#16 hour affair
shihlun · 1 year
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KAO Chung-li
- Hiroshima Mon Amour (16 Hour Love Affair)
23 notes · View notes
deunmiu-dessie · 30 days
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1/2 (unedited)
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ♡︎ : in the year 3020, androids of all types are being produced globally. cybernautic technologies (cnt), the leading company in the field, is offering anyone who has bought an android from them the opportunity to be selected as a beta tester for any of their upcoming models at no cost—all you have to do is sign up. while the odds of being chosen are quite low, when cnt has revealed the imminent launch of their latest android, named 'the guard dog.' you arrive home to a large, heavy package bearing the cybernautic technologies logo waiting at your doorstep.
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“hello, welcome to the prospect, i’ll be your server for today.”
“will that be all?”
“thank you for dining here at the prospect!”
“what would you like to drink tonight?”
“would you prefer soup or salad?”
“will you be paying in credits?”
“it seems you're low on mexus currency, we’ll have to ask you to leave.”
“here at the prospect, everything is cooked and served by humans.”
“enjoy the rest of your stay here in felicity port.”
⸺⸺⸺⸺ ☙ ⸺⸺⸺⸺
everything slipped by in a haze, a blur of muted colors and indistinct sounds, as if the world outside had faded into a dreamlike state; and you don't remember eating at all today. the gnawing emptiness in your belly screaming for attention is testament to that, your body desperately trying to consume itself whole in mutiny. your fingers glide over the soft fat of your stomach, a tender caress meant to placate the piercing pains and the grumbling whale noises. however, it continues its revolt and doubles its efforts.
as a matter of fact, you couldn't remember if you’d even gone home the day prior or stayed to work through your off hours into this shift. because the moment you clocked in, time seemed nonexistent. hours evaporated into mere moments, while seconds stretched into agonizing eternities, voices overlapped and the heat of the kitchen crept underneath skin and charred bones, words pierced hearts and knives nicked flesh. claret hued blood confused with strawberry puree.
 there was no concept of time here at the prospect. you realized that a month into working. after weeks and weeks of grueling work, where each day bled into the next, a nightmarish cycle of labor that left you retching and gasping for air every single time you came home, time seemed to warp and stretch. it felt as if the second you crossed the threshold of your home, you were heading back to work, with barely enough time to brush the smell of puke from your breath. and for the entire bleak month of feburary, you found yourself ensnared in a twisted romance with your bathroom toilet; a tall glass of orange juice- your only companion in this grim affair.
and because there was never a point when the restaurant was empty, there was never a moment when the workers could break. never a moment to catch your breath, to declutter your mind, to steady your heart, never a time to think. thoughts raced like the orders flying out of the kitchen; contemplation was a luxury they could not afford. adapt or face the door—those were the unspoken rules. amy, one of the general managers, often said, “you can rest when you’re six feet under.” ironically, her break arrived just a few months later.
the prospect stood as a rare sanctuary in a world dominated by machines, and was one of the few places that hired humans and humans only. a coveted position here came with a lengthy waiting list, despite the shit wages which barely compensated for the grueling labor. so there was no way you would leave, no way you could quit. besides, it wasn't all bad— it was quite the close-knit family here, and working could be fun most days with the right manager scheduled. and the perks were good enough. you needed the money.
“chica? you leavin’?”
your head swivels tiredly in the direction of the smooth, rich voice of your co-worker nina, her long dark tresses are pulled into a low ponytail, and the familiar piercings that embellish her spheroidal face—tiny silver hoops and delicate studs— have been taken off for the start of her shift, giving her an unexpectedly fresh look. your thoughts scatter the moment you see her, like autumn leaves in a brisk wind, as if attempting to hide from nina's presence despite the woman not being able to hear them.
your hand drops from the hold on your pained stomach, gliding down to the unforgiving chill of the bench beneath you, the shock of the cold metal causes goosebumps to ghost along your skin. when the two of you meet eyes, you can't help but grin teasingly as you respond to her, “mhm, i’m off the next two days as well,” there's a keen lilt to your voice and nina groans, her head teetering back in disbelief, her soft, rounded hands settling defiantly on her curvy hips. nina's gaze resembles deep pools of dark chocolate, rich and indulgent, infused with a small hint of cayenne.
“tell me you're thinkin’ about pickin’ up,” her voice pleads, her curvaceous figure now leaning against the threshold of the changing room. nina’s lips, petite yet full with a pronounced cupid's bow, pull into a soft frown, her chin set and a small dimple forming in the skin.
nina’d been working at the prospect long before you came, but the two of you formed bonds quickly in only a couple of weeks despite the age gap, with her being a few years your senior, the connection felt effortless. “i have a new server comin’ in and i don't want to train him alone, you know how packed we get on saturdays.” she mutters bitterly and your nose scrunches up at the mere idea of having to work on the weekend.
because the prospect was one of the three human ran restaurants in felicity port, that wasn't in the glades, it was bound to be packed and always drew in crowds like moths to a flame. most of the dickheads and drunks came out on the weekends and most workers dreaded being scheduled for it. however, when you and nina were on the clock together, most would leap at the chance to work those nights. you let out a sigh and shake your head, lips pursing and toeing into your beat-up shoes. “i would– you know i would, but cody is on my ass for the amount of overtime i racked up last month, so i can't.”
nina’s forehead gently collides with the door frame as she processes your response, a rhythmic thud echoing in the air. after a few moments, she pivots her head to meet your gaze. “bitch, why do you do these things to me? creo que voy a dejarlo.” the question is filled with exhaustion and slight irritation that has your mouth opening in a boisterous laugh, much to nina's growing irritation. the hispanic woman's hand lifts from its grip on the doorframe, and the middle finger raises slowly, but it only makes you laugh harder as you clutch your weathered tote bag and rise from the cold metal bench. ( i think i'm going to quit. )
you lightly tap the toe of your shoes against the floor before walking towards nina and enveloping her shoulders with your arm, lips pressing to her olive toned cheek as a parting gift, soft chuckles still slipping from your lips. "i'll see you monday, nina." you tell her softly, patting her shoulder, then glide by her, walking to the back door of the restaurant.
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there's a chill in the air the moment you cross the threshold into the open, the warm autumn air from early in the morning feels like a figment of your imagination. and for a heartbeat, you linger, eyes lifted to the synthetic trees that stretch toward the artificial night sky, watching the transformation of leaves from vibrant green to fiery red, cascading down to the metallic earth below. where with each leaf that touches the surface, vanishes in a delicate explosion of shimmering blue motes.
the loud hum of machinery, and the occasional chirp of synthetic birds flitting between the branches makes your stomach churn. there was nothing real here.
despite it being deep into the night, felicity port was as bright and loud as ever. known to outsiders as: the place that never sleeps, andromexus city thrummed with life. the sharp sound of flying cars and the whoosh of hoverboards, the loud thrum of the machinery just beneath the metallic sidewalks and roads, the sound of pleasure androids promoting their workplace, and the sound of rowdy human men that came with it. there was never a moment where felicity port was silent, never a moment where shit wasn't happening.
it was a place where dreams were made and also came to die-- everyone yearned to call andromexus city home, yet only a select few could endure its relentless pace. it stopped for no one and at times, you wondered how you managed to survive.
your eyes flit around the darkened alleyway, well as dark as it could get with the flickering glow of promotional drones flying around, their neon signs casting a sharp light. you search intently until your eyes land on what you're looking for, or perhaps, who, you are looking for. with a steady stride, you approach the homeless man, joel, an older gentleman whose wisdom is etched into the lines of his weathered face. yet, despite the knowledge that comes with age, he has found himself adrift in felicity port, stripped of mexus currency and credits. "joel, i got you something to eat."
his lashes, wispy and white as gossamer, flutter before his eyelids lift revealing soft irises of honey brown and milky white. he was blind in one eye. joel's gaze seems to brighten the moment that they find you, a smile pulling at his thin lips, his crooked, yellow teeth on display to give you a warm smile. "you're here," the man murmurs, his voice raspy yet tender, as he shifts slightly beneath the thick blanket, a gift given to him by you.
you can't help the smile that blooms on your face as you crouch before him, rummaging through your well-worn tote bag to retrieve the food you had pilfered from the restaurant kitchen. "i am," you murmur back softly, grabbing his thin hand, blue veins protruding against his flesh. you gently place the hefty weight of the box in his grasp. "enjoy, joel,"
there's a soft pop of your joints when you stand from your crouched position and you grimace softly, hefting your tote bag over your shoulder once more and taking a few steps back from the man. with a swift turn, you exit the alleyway, a smile curling your lips when you hear the faint voice of joel calling out a, 'thank you', the bustling sounds of the street greeting you.
when you first moved to andromexus city, the sounds and smells of felicity port made you nauseous and dizzy. you could barely be outside for more than ten minutes without swallowing down the burning taste of vomit, without having your hands cushioning the weight of your skull in your palms. the lights were too bright, everything too loud, the smell of oil and smoke filling your lungs and clinging to the walls like an unwelcome guest you had been overwhelmed, with no one to help you become accustomed to it.
despite having resided in felicity port for a few years, there was still a dull ache in the back of your head the moment you stepped outside of your apartment. with a gentle shake of your head and a deep sigh, you deftly maneuver through the packed streets of the entertainment district, narrowly dodging teenagers zipping by on hoverboards and gliding on sonic razorblades. this was the familiar rhythm of your day, the 'dream' you had envisioned while living in nebulon city, where the population was only ten thousand.
"i'll take a corndog."
"that'll be five, in mexus currency."
the prices were cheap in felicity port but then again, the food wasn't real out here in the entertainment district. just crafted to resemble the culinary delights of a bygone era, a time when the world still had the animals and resources to create such dishes. you weren't too sure if this was even the original taste of a corndog, with its sweet, bready exterior and the savory meat hidden within, all generously slathered in ketchup and mustard. nothing was real.
as you turn down the familiar street that your apartment rests on, you observe the small android children frolicking on their porches, undeterred by the late hour. sleep was a concept foreign to them, after all; they weren't bound by human needs. your blunt human teeth bite into the familiar taste of the corndog, a treat you always got yourself the moment you got off of work. a soft sound of contentment escaped your lips, chewing slowly as your eyes took in the activity of felicity port.
"excuse me."
the softness of your lips part to mutter, hips narrowly missing the patrolling security robot as you continue your way down the street. for a fleeting moment, your gaze lingers on the machine before you turn your attention ahead. andromexus city was no stranger to crime; it was a constant presence. it was inevitable with the number of jewle addicts and homeless that took up more than half the population and each night, countless individuals fell victim to theft, losing their credits and mexus currency. thankfully you had never been targeted before.
the moment your apartment complex comes into view, your eyes land on a huge box stationed in front of your door and your lashes flutter, your stomach clenching painfully from hunger. you instinctively press your fingers against your abdomen, trying to ease the discomfort, while you cautiously ascend the stairs to your floor. eyebrows furrowing and footsteps light. you hadn't ordered anything in months, yet with each step, your address becomes more distinct, and your name emerges clearly on the package.
your fingers glide across the surface of the box, your eyes darting around as you absorb its details, eventually settling on the tiny logo of cybernautic technologies nestled in the bottom right corner. your eyebrows lift in soft question before you slide past the box, placing your thumb on the doorknob. the scanner emits a red blinking light until the mechanical sound of your door unlocking is heard and the scanner flashes green.
as you turn the knob and push the door to your apartment ajar, you let your bag tumble to the floor with a soft thud. standing there, hands on your hips, you tilt your head back to scrutinize the top of the box that looms above you, lips trembling as you let out a sigh, muttering softly to yourself, "what the hell are you?"
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it took more than half an hour for you to drag the box into your apartment and the center of your living room, it was as if it were a leaden weight that clung stubbornly to the ground. you were sure it weighed a ton, and in the process, you had chipped at least two nails.
now, standing before the box with your hip tilted to one side, you were drenched in sweat, your chest rising and falling with exertion. meanwhile, your android dog, who you named willow, was still stationed at its charging station and though the thought of letting her roam free while you tackled the unboxing was tempting, you ultimately decided against it.
walking to the kitchen, your hand instinctively reached for the laser knife nestled in its sheath. with purpose, you returned to the box, carefully slicing along the dotted lines designed for a precise opening of a package from cybernautic technologies. after a few deft cuts, the front of the box fell away, hitting the tiled floor with a resounding thud. your blade followed suit, clattering down just moments later as your gaze finally settled on the imposing figure within the box—a large, burly man, no android, firmly secured within it.
he was naked from his neck to the deep v-line at his hips; from then on he was covered by a pair of cnt boxer briefs that truly left little to the imagination. you swallow thickly, forcing your gaze to remain fixed on his face. he possessed a rugged handsomeness, his dark blonde hair tousled and his lips a delicate shell pink. he looked real, a vividness that made it difficult to believe he was an android. with a trembling hand, you reach up to brush softly against his cheek feeling the chill of his skin—a common trait among androids, especially when they were not connected to their charging stations.
your breath hitches just from the touch of his frigid artificial skin, and your fingertips brush and tap down his flesh until they get to his chest, where you press your palm firmly against him. your eyes remain fixed on his face, tilting your head slightly in a daze, lips slightly parted as your gaze roams over his features, the contours of his jawline, the curve of his lips, and the startling realness of his skin. there was something so different about him compared to the other androids that have been made. your fingers wander over the delicate hairs just below his navel, a soft, almost reverent touch, but then you withdraw your hand abruptly, as if you'd been shocked.
your gaze darts around your living room for a brief moment before it settles on a small envelope glued to the front of the box. in a swift motion, you lower yourself into a crouch, pressing your palm against the sturdy cardboard surface. with your other hand, you carefully peel the letter free, shaky hands, ripping it open, fumbling to get the note out of the envelope before your eyes roam over its contents.
exciting news: you've been selected as a beta user! dear [recipient's name], here at cyberbautic technologies, we’re thrilled to inform you that you have been chosen as a beta user for our latest innovation, the android robot known as "the guard dog." this advanced robot is designed to provide security and companionship in your home. you will have a full week to interact with the guard dog, testing its features and functionalities. we encourage you to explore all its capabilities, which include smart surveillance, voice interaction, personalized security settings and other functions. your feedback is invaluable to us, so please take note of your experiences, any challenges you encounter, and suggestions for improvement. best regards, [your name]
your lips part in a soft movement of disbelief, and your gaze darts back to the android confined within the box, his eyes closed in a serene slumber and framed by long, delicate blonde lashes. everything about him was so big, so masculine, and void of any gentle contours. broad shoulders taper down to a powerful torso, each muscle defined and pronounced and thick, muscular thighs, thick and sturdy.
your eyes travel down to his large hands with blunt fingernails, it reminds you of a life of labor, of toil and effort, as if he wasn't forged from metal and circuitry. each finger is thick and strong, capable of both delicate precision and overwhelming force. a sharp, prominent nose, slightly askew as if it has borne the brunt of countless battles. it was as if he was a greek god sculpted from marble.
letting the letter fall from your hands you walk forward and lean in close, eyes looking for the small power button nestled just beneath and behind his ear. with trembling fingers, slick with sweat, you press it, feeling a bead trickle down your temple. the sound of him powering on reverberates through the confines of your small apartment, and you carefully retreat a step back.
no movement, unlike what you’d seen in countless galaxy network videos of android unboxings. your eyebrows twitch as you instinctively move to take a step forward, but then a voice echoes through the air—dark, deep, and tinged with a rough accent. it sent a warm wave of heat unfurling within your stomach, leaving you momentarily breathless. hand pressing to your heart to calm the fierce thumping.
“standby mode: off.”
a gentle hum emanates from his internal mechanisms and as if awakening from a deep slumber, his eyes slowly open, the brown irises glowing a pale blue, while streams of programming code flicker rapidly across their surface. you watch as his chest slowly starts to move, as if he is mimicking the act of breathing. and the moment you step closer, you can feel the heat rolling off his body in waves.
“performing quick self-diagnostic check.”
crouching, you retrieve the laser knife from the floor. you approach the android, your heart racing as you carefully slice through the straps binding his arms; descending back down to also cut the straps from his ankles; making sure to avoid looking anywhere below his waist. once the android is free from his bindings, you swiftly retreat a few paces, creating distance between you and the now-unrestrained figure.
“diagnostics complete.”
the gruff, deep, accented, and almost monotonous sound of his voice sends a chill racing down your spine, and the scent of pine and something akin to smoke invades your nose and lungs. then his brown eyes, so life-like and dark, are on yours, with an intensity that is hard to ignore. your eyes widen when he speaks, trying your hardest to keep your eyes on his face, “id code: #a36h920tr, you have been selected as a beta user for my model, ‘the guard dog,’ set to launch in the fall of next year. i am the only one of my kind and have been named, simon.”
what exactly have you signed up for?
your mouth gapes like a fish out of water, while your eyes blink in a startled manner, akin to an owl's gaze, as a tightness grips your throat, a constricting band that makes it feel as though you are being choked by an unseen force, “y-yes, my name is [your name].” you mutter, heart thudding so hard in your chest, it’s almost painful.
“your heart rate is above the normal range. initiatin’ a complete body scan for owner: [your name].”
hot. your flesh felt like it was peeling from your bones, dissolving into a pile of gore at your feet. you wanted the floor to open up and swallow you whole. he was an android, he wasn’t real, just a mere construct of metal and circuits, yet he appeared so convincingly lifelike, both in appearance and sound, that it was disorienting. you could almost convince yourself he was real, as real as the oppressive warmth surrounding you. with a sharp intake of breath, you cleared your throat and raised your hand, halting his scanning gaze. “no! i’m fine, it’s just…hot.” you mutter sheepishly.
simon’s gaze is an unwavering, dark pit, drawing you in with an intensity that felt almost otherworldly. as if he could ask you to do something and you would, without hesitation. the way he spoke, low and deep, growly and gruff, like distant thunder, set all of your nerves on fire and scorched your bones to the marrow.
the two of you are silent for a moment, and you catch a glimpse of the android's gaze flickering momentarily to your breasts and thighs, see the soft clenching of his large hands, yet, just as quickly, his eyes return to meet yours. your lips part and his eyes follow dutifully, taking in the softness of your mouth, the delicate curve of your lips, the gentle nervous breath that escapes, and the slight peek of your pink human tongue. you wonder what thoughts race through his mind, what algorithms are at play as he watches you. wonder if he's aware of the way your skin tingles under his gaze.
was it even possible to have sexual tension with a damn robot?
you practically jump out of your skin when he shifts, thick powerful legs, connecting to a tapered waist, emerging from the confines of the box. in response, you step back, wide eyes on his. then his whole body is out, and somehow he seems bigger than he was before– it's as if he takes up all the space in your small apartment. you can't help the breath of awe that escapes, or the way your eyes trail down his neck, past the swell of his adams apple, before settling on the impressive contours of his chest.
there's something akin to amusement that seems to swirl in his eyes when you find his gaze again, that and something…dark, in a way. just as you prepare to speak, a subtle flash of red flickers from just behind and beneath his ear.
“my power level ‘s low,” he informs you, and you respond with a nod, feeling somewhat foolish as you remain rooted to the spot. his eyes narrow, like a predator watching prey, prompting you to finally break the silence. you wipe your sweaty palms on the back of your pants. “right, sorry. uh, i have a charging pad, just, um–” you motion towards the corner of the living room where your android dog was stationed on a charging port.
simon’s head cranes to look where you point and he lets out a soft, deep grunt before his dark eyes find yours, and it steals your breath, and causes heat to blossom between the apex of your thighs. you shake your head, attempting to dispel the swirling thoughts, and cautiously maneuver around him, you can’t help but notice the way his gaze follows you, breath hitching when you hear him take in a soft inhale of your scent.
you quickly make your way to the charging pad and gently pick up willow, cradling her plush body to your chest and stepping out of the way. “you can charge now, simon.” you murmur, pivoting to meet his gaze. however, he's already bridged the gap, now merely a foot away. the artificial warmth radiating from him sends a wave of dizziness through you, mingling with the earthy scent of pine and smoke that clings to his frame. he’s a massive android, perhaps the biggest creation cybernautic technologies has made.
a small startled sound escapes your mouth and you instinctively shuffle away, your back pressing against the cool surface of the wall. he looks as if he’s going to eat you whole, ravage your body, and leave you as nothing more than a heap of overstimulated flesh. you swallow thickly and his intense gaze flits down to your throat. there's a stall in his mechanics, you notice the way a vivid purple light flickers from his power button and turn red before his dark eyes finally break away from yours, and he strides toward the charging pad, the 'muscles' in his jaw tightening.
“standby mode: on.”
with a trembling inhale, you observe his eyelids fluttering close, and his chest stopping its movement; almost as if he were no longer alive. the moment simon is charging, you exhale sharply, pressing a hand against your heart, holding willow close.
“i think i’m gonna pass out.”
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you're not sure what the time is or why you woke up, but your lashes flutter, and the stark white ceiling comes into focus, the shadows of your room slowly receding. despite the warmth from your comforter, you can feel a brush of cool air over your collarbones. your eyes glide around your room, groggily taking in the dark chamber before landing on a massive, bulky figure looming at the foot of your bed.
a scream lodges its way in your throat, attempting to claw its way out, but before it can break free, a deep, gravelly voice cuts through the tension. “your heart rate is elevated, and your stress hormones are off the charts. you’re frightened,” he states, his tone almost indifferent. you swallow hard, the scream lodged deep within you, your heart racing and your skin flushing with heat. “what the hell are you doing in my room?” you murmur, sitting up slowly in bed.
“i am programmed to always be within a certain range of you, sweetheart.” he states gruffly, his voice, while panty-dropping, had a bit of sass to it. “this ‘s a setting that can’t be overridden.” simon finishes, and you can feel his eyes on you, roaming over the exposed skin of your body, it sends a delightful shiver down your spine.
sweetheart? did he just call you sweetheart? why were your nipples getting hard right now?
you swallow thickly, and stretch your hand to flick on the lamp beside your bed, the soft click seemingly loud in your ears and the warm light chasing away shadows. you feel the pressure of your teeth against the inside of your cheek as you steal a glance at him, he’s still only clad in his cnt boxers, all tight to his skin. quickly, you avert your eyes, focusing instead on his face, before you can get anywhere lower.
the two of you stare at one another, his gaze, deep and smoldering, as if he could see straight into your soul, felt like having sex with just a look. it felt like his hands were sliding tantalizingly along your skin, tracing every curve, while his lips and tongue roamed your breasts with a fervor that sent shivers down your spine. you could smell his scent, pine, and smoke, engulfing you, threatening to suffocate you. was it possible to get turned on by just staring at someone? you could almost feel the weight of his hands, the way they would explore, mapping out the contours of your form with a deftness that no human could match.
you shattered the stillness, your gaze lingering a moment longer before you gestured toward the bed, right at your feet. “you can sit here.” you say softly, breath hitching as he swiftly follows your ‘command’, his huge body moving with the grace of a feline, that belied his size as he stalks over to the bed, the mattress dipping heavily and your bed frame creaking and groaning in protest under his weight. the soft glow of the bedside lamp cast gentle shadows across his features, highlighting the sharp angles of his jaw and the intensity of his gaze.
he’s close, way closer than you’d thought he’d be, so much so that his body heat seeped through the comforter and warmed your bones. you clear your throat and attempt to steel your frazzled nerves. “y-you feel…different, from the other androids cnt has made.” you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper as you shifted beneath the sheets, rising onto your knees on the bed, the fabric rustling softly. you could feel his gaze on you, a steady presence that made your skin tingle. “…more real.” you hesitate, searching for the right words. “it feels like you're not just a collection of algorithms and circuits. you… you have a presence, a warmth that makes me forget you’re not human.”
“recent advancements have led to the development of new formulas that enhance androids with more human-like traits and emotions. we are now modeled after humans who are meticulously chosen through a rigorous selection process and subsequently analyzed across various disciplines to evaluate their characteristics.” simon replies smoothly, his gaze briefly dancing over the soft curves of the exposed plush of your thighs before they’re back on yours. had they not been basing androids off of humans this whole time? what does it mean to be human in a world where androids can evoke such genuine feelings? the warmth of his presence envelops you, and for a fleeting moment, you forget the boundaries that separate flesh from circuitry.
your breath snags in your throat, and heat engulfs the entirety of your body, your lips parting and your gaze stuck on his. he wasn’t flesh and blood; he was an android, a mere machine, yet the desire to reach out and touch him surged within you, stronger than anything you had ever felt, never wanted to be touched the way you wanted him to touch you, it felt almost primal. you blamed it on being a sex-deprived woman. there weren't many choices here in felicity port. in this city, where the neon lights flickered like distant stars and the hum of machinery drowned out the whispers of the heart, you had learned to navigate the loneliness that surrounded you.
"can i touch you?" your lips part, and the words tumble out before you can catch them. you notice the brief pause in his software, and see the vibrant purple glow that dances at his power button before it shifts to a deep crimson. you wonder what that meant, wonder if he's thinking about what type of touch you're talking about. you don't retract your words, hell you don't speak at all; just sit there with a bated breath, eyes flickering over his face.
his reply is husky and deep, dark brown eyes glued to yours, and you feel a flutter of fear, afraid that if you look away, you'll wake up and realize that this is all a dream. that simon wasn't really here in your bedroom, clad in only tight boxer briefs, and eye fucking you. his eyes roam over the bare skin of your thighs, lingering as if memorizing every inch, every curve, and his large hand twitches, as if he’s fighting an internal battle, and there's a vivid flash of purple before it ignites red. the room feels smaller, the walls closing in as the space between you shrinks.
you shift your knee forward, inching closer, the fabric of your night dress gliding up to expose more of your skin, more and more until your knees rest against the warmth of his bare thigh. the eye contact makes your entire body thrum with burning heat, his eyes never veering from yours; his large hands pressed to the tops of his thick, muscular thighs. his body swamps yours entirely- and you were nowhere near small—despite your own size, you feel dwarfed by his sheer strength, and the sight sends a rush of heat pooling in your panties. you can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to be enveloped in his embrace, to have those strong arms wrap around you, pulling you closer still. have his tantalizing scent—warm, musky, and undeniably masculine— invading your senses.
simon watches as your human hand comes up to shakily brush against his skin, your fleshy lips parted to take in shallow breaths, your slender throat and face flushed with heat. he can see inside of you, see the thumping of your heart, the speed at which it increases, the surge of testosterone coursing through you. can smell the heat of your skin, the sweet scent of your body wash, his senses study it and he recognizes it as sugared lavender, milk, and honey. every detail becomes magnified—the way your eyelashes flutter, the slight quiver of your lips, the way your breath catches in your throat as you meet his gaze.
the subtle rise of your chest with each breath, the gentle flutter of your heartbeat, and the way your eyes sparkle with emotion—all of it pulls him deeper into a realm he has only observed from a distance. he can feel the real warmth of a human, not his synthetic core that heats his body, and it's starkly different, it overwhelms him for a fleeting instant, causing a momentary short circuit in his system. can see the difference between the soft rise and fall of your chest compared to his fake breathing, the delicate curve of your breasts--
this is what he was based on, a human. and he couldn't compare, not in the slightest. you were the blueprint. he felt himself utterly lacking. simon can't help but lean his cheek into your palm when you shakily press it to his face, feeling the delicate contours of your fingerprints against his skin, each ridge and curve imprinted itself in his mind, and commits this entire moment to memory.
your fingers brush and trail over the expanse of his face, tracing the contours of his forehead, the sturdy line of his chin, the defined angles of his jaw, and his cheekbones. finally, they linger on his lips, a delicate shell pink, inviting, and soft. he watches you, despite your gaze following the soft line of your fingers on his artificial skin, he watches you as if it’s the last thing he’ll be able to do.
out of the corner of your eye, a flicker of purple catches your attention before it ignites into a vivid red, his hands clenching when it happens, as if frustrated. curious, you trail your hand down his cheek and behind his ear, to where it flashes; before you can utter a word, his voice, deep and rough, fills the air. “can i touch you?”
your heart stops and skips all in the same breath and you nod, captivated as he turns his body toward you, his gaze never leaving yours. simon’s large hand rises to cradle your cheek, it’s a confident movement that sends a shiver down your spine, his thumb brushing over the true warmth of skin. his long, sturdy fingers then meander along the curve of your nose, tracing the delicate arch of your brows, and as his fingers glide around your eye, you can’t help but close them for a brief moment, surrendering to the sensation of his touch. his fingers finally rest on your lips, a gentle yet possessive gesture that sends a rush of warmth through your entire being.
he wonders what it would feel like to have them wrapped around his--
your lips are plush and fleshy, and he can’t help but drag your bottom lip down gently with his thumb, revealing the delicate curve of your gums and the soft pink of your tongue. simon releases your lip, his hand gliding down your slender neck, fingers pressed to the rapid thumping of your pulse before his fingers trace the delicate line of your collarbone.
“you’re nervous.” simon states gruffly, his voice rumbling with a hint of authority as he observes, fingers sliding down your neck, a warm, deliberate touch that glides to your side, where they press into the gentle curve of your waist, kneading the soft flesh of your abdomen with a firm yet tender grip. there's a weight to his tone, a certainty that makes you feel seen in a way that both comforts and unnerves you.
“you make me nervous,” you whisper, your breath hitching as your fingers fumble to clutch his shoulders, when his hand trails over the soft, covered underside of your ass, fingers dancing lower until they flit over the back of your bare thigh. the power button just beneath his ear pulses a soft purple, flickering repeatedly before it finally shifts to a deep red.
curious, you press your fingers softly to it, nails pressing gently into his skin. “what does that mean?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper, your mind swirling with the intoxicating scent of him, at how close you are to him. a small voice in the back of your mind reminds you that this simon is merely an android, a fleeting creation destined to vanish in a week, not truly yours. but you wanted him all the same.
“the filters installed in my hardware are functioning properly.” simon says gruffly, his fingers brushing against your thigh with a restless energy. “if the thoughts that i have of you or the touches that i attempt t’express conflict with the filter; i’ll recalibrate.”
“w-what kind of thoughts?” you whisper, throat bobbing as you swallow the lump that’s formed. his jaw tightens, and his gaze locks onto yours with an intensity that sends shivers down your spine. “i’ve wanted my coc–.” simon’s power button flickers to life, glowing a deep purple before shifting to a fierce red. he’s silent for only a moment, then his jaw sets even harder. “the filters installed in my hardware are functioning properly.” simon restates and you nod loosely, briefly wondering if there was a way to turn it off that— no, what the hell were you thinking?
yet, before you can rein in your thoughts, your lips part, and the words tumble out in a rush, "is there a way to turn it off?"
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a/n : ya'll...why is the smut killing me? like, i enjoyed writing the plot but then i get to the smut and i'm like...meh. is it cause that's all i post? maybe. anyways! i'll write the second part one of these days, but i wanted to post this cause i love it so much. (did i do some clickabit? absolutely)
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
France has been feeling like a police state this week, there were 5000 cops deployed in Paris yesterday (watch this video and tell me this is a normal amount of cops and they're behaving normally) and they keep acting like they have total immunity*, to beat up protesters, to arrest protesters, or just random people walking in the vicinity of a protest. My 70+-year-old dad tried to go to a peaceful protest and had to abandon the idea because of all the tear gas being used by police.
*Which they do—as Le Monde pointed out, the cops who are violent risk nothing because they can't be identified because almost none of them wear their identification number even though it's supposed to be mandatory. They're not being penalised for not wearing them, so why should they?
If you can stomach it, please have a look at the photos and videos on this Twitter account documenting French police brutality against protesters—as I write this, the most recent tweet is about a journalist who was beaten up by a BRAV-M cop* using his steel baton; he had his head cracked open and his hand broken.
(* BRAV-M is a motorised repression corps—cops on bikes—a unit that was dissolved in 1986 after some of them beat a student to death, who wasn't even attending a protest but walking near one. Macron changed the unit's name, from Voltigeurs to BRAV-M, and reestablished it to suppress the Yellow Vests protests. This week, a BRAV-M cop deliberately drove over a 19-year-old's leg at a protest after chasing him on his bike. The victim said he heard a cop say to others "Smash him." Another BRAV-M punched a protester unconscious on March 20. And today Le Monde published an article about BRAV-M cops being recorded bragging about "breaking elbows and faces.")
In Paris last week the CRS arrested a 14-year-old kid because they took him for a dangerous black bloc protester I guess?? A child spent a night in police custody without knowing why. They've also arrested several 15 / 16 year-olds. Let's teach the youth what happens when you exercise your right to protest!
On March 16th in Paris, within one evening, they arrested 292 people, and 283 were released without charges, which means they're mass-arresting people for peaceful protests as a strategy of intimidation. The student I mentioned in my post the other day, who spent 48 hours in custody and was eventually charged for refusing to have his DNA samples taken and filed, asked the cops why they were arresting him + 4 other people who were walking down the same street and they said "Because you look like fucking leftists."
The government tells us "We fully support our brave police forces" when the cops are arresting people for "looking like leftists." How are we still a democracy? The guy also mentioned that during the time he spent at the police station, the police was mostly arresting Maghrebis, though they made an exception for him, a Black guy. There are videos from the past week of cops beating up women, tear gassing protesters in the face from 20cm away, kicking protesters in the face when they're already on the ground, crushing their heads under their boot, brutalising a homeless man and old ladies, tear gassing crowds with young children in them. I'm having trouble finding links to these specific incidents I remember because there are so many videos circulating.
Look at this video, they're violently striking the back of people's heads with steel batons even when the protesters are already going in the direction they're told to. The little old lady shoved around and trying to protect her head from the strikes is breaking my heart.
Surely at the point when enforcers of state authority are arresting middle schoolers, beating up citizens for exercising their rights and gassing and pepper spraying elderly people, children and babies in strollers, the government might want to make some sort of statement condemning this state of affairs, but instead they have been telling us they're proud of & grateful for their police forces, which of course angers people and makes protests more violent. The Minister of the Interior, who supervises the police, praises them wholeheartedly and excuses all instances of deliberate brutality as 'isolated incidents' due to 'tiredness'.
Here's a thread in English describing a protester's experience—"Yesterday (March 23) the level of arbitrary police violence clearly leveled up. I was tear gassed three times without being able to move in a very dense crowd; policemen took advantage that people were unable to move more than 20cm to pounce on us and bludgeon us in a totally arbitrary manner." (you can see an example of this behaviour in this video from a different protest)
Yesterday, after a day of nationwide protests that brought a fresh new wave of video evidence of cops beating up protesters and making reckless use of tear gas—at the end of a day when a special ed teacher at a protest got her thumb torn off by a tear gas grenade—this is what the French Prime Minister said:
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They're not even trying to play it off like "both sides made mistakes" they're telling us they condone everything the police is doing, that this is what they're deploying them for:
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(screencap from this video)
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(this is from this video, in which you can hear a woman screaming "Stop it! You're strangling him! You have no right! I'm filming you!" The cops don't seem to care about being filmed. They're beating up citizens with the government's full blessing after all.)
Macron's government is trying to intimidate people into giving up their right to protest, by deploying cops in huge numbers and publicly voicing complete support for their behaviour, by allowing them to beat and arrest hundreds of people and to use tear gas indiscriminately. Tear gas has been completely normalised as a means of state violence, it's very practical that it doesn't leave traces of blood or broken bones I guess, but it's still violence, it burns, it's a chemical whose effects on people's health we don't know a lot about.
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^ Paris (from this vid; caption: "one tear gas grenade after the other")
Macron condescendingly told us there's no "magic money" which is why the pension reform is needed, but he did find the money to stockpile these apparently unlimited amounts of tear gas grenades to suppress protests against his reform to make poor people work longer.
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^ Nantes (screencap from a vid in which the cops throw three or four grenades at once and you can hear people say "oh come on, seriously? this is crazy. Why? go fuck yourselves" in a tired tone)
We've also found out yesterday that three Corsican MPs were pressured not to support the Assembly's no-confidence vote against the government—by being told if they didn't vote it, a teaching hospital would be built in Corsica.
The island of Corsica is the only region of France that doesn't have a teaching hospital; due to lack of medical resources Corsicans often have to travel to mainland France for healthcare. Just last month the Minister of Health said sorry, still no teaching hospital for Corsica, it's just not possible right now. Then last week some "magic money" was apparently found to build it but only if the Corsican MPs didn't support the no-confidence vote. I know this kind of thing isn't exactly unique in politics but Macron has been slashing hospital budgets to the point that 20% of French hospital beds are closed due to lack of staff, and he used the health of 340,000 French citizens as a bribe to save his ass. The three Corsican MPs ended up voting in favour of the no-confidence vote despite of that, as it was what their constituents wanted (honour to them). Macron's government survived the no-confidence vote by only 9 votes.
Whatever legitimacy Macron has as a President right now is being clung to by MP corruption and police repression. How do we move forwards knowing that, I don't know. How does he have legitimacy to govern on any issues after the way he handled this reform and the following protests? His police forces are drowning city centres in tear gas, a chemical whose effect on birds and other fauna is not known, and we're supposed to listen to him talk about the environment? They're wasting thousands of litres of water using water cannons to disperse protesters, and we're supposed to listen to him talk about low groundwater levels and how we need to save water? I was going to say, what about his legitimacy abroad but other Western governments don't seem too bothered so far by his handling of the protests—though I'm grateful that Amnesty International did condemn it, and that a Belgian deputy made a speech in Parliament this week asking his government to condemn Macron's use of violent police repression.
[Wait, I just saw that as I was writing this post, the Council of Europe condemned the "excessive use of force" in France. Saying that 'sporadic acts of violence' of some protesters can't 'justify the excessive use of force by agents of the State' or 'deprive peaceful protesters of their right to freedom of assembly'. This is the opposite framing as the one our government is standing by—sporadic acts of violence by cops that are either justified or excusable—it's refreshing.]
Between that and Charles III cancelling his visit (and lots of tourists cancelling trips to Paris which is bound to piss off the tourism industry) and our own media waking up and starting to talk about the government's brutality, I hope Macron starts being held accountable. He has been fanning the flames of this crisis at every turn, by telling us that the crowds protesting in the street have 'no legitimacy', by sending cops to break strikes even though striking is a Constitutional right (but the only part of the Constitution he cares about is the one that starts with 49.3), by condemning the protesters when asked to condemn police violence—saying "When [protesters] use violence, unregulated, absolute, we're no longer in a Republic." I agree, but he's describing himself.
When you resort to using article 49.3 to bypass the National Assembly for the 11th time this term to impose a reform that 70% of the country is against (and 93% of working people) that will force the poorer classes of the population to work longer, and your only response to people's distress at being told to work until they die is to force them to accept it by allowing your police forces to beat up protesters, to arrest them and to gas them, you have failed as a democratic leader.
The next organised protest and strike is next Tuesday (if you want to give something to the strike solidarity fund, here it is); in the meantime spontaneous protests are still erupting pretty much every day and cops are getting burnt out (good! There are fun videos from yesterday's protests of cops accidentally tear gassing one another, or a police car accidentally running into another as people laugh and clap.) And yes some protesters are getting more extreme and destructive, but Macron is the one choosing to stand by his reform at all costs and let this country burn. And when I look at what we're being expected to tolerate and to normalise, I'm kind of proud that French people's gut reaction was "burn it all."
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Some popular Twitter hashtags for the protests:
#ToutCramer - Burn everything #CensurePopulaire - People's no-confidence vote #MacronDémission - Macron resign #OnLâcheRien - We won't cede an inch.
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strawberrysainz · 4 months
racing in the street. charles leclerc.
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“ it’s a dream that has surpassed many others in both of your lives. to win the monaco grand prix - it had evaded him for many years. this year felt different. ”
charles leclerc x reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: mentions of alcohol, suggestive themes.
this is a love letter to his win - years and years in the making. ❤️‍🔥
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The first time you had known Charles would win in Monaco one day was when you were both seven, in the back of his dad’s car on the way to a friend’s party.
You had passed Mirabeau, and Charles had pointed out the red and white on the ground as you whizzed past.
“One day if I get to-“
“When,” his father had corrected from the front, and Charles had rolled his eyes playfully.
“-when I get to Formula 1, this is going to be very cool to pass by,”
You had nodded briefly - a seven year old’s attention span could only focus on something abstract for so long - and you had paused. “You can win it, right Cha?”
He had shrugged modestly. It was terribly annoying how modest he had been, even back then.
“You can. You win everything you want to win.” You were certain of this, even so many years ago.
Hervé had laughed loudly and you had blushed crimson.
Charles had smiled then, looking out the window, eyes shining with the hope of it all. The look in his eyes had startled you, one of wisdom only an adult could have.
One day in 2017 Lorenzo called you and Charles had staggered out of the hotel bathroom, face white. He had sat there next to you on the bed.
“I lied.”
“I told him a few weeks ago I got to F1. So he would be happy knowing I achieved our dream. And I haven’t.”
Tears burned in your eyes.
He had fallen into your embrace, sobs shaking his whole body.
Standing on the top step in Baku three days later, you had stood there below him, crying, his mother on the phone.
You were eating sushi you’d ordered in at his place a few months later, and he’d had a sneakily happy look on his face the whole day.
“What’s up with you?” You’d said with a mouth full of california roll.
“Sauber is giving me a seat for next year.”
You’d broken a glass jumping up and soy sauce had stained both of your shirts as you screamed.
That first Monaco race day in 2018 had been a magical affair, up until the sixth-last lap, when his brakes had failed, spinning him into Brendan Hartley as they approached the Nouvelle Chicane.
You had winced in the garage, and he’d been dejected when he approached you a few hours afterward.
You’d thought of that day passing Mirabeau when you saw him. “Was it as cool as you thought doing it in F1?” You’d said quietly.
Tears had shone in his eyes. “I got to race it. Dad knew I could race it in F1.”
You had nearly choked months later when he’d told you over a glass of wine dipping your toes in the sea that he’d been called by Ferrari.
Shivers had run through you as you thought of Jules, and of Hervé. All they all had ever wanted.
“You know, your dad would have not been prouder. He would have dragged you to Rampoldi to celebrate.”
“Shall we go?” He had asked, and you’d both made the trip back to Monte-Carlo and when you phoned the restaurant in the back of the Uber, they’d said it was full with a little bit of regret.
But when they’d heard Charles was going to be there - oh, they’d all loved him from the beginning - they’d gotten a table for you both near closing time, when everyone was dispersing.
You’d both laughed and cried over the plates of his dad’s favourite ravioli.
Monaco had felt different in 2019, more eyes on him.
He’d started P15. Then on lap 16 - the irony - his puncture due to contact had called him back to the garage.
Pure grief had decorated his face as he got out of the car, shaking his head. Finding you after the Grand Prix, you saw the light dimming from his eyes and gave him the biggest hug you could.
That night you’d both cycled back to his place and sat all night in his kitchen, the dim light doing little to hide his sadness.
2021 was even worse; he’d had no chance to even start, and this time he was angry.
You hadn’t even seen him and had gone to bed when he called up at 2am, drunk, asking for a lift home.
You had gone in your pajama shorts and glasses, and he had sat in the back seat and asked why he always had worser luck here than anywhere else.
You didn’t really have an answer. “I just know one day it’s going to work out for you,” you said softly.
2022 had been spent in his friend’s apartment, watching from their balcony with a cocktail in hand, watching his girlfriend smile on the television.
You’d watched on as disaster had struck, Ferrari making an awful call, sacrificing his P1 for a measly P4.
You’d seen him two days later, out for breakfast, and he had just sighed. “Fucking stupid,” he’d murmured. “I think we have to accept I might never get this.”
That belief of your seven year old self was still strong, cemented in your soul when you shook your head.
In 2023, he’d just been annoyed at sixth place once he came back from the stewards. You’d left the paddock and he’d just gone home, bidding you a good night. As you walked to your apartment, you’d thought of all the nights as teenagers racing on bicycles in the streets.
Monaco would love him back as much as he did it one day. You knew it - deep down, he knew it too.
Well, Saturday in Monaco this year had felt different. He’d oozed confidence all weekend. And you felt different about him.
After he’d broken up with his girlfriend, all you’d been thinking about was him. He had been making unnecessary trips to see you, inviting you to more races than usual.
It had culminated a few months ago in Miami, where things were just different; he had come on the podium, and you had kissed his cheek when you saw him an hour later. You swore he almost moved his face to meet your lips.
You’d both spent the night partying with Lando, the drinks making you both different, dancing sensually, eyes dark. He had kissed your neck, and you’d both realised what the hell you were doing, moving back.
The next time you saw him you both pretended it had never happened.
You hadn’t seen him again until last Sunday, at your place. He’d come for your birthday dinner, handing you a present and flowers with two kisses to your cheeks. You’d blushed amongst all your friends, champagne flowing.
On Wednesday night after a long day of press, he’d come over again. “I have a feeling about the race this year.” You nodded, silently inviting him to expand.
“It feels different. Like I can definitely do it.”
You smiled. “I know you can do it. And you’ve been really strong this year.”
“I was cycling last month through Mirabeau and I really remembered one day when we were walking around there or driving when we were young and you told me you knew I could win.”
“It was when we were driving with your dad.” He’d let out a little sigh.
“I can do it this year for him. And me and Jules and you.”
You’d gotten emotional all of sudden. “I know you can do it, Cha. I’ve always known.”
He hugged you, his body soft and warm against yours in the dark room. You’d wanted nothing more than to kiss him.
Well, he’d got on pole on Saturday, reinforcing his determination and confidence. You’d seen how calm and collected he looked and it had been noticed by nearly everyone. You’d given him a fist bump and he’d grabbed you, hugging you, the smell of his sweat a testament to how badly he wanted it.
You’d gone home after a dinner with the Leclercs (minus him, he had sponsorship engagements to fulfill) and there was the quiet knowledge amongst all of them that this was the year.
Your mom had phoned on Sunday morning, and you spoke about your lives, then about Charles. “I hope he knows how loved he is by all of us. And I know Hervé and Jules are watching on today with the utmost pride.”
You nodded. “I think he does know, mama.”
You had picked out a red dress, short and flowing to accommodate the welcome heat. As you did your makeup, you thought of all the years that had come before, previous versions of yourself that had wanted him so badly to win.
The entire race you’d had stubborn tears in your eyes, blurring your vision. The last two laps you could barely look, too emotional at the thought of even seeing this happen.
Joris had gently guided you up to look again in the room and you just knew Charles was crying too on that last lap. The thought of the little boy in the car staring out at these streets made you wonder how he must be feeling.
All these years of this dream.
He had crossed the finish line and you had erupted into tears, turning into Lorenzo’s chest to take a breath. Later, you’d seen the camera footage of your teary eyes and the glimmer of hope in them as you looked back.
Then everyone had run down to the podium and you were in the second row, all of his team in the front. You saw him jump in slow motion into the air from his car and saw the joy in his steps.
He had jumped into the roar, and didn’t manage to see you but you could tell he was looking. Then he’d done the post race interview and him talking about his dad made you burst out crying again.
Someone had found you and dragged you to the front of the barrier underneath the podium. You must have looked awful. As he walked to the cool down room he cast a look back and your eyes caught his for a fraction of a second before he disappeared.
You had used the five minutes to take big deep breaths, multiple hands grasping you.
Then he’d walked out onto the podium and you saw how Prince Albert had gripped him like a son, tears in his own eyes. And Charles had held up his flag, full of hopes and dreams.
And then you all sang the anthems and then he was given the trophy and you were taking videos and photos as if in a dream.
He’d not seen you again, scanning, but gave up when the attentions of everyone else were cast on him.
You hadn’t caught sight of him again until you were hanging around in the paddock, wondering. Your phone rang and your heart skipped a beat.
He was breathless and you couldn’t hear him, really, over the sound of the wind.
“I’m cycling home…”
You had snorted. “Alone?”
You had paused.
“I wanted to just think of all the years and moments I raced and rode these streets and prayed I would win here one day. It felt right.”
You had laughed. “I’m proud of you.”
“Yeah, yeah… meet me at home? Then we go out?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
He ended the call. You saw videos of him on TikTok later on the bike on speakerphone and he had grinned as the people drove past him.
You had stopped at your place first, freshening up, and grabbed a bag and a power bank and downed a shot of vodka (to ease the nerves). Putting on heels with the red dress this time, you ordered an Uber to his place. You had used your key to get in and music was blaring when you opened the door. He was shirtless, trying to find an appropriate one.
“Hi,” you smiled.
He had forgotten what he was doing to basically run over and hug you, the force of it nearly knocking you over.
You were in tears again when he pulled away. “Love you,” you whispered, and he smiled. “I’m so proud. I keep thinking of little you.”
“I could never be here without you throughout the years. Never. You have picked me up and glued me back together so many times.”
You let out a small sound of emotion.
“I thought so much of all of you the last laps. I couldn’t see I was so emotional.” He laughed.
“And just all the times you told me you just knew I could do it. And my dad. And Jules. And my mom and brothers. Oh, I want to cry even now!”
You laughed as he ran back to his room to get a shirt.
“But-” he called from the room- “now we have to party like crazy!”
The next morning, you woke up at Arthur’s apartment with a pounding headache and a few missed calls and texts.
Charles 🕺 4:37
Let me know if you got back okay?
Charles 🕺 5:13
I think I’m going home now
Charles 🕺 10:52
I’m going to come pick you up I think Arthur won’t wake until 3pm
You checked the time. 11:04. Getting up from the couch and groaning, you went to the bathroom and pulled your hair into a ponytail, trying to wipe the makeup and finding a disposable toothbrush in his drawer to brush your teeth and the stale smell of tequila away.
You heard his car horn outside and you pulled on your heels that had been thrown on the ground a few meters from the couch. Leaving and letting the door close quietly you walked down the stairs, wincing at every loud noise your high heels made.
He was in his car and thank God there was no one around because you looked crazy. “Hiii,” you said, and he handed you a pair of sunglasses you thought you lost (but clearly just left in his car).
“How’s the race winner doing?” You said, and slid into the seat.
“Incredible,” he said dramatically and his voice was raspy, nearly gone. You laughed and then grasped your head.
Coming out of your bedroom with your hair wrapped in a towel and a crop top and sweatpants, he was making coffee for you both. Finding leftover pasta from Saturday night that Pascale had sent you home with, you heated it up and offered him some. He shook his head.
When you turned around from the microwave with the pasta in hand, he kissed you.
Your eyes widened. He set down the pasta, not breaking the kiss, and hoisted you onto the kitchen counter. You let him open you up, your body leaning into his. Your arms wrapped around his neck and his hand rested underneath your shirt.
“You make me feel so lucky,” he whispered.
Your mouth fell open slightly. “Well, you deserve all of it.”
He did. He did.
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omg i just started crying over this stupid fic for the third time. i feel like this encompasses all i feel for him. i hope you feel it. ❤️‍🔥
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flowerandblood · 3 months
The Lost Haven (3/16)
[ modern mafia • Aemond x niece • female ]
[ warnings: kissing, incest obviously, smut, the angst, description of cruel physical violence, bad, bad things ]
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[ description: The vacation from eight years ago still haunts his memories and doesn't let him forget what happened between him and his niece, the daughter of his sister and Harwin Strong. Their paths separate and he immerses himself in his father's mafia world until the day she calls him for the first time since those events. Sexual tension, dark, dangerous, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: As promised, this is another, this time official modern version of The Fall from the Heavens. In this version, Daemon is not related to the family, but is simply Rhaenyra's husband and the leader of the second gang, Alys and Larys are also not related to each other, but Larys is Harwin's brother. I will partly refer to the original series, hiding some easter eggs, and some will be a completely new, fresh plot. As in every universe, only Aemond calls her Rhaenys and this is not her real name (she is unnamed character and the others also do not know that he calls her that). There will be a lot more brutality and angst in this version, so watch out. You can read this as a standalone story.
Song used in this chapter: Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds.
Series & Characters Moodboard Aemond & Rhaenys Moodboard
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
For the next few days, he felt that he was functioning like a well-oiled mechanism without thoughts or feelings, without experiencing or reliving anything within himself. His mind was filled with complete emptiness: he preferred this state of affairs, because whenever a part of him hidden deep in his darkness started to come to the fore, he felt the need to write back to her.
Thank you.
She wrote it to him the next day.
He often went back to that message and looked at it for long minutes, maybe even hours, asking himself the questions his fingers wanted to tap out on the keyboard of his phone.
Who did this to you?
What were you doing there?
How do you feel?
He felt uncomfortable with the thought of how much it had affected him. Their reunion years later was shocking to him, and by virtue of him being the only person who had really experienced this reconciliation, there was something intimate and mysterious about it.
He rubbed his fingers against each other, feeling a shudder at the memory of how soft her skin was beneath his hand.
He swallowed hard, closing his eyes and tilted his head back, trying to control himself.
"Rough night?" Alys asked, sitting next to him at the bar, like him waiting for the club owner, clearly also having some business to attend to.
They fucked several times, from his perspective to simply get off: there was no finesse in these acts, but some kind of mutual understanding − they both just wanted to relax and didn't expect anything more from each other.
They spoke several times afterwards and he found that he actually liked her: she was a direct and confident woman, teasing and calculating, just like him.
Looking at her he felt he was looking in a mirror and it was an interesting experience.
He knew from his co-workers that Alys also liked women and he often saw her hitting on young girls in clubs.
She at least didn't slip rape pills into their drinks, he thought regretfully, taking a sip of his whisky as he tried to focus, the loud music around him made him feel like his head was about to explode.
"In a way." He muttered reluctantly, looking around, feeling an unpleasant squeeze in his stomach at the memory of her numb body lying in that toilet.
Vulnerable, forsaken, helpless.
"I heard about your heroic act. Apparently, you carried a little girl out of the Heavenly Beach before anyone had time to get into her panties." She sneered, taking a loud sip of beer from her bottle. He pressed his lips together, hearing the loud hiss of bubbles as she set it back down on the countertop. "Since when are you so caring?"
"It was my niece." He replied coolly, wanting to cut off the subject, drinking his whisky to the end in a deep gulp.
Alys furrowed her brow and laughed, stroking her chin, intrigued.
"So you're a good uncle, huh?"
"Fuck off."
"Why are you upset? Do you like her a little too much?"
She hissed as he grabbed her hard by the arm and jerked her, making her almost fall off her seat. He stopped, breathing heavily through his nose when he felt her pocket knife between his thighs.
"You'd better watch out, my friend, if you ever want to fuck anyone again."
He let go of her and she stepped back, massaging the sore place on her arm, looking at him angrily.
"You're fucked up."
He stood up, furious, heading for the back of the club even though he should have waited for someone to come out to him, figuring he couldn't stand to be in this place for a moment longer.
He felt like he was suffocating and wanted to leave already.
Her sleeping face as a child lying next to him on a pillow and her sleeping face then, in his car, leaning against the window, merged into one in his mind.
He realised with horror that only thinking about her made him feel anything.
"How much longer do I have to wait? You think I don't fucking have anything better to do?" He growled to one of the bodyguards, who grunted loudly, shifting from foot to foot, terrified.
They'd all heard about his scar and artificial eye, and they all knew what he'd done to some men who hadn't paid on time.
"I'll ask the boss if he's done yet." The man muttered.
He rolled his eyes as he heard the distinct, almost animal-like moans of two men from behind the door. After a moment, a young boy, all red and welted, walked out of the room, throwing him a look from which he felt discomfort, staggering with difficulty.
Tyland Lannister sighed heavily, standing in the door frame, looking at him disapprovingly, all sweaty.
If it wasn't for the fact that he and his brother dressed a little differently, he wouldn't have been able to tell them apart.
The fascination towards boys was apparently also inherited by both of them, he thought with a sneer.
"I said I'd come soon." He said.
"I don't have time for your soon."
"Jason gave you half the money last time, as agreed. I have to earn the other half, I need more time."
"Your time is up. I told him that you have two weeks, not a day more."
"Come on, we'll get along, after all…" He didn't finish as his fist slammed into his face − Tyland staggered backwards, falling to the floor of the room, and he closed the door behind him, leaving his stunned, big bodyguards behind.
He knew they wouldn't do anything to him.
It was his grandfather who ruled this town.
"Tyland." He said calmly, walking towards him with a lazy step – Lannister began to move backwards on his elbows, holding his swollen cheek with his hand, a trickle of blood dripping from his nose.
He crouched in front of him, pulling out his pocket knife, sliding the blade out.
"− n-no − please −"
"− which one do you choose − left or right? −"
"− please − please, I promise I'll have the full amount for tomorrow, I promise −" He mumbled, choking on his own tears, looking like a big, bearded, helpless, pathetic child.
He tsked, shaking his head, a smile of amusement on his face that didn't reach his eye.
"− we agreed for today − do you think I'll want to come here tomorrow and look at your face? −" He sneered, his voice on the verge of a dangerous hiss indicating that he was losing patience. Tyland nodded, his hands raised in a pleading, submissive gesture.
He looked like a dog who was laying on his back to prevent the other one from biting him.
"− I understand − I'm sorry − I'll think of something right away, okay? −"
"− now −"
"− y-yes − yes, I'll call one place − alright? −" He muttered.
He lifted his pocket knife up, grinning broadly, showing that he was able to wait another moment.
Lannister quickly took his phone out of his trousers and, with trembling hands, dialled a number. After a moment, someone on the other end spoke up.
"I need a quick loan. Twenty thousand. I know, I know I already owe you, but it's very, very important, do you understand?" He mumbled in a breaking voice.
He thought with disgust that he looked pathetic.
What did he expect?
"− please − please, help me −" He muttered, but his caller hung up.
He sighed heavily, spinning his pocket knife between his fingers.
"− time's up −"
When he returned to his flat the first thing he dreamed of was taking a shower. He watched impassively as the red-tinted water ran down his body, washing him of his sins like Saint John in the Jordan. He closed his eyes, trying to tell himself that God was forgiving him.
He had no choice.
He distanced himself from what his hands were doing, as if it wasn't his body, as if he was being directed by someone else. As a result, he felt no remorse, because he felt that he wasn't the one doing all those terrifying things.
It wasn't him who had done it, it was his dark shadow, the same one his niece had feared at night.
The thought of her made him feel an unpleasant sting in his chest. He pressed his lips together in an attempt to restrain himself, leaning his palms against the cold tiles, but his mind showed him her peaceful face again anyway, sleeping in his car.
She was so close he could smell her.
The smell of vanilla.
The next day his mother called him saying they needed to talk.
"Your father wants to throw a big party to celebrate his sixtieth birthday." She said, her voice trembling for some reason, as if something about this fact bothered her.
"Let him do what he wants." He hummed, pouring Vhagar's dog food into her bowl.
"He wants to invite Rhaenyra and her husband. Their children." She said, and he froze and cursed, seeing that he had poured too much, and some of the brown balls had spilled onto the floor.
"− fuck − has he completely lost his mind? −" He asked, running his hand over his face, feeling his heart begin to pound like crazy.
The possibility of meeting her while she was conscious made him feel his mind go into a state of panic.
He wasn't ready.
He couldn't.
He wanted so desperately to see her again.
"− he had already called her and she had said yes − Aemond, things are getting worse with him −"
"− I can just hear −" He growled, walking around the flat, feeling his emotions buzzing inside him.
"− I mean it − he's seriously ill −" She muttered, and he stopped in place, once again feeling the emptiness in his head.
"− what? −"
"− only me and your grandfather know about it − he asked not to tell you − he thinks it might be his last birthday −"
To his despair, his father demanded that everyone come to his birthday party, apparently wanting to put together in some pathetic way what had long been shattered.
Neither his grandfather nor his mother succeeded in dissuading him from this idea − his father rented a large banquet hall in a country manor house, an hour's drive from their town, and decreed that the whole event would be held there.
The manor also had rooms where they were to stay overnight, but he had no intention of remaining there any longer than necessary.
For the next few days, he would wake up in the night drenched in cold sweat, dreaming again and again of cutting her face with a pocket knife despite her screams and cries, her terrified eyes and lips parted in terror, leaving him no peace.
He was afraid of himself and what he was capable of.
He was afraid he would do something to her.
He was the last to arrive, the few missed calls from his mother indicated that everyone was waiting for him. He sat in his car for a long time, looking at the sun setting in the distance, thinking about that evening, that day, hearing the sound of the sea.
He tried not to think or feel when he got inside, all tense, his heart beating so hard in his chest that he felt like he was dying.
He was immediately struck by the loud 80s music − Don't You (Forget About Me), Simple Minds's song playing in the background, made him feel like a child again.
Won't you come see about me? I'll be alone, dancing, you know it, baby
Tell me your troubles and doubts Giving everything inside and out and Love's strange, so real in the dark Think of the tender things that we were working on
Slow change may pull us apart When the light gets into your heart, baby
Don't you, forget about me Don't, don't, don't, don't Don't you, forget about me
He felt a sense of discomfort hearing this lyrics, looking around at the crowd of people, his father's acquaintances, friends and business partners − he knew most of them, now laughing with drinks in their hands, doing disgusting and terrifying things on a daily basis, just like him.
His breath froze in his chest when he suddenly spotted her silhouette sitting at one of the tables.
She was looking at him, dressed in a simple, elegant, knee-length matte dress with long sleeves and a white collar, her long, dark hair loose.
He thought she looked like a miss from a good home, educated, full of culture and familiarity with the world that he lacked, feeling a sting in his chest at the thought.
Don't you try and pretend It's my feeling we'll win in the end I won't harm you or touch your defenses Vanity and security, ah
Her hands clenched into fists at the sight of him, something pleading in her gaze, as much as in her parted, sweet lips, looking so luscious, so soft.
She made a movement as if to rise from her chair, but he turned suddenly, panicking, walking towards the table where his brother was sitting.
"− where the fuck have you been? −" Aegon asked him, he, however, heard him only partially, his gaze returning to her: he swallowed hard when he saw that her seat was empty, but he did not see her either among the dancing couples or anywhere else.
"− are you listening to me? −" He asked, and he nodded.
As you walk on by Will you call my name? As you walk on by Will you call my name? When you walk away
"− there was terrible traffic −" He lied.
He lied constantly.
Lying to himself and others was so easy.
It helped.
It helped him live with what he did.
Who he was.
Aegon and Helaena were talking amongst themselves, he, however, was unable to focus − all he could think about was the fact that he couldn't calm down and needed a cigarette.
He pretended not to hope at all that she had gone out into the garden, that he would meet her there, that he would be able to look at her lips again.
At her eyes.
Her terrified face, the blade of his knife sinking into her skin above her brow.
God, make it stop.
"− where are you going? − you just got here −" His brother called out after him seeing that he was about to leave again.
"− I'm going for a smoke − I'll be right back −"
He stepped outside, feeling the pleasant evening breeze again, and looked around feeling his heart in his throat. He stopped when he spotted her sitting silhouette in the darkness at the end of the pier that overlooked a small pond.
He stared at her for a moment, feeling the urge to run away again, but some part of him that terrified him told him to approach her.
So he did.
Step by step he moved closer to her, as if to something inevitable, his death, his doom.
She turned, hearing him − her eyes widened in shock, her lips parted again, but this time in disbelief. She stood up from her place and he stopped a few steps away from her, pulling a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket.
"− what were you doing there? −" He asked, but it seemed to him that it was not his mouth, not his throat that left those sounds, cold and dry.
She blinked, as if she didn't understand what he meant, playing with her fingers in a nervous gesture.
"− what do you mean? −"
He slipped the cigarette into his mouth and leaned over, lighting the lighter, the warm flame making its dark tip begin to smoke. He took a drag, feeling that his hands were shaking, that although on the outside his posture was stony, on the inside everything in him was quivering.
"− what were you doing in that club −" He explained. "− looking for a new experiences? −"
She furrowed her eyebrows at his words but did not answer him, which frustrated him.
"− I don't like to ask twice −" He said more sharply than he intended. He saw that she swallowed hard, looking at him with fear and something else he couldn't define.
Her gaze was both terrified and warm at the same time, making him feel a familiar tickle in his lower abdomen that he hadn't felt in years.
God, no, he thought.
"− I wanted to find out how my father died −"
There was a long, uncomfortable silence between them, which was broken by his mischievous laughter. He tapped his finger on his cigarette making the ash fall to the ground and took another drag, its tip turning red.
"− and what did you find out? −" He sighed, letting the smoke out through his nose, looking down at her.
"− that your grandfather killed him −" She whispered in a trembling voice.
His hand froze in mid-motion before he laughed out loud.
"− who told you that? − Larys Strong? − was he the one who dragged you there? −" He sneered as if he was speaking to a small child, seeing with every word by her face full of pain and disbelief that he was right.
He walked closer to her, towering over her, feeling some sudden, strange surge of confidence, his heart pounding like mad with anticipation.
It seemed to him that he was dreaming all this, that he was about to wake up in his bed in his flat.
"− it was Larys who reported him − after the death of his father and brother, all the fortune fell to him − my grandfather just passively looked on −" He said, taking a drag on the remains of his cigarette, looking with interest at her pale face.
He thought her eyes seemed even bigger than they were then, surrounded by a fan of her dark lashes, her eyebrows arched in disbelief, her puffy lips shiny with glitter, probably from some kind of lip gloss, parted in a heavy, drawn-out breath, as if every word he said caused her pain.
"− did you know about this? −"
"− everyone knew −" He replied. "− he passed sentence on himself when he started talking with the police − his days were numbered anyway −"
She surprised him when she moved suddenly in front of him and passed him, bursting into a loud sob, walking back towards the building. For some reason he felt a cold shiver run along his spine, his mind seeming to scream.
Not yet.
Not yet.
He grabbed her aggressively by the arm making her voice stuck in her throat, her body slamming into his as he pulled her violently towards him. They struggled for a moment, his hands tightening around her waist, not allowing her to pull away.
He wasn't done yet.
Not yet.
She squirmed and whimpered, tears running down her red face as he grasped her cheeks between his fingers, able to look at her closely at last, pressing her body against his with his other arm.
Their breaths were heavy and broken when her body finally stopped resisting him, his face bent over hers so that the tips of their noses were almost touching.
"− don't you miss your favourite uncle anymore? − hm? −" He gasped, for some reason wanting to watch her suffer, wanting to punish her for seeing other men, for perhaps fucking other men, for perhaps daring to love them while he thought only of her, her, her.
She swallowed hard, her fingers clenched helplessly on the material of his leather jacket, her warm, soft cheeks all wet with tears under his fingers, her eyes big and shining, staring at him, only at him.
"− I don't recognise you −" She mumbled in a breaking voice. She closed her eyes, tears one by one running down her face again. "− God, I don't recognise you −"
He looked at her feeling his whole body tense up, his heart stopped in his throat − his lips tightened into a thin line as his grip on her cheeks grew stronger, making her cry out quietly in pain. He wanted to say something but was unable to − he just stared at her, feeling himself begin to tremble all over, a burning, embarrassing wetness gathered under his eyelids.
He knew he would be a disappointment to her and that was why he never wanted to see her again.
He didn't want to hear those words.
I don't recognise you.
"− good − because I don't fucking recognise myself either −" He hissed in a hoarse, trembling voice.
He pressed his forehead against hers, wanting to hide, wanting to be close to her, wanting her to forgive him, to tell him that everything would be all right, that she would come to him at night just as she had then.
He waited for her words, but all he heard was her loud breathing, her trembling fingers from his jacket rose slowly to his neck and jaw, her thumbs stroked his cheeks.
Something akin to a soft moan and sigh left his throat as her plump, moist lips ran slowly over his, merely teasing him. His cock responded immediately with an aggressive pulsing at the thought that her lip gloss tasted of strawberries, his eyes closed in delight as his tongue licked her upper lip, letting her know to keep going.
A wonderful, tickling heat rippled across his chest and lower abdomen as she mewled softly, opening her mouth a little wider, finally joining him in a shamelessly sticky, wet, loud kiss full of their slick, warm tongues.
The grip of his fingers softened, still holding her securely while his lips sank again and again into the wonderfully fleshy, silky structure of her skin, her scent, her hot breath, the softness of her body were wonderfully familiar, wonderfully safe.
He embraced her as she threw her arms around his neck, her body pressed against his − she moaned in embarrassment into his throat, letting his tongue invade deep between her teeth as she felt his swollen, throbbing erection on her stomach.
"− it's your fault − it's your fault −" He panted between greedy, aggressive, deep kisses that took his breath away, his wide hands clamped down on her back on the material of her dress, wandering up and down, closing finally on her plump buttocks making her fingers tighten on his short hair.
"− mghm −" She babbled between one lick of their tongues and the next, their lips joined and separated with loud, sticky clicks of their saliva, his hips rolled back and forth, rubbing his erection hidden in his trousers against her body, holding her in place.
This heavenly, shocking pleasure was violently interrupted for him when they heard someone's voice in the distance.
"− are you sure you saw her here? −" He heard Daemon's voice and moved away from her, looking at her in horror, her eyes big, her mouth open wide as if she couldn't believe what they had just done.
Oh my fucking God.
"− yes, I'm sure −" Jace said.
"− I'm here − I'm coming −" She called out to them, running towards them, leaving him alone amongst the evening chill, uncomfortably enveloping his body hot with delight and desire.
Only after a moment did the adrenaline begin to leave his veins, and the thrill was replaced by rage and shame. He groaned loudly, kneeling down and closed his face in his hands, bursting into loud, uncontrollable sobs for the first time in years.
He still loved her.
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daistea · 4 months
I love ur mithrun stuff sm can I request him and his s/o celebrating their 100th anniversary 😭 (for some reason I really like that scenario with long living/immortal characters)
gn reader
words: 1,296
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876,581 hours, 16 minutes, 48 seconds. More or less.
“You don’t have to do the math,” Mithrun spoke into your hair. His voice wasn’t soft, it was rarely soft, but it was quiet enough to only reach your ears. His arms snaked around your waist and his fingers tangled together in front of you. Without a second thought of what others might think, you rested your hands on top of his.
You didn’t have to do the math, he was right. But you’d heard that number somewhere. Something about 100 years averaging around 800,000 plus hours. That was a lot of hours. A lot of minutes. So many seconds, countless.
And Mithrun had decided to spend them all with you. As comfortable as you were with each other, that fact still made your heart pleasantly clench.
“I know,” you murmured. He only pressed his nose deeper into your hair, acknowledging your response.
Nearby, your friends and family were getting loud. Their voices carried through the building and mingled with the crowd. Fleki was trying to convince Pattadol to smoke something with her. Pattadol was lecturing Fleki in return. New friends that you’d met through the years laughed and chatted, but you and Mithrun stayed in your corner. Odd, because it was your party.
“Let’s go,” he said under his breath. His arms tightened around you.
You couldn’t help but make a face, “We’ve only been here fifteen minutes. It’s our party, we can’t just leave.”
You felt Mithrun’s chest rise and fall against your back as he sighed. “I told Pattadol we didn’t want this. It’s really not our usual way of celebrating.”
True enough. Your anniversaries were usually laid-back affairs, but Pattadol’s excuse for throwing a party was that this year was specific. It was special. One hundred.
Mithrun rested his chin on your shoulder. You didn’t need to look at him to know what face he was making. Your husband wasn’t one for parties, and you both had attempted to plead your cases against the celebration. Yet, one hundred years of marriage proved that Pattadol was right. It was special.
But nearby, Otta was shamelessly flirting with a half-foot girl she’d brought as her plus one. Lycion and Fleki were telling bad jokes and laughing too loud. Cithis had made a tall-man get on his hands and knees and be her footstool. Pattadol was on the brink of a panic attack as she tried to contain the crowd and throw the perfect occasion.
“You’re right,” you said, “let’s get out of here.”
Mithrun dipped his head toward your neck and pressed his lips against your skin. Your breath caught in your throat and, without another thought, you tilted your head to give him better access. He always liked it when you offered yourself, bared it all to him like land for claiming.
“Get a room!” Flamela yelled from where she sat at a nearby table. (Why had she been invited anyway?)
“If you insist,” Mithrun responded loud enough for her to hear. His tone wasn’t particularly excited, but his lips betrayed him. He pressed his mouth to your neck one last time, a final act of defiance against Flamela’s disgust.
“Come on,” you huffed as you pulled yourself from his grip. His brow furrowed ever so slightly at the new distance between your bodies, but you remedied his displeasure by taking his hand and leading him toward the exit. A quick glance at Pattadol confirmed that she was far too busy trying to wrench whatever Fleki was smoking out of her hands to notice.
Sweet escape. The moment you and your husband stepped outside, the cool night air of Melini greeted you. Mithrun exhaled and closed his good eye as if reveling in the sudden quiet.
“Our spot?” You asked.
He nodded.
A hundred years of marriage meant many things. It meant comfort, a home in each other, a connection that couldn’t be severed. It also meant that you and Mithrun often nearly read each other’s minds. He noted the looks on your face and knew precisely what they meant. Words sometimes failed but actions succeeded.
With no further discussion upon the matter, you and Mithrun walked hand in hand to your spot.
It was a grassy hill that overlooked Melini, and it was a bit of a hike. Both of you were still relatively young for elves, but over time you’d noticed a lack of willingness in your knees and back. Trudging up the hill had become more of a pain, but the view and privacy was worth it.
As you started, Mithrun turned himself to face you. He wrapped an arm around your waist— two thoughts entered your mind: he was either going to kiss you, or teleport you.
The rush of magic in your veins told you that it was the latter. The experience of being teleported had gotten more bearable through the years, only lasting half a second and not giving you nausea anymore, but the principle of the matter remained.
Yet, the view of Melini distracted you. The prickle of magic dissipated, and Mithrun kept his arm around your waist. His other hand brushed through your hair, tucking the strands behind your ear. You scanned the growing blanket of the city beneath you. Melini was all golden lamp light and old fashioned architecture. Every time you saw it from that angle, you couldn’t help but think of your short-lived friends who’d created your home.
“Usually I would snap at you for doing that,” you began to say, but the moment you looked at Mithrun, you found his gaze already glued to you. He didn’t care about the Melini landscape. How could he look at anything but you?
“You would,” he agreed, “but you’re not.”
Your heart skipped. “I’m in a good mood.”
“Why is that?” Mithrun’s long, cold fingers gently pulled out of your hair and found their home on your jawline, tracing lines across your skin, to your chin, down the delicate bones of your neck. He looked at you with calm appreciation, like a jeweler would admire and inspect a diamond. He drank in the sight of your face as if he wouldn’t see it again.
Those subtle, lingering gazes always made your heart flip. Somehow, you’d gotten through a hundred years of them without going into cardiac arrest.
“I don’t know,” you answered lightly, “I guess I just like you.”
“I would hope so.”
“Do you like me?”
“I married you, didn’t I?” His lips flickered up into a barely-there smile. “Do you recall when we first got married, and you kept asking me ‘are you sure you love me?’ as if I hadn’t just made the decision to exponentially improve my life.”
You recalled. Half of the time, you were only joking, because Mithrun made it clear, often, that he’d never been more sure about anything.
“I’ve improved your life, huh?” You asked, “Like a nice kitchen utensil or a good broom?”
Mithrun lifted your chin, “Not just a good broom. The best broom known to man.”
“Despite your words, you still manage to charm me. I wonder why that is.”
His fingers were still under your chin, but he began to lean in. You met him halfway, and your lips pressed together. You and Mithrun had rough kisses, with tongue and teeth and grit. You had soft kisses. Lazy kisses. Casual kisses.
This particular kiss felt like it held more, like Mithrun was trying to tell you something. It was heavy with unspoken emotion. His other hand left your waist and went to your cheek, and he held your face, cradling you, as if you were the most important person in the world.
And to Mithrun, that was exactly who you were.
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jiminjamms · 3 months
sex therapy :: 29. karma's a bitch
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chapter tags/warnings: manipulative! naoya. naoya's anger issues continue. infidelity/adultery. extremely strong language. corruption. mentions of physical violence. family drama.
word count: 3.2k
notes: my sixty-hour work weeks have been taking a huge toll on me, so i apologize for this incredibly slow update. the good news is that i cannot take this corporate america bullshit anymore and will resign in the next two months. thank you for being patient! likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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Naoya had never felt this humiliated in his entire life.
When people said karma was a bitch, he never thought that it would actually make its way back to him. While he was not the most righteous person in the world, he was the Zenin CEO, for god’s sake! He was the leader to a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, the heir of a centuries-old bloodline. 
Yet, here he was, charging back to his apartment like an irate animal.
He startled the lobby doormen upon his loud entry, and once he returned to his penthouse, he had to will every muscle in his body not to tear apart his abode in a rampage.
In his head, his encounter with Toji looped like a broken record, fueling his chagrin.
When Naoya sought to confront his cousin for the first time in months, he thought he had been prepared. He did not expect to end up digging himself into a deep hole surpassing the world's layers due to a judgment error—a slight miscalculation. 
Correction: this miscalculation was anything but 'slight' because he wildly underestimated what felt like everything. Now, he bore the consequences of his mistakes after inadvertently turning himself into a laughingstock. Because his ego was his hamartia, he had become a mere jester in a story where he was meant to be the sole hero, and thus his ill feelings burned hotter than the surface of the Sun.
As much as he hated to admit this, Naoya had been shortsighted. He should have known better. Just weeks ago, he saw a vision filled with saccharine promises of a happy, comfortable life as the most powerful man in Japan imbued with power and wealth. He had been confident—a hundred percent certain—that absolutely nothing could go wrong in the trajectory he worked hard to create. But, what the actual fuck just happened at the therapist's office?!
He did not expect his mistress to make a complete fool out of him. Her very existence was an anathema to him, and he hoped to never be in contact with that woman ever again. In hindsight, Naoya should have taken the hint a while ago. He had previously forgiven his cousin's ex-wife, dismissing her blissful but intentional ignorance. Mari had never been too keen on actual intellectual and corporate matters, for she took far more interest in the money and comfort that came with starting from the bottom and sleeping her way to the top. Despite that, Naoya trusted that she at least had half the mind to not publicly discuss their affair, only for him to be proven wrong in front of none other than...Toji Fushiguro.
"Fuck!" Naoya screamed into the void of his empty living room. His reality was a nightmare as he thought about his despised cousin again—the assured gleam in his viridescent eyes, the smug smirk that tugged across his lips. The imagery soured his mood beyond measure. "I'm going to fucking—"
He did not finish his sentence.
Instead, he kicked a nearby lamp in an angry bout, toppling the fixture over and sending tiny shards cascading across the floor accompanied by the dull thud of the shade. Whatever. His housekeeper tomorrow morning would come in and clean that. 
What he instead focused on was how he had never been this infuriated, this belittled, this undignified.
The entire apartment echoed with Naoya's loud huff.
'About ‘your wife’ or whatever you want to deem her, there is not a single chance in hell that she’d ever think about calling you her husband anymore.' These words from Toji affected him more than he would have liked.
What did he mean?
That bastard is bluffing, the blonde had to tell himself, yet even he could not believe in his own consolation.
He needed to do something about this. 
No, no, Naoya wasn’t scared.
He couldn’t possibly be, right?!
Yet, after he could feel his ears begin to cool and breathing start to re-regulate, he stared at the emptiness in his halls as he came to the realization that had no better choice but to talk to you.
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You didn't want to be here.
The moment you read Naoya Zenin's text to meet up for a 'quick chat' at the café near his office, you already knew that the upcoming conversation was going to be anything but 'quick.' The last thing you wished to do was to be in the same vicinity as that very man again.
After spending the last few days at your family residence, you had been showered with warm attention from aunts, uncles, cousins, and even house attendants who—despite naturally wondering the reason behind your stay—welcomed your visit with open arms. To your relatives' many inquiries, you forged a pretense that all was well even if all was not. (Besides, all did seem well in your family estate, away from the incessant pandemonium that was the Tokyo city center.)
While you knew that this peaceful break was not meant to last forever, you did not anticipate returning to the capital just to sit with the Zenin CEO alone.
Naoya had specifically chosen a corner table in the Hong Kong-inspired establishment, distanced from potential eavesdroppers. He seemed to have been waiting for a while by the time you arrived, his right leg crossed over his left knee as he twiddled with his thumbs impatiently. Sprawled on the table were a freshly brewed pot of jasmine tea and a platter of warm custard pastries.
He remained quiet as you took the seat across from him, observing with a crease on his forehead and a knit to his brows.
Anyone could tell that the blonde was not the least bit happy.
"Giving me dirty looks is not going to get this conversation anywhere," you pointed out while helping yourself to a tart.
From your comment, the inverted slope on Naoya's lips twisted into a deeper frown. 
He did not understand where your annoyance came from. 
Fine, he never treated you nicely either, but he did not expect you to snap at him when the discussion had hardly begun. You offered him no greetings, and Naoya also took great offense at how you chose not to look at him as you talked.
Truth be told, your neglect reminded him of all the other upsetting things that he was dying to bring up, and your unpleasant attitude whittled away the little restraint he had left.
“You didn’t try to ask where I’ve been. Not one text or call. Guess it would not have mattered to you if I disappeared, huh?" he lashed out through gritted teeth. He hated being forgotten, hated being looked over, and hated how easy it was for him to prove you to be a neglectful and apathetic wife.
Which was why there was no better option than to cut him off.
“You ordered me to leave you alone, Naoya.” Only slightly did you turn your head to glance at him. Stirring sugar into your tea, you kept your attention otherwise on the nearby window and watched businesspeople scurrying about on the streets on their lunch breaks. "You can live without my attention since I'm not the only woman you have around. What happened to your lady friend? Hasn't she been entertaining you long before our marriage? I am sure she would love your company, so why not pay her an impromptu visit?”
From a slanting angle, you could tell that the transformation from your normally calm demeanor dismayed him. Naoya, not you, was typically the one to make snide comebacks, but he could not deny your latest comments. Evidently, he wanted you to go back to your submissive and passive self, but that was precisely what you no longer could be for him.
His silence prompted you to reach into your purse and retrieve a thick manila envelope, and you presented the package on the table.
Naoya's gaze snapped to the parcel. 
He was curious, but cautiously so. He had invited you here, expecting to control the narrative, to dictate the terms. As a result, your unexpected move threw him off balance. 
“Take a look and find out for yourself.”
A puzzled Naoya demonstrated no hesitation.
He snatched the folder, tearing the top open and greedily grabbing the curated pieces inside. He stared for a long time at the first item: a photo. But he recognized the image of him and his mistress, boarding a private jet for their most recent trip to Mexico. Then, he flipped through the stack rapidly, barely registering each item before he turned to the next. Some were printed-out pictures and others were cutouts from news articles, but all featured him and his paramour. The confusion on Naoya's visage slowly morphed into aggravation, and when he finished his inspection, he forcefully threw the items back onto the table.
In the end, Naoya sat back and went still, not even blinking, thinking, or doing anything but pressing his tongue along his inner cheek. "How did you get these?"
No apologies. No remorse.
Hell, based on his response, the man could not even bother to deny your accusations, a telling sign of how little he could care for his relationship with you. Obviously, you must be a joke to him.
In one firm motion, you placed down your teacup.
"You're missing the point.”
While one's eyes may be the windows to the soul, Naoya's offered nothing in his current state. His pupils looked at—no, examined you in intense dark pools despite the iridescent glow from the lights above.
"Toji gave you these, didn't he?" Naoya continued with a disdainful laugh, himself insistent on getting answers to his own questions. "You can't find this shit on the internet anymore since I've had them all taken down. But Toji's fast. He has eyes everywhere, I know he does. Look at him. Months later, and he's still hung up on reclaiming a position he should've never had the right to in the first place!"
Thankfully, you didn’t flinch from his loud voice. What you did do was become more indifferent as if you were placing a wall to separate yourself from him, mentally bracing for his emotional maelstrom.
"You are missing the point," you said once more. This time, you shook your head in disappointment, and your tone was far more frustrated than the last. "Aren't you shameless?”
"Me? Shameless?!” His brows pinched closer from fury. "Take a look at yourself, woman! What did you do to get all this dirt from Toji and his henchmen, hm? Ha! Know what? I bet it’s because you're so willing to spread yourself for them,” he rambled with a nasty sneer plastered on his expression. At his comments, your jaw fell open before snapping shut as the meaning behind his words sank in. The way this man disregarded how he had an affair (that began many months ago!) only to redirect the spotlight onto you was repulsing, implying that the sole reason the therapists talked to you was that you had slept around. “A whore like you love taking all them all, don’t you? Well? Well? Am I right? Goddamn, you’re such a—”
The harsh scraping from your chair as you stood was what finally interrupted him. Unable to tolerate his vilification, you counteracted his anger with the venom in your rancorous glare. 
"How dare you talk about me like that!”
In the meantime, prying eyes started to turn in your direction from the commotion: teenage girls, sharing nervous glances across their table; a lone businessman, stopping mid-sip from his cappuccino; even the barista, pausing mid-grind such that her arm froze inches from the hopper.
"That man...doesn't he seem familiar?" a distant voice asked.
"Is he a celebrity or something?"
"No, wait. He's the person on the cover of last month's Fortune magazine. Naoya Zenin!" another replied.
"Isn't that lady his wife?"
While the onlookers' curious glances turned into full-on stares, their regard steeled your resolve rather than bothered you. Instead, you wanted the crowd to take in the spectacle. Corrupt tricks and dirty money had long painted the Zenin heir as 'the most perfect man in Japan,' and the public deserved to understand the fraudulence and cruelty that underlaid his facade.
"For months, I trusted you. I respected you. I put aside the harrowing loneliness weighing on my heart all because I tried to understand you. You told me that finding the time or energy for our marriage was not easy because board meetings kept you late in the office or business meetings required you to spend several nights abroad. Fine! So, I had been patient. But," and your voice overflowed from anger as you pointed a shaking finger at the pictures on the table, "Taking another woman to Michelin restaurants for dinners? Spending nights with her at Ritz-Carltons and Four Seasons? Going on entire vacations with her across the Pacific? All while you had a wife at home? Are you out of your fucking mind ?!" 
The man's nose flared with deep-seated rage, his eyes mirroring the same bitterness in yours. "At the end of the day," he began sternly, "we're still married."
“On paper, ” you had to clarify. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be cheating on me with your older cousin's ex-wife."
Immediately, louder murmurs rippled through the crowd. Naoya turned stiff, uncomfortable with the attention. So much for selecting a quiet corner in the café. He wasn’t stupid enough to sense that he had to be careful. Saying one wrong phrase would condemn him to a public meltdown. 
However, you were already steps ahead of him when you loudly declared: “I’m filing for a divorce.” 
That caught him off guard.
Your announcement even drew audible astonishment from bystanders as they stopped their meals, turning to each other and drawing out their phones.
In literal milliseconds, the vexation once riddling Naoya's demeanor shifted into denial.
“No. We’re not going to talk about a fucking divorce right now. We’re going to fix what we have, and you’re going to come back to me. We’re...We're married for a reason, and we’re going to keep with it!”
"That's a bullshit reason,” you had to snap. “Listen to yourself. Do you hear how selfish you sound!?" At this point, nothing could hide your bafflement. "Naoya, you were the one who said that if I wanted to leave this marriage badly, then I should leave. Ask Mai and Maki! They heard the entire conversation. Didn't you also say that you didn't give a fuck anymore?"
The man attempted to salvage some semblance of control. "I was just joking!"
"No, you were not." Picking up a photo of Naoya and Mari together, you pressed the picture to his face. “How much more can I take? How many days would I still have to go through alone in the penthouse, all because you would be spending your sweet time with the woman that you love?”
Unloading all this emotional baggage, not only for Naoya Zenin but also for the café spectators to hear, took courage. Previously, you would have let the burden gnaw at your soul. You would have rather wallowed in suffering rather than even think about speaking up.
But the past was the past, and you had grown immensely since then. Currently, you were stronger, more confident. You knew that, in Toji's words, you deserved better. Life was too beautiful to waste on a man who did not love or respect you and, with that in mind, you relaxed your clenched fists with an exhausted and fatigued sigh. 
You broke me first, you said through a deserted gaze. 
Naoya Zenin was the reason why you had become the way you were: a cold, seemingly heartless wife who cared none for her husband. The misery that he placed on your shoulders finally reached its limit, and while you could forgive, forgetting the memories in your scarred heart would be a task over months, years, and even a lifetime. 
“Listen,” you began, tone terse, “this divorce will set you free. Mari is the person whom you need—”
“The hell. No!” the man interrupted in a violent outburst, taking your breath away as he slammed the table and hissed. “I don't give a damn about her right now! We’re…We’re over!" he snarled with incredible anger such that he almost appeared to growl. "I don’t need her, I need you! That...That whore doesn't give a flying fuck about my shit! All she cares about is...is...Fuck this. All she wants is the money. Why else do you think she married and then later divorced Toji? She doesn't want to hear about all the shit in my family because she had not been brought up to deal with all the fuckin' drama in my household. She can't understand because, unlike you, she wasn't born with a silver spoon shoved down her goddamn throat!"
Quietly, you absorbed his words, stunned.
So this was how their relationship had been.
You had not expected him to reveal all these entrenched feelings willingly, but his concoction between reckless rage and sheer desperation had allowed him to spill the ugly side of this extramarital affair. Naoya could not afford to lose you, and not just because this marriage solidified the respect of those around him. While Mari offered him an outlet for physical indulgence, only you could offer the cornerstone to Naoya's mental and social fortitude.
“So you ‘need’ me now, but what happens when you find another reason to hate me again? What will you do if you don’t think I can fulfill the role you want me to have as your partner? Or if you wake up one day and suddenly want your cousin’s ex-wife again? Or if you meet another woman? Am I supposed to stand there again, and watch this all happen?" 
No answer.
The fact that he couldn't respond hurt.
"My decision is final. Looking back, I despised every single second married to you. In fact, I feel sorry for myself. The fact that I blindly put up with your manipulation, betrayal, and blame for all these months.” With your belongings collected, you prepared to leave. “You would be stupid to think you're the only one with options, you know.”
Only when you turned around did Naoya react, scrambling to his feet.
“What the fuck are you—”
In any other situation, he would have grabbed you, lunged at you, did everything in his power to stop you from going. Yet, given all the witnesses, all he could do was call you back like a helpless child, trying his best to not escalate the scene (although, at this point, even passerbys outside have stopped by the window to spectate).
"Hey!" Naoya called after you. “Hey! I’m still talking with you!”
Pathetic, really, to see him desperately beg for you to stay in his life.
There was a certain satisfaction in finally having the control at your fingertips. The feeling was empowering—electrifying, even—and you became so focused on the gratification that you barely registered Naoya's last question.
“Where are you going?”
At this point, you already stood by the exit.
“That’s not something that my soon-to-be ex-husband would need to know,” and you hardly gave him another glance as the door closed behind you. “Thank you for showing me everything I hope to never find in another man again."
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last chapter || next chapter
end notes: Part of why this update took so long was because I wanted to have an encounter between Naoya and Y/N to showcase Y/N’s development, from someone who thoughtlessly defended her husband to someone who could stand up for herself (all while alone!). I envisioned this interaction many times, and I thought about different ways to approach the scene, the delivery, the dialogue, the choreography, etc. It took me a while to go for what I currently have. Thank you for reading!
taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @nemoyr @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @chaoticjojofan @musicisme333 @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @skilerfrostfairy @funicidals @nico707 @proteovaldez @tsukiyohanayome @marimoares @qirbys @puffaloxx @sakanoshitaa @arizzu @kissditrio @lewd-bunny14 @mistyheart @szired @supsii @yvy1s @lazyassfinals @katkbc @tokyometronetwork @downtown-roponggi @the-cosmos-network
239 notes · View notes
fortunapre · 18 days
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𝐀/𝐍𖧞 oh my gosh??!? an update that’s semi on time?!? anyways enjoy tbis because it sure gets interesting… and someone pls give me another word for “skimpy” that’s not derogatory 🤓
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𖧞 16+ (series rating and swearing), sister mention, alcohol, wlw mention, use on y/n
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𖧞 oscar piastri x fem!reader
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓𖧞 (scene vi) 3.2k
Go back?? (scene v) Click Here!
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𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐬 𖧞 scene vi 𖧞 (𝐒𝐞𝐭 𝐈𝐭 𝐔𝐩)
try telling me someone didn’t read winter affairs and immediately type this up 👇🔽
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Monday, December 17th
You know what they say: “Don’t talk to strangers. Don’t accept rides from strangers. Never tell a man that you’re interested in Formula One.”
Because if you do, you could end up in a most unwanted dilemma like death or, you know, being asked “Oh yeah? Name the 2009 WDC?”
Both are equally horrible.
However, less than four hours ago, my sister and I did exactly what we were told not to do.
Not tell a man about F1, God that’d be horrible, of course not!
No, we met some strangers downtown while shopping this afternoon, and let them drive us to a party.
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Four Hours Earlier…
My sister and I decided to go back downtown in search of fresh baked wintertime desserts to take back to the family for lunch. We walked into a cozy bakery where pottery and art lined the walls.
“This place looks promising.” I wished, walking towards the front of the store in search of the baked goods. In clear cases were delicious looking cakes, tarts, and pastries- Jackpot.
I pointed at the largest desert there, a tall cherry tart.
My sister nodded her head and also pointed to another sweet that had caught her eye. We silently agreed on the items and looked away from the case, trying to find someone to help us. The store had only a few customers, and one lady standing in line at a cash register, but no cashier.
“How long have you been standing here? Is there someone working?” I asked the lady, whose hands were filled with a dark blue vase that looked hand crafted, probably from one of the shelves in here.
“Not long, actually.” She replied, looking towards a door to our left. “The young man who was helping me earlier will be right back, he’s just grabbing something for me, sorry.” She looked around my mothers age but with lighter features. While talking to us she attempted to point towards the door, but her grip on the vase only let one finger slightly move. She tried to free her hand to show us exactly, but the vase began slipping. I moved my hands quickly, positioning them under, so that if it were to fall I could catch it.
“Woah careful, Mrs. Petersen.” A voice said from our left. Out from the door emerged a young man, around our age, with an apron and beaming smile. “Don’t let that slip, you're making the poor girl stressed.”
He was acknowledging that I still had my hands in the same position, worried the fragile pottery might slip again. I noticed the woman, I now knew as Mrs. Petersen, had a better grip, so I retracted my hands quickly and shoved them into my pockets.
The young man, who I assumed worked here, had a small box in his hand and walked towards the cash register.
He spoke to Mrs. Petersen with a kind smile before helping wrap her vase and sending her out the door. After he finished helping her, he turned to us with an expectant look.
“You two lookin’ at something specific?” He asked motioning towards the case of goodies my sister and I were marveling at, moments before.
“Yes actually. Could we get the whole cherry tart and a pack of those apple crumb bars, please?” I answered, pointing as I talked.
He just nodded and carefully picked both desserts for us, boxing them, bagging them, and ringing us up.
As I was paying, I noticed him looking at us with interest. I tried not to make eye contact with him, suddenly not wanting his attention.
My sister, however, met his gaze more than once, no doubt checking him out.
“Hey, so wait…” He spoke as we started walking away.
We both turned, waiting for him to speak.
“You two… wouldn’t be interested in a party tonight, would you?” He finally said.
My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Of course not, why would we want to go to a random part-
“Oooh, sounds fun! We’ll totally be there!” My sister answered for the both of us. I tried to pinch her elbow to get her to look at me, but she kept her eyes on the guy.
“Oh, no way, alright. Well let me pull up the information..” he trailed off while digging in his pocket for his phone. “Hold on, I left my phone in the back but I’ll get it for you. Just a sec.” He disappeared behind the door, like earlier. As soon as he was out of sight, I turned towards my sister.
“What?! There’s no way I am going to a strangers party.” I whispered through my teeth, looking around at the other customers, hoping not to cause a scene.
“Y/n, yes you are. We need to do something fun outside of the cabin. We can only add so many new rules to Uno before it gets boring.”
“What? I thought you liked Go-Fish-Charades-No-Takesy-Backsey-Uno?”
“I did! But now it’s lame and a party is just what we neeedddd.” She pouted her lips and looked like she desperately wanted this. I immediately caved and shrugged my shoulders looking away. “Look, how about this?” My sister began, trying to make me feel better. “We’ll bring our brother and Oscar.”
She let a smirk show at her idea.
“I already agreed. Oscar doesn’t have to come.” I fought.
“Ok, even if you agreed, I think Oscar should still come. He’s fun at parties.” She tried. “Come onnnnnnn. Just let loose for one night”
I looked at her, saw the look in her eyes, and walked away before I kept agreeing to whatever she said. Sometimes it’s hard to disagree when she looks so deeply, like she really cares about you. So before I agreed to wearing frisky outfits and dancing on a table, I got away.
From behind me, I heard the young man approach my sister and give her the details for tonight.
Maybe a night out could be good, we’ll see.
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My eyes are drooping, closing for seconds of relief, and then opening again. Everytime I blink, the comfortable silence fills my brain and I could almost drift to sleep standing right here. I can feel my mouth getting dry and my eyes burning with the need to shut. However tempting sleep may be, I need to stay awake.
I’m basically swaying in my spot, desperate to topple over and cuddle on the floor. The hold I have on the drink in my hand Is all that my brain is working on. My mind is fuzzy with however many cups of this ‘magic jingle juice,’ as the party host called it. Anyone in this room could look at me and think “Man, she’s wasted.” But, really, I’m staying quiet and having trouble standing upright because of how exhausted I am. Sure, I drank someeeee but I can easily say the worst I am, is a little tipsy. I shut my eyes tight, to stop the burning. Once I tried opening my eyes again, a squint was all I could hold.
What time is it? Is she ready to go home yet? I started thinking about how we even got her in the first place: some strangers' Christmas party.
People around me were laughing and swaying. Some were in costumes, but most of the people looked like they only came for the alcohol, dressed in casual clothing. At one point, I think I saw some women in matching skimpy reindeer costumes. Hope they’re having fun. I hope my siblings are having fun too.
If they’re not, and this was just a waste of time, I might strangle them.
After a nap. I don’t think I could lift my arms if I tried.
Home, Nap, Strangle. Ok, good plan.
Suddenly, sleepiness drained from my face as I caught sight of something interesting happening near a couch in the center of the room.
As I walked over, my interest piqued. I recognized my brother and sister, sitting on the floor, and a face I haven’t seen since the beginning of the party- Oscar.
He was sitting two people away from my sister in what looked like a circle. Everyone was talking and sipping on their drinks. However, what caught my eye in the first place was a girl standing in the middle of the people-circle. She was wearing a bright red dress that fit her nicely, and a santa hat on top of her curled hair. In her hands was another Santa hat. She held it upside down and open, walking around the circle. I was confused, because instead of collecting pieces of paper, or trash, people were dropping personal items in the hat. I watched as my sister put in her bracelet.
I made eye contact with her as the Santa girl walked away. Her eyes widened and she smiled a goofy grin. She looked sober at least.
I tilted my head, making a show that I was confused at what was going on. She just smiled and watched the Santa girl turn towards my brother.
He took a look around the circle of people and then back to the girl. He then took off a ring and dropped it into the hat.
I was even more confused, why are they giving her their jewelry?
I walked over after throwing away my drink. I crouched down next to my sister on the ground and got close to talk to her.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
She let out a quiet giggle while whispering close to my ear. “Oh! Good timing, we haven’t started yet, you can still join.”
Before I could ask for more information, my sister grabbed my wrist and slipped off a beaded bracelet I was wearing. She motioned the Santa girl over and put my bracelet in the hat. The santa girl gave a look to my sister then to me, nodding like she approved.
“Hey! I liked that bracelet, why would you just-” I got a little annoyed. Instead of taking me seriously, my sister tugged on my arm again, making me plop onto the floor in between her and my brother.
“Relax, you’ll get it back at the end, or if you get chosen.” She tried to assure me, but my mind was just whirling with questions.
“If im CHOSen? What is this, a cult initiation?”
“Oh my god, Y/n, no it's just a party game. Apparently it’s a local game they play here every year.” She didn’t elaborate until I quirked a brow and shook my head.
“Which is…..?” I asked.
“Oh, I have no idea. I just wanted to do something and this seemed like fun. Plus I got Oscar and our brother to join so it should be fine.”
I was bewildered at this information. I looked away from my sister to the other side of me. My brother looked relaxed and met my gaze. He just shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his drink, seemingly unbothered. I scoffed and looked around the room. looking for a clue to what I was getting myself into.
My gaze latched on to the Santa girl, holding her hat in front of Oscar. He looked at her, confused. Then I’m guessing she started to explain to him what was going on. From where I was, I couldn't hear anything but saw her lips moving quickly and her point around the circle of people. Once she finished talking, Oscar’s face turned to one of shock, his brows shooting up. He stayed frozen before he nodded and looked down to his cup.
In less than a second he downed the rest of its contents.
When the Santa girl shook the hat in front of him, it made a sound of metals clinging together, no doubt filled with random belongings. I'm guessing she was asking for him to give up an offering or sacrifice a personal item, for whatever reason it was necessary to this ‘game.’ Oscar nodded to the girl and started taking off his watch. He undid the metal band quickly and dropped it into the hat.
As soon as the girl walked away, Oscar’s eyes darted to me. I was already watching the encounter so we made eye contact. Instead of looking away, he kept looking. I don’t know what he was looking for but his gaze made me start to feel achingly sober.
I was one of the many people dressed in casual clothes, not bothering to go all out for a stranger’s party. As I looked away from Oscar's piercing gaze; my eyes traveled away and down his attire. He was wearing a white tee-shirt (one that actually fits him). A tee shirt shouldn’t be anything special, but something’s wrong with my mind tonight. Maybe it’s the alcohol.
I traced down his body to the nice-fitting dark jeans he was wearing. Then back up to the shirt. He was looking away from me now, talking to my brother. As he used his hands while he talked, I watched his form- more specifically his arms. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. When did he get so…
Yep. Definitely the alcohol.
Santa-girl stepped back into the circle, breaking my thoughts and bringing everyone’s attention to her.
“Alright!” She had an annoyingly cheery voice. “Let’s get started. To those who don’t know, we’re playing 7 minutes in heaven.”
Oh my god.
My sister didn’t know what 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN was?
I looked around trying to find away out of the game, but people had already gathered around and It’d be embarrassing to leave.
“What kind of party is this?” I asked my sister. “A middle schooler’s dream experience surely.”
“I agree… But it’s either this or a monopoly with the skimpy reindeer over there.” She used a thumb to point to behind her where some skimpy reindeer were in fact, playing monopoly.
I rubbed a hand down my face and huffed.
Who doesn’t know what 7 minutes in heaven is!?
Santa-girl was, I'm guessing, the host of this childish game, walking around the circle. She stopped in front of my sister, to my surprise and held the hat in front of her.
“Oh and I hear you three are siblings, so either throw their item back in the hat or give it to somebody else.” She added on with a smile and held open the hat to my sister.
Slowly, with anxious eyes, she stuck her hand in her hand and dug around. She carefully took out her hand, a sparkly pink lipgloss in her grip. She turned towards me quickly, and smirked, obviously interested. She held up the item proudly and waited for someone to claim it.
In seconds, my sister sat up and walked with someone to a room with a candy cane taped to the door. Everybody clapped as they left.
“There’s the first couple!” The santa girl clapped her hands together, then went on her phone, supposedly waiting for their time to be up. I talked to my brother for 7 minutes, trying to guess how my sister will be once she walks out.
To neither of our surprise, she walked out a mess, matching the lucky lady next to her. She didn’t bother fixing her makeup or hair, wearing a big grin. I laughed at her appearance as she quickly sat back down next to me.
A couple more rounds passed, and I was yet to have been picked. My brother went in with a girl earlier and came back with what I swear was the dictionary definition of “awestruck.”
Oscar’s also been chosen. The girl that grabbed his watch looked way too eager to get him alone. The whole time they were gone my mind was reeling. When they came out the girl had the same expression but neither of them looked messed up like my sister had.
I felt something deep inside me that sort of felt like relief.
Santa-girl walked around the circle. Other than me there were a few others, so I was praying she chose one of them, and not me. She was about to walk to a guy next to me, but all of a sudden, my sister grabbed her arm and lightly steered her back, In my direction.
“Here you are…” My sister whispered to me.
I cleared my throat and tried to laugh to ease the stress building in my throat.
Now that she stood in front of me with an eager look that matched the rest of the room’s stares, I panicked. I sat still until my sister spoke up.
“Y/n, you don’t have to, i just thought you wa-” My sister tried.
“I DO!” I shot back, a little too quickly. “I mean,” I cleared my throat and spoke quieter. “I’ll do it, I'm fine.”
But even after announcing i’d do it, my hands didnt move towards the hat.
My sister looked at me, like she was making a decision, and then asked me quietly, so only I could hear her.
“How ‘bout this? I’ll pick for you.”
“Yeah, umm. Sure yeah you pick for me.” The santa girl heard my reply and nodded in approval, she turned the hat towards my left and my sister immediately dove in.
She dug in the hat for a bit. It must have been 30 seconds before she stopped digging. Her hand was still in the hat, and she turned to me with the biggest smile I’d seen tonight.
To my horror, she pulled out a familiar looking item, shining in the firelight.
“Ah.” She held it up to the circle with confidence and then turned to drop in in my hand. I looked down at the silver watchface, taunting me.
She’d picked Oscar’s watch for me, and I know she’d been purposely looking for it too.
I looked at her again, then when she didn't say anything but smile, I closed my eyes tight again. I took a deep breath out of annoyance and stood up. Everyone’s eyes watched my stand and held out the watch.
I didn’t need to wait for anyone to claim it. Instead I looked straight at Oscar. He was already looking at me, his eyes were dark and trained on my own.
From the side of me, I heard someone ask my brother “no way, do they have, like, tension or something?” the person wasn’t’t being as quiet as they thought they were.
My brother replied “apparently…”
My sister joined in the conversation. “Tension? These two have had tension since elementary school.”
“Ooh childhood romance.” the stranger acknowledged.
“More like childhood rivals.” My brother whispered. I didn’t turn to them to show I heard their entire conversation, and instead kept looking at Oscar.
He moved his legs to stand and wiped down his pants, smoothing the ripples from sitting.
Instead of looking back at me, he beelined for the candy cane room, not bothering to turn and see if I was following…
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anki-of-beleriand · 8 months
Bad Liar ch. 18
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers - Mentions of Natasha/Maria being married
Warnings: Slow burn - Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - violence - mentios of abused and sexual assault - idiots in love - violence - suggestive themes - drama - angst - fluff
Author's note: The world had changed, and Wanda finally had a chance to show you and tell you how much she loves you and how much you had changed her life for the better.
Well, guys, this is the end.
I surely hope you guys like this chapter as much as I love writing it, and that in general you love the story. I wanted to give you a closure to what had happened and to how the story of both, Reader and Wanda would unfold, but I also wanted to give you a glimpse of the future so. Hope you enjoy the read! Thank you to all of you who stay to the very end, it was quite amazing to have you with me all this time.
Please rmemeber English is not my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes, hope you like this one.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Wishing upon a shooting star
Now and Forever
Time was a funny concept.
After the incident with Vision and Agatha, the world continued its slow travelled into a new year and the normality of life. But for you and your family, it became a painfully slow process in which you had to face many decisions and harsh realities. In the last couple of days, you had tried to make everything work, you made sure not only America but Wanda and the twins had the support they needed to continue on, while also dealing with the legal affairs involving Vision.
Everything had been a part of your life and how you were building up from scratch what had been put in jeopardy in a matter of hours.
Still, you and Wanda endure, and you couldn’t help but fell more in love with the woman that had been picking up her pieces while being everything you and her children needed. You massaged your neck tiredly, the house was completely alone and Wanda and the twins were still out somewhere with Natasha and Maria.
At least that was what she had said to you when you asked for her companionship to your appointment with the doctor. It had been a strange day, a very lonely day in which you had been left alone with your thoughts and emotions.
You whistled glancing around your living room before directing your attention to the stairs, America had long gone somewhere with Kate and you regretted not having agreed to her and her idea of joining you at the hospital. With a heavy sigh, and some tiredness you made your way upstairs ready to take a shower.
Of course, noting could had prepared you for what you found there.
The room was completely empty.
You stepped forward until your eyes fell upon the clothes that had been neatly organized on your bed. Right on top of your favourite trousers there was a single note with your name on it, you recognized America’s messy handwriting and you couldn’t help but smile at the words she had left written on the piece of paper.
Today is finally the day!
Wanda has been planning this for a very long time, and since I am very amazing sister, and sister-in-law, I decided to give her a hand.
I choose your favourite clothes and left everything ready for you to get dress and ready for your date with Wanda. You and her both deserve this time, and I think it would be the perfect time to just be yourself and talk about everything but what had happened lately. Please, be happy. I will take the twins to Kate’s place and you two will have the rest of the afternoon and the night for yourselves. Please, just write to me and make sure you enjoy the date.
Love, the best sister in the world (me)
Your smile only grew knowing in the last couple of days America had been completely secretive though always offering hints of how much you were going to love the surprised. Wanda had been holding her secrets just as tightly, and by the time Friday finally arrived you were really dying to know what Wanda had prepared.
“Very well, one hour before Wanda is here,” you mumbled to yourself letting your eyes wandered around to check your clothes. With a wince, you left your backpack and the jacket on a chair and went to the bathroom.
You couldn’t help but gasped at the sheer pain you felt running through your arm, leaving the sling to the side and helping yourself out of your clothes. Your reflection blinked back at you, the wound on your left arm was still red, and fresh, pulsating from time to time reminding you not only of the cold winter days, but of what had almost happened two weeks ago.
With a frown, and a shake of your head you turned around getting the bath ready.
Today was about you and Wanda and whatever it was she had prepared for you, there was no time to think anything sad or regretful. With a smile on your face, you put on some music and decided to get ready for the woman that had already captured your heart.
A deep void of anticipation settled on your lower abdomen and you could hardly wait to see Wanda again.
You glanced at your reflection with a critical eye.
America had put together the suit your dad had chosen for your first official meeting in the company. Your lips curled lightly, it had been a while since you last used those Chino pants, or that blazer, but it was your favourite one because of how it made you look. How it made you feel. You smiled fixing your left arm to rest comfortably on your midsection, the blazer and pants tailored fit complementing your body form with the dark colours you favoured so much. 
You found your eyes in your reflection, your body tingling with anticipation and a void expanding on your abdomen. Your heart shrank with emotion, when you recalled Wanda's eyes on you, her smile and the sweet timbre of her voice. If you were to be honest you didn't know when you felt for her, when you lowered your guard and allowed this woman and her children to take home in your heart. You just knew that one day, her smile took your breath away and her eyes on you made your heart fluttered with want.
The mobile on your bed vibrated several times, you furrowed your brows grabbing the phone while reading the message. You smirked, you turned around and went directly to the first floor making sure you had your wallet and keys on you. The moment you opened the door your throat went dry, 
She stood by your door wearing a single, dark blue dress pressed around her horse but loose around the waist. There was a black coat on her, with her hair straightened up and light make-up glistening on her face. She smiled shyly at you, her eyes taking in your frame before they settled in your eyes, her cheeks wore a dust of red you were familiar with.
“Hey.” She greeted tentatively dipping her head while looking away for a moment.
You shook your head, blinking a couple of times before stepping forward.
Wanda leaned back, her tongue playing with her lips with her hands closing tightly around the purse she had borrowed. 
“You look beautiful.” You finally stuttered out, your face warming up when those green eyes fell on you once more. 
Wanda put a strand of hair behind her ear, her smile softening leaning into the touch of your hand on her arm.
“You look good, too.” She replied and you were quite relieved you were not the only one incapable of speaking properly at the moment.
“Only good?” You asked teasingly, Wanda opened her eyes, shaking her head.
“You look amazing.” She finally stated, rolling her eyes when you just chuckled.
“Amazing, eh?”
“You always look good,” Wanda lifted her hand and put it on top of yours, “are you ready?”
You stepped out of your house closing the door behind you, you grabbed her hand placing a kiss on her knuckles with a single winked that made Wanda falter for a moment.
“I'm all ready for you, Princess. I'm also very excited to know where you are taking me, and what you have planned for today.”
You couldn't hide the excitement in your voice, you bounced on your feet while Wanda merely shook her head pointing to the car. 
“It's still a surprise and as such, you are going to be asked to wear a blindfold.” 
You cocked a brow at her, your lips curling playfully.
“Kinky.” You chuckled when Wanda slapped you playfully on the back, she rolled her eyes but you could tell she was blushing profusely.
“Come on, we have reservations.”
Wanda started walking down the lane but stopped when your hand closed around her forearm. She turned confused, her eyes finding yours and the seriousness of your expression made her turn completely to face you. 
“We cannot go like this, you know?” You shook your head, but Wanda merely creased her brows tilting her head.
Whatever question she had, or whatever she was going to say was soon cut by your lips finding hers in a slow, tentative kiss. Her breath caught in her throat, and you just loved the way she tilted her head placing her hands on your forearms giving into the kiss while opening her mouth with her tongue teasingly playing with yours. You smiled into the kiss, sowing down until your forehead was resting against hers. Both breathing hard, flustered with lips swollen from the kissing.
“Are you…are you happy now?” Wanda asked and her voice, while still recovering, suddenly was huskier than ever.
You nodded, placing a sweet peck on her cheek, stepping back before you couldn't contain yourself.
“Yep, now we can go.”
The ride to your destination was a silent event.
The silence was filled with music and conversation about your doctor’s recommendations for the physical therapy and Wanda’s care of her throat. You had leaned back against the eat, with a smile playing on your lips while you gave the woman sitting beside you a trust you rarely placed in anybody else.
When the car finally stopped, your stomach was squirming deliciously and your heart was jumping with anticipation of what was going to happen. You waited until a warm hand placed itself on your leg, your body tense leaning in to follow the voice of Wanda.
“I thought very hard on this, you know?” Wanda was speaking softly, with her voice filled with memory and something you couldn’t quite name, “I’ve been going through so many changes, and when I was finally getting to know myself I met you.”
You cracked a smile leaning your head without being able to see but sensing Wanda’s eyes on you.
“That was one hell of a first good impression?”
Wanda snorted, her hand clenched tenderly around your knee.
“No, I hated you.” This time around you could tell she was not joking, but her voice merely softened. “I hated what you made me feel, I felt vulnerable but at the same time there was this horde of butterflies on my stomach and my chest was always tight and throbbing…it was infuriating. It was confusing.”
You lifted your right hand; your movements were slow and tentative waiting to see if Wanda would stop your advances but she never did so. By the time you took off the blindfold, you could see the face of the other woman looking right outside the parking lot of a big, black building. Wanda let out a breathy sigh, it came right from her chest and by the time her green eyes found yours your heart skipped a beat.
“I wasn’t sure as to what I was experimenting until…” Wanda shrugged, “until I told Hope, then everything make sense.”
“Was it the first time you…” your question caught in your throat, there were many things you wanted to ask, furrowing your brows you realised there were certain details about Wanda you had yet to see, you had yet to know.
Fixing your position on the seat, this time around it was you the one facing her while the building stood like a shadow in front of you.
“Was it the first time a woman flirt with you?” You asked tentatively, Wanda nodded tilting her head until she was locking her eyes with you.
“It was the first time I actually admit to liking a woman, Y/N.” Wanda then softened her features, her hand seeking yours, “today I want to make it special, I want for you to know and to feel just how much you mean to me. I…I may be slow with words, but I don’t want you to think I am not experiencing the same emotions as you do.”
Your lips broke into a half smile, you leaned forward until your lips were on her ear. Wanda shivered her eyes fluttering close as you spoke.
“I love you.” It was a simple whisper, three words you had gotten used to tell the other woman with every single ounce of honestly you could show her.
“I know.” Wanda replied back turning her face until your lips and hers were brushing against one another, you snorted shaking your head.
“Very well, Han Solo, where are we?”
Wanda furrowed her brows scrunching up her nose the very same way the twins usually did when confused. You chuckled tucking her locks behind her ear.
“What did you call me?” She asked tentatively leaning back, you raised a single brow.
“You know? Han Solo? Star Wars? Princess Leia?”
Wanda shrugged shaking her head, her eyes twinkling in silent laughter at the face of pure mock disbelief you were wearing at the moment. It was as if you were genuinely offended by her lack of knowledge for what you were saying.
“God, as soon as this is over you and I are going home to see the movies, the original ones before I settled on letting you see the full saga.” You commented opening the door of the car.
Wanda followed your actions, but just before the both of you left the warmness of the car she decided to speak.
“Funny, I thought that after we left this place you and I could be doing something totally different once we were home. I was dying to know what else you could do with that mouth of yours.”
The young woman smirked closing the car door behind her and walking down the parking lot, her cheeks were a witness of her embarrassment but her heart fluttered happily when she heard your cursed and gasp. The door closing with a loud thud, while your footsteps hurried up behind her.
The night promise to be fun.
The main entranced had been decorated with silvery banners announcing the newest show, the doors were closed and a single sign to the left showed the place had been closed hours ago. You furrowed your brows; it was until the both of you had been standing closed to it that you realized you were in the Natural Museum and the Stark Planetarium. The place was huge and it had been built just outside the city to make it possible for the observatory to get easiest access to a clear sky.  Your eyes lighted up leaning in to observed inside the glassed doors, Wanda stood by your side writing something on her phone while waiting patiently with you.
“How did you know?” You asked leaning back, Wanda shifted her weight from one feet to the other facing you with a soft smile.
“I did pay attention when you helped the twins with their homework, and I did my investigation to make sure I wouldn’t get this wrong.” Wanda stepped closer to you positioning herself on your right side so she could grab your hand in hers. “I want this date to be special.”
“Being with you is what makes this date special.” You pecked her cheek, and Wanda just shook her head.
“You’re such a sweet talker.”
“Nah, I’m just saying the truth.”
Soon the doors were opened and a single guard opened the doors, he smiled at the both of you while passing a set of keys to Wanda giving her silent instructions as to where they should go and which parts were off limits for the both of you. You observed as the young woman listened carefully, she took the map the man was giving her while also pointing to something on the tablet he was holding. Your heart skipped a beat thinking of all the things she had done, if only to get you to where you two were at the moment ready to enjoy the strangest date you had ever been to.
“Very well, we’re not allow to disturb the rest of the exhibitions so let’s see, I think it’s down here.”
“Lead the way, my lady, I am but a humble peasant at your mercy.”
Wanda chuckled grabbing your hand dragging you through the corridors, it was only the both of you and the sound of your footsteps disturbed the silent scene spreading before your eyes. You had been in that place several times through your youth and adulthood; it was one of your favourite places in the whole world and you had a sneaking suspicion this part of the date had been America’s contribution.
“No way…” you whispered this time around walking faster until it was you the one dragging Wanda behind you, your smile grew just as you turned around and found the planetarium had been fixed in such a way that right in the middle of the ground there was a single table with two chairs.
You had been there when your father was helping around on the renovations, at that time you were but eight years old, but the idea behind these new arrangements was to make camping-like scenario for some of the youngest people that would fill the place in the future. The idea was to make of this dome of the most accurate and real in the whole country. 
Let’s make it feel as if they were actually outside, watching the stars above their heads on a nice, summer night.
Your face broke into a nostalgic smile as the words of your father filled your mind.
Wanda took a deep breath her hand squeezing yours tenderly, her heart beating fast just as you let go while strolling around the place. The planetarium was located on the west wing of the building, it was the biggest in the east coast and it usually held some of the most important films about astronomy and history in the whole country. The projection dome was done with neutral colours with a LED system that came along with the latest technology for audio and special effects. It had been a couple of years since you last were inside the Domo and finding yourself in the midst of such a place only brough a bubble of happiness that spread all through your senses.
Everything was already set up, and the lights that were lighting up the place were just centred on the single table with two chairs right in the middle of the room. Instead of the normal chairs that were placed around the theatre, you found yourself looking at a scene that never thought possible and you knew right there and there of all the effort that Wanda had taken that very first time to give you the perfect date.
“Do you…do you like it?” Wanda finally broke the silence approaching you with a tentative stare in her eyes, she approached the table signalling the cutlery with the table, the glasses of wine and the single bottle resting on a small side table inside a bucket filled with ice.
You turned to the woman standing beside you, it was quite incredible that even after all she had done there was still some trepidation in her features, the nervous picking of her fingers while she tried to offer explanations of how everything came to be. Of the careful planning she did to make sure everything would be ready, that everything would be there on time.
You stopped her tirade just as she was about to tell you she chose as the main course had been lasagne accompanied by a white wine.
Wanda got her words tangled in her throat, her lips trembling lightly until she lifted her arms to return your hug. For the very first time, after what happened in New Year and the process of recovery you and Wanda allowed the comfort of a single hug.
“This is amazing.” You whispered making sure she could feel everything you were experimenting at the moment.
Wanda closed her eyes, taking in the sweet aroma of your perfume and surrendering to the warm of your body. You leaned back, brushing your fingers on her hair while taking in the marks on her eyes and the tentativeness behind her stare.
“Nobody had done this before, you know?”
“Really?” Wanda asked right away, you shook your head. Wanda pursed her lips stepping back a little.
“You don’t have to say that, you know?”
You furrowed your brows seeking her eyes with yours until she couldn’t look away from you.
“I mean it, Wands. I’ve been in many dates some of them were unique in the way the presented themselves, but…well, this…” You lifted your eyes to the dome stretching your arms while twirling around, “having someone worry enough to make something I like? Not many did, and not in the way I was expecting.”
“Well, I just thought…” Wanda turned around when the gates of the theatre opened and there came a couple of waitresses bringing over the food.
You grabbed Wanda’s hand leaning in to place a single kiss on her knuckles, the young woman rolled her eyes at your gesture but took it for what it was.
“Let’s eat, and discuss this, my lady.”
“Let me help you out.” Wanda replied walking fast to the closest chair pulling it out waiting for you to sit.
You grinned taking the chair while Wanda too the one right in front of you, the two young men worked was placing the plates filled with food while also serving the wine and leaving two glasses of water as well.
Everything was perfect, the smell of the fresh lasagne filled your nostrils and it was quite evident you couldn’t shake the smile adorning your features. Wanda puffed out her chest, a sense of pride overcame her knowing she had made it possible for you to not lose your smile or relaxed posture.
“This is delicious,” you moaned while tasting the food, Wanda blushed glancing at the food while nodding in agreement. “God you bought it in Olympia, didn’t you?”
“Yep, Ajak was very kind to offer the services of the waitress and the food and actually all the things you see here.”
“You really outdo yourself with the date, Wanda.”
Wanda lifted her face taking in your frame, she smiled going back to her food.
“I really wanted to make this special for you.” Wanda grabbed her wine frowning her brows for a moment, “I never thought I could be this special with anyone, let out feel like this for someone else.”
You focused on the food, but soon you noticed the sweet melody of a familiar song playing in the speakers inside the dome. Your eyes lighted up turning to Wanda who was offering a tiny smile, she really had thought about everything.
“Very well, what’s your ideal date?” You asked all of a sudden, Wanda was taken aback for a moment blinking at the randomness of the question.
“My ideal date?”
“Yep, you just said you couldn’t imagine being this special, but you are special, Wanda. Perhaps, you were never given the chance, but I know you must have something inside your head that cold be define as the perfect one.”
Wanda chewed on her lower lip, narrowing her eyes for a moment before leaning in.
“I have always thought that a walked down a beautiful part, or forest leading to a lake is an ideal date.” She stated thoughtfully, “mom used to take Pietro and me to this beautiful forest near the city back home, she always told us the stories of her youth, and I always thought that would be the perfect place to have a date or a marriage proposal.”
You nodded pursing your lips impressed, Wanda then turned to you her eyes gleaming strangely.
“How about yours?”
You opened your eyes blinking a couple of times before leaning over, “I have to say, this one? It’s at the top five of my favourite dates ever.”
Wanda made a face of disbelief but you stopped her with a gesture of your hand, you drank some wine shaking your head.
“I mean it.” You declared strongly, “I love history, and I love everything that has to do with museums and books, if you want to win my heart, this is the perfect spot to start over. But I would say the perfect date would be on Prague’s Strahov library. Now, that would be quite the adventure.”
The conversation soon flew the same way it did before the incident, you caught Wanda giving in while leaving the stress on her shoulders ease out and her expression relaxed while the conversation grew around the topics she handled well. You never lied to her, while you had your share amount of dates usually they involved other type of activities that, why you liked them at a time, they hardly related with one of your passions.
Laughter filled the planetarium; the acoustics of the place made it easy for the sound to be enhanced. The conversation grew around different topics, and soon whatever happened in the past, whatever physical wounds the both of you carried still were forgotten.
And it was in that moment you remembered why you fell in love with Wanda.
“Thank you, this was delicious.” You glanced at the waitress smiling gently at her, the young woman flushed returning the smile until she caught the glare coming from Wanda.
“I will bring the desert.” The young woman picked up the last of the dishes and hurried out of the place.
You cocked a brow at Wanda who had not stopped following the other woman with her glare, when she returned her attention to you it was only to find your amused smile adorning your features.
“Jealous much?” You chuckled when Wanda clicked her tongue looking away.
“Should I be?”
This time around you did laugh at the absurdity of the comment, Wanda rolled her eyes sending you a withering stare before huffing and crossing her arms. You waited until the dessert had been served and another bottle of wine was brought, this time around the rest of the lights went out and there was only a single one left to create a foggy atmosphere around the centre of the room.
“I think you are adorable when jealous.” You stood up serving the wine, you knew Wanda was following you with her eyes but for now you focused your attention to the task at hand. “I still remember that time in which you saw me and Carol, there is something utterly cute about it.”
“I’m not jealous, and I don’t think being jealous counts as adorable. Or cute.”
You clicked your tongue shaking your head, the glass was soon filled with the red beverage on the bottle. You passed the glass to Wanda who received it, the glint in her eyes told you she was enjoying the changed in the topic. Or perhaps, what she was enjoying was your attention. You nodded to her mobile taking your glass in your hands.
“They give you control of the room, didn’t they?”
Wanda pursed her lips glancing at her phone while nodding.
“Mr. Stark taught me the basics, and how to make sure that everything was perfect for the show.” Wanda mumbled, she gasped when you grabbed the phone seeking the app where Wanda was trying to handle the dome.
“You took my playlist, didn’t you?” This time around there was a hint of affection tainting your voice, Wanda nodded as if it was obvious.
“I wanted this to be about you.” She mumbled well aware that your eyes were now on her.
“Let’s make this about you and me, then.” You ran your thumb around the playlist until you found the song you were looking for. Your mouth broke into a smirk, and the sudden glint of mischief that appeared in your eyes made Wanda winced.
“What are you thinking?”
You left your glass of wine, stretching your hand to Wanda who took it without thinking it twice.
“Dance with me, my love.”
Wanda looked away with a tiny smile on her lips, her cheeks burning up while she started shivering under your hold. You stepped closer waiting for the song to start, your body moulding perfectly against Wanda’s one.
“I trust you know how to dance, Wands?”
“I…I know the basics.” She replied locking her eyes with you.
“Then, let me stir you around the curves.” You winked at her, loving the sound of her laughter.
The sound of the trumpet was the first thing that came into the speakers, and soon the music formed around the voice of Elle Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. Wanda snickered gasping when you twirled her around before pressing her body to yours, the dance started slowly with you just swinging around.
“Why that song?” Wanda finally asked, you shrugged with memory written in your eyes.
“Mom used to listen to it, America’s mom.” You clarified, “her mother used Elle to perfect her English when they first came here.”
Wanda nodded leaning closer, her arms sneaking around the nape of your neck. You wiggled your eyebrows bringing another chuckled from the young woman.
“And she taught you how to dance?”
“Mom used to teach us as well,” Wanda rested her forehead against yours, “ours was more classical, but still it was nice. She was a little obsess of making me be a debutant, and Pietro a escort in the traditional sense.”
Wanda furrowed her brows at the memory, but whatever memory came with it soon was forgotten and replaced with a content smile.
“It was actually nice, and I enjoyed it greatly.”
“I would love to dance something classical, any song in mind?” You asked tentatively, Wanda opened her eyes a little taken aback by your inquiry.
“You want to? Really?”
“Yeah, I do.”
Wanda tilted her head thinking for a moment until the song finished and the both of you stood in the middle of the room just looking at one another. The young woman leaned in kissing you tentatively, when she parted from you your heart was already trembling under the sheer passion she shared through the kiss.
“No, perhaps later, right now I want to keep spoiling you.”
Not sooner had she said this, Wanda turned around making her way to the futons resting on the floor. She fixed them with care, full aware of your curious eyes on her; woman made sure to take her jacket off of her and fix everything so the both of you could rest comfortably on the floor.
“What else did you plan?” You finally asked approaching her with the same amount of curiosity, Wanda was smiling shrugging lightly.
“You’ll see, don’t be impatient.” Wanda hesitated for a moment before turning to you, “do you mind serving the wine and bring it over?”
“Not at all.” With one last glance you turned to the table ready to serve the wine when all of a sudden the lights went out.
You froze on the spot, lifting your head to see if perhaps it had been a malfunction in the system or there was something else involved. Soon, you could feel the breeze touching your heated face, the small resounding of drums that went increasing until music of ancient design filled the room and a single dot of white appeared on the far edge of the screen crossing the dome above your head like a shooting star.
You gasped turning around to see Wanda smiling at you, she had dismissed her heels and her coat approaching you while the music transformed into a soothing melody. She locked her eyes with yours, and while you couldn’t see it, you could feel her trembling hands on your blazer helping you out of it while fixing the posture of your sling.
No words were needed it when those fingers worked around the bottoms of your shirt and then she took you to the futons she had fixed on the ground. With a stretch out hand, you allowed her to direct you to the ground almost chocking on your spit when she knelt in front of you taking your shoes off of you.
“Wanda…” You couldn’t keep the silence, but your voice sounded strangled almost fearful to break the spell the both of you seemed to be in.
“This is about you.” She replied simply, crawling to you her lips found yours in the sweetest of kisses the both of you had shared so far.
You found yourself on your back, those lips dancing with yours in a silent invitation. Your heart was beating hard, you were sure the sound of the drums had long ago been replaced by the sound of your heart. Your put your open hand on the back of Wanda’s neck putting her closer until you were on your back and she was almost on top of you.
“I love you.” Wanda all but whisper in your ear, her face almost hidden in the crook of your neck while her warm breath caressed the skin behind your ear.
There was a moment of silence, your heart finally stopped while you registered those words coming from her. You never expected Wanda to say those three words any time soon, you understood the kind of pressure she had been in, and the life she had been living before meeting you. Hell, the amount of time the both of you had known each other wouldn’t give you both enough time to say such a deep declaration, yet you couldn’t deny what you had been feeling for the woman hovering above you at the moment.
Your eyes found those emerald ones, the affection she had always shown you was there gleaming with hope. She waited with her lips swollen, and a dust of pink on her cheeks; Wanda leaned in her nose playing with yours while her eyes closed to engrave the moment in her mind.
“I love you.” She said it again, this time around louder, stronger and you knew she meant it. Every single word.
Your eyes flickered soon to the screen above your head, this time around everything changed and it was as if the both of you were right outside. The night sky was gleaming above your head, with a million started twinkling merrily at you, the start gliding slowly until the movement of the starts start speeding up and soon everything changed and the first constellations came upon the screen.
Wanda could see the stars reflecting in your eyes, she was very careful with her weight always favouring your right side. Her lips curled into a smile when your face lit up with glee at the sight above your head; she remembered the first time she asked for help. America and Hope had been so sure about their proposal that Wanda couldn’t say no, but she opted to add some of the things she had learned from you in those conversations in the middle of the night.
“I love you, too.” You finally replied back, this time around those eyes were filled with affection and completely focused on Wanda.
The young woman dipped her head turning on her side until she was resting right beside you, her hand sneaking comfortably around your midsection.
“I’m sorry it took me this long to say it,” Wanda started but before you could reply she shot you a quick glance shaking her head, “you had been my saviour in so many ways. You can imagine where I was when I first met you.”
“I was a bitch on that meeting.” You recalled, but Wanda merely chuckled nodding.
“You were and I hated you for that.” Wanda turned to you never losing her smile or the affection in her voice, “and then I got to know you and I was…confused. You were making me feel so much, in so little time, and I was afraid.”
Wanda snuggled closer to you, “I’m not afraid anymore, and after thinking about it I realized I love you. As in, I’m in love with you, Y/N, and I don’t think I can stop my heart right now…”
“Why would you stop it?” You inquired turning on your side, wincing when you put some stressed on your left arm.
“I don’t know, what if…”
You leaned in kissing Wanda before she could finish her sentence, Wanda giggled welcoming the kiss before making sure you were back on your back instead of putting some unnecessary stress on your arm.
“Don’t think about the what ifs, Wanda.” You nodded to the sky above your heads, the music had changed into winds and cords, and the story of the first constellations came to be right in front of your eyes.
“I know it is too soon, still. That there is a lot to work on, but if you allowed it…I will be by your side until the last start in the sky had been consume by time.”
Wanda leaned closer to you, her face hidden once more by your neck though this time around you could feel her lips on your neck.
“How do you do it? How can you say such things and make me tremble until there is nothing else but you?”
“It’s a gift.” You chuckled when Wanda lifted her face rolling her eyes.
“I want to be with you, for as long as you want me, Y/N.”
“Then, let’s be together.” You sneaked your arm around her putting her on top of you, “let’s be a family and see where it goes.”
“I love you, and I just wanted to make sure you knew it.” Wanda insisted, you nodded pecking her nose.
“I know.”
“I wanted to make of this night something special,” Wanda said her hand lifting to cup your face and soon her fingers started dancing down your jaw to your neck to the open shirt. For you it was soon evident what she meant, and while she tried to look confident in what she was doing you could see the flash of uncertainty in her eyes.
Her hand was trembling, whatever expertise she had tried to show soon vanished when you realized she was getting closer to your chest.
“You don’t have to…you know?” You could see the glint of hesitation in her green eyes, Wanda clenched them closed in frustration. “Hey, Wands…look at me.”
It took a moment, but then she lifted her eyes and soon she was looking right at you.
“I don’t need sex to know I love you and that my heart is already yours, Wands. And I don’t need you to prove it to me; Wands whenever you are ready I’ll be here more than happy to make you scream in passion.”
Wanda gasped this time around her blush grew from her chest all the way to her cheeks, she tried to look away from you but you made it impossible for her to do so. Your wounded arm finding her face in a single caress.
“How can you be so understanding? God, I just…” Wanda leaned against your touch, “I feel foolish.”
“Never, Love, I just know… and I’m not in any hurry, whenever you are ready, I’ll be ready as well.”
Wanda sighed and whatever tension had been building around her left her body, this time around, when she kissed you she did it with the promise of the future. She laid down by your side, and soon she focused her stare on the stars above your head.
“I love it, this moment just you and me…”
“I thought we need it, you have been amazing with the twins but…” Wanda trailed off shrugging, “I think we were also needing this time to know one another. To actually share in an alone time.”
You smiled nodding your agreement, her hand found yours and soon your fingers intertwined with hers. The stars danced above your heads, and soon your voice joined the music and the different scenes playing with the constellations. You filled in the gaps with the stories you recognized, with Wanda asking questions or helping in the narration until soon you two were talking about mythology and reality.
“I wish this night would never end,” Wanda whispered glancing at the projection of the stars above her head, the show was about to end and she couldn’t help but voice what she had been experimenting in her heart.
“It doesn’t have to be over.” You replied turning to Wanda, the other woman furrowed her brows and you pressed your lips together turning on your side so you were facing her.
“Someday, right?” Wanda replied locking her eyes with yours.
She smiled snuggling closer to you, “for now I wouldn’t say no to you sleeping with me, I mean without…I…”
You snickered placing a kiss on her forehead, “I know.”
“Did you imagine this will end like this?” Wanda finally asked, her eyes focusing on the sky above her head.
“No, I imagine it will start like this.” You glanced at the same stars, the same shooting star you saw at the beginning gleaming in the distance ready to travel through the sky.
“What do you mean?” Wanda scrunched up her nose, you placed a single kiss on her forehead nodding to the sky.
“I imagine this is how my relationship with you will start, and that after today we just ready to face the new challenges this relationship may bring.” You shrugged glancing down at Wanda, “I’ve been in love before, but…with you? It feels right, as if I was waiting for you.”
Wanda opened her eyes lightly before her expression softened.
“I realised that when…when you stood by my side regardless of my past.” Wanda rested her head on your shoulder, “I think this is the first time I have been in love and, I want you to be the only one.”
“well, love, you have a shooting star to make your wishes a reality.” You pointed to the screen and soon the shooting star crossed the dome and the show was over.
“what did you wish for?” Wanda inquired turning to you, you winked at her nuzzling her nose with yours.
“It’s a secret.”
“That’s not fair! You know what I ask for!”
“I do?” You furrowed your brows, Wanda nodded looking away for a moment before locking her eyes with yours.
“I wish for you to be my one and only love.”
You were shocked for a moment, but soon you answered to such words by kissing Wanda softly.
“And you?” Wanda finally said once you parted from the kiss.
“Me? Well, love, you will have to wait.” You smirked when Wanda seemed indignant at your declaration.
“Oh, come on!”
You pocked her nose, leaning in to kiss her pouting face away.
“Nu-uh, Princess, patience is a virtue, and I know you will know what I wish for with time.”
Wanda groaned in mock frustration, she was about to stand up but her hand grabbed her phone and soon a new projection started in the dome. You raised a single eyebrow when Wanda pinned you to the futon, her lips curling into a mischievous smile.
“Well, then, meanwhile I will just do the second part of my wish.”
“Second part?” Wanda nodded leaning in.
“Yep, I wish to kiss you, and show you how much I love you, how much I thank the skies for having me given the opportunity of meeting you.” Wanda then leaned closer to your face, “I wish to kiss you until the story above our heads is no more and the only option you have is to take me home and spend the night with me.”
“Then, my lady, allow me to make those wishes a reality.”
Their laughter soon filled the dome, and it came accompanied by a sudden gasp and the sound of kissing and playful banter.
Wanda never imagined that her decision to leave Vision would end up with her finding herself, while in the process getting a job and making new friends. Not even in her wildest dreams did Wanda imagine that she would come across someone like you that, for the very first moment create a lasting impression on her to the point Wanda decided to explore the relationship.
Her past had finally stayed in the past, with Vision in jail and her getting the full custody of her children, Wanda now was sure she could secure her future while at the same time seek out the peace and happiness she so desperately needed. Now, with you kissing her slowly while sharing a moment of pure, and unrestrained happiness, Wanda knew that every single decision she had taken had led her to that moment, it had led her to you.
And she didn’t regret it.
With you, Wanda understood that she didn’t need to lie to herself, that she didn’t need to hide or to run. With you, Wanda discovered she could be herself and finally give in.
To be loved, and to love.
That was all that matter.
Three years later
Morning had arrived with a bright sun, and no clouds in the sky.
You served the coffee while glancing out the window, the sound of running footsteps brought a smile to your face knowing that the holidays were the perfect opportunity for the twins to break havoc. No sooner had you thought this, Billy and Tommy came through the door wearing the baggy pants and the t-shirt they had chosen to wear that day.
“Morning, Y/N!” Billy came to you wrapping his arms on your midsection before going to the fridge, Tommy chuckled sitting down on the stool waiting until Billy brought two glasses and set the orange juice on the table.
“You guys have a lot of energy for a Monday morning.” You hummed when they shook their heads innocently.
“Nu-uh, just…America told us she would take us to the lake.” Tommy said shrugging.
“And, we haven’t said anything about…you know.” Billy mumbled looking around the room before settling his eyes on you, “so we thought you would be happy to know we will be out of your hair today!”
You chuckled ruffling his hair affectionately, setting your coffee on the table while serving the orange juice to the boys.
They had grown a great deal and now at seven they were far smarter than you or even Wanda gave them credit for. Three years ago, you never thought possible to fall in love again, nor did you thought whatever started as a tentative relationship would end up being the best that happened to you. You glanced at the boys that started talking animatedly while mentioning the different places America and Kate were supposed to taken them to, you smiled knowing your sister adored them and was about ready to do whatever they wanted as long as she got to spend some time to them.
You sighed leaning against the counter taking a long sip from the coffee, in the last years a lot of things had changed in your life. America had finally found her passion, she had decided to pursue a career in international affairs and her path led her directly into one of the most important universities in Europe, which ended up with Kate studying a couple of miles away from her. Whatever had started as a school crush, it had developed into a serious relationship that both of them had dealt with maturity.
You had finally gotten the time you needed to organise the business, and while your presence was always required when important matters arise, you had taken it upon yourself to be in charge of the development section of the company. It was easier, and it gave you the time you needed to spend with Wanda and the children.
The sound of childish argument brough a smile into your face, soon you caught the well-known voice of your girlfriend and your heat melt right away when Wanda appeared behind the hall wearing a familiar frown while placing her hands on her hips.
“Okay, you two, stop this argument right now or there won’t be any outing with America.”
“Yes, mum!” The twins said at the same time focusing on their beverages.
You locked your eyes with Wanda, your lips curling into a smile while the woman softened completely making her way to where you were standing casually. She leaned in pecking your lips while stealing your mug.
“Morning.” You whispered wrapping your arm around her hips, she giggled leaning forward before accepting a deeper kiss.
“Ugh, mom!”
You finished the kiss turning to them, “I will hold you to this moment when you guys bring over your partners home and decided to kiss them in front of us.”
“I would never be this corny!”
You chuckled rolling your eyes, Wanda leaned in kissing you one more time before going to the coffee maker and serving another cup of coffee. You glanced at your watch knowing America would be there any moment now, your heart beating a tad bit faster while the heavy void you had felt on your lower abdomen increased and your chest tightened at what you had planned for the day.
Tommy and Billy glanced at one another before placing their hands on their mouth and snickering, you mock glared at them and the sudden exchanged didn’t go amiss to Wanda. The young woman narrowed her eyes standing right beside you.
“Okay, what is it?” She asked, and her suspicions only grew when the three of you answered at the same time.
You glanced at the twins, the three of you started laughing while Wanda softened her features. Even if she got curious, and a little wary, she couldn’t help but love these moments in which you and the twins would behave like a family. Once she had given in, you became the light of her life, your smile and your occurrences were always a source of amusement and tenderness, and the twins had come to love you in ways Wanda thought would be difficult to do so. They accept you faster than what she thought, and ever since that day after the planetarium you and her had been together in the good, the bad, the ugly and the pretty.
“You guys…” Wanda started but whatever she was going to say was cut short by a knock on the door.
“Save by the bell, guys! That must be America, love.” You gave Wanda a quick peck on her lips before running towards the door, once more the twins looked at one another before holding back their snickers.
“Okay, what is it?”
“Nu-uh, mom, it’s a secret!” Tommy said emptying the glass in a single sip.
“We promised not to say anything, mom.” Billy continued shrugging before approaching Wanda and offering her a hug, “but I love you!”
Wanda narrowed her eyes hugging Billy back, “I love you too, both of you.”
“Hey!! Where are my favourite guys in the whole world?!”
America stretched her arms to welcome Billy and Tommy, Kate rolled her eyes moving past them with a smile to greet Wanda. Wanda chuckled when their attention turned to Kate, America approached her wrapping her arms around the young woman.
“Ugh, I missed you so much, Wands! How’s everything? My sister still giving you trouble?”
“Hey! I never gave her any trouble, did I?” You pouted standing beside Wanda, the other woman shook her head putting you closer to her.
“Never, my love, you are a well-behaved girlfriend whenever you and the twins are not playing to break havoc.” Wanda pecked your lips turning to America. “Everything is perfect, but I have a feeling my girlfriend and my sons are planning something I should know about.”
This times around America opened her eyes with her mouth hanging opened, Kate gasped and the twins put their hands on their mouths. You snorted rolling your eyes, with this level of secrecy it was a surprised Wanda had not really discovered what you had planned for her that day.
“No, I mean there is no…Oh, look at the time, guys are you ready?” Kate babbled looking around while trying to evade any interaction with Wanda who had her eyes on her.
America snorted softening her stare while her girlfriend took the twins to their room, she then turned to Wanda who had a single eyebrow lifted waiting for an explanation she would not receive. At least, not from America.
“Don’t look at me, I’m just a passerby ready to take the twins on an adventure of a lifetime.” She said lifting her arms, Wanda snorted turning to you.
“You know, sooner or later I will find out your secrets?”
“I’m counting on it, Wands.” You whispered leaning in to kiss her, “now, how about you go and take a bath and I help America around.”
Wanda nodded dreamily, she gave you a quick smile before turning to America and giving the young woman another hug.
“It is good to see you again, America, see you tonight at dinner, right?”
“Yeo, we will be there!” America glanced at Wanda walking away, she waited until she was pretty sure Wanda had left before turning to you. “Well?”
“Well? You’re the one who should tell me if everything is ready!” You whispered harshly at your sister glancing down the corridor before settling your eyes on America.
The young woman rolled her eyes, but her lips played a familiar smile while she tapped something on her phone. Soon you were giving a fine idea of what she had prepared with the help of Kate and your friends; it had been hard at first to get what you needed to make of that day special. Your face lit up completely, and America could see the ghost of a smile on your lips while your eyes scanned the images she had store on her phone.
When you first shared with America your intentions, the young woman had been excited. In the last couple of years, she had seen the love between you and Wanda grow in something completely different. It was not the same relationship you shared with Shuri, and certainly it wasn’t the same type of relationship Wanda had shared with Jarvis. The both of you had been the best that could happen to the other, Wanda had learnt to love and be love, to trust in herself while also trust in the affection others held for her. You learnt to let go and to actually trust in the person beside you, you got to see how Wanda was ready to be a part of your life without losing her own little universe with the twins.
It had been a rocky path, there were fights, and sometimes it was quite difficult to fight against the demons of the past. But, America knew, if it hadn’t been because of the deep love you two felt for one another, the relationship would have been over years ago.
“I think she will love it, and I’m just…” America trailed off before offering you a quick hug, “I think this is amazing.”
You sighed putting your hand inside your pocket, the squared box resting inside your pocket.
“Thank you, this looks amazing.” You glanced at the hall before turning to America, “at what time you think we can go over there?”
“Mmm, I would say the best would be around 4pm, we will be there waiting for you so…” America waved her hands excited, “God, I can’t hardly wait, please tell me if anything happens.”
“I will, Kiddo, thank you.” You wrapped your arms around her, “I really missed you.”
“I missed you too.” America chuckled when she caught the excited chatter of the twins and Kate coming over, “now, I will take them off of your plate for a while, we will have time to get up to date, for now, go!”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You watched as they left in the midst of laughter and light conversation, your hand sneaking inside your pocket putting out the black box you had bought a long time ago. Your heart skipped a beat, your hand clenching tightly around it ready to give the next step in your relationship with Wanda. Your lips broke into a tender smile, the memories of the last three years filling up your mind with determination and love.
You put the box away turning to see Wanda approaching you slowly, the swinging of her hips and that flirty smile she wore made your mouth go dry and your lower abdomen tingled with anticipation.
“Yes?” You asked, Wanda came to you chewing on her lower lip playfully.
“Since the kids are gone, and you and I are alone, I thought…we could shower together, don’t you think?” This was said in a low, husky tone, her lips wrapping around your earlobe while her hands sneaked inside your shirt.
“I think…you have a wicked mind, Wands.” You replied, but before Wanda could do or said anything else you took her in your arms crashing your lips to hers.
Needless to say, you and she left the home later than what you should, but the both of you had satiated the thirst you had for one another.  Love evident in your faces, as you walked around the city hand by hand.
The country of Sokovia was a beautiful land with a rich past and a colourful landscape.
Wanda had been excited when you announced the trip, not really believing you were going to comply with her wishes until you present her with the four plane tickets. By the time you four had arrived at the city of Novi Grad, Wanda had been completely excited telling you and her children all about her hometown. She spoke of the difficult times they had lived, and the wonderful things the new government had done to fix the mistakes of the past.
Billy and Tommy had been avid listeners, and they had started talking to Wanda and to you in sokovian while Wanda was just completely happy with the development on their vacations. You had been just happy to see her smile, to see the excitement in her eyes when she pointed to all the places she remembered.
“I still can believe you brought me here.” Wanda said sitting down on the table right outside a beautiful balcony looking at the far away mountains covering half of the city.
“Why not?” You replied taking the menu with a smile, “if anything, I should be sorry for taking so long, but you know? Life has been getting in the way, and I wanted for you to have time to enjoy this place.”
Wanda didn’t know how you did it, the way you were always giving it your all to make her happy. She leaned forward placing her hand on top of yours.
“This is perfect, and it’s the perfect time.”
You smiled back at her, looking at the menu while glancing at the watch on your wrist. You were getting restless as the time for the main event approached; Wanda was looking at her menu pursing her lips before returning her attention to you.
“Can I order something for you? There is something in here I want you to try out…” She trailed off glancing away for a moment, a shadow crossing her eyes, “it is something mom used to cook for me and Pietro and I just…”
“I would love to, Wands. Go ahead, you’re the expert so we will do as you said.” You replied closing the menu, you waited until the food had been ordered before leaning forward playing with Wanda’s fingers.
“You know? Now that you mentioned this about the food, I remember the story you told me once.”
“Which one?” Wanda furrowed her brows blinking away while trying to remember.
“The one about the forest, is around here, isn’t it?”
The way her eyes opened wide, and her whole face lit up made your heart skipped a beat. You couldn’t take your eyes off of her as she turned around trying to point out the direction in which the forest was located.
“Yes! Oh, I can believe you remember…”
“I remembered everything you tell me, love.” You replied, and it was the tone of voice you used what made Wanda turned to you with narrowed eyes, you softened your features offering a reassuring smile to her.
“I always make the effort to have it in my mind so I can make sure to bring happiness to you, to see the very same expression you are wearing at the moment.”
Wanda turned her head away, her cheeks burning bright red while she smiled tenderly at your words. Even after all this time you still got to make her feel so self-conscious of the love you profess to her.
“I love you for that.” Wanda finally said, and you smiled back at her winking.
“Well, what about you and I go over there after lunch? I’m pretty sure at this time of the year must be quite the sight.”
“You mean it?” Wanda exclaimed excitedly, you nodded and soon thank the heavens you were sitting down for the kiss she gave you made your knees trembled and your whole body tingled with anticipation.
The afternoon was falling slowly, the wind was cold so the burning sun above your heads was not as strong as it could have been in a dry weather.
You and Wanda walked down the city, your hand joined in a single embrace while conversation flew with easiness. The topics varied from school, to your work, to the recent happenings of the world, to the twins and America; soon you two found yourselves talking about movies and books, the places you would like to visit or the worlds you would like to be in.
Life with Wanda was never bored, and every single time you discovered something new about her that made you fall in love with her even more.
Her excitement at being in her country was something you would cherish forever.
She dragged you down the streets, and then down the pebbled road leading to the forest. The place had changed since she was last there, it was now a national park that had been taken care off with the strictest rules and cares a country could provide to such a beautiful setting.
You took a deep breath when the road spread before your eyes, your eyes lifted to the signs, most of them pointing to different sections of the forest. Your eyes finally fell on the word Lake, and you lifted your hand to point it out to your girlfriend.
“There, lake, can we go there?”
“Yes, of course!”
You chuckled when she just grabbed your hand again, she twirled around wrapping her arms around your neck leaning in to kiss you slowly.
“Have a told you how much I love you?” She asked playfully, you placed your hands on her waist helping her walked backwards while you advanced down the road with her in your arms.
“Mmhm, not recently, no. I think I need a reminder.”
Wanda giggled leaning in, her kisses were soft and tentative, “I love you, Y/N, every time I think this is not possible, I fall in love with you even more and I just…”
Your heart shrank at her confession, putting her to you with your lips moulding against hers you poured all the love you felt for her.
“I love you to, Wands.”
Wanda sighed standing by your side lifting her face to the trees above her, her eyes gleaming happily just as the both of you advanced towards the lake. The forest was located it twenty minutes away from the city, and the entrance had been built around a public parking lot where people could acquire all the necessary materials for camping or a nice picnic. Some of the different paths had been fixed to give easy access to the people that visit the place, but the road leading to the lake had been left untouched with the nature almost claiming it back.
You were admiring the huge trees surrounding the area, the sound of the birds and other animals running around to hide away from the humans. You lifted your stare to see the blue sky above your head, and the cold breeze touching your heated skin. Everything was quiet and peaceful, only the sound of your footsteps seemed to interrupt the sounds of the nature.
Your eyes lifted squinting them when you spot the opening right ahead of you, your lips curling slightly when you finally spotted something else. You had arrived to the lake, with a quick gesture you stood before Wanda stopping her advanced towards her destination.
“What is it?” Just like she did early in the morning, she narrowed her eyes with a glint of suspicion gleaming in them. You shifted your weigh from one foot to the other, your hand scratching the back of your neck while your eyes danced around instead of facing Wanda.
You stood before her, your hand sneaking inside your pocket until you brough forth a single blindfold. She cocked a brow, half-amused, half-expectant at what you had planned.
“I may or may not have planned something for you.” You said tentatively, Wanda snorted but all you could see in her face was love and amusement.
“Figures, and I bet Billy, Tommy, America and Kate are in it?” She already knew the answer, but there was something else she couldn’t pinpoint to.
“Yep.” You admitted lifting your hand, “there is something… I mean, it is a surprised.”
“And I have to wear the blindfold.” Wanda grabbed the piece of clothing, never losing her smile, she winked at you, “kinky, perhaps later on we can use it for other…kind of surprised?”
You laughed out loud shaking your head while helping the brunette put on the blindfold.
“I love how your wicked mind works, Mrs. Maximoff.”
“Well, I love it when you play along, Mrs. Y/L/N.”
You let out a deep breath, the sun was still high in the sky and now Wanda stood before you blindfolded. Her hand found yours, squeezing comfortingly with that beautiful smile you had come to love and crave.
“Are you okay?” She finally asked, you swallowed down your doubts nodding before you remembered she couldn’t see you.
“I am.” Then, as an afterthought, “I’m just nervous.”
Wanda brought your hand to her lips, never losing her smile.
“Whatever it is you prepared for me, I know I would love it and…Y/N…there is no one else I would love to be with right now, you are the love of my life.”
You chuckled loving the tenderness Wanda used when talking to you, the fact she had come to know your insecurities and was always ready to reassure you of her love and your worth.
“And you are mine, Wands, now let’s go…”
You grabbed her hand and without wasting any more time you led her down the road towards the lake.
The lake was a great extension of water that spread out before a small beach surrounded by the forest. It was filled with grass, trees and bushes, with a crystalline water that was reflecting the light of the sun and the colour of the sky at the moment. This part of the forest was usually used for light lunches, and some swimming but at this time of the year the place was emptied and you had taken advantage of your money to get this small spot for you and your family for a couple of hours.
There was a single bench that had been decorated with red and pink, there were some balloons with a bucket filled with ice and wine. You helped your girlfriend so she could sit on the bench, all around her there was nothing more than flowers, blue lilies and orchids, the full scene had been planned out and built with the help of America and Kate that had just come from their hiding place with the twins.
You smiled at them putting a finger to your lips, standing before Wanda you pulled your mobile out of your pocket and let a single song filled the silence around the both of you.
“Oh, that’s…” Wanda trailed off when she recognized the trumpets and the melodic voice of Elle Fitzgerald. “Y/N…”
Your name sound beautifully on her lips, you took a deep breath looking around the place knowing you had chosen right. The lake was gleaming to your right, while the forest stood to your left, the mountains wearing a white bald head projected a protective shadow on the valley. This was what Wanda had always desired, what she had harboured in her heart when she still believed in love.
“Y/N…” She repeated your name, this time around with a hint of apprehension in her voice.
You knelt before her, your left knee touching the ground while your right knee bend to hold your elbow up your hand opening the box you had been carrying with you for over a year.
“You can take the blindfold off, Wanda.” You finally said, and your voice trembled with the sheer emotion you were experimenting at the moment.
Wanda took her blindfold, soon her breath caught in her throat and whatever sight she had before her became a blurred of colours and familiar images. Right in front of her was the lake and the forest of her childhood, the very same she had visited in her mind and memory after leaving Sokovia behind. Her green eyes flickered around until they found your eyes, and soon they fell upon the box in your hand and the silver ring resting in there.
The music was still playing around the both of you, and Wanda wanted to see if there was someone else or if the both of you were alone. But she was incapable of looking everywhere but at you.
Your lips trembled, your hand trying to hold still as you cleared your throat lifting your chin to face her with determination and love.
“Wanda Maximoff, I have brought you here because I love you.” You stated taking a deep breath making sure you never wavered in your intentions. “I realized a long time ago I can’t even think of the possibility of not having you by my side, of not living and growing old with you.”
Wanda sat frozen on the bench, her heart hammering hard against her chest while her stomach drop and her body tingled all over until a heavy pressured settled on her chest.
“I have loved you from the moment I met you, I just didn’t know it yet.” You chuckled shaking your head, “and I would love to make you happy, to love you, to cherish you, and to be your friend, your partner if you allow me…so, today in this place and with my heart on my hands, I want to ask you…”
“Yes…” Wanda whispered, you furrowed your brows shaking your head.
“No, wait, I need to ask…”
“Marry me?” Wanda asked, her voice trembling and her lips breaking into a content smile, you frowned though your eyes gleamed with amusement.
“No, you marry me, please?”
Wanda threw herself at you, her arms wrapped tightly around you while you fell to the ground hugging her back. She was sobbing, her voice a mere whispered in your ear.
“Yes, yes, I will…Yes, I marry you.”
You laughed turning your head and kissing her deeply.
“Then, yes, I marry you too, Wands.”
America and Kate both rolled their eyes, but the twins were squealing excitedly no longer able to hold themselves the run towards you and Wanda joining in the embrace.
Wanda turned to them surprised, returning their hug while turning to you and stretching her left hand where you placed the ring on her finger. Your smile was huge, and it was matching hers with the twins hugging both of you while talking excitedly.
“That means I can call you mom now?!” Tommy finally asked with you almost choking on your spit.
Wanda rolled her eyes fixing his hair before lifting her eyes to glance at you.
“Only if she wants to, Tommy.”
“You want to, don’t you, Y/N?” Tommy asked pouting, you ruffled his hair putting him to you.
“Only if I get to call you Tommy bear!”
Laughter soon filled the lake, with everyone enjoying the rest of the afternoon while you alongside with Kate, America and Wanda toast to the engagement.
“I can believe you…” Wanda closed the distance tilting her head to taste your lips with hers, you smile into the kiss with your hands placing themselves on her hips.
“You remember…” She said softly, in between kisses.
“I never forgot, Wands. With you, everything is easier, you know? I love you, and I just…I want to make you happy.”
“You make me happy already.” She replied leaning into your embrace, “but I will be complete the moment I can call you my wife.”
You smiled placing a single kiss on her forehead.
“I will be complete the moment I can call you wife as well.”
Wanda turned in your arms, her eyes following her children while they talked and played along with America and Kate. You placed your chin on her shoulder, watching the same scene with a soft smile adorning your features. The young woman lifted her hand to see the ring you had placed moments ago, a green stone that matched her eyes and white gold recovering the ring.
Her life was finally hers, and her happiness was finally something she knew she deserved and that was right there for her to live it. Wanda never imagined the moment she made the decision of leaving Vision her life would change so drastically, she never even played with the idea of falling in love again or finding someone ready to be patient with her past and fall in love with her.
Wanda never entertained the idea of anyone wanting to marry someone like her, damage and with two kids that were still growing up. Then, she met you. And she couldn’t imagine being without you by her side.
With you, she learnt to love again, to trust and to give herself without fear.
“Tonight, America and Kate are taking the twins to a festival and then back to their Air BnB so…we have the house for ourselves, to celebrate.” You whispered playfully, Wanda leaned back placing her hands on yours.
She tilted her head with her lips teasing yours.
“Then, let’s celebrate with them first, before I show you my appreciation for all the wonderful things you do for me.”
“It’s a deal, Love.”
“Y/N.” She called your name with a serious tone, you turned to her welcoming her kiss before smiling goofily at her.
“What was that for?”
“I love you.” She said simply, you softened squeezing her hand comfortingly.
“I love you, now and forever.”
And, of that, Wanda didn’t have any doubt for she too love you now and forever, until the end of time.
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greencarnation · 9 months
🚨 Netanyahu announces Israel will re-occupy the Philadelphi Corridor comprising the Gaza-Egypt border area, Gaza’s only access to the outside world.
Other updates:
• At least 100 killed and 286 injured by IOF attacks on homes in central Gaza in the last 24 hours.
• Khan Younis is under heavy aerial bombardment & shelling, with more invading forces deployed. A massive air strike was reported yesterday around the European Hospital there.
• Israeli forces have killed hundreds of sports players and figures, according to the Gaza-based Supreme Council for Sports. It stated Israel “also targeted, destroyed and bombed many stadiums and sports clubs and turned a number of them into detention, torture and execution centres, as happened in the Yarmouk Stadium in Gaza City.”
• At least 16 people were abducted by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank in raids last night.
• Israel killed Sheikh Yousef Salameh, former Palestinian minister of religious affairs and preacher at Al-Aqsa Mosque
via letstalkpalestine 31/12/23
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gentlyweeps-world · 9 months
Regular Occurrence
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summary: It was fun being a Sky Sports Interviewer, until you started “seeing” one of the drivers, but it wasn’t going to be a fairytale ending.
pairing: pierre gasly x fem! reader
warnings: sexual tension, male receiving oral, hints to sexual acts, cheating, having an affair, 16+
requested: yes
It was risky, you knew that. You knew that the moment you had to rush out of his hotel room. But to you it was worth it.
The way his body felt against yours, his moans and breathy whimpers. It was definitely worth it.
But he had a girlfriend, Kika. You loved her, she was sweet and a relatable girl, which makes this all the worse.
Not to mention you were a Interviewer for Sky Sports, yeah…this was a complicated situation. It wasn’t supposed to be a regular thing, but when he begged for you again, how could you say no?
“Hi Pierre! So good to hear from you, how are you feeling about your podium?” You say politely, acting as if he wasn’t just fucking into you the other night and telling you, you would be his good luck charm.
“I’m feeling great, very happy” Pierre says with his signature grin. “I’ll be celebrating hard tonight that’s for sure” He adds on with a wink, someone would think that it has no meaning, but you knew it did.
“Would you say Kika contributed to the win? She is here after all” You say with a smile, even if you hated asking that question.
“Yeah absolutely, she has been my good luck charm and I wouldn’t have gotten this win without her” Pierre smiles and looks into the camera as he says that. It feels so right to you, almost like he should say that. But you both knew he’s thinking about you and only you.
“Of course! So what did you feel helped you push towards the podium?” You ask, finding the questions you had to ask very boring.
“I think the car was really good today, we made perfect strategy calls and the pace was great. I think we really showed what we are capable of today” Pierre said as he smiles and looks at you.
He’s not thinking about the car, he’s thinking about you.
You let out a small cough, “Right yes, the pace did look good today! Hopefully Alpine can keep that up..” You say with a smile.
“I’m confident that the team can build on this” Pierre said with a grin.
Both of you knew, your time together wasn’t over just yet, and not just on the track.
“Of course, it’s a big confidence boost” You say with a smile, “How do you guys plan on bringing this momentum to Monza?” You ask, looking at him through your eyelashes.
“We always have a good feeling about Monza, so hopefully we can take the fight to RB and Mercedes there” Pierre said before he looks at you and winks when he speaks next.
“And we can show that our pace today wasn’t a fluke.” He smiles, and you know what he was doing…seduction.
“Right well, I wish you the best of luck!” You say, knowing that this interview was coming to an end.
“I’ll see you in Monza then, maybe on the podium” You add on, watching him start to walk away for another interview.
“I look forward to it” Pierre smiles before he walks away and waves goodbye to you.
“Room 204”
You roll your eyes at the text, even though you knew Pierre wouldn’t have bothered to send anything else with that.
“Isn’t Kika with you?”
“She’s with some of her friends right now, she should be out for two hours”
Guilt and shame wells up inside of you, but then you remember how Pierre looked fucking into you. Letting out a small sigh you get up from your hotel bed and sneakily make your way to Pierre’s room.
Once there you knock on the door, waiting for him to open it.
The door quickly opens and Pierre greets you with that famous grin.
“Good evening” he says with a small wink as he grabs you and pulls you into his room, closing the door behind him.
“I missed you” he says as he leans into kiss you.
With a smile you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer into you as you two kiss.
Just pulling inches away from his lips you whisper out, “What has you all needy?”
“I’ve missed you and I need you” he says, his eyes and actions both confirming what he just said.
“And I want you” Pierre looks you in the eyes and it almost brings you to your knees.
“What about Kika..” You say, hands going to his pants to undo his belt.
“Who cares about Kika” Pierre smiles as he pushes you up against the wall and kisses your neck.
“Aren’t you the one dating her?” You whisper out, moving your neck to give him more access to the area.
“She’s not here and we all know Kika isn’t enough for me” Pierre whispers as he grabs the back of your head and keeps kissing down your neck, his eyes locked with yours.
“And I didn’t hear you complaining when I fucked you senseless last weekend, huh bébé?” He whispers into your ear, his hand tightening its hold on your hair as he sucks more hickeys onto your skin.
You let out a whimper at his words, knowing that you’ll give into him no matter what. “Just- just let me suck you off…” You murmur out, sinking down onto your knees in front of him.
“Vas-y bébé” go ahead baby He says, licking his lips as he watches you unzip his pants and pull them down enough to expose his boxers.
He clutches at your hair with his hand as you pull down his boxers and expose his cock. You lick your lips at the sight, pre cum already starting to bead down his tip, which was a delicious pink color.
Without warning Pierre shoves your head onto him, letting out a choked gasp. “I’ve missed your mouth..” He groans out, guiding your head as you suck him off.
You reach out and place you hands on his thighs to stabilize yourself, you could feel the muscle flex under your palm.
Looking up at him through your lashes you see his head thrown back with his lips parted, small moans and groans spilling from his lips. “Oh…cheri” He moans out, slowly fucking his cock down your throat.
You let out a muffled moan around his cock, the sound of his moans being music to your ears. You drag your tongue along his shaft, following the pattern of a vein.
Pierre pulls your mouth off of his cock, “Putain..I need to be in you…” He groans out. You quickly scramble to your feet, his hands instantly go to your top, yanking it off of you and throwing it somewhere as his lips meet yours.
Your own hands go to his shirt, tugging it up and off of him as he starts to pull down your pants and panties. “J’ ai hâte d’être en toi bébé” I can’t wait to be in you baby He whispers against your lips.
You didn’t know what he said, but his tone was enough for you to let out a whimper at his words. Still kissing, you two manage to find your way over to the bed. He softly pushes you onto it as you adjust yourself on the bed.
He smirks as moves over to you, leaning on his elbows to not fall on you. “Mmm…mon ange, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since last night” He whispers out, leaning down to kiss you.
“Well you have me now..” You whisper against his lips, tangling your fingers in his hair.
You let out a soft hum, you and Pierre cuddled up in his bed after finishing your “previous activities”. You hear Pierre’s phone buzz with a notification, he leans over and checks it, he lets out a groan.
“You have to go” He says, setting his phone down as he gives you an apologetic smile. “Kika is on her way back…” He mumbles out, avoiding looking you in your eyes as he slips his boxers and some sweatpants on.
“Right yeah” You mumble out, now remembering the severity of this situation with Pierre. You get up from the bed and slip your clothes back on, turning to Pierre you give him an awkward smile, “Well I’ll see you in Monza?” You say, moving towards the door to leave.
“Yeah..see you then Y/n” He says with a smile, “I look forward to..meeting up again” He adds on with a grin.
“I’m sure you are” You say before leaving his hotel room. As you start your walk back to your room, you’re almost there when you run into someone.
“Oh- I’m so sorry!” You say, looking towards the person you walked into. Your face goes pale as your eyes widen. “It’s okay! Purely an accident…” She says. You let out a small cough, trying to play off your shocked reaction.
“Oh…Y/n, you’ve got some uh, marks on your neck..” Kika whispers out, using her hand to motion at her neck to give you a visual.
“Oh- oh thanks, I didn’t even realize..” You mumble out blushing, guilt and shame starting to form in you the longer you stand there and talk to her.
“Did you sneak into Charles room?” She asks, keeping her voice low. “There was word you two had been hooking up..” She adds on.
“Ah well you know..” You say awkwardly, not wanting to engage in this conversation any more. “Well I’ll let you be, but if anything is there between you and Charles, let me know!”
“I’m sure Pierre would love to all go out on a double date!” She adds on with a smile walking away.
“Yeah of course!” You reply with a forced smile. Shame and guilt still consuming you.
If only Kika knew, if she knew it was you Pierre thought about and yearned for. If only she knew how regular of an occurrence it was for you to go behind her back and fuck her boyfriend, but for now, she didn’t need to know.
radio 🪩: I hope this mini fic was good! Not sure if I’ll make a second part or not 💙
taking requests: ✅
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tommy Shelby
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Feeling Guilty- YN is Tommys best friend, she’s been there for him through everything, but is now having enough of his behaviour. Tommy finally admits his feelings for YN when he thinks he’s going to lose her.
Step Son- Tommys son calls YN mummy.
Rest Up- YN finds out she’s pregnant and Tommy takes care of her.
24 Hour Bug- YN and Tommys daughter catches a bug. YN takes care of her but catches it herself so Tommy takes care of them both.
Daddy’s Girl Pt1 Pt2- YN and Tommy already have 2 children and Tommy knows that his wife is pregnant with their 3rd.
Family Christmas- Modern day Tommy spending Christmas with his son and wife.
Silent Treatment- YN feels like Tommy is neglecting her emotionally and physically, so she gives him the silent treatment.
A Mothers Passing- YN’s mother is ill and Tommy is there to support her.
Didn’t Have To Learn To Love Pt1 Pt2- After the war, Tommy and YN found comfort in one another which resulted in YN getting pregnant. They married and now YN wants a midwife to help her during the birth which Polly isn’t thrilled over.
Old Love Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5-YN was sick of Tommys behaviour so divorced him and took his child with her, but YN has recently come back to Small Heath shocking Tommy.
Lost- YN and Tommy struggle to conceive, when they have a miscarriage it effects YN’s mental health.
Hurt- YN ends up on Tommys doorstep after finding out Arthur has been cheating on her.
Granddaughter Pt1 Pt2 Pt3- Tommy finds out his 16 year old daughter was pregnant.
Clingy Daughter- Tommy is a single dad to his daughter, who just so happens to be VERY clingy.
Overdue- Tommy helps his very pregnant wife try to induce labour.
His Ballet Girl- Tommy and YN have an affair and Lizzie finds out.
Fear- Both Tommy and his daughter have to over come their fears.
Friends To Lovers- Tommy and YN finally admit their feelings for one another.
Spoilt- Tommy teaches his spoilt daughter a lesson.
Comfort- Tommy comforts his sister in law.
Out Of The Blue Pt1 Pt2 Pt3- YN and John have been best friends since they were kids. The Shelbys see her as part of the family, but YN and Tommy don’t get on. So what happens when YN gets hurt?
My Daughter- Tommy finds out he has a daughter.
Expecting- Tommy doesn’t believe that the baby YN is carrying is his, but soon he comes crawling back to YN.
Leave The Blinders- Tommy is YN’s dad and all she wants is for him to be safe, so she asks him to leave the Peaky Blinders behind.
Ex’s- Although YN and Tommy have divorced, they remain friends for the sake of their child and Tommy will still do anything to keep YN safe.
I’m Not Doing That Again- YN makes threats to make sure Tommy doesn’t get her pregnant again.
Just Want To Protect You
Been Lied To
1 Becomes 2
The Truth Always Comes Out
No More Secrets
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
Red, White, and Rooster
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Series Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption. Frenemies to lovers, relationship of convenience. Political situations. Allegations of affairs, military and political inaccuracies. Smut. 18+ Minors DNI. Banner Credit: @thedroneranger
Masterlist Previous Part Next Part
Chapter 16: Executive Orders
After Bradley threatened to steal an Air Force One plane, it was like a fire was lit under Dante and the rest of the security team. Units were immediately moved. Boots would be on the ground in twelve hours, and forces would move in in less than twenty-four.
Bradley, Maverick, Penny, Jake, and Jaycee were on a plane to North Carolina. Bradley was on the phone with Nat and the rest of the Dagger Squad the entire time. He briefed them on how important this mission was and how they were there for air support and surveillance.
They all assured Bradley that they would do whatever it took to get you back.
After coordinating with local law enforcement, a command center was set up just outside the property line of the farm Preston has brought.
At 0700 hours, the Dagger Squad led by Captain Trace departed from the U.S.S. Bush in Virginia.
At 0900 hours, Phoenix made contact with Maverick, who, even though he wasn't flying, still wanted to be a part of the mission. He was corridinating from the ground along with Bradley.
"Mav, everything seems to be clear. There are no signs of movement around the perimeter. Daggers Two and Three, do you confirm?" Phoenix says.
"Confirm Dagger One. No signs of moment to the north." Coyote says. "South is clear too, Cap." Payback." Echos. "Copy that, Daggers. SEAL team Alpha, you are clear to move in from the north. Bravo team move in from the south. Air coverage will let you know if anything changes." Maverick radios.
Bradley grips the arms of the chair he is sitting in. "Mav—" He breaths out. "What if we're too late?"
"Bradley, stop. You can't think like that. She's going to be okay." Mav tries to comfort him.
"Sir. Some of us are going in behind the SEAL teams to provide support. We'll let you know as soon as the First Lady is secure." Dante tells Bradley.
"I want to go with you, Dante. I need to be there." Bradley urges. "Mr. President. With all due respect, we don't know what is waiting for us in that house. We don't know if the Baxter brothers are armed. I can not allow you to go. You need to stay here. It's safer." Dante says.
"Dante, do you enjoy being the head of the secret service?" Bradley asks him.
"Yes, sir." Dante responds.
"Would you like to continue to be the head of the secret service?" Bradley asks him. Dante nods.
"Do you think you can continue to be the head of the secret service if you tell me no, Dante?" Bradley states. Dante doesn't respond.
"I'm going with you. I'm the president, and I'm not asking you for permission, I'm telling you what I'm going to do." Bradley tells him.
Dante looks past him to Maverick, who just shakes his head. "Fine. But you need to stay in the SUV, sir." Dante sighs before the two of them exit.
Maverick continues to listen in to the Daggers flying above. "Maverick, there is movement in the northwest sector. Make sure the Alpha team is advised." Bob radios in. "Copy Bob. Alpha team, be advised there is movement on your left flank." Maverick relays the information.
"Copy that Admiral." The leader of the team replies.
"Alpha team, you are still clear for breech, but stay vigilant." Maverick warns them.
"No signs of moment near Bravo team, Mav." Fanboy states.
"Copy that Dagger Three. Bravo team be ready in case they try to escape in your direction." Maverick commands.
"Copy that, sir. Bravo team is ready."
"Sir, we have eyes on the building. The surrounding area is clear. Are we a go for extraction?" The captain of the Alpha team asks. Maverick sends up a silent prayer and plea to Goose and Carole before speaking. "You are a go for extraction."
The sound of a door bursting and shouting jolts you awake. Voices fill the house, and you aren't sure what's going on. You're disoriented from the mental and physical torture Preston has been putting you through. You barely register him, uncuffing you and dragging you towards the door of the room. Once your mind catches up to the fact that your body is free, you attempt to fight him off. You claw and slap and punch at him, ignoring the pain in your limbs. But you're weak, and your effort seems useless.
A bright flash and a loud bang stun you. Your ears are ringing as white spots cloud your vision. You don't register the sea of uniformed men and women who fill the small room.
You're vaguely aware that they are yelling. Soon, a strong pair of arms wraps around you, and the adrenaline kicks in. You're determined to break free. You struggle like a crazied animal until they grab your shoulders and force you to look at them.
"Ma'am, my name is Lieutenant Xander Finley with the U.S. Navy SEALs. We are here to take you home." The young officer tells you. "H—home?" You stutter out, afraid this is some sick delusion your mind has concocted.
"Yes, Ma'am. You're safe now." He assures you. You collapse against his chest and cry as he and others escort you out. "Admiral Mitchell. We have her, sir. We've got the First Lady." Lieutenant Finley calls into his radio.
Maverick lets out the breath he has been holding and cheers. "Daggers, we have her." He tells the pilots who cheer.
He grabs the other radio and calls into. "Rooster, Mr. President, this is Maverick. Do you copy?" He asks.
"I copy Mav." Bradley says into the radio he has been holding onto for the past half hour as he waits for news. "They have her, Bradley. They've got your girl." Maverick smiles as he realys the news to Bradley.
"Thank you." Is all Bradley can manage to say as tears fill his eyes.
Dante and the rest of the secret service team are waiting with guns drawn. An ambulance is parked close by with a medical team in standby. No one knows what shape you're in.
Bradley exits the vehicle as the first SEALs start to make their way down the dirt road. He stands beside Dante, waiting to catch a glimpse of you.
He holds his breath as more uniforms emerge. They all seem in good spirits.
Then, it happens. He sees you. Two SEALs are helping you walk. Bradley breaks out into a sprint towards you, ignoring the yells of the people around him. He doesn't care. It's been eighteen days, twelve hours, and thirty-six minutes since he's held you in his arms. He doesn't want to was another second.
"Sweetheart." He gasps as he wraps his arms around you, holding you close to him. He let's go of the sob he was holding in as he feverishly kissed your hair. His large arms hold you snug to him, as his scent and fills your nostrils, enveloping you in a sense of safety and comfort.
"Bradley, Dearest." You mumble against his chest as you bury your face into him and cry.
Bradley held you close to his chest as you sobbed. He kissed the top of your head and stroked your hair as his arms tightened around you.
You pulled back to look at him. He cupped your face in his hands. You didn't miss the tick in his jaw as he took stock of you.
You were bloody and bruised and broken. His heart ached for you, knowing that you must be in so much pain right now. But through it all, you smiled at him. He smiled back at you, but it quickly faded as he caught sight of two members of the SEAL team escorting Preston towards your location.
"You piece of shit!" Bradley screamed as he released you and ran towards Preston. The men holding onto him didn't know what to do as Bradley charged at them. The jump from his side just as Bradley's fist made contact with the other man's face and knocked him to the ground.
"You fucking bastard!" Bradley raged as jumped on top of Preston and delivered blow after blow to his face. Everyone stood there frozen as they watched the scene unfold. No one was sure what to do, and no one moved to stop him.
"You son of a bitch! You tried to take her from me! You tried to take my everything from me!" Bradley screamed.
Bradley continued to hit Preston over and over again. He didn't stop when he heard the crunch of his nose breaking. He didn't stop when his knuckles were bruised and bloody. He didn't stop when Preston was no longer struggling to fight him off. He didn't stop when Maverick and Jake tried to pull him off because they were afraid Bradley would kill him.
He only stopped when you called out his name and grabbed his arm. You looked at him with tearful eyes. "Bradley—he's not worth it." You whispered.
Bradley sighed and shook his head. He knew you were right. He looked at the people who were around him before locking eyes with the captain of the SEAL teams. "Mr. President, sir, as far as I'm concerned, we didn't see anything. Mr. Baxter sustained these injuries as a result of resisting arrest and attempting to flee the scene. Everyone here agrees." The man speaks while others nodded their heads. "I wanted to let you know that Alexander Baxter surrendered peacefully and is willing to cooperate with us." He finished. Bradley nodded and thanked him for his efforts.
He quickly helped you over to the EMTs who were waiting for you. Bradley held your hand as they assessed and treated you. Maverick came over to comfort both of you. He offered you the radio that was connected to the Dagger Squad. Each of them cheered when they heard your voice, and you told them they were clear to head home. Bradley phoned Jake and Jaycee, who were waiting back at the makeshift headquarters and let them know you were alive and being transported to the nearest hospital.
He held your hand and whispered how brave and smart and strong you were the whole time. He looped his fingers with yours, and you placed both of them on your stomach. You shared a silent understanding and worry. Neither of you said anything, but you both knew what news could be waiting for you once you arrived at the hospital.
You felt like you had been waiting for hours once you were admitted to the hospital. They quickly set your broken fingers and broke arm that you had acquired. They treated the wounds on your face and iced it to help with the swelling. They also had to stich a laceration near your hairline. You would be able to hide it with your hair, but you joked with Bradley that the two of you would have matching face scars.
You were given more fluids because of dehydration and a liquid nutrition cocktail. Several vials of blood were drawn from you. Everything came back normal for you and your baby, but an obstetrician was needed to confirm
Soon, Dr. Fraser came in to perform an ultrasound and an exam. You and Bradley held your breath as you were waiting for something, anything to appear on that screen.
"Ah, right there. Do you see? There's Baby Bradshaw." Dr. Fraser smiled before clicking a few things and turning a dial. Soon, the whooshing sound of a heartbeat filled the room.
"Heartbeat is nice and strong. Baby seems to be in good shape, all things considered. You're measuring about twelve weeks and a few days, which puts you due around late January or early February. We'll know know for sure in a few more weeks." The doctor tells you.
You and Bradley breathe a sigh of relief as the doctor exits and gives the two of you some privacy.
"I'm so glad we—I got you back. Both of you. You're my everything, Sweetheart. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you." He says as he rests his hand on your belly. You grab his hand and bring his bruised knuckles to your lips and kiss them.
"You need to have someone look at these." You tell him. He rolls his eyes and tells you'll that he'll be fine.
You let out a yawn, and the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion fills your body. You're tired and weak, but you're terrified to close your eyes. Afraid that this is a dream and that if you fall asleep, Bradley will be gone when you wake up.
As if he can hear your thoughts, Bradley says. "Sleep, my love. I'll be right here when you wake up." He assures you. Another yawn escapes you as your eyelids become heavy. Bradley strokes your forehead as sleepover takes you.
He sits in the hospital room and watches the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. He sends up a silent thank you to whatever higher power it was that brought you and his child back to him. He also thanks his mom and dad because he knows that Goose and Carole were definitely watching over you.
He lets out the breath he has been holding as he squeezes your hand. He takes your rings out of his pocket. He'd put them in there when you'd gotten to the hospital. He slipped them back on your fingers. His thumb traces over the bands as he thinks to himself that the two of you really are better together.
The long awaited rescue is here! Hope you guys enjoy it!
Taglist: @daggerspare-standingby @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @hecate-steps-on-me @roosterscock @roosterbruiser @roosterforme @seresinsbabe @startrekfangirl2233 @soulmates8 @xoxabs88xox @avengersfan25 @blackwidownat2814 @loveforaugust @mak-32 @cottagecori @amysteryspot @heyimmadisonn @princess76179 @bradshawseresinbabe @sunlightmurdock @lewmagoo @cassiemitchell @die-cunt @shipinabluebottle @malindacath @violyn20 @imawkwardlysoc @books-for-summer @blackroseboulevard @recordblues @desert-fern @luckyladycreator2 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @sebsxphia @roosters-girl @diorrfairy @je-suis-prest-rachel @mizzzpink @a-linabean @amklibrary @gretagerwigsmuse @jstarr86 @actuallyazriel @krismdavis @bradshawsbaby @wkndwlff @dakotakazansky
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mimicha-arts · 1 year
Date: 09/13/2023 In my previous post, I wrote that time in s2 is broken and dead. I was curious if this was true for s1, too… For me the main problem of the last month was the dates in the files (character intros), the date of Emma's death + September 9th mentioned in episode 3, so I tried to consider these as related things. I always was confused by April-September thing, I thought that it is a mistake, but. Probably not. So. Let's break down the first episode! It was a deep dive, I'm not sure how real any of this can be, but (c) Let's divide everything into three parts:
It's not about Quede
April is not April
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April 16, which we see hours later that day. Qiao Ling receives an order from an unknown customer.
The goal is to get financial core data of Quede company. Information has to be obtained by diving in Emma, during the last financial settlement meeting before the release of the financial report, 2 days ago, on the April 14th, photo was posted at 10 pm.
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Additionally, it is mentioned that there was an earlier photo, but they start with the most recent one so that the information is not “outdated”.
Events take place from April 16th to 17th in the present for Lu Guang. From April 14th to 15th in the past for Emma and Cheng Xiaoshi.
April 14th: 10:00 pm - start of diving. As Emma, Cheng Xiaoshi lived through the events in the company's office and stayed for overwork.
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April 15th: About 2:45 a.m. Emma's parents text to her, Cheng Xiaoshi decided to reply.
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9-10 am, morning, the meeting began. A conflict situation occurs, the laptop falls, Emma!Xiaoshi is on the floor. Lu Guang records data from the screen - Cheng Xiaoshi returns to the present time.
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Later this day. Somewhere later that day, information about the company is leaked, involved people are arrested (news from April 17th)
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Before 10 pm: Emma comes home after this day, she realizes that the situation with Quede is a stain on her career, because she was Mr.Zhu's assistant, there is no way for her to find a job in this field anymore.
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Lately she discovers messages (02:48, that Cheng Xiaoshi texted) with her parents - this becomes her motivation for a call. It's the same day, still today (今天)- April 15th. This is the reason why we know that the disclosure of the company's affairs occurred on the same day after the meeting.
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After 10 pm, before 10:30 pm Emma goes to the train station but runs into Liu Min, agrees to go with him.
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About 10:34 p.m Liu Min attacks Emma.
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Somewhere between April 15th and 16th. An accident occurs, Liu Min will be left paralyzed.
April 16: At the moment of dawn, Emma jumps from the bridge.
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Later this day, Quede Company was suspended (news from the 17th)
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Later, Emma's body is found in the river in the evening (mentioned as "yesterday", news from the 17th)
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April 17: present 9-10 am: Lu Guang gives instructions to Xiaoshi, they successfully obtain the information, Xiaoshi returns to the “present” time.” Evening, the same day: We receive information about the disclosure of financial fraud in the past tense until the 17th from the news at the end of the ep. Additional note: in these events, there is another Cheng Xiaoshi from the "future" (events of October 22-23), who hides first in Liu Min's trunk, and then on the bridge with Emma. The chronology of events can be written as follows:
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So it's clear - Lu Guang himself receives the necessary information about the company on the 17th at 10 am. By that time, Mr. Zhu had already been arrested 2 days ago and the company's activities had been suspended 1 day ago. Precisely because of financial fraud.
Also his reaction to Emma's death is interesting. Okay, that's a guess, but I always had the feeling that he knew she was dead from the very beginning of the case.
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2. It's not about Quede
And so, we know that data about the company and financial fraud were already published on the 15th. The question remains simple - why did the mysterious unnamed client need the data, since he would have received it only on the 17th, after information about the fraud in Quede was already made public before they (the client) offered this task/job. So what other events are happening on nearby dates? They're not in the episode, they're in the characters intro. Obviously, the unknown client was unknown for a reason. As we also know, there is a character (or characters, there are 2 signatures on the documents) who are collecting dossiers on the main trio. There is a high chance that all of this is connected. This event takes place from the 14th to the 17th in total. Date on Qiao Ling's file: april 8th Lu Guang's file: april 10th Cheng Xiaoshi's file: april 12th
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Documents for Lu Guang should be destroyed on the 17th, for Xiaoshi - on the 19th. This timing is kinda perfect. In my opinion, this task/job came as part of an "investigation" so that the unknown could better study the process of trio's work, understand the abilities of Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang, probably, what their time limits are. So, yes. If we look at it from this side, this is not about Quede, it is not about financial fraud, it has never been about it. This research is to answer questions about the abilities of Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang that remained on the files.
3. April is not April
April is a lie. Events take place in September. Although it’s more likely that the time has already been broken since the first season, and we technically don’t know which one is correct. Although Lu Guang's watch and documents (character dossiers) point to April, real events cannot possibly take place in April for many reasons.
1. 3rd financial quarter This is the main reason. This is stated in the first episode by Qiao Ling, and should immediately raise questions. The third quarter cannot possibly be April, absolutely. Because the following months are considered the third quarter: July, August, September.
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2. News, 3rd ep Qiao Ling listens to the news on her headphones. We are not given a name, but the circumstances are the same - we learn that Emma's "suicide" was most likely a murder. Once again, it's September.
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3. Cold weather is coming Emma's parents arrive to bring Emma warm clothes and mention that it is getting colder. If it were April, on the contrary, it would only get hotter, but everything is different when it comes to autumn.
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4. Murders I am firmly convinced that the numbering of victims does not correspond to the real chronology. Yes, we know that there were more victims, and Emma was never "first", I mean those cases that were consolidated by the police and are in Xiao Li's documents. We have dates for an early murder in April, Emma being somewhere in the middle of that "break", since she was killed in both “April” and “September”, and there were murders after her, where the month was not indicated. Which once again points to the fact that something is wrong with these two months. Now things are going to get confusing, we consider April like September here. I can't see and understand details, so I'm only able to find the dates, since the numbers can at least be distinguished. Emma is considered the first murder only by number (died "April-September" 16th), but number 4 (Zao Cai, a blond man) died before her, "April-September", 2nd. In the folder, her documents go after his case. I think the fact is that initially the police believed that Emma committed suicide; at first, her case was not classified as a part of a series of murders, so police did not assign a chronological fifth number, but later, with new clues, simply moved her old documents in the "correct" chronological order to fifth place.
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This technically makes Emma a 5 case… Or even a 6th. Because case 6 (Nan You) is also not without mysteries. The date of death is 14. I'm not sure why they put her file after Emma. Maybe they're unsure of the date or something and it's just an estimated date? So her date of death also “fell out of space.” But if 14 is correct, then this girl died 2 days earlier than Emma herself, and Emma technically becomes case 6.
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The eighth case (Zhao Lin) occurs on 25th. The mystical 7 case is somewhere before that date, but we don't know how much of this is actual April or September.
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In addition to mysterious 7th case, we also have 3 other earlier victims. They had to die before "April-September" 2nd, so the time of their death is roughly "March-August". We haven't seen their documents, but we know about their cases because of the photographs (the girl in the pink suit is probably the girl with the dog from ep11, since the BG is the same)
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And also Xu Shanshan.
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Who technically didn't die due to the time loop, but most likely "died" (since Lu Guang was thrown out) in the original events, which was still visible for Lu Guang in the unaltered photo.
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I mentioned this in the post about s2 - the interesting thing is that Xu Shanshan's phone, as shown in s2, does not have a single photo from May to the end of October (current events with unknown date), which is quite. Strange.
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All the murders had to happen with the similar style and certain time frame that they could be connected as a series. Given the news about Xu Shanshan: it was written - no new murders had occurred for several weeks (数周未出现新的受害者), which fits the September-October period (s1 ends at October 23). So we know for sure that the last cases with unspecified months should have occurred in September.
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So. Obtaining financial information as a goal does not make sense, "someone" studies our main characters at the "perfect time", and all the dates are intertwined and have inaccurate implications. Like, almost half a year was literally “stolen” from time? Or something similar. The dates are so deliberately strange that I am speculating solely that time was broken from this point already, not even in s2 - what happened can only be speculated for now until we are told the background of Lu Guang's story. And who is the real 7th victim if April and September are mixed up, and the time has been “changed”. The funny thing is that everything also connected to the birthdays: April 15th - Cheng Xiaoshi's birthday September 16th - Qian Jin's birthday October 23th - the day Lu Guang was stabbed, exactly before his birthday Maybe I understand something incorrectly and I'm going down the wrong path altogether. No conclusions. My CPU is blown up. Thank you @wrathyforest for discussing this with me, trying to find connections, completing everything with time points, you are the best!
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srbachchan · 7 months
DAY 5843
Jalsa, Mumbai Feb 16/17, 2024 Fri/Sat 4:03 am
Many send greetings and wishes for Basant Panchami - the day Abhishek was born, was that auspicious day - and all obviously desire a response ..
But the volume of work is large and time consuming, hence an acknowledgement here on the Ef platformic Home ..
The day begins in the hours of laziness .. and matures to some discussions on management .. not having any presence or education in this rather complicated sphere .. it never has, or never shall be, understood by the rest ..
But .. the argument is that just when you become a recognised face, an entire Universe is created around it ..
For, it is assumed that the individual has been gifted with solutions and answers to all that needs them .. at birth ..
Wrong !!
No .. we are not proficient for this job or work .. dumb as hell and immature in its outlook .. we consider the advice given by those in the echelons of management ..
But choosing the right people, and extracting the work protocol from them is another management task ..
So there is reliance on others of trust to find and appoint such to be able to manage affairs, without giving any stress to the creator .. in a sense giving the individual an apparatus that gives the personality, relief from day to day running of his schedule and curriculum and protocol .. and an entire gamut of work now being handled by the TEAM - an oft used word in today's times .. bringing sufficient relief for the professional to have the freedom of thought and mind to conduct what he or she feel about their work .. and to be conducted in a manner that takes care ..
When my own choice of recruiting individuals has been, and is, a most trying experience .. I would be the happiest to find that my management, looks after, all else and gives me peace of mind to concentrate on what is believed to be my forte ..
It is all very well to conceive and ideate what creatively may be of interest to me .. but does it also attract a similar sentiment with the rest .. is what my dilemma is !
In today's world there is no dearth of set ups, organisations in consultancy , that take charge of the situation and brings the joy and independence, from what seems to me to be far too complicated ..
I also feel that, many offer services in their grace towards me .. and I never feel comfortable to be seeking obligation from any other, even when the gravest condition is blown upon , coerces you to share the issue with those that are in proficiency related positions ..
Yes, there are dime a dozen organisations that readily take up this job and bring it to fruition .. but how to demonstrate to them what is it that gives comfort .. for, there is no time for trial and error .. now ..
And ever the fear , whether I am losing something or not, in having gone about it in a systematic professional manner ..
Many give opinion, that if the boat sails safe and comfortably in the oceans of the existent Universe .. why rock the boat at all ..
And the dilemma again .. in finding out that what was before, was the best methodology, than what is being desired now ..
Ahh .. life is so complicated .. !!
And then the learnings from Babuji and the return to his thoughts and wisdom .. make way and suddenly everything falls into place ..
For I am certain whenever any of us has faced an issue, the first thought that comes to mind is .
"what would Babuji and Ma have done in such decision making situations .."
And suddenly everything falls into place ..
The human psychology ever thrashes any fixed or formed ideas, and thoughts on issue ..
The most oft repeated being ..
" when I have 1x .. how has the other got 3x ..
And this becomes the base of diffident thinking, which propels one to compete and fight to beat .. and win ..
BUT .. just as you have succeeded in this trail and laughing your way to the bank , nature throws another sidewinder gauntlet moment , challenging all that you may have felt comfortable with ..
Hence either you get out of bed and determine the mind and body to fight .. or merely accept the condition, lie back quilted , and reminisce the days gone by ..
Remember .. enough is never enough ..
Love and more ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
106 notes · View notes
roseghoul26 · 2 months
Chapter 16: ...Or Dare To Sit And Watch What We'll Become
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Synopsis: A fic based off the song “ivy” by Taylor Swift. After a startling introduction to the man, Arthur Morgan became the most important part of your life. Married at a young age to an older, wealthy man to help your family, you were trapped in a loveless marriage, your only sense of escape with the rugged cowboy. Will you be able to keep your affair hidden, or will your husband find out, and destroy the last thing that made you happy? Tags: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Strangers To Lovers, Infidelity, Fem!Reader, She/Her Pronouns Used For Reader, Period Typical Misogyny, Emotional Manipulative Relationship (not with Arthur), Mostly Follows Timeline of Game, High Honor Arthur Morgan, Not Beta Read, Slow Burn, First Kiss, Arthur Is Bad At Emotions, Confessions, First Time Together, Cunnilingus, Missionary, Doggy Style, Handjobs, Mirrors, Party, Semi-Public Sex, Quickies, Unsafe Sex, Kidnapping, Murder, Torture, Betrayal, Attempted Murder, Arthur Morgan Has Tuberculosis, Angst With A Happy Ending, Tags Updated Per Chapter Author's Note: thank you for your patience! this chapter kicked my ass Taglist: @lokiofasgard12 @ultraporcelainpig @that-one-beannnn @morethantheycansay@nn-hh192 @photo1030 @just-pure-trash @julialoopeezz @hqxee @salientseraphph @crypticlxrsh @lorenaloveslewis @tswizzleislike8foot4 @oziozzioslo @tinaaaa5747 Chapter List
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The sun beat down on your body as you sat hunched over, hands digging into the dirt. Your knees ached, having spent at least the last hour in the same position, and you could feel the back of your neck begin to burn, the only part of your body not protected from the sun. 
A triumphant huff of air left you when the carrot you had been pulling at finally came free, specks of dirt hitting you in the face. You didn’t pay them any mind, shaking the vegetable before adding it to the nearly full basket beside you. You weren’t sure what was with the crops this early summer, as you seemed to be harvesting more than you thought you would. Not that you were complaining; you’d make a decent amount of money from all the extras. 
Sitting back on your heels, you gave your knees and back a moment of respite, wiping away the sweat on your forehead. You let your eyes wander over what had become your pride and joy over the last year: your garden. It sprawled across four large plots, all housing a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, changing with the seasons. You always felt proud when you looked over all your hard work, and even now was no exception, a smile landing on your face.
The garden provided for you, and what you didn’t need you sold, earning a pretty decent amount of money from it. It wasn’t like you struggled for money, still having ties to your family’s massive amount of wealth, but you had a mere fraction, just enough to be comfortable, and you were happy like that. 
Glancing at the basket beside you, you realized that it wouldn’t be able to hold any more produce. With an audible groan, you stood, your back and knees cracking loudly. It took a bit of effort, but you managed to hoist the basket into your arms, heading into the small abode. 
Your new home was small, significantly smaller than the estate you grew up in, and Hans’s house. But you wouldn’t have anything else; you found that the large houses felt more like a prison. And besides, you had a bit of a connection to the small wood cabin; you did help build it, after all.
The door creaked open, heading straight to the dining room and kitchen, where you unceremoniously dumped your contents onto the counter. You needed to clean the produce, but you were going to get washed up first. 
Wiping your hands on your pants, you entered the bedroom, which only stood a few feet away from the kitchen. You quickly discarded your soiled clothes, adding them to the large pile on the floor, mentally reminding yourself to do the laundry. Using the washbin, you cleaned your body, the water in the basin turning muddy and gross. Another task for you to do later.
Redressing, you were about to head back to the kitchen when something caught your eye. Sitting on the bed was a familiar leather-bound book, something that you hadn’t seen in quite some time. It was usually kept tucked away with Arthur’s stuff, and you were quite confused as to what it was doing sitting out. 
Nostalgia hit you like a train, a fond yet somber look on your face as you made your way to it. The leather was soft when you picked it up, worn after spending so much time in the outlaw’s hands.
You hadn’t opened it yet, too caught in the memories that the journal resurfaced. So caught up that you didn’t hear the front door open, or someone call out your name. You didn’t hear as someone approached the bedroom, making you drop the book when they called out your name again, this time significantly closer. 
Spinning around, you were met with the beautiful sight of Arthur Morgan leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed. An amused smile graced his lips as he walked in, meeting you halfway in an embrace. He’d been gone less than a day, yet you still missed him dearly, as you always did when he was away from you. 
“Didn’t mean to scare ya, darlin’,” you heard him chuckle, chin resting on top of your head after kissing it. “Thought ya heard me the first time.”
You shook your head, at least as best you could. “You’re still too sneaky for your own good, Mr. Morgan.”
Arthur scoffed in mock offense, pulling back so that he could look at you. “And I apologize, Mrs. Morgan.” As he spoke, his fingers moved to the chain around your neck, where a band of gold adorned with a diamond sat on your neck. It was where it sat when you gardened, not wanting to risk it getting dirty or worse. Every other time, though, it sat on your finger, the weight comforting, something you never thought you’d say. 
There was a mini-ritual you and Arthur would do when you’d have the ring around your neck. He’d take it off, before sliding the ring back onto the proper finger, just like he’d done for the first time over a year ago. 
And that’s what he did, kissing the back of your hand when he was done. You laughed lightly at his antics, adoring every second of it. Every day, you fell deeper in love with him, if such a thing was even possible. 
“Bounty go alright?” You asked, your eyes roaming his body for any visible wounds. You wouldn’t lie and say that you liked that Arthur continued to do bounty hunting, but you knew he needed it. As long as he stayed safe, that was all you cared about. Besides, it didn’t hurt to have a bit more money. 
Arthur sighed. “As well as it could’ve. Talked my ear off durin’ the ride back. As if that would save him from the fate he brought on himself. Bastard was caught stealin’ from an orphanage. An orphanage. And I thought I’d seen low.”
“Seems like the type of person who needed to be locked up, then.”
“You can say that again,” he grumbled. “Most of ‘em will go unpunished, though.”
“But it’s a start,” you countered.
“It’s a start,” he agreed, not having let go of your hand yet. “I saw the kitchen. Productive day?”
“Very. I was thinkin’,” you began, “we could head to Saint Denis tomorrow, sell it, maybe spend the night there.” Emerald Station was only a twenty-minute ride from your house, so it wouldn’t be undoable. 
“I won’t say no, but is there a reason why?”
You shrugged. “Do I’ve gotta have a reason to spend the day with you?”
“No, you don’t,” he smiled. “It’s a date, then.”
You hummed in response with a smile of your own. Your smile widened when he pulled you closer, lips planted on top of your head. 
“Seems I forgot to put something away,” Arthur murmured as his eyes flicked to the journal you’d dropped onto the bed. His eyes, which were once again filled with that familiar spark of life. “I found it this mornin’. Never thought I’d see the damn thing again.”
“I didn’t look at it,” you were quick to say. You were fairly certain that he wouldn’t be upset at you looking through his journal, but old habits die hard. 
“You know I don’t mind,” he sighed, making his way to the bed, you following close behind. “Ain’t anythin’ in here that you don’t probably know.” The bed creaked as he sat, adjusting until his back was against the headboard, groaning as he stretched his legs out. With the journal in one hand, he patted the space beside him. “But we can still take a look.”
You held back a question about if he was certain; he trusted you with these things. Instead, you cuddled up beside him, and his arm wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you close. What you weren’t expecting, though, was for him to just hand the journal to you. “Enjoy the writings of a madman,” you heard him joke, making you shake your head lightly, a chuckle leaving you. 
“You ain’t mad, Arthur. At least not completely.”
“I’m mad for you, darlin’.”
You groaned at that, making him laugh. “You sap.” Your heart thrummed happily in your chest, and he knew it.
“Can’t help it,” he said in defense. “It’s so easy to be when it’s with you.”
Another small groan left you, this time out of a bit of embarrassment, your cheeks warm. Unable to think of anything to say in response, you chose to open up the book instead, Arthur chuckling beside you. 
The first page was a ledger, with initials on the left side, and money on the right. On the other side was a map of Blackwater. You’d learned all about what happened in Blackwater, memories of when Arthur first sat by your side and showed you his journal coming back.
The next handful of pages you glanced through recounted the events that had happened before the ferry job, all of which Arthur had already told you about. Then it was on to Colter, and you saw the sketch you’d seen of John again. 
You continued to flip through the pages, beautiful images of animals, plants, and people catching your eye, reading the adjacent text that was sometimes near illegible. You had to admit it was quite lovely to see the world the way Arthur sees… saw it. Familiar faces appeared on the pages, making you smile, some fondly, some sadly. Arthur would occasionally add a bit of his thoughts as you read, but he mostly kept to himself, choosing to just watch the way you reacted instead. All of these stories you’d heard already; he had nothing more to add. 
It was when you got to when the gang first arrived at Rhodes that you began to see new things, but you quickly understood why Arthur never told you these stories; you already knew them. They involved you. 
You had to admit that seeing a sketch of the outside Hans’ house threw you for a loop, a small gasp leaving you. It had been so long since you’d seen it, the last time being when you’d retrieved all of your belongings over a year and a half ago, a few days after Arthur left. You still remember how numb you felt, wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of your days rotting, but Maggie prevented that from happening, practically dragging you down to the house. You might’ve not been grateful for her then, but you were now. She helped you not to get lost in your grief.
Just like he had promised, everything had been taken care of when you arrived. If Hans ever got a proper burial or ended up in some ditch, you’d never know. And, quite honestly, you didn’t care. 
You hadn’t grabbed much, a few items of clothing, the documents from Hans’ office as well as a few books, and the lockbox beneath your bed. All the furniture remained, ready for the new family that had bought the house. They kept marveling at the low price you’d sold it to them for, unknowing of the history those walls held. What they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them, right?
No one knew the truth about Hans, except for you, a few of your family members, Sadie, and Arthur. To the rest of the world, Hans Kerrigan was murdered by your brother in a business meeting gone bad, leaving behind his estate and wealth to his heartbroken wife, and your brother in prison for the rest of his life (it had taken some persuading, but you managed to avoid the death penalty). For about a week after that news hit the papers, you had lines of suitors asking for your hand, their eyes set on the wealth you held. You turned them all down, easily.
As for the wealth you inherited, you gave a good portion of it back to your family, before donating the rest. No person needed that much money; there were others who needed it more. You made sure it was distributed to genuine causes, orphanages, shelters, hospitals, things like that. You made sure it was anonymous as well, not doing this for gratification.
After the matter of the house was settled, you moved on to dismantling his moonshine business. It took about a month, but eventually, all of his shacks were emptied; what became of them, you had no clue. That was far out of your control now. 
You’d received quite a few threats during that time, all from angry partners of Hans’, but their threats were usually empty. Usually. There were a few instances of them showing up at your family’s estate, their words filled with promises of violence and worse, but they were quickly made an example of by the outlaw beside you.
You hadn’t realized you’d gone silent, lost in your thoughts until you heard your name being uttered by said outlaw. “You alright?” He asked, and you nodded, shooting him an apologetic smile.
“Yeah, it’s just… a lot of memories comin’ back, you know?”
Arthur hummed in confirmation. “Is this too much?”
You shook your head. Even if it was distressing at times, it was good to go back over the past, as long as you didn’t get caught up in it. And you knew you wouldn’t; Arthur would make sure that. “I’m good. I promise.”
When Arthur seemed content with your response, you turned your attention back to the journal in your hands. The sketch was still startling to you, but it became less so after a few moments. The text beside it read: Robbed a homestead tonight, out by Ringneck Creek - or at least tried to until I ran into the owner. But instead of screaming, she offered me money. Didn’t stick around to see if her offer was genuine. Located as subtext at the bottom was Mr. Kerrigan?, indicating that Arthur noted to look further into Hans. 
“My offer was genuine,” you commented, making Arthur scoff.
“Still don’t know why you did that.”
You shrugged. You weren’t quite sure either, but it didn’t matter. 
Reading the words again, you couldn’t help but let the absurdity of the situation wash over you: the man who had broken into your house was now the love of your life, who now saw with his arm strung around your body. A soft chuckle left you, making Arthur hum inquisitively. “I just can’t believe that’s how we met,” you laughed. “Never in a million years did I imagine this,” you pointed to the text, “would lead to this,” you gestured to the way Arthur held you. 
“Me neither,” he agreed. “Hellova story, though.”
That it was. 
The next two pages contained a sketch of the town of Rhodes, followed by some text about the town, becoming deputies, and the blood feud between the Grays and the Braithwaites, something you’d completely forgotten about. But after that was a small excerpt about you and Hans. 
Of course, the house I tried to rob last night belonged to one of the wealthiest men in Lemoyne, if not the States. It was his wife I ran into, Mrs. Kerrigan, whom I also saw in Rhodes, alongside her husband. She recognized me immediately but kept her mouth shut, thank God, or else Dutch’s plan would’ve been ruined then and there. 
“Why didn’t you say anythin’?” Arthur asked, still never receiving a proper answer.
And you were going to disappoint him again, whispering, “I don’t know.” But then you added, “I think a part of me just knew.”
“That wasn’t the only time you caught me off guard that day,” he admitted, and you cocked your head, your curiosity piqued. “I wasn’t expectin’ ya to be so… tolerable to talk to, bein’ someone of your status. I also wasn’t expectin’ to enjoy your company so much… and I knew I wanted to get to know ya more.”
“I’m glad I didn’t disappoint, then,” you chucked as you flipped the page, not expecting to see a sketch of you. Hans was standing beside you, but you could tell that a little more effort was put into your drawing than his. It was a small drawing, yet you could still read the discontent expression on your face, the tired look in your eyes. You were glad to say you hadn’t seen that look on you in a long time.
The next few entries about you were within a couple of pages of each other.
Sheriff Gray asked me to stop by the Kerrigan’s place, seemed real worried about their safety. Mrs. Kerrigan was outside, spent some time talking to her. She asked me to stop by every couple of days, paid, of course. I’ll see what I can do. 
Stopped by the Kerrigan’s today, got paid, just like she promised. Ain’t nothing small, either. An opportunity, perhaps. She’s a strange woman, though, but she’s good. I would be a liar if I said I didn’t feel something towards her, but I can’t do anything about that. 
I’m afraid I’m getting too close to Mrs. Kerrigan. She offered me dinner, and there was no way I could say no to her. No matter how many times I try not to, I end up touching her, but she doesn’t seem to be against it. She asked a lot of questions today, but I found I could tell her nothing but the truth, although I did manage not to confess everything. I’d never forgive myself if I scared her away.
Accompanying the last paragraph was a little sketch of the lighter Arthur had given you, causing your eyes to look over to the nightstand, where said gift sat. It had gotten hardly any use since you’d received it; at most, it lit a few candles. Still, you kept it close, as it was the first gift Arthur had ever given to you.
I can’t stop thinking about her.
It was the only text on the page, following a larger sketch of your face. It was a side profile, most likely captured from the day the two of you had sat side-by-side in the living room talking. How he managed to remember so much detail still astounded you; the drawing was nearly exact. 
You felt as Arthur rubbed his neck, a nervous habit of his that you’d learned. When you glanced over, the red on his cheeks made it clear that he wasn’t nervous; he was embarrassed. “You regretting lettin’ me look at this?” You teased, ready to close the journal at any notice, though.
“I ain’t… but I sure as hell feel like a creep.” He gestured to the sketch of you.
That made you chuckle. In any other circumstance, it was creepy, but to you, it was simply endearing. “Only a little,” you admitted, making him groan, “but it’s sweet. And I don’t have many photos from then, so it’s nice to see what I looked like then, even if it was only a short bit ago.”
“You still look the same,” Arthur spoke slowly, confused.
And you did, physically at least. But there was a liveliness to you now, something that hadn’t existed during those two years of marriage, slowly returning when you met Arthur, and that was nearly extinguished when he left. 
You still remember the day Arthur came back into your life like it was yesterday. It occurred about a month and a half after Arthur originally left, and to say you weren’t doing alright was an understatement. Yet you persevered, Arthur’s letter flashing in your mind whenever you wanted to give up. 
It was another day of trying to figure out everything with Hans, while simultaneously learning from your father about how to run the tobacco farm. It was harder than you expected, but you didn’t let that stop you. You learned all about the crop until you could recite information about it in your sleep. You learned about how to manage employees, and how to provide for them as well as your family. You learned how to take care of the family’s finances, to balance the wages of those under your employment. You had to learn all that, and then you had to fix the two years of damage your brother had done. 
If you thought Hans’ office was a mess, it was nothing compared to your brothers. Long days turned into long nights as you sorted through the mess of papers and books until you physically couldn’t anymore. More often than not, you fell asleep in the office, waking to your father knocking lightly on the door. 
This night was no different than the others, rousing from the uncomfortable spot on the floor with a groan as your father stood in the doorway. Piles of papers sat around you, nearly getting knocked over as you stretched. But what was different this night was instead of leaving, like he normally did, your father lingered in the doorway.
“There’s someone here to see you,” was all he said.
“At this hour?” You glanced outside, expecting to see a dark night sky, but were startled when you were met with a sunrise. Early, but not too early for guests. “Who is it?” You grumbled, rubbing sleep from your eyes, before trying to make yourself presentable.
Your father’s silence did more to worry than reassure you, and so you asked again. “I think it’s better if you see for yourself,” he eventually responded, having known about your relationship with Arthur. He had to know, after all, he was the one who found you out in the courtyard, curled up in the dirt. Not for a second did you think that you were about to see Arthur again. 
You hadn’t talked about Arthur since then, your father answering questions about him for you. But he was all you could think of, even when you were deep in work. Every day was extremely busy, per your intention, desperate for any reprieve from thinking about him. And you weren’t even free in your dreams, glimpses of a life you’d never have tormenting you nightly. You’d become a shell of your former self, and you were unsure if you were ever going to feel “normal” again. 
Curious, and also worried, you followed your father out of the office, and down to the front entrance. As you walked, you wracked your mind over who it could be, understanding that you weren’t going to get an answer from your father. Was it a suitor? An angry partner of Hans’? They weren’t usually so mannered, choosing to stay outside of the house rather than face you themselves. For a second, you thought it might be Sadie, but that still didn’t explain why your father was acting so weird. 
So imagine your shock when standing in the foyer, a little worse for wear yet alive, was Arthur. He had turned to face you upon hearing your arrival, a soft yet cautious smile on his face. Your father excused himself once realizing that the two of you needed privacy, making sure all the doors were shut and that it was just the two of you in the grand room. 
Still standing at the top of the stairs that overlooked the room, you were stuck in place, unable to bring yourself to move. You weren’t sure if you wanted to run back the way you came or run down the stairs into his arms. A part of you was convinced that this was all some dream and that you’d wake in a few moments with no one beside you.
“Arthur?” You whispered, disbelieving what was in front of you. This wasn’t real, right?
If you weren’t so surprised, you would’ve expected him to make a joke at his expense. But all that left him was a quiet, “Yes.” It was as if he, too, was stunned at seeing you again, his eyes glimmering with emotion. 
You still hadn’t made up your mind over what you wanted to do, but your legs decided for you, nearly stumbling over themselves as you ran down the stairs. The momentum in which you ran into him caused him to nearly fall over, but he held strong, his arms wrapping around your body and lifting you into his arms. You could feel tears streaming down your face as you buried it into the crook of his neck, your arms, and legs securing themselves around his body, barely noting that he’d gained back the weight he’d lost while he was sick. In fact, most of his strength seemed to be back, no longer struggling to hold you like he had last time, which you hadn’t noticed at the time.
“Y-You…” you tried to speak, but to no avail. You couldn’t formulate a sentence yet, and he seemed to understand. 
He didn’t respond, just tightening his embrace, afraid that you would disappear from his arms. He held you for an indeterminate amount of time, until you untangled your legs from around his body, needing to see his face again. 
He looked significantly better than he had, his eyes no longer bloodshot, but the bags under his eyes had yet to disappear. His skin was no longer sickly, either, with a healthy glow that came from his time out in the sun. His hair was longer, reaching his shoulders now, and still as soft as you remembered when you ran your fingers through it. 
“I thought you were dead.” It tried to sound accusatory, but it came out as a soft admission instead.
“Me too. I really did.”
“Then… how?”
“I ain’t quite sure. I don’t remember much, really, I… I remember bein’ up on that mountain, with Dutch and Micah. And then I was alone, lookin’ over the sunset… and I thought that was it.” Arthur took a deep breath, noticeably clear of any rasping. “But it’s like my body refused to give up. I didn’t… couldn’t leave things the way I did. It took a hell of a lot of effort, but I made my way off that mountain. I only remember glimpses after that… but eventually, I woke up in a sanitarium. I was released a few days ago.”
So your panicked delusions were right; if you had taken him in, he would’ve gotten better. You wanted to be angry at his stubbornness, for his acceptance of his fate, but like always, you couldn’t. “But you’re okay?”
“For the most part, yes.” Upon your confused and worried expression, he explained further. “The damage it’s done to my body, that ain’t ever goin’ away. It’s just somethin’ I’ve gotta deal with now.”
“We have to deal with it,” you corrected. “Let me help you.” A pause. “Stay with me.”
Arthur had a shocked expression as if he wasn’t expecting you to be so willing to have him back. You wondered how often he played this scenario out in his head, and how many times he imagined you would tell him to leave. And maybe you should be more angry at him, to punish him for what he’d done, but you’d risk pushing him away forever. You’d gone long enough without him, though. You needed him back by your side. 
“Alright,” was all Arthur said, already knowing his answer to your question. There was no hesitancy in his voice, only a deep and unwavering devotion to you. “I ain’t leavin’ you again, dalrin’.”
“Darlin’?” You heard Arthur’s voice, from the present this time, calling you once again out of your memories. “You’re worryin’ me.”
You ignored his concern, feeling almost drunk in the sheer amount of love you felt for the man as you looked at him. “I love you,” you whispered, although it wasn’t a secret. 
That caught Arthur off-guard, but only for a single second, before a smile of his own grew on his face. “I love ya too.”
You’d never tire of hearing him say those words; it came so easily now. 
Flipping the page, you felt him pull you the tiniest bit closer to his side, making you chuckle lightly. The next excerpt voiced his concerns about letting Dutch and Hosea work with you. In the end, nothing bad ever happened because of them, but of course, Arthur didn’t know that at the time. You could feel his anxiety radiating off his words, his already messy handwriting even more so. 
The next page contained details of the deal you made with the two men and his disapproval of it, but that he couldn’t make that decision for you. You’d later find out that Hosea and Dutch did receive a significant amount of money from Hans during Bronte’s party, meaning that your deal was fulfilled. 
But he also wrote: I wouldn’t trust myself to make any decision, not around her. It’s like my brain just shuts off, and I’d make a damn fool of myself. I nearly thought I did, but tonight ended better than I could’ve hoped for. 
Next in the timeline of you and Arthur was the span of three and a half weeks that Hans was home, and Arthur had to keep his distance. His entires started off as small comments of complaint, a general displeasure of only being able to look at you. But as the days progressed, they became more frequent, and longer, until it was taking up the page. More and more sketches appeared, intermixed with the other entries and drawings, like you were always in the back of his mind. You were glad to know you weren’t the only one missing the other terribly during this time.
On the next page was a landscape drawing, the view you and Arthur had when he took you out on Bear for the first time. Bear, who currently sat in his stable outside, had become a loyal steed to you. Before Arthur’s return, there were many times the two of you would set out alone, just simply wandering, both missing the man beside you terribly. 
She wasn’t wearing her ring. I damn near lost my mind. I know I’m thinking too much into things, but hope is a powerful thing. There are so many things I want to say to her, but I am a coward. I’m too afraid to even admit them to myself. Maybe I’ve pushed things too far. Maybe I should stop this. But I need it too much. 
Then came the shootout in Rhodes, and the stretch of time after that. 
Guilt eats at me every day, but I can’t see her. I shouldn’t see her. It’ll be dangerous if I do, and I’d never forgive myself if my selfishness caused her harm. This is for the best, no matter how much I wish it weren’t.
A few pages later: Of course, Javier gave her a ride. Of course, it was him. And of course, he had to let the others know about our situation. I can feel their eyes, their judgments. They don’t know how much I’m already beating myself over this.
I really shouldn’t see her. But I am a selfish man. 
Damn it all. 
You were going to make a comment about Javier, about how nice he had been to you, but you reconsidered. The fallout of the gang was still a fresh wound, barely having begun to heal, and you feared any comment from you might reopen it. 
She loves me. Something I do not deserve, but she seemed so adamant. I do not deserve to wake up in her arms, do not deserve her kindness. If only she knew the things I’ve done. Would she still love me unconditionally still?
Even then, you knew the things Arthur had done; it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. And if you had been reading the papers, which you had, you’d’ve known of the  Van Der Linde gang and their deeds, although they weren’t as bad as some of the others. In recent times, Arthur came clean, so to speak, about the blood on his hands, and the deeds he would most likely still commit. An old dog can’t learn new tricks, is what he had said. 
It seemed he was wrong, though, having partially hung up the outlaw lifestyle. No longer living on the run, he now had a tangible place to call home, a place to rest without fear. He’d found some more socially acceptable jobs, although not by much, bounty hunting if the pay was decent. But it wasn’t the robbing and thieving he’d been doing for his entire life, which he thought he’d do for the rest of time. 
It wasn’t until after you and Arthur got married that the law finally got off his tail, the bounty posters slowly disappearing, allowing Arthur to finally breathe. He had a fresh start, a new life ahead of him, with you by his side.
He wasn’t the only one starting fresh, though. After Arthur’s return, you stayed as head of the house for about another month, before bestowing most of the duties to your sister, Maggie. Now that Arthur was back, you weren’t content with that position anymore. Of course, you visited frequently, offering help and advice if needed, but you let most of it go. You wanted a quiet life now, and you certainly weren’t going to get it there. 
It was then you bought the small cabin together, marrying shortly thereafter. It was a private ceremony, attended by your family, as well as Sadie, who seemed to be the only person from the Van Der Linde gang that was still close by. Arthur didn’t say anything, but you knew it meant a lot to him that she showed. 
It was about a few weeks into your marriage that you saw first-hand the lingering effects the disease had on his body. It was like a switch had flipped, Arthur waking up one morning in agony, coughing like had when he was sick. For a while, you dreaded that it had come back, and this time it was taking it with him. But after a day or two, it passed, Arthur quickly regained his strength, and before long he was back to normal.
Those days happened occasionally, increasing in frequency during the colder months, but he bounced back each time. And even on the days he was doing good, if he overexerted himself, you’d hear that wheeze creep back into his lungs before getting shooed away by an annoyed cough from the man. 
He hadn’t had an episode like that in a while, and a part of you hoped that his body was slowly recovering and that maybe one day these episodes would cease entirely. 
It was so easy to feel hopeful now. Life finally felt easy, with no burden or expectations on either of you. When you thought of the future now, everything felt possible, achievable. Because of that, you felt yourself slowly begin to close the journal, making Arthur hum curiously. 
“I don’t wanna think about the past anymore. Not today,”  you explained, and you felt Arthur nod. You didn’t want to tell him that you were getting close to the memories that still haunted you, still plagued your dreams. You didn’t want to feel that dread again, not when you felt so hopeful, so light. And besides, everything worked out in the end. What good would it do you to think of the alternatives?
“Yeah, it’s a lot,” he sighed, the furrow in his brow deepening when he saw you were almost giddy with laughter. “What’re you laughin’ at?”
“Nothin’,” you managed to say, turning your body so that you were facing him. “I’m just… so happy.”
Arthur relaxed, a light chuckle of his own leaving him. Your laughter returned when he tugged you into him, your hands planting on his chest, your legs on either side of his hips. His hands moved to now cup the sides of your face, gazing at you with pure adoration. “You make me happy, darlin’.”
You didn’t know how to respond to his words; he still rendered you speechless sometimes. Instead, you closed the distance between your lips, sighing contently at the contact. You could feel his lips curled tight into a smile, never leaving yours as he turned you over until your back rested against the bed.
Arthur pulled away then, choosing to rest his head on your chest, fingers trailing aimlessly up and down your arms before you wrapped them around him. You hadn’t realized how tired you were until then, sleepiness making you yawn. “You tired?” Arthur asked, and you nodded. 
“I think I’m gonna sleep for a bit, “ you admitted. “Stay with me?”
You only meant staying in the bed with you, but there was a somber sincerity on his face as he leaned over you. “I ain’t leavin’ you. Never.”
You were so quick with pressing a kiss against the tip of his nose that he flinched, before chuckling softly. “You promise?”
“I promise.”
Author's Note: this is a completely different ending than the one i had planned for this story, but i cound’t bring myself to go through with it once i saw how attached everyone got to the story. i’ll probs upload it seperaty (tumblr only) because i was ready to go full angst. and honestly, i like this ending better. arthur and reader deserve a happy ending, no matter if its “unrelalistic”.
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