imagine-ffxv-blog · 7 years
Sooo, I was wondering if you're still doing asks, and if so what would the chocobros starbucks order be :p
Mod Ace has returned at least haha! Finals are over and I’m back in the game for now ;)
Starbucks Orders!!
- Noctis: He likes his drink sweet and not too coffee-y. Usually, he’ll get a Caffé Mocha with no whipped cream (he doesn’t want the roast that’ll come with a whipped-cream-moustache).
- Ignis: Ignis likes STRONG coffee without that extra nonsense on the side. He’ll take a Dark Roast with one sugar, please. That being said, if he’s already had something caffeinated that day, he’s alright with sipping a nice iced tea.
- Gladio: This man wants to taste his caffeine like taking a shot. He needs that instantaneous boost if he’s going to be drinking anything caffeinated. Espresso’s where it’s at, my man.
- Prompto: Surprisingly, Prompto doesn’t really care that much for Starbucks’ coffee. He really likes their smoothies, though! Strawberry banana can get him through the day. If it’s cold outside, a nice hot chocolate is a good substitution for him, too.
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 7 years
Ravus expectation VS reality
Expectation: polite and eloquent Reality: interrupts people to tell them how dumb they are
Expectation: tactical battle expert Reality: impulsive and unaware of his true strength while swinging his hella sharp sword around
Expectation: ignores Ignis’s puns to appear superior Reality: Ignis is the one ignoring him (during resting scenes) while Ravus is the one trying to make conversation
Expectation: Stoic about Luna’s death because of the “I told you so” mentality Reality: GROSS SOBBING AND HUGGING AND BEGGING
Expectation: all-knowing Commander who guides us through an unknown town Reality: KICKS DOORS OPEN AND RUNS AROUND TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHERE THE HECK WE’RE GOING
Expectation: soft and smol bean Reality: always ready for betrayal to come from behind
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 7 years
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 7 years
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can we have this forever please ???????
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 7 years
Meanwhile on mobile
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 7 years
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 7 years
noctis meeting his S/O for the first time resting in a field? (fire emblem awakening style, if any of the mods have played it :) )
“Noct, we gotta do something!”“Well, what do you think we should do?”“Uh…I dunno!”Two voices greeted the figure as they emerged from unconsciousness. A few heavy blinks against the sun had to occur before they focused on the faces above them. One was a peppy looking young man, with blonde hair and swayed when he moved. And he was moving now, gasping at the sight of the now-awake figure. The other one was more still, with dark blue hair and a bemused look on his face. “I see you’re awake now,” he said, a tinge of sarcasm in his voice. The figure’s first thought, past the confusion, was “Nice voice. Noted for later.” The blonde, who was now smiling down at them, chuckled a “Hey there!”“There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, y’know. Trust me,” the other said, the sarcasm coming out full force. The figure tried not to grin. What nice people, especially to a person who hasn’t said a word to them yet. The figure didn’t know a thing about themselves, or of these people-Wait, unless they did…?“Gimme your hand,” the now-familiar one said, holding his hand out to them. It was almost automatic, the way the figure grabbed his hand and allowed them to be pulled up. His hand was warm but tough and soft at the same time, and the figure couldn’t place why said hand felt so familiar.They also didn’t know how they knew this man’s name: Noctis. But they knew it was a good thing.
BOY DO UR MODS KNOW FE:A. We’ve all cosplayed at least one of the characters lmao. also the summer event in Heroes has reminded me of how thirsty i am for Frederick.
~Mod Ace
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 7 years
How would they boys react when their s/o is giving birth?
Delivery Room Antics——-
Noctis: Panic. Panic? Panic. He can’t stand the sound of his S/O screaming in pain, but tries not to show it. He tried standing in there to help give support, but had to quickly evacuate the room and wait outside. Mostly, he’s super anxious and concerned for his S/O and paces outside the door, hoping that she (and the baby) comes out alright. Bonus: he almost barfed cutting the umbilical cord. Too icky.
Ignis: This man’s had this moment planned out from the start. He’s kept a care-kit in the car for that sudden and frantic trip to the hospital. He never leaves his S/O’s side for a moment, consistently holding onto his S/O’s hand despite the fact that she’s crushing his. Cooing soft words of comfort, even is his S/O can’t really hear over her own agony, is definitely his strong suit in the delivery room and he’s a force of calm for his S/O.
Gladio: He becomes a total mother (father?) hen at the hospital. He’s the one that’s trying to get the doctor’s to hurry up, move faster, and stop putting his S/O in so much pain. Rationality kinda goes out the window with him as much as it might for his S/O. That being said, he realizes that they can’t rush this in any way, so he resigns himself to holding his S/O’s hand and trying to provoke her when she has to push. “C’mon, is that all you can do? You’re barely even squeezing my hand.” (Bonus: S/O kicks him out of the room very quickly)
Prompto: Actually shuts down from the mass amount of panic. He just kinda sits outside the room, staring at the floor and waiting for a nurse to come out with news. I mean, there’s so much that can go wrong! Trying to visibly show his nerves would cause him to explode. Things get somehow better and worse when his S/O calls out for him and he enters the room. On one hand, she’s doing okay enough to call for him; on the other hand, why would she be calling him? Of course, he acts like everything’s okay, but on the inside, he’s literally dying from nerves
Guess who’s back?? Back again? you get it
~Mod Ace
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 7 years
Fork~Mod Lightning & Mod Rikku
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 7 years
Hey nya'll! Sorry for the inactivity (speaking for all the admins) we have been busy with work & college and we haven't really had the time to answer your lovely questions but please stick around~ owo -mod rikku
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 8 years
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Weaboo Cor
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 8 years
I dreamt about the boys and ?? We were in a highschool in the countryside. Prompto and Noctis in my class, Ignis and Gladiolus working outside. I looked oustide at the window, and Gladio's abs were 👌Noctis came next to me and looked at his own abs and asked me if they looked good ?? Then he pouted because they aren't as good as Gladio's ?? Then Prompto joined us and hugged me ??? Idk ?? He was ADORABLE tho, no complain about this
-Mod Rikku
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 8 years
I'd like to let u know that I was in a restaurant waiting for my takeaway order when I read your HC on dick sizes - the staff had to call me like five times before I shot up from my seat lmao *totally innocent y'all*
u kinky mofo
but AYEEEEE glad u enjoyed the post
-Mod Rikku
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 8 years
Capri sun or Blunt? Gladio: Mod Cloud Prompto: Mod Rikku Ignis: Mod Ace Noctis: Mod Lightning
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 8 years
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Really, Noct? Like, really? You’re the one to talk.
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 8 years
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Sketch dump of a lil headcanon I have. You know, what if Gladio looked up to Nyx? They had similar hairstyles, you see. It gave me this idea XD 
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imagine-ffxv-blog · 8 years
YO this account has been DEAD and that's because YOUR FAV MODS WENT TO KATSUCON and we have a LOT of FFXV cosplay content to provide!!! We'll post some stuff pretty soon, so keep your eyes peeled for 👌👌the good stuff👌👌
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