#1920s vs 2020s
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marzipanandminutiae · 6 months ago
Marzi's Old House Supply Kit: A Non-Exhaustive List
So you've moved into an old house! Congratulations! No, no, look at me. Look in my eyes. Congratulations. You don't need smart lighting. You don't need paltry things like "showers that don't make ungodly noises if you set the water outside a very specific temperature range" or "logical staircases." Because those people who say They Built Them Sturdier Back Then is survivorship bias are wrong, lead paint is only a problem if you eat it, and your new home is basically a tank
also it might have stained glass. so basically you win
(no but seriously the Survivorship Bias argument is just like. tell me you don't live in a city with large quantities of remaining working-class 110-year-old buildings without telling me. I do. they're sturdier. end of.)
but you might need some things to make it a bit more comfortable. here's what I've found, over eight years of living in houses built 1920 or earlier
Power strips. Depending on the age of your house, it may or may not have had electricity originally. And even if it did, whoever lived there almost certainly had fewer things to plug in than the average denizen of the 2020s. There also may have been gorgeous wall sconces that some asshole heartlessly ripped out at some point, forcing you to use the hideous hateful Overhead LightTM or plug in a bunch of lamps. Either way, you're going to need to turn that single outlet in the room into several more. Hence, power strips.
(hey, I never said this list was free of my design biases. deal)
A Good Fan. You may live in a place where retrofitting with air conditioning was commonplace in the last several decades. I do not. So a good pedestal fan can make the difference between comfort and just not sleeping at all from late June to mid-September. Weirdly, I did once look at a place that was from the 1850s and had been retrofitted with central A/C, which is vanishingly rare in even urban Massachusetts. But I digress.
A stud-finder. "Marzi, you spent years of your life explaining to tourists that picture rails existed because trying to hammer nails directly into horsehair plaster and then putting weight on them did Bad Things." Yes I did. "What did you attempt to do the second week of living in your first house with horsehair plaster?" ...shut up. I used the Poltergeist Method to find solid wood- I don't know if it's actually studs or the lath or what; I'm not a builder -to hang my Lady and the Unicorn tapestry from, namely knocking on the wall until it doesn't sound hollow. You might want to go a bit quieter and more advanced. Or, if you have a picture rail, embrace the "long visible hanging wires" look. It is in fact there for a reason!
Window screens. You are actually required by Massachusetts state law to provide these to your tenants. Doesn't mean my last landlady did. And if you own your place, live in another state, or have a similarly laissez-faire building owner, you might end up needing to Bring Your Own Insect-Blocking Shield. Just make sure you've got them, one way or the other. Because see above re: fan vs. air conditioning in old houses.
WD-40. When's the last time those hinges were oiled? Potentially before television. And they WILL squeak. UPDATE I HAVE BEEN INFORMED THAT WD-40 IS NOT A GOOD LONGTERM SOLUTION. Find "actual oil." Not sure what the more specific name is. Good to know!
That's just what I've found needful so far, but I'm happy to update the list as required!
And you'd better believe, if I owned my own place, this would include "the name of a preservation contractor to undo all the unnecessary ~*MoDeRnIzInG*~ aesthetic bullshit the past owners did since the End of Mainstream Western House Beauty AKA 1920 (That Brief Rococo Revival In the 1930s Can Maybe Sit With Us)"
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thatscarletflycatcher · 1 year ago
Talking about the 1920s vs the 2020s with some friends, and we agreed that "roaring??? In this economy???", so hereby we propose, so far, to name our current decade:
The meowing 20s
The wimpering 20s
The boiling 20s
The screaming 20s
Feel free to add your proposals below.
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tornrose24 · 9 months ago
In honor of pride month, I will share a TGAMM fact I learned when I rewatched part of the Project: Enhappification encore video regarding everyone’s favorite gay ghost couple.
According to Bill and Bob, while Geoff and Jeff have been partners for 100 years, they’ve actually lived in completely different times. Geoff is the oldest of the two and died around 150/160 years before Jeff died.
This is what I’m getting from that fact:
-Jeff and Geoff became a couple around the 1920s if their 100th anniversary is in the early 2020’s.
-Jeff likely died around the 1920s or just before that.
-If the math is correct, then Geoff was in fact alive around or just before the American Revolution. Yes, really.
-This would explain why Geoff’s assigned town for scaring was in Connecticut (which was hinted at in the ‘Jinx vs’ episode) because it was one of the original 13 colonies around the time he would have been alive.
-This also explains why Geoff is so clueless about President Lincoln, because Lincoln was only around AFTER Geoff passed, and there’s no telling how busy Geoff was with his scare reports to know about Lincoln while he was around.
-I just did a quick research and considering how Geoff was said to have died…. Chocolate actually WAS a thing in America during that time period. So everything still lines up with what little was given about Geoff’s death in the show.
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battleangel · 4 months ago
Israel's Genocidal Playbook
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Israel just followed this EXACT same genocidal playbook in Palestine over the past year.
Israel is about to follow the same EXACT genocidal playbook once again this time in Lebanon.
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Israel Genocidal Playbook 101
•Shut down international airport in Gaza.
•Cut Palestine off from the world — food, fuel, medical supplies, all international travel.
•Forced famine & starvation campaign due to food no longer entering the country + displacing internal farmers + disrupting countrys internal food supply.
•Airline threatened by US with economic sanctions if they fly wounded, injured & dying civilians internationally for medical treatment resulting in needless & completely unnecessary deaths.
•Millions potentially starving to death as a militaristic genocidal campaign — the literal definition of a war crime.
•Warnings to residential areas, neighborhoods, airports & public buildings of Israel Defense Force bombings literally only a few minutes before they occur not allowing any chance for an actual evacuation.
•Bombings of residential areas, schools, hospitals, airports, mosques, public buildings & "safe zones".
•Purposefully targeting civilians in a “collective punishment” scorched earth campaign for Hamas resistance (Palestine) & support of Gaza & Hezbollah resistance (Lebanon).
What can we do to stop it?
When Biden has supported, promoted, funded & provided weapons for the genocide in Palestine for over a year that has murdered 200k+ Palestinian civilians?
What can we do when Trump was elected & he very recently told Netanyahu to “finish the job” in Palestine?
What can we do when both Republicans & Democrats support Israels genocide in Palestine?
So, how do we stop the United States from funding, providing weapons for, threatening economic sanctions over, protecting, defending, justifying, rationalizing & endlessly promoting yet another genocide this time in Lebanon?
Yemen could be next — genocide is already happening.
Syria could be next.
Iran could be next.
Do you ever question why the US is always involved in “conflicts & tensions” in the Middle East?
Do you ever question what George H.W. Bush was referencing when he gave his “New World Order” speech in 1991 on the eve of the Gulf War (first Iraq war) when he declared that global alliances & enmity had shifted and that the Cold War enemies of the past — communist Russia & China — were no longer the United States’ ideological existential foes but now it was the Middle East at the time Iraq?
Do you ever wonder why Russia backed Afghanistan in the 1980s?
Why did the PLO form?
Why did Hezbollah form?
Why did Hamas form?
Why did October 7th happen?
What was the Nakba in 1948?
Why did then Senator Biden tell Congress in 1986 that if “Israel didnt exist, we would have had to create her.”
Who is “we”?
Do you ever wonder why historical references to Palestine date back thousands of years but Israel does not?
Why did Malcolm X & Muhammad Ali consider Palestinians “their” brothers & sisters?
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Why is Chevron funding the building of oil wells on the Gaza Strip?
Why every 20 years or so has there been a major conflict or war in the United States dating back to WW II?
Notice a pattern?
•WW I: 1920s
•WW II: 1940s
•Korean War: 1950s
•Vietnam War: 1970s
•Gulf War (Persian Gulf I - official name): 1990s
•Iraq War (Persian Gulf III - official name): 2000s
•WW III (US & Israel & UK vs Iran/Syria/Iraq/Palestine/Lebanon/Yemen & US, Ukraine & UK vs Russia, China & North Korea): 2020s…
They are purposely crashing the economy right now.
To drive up military enlistment which is already happening.
US troops are already in Israel.
North Korea has already sent troops to Russia.
If the Middle East didnt have oil, do you think the United States would be interested in them geopolitically?
Why are there simultaneous genocides occurring in Palestine, Lebanon &:
•Congo: Cobalt - used for batteries for iPhones, electronic vehicles, tablets, laptops, computers, TVs & smart watches.
•Local warlords fight each other & kill civilians in the crossfire over controlling cobalt mines given how valuable they are to Google, Apple, Samsung & Tesla.
•Sudan: United States & UAE (Dubai) control, fund & supply weapons to RSF (Rapid Support Forces) who are fighting against the SAF (Sudanese Armed Forces).
•Sudans biggest export is gold & the US & Dubai want to exploit the tensions between the RSF & SAF to keep Sudan destabilized so they can control the gold. •Both the RSF & SAF are committing genocide against their own Sudanese civilians & war atrocities & crimes against humanity including mass rapes, torture, mass graves, targeting civilians. •Over 100 Sudanese women recently committed suicide to avoid brutalistic gang rape by both the RSF & SAF.
•Tigray (Ethiopia)
•Mali (mass rapes at border of country due to internal conflict & killings)
•Etc etc etc…
All of the above involve the same settler expansionist, resource exploiting, colonizing mindset & strategy of forced famines & starvation, forced relocations, collective punishment, targeting civilians, murdering women & children, targeting residential areas, schools, hospitals, refugee camps & “safe zones”, scorched earth tactics, breaking the will of the people, psychological torture, dehumanization, numbing & desensitizing the rest of the world, threats of economic sanctions against any company or country who resists.
Why do you think the ICC (International Criminal Court) & the ICJ (International Court of Justice) havent arrested anyone?
Why do you think the UN has not brought charges against anyone for human rights violations?
Why is western media covering up these genocides?
Why is the global community silent in their complicity?
What can we do?
Other than signing online petitions, calling our Congress members & Senator, attending marches, rallies, protests, die-ins, civil disobedience, strikes, days of rage, days of action, vigils for martyrs, volunteering for local Socialist (DSA), Party for Socialism & Liberation (PSL), Working Peoples Party, Communist, Green Party & Peoples Party community organizing events?
You can raise your voice.
You can be a voice for the voiceless.
You can refuse to look away, get tired, numb, defeated, fatigued & exhausted.
You can continue the long term fight against injustice and for liberation.
Genocides have been happening as long as humanity has existed.
Rwanda. Serbia. Philippines. Armenia.
Haiti. Native Americans.
African slavery in the United States.
Struggle! Resist! Fight!
It's a long term fight beyond any of our individual lifespans of 100 to 500+ years.
For liberation.
Choose not to distract yourself.
Bring what is being hidden in the dark to the light.
Be a light. Be a voice.
Share. Post. Reshare. Repost. Comment.
Interact. Engage. Donate if you can.
Tweet. Post videos. Stream.
Talk to your family & friends in real life.
Dont let the genocide become normalized.
Dont get used to videos & images of dead children.
Connect the dots.
Realize the ideology that is driving all of this death & destruction.
Realize that its always been the same ideology.
Realize all of this misery, pain, suffering, torture, death & destruction is for money & resources.
What every single war & genocide has ever been for.
Realize there are no “good wars”.
Realize the United States employed these same exact scorched earth tactics in WWII when they literally burned & cooked alive over 100k Japanese civilians in the Tokyo fire raids.
Yet the US was never tried for their horrific war crimes & atrocities in WW II.
Yes, its plural. No, they never apologized.
The victors never punish themselves.
Dont become numb. Dont ignore.
Dont look away. Dont distract yourself.
Raise your voice!
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haveyoureadthisfantasybook · 7 months ago
stats: the first 1000(+) polls
we’ve crossed a major milestone: more than 1000 polls (it actually kind of works out to 1000, because there was one duplicate poll, for Shannon Hale’s The Goose Girl, and one poll that I missed in one of my stats spreadsheets, but)!
as usual, any time I give two percentages with a slash between them (e.g., “18.5% / 11.3%”), the first percentage is the mean and the second is the median.
general observations
we’ve had 46 majority-yes results so far; for comparison, we had 43 majority-yes results in the last round of stats, meaning that in the last 180 polls there have only been 3 new majority-yes results, all children’s books.
the highest individual yes result on either this or the sci-fi blog is still C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at 85.3% yes.
averages continue to drop.
the mean yes result for all books is 13.0% (down from 13.9%), and the median yes result is 6.8% (down from 7.4%).
when I give aggregate numbers for things, I missed a book at some point when I was updating my spreadsheet, so any totals will only add up to 1001 at most.
the gap between anglophone big 5 imprints and other publishers continues to narrow, but again it’s because the averages for big 5 imprints are dropping:
big 5 imprints: 15.7% / 9.0% yes
others: 6.8% / 2.9% yes
big 5 imprints make up the overwhelming majority of submissions: 713/1002 polls (71.2%), followed by 216 from anglophone independent publishers (21.6%).
age demographic
children’s books continue to be much more likely to get a yes result; the averages across all categories have fallen again.
there have been 553 adult books, of which 10 have gotten majority-yes results (2.2%). the average is 9.4% / 4.9% yes — note the still very low median. an adult book that gets a more than 4.9% yes result is in the top 50% of most-read books in these polls!
there have been 201 teen/YA books, of which 4 have gotten majority-yes results (2.0%). the average is 11.8% / 7.5% yes.
there have been 247 children’s books, of which 32 have gotten majority-yes results (13.0%). the average is 21.5% / 14.5% yes.
publication date
the decades that have enough books to provide (somewhat) meaningful data are still in a pretty clear bell curve peaking in the 1990s and 2000s:
18th century: 1
1830s: 1 book
1880s: 1 book
1890s: 2 books
1900s: 5 books
1910s: 3 books
1920s: 3 books
1930s: 7 books
1940s: 4 books
1950s: 17 books (average 29.4% / 12.5%, heavily skewed by Tolkien and Lewis lmao)
1960s: 14 books (average 23.2% / 15.4%)
1970s: 42 books (average 13.2% / 6.4% — these have actually risen slightly!)
1980s: 85 books (average 13.4% / 5.9%)
1990s: 118 books (average 16.4% / 11.0%)
2000s: 231 books (average 15.6% / 8.5% — a relatively large drop)
2010s: 311 books (average 9.9% / 5.0%)
2020s: 155 books (average 9.0% / 4.6%)
the gap between white authors and authors of color has narrowed slightly, as the average for white authors has continued to drop and the average for authors of color has continued to rise slightly.
white authors: 13.9% / 7.5% yes
authors of color: 7.9% / 4.5% yes
white authors still make up the overwhelming majority of submissions — 856/1002 polls (85.4%).
all averages have fallen slightly. books by women and books by nonbinary writers still have a lower mean yes rate than books by men but a slightly higher median yes rate. this data suggests that in fact people read books by authors of all genders at relatively similar rates overall but that there are more bestsellers / classics by men (skewing the mean up).
women: 12.4% / 7.2%
men: 15.0% / 6.7%
nonbinary/other/none: 8.5% / 7.2%
books by women continue to make up a substantial majority of submissions, at 601/1002 polls (60.0%), vs. books by men at 338/1002 polls (33.7%). there have only been 33 polls for books by nonbinary(/other/none) authors (3.3%). the remainder are books by multiple authors of multiple genders or books whose author’s gender was unclear.
we have just enough polls for books by authors from Africa to give a somewhat meaningful average.
North America: average 12.4% / 6.9%
Europe: average 16.6% / 8.6%
every other continent composite average: 8.4% / 4.0% (the median has risen slightly and the mean is the same)
Africa: 3.3% / 2.4%
Asia: 4.5% / 2.9%
Oceania: 11.5% / 5.6%
books from North America make up the large majority of polls:
North America: 658 (65.7%)
Europe: 243 (24.3%)
Oceania: 51 (5.1%)
Asia: 33 (3.3%)
Africa: 10 (1.0%)
South America: 5 (0.5%)
the average for books originally published in English remains markedly higher (13.3% / 7.3% yes) than the average for books not originally published in English (8.6% / 2.7% yes), though it’s dropping. for other languages with >10 polls:
French: 6.7% / 1.2%
Japanese: 3.0% / 2.9%
so far in total we’ve had:
English: 923 books (92%)
French: 15 books (1.5%)
Japanese: 11 books (1.1%)
German: 9 books
Spanish: 9 books
Swedish: 8 books
Chinese: 4 books
Welsh: 4 books
Arabic: 3 books
Danish: 3 books
Finnish: 3 books
Korean: 2 books
Russian: 2 books
(Scottish) Gaelic: 1 book
Italian: 1 book
Polish: 1 book
Portuguese: 1 book
Yoruba: 1 book
as always, I especially invite submissions written in languages other than English, regardless of whether they’re available in translation!
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alicenpai · 2 years ago
(page under construction, check this post occasionally since it will be continuously updated! page created Apr 14 2023, last updated Dec 28 2023.)
Art tag of my characters (all)
Lost and Found Children
The Magician’s Protegee
Both of these stories are near and dear to my heart. Due to life obligations like school in the past, work, convention/merch schedules, I unfortunately haven’t progressed in these stories as I would have liked over the years. My dream is to one day create stories that impact people, as other people’s stories have changed me.
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Synopsis: A search for their missing parents lead twins Flynn and Nate to fall into a deep darkness, unraveling secrets about their family and the country they once trusted.
Lost and Found Children is a story about mystery, overcoming trauma, blood family vs found family, the fear of growing up even in adulthood, the fear that you are not who you wished to grow up to be. The characters explore their identities in a post-war torn society, and witness their love being tested in that wildly changing world.
The story explores the horrors of war, and is also a study on the horrors of child abuse and when child rearing is left in the wrong hands, which can have devastating lifelong consequences. More importantly, it is a story about how love persists despite all odds.
Fun trivia:
The story has changed settings many times, from a tragic Victorian familial drama, to a modern school mystery, a 1920s crime drama, now it’s a historical fantasy.
This is a story I’ve been writing since I was 13 years old. The current iteration is from 2019, and I started revamping it as part of a school project. As it is a very old story that I literally grew up with, revamping it seriously has been a huge task, finding difficulty in deciding whether I should remove, keep, or add things like themes and characters. As of right now, a number of characters are still very much unrefined!
Flynn and Nate are not actually my oldest OCs.
Growing up, I consumed a lot of Japanese media, and I mix what I learn from real world history with series that have impacted me a lot, like Fullmetal Alchemist, Pandora Hearts, Violet Evergarden. I draw influences from these periods: the industrial revolution in England & the west, late 1800s England, and early 20th century American history, especially the interwar period.
For the character designs, I'm inspired by historical fashion and JRPG aesthetics. My aim is to design them more simply and more humbly (a la Ryoko Kui style), but I still try for a whimsical old world look, bordering on fantastical. I do want a bit more steampunk look to my story moving forward, and that's an aesthetic I need to experiment with and study in my artwork a lot more often.
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Synopsis: In a distant, idyllic future where robots and humans coexist - a healthcare android lives day to day with his adoptive daughter, patients, and their ragtag android and human friends.
The story is a light-hearted, slow-paced, slice of life series - but it will also deal with complex topics like artificial intelligence, existentialism, and the fear of outliving the people you care about the most. THE MAGICIAN'S PROTEGEE IS UNDER HIATUS. (as of Nov 2023)
Fun trivia:
This story used to be about the Victorian occult (hence the title), also about a doctor who saves people from the ghouls that plagued Victorian society. However, without a greater purpose to the story, and only using the setting as a cool backdrop, it was a "monster of the week" series that I didn’t have any interest in writing. I scrapped the Victorian setting, in favour of writing a fantasy world I could fully have control of. It’s very different from LaFC, but it’s also a story I wish to tell from my heart. LaFC is like, the moody night story, and TMP is the sunny day story.
The current iteration is from 2020, also developed for a school project. As I was much older (than 13 haha) when creating this series, I had a pretty clear image of the story and its themes compared to writing LaFC.
The inspiration for the world building comes from series like Eureka Seven, Kino's Journey, and Aria (Kozue Amano). I also draw a lot of inspiration for world building and writing from American post WWII/cold war society and culture, especially the boom in science fiction and spy fiction. I also take inspiration from early-mid 20th century Hong Kong, China, and Japan for worldbuilding and setting - their visual motifs, response to western technology and changing attitudes and culture.
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extinct-muppet · 19 days ago
“history repeats itself” bitches when the 1920s vs the 2020s
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(it’s me. I’m “history repeats itself” bitches)
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ar0rtiz229 · 7 months ago
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I saw a style challenge that I saw online and wanted to give it a try with one of my OCs. It was a lot of fun, so I decided to post it
Also here are the different styles I drew and their inspirations in order:
1: 1920s/30s - “Rubber hose” Cartoons
2: 1960s - Hannah Barbara
3: 1980s - Care Bears/Dog City/Pound Puppies
4: 1990s - Old Nick and CN Cartoons
5: 2000s - Danny Phantom/My Life as a Teenage Robot
6: 2010s - Steven Universe/Gravity Falls/Star Vs
7: 2020s - Rise of the TMNT/Kipo/Glitch Techs
8: My Style
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minayuri · 8 months ago
Thinking about making a Dr. Mabuse iceberg chart, it'd go down real hard.
Here's a preview...
Eitopomar - Mabuse's Kingdom
portrait of early 1920s Weimar Germany
Rudolf Klein-Rogge's first lead role
social mobility
cocaine or cards?
Anita Berber and Gottfried Huppertz cameos
the séance
commentary on Expressionism
phallic imagery
Vally Reinecke's costumes
5 hour original cut of Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler
edit that made Count and Countess Told siblings *yes, it's a thing*
"New Hull" written by gay Russian poet Mikhail Kuzmin
novel vs. film
cultural impact
Dr. Mabuse/Metropolis parallels
Haghi of Lang's Spione (1928)
Dr. Mabuse gets a sequel
M's Inspector Lohmann in the sequel
French version of The Testament of Dr. Mabuse
The Empire of Crime
banned by the Nazis
Lang's The Big Heat (1953)
evolution of Mabuse - The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse
post-Lang Mabuse movies of the 1960s
"sell him your soul" - song by synth-pop band Propaganda
The Image of Dorian Gray in the Yellow Press (Frau Mabuse/Dorian Gray)
Dr. M (1990)
"The Strange Case of Dr. Mabuse"
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa
Doctor Mabuse (2013-14 & 2020)
Lian Ross and Mark Stoermer
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beril66 · 1 year ago
Heyo folks! So here's a list of this for another fic I am going to workon. I am writing here the rules so I don't forget and I would love to see people give me their opinions on what I can add! This time it IS a crossover series with Cuthulhu Mythos! (Mostly lovecraft lore and some other writer's take on it sprinkled in. No Other gods vs Great Old Ones nonsense though that was a stupid adition to Mythos I will DIE on this hill)
Our skele bois and everyone really are going to learn the HARD way there are being infinitely scarier and powerful than measely star parasites or amalgamation of emotions :D
This came after a delightful conversarion with a friend in space battle. So some heads ups;
Other gods or Outer Gods as people know them are the undisputed strongest things for what I hope obvious reasons. Put an unshattered C'tan or a chaos god in front of Nyarlathotep and they'll beg for their life
Azathoth DID NOT create 40k or any universe. Its a fan theory. It was Yog-Sothoth ;)
The races such as Elder Things and Great Race of Yith are among the oldest and most advanced (they are basically the Xeelee's since thats what they are meant to be in OG mythos Lovecraft was just shit at math and science) creatures in the verse. Remember how Mep'het'Ran bitched to the Necrontyr about how they also fought with the cruel old ones and lost and turned into celestial fart gases...well he didn't TECHNICALLY lie.
It just wasn't the 'Old Ones' Necrontyr were thinking XD (for real though in the ONLY alliance these two races ever forged they kicked the shit out of C'tan and destroyed their OG bodies) for these races, species in 40k galaxy might as well be monkeyd hitting each other with sticks. The difference between them are that great.
That war happened not 200 million year into the big bang btw. Yeah...when the first stars were babies. Elder Things and Yith are that old...they might be that old in OG mythos too now that I think about it 🤔
Remember Nihilakh Yyth seer? Yeah that thing is another unfortunate race Yith used as bodies and left long before necrons ever came...unfortunately the inhabitation caused the race to develop clairvoyance. And we all know what happened to the poor bastards.
The Elder things came to earth was basically an amish community got tired of ultra advanced tech XD they are the reason earth has life. They came waayyy before the billion year mark Lovecraft gives. First one celled organisms on earth appeard around 3.7 billion years ago. Yeah.
Randolph Carter is/was a friend of Big E's and still kicking in 40k with his silver key. Fully living in dreamlands with his friends and boy-ahem eternal headache Nyarlathotep though. He and Trazyn will become GOOD friends...maybe Orikan too. Tech wizardry isn't just belong to necrons after all.
Magic other than warp exists and it is both intransically bound with tech and seperate enough. Mostly safe too if you manage to keep your head while learning.
Assume all weird creatures in mythos exist.
Deep Ones have their own planet and allied with Big E around 2020s. They have full on STCs under their planet and still can build and understand DAOT tech, they are just smart enough to hide it really well. And since all of them are immortal most of the ones on the planet (pure and hybrids both) are over 30.000 years old. And remember EVERYTHING. Rest of the Imperium thinks they are filfhy mutants to be avoided. Deep Ones and hybrids mostly bleakly amused seeing most were alive in 1920s America how humanity seems to abandon one type of racism then immediatly embracing another.
Lost 2 Primarchs taken a worship of the Other Gods...this is magnetitudes more dire than chaos worship.
Orikan, Trazyn and Phillias will meet an interesting human who knows more than she ever should...if they are nice to her she might even draw them when they were necrontyr. She A LOT to say about their relationship during flesh times...revelations might or might not cause eternal sense to loss , pain and horror to what was lost...and maybe hope. 🤷‍♀️ (yes during Trazyn's bubble confinement)
Except Nyarlathotep to pop on Song of Oblivion and taunt Szerakh. Randoph migh or might not put the fear of actual gods in Szeras too
Anrakyr and Zulthanekh (don't ask me how they will ever meet I am just taken by the idea of their friendship because of ghostinthegalleries) will get a history lesson of the galaxy from Nyarlathotep.
Shoggoths are allies of humanity. As they lived only the really intelligent and sentient ones survived and after their ACTUAL discovery humanity (DAOT) have been not only nice to them but give them human rights Elder Thing colony never thought of. Surviving ones are fiercely loyal to humanity but few know their existance.... for obvious reasons. They are a hard counter for tyranids and help preserve Big E.
Big E was aware of other gods and there was no stopping them. Thankfully the only one who was invested into the galaxy was Nyarlathotep and Big E just pointed out sitting back and watching the inevitable clusterfucks all races cause would be infinitely more entertaining. (Randoph also threathened Nyarlathotep with sleeping on couch in Ilek-Vad XD)
...AND thats it. Thats all I got for now. I would love to see your suggestions Lovecraft and 40k lovers!
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mired-in-halloween · 4 months ago
Halloween 1920s Vs. 2020s
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daydreamerdrew · 9 months ago
Books (and shorter works) finished in May:
“The Beast in the Jungle” by Henry James, first published in 1903 (83 pages)
“I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter” by Isabel Fall, published in 2020
“Reverbing: The Red vs. Blue machinima as anti-war film” by Bruno Starrs, published in 2010 (12 pages)
Daily Life in the United States, 1920-1940: How Americans Lived Through the “Roaring Twenties” and the Great Depression by David E. Eyvig, published in 2004 (306 pages)
The Journalist and the Murderer by Janet Malcolm, published in 1990 (160 pages)
American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin, first published in 2005 (588 pages)
“SCUM Manifesto” by Valerie Solanas, introduction by Michelle Tea, afterword by Freddie Baer, first published in 1967 (59 pages)
The Great Comic Book Heroes, compiled, introduced and annotated by Jules Feiffer, published in 1965 (48 pages of text)
House Without a Dreamer by Andrea Hollander Budy, first published in 1993 (63 pages)
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honesty-my-policy · 6 months ago
there used to be a lot of them all over Europe, especially in Poland but guess what happened to them?
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also the amount of Jews that i've seen being harassed with no one intervening would make me want to move to Israel too. Especially sine a report by Pew Research Center in 2020 stated Jews make up and estimated 2.4% of the U.S. adult population.
Comparatively to a state-by-state Arab population updated in 2024 that gives a total of 6.5% - note that it is across varying states, the majority is (surprisingly to me) Michigan, with New Jersey and Massachusetts following.
But if we were following that ridiculous line of thinking, then it is only fair the Palestinians should be the ones to relocate. Why?
It has been proven with various types and methods of evidence that modern day Jews are linked to historical accounts of their ancestors, the Israelites/the Hebrews and that they definitively existed
The oldest known historical account outside of the Bible to reference a people by the name of Israel is 1200BCE
As stated above and many times now, the expulsion of Jews has reached over 1000 if you look throughout history. in 1933 60% of the Jewish population lived in Europe, it was around 9.5 million, by 1950 they were down to 3.5 million. The population reduced by one-third.
Palestinians have been proven to share a lot of similar genetic ties with other Levantine populations, other Arab and Semitic groups in the Middle East and North Africa as well. Along with a close genetic relationship with the Jews. But they choose to identify as both Arab and Muslim. What is the world population of Arabs? Or even, the closest countries with Arab/Muslim population vs Jews?
Look at that. All surround Palestine. You want to know the Jewish population statistics for those same countries that surround Palestine/Israel? Literally none. 0.
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No Palestinian Arab people existed until December of 1920. Before then they were insistent on the fact that they were Southern Syrians. There was also the expulsion of Jewish residents before, during and after the war from Middle-Eastern and Muslim Majority countries. Jerusalem's Jewish Quarter after being forcefully vacated was torn apart - including many Synagogues.
Under Jordanian rule of East Jerusalem, all Israelis (regardless of religion) were forbidden from entering the Old City and other holy sites. Between 40,000 and 50,000 tombstones from ancient Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery were destroyed or used as building materials. Christian holy sites were protected and Muslim holy sites were maintained and renovated but Jewish holy sites were damaged and sometimes destroyed.
links for reference:
Pew Research
World Population Review
"Well the Jews Israelis can just contact fheir families in America or Europe and move back to thise countries." How can you possibly say this and think that you're educated enough to have any voice in conversations about Israel? Genuinely how do you not realize how ignorant and antisemitic you are?
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jjjjealous · 1 year ago
Election predictions:
Republican Primary:
Ramaswamy seems like he wants to be the new Trump but let’s be real, he just wants to be Trump’s vice. He knows that none of them stand a chance against the cult leader himself, they’re all like if Jesus’s disciples tried to start their own religion based on themselves. No, you cannot dethrone your cult leader until they die. Just like cult followers, Republicans double down. They don’t want to admit that he’s an awful person and president. He’s sexually assaulted people, insulted people based off their looks, underpaid his workers, is racist, attempted to overturn 2020 election results, incited an insurrection, and fired whistleblowers. But he owns the libtards, therefore he’s poggers. Ramaswamy is simply too brown to win the Republican election even if he were to try. Hailey is simply too woman to win the Republican election. She’s probably my personal favorite of the republicans, not a high bar of course, but yeah, no. Oh and I must get to DeSantis, he had such a good chance, then he started doing more public speaking. Bro is actually a bobble-headed lizard. He’s the most socially awkward person I’ve ever seen, that does not go well with politics. He’s out. Pence “betrayed” Trump, as in he fulfilled his duties during the 2020 election and didn’t forge the election results, therefore no true cult conservative would even consider him for office. Everyone else is too unknown. Trump is winning the Republican primary.
Democratic Primary:
Joe Brandon has it. Marianne Williamson, my personal choice, is far too unknown. If they have a democrat debate then she stands a very good chance, she’s good on stage and even has republicans wanting to vote for her. If they don’t have a democrat debate, she doesn’t stand a chance. RFK Jr. is a joke. He’s more right leaning than left, he’s what republicans call an “old school democrat.” He’s not winning the democratic primary, more republicans consider him than democrats. We’ve already had Joe Biceps, people can take comfort in what they already know. Most democrats are unknown to their other options so they will inevitably choose Joe Vibin’.
Another Biden vs. Trump would be insane, I have to think Biden would win, though. A lot of people would vote for Trump just because of inflation, they need someone to blame for it, so who better than the walking carcass in office? They forget there’s other options and just go for “the other one.” But even with that, Trump’s going to prison. There’s absolutely no way a man going to prison wins the election, then again, it did happen in 1920. He didn’t win, but he got the highest number of votes for a socialist candidate, ever. Trump, scarily enough, does stand a chance, but I think we’re getting Biden for another 4 years.
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ear-worthy · 2 years ago
Gastropod: A Seven-Course Meal Of Great Content
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Assigning a genre to podcasts is an exercise fraught with all kinds of hidden dangers, trap doors, and booby traps. There are podcasts that either defy classification or, more often, have one foot in one genre and another firmly planted in another genre.
Gastropod, for example, is a podcast that is equal parts about food and history. The podcast seamlessly infuses each episode with a pinch of historical perspective and a smidge of foodie nerdiness.
In other words, the podcast makes you hungry for more.
Gastropod defines itself as a podcast about the science and history of food. It has aired since 2014 and is hosted by journalists Nicola Twilley and Cynthia Graber. With the incessant drumbeat of consolidation in the podcast industry, it is refreshing that Gastropod is an independent podcast produced and hosted by Twilley and Graber. They interview chefs, scientists, and historians to collect stories about the science and history of food.
Amazingly, the two hosts produce the podcast out of their homes in Somerville, Massachusetts, and Los Angeles, California, respectively. The podcast has grabbed its share of recognition by winning The 2015 International Association of Culinary Professionals Award for Best Culinary Audio Series (for the episode "The Golden Spoon"), Regional 2015 Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Small Online News Organization Audio Documentary (for the episode "The Microbe Revolution"), and, more recently, the 2019 International Association of Culinary Professionals Award for Best Podcast or Radio Show.
Some of their best episodes include Menu Mind Control from November 2019, where Twilley and Graber talked to Alison Pearlman, author of a book on menus called May We Suggest. Pearlman stressed how a menu has to persuade diners to want what the restaurant sells in the interview. So how do menus do that—and are they somehow subconsciously manipulating our choices? Are there universal principles of effective menu design that savvy diners can identify and outsmart? In this episode, the hosts deftly decode the history and science of the not-so-humble menu.
In August 2020, Gastropod released the episode What The Shell? Cracking The Lobster's Mysteries. In it, the hosts take us on a trip to which the lobster began as prison food to today where's it's an expensive indulgence. Then the hosts explain how the lobster eyes’ intricate mechanism would become a template for scientists to build a telescope.
High on the gross-out scale is the explanation that lobsters urinate through their face, while listeners learn that lobsters don't back down from other sea creatures and are very eager to mix it up with real or perceived enemies. Then, Twilley and Graber go through an unusually detailed explanation of lobster sex. The female squirts urine into the desired mate's den, who invites her in for several days of intertwined antennae and claws.
Moreover, the hosts do not shy away from controversy. Witness the March 2020 episode White Vs. Wheat: The Food Fight Of The Centuries. In the episode, the hosts enter the fray between white bread boosters and the wheat advocates. Along the way, they review 1920s claims that white bread breeds criminals and the central role played by Wonder Bread.
Recent episodes of note include the June 20th show about how human waste can be used as fertilizer for growing food. The June 6th episode takes on a historical journey about the pineapple. And their most recent episode on lab-grown meat may gross out some, and excite others who see it as a way to feed our planet without destroying it.
Why is Gastropod such a critical and listener favorite? First and foremost, Graber and Twilley are terrific hosts who play off each other so effortlessly and have the timing of a well-oiled team.
Whether they are discussing how Leonardo da Vinci invented the first pasta machine, how Jack Daniel learned how to make whiskey, or the history of birthday cake, Graber and Twilley infuse a passion for discovery, a constant search for insight from facts, and a strong desire to inform into every episode.
Each episode, which is about fifty minutes long and is released every two weeks, delves deeply into details about the historical, cultural, and scientific background of the episode's subject and features interviews with multiple experts, sometimes recorded on location at laboratories farm fields, or archaeological digs. This attention to detail and on-site reporting (which costs money and time) demonstrates their commitment to scrupulously researched and carefully curated episodes.
Gastropod does use Patreon for its hierarchy of fans who donate -- from Fans to Supreme Fans. Hosts Graber and Twilley again prove that independent podcasts can thrive and compete, going up against Spotify, Amazon, and other podcast “Big Shots."
Editor’s Note: In August 2021, Gastropod announced a long-term partnership with Eater and the Vox Media Podcast Network (VMPN), effective with Gastropod’s August 3 episode.
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gunnygazette-blog · 2 years ago
As the rest of the league rests...six teams will slug it out...
Game of the Week
(27) Iron Chickens (0-4) 6 @ (32) Minners (0-3) 26  
Why:  Somebody is going to get their first win...so this makes this game more interesting than the rest...
Why Not:  Poor play...
Both teams have been dismal this season…both have been shutout...  But the Iron Chickens 35th ranked offense has at least scored in double digits...though against a bottom five defense.  They’ve only played against one top ten defense and average only 6ppg, so don’t expect a lot of efficiency here.  There offensive line does not fire off the ball and are more often miss their block and than turned around to watch the tackle happen.  They look confused and make up for it by not blocking anyone…  You can blitz them all day.   Defensively they own the very bottom position (40th)...and average surrendering 34.5ppg to teams that are not even top 10…  They are just not aggressive...and can be bullied along the front line. Undersized and no leverage usually ends with players on rollerskates.
Every team that has faced the Iron Chickens has scored at least 20pts...but that streak could be in serious jeopardy...because the 37th ranked Minner Offense has yet to score twice in the same game.  There offense is patterned more for the 1920s than the 2020s.  When your starting QB, FB and WR all look like LBs, it makes sense not to air it out, but off-tackle/sweep running game forces your powerbacks to run laterally minimizing their advantage.  If your going to run such a conservative offense, you can’t turn it over...and they have not protected the ball well.   Where there is a clear differential between the two teams...is the Minners’ 25th ranked defense.  They’ve only been blown out it in one game...and were actually leading (on an un-probable immaculate reception style TD) in a game when a meltdown caused both teams to forfeit...
Both teams have played the same opponent, the Grizzled-ones, and the minners were the only one to be competitive against the Grizzled...so it makes sense to favor them…  But to be more direct...the Minners actually look like a Football team...the Chickens?  Not so much...
Game #2
(31) My lil’ Ponies (1-2)  8 @ (17) RainCoats (Pegasi) (2-0) 34  
Why:  If Raincoats want to be a contender...they will have to win this Home game...
Why Not:  A team that hasn’t won vs a team that hasn’t lost...
This game was originally slated for week one.  Since that time the Ponies have faced two of the top teams in the North division and picked up their lone win via a forfeit.  Their O has been hamstrung by mental errors; false starts, players running the wrong play…  They have a better offense than their opponent...but defensively they have been a sieve...unable to keep either opponent under 40pts.  They are undersized upfront to be running a two-gap system but sometimes they leave me looking at their alignment and saying WTF...   Misalignment and assignments leaves their backend vulnerable, making it hard to get off the field on third and fourth down…  
The Torres Rain Coats built their undefeated record on the backs of two 1-3 teams found in the bottom third in the rankings...sliding by each of them by a single score.  Their bottom half offense only averages 14ppg, so don’t expect too much here.  Their O-line runs a less than aggressive blocking scheme so their match-up with the Ponies will look like alotta belly to belly dancing.  Their QB and his ball security is what will determine their offensive success.  Their advantage is on the defensive side of the ball...holding teams to a mere score a game...but they have not played teams that will challenge them down the field…  Ponies could do some damage...  
This will be a strength vs strength game.  The pressure here is on the Pegasi, if they struggle to beat the Ponies, their struggle for respect will be even steeper.  
I think it will be closer than algorithm picks.  
(38) Ghosts (0-1) 0 @ (7) Du-vowel Kitties (2-1) 28
Why:  It is a game
Why Not:  a top 10 team playing against a bottom 5 team...
A team that is in the bottom third of every category, unable to make the play-offs, and having announced that they are on their farewell tour is on the road against an opponent ranked in the top 15 in every category.   As much fun as it would be to fill the stands to jeer and carry-on…it would not surprise me if no one shows up to watch…  When the chance of you getting a three game suspension is greater than the entertainment value...smarter players would stay away.  But Semi-pro is not known to make the smartest choices...soooo...
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