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angelsanarchy · 1 year ago
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 19
Tagging: @ophelialaufey@madamemaximoff06@forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27
For the first few months of the shop being open, there had been complaints about noise, property damage, lewd acts and even some random garbage fires. The neighbors were too afraid to call the police but they had no problem complaining amongst themselves. Oystein had called Hammed about setting up an account that way he could get daily deliveries but told him he would only tip double if Y/n was the one to deliver it. Hammed agreed without hesitation but reminded Oystein she still gets to decide if she's going to do the deliveries.
The first week she left the food on the step of the shop and or had someone who was going in give it to Oystein. She was later informed Hammed had to dock her pay because Oystein wasn't receiving his orders. As much as she wanted to go into the shop and beam his order at him, cursing him out. She decided that she would play this game.
She walked into the shop to see he had three customers standing at the counter. She waited for the business to be done and he smirked at her as she approached.
"I see you finally made it in again. I told Hammed that I missed some orders." Oystein explained.
"Yeah he docked my pay. Sorry you didn't get the food I very clearly place on the step and made eye contact with you." Y/n gave a fake smile and Oystein nodded.
"I'm sorry to hear that but it is your job to hand deliever the food, isn't it." She stared at him for a few seconds before walking closer and sticking the food out.
"Yes, yes it is. Here is your food." She place the food in his hands and he smiled.
"Come on Y/n. This can't be that bad. I doubled the tip, doesn't that count for something?" Oystein asked wishing she would let her guard down just slightly.
"Listen, my only job is to make sure that bag of food gets into your hands. You don't double tip for me to stick around and have conversations with you." Y/n explained with a smile.
"What if I tripled it?" He tested.
"As long as your names on the check and not your dad's." She leaned over the counter towards him. He was speechless. No one could cut him up like Y/n. She smirked knowing she had won this round and left the store. Every day she brought him his food, she made sure to put it in his hands or sit it in front of him. She wasn't going to get docked again and she refused to let his comments bother her.
Whenever he tried to start a conversation or make a snarky comment, she would make sure to knock something over or flip a record around knowing he would have to come around the counter just to fix it. She knew it annoyed him. Truth was, he accepted it. All he wanted was to interact with her.
"Hey did you see Enrich sweet talking the shop girl Euro is obsessed with?" Faust leaned against the counter talking to a customer and Oystein took his headphones off.
"Speak freely, asshole. What was that?" He challenged seeing the guy put his hands up.
"Hey man I'm just looking out for you. He's been pushing up on that sandwich shop chick that brings your lunch every day. He's trying to get signed by you." He could feel Faust's eyes on him.
"Wouldn't make much sense to do that if he wanted to get signed." Faust said blowing the guy off and telling him to take a hike. Oystein made a mental note of the interaction and keep his eyes out for whoever this Enrich guy was. She pushed the door open and he leaned back in his chair. She tossed the bag on the counter and gave him the finger before spinning on her heel and heading right back out the door.
"I can see why you like her." Faust croaked making Oystein roll his eyes. He was the only one who was there enough to see the on goings of their complicated connection. He never really
Today his order was running late. He had walked to the door ready to head to the shop and pick it up but he noticed Y//n was actually talking to someone. It was a guy who had come into his shop often looking for records. Nothing truly standout about the guy but he knew he didn't like her talking to other metal heads. He gave her a side hug letting her before she started towards the door. Oystein walked back around the counter so she wouldn't see him and tried to play it cool.
"You're late." He said taking the bag.
"Take it out of my tip." She said quickly.
"What tip?" That caught her attention. She turned slowly and looked at him. He opened the bag and sighed.
"It's cold now. I'm considering a refund and you're worried about a tip?" Oystein slid the bag back towards her and she glanced at Faust who looked away quickly.
"Today is not the day. Don't fuck with me-" She started.
"Look the shop is literally five minutes away. Don't get pissy at me because you can't walk a bag five minutes without it getting cold." Oystein knew he was being a prick but he was salty. She was talking to people who frequented his establishment, who wanted to be signed to his label and she thought he would just be okay with it? Not a chance. He was in fact petty.
Y/n snatched the bag off the counter, cussing under her breath. Oystein and Faust shared a look and they both chuckled.
She returned 10 minutes later with another bag that was not only hot but free according to the note on it from Hammeed. She pulled bills from her pocket and slapped it on the counter.
"You can keep the tip." Oystein said but she laughed.
"Oh no this time you can keep it. Use it. Take it to store and get a razor. You look like a vampiric pedophile, you fucking clown." Y/n seethed before giving Faust the finger.
"You're welcome for the free show." She left the shop annoyed and Faust laughed.
"She might actually kill you." He shrugged sitting in front of the TV once more and Oystein shook his head.
"Probably." Oystein whispered taking his food into his office.
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fortuneaday · 2 months ago
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batfam-belfry · 1 month ago
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I love it when they refer to themselves as brothers <3
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divinetransseraphim · 1 month ago
Happy Birthday, Newt Geiszler <3
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killjoy-prince · 1 year ago
House M.D. but it's when House says Wilson's name
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happy vessel day to cas
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and happy anniversary to the ship of all ships
16 years
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archivingbarca · 2 months ago
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lamineyamal: 1/2 🏄🏾‍♂️
(ig, 09/01/25)
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super-paper · 5 months ago
a gif I made to better illustrate why izuku vs tenko felt like such an utter flop to me (esp. compared to the other hero/villain duos), and like
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I can't stop laughing at that ridiculous red-to-green ratio lmfao.
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Tenet (2020, Christopher Nolan)
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nineliars · 3 months ago
i’m not looking to start flame wars here but i feel like a good chunk of the criticism people have about avery’s pov in prague is that she’s too horny for jameson compared to previous books and while i respect and acknowledge that criticism i feel like it fails to account for the fact that avery is a simple human girl, alone in a foreign city with her boyfriend who came up with a whole intricate game just for her. and also most teenage boys are afflicted with chronic horny disease and sometimes it’s contagious. especially under the circumstances i mentioned before. and while we may not have a ton of textual evidence of avery’s hornyjail thoughts, we have plenty of that from jameson (in regards to avery.) again, horny disease can be very contagious. it’s not avery’s fault she’s sick 💔
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skyward-floored · 1 year ago
Impa has had plenty of battle experience in her life.
Countless days spent training in both tactics and fighting itself, long hours plugged into doing nothing but honing the skills of her tribe and other abilities she’s been gifted with. Learning the most effective ways to use them all together, and win any fight.
But there’s really no way to prepare yourself for a battle in which both your past lover (who can’t exactly be called her husband since Impa hasn’t even spoken to him in almost two decades, and has also for some reason aligned himself with an army of monsters) and son (who is unaware of the identity of either of his parents, and shouldn’t be on the battlefield anyway since he’s not even of age) are both running around in on opposite sides, making it impossible to keep track of either of them.
Impa huffs as she dodges a spear, worry and exasperation clashing together within her.
She’s lost sight of Link for the third time already this battle, and only has a vague idea of where Volga ended up. Link has demonstrated he can handle himself, but he’s still only a trainee, and Impa’s seen (even from a distance) what sort of trouble he can get into.
And Volga...
The questions that have been swirling around in her head ever since the battle start to come to life again, but Impa ignores them, focusing not on the hurt and confusion and instead on her current goal.
“Where did the boy go, Link?” she asks the captain stationed at the keep she’s helping defend, slashing past a bokoblin and narrowly saving a soldier’s head.
The captain frowns, holding his shield up to block a stray arrow. “I lost sight of him, all I know is he took out a whole squad of bokos and ran off,” he says, forehead creased.
“I saw him heading to the abandoned fort ma’am,” a soldier calls towards her. “Someone said that dragon-man is back there, I think he went to go fight him off.”
A cold feeling steals into Impa’s chest.
“Idiot boy is going to get himself killed,” the captain at her side mutters, slicing viciously at a monster. “Trainees shouldn’t be out here at all, no less fighting dragons. Boy barely looks old enough to shave.”
Impa more than agrees, but doesn’t waste her time with words, leaving the keep in the captain’s capable hands, and taking off to go find Link.
...and Volga.
She follows the soldier’s words, heading to the fort he’d pointed out. Sure enough, as she gets closer, she sees streams of fire burst into the air, hears the clash of weapons and familiar shouts.
Her heart skips a beat, and she runs past bokoblins and moblins alike, pausing only momentarily to fight her way past a few.
None of the monsters that get in her way are terribly tough, but they take time to fight, and Impa is getting anxious, casting continued glances at the smoke and fire nearby. She’s seen firsthand today how good of a fighter Link is, but she’s also well aware of Volga’s strength.
And Link... will need help.
The last bokoblin falls and Impa runs for the fort, arriving just in time to see Volga slam a clawed fist into Link. He cries out as he’s thrown across the cobblestones, landing in a motionless heap, and Impa bolts, blood roaring in her ears.
She slides to a stop in front of Link when Volga tries to advance, putting herself between them and blocking his path. The dragon knight stares at her, shadowed eyes narrowed, and Impa glares back, unmoving in her defense of Link.
She sees no sign of the man she fell in love with in his eyes.
“How noble,” Volga sneers, embers falling from his mouth. “Enjoy your shared grave.”
The fire around him begins to intensify, and Impa’s eyes widen, knowing immediately what it means.
“Oh no...” she breathes, and turns back to Link in a panic, getting to a knee and touching his shoulder. He shifts at her touch, but just a little, his eyes flickering when she shakes him. Volga growls, and Impa whirls back towards him, knowing she doesn’t have enough time to pull Link out of here.
The air around Volga wavers with heat as flames lick up his form, and then he moves forward, blasting a huge plume of fire directly at them both, hotter than death mountain itself.
And right before the flames hit, Link stumbles in front of Impa, a hand outstretched like he hopes to hold back the flames with nothing but his arm.
Impa barely has enough time to be horrified (he’s only a boy, he shouldn’t be protecting her, she can’t watch her son die—) before the flames engulf them both.
But instead of burning alive in her former-lover’s flames, Impa instead feels a gentle warmth.
It’s equally soothing and powerful, and she opens her eyes, not even realizing she’d closed them. The sight that meets her makes her startle, and she stares up at Link in utter shock.
Golden light is pouring around Link— around her son, in a wide, protective glow, encircling and keeping them both safe. All of him holds a shine, but his left hand is glowing especially bright, triangles outlined on the back in a beautiful luminescent gold. A sign of which Impa would know anywhere and had already begun to suspect, but almost doesn’t want to believe, to face what it truly means for them all.
Link is the Hero.
Volga’s flames finally peter off, and the light fades, but Link still holds his hand up, fingers shaking a little. Volga studies him, giving Link a calculating look as his eyes dart across his face, and Impa finds herself holding her breath.
Will he notice the similarities, will he pick up on the features he and Link share, will he put the pieces together—
But Volga appears not to recognize anything amiss about Link, or even herself, and he barely spares her a glance as he growls something about not being beaten, and departs the battlefield.
Link shakily falls to a knee almost the moment he’s gone, and Impa resists the urge to grab him by the shoulders and make sure he’s okay, instead joining his side not too quickly.
“H-how...” he croaks, staring at his hand in equal awe and terror. “What was...”
“The triforce of courage,” Impa supplies, and he looks at her, his face covered in grime and sweat, and layered with a healthy amount of shock.
She takes a deep breath as what the meaning of this truly signifies begins to sink into her chest, fear and pride and several other emotions all vying for her attention. But she ignores them all, especially the sharp ache at the realization her son has a long fight ahead of him.
A monster howls somewhere nearby, accompanied by a soldier’s yell, and Impa closes her eyes, then reopens them, packing the emotions away with practiced ease.
“...I’m afraid we don’t have time for me to explain everything to you right now,” she apologizes, offering Link a hand up. “But I promise I will. At the moment, we have a battle to win.”
Link swallows, looking like he wants to say more. But then he straightens his shoulders and nods, letting her pull him to his feet. Impa can feel his hand still faintly shaking, and she can’t resist giving it the lightest of squeezes before she lets go, quickly returning her attention to the battle still raging outside the fort.
They can figure all of this out later. She can figure all of this out later.
Right now, they have a battle to win.
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elavoria · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @theoneandonlysemla, @sylvienerevarine, and @sheirukitriesfandom over the last weeks, thank you! I tag you all back and also @dirty-bosmer, @nostalgic-breton-girl, @1helios1, and @illumiera. : )
More Pathfinder, but this time from a tabletop Wrath of the Righteous campaign spouse and I are putting together just for ourselves [and our numerous characters] on the side of the Shattered Star campaign. Here’s Pathfinder!Amaryllia during her first meeting with her new ancient evil lich bestie—and yes Isanna is here too; this iteration of her already went through the entirety of Shattered Star:
Amaryllia took his hand in both of hers and ran her thumbs across the blood-red tattoo, taking care to touch him only gently so as not to accidentally damage his paper-thin skin, taking care not to look too surprised by his hand’s unnatural pallor and lack of warmth. The powerful pulse of life that ran through her and imbued her with a radiantly healthy glow made the latter particularly—unfairly, she thought briefly—evident when their hands were joined, but it was easy enough to disguise her alarm as wonder, for the wickedly pointed marking that adorned his hand, robes, and staff intrigued her. “What is this symbol?” she asked, lifting her eyes to meet his only to become distracted again by the ioun stones circling his head. “Why, it’s the rune of wrath,” he answered, as surprised by the question as she was by the reality of his undeath. “Only fitting for a runelord of the same, don’t you think?” “It meant kindness, once,” Isanna said stiffly. Amaryllia spared her a glance, only to frown slightly at the distaste evident in the inquisitor’s glare. “Is that true?” she asked as she turned her attention back to the lich. “Yes,” he said, though not without hesitation. “Once.” “Then it can mean that again,” she suggested eagerly. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled into his, and he offered her a small, weary smile in return. “‘Once’, my dear,” Alderpash said with a gentle, almost begrudging fondness, “was a very, very long time ago.”
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fortuneaday · 3 days ago
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ssaalexblake · 1 year ago
honestly the best moment in the woman who fell to earth is when Yaz and Ryan are tasked with operating a crane by the doctor and they have to youtube it to work out how. So underappreciated. So realistic. Of Course they'd go on youtube to work it out and of course there's be a video on there telling people how to work a crane.
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eldritchsquared · 1 year ago
hey so, i dont know if anyone over here noticed yet, but the newest printing of the normal album has some weird stuff in it.
like thats definitely numbers, right?
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drifthail · 7 months ago
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pov: four gay cars staring at each other :]
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