I'm not joining'…'Where's Three I mean the real one not the clone'…'Please add an option to romance Three.'"
You look warily at the colorful images on the DarkBoard portal. What's so dystopian about a dating app?
"Well, it's powered by DarkBoard, for one thing," says the first student, "so it can be kind of unpredictable. And wildly intrusive. But the administration is interested in monitoring the personal lives of its students."
"Personally I think DarkBoard's getting a bit lonely," adds the second, behind his hand, as if that could conceal his comment from the security system.
I mean, there might be a couple of students wanting to find out what’s underneath Three’s aloof emotionless exterior, but I really doubt there’s anyone specifically asking for them. In any case, they have far more important things to do than trying to find another relationship at the moment, and even if they wanted one, they wouldn’t be looking for it on an intrusive dating app made by a bunch of students they have no reason to trust. 
But, well, they don’t exactly completely object to submitting information about certain preferences they may have to a system powered by DarkBoard. It’s a villainous action to sign up to a dating site and then ruthlessly reject every classmate who appears on there, isn’t it?
Besides the grinning face of Science Fiction's figurehead, a long list of diagrams and spec charts appears. Sona, or DarkBoard on Sona's behalf, is listing out all her weapons and modifications. You're fascinated—there are some extraordinarily personal items here. You would never have guessed about the navel turret, for instance.
All right, getting lists of people’s hidden abilities is also a very useful feature of this app. Three just hopes their own profile isn’t going to start listing out the dozens of weapons they have hidden on their person at all times.
The portal clouds over again, but this time, when it clears, no face is visible at all. Slowly words form on the portal's surface.
"Uh-oh." One of the Cyberpunk Dystopia students tries to snatch the portal out of your hands. "It's doing it again. Close! Close! Administrator override!"
"Yeah, this is a known issue," explains the leader. "Every so often DarkBoard will decide that it wants to get in on some of the action. Sorry about that."
He hands you back your portal, now quiet and docile. Is that Xi's lingering influence? Does something about DarkBoard remember you as an object of romance?
"You know where to find us! Thanks for trying it out!"
And they're gone.
Well, even if Three’s list of concealed weapons are on view to everyone on the dating app now, the student trying to snatch the portal away from Three is not prepared for a kick in the groin and a gun pointed at him before he has a chance to react, as Three calmly explains that they want to be aware of all known issues before deciding whether to continue using the app or not. After taking a few moments to closely examine this one, they tell the cyberpunk students that they can live with it. They spend a fair amount of their free time (limited though that is) on the app over the next few months, while making sure to reject every student profile they find.
The app does cause another slight issue, however, given that the rejection messages it sends are calibrated to, “cause greatest emotional impact to the target!” Three and Aurion awkwardly avoid each other for the next few weeks, after they each receive a horrifying rejection message about how the other loves them far too much like a sibling, and is so grateful for the bond they already have.
And then this final scene doesn’t actually take place, because Three doesn’t have a nemesis or a pet, so doesn’t need help dealing with them, but:
Professor Ulik thinks so highly of you that she leaves the class that she was in the middle of teaching to rush to the ${temphousing}.
I love Three’s new mum a lot.
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j4gm · 6 years ago
Ted Anderson’s Adventure Time Season 11 AMA.
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So Ted Anderson, writer of Adventure Time Season 11, unexpectedly hopped onto the Adventure Time Discord yesterday for an impromptu AMA. He talked a lot about what his plans were for the rest of Season 11 and beyond, and also talked about his other work including Beginning of the End, My Little Pony, Moth & Whisper, and Orphan Age. Here's most of his answers. I’ve rearranged them to be in a more coherent order.
You can read the full AMA on the r/adventuretime Discord.
Mordo: Before the cancellation, was the stuff with Finn and the humans going to be longer than 2 issues?
Ted: That particular story was always planned to be 2 issues.
The way S11 was going to work is, it would be broken into 3 chunks of 4 issues apiece. The first story was the Empress Marceline 4-issue story. The second chunk would be the 2-issue Humantown story, followed by two single-issue stories. Then there would be one big 4-issue finale story.
Also I should clarify the breakdown of the first arc: Sonny Liew wrote the story, but that was just a summary of events. I wrote the actual script and laid out the events and so forth. I think technically he's credited for Plot and I'm credited for Script?
The first single-issue story was already sort of revealed—that's the one about Jake and Jermaine. The second one would have been about Finn deciding he wants to make something, and going on a big adventure to make a new, handmade sword. And the 4-issue finale would have followed off of the Humantown story and wrapped up more of that.
I was actually already starting issue 8 before I heard it was canceled. Issue 7 is done, but unfortunately it can't see the light of day. It's the property of BOOM and Cartoon Network, not me.
[Issue #7] was a very standalone kind of issue: Jermaine is a successful painter and gets invited to a big fancy party, and Jake invites himself along. Jake ostensibly came to invite Jermaine to the family reunion [in the finale arc], but he knows that Jermaine doesn't like to travel. So he actually came to do a big mystery adventure. One of Jermaine's paintings gets stolen, so the two of them investigate to find out the truth. In the end it's revealed that the whole thing is a big setup by Jake, who wanted to give his brother a fun bonding experience, Mostly I wanted to write some done-in-one stories and get some Jermaine in there, because I like him.
Issue 8 would have been about Finn, who's feeling restless after making the cabin, and deciding he wants to make more stuff, so he decides to make his own sword. He meets various characters traveling around Ooo, checking in with them and talking about what he's doing now. I wanted to focus on Finn feeling adrift now that the biggest adventure of them all has happened, and he's kind of without a purpose.
Boulder/Stert: What would the comic's finale have looked like? What would the end of S11 have looked like had you made it there?
Ted: So thematically, I wanted to get to the idea that Finn was feeling useless as an adventurer. The world was getting more saved, things were getting rebuilt, people don't need a "kid with a sword" any more. But Finn would've realized that it's not about him as a lone adventurer—he's part of a community, a whole bunch of people who are working to make the world a better place.
The finale story would have revealed that Dr. Gross had been offered amnesty and was secretly working in Humantown, plotting a takeover of all of Ooo. Dr. Gross would've created a plague to affect the candy people and something called "GO Juice" [Genetic Optimizer Juice], which was just Finn's DNA injected into the humans to make them into adventurers too. But, crucially, it wouldn't have made them teammates—they would've just been a bunch of lone wolves. So when Jake and Lady and PB and Marceline and all the rest work together, they defeat the humans easily. Rather than fight Dr. Gross, [Finn] escapes and helps his friends, who are fighting everyone else.
There's a little bit of that story still in issue 5: Finn gets a scratch fighting the robot and Minerva patches it up, and that's how they would've gotten his DNA.
I was going to bring back Samantha the dog as a side villain. She would've taken over the Candy Kingdom with a dog army, in order to plunder their technology and lead a dog revolution in the Crystal Dimension, but really she was just being used by Dr. Gross.
Also Jake would've had a family reunion, because I really wanted to write all his kids. Originally it was going to be him and Lady finally getting married. [Cartoon Network] specifically said that Jake and Lady couldn't get married, because they were, and I quote, a "modern couple". I still have no idea exactly what that means, haha.
I had some thoughts about how I wanted to handle the humans. I didn't want them to immediately integrate into Ooo, but I didn't want them to be completely standoffish and weird, either. Issue 12 would've ended with them more or less being led by Minerva, and slowly putting themselves out there.
Something else I should make clear: I had absolutely no contact with the AT people, so I don't know if any of my ideas fit with what they wanted to do. All of this stuff is just out of my head.
Stert: Yeah I feel like you would've been good as long as you didn't straight up contradict the show.
Ted: Oh, speaking of contradicting the show, I got a funny note about the Empress Marceline story. Originally, in Sonny Liew's notes and my script, it actually took place 10,000 years in the future, not 1,000. But for some reason CN changed it to 1000. And I have no idea why, because all that does is mess with the timeline more. Like, if it's 1000 years in the future, it should have Shermy and Beth and look like that setting. But by the time CN changed it, it was too late for me to add in any of that stuff. So if you think it's weird that Shermy and Beth didn't show up, and Marceline wasn't trying to rescue Bubblegum from an ice prison: that's why!
SpaceGiraffe/Owlz: Were there any plans for Simon to meet with the humans and/or Minerva? I wanted to know if you had any plans for Ice King or if that was just Olivia's job?
Ted: Once I heard that Olivia was doing the Simon & Marcy series, I deliberately kept my hands off of Simon, just in case. I didn't quite know what I would want to do with him, either. He could play an interesting role in post-finale Ooo, but ... idk, he's been defined so much by tragedy and loss, it would've taken a while to build him back up again.
Stert: Do you know if Gross and Minerva would have interacted in these new comics?
Ted: I hadn't planned for Gross and Minerva to interact too much? Minerva would've come along with Finn when he infiltrated Humantown to find out what happened. Actually, my idea was that Minerva uses her "Mini-form," which is literally a six-inch-tall action figure of her that would ride on Finn's shoulder as he snuck through the vents, haha.
Stert: The final issue ends on a pretty negative note for Finn and humanity. He's very angry at Malloy lying to him and storms off not wanting to have anything to do with Humantown. Looking back do you think it's a good idea to end Finn's arc in these comics with the humans on a pretty downer note?
Ted: I don't think it's the best way to end S11, no. It makes sense because it's a natural story break, but it also leaves Finn angry and resentful, and deliberately separating himself from other communities. I do love those last two pages, because Mar Julia did some amazing art on them, but emotionally it leaves Finn kind of out in the cold. I did tweak issue 6 a little by adding the HW scene. Originally Finn went to see Aunt Lolly to see if she made the robot monsters. Frankly, the HW scene is better in every way, haha.
Owlz: Did you have ideas for Finn's closure with Huntress?
I like [Finntress]! I like a lot of Finn relationships. But I also like how it's very casual and not labeled. I should be clear: I really didn't change anything based on people's feedback from here. But the [Discord] server and poking around Tumblr reminded me that I needed to include some HW. I feel like their relationship has always been ambiguous, so I liked them not getting a super specific ending.
Boulder: Did you have anything in S11 for Mars?
Ted: I didn't have anything for Mars, actually! I should've! I like Mars a lot, mostly because we see so little of it and it's so dang weird.
Boulder/StephanFS: What plans did you have after S11, with or without a cancellation? If BOOM announced S12 with you as the main writer, what would you write?
Ted: I didn't have anything specific for after S11, since I already knew that it was probably going to be the last time I was going to write AT. I had some vague ideas of trying to bring back Fern, but like ... that's a very fanservice type of thing to do, haha. I probably would've brought him back just to let him die again, but this time with a little more closure. Also I might have done more stuff with magic? I love the weird elements of magic they've got set up in the show. Maybe doing something with four new elements of magic, one of which would have been grass. But that was just very vague thoughts.
Stert: Who did you like writing for most/have the most trouble with? Between Beginning of the End and the S11 issues you mostly handled Finn with a touch of Jake and the rest in smaller amounts, interested in if you were happy with that or wanted to play with other folks.
Ted: Jake was definitely the most fun to write, just because of his way of speaking. Whenever I did a line of his dialogue, I ran it through John DiMaggio's voice first to see if it sounded right. As for favorite in general, that's a tough one. I was told to try and keep the focus on Finn and Jake rather than the side characters, just because they're the main characters. But that suited me just fine. And yeah, for BotE I was also told to keep the focus on Finn and Jake. But that's what I was planning to do anyway. (And yes, I still plan to finish the annotations for BotE! One of these days! Promise!)
Stert: How well did you know the show before you started work on the comics?
Ted: So, total honesty: I loved AT and stuck with it until about season 5. Which, not coincidentally, is when Steven Universe started. I didn't ever stop loving AT, I just fell off the wagon for a while.
Stert: Tale as old as time 🤣
Ted: So once I got the news about BotE, I binged everything from the start. I didn't actually get to see the finale until after I'd started writing S11. CN was being very careful about leaks, so they wouldn't actually let their comics people watch upcoming episodes. But Whitney, my editor, had seen it, so she described it to me over the phone. Very weird experience.
Mordo: What is your view on Come Along With Me?
Ted: I feel like it was as good as it could be, under the circumstances. After hearing about their plans and how they thought they'd have another season, it made more sense. Like, if they'd had a bunch more episodes, they could've set up Gumbald and used the Candy Kingdom Haters some more (remember them???) The finale had a tough job to do: they wanted to give a satisfactory ending to as many of the threads in the series as they could, and yeah, some people didn't get as much as others. Again, I really wish they'd had another season.
Owlz: What do you think of characters like Martin or Ice King?
Ted: I would've LOVED to bring Martin in somehow. He never really got his comeuppance. I don't think I could've put him in S11, but if there had been a S12 or a miniseries or something, that would've been ideal. He's such a ****ty dad, haha. I hate him as a person but love him as a character. I probably would've brought him back by saying, like, "Oh yeah, I hung out with that transcendent being from beyond space, but she got sick of me after a week and dropped me off on an asteroid."
Stert: Were there any characters you were very intimidated to write for, like you thought you would screw them up?
Ted: Oh that's a great question. Honestly, I was a little worried about writing Marceline, because I feel like she's very specifically tied to the experience of being a teenage girl. Which I've never been. Like, the best stuff with Marceline is by Olivia Olson, or Meredith Gran, or Kate Leth, who have written about (and actually been) a teenage girl dealing with Feelings. So getting her right was a challenge.
Owlz: Who’s your favorite AT character?
Ted: Oh man, favorite? That's an impossible question, haha. I have a lot of fondness for Susan Strong. I like her as a kind-of counterpart to Finn, as well as a more driven and adventurous type. She also got to have a really neat arc that ended well, but also left open the door for future adventures. Her design is also great, and her backstory is really cool.
Stert: The stuff you did with her, Billy, and Fern to show off different avenues of heroism and stuff with Finn was very cool.
Ted: Yeah, that was super fun. I think I mentioned this in the annotations: originally it was just going to be Finn meeting a bunch of his alternate versions, like Farmworld Finn. But then I realized, wait, there are characters who are way more interesting than that. (Not to hate on Farmworld Finn! But he's no Susan Strong)
Owlz: What are your thoughts on Betty Grof? The show didn’t reveal much about her.
Ted: Oof. She deserved better. I wanted her to be developed more, frankly. But I sympathize with the creators. I don't think they had the time they needed to flesh her out. I wanted, like, an entire spin-off series about her learning the secrets of magic.
Stert: So to ask another possible impossible question, what's your favorite episode (or multiples)?
Ted: I really do like "Mama Said". It's maybe my favorite one-off episode, just for how surreal it is. Plot-relevant episodes ... I liked the one about Finn building a tower to tear off his dad's arm, haha. I have a real fondness for the wacky one-off episodes, like anything about Jake's kids. The Card Wars tournament episode, or the one about Bronwyn.
Owlz: What if AT got rebooted and you got to be a writer?
Ted: On the one hand, I would've liked creating a more coherent mythology, like exactly how this or that happened. On the other hand, the weird inconsistencies are what make this show so fun.
[While talking about some of the Easter eggs included in Ted’s comics, somebody posted this panel from BotE]
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Ted: Part of that panel is actually a quote from Guillermo del Toro. The line about "animated by incredible humanism" is from the introduction he wrote to the Art of Ooo book. I love dropping in weird easter eggs. So when I started writing BotE, I caught up on the entire show, but I also tried to catch up on all the supplementary materials, too. That's why I slipped in that thing about Hunson's nickname of "Johnny Corndog," for example.
Owlz: You should also check out the AT official cookbook. It’s adorable.
Ted: I have! In fact, there's an easter egg from that in there! In issue 6, Minerva mentions something about making Finn her special macaroni and cheese, I think? That's her recipe in the book.
CharlesOberonn: I have a question regarding pacing in comic books. Specifically, how stretched out and slow pacing is in comic books today compared to comic books in the past. A story that would take 1 issue in the 1960s-80s could take 3 or 4 or even 5-8 issues today. What do you say about that?
Ted: Ah, pacing in comics. An old nemesis, haha. I like both the issue format and the book format for comics. You can do very different things with them, just like the difference between movies and TV. If you are writing something with issues, then I feel like every issue needs to give you a complete story, or at least a complete slice of a story. I definitely feel like attitudes have changed regarding how much story you fit into an issue of comics, but that can be both good and bad. A little while ago I reread the original Iron Man story where he confronts his alcoholism, and he goes through withdrawal in literally one page.
Stert: I know this kinda stuff is usually not answered straight up, but how much do you make writing for comics?
Ted: I'm not yet at the point where it's my main job. Right now I'm getting my teaching license so I can be a school librarian. And with licensed comics, I don't get any royalties, just a flat fee for writing the script. But it's a good gig regardless. I get to sit around and tell other people how to draw cartoons. I would absolutely love to write full time, and I'm in the process of getting together more projects to make that happen? But not quite yet. Which reminds me: I am currently trying to put together a pitch with Mar Julia, artist for both BotE and S11! But very different from AT.
Owlz: How long have you worked on comics?
Ted: I've been working on comics for ... something like 6 years? I think? My first professional comic was MLP, actually, which is not at all normal, haha. I was a big fan of the show, and I knew I wanted to write comics. I'm also friends with Zander Cannon, who's been a professional creator for decades and is a super cool guy. He knew someone who worked at IDW, who put me in touch with the MLP editor. I sent them some samples, I sent them some pitches, and bada bing bada boom, they let me write a story about Pinkie Pie. It's all about networking, baby.
Mordo: What’s your favorite TV series of all time?
Ted: Oh jeeze, that's a question. There are TV series that I love in different ways and for different reasons. AT is definitely one of my favorites, but I also love The X-Files, but for completely different reasons. Star Trek the Next Generation is also pretty high up there. Futurama is another one that I'm a big fan of. I should've included a reference to John DiMaggio from that, come to think of it. Showed Jake with a cigar and a beer, or something. Now there's a crossover I'd love to see. Oh, Gravity Falls is definitely up there too. Regular Show is another fun one. I pitched a couple RS ideas around the same time as BotE, but they were already transitioning to the Twenty-Five Years Later series.
Mordo: Not sure if this was answered earlier, but why was AT season 11 the one that had to kick the bucket when it was doing better than the other comics?
Ted: I really have no idea. It was a money thing, to the best of my knowledge—they expected the comics to sell X copies, and they didn't quite make it, so that was that. In the email they sent me, they emphasized that it was not a question of the quality of my writing, or how they were being received. I don't really know any more than that, unfortunately. Yeah, I have no idea how they calculate anticipated sales or anything. But I guess S11 just didn't hit the expected targets.
Mordo/StephanFS: What else do you write Ted? If you were to work on something original, what would it be?
Ted: I still do write for MLP, actually. I've got a three-issue miniseries starting next month. Plus I've got a couple creator-owned series: Moth & Whisper and Orphan Age. The trade collection of M&W comes out next week, and the first issue of Orphan Age came out this week. I have a lot more original stuff in the works, too. Not a lot of it is like AT, to be honest. I don't tend to write stories that are so .... weird? Nothing against weird! Obviously! But it's just not the kind of stories I tend to come up with. M&W is a cyberpunk heist thriller thing, and Orphan Age is a post-apocalyptic western.
That’s all for now. If you like Ted Anderson’s work, be sure to check out Moth & Whisper and Orphan Age. Catch them on ComiXology or wherever you get your comics.
Farewell for now!
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years ago
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent ecommerce news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & Etsy! This covers articles I came across since the late January report, although some may be older than that. Report is a bit short because I was sick this last week; don’t worry, I used hand sanitizer before typing this up, so you are all safe 🤒
I am currently looking into setting up a new ecommerce business forum where we can discuss this sort of news, as well as any day-to-day issues we face. I need some good suggestions for a cheap or free forum space that has some editing tools, is fairly intuitive for inexperienced members, and is accessible. If you have any suggestions, please reply to this post, email me on my website, or send me a tweet. (I will put out a survey once we narrow this down to some good candidates, but if you have any other comments on what you want from such a forum, please include those too!)
As always, if you see any stories I might be interested in, please let me know!
Searchmetrics says Etsy did quite well [podcast & text] in the Google January Core Update, while both Amazon and Walmart lost a little bit. “Who won January? I’m going to say Etsy. Etsy has really done a tremendous job [with Google visibility] over the last two years. Sure, they’ve been on the winning side of the algorithm update, but consistently, being in that a position, from my experience, isn’t by chance.” Here’s more analysis listing the US winners and losers, including by subject category (sadly, not shopping sites). Marie Haynes says that the update likely targeted sites that aren’t properly disclosing affiliate links, as well as some pet health sites. 
Since a quarter of Americans have a disability, your website, your products & your marketing should be more accessible. Lots of good ideas in here! 
TOU alert: Etsy has banned the sale of spent bullet casings (often used as craft supplies). It’s not clear why. There is a thread from a seller whose listings were pulled here.
The 2020 wedding trends blog post is one of those pieces that is useful to sellers & buyers alike, and is also good for Etsy because it attracts outside articles and links. Some trend & keyword info of interest: ”there has been a 171% increase in searches on Etsy for bridesman items and a 72% increase in searches for best woman items”... “searches for ‘70s invitations increase 18% and searches for disco ball items increase 18%” ...”24% increase in searches for bridal jackets and a 4% increase in searches for women’s pantsuits” …”searches for reused, recycled, or reclaimed wedding items increasing 7%” in the last six months (compared to the same time the previous year).
Etsy released its annual diversity & inclusion report on January 29, getting some media coverage along the way, for example here, here and here.
Reverb hired David Mandelbrot as their new CEO; he most recently ran Indiegogo. (Etsy bought Reverb last year.)
The 4th quarter 2019 results will be out Feb. 26. I am currently planning on doing my usual summary thread in the forum. 
Decent overview of product photography for beginners, with some pointers on what Etsy wants you to do with photos. For example, “The recommended size for listing images is 2000px for the shortest side of the image, and a resolution of 72PPI.”
So you know what Etsy tags are, but you get confused when people talk about tags for search engines? Read this beginners guide to SEO meta tags. (not needed for Etsy shops, but it is terminology used by some website builder sites, as well as coders of course.)
Data provider Jumpshot will be closing due to the controversies over the revelation that their parent company Avast (the anti-virus software) provided user activity to Jumpshot while perhaps not always fully disclosing this to the users. This will affect some SEO tools that relied on these click stats to generate estimates for traffic & search term use, Hitwise & Moz among them.  “In all likelihood, Avast took the action to protect its core business, as multiple articles, including from Consumer Reports, called out the company for its data collection practices, while some called for the uninstallation of the Avast software. This is probably as much PR damage control as it is driven by any principled position.”
Forbes appears to have been hit by some Google search issue, but it happened later than the Core Update, so no one is sure what is going on.They were previously penalized for selling links, but that was years ago.   
John Mueller listed all of the big Google search news from January in this almost 9 minute video. Click to see the detailed info under the video, because they helpfully summarized the important topics by timestamp, and linked to text resources as well. (Some of it is technical/coding relating; you have been warned!)
There may be another big Google ranking update happening right now (Feb. 9), as tracked by Search Engine Roundtable. Check that site over the next few days for any updates. 
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
The time you send your marketing emails matters, although it’s going to vary more than this article lets on. Keep track of your own stats. 
Debunking some myths about Instagram, including the importance of your follower count. “...your follower count isn’t the most important metric on Instagram. Your engagement rate is. Your engagement rate (which is found by calculating the number of engagements you receive divided by EITHER the number of people who saw it OR your total followers, depending on who you ask) is crucial.”
If you use the app Social Captain for Instagram, be aware that your Instagram password was publicly available in the source code. 
Facebook’s algorithm has a lot of different factors controlling who sees your posts, including actually having conversations with others, and including “quality, original videos.”
Facebook’s revenue was up 25% in the 4th quarter of 2019, to $21.1 billion, but they expect the privacy controversies to cut into growth this year.
Pinterest is testing an augmented reality tool called “Try On” that allows users to see what they will look like with specific lipstick colours. 
Google Shopping Ads will soon be shown in Gmail accounts, YouTube and the Discover feed, starting March 4th. Note that “Retailers have been steadily shifty more of their search budgets from text to Shopping ads.”
A comparison of Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads, with plenty of tips. According to them, if you are seriously considering one, you should probably do both. “When we talk about Facebook, we’re also talking about Instagram, What’sApp, and Facebook Messenger. Google also includes YouTube, the second-most trafficked site in the world (behind Google itself).”
Google’s revenue was up 17% in the 4th quarter in 2019, almost all of it from advertising. YouTube makes more on ads than Amazon does. 
eBay released its 4th quarter results for 2019 on January 28, with revenue down 2% and gross merchandise value down 5%. Amazon’s sales were up 21% for the 4th quarter. 
BigCommerce now allows customers to check out in over 100 currencies, integrated with several different payment processors. 
Wondering what a good conversion rate would be for different ecommerce pages? Here’s a brief overview of the known stats, with some tips on improving.. (Note that any action can be counted as a conversion, including signing up for an email list, so this isn’t just about purchases.)
Are you marketing to Generation Z, or think you should be? Here are 52 facts (with the citations); some highlights: Gen Z has more members than millennials do, and “As of 2020, Gen Z makes up more than 40% of U.S. consumers.” and finally “When shopping online or in stores, 65% of Gen Z prefers to see as few items as possible out of stock” (that last one explains a feedback I received, I think LOL Kind of hard on Etsy when you might have a listing with multiple choices & you only have the one left.)
A study of Cyber Week email open & click rates shows that it might be better not to mention the holidays or discounts. 
This article warns consumers of the tricks ecommerce sites use to nudge people to buy more, including some clear examples of deception. “A study by Princeton University and the University of Chicago singled out online clothing seller Fashion Nova, which tells customers that items in their cart “are in high demand.” The problem? The message appears for any item that’s added to the cart. Fashion Nova’s cart also tells shoppers that their items are being “reserved” for 10 minutes. But nothing happens to the items after the 10 minutes are up.”
YouTube wants Clearview AI’s face recognition program to stop scraping its videos for content, and to delete anything it has already collected. (Twitter did the same last month.)
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