perasperaadpasta · 2 days
Julie Bindel has been an activist for women's rights since she was 17, when the 'Yorkshire Ripper', Peter Sutcliffe, began his 13-victim spree killing prostitued women to the police's utter disinterest, prompting her to join the Leeds Revolutionary Feminist Group to campaign against misogynist police bias.
She has acted as assistant director at the Research Centre on Violence, Abuse and Gender Relations in the University of Leeds, researcher at the Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit in London Metropolitan University, and has written for Brunel University, University of Lincoln, and dozens of papers like The Guardian since 1998.
She co-funded, along with her partner, Harriet Wistrich, a solicitor, and Hilary McCollum, the law-reform initiative Justice For Women, that campaigns against laws that discriminate against women in cases involving male violence agains partners, the main focus of her activism and what's she actually "known for";
In 2008, an issue Bindel had campaigned on for over a decade became the focus of government legislation. JFW and Southall Black Sisters had sought to change a law that protected men and penalised women. If men murdered a partner in the heat of the moment, an appeal to provocation was admissible in mitigation. Such an appeal was not practical for women trapped in violent relationships, because murders carried out in the context of ongoing subjection to violence tended not to occur in the heat of the moment, but would often be calculated to provide an escape from violence. The campaign to change the law sought to resist the mitigation that men could appeal to when partners were murdered, and allow the sustained violence to which women could be subjected to act as a mitigating factor. Harriet Harman, Minister for Women and Equality, was of a similar mind on this issue, and legislation was proposed that would change the law to this effect.
I disagree with her on several issues, mainly her stance on bisexuality and political lesbianism. I would never use this to disparage her otherwise dedicated work for the safety of women by reducing her to "known for being a polilez", especially in regards to a case of sexual violence that's completely unrelated to ideological disagreements.
It's just so pointless and gratuitously disingenuous.
Scarlett herself chose both Rachel Johnson and Julie Bindel to communicate with, certainly due to their women-centered platforms, and selecting only what you personally deem relevant out of these conversations is in the very least disrespectul to all involved.
As for the interview, this reply of hers:
For Scarlett, “Gaiman’s superfans somehow seem to think that they have personally been betrayed by the allegations because they see him as sharing their own tick-box ‘progressive’ values,” she told me. “It’s beyond belief for me that people just aren’t acknowledging that a man in his sixties has admitted that he got into the bath with his 23-year-old employee within the first few hours that they met.”
Would lead me to believe she has some notion of what the public response (aka his fandom' stupid posts all over social media) have been like, so all these people who have been claiming since July their continued simping for Gaiman and pity for themselves would not affect his victims at all can stand corrected, not that they'd care.
Interview with Scarlett
Scarlett, an alleged victim of Neil Gaiman (the nanny in New Zealand), was interviewed for a Sept. 14 article by Julie Bindel. Bindel is known for her transphobia, so many (including me) are choosing not to circulate the article in full, but I felt that Scarlett's own words are important to read. I excerpted those passages here.
"When I spoke to Scarlett last week, she told me how it felt impossible to not be impressed by Gaiman’s fame and status, while at the same time not feeling at all sexually attracted or drawn to him. “I’ve never read any of his books,” Scarlett tells me. “He just talked about himself all the time.”
For Scarlett, “Gaiman’s superfans somehow seem to think that they have personally been betrayed by the allegations because they see him as sharing their own tick-box ‘progressive’ values,” she told me. “It’s beyond belief for me that people just aren’t acknowledging that a man in his sixties has admitted that he got into the bath with his 23-year-old employee within the first few hours that they met.”
Scarlett, as with the other women who have come forward, was vulnerable at the time she met Gaiman, and, as she describes it, “desperate for love”. “Pretending to myself I had fallen for him was a way to kind of trick myself to think that I had not been sexually exploited,” she said.
How did the big corporations who profit from Gaiman’s work respond? While Disney and Netflix quietly paused their Gaiman adaptations, it took Amazon until last week to announce that filming of the final series of Good Omens had been halted due to the allegations. “I may be cynical,” Scarlett told me, “but I don’t imagine that Amazon or Disney have paused production because they altruistically care about allegations of abuse. Amazon and Disney have likely suspended production because they are a business, and the only thing that drives a business is cost. This is about cash and not care.”
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perasperaadpasta · 4 days
do love all the brazilians making the same joke we are now in danger of another invasion with all the gold the Paralympic athletes brought home tho jokes that never stop being funny
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perasperaadpasta · 4 days
Bolsonaro defunded all environmental regulatory entities in his term. In 2021 the budget for environmental policy was down to R$3,7 billion from a R$13,3 billion ceiling in 2014 (for contrast, he had enviromental crime fines annulled ammounting to R$ 16,2 billion).
Just under 4 billion for a country comprising half of the South American continent and containing 60% of the Amazon forest. Federal tax collection in 2021 was R$1.8 trillion.
He targeted Ibama, the principal regulatory entity responsible for inspection and permits; ICMBio the acting branch of the Ministry of the Environment responsible for preservation; and Inpe, a federal monitoring agency responsible for satellite and geographic data on deforestation.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
The dismantling of these entities have, in my opinion, not been even remotely addressed by current Workers Party president Lula nearly two years into his term, with a meagre R$ 459 million (with a "bump" to R$ 502 million in 2024) devoted to Ibama and ICMBio's deforestation and wildfire prevention programs.
It's clearly insufficient and definitely can mostly be faulted to the heavy presence of agrobusiness lobbying in Congress, but I'm not gonna pretend to not be disappointed in Lula's government in general, and the left's inability or unwillingless to criticize it and demand action of the government we elected.
The atrocious environmental budget limitation comes at an unprecedented historical drought period in Brazil:
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Blue is rain periods, red is drought.
This budget never needed increment more or more urgently.
'There is no blue sky anymore, we covered the country with ashes,' says Brazilian Indigenous intellectual
Ailton Krenak blames the cultural heritage of the Bolsonaro government for the fires throughout the country
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For the Indigenous thinker and intellectual Ailton Krenak, the “apocalyptic” scenario Brazil has faced in recent weeks due to the cloud of smoke covering most of the country is the result of a culture spread during the administration of Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party).
A member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters (ABL, in Portuguese) since May, the writer says that the dismantling of environmental regulations coupled with the discourse of the former president gave birth to a “mentality that you can set fires [to forests], that you can steal the forest, that you can wipe out the Pantanal biome. All this becomes a deleterious culture, a poor culture, and people end up embracing it,” he says in an interview with the Bem Viver TV show on Wednesday (11).
“There is no blue sky anymore. We covered the country with ashes, a smoke that's throwing a kind of acid rain over Paulista Avenue [in the city of São Paulo].”
Continue reading.
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perasperaadpasta · 5 days
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I'm genuinely dying at the international correspondent asking why we call Musk Rocket Kiko 🤣
Explanation as bonus:
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perasperaadpasta · 6 days
Hi, I also have OCD and reading your discussion with eroticcannibal I think I understand why they thought you don't understand OCD. I'm not condoning their behavior or what they said to you, and also they're just generally wrong and refuse to admit it. But in your first reply to them you did give the impression you were correlating groinal response to normal arousal. Like, I can see where one can mistake you for not understanding that. From your later replies it seems you do, but that first one was very weird.
This was exactly what I was trying to address in their initial post. They were equating arousal to voluntary exposure to violent pornography and kinks with groinal response, so I put it in quotes 'cause that's not what it is and it's such a ludicrous comparison to make at the expense of people with OCD.
But re-reading it I can see how my wording makes it seem I'm dismissing the concept of groinal response instead.
It'd be understandable if that's how they interpreted it but their behavior still wouldn't.
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perasperaadpasta · 6 days
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God the world is awesome
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perasperaadpasta · 6 days
"Even worse than the guessing game however, is the knowledge that MindGeek executives, using fake names, have continued to insist to the public that their “extensive team” of human moderators viewed and approved every single video uploaded to the site. If that is indeed true, the complicity of Pornhub in these mass sexual crimes goes much deeper than anyone imagined. Videos have been on the site of young looking teens include tags and titles such as “CP” (child pornography), “middle schoolers” and “Not 18”. Videos of obviously pre-pubescent children being anally raped while screaming were approved by Pornhub. Videos of naked, drugged, clearly unconscious young women being violently sexually assaulted were approved by Pornhub. Spycam videos of teen’s genitals using tiny cameras planted inside prom bathroom toilets were approved by Pornhub."
What these people get off to is precisely not having consent. Be that by assault of the vulnerable, disabled, incapacitated, minors. Be that by physical force or coercive circumstance. The inability to consent is the turn on. That is the entire point.
And their arousal is not consent-conditional. Even if someone's willing to just 'pretend' not to consent, that is completely immaterial to what they're actually excited by. It only matters in so far as them not getting in trouble for it.
They'll swear left and right that no-one can know their heart, that they respect consent and would never dream of doing it for real, and then watch it happening for real, are not able to tell, cannot be assed to care.
so fortunately due to Gisele Pelicot’s rape case (the case where a husband drugged his wife and let over 70 men rape her) apparently the porn category “sleeping” is no longer allowed on pornhub
do you wanna know who’s mad about that? the “Sex work is work” crowd. they’re mad that videos of Gisele Pelicot and other women like her being raped can’t be uploaded to pornhub, because it’s going to “harm sex workers who make that kind of content.”
progress is being made on our side but trust and believe that these people will be here every step of the way to ensure that progress is as difficult as possible.
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perasperaadpasta · 6 days
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perasperaadpasta · 6 days
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Well this was a lovely evening.
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perasperaadpasta · 7 days
feliz viernes culonas
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perasperaadpasta · 7 days
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perasperaadpasta · 7 days
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New Zealand’s second ever Māori queen, Nga wai hono i te po was announced as the new monarch of the Kiingitanga today on the final day of the tangihanga (funeral) of her father, King Tuheitia.
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perasperaadpasta · 7 days
I have lifted the definitions directly, it's verbatim what it means.
I am a rape victim with OCD.
For someone who claims feminists are condescending to women when criticizing behaviors that are detrimental to themselves, you are otherwise quite comfortable infantilizing us as unable to comprehend our issues to the point of requiring being babied on the nature of it.
No therapeutic approach to OCD relies on validating the irrational associations it induces as a normal or inconsequential response. Because it isn't. It's abnormal and causes intense distress, therefore syndromic. If it isn't distressful or abnormal to baseline it would be a different issue.
"fucked up kink OCD" (aggressive obsession? sexual impulses?) is supposed to be treated and managed, not indulged in and reinforced.
It's not a sentence, you're not helpless against it.
In any case, explaining this for other readers' sake. You'll be blocked in a bit and it wouldn't matter anyway.
Also, most practitioners and consumers of BDSM are not affected by OCD.
And I reiterate, as with the other poster who seems incapable of not offending me with crass misogynistic slurs every other word, that the fact you can't or refuse to observe how your own behavior is impacted is in the very least ironic.
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SWERFs/TERFs are saying a lot of shit on my posts right now, but this has to be one of the wildest ones. "Porn and kink are the reason the police do not take women's reports of sexual violence seriously" is such an embarrassing thing to say holy shit. Yeah sure that's the main problem with THE COPS lmao if only they didn't watch so much porn!
Also there's a reason they can't comprehend many kinky people actually care deeply about actual domestic violence and abuse - Consent and bodily autonomy are irrelevant to these 'feminists'. They are the ones who cannot see a difference between consensual kink, someone willingly producing BDSM content, and someone being genuinely abused and harmed.
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perasperaadpasta · 7 days
"Alright, you wanna start shit, let's start shit."
Between this and your tags alone it's a hard sell that you're not influenced by violence at all.
As I said:
A 2023 systematic review of 20 years of research into the correlation between violent pornography and non-sexual violence found an association does exist. Studies since the 80's have shown men exposed to increasingly more violent pornography showed less empathy towards women and were more likely to depersonalize them.
Feel free to post the studies you're referring to. I wouldn't mind reading them and comparing them to the research corpus that supports the consesus that exposure to violent pornography influences behavior negatively.
As to your question about the influence of media, I'll pose the same question I did another poster: does representation matter? If yes, why?
Are you capable of understanding that the influence of a certain consistent kind of depiction is not that people will emulate it 1:1 in real life but have their sensitivities to acts and individulas involved affected? And this is the effect that's been confirmed in research?
"where no one gets hurt." The point is that that's not true.
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SWERFs/TERFs are saying a lot of shit on my posts right now, but this has to be one of the wildest ones. "Porn and kink are the reason the police do not take women's reports of sexual violence seriously" is such an embarrassing thing to say holy shit. Yeah sure that's the main problem with THE COPS lmao if only they didn't watch so much porn!
Also there's a reason they can't comprehend many kinky people actually care deeply about actual domestic violence and abuse - Consent and bodily autonomy are irrelevant to these 'feminists'. They are the ones who cannot see a difference between consensual kink, someone willingly producing BDSM content, and someone being genuinely abused and harmed.
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perasperaadpasta · 7 days
What did you say that lacked a response?
You're presuming I meant desensitization in the context of behavior therapy methodology when the context in which it was said evidently referred to the psychological process; repeated elicitation of an emotion resulting in a lessening of the emotional response. It's a well documented effect of repeated exposure to violence (and other stressful and traumatic situations) the impact of which is (not entirely without controversy) used in EMDR and associated exposure therapies. It's a neuropsychological phenomenon that's established to be detrimental (and thus categorized as symptomatic when expressed chronically, like in PTSD) outside of a deliberate highly-controlled clinical environment.
If you insult me again over your own misunderstanding I'll block you.
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SWERFs/TERFs are saying a lot of shit on my posts right now, but this has to be one of the wildest ones. "Porn and kink are the reason the police do not take women's reports of sexual violence seriously" is such an embarrassing thing to say holy shit. Yeah sure that's the main problem with THE COPS lmao if only they didn't watch so much porn!
Also there's a reason they can't comprehend many kinky people actually care deeply about actual domestic violence and abuse - Consent and bodily autonomy are irrelevant to these 'feminists'. They are the ones who cannot see a difference between consensual kink, someone willingly producing BDSM content, and someone being genuinely abused and harmed.
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perasperaadpasta · 7 days
is she… yknow… *makes motion of playing the lyre, eating grapes, and writing poetry*
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perasperaadpasta · 7 days
Igual cada vez que comento sobre las internas de la política yanki me siento asi:
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