Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
And it's a wrap!
McHart Secret Santa 2024 Masterlist:
1. @billiezhang0909 wrote for @abby-cuddles "Previously on"
2. @silverinia wrote for @crystallitanie "My Hand in Yours and Our Song Inside Your Chest, You Dance Me Through the Changes of Everything I Have"
3. @mandalulabell wrote for UF17 "Please Don't Take The Girl"
4. UF17 wrote for @petylittlething "What Comes First"
5. @royalweirdonj86 wrote for @mchartforever "A Snow Day & Board Games"
6. @abby-cuddles made for @orlaogden "Damned if I do, damned if I don't"
7. @orlaogden wrote for @silverinia "Skinny, "Skinny" Love"
8. @writingmchart wrote for @royalweirdonj86 "Preparations and Proposals"
9. @petylittlething wrote for @writingmchart "French Affairs"
10. @rexlockhart wrote for @mandalulabell "A word, a look, will be enough"
11. @crystallitanie wrote for @billiezhang0909 "The Ice Queen and the Hunter"
12. @mchartforever wrote for @rexlockhart "Hearts on the Thames"
You can find the whole collection in Ao3.
Marry Christmas, lovely girls!
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“But we’re all unreliable and broken somewhere inside and sometimes it seems desperately attractive to be unrooted and breathing nothing but your own solitude. That’s how people find each other and understand.”
—Natalia Ginzburg
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How it started
How it ended
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“I know who you’re gonna choose — Kurt. We were in the elevator and a grenade was thrown in. We thought we had seconds to live, and you said one word. ‘Kurt.’ I thought it was a great thing to know — when you’re about to die, who you’re thinking about.”
Diane x Kurt » The Good Fight 6x10 The End of Everything
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about your AU mchart flower shop, there will be angst there? that's always very thrilling to read. are you writing many chapts before posting, so you can have more frequent updates? mostly, can't wait for the 1x05 filler you mentioned here as well. xoxo
Hey, not really tbh, it's not supposed to be angsty. I'm writing it to cope with the final season and its prospects, so I don't really need to put myself through self-made angst bombs right now 😂 So I guess that's a no, except if you consider Diane's good old struggle with accepting love and commitment angst. And I don't know yet if it's even going to be a multi chapter at all, it wasn't planned that way and I have enough multi chapter pressure on my plate with EGBA already 😂
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are you writing any new mchart fic at the moment? hope so much for that, hope you are fine
A couple of things actually.
I have three oneshots in progress right now: (1) the Marissa/Diane fic I'm writing for Berfin and that's placed in my own made up version of season 6, (2) a filler for 1x05 where McHart very drunkenly go out for breakfast at a shabby diner together after they've spent the entire night working on Kurt's speech, and (3) a flower shop AU that's very ensemble vibes but still McHart centred. Diane runs a flower shop, Kurt has a hardware store right next door, they have an awkward meet cute and bicker a lot, it's very fluffy and hopefully funny and very much a cliché fanfiction in its truest form because (a) I noticed that we barely have any of those in our fandom and (b) I just thought it would be a blast to write. I threw in a bunch of random comfort characters like Will, Liz, Carmen, Marissa, Jay and even David Lee that have their own small businesses in the same street and they all have this little community thing going on, I gave Kurt a dog just because I can, and it's all very wholesome Gilmore Girls vibes.
I don't know when any of these will be ready to be posted because I haven't been writing with the goal of an audience and the pressure that sometimes comes with it lately. If I get an idea, I'll start writing it and see where it takes me and if I finish it and really like it then I'll post it but if it doesn't lead anywhere, then that's okay, too. It very much feels like I'm writing for me first and foremost again, and I have to say, it hasn't been this fun in a long time.
So yeah. I don't know when and if I'm going to post them, but that's where I'm at right now. Feel free to let me know though if any of these ideas particularly intrigue you! I always enjoy feedback, even if it's not the leading drive of a creative process.
Oh, and I'm still on and off working on EGBA of course. I know it's been ages since I've updated it and I'm very sorry for keeping everyone waiting, but as I've said a million times at this point, it's a very difficult writing process. So it's just taking me some time to get through it.
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whats the thing w/ "lilliengunpowder" martha acc? i thought it was something made for u (due your fics names) but she has just joined twitter and instead of coming to the fandom, she goes after a specific twitter acc from 2017 , who hates chris? 😨 its so so so odd. what do we know about her till now?
how weird, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm personally picturing a nice middle aged lady who takes too much sugar in her tea, enjoys true crime documentaries, keeps a swear jar in her house where she hosts monthly scrabble nights with her three sons, one of which is queer and made her go through a deeply philosophical and healing journey from republican to democrat, and her second husband who's her one true love, and enjoys making cornbread on Sundays
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-- Instead of handwriting our letters to the books , COULD you girls , just print down our docx ? At least , when we do specifically ask ? It's a win win , better for everyone this way ! Pls , think about it 😙
Yeah that was the plan in the overall scheme, that the letters are gonna be in people's respective handwriting if they want them to. Berfin and I are still talking about the logistics there, trying to find the both prettiest and least time-consuming way to execute that, but we'll find a way. We do encourage you guys to type it out though if you'd like. Berfin (and me in case we find a way to do this together because I don't want the full workload to be solely on her shoulders just because it was her idea, we'll discuss that further when she visits me) will copy the typed out letters handwritten into the books, because to quote her "don't worry, there won't be any times new roman in the books". Hope that helps!
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-- Dear Nina , how is the letters project going ? I feel mine ( and only , since it's been hard for me ) to CB , is going to come to an end next few weeks ! -- Can I send it to you , to the email Berfin posted ? I feel like I will be TRULY putting my heart on your sleeves when doing it ! One note and just my thoughts , but couldn't we make the dead line sooner ? I mean at least in late July . I feel Christine might appreciate them coming as soon as possible . ( . . )
(...) I honestly can NOT describe what it means to me that she will be receiving my words & for that , I THANK YOU & ALL THE GIRLS in advance & send much love ! LadyD ( Bella & Billie might know me from Ao3 ) .
Hey hello, first of all, you're so so sweet, thank you! I sent your message to the group and everyone was super happy! ♡
To answer your first question, I haven't even started my letters and I know I'll be a complete mess once I do. Glad to hear yours is coming together though and even more happy that you're participating in the first place!
Second, yes, you should send it to the email address Berfin mentioned in her thread. It's the address I only use for fandom related things (tumblr and ao3 notifications and the occasional beta read), so I can 100% make sure that it won't be lost or anything. Berfin and I are the only ones who are going to see it apart from the respective person you're writing it to. I know this can be very personal and it's a lot of trust you're putting in our hands, but I promise we'll treat it with all the care and respect we have between the two of us.
As for the deadline, I'm afraid we can't make any changes there. It's set and it's been set for weeks now, people are planning around it and especially Berfin needs it to schedule the workload awaiting her. I hope that's okay with you!
Again, thanks for participating, I really love the idea of this project and I'm sure the result will be wonderful. If you (or anyone else) have any more questions, feel free to reach out to me again any time! ♡
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千と千尋の神隠し | Spirited Away dir. Hayao Miyazaki, 2001
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Hope you’re doing well!! How’s writing going?
I'm good, thank you! Very stressed but at peace with myself these days. Writing's a bit rough right now, to be honest. Life had me really busy these last few weeks so I didn't have the time, and I'm a little afraid of getting back into it now because I'm always very hard on myself and rereading in-progress fics that I haven't worked on in a while tends to leave me quite horrified by my unedited first drafts. But it is what it is and I'll get over it. I always do 😂
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*Are we ever gonna see #Agnes through Nina's writing ?! Her scars, traumas & a late love into her life ?!
No, I don't think you will. I mean I like Agnes, she's funny and bitchy and there's definitely a lot of trauma to unpack with her, but frankly, she and The Gilded Age in general don't affect me in that way. I do enjoy the show and Iove doing live tweets while I watch it, and though I adore so many of the countless immensely talented people involved in this show, I have to admit that I definitely wouldn't be watching if it wasn't for Christine in it.
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Diane x Kurt » The Good Fight 5x04 And the Clerk Had a Firm…
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Diane x Kurt » The Good Fight 5x05 And the Firm Had Two Partners…
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Diane x Kurt » The Good Fight 5x01 Previously On…
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Hey!!! No pressure at all, just curious…are you working on any fics? Thanks!
Hey, yes I'm writing two oneshots right now and EGBA of course, as always. One of the oneshots is a Diane/Marissa fluff piece I'm writing for Berfin because I lost a bet to her (about Christine attending or not attending the met gala, it was a whole thing), the other one is McHart angst about the developments of Roe v Wade, based on the premise that Diane has had an abortion when she was younger. Both are hard to write now that the news of season 6 being the final season dropped and it will take me longer than I'd anticipated now (tried writing last night but I was genuinely out of it, I'm going to miss the show so much). And I'm sure EGBA is going to be even harder, since we're pretty much entering the wrapping things up stage of the story in the next couple of chapters and I've never been good at saying goodbye to things I love, so this is very much a double kill for me. But yeah. This is not the end and I'm sure that even after the show is gone, I'll still pop in from time to time to dust off the show's ao3 tag. I wouldn't abandon Diane after everything she's done for me over the last years.
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