#1d at a sleepover
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yourlocalstilinski-valdez · 1 month ago
what would each of the boys do at a sleepover?
Liam: He'd surprise you with either a blanket fort or a blanket nest to sit in, and he'd have fairy lights hanging up(instead of the dreaded big light). You'd be playing Mario Kart(and winning) when he starts a pillow fight with you because he's jealous of your amazing Mario Kart-ing skills(you started winning solely because he fell off the map like 5 times, but who's counting?(You are, you're counting)) I fully believe that he'd drag you outside(if it's summer) for a water fight(he wins that one) Dragging his inner Leeroy out here- Liam would make you have a fashion show with him at some point during the night
Zayn(pretend that's yellow and not orange): He'd talk about how fun of a night he has planned; movies, board games, arts and crafts(including that one trend where you swap pictures every 10 minutes), etc. He'd probably win most the board games because you'd be to distracted by his beautiful face to strategize properly(guilty). You'd end up talking about just the most random things(When they say 2% milk I don't know what the other 98% is) He'd also fall asleep while leaning on you halfway through one of the movies
Niall: He'd have soooo many of your guy's favorite snacks on hand, like literally, you'd show up and his table would be FULL of snacks and drinks and everything. He'd get up at some point during a movie or show you'd be watching, and if you weren't paying attention while he was gone, he'd throw a bag of candy at you, only to flash you his adorable smile while resting his chin in his hands. I also feel like he'd be the type to start a spontaneous game of tag solely because he was bored. Also think that he'd claim he's not a huge cuddler(he loves cuddles, let's be honest), but you wake up to him cuddling you
Louis: I feel like he'd be more of a camping sleepover than an indoor sleepover kind guy. You'd drive out to a spot in the woods together while listening to all your favorite music on the radio and singing along. He'd be setting up the tent, refusing all your offers for you to help because he's "doing it the Tommo way" (the tent feel over like 10 minutes later.) More water fights, aka Louis squirting you with a water bottle while you re-set up the tent(must've been the rain(there's not a cloud in the sky)) Later into the night, you'd be sitting around a fire roasting marshmallows for s'mores, and he throw one at you while you're not looking at him, then claim is was the wind(must be done strong winds, amirite?) He wakes you up pretending to be a bear outside of the tent(he would probably actually scare the shit out of you but he doesn't need to know that since you realized it was him like 5 seconds later
Harry: This man plans the best sleepovers, alright. I'm talking HUUUUGE pillow fort, big enough to be considered a pillow castle, plushies, blankets, fairy lights(more big light hate) the works. Rents all your guys' favorite movies for you guys to binge, and after some of the movies he turns on a CD for you guys to dance around to(I fully believe that Harry likes vinyls over CDs, but my vinyl loving heart is just thinking about I the needle skips/scratches while you're dancing, and I think Harry would think the same(projecting) so bere(bear?) with me here) Harry, being the fashionista that he is, would also make you have a fashion show with him
A/n: So sorry this took so long, motivation was *not* on my side while I was working on this(it's been sitting unfinished in my drafts since January 23rd) Used a couple headcanons twice because I felt some of them fit with a couple of the boys. Hope you enjoy it!
@harrys-toothpaste / @fantastical-euphoria
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mvltisstuff · 2 years ago
can you pls write head cannons for dating cam Cameron ( tsitp ) if not it’s fine, thank you so much lovely xx 🩷
cam cameron hcs
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i genuinely think cam would be the best boyfriend in the show
he’d def bring you flowers for no reason, just because he wants to make you happy
even though cam doesn’t drink, if you drink too much he would take care of you no matter what
he doesn’t need drugs or alcohol to be the life of the party
karaoke king 👑
he would 100% love to go to the deb ball with you. i feel like he’d get nervous and like freeze when he sees you in a beautiful dress and hair
whenever you two have heart to heart convos, he listens so intently and just takes in every word. he fs loves when people listen to him and his history because he feels trusted
he texts you right at midnight on your birthday
falls asleep first at sleepovers though and wakes up super early
if he threw a party he’d be right behind everyone picking up their trash (emma from h2o vibes)
he would love taylor swift with no shame
his favorite album is red or evermore
was def a 1d stan and freaks out when there’s reunion rumors
he thinks movie nights are the best and always lets you pick the movie
very random but i feel like he’d love going to baseball games like the red sox (same)
has screen time reminders
whenever he cuddles with you he loves to wrap his arms around you and lay his head on your chest
if you work in a cafe or a little shop somewhere he always comes to visit
literally if you forget your lunch he will make another one for you
makes a mean dessert for gatherings
people watcher!! he’s an observer fr
ik he helps his mom do chores and treats her like royalty (as he should 🙌)
he would take his gf to see the barbie movie if it means something to her and bring flowers and candy for them (if my boyfriend ever did this for me i’d marry him)
he loves swimming with you in the pool and his favorite thing to do it make a whirlpool
he would literally spend hours on it if he could
i feel like he has a color coordinated closet
had a crush on jeremiah (jam supremacy)
he loves holding your hand whenever he can
on the boardwalk he just swings your hands and doesn’t let go
he’s always kind to everyone, even if they’re not to him
he’s so passionate and loves talking about his interests
if he’s away on an internship or something he tries to contact you in any way he can, and when he comes back he wants to spend as long as he can with you
i love cam cameron and you should too!!
i’ve never done head cannons before, but i hope these are alright <3 i cant wait to write more fics for him
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violentdevotion · 8 months ago
write mash on the top of your page. (mansion, apartment, shed or house). write down our categories (true love, career, number of kids, what country you'll live in, pet) and write four things underneath each category. make sure you include at least one awful one in each. pick a random number between 1 and 10. count each item down the page starting with the mash and cross off the answer that you land on until you have one in each category (mash is also a category) and that's you're future life
im going to pretend that we're all 10 and are having a sleepover.
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fortunatelyseveredreamland · 5 months ago
What a week…
It’s so weird to be back here. I am sad I deleted my blog so many years ago and forgot what it was even called. I knew I’d come back eventually if something big were to happen. Never thought this exact thing would be the reason.
I was at work on Wednesday when I found out. My hands immediately shook and my heart sank. I couldn’t wait to leave to get home and be able to know more and mourn. As soon as I got in the car, I started crying.
It’d been such a long time since 1D took up this much space in my brain. It feels like a lifetime ago, sitting on tumblr from night to morning. Rewatching the video diaries and music videos millions of times. Making my friends and followers one shots and photoshopped texts. Plastering my entire room with posters from every magazine I could find. But somehow, it also feels like yesterday?
It felt weird to have my mind immediately transport back to being in my room and only caring about the boys. Sleepovers with my bestie revolving around their music.
I don’t think I have ever loved something as much as I love One Direction. The feeling of hanging out with you all and loving the boys so very much. I wish I could feel that way right now without the overwhelming amount of guilt.
I had to come back here with a brand new account and feel this community’s embrace again. The only people that will ever truly understand this feeling. And I’m so glad I did. While everyone is speaking how they feel, they are also sharing old posts, and funny ones. Ones that make all of the good memories come rushing back like a rough river. It’s like I never left. And in some way, I don’t think I ever truly did. I left my heart on this website and in One Direction and now I feel like there is a part of my soul that is never coming back. But maybe in due time, he can live in that void for the rest of time.
I have seen a lot of posts about inner child. But to be honest, I don’t think my inner child is crying. My full adult self is crying. The part of me that would spend all of my life savings on a ticket to an ot5 reunion. The little girl inside of me left long ago, but the adult 27 year old woman who has nothing to look forward to now feels like she’s actively dying inside. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. They were supposed to live until they were 90. It’s just unfair and too soon.
I’d like to say that I hope all of you are doing well. This is the first day since the news that I haven’t been a full puddle of tears, but I also keep waking up and hoping this is a nightmare. I took a shower and blasted take me home. I cried a little bit it was cathartic. It made me feel that all of those memories are worth so much to not only me but to the boys and their families.
I’d like to round this off with my letter to Liam.
Hey Leeyum,
I miss you like crazy already. Which pains me to say because I could’ve been a more active fan for you in the last few years. I knew what had been happening, but always felt like you were going to come out on the other side, stronger. I wish we all could’ve saved you.
Thank you for being you. Thank you for writing songs that helped me through my teenage and early adult years. They still do. Thank you for making us laugh. Thank you for making us proud. I know you wouldn’t want us to wallow in sadness for you. You’d want us to talk about the memories.
The boys love you so much and I hope you knew that. There was no One Direction without you. You were the glue that held it all together. You deserved more public love than you were ever given. I just hope you know how much the 1D family cares and loves you.
I’m so sorry this was the way your story ended. You deserved so much more than life gave you. I will love you until the end of time, sweet boy. <3
I love you all. Please take care of yourselves. I plan on sticking around a while. Hope to see more names that I recognize on my feed.
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twopoppies · 8 months ago
I have a funny 1d origin story. So back in 5th grade my bff LOVED 1d like she was like an og fan. I remember she would just talk to me constantly about them and I would just listen. One day she said “Louis is gay” with like full confidence and I legit thought he was an openly gay man like he was out and everything. During this time I had no clue “who was who” in the band just that the one named Louis was gay
So months later LWWY MV had came out and it was playing on TV at a sleepover I was at. While we were all watching it I was looking for the “gay one” (which is problematic I know but I was 11) and I saw Louis and immediately just knew and I said out loud “Louis is gay”.
Heads immediately turned and one girl said “No he has a girlfriend” and I felt bamboozled so I went home and searched “Louis 1D” on my ipod touch and then it was History ™.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 the visual of you at the sleepover is killing me.
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surrowndedbylights · 3 months ago
I actually don't know what to say, because how do I even begin to express everything I'm feeling right now?
You meant so much to me, and you still do. In the last months, I tried to reach out, but you were inactive, and I knew deep down that it was over, but a part of me still wanted to believe that you just needed a break from here, or spend some time with yourself to get better. I never imagined I would have to say goodbye to you so soon, but here we are.
I'm still holding onto the good parts. You wanted us to have a sleepover, or go to 1d themed parties together, or visit my country to meet me. I hope that you get to experience all these in another universe since in this one, it wasn't meant to be. I hope you get to be happy and live your best life because that's what you deserve.
If only I knew sooner what you were going through. Maybe I could have helped you and I wouldn't have to post this right now, but I didn't and these "what if's" keep appearing in my head. I know it's not my fault, but I can't stop thinking what would happen if we were there for you from the start. I wish I had the chance to tell you once more how much you mean to me and how much I love you. Maybe in another life. I'll miss you always. Rest in peace, sunshine 💔🕊
Tagging some of her mutuals. In case anyone needs me, you can reach out. We are all in the same boat and the best we can do is lean on each other @ravenclawdirectioner @enchantedlandcoffee @mayonnaisethepotato @tiredflowercrown @heartstopperlarrie @waitingforthesunrise @christmassavestheyear
These are all I know, but if you were mutuals with her and want to talk I'm here ♥️
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suhlinah · 10 months ago
Heartstopper Headcanons!!!
these are around the timeline of the show (so like 2020s)
Nick and Imogen grew up together and therefore developed similar obsessions over things in media - Nick became a directioner and Imogen became a 5sos stan. (She's a hardcore Luke Hemmings stan)
When they were first getting together, Nick would sent various 1D/Solo songs to Charlie. Charlie's favourite 1D song is Clouds
Charlie was a Percy Jackson kid and he'd spend his lunchtimes as a Year 7-8 in the library re-reading the books. This is where he met Isaac, who was holding a copy of a novel that was adapted into a film that Tao liked, and the group was born.
Sai also read Percy Jackson when he was younger, and he used that to bond with Charlie when he initially joined the rugby team.
The two of them get Nick to read the books, and he gets HOOKED, then reads to Heroes of Olympus series and gets hooked on that, but it's because Nick has a type and Percy Jackson is part of that type
The group has a huge sleepover whenever they want to watch a new film, usually at either Nick or Tao's houses due to the bigger spaces. On occasion they'll go to either Elle or Imogen's houses.
They watched Saltburn and Challengers together.
Isaac gets them to watch Red, White, & Royal Blue one evening and they all LOVE it
Charlie develops a crush on Nicholas Galitzine
When The Idea of You comes out, Nick & Imogen has the August Moon songs on repeat
Nick often drives some of the group to and from school, and they jam out to throwback songs
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avatar-anna · 2 years ago
can we have some content of the twins relationship with each other?
sure!! maybe i can do a profile on all of the styles children
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader
Julian and Maeve for sure give off that unhinged, middle child energy.
Y/n loved dressing them up in matching clothes when they were babies like this, this, or this. But as they get older, she lets them develop their own style, as is the Styles family way. And for no other reason than to make their parents heads spin, Maeve and Jules switch clothes from time to time—shoes, jackets, shirts, etc.
Maeve is the first one to call Julian JuJu.
Simone loves playing dress up with the twins and painting their nails. And when she's old enough to drive, she picks them and Collette up from school to get ice cream right after she gets her license.
The first time they join Harry on tour, they wreak havoc. They run around during rehearsals, sometimes in just a shirt and a pull-up, or whatever Y/n was able to finagle them into before giving up and tossing clothes at Harry when she sees them and says, "Good luck," before walking off with the rest of her kids.
Harry holds Maeve and Julian on either side when they go to the beach. The water is a little choppy and cold and they're afraid to go in, but Harry holds them and jumps with each wave and lets them down when they feel better. Then he helps them dig for crabs and shells and build sand castles.
And then they bury him in sand.
When Harry comes home from the separation, the twins are little (about two) and he takes it upon himself to be Superdad™️. One of the things he does is sing to the twins every night before bed (he reads to Simone and Collette). And it's usually the same song, so when they're old enough they sing along with him.
For their seventh birthday, the twins desperately want a trip to Disneyland with the whole family. Harry and Y/n of course are unsure because that's just asking for trouble. They have to sit down with the twins and tell them that Daddy can't go because too many people would crowd them and it wouldn't be safe. Jules and Maeve are obviously upset, but Harry promises that they can have whatever they want at Disneyland and even though he can't go, he takes the day off so he can call and FaceTime the entire day. It's not perfect, but it's the best they can do, and the twins grow to appreciate how Harry did so much for them with their unique situation.
Maeve definitely gets sent home from school one time for punching a kid that was teasing Julian.
The twins are also unironically fans of One Direction, and they beg Harry and their uncles for a reunion. They are spearheading the movement for the reunion tour.
Speaking of 1D, Y/n sends an invite to the twins' baby shower. She's already done the "just girls" party and thinks it's a load of crap because it should be a party for both parents and all that. 2/4 come (I'll let you pick who went).
After the documentary comes out, the world obviously knows that Harry has a family, which means a lot of press. One time they're all out as a family, and they use their usual tactics to hide their whereabouts, but everyone is on high alert to see Harry Styles out with his wife and kids. And there's a big crowd when they leave a restaurant and the twins are terrified and since Y/n is dealing with shielding Natalia and Geneva, so Harry tells Simone and Collette to hold hands while he picks up Julian and hugs Maeve close to his side.
It's safe to say after that incident Harry hires security for whenever they go out as a family, or just for when Y/n and the kids go anywhere. They have a family bodyguard, who the twins love to make laugh. Or try to, anyway. He's very big and very stone-faced, but Maeve and Julian make him play with their stuffed animals and wear princess crowns and hold their hands when he walks with them.
The twins have separate rooms at home, but sometimes (especially when they're little) they have sleepovers in each other's rooms).
Julian is the first person Maeve tells anything, and he's the same. She tells him when she has her first crush, who she got for Styles Family Secret Santa, when she fails a test and she's scared to tell their parents, when she kisses a boy for the first time, when she kisses a girl for the first time. Everything, they tell each other everything.
All they ever need is each other, and sometimes Y/n and Harry worry that their other kids feel left out, and sometimes they do, but all the Styles kids have different relationships with each other, like all siblings do.
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mtvjedi · 5 months ago
sorry it’s just that one direction bonded me and my best friend for life. we were in middle school. i had just moved to a new state and a new school and i was tentative friends with this girl. and we had a sleepover and my mom had FINALLY let me start buying bop or tiger beat magazine or whatever and there was this little one page article at the end of an issue about one direction and how much niall loved justin bieber. and we read this little article and started listening to them. BUYING their music on itunes. like we were saving up our allowances to buy songs on itunes or to buy their albums at target. and they just……… made us best friends. and now thirteen years later she’s still the first person i text when i get good news or bad news. she’s even the one who texted me that liam had died. when i say i have no idea who i’d be without 1d i’m being so serious. this is so cheesy but it’s literally them who got a crazy shy new girl out of her shell to make one of the best friends of her entire life.
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twirlybumblevee · 11 months ago
I‘m currently doing a 30 day journaling prompt challenge. I thought it would be fun to share some of them with everyone in the next few weeks so we can get to know each other :)
Day 1:
If you could have a sleepover with anyone (famous or not) and talk the whole night - who would you choose?
Feel free to send this to others as well and have a fantastic day! 🌵
Oh man. I know so many people say Dream and FAIR ENOUGH I would love to have a sleepover with our little guy.
But I just HAVE to go with Harry Styles. Not because I'm that much of a fan, but because I want the truth and the dirt on so. many. damn. things. I'd even sign an NDA. I'm just nosy and curious and want to know just how messed up the industry really is (and everything about what went on behind 1D closed doors).
Thanks so much for having sent this, it was a lot of fun!! Have a fantastic day yourself! <3 :D
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snoopyracing · 7 months ago
Confession: i dont see LH44 ans CL16 as teammate (they arr 2 completely diffrent vybe) and i wish lewis never signed with Ferrari(had me feeling like when zayn left 1d)🫣
not the zayn reference 😭😭
but yeah i think if lewis hadn’t been with mercedes for so long then i don’t think it would be as weird. i am hoping it’s a good year next year though! it’s gonna be weird (but cool) to see lewis in that ferrari red!
and tbh charles has had some iconic teammates so it’s only fitting that lewis is one of them!
come chat it’s sleepover saturday!
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lonelychicago · 7 months ago
opinion on louis bringing back no control for his solo tour???
YESSSS. tbh i will always love listening to louis bring back any 1d song for his tour bc he had the least amount of lines in the band and it always made me so frustrated???? so im always gonna be happy when he sings any 1d songs bc i just wanna listen to the songs with his voice, u know what i mean???
and anyway, no control is so silly and fun. it'd be a blast to listen to it live.
sleepover weekend
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yarrystyleeza · 2 years ago
Happy 200 Sleepover Celebration! Kiss Marry Yeet: Matt Murdock, Tristan Thorne, or Michael Kinsella. This or That: Breakfast or Dinner? Comfort Movie or Comfort TV show? Milk to Dark chocolate? Reading or Writing? Girly talk: Tell me about your favorite childhood toys, accesories,books, etc you wish you still owned. Rate This Music: Melt by Shaed
Thank you so much my dear, I loved the colorful header so much 😆💞💞💞
Oh my god this is so phucking hard, I'm cryinggg 😭😭😭
I would kiss Tristan, he's just so tiny and cute, I just can't imagine anything bad happening to him he's such a baby 😭😭😭
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I would Marry Michael, I can't even express how much I want him to wife me, he's the perfect man. 😩💞
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And unfortunately, I will have to YEET Matt (don't yeet me please I can explain 🤣🤣🤣). Matt can survive this, he almost died twice before (s1 and defenders), I'm pretty sure he could survive me yeeting him. 😬
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I love you Matt I'm so sorry 😭😭😭😭😭
This or That
Breakfast or dinner:
Basically dinner, it has more tasty options LIKE CHIMKENNN
Comfort movie or comfort TV show:
It kinda depends on how much time I have, but I would go for comfort movie here.
Milk or dark chocolate:
I'd go with milk chocolate, it's softer and is something in my comfort zone, I eat dark chocolate for fun.
Reading or writing:
Reading in general is easier for me, but writing is my hobby, so... I guess I'm choosing writing this time
Girly talk
Things I wish I still owned:
This actually reminded me of a little Pikachu rubber Keychain I had when I was 4, unfortunately I lost it back in middle school, I cried a lot that day 😂😭😭
Another thing is the top part of my One Direction merch pj's that I lost on vacation 7 years ago, I LITERALLY LOST THE TOP WHICH HAD ALL 1D BOYS FACES IN PINK HEARTS LIKE UGHHHHGHGHGH. I'm still so mad about losing it, it was Hella expensive and also a gift from my mom, I still think it was stolen idk I have trust issues 😂
I had a little rubber ball when I was seven, it jumped in the toilet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 very terrible fate
Also I had a transparent blue horse toy, it would literally shine in the light, I lost it in my grandparents house, it was never seen again, like it had vanished into thin air.
MY DAREDEVIL PIN, IT WAS ONLY 6 MONTHS OLD, AND MY FRIEND PAINTED IT FOR ME. I was coming back home from a very exhausting shopping day for my sister's wedding, and it was pinned on my denim jacket, and suddenly it wasn't there. 😭😭😭😭😭
I just went down a memory lane and that was a hell of a ride 🤣💞
Rate this music
Melt by SHAED
I listened to the song last night, it's actually good, her voice is really good, but the type of beat is not really my type of music so I would give it a solid 8/10. Would listen to it again surely.
Thank you for coming to my sleepover, you're one of my favorites 🥰🥰🥰
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seiwas · 1 year ago
hi sel!! i hope ur doing well and i hope the process of writing col is smooth <3
im struggling to think of any stories for the sleepover so i wanted to ask you who the most bizarre person you've ever met was? hopefully they were bizarre in a funny way and u have silly stories about them!!!
alexis!!! i always miss u… welcome to the sleepover 🥺✨
thank you!!! col writing is going slower than i anticipated but i’m not turning my head inside out as much as when i was writing the other two col long fics, so i’m taking that as a good sign 🥹🫶🏻
the most bizarre person i ever met omg… thinking hard abt this rn… besides that girl from school who found my joint writing blog w my bff back when we were in hs and literally told us “i know you write __ fanfic” (lmao)
there was this guy back in hs who i was rlly close to for a while and tbh i felt like he was starting to act weird around me bc there was this one time he got my phone and chatted with w my bf (who was just my friend back then) and when he gave it back to me, the message was unsent… + he and my bff have the same name, so one time he ‘joked’ by saying that he’s the only [insert name] that can be in my life or smth… he was joking but i just found that so… no. also got sad abt perfect by 1d and would always tell me about it (to this day i associate it w this memory 😭) ALL OF THIS TO SAY, i eventually found out he liked me 🥲 but ! we kinda drifted after that whole joke he did bc it was annoying to me (felt like he was making me choose between him and my bff 😭 which was so weird)
this is silly to me now ofc!! he’s in the periphery of our friend circles so we end up hanging out sometimes and we’re all good!! he’s happy in his own longterm relationship too!!
who’s the most bizarre person you’ve met?
join the sleepover!! send in anything—a question, a story, dreams, recs, tips and tricks, and more!!
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whenyoucallmelover · 2 years ago
i feel oddly soft and emotional tonight, as i often do late in the evenings, so please do forgive the sappiness... i just wanted to say how much i’ve loved being on tumblr. i’ve loved 1d since i was a shy, young tween who just goofed off and sang wmyb and i want with my friend into hairbrushes at our sleepovers. in 2015, i actually joined the fandom and i was mainly on stan twitter, where met a lot of lovely people on there that i still think about often (and one that i still talk to!), but i also met some one who were very harmful and mean. as much as i loved the good people i knew on twitter, i never quite felt the kindness and the sense of community and the pure love for harry and louis like i do here.
i really wish i had joined tumblr sooner!! i know i’m late to the party over here, so i just wanted to thank all my sweet mutuals for making this such a warm place after leaving my overwhelming, toxic twitter world. i’m really grateful to have found a new and more positive place to continue sharing my love & admiration for my favorite things <3
(tldr; you’re all so cool and fun and kind~~ i just wanted to send you some virtual hugs. 🫂)
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enchantedlandcoffee · 1 year ago
would you rather a lifetime of free concerts but you can never got to any of the ot5 concerts again OR you can only pick one artist to see live for the rest of your life and the tickets are always super expensive?
oof z this is a really tough one
um i would not be able to handle never going to see ot5 live again so i'd have to choose the second option with Louis and let myself go bankrupt (i've also convinced myself that if there's a 1D reunion, it would technically count as Louis would be performing there)
it's time for a sleepover!
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