#1p prussia
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1p2p-heta-suggestives · 8 months ago
Could I ask for 1pPruHun hcs? (And if thats been done before 2pPruHun then)
• The classic “She definitely pegs him” Headcanon, who doesn’t love it?
• Gilbert ends up with a lot of hickeys, scratches and bitemarks every single time. Also lipstick marks when Elizabeta wears it, he has no idea why it’s that hot to him
• Elizabeta finds it amusing to edge him, just to see how long he can last before he starts to beg like a needy whore
• Always happens at Elizabeta’s house, Gilbert lives in his brothers basement and he doesn’t want to deal with the embarrassment
• Gilbert could spend the rest of his life between Elizabeta’s thighs and die happy, he loves eating her out
• Collaring. Specifically leashing. Gilbert lets out the neediest noises whenever Elizabeta tugs on his leash
• Aftercare includes very warm blankets, tea and watching a movie or show together, along with a lot of cuddling - they make sure the other knows that they love them
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 2 years ago
How would 2p Japan and 1p Prussia react to a clingy s/o (like wanting to hold onto their arm 24/7, laying on top of them while they work/sleep/relax/etc, holding their hand everywhere they go, snuggling up into them and looking pretty, etc etc)
1p Prussia is very active so as long as they're fine being pretty much dragged around by him while holding hands then it's all good to him. He's not bothered by it, he even thinks it's quite endearing that they're so attached to him.
2p Japan is very touchy so he's not bothered by it at all, he thinks it's pretty adorable that they're so clingy and affectionate. Whenever they come into the room he's in, he will just open his arms without saying anything so they can lay on him or hug him.
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hetalia-angel · 1 year ago
Could you do some headcanons for Prussia, Russia, France, Spain, England and Romano with a darling who's trying to learn their native languages, pretty please?
Ofc Pookie bear. 🩷🩷🩷
Darling trying to learn the countries native language
Arthur is so used to everyone already knowing English since it’s the most known language in the world, so having a Darling that wasn’t fluent was a very new experience for him.
Arthur is a dad at heart a dysfunctional one but that’s something for another day. He’ll print off those worksheets that make you write the cursive alphabet and spell different words as a fun activity. Arthur will also try and include reading, movie nights, and listening to music to boost his darling’s fluency.
Arthur will sit his darling in his lap while he reads one page to her and she reads the next as they alternate.
As mentioned before he’s an awkward dad at heart who’s trying to do his best to help.
7/10 for effort in his teaching skills
Francis will be very flattered that his darling has decided to learn his language. He’ll try to expose his darling to lots of French media and tv shows to accustom her to the language.
Francis will be whipping out the old children’s books and lullabies he used to use for Matthew and read them to his darling. The children’s books are easy to follow and simple for beginners to understand.
He’s not the best teacher his he’d rather just kiss his darling and murmur the sweet French into her ear instead of explaining it.
Be prepared to receive lots and lots of texts and letter in French. Francis will be declaring his love to his darling at 3am. These messages will be so long that they have the read more button at the bottom to click to see it in full.
Francis gets a 0/10 since I would get into a fight with him any day.
Gilbert was immediately very supportive of the idea. He attempts to try and talk to his darling only in German but he has a bad habit of speaking in English so it doesn’t come naturally.
He attempts to show his darling german tv shows… but Germany is notorious for dubbing over them in every language possible. Gilbert could find every one besides the ones in german…
He keeps attempting to teach you until he gives up and asks Ludwig to come over and teach you. Ludwig is a strict and thorough teacher and Gilbert’s darling will definitely be fluent by the end of a few sessions.
4/10 Gilbert tried his best, okay?
Lovino loves his darling and his language… but he’s a terrible teacher. He has a short temper, doesn’t explain assignments, and is confused when his darling doesn’t understand things he finds simple.
He tries for a few week to teach his darling with no results. Eventually he makes his darling download duolingo and he pays for premium so she can learn faster.
Lovino will occasionally quiz his darling and check in on her progress.
2/10 Lovino is doing his best which isn’t that good. Still better than Francis though.
Ivan is a sweet guy to his darling 24/7 so when she decides to learn Russian he’s over the moon. He’s booking them a trip to St. Petersburg and taking his darling on a full tour.
He’s as calm and patient as possible with his darling while teaching. Ivan accidentally distracts his darling with his accent since she finds him a little bit too sexy to keep focus on learning.
Ivan’s teaching method is easy enough to follow and he goes all out getting lots of help for his darling to learn. Everything is going smoothly until the day he decides to teach you Russian cursive. Ivan’s darling can’t follow his teachings since she claims that it all looks like scribbles.
9/10 Ivan puts in the effort unlike Francis who I’ve decided I have beef with.
Antonio is more than happy to teach you everything about his culture and language. He’ll waste no time to show his darling telenovelas and Spanish songs.
Spanish is a widely learnt language so he searches up one of those curriculums online to teach to his darling.
Antonio loves that his darling is learning Spanish mostly so he can find a new way to flirt with her.
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 2 years ago
I wish for 2p Prussia, as in would he be a scary man? Why?
Yeah, Wil totally would be terrifying. This man is a knight who spent centuries surviving and fighting.
If you were on the receiving end of his blade he would force you into combat until either a fatal blow is struck or until one of you collapse from exhaustion.
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shini--chan · 4 months ago
Bro BRO consider this——- Prussia and England sharing a darling??? The s/o is doomed fr
Yeah you are right. Best hope they get in a cat fight and escape while they are distracted.
Yandere Relationship Sheet - Prussia vs England
Trigger warnings: death, murder, torture, abuse
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Candidate A - 1p! England (Arthur Kirland)
Arthur Kirkland being the personification of England as well as a global empire, depending on the time period, would be a handful to deal with on his own. In total, you would be allowed to enjoy the tender mercies of a cantankerous, possessive and self-righteous man. He would be prone to lecturing you, to correcting your behaviours and nitpicking on you. Of course he would be drawn to you and in love with you, but raw diamonds have to be cut and polished to achieve true beauty. He would view you in a similar manner - with innate value and in need of his help to unlock your true potential. 
Your consent or say-so in the matter would be duly noted and completely irrelevant at the end of the day. Arthur knows best, after all. As such, you would do well to heed his every whim and each tiny scrap of advice. Also, with you being such a treasure, he would be most inclined to keep you all for himself. Other people would just mar your brilliance with your grimy paws and idiotic ideas. Besides, you would be best kept with somebody who would see your true worth and appreciate you for it, no?
On the flip side, he would be possessive and wouldn’t bother to hide it most of the time. You would be there to please him, a priceless possession as well as his plaything to use and abuse as he would please. With you, he would be able to shrug off all the restrictive societal expectations and norms and indulge his darker side. Who would be able to stop him. 
Candidate B - 1p! Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt)
Gilbert Beilschmidt would be strict and stern, a weathered marine commander to Arthur’s devilish Trade Company governor. Nevertheless, thinking that Gilbert would be easy to deal with would be wrong, completely wrong. He would have his own issues, and his pride and his stubbornness. The former knight would certainly loath to lose to some pretender and would be very willing to commit violence. It could be said that Gilbert would be the more hands-on type of man compared to Arthur. Additionally, while Arthur would be willing to dote on you to an extent, be it out of love, to impress you or for some other reason, Gilbert would force you to adopt the same spartan lifestyle that he would favour. No amount of begging or favours would get you.
While he wouldn’t be as manipulative and condescending and cunning as Arthur, he would be harsh and unforgiving at times. No exceptions to the rules would be made and he would be less inclined to underestimate you, contrary to Arthur. Come to him with the sword, and you would be defeated with the sword. Should you rebel against him, then he wouldn’t always handle you with the kid gloves on. Consequently, some punishments and even overall treatment of you, would be downright brutal. Playing into that, he would be less inclined to ease up on his harsh treatment on you if he’d see you’d suffer
While he would have his buttons, he wouldn’t be the sort to fly off the handle. If he’d want certain results, then he’d maybe exaggerate particular emotions. Yet most of the time he would be in control. A side effect to this would be that you’d be unable to pull at his heart strings. As for his obsession with you - that would be vetted, certified and rationalised, so you wouldn’t be able guilt-trip or shame him into letting you go.      
Realisation - How would they react to each other?
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Badly. Even though there would be a lot of parallels between the two of them, and even a handful of similarities, they wouldn’t get along well. The devil really is in the details here. Arthur would be a hopeless romantic, in Gilbert’s eyes, as well as a greedy, dishonest fool. Every word that Arthur would say would be weighed against a wagon-load of salt and every action would be seen as being fueled by ulterior motives. Furthermore, he would find immense distaste in Arthur’s proclivity for luxury. The Englishman would also be far too soft with you from his point of view, and the fact that he would treat you like a porcelain doll would be unforgivable. 
Meanwhile, Arthur would be of the opinion that Gilbert has a stick in his ass. When it would just be the two of you, then he would make an absolute mockery of Gilbert, imitating him in an exaggerated way after dinner and making snarky remarks at every other opportunity. To him, Prussia would have no grasp of actual politics or how the world really works. Furthermore, Arthur would see him as a barbarian for treating you like some toy soldier, when you should be treated with more care. While you might be in need of a hard hand to correct your failures, the manner with which Gilbert would expose you to hardship would be ridiculous to him. 
When put together, the tension would often be so thick that it could be cut with a knife. They would constantly be sniping at each other and bickering. In their tamer moments, they would behave like an old married couple, and in the case that matters would escalate and they would shoot/stab each other. The tricky part here would be that while they would dislike one another, it wouldn't be loathing and they can stand being around each other. If there'd be no better company, then they would huddle together over beer and talk about philosophy and metallurgy. So, they can cooperate, if only with mutual animosity and unspoken rules and snide remarks. 
Battleground - How would they fight each other?
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Both of them wouldn't want to confront the other directly - it would just be so messy. Messy both in a physical and an emotional sense - blows and words would be traded and if they'd find themselves immersed in their ire then the fight would go on for hours. It would be as horrible as it would be fascinating to watch. They could be duking it out in a manor, the weapons and the antiques lying around would be used liberally. One could think that they would be re-enacting a battle with how they would conduct themselves … if it weren’t for their willingness to shed each other’s blood. All in all, it would be a fight that authors could only dream of putting into words. 
That being said, they could both be far more subtle. Either you, or some other unfortunate third party would be used as a chess piece against the other. Prussia would do his best to educate you in various forms of combat and tactics, if only so that you could give Arthur a black eye once. Gilbert might even decide to teach you how to wield a sword. While you surely wouldn't win against Arthur in a fair fight, it would make the latter's life a whole lot more difficult. He’d also teach you how to cope with the elements and live off the land, just so that you could make prissy Arthur stumble about a marsh or desert. England would do his best to make you well-read on romantic literature, and try to mold you into being cunning. Through long talks before head, he would do his best to convince you that lying isn’t abhorrent, and that Gilbert deserved to be fooled in every possible way. 
Naturally, there would also be the moments where they would have to interact with one another. Imagine them as a couple going through a divorce, and then you’d have a pretty accurate picture of how they would be with another. Constant arguments over how you should be treated and handled and fed and clothed and how many freedoms you ought to have. They’d try to use you to prove their points and brag about the sort of affection you’d give them. Since they would constantly be fighting to a minor degree, you might be able to play them against each other. 
Treaty - Could they agree on a truce? Would they even team up at any point?
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Jep, they would be able to. Some obstacles would be too insurmountable to overcome alone, yet together they would be manageable. If a third person/group were to thwart their carefully laid plans, then they would team up to reach a shared goal. Surprisingly, they would have quite the synergy between the two of them; the bickering would never truly cease and yet the usual animosity would be redirected to the bigger concern. 
Other than that, they would actually find themselves agreeing on the one or other thing when it would come to you like punishments and the rules that you should abide by. Playing them out against each other would only work to a certain degree, since they would actually be on the same page on a handful of topics. You wouldn't be spoiled, or allowed to run completely wild. If you'd be particularly difficult, then those two would hold conference and plot to bring you down a few pegs. 
There would be a surprising third case where they'd be in tune - if you'd fall sick or be injured. Both of them would fuss over you, both scolding you for becoming ill/hurt and mother henning you the next moment. It would be the worst - if you wouldn't submit, then they'd tie you to your bed until you've made a full recovery. 
Victory - How would they proceed to obtain you all for their own?
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Arthur and Gilbert, for all that they'd dislike one another, wouldn't be all that opposed to sharing you. Sure, there would be fights and disagreements, yet both would find joy and relief in using the other as emotional punching bags. If circumstances would dictate that they have to be cordial with each other in this relationship, then they'd very well snap somewhere down the road. 
Arthur would likely make a show of skullduggery. Furthermore, he'd be particularly motivated to be cunning by the fact that such dishonesty would piss Gilbert off massively, so much so that he wouldn't be able to act rationally. Backroom deals would be made, and Arthur would break many a promise that he'd made towards Prussia. He could orchestrate matters so that Gilbert would be called away, and then move and spirit you away along with him. Perhaps he would sic Austria onto Gilbert, and then beat Prussia down even further once the fighting had ceased. Or he could wait until the latter is injured or ill and then kill him, or bury him alive. In the case of this being a setting where they are immortal, this would only hinder his adversary temporarily, yet it would be enough. 
Gilbert, in contrast, would be far more thorough. He'd decide to hit two birds with one stone. Having you would likely just be an excuse on a long list of reasons he'd have for marching his army against Britain. Likely to recruit France, Spain or also the Nordic countries to his cause. Should he have to keep it personal, then he'd try to chop Arthur's head off while the latter would be bathing. After all, the Englishman would be most vulnerable in the bathroom, the one room where he wouldn't have any weapons stored
Reparations - Would they demand their opponent pay for their “misdemeanours”? 
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With the whip and the sword in most cases. Arthur might even go as far as to poison Gilbert to get his point across. He could unleash some very unsavoury rumours in the world. Sabotage would be enacted, with Arthur even being petty enough to fill sugar in Gilbert's car or motorcycle tank. He also wouldn't be above putting itching powder in a uniform or two. Also, he would be well aware of the other’s distaste for Romantic literature. Guess who would be read mushy Victorian novels for days on end. Additionally, he would place a stuffed animal in Gilbert’s quarters to freak him out. 
Gilbert would challenge his opponent to a duel, or also mix gunpowder in his food. Small explosives would be placed under the bed or some of Arthur's beloved stuffed animals would be missing. On occasion, he would even go as far as to put England through Zersetzung, in order to crush his soul a little bit. That, or he would aid one of the colonies in executing a successful rebellion. Though, he needn't go so far. He could make England's life very difficult in simple moves that would rip away all the modern day luxuries Arthur would cherish. The hot water would be switched off, and the electricity cut.
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sparks-and-wires · 13 days ago
Eh, might as well drop this in
Can I ask for general dating headcanons for 1P America and Prussia (separately, ofc)? Preferably with a fem!reader
My tired brain couldn’t think of anything else, but it may be good to start off with general dating headcanons for my best boys. Thank you, Spark! 💖
Yeah, sure bestie! Though I make my stuff pretty gender neutral, hope that's ok.
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America General Dating Headcanons
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⭐ The type to gush about his partner when prompted. Arthur made the mistake of asking about you one time and Alfred talked so much about you that even Bonnefoy would be worried. They can't even call it puppy love, it's like he's memorized everything about you.
⭐ He's ready to fight anyone who ever says a bad thing about you, 'the hero' doesn't see flaws unless it slaps him in the face. He's the type to always see something positive in his partners even despite a person's hardships, or physical and mental capabilities. Anyone who questions his reality of you is probably at the very least, going to be screeched at. It really depends on how long they egg him on for.
⭐ "Mr. Brightside"/"Mr. Silver Lining". He has a habit out of strategically trying to find a positive in every bad situation. It starts raining on a day he planned a beach trip? Guess you're going to have to sit through a musical number from the 1952 classic "Singing in the Rain" while this fool dances with an umbrella. Please stop him before a crowd gathers, it'll just spur him on.
⭐ Clingy to an annoying degree. While he's fine by himself most of the time, he still craves attention. Until he learns your personal boundaries and schedule, he can get in the way of a lot of your daily activities. Private time is something you have to ask for.
⭐ Like always, he wants to be seen as a hero, so he might put himself into some dangerous situations just to get praise from you. This man will literally take a bullet for you, please stop him from putting himself into that position.
⭐ The first to apologize after an argument, even if he feels like he's in the right. He really doesn't want to mess up in his relationship over something he'd consider 'stupid'.
⭐ Due to his broad interests, he's open to a lot of date ideas. Whether it's staying home to watch a movie together, going to an arcade, or even hiking, he's up for it.
⭐ Just let him know ahead of time if you can't handle scary movies, like make it 100% clear you don't want to see them, because he may try to rope you into watching them like he's done with Kiku in the past. Trust me, listening to him freak out over the movie is honestly more nerve wracking than the actually movie.
⭐ If you're the type to hyperfixate on things, you now have someone to rant to. He's ready to listening to you talk about stuff even if he doesn't entirely understand it. Just be open to listen to him rant at ten times the frequency about the things he likes however childish they may be at times.
⭐ The nosey boyfriend. He gets into your stuff, checks your social media posts when your out with other people, and calls you a lot when he's not working to see what you're up to.
⭐ Tries to be romantic, fails at it, nerdy edition. He really does try to take you out 'nontypical' romantic locations, like a planetarium. Yet he nerds out so much over stars and constellations it translates more as 'cute' rather than overly romantic.
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Prussia General Dating Headcanons
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🐤 The type to brag about his partner to anyone who would listen, his brother being the one to hear the most. It's to the point where Ludwig wouldn't be able to sit through a family dinner without you coming up at least once in conversation.
🐤 If you live with him, chores are split 50/50, he likes a clean home. He's set aside hours of the day where he just cleans his home, so it's best to either plan around that, or move to another room to stay out of the way. It's not that he wouldn't accept help, but he acts and says he doesn't really need it.
🐤 The type to stop arguments from happening by pulling the 'agree to disagree' card, or at the very least try to explain his views in a nice way if you haven't enraged him somehow. Always open to compromise. As much as he likes to start fights with other nations, he's not about to start that with you. You're supposed to be on the same side after all.
🐤 Hope that you like birds, since he's pretty attached to his. The bird may try to land on you, perch on your shoulder, talk to you (chirp at you), or simply rest near you on. You may want to start carrying birdseed with you.
🐤 Extremely confrontational with others. He only gives people one warning not to insult to you before he physically hurts someone or publicly humiliates them. He really doesn't see an issue with getting in other people's face about their treatment of you. He doesn't care what the person's problem is, if they don't stop, they're going to be dealing with a very pissed off eastern German man.
🐤 He's actually more socially awkward for not trying to pursue romance until now. Sure he says he's awesome at everything but he's spent most of his life until now dodging marriage and fighting other nations. You can't expect him to be perfect, especially since the closest thing he's experienced to it is playing the 'big brother' role. He's just been really lonely until you came along, and he's certainly not going to know how to process it fully until later on.
🐤 I'm pretty sure you're going to find him splayed out on the floor taking apart a microwave or even a car at least once in your relationship. His interests in mechanical engineering will come into play anytime he becomes too bored. He likes knowing how the mechanics of devices work, just hope he knows how to put it back together before you'll need to use it again.
🐤 If you ask about his own history (given that you know he's a nation) he's going to give you a less factual and more abridged "I have always been awesome" version. If you want something more reliable, try his diaries, you can read between the lines more easily (and it's not like he won't let you read them if you ask).
🐤 Outwardly ignores when other people flirts with him (not that they would do that very often), he knows he's awesome but he has an almost equally awesome partner already and he isn't going to settle for less than you. (Though he'd give anyone who flirts with you a death glare because he's literally right there.)
🐤 Picky eater, if he's not cooking, it's more likely that he'll talk Bonnefoy into cooking for both of you. Honestly though, he'll say you're a great cook even if you cook simple things.
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ask2ps · 4 months ago
2p Italy and 1p England would be besties. I can see they shit talking people and being a general menace/chaotic evil together. You can see it as ship if you want to, but I like to see it as platonic/found family. Two chaotic evil creatures bonding over the fact that they’re both menaces to society.
/lh /nay
You know, since 2P!Italy goes into the 1P world first, he and 1P!England actually have a LOT of time to interact!
As my mind turns, I consider the following:
Arthur is definitely amused at first by "Feliciano" suddenly acting kind of different. They've never been particularly close, because Feliciano's... (gestures) er, joviality doesn't really settle well with Arthur. He'd appreciate the change of pace with 2P!Italy. Misery loves company, and 2P!Italy is nothing if not miserable.
Of course, it couldn't be too obvious: a fun part of the 2P!Takeover to me is that (with some poor actor exceptions hem hem PRUSSIA hem hem) it's hard to tell who has been taken over and who hasn't. Really fuels into the paranoia later.
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In the beginning, I could see them being pals for sure. But I also consider both of them too closed-off and distrusting to really get close to one another. For the following reasons:
2P!England is sure to let each and every nation know that the 1Ps are, like, totally evil** and whatnot. So 2P!Italy isn't interested in getting too attached to "England's Evil Twin." (you see, of course, the joke is that, actually, Oliver is evil or something?) 2P!Italy regards everything that the 1P's do with quiet scrutiny... (except for 1P!Romano, of course, but that's for later.)
2P!Italy also isn't really excited on getting attached to someone who is going to cease to exist soon, overwritten by his ACTUAL Good Friend England. (Yeah, I imagine 2P!Italy and 2P!England are friends. And as we've seen, 2P!England is kind of jealous of his counterpart, and 2P!Italy knows not to get too close for that reason.)
On the other hand, while England initially takes "Feliciano's" changes in stride, that's only because he's the first. When it happens again, and again, and again-- and it finally occurs to the 1Ps that hey maybe something weird is happening? -- it quits being endearing and starts being frightening. So. Friendship over. Not that it ever truly began. For reasons not even related to the 2P!Takeover, he's just a grumpy old man with trust issues and a lot of self loathing. He didn't trust "Feliciano" when he was too nice, why would he trust him when he's getting a sudden mean streak?
TLDR: They could definitely be chaotic friends. In another universe, that friendship might even have some truth to it. But with the circumstances being what they are (2P!Italy is possessing Feliciano's body to help with a plan that will result in Arthur's eventual "death," and on some level Arthur is aware that something is wrong with "Feliciano,") the fun doesn't last long. A very interesting thought nonetheless, and a little bittersweet. Thank you Anon!
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heta-on-the-books · 2 months ago
Hetalia Ask Blogs
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Updated Feb 2, 2025
Building as we go
@a-mertalia-egypt (AU Art Blog)
@ask-gypt (Art Blog)
@ask-little-egypt (Child, Art Blog
@ask-fallenangel-alfred (AU Art Blog) (Hiatus)
@ask-Ivanslittlecapitalist (Art Ask Blog)
@ask-kingpin-al (Human 2p Art Blog)
@ask-streetchild-alfred (Human AU Art Blog)
@ask-hetalia-canada (Art Blog 1p's Choose Your Own Adventure Blog)
Ancient Egypt
@ask-kemet (art Blog)
@ask-his-flower-and-her-bear (Cosplay Blog, Cannon and OC Character)
(to be filed)
Persian Empire
@de-beste-persian-empire (Art Blog)
@ask-cohabitation-2p-persia (AU Art Blog)
@grandparomeaskblog (Cosplay, Art, Lit blog. Includes Constantinople OC) 
(to be filed)
(To be filled)
@ask-bikerkuro (Human 2p/2p Nyo Art Blog)
@ask-earthbender-arthur (Avatar AU Art Blog) Hiatus 
@ask-mr-biscuit (Cosplay Blog)
@ask-nyo-england-aster-kirkland (Nyo Art and Writing)
@askdoctoroliver (Human 2p Art Blog)
(To be filled) 
(to be filled)
@ask-the-german-commander (Cosplay Blog)
@ask-mr-germany (Art Blog)
@ask-useless-german (2p Art Blog)
@ask-the-useless-german (2p Cosplay Blog)
(to be filled)
(To be filled)
Kugelmugel (To be filled)
@ask-badlydrawn-aphliechtenstein (Art Blog) *On Hiatus* 
Luxembourg (to be filled)
@asknetherlands (Art Blog)
@ask-thenetherlands  (Art Blog)
@aph-portugeese-of-wine (AU Art Blog)
@askmspaintgilbird (Art Blog Gilbird)
@ask-east-prussia (2p Art Blog)
(To be filled)
Scotland (To be filled)
Sweden (To be filled)
@ask-aph-baltics (Fanart, incorrect quotes, fan fiction, memes) (muses Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia)
@ask-toystory-hetalia  (AU Multimuse Art Blog) (Hiatus)
(to be filled)
OC’s @ask-aph-lebanon (Art Blog)
@ask-aph-mohawk (Art Blog *Native American Mohawk*)
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minorisato · 2 months ago
2p names bc i think the "official" 2p names are dumb
hetalia / NA / headcanons / warnings: NA / notes: if im bout to ship 2p can & 1p ame i ain't about to have matthieu have the same last name as alfred's brother
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2p america ;; Allen F. Kennedy 2p canada ;; Matthieu Bouchard 2p england ;; Oliver Davies 2p france ;; Jacques Dupont 2p russia ;; Viktor Alekseev 2p china ;; Xiao Fei 2p north italy ;; Luciano Ricci 2p south italy ;; Flavio Ricci 2p germany ;; Lutz Weber 2p prussia ;; Henrik Weber 2p japan ;; Kuroko Watanabe 2p austria ;; Roland Leitner
most names were just decided by what i think sounds nice. i renamed 1p prussia to Heiko, bc i hate the name Gilbert violently, so i renamed 2p prussia to also have an H name. 2p japan is transfem to me don't ask why.
note that i am a stupid american and not an expert on names or name meaning, i really just googled common last names for their respective countries and went from there. i also only did characters i remember being very common in 2p art.
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1p2p-heta-suggestives · 2 years ago
sorry to add on if youre getting tired of doing these, but i was hoping you could do an nsfw alphabet for 1p prussia? thank you! <3
(It’s totally alright! They do take a little longer than the other asks because there’s so much to write but I really don’t mind answering them :])
A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
• It’s not great, he’ll make sure that they’re alright and offer them a drink but he mostly just wants to sleep, that’s it.
B - Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
• He likes his hair, he got kicked about it a lot but he decided that it’s now his favourite part because fuck what everyone else says
• He likes their stomach, he will just rest his head on their stomach because it’s comfy to him
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
• He cums pretty fast, maybe in around 5 minutes, much to his own embarrassment and he really likes to cum inside of people
D - Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
• There’s a lot of images of him online, a LOT, he’s not embarrassed about it but he does try to keep it secret so other people don’t mock him
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
• Raised EXTREMELY religious so he doesn’t actually have that much experience because of it
F - Favorite position (This goes without saying)
• Missionary, partly due to religion and partly just because he likes the way people claw into his back
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc.)
• Hates being serious even in general, so he’s more goofy than serious during sex
H - Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.)
• Doesn’t really groom himself unless someone tells him to do it. He’s albino so all the hair on his body is the same white colour.
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
• Not intimate unless he’s in a relationship with them and even then it’s not much, it makes him a little awkward
J - Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
• Doesn’t really jack off that much, he’d rather go find someone than jack off
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
• Sadomasochism
• Any kind of power play
• Ropes
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do)
• If it’s a ONS, their place, makes it easy for him to leave and never have to see them again
• If it’s his partner, his room, it’s just where he’s most comfortable
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
• Nothing particularly turns him on, pretty much just happens when it happens
N - No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
• Anything over the phone, he just can’t get off that way, any kind of phone sex or sexting is a hard no from him
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
• Prefers to receive. He’s not that skilled, he does try but it’s very sloppy - some people prefer that though.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
• Prefers something slow and rough, sensual does nothing for him and he’s worried he’ll cum even faster if it’s something fast
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
• Loves them, worships them, he thinks they’re great, especially when he doesn’t have much time on his hands
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc.)
• Not a big fan of either, he knows what he likes and what he doesn’t, he’s perfectly happy to just stick with that
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
• Despite his big talk, he can’t actually go for that many rounds. He’s old, he’s tired, give him two rounds and he’s done. He’d die if this ever got out.
T - Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
• He got gifted one or two but he never uses them, he just never needed them so he’s more likely to use them on someone else instead
U - Unfair (How much they like to tease)
• He loves to tease, he thinks it’s funny to see people get needy
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
• Only loud if he’s overstimulated, otherwise he’s more verbal than vocal
W - Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
• In his diaries, he always writes about his sexual experiences, may or may not have a rating system
X - X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
• Smaller than average, around 4 inches, has a single dydoe piercing
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
• Not as high as he claims, he’s fine with just once a week, if that. He mostly keeps up the charade because of his friends being very sexual.
Z - Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
• Give him like 3 minutes and he’s fast asleep, he’s exhausted, he’s done
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coralcatsea · 3 months ago
Another Ask Blog List
At this point a lot of characters are taken, but there's nothing wrong with a few doubles for the sake of options.
Some people might only want to interact with blogs run by adults, and some minors might feel more comfortable with fellow minors, or some people might just like certain portrayals more than others.
So I've made a list of taken characters and how many (active) blogs I've seen roleplaying them in case people want to try playing a character who doesn't have as many blogs.
Each asterisk represents a blog.
Lithuania (1p)*
China (nyo)*
Greece (1p)*
Ancient Greece (1p)*
Belarus (1p)*
Australia (1p)*
Rome (1p)*
Seychelles (1p)*
Poland (1p)*
Liechtenstein (1p)*
Philippines (1p)*
Thailand (1p)*
Germania (1p)*
Macau (1p)*
Spain (1p)*
Indonesia (1p)*
Czech (1p)*
Kugelmugel (1p)*
Creatures (1p)*
Wy (1p)*
Luxembourg (1p)*
Persia (1p)*
New Zealand (1p)*
Netherlands (1p)*
Cyprus (1p)*
Estonia (1p)*
Latvia (1p)*
Iceland (1p)*
Norway (1p)*
Sweden (1p)*
Finland (1p)*
Hungary (1p)*
Egypt (1p)*
Ireland (1p)*
Hong Kong (1p)*
South Korea (1p)*
Monaco (1p)*
Knights Templar (1p)*
Japan (1p)**
Austria (1p)**
Denmark (1p)** (nyo)*
Romano (1p)**
Germany (1p)** (2p)*
Singapore (1p)**
France (1p)** (2p)*
Canada (1p)** (2p)*
Prussia (1p)****
Russia (1p)*** (18th cent.)* (child)*
England (1p)** (nyo)** (AU)*
Italy (1p)*** (risorgimento)* (child)* (2p)*
America (1p)** (2p)** (AU)***** (nyo)*
In my conclusion, we have a good amount of America, Italy, England, Russia, and Prussia blogs for right now and it'd be nice to see more variety for other characters!
(Apologies if I missed anything. It's hard to keep track of every ask blog, and I tried to avoid counting those that didn't seem active)
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Here's a list :D
Wants to be praised:
1p Lithuania, 2p Ancient Rome, 1p Belgium, 1p Finland, 1p Germany, 1p Canada, 2p England, Zil
Wants to give praise:
2p Ukraine, 1p Norway, 2p Denmark, 1p Prussia, 2p England, (1p Russia if with a serious partner)
Also because of reasons Zil has to write on her phone, so if I'm the formatting sucks I'm terribly sorry, but I'll try to write ^^
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theunderneath · 1 year ago
Part 1 Hetalia / 2p Hetalia
Yandere 1p and 2p America with a darling that chooses 1p America? (headcanons / EDITED)
2p America and 2p Canada's reaction to their s/o getting badly hurt in a car accident (Headcanon /
2p FACE + 2p Romano react to a s/o who bruise easily (Headcanon /
Yandere Canada that is a Wendigo (One Shot /
Would the 2p's still drug/tie up/lock their darling in the basement if they were in a relationship with them willingly? Could they have a normal relationship even if they are Yandere? (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Canada/James Williams and his darling fucking up the people who hurt both of them in the past (Headcanon /
2p Allies scared their Darling so bad they punched them (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Prussia SFW and NSFW headcanons (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Nordics headcanon (
Yandere 1p Allies in love with a Darling who yandere for someone else (Headcanon /
NSFW headcanons for 2p and 1p Japan (
NSFW headcanons for 1p Russia (
A sociopath darling with Allies (Headcanon /
2p Norway sharing a Darling with 2p Iceland (Headcanon /
NSFW headcanons for 2p Russia and 2p America (Headcanon /
2p Prussia, 1p Canada, 2p Canada, 2p England, and 1p Japan that has a big tiddie goth gf Darling (Headcanon /
1p/2p axis with a cold-hearted/sociopath Darling (Headcanon
Yandere 2p Russia, 2p England, 1p America, and 1p Germany with a darling that rejected their marriage proposal because of superstition (Headcanon /
2p Russia do if his kidnapped Darling one night comes to his room while he was asleep and cuddled to him (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Italy headcanon (
Yandere 2p Italy's favorite outfits to put a fem Darling in (Headcanon /
The most sexual vanilla p2's (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Russia and 2p Prussia proposing to their Darling and they turn them down (Headcanon /
Yandere 2p Spain headcanons (
What 5 2ps are most baby-hungry (Headcanon /
What 2ps would want a personal Playboy bunny (headcanon /
2p Italy kink headcanons (
2p Japan with a Darling that gets flustered when he speaks Japanese (headcanon /
2p Axis most taboo kinks (Headcanon /
Part 2
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adelheidsideblog · 1 year ago
Do the 2P Axis act the same with as their 1P’s with high libido lovers or completely differently?
So, admittedly, I don’t know as much about (most) of the 2ps, so bear with me.
- Like his 1p, I think sex is his stress relief
- He has more of a sub energy though, but seems like a vers. Ultimately if you’re bossy enough (and let him cum) I think he’ll do whatever you want.
- I could see him being into quickies where his partner gets off but he doesn’t (orgasm denial?)
- He’s also more open to public sex than his counterpart and will get frisky anywhere there isn’t kids around
- Ultimately a good match for someone with a high libido
- I definitely think he’s similar to his 1p but I don’t see him receiving penetration
- I also see him bottoming less often
- Also is very into public sex but particularly in places he’s likely to get caught at (not church though. He can’t get a boner in such a holy place)
- Will overstimulate his partner to tears
- I actually think he has a lower libido but hates the idea of his partner masturbating without him so he’s more willing to get them off
- Anti-quickie unless he’s drunk
- He likes feeling needed (he would never admit that though)
- Overall I think he would do okay
- Definitely has a higher libido than his 1p
- Has slept around a lot because of it
- He’s into edging/denial to make sessions longer
- To a lesser extent is also into overstimulation
- He likes to make you beg for it
- It takes him a long time to cum because of medication he takes
- I actually think he’s a sex repulsed asexual (1p Prussia is not sex repulsed but is on the asexual spectrum)
- 2p Romano is very needy and his love language is physical touch, meaning he also has a high libido
- It doesn’t take him long to cum but he can go for multiple rounds
- I don’t see him as a top, or a dom
- For the most part, he lets his partner do whatever they want to him. He doesn’t really care so long as he gets to cum.
- With that being said he’s great at giving head
- Also an exhibitionist. He’s willing to have sex in shockingly public places too (he has had sex in a church)
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shini--chan · 4 months ago
In your opinion, would germany and prussia be very different as yanderes? Because while i think both would be strict and maybe even cruel, i find that germany is more likely to be more naive? On that note... prussia character sheet? 🙏🙏
Oh yes. In any time periode, Germany is simply far more awkward and naive than Prussia. In the beginning he is a lanky, rebellious kid who has a close and complicated relationship with his older brother. He is alike him in all the ways Prussia loves and loathes. But there is also the Bavarian and Austrian influence that makes Gilbert want to put his head through a wall. He is far more lax and openminded and cheeky than Gilbert - spitting on Prussian censorship, fliriting with socialism and Feuerbachian ideology and playing football no matter how much Gilbert scolds him for engaging in "the english sickness". He'd engage in the worst attrocities because he'd be steeped in his own self-rightousness and then drowns in guilt when he is beaten back and his eyes are opened.
Ludwig came from student fraternities and the overthrow of an old order by youngsters that wanted more than the word offered them. Meanwhile Gilbert arose from a knightly order that was smashed because it became too powerful, that became a duchy and then a kingdom and then a military power to be reckoned with. It shows in both their characters and how they would be as yanderes.
Gilbert would be calmer, more patient and more controlling. He is more comfortable with a sword in hand and a field cot to sleep in and hates modern life. He is just bursting with energy nowadays that has become directionless because there are no more heroes and no more pioneers. He is an old general that can never rest, that is sharp and dangerous. Sharp and dangerous things are not suited for modern times and that is his problem.
Meanwhile Ludwig has more passion and is far more likely to crash and burn and then repent with interest. He is an idealist with no charisma, a romantic that dreams of knights and glory and would inpale himself on his enemy's sword if he were to land a hit. Yet he would never let go of his modern life because it is safe and clean and thinking about his own past scares him. Less resiliant, especially next to his elders, and still all the more blood thirsty.
Seems like I have been rambling. I'll have to do a relationship/character study of them on my non-yandere account.
In short:
Prussia: controlling, patient, and realistic. Restless with his excess energy and less likely to indulge in comforts with how he knows (he has experienced firsthand) how it corrupts the character. When bad times come, he'd roll his eyes and roll up his sleeves. Self-aware and prepared to be harsh if you call him out on it.
Germany: idealistic and passionate with no guile or innate charm or charisma. Doesn't think things completely through and still stubborn to boot. Moralising and very likely to fall to delusion. Would scapegoat and belittle and rationalise if you'd point out his misdemeanors.
Yandere Character Sheet I - 1p Prussia 
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Trigger warnings: physical, emotional and verbal abuse, torture methods, mind break, murder, inprisonmemt, abuse of power and authority, non-con roleplay, live target practise and human experimentation
Attributes - What sort of Yandere is he/she?
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Above all else, Gilbert would be hard. Despite all his years, he had never been good at comforting people, nor did he even deem it necessary most of the time. He tends to view other people as overly soft and chances are high that he would view you in the same light. To him, you would be iron that he would have to hammer so that it hardens, so don't expect him to go easy on you. In fact, he would see it as his job to toughen you up. To him, it wouldn't change if you love him or not, you would still be restricted to two meals a day, cold showers and waking up at the crack of dawn everyday. A day spent idly is a day wasted, in Gilbert Beilschmidt's mind. Also, he would be the sort of person that could take a lot of punishment, so don't expect to be able to beat him down or chastise him into submission. 
Your captor would also be of the energetic sort. Not in the sugar shock way that Alfred would be at times, rather in the restless manner that a tiger pacing its cage is. Constantly there would be work or a project or a strenuous hobby to engage in. Having to tag along with his activities would be a blessing and a curse packed in one. On one hand, it would mean that he would see you as competent enough to not accidentally ruin his work, on the other hand it would mean that he would hold even higher expectations of you. Besides that, he would expect you to work for him, willingly or unwillingly. Gilbert would be constantly searching for ways to bind you more strongly to him and make you spend more time with him. Seeing that his ideal lifestyle would result in only using his living quarters for resting, nourishment and washing, he would want to style your relationship with him so that you’re not some stay-at-home housewife. Oh no, he would very much want to drag you along for the ride. Should you need to be properly tamed, then he would spend more time at home with you. And become bored very fast. Mark my words when I say that a bored Gilbert Beilschmidt is the last thing you would want. 
Additionally, he would be persistent and unlikely to allow himself to be swayed by petty emotions. At first, this would be ironic considering that he would be yandere for you. Upon further inspection however, you might find out he “landed” himself in his obsession with you through a complex series of emotional acrobatics and mental gymnastics. Gilbert could be considered a genius at rationalising his emotional impulses and more unsavoury behaviour. To get back on track - he would be able to resist emotions that suddenly pop up, like boredom and anger and happiness. So don’t expect him to let you free just because of momentary boredom. Bigger emotions would first have to enter the rationalisation stage before he would act on them. And he wouldn’t tire of you easily, or be quick to be put off by any disgusting behaviour on your side. He would view you as work in progress and remind himself that growth isn’t always linear. There would be setbacks that he would have to work through with you and the like. Yet he would still be relentless, because never should you believe that you should be able to outlast or outwait him. 
Gilbert is also the sort that plans ahead. He would have the road to his desired destination mapped out and would consistently follow it. Chasing after vague morals wouldn't be his style, and even with courting you, he would treat his conquest of you in a military manner. Should matters not proceed as he would've foreseen, then he would simply adjust his tactics. He would have contingencies in mind and the power to execute them. If you throw something in his way, then he would have the wits to improvise on the spot. Should he speak of “the foreseeable future”, keep in mind that he is at least speaking of the next five years. 
On top of all that, he would be strict and unyielding. A man that compromises on his morals is a man that has already surrendered to the devil, in his point of view. As such, he wouldn't allow for any exceptions to the rules. No amount of pleading or begging or puppy eyes would prevent you from being punished if you cross the line. Also, you wouldn't be excused from leading a similarly spartan lifestyle. Should you come from money, then he would label you as a brat in need of humbling and be even harsher towards you. Being sugar-addled and spoiled would just mean that you would be in need of a reckoning, in his eyes. Also, too much comfort would ruin a person’s character, according to him (cough* Austria, cough*), so to save you from hell, damnation and all that jazz, he would have to unpack the drill sergeant for you. Mind you, there would be little that would hold him back from bullying you. Despite how many poems he would dedicate to you, how many horses and ships he would name after you and all his declaration of love, it would be easy to think that he’d hate you, with how he would treat you. In many ways, you would be childlike to him, and just like a child, you would be so prone to negative behaviours on the basis of them being “pleasurable”. He would be the one to guide you back on the right track. 
Something you'd also have to account for would be his controlling tendencies. While he would be very aware that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, it wouldn't prevent him from trying to have as much control over any situation as possible. You would be no exception here. Not that he would become anxious if he wouldn't be in control - it is more about ideal and prefered states. If he can't have full power, then he would settle with having the initiative.
Cornering - How would they get you?
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Maybe the two of you would come into contact via other people. That could be through work, or club activities or through a shared friend group. Either way, the two of you would be obligated to interact with each other, regardless of your feelings with him. The mandated interaction with one another would give him the perfect excuse to grow closer to you, to even be mean at times, without him having to worry about you disappearing into thin air. You could bet your life on that he would make some off-colour remarks and do one or the other peculiar deed just to see how far he could push you. 
Such a dynamic would also allow him to reveal some of his true colours without you immediately running away. Besides, he would have people around to calm you and vouch for him. After all, at the end of the day, he is a credible, reliable and effective member of the group. People would much prefer to turn a blind eye than to lose him. If he would've a higher role in this little social circle, then he would be sure to use it to his advantage. Perhaps he'd be your trainer in a martial art, and use sparring as an excuse to throw you around. If he'd be harsher than usual, then it'd be due to him using the opportunity to punish you. Or he could be your superior, he would heap work load after work load on you, having to do the best and the worst tasks your occupation lets you. 
Depending on the circumstances, he might rope you into a mentor/mentee relationship with him. It would give him an excuse to grow all the closer with you, without people raising eyebrows due to how he'd enthral you to him. Such a foundation would also make you less suspicious when he'd reel you in. By the time you'd realise the true nature of this relationship, you'd already be in too deep and he would've already slammed the door shut. 
Exploring other ways he could entrap you - a more apparent display of his intentions comes to mind. Perhaps you are a civilian in an area under martial law, and he a captain of a battalion. Or you are a subversive social element, and he the agent tasked with shadowing and subduing you. Of course, you could be a hostage, a political prisoner or a genius that is kept in a gilded cage and he your warden. While there might be the professional barrier, he wouldn't be forced to be cordial with you. He could drag you by the hair where he'd want you to be, he could beat you into submission without any higher ups questioning his actions. Love isn't permitted in this dynamic, yet what he'd feel for you isn't love, strictly speaking. It would be much more twisted, much more violent and in a situation where the scales are tilted in his favour from the get-go, it would be more socially acceptable than sweet romance. The irony wouldn't escape him, and he'd muse about it while the two of you would do your morning exercises.
Expectations - What do they expect of you?
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Gilbert would be rather unconventional here, owing to the fact that he'd be an unconventional man himself. At the top of his list of expectations would be honesty. This is not to be mistaken for always telling the truth - a person can tell nothing but the truth and be utterly devious and cunning. What this Beilschmidt would demand, would be honesty - no white lies or fibs or things that are true from a certain point of view. Even saying things that are true but don't pertain to the situation/question would be enough to set him off. Additionally, he wouldn’t take it well at all if you’d lie through permanent omision. Sure, he could be considerate and understand that you might need time and the view of a third party before you confront him, though you’d have to confront him eventually. If you’d keep your silence, if you’d complain about him behind his back, yet only smile sweetly when you’re with him, then he’d go berserk. You’d be allowed to kiss your freedom goodbye and enjoy a few weeks in a cellar, an attic or a cupboard. All in all, he would prefer that you’d be frank with your distaste of him instead of pretending to be enamoured with him. A German saying comes to mind: Wer einmal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht, auch wenn er die Wahrheit spricht. (You don’t believe a person who lies even once, even when he speaks the truth.)
Have some self-respect. Generally, that should be a fundamental requirement when having to interact with one Gilbert Beilschmidt because if you can’t stand your ground then he would simply steamroll over you. He’s the sort of man that would trigger people for fun. When it comes to you, this would apply in interesting ways. Gilbert would be very willing to play the part of drill sergeant and etiquette teacher if you aren’t already there yet. Just remember that you would save yourself a lot of trouble if you keep a good posture at all times, rarely whine or get drunk. Watch out, he would be very unforgiving in his crusade to teach you to be a better person. 
Next to that, you should have some resilience. Gilbert would hate people that break easily. In total, he would also loath sheltered people and hedonists, people who would recklessly chase after pleasure and comfort would disgust him. His idea of a nice date would be a camping trip at subzero temperatures and a fun evening would include some sparring (or a game of Monopoly). Should you be weak, then he would build you up and then call you his masterpiece. You'd continuously be reminded that you owe him, and he would want his debt repaid with interest. 
That being said, he wouldn't mind it if you're a bit rough around the edges. Some of your less vibrant traits might even be what would endear you to him in the first place. You're allowed to be rude, jaded, aggressive and much more and he would still be obsessed with you. Word of warning though - you should be prepared for him to meet you blow by blow. Beilschmidt would be confrontational by nature and wouldn't take anything lying down if he can help it. 
Tying a bit into the aforementioned traits would be a longing for competence. Yes, Gilbert would have a competence kink. If you excel in something, especially something useful and relevant, then he would be down hard. It would also ensure that he'd be softer to you. This would be a side effect of him being proud of you, and it would also cause him to be more likely to be indulgent towards you. Use the opportunity to make matters easier for you, be careful though - he would loath being used. Of course, you could gain more by giving him something in return. Your undying love, perhaps?
Faded - Would they let go of you in any way?
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If you’d break, then he would throw you away. What should he do with the shell of the person he “loved”, if not dispose of them? Maybe he would play in the shards of who you once were for a bit, yet that would eventually lose its lustre. Maybe he would try to build you up again, his very own personal project. If it wouldn’t work, then he would kick you out. 
Aside from that, he could be coerced into giving you up in some form of “terms of surrender”. While he can be vile, he would abide by his word. Of course, he wouldn’t be happy with this and do everything in his power to get you back without violating the treaty. Also, this wouldn't prevent him from keeping tabs on you or even stalking you. You'd be absent, yet his obsession would persist. 
On a lighter and slightly crackish note - if you expose him to enough surreal art and actually manage to get him to engage with it, then he might enter a catatonic state and you'd be able to escape. He'd let you be until he'd have everything figured out again. This would be especially ironic since messing with other people's perception of reality would be one of his favourite forms of torture. Here you'd have a guy that would still be stuck in the Classical era - things would have to make sense for him.
Punishment - How would they proceed if you do something they disapprove of?
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Oh boy, buckle up for you'd be in for a rodeo. 
If you're being particularly disagreeable, then he would provoke you into fighting him and proceed to wipe the floor with you. He'd throw you against the wall if you wouldn't be quick on your feet. Fighting dirty wouldn't be off limits for him, especially if you'd be very naughty. Sand in your eyes, hits to the throat and groin and ears. If you'd be present enough to remind him of a knight's gentlemanly code, then he might turn the violence down a few notches. A big emphasis on might, though. If it ain't combat, then he just might lay you over his knee and spank you with the flat side of his longsword. 
Another favourite of his would be hanging you by your feet from the rafters or a tree. He would say that you'd need a new perspective of matters, and that you'd then surely see the errors of your ways and the truth to his words and actions. Fainting wouldn't shorten your punishment - he'd just take you down until you wake up again and then put you back up. If anybody would ask, he'd make jokes about hanging you up to dry. 
Speaking of tying you up - another form of chastisement that he would use would be immobilisation. It could be through ropes or chains, or even the good old pillory. Gilbert would keep you there far longer than necessary, just to teach you a lesson. At times he would have you immobilised for durations that would be detrimental to your health. While he would treat you afterwards, he would be very mean while tending to you. On particularly bad days, he'd even go as far as to strap you down to a table to the extent that you'd only be able to move your eyes. If there's a way to induce sleep paralysis in another human being, then Gilbert would find out and inflict it on you. 
He wouldn't be more adverse to showing his more creative side if you'd force his hand. You could be his puppy for the evening, complete with a lead and a muzzle. For the rest of the day he'd force you to go on all fours and you wouldn't be allowed to use your hands (or feet) to eat. Act up, and he will take you to the vet. Or he could be the doctor and you his patient. Vaccinations would have to be updated, your blood analysed and he would be touching you everywhere to make sure everything is working as it should. Humiliation and practicality would go hand-in-hand here; it would also be completely hilarious to him. 
Or he would play the part of teacher and make you write lines on a board. He'd watch you the whole time, and you wouldn't get a break until you'd be finished. For more minor misdemeanours he'd slap you or yell at you for a bit. If he'd be particularly petty, then he'd allow you to sleep on the floor.
Reaction - How would they react to you escaping?
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First course of action would be to sit down and put his head in his hands. Don’t panic, because panic causes people to make mistakes. Pen and paper would be whipped out, be it with high quality paper in his office or with a notebook while standing in public transport. His first instinct would be to order his chaotic thoughts by putting them to paper. He would consider what you could have done, where you could have done and which third parties would be involved in this debacle. Depending on the situation, you could be a victim of his wrath or not. If this whole escape happened in the form of a kidnapping, then he would be more lenient with you. During your rescue, he would also be far more desperate, and he would use the whole fiasco as an excuse to be even more controlling of you. 
As for actual escapes - you would be hunted down. The aim of the game would be to capture,consolidate and return you home. The whole operation would be executed with military ruthlessness, and perhaps there would even be a few deaths. If there would be something that can push Gilbert’s buttons, it would be you rebelling against his ordained order. Depending on whether or not you were pretending to love him, your punishment for escaping would vary. Putting up an act would result in you being banished to solitary confinement for weeks, while a petty escape would just result in a few corporal punishments. 
More time between your escape and him finding you again wouldn’t mellow him out. Indeed, he would become more irate, and frantic. Perhaps he would even go as far as to brand you when he would capture you if you haven’t been by his side for a few years. One of few hopes you could have at softening the blow would be to amuse him during your capture, perhaps even make him laugh. 
Should you escape him before the “loving relationship” could be properly established, then he would be even more obsessed and insane. With you removing yourself from the picture, precious few of his desires would have been fulfilled and he would be all the more starved for you and your affection. A thirsty man in the desert chasing after fata morganas would have nothing on him. You would pay an even higher price for tempting him so cruelly and still refusing to sate him. 
Turnabout - Scenario: You have the upper hand? What would be different from their usual MO?
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Surprisingly, not much. Having more power than him wouldn’t amount much. Sure, it might make obtaining you trickier, though what does power matter if it isn’t used, or the circumstances dictate that you can’t use it. Besides, the quickest way to turn the tables would be to kidnap you and lay you in chains. While a king that is imprisoned in a dungeon is still a king, he doesn’t have any of his kingly power in such a situation. The same would apply to you. 
However, let’s assume that Gilbert can’t kidnap you for any reason, or that you legitimately have the circumstances firmly under your control. Being more powerful than him wouldn’t mean that he would be powerless. Perhaps he would enlist the help of another person - this would be one of the rare cases where he would be ready to share you for a while. Two can achieve more than one. Other than that, he would be no stranger to deception. Oh no, he wouldn’t lie, he would just play tricks and divert your attention and use subterfuge. Having power of your own wouldn’t mean that you would be immune to his, or have a countermeasure for every blow that he would deliver. 
Vengeance - What would they do in the face of competition?
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Drench himself in their blood. Having been a templar and a knight and a pirate and so much more, Beilschmidt would be no stranger to killing. Any inhibitions that a person could have in regards to that would have long been dismantled. Asides, he would always feel most at ease with a gun or a sword in his hand, so he would delight in the opportunity to put his weapons to good use. On top of that - a lot of people just have big mouths and a lot of swagger. When faced with real competition those types would be quick to fold, and it would bring him great joy to be the one that would crush their spirits. Gilbert wouldn’t shy away from being messy about it - instead of law enforcement never finding the body, they would never stop finding the body. He can be petty like that. 
Next to that, he might even kidnap the one or the other obstacle and torture them. Or use them for live target practice. It could even be both on the same person - he would be horrible and bloodthirsty enough to do that. Of course, he could also use them for social experiments or practise brainwashing techniques on them. Here, he also would care much if the person is more powerful than him: Being a king or a priest or a president wouldn’t change that there would be red blood in their veins and that a knife could slit their throat just a well as by anybody else. Perhaps if the repercussions would be severe enough, then he wouldn’t, though there would be ways around that as well - the chaos of battle, challenges to a duel, or accidents. He would even be willing to side with his sworn enemies in order to get rid of such pests 
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midnightlee25 · 2 years ago
Yandere Hetalia Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
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2P France
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Belarus (NYO)
Canada (Matthew Williams)
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France (Francis Bonnefoy) & Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt) & Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo)
North Italy (Feliciano Vargas) & Germany (Ludwig)
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Their darling confronting them about what they've done - France, England, America, Canada
Finding out their darling has an identical twin - North Italy/Feliciano Vargas
having a darling that’s having more than one baby - Spain/Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
England finding out his darling is also a yandere for him
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Character headcanons: Nyo England
Having a virgin darling - France/Francis Bonnefoy
Who is the easiest and hardest yanderes to deal with - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
Most dangerous to least dangerous to deal with - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
Platonic vs Romantic: Belgium
Most delusional to least delusional - Central Europe
Yanderes and their love languages - Axis Powers & Allied Forces
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Yandere Reactions: England with a willing darling
Random Yandere Headcanons: What makes yandere Germany so dangerous?
Yandere Reactions: Hetalia Girls with a small Island nation darling who feels insignificant and useless
Random Yandere Headcanons: 1P & 2P Italy with a shy darling
Yandere Reaction: England finding out his darling is also a yandere for him
Yandere Reactions: Allies & Axis With a darling who had a cryptic pregnancy
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