#1am rant
pehmekiisufacts · 7 months
Who the hell came up with the term "pick me girl"? I hate the whole trend with a burning passion. It just seems like an excuse to hate gender non conforming women or generally all kinds women that you don't really like. Also stop fucking assuming that everything a woman does is tied to a desire to attract or impress a man.
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
I think I really need to explain what it’s like having Jason be mad at Dick about not reaching out or whatever according to fanon because this is really bothering me.
So in Canon, Dick comes over and gives Jason his number and tells him to call whenever possible if he needs or wants anything. And Jason says okay. After that they don’t meet often except for a few instances and that’s that.
But for some reason this fact has been used a symbol of Dick being a bad brother??
Let me put this into perspective here: imagine having your older sibling attending Cal Tech in California, studying astrophysics, participating in 7 different clubs, being the leader of all those clubs, maintains his grades and goals, struggling with mental health, dealing with relationships, and then AS AN OUTSIDER getting mad at him for not dropping by to say hi to his younger sibling in New Jersey in the middle of the semester. Only in Dick’s case, he built the university, invited the students and colleagues, and ran the place both as the owner, administrator, and student. When people are struggling with one job he’s dealing with three.
Like actually how are you gonna pin any blame on him realistically. When reading the comics he’s so busy with the titans that you as the reader forget Bruce even exists so how are you gonna be mad at him for not showing up with toys for a brother you and he both know is safe and well taken care of. How?
“He could’ve called.”
WELL SO COULD JASON. I believe Dick’s words were “call me.” So how are you going to sit there saying that Dick should’ve been a better brother when it is it impossible for anyone to do better than he did.
Let’s continue with the previous analogy. The younger sibling ends up calling once but the older brother is in fucking Russia! But unfortunately the younger brother called the university, not the direct line which the older brother wouldn’t have been able to pick up anyway because depending on the country +1 (US) numbers don’t work on international calls! So how do you expect Dick to any way be held responsible??
Let’s be real here. There’s just no possible, conceivable way to call Dick a bad brother.
Dick has a guilt complex but that doesn’t mean he’s actually guilty of something. It just means he thinks he is because that’s the way he copes with living when others don’t.
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triona-tribblescore · 3 months
Sorry I disappeared for a month, no idea why but tumblr felt a little overwhelming for a sec there- got lots of art to post though dw!! I'll do it over the next few days alongside answering some asks and responding to all the lovely messages left :D 🤍
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thisuserdead · 9 months
Thinking about how Neil and Andrew both helped each other to build a possible future for themselves both as individuals and as a couple.
They just came into each other's lives and completely upended them by offering honesty and trust.
Andrew offered Neil stability, protection, a home ("you gave me a key and called it home"), the prospect of not having to run anymore, of actually achieving his dreams and not ending up dead in a ditch at 18. He helped Neil build a new identity from the ground up that was just and truly Neil. (Not to discredit the part that the other foxes played in the last part!!)
In return Neil gave Andrew something to live for in the form of fixing his relationship with his cousin and brother so that he wouldn't end up alone after graduation. He made Andrew care about exy enough to make it into a career (even if it's just a little bit). He gave Andrew understanding when everyone else brushed him off and was prepared to go against everything that he's ever been taught about getting close to people, about saying the truth, about telling people who he is and just trusting people.
Andrew also gave his trust to Neil every time he did what Neil asked him to, every time he offered Neil a hard truth. Trusting that Neil wouldn't use it against him, wouldn't tell him it was all a misunderstanding. My boy put his stone cold lump of a heart in Neil's hands and trusted Neil not to squeeze.
Don't get me wrong, they're not beating the codependency allegations until they've lived apart. After Andrew's graduation. It's difficult, it's hell. But if Nora's ec says they make it, then I have faith that by the time they're living together again, their nothing will have turned into something else just as precious if not more.
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mangledscrimp · 1 year
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gaygirldoodles · 1 month
Its 12:41 in the morning right now but i have to write this
I have beef with Annabeth's step-mom. I feel like we all do
After all, her not believing Annabeth when she told her about the spiders was a big reason why she ran away besides for the spiders themselves
It kind of makes sense why you wouldn't believe her when she said stuff like that, especially with no bites to show for it
But do you really think a 7 year old would be able to make spider webs like that?
If i were Annabeth's step-mom, I would talk to her about why she thinks hundreds of spiders are crawling on her and biting her every night
I would check out where Annabeth said they came from
And I would let her sleep in my room for the night or nights plural until we could figure something out
I wouldn't tell my husband his daughter was lying about this
I wouldn't tell Annabeth she was just making it all up
Friendly reminder that children are just people but smaller
They may be less mature than adults, but they still deserve to be believed and helped.
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iremiari · 3 months
something something.... in a similar vein of thought as to how crystal's mind eyes are supposed to represent her "being watched" (it was stated in an interview somewhere), what would the baby doll demon spider represent for edwin?
it took me a good while to figure out but i think it's Societal Pressure and Bullying. which is A Lot Lamer than it sounds but also,, think about it!! (a bit of a long read)
it makes laughing noises. Specifically children's laughter. It is made up of MULTIPLE doll heads and hands. It's like if an angry mob of children was a spider. And let's not forget about its nature -- If Edwin makes the slightest noise or the slightest utterance or makes a move, it chases him. It chases him relentlessly and is always there to eat him alive.
obviously the spider is terrifying in ways that also don't relate to bullying, but still kind of relate to the society around edwin. one of them being that it's made of dolls. they're fake. they're plastic. they're superficial. people tend to be so superficial to keep up appearances and ostracize anyone that doesn't.
it's also a spider. a doll spider. in a dollhouse. edwin is trapped in its web (the dollhouse). but also, he would be trapped in society's social obstacles and mazes for him if he were alive simply because he is Different from them. his true self is not one that society welcomes, accepts, nor tolerates. and they would hunt them down and hurt him any chance they get.
this also makes for some really poetic metaphors about him and his interactions in hell
i think one that's really sweet is when edwin says "I can't escape it... I can't." and charles replies "Yeah well, I'm here now." LIKE OH MY GODDDDDDD LIKE!! like think abt it. think of the implications and how it relates to the metaphor.
charles is there to FREE him from being quiet. he is free to run and to scream and to escape the web that he's in. that's so. they're everything to me.
as for simon,, i cant really say what it WOULD mean like metaphorically... except for the part where simon asks "Do you think it has to be torture? Being the way we are?" and edwin's like "No. It does not. I'm going to get out of here, you should come with me." like edwin KNOWS its not a sin and he's trying to escape the society that rejects them
other than that though, i cant really think what that interaction would mean...
maybe im just wrong about the metaphor, maybe it's Not societal pressure. maybe it's not anything at all! maybe the curtains were just blue, and a giant spider made of doll heads is just a giant spider made of doll heads. who knows?
either way it is 1am where i am right now so if anyone sees this post and has any ideas, feel free to rb/comment, id love to see your take :D
(though: in a similar vein,,, charles died due to hypothermia and internal bleeding. hypothermia or the cold is usually associated with loneliness in most fiction - the way warmth is associated with company - and internal bleeding represents,.. well you can probably guess. leads you to wonder the kind of life charles lived.)
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aemonded · 9 months
I'm now vaguely irritated that in the theatrical release of The Fellowship of the Ring, Boromir was not more explicitly a foil for Aragorn, because it just makes so much more sense for both of their characters.
By the two of them growing to respect each other and Boromir beginning to see him as a king and someone to follow, he also informs Aragorn of both the courage and the frailty of Gondor. He gives him something to aspire to.
And then because we've seen that relationship develop more, when he has the "My Brother, My Captain, My King," line, it doesn't feel as much like Boromir had some weird seventh-hour conversion because while Aragorn has demonstrated he's brave in the original theatrical release, by this point of the extended cut, he's fought for Boromir's life twice despite their differences. He doesn't leave people behind, no matter what their failings. And that, Boromir sees, is the true mark of a king.
This simple shot just makes the transition from ranger and someone who has always rejected his fate, to a future king who feely accepts his fate because of the sacrifices of others, SO much more explicit. By literally taking on elements of nobility and the White City, he is literally accepting the challenge fate has thrown down for him. This is Aragorn's first step into actually ENABLING, "The Return of the King."
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yeetus-feetus · 9 months
Just saw someone say that stephcass shippers don't care about Cass beyond Stephanie because "she's nothing but that White Girl's accessory". And they were so... Aggressive about it.
Babes not only are you completely wrong. Ur also probably white so ...
Anyways I started shipping stephcass because of my love of Cass. She deserves happiness and I want to see her smile while being embraced by someone she trusts and loves.
And that doesn't even have to be Steph. I'm a Multishipper anyways. I just want my girl to be happy. With whoever she chooses in the stories we create for her, she deserves that.
Also, Steph doesn't deserve any kind of slander for being shipped with Cass just because she's white.
In fact, discouraging representation of interracial couples is pretty racist of you? What you want Cass to date another Asian instead of a white girl just because she's Chinese?
Like what even made you jump to the conclusion that Steph would only see Cass as an accessory?
No actually, let's look at this real quick. Because the conception of Asian women being nothing more than accessories when in a relationship with a white person is so fucked up. What deep rooted subconscious racism do you need to unpack?
I am so sick of that assumption being everyone's first fucking thought when they see an Asian/White couple.
Cass is just as much an equal in her relationship with Steph as she would be with any other decent character.
Seriously, I want to pick at your brain. Maybe see if I can rewire a few things.
... Though honestly what was I even expecting when DC bases their characters on harmful stereotypes anyways. I should have expected something like this.
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Honestly, the Kayegama siblings really scored in terms of romance. They both got themselves an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers plot line with a (loaded) fair-haired extrovert with questionable fashion sense (Monkey Shirt + can we talk about how ugly Shou's shirt was at the end of S2Ep13 pls), family issues (afaik we know little about Teru but listen poor boy is 14 and lives alone), absolute way of delivering very straight lines ("they're looking at you because you really are cool/handsome"?? "THAT MAID OUTFIT LOOKS PRETTY GOOD ON YOU"???) and a trust on their respective Kageyama that's never-ending. Not to mention how both of them find themselves starstruck by the respective Kageyama's fighting abilities (after being beaten up or having beaten him up respectively) and keep stating how admirable they are/how much potential they have.
Bonus point for both Teru and Shou becoming acquianted with Ritsu and Shigeo throughout the series and still calling them "Younger brother" and "Ritsu's brother" respectively, because... yes.
It's brilliant and Shigeo and Ritsu don't deserve anything less actually. Good for them.
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basmentdwealer · 3 months
Splatoon au ⁉️⁉️
An au based on if all the idols (Squid Sisters, Off the Hook and Deep Cut) arent idols, then what would they do?
Just a silly silly idea that popped up (reminder that besides Pearlina the others will probably be ooc since I don’t know em well)
I’ll only draw Marina and Pearl since (probably)
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Apologies for the shitty pic but
Marina! (25 yrs old) (as of Splatoon 3)
She works as a rave DJ with her partner DJ Sango (Cap’n 3). For Marina, I made it so that she (18) and 8 were going through octo expansion together, which I guess made her Agent 7/9 for a while? She lived with the Agent 3 & 8 for a while before eventually moving out when hers and 3 were making good money. She met Pearl when she was at a bar which also was holding Pearl’s concert (?) then started dating like a year later lolz
For Pearl (28 yrs old)
Pearl is a supermodel who models for Enperry, her dad’s company. While modelling is her main job, she plays in a band as a side gig. Surprisingly to her, her band got popular and started selling more copies of their albums. Eventually people knew Pearl for both her her modelling and voice. Currently, she plays in her band more than modelling , only doing so when her dad practically begs her to.
So yeag….. for The Squid Sisters they do make music but they never really did the whole Inkopolis News thing. Their music is popular but they didnt do more than that, rather they worked on The NSS more.
For Deep Cut, they continued on being bandits who found this funky little kid (Neo) and their brother(lil buddy). They did bandit stuff together until some old man pulled them in for agent work (all of em lmao)
That’s it lolz, I may add more tho (like refs…) but I just wanted to get this out there
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petitemort · 7 months
just a rant about fellow travelers again, (because i'm rewatching the show for an essay i'm currently preparing for school) but i think what really makes the show amazing other than the fact it's an amazing adaptation of the book: it's the details and all those little things in tim & hawk's relationship that makes it so intimate.
i think about the scene where hawk is laying on tim's chest at the beginning of the 2nd episode, and he just kisses his finger and tim smiles
i don't know i just love to notice all these little details during their scenes where they're together and sweet :(( and it really brings the softness of hawk too, i'm currently thinking about it and i need to see a gifset of all those little cute details in the show (for my mental health)
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soppingwetrat · 7 months
i made a tmagp bingo if anyone's interested
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justidiothings · 1 year
Potential Spoilers
I’m pissed at Shigaraki character,
It's true that Shigaraki was revealed to be manipulated by All For One, and that his motivations were essentially manufactured by AFO himself. AFO orchestrated the events that led to Shigaraki's transformation. But the bitter taste of disappointment lingers.
When he was first introduced, The series seemed to be setting up a classic hero vs. villain dynamic, where Shigaraki would evolve and challenge the protagonist, much like the way the heroes were growing and I thought he would be a compelling villain who would grow and become the parallel to the protagonist, the World's Greatest Villain.
"My Villain Academia" showed his growth and potential, and I was excited to see where he would go. He’s one of the characters that I had found interesting, so I was beyond excited when he was developing, when it felt like he was growing and then his growth just regress now he’s someone who was mentally shattered by AFO to be used as a puppet, it doesn’t feel like him anymore, am I overreacting? Maybe, but I can’t stand reading the last chapters that involves him anymore,
Initially, I thought Shigaraki's relationship with AFO was a twisted version of Izuku and All Might's mentorship, with AFO trying to mold and have him surpass his mentor. I founded that interesting, his background, his quirk, they were interesting because it felt like was going to become an embodiment of destruction
Remember that epic speech he gave to the heroes during the war arc? That was a moment where he felt like a genuine and intriguing villain with his own motives and convictions. But now, he's reduced to a psychologically dissociated character under AFO's control. It's frustrating because he had so much potential, and it feels like that potential is wasted.
it fucking frustrates me how Shigaraki is a former self of himself, With the whole mind take over thing, I understand that Shiggy is still kind of there, but it really doesn’t feel like it, it doesn’t feel satisfying seeing him anymore, it’s just Afo, who isn’t interesting.
I have no problem with characters being "pure evil" villains if it's done well. However, AFO is just incredibly boring. He's a generic "evil mastermind" who spouts meaningless monologues. His so-called "schemes" are never successful, and it's frustrating to watch, his master traitor plan gets discovered and used against him as soon by a bunch of 14 year olds, for fucks sake. He doesn't have the same depth and complexity as Shigaraki, and that's what makes it even more disappointing.
He doesn’t have the same feels as Shigaraki, and it makes it even more disappointing, it feels more frustrating when the whole “Deku has to save the child inside Shiggy” plot line happened.
I enjoyed Shigaraki's backstory, his character design, and his quirk. He was an embodiment of destruction, and that made him a captivating character. It's disheartening to see him reduced to this state, the abrupt shift in Shigaraki's character arc has left me feeling disillusioned.
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fadeawaywithyou · 5 months
im refusing to listen to the new taylor swift album. i gave midnights a chance, and was HEAVILY disappointed. everything I've heard in tiktok snippets and everyone's reactions have put me off, and i want to say that both adoration and annoyance, critics and applause, have put me off on both sides. so don't come at me with "oh don't listen to the HATERS" idgaf. i don't give a single fuck! I'm getting fucking TIRED of her brand being more and more obviously not who she really is, despite her being more and more insistent that it is. she's not a "tortured poet" she's a fucking billionaire pop artist. it's so weird seeing her try and capitalize on two very different personas: one where she's the queen of everything, a girlboss, god of pop, maker of the industry nobody can beat, haters can kiss her ass...but also so misunderstood and deep and introverted and please feel bad for her. Like, I'm sure she has problems, but i don't wanna listen about them after being subjected to her goddamn eras tour online and seeing her carbon footprint. go to a therapist, girl, I'm SURE you can afford it. what's her brand is now with the grey photography and shower thoughts feels so disingenuous when the first lyric i see (that's not a copypasta) from her long awaited "deep, tortured, you'll never understand how i grew up" album is about how your football boyfriend fingers you while on call with his video game buddies. i thought the line about wanting to live in slave times was a copypasta but it's real! girl shut the fuck up. the creek near by grandparent's house is deeper than you're entire 31 song album. the asylum that raised you gave you more power than GOD and you can make your fanbase sob with a london reference to a 4-month relationship TEN YEARS AGO. she has good music, but I'm hesitant to say she's still making good music. and even if she did every day i see her fans sob piss and shit themselves over a "thesaurus entry + middle school level philosophy" lyric i hate her more and more.
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Lando Norris being interviewed after qualifying 4th for the Brazilian Grand Prix 
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