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Super Bowl 2021
Tampa Bay Bucs VS Kansas City Chiefs Top 15 Commercials I wanted the Tampa Bay Bucs to win and this is why!! It is what it is 💁♀️ Well Super Bowl Sunday was a lot different this year than the last several years for me. Not only because of the whole Covid thing but also because of the snow. I had decided I wanted Moe’s Southwestern Grill this year because I love tacos 🌮 and my girls love their…

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🇺🇸 Faith & Freedom Friday 🇺🇸 9/11/20
🇺🇸 Faith & Freedom Friday 🇺🇸 9/11/20
No better day then September 11th to share some patriotic, American made products and America loving businesses! And August was my birthday month so of course those who know me well stuck with my America theme! 🇺🇸
So many things to share so let’s get to it!
I’ve been hinting for months that I wanted Fox Nation and thankfully my husband actually listened. 😜 He signed me up for the…
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2020 Reading Challenge 📚
I’ve slacked off a bit this year since quarantine hit 😒 I feel like I’ve had less time to sit quietly and read. We aren’t going to the pool everyday like summers past and beach trips don’t really provide quiet reading time. The few times we are at the pool or beach I’m using the time to spend with others since we don’t get out as much these days. On top of all that the library has been a bit of a…
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Faith & Freedom Friday 🇺🇸
Not too long ago I read American Crusade by Pete Hegseth. I caught a clip of him promoting it on air and knew it was a book I needed to read. I’ve gifted it to others, lent it out and recommend it to anyone who truly loves America. I finished the book and felt so strongly about being fierce in showing just how much I love America. There’s so much divisiveness right now but surely people can’t…
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Faith & Freedom Friday 7/10/20 🇺🇸
Faith & Freedom Friday 7/10/20 🇺🇸
It’s Friday!!! 👏🏻🎉
After last weeks post I am so excited to keep going with this. I loved seeing all the likes, comments and messages we recieved especially those of you who shared some businesses with us. I started a list of all the businesses mentioned and will be sharing them in the weeks ahead, so keep them coming!!
This week I’m sharing a few of my favorite things……
I’m a lover of…
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Faith & Freedom Friday 🇺🇸
After months of talk, we’ve decided it was time we put our money where our mouths are!
Being a conservative and a Christian I’m usually good at being quiet, minding my own business, keeping my opinions to myself, buying what I need/want/like and not giving too much thought to where things come from, where my money ends up or what special interests these companies support. I love America with…
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30 Day Challenge

We are excited for summer and working out harder to get swimsuit ready! 👙 ☀️ Elena decided that I should come up with a 30 Day challenge for March three days before March. 🙄 So between working on Friday, basketball on Saturday, and church on Sunday I was finally able to finish it late last night.
We will be working out our abs and booty for the month of March. We pinned a lot of different…
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#family kids summer summertime summerfun summerideas mom momlife momofthree momof3 blog blogger momswhoblog friendswhoblog iti#fitness fitnessmotivation fitnessfun fitnessgoals workout workoutmotivation fitmom fitmoms fitmomof3 challenge 30daychallenge ex
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Top 10 Best Commercials during Super Bowl 2020
I’m going to be honest, this year I didn’t care at all who won the Super Bowl. So I was super excited about the food, the commercials and the half time show. The food was the only thing that didn’t disappoint!! The commercials in my opinion weren’t that good and the half time show was terrible! I felt awkward watching it with kids in the room. 🙈 It would have been much better with more…
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#football superbowl superbowlcommericals commericals touchdown chiefs 49ers sundayfootball sundayfunday#halftimeshow food family friends
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The Follow to Unfollow game on Instagram 🥴
Lately I’ve seen so many people posting irritated about losing followers and I feel their pain for sure. When someone follows us I always check to see their ratio of Followers to Following before I decide if I want to follow back . Listen I’m all for helping others grow but the selfishness is what gets to me. The game is what ticks me off.
So what’s the game you say?? Well if you’re trying to…
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Reading Challenge: 2019 wrap-up and 2020 goals 📚
Well I didn’t meet my goal of 50 books for the 2019 year but I’m still happy with the amount of books I was able to read. When the year started I got off to a great start and kept it going through spring & summer. Once fall rolled around though I couldn’t keep it going. It’s super hectic with the kids getting back to school, sports, religion, holidays etc. so I wasn’t able to make as much time…
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Managing the TikTok craze 😖
Managing the TikTok craze 😖
We are both raising girls, quite a few between us actually! I have two girls with a good amount of years and one brother in between them. Erin has 3 girls…… 3 girls 😳….ALL girls and fairly close in age. I pray for her often 🤣. And whether you want to admit to it or not, it’s definitely different raising boys and girls. And I’ll be honest, I am for sure stricter and more protective in many ways of…
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Young Adult Books 📖
Young Adult Books 📖
Ever since my first born started reading chapter books I read whatever she read. It started out so that I could help her prepare for her quizzes. At her old school they did AR and had to take a short computerized quiz after finishing every book. So I would read her books to help her with comprehension. I would get emails throughout the day with her scores on those quizzes and she was doing great!…
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2019 Reading Challenge Update 📚
Summer has been way busier than I imagined it would be. I pictured lots of quiet time relaxing & reading poolside, finishing books left and right …. but it hasn’t worked out that way yet. I’ve had some time here and there, but otherwise we’ve been doing a lot of running around with camps, swim lessons, summer baseball, errands, workers at the house and a recent 13th birthday that took up quite a…
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French Toast Casserole- with buns 🤪
Last weekend we decided kind of last minute Friday afternoon that we were going to grill up some hot dogs for dinner with friends. So when my husband got home from work I quickly ran out to get hot dogs, buns, sides and toppings. Hot dog buns were on sale 3 packs for $4. Does anyone else struggle with these deals the way I do? I mean I know I might not need the amount offered but I can’t seem to…
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My top 10 favorite Netflix series.
I know everyone is super excited about summer and it finally being warm enough to be outside again. Trust me when I say I am too!! It was a long, miserable winter here in New England and we didn’t have much of a spring. But I also know even in the summer we’ll have some rainy days. So here are my top 10 most favorite Netflix series you should check out when you are stuck inside.
1. What If
2. You
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Product Review: Tom & Sheri’s Iron in a Bottle 👕👚
I’m not a huge fan of ironing. Well that’s not entirely true. I thoroughly enjoy the actual act of ironing. It’s kind of relaxing and I’m a bit of a perfectionist so seeing the wrinkles completely gone really feels satisfying (⬅️my preteen uses that word all the time 🙄). Ok but seriously, if I start ironing I get into it and want all the clothing items at once to make them look perfect. But the…
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June is National Iced Tea Month 🍹
It’s June…I can’t believe how fast this school year went by and I’m excited for all things that include sunshine and tan lines! ☀️ Which means tons of sweet tea🏖🥤
I’ve been a sweet tea drinker for as long as I can remember. When I was young we used to make it with Lipton iced tea mix year round and on hot days my mom would make sun tea, 🙌🏻my fave! I’ve done the same since my kids were little and…
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